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National Marine Fisheries Service (Nmfs), Fisheries Statistics & Economics Division
Person / Time
Site: Millstone  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 12/06/2004
US Dept of Interior, Fish & Wildlife Service
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML050480045 (3)


4 nnual Landings Query

/A Page 1 of2 I I

/I Commercial Fisheries ibffice of Science & Technolog Contact Usj Site Mal Search NMFS lilFisheries Statistics & Economics Division ECommercial Fisheries Annual Commercial Landing Statistics To summarize landings for an individual species use (click [ Gray Snapper photograph.

on) the S pecies Locao.

to look up and enter the name in the SPECIES field. We recommend you look-up and use the NMFS common names because the query depends on matching the name in the SPECIES field with the species name in a master coding table. If there isn't an exact match the executed query will say that there were "no matching records." To summarize landings of all species, enter the phrase ALL SPECIES COMBINED or ALL SPECIES Gray Snapper (Lutyanus griscus)

INDIVIDUALLY in the SPECIES field; the first option Photo Credit: Manooch and Raver, Copvri ht gives you total combined landings while the second option indicates total landings for each individual species.

SPECIES: IFLOUNDER, WINTER f YEAR RANGE: Choose the year(s) to begin and end your data summary. If you want data for a single year, enter that year (e.g., 1992) in both the FROM and TO boxes. A word of caution, landings for the most recent year indicated are preliminary FROMN: 12003 1 (Earliest Year) and sometimes are highly incomplete.

TO: l2OO3LJ (Latest Year)

GEOGRAPHICAL AREA Areas are arranged in geographical order by subregion. For example, the option "New England By State" will give you the landings for each of the five STATE/AREA: states listed after the option (Maine to Connecticut). The "New England" option will give you the total combined landings of the five states. The NMFS "Chesapeake" Region includes bay and oceanic landings for Maryland and OAII StatesFO Virginia. Florida is divided into three areas (east coast, west coast, and inland waters) in our surveys. Florida east coast and inland water landings are summarized with South Atlantic states and Florida west coast landings are summarized when Gulf landings are requested. The only way to get total Florida landings (west+east+inland waters) is to select the "Florida, State Total" option. Commercial landings for Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii and Alaska are listed under the Pacific region.

OUTPUT FORMI: The summarized data can be viewed in a table format by choosing the "Table" option from the OUTPUT FORM; this tabular data with subtotals can be printed by choosing the FILE PRINT option from the top menu bar. Choose JTABLE - - the "ASCII File" option if you want to create a file of these data without the subtotals; the data file will not be output to your monitor.

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.'-Su-binit'Query - 1ii - Clear Entries; I Return to Commercial Landings Home Page file://C:\%20%20Doerr-Work\Technical%2OWork\NTRC\Task%20 15-Mill%20Stone%202... 12/6/2004

Annual Landings Query Page 2 of 2 E-mail us questions on commercial annual landings.

Photo Credits Allfish pictures, unless othenrvise noted, are used ivith the permission of Charles S. Manooch, Ill and DuaneRaver, Jr. These copyrightedpictures arefrom their book, "Fishermen's Guide: Fishes ofthe Southeastern United States.

file://C:\%20%20Doerr-Work\Technical%2OWork\NRC\Task%2015-Mill%20Stone%202 ... 12/6/2004

LANDINGS Page 1 of 1 NMFS Landings Query Results You Asked For the Following:

  • Year  : From: 1984 To: 2003
  • Species  : FLOUNDER, WINTER
  • State  : Connecticut I Year lF Species Metric Tonsl Pounds l S 11984 IFLOUNDER, WINTER 593.7 1,308900 654450 11985 llFLOUNDER, WINTER 541.5 1,193,900 596,950 11986 FLOUNDER, WINTERl 28.3 569,400 341,640 11987 llFLOUNDER, WINTERl 646.1 1,424,3001,324,599 11988 X lFLOUNDER, WINTER 340.2 749,900 697,407 11989 lFFLOUNDER, WINTERl 251. 553,300 514,5691 1f990 llFLOUNDER, WINTER 482.2 1,063,090 988,675 11991 llFLOUNDER, WINTER 383.2 844,700 785,571 11992 llFLOUNDER, WINTER 319.5 704,300 654,9991 11993 lFLOUNDER, WINTER 250.4 552,113 513,465 11994 llFLOUNDER, WINTER 139.3 307,000 285,000 11995 FLOUNDER, WINTER 161.5 356,133 430,921 11997 llFLOUNDER, WINTER 193.4 426,474 501,364 1[999 llFLOUNDER, WINTER 171.2 377,403 389,180 12000 lFLOUNDER WINTER 202.0 445239 383,3561 12001 llFLOUNDER, WINTERl 187.9 414278 327722 12002 llFLOUNDER, WINTER 120.0 264,477 280,472 12003 llFLOUNDER, WINTER 104.2 229,809 237,811 IGRAND TOTALS: - 5,345.511 784 7169 908 151 file://C:\%20%2ODoerr-Work\Technical%2OWork\NRC\Task%2015-Mill%2OStone%202 ... 12/6/2004