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Summary of 87th ACNW Meeting on 961022-23 in Rockville MD to Discuss & Take Appropriate Action on Items Listed in Attached Agenda
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/26/1997
NACNUCLE-0108, NACNUCLE-108, NUDOCS 9702280095
Download: ML20135B120 (21)


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                                                 -TABLE OF CONTENTS -


1. Chaimlan's Reoort (Open) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..2
                                                                                                                                 . 2ft II. Strateoic Assessment and Rebaselinina Overview and Status Briefina (Open) . . . . .                            2 Ill. Branch Technical Position on Reouirements for Radioactive Waste Land Burial Sites Authorized Under Former 10 CFR 20.304. 20.302 and Current 20.2002 (Open) ...                                   8 IV. Executive Session (Open) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 A. Report:
  • Comments on COUPLED Processes in the NRC High-Level Waste Prelicensing Program" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 B. Future Meeting Agenda (Open) . . . . . . . . . ................. ... 11 C. Future Committee Activities (Open) . . . .... . ......... ...... 11
                                                   - APPENDICES -
1. Federal Register Notice ll. Meeting Schedule and Outline 111. Meeting Attendees IV. Future Agenda and Working Group Activities V. List of Documents Provided to the Committee O l pm-&o '


280027 s.u u g x- "%Ly 9702280095 970226 lRESE E W *E R H PDR ADVCM NACNUCLE - -

0108 PDR



j g r=.- m.qsu p 4 G .N CERTIFIED 12/10/96 BY issued 12GSS f j PAUL W. POMEROY I MINUTES OF THE 87TH MEETING OF THE i s ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON NUCLEAR WASTE , OCTOBER 22-23,1996 [ j ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND j The 87th meeting of the Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste was held at the two White Flint North  ! Building,11545 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland, on October 22-23,1996. The purpose of this i meeting was to discuss and take appropriate schons on the items listed in the attached agenda. The entire meeting was open to the public.  ; t , A transcript of selected portions of the meeting was kept and is available in the U. S. Nuclear j Regulatory Commission (NRC) Public Document Room at the Gelman Building, 2120 L Street, N.W.,


Washington, D.C. [ Copes of the transcript are available for purchase from Neal R. Gross and Co., j inc., Court Reporters and Transcribers,1323 Rhode Island Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005.  ! Tranteripts are also available on FedWorld from the "NRC MAIN MENU." The Direct Dial Access number for FedWorld is (800) 303-9672; the local Direct Dial Access number is (703) 321-3339.] Dr. Paul W. Pomeroy, Commdtoe Chairman, convened the meeting at 8:40 a.m. and briefly reviewed the schedule for the meeting. He stated that the meeting was being conducted in conformance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act. He also stated that the Committee had not received any requests from persons or organizations desiring to make an oral statement during the meeting. However, he did invite members of the public who were present and had something to contribute to inform the ACNW staff so that time could be allocated for them to make oral statements. ACNW memoors Drs. B. John Garrick, William J. Hinze, and George M. Homberger were present. J [For a list of other attendees, see Appendix ill.]

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            . 87th. ACNW Meeting                               2 October 22-23,1996

[ Note: Mr. Richard K. Major was the Designated Federal Official for this part of the meeting.] Dr. Pomeroy identdied the following item that he believed to be of interest to the Committee: The chance of a new volcanic center forming and disrupting a potential repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, over the next 10,000 years is about 1 in 70 million per year, according to DOE's Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Analysis for Yucca Mountain. The report was complied by a panel of 10 independent scientist with experience in studying volcanic systems. The panel evaluated the probability of a volcanic event disrupting the proposed repository ard qsantified the uncertainties associated with the assessment. Scientists from Los Alamos Natioral Laboratory have been studying basaltic volcanoes west of Yucca Mountain and in ti e surrounding areas for 15 years. The volcanoes range in age from 20,000 to 3.5 millien years. The paners analysis indicates data and conclusions collected by DOE's Yucca Mountain project are appropriate for use in a performance assessment; i the DOE expects to conclude volcanic studies at Yucca Mountain this year.  ; l

11. Stratenic Assessment and Rebaselinina Overview and Status Briefina (Open) l

[Ms. Lynn G. Deering was the Designated Federal Official for this part of the meeting.] i Mr. James L. Milhoan, Deputy Executive Director for Operations, and other members of the rebaselining steering committee / task force briefed the Committee on the status of the rebaselining effort, and provided an overview of four Direction-Setting issues (DSis) of most ' interest to the Committee. The four DSis include the following: DSI 5, Low-Level Waste (LLW) Options; DSI 6, High-Level Waste (HLW) and Spent Fuel; DSI 9 Decommissioning Non-Reactor Facilities; and DSI 12, Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Regulation. Other members of the steering committee present included Dr. Malcolm Knapp, who led the

_ _ _ . _ ..~ . _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _.. _ . _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ . _ . . J 87th.ACNW Meeting 3 ! October 22-23,1996 i docussion on the four DSis, Mr. Jesse L. Funches, who discussed Phase 3, development [ of the strategic plan, and Ms. Clare DeFino, Special Assistant to Mr. Milhoan. l i Rebaselining started in August of 1995 at the request of Chairman Jackson, because of j changing intomal and extemal environments. The steering committee was formed in response to this request. The committee is co-chaired by Mr. James L. Milhoan and Mr.

James W Johnson of the Chairman's staff, along with a support staff and contractor, Public

, Strategios Group. I Rebaselining is a 4-phased effort, consisting of Phase 1, strategic assessment; Phase 2, j rebaselining and development of DSis; Phase 3, development cf strategic plan and

stakeholder involvement; and Phase 4, implementation and budget The Commission's
preliminary deemions along with the DSis will go out for public comment, and the strategic
plan will be made available to the public once finalized.

J ! l Phase 1 was a bottoms up assessment of NRC's activities. Branches were asked what i activities they are doing, what is the basis for doing them, and the intemal and extemal i-i factors that might influence their activities in the next five to ten years. About 4500 activities . were captured, which were then grouped into three major categories: reactors, materials, l and management and support These categones were further subdivided into various lines l of business within each major grouping and funct ons, including cross-cutting functions like training. A narrative was written for each funcbon for the Phase 1 report. Then a top-down 3

approach was used to identify 170 strategic issues, which were later grouped into 22 DSis.

The Commission requested the Committee to add two new DSis, Reactor Decommission-ing and Regulatory Excellence. j Phase 2 involved developing issue papors for each DSI, the framework document, and the { process paper, all of which are availatie on the NRC home page. The Commission )i requested that the Committee not follow the SECY paper format, but rather, develop a rich I L i i , _ _ _ _, . _ . . . _ . _

_ _ _ _ . _ - _ _ _ _ _ . ~ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . l -

            , 87th ACNW Meeting                                                          4                                                           ;

! October 22-23,1996 i l set of options for each issue, with no one preferred option or recommendation, and to use !. innovative thinking. i l The Commission provided its preliminary views on the DSis in August,1996, including views on sixteen papers, which went out for public comment, as well as on eight other papers the Commission considered to be not part of strategic planning. The framework document describes how the Commission treated the 24 issue papers. The framework document also lays out the process for handling Commission decisions on the ise:x papers, and the production of the strategic plan. NRC stakeholder meetings will start on October 23,1996. The stakeholder meetings will consist of a plenary session to discuss the process, and a discussion of the issue papers. A facilitator will be used. NRC is most interested in getting comments on assumptions about intemal and extemal factors, omissions, and the Commission's preliminary views. The comment period closes November 15,1996. The NRC will produce a stakeholder interaction report for the Commission due in early December, including a brief analysis of the comments for each paper. The stakeholder interaction report will be available to the public. In response to a question from Dr. Pomeroy about whether they believe ACNW should have a special role in providing comments, the presenters responded that the ACNW/ACRS are stakeholders and can comment as stakeholders or in the Committee's usual fashion, i.e., a letter to the Commission. Dr. Knapp added that the ACNW should look at the Commission's preliminary decision on the LLW DSl to see if it is different from what ACNW  ; recommended last year. l Phase 3 invoNes developing the strategic plan, to set a direction for the NRC for the next five or ten years, and to meet the requirements of the Govemment Performance and > Results Act (GPRA). The GPRA also requires agencies to develop an annual performance  ! I

' ~ 87th ACNW Meeting 5 October 22-23,1996 plan that includes quantifiable goals and performance measures, and an annual j performance report that reports on how the agency is meeting its goals. The strategic plan is due in early 1997. This plan provides a basis to prepare the FY 1999 budget and FY 1999 performance plan, which are due to the Office of Management and Budget in September,1997. The first performance report is due in March 2000. The strategic plan l is expected to be approximately 30 - 40 pages that will guide program decisions and l resource decisions. The strategic plan will provide agency goals and objectives, strategies j for achieving the goals and objectives, and will be updated at least every three years. It will contain a vision, mission, values and principles, goals, and strategies. The strategies consist of mission critical strategies, mission enabling strategies, and core resource strategies. For each area within these strategies, intemal and extemal factors will be described, and the Commission's preliminary decisions will be heavily relied upon. 3 i in response to a question from Dr Hinze regarding where managing information fits into the DSis, Mr. Funches responded that there is no single DSI on this topic, but the Commission has already factored in the Chief Information Officer Act into its preliminary decision. Mr. Milhoan noted that the strategic plan will capture the Commission's decisions about i information management. Dr. Hinze reiterated that the Committee has a strong interest in

information transfer.


Dr. Knapp described each DSI and briefly discussed the subsumed issues, related issues, I
key factors, and options. He also introduced the authors of each paper, Mr. James E.

4 Kennedy for LLW, Mr. Timothy C. Johnson for Decommissioning, Dr. John H. Austin and Ms. Margaret E. Lusardi for HLW. Dr. Knapp highlighted the subsumed issues for the LLW DSI, including whether to eliminate the LLW program, and the Commission's preliminary decision. He asked the Committee for their comment on the completeness of the key factors. The Commission's preliminary position is not in favor of reducing the program. The Commission endorsed the option to support a strong national program, and asked for public comment on whether the NRC i 4

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a 1 87th ACNW Meeting 6 October 22-23,1996 , should encourage an integrated approach to minimize risk for the regulation of handling processing, recycle, and disposal. i ] In response to Dr. Hinze's question about the impact of decommissioning reactors on LLW disposal, Mr. Timothy Johnson indicated that many of the facilities can go into SAFSTOR (a safe storage of the plant prior to decontamination), so there shouldn't be a big problem i as far as access to disposal sites. Mr. Kennedy added that states are closely tracking how j industry deregulation may affect decommissioning, such as access to, and costs of, LLW disposal, and that there is much uncertainty now. Dr. Hinze suggested adding decommis-sioning to the list for key factors. Dr. Hinze also asked where mixed waste fits in. Dr. Knapp noted that it is not really in any one place, but is touched upon in the materials DSI, and the risk-informed, risk-based DSI. The HLW DSI includes the subsumed issues, how proactive should NRC be with EPA in addressing HLW standards and regulations, and should NRC take steps to encourage or assist DOE in dealing with Greater than Class C Wastes (GTCC). Related strategic issues l include how the NRC can assure compatibility for spent fuel storage and transportation, and whether NRC should seek industry's experience. The Commission's preliminary view is Option 3, maintain NRC's existing HLW program, and explore taking a more active role in resolving issues in the national HLW program, consistent with NRC's mission. The Commission particularly seeks comment on what additional activities the NRC might reasonably undertake. ) I Dr. Pomeroy asked whether NRC was concerned that DOE may submit a license ) application before the EPA standard and NRC regulation are promulgated. Dr. Knapp suggested that he had not considered this. He added that his primary concern is new l legislation that could change the whole program.

! . 87th ACNW Meeting 7 ! October 22-23,1996 i Dr. Garrick added that the NRC should take a more proactive role, in general, depending l on the context, such as making strong recommendations to Congress on what should be ] done. Dr. Knapp again invited the Committee to comment on this to the Commission. DSI 9 deals with how the NRC can take advantage of new and different approaches to j optimize site remediation forthe site decommissioning management plan. The Commission

selected a combination of options that would place appropriate responsibility on licensees
to remediate their sites while giving NRC appropriate tools to deal with problem sites and licensees The combination includes change the decommissioning review process to take
an aggressive position to develop regulatory frameworks for lower cost decommissioning waste disposal, focus on decommissioning cases in which progress can be made and transfer stalled sites to EPA, and develop a strong litigation strategy. Dr. Knapp noted that i

l the combination of options gives them a lot to work with to improve the effectiveness and ! efficiency of the program. DSI 12 deals with what criteria NRC should use to expand the scope of a risk-informed, performance-based approach to rulemaking, licensing, inspection, and enforcement, specifically, in the materials and waste programs. l Dr. Knapp noted that performance assessment for HLW and LLW is very akin to l probabilistic risk assessment (PRA), and the integrated safety assessments done at fuel i cycle facilities are very much risk-informed, performance-based. He noted that some l materials programs may not be well-suited for risk-informed regulation, i.e., regulation of radiography.  : Dr. Knapp reviewed the Commission's preliminary options, which include focusing on higher . risk activities, and to move more aggressively toward risk-informed, performance-based  ; j regulation. Dr. Knapp noted that the Commission is particularly interested in getting public i comment on how the NRC should deal with dual regulation when applying a risk-informed, performance-based philosophy. 1

87th'ACNW Meeting 8 October 22-23,1996 Dr. Garrick commented that NRC has a real opportunity now in the waste arena to move ahead with a risk-based approach, because the HLW standard is likely to be risk-based, and HLW performance assessment is moving from a deterministic to probabilistic approach. He also noted that a PRA format has yet to be adopted Dr. Austin replied that he serves on the agency's PRA coordinating committee, which ensures that the agency is using PRA techniques where appropriate, and in a consistent manner. t 111. Branch Technical Position on R=au! ements for P=<Hame*1ve W--h I and Burial Sh Authorized Under Former 10 CFR 20.304. 20.302. and Current 20.2002 (Open) [Mr. Howard J. Larson was the Designated Federal Official for this part of the meeting.) Dr. Pomeroy introduced Mr. Michael F. Weber and Ms. Heather M. Astwood, NMSS, who discussed the screening methodology that will be employed prior to decommissioning sites that previously had buried radwestes as authorized under former 10 CFR 20.304, and 20.302. Mr. Weber discussed the background of shallow bnd burial sites, noting that while both sections of Part 20 previously authorized disposal of LLW onsite,10 CFR 20.304 (which could be similar to a " general license") was rescinded on January 28,1981, and 20.302 (which required the Commission to take action to permit onsite disposal) expired on January 1,1994, having been superseded by 20.2002. In response to a question, Mr. Weber noted that, on the average, the agency receives perhaps a half-dozen requests a year for on-site burial in accordance with 20.2002 whereas perhaps there were several hundred prior burials that were not subjected to 20.2002 requirements (prior terminated licenses). Mr. Weber noted that the Final Rule on Timeliness in Decommissionina Nuclear Facilities became effective on August 15,1994, outlining a schedule for performing decommissioning activities (generally 2 years). That rule also contains a schedule for decommissioning

b' - l

               . 87th ACNW Meeting                                  9 October 22-23,1996 4

1 contaminated " outdoor areas," which included former 10 CFR 20.304 and 10 CFR 20.302 t burials. According to the rule, licensees are required to nobfy the NRC about former , burials by October 15,1996, or request an altomate schedule by September 15,1996. I

information Notice 96-47, published on August 19,1996, reminded licensees of their .!

! obligation to nobfy the NRC of " unused areas" and to commit to a schedule for decommis-i sioning. The NRC staff anticipates that perhaps approximately 100 licensees will respond. 7 These licensees cover the entire range from small to large, from those that buried onsite i only once to those that buried onsite almost continuously. Ms. Astwood then proceeded to discuss the need for a consistent and consesrvative [ screening methodology, stating that there were limited records for past burials and that a l detailed characterization of all burials would be costly and unnecessary. The proposed i method consists of the following three steps: i

1. Review burialrecords.

i 1

2. Calculate the dose from ingestion of the total inventory in the groundwater, and,

$ if necessary. f 3. Calculate the dose to the resident farmer (slightly less conservative).

?                                                                                                                                    i i'                                                                                                                                    l

! If the estimated dose from either step is less than 100 mrom/yr, the site will pass the screening. If the site passes, no additional site work is required and the site is consHered l acceptable for unrestricted use. If the site does not pass the screening, the site would theri , 1 be required to undergo more detailed screening. Ms. Astwood provided the assumptions that are to be used in these screening calculations. Among the assumptions are the following : the entire estimated total activity is assumed to leach into the groundwater in one year, the volume of groundwater is assumed to be 91 cubic meters; a well captures all of the contaminated water in 1 year; and an individual

          ,  87th ACNW Meeting                                  10
            ' October 22-23,1996 drinks 2 Iders/ day of the contaminated water. The screening dose is then estimated using 10 CFR 20, Appendix B (calculations being performed for each isotope). She indicated that the resident farmer utilized in these calculations is assumed to obtain only 25% of his sustenance from the site (as opposed to 100% in a " subsistence farmer" model.)

Ms. Astwood next provided several sample calculations derived from the analysis of an actual site. In conclusion, Mr. Weber ir.dicated that the NRC staff will publish the BTP for interim use and comment in the next several weeks, have the Agreement States review and comment in parallel, and collect and evaluate comments until the end of the calendar year. No decisions would be made until the finalization of the BTP. Other questions asked by the Committee were whether the 100 mrem /yr calculated dose would meet the EPA- 4 mrem /yr drinking water standard. In response, Mr. Weber noted that while it would not, he would like to stress that EPA would have to apply their public endangerment criteria should it desire to undertake an enforcement action. He also said that it was not intended that the entire 100 mrom would be used by this single source and, furthermore, that the screening methodology was extremely conservative. Actual measurements compared to use of the proposed methodology revealed orders of magnitude conservatisms. Questions were raised about the role of the NRC in reviewing the licensees' calculations; the impact of high atomic-numbered isotopes (>88) upon the calculations; the field monitoring capabilities of the NRC, and its intentions in that regard; the potential for major surprises to occur in the implementation of this methodology; and the applicability of the current interagency Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site investigation Manual

                   . (MARSSIM) project.

In response to the NRC staffs request, Dr. Pomeroy indicated that the Committee would consider submitting a comment letter on this topic. Such a letter report would be submitted

l- 87th ACNW Meeting 11 October 22-23,1996


in time for the NRC staff to include with its evaluation of other comments received in ] response to the Federal Register Notice. i 1 j IV. Executive Session (Open)

. [ Note
Mr. Richard K. Major was the Designated Federal Official for this part of the j meeting.)

i A. Report. Comments on Couoled Processes in the NRC Hiah-Level Waste Prelicensino l 1 Program (Report to Chairman Shirley Ann Jackson, NRC, from Paul W. Pomeroy, j ACNW Chairman, dated November 8,1996) I B. Future Meetina Aoenda l Appendix IV summarizes the proposed items endorsed by the Committee for the 88th ACNW Meeting, Rockville, Maryland, November 12-13, 1996, and future Working Group meetings. C. Future Committee Activities (Open) The Committee discussed anticipated and proposed Committee activities, future meeting dates, and agenda. The meeting was adjoumed at 3:55 p.m., Wednesday, October 23,1996.

                                                                                                     .~c aw l                                                                                                    APPENDIX I saat4                       homent nashame / v.4. 81. m.1es / Tuesday. Octobw s. was / Notices

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wuQslyf l - Dockedag and Sardes $ece6en, b Procedures for the conduct of and h M ,%, g "Disana OS m" d

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! W O,or.w and e,aH - 20.30610 CrR ==2-3. CPR Co m.J02, t.e an.dwinChrrentm 20a ard the Odef. x. m Nuclear ior. . .r avance Branc 1 4

Ea hearing hm .C u,, (d)' by a eview a dren Branch Tarhalent practicable no that appropriate

. whose i ya se neition that will rovide afteria for Como,nterest is on wiu meue en Oder - acom me e. ana We kirme M gw20.304

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! designating h time and loco of so haanng. lf a hearing is hdd, the ise and to CPR 20.302 requirements to pidure. and television cameras during i to mennineif hareem ==a*=Honis this meeting wiH be limited to selected i be consided at such hearing shall be i ' whether this Conarmatory Order abould Pordons Wes meeting as dWennined ! be ====sataag . Direction Ssetin fesue Pepere- by the ACNW Chairman. Information i Pursuant to 10 CFR 2.202(c)(2)(1)* any no Cansninae wul brieind by the agareng the time to be set aside for this l parecc oder than b r tema NRC staff on the Directinn Setting leeue Purpose may be obtained by cantacting adversely shad this Order Papas (produced as part of the the Odef. Nuclear Weste Branch prior to addition to {eman a b Agencys strategic assessment of the view of the possibility time the a swer is 8 or sooner, move regulatory activities) and will provide that h scheduk for ACNW moeungs j b presi oScor to est aside the coinments on issues where the AOdW ney be adjusted by the Chainnan as tmmediatee woess of the Order on bellene their miew will mhance the aa-a-y to facilitato the conduct of b } a the d that the Order, including b strategic aseseement process. n.esttag. persons plaruing to attend 1 ke temediate e5ectiveness,is not C; Belce Trairshe-ne ansmittee r should notify Mr. Major es to their i basedtea -se evidence but on mere will rocsin its annual ethia training Particular needs. suspic4ce, t unded allegations, or EM * '8Presentative of the Agency's Fwther iniwmation rg'arding topics l to be discussed, whether the meeting error OfBce of b Ceneral Counsel. In the absence of say sequest for D.Preparationo ACNWAeport has been cancelled or row.heduled, the hearing, or written approval of an he Committee wi[u discuss proposed Chairman's ruling on reqmts for'the extension of time in which to request a reports, including: radionuclide transport at Yucca Mountain, oP{the an um a otted thwefor can bertunity to ! , bearing, the provisions speci8ed in

!                     Section IV above shall be Anal 20 days                          speci5 cation of a critical group and                      obtained by contacting Mr. Richard K.

} from the date of this Order without reference, biosphew to be used in the Major. Chief. Nuclear Waste Branch

 !                    further order or prar==*aas If an                               Performance assessment for a nuclea,                       (telephone 301/415-73e6). between 8:00

' extension of time for reque' sting a waste disposal fedlity, consideration of a.m. and 5:00 p.m. EDT. hearing has been approved, h coupled prac===== (thermal-mechanical. ACNW meeting notices, meeting I provisions specified in Section IV shall hydrological-chemical)in the design of transcripts, and letter to are now time of available on FedWorld m the "NRC be final when the extension expires ifcompliance bearing request has not been received. a ~ a high-level waste in high- and low-repository, level MAINweste MENU." Direct Dial Access numbir to TodWorld is (800) 303-9672; An answer or a for hearing shall disposal, conuments oc selected not stay the imm =Marriveness of Decision Setting tesues papers, the local direct dial number is 703-321-i this order. shallow land burials licensed under the 3338-For the Nuclear Regaletary emami-ion. fonner M CFR 20m and 20.302 Deted: October 2. tus. Dated at Rockville. Maryland, this 27th day equimments. Jehe C. IIeyte. A et September soes. E. Committee Activities /Futun Acting AdvisoryCanunitase w-- 'mr j Agendo--De Committee will consider ojyiew knes 1.is6ermen. ' n Director.Ofice ofEnforcement. n . se ed wr-esJes aml { by m tee dW j IFR Doc. W25740 Filed 10-7-98; 8:45 eel Croups. ne Committee will discuss i saase ones " " " ACNW related activities ofindividual members. Advisory Committee on Nuclear I Advloory Committee on Nucieer Mm#onas-4e Cansnines Weste; Procedures for Mee6nge 4 will discuss miscellaneous matters W este; W W W related to the conduct of Committee Backsmead


j The Advisory Committee on Nuclear activities and organizational activities This notice describes procedures to be Waste (ACNW) will hold its 87th and complete discussion of matters and followed with rupect to meetings j meeting on October 22 and 23.1996. specific issues that wm not completed conducted pursuant to the Federal


i ,


       ,      , e nsag#g                                 UNITED STATES P             o              NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
      , . E,             ]                  AovisoRY COMMITTEE ON NUCLEAR WASTE o              '

wasHtNGTON. D.C. 21556 g . October 7, 1996 SCHEDULE AND OUTLINE FOR DISCUSSION i 877H ACNW MEETI1JG OCTOBER 22-23, 1996 Tuesday, October 22,1996, Two White Flint North. Roca T-2fl3 115H ! Rockville Pike, Rockville, Marv1=ad j 40

1) 8:49 - 9:00 A.M. Ooenino Remarks by the ACNW Chairman 1 i (Open) -l l 1.1) Opening Statement (PWP/RKM)
1.2) Items of Current Interest (PWP/RKM) 10'40 e 2) 9
00 - 10:30 A.M. Strateaic Assessment and Rebaselining Overview and Status Briefino (Open) j TAB 2 ------------- (PWP/LGD) i j 2.1) Overview and Status of Strategic l Assessment and Rebaselining - James l Milhoan, DEDO and John Craig, RES l 2.2) Question and Answer session on )

Specific Direction Setting Issues  ! j 2.3) Future ACNN actions {

                        /O AfD      fl!/O                                                           \

10:30 - 10:45 A.M. * *

  • BREAK * *
  • l' H '. t e s* 57
3) Mki44 - P.M. Branch Technical Position on l 4

Recuirements for Radioactive Waste Land l TAB 3 ------------ Burial Sites Authorized Under Former

10CFR 20.304, 20.302 and current 20.2002 l (PWP/HJL)

? 3.1) Discuss proposed BTP - Heatther

Astwood, NMSS

. 3.2) Future ACNW actions i lll 54 - l; *f LUNCH ON THE TABLE

4) te=46 - 1 : 15 P .M .

i (During the Lunch Break, Members will j receive their Annual Ethics Training from John Szabo, OGC, 14+&d - 1:00 P.M.)

(,:o.f /2.Wb -

i () 1 : 15 - 6+44- P . M . Preoaration of ACNW Reoorts (Open) (Members / Staff) j Discuss possible reports on the i following topics: j 4.1) Time of Compliance in Low-1.evel j Waste Disposal (WJH/ACC) 4.2) HLW Time of Compliance Road Map

  ;                                                           (WJH/ACC) 3                                                   4.3) TMHC Coupled Processes (WJH/LGD)

N  ! j i i j i

J l . l

       /             '

87th ACNN MEETING 2 . ! 4.4) Critical Group and Reference l Biosphere (PWP/HJL) i ! 4.5) Radionuclide Transport (GMH/ACC) ! 4.6) ACNW Priority Issues (PWP/RKM) i 4.7) Challow Land Burial Sites (PWP/HJL) , 4.8) Comments on NRC's Strategic i Assessment and Rebaselining Process l and Direction Setting Issues Papers I. 05 % d'f$-f!$0 (PWP/LGD) IOM

                                          .... ?.M.                              RECESS

! N ober 23,1996, Two White Flint North. Room T-2B3 j 11545 Rockville Pike. Rockville, Maryland i l 5) eM! REP"' M A.M. Continue Preparation of ACNW Reoorts ! $l$O /b;$6 (Open) l Discussion of potential ACNW reports I i listed in item 4 69,4+--4+v46=1tMT. 2 - LW - --

                                             $0:50 l#
6) 10:45 - 6be995T"M. Committee Activities / Future Acenda (Open) (PWP/RKM)

( TAB 6 ------------- 6.1) Set Agenda for 88th ACNW Meeting J November 12-13, 1996 i 6.2) Review Items for the Out Months ) 6.3) Future Working Group Topics / Dates 6.4) Reconcile EDO Responses to l Committee Reports 6.5 O 11:11 - //! A5 - B rq )y, ther i,wd Topics 11:45 - 12:45 P.M. * *

  • LUNCE * *
  • 8 h h h T.
7) O2. S - +?ee-P.M. Continue Precaration of ACNW Reports jg; .7.' 5 5 (Open)

J; U Discussion of potential ACNW reports l listed in item 4 3:55 , 3;' Kn :- < < v

                                          =Soe4= P . M .                         ADJOURN 3:55e               Presentation time should not exceed 50 percent of the total time allocated for a specific item. The remaining 50 percent of the time is reserved for discussion.

e Number of copies of the presentation materials to be provided to the ACNN - 35 t

APPENDIX 111: MEETING ATTENDEES 87TH ACNW MEETING l OCTOBER 22-23,1996 I ACNW MEMBERS 1st Day 2nd Day Dr. Paul W. Pomeroy X X Dr. William J. Hinze X X  ; Dr. B. John Garrick X _K._ Dr. George M. Homberger X X ACNW STAFF ist. Day 2nd Day i Dr. Andrew Campbell X X ! Ms. Lynn Deering X X  ; i Mr. Howard J. Larson X X Mr. Richard K. Major X X Dr. John T. Larkins X X l Dr. Richard P. Savio X X i Ms. Michele S. Kelton X X 1

i ' , Appendix III 2 87th ACNW Meeting October 22-23, 1996 l ATTENDEES FROM THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION l October 22.1996 l J. Kennedy NMSS l R.Cady RES C. DeFino i OEDO M.Knapp NMSS C. Raddatz OCM/Diaz C. Abbott OC J.Funches OC J. Austin NMSS M. Lusardi NMSS T.Johnsa NMSS D. Mosen NMSS M. Weber NMSS H. Astwood NMSS R. Nelson NMSS J. Davis NMSS ATTENDEES FROM OTHER AGENCIES AND GENERAL PUBLIC i l October 22.1996 ' R. Wallace U.S. Geological Survey I R. Andersen NEl F. Rodgers DOE S. Crawford SAIC/ DOE C. Jones Scientech, Inc. J. Weil Exchange Monitor J. Russell CNWRA C. Henkel NEl

4 i APPENDIX IV: FUTURE AGENDA l The Committee agreed to consider the following dunng the 88th ACNW Meeting, November 12-13, i 1996: l ! A. Planning Session - The ACNW will conduct a planning session during which the Committee ! will discuss the conduct of Committee activities, procedures and operations, and priorities i forACNWtasks The Committee will not formulate advice for the Commission during this l session. I B. Preparation of ACNW Reports - The Committee will discuss proposed reports, including the following: (1) radionuclide transport at Yucca Mountain, (2) specification of a critical group j and reference biosphere to be used in the performance assessment for a nuclear waste l disposal facility, (3) consideration of COUPLED processes (thermal-hydrological-me- ' chanicala:hemical) in the design of a high-level waste repository, (4) time of compliance in j high- and low-level waste disposal, (5) comments on selected NRC Strategic Assessment j and Rebaselining Decision-Setting issue papers, (6) shallow land burials licensed under the j former 10 CFR 20.304 and 20.302 requirements, and (7) ACNW Priority issues. D. Committee Activities / Future Aaenda - The Committee will consider topics proposed for future consideration by the full Committee and Working Groups. The Committee will discuss ACNW-related activities ofindividual members. E. Miscellaneous - The Committee will discuss miscellaneous matters related to the conduct of Committee activities and organizational activities and complete discussion of matters and specific issues that were not completed during previous meetings, as time and availability of information permit.

APPENDIX V i LIST OF DOCUMENTS PROVIDED TO THE COMMITTEE [ Note: Some documents listed below may have been provided or prepared for Committee use l only. These documents must be reviewed prior to release to the public.] t 3 MEETING HANDOUTS AGENDA DOCUMENTS 4 ITEM NO. ! 2 Stratealc Assessment and R@-- 'bbs Overview and S*=*u= Briefina f l 1. Strategic Assessment and Rebaselining initiative, Overview and Status

Briefing, dated October 22,1996 [Viewgraphs) 3 Branch Technical Position on Reauirements for Radia=ctive Waste I and i Burial Sites Authorized Under Former 10 CFR 20.304. 20.302. and current l 20.2002

! 2. Branch Technical Position on Requirements for Radioactive Waste Land i Burial Sites Authorized Under Former 10 CFR 20.304 and 20.302, i presented by Heather Astwood, Division of Waste Management, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, NRC, dated October 22,1996 i [Viewgraphs) i 4.1 Discussion of ACNW Reoort on Time of Comoliance of Low-Level Waste l Disposal i l 3. Memorandum from Emile L. Julian, Acting Secretary, to James M. Taylor, I l Executive Director for Operations,


Staff Requirements - SECY 4 103, Regulatory issues in Low-Level Radioactive Waste Performance Assessment, dated August 7,1996 and Memorandum from James M. Taylor, Executive Director for Operatione, for The Commissioners,



Regulatory issues in Low-Level Radioadive Waste Performance Assess-i ment, SECY-96-103, dated May 17,1996 [ Agenda item 4.1, Handout #1]

i ! 4.5 Discussion of ACNW Report on Radionucible Transport i

4. General Thoughts on the Meeting of the Working Group on Radionuclide Transport transmitting E-mail from George M. Homberger, ACNW, to i Andrew C. Campbell, ACNW,


Working Group, dated October 20,

1996 [ Agenda item 4.5, Handout #1]


Appendix V 2 j i

                 ,      87th ACNW Meeting                                                                                                                                        l l                        October 22-23, 1996                                                                                                                                      l l

1 RIEETING NOTEBOOK CONTENTS TAR , NURIBER DOCUMENTS j 1 Opening Remarks by ACNW Chairman l 1. Introductory Statement by the ACNW Chairman, undated i 2. Items of Current interest, undated . 3. Introductory Statement by the ACNW Chairman - Second Day, undated i 2 Strategic Assessment and Rebaselining Overview and Status Briefing l l- 4. Table of Contents j 5. Status Report l

6. Strategic Assessment and Rebaselining Overview and Status Bnefing, October 10, i 1996, John Craig, Strategic Assessment Coordination Task Group

{ 7. NRC lasues Long-Awaited ' Strategic Assessment' Mission, Activities, inside NRC, i September 30,1996 f . 8. Memo from John Hoyle, SECY, to James Milboan, James Johnson, James Taylor, I ? and John Larkins, re SRM, COMSECY 96-028, " Strategic Assessment issue _ Paper. Independent Oversight (DSI 19)" t 3 Branch Technical Position on Requirements for Radioactive Waste Land Burial Sites Authorized Under Former 10 CFR 20,304. 20.302 and Current 20.2002 N

9. Table of Contents )
10. Status Report  !
11. NRC Information Notice 96-47, "Recordkeeping, Decommissioning Notifications for l Disposal of Radioactive Waste by Land Burial Authorized Under Forme 10 CFR 20.304,20.302, and Current 20.2002," dated August 19,1996
12. ACNW Presentation on Burial Screening Methodology, October 1996
13. "NRC Information Notice re On-Site Land Burials," p. 32, LLW Notes, Au-gust / September 1996

Apptndix V 3 1

           ,   87th ACNW Meeting October 22-23, 1996 l               S cc.<e Branch Technical P=l*a^n on Reauirements for Pdia=*8ve Weste lam Burial Sites                            ,

i Authorized Under Former 10 CFR 20.304. 20.302 and Current 20.2002 t

14. Draft Branch Technical Posen on relevant screening methodology, unavailable at time of writing

! 5 Preparation of ACNW Reports

15. Facsimile from W .Hinze, ACNW, to A. Campbell, ACNW,


" Revision of the i                                   TOC LLW Letter," dated September 9,1996.
16. Facsimile from B. Hinze, ACNW to A. Campbell, ACNW,


"High-Level                     ,

Waste Time of Compliance Road Map," dated September 8,1996. l ! 17. Draft presentation overheads for ACNW Meeting on August 22,1996, "Public l Comments on the Branch Technical Position on the Use of Expert Elicitation in the l High-Level Radioactive Waste Program" 4 3 6 Committee Activities / Future A-ida j 18. Table of Contents

19. Set Agenda for 88th ACNW Meeting, November 12-13,1996 i
20. Review items for the Out Months ~


21. Future Working Group Topics / Dates >
22. Future Outside Meetings for Members / Staff


23. Proposed Agenda items for the ACRS and the ACNW, dated October 7,1996 i l 24. Maintenance & Operations List of Future Meetings  !

i 25. Reconcile EDO Response to Committee Reports

26. One Year Calendar of Events l l

I i k l 5 _ . _ _ .}}