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VSP-SNC-HT1-16-001, Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Unit 1 Cycle 28 Core Operating Limits Report, Version 1.
Person / Time
Site: Hatch  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 03/29/2016
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NL-16-0466 VSP-SNC-HT1-16-001
Download: ML16091A219 (41)


ENCLOSURE2 VSP-SNC-HTI-16-00 I Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Unit I Cycle 28 Core Operating Limits Report, Version I Non-Proprietary Information INFORMATION NOTICE This is a non-proprietary version of Enclosure 1 of VSP-SNC-HTl-16-001, which has the proprietary information removed. Portions of the document that have been removed are indicated by white space inside open and closed bracket as shown here (( )).

SOUTHERN NUCLEAR OPERATING COMPANY EDWIN I. HATCH NUCLEAR PLANT Unit 1 Cycle 28 CORE OPERA TING LIMITS REPORT Version 1 Southern Nuclear Operating Company Post Office Box 1295 Birmingham, Alabama 35242 Non-Proprietary Information

Non-Proprietary Information Plant Hatch Core Operating U.nit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report*

Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Unit 1 Cycle 28 Core Operating Lirnits Report TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page 1.0 Introduction 1 2.0 APLHGR Limits 3 3.0 MCPR Operating Limits 7 4.0 LHGR Limits 25 5.0 PBDA Amplitude Setpoint 33 6.0 References 34 Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report TA_BLES Table No. Title Page 1-1 Main Turbine Bypass System Operability 1 1-2 Equipment-Out-of-Service Limitations 2 3-1 Exposure Definitions 9 3-2 Power-Dependent MCPR Operating Flexibility 10 Options 3-3 Power-Dependent Multiplier Flexibility Options 10 3-4 Rated-Power MCPR Operating Flexibility Options 11 4-1 LHGR Limits versus Peak Pellet Exposure 25 4-2 Flow-Dependent LHGR Operating Flexibility 26 Options 5-1 Licensed OPRM Setpoints 33 ii Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report FIGURES Figure No. Title Page 2-1A GE14C Flow-Dependent APLHGR 4 Multiplier (MAPFACF) versus Core Flow 2-18 GNF2 Flow-Dependent APLHGR Multiplier 5 (MAPFACF) versus Core Flow 2-2 APLHGR Limit versus Average Planar 6 Exposure 3-1 Flow-Dependent MCPR Limit (MCPRF) 12 versus Core Flow 3-2A Power-Dependent MCPR Limit (MCPRp) 13 versus Core Power from 24% to 45% of Rated Core Power 3-28 Power-Dependent MCPR Limit (MCPRp) 14 versus Core Power from 24% to 45% of Rated Core Power (Main Turbine Bypass System Inoperable and/or Main Turbine Pressure Regulator System Status in TLCO 3.3.13.c) 3-3A Power-Dependent MCPR Multiplier (KP) 15 versus Core Power 3-38 Power-Dependent MCPR Multiplier (KP) 16 versus Core Power (Ma1n Turbine Pressure Regulator Sys.tern Status in TLCO 3.3. 13.c) 3-4A-1 TLO MCPR Limits versus Average SCRAM 17 Time 3-4A-2 TLO MCPR Limits versus Average SCRAM 18 Time (EOC-RPT Out of Service) 3-4A-3 TLO MCPR Limits versus Average SCRAM 19 Time (Main Turbine Bypass System Inoperable) iii Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report Figure No. Title Page 3-4A-4 TLO MCPR Limits versus Average SCRAM 20 Time (EOC-RPT Out of Service and Main Turbine Bypass System Inoperable) 3-48-1 SLO MCPR Limits versus Average SCRAM 21 Time 3-48-2 SLO MCPR Limits versus Average SCRAM 22 Time (EOC-RPT Out of Service) 3-48-3 SLO MCPR Limits versus Average SCRAM 23 Time (Main Turbine Bypass System Inoperable) 3-48-4 SLO MCPR Limits versus Average SCRAM 24 Time (EOC-RPT Out of Service and Main Turbine Bypass System Inoperable) 4-1A GE14C Flow-Dependent LHGR Multiplier 27 (LHGRFACF) versus Core Flow 4-18 GNF2 Flow-Dependent LHGR Multiplier 28 (LHGRFACF) versus Core Flow 4-1C GNF2 Flow-Dependent LHGR Multiplier 29 (LHGRFACF) versus Core Flow (Main Turbine Bypass System Inoperable) 4-2 Power-Dependent LHGR Multiplier 30 (LHGRFACp) versus Core Power 4-3A GE14C LHGR versus Peak Pellet 31 Exposure 4-38 GNF2 LHGR versus Peak Pellet Exposure 32 iv Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report


The Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) for Plant Hatch Unit 1 Cycle 28 is prepared in accordance with the requirements of Technical Specification 5.6.5. The core operating limits presented herein were developed using NRC-approved methods (References 1 through 6). Results from the reload analyses for the fuel in Unit 1 Cycle 28 are documented in References 3 through 5.

The following core operating limits are included in this report: .

a. Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate (APLHGR)- Technical Specification 3.2.1
b. Minimum Critical Power Ratio (MCPR) - Technical Specification 3.2.2
c. Linear Heat Generation Rate (LHGR) - Technical Specification 3.2.3 Also included in this report are the licensed scram setpoints for the Period Based .

Detection Algorithm (PBDA) in the Oscillation Power Range Monitor (OPRM).

Based upon the reload analysis for this cycle, the following operability requirement is defined for Unit 1 operation.

TABLE 1-1.

Main Turbine Bypass System Operability System Operability. Requirement Main Turbine Bypass System Operable At least two bypass valves must be operable (Technical Specification 3.7.7) 1 *Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report From a fuel thermal limits perspective, the following limitations are placed on Unit 1 operation.

TABLE 1-2 Equipment-Out-of-Service Limitations c ...

Equipment/ Condition Limitation

  • CTP must be S 2000 MWth Single-Loop Operation (SLO)
  • Core Flow must be s 56% of Rated 2 Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report 2.0 APLHGR LIMITS (Technical Specification 3.2.1)

For both two loop operation (TLO) and single loop operation (SLO), the APLHGR limit for each six inch axial segment of each fuel assembly in the core is the applicable fuel-type-specific APLHGR limit in Figure 2-2 multiplied by the fuel-type-specific flow-dependent multiplier, MAPFACF, taken from either:

a. Figure 2-1A for GE14C fuel
b. Figure 2-1 B for GNF2 fuel.

3 Version 1

  • P!anbHatCtj icer~ .:'qj:>er.atirig .

. Unit 1 Cycle 28 .. *4imitsHe*po1t r,'

1.0+-----,.....--+'--,---'---'-+---'---+...---....- - -....- - -....- - -....- -.......


  • j.. .
  • JtL:oT 0 J

..*~" . ':*

!k;,09 +--.---+-t*T:LO,"i--......,_._ ___,...........,-.---..........,...+-,........,.-..,..,...-+---..............+--..---+------1

~ . :!: -

'::'*0.86 ..... ---+----+----.. :f. ,_


e.* '


. c-'*

  • ~. :o.a T----.,..-~-;----T't":~-


---1-----.. T,l~s=i:~o=.~t'"". ,,_____,,_____1

  • ~ .  :.

~.of+--.---+----+----+*..,.**-" ......,...-------------.---+'*----+..,..----'-f

<-.~ ':

~ M

~ M

~ ~*

~ n

.. & 0:6+---,.--------------+.i.;.-----------------.--+----"'"-'--" _______

,.~ *~

'1 O* .:*

..u: .. o.5 -------__,...,........,..,--+---~+*~**--.............+ - - - - + - - - - - - - + - - - - + - - - - - - i I

1; 1;


  • 30


4P . 50 5061*.


70 . :ao 110

  • "Core f:lov.r.( 0/o of Rated)"


    • *F **SLOJTLO

.. 0.86

'30,$ F SL:O '

F ..,._Percentof Rated.,Core Flow**

GE~4c fl9w~Depe~~ent ~PL~GR Mµltjpiler (MAPF~CF) ~er
su~ Cote :p19w r ~*
  • o *
  • _<' ,:
  • r' > *
  • 0
  • 'Version 1*

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 .Non.:.Prop;ietary .Information Limits Report 1.0





. *~ 0.9


  • =:e. 0.8




!f it 0.7*



'C c:

. ~ 0.6 9~

0 u:: o.5 0.'1*

30 40 5\) 60. 70 B\l 100 110 Core Row (o/?of Rated)

Operating Conditions*

F SLO/TLO lllfAPFACF 30 s.F 11..0. .1.00 30sF SLO 0.80 F =Percer:it of Rated Core Flow *

  • FIGURE 2.;1 B

(?NF2 Flow-Dependent APLHGR Multiplier (MAPi=ACF) versus Core Flow

5. Version 1

Plant Hatch C6re'Operating.

Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report 14.0

' I I Average GE14C

' '~"'


. Planar APLHGR . 13.o Exposur~ Limit (GWd/Sl) (kW/ft)

  • I GE14C I 120 0.00 12.82 14.51 19.13 12.82 12.82 11.0


= '~~

57.61 . 8.00 63.50 5.00 .3: 10.0



Average GNF2 E

9.0 P!anar Exposure (GWd/Sl) 0.00 APLHGR Limit (kW/ft) 13.78 0



..J a.


B.O "'~ "" ~'\



17.15 13.78 60.78 6.87 ~


~I 63.50 *5.50 5.0

  • 4.0
  • Q,O 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 3Q,O , 35,0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 70.0 Average PJ~nar Expo~ure (G~d)ST)

FIGURE.2-2 APLHGR Limit versus Average Planar Exposure 6 Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report 3.0 MCPR OPERATING LIMITS (Technical Specification 3.2.2)

The MCPR operating limits (OLMCPR) for each fuel type are a function of core power, core flow, average scram time, number of operating recirculation loops, EOC-RPT system status, operability of the main turbine bypass system, the status of the main turbine pressure regulator system, and cycle exposure. Cycle exposures are defined in Table 3-1.

  • The OLMCPRs for both two loop operation (TLO) and single loop operation (SLO) are determined as follows:

a: For 24% ~power< 45%, the greater of either:

1) The flow-dependent MCPRlimit, MCPRF, as determined by Figure 3-1, OR
2) The power-dependent MCPR limit, MCPRp, as determined by Table 3-2.
b. For power~ 45%, the *greater of either:
1) MCPRF, as determined by Figure 3-1, OR
2) The product of the power-dependent multiplier, Kp, as determined by Table 3-3, and the rated-power OLMCPR, as determined by Table 3-4.

These limits apply to all modes of operation with feedwater temperature reduction, as well as operation with normal feedwater temperatures.

In the 3-4A and 3-48 figures, Option A scram time OLMCPRs correspond to 't =1.0, where 't is determined from scram time measurements performed in accordance with Technical Specifications Surveillance Requirements and Option B


values correspond to 't 0.0. For scram times between Option A and Option B; the rated-power OLMCPR corresponds to 't. If 't has not been determined, Option A limits must be used.

7 ' Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report The average scram time of the control rods, -c, is defined as:

'Cave - 'Cs

-c = 0, OR , whichever is greater.

where: 'CA = 1.08 sec (Technical Specification 3.1.4, Table 3.1.4-1, scram time limit to notch 36).

1/2 Ni

= µ + 1.65 * (j

  • where: µ = 0.822 sec (mean scram time used in the transient analysis).

(j = 0.018 sec (standard deviation ofµ).

Nt = total number of active rods measured in Technical Specifications Surveillance Requirement

n = number of surveillance tests performed to date in the cycle.

M = number of active control rods measured in the i1h surveillance test.




'Cave = n

"'fNi i=l where: 'Ci = average scram time to notch 36 of all rods in the i1h surveillance test.

8 Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report TABLE3-1 Exposure Definitions

    • Exposure.Label.

BOC Beginning of Cycle Exposure 0 MWd/ST

-First Middle of tycle MOC1 EOR"' 6283 ;MWd/ST Exposure Second Middle of Cycle MOC2 EOR - 4283 MWd/ST Exposure Projected end of rated. power with all control rods out atrated

  • EOR End of Rated Exposure core flow and rated feedwater temperature EOC End of Cycle:Exposure Exposure at cycle shutdown 9 Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report TABLE 3-2 Power-Dependent MCPR Operating Flexibility Options Equipment In or Out of Service EOC-RPT System Main Turbine Bypass Main Turbine Pressure Figure#

In Service

  • System Operable* Regulator System Status Yes/No Yes TLCO 3.3.13.a orb 3-2A Yes/No No TLCO 3.3.13.a orb 3-28 Yes/No Yes/No TLCO 3.3~ 13.c 3-28 TABLE 3-3

~Power-Dependent Multiplier Flexibility Options EOC-RPT System Figure#

In Service Yes/No 3-3A Yes/No 3-38 "At least two bypass valves must be operable 10 Version 1

Plant Hatch .core :,Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report TABLE34 Rated.:Power MCPR Operating Flexibility Options Rated-.p_ower* ol'MCP~~

Equipment TLO SLO.

In/Out of Service Equipment In Service. Figure 3-4A-1 Figure 3-4B-1 EOC-RPT Out of Service Figure 3-4A-2 Figure 3-4B-2 Main Turbine Bypass System Figure 3-4A-3 Figure-3-4B-3 Inoperable

& Main Turbine Bypass Figure 3-4A-4 Figure 3-4B-4 System Inoperable Main Turbine Pressure Regulator System Status in Figure 3-4A-1 Figure 3-4B-1' TLCO 3.3.13.c Main Turbine Pressure Regulator System Status in Figure 3-4A-2 Figure 3-48~2 TLCO 3.3.1'3.c

& EOC-RPT Out of Service Main Turbine Pressure Regulator' System Status in TLCO 3.3.13.c Figure 3-4A-3 Figure 3-4B-3

& Main Turbine Bypass System Inoperable f\Jlain Turbine Pressure .

Regulator* System Status in TLCO 3.3.13.c Figure 3-4A-4 Figure 3-4B-4

& EOC-RPT Out of Service

& Main Turbine Bypa~s.

System .Inoperable Version 1

Plant Hatch Cor~ Operating Unit 1 CyCle 28. Non.:.Propri(!Jfary Information Limits Report


~ I Maximum Flow107%



1.2 1.1 30 40 50 70 ao 9Q 100. *110 Core Flow (%of Rated)

MCPRF(TLO).= A+ B*F MCPRF(SLO} = MCPRF(TLO) + 0.03 Flow A B 30 s F <.SQ '1.7294 -0.00598 80SF<90 1.4830 -0:00290 90sF 1.2220 0.00000 F =Percent* of Rated Core Flow FIGURE 3-1 Flow-Dependent MCPR Lirriit (MCPR!") versus Core Flow 12 *Version .1

Plant Hatch Core Operating .

Unit 1 cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report 1.6-t-~~~--~--~~--~~~-+~~~~---~~~-+~~~~--~~~--i 24 27 28 30 33 36 39 45 Core Power (0kof Rated)'

MCPRp(TLO) *= A+ B*P MCPRp(SLO) =MCPRp(TLO) + 0.03 F p A B Fs60 24s P < 28 2.1900 0.00000 F> 60 24SP<28 3.3900 -0.03000 All 28SP<45 2.6671 -0.01882 P = Percent of Rated Core Power F = Percent of Rated Core Flow FIGURE.*3-2A Power-Dependent MCPR Limit (MCPRp) versus Core Power from 24% to 45% of Rated Core Power 13 Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle' 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report

> 60%Flow

_2.6t-~~....._~~~-==r====i.::::::::J1--~~+-~~~-1--~~~-t-~~--t rl ll. I CJ I*

~  :

E2A. + - - - - - - + - - r ----+-----------i-------+---------l 1




E c 2.2+-"'-'---...._--+'__i-----l----'--~-+-----+------1,--~--+-=--------i GI "Cl c

GI c.

~20+*---t---;--T----l------+---==-..""""'===-----+----+-----1 GI


0 a.


24 27 28 30 33 36 39

,core Power(o/oofRated)

  • MCPRp(TLO) = A+ B*P MCPRp(SLO) = MCPRp(TLO) + 0.03 F p A I B

F::;60 24.::; p < 28 3.1000. -0.03250 F> 60 24.:s p < 28 3.3900 -0.03000 All 28.:SP<45 2.6671 -0.01882 P=Percent of Rated Core Power F =Percent of Rated Core Flow FIGURE .3-28

Plant Hatch .core 'Qperaiing Unit 1 Cycle28 .Non.:.Proprietary Information .Limits Report

'1.3 . .,.---.-------r----r----,----.,..,.---.-------r----r---"""T"""---r---,----.

1.0* .f,---____,l-----+----+----+---4------1-----+----+-~--+-----4---"""'I 45 50 55 . 60 65. 70 75 60 85 ,90 95 '10!i Core Power(%ofRated)

Kp=A+ e*P p A B 4~S P <<60 1.6700 . -0.00867 60 SP< 85* 1.3708 -0.00368*

ass P 1.3867 -0.00387 P =Percent of Rated ~ore Thermal Power FIGURE*3~3A.

. Power~Dependent'MCf>R.Multiplier '(K1>} versus Core Power*

15 Version 1

Plant Hatch Core.Operating.

Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information .Limits Report



'Q.1.2+-~~.--~-+~--"-.i-~~-+-~~+-~~.--~-+~~-1-~...--+-~~-+-~--t "S

E IE 0



!ii c.


  • QI 3:



. 45 .50 60 '65 70 '75 85 90 95 100 Core Power(%of~ted)

Kp =A+ B*P p A B 45::: P*< 60 1,:5320' -0.00560 60SP<85 1.3808 -0.00308*

85SP 1,3867 -0.00387 P =Percent of Rated Core Therm al Power FIGURE-3-38

  • Power-DependentMCPR Multiplier (Kp) versus Core Power (Main :Turbine Pressure Regula.tor System Status in TLCO 3.3.13.c) 16 ' Version .1

Plant Hatch Co,i"e Operatipg Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary /nformatio(I Limits Report

-'1.66 1.66 1.64 1.64 1.62 1-62

.1.60 1.60' 1.5B *1.58.

1.56 1.56 1.54 1-54 I MOC2 -EOC 1.52 1-52 t.50 E i1.50

~1.48 -* (TLCO BOC. - EOC 1.48 a:

~ 1.46

- 3.3.13.c)

- - i-:---


u I MOC1 ~MOC2 1.46

~ ~ :E

E 1.44 1.44


1.42 *1:42 1.40


- - ~ I BOC ~MOC1 1.40 1.38 .


- ~

1.36 1.36*


1.34 1.34 1.32 1.32 1.30 1.30 o:o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 *o.9 1.0 Main Turbine Pressure OLMCPR(lloJ Exposure Range Regulator Status 't = 0.0 't = 1.0 809- MOC1 TLCO 3.3.13.a orb 1.31 1.42

.MOC1 -MOC2 TLCO 3.3.13.a orb 1.38 1.49 MOC2-EOC TLCO 3.3.13.a orb 1.41 1.52 BOC-EOC TLCO 3.3.13.c 1.41 1.52 FIGURE 3-4A-1 TLO MCPR Limits versus Averag_e SCRAM Time 17 Version 1

Plant Hatch .cor~ :_Qperating

, *UniU .C~ic1Ef'28 Non:.Proprietacy:lnformatlo{I; . Limits-Report

  • 1:66 ~--------------~-----~----------.......---: 1.66
  • 1.64 ---t----'11--"-~'--t.....,.----i---,-"'-t----+----i----T----t------t ,1,64 1.62' +-------__,f-----+----+-------+----+----+---.....,__...,........, 1.62

,1,60 r.-1r---:-t----t----r:-----r----r--r----tr=:;::;::;;=;;;t:::;;:;:;=jf' 1.60

. 1,5S 1 .Moc2-*eoc . 1 **1:5s*.

1.56 ~ i.1.56*

1.54 +-:---i-:-----il-----1---+---+---+---,.....,.--+-'o:::;;m.....-l!fi-:;:___-_*+--....,...-+-1.54

_:..;,,,,,,.--: ~ .

=1.s2 ~ , ~oc _J:OC . r-+-~-1-------_-+-;..,.--.-.-:.:=" .. ..-=--+----'----+_-~---::-=---=---t .1.~2 =_


  • 1 50

-:-- *. JTLCQ~3.3.13:c).* ~--- ~-- - rMOC1 .. ~.MOC2 15

o *

~MS . .: . - . . HS O::

~1;46 --~ .:..~ _ ~ :t.46 ~

iE'144 ~~ ~~ ~--  :*.
  • 1.44  ::!:

1:42 . __ i,-----' ~ L*BOC-MOC1 -1.'42*

~- __;,~

,1.:'10 -~ -- 1,40 .

1:3s .i-:-----il-------1;__-------+.~--::::::;io . . .,ofll.i=::::;;.--+----,.-+----+----+----+-:----f 1.38 .

J.:3~ ~~ *1.36.

1.34 i.---- 1,34 1.32 1,32.

1.30, ~----1---

o.o .. o~ 1

. . . . ----+---+----+------+----+---+---+-----+

0.2 *Q.:3* . 0.4 o.5* 'Q.1i' 0,1 o:s* :o.9 .. 1.0


Main_ turbine:J;>ressure OLM~PR11Lo>

Exposure Ran~e 1---------.------------1

  • Regulator Statt1s. 't * =o~Q . .'t =1.0. *

'B.oc ... MQC1 11co 3.3.13,a ofb.

  • 1.~3 1.46

.. MOC.1 -: MOQ2 TLCO 3.3~~3;a*or.Q.. 1.40 1.53 M,OC2-.EOC TLCO 3.3.13.~*or b . 1.44 1.57

-Boc.:..EQC llCO 3.3.13.¢ '1'44 1.57 FIGURE 34,A.;2

  • "EOC~RPT.oui of Service) * *

~.Jant Hatch* :... *. ,eor~:operating* .

    • unit* 1' Cycle 28, .L.imitsHeport
  • *1;6~ ....---r---.....,...;-----.---.,..,.------r-----....,......-----~----.,..,--...,--r.' .1,66.

i64* .._,,..-......,_t--___--,__________--+-----....+---'----..,..-+-------+-----------------.,....,,..... 1'.64 "

1.62.-...,....----1----------------,..-+---.-.--:+----+----t----i------.,....,,.....* 1:62 1:60,_ *. . ' :1;60' 1'58. .1;5ti*

  • 1:56 . .i-:.------j..;.._-~h------4--4.;.....:.....-.......-4-....,,....---+-.....,...;.+--~1r,_'aiMl/o~c::::2't. -.-:;.'E~O~C;::-__,.*.. '1. 56 1;54 *.....,......,..---:-"-t;:-o-----;t--~--t--....-r---.-r---t:---~.,........,--r-----"""'""'°;:i....,--=

,. ~~


  • 1..54

.. 1:5:1 ......,,.~.-.'-.-., . _...._--1,_."-.*-. ...,........j.,.....-..,-.:.+,-.--...,:.+--,-+,...__..,...,+ ........--=:;.......-!!===+-.;,...-:..........;,J,;:_\~2* ~

'e1.5~ ,:_;, *.. BO,C*-E9C, *.r-:-r~-:lr-":4-::;::::;;;;;;l;...--~~*t*--------'"'r'...,.,,....,.--c;;;;;;;jiiiilll'1 ~:50 E

.:.:i1;4a ~ *(TLCO 3.'3;p~c). ~~. *. --~ 1.48*~

. If** .* : . * *

  • o*1.~6 '

...-:....:--:-:--- . ~----* :l*MOC1-**:MOC2' * .o.

1.46 ,O*

!:1.44 ~ ~~~ -'~"": ., -1A4 ~

,..,.-*:*. .~~- "'



- . i-----



. l' *soc:~ MOC't ~; ~:1*~.' 8.,

~o p6-

' 1:~. +---t------"--!l----+~-""--t:-~--*-1-"~ ..* --"--11-----t-~--i----~--r-~-



{32 '+:'----:+---',---+------+------1---+-----l----'-+--'-----'--+--'----.---t--'--,,-- .1,32 1:30 *+-----t------i~---~--------+------+----+----+---+-----+--......-t 1.30 O;O 0.1. 0:2 *0;3 *p.4 *0.5.* *o:~ . \H - 0.8 ., . :o.9. **... . 1;11 ...


'Main . J"ur~in~fl?ressU're *oL:~CPROL6) ,

Exposui:e *Range , . . Regulator stafos; 1---'t-=-o""".*~-o"""*--r-:""-."""'t;;;,.;*. -'-1:-o-,--1


BOQ*,,*MOC1 rv,10C1 -MOC2

.MOC2 -'.EQG:. . TLCO 3:3.13~? orb 1A3 1.54 .*



~*' ' ' *. :3""4A-3 TL<iMCP~'. a:Jmits),~rsu~ :A;,Efrage scRAM .Tim.,.

'fM~lp* Turl;ilf:Je ~ypass ~y~r~q> fnope,1;abl~J .**

~ve?rsiori f.

Plant Hatch Core. Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Jnfqrmation Limits Report 1.66 1.66 1.64 1.64 1.62 I MOC2 -EOC 1.62 1.60 1.58

.-- ~

____,,.,-..- --- 1.60 1.58 1.56

- 1.56 1.54 1.52 BOC -EOC (TLCO 3.3.13.c)

-- -- ---- ----- ~




MOC1 -MOC2 1;54 1.52



~ 1.48

-~* __..

- -- ~

1.50 E

i 1.46 0::

~ a.

f; 1.46 ~

BOC -MOC1 I I 1.46 0

~- :l:

l: 1.44 1.42

-- ~~

1.44 1.42 1.40 .1.40


1.38 1.38

~* *1.36 1.36 1.34 1.34 1-32 1.32 1.30 1.30

,o.o 0.1 0.2 0.3 .0.4 0.5 0.7 O.B 0.9 1.0 Main Turbine 'Pressure OLMCP_Rrn.o>

. Exposure Range R~gulator Status 't = 0.0 't = 1..0 BOC-MOC1 TLCO 3.3.13.a orb 1.36 1.50 MOC1 -MOC2 TLC.a 3.3.13.a orb 1.42 1.56 MOC2--EOC TLCO 3.3.13.a orb* 1.47 1.61 BOC-EOC TLCO 3.3.13.c 1.47 1.61 TLO MCPR Limits versus Average SCRAM Time (EOC-RPT Out of Service and Main Tur/Jine Bypass System Inoperable) 20 Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report 1.66 1.66 1.64 1.64 1.62 1-62 1.60 1.60 1.58 1,58 1.56 MOC2 -EOC 1:56 1.54 1.54

- 1.52 -

~ 1.48

- BOC-EOC (TLCO 3.3.13.c)

I MOC1 -MOC2 1-52 1.50 E 1.48

i a::


f> 1.46 I 1.46 0

. :IE

E 1.44 1.44 1.42 I BOC -MOC1 1.42 1.40 1.40 1.38 1.38 1.36 1.36 1.34 1.34 1.32 1.32 1.30 1.30
  • 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0-7 0.8 0.9 1,0 Main Turbine Pressure OLMCPR1sL01 Exposure Range Regulator Status 't = 0.0 't =1.0 BOC-MOC1 TI.CO 3.3.13.a orb 1.45 1.45 MOC1 -MOC2 TI.CO 3.3.13.a orb 1.45 1.52 MOC2-EOC TI.CO 3.3.13.a orb 1.45 1.55 BOC-EOC TI.CO 3.3.13.c 1.45 1.55 FIGURE 3-48-1 SLO MCPR Limits versus Average SCRAM Time 21 Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report 1.66 1-66 1.64 1.64 1.6?- 1.62 I MOC2 *EOC .1.60 1.60


1.58 1.58 1.56 1.56


1.54 1.52 BOC -EOC (TLCO 3.3.13.c)

~ -----


~ 1 MOC1 .~ MOC2

,I 1.54 1.52


E et.50 1.50

~~ I


~1.48 ............, 1-48 0::


~1.46 I BOC -MOC1 1.46 (J

E1-44 1-44 1.42 1-42 1.40 1-40 1.38 1.38 1.36 1.36 1.34 1.34 1.32 1.32 1.30 1.30
  • 0,0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1'.o Main Turbin~ Pressure OlMCPR(sLo)

Exposure Range Regulator St1;1tus 't = 0.0 't = 1.0 BOC-MOC1 Tl..CO .3.3.13.a orb 1.45 1.49 MOC1 -MOC2 Tl..CO 3.3.13.a orb 1.45 1.56 MOC2-EOC Tl..CO 3.3.13.a orb 1.47 1.60 BOC-EOC TI.CO 3.3.13.c 1.47 1.60 FIGURE 3-48-2 SLO MCPR Limits versus Average SCRAM Time (EOC-RPT Out of Service) 22 Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating l)nit 1 Cycle 28. Non-Proprietary (nforination Limits Report 1.66 1.66 1.64 1.64 1.62 1.62 1.60 1.E)O 1.58  : .MOC2 -EOC 1,58 1.56 - 1.56 1.54 1.54 BOC -EOC ~

1.52 ~


-~  :::

e1.5g - (TLCO 3.3.13.c)

  • . ......--:- 1 MOC1 -MOC2 1.50 e

~ 1.48 a:

.---- 1.48 II.

~J,.46 1.46 0


~1.44 1.44 1.42 I BOC -MOC1 1 1.42 1.40 1.40 1.38 1.38 1.36 1.36 1.34 1.34 1.32 1.32 1.30 1.30

  • 0.0 0.1 0.2 O.~ 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 '0.9 1.0 Main Turbin~ Pressure OLMCPR(sL01 Exposure Range

'Regulator Status 't = 0.0 i: =* 1_.o BOC-MOC1 TLCO 3.3.13,a orb 1.45 1.45 MOC1 -MOC2 TLCO 3.3.13.a orb 1.45 1.53 MOC2-EOC TLCO 3.3.13.a orb 1.46 1.57 BOC-EOC TLCO 3.3.13.c 1.46 1.57 FIGURE 3-48-3 SLO MCPR Limits versus Average SCRAM Time (Main Turbine Bypass System Inoperable) .

L 23 Version 1

Pl~nt Hatch ,core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary /nform{Jticm Limits Report 1.66 1.66 I MOC2 -EOC I 1.64 1.64 1.62 i.--- 1.62


1.60 1.60

~ ~

1.58 1,58 BOC -EOC ~


1.56 (TLCO 3.3. fa.c) 1.56 1.54 1.52 e1.5o

-~1.48 ----- ---- --


- --- ~


I MOC1 1

  • MOC2 BOC -MOC1 1.54 1.52 1.50 1.48


i a:


f)1 ..46

E 1.44 1.42

-- 1.46 0 1.44 1.42

E 1.40 1.40 1.38 1.38 1.36 1.36 1.34 1.34 1.32 1.32 1.30 1.30 0.0 0.1 D.2 *0:3 0.4 0.5 'D.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Main Turbine Pressure OLMCPR(sLo)

Exposure Range Regulator Status 't = 0.0 't = 1.. 0 BOC-MOC1 TLCO 3.3, 1.3.a orb 1.45 1.53 MOC1 -.MOC2 TLCO 3.3.13.a orb 1.45 1..5~

MOC2-EOC TLCO 3.3.13.a orb 1.50 1.64 BOC-*EOC TLCO 3.3. 13.c 1.50 1:64 FIGURE 3-.48-4 SLO MCPR Limits versu~ Average SCRAM Time .

(EOC-RPT Out of Service and Main Turbine Bypass System Inoperable) 24 Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report 4.0 LHGR LIMITS (Technical Specification 3.2.3)

For both two loop operation (TLO) and single loop operation (SLO), the LHGR limit for each six inch axial segment of each fuel rod in the core is the applicable rated-power, rated-flow LHGR limit taken from Table 4-1 multiplied by the smaller of either:

a. The flow-dependent multiplier, LHGRFACF, as determined by Table 4-2,
c. The power-dependent multiplier, LHGRFACp, as determined by Figure 4-2.

Table 4-1 shows the exposure-dependent LHGR limits for all fuel types in the core, as a function of initial gadolinium concentration in a six inch segment of a fuel rod. For exposures between the values shown in Table 4-1, the LHGR limit is based on linear interpolation. For illustration purposes, Figures 4-3A and 4-38 show the LHGR limits for fuel segments with the lowest (U02) and highest (U02+Gd203) initial Gd concentrations.

TABLE 4-1 LHGR Limits versus Peak Pellet Exposure Fuel Rod Pellet Pellet Pellet Pellet Pellet Pellet Type Segment Maximum Exposure Power Exposure Power Exposure Initial Power Knee 1 Knee2 Knee2 EOL EOL Wt-% Gd20a (kW/ft) (GWd/ST) (kW/ft) (GWd/ST) (kW/ft} (GWd/ST)

GE14C rr 11 GNF2 rr 11 EOL =End of Life (maximum licensed pellet exposure) 25 Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non:..Proprietary Information Limits Report TABLE 4-2 Flow-Dependent LHGR Operating Flexibility Options LHGRFACF Equipment In or Out of Service EOC-RPT Main Turbine Pressure Fuel Type Main Turbine Bypass Figure#

System In Regulator System System Operable*

Service Status GE14C Yes/No Yes/No TLCO 3.3.13.a or b or c .4-1A GNF2 Yes/No Yes TLCO 3.3.13.a or b or c 4-18 GNF2 Yes/No No TLCO 3.3.13.a or b or c 4-1C

  • At least two bypass valves must be operable 26 Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary.(nforfnation Limits Report 1.0.

J 12

(!) .


~,,,, / /






e a:

~v ....._,

~ 0.7


.... SLO cQI V""

'Cl c .

~0.6 q


u::: 0.5 ,___



0.4 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 . 110 Core Row (o/oofRated)

LHGRFAGF= A+ B*F Operating Conditions Valu~s of Variables F TLO/SLO A B 30.00 s F < 50.70

  • 1LO/ SLO 0.4574 0.006758
>U./U St- < tsy.L!:f TLO 0.4574 0.006758 50.70 s F SLO 0.8000 0.000000 t!U.L!:f St- 1LO 1.0000 0.000000 F = Percent of Rated Core Flow FIGURE 4-1A GE14C Flow-Dependent LHGR Multiplier (LHGRFACF) versus Core Flow 27 Version 1

Plant Hatch 'Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report

~/ v 1.0 J


~ 0.9


i: . I .YLO/SLO I ~


y QI


Ji 0::

~ 0.7 SLO




  • c

[0.6 q /



0 u:: 0.5 MAX FLOW=

107% -

0.4 30 40 50 60 70 BO 90 100 110 Core Flow (%c;>fRated)

LHGRFACF= A+ B*F Operating Conditions Values of Variables F TLO /.SLO A B

. ~u.u s t- < ou.u 110 I SLO 0.2000 0.01190 50.0 s F < 50.7 TLO./ SLO 0.4567 .0.00677

    • ou.1 s r < l:)U.U RO 0.4567 *0,00611 50.7 s F SLO 0.8000 0.00000 tsu.o s F < ~u.o TLO 0.9820 0.00020 90.0 s F TLO 1.0000 0.00000 F = Percent of Rated Core Flow FIGURE 4-18 GNF2 Flow-Dependent LHGR Multiplier (LHGRFACF) versus *core Flow 28 Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report 0.4 +-----+----+----1-------+----+-----+----1-------1 30 4Q ~o so 10 ao 90 100 110 Core Flow (o/oofRated)

LHGRFACF= A+ B*F Opera:tinq Conditions Values of Variables


su.o ;s. F < ou.o SL0/110 0.380. 0.0049 50.0 s F < 60.0 SLO I Tl,.O -0.210 0.0167 t>U.0 S F < 01.2 SL0/110 0.390 0.0067 61.2 s F SLO 0.800 0.0000 61.2 s F < ~u.o 110 0.390 0.0067 90.0 s F < 100.0 TLO 0.930 0.0007 1UU.0 SF 110 1.000 0.0000 F = Perce!'lt of Rated Core Flow FIGURE 4-1 C

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprie~ary Information Limits Report

"'i 1.0 ,,,--


  • ~



~ 0.9

...Cll ,,- .,,,,. ---


.... ~

.s 60% Core Row I 0.8



....~~ 0.7 .,.,. v -~


Cll "Cl i::

GI Cl.

~ --

  • B o.s GI c.:= 0.5

~ ....__

~ > 60% Core Row 'I 0.4

~ m ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ ro M ~ n n M *~ M ~ oo ~

Core Power(%ofRated)

LHGRFACp= A+ B*P Operating Conditions Values of Variables p F A *s 24 s p < 28 > 60 *0.5050 '0.001250 24 s p < 28 s 60 *0.4150 .0.005000 28 s.P All 0.4776 '0.005224 P = Perce1Jt of Rated Core Thennal Power


F Percent of Rated Core Flow FIGURE4-2

'Power-Dependent LHGR Multiplie'r (LHGRFACp) versus Core Power 30 Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report


. ))

FIGURE 4-3A GE14C LHGR versus Peak Pellet Exposure 31 Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report




FIGURE 4-38 GNF2 LHGR versus Peak Pellet Exposure 32 Version 1

  • Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report 5.0 PBDA AMPLITUDE SETPOINT The amplitude trip setpoint in the Period Based Detection Algorithm in the OPRM system must be set equal to one of the licensed values reported in Table 5-1. This applies to instruments 1C51K615 A, B, C, and D.
  • TABLE 5-1 Licensed OPRM Setpoints

. OPRM Setpoint 1.11 1.15 33 Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report


1. NEDE-24011-P-A-22, "General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel,"

November 2015, and the US Supplement, NEDE-24011-P-A-22,.US, November 2015.

2. Global Nuclear Fuel Document GNF-003N1938-00, "Hatch 1 Cycle 28 Compliance to PRIME Limitations and Conditions," November 2015.
3. Global Nuclear Fuel Document 003N2016-SRLR, "Supplemental Reload Licensing Report for Hatch 1, Reload 27 Cycle 28," Revision 0, November 2015.
4. Global Nuclear.Fuel Document 003N2033-FBIR, "Fuel Bundle Information Report for Hatch 1, Reload 27 Cycle 28," Revision 0, November 2015.
5. SNC Nuclear Fuel DocumentNFD-H-15-120 "Hatch-1 Cycle 28 Reload Licensing Analysis Report," Version 1, November 2015.
6. GNF Document DB-0012.05, "Fuel Rod Thermal-Mechanical Performance Limits for GE14 and GNF2," Revision 4, April 2014.

34 Version 1

ENCLOSURE2 VSP-SNC-HTI-16-00 I Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Unit I Cycle 28 Core Operating Limits Report, Version I Non-Proprietary Information INFORMATION NOTICE This is a non-proprietary version of Enclosure 1 of VSP-SNC-HTl-16-001, which has the proprietary information removed. Portions of the document that have been removed are indicated by white space inside open and closed bracket as shown here (( )).

SOUTHERN NUCLEAR OPERATING COMPANY EDWIN I. HATCH NUCLEAR PLANT Unit 1 Cycle 28 CORE OPERA TING LIMITS REPORT Version 1 Southern Nuclear Operating Company Post Office Box 1295 Birmingham, Alabama 35242 Non-Proprietary Information

Non-Proprietary Information Plant Hatch Core Operating U.nit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report*

Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Unit 1 Cycle 28 Core Operating Lirnits Report TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page 1.0 Introduction 1 2.0 APLHGR Limits 3 3.0 MCPR Operating Limits 7 4.0 LHGR Limits 25 5.0 PBDA Amplitude Setpoint 33 6.0 References 34 Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report TA_BLES Table No. Title Page 1-1 Main Turbine Bypass System Operability 1 1-2 Equipment-Out-of-Service Limitations 2 3-1 Exposure Definitions 9 3-2 Power-Dependent MCPR Operating Flexibility 10 Options 3-3 Power-Dependent Multiplier Flexibility Options 10 3-4 Rated-Power MCPR Operating Flexibility Options 11 4-1 LHGR Limits versus Peak Pellet Exposure 25 4-2 Flow-Dependent LHGR Operating Flexibility 26 Options 5-1 Licensed OPRM Setpoints 33 ii Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report FIGURES Figure No. Title Page 2-1A GE14C Flow-Dependent APLHGR 4 Multiplier (MAPFACF) versus Core Flow 2-18 GNF2 Flow-Dependent APLHGR Multiplier 5 (MAPFACF) versus Core Flow 2-2 APLHGR Limit versus Average Planar 6 Exposure 3-1 Flow-Dependent MCPR Limit (MCPRF) 12 versus Core Flow 3-2A Power-Dependent MCPR Limit (MCPRp) 13 versus Core Power from 24% to 45% of Rated Core Power 3-28 Power-Dependent MCPR Limit (MCPRp) 14 versus Core Power from 24% to 45% of Rated Core Power (Main Turbine Bypass System Inoperable and/or Main Turbine Pressure Regulator System Status in TLCO 3.3.13.c) 3-3A Power-Dependent MCPR Multiplier (KP) 15 versus Core Power 3-38 Power-Dependent MCPR Multiplier (KP) 16 versus Core Power (Ma1n Turbine Pressure Regulator Sys.tern Status in TLCO 3.3. 13.c) 3-4A-1 TLO MCPR Limits versus Average SCRAM 17 Time 3-4A-2 TLO MCPR Limits versus Average SCRAM 18 Time (EOC-RPT Out of Service) 3-4A-3 TLO MCPR Limits versus Average SCRAM 19 Time (Main Turbine Bypass System Inoperable) iii Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report Figure No. Title Page 3-4A-4 TLO MCPR Limits versus Average SCRAM 20 Time (EOC-RPT Out of Service and Main Turbine Bypass System Inoperable) 3-48-1 SLO MCPR Limits versus Average SCRAM 21 Time 3-48-2 SLO MCPR Limits versus Average SCRAM 22 Time (EOC-RPT Out of Service) 3-48-3 SLO MCPR Limits versus Average SCRAM 23 Time (Main Turbine Bypass System Inoperable) 3-48-4 SLO MCPR Limits versus Average SCRAM 24 Time (EOC-RPT Out of Service and Main Turbine Bypass System Inoperable) 4-1A GE14C Flow-Dependent LHGR Multiplier 27 (LHGRFACF) versus Core Flow 4-18 GNF2 Flow-Dependent LHGR Multiplier 28 (LHGRFACF) versus Core Flow 4-1C GNF2 Flow-Dependent LHGR Multiplier 29 (LHGRFACF) versus Core Flow (Main Turbine Bypass System Inoperable) 4-2 Power-Dependent LHGR Multiplier 30 (LHGRFACp) versus Core Power 4-3A GE14C LHGR versus Peak Pellet 31 Exposure 4-38 GNF2 LHGR versus Peak Pellet Exposure 32 iv Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report


The Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) for Plant Hatch Unit 1 Cycle 28 is prepared in accordance with the requirements of Technical Specification 5.6.5. The core operating limits presented herein were developed using NRC-approved methods (References 1 through 6). Results from the reload analyses for the fuel in Unit 1 Cycle 28 are documented in References 3 through 5.

The following core operating limits are included in this report: .

a. Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate (APLHGR)- Technical Specification 3.2.1
b. Minimum Critical Power Ratio (MCPR) - Technical Specification 3.2.2
c. Linear Heat Generation Rate (LHGR) - Technical Specification 3.2.3 Also included in this report are the licensed scram setpoints for the Period Based .

Detection Algorithm (PBDA) in the Oscillation Power Range Monitor (OPRM).

Based upon the reload analysis for this cycle, the following operability requirement is defined for Unit 1 operation.

TABLE 1-1.

Main Turbine Bypass System Operability System Operability. Requirement Main Turbine Bypass System Operable At least two bypass valves must be operable (Technical Specification 3.7.7) 1 *Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report From a fuel thermal limits perspective, the following limitations are placed on Unit 1 operation.

TABLE 1-2 Equipment-Out-of-Service Limitations c ...

Equipment/ Condition Limitation

  • CTP must be S 2000 MWth Single-Loop Operation (SLO)
  • Core Flow must be s 56% of Rated 2 Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report 2.0 APLHGR LIMITS (Technical Specification 3.2.1)

For both two loop operation (TLO) and single loop operation (SLO), the APLHGR limit for each six inch axial segment of each fuel assembly in the core is the applicable fuel-type-specific APLHGR limit in Figure 2-2 multiplied by the fuel-type-specific flow-dependent multiplier, MAPFACF, taken from either:

a. Figure 2-1A for GE14C fuel
b. Figure 2-1 B for GNF2 fuel.

3 Version 1

  • P!anbHatCtj icer~ .:'qj:>er.atirig .

. Unit 1 Cycle 28 .. *4imitsHe*po1t r,'

1.0+-----,.....--+'--,---'---'-+---'---+...---....- - -....- - -....- - -....- -.......


  • j.. .
  • JtL:oT 0 J

..*~" . ':*

!k;,09 +--.---+-t*T:LO,"i--......,_._ ___,...........,-.---..........,...+-,........,.-..,..,...-+---..............+--..---+------1

~ . :!: -

'::'*0.86 ..... ---+----+----.. :f. ,_


e.* '


. c-'*

  • ~. :o.a T----.,..-~-;----T't":~-


---1-----.. T,l~s=i:~o=.~t'"". ,,_____,,_____1

  • ~ .  :.

~.of+--.---+----+----+*..,.**-" ......,...-------------.---+'*----+..,..----'-f

<-.~ ':

~ M

~ M

~ ~*

~ n

.. & 0:6+---,.--------------+.i.;.-----------------.--+----"'"-'--" _______

,.~ *~

'1 O* .:*

..u: .. o.5 -------__,...,........,..,--+---~+*~**--.............+ - - - - + - - - - - - - + - - - - + - - - - - - i I

1; 1;


  • 30


4P . 50 5061*.


70 . :ao 110

  • "Core f:lov.r.( 0/o of Rated)"


    • *F **SLOJTLO

.. 0.86

'30,$ F SL:O '

F ..,._Percentof Rated.,Core Flow**

GE~4c fl9w~Depe~~ent ~PL~GR Mµltjpiler (MAPF~CF) ~er
su~ Cote :p19w r ~*
  • o *
  • _<' ,:
  • r' > *
  • 0
  • 'Version 1*

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 .Non.:.Prop;ietary .Information Limits Report 1.0





. *~ 0.9


  • =:e. 0.8




!f it 0.7*



'C c:

. ~ 0.6 9~

0 u:: o.5 0.'1*

30 40 5\) 60. 70 B\l 100 110 Core Row (o/?of Rated)

Operating Conditions*

F SLO/TLO lllfAPFACF 30 s.F 11..0. .1.00 30sF SLO 0.80 F =Percer:it of Rated Core Flow *

  • FIGURE 2.;1 B

(?NF2 Flow-Dependent APLHGR Multiplier (MAPi=ACF) versus Core Flow

5. Version 1

Plant Hatch C6re'Operating.

Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report 14.0

' I I Average GE14C

' '~"'


. Planar APLHGR . 13.o Exposur~ Limit (GWd/Sl) (kW/ft)

  • I GE14C I 120 0.00 12.82 14.51 19.13 12.82 12.82 11.0


= '~~

57.61 . 8.00 63.50 5.00 .3: 10.0



Average GNF2 E

9.0 P!anar Exposure (GWd/Sl) 0.00 APLHGR Limit (kW/ft) 13.78 0



..J a.


B.O "'~ "" ~'\



17.15 13.78 60.78 6.87 ~


~I 63.50 *5.50 5.0

  • 4.0
  • Q,O 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 3Q,O , 35,0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 70.0 Average PJ~nar Expo~ure (G~d)ST)

FIGURE.2-2 APLHGR Limit versus Average Planar Exposure 6 Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report 3.0 MCPR OPERATING LIMITS (Technical Specification 3.2.2)

The MCPR operating limits (OLMCPR) for each fuel type are a function of core power, core flow, average scram time, number of operating recirculation loops, EOC-RPT system status, operability of the main turbine bypass system, the status of the main turbine pressure regulator system, and cycle exposure. Cycle exposures are defined in Table 3-1.

  • The OLMCPRs for both two loop operation (TLO) and single loop operation (SLO) are determined as follows:

a: For 24% ~power< 45%, the greater of either:

1) The flow-dependent MCPRlimit, MCPRF, as determined by Figure 3-1, OR
2) The power-dependent MCPR limit, MCPRp, as determined by Table 3-2.
b. For power~ 45%, the *greater of either:
1) MCPRF, as determined by Figure 3-1, OR
2) The product of the power-dependent multiplier, Kp, as determined by Table 3-3, and the rated-power OLMCPR, as determined by Table 3-4.

These limits apply to all modes of operation with feedwater temperature reduction, as well as operation with normal feedwater temperatures.

In the 3-4A and 3-48 figures, Option A scram time OLMCPRs correspond to 't =1.0, where 't is determined from scram time measurements performed in accordance with Technical Specifications Surveillance Requirements and Option B


values correspond to 't 0.0. For scram times between Option A and Option B; the rated-power OLMCPR corresponds to 't. If 't has not been determined, Option A limits must be used.

7 ' Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report The average scram time of the control rods, -c, is defined as:

'Cave - 'Cs

-c = 0, OR , whichever is greater.

where: 'CA = 1.08 sec (Technical Specification 3.1.4, Table 3.1.4-1, scram time limit to notch 36).

1/2 Ni

= µ + 1.65 * (j

  • where: µ = 0.822 sec (mean scram time used in the transient analysis).

(j = 0.018 sec (standard deviation ofµ).

Nt = total number of active rods measured in Technical Specifications Surveillance Requirement

n = number of surveillance tests performed to date in the cycle.

M = number of active control rods measured in the i1h surveillance test.




'Cave = n

"'fNi i=l where: 'Ci = average scram time to notch 36 of all rods in the i1h surveillance test.

8 Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report TABLE3-1 Exposure Definitions

    • Exposure.Label.

BOC Beginning of Cycle Exposure 0 MWd/ST

-First Middle of tycle MOC1 EOR"' 6283 ;MWd/ST Exposure Second Middle of Cycle MOC2 EOR - 4283 MWd/ST Exposure Projected end of rated. power with all control rods out atrated

  • EOR End of Rated Exposure core flow and rated feedwater temperature EOC End of Cycle:Exposure Exposure at cycle shutdown 9 Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report TABLE 3-2 Power-Dependent MCPR Operating Flexibility Options Equipment In or Out of Service EOC-RPT System Main Turbine Bypass Main Turbine Pressure Figure#

In Service

  • System Operable* Regulator System Status Yes/No Yes TLCO 3.3.13.a orb 3-2A Yes/No No TLCO 3.3.13.a orb 3-28 Yes/No Yes/No TLCO 3.3~ 13.c 3-28 TABLE 3-3

~Power-Dependent Multiplier Flexibility Options EOC-RPT System Figure#

In Service Yes/No 3-3A Yes/No 3-38 "At least two bypass valves must be operable 10 Version 1

Plant Hatch .core :,Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report TABLE34 Rated.:Power MCPR Operating Flexibility Options Rated-.p_ower* ol'MCP~~

Equipment TLO SLO.

In/Out of Service Equipment In Service. Figure 3-4A-1 Figure 3-4B-1 EOC-RPT Out of Service Figure 3-4A-2 Figure 3-4B-2 Main Turbine Bypass System Figure 3-4A-3 Figure-3-4B-3 Inoperable

& Main Turbine Bypass Figure 3-4A-4 Figure 3-4B-4 System Inoperable Main Turbine Pressure Regulator System Status in Figure 3-4A-1 Figure 3-4B-1' TLCO 3.3.13.c Main Turbine Pressure Regulator System Status in Figure 3-4A-2 Figure 3-48~2 TLCO 3.3.1'3.c

& EOC-RPT Out of Service Main Turbine Pressure Regulator' System Status in TLCO 3.3.13.c Figure 3-4A-3 Figure 3-4B-3

& Main Turbine Bypass System Inoperable f\Jlain Turbine Pressure .

Regulator* System Status in TLCO 3.3.13.c Figure 3-4A-4 Figure 3-4B-4

& EOC-RPT Out of Service

& Main Turbine Bypa~s.

System .Inoperable Version 1

Plant Hatch Cor~ Operating Unit 1 CyCle 28. Non.:.Propri(!Jfary Information Limits Report


~ I Maximum Flow107%



1.2 1.1 30 40 50 70 ao 9Q 100. *110 Core Flow (%of Rated)

MCPRF(TLO).= A+ B*F MCPRF(SLO} = MCPRF(TLO) + 0.03 Flow A B 30 s F <.SQ '1.7294 -0.00598 80SF<90 1.4830 -0:00290 90sF 1.2220 0.00000 F =Percent* of Rated Core Flow FIGURE 3-1 Flow-Dependent MCPR Lirriit (MCPR!") versus Core Flow 12 *Version .1

Plant Hatch Core Operating .

Unit 1 cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report 1.6-t-~~~--~--~~--~~~-+~~~~---~~~-+~~~~--~~~--i 24 27 28 30 33 36 39 45 Core Power (0kof Rated)'

MCPRp(TLO) *= A+ B*P MCPRp(SLO) =MCPRp(TLO) + 0.03 F p A B Fs60 24s P < 28 2.1900 0.00000 F> 60 24SP<28 3.3900 -0.03000 All 28SP<45 2.6671 -0.01882 P = Percent of Rated Core Power F = Percent of Rated Core Flow FIGURE.*3-2A Power-Dependent MCPR Limit (MCPRp) versus Core Power from 24% to 45% of Rated Core Power 13 Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle' 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report

> 60%Flow

_2.6t-~~....._~~~-==r====i.::::::::J1--~~+-~~~-1--~~~-t-~~--t rl ll. I CJ I*

~  :

E2A. + - - - - - - + - - r ----+-----------i-------+---------l 1




E c 2.2+-"'-'---...._--+'__i-----l----'--~-+-----+------1,--~--+-=--------i GI "Cl c

GI c.

~20+*---t---;--T----l------+---==-..""""'===-----+----+-----1 GI


0 a.


24 27 28 30 33 36 39

,core Power(o/oofRated)

  • MCPRp(TLO) = A+ B*P MCPRp(SLO) = MCPRp(TLO) + 0.03 F p A I B

F::;60 24.::; p < 28 3.1000. -0.03250 F> 60 24.:s p < 28 3.3900 -0.03000 All 28.:SP<45 2.6671 -0.01882 P=Percent of Rated Core Power F =Percent of Rated Core Flow FIGURE .3-28

Plant Hatch .core 'Qperaiing Unit 1 Cycle28 .Non.:.Proprietary Information .Limits Report

'1.3 . .,.---.-------r----r----,----.,..,.---.-------r----r---"""T"""---r---,----.

1.0* .f,---____,l-----+----+----+---4------1-----+----+-~--+-----4---"""'I 45 50 55 . 60 65. 70 75 60 85 ,90 95 '10!i Core Power(%ofRated)

Kp=A+ e*P p A B 4~S P <<60 1.6700 . -0.00867 60 SP< 85* 1.3708 -0.00368*

ass P 1.3867 -0.00387 P =Percent of Rated ~ore Thermal Power FIGURE*3~3A.

. Power~Dependent'MCf>R.Multiplier '(K1>} versus Core Power*

15 Version 1

Plant Hatch Core.Operating.

Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information .Limits Report



'Q.1.2+-~~.--~-+~--"-.i-~~-+-~~+-~~.--~-+~~-1-~...--+-~~-+-~--t "S

E IE 0



!ii c.


  • QI 3:



. 45 .50 60 '65 70 '75 85 90 95 100 Core Power(%of~ted)

Kp =A+ B*P p A B 45::: P*< 60 1,:5320' -0.00560 60SP<85 1.3808 -0.00308*

85SP 1,3867 -0.00387 P =Percent of Rated Core Therm al Power FIGURE-3-38

  • Power-DependentMCPR Multiplier (Kp) versus Core Power (Main :Turbine Pressure Regula.tor System Status in TLCO 3.3.13.c) 16 ' Version .1

Plant Hatch Co,i"e Operatipg Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary /nformatio(I Limits Report

-'1.66 1.66 1.64 1.64 1.62 1-62

.1.60 1.60' 1.5B *1.58.

1.56 1.56 1.54 1-54 I MOC2 -EOC 1.52 1-52 t.50 E i1.50

~1.48 -* (TLCO BOC. - EOC 1.48 a:

~ 1.46

- 3.3.13.c)

- - i-:---


u I MOC1 ~MOC2 1.46

~ ~ :E

E 1.44 1.44


1.42 *1:42 1.40


- - ~ I BOC ~MOC1 1.40 1.38 .


- ~

1.36 1.36*


1.34 1.34 1.32 1.32 1.30 1.30 o:o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 *o.9 1.0 Main Turbine Pressure OLMCPR(lloJ Exposure Range Regulator Status 't = 0.0 't = 1.0 809- MOC1 TLCO 3.3.13.a orb 1.31 1.42

.MOC1 -MOC2 TLCO 3.3.13.a orb 1.38 1.49 MOC2-EOC TLCO 3.3.13.a orb 1.41 1.52 BOC-EOC TLCO 3.3.13.c 1.41 1.52 FIGURE 3-4A-1 TLO MCPR Limits versus Averag_e SCRAM Time 17 Version 1

Plant Hatch .cor~ :_Qperating

, *UniU .C~ic1Ef'28 Non:.Proprietacy:lnformatlo{I; . Limits-Report

  • 1:66 ~--------------~-----~----------.......---: 1.66
  • 1.64 ---t----'11--"-~'--t.....,.----i---,-"'-t----+----i----T----t------t ,1,64 1.62' +-------__,f-----+----+-------+----+----+---.....,__...,........, 1.62

,1,60 r.-1r---:-t----t----r:-----r----r--r----tr=:;::;::;;=;;;t:::;;:;:;=jf' 1.60

. 1,5S 1 .Moc2-*eoc . 1 **1:5s*.

1.56 ~ i.1.56*

1.54 +-:---i-:-----il-----1---+---+---+---,.....,.--+-'o:::;;m.....-l!fi-:;:___-_*+--....,...-+-1.54

_:..;,,,,,,.--: ~ .

=1.s2 ~ , ~oc _J:OC . r-+-~-1-------_-+-;..,.--.-.-:.:=" .. ..-=--+----'----+_-~---::-=---=---t .1.~2 =_


  • 1 50

-:-- *. JTLCQ~3.3.13:c).* ~--- ~-- - rMOC1 .. ~.MOC2 15

o *

~MS . .: . - . . HS O::

~1;46 --~ .:..~ _ ~ :t.46 ~

iE'144 ~~ ~~ ~--  :*.
  • 1.44  ::!:

1:42 . __ i,-----' ~ L*BOC-MOC1 -1.'42*

~- __;,~

,1.:'10 -~ -- 1,40 .

1:3s .i-:-----il-------1;__-------+.~--::::::;io . . .,ofll.i=::::;;.--+----,.-+----+----+----+-:----f 1.38 .

J.:3~ ~~ *1.36.

1.34 i.---- 1,34 1.32 1,32.

1.30, ~----1---

o.o .. o~ 1

. . . . ----+---+----+------+----+---+---+-----+

0.2 *Q.:3* . 0.4 o.5* 'Q.1i' 0,1 o:s* :o.9 .. 1.0


Main_ turbine:J;>ressure OLM~PR11Lo>

Exposure Ran~e 1---------.------------1

  • Regulator Statt1s. 't * =o~Q . .'t =1.0. *

'B.oc ... MQC1 11co 3.3.13,a ofb.

  • 1.~3 1.46

.. MOC.1 -: MOQ2 TLCO 3.3~~3;a*or.Q.. 1.40 1.53 M,OC2-.EOC TLCO 3.3.13.~*or b . 1.44 1.57

-Boc.:..EQC llCO 3.3.13.¢ '1'44 1.57 FIGURE 34,A.;2

  • "EOC~RPT.oui of Service) * *

~.Jant Hatch* :... *. ,eor~:operating* .

    • unit* 1' Cycle 28, .L.imitsHeport
  • *1;6~ ....---r---.....,...;-----.---.,..,.------r-----....,......-----~----.,..,--...,--r.' .1,66.

i64* .._,,..-......,_t--___--,__________--+-----....+---'----..,..-+-------+-----------------.,....,,..... 1'.64 "

1.62.-...,....----1----------------,..-+---.-.--:+----+----t----i------.,....,,.....* 1:62 1:60,_ *. . ' :1;60' 1'58. .1;5ti*

  • 1:56 . .i-:.------j..;.._-~h------4--4.;.....:.....-.......-4-....,,....---+-.....,...;.+--~1r,_'aiMl/o~c::::2't. -.-:;.'E~O~C;::-__,.*.. '1. 56 1;54 *.....,......,..---:-"-t;:-o-----;t--~--t--....-r---.-r---t:---~.,........,--r-----"""'""'°;:i....,--=

,. ~~


  • 1..54

.. 1:5:1 ......,,.~.-.'-.-., . _...._--1,_."-.*-. ...,........j.,.....-..,-.:.+,-.--...,:.+--,-+,...__..,...,+ ........--=:;.......-!!===+-.;,...-:..........;,J,;:_\~2* ~

'e1.5~ ,:_;, *.. BO,C*-E9C, *.r-:-r~-:lr-":4-::;::::;;;;;;l;...--~~*t*--------'"'r'...,.,,....,.--c;;;;;;;jiiiilll'1 ~:50 E

.:.:i1;4a ~ *(TLCO 3.'3;p~c). ~~. *. --~ 1.48*~

. If** .* : . * *

  • o*1.~6 '

...-:....:--:-:--- . ~----* :l*MOC1-**:MOC2' * .o.

1.46 ,O*

!:1.44 ~ ~~~ -'~"": ., -1A4 ~

,..,.-*:*. .~~- "'



- . i-----



. l' *soc:~ MOC't ~; ~:1*~.' 8.,

~o p6-

' 1:~. +---t------"--!l----+~-""--t:-~--*-1-"~ ..* --"--11-----t-~--i----~--r-~-



{32 '+:'----:+---',---+------+------1---+-----l----'-+--'-----'--+--'----.---t--'--,,-- .1,32 1:30 *+-----t------i~---~--------+------+----+----+---+-----+--......-t 1.30 O;O 0.1. 0:2 *0;3 *p.4 *0.5.* *o:~ . \H - 0.8 ., . :o.9. **... . 1;11 ...


'Main . J"ur~in~fl?ressU're *oL:~CPROL6) ,

Exposui:e *Range , . . Regulator stafos; 1---'t-=-o""".*~-o"""*--r-:""-."""'t;;;,.;*. -'-1:-o-,--1


BOQ*,,*MOC1 rv,10C1 -MOC2

.MOC2 -'.EQG:. . TLCO 3:3.13~? orb 1A3 1.54 .*



~*' ' ' *. :3""4A-3 TL<iMCP~'. a:Jmits),~rsu~ :A;,Efrage scRAM .Tim.,.

'fM~lp* Turl;ilf:Je ~ypass ~y~r~q> fnope,1;abl~J .**

~ve?rsiori f.

Plant Hatch Core. Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Jnfqrmation Limits Report 1.66 1.66 1.64 1.64 1.62 I MOC2 -EOC 1.62 1.60 1.58

.-- ~

____,,.,-..- --- 1.60 1.58 1.56

- 1.56 1.54 1.52 BOC -EOC (TLCO 3.3.13.c)

-- -- ---- ----- ~




MOC1 -MOC2 1;54 1.52



~ 1.48

-~* __..

- -- ~

1.50 E

i 1.46 0::

~ a.

f; 1.46 ~

BOC -MOC1 I I 1.46 0

~- :l:

l: 1.44 1.42

-- ~~

1.44 1.42 1.40 .1.40


1.38 1.38

~* *1.36 1.36 1.34 1.34 1-32 1.32 1.30 1.30

,o.o 0.1 0.2 0.3 .0.4 0.5 0.7 O.B 0.9 1.0 Main Turbine 'Pressure OLMCP_Rrn.o>

. Exposure Range R~gulator Status 't = 0.0 't = 1..0 BOC-MOC1 TLCO 3.3.13.a orb 1.36 1.50 MOC1 -MOC2 TLC.a 3.3.13.a orb 1.42 1.56 MOC2--EOC TLCO 3.3.13.a orb* 1.47 1.61 BOC-EOC TLCO 3.3.13.c 1.47 1.61 TLO MCPR Limits versus Average SCRAM Time (EOC-RPT Out of Service and Main Tur/Jine Bypass System Inoperable) 20 Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report 1.66 1.66 1.64 1.64 1.62 1-62 1.60 1.60 1.58 1,58 1.56 MOC2 -EOC 1:56 1.54 1.54

- 1.52 -

~ 1.48

- BOC-EOC (TLCO 3.3.13.c)

I MOC1 -MOC2 1-52 1.50 E 1.48

i a::


f> 1.46 I 1.46 0

. :IE

E 1.44 1.44 1.42 I BOC -MOC1 1.42 1.40 1.40 1.38 1.38 1.36 1.36 1.34 1.34 1.32 1.32 1.30 1.30
  • 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0-7 0.8 0.9 1,0 Main Turbine Pressure OLMCPR1sL01 Exposure Range Regulator Status 't = 0.0 't =1.0 BOC-MOC1 TI.CO 3.3.13.a orb 1.45 1.45 MOC1 -MOC2 TI.CO 3.3.13.a orb 1.45 1.52 MOC2-EOC TI.CO 3.3.13.a orb 1.45 1.55 BOC-EOC TI.CO 3.3.13.c 1.45 1.55 FIGURE 3-48-1 SLO MCPR Limits versus Average SCRAM Time 21 Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report 1.66 1-66 1.64 1.64 1.6?- 1.62 I MOC2 *EOC .1.60 1.60


1.58 1.58 1.56 1.56


1.54 1.52 BOC -EOC (TLCO 3.3.13.c)

~ -----


~ 1 MOC1 .~ MOC2

,I 1.54 1.52


E et.50 1.50

~~ I


~1.48 ............, 1-48 0::


~1.46 I BOC -MOC1 1.46 (J

E1-44 1-44 1.42 1-42 1.40 1-40 1.38 1.38 1.36 1.36 1.34 1.34 1.32 1.32 1.30 1.30
  • 0,0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1'.o Main Turbin~ Pressure OlMCPR(sLo)

Exposure Range Regulator St1;1tus 't = 0.0 't = 1.0 BOC-MOC1 Tl..CO .3.3.13.a orb 1.45 1.49 MOC1 -MOC2 Tl..CO 3.3.13.a orb 1.45 1.56 MOC2-EOC Tl..CO 3.3.13.a orb 1.47 1.60 BOC-EOC TI.CO 3.3.13.c 1.47 1.60 FIGURE 3-48-2 SLO MCPR Limits versus Average SCRAM Time (EOC-RPT Out of Service) 22 Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating l)nit 1 Cycle 28. Non-Proprietary (nforination Limits Report 1.66 1.66 1.64 1.64 1.62 1.62 1.60 1.E)O 1.58  : .MOC2 -EOC 1,58 1.56 - 1.56 1.54 1.54 BOC -EOC ~

1.52 ~


-~  :::

e1.5g - (TLCO 3.3.13.c)

  • . ......--:- 1 MOC1 -MOC2 1.50 e

~ 1.48 a:

.---- 1.48 II.

~J,.46 1.46 0


~1.44 1.44 1.42 I BOC -MOC1 1 1.42 1.40 1.40 1.38 1.38 1.36 1.36 1.34 1.34 1.32 1.32 1.30 1.30

  • 0.0 0.1 0.2 O.~ 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 '0.9 1.0 Main Turbin~ Pressure OLMCPR(sL01 Exposure Range

'Regulator Status 't = 0.0 i: =* 1_.o BOC-MOC1 TLCO 3.3.13,a orb 1.45 1.45 MOC1 -MOC2 TLCO 3.3.13.a orb 1.45 1.53 MOC2-EOC TLCO 3.3.13.a orb 1.46 1.57 BOC-EOC TLCO 3.3.13.c 1.46 1.57 FIGURE 3-48-3 SLO MCPR Limits versus Average SCRAM Time (Main Turbine Bypass System Inoperable) .

L 23 Version 1

Pl~nt Hatch ,core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary /nform{Jticm Limits Report 1.66 1.66 I MOC2 -EOC I 1.64 1.64 1.62 i.--- 1.62


1.60 1.60

~ ~

1.58 1,58 BOC -EOC ~


1.56 (TLCO 3.3. fa.c) 1.56 1.54 1.52 e1.5o

-~1.48 ----- ---- --


- --- ~


I MOC1 1

  • MOC2 BOC -MOC1 1.54 1.52 1.50 1.48


i a:


f)1 ..46

E 1.44 1.42

-- 1.46 0 1.44 1.42

E 1.40 1.40 1.38 1.38 1.36 1.36 1.34 1.34 1.32 1.32 1.30 1.30 0.0 0.1 D.2 *0:3 0.4 0.5 'D.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Main Turbine Pressure OLMCPR(sLo)

Exposure Range Regulator Status 't = 0.0 't = 1.. 0 BOC-MOC1 TLCO 3.3, 1.3.a orb 1.45 1.53 MOC1 -.MOC2 TLCO 3.3.13.a orb 1.45 1..5~

MOC2-EOC TLCO 3.3.13.a orb 1.50 1.64 BOC-*EOC TLCO 3.3. 13.c 1.50 1:64 FIGURE 3-.48-4 SLO MCPR Limits versu~ Average SCRAM Time .

(EOC-RPT Out of Service and Main Turbine Bypass System Inoperable) 24 Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report 4.0 LHGR LIMITS (Technical Specification 3.2.3)

For both two loop operation (TLO) and single loop operation (SLO), the LHGR limit for each six inch axial segment of each fuel rod in the core is the applicable rated-power, rated-flow LHGR limit taken from Table 4-1 multiplied by the smaller of either:

a. The flow-dependent multiplier, LHGRFACF, as determined by Table 4-2,
c. The power-dependent multiplier, LHGRFACp, as determined by Figure 4-2.

Table 4-1 shows the exposure-dependent LHGR limits for all fuel types in the core, as a function of initial gadolinium concentration in a six inch segment of a fuel rod. For exposures between the values shown in Table 4-1, the LHGR limit is based on linear interpolation. For illustration purposes, Figures 4-3A and 4-38 show the LHGR limits for fuel segments with the lowest (U02) and highest (U02+Gd203) initial Gd concentrations.

TABLE 4-1 LHGR Limits versus Peak Pellet Exposure Fuel Rod Pellet Pellet Pellet Pellet Pellet Pellet Type Segment Maximum Exposure Power Exposure Power Exposure Initial Power Knee 1 Knee2 Knee2 EOL EOL Wt-% Gd20a (kW/ft) (GWd/ST) (kW/ft) (GWd/ST) (kW/ft} (GWd/ST)

GE14C rr 11 GNF2 rr 11 EOL =End of Life (maximum licensed pellet exposure) 25 Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non:..Proprietary Information Limits Report TABLE 4-2 Flow-Dependent LHGR Operating Flexibility Options LHGRFACF Equipment In or Out of Service EOC-RPT Main Turbine Pressure Fuel Type Main Turbine Bypass Figure#

System In Regulator System System Operable*

Service Status GE14C Yes/No Yes/No TLCO 3.3.13.a or b or c .4-1A GNF2 Yes/No Yes TLCO 3.3.13.a or b or c 4-18 GNF2 Yes/No No TLCO 3.3.13.a or b or c 4-1C

  • At least two bypass valves must be operable 26 Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary.(nforfnation Limits Report 1.0.

J 12

(!) .


~,,,, / /






e a:

~v ....._,

~ 0.7


.... SLO cQI V""

'Cl c .

~0.6 q


u::: 0.5 ,___



0.4 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 . 110 Core Row (o/oofRated)

LHGRFAGF= A+ B*F Operating Conditions Valu~s of Variables F TLO/SLO A B 30.00 s F < 50.70

  • 1LO/ SLO 0.4574 0.006758
>U./U St- < tsy.L!:f TLO 0.4574 0.006758 50.70 s F SLO 0.8000 0.000000 t!U.L!:f St- 1LO 1.0000 0.000000 F = Percent of Rated Core Flow FIGURE 4-1A GE14C Flow-Dependent LHGR Multiplier (LHGRFACF) versus Core Flow 27 Version 1

Plant Hatch 'Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report

~/ v 1.0 J


~ 0.9


i: . I .YLO/SLO I ~


y QI


Ji 0::

~ 0.7 SLO




  • c

[0.6 q /



0 u:: 0.5 MAX FLOW=

107% -

0.4 30 40 50 60 70 BO 90 100 110 Core Flow (%c;>fRated)

LHGRFACF= A+ B*F Operating Conditions Values of Variables F TLO /.SLO A B

. ~u.u s t- < ou.u 110 I SLO 0.2000 0.01190 50.0 s F < 50.7 TLO./ SLO 0.4567 .0.00677

    • ou.1 s r < l:)U.U RO 0.4567 *0,00611 50.7 s F SLO 0.8000 0.00000 tsu.o s F < ~u.o TLO 0.9820 0.00020 90.0 s F TLO 1.0000 0.00000 F = Percent of Rated Core Flow FIGURE 4-18 GNF2 Flow-Dependent LHGR Multiplier (LHGRFACF) versus *core Flow 28 Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report 0.4 +-----+----+----1-------+----+-----+----1-------1 30 4Q ~o so 10 ao 90 100 110 Core Flow (o/oofRated)

LHGRFACF= A+ B*F Opera:tinq Conditions Values of Variables


su.o ;s. F < ou.o SL0/110 0.380. 0.0049 50.0 s F < 60.0 SLO I Tl,.O -0.210 0.0167 t>U.0 S F < 01.2 SL0/110 0.390 0.0067 61.2 s F SLO 0.800 0.0000 61.2 s F < ~u.o 110 0.390 0.0067 90.0 s F < 100.0 TLO 0.930 0.0007 1UU.0 SF 110 1.000 0.0000 F = Perce!'lt of Rated Core Flow FIGURE 4-1 C

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprie~ary Information Limits Report

"'i 1.0 ,,,--


  • ~



~ 0.9

...Cll ,,- .,,,,. ---


.... ~

.s 60% Core Row I 0.8



....~~ 0.7 .,.,. v -~


Cll "Cl i::

GI Cl.

~ --

  • B o.s GI c.:= 0.5

~ ....__

~ > 60% Core Row 'I 0.4

~ m ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ ro M ~ n n M *~ M ~ oo ~

Core Power(%ofRated)

LHGRFACp= A+ B*P Operating Conditions Values of Variables p F A *s 24 s p < 28 > 60 *0.5050 '0.001250 24 s p < 28 s 60 *0.4150 .0.005000 28 s.P All 0.4776 '0.005224 P = Perce1Jt of Rated Core Thennal Power


F Percent of Rated Core Flow FIGURE4-2

'Power-Dependent LHGR Multiplie'r (LHGRFACp) versus Core Power 30 Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report


. ))

FIGURE 4-3A GE14C LHGR versus Peak Pellet Exposure 31 Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report




FIGURE 4-38 GNF2 LHGR versus Peak Pellet Exposure 32 Version 1

  • Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report 5.0 PBDA AMPLITUDE SETPOINT The amplitude trip setpoint in the Period Based Detection Algorithm in the OPRM system must be set equal to one of the licensed values reported in Table 5-1. This applies to instruments 1C51K615 A, B, C, and D.
  • TABLE 5-1 Licensed OPRM Setpoints

. OPRM Setpoint 1.11 1.15 33 Version 1

Plant Hatch Core Operating Unit 1 Cycle 28 Non-Proprietary Information Limits Report


1. NEDE-24011-P-A-22, "General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel,"

November 2015, and the US Supplement, NEDE-24011-P-A-22,.US, November 2015.

2. Global Nuclear Fuel Document GNF-003N1938-00, "Hatch 1 Cycle 28 Compliance to PRIME Limitations and Conditions," November 2015.
3. Global Nuclear Fuel Document 003N2016-SRLR, "Supplemental Reload Licensing Report for Hatch 1, Reload 27 Cycle 28," Revision 0, November 2015.
4. Global Nuclear.Fuel Document 003N2033-FBIR, "Fuel Bundle Information Report for Hatch 1, Reload 27 Cycle 28," Revision 0, November 2015.
5. SNC Nuclear Fuel DocumentNFD-H-15-120 "Hatch-1 Cycle 28 Reload Licensing Analysis Report," Version 1, November 2015.
6. GNF Document DB-0012.05, "Fuel Rod Thermal-Mechanical Performance Limits for GE14 and GNF2," Revision 4, April 2014.

34 Version 1