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Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-53 & DPR-69, Requesting one-time Schedular Extension for 60 Days to Submit First Sr-89 & Sr-90 Rept for 1991
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/30/1991
From: Creel G
Shared Package
ML20073H643 List:
NUDOCS 9105070206
Download: ML20073H639 (4)


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OtoRot C. Cntro vice raoies ,

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April 30,1991 U.S. Nuclear Regulaiory Commission Washington,DC 20555

[ NITENTION: Document Control Desk


Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Unit Nos.1 & 2: Docket Nos. 50-317 & 50-318 Rec luest for License Amendment; One time Schedular Extension of a Periodic Report Centlemen:

Baltimore Oas & Electric Company hereby recuests-an Amendment to its Operating License Nos.DPR 53 and DPR 69 for Calvert Cliffs Un ts 1 & 2, respectively, with the submittal of the following proposed change to the Technical Speci5 cations.

HACKGROUNI)/I)ESCRIPTION OF CilANGE Technical Specification addresses a semiannual radioactive effluent release report. This report is due within 60 days after January 1 and July 1 of each year, except that for Strontium 89 and  !

Strontium 90, analyses results may be submitted m a supplementary report within 120 days after January 1 and July 1 of each year, The first Strontium report for 1991 is duc April 30,1991.- Due to a delay in transporting the samples off site to the analysis lab, the report cannot be submitted on time. Therefore, a one time schedular extension for 60 days for the first Strontium report for 1991 is requested, such that the report would be due June 29,1991.

JUSTIFICATION The semiannual radioactive effluent release report of Technical Specification covers liquid effluents and gaseous effluents. The radioisotopes involved include fission product isotopes and corrosion proc uct isotopes. The samples measured give an after.the fact confirmation that the releases that ' occurred during the timeframe covered were within limits. Strontium 89 and -

Strontium 90 are two of those fission product isotopes.


9105070206 910430 d Ad ( i

'PDR- ADOCK 05000317-P PDP

Document Control Desk Apdl 30,1991 Page 2 The reasons for the existing allowance in Technical Specification for an additional 60 days to submit a supplemental report containing the Strontium 89 and Strontium 90 analyses results is that these analyses take much more time to complete than those for other isotopes, and these analyses are best performed off site. The 60 day extension is normally necessay to ensure that high quality analyses and results are obtained.


!!istorical results for Strontium 89 and Strontium 90 have been very low, with airborne results often less than the minimum detectable activity. The power history for the two units during the timeframe covered was low. The results for the other isotopes were low. Therefore, strontium results from the operating period in question are also expected to be low.

Consequently, an extension of the duc date for the strontium results report from April 30 to June 29,1991 will not have adverse affects on safety.

Efforts are in progress to determine the reasons for the delay in transporting the samples off site and any necessary actions to prevent recurrence, itEOUESTEI) CII ANGE

, Change page 6-17 of the Unit 1 and Unit 2 Technical Specifications, as shown on the marked up copics of those pages, attached to this letter.

I)lTI'EinflNATION OF SIGNIFICANT llA7.Alti)S This proposed change has been evaluated against the standards in 10 Cim 50.92 and has been deterrmned to involve no significant hazards considerations, in that operation of the facility in accordance with the proposed amendment would not:

(i) irnolve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.

Strontium releases are not in any way related to initiators, and therefore probabilities, of previously analyzed accidents. As far as the consequences of previously analyzed accidents, data concerning the releases of strontium would be an indication of their

x)tential consequences but not a contributor to any increase in consequences. These strontium analyses are performed to confirm that the results of releases are within limits.

Based on the low results of other isotopes for the operating period, the strontium levels should also be low, Therefore,the proposed 60-day extension of the submittal due date for the strontium data required by Technical Specification would net involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.

(ii) create the possibility of a new or different type of accidentfrom any accident previously evaluated.

The proposed 60 day extension of the submittal duc date for the strontium data will not physically change the plant or the way in which the plant is operated. Therefore,

_ ___ __ ___ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ . _ _ _ - _ .

Document Control Desk April 30,1991 Page 3 the proposed change would not create the possibility of a new or different type of accident from any accident previously evaluated.

(iii) involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety.

The margin of safety in the arca of radioactive ef0uents is primarily achieved through the limits placed on the quantitics and activity levels of efnuent releases prior to release. Tne strontium analyses in question are an after the. fact verincation that no abnormallevels of activity exist.

- Therefore, the proposed 60-day extension of the submittal duc date for the strontium data would not involve a signiGennt reduction in a margin of safety.

SCIIEDULE This amendment is requested to be processed as soon as practicable.

SAFL'IY COMM['ITEE REVIEW These proposed changes to the Technical Speci0 cations and our determination of significant hazards have been reviewed by our Plant Operations and Off Site Safety Review Committees, nnd they have concluded that implementation of these changes will not result in an undue risk to the health and safety of the public.

Very t.uly ' rs, /



I _ TO WIT COUNTY OF CALVERT I I hereby certify that on the dC N da of . 1 efore e, the subscriber, a Notary Public of the State of hfaryland rin.and for __('old .

personally appeared George C. Creel, being duly sworn, and iiates that he:is VM617 resident of the Baltimore Gas and Electric Company, a corporation of the State of Maryland; that he provides the foregoing information for the purposes therein set forth; that the statements rnade are true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief; and that he was authorized to provide -

the information on behalf of said Corporation.

WITNESS mylland and NotarialScal:- /- .

My Commission Expires: nsno r, / kf6 l W Da'tb GCC/DLS/ dis / dim Attachment c%y ~ 5 ve, -,-e-- w .- ww v e-tv-,_= a e e m g w-- na emm,w-=*a=ewn+srup vme ** r e e & w- -==='r-T-' -+e< = ' + - * ' ' * *~***~""+*'r"-** * * ' " " " * * * ' * * - * ~ " " * - * - * ' * " * ' " - - - " ' ' ' ' ' " " - ' ' ' " ' "

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Document Control Desk i April 30,1991 l Page 4 cc: D. A.13 rune, Esquire J.11 Silberg, Esquire R. A. Capra, NRC D. O. McDonaki, Jr., NRC T. T. Martin, NRC L E. Nicholson, NRC R. I. McLean, DNR J.11. Water, PSC P

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