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Forwards List of NRC Licensing Categories.Total List of All Licensees Was Sent to EPA 781114.W/encl
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/28/1978
From: Battist L
To: Callis R
TASK-ES-725-1, TASK-OS NUDOCS 7812060014
Download: ML20148T695 (5)



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, ,/ . ' ' bk i'ote to: Accession Unit Rooni 050 Phillips Building Thru: Program Support Branch, SD From:

Please place the attached document in the PDR using the following file and file points PDR File Additional Info (Selectone) (Enter if appropriate)

Proposed Rule (PR) ACRS Minutes flo.

Relates to Proposed Rule (PR) _

Reg. Guide Petition (PR_.iiJ Relates to Reg. Guide Effective Rule TflM) ~

Relates Relates to to Petition Effective Rule(PRM) TRil)

Federal Regis ter I;otice SD Task fio. F5 72A-/

i;UREG Report [

Contract !!o.


_Clea n kr k t /hnec.ko.h if?Y cc:

Central Files l .

I 78120600/5' i

DI5iPIDUTION Len' ra l r i te SD alpha 4" 9 <; E SD rdg RHSC rdg RHSB subject Minogue Smith Mr. Robert S. Callis, Chief , Goller States Assistance t.nd Safety Section Roberts U.S. Envirc rental Protection Agency Conti Eastern Environmental Radiation Facility Battist P.O. F>ox 3009 W ficntgomery. AL 36109

Dear Mr. Callis:

Thank'you for the publications relating to the phosphate. industry activities.

I have enclosed the . list of the categories of the NRC licensees which you have requested. . The total listing of, all NRC licensees,' by" category as -

defined in the enclosed list was sent to Ted Fowler; of youKoffice, on 4

. November 14, 1978 by Hal Peterson, Therefore, you_ thould have all of the NRC licensee?jinforrmation for your Clean Air Act activities, If we enn be of any further service, please contact ut. ,

Sincerely,7 ' -


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Environmental Protection Standsrds Branch 7. 7 Office of Standards Develepacnt  ;JW

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Enclosure ., e , ,

As Stated . r ~ .

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i Enclosure 1 Non-Uranium Fuel Cycle Oriented Byproduct, Source, and Special Nuclear Material Licenses in Effect as of Auoust 31, 1977 _

Program Area Licenses Licensees Byproduct Material:



Institutional Broad ~ ~ 96 50 Institutional Other 1,472 1,193 Private Practice

  • 627 607 Teletherapy 470 382 Other Medical 90 74 Medical Distribution 38 9 Institutional By-product Pacemaker 9 9 Individual By-product Pacemaker 5 5 Total Medical 2,807 2,32 9 Academic:

Academic Broad _ 29 .

22 Academic Other 396 300 Total Academic 425 322 4

Cont'd Program Area Licenses Licensees Industrial:

Well Logging 73 67 Other Measuring Systems 2,373 1,985 Manufacturing, Distribution and Service-Broad 60 47 1

Manufacturing, Distribution and Service-0ther 258 214 General License Distribution 69 11 Exempt Quantities 46 28 Exempt Watches 63 55 Other Exempt Distribution 104 54 i

Nuclear Laundry 5 5 Leak Test 31 28 Waste Disposal (Burial) 3 3 Waste Disposal (Other) 10 7 Radiography-Single Location 147 132

' Radiography-Multiple Locations 214 177 I

Power Source 1 1 Irradiator ( <10,000 curies) 177 41 Irradiator ( >10,000 curies) 54 11 l

R & D Broad .

83 65 R & D Other 425 343 l

Total Industrial 4,196 3,274 *




l t

Cont'd l l

Program Area Licenses _ Licensees

, Civil Defense: 125 87 l Total Civil Defense 125 87 Total Byproduct Material, 7,553 , __6,012 Source Material:

Other than U Mills /UF6 Plants

( <l50 Kgs) 63 56 1

Other than U Mills /UF6 Plants I

( >l50 Kgs) 324 301 l

Total Source Material 387 357 l Z~3iecTal" Nuclear Material:


ilnendpsu. lated '

27 16 Neutron Sources 294 272 Power Sources (RTG, RPG, etc.) 3 3 1 Other Sources 67 61 Institutional Cardiac '

Pacemaker 158 148 Individual Cardiac Pacemaker 8 8

_. Uranf0m _ .

44 35 l

_ . . . . . . . . . . . . i

l . .

Cont'd Program Area Licenses Licensees Uranium and Plutonium Fuel .1 31 _ .$.j[.._ .._

Fabrication, Scrap Recovery, "

.-- .. .._-Other

- _ = . Use.s . =Including = = _. RJ D ;

FLel Storage License - - ~ 3 ~~ ~ - ' - 3'~~~-~~~~~~

Total Special Nuclear Material 64 3 57 7

- _ . - _ _ Total Byproduct, Source and SL'M 8,583 6,944 8-umus.w.% p,,

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