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Resume of Fr Faist
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/23/1982
From: Faist F
TASK-04, TASK-11, TASK-4, TASK-GB GPU-0486, GPU-486, NUDOCS 8307060522
Download: ML20085A479 (2)




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  • EM7LOTIZ EXPE2IE:CZ PR07III Fred Robert 7aist .

D03: January 9, 1947 Citizanship: t'3A -

Esiaht: 5'6" .

Waight: 135 }y liarital Statusi Harried SS No: I.."..= { _.

EDUCA:ICN: Sachelor of Enginaaring (Macb4"1) Sts" ens Institute of

  • Technology - 1968.

. Master of Science (Physics), L rochburg College,1972. ,


Jucu 17, 1968 to Presene: Imployed by Sabcoc r. & Wilcox CJ., Nuc. lear Power '

Ganaration Division, Ly=chburg,*71rgi=ia. -

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June 1969 - !!eveci:er _1971: Worked in The al-Hydraulics Icgineering Section is tha areas of guai, control ec=pesasts and reactor vessel incarnals design, 4- 'ud1=g SAA writ,aups.

Nove=ber 1972 - Ma r 1973,: Worked tu 247 Nuclear Service Section, UTC3, Lynchburg.

Asaigned to the Ar'u.=sas Nuclaar One Unit i Oth* tup TaJa 13 Ifuchburg. Pt3 pared Test Specifications, proceduras and other startup documentation (includ1:3 tsst procedures) for equip =ent within B1W's scope of supply. Participated in scsa startup tasting ar 1yttias at Oconee I and served as Test Program Supervisor

- for A:.*2-1 before being .as".agnad to the A34*.-134W site taan.

May 197'.I - January 1975: Assigned to the A30-1 MW Site Team. While at ,

Arkassas, o' o cal:44 exposure to tha entire spectz.:n of startup activf tias from pre eparational tasti=a th.cush power escalation testing, par *.icularily with ragard to 3CCs supplid equipment. Eaactor Cool.snt Fu=ps and Motors, acd major compcmants; is.3aactor Yeasel 4:4 Istar=als. -

January 1975 - Ms* 1975: .tssigned to the 34V Master Service Teas, at Toledo Edison Daria-Basse 1 is tha area of scheduling and test prscadure preparation.

Env 1975 - January 1977: Assigned to the E4*4 Site Startup Teas et Davis Bessa 1 as site operations E=&ineet in May 1973. Easponsible for tschnical advice and consultation for all 3&~J supplid equipment. Fron March 2076 through May 1976 coordinated B&W CCo's and MW F.<C3's afforts at Arkansas Hu-clear One Unit 1

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J.acuar-r 1977 - Aus J1e 197f.: In January 1977, becasa Sica Operations Manager for 5&W Site Srtr up Taxa a: Davis 3 essa 1. Directly respacsible for coordi-nating/incarf acing between Toleio Edison Company Davis Eesse i sica op2raciens and 35*,1 NPCD.


Au:ust '.973 - hrch 197_9_: Proj ect }'.anage=ent at !.lC3, t.ynchburg, Virginia.

Associate Project P.anagst for Davis Ecsse Ucits 2 and O, Toledo Edison co=pany.

Aoril 1979 - Jute 1977: C-a site support for TMI-2. March 31 .'une 20 worked with G7U in Tar.hsical Support and Pis nN and with 3echts'. ?cuer Corporacion in Costal=ssut kccovery 11anning.

Julr 197.9 - Presecc: 3&W, Rasident Engisser - EfI Unic 1.

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