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Emergency Plan, Revision 40
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 08/10/2018
From: Tipton-Stone J
Indiana Michigan Power Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML18264A236 List:
Download: ML18264A230 (221)


{{#Wiki_filter:Enclosure to AEP-NRC-2018-65 DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN Revision 40


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                                                                                                                              **_r ___ ,_ 1 EMERGENCY PLAN                                                                               II
                                                                                                                                 !        l REVISI-O.N 40
                                                             'UN.ITS 1 & 2 DOCKET NOS. 50-315 & 50-31fi LICENSE NOS. DPR-58 & DPR-74 50.54'(q):
              * #18-11 Date:

Date: r?/J/;JY Date: ¥ti!_-~ Date: '8' /c,/rg-Plant Operations Review ComnHttae: Exemption from ,///.

                        .Approved:  PORC (Attached}                     J                   Date~   '1tif;icf PORC Chair                            !\.lieeting Number
                                                                                   '                   ic9
  • Effective Date: 09/6412018 CEP Rev40

Page 2 of220 Informatioll Plan[ Manager Exernption from }lORC


DMu mcm


D .C. Cook Nuc!loor Plant Emergency Plnn Rcvfaiou: _11_0___....______ J'l;inf M:maner has reviewed this 31cm and lms determined it mcefs 1hr. criteria of Section 4.2,5 and facrcforc is c1.cmptecl fr<im J>ORC approval. Completed fly: j) C ~o Ml ~ _ ) .

                   ~ PlllntMauag_cr Signarurc nmc:

Completed Data Sheet l's, !bat document Plant Mmmncr Uxemption from PORC, shaU he submitted 10 Nncw/lr J)ociunen! Mnnnr,cmcnt (NDM). Thi~ submiual shall be compl!!tcd in n\:c:ordnnce with PM1'-2031HlliC-001, Rccnnfa Manugc111{inr, by the department Clial ow11s tile product. I/

Page 3 of 220 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION A. Purpose ......................................................................................................................... 11 B. Objective ........................................................................................................................ 11 C. Scope ............................................................................................................................ 11 D. Organization of the Emergency Plan .............. ., ............................................................. 11 E. Definitions ...................................................................................................................... 12 PLANNING STANDARDS PAGE A. ORGANIZATIONAL CONTROL 15 A. 1 Organizational Control ....................................................................................... 16 A.2 Not Applicable .................................................................................................... 17 A.3 Agreements ....................................................................................... " .............. 17 AA Continuous Protracted Operations ..................................................................... 17 B. EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION 19 8.1 Normal On-Site Operating Organization ............................................................. 20 B.2 On-Shift Emergency Coordination ...................................................................... 23 8.3 Emergency Coordination line of Succession ..................................................... 23 B.4 Non-delegable Emergency Coordinator Duties ................................................... 23 B.5 Emergency Response Organization ................................................................... 24 8.5.a Technical Support Center ...... ., ...... ., ................................. " .................... 24 B.5.b Operations Support Center. ....................................................................28 8.5.c Emergency Operations Facility ............................................................... 30 8.5.d Emergency News Center/Joint Information Center ................................. 34 8.5.e Liaisons .................................................................................................. 36 B.6 Overall Organization and Communication .......................................................... 36 8.7 Plant Staff Augmentation ................................................................................... 36 B.8 Offsite Agencies and Organizations ................................................................... 37 B.9 Offsite Groups .................................................................................................... 38 C. EMERGENCY RESPONSE SUPPORT AND RESOURCES 53 C.1 Federal Radiological Assistance ........................................................................ 54 C.2 Liaisons .............................................................................................................55 C.3 Radiological Laboratories ................................................................................... 56 C.4 Offsite Agencies and Organizations (non Governmental) ................................. '"56 D. EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM 58 D.1 Emergency Action Levels ................................................................................... 59 D.2 Initiating Conditions ............................................................................................ 60 CEP Rev 40

Page 4 of 220 E. NOTJFICATION METHODS AND PROCEDURES 78 E 1 Notification of Offsite Response Organizations .................................................. 79 E.2

  • ERO Alert, Notification and Mobilization ............................................................. 80
                -E.2.a Onsite (Plant Staff) ....................................................... , ..........................SO E.2.b Offsite (Plant Staff) ................................................................................. 81 E.3     Content of Initial Emergency Messages ************************************************--*******'"**82 EA      Content of Follow-up Emergency Messages ............................ , ................. : ....... 82 E.5     Not Applicable (State .and Local Public Information System) .............................. 83 E ..6   Public Notification ........................................................................................ : ....... 83
       'E.7     Public Information Messages ..................................................., ......................... 84 F       EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS                                                                                                        88 F.1      Licensee, Local, State. and NRC Emergency Communications .......................... 89 F.;z     Medical Support Commufiications ......................................................................92 F.3      Communications Systems Testing ..................................................................... 92 G.      PUBL!C.EDUCAT:ION AND INFORMATION                                                                                               94 G.1     .Public Jnformation ....................................................................... :...................... 95
      *G.2     Distribution of Public lnformation ........................................................................ 95 G.3      Emergency News Center/Joint Information Center. ............................................ 96 G.4     ENC/JIC Spokespersons and Public Inquiry ............................................... -. ..... 96 G;5      Annual Media Briefing ..... : .................................................,............ , .................... 96 H.      EMERGENCY FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT                                                                                             98 H.1       Technical Support Center (TSC) ................................. , ....................................... 99 H:2      Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) .............................................................. 102 H.3     Operations Support Center (OSC) ......................... : ......................................... 104
     .H.4     AEP Emergency Organization Staffing and Activation ............ ,........................ 106
    *H.-5      Emergency !Jetection ........................................ ., .... .-.................................... ,.... 106 H6       -Offsite Monitoring and Analysis Equipment.. .................................................... 111
     >H.7      Radiological Environmental Monitoring ........ , ........ ,,.:*****--**** ............................ :112 P.L8    *Meteorological System'. ............................... ,, ............. , ...................................... 112 L   . ACCIDENT ASSESSMENT                                                                                                            117 1.1      Release Identification -and EventClassification ................................................ 118 1.2      Radiation Monitoring System .................................... ., ............................. :....... 118 1.3     .Release Source Term and Magnitude Determination ....................................... 118 1.4      Dose Assessment Evaluation .........................................................................:1*19 1.5      Meteorological Assessment ......,. ................................ : .................................... 120 L6       Not Addressed ................ :-............................................. ., ................................. 120 t7.       Radiological Field Monitoring ........................*............. " ............................... , .... 120 LS       Liquid and *Gaseous ReleaseAssessmenL .............................. ,....... :-***--***'**** 120 1.9      Off-site Radioiodine Monitoring ...................................... : ................................. 120
     *1.10     NotAddressed ...................................................................................., ... ; ........ 121
                                                                                                                    -CEP Rev40

Page 5 of 220 J. PROTECTIVE RESPONSE 122 J.1 Owner Controlled Area Warning and Advisement......................................... 123 J.2 Evacuation Routes ........................................................................................... 124 J.3 Evacuee Monitoring ......................................................................................... 124 J.4 Evacuee Decontamination ............................................................................... 124 J.5 Personnel Accountability .................................................................................. 124 J.6 Protective Measures for Those Remaining, or Reporting to the Site ................ 125 J.7 Off-Site Protective Actions ............................................................................... 127 J.B Evacuation Times ............................................................................................ 127 J.9 Not Applicable .................................................................................................... 127 J.10 Plume Exposure Pathway Protective Measures lmplementation ...................... 128 K. RADIOLOGICAL EXPOSURE CONTROL 130 K.1 Emergency Exposure .......................... " ........................................................... 132 K.2 Emergency Exposure /\uthorization and Control .............................................. 132 K.3 Emergency Personnel Dosimetry ..................................................................... 132 K.4 Not Applicable ...................................................... ,. .......................................... 133 K. 5 Decontamination ............................................................................................... 133 K.6 Contamination Control ..................................................................................... 133 K. 7 Decontamination of Relocated On site Personnel ............................................. 134 L. MEDICAL AND PUBLIC HEALTH SUPPORT 136 L.1 Offsite Medical Support .................................................................................... 137 L.2 Onsite Medical Support .................................................................................... 138 L.3 Not Applicable ......................................................... ,. ....................................... 138 L.4 Victim Transport ..........................................................................,. ................... 138 M. RECOVERY AND RE-ENTRY PLANNING AND POST ACCIDENT OPERATIONS 139 M.1 Reentry and *Recovery ..................................................................................... 140 M.2 Not Addressed ................................................................................................. 141 M.3 Recovery Initiation Notification ......................................................................... 141 M.4 Not Addressed ................................................................................................. '141 N. EXERCISES AND DRILLS 142 N.1 Exercises ............................................ :............................................................ 143 N.2 Drills ................................................................................................................. 143 N.3 Drill and Exercise Execution ............................................................................ 144 N.4 Official Observation and Critique ...................................................................... 145 N.5 Results Evaluation and Corrective Actions ....................................................... 145

0. RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE TRAINING 146 0.1 Organization Training ........................................................................................ 147 0.2 Onslte ERO Training ...................................................................................., .... 147 0.3 First.Aid Team Training .................................................................................... 147 0.4 ERO Training and Qualification ...................................................................... 147 0.5 Initial and Annual Retraining ............................................................................ 149 CEP Rev40
                      -----***--*-*          *-*---------------------------

Page*6of220 P. RESPONSIBILITY FOR PLANNING EFFORT 150 P.1 EmergencyPlanner Training .....*....... ,,*..........*.,,.,: ............. :........ :.... , .... , ... ; *... ,..... 1'5:1 P .2 Emergency Plans Administration Responsibility ... ;.... :*** .. ********************************* 151 P.3 Emergency Planning CoordinatC>r Qesignation (Nat Nlqressed) ...................... 1 s*1 P.4 Periodic Reviews, Updates, and Audits ....... ,. ............. :................... ,....... ,*.......* 151 P.5 Emergency Plan Change Communication ............................... :.. ,...... *............... 1'5'1 P.6 Emergency Response Organization Support Plans .....:.,-....... ,..*. ~---**"***--********* 152 P.1 Implementing Procedures ..........*...-., ................. : ... ,.*.... ,... c....... L ...................... 152 P.8 Table of Contents & Cross-referer1ce.,~---:****;... , .... .,: 7** :***** : .........~ ....................... 1'52 F,9 lnde,pendent Erriergency Program Review ...*. ,.;; ........ ,..* :.... ,.... , ......... ,.. ,., ........ 152 P.10 ERO Telephone Number Updates *......... ,........ ,... ;............................... ,............ 1'52

                                                                                                         '        *;


Page 7 of220 APPENDICES A.. 1. Index of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures ........................................ 154

2. Cross Reference CEP and Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures ........... 155 B. Agreements with Off-Site Support Agencies ........................................................, ....... 161 C. Emergency Kits and Equipment Locations .................................................................. 179 D. Emergency Preparedness Brochure ................................. ,. ............. ,........................... 181 E. Description of Federal Radiological Assistance ........................................................... 194 F. Berrien County Road Map ............................................:.............................................. 202 G. Population Distribution .........................................................., ... i .... , ....... : .................... 204 H. Radiological Response Support Service*Capabilities...............................................: ... 206 I. . Notification of American Nuclear lnsurers .............................. :.................................... .208 J. Eight Year Plan Matrix ............................. :................................ :.................................. 213 K. Agreements wlth Oft-Site Agencies, Hazardous Material Spills ................. ,.. ,.,. ... :........ 216 CEP Rev40
                  • -*****************-****************--**-*************** ***************-------****------------------------------.....

Page8 of220 LIST OF FIGURES Figure TITLE Sect\on Page

1. Michigan Nuclear Accident Respcmse Organization A 18
2. Management Structure of the Nuclear,Generation Group B 44'
3. Site Qperations 8 45
4. On Shift Emergency Re~ponse *organization B. A6
5. TSC Organization 8 4¥
6. OSC Organization B 48' T EOFOrganization 8 49
8. *CNP Emergency News' Center/

Joint Information Center Organization B 50,

9. Nuclear Incident Initial Notification Process E 85
10. CNP Emergency Response :Communications Flow . :86'
11. 'Locations of Emergency Respons~ *Centers 11.4
12. CNP Emergency Response Center Locations H 115
13. Prirnary Evacuation Routes J 129:
14. Accident Notification Procedures for ANll Insurers Appendix I
  • 2{2 CEP,Rev40
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Page 11 of 220 INTRODUCTION A Purpose The purpose of the Cook Nuclear Plant Emergency Plan is to fulfill the requirements as set forth in 10 CFR 50, Appendix E. and the planning objectives set forth in NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1 Revision 1.

8. Obiective The Cook Nuclear Plant Emergency Plan has the fundamental objective of protecting the health and safety of the general public, persons temporarily visiting or assigned to the reactor facility, and employees of the plant.

C. Scope The specific details for the implementation of this emergency plan are incorporated in the Cook Nuclear Plant Emergency Plan Procedures pursuant to the requirements specified in 'Purpose", above. The Cook Nuclear Plant Emergency Plan applies to both of the nuclear units and the on-site Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (lSFSl). The Emergency Plan procedures include or reference procedures developed for plant operating, radiological, security, and administrative functions as necessary to ensure that all requirements are adequately defined. Appendix A to this Plan contains a list of Plant Emergency Plan Procedures. This plan is primarily concerned with an accidental release of radioactive material, but it is also concerned with major non-nuclear accidents which could prove hazardous to the safe operation of the plant. This includes supplementing our procedures for responding to hazardous material spills to meet Michigan Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) and hazardous waste regulations. D. Organization of the Emergency Plan The information describing the D.C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan follows the numerology of NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1. Revision 1. The organization of NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Revision 1 sequences evaluation criteria by subject. Some criteria apply to licensee only, and some apply to offsite organizations only. The result is that there would be gaps in the Emergency Plan numbering if the licensee only criteria were listed. When this occurs the NUREG numbering is maintained by listing the criteria number and labeling it as Not Applicable. Some criteria in the Emergency Plan are not addressed. Again. to maintain the NUREG numbering the criteria is listed but is labeled as Not Addressed. lntroduction CEP Rev40


Page 12 of 220 E. Definitions

1. Berrien County Emergency Operations Center (BCEOC) This facility provides an area to coordinate efforts of local agencies and organizations involved in the emergency response. It is a center established and controlled by the Berrien County Sheriffs Department and is located in St Joseph, Michigan.
2. Civil Disturbance One or more persons violently protesting plant operations or activities at the site.
3. Confinement Boundary The barrier(s) between areas containing radioactive substances and the environment.
4. Control Rooms Control and monitoring functions for Units 1 and 2 are provided for in separate Control Rooms. Each Control Room has a controlled access entrance located off the turbine building main operating floor at Elevation 633'.

Personnel assigned to the Control Room during the emergency will be as indicated in Figure 4 {until the Technical Support Center is activated). Should conditions require the presence, in the Control Room, of personnel other than those listed in Figure 4, approval must be obtained from the Shift Manager or his alternate.

5. Cook Nuclear Plant Procedures Documents defining the details necessary to specify manipulation of controls and equipment to place the facility in a safe condition and to prescribe other appropriate protective measures to be taken by employees of the licensee.
6. Emergency Action Levels Radiation dose rates; specific levels of airborne, waterborne, or surface-deposited concentrations of radioactive materials; or specific instrument indications {lncluding their rates of change) that may be used as thresholds for designating the appropriate class of emergency.
7. Emergency News Center (ENC) The Emergency News Center is located in the Nuclear Generation Group Headquarters Building located approximately 14 miles southeast of the Plant in Buchanan, Michigan. This facility will provide for dissemination of emergency information to the news media prior to activation of the Joint Information Center.
8. Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) This facility is in the Nuclear Generation Group Headquarters Building located approximately 14 miles southeast of the Plant in Buchanan, Michigan. This facility is activated at the declaration of an Alert or higher, emergency classification. The EOF houses the support personnel whose primary responsibilities are to assist in offsite dose assessment and protective action recommendations, communication with offsite agencies, exposure control, technical support of plant operations and other related activities. Representatives from various support agencies and groups may use this facility as a working space to prepare short and long term plans and procedures to mitigate the incident.
9. Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures (EPIP's) The specific procedures that provide instructions, identify responsibilities, and implement the emergency plan.

A list of Emergency Plan Procedures is contained in Appendix A. Introduction CEP Rev40

                -   -*---***------*- -----------------------------

Page 13 of 220

10. HAZMAT Team The hazardous material spill response team (HAZMAT Team) is a group of plant personnel designated to respond to emergencies involving hazardous materials. They are trained as required by Michigan Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) rules and respond to emergencies using spH! pre-plan procedures. The Shift Manager, or a qualified Incident Commander, will act as the Incident Commander in charge of the plant spill response. A designated HAZMAT Team Safety Officer will have responsibility for the on-scene safety of response personnel.
11. Hostile Action An act toward a Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) or its personnel that includes ihe use of violent force to destroy equipment, takes hostages, and/or intimidate the licensee to achieve an end. This includes attack by air. land, or water using guns, explosives, projectiles, vehicles, or other devices used to deliver destructive force. Other acts that satisfy the overall intent may be included. HOSTtLE ACTION should not be construed to include acts of civil disobedience, or felonious acts that are not part of a concerted attack on the NPP or ISFSL Non-terrorism-based EALs should be used to address such activities. (e.g., violent acts between individuals in the owner controlled area.)
12. Hostile Force One or more individuals who are engaged in determined assault.

overtly or by stealth and deception, equipped with suitable weapons capable of killing, maiming, or causing destruction.

13. Independent Spent Fuel Storaae Installation (ISFSI) A complex that is designed and constructed for the interim storage of spent nuclear fuel and other radioactive materials associated with spent fuel storage.
14. Joint Information Center (JlC) This facility is operated by AEP personnel for the purpose of disseminating information to the news media, conducting press briefing and as an area where the representatives from various emergency response organizations can meet, review, and release material to the press. The JIG uses the same facilities as the Emergency News Center (ENC).
15. NRC Licensed Personnel Those plant personnel holding current operator's or senior operator's licenses from the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission as defined in 10 CFR Part 55.
16. Off-Site means outside the area which is under the control of Cook Nuclear Plant.
17. Off-Site Survey Teams These are teams of personnel assigned to monitor radiological parameters anywhere outside of the plant protected area or the ISFS! protected area. At least one member ot the team shall be trained in radiation protection.
18. On-Site defined as the owner controlled area inclusive of the protected area and all property outside the plant protected and 1SFSI protected areas but under the control of Cook Nuclear Plant Introduction CEP Rev 40

Page 14 of 220

19. Operations Support Center (OSC) This area is located in the basement/shelter area of the plant's lakeside office building. The OSC is the area that will house the operations support personnel for assignment to respond to Control Room and Technical Support Center requests. Communication links are established as needed with the Control Rooms. Technical Support Center and the Emergency Operations Facility.
20. Protected Area The area encompassed by physical barriers to control access to the plant and to the ISFSL
21. Protective Action Guides (PAG) The projected dose to an individual from an unplanned release of radioactive material at which a specific protective action to reduce or avoid that dose is recommended. Protective actions would be warranted provided the reduction in individual dose expected to be achieved by carrying out the protective action is not offset by excessive risks to individual safety in taking the protective action. The PAG does not include the dose that has unavoidably occurred prior to the initiation of a protective action.
22. State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) This facility provides a central location from which the emergency functions of st,;1te government may be carried out in response to emergency conditions. The primary State EOC is located at 7150 Harris Drive, Dimondale, Ml 48821.
23. State Field Team Center (FTC) This facility provides the operational working area for State representatives assigned to coordinate the dispatch of field teams to monitor for radioactive contamination. The facility will be directed by a Field Team Center Coordinator assigned by the Michigan Department of State Police/Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division. A representative of the Department of Environmental Quality/Drinking Water and Radiological Protection Division will be assigned to this facility as the Radiological Monitoring T earn Leader. The location for the FTC is the Michigan Department of Transportation's Coloma garage at the intersection of Red Arrow Highway and 1-196.
24. Technical Support Center (TSC) This facility is located adjacent to the Control Rooms at Elevation 644'. This center is physically separated from both Control Rooms. This facility has communication links to each Control Room, to the Emergency Operations Faci!ity, Emergency News Center/Joint Information Center, Operations Support Center and offsite emergency operations centers established by State/County authorities. This area contains access to instrumentation and necessary reference material for plant management and support personnel.

The primary function of the TSC is to provide an area in close proximity to the Control Room from which plant operators can receive technical support and assistance from personnel who have the experience and expertise in nuclear plant operations, maintenance, safety and design. Their function is to mitigate the cause(s) of a nuclear incident and act as a data gathering center for plant parameters. Access to the TSC will typically be limited immediately 10 those individuals listed in Figure 5, and as the situation demands, those individuals required by the SED or alternate. Introduction CEP Rev40

Page 16 of 220 A. ORGANIZATIONAL CONTROL A 1. Organizational Contrnl In order for any emergency plan to be effective it is necessary to ensure that every organization that provides support services has prepared in advance an emergency plan and/or procedures. These plans and/or -procedures should define the individual responsibilities for coordinating and directing support effort and the level of response each organization ls prepared to make fa rneet its defined response-capability on a continuous basis. Assistance from private organizations having m1clear industry affiliations can a!so be expected and are identified in Section G.4. A ta, .ResQonse Organizations Descriptions of the primary response organizations and their: operational roles are outlined in Section B. The "state" column of Figure 1 shows the Primary Response Agencies and Support Response Agencies ,that comprise the .State of Michigan's nuclear accident response organization. The Primary Response Agencies and their duties are performed at the State Emergency Operations ,Center (SEOC). The Support Response Agencies are the resources available to the SEOCfor;implementing actions in response*io an emergency. A.1.b. Concept of Operations In the event of an emergency situation, the Shift Manager (or Senior NRG licensed individual) will call upon any additional members of the plant organization as needed. These additional individu;:ils form, along with the on-duty operating shift. the plant Emergency Response Organization. The initiation of:any aspects ofthis emergency plan allows for the use of the total plant organization, atthe discretion ofthe Shift Manager. The major assignments of the on-duty operating shift -and the 'Supplemental personnel in the Emergency Plan Organization are delineated in Table 1. The extent to which the Emergency Res,ponse Organization is staffed will be dependent upon the emergency classification and the discretion of the Site Emergency Director (SEO). For an Unusual Event ,only the Control Roo.m will be staffed. For an Alert, Site Area Emergency, .and General Emergency the TSC,. OSC, ENC/JIG, and EOF will be activated and staffed. Senior plant management ana technical :personnel representing the licensee and the NRC are located in the TSC. TSC personnel will provide support to the Control Room operating personnel in the management of atmormal conditions. and in accident mitigation. During recovery operations the TSC provides plant systems support for the management personnel the EOF. The TSC functions as the primary information source to the EOF and to the NRC on plant status.

  • The Operations Support Center (OSG) 'is an onsite assembly area separate from the Control Room and the TSC where licensee operations support personnel report in an emergency. This is an assembly *area for personnel to report for instructions from the OSG Manager.

Communications are provided to the Control Room, TSC, and EOF on bridge lines. Teams are dispatched from the OSC to provide for-Damage Control, Rescue, and Surveys. Planning Standard A CEP Rev40

Page 17 of 220 The EOF will provide current information on conditions potentially affecting the public to the NRC, state and county emergency response agencies. Radioldglcal assessment, determination of recommended public protective actions and coordination of offsite response will be transferred to the EOF once the EOF is activated. EOF personnel coordinate the offsite radiological monitoring during nuclear emergencies and recovery operations. The EOF will function as the post-accident recovery management center for*both onsite and offsite activities. The CNP Emergency Public Information Organization is structured to provide a correct and consistent flow of information to the public and the news media throughout an emergency at CNP, During the initial phases of any emergency, all -public 1nformatior:i relating to the emergency will be released vla the Emergency News Center. The ENC becomes the JIC when the State of Michigan declares the JIC activated. A.1.c. Organization Interrelationships The relationships between Cook Nuclear Plant normal operating and Emergency Response Orga,nizations are numbered Figures 1.throt..lgh*B. The figures are..referenced throughout this Emergency Plan. and especially Jn Planning Section B, the Onsite Eniergency Organization. A; 1;d. Persons in Charge The Emergency Director (ED) ls responsible for control and coordination of all Cook Nuclear Plant emergency*and recovery operations. A.1.e. 24 Hour Response The CNP Emergency Response Organization {ERO) is capable of continuous 24-hour operations for a protracted period. A.2. Not applicable A.3. Agreements The CNP Emergenc.y Plan provides for agreements with various offsite support organizations that are part of the overall reqponse organization within the Plume Exposure Pathway Emergency Planning Zone. 1'.hese agreements are listed in Appendix B to this plan. ln addition to the .offsite support agencies listed in Appendix B, it is assumed that assistance wiU be provided, as necessary, by those State, County and Federal agencies that are mandated by their charter, public law or regulations to protect the public health and safety, i.e .. the NRC and FEMA. It. is not expected that.letters of agreement are required with these agencies. A.4. ContinuousProtracted Operations The CNP Emergency Response Organization {ERO) is capable of continuous 2.4.:hour operations "for a protracted period, Planning Standa.rd A CEP Rev40

Page 18 of 220 FIGURE 1 MICHIGAN NUCLEAR ACCIDENT RESPONSE ORGANIZATION FEDERAL STATE Federal Emergency Management PRIMARY RESPONSE AGENCIES Agency Environmental Quality State Police Nuclear Regulatory Commission Department of Energy Direction, Control & Monitoring & Sampling Coordination Technical Advice Federal Coordination Evacuation Authority Decontamination Advice Resource Support Warning/Notification Occupational Health Technical Advice Security Medical & Health Support PLANT OWNER/OPERATOR Damage Assessment Accident &, Dose Site Emergency Respo~,-e_O_r_g_a_nr-.z-at-io_n_J Public Information Assessment

                                                   . In-place Sheller               Radiological Exposure Notification Onsite Control I Local Plans Terrorist Activities Control Protective Actions Federal Liaison                Ground Water LOCAL Military Weapon A5:__d_d_e_nt__M_L_m_i_ci;..p_a1_w_a_te_r_S_u.:..p..:.p_lie"""s_--1 Public Works         Health Fire                 Berrien County                   SUPPORT RESPONSE AGENCIES Social Services      Sheriffs                                                        Licensing and Reg Affairs Agriculture Department Food Contamination             Public Utilities liaison Warning                                               Food Supply                    Energy Disruption EvacL1ation Sampling Sheltering Blockading                                            Corrections                    Education Public Information Re-entry                                              Temporary Housing              Housing Transportation Assist          Mass Transportation Feeding and Clothing Support Community Health               Military Affairs Crisis Counseling              Transportation Temporary Housing              Security Aerial & Ground Monitoring Support Natural Resources              Human Services Environmental Impact          Housing/Registration Fish/Game Contamination       Feeding and Clothing Sampling                      Assistance Centers Warning Support               Volunteer Agency Support Meteorological Analysis Surface Water Transportation I  T ,ansportation - Railmads - Ak T raffle Traffic Regulations Blockade Planning Standard A                                          CEP Rev 40


Page 20 of 220 B. EMERGENCY RESPONSEORG:ANIZATION The purpose of this section is to describe the CNP or,ganizatlon during normal operations and during emergencies. Figure 2 shows the management structure for the Nuclear Generation Group ,(NGG). The Senior Vice President is the primary interface with local and state officials in matters concerning emergency preparedness. 8.1 Ner:mal On-Site Operating Organization The normal on-site operating organization chart forthe CNP is shownin Figure *3, 8.1.a. VicePresidents The Chief Nuclear Officer fCNO) is responslble for implementing all activities at the CNP ln accordance with all applicable laws, regulations, AEP and NGG policies while meeting the business needs of AEPNGG. The Site Vice President (SVP} has* the full authority and responsibility fo( operating, maintaining,

  • and modifying the plant .within established*.parameters and procedures. These responsibilities
  • include ensuring effective implementation of the radiation protection program, directing the production, safety, work control and outage activities and Site Protective Services, and organizational/administrative activities .at th.e plant Additionally, the SVP is responsible for oversight of the Security Plan, Emergency Plan, and is responsible for Integration of the emergency response and secfurify functions. *
8. 1.b. Plant Manager The Plant Manager is accountable fo the Site Vice President for the operations, maintenance, radiation protection, chemistry and environmental functional areas of plant production. The
*primary responsibility    for the Plant Manager ;is the safe operation of the<nuclear facility in accordance with applicable corporate policies, laws, regulations, licenses, and technical requirements, to ensure ttiat public health and safety, including that of employees, is protected from undue nu.cleararid industrial safety risks,
  • R 1.c..Maintenance Manager The. Maintenance Manager reports to the Plant Manager and ,is accountable for managing and directing the activities related to the maintenance of all site equipment. structures:gwunds and yards, and fire protection program. Managers that report tp the Maintenance Manager provide the tools and support services necessary to optimize the safe, environmentally sound, cost effective efforts of the plant production organizations:

B.1 .d. Emergency Preparedness Manager The Emergency Preparedness Manager ensures that the on-site and off-site emergency preparedness programs can protect the health and safety of the general ,public and site personnel while minimizing damage to the property and :the environment in the event of an emergency. The Emergency:Preparedness Manageds accountable to the. Site Vice President. B:1 :e. Nuclear Regulatory Compliance and Licensing Dlrector The Nuclear Regulatory Compliance and Licensing Director is accountable to the Site Vice President *and is responsible for developing and directing the access authorization and fitness for duty programs. Planning Standard B CEP Rev40

Page 21 of220 8.1.f. Security Manager The Security Manager is accountable to the Site Vice President and is responsible for developing and directing the nuclear security program. 8.1.g. Training Manager The Training Manager repcirts to the Site Vice President and is accountable for the maintenance of INPO accreditation for eligible training programs, as we!! as .non-,accredited programs. This includes managing the development and presentation .of training materials; maintehance of training materials, inclusive of the plant simulator and training aids; maintenance of training records and methods for assessing training effectiveness. B.1.h. Operations Manager The Operations Manager reports to the Plant Managerand is accountable for operating the nuclear generating units in a safe, environmentally sound, cost effective, reliable and efficient manner in accordance with applicable corporate policies, laws, .regulations, licenses, and technical requirements. The primary responsibility of the Operations Manager is the safe operation of the generation units to ensure that the .Public healtl1 and safety, including those of employees, is protected from undue industrial and nuclear safety risks. B.1.i. Chemistry Manager The Chemistry Manager reports to the Plant Manager and is accountable for all activities related to plant system chemistry sampling, analysis, and control operations at CNP by .optimizing fission product barrier effectiveness, maximize the life of plant equipment, and protecrthe health and safety of the public. 8.1.j.

  • Radiation Protection Manaoer The Radiation Protection Manager, who is accountable to the Plant Manager, serves as the regulatory Radiation Prote*ction Manager. The Radiation RrotEJction Manager is responsible for the implementation and maintenance ofthe radiation protection programs. As*such, the function of the Radiation Protection Manager is to establish and maintain the highest level of radiological safety attainable for the protection of plant employees, the public. and the environment.

B.1.k. On-Shift Operations Personnel The major assignments *of the on-duty operating shift and the supplemental personnel in the Emergency Plan Organization are delineated in Table 1, CNP Staffing for Radiological Emergencies. Figure 4 is the chart forthe On-shift Response Organization. The Shift Manc1ger, acfing as the SEO, has overall responsibility for directing and implementing emergency ,and abnor,mal procedures to bring the unit to :a safe condition, The Shift Manager retains the Emergency Direction and Control functions until relieved by a qualified Site Emergency Director (SEO) or Emergency Director (ED). This position is the Table 1 on-shift column Shift: Manager position for the Emergency Direction and Control functtonal area and plant operations functional area. One of the two Unit Supervisors on shift aids and assists the Shift Manager. This position is the Table 1, CNP Staffing for Radiological Emergencies, on-shift plant operations functional area Unit Supervisor.

                                       .Planning Standard B                           CEP Rev 40

Page 22 of 220 The Work Control SRO reports to the Control Room in the event of an emergency to assist the Operations *shift. The Wcirk Control SRO provides staffing *of the Table 1, CNP Staffing for Radiological Emergencies, On-shift plant operations functional area Assistant Shift Manager/VVCC-SRO. One of the Reactor Operators provides staffing of the Table 1, CNP Staffing for Radiological Emergencies, Radiological Accident Assessment and Support functional area On-Shift Offsite Dose Assessment until relieved ofthat*responsibllity by the EOF. Two of the Auxiliary Equipment Operators (AEOs) provide staffing of the Table 1, CNP Staffing for Radiological Emergencies, NoHfication/Communicatioh functional area until relieved of that responsibility by the EOF. An additional AEO .performs the plant system engineering, repair and corrective actions functlonal area repair and corrective actions Rad Waste Operator as part of the normal AEO duties. The on-duty Shift Technical Advisor (STA) reports to the Control Room in the event of an

*emergency. The STA fumction is monitoring the Critical Safety Function Status Trees and recommending necessary procedure transitions. Tl1e Core/Thermal Hydraulic conditions are monitored by the Critical Safety Function Status Trees. The STA provides staffing of the Table 1, CNP Staffing for Radiological Emergencies, Plant System Engineering, Repair and Corrective Actions functional area On-Shlft Core/Thermal Hydraulics and STA Technical Support. The STA reports to the SM and acts in an advisory capacity. Other STAs called in will report to the TSC, as needed.

B.1J. On Shift non-Operations (Supplemental) Personnel The major assignments of the on ..duty operating shift and 'the supplemental personnel in the Emergency Plan Organization are ,delineated in Tatile ~, CNP Staffing for Radiological Emergencies. Figure 4 -is the chart for the On-shift Response Organization. Three .RP Technicians {RPT) are assigned to *each shift to .provide the Table 1, CNP Staffing for

Radiological Emergencies, Radiological Accident Assessment and Support functional area On-Shift Offsite, Onsite, and In-plant surveys. They also provide Protective Actions functional area On-Shift R<?diation Protection coverage. The ;on-shift RP Technician staffing. is augmented with:

an on-shift :Chemistry Technician and ten (10) RP Technidans called ln for 60 minute supplemental staffing. Two Chemistry Technicians are assigned lo each shift to provide the Table 1, CNP Staffing for Radiological Emergencies, Radiological Accident Assessment and Support functional area On-

Shift Chemistry positions making expertise *immediately available to ad_dress chemistry issues.

The on-shift Chemistry staffing is augmented with one (1) Chemistry technician called in for 60 minute supplemental staffing. The Mechanic, Electrician, and l .& C Technician assignment ensures the plant* system engineering repair and corrective actions functional area On-Shift Repair and Corrective Actions maintenance disciplines expertise are immediately availa:bie to address maintenance issues. The on-shift Maintenance staffing is augmented with one Mechanic and Electrician called in for 60 minute supplemental staffing. The Fire Brigade provides the staffing for the On-Shift Fire Protection Functional Area and the Rescue and First Aid functional area. The brigade shift staffing is maintained as specifiead in the Technical Requirements Manual. Staffing for sixty minute response is provided by supporting local fire departments. Planning :Standard 'B CEP Rev40

Pag*e 23.of 220 The Security force provides the staffing for the On-Shift and 60 minute Access Control and Accountability Functional Area. Security staffing is maintained as specified in the Security Plan. 8.2. On-Shift Emergency Coordination The Shift Manager, acting* as the SEO, has overall responsibility for directing *and implementing emergency and abnormc1I procedures to bring the unit to:a safe condition. B.3. Emergency Coordination Line of Succession The authority for initiation of the Emergency Plan is delegated to the senior supervisor of the on-duty operating shift (e.g., the Shift Manager).

                                   '            '

Upon the classification of an emergency event, the Shift Manager (SM) assumes the .position of Site Emergency Director {SEO). The Shift Manager retains the Emergency Direction and Control functions until relieved by a qualified Site Emergency Director (SED) or Emergency Director (ED). Upon arrival at the ,f'!ppropriate emergency response facility, the SED and/or ED reviews the emergency situation with the Shift Manager, assumes the responsibilities for overall management of plant and emergency response functions, and assures that proper actions are being taken to mitigate the event. The SED or ED ensures that the proper State/County authorities, NRC and AEP officials are notified. The SED will function as acting Emergency Director until such responsibilities are assumed at the EDF. Upon activation .of the EOF the Emergency Director reviews the emergency situation with the* SEO and assumes responsibility for control and co-ordination of all emergency and recovery operations from the SEO. BA. Non-delegable Emergency Coordinator Duties During* the initial phase ,of a nuclear incident prior to activation of ,the 'EOF, the SED. has the non-deleg able responsibility to make Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) to State/County authorities responsible for offsite emergency measures. Upon activation of the EOF the Emergency Director assumes the non-delegable responsibility for making Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) to State/County authorities responsible for.0ffsite emergency measures.

  • Planning Standard B CEP Rev40

Page 24 of 220 B.5 Emergency Response Organization The CNP Emergency Response Organization is presented in Figures 4 through 8. Every effort is made to match professional skills with those needed in the ERO positions listed on .Figures 4 through 8. However. there may be some instances where, in actuat assignments, the professional skill description may not match those listed with their respective position. lil such cases, the individu~I in question has been determined to effectively fulfill the requirements of the position through training and qualification for the ERO staff position or because of similar current, or past professional experiences or duties. All positions are assigned common administrative responsibilities such as event response and maintaining adequate documentation of the event tasks. Individual tasks for each ERO position are as follows: B.5.a. Technical Support Center (TSC) The TSC ~mergency Response Organization is presented in Figure .5. B.5.a.1. Site Emergency Director (SEO) The SEO is assigned the following responsibilities:

  • Coordinate response activities with offsite response agencies
  • Coordinate ERO/facility shift turnover
  • Assume/maintain command and control
  • Transfer command and control
  • Manage all onsite emergency response activities
  • Request and coordinate emergency activities with law enforcement agencies
  • Coordinate information and activities with offsite agency personnel in the facility
  • Develop requests for external assistance (technical, craft, admin, etc.)
  • Approve material, personnel and logistics expenditures necessary for response to the event *
  • Classify and declare emergencies .
  • Approve and direct offsite emergency notifications to state and local authorities
  • Direct notifications and ENS communications with the NRC
  • Ensure flow of information within and between the emergency response facilities
  • Perform or direct emergency PA announcements
  • Direct preparations and brief personnel ,prior to facility activation
  • Direct relocation ofsite emergency response facilities
  • Establish plant/station response priorities
  • Determine and direct the actions for mitigation strategies and contingency plans
  • Coordinate between CR, OSC and TSC to set OSC T earn task priorities
  • Direct,site assembly, accountability and search & rescue activities
  • Directlocal and site evacuation
  • Coordinate ;:;ite evacuation
  • Approve use of Kl
  • Approve Protective Action Recommendations to offsite authorities
  • Approve emergency exposures
  • Terminate the emergency event
  • Develop recovery plans Planning Standards, CEP Rev40

Page 25 of 220

  • Authorize and direct extreme measures (FLEX, EDMG, SAMG, §50.54(x) or suspend security controls)
  • Conduct facility briefs and updates In addition to these if'J}rnediate duties noted above, the SEO also has the authority to make policy decisions and expend funds necessary to cope with the event.

8.5.a.2. TSC Manager The TSC Manager is assigned the following responsibilities;

  • Coordinate ERO/facility shift turnover
  • Manage facility emergency response activities
  • Manage assigned group emergency response activities
  • Coordinate information and activities with offsite agency personnel in the facility
  • Coordinate integration of the NRC site team
  • Develop requests for external. assistance {technical, craft, admin, etc.)
  • Assist with emergency classification
  • Ensure flow of.information within and between the emergency response facilities
  • Perform or direct emergency PA announcements
  • Direct preparations and brief personnel prior to facility activation
  • Ensure minimum staff is available and prepared to activate the facmty
  • Activate the facility
  • Determine currentfprojected staff needs
  • Support coordination of site emergency facility relocation
  • Establish plant/station res,ponse priorities
  • Coordinate between CR, OSC and TSC to set :OSC T earn task priorities
  • Establish and.maintain facility accountability
  • Coordinate site evc1cuation
  • Develop recovery plans
  • Conducnacility briefs and updates B.5.a,3. ENS Com*municator The; ENS Communicator is assigned the following responsibllity;
  • Provide event data .and plant information to the NRC via the ENS B.5_a.4. TSC Communicator TheTSC Communicator is assigned the following responsibilities;
  • Communicate ,on .assigned communication line and. provide key information to facility staff *
  • Provide operations or radiological data to ERO members (loss of PPC/PSS)
  • Maintain status and*information boards 8.5.a.5. CR Communicator (located in the ,cR)

The CR Communicator is assigned the following responsibilities;

  • Communicate on assigned communication line and provide key information to facility staff*
  • Provide operations or radiological data to ERO members (loss .of PPG/PSS)

Planning Standard B CEP Rev 40

Page 26 of 220 B.5.a.6. Plant Evaluation Team The Plant Evaluation Team (PET) is made up of individuals from;

  • Engineering - Nuclear Fuels Group
  • Engineering - Electrical or Instrumentation and ,Control
  • Engineering - Mechanical
  • Operations or Operations Training The PET are assigned the following responsibilities:

erations Procedures Support completion cif the Emergency Notification .Form t9 state and local authorities Provide event data and plant information to the NRCviathe ENS PPC/PSS) X


Provide operations or radiological *data to -:-ERO m~mb-e-rs-*(1-o-ss_o_f-,---+---+-........-;,--- X

  • Communicate with fCP to rovide information and ,coordination X Provide support for development of mitigation strategies.and -I X X X X contin enc !ans Provide support for accident cletection, assessment ani;J response riorities X X X X Provide analysis of core damage and fission product.release potential X X Coordinate between CR, OSC and TSCto set OSC Team task rioritles X l i
  • Evaluate conditions and rovide recommendations forPARs
  • X' I Analyze and develop extreme measures actions (FLEX, .EDMG, X X X X SAMG, §50.54(,,_x)u...)_________-..,.....-------"---------------'---'---'----"
'8.5.a.7.          Maintenance Coordinator The Maintenance Coordinator-is assigned the following responsibilities;
  • Ensure flow of information within and between the emergency ,response facilities
  • Provide support for development of mitigation strategies and contingency plans
  • Coordinate between GR, OSC and TSC to set osc Team task priorities
  • Participate with OSCTeam dispatch and control 8.5.a.8. Radiological Assessment Coordinator (RAC) .

The RAC is assigned the following responsibilities:

  • Manage assigned group emergency response activities
  • Assist with .emergency classification
  • Provide operations or radiological data to ERO members (loss of PPC/PSS)
  • Communicate with ICP to provide information and,coordination*
  • Determine current/projected staff needs
  • Support coordination of site emergency facility relocation
  • Provide support for developmentof mitigation strategies and,contingency plans Planning Standard B CEP Rev40

Page 27 of 220

  • Provide support for accident detection. assessment and response priorities
  • Monitor, evaluate and communicate conditions involving any release of radioactivity
  • Record/review radiological sampling and survey data
  • Provide support and logistics for site assembly activities
  • Provide support and logistics for site evacuation activities
  • Evaluate the need for and ensure proper use of Kl
  • Evaluate conditions and provide recommendations for :PARs
  • Ensure approved emergency exposure controls are issued
  • Ensure radiological conditions are known for occupied areas
  • Track emergency worker exposure and evaluate the:needfor dose extenstqns
  • Coordinate the monitoring of site evacuees
  • Direct personnel monitoring and decontamination .activities
  • Ensure habitability is established and maintained for,occupied onsite areas
  • Establish contamination controls for occupied areas B.5;a.9. Security: Coordinator The Security Coordinator is assigned the following responsibilities:
  • Manage assigned group emergency response _activities
  • Request and coordinate emergency activities with law enforcement agencies
  • Assist with emergenqy classification
  • Communicate with ICP to provide information and ciQordination
  • Provide support for -development of mitigation strategies and contingency :plans
  • Establish and maintain accountability for security personnel
  • Provide support and logistics for site assembly activities
  • Participate in search and rescue activities
  • Coordinate site evacuation
  • Direct site access controls activities
  • Provide support and logistics for site evacuation activities
  • Ensure radiological conditions are known for occupied areas
  • Coordinate ERO re~ponse fo a security .event B.5.a.10 ICP Liaison The ICP Liaison is staffed during a security or other type event where the .offsite agencies establish an incident command post near the station ... Additional personnel from Security, Radiation Protection, Fire Brigade, and/or Operations may be dispatched to assist The ICP Liaison is assigned the following :responsibility:
  • Communicate with ICPto provide information and coordination B.5.a.11. Administrative Coordinator The Administrative Coordinator is assigned the following re~ponsibilities:
  • Complete facility 24 hour staffing list
  • Coordinate facility 24 hour staffing lists for the site
  • Manage assigned group emergency response activities
  • Provide admin/logistics needs for facility operation Planning Standard B CEPRev 40
                                                                                          * :p~ge 28,bf220, B.5.a.1.2.        Ad.ministrative Specialist The Administrative Specialist is assigned tiwt9llowing responsibilitie~:
  • Provide admin/logistics needs for facility.operation
  • Distribute forms, reports, etc: as needed B.5.a.13 Computer Analyst The Compute( Analyst is assigned the follo~ing respon'sibility; .
  • 8.5.b. Operations Support Center (0SG) *.*

rt\e OSC Emergency *Response Organizafion ,is :presentedin

   ,,               ,.,    .    '                .       .,        '

Figure 6.

                                                                             . ;.

8.'5;b.1. Operations Support *Center Manager .

    "     Complete facility 24 .hour staffing .list **
  • Coordinate 'ERO/facility shift turnover
  • Manage facility emergency response acth,ities
  **     *Manage assigned group-ernergencyre~po'rise activities
  • Coordinate integration of the NRC site telam * * . *. . . * **
  • Develop requests for external a5;s1stance (telchnical, c:raft, adniin, etC'.{: .....*. *.....
    *    *Ensure -flow *of information withln and b.etween tfue emergency (espons~ 'facilities
  • Directprt:?parations.and brief:personnefpriorto facility actlvatio!'l' . ***** . .
   **     Ensure minimum staff is available and prepared to activate th,e facility
    *.  .Activate tile facility   .               . . ' . *. '              . .. .    ..
    * 'Determine curre~t/projected staff net:?~s
  • Support coordination of site emergency facility relocation
  • Coordinate* between, CR, DSC and .T:SC :to ,set ()SC Team task pr19rities/ .
  • Participate with OSC T earn dispatch am:lcqontrdl* .
  • Establish and rnaintafn facility accountab11ity * *
    * . Provide support and logistics for site evacuation activities
  • Coordinate the monitoring of site evacuees
  • Direct personnel monitoring and-decontamination activitles
  • Develop recovery plans
  • Conduct facility briefs and updates B.5.b.2. OSC Communicator The,QSC Conimunicatoriis assigned the foliowftig responsfbilitie;;
   * ~d  Communicate      on. assigned .,commuhication li~e
                                     .                             8nd pr~vide key. ,information
                                                                                       . . .tp facHity
  • Provide operations or radiological data to 'ERP. rriembirs .(loss of PPQ/PSS.} ..*
    *. Maintain status and information boards              **
  • Distribute forms, reports, etc. as*Meeded_

Planning Standard B 'CEPRey40

Page 29 of220 B.5.b.3. T earn Coordinator The Team Coordinator is assigned the following responsibilities;

  • Maintain status and information boards
  • Coordinate between CR, OSC and TSC to set OSC Team task priorities
  • Participatewith OSC Team dispatch and control 8.5.b.4 .. RP Supervisor The RP Supervisor,is assigned the following responsib[lities;
  • Manage assigned group emergency response activities
    .. Determine current/projected staff needs
  • Brief and dispatch the onsite/offsite radiation monitoring teams
    .,   Record/review radiological sampling and survey data Participate with 0SC T earn dispatch and control
  • Provide radiation protection coverage for emergency teams
  • Evaluate the need for and ensure proper use of Kl o Ensure use of Personnel Protective Equipment (protective clothing, respirators, etc.)
  • Ensure approved emergency exposure controls are issued *
  • Ensure radiological conditions are known for occupied areas
  • Track emergency worker exposure and 'evaluate the ,need for dose extensions
  • Coordinate the monitoring of site evacuees
  • Direct personnel monitoring and decontamination activities
  • Ensure habitability is established and maintained for 9ccupied onsite areas
  • Establish contamination controls for occupfed areas .*

B.5.b.5. Mechanical Supervisor The Mechanical Supervisor is assigned the following respon~ibilities;

  • Manage assigned group emergency response activities
  • Determine current/projected staff needs
  • Participate with OSC Team dispatch and control ,
  • Ensure use of Personnel Protective Equipment (protective clothing, respirators, etc.)

B.5.b.6. Electrical/l&C Supervisor The Electrical/l&C Supervisor is assigned the following responsibilities;

  • Manage assigned group emergency response activities
  • Determine current/projected staff needs
  • Participate with OSC Team dispatch and control
  • Ensure use of Personnel Protect1ve ;Equipment (protective clothing, :respirators, etc.)

8.5.b.7. Chemistry Supervisor The Chemistry Supervisor is assigned the following responsibilities;

  • Manage assigned group emergency response activities
  • Determine current/projected staff needs
  • Record/review chemical sampling and analysis
  • Participate with OSC Team dispatch and control Planning Standard B CEP Rev40

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  • Ensure use of Personnel Protective Equipment (protective clothing, respirators, etc.)

8.5.b.8. Damage Control Team The Damage Control Team reports directly to the OSC Manager and is responsible for the repair and restoration of damaged plant systems, equipment, or components. Members of the Damage Control Team will be selected base.don the type ofdamage that must be dealt with at the time. B.5.b.9. Rescue Team Rescue T earns are used for rescue of injured and trapped personnel. Rescue Teams shall be made up of at least two people, one person qualified in radiation protection a*nd at least one other person. 8.5.b.10. In-Plant/On-Site Survey T earn ln-PlanUOn-Site Survey Teams are used for radiological survey .duriqg reentry of site facilities as well as support of other emergency teams which must gain access for decontamination. repair, and other activities that support eventmitigation or recovery operations, 8.5.c. Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) The EOF Emergency Response. Organization is presented in Figure 7. 8.5.c.1. Emergency Director The Emergency Director is assigned the following responsibilities:

  • Coordinate response activities wlth offsite response agencies
  • Coordinate ERO/facility shift turnover
  • Assume/maintain command and control
  • Transfer command and control
  • Request and coordinate emergency activities with law enforcement agencies
  • Coordinate information and activities with offsite *agency personnel in the facility
  • Coordinate information with government officials/agencies and EOOs
  • Prioritize and authorize requests for external assistance (technical, craft. admin, etc.)
  • Approve material, personnel and logistics expenditures necessary for response to the event
  • Request Federal support and resources
  • Classify and declare emergencies
  • Approve and direct offsite emergency notifications to state and local authorities
  • Direct notifications and ENS communications with the NRC
  • Ensure flow of information within and between the emergency response facilities
  • Maintain communications with AEP corporate and coordinate activities
  • Review news releases
  • Direct preparations and brief personnel prior to facility activation
  • Support coordination of site emergency facility relocation
  • Approve Protective Action Recommendations to offsite authorities
  • Terminate the emergency event
  • Develop recovery plans Planning Standard B CEP Rev 40

Page 31 of 220

  • Authorize and direct extreme measures (FLEX, EDMG, SAMG, §50.54(x) or suspend security controls)
  • Conduct facility briefs and updates 8.5.c.2. EOF Manager The EOF Manager is assigned the following responsibilities:
  • Coordinate response activities with offsite response agencies (EM, ICP, Field Mon, etc:)
  • Coordinate ERO/facility shift turnover
  • Manage facility emergency response activities
  • Manage assigned group emergency response activities
  • Coordinate information and activities with offsite agency personnel inthe facility
  • Coordinate integration of the NRC site team
  • Develop requests for external assistance (technical, craft, admin, etc.)
  • Assist with emergency classification
  • Ensure flow of information within and between the emergency response facilities
  • Direct preparations and brief personnel prior to facility activation
  • Ensure minimum staff is available and prepared to activate the facility
  • Activate the facility
  • Determine current/projected staff needs
  • Develop recovery plans
  • Conduct facility briefs and updates 8.5.c.3. Operations Advisor The Operations Advisor is assigned the following responsibilities:
  • Monitor status bf the Emergency Operations Procedures
  • Assist with emergency classification
  • Support completion of the Emergency Notification Form to state and !ocai authorities
  • Provide support for development of mitigation strategies and contingency plans
  • Evaluate conditions and provide recommendations for PARs
  • Analyze and develop extrE!me measures actions (FLEX, EDMG, SAMG, §50.54(x))

8.5.cA. State Communicator The State & County Communicators are assigned the following responsibility:

  • Perform offsite emergency notifications to state and local authorities
  • Distribute forms, reports, etc. as needed 8.5.c.5. County Communicator The.State & County Communicators are assigned the following responsibility:
  • Perform offsite emergency notifications to state and local authorities B.5.c.6. HPN Communicator The HPN Communicators are assigned the following responsibility:
  • Provide event data and plant information to the NRG via the HPN 8.5.c.7. EOF Communicator Planning Standard 8 CEP Rev40

Page 32 of 220 The EOF Communicator is assigned the following responsibilities:

  • Communicate on assigned communication line and provide key information 'to facility staff
  • Provide operations or radiological data to ERO members (loss of PPC/PSS)
  • Maintain status and information boards 8.5,c.8. Public Information Communicator The Public Information is assigned the following responsibilities:
  • Provide emergency response information to the ENC
  • Provide technical assistance for the development of news releases and statement$

B.5.c,9. Offsite Liaison Coordinator Offsite Liaison Coordinator is assigned the following responsibilities; a Manage assigned group emergency response activities

  • Support State/County EOG Liaisons
  • Coordinate information with government officials/agencies and 'EOCs B.5.c.10. Offsite Liaison The Offsite Liaison is assigned the following responsibilities:
  • Coordinate information with government officials/agencies and EOCs
    *   -Report status of state and county emergency response activities to EOF 8.5.c.11.        Industry & Reg Affairs Liaison The Industry & Reg Affairs Liaison is assigned the following responsibilities:
  • Coordinate information and activities with offslte agency personnel in the facility
  • Coordinate integration of the NRG site team
  • Coordinate external assistance (industry, commercial, contractor)
  • Provide event notification/information to industry groups (INPO, AN!.etc.)
  • Provide guidance for licensed-based.decisions B.5.c.12. Environmental Assessment Coordinator The EOF the Environmental Assessment Coordinator is assigned the following responsibilities:
  • Coordinate response activities with offsite response agencies (EM, ICP, Field Mon, etc.)
  • Manage assigned group-emergency response activities
  • Assist with emergency classification
  • Support completion of the Emergency Notification Form to state and local authorities
  • Determine current/projected staff needs
  • Monitor, evaluate and communicate conditions involving any release of radioactivity
  • Review and analyze dose assessment results
  • Direct/perform dose assessment
  • Record/review radiological sampling and survey data
  • Evaluate the need for and ensure proper use of Kl
  • Evaluate conditions and provide recommendations for PARs
  • Ensure approved emergency exposure controls are issued Planning Standard B CEP Rev 40

Page 33 of 220

  • Track emergency worker expesure and evaluate the need for dose extensions
  • Coordinate the monitoring of site evacuees
  • Direct personnel monitoring and decontamination activities
  • Direct post-accident environmental sampling and exposure activities B.5.c.13. Dose Assessor The Dose Assessors are assigned the following responsibilities:
  • Support completion of the Emergency Notification Form to state and local authorities
  • Monitor, evaluate and communicate conditions involving any release of radioactivity
  • Review and analyze dose assessment results
  • Direct/perform dose assessment
  • Record/review radiological sampling and survey data 8.5.c.14. Field Monitoring Team Communicator The Field. Monitoring Team Communicator *is .assigned the following responsibH.ittes:
  • Communicate on assigned communication line and provide key information lo facility staff
  • Brief and dispatch the onsite/offsite radiation monitoring teams
  • Record/review radiological sampling and survey data
  .*   Track emergency worker exposure and evaluate the need for dose e.xtensions B.5.c.15.       Field Monitoring T earn Member The Field Monitoring Team Members are assigned the following responsibillties:
  • Perform radiological sampling and surveys
   ,. Record/review radiological sampling and survey data Offsite Radiation Monitoring is performed by survey teams assembled in the OSC, Upon leaving the OSC the Offsite Survey Tearn{s) report to the Environmental Assessment Coordinator in the EOFvla the Field Monitoring Team Communicator to receive briefing and instructions; The off-site Survey Team Driver is normally .filled by non-RPT personneL Qualified RP Technicians fill the position for persons performing the survey.

B.5.c.16. Logistics Coordinator The-Logistics Coordinator is assigned the following responsibilities:

  • Manage assigned group-emergency response activities
  • Coordinate external assistance (industry, commercial, contractor)
  • Arrange logistics support for event response
  • Support coordination of site emergency facilfty relocation
  • Serve as primary point of contact for SAFER and FLEX support B.5.c.17. IT Specialist The IT Specialist is .assigned the following responsibility:
  • Ensure availability of facility information/communication/display systems Planning Standard 8 CEP Rev40

Page 34 of 220 8.5.c.18. Administrative Coordinator The Adrninistrative Coordinator is assigned the fo!lowing responsibilities:

  • Complete facility 24 hour staffing list
  • Manage assigned group emergency response activities
  • Provide admin/logistics needs for facility operation B.5.c.19. Administrative Soecialist The Administrative Specialist is assigned the following responsibilities:
  • Provide admin/logistics needs for facility operation
  • Distribute forms, reports. etc. as needed Emergency News Center/Joint Information Center (ENC/JIG)

The ENC, located at the Nuclear Generation Group Headquarters Building, approximately 14 miles southeast of CNP in Buchanan, Michigan, will be staffed by individuals from the Energy Information Center; CNP, and Corporate Communications - Generation. The ENC will be under the direction of the Emergency News Center Manager. Throughout the operation of the ENC, the Emergency News Genter Manager maintains constant communication with AEP Corporate -Communications - Generation. See Figure 8 for an organization chart illustrating staffing and information flow for the ENC/JIC. Figure 5 illustrates ENC/JIC functional relationship to the remainder of the Emergency Response Organization. When the Governor of the State of Michigan declares a "State of Disaster or Emergency" ,the ENC becomes the Joint Information Genter at the _governor's declaration. See Figure 8 fo(an organization chart illustrating staffing and information flow for the ENC/JIC. 8.5.d.1. Utility Spokesperson The Utility Spokesperson is the "single utility spokesperson~ when dealing with the news media. The Utility Spokesperson is assigned the following responsibilities:

  • Coordinate information and activities with offsite agency personnel in the facility
  • Approve/review news releases
  • Direct the development of news releases
  • Ensure press releases are prepared and issued prior to JIC activation
  • Pe,rform media briefings and interviews
  • Address rumors in media briefings
  • Develop recovery plans Technical Communicator The Technical Communicator is assigned the following responsibilities:
  • Communicate on assigned communication line and provide key information to facility staff
  • Provide operations or radiological data to ERO members (loss of PPC/PSS)
  • Provide emergency response information to the ENC
  • Provide technical assistance for the development of news releases and statements
  • Assist the Spokesperson in gathering technical information for media briefings and interviews Planning Standard B CEP Rev40

Page 35 of 220 B.S,d.3. Emergency News Center Manager The Emergency News Center Manager is assigned the following responsibilities:

  • Complete facility 24 hour staffing list
  • Coordinate*ERO/facility shift turnover
  • Manage facility emergency response activities
  • Manage assigned group emergency response activities
  • Coordinate information and activities with qffsite agency personnel in the facility
  • Develop requests for external assistance {technical, craft, admin, etc.) *
  • Ensure flow of information within and between the emergency response facilities
     "    Maintain communicatlons with AEP corporate and coordinate activities
  • Dired the development of news releases
  • Ensure press releases are prepared and issued prior to JIC activation
  • Coordina_te*the conduct of media briefings
  • Direct preparaticms and brief personnel prior to facility activation
  • Ensure minimum staff is available and prepared to activate the facility
  • Activate the facility
  • Determine current/projected staff needs
  • Condi:1ct facility briefs and updates B.5.d.4. Media Area Coordinator The Media Area Coordinator is assigned the following responsibilities:
    *    ,Manage assigned group emergency ,response. activities
  • Maintain status a_nd information boards
  • Coordinate the conduct of media briefings*
  • Coordinate accommodation of news mediq personnel
  • Provide media with prepared media information and :media briefing start times
  • Provide actminllogistics needs for facility operation
  • Distribute forms, ,reports, etc. as needed 8:5.d.'5. Audio/Visual Specialist The AudioNisual Specialist is assigned the following-responsibilities:
  • Support the setup of electronics and communications equipment
  • Ensure availability offacility information/communication/display systems 8.5.d.6. Receptionist The Receptionistis -assigned the following responsibilities:
   .*    Coordinate ENC security and media badging
  • Register personnel at the assigned location
  • Provide adminllogistics needs for facility operation B.fod.7. Briefing Statement W[iter The Briefing Statement Writer is assigned the following responsibilities:

Planning Standard B CEP Rev40

Page 36 of 220

  • Develop technical news.releases
  • Coordinate distribution of news releases B.5,d.8. Rurnor*Control/Media Monitoring Coordinator The Rumor Control/Media Monitoring Coordinator is assigned the following responsibilitles:
  • Manage assigned group emergency response activities
      .. Monitor media outlets for eventrelated information
  • Perform rumor -control activities
  • Set up the facility
  • Determine current/projected staff needs 8.5.d.9. Rumor Control/Media Monitoring Specialist The Rumor Control/Media *Monitoring Specialist is assigned the following responsibilities:
  • Monitor media outlets for event rela_ted information
  • Perform rumor control activities R5,d.10. .Support Office ;Coordinator The Support Office Coordinator *_is assigned the following responsibilities:
  • Provide adminllogistics needs for facility operation
  • Manage assigned group emergency response activities
  • Determin.e current/projected staff needs B.5.d.11. Support OfficeAdmin Specialist The $upport Office Admin Specialist is c1ssigned th~ following responsibility:
  • Complete facility 24*hour .staffing list
  • Provide .admin/logistics needs for facility operation B:6. Overall Organization and Communication The communication links between various emergency centers established as a result of implementing the Emergency Plan are delineated by Functional Organization Charts in Figures
  • 9 and 10.

Initial notification flow sequence is shown in Figure 9. Figure 1G shows the reiationshjp between various emergency centers and organizations after the incident has -occmred abd all ,channe!s,of communication have been established. B. 7. Plant Staff Augmentation B.7 :a. *Logistics Support Emergency Director directs ,the development of recovery plans and procedures. The Aclministrative Coordinator serves as a .support resource for the ED in the arE!as of planning, scheduling and expediting of recovery operations. The Administrative Coordinator is assigned to the EOF and reports to-the .EOF Manager. Planning Standard B CEP Rev40

Page 37 of 220 8.7.b. Reentry/Recovery Technical Support The Plant Evaluation Team (PET), operating out of the TSC develops corrective action recommendations. When the corrective action plans are decided upon, the TSC Manager coordinates the design and construction activities. of the utility, NSSS supplier, and other outside vendors to supportthe corrective actions for recovery. 8.7.c. Management .level Interface with Government During an event the Emergency Director is responsible for control and coordination of all emergency and recovery operations including communications with offslte organizations, and interface with governmental authorities. B.7,d. Releases to Media The Emergency News Center Manager coordinates all information at the ENC/JIC with counterparts from the county, state, federal agencies, and *others involved wlth the emergency. The Utility Spokesperson is the "single utility spokesperson" when dealing with the news media. 8.8. Offsite Agencies and Organizations Appendix B, Agreements with Off-Site Support Agencies, identifies the primary response agencies that can be relied upon in an emergency to provide assistance. In addition various nuclear industry organizations can be called upon fo provide technical assistance as needed. Procedures have been developed and are in .place that assures the ability to notify and request assistance from those agencies identified in Appendix B. These procedures also provide the ability to notify and request assistance from other nuclear:industry organizations. These include, but are not limited to:

1. NSSS Supplier.
2. Consultants,on radiological and .radwaste requirements.
3. Nuclear Fuel Supplier.

8.8.a. Notification of American Nuclear *Insurers The American Nuclear Insurers notification criteria for nuclear emergencies has been brought into alignment with .the emergency classification .(EAL} system described in Section D and also identifies methods for follow-up communications. American N.uclear insurers requires notification in the event of an Alert, Site Area Emergency or General* Emergency. A representative of the NGG shall notify American Nuclear Insurers via the American Nuclear Insurers emergency notification number. American Nuclear Insurers requires that periodic:; updates be supplied of releases of radioactive material from the plant, plant status *and impending protective action for members of the public. These updates are the responsibility of the Industry Support Communicator in the EOF. Appendix l, Notification of American Nuclear Insurers, and Figure 13 show the ANi notification procedure. Planning Standard B CEP Rev40

Page 38 of 220 B.9. Offsite Groups Although many offsite groups may be used in the event of an emergency, there are three offsite groups that have agreed to serve in the capacities outlined in this plan should an incident occur. These groups are the Berrien County Sheriffs Department, the State of Michigan, and the Federal Government. The responsibilities and authorities of the County, State and "Federal Governments and their lnterrelafionship with this emergency plan are outlined in the following paragraphs. Written agreements with various offsite agencies that are part of the overall response organization within the Plume Exposure Pathway Emergency Planning Zone are listed in Appendix B of this plan. 8.9.a. Berrien County Sheriffs Department The Berrien County Sheriff's Department, which is the lead agency 1n implementing the Berrien County Radiological Emergency Plan, has established an Emergency Operating Center (BCEOC) in accordance with the Berrien County Emergency Plan. This center is located in Benton Harbor, Michigan about 14 miles from the plant. It is equipped with the appropriate communicatio~s,equiprnentto coordinate all the local offsite protective ac~ions. The Berrien County Sheriff has the responsibility and authority for coordination of all local resources in the event of a hostile threat or a radiological emergency, including establishing an Incident Command Post when applicable. The Sheriff's Department also has a marine division Within its organization for the control of water traffic should it be necessary. Although the Sheriffs Department is primarily responsible for coping with an emergency using its own resources, the County Sheriff will call upon state resources to supplement the local resources when the local resources are cl~arly insufficient to cope with the emergency.

  • Once the Governor of Michigan has declared a State of Disaster under Act 390, the Berrien County Sheriffs Department will implement the Governor's Orders** and will perform the following: '
1. Contact* heeded for assistance.

2: *Control offsite vehicular traffic.

3. Initiate the warning system and issue clear instructions of what protective action is required forthe populace.
4. Take other appropriate action, if so advised by the Michigan State Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) or upon notification by the SEO or ED that conditions requiring immediate offsite protective action have been reached. {For further details see the Berrien County Plan - Warning Annex.)

B.9.b. State of Michigan The State of Michigan has developed the Michigan Emergency Management Plan. In the event that offsite protective action is required due to a hostile threat or a radiological emergency at CNP, this Michigan Emergency Management Plan can also be placed into effect to assist the Berrien County Sheriffs Department. A brief outline follows of the plan's provisions for nuclear facility emergencies. Planning Standard B CEP Rev 40

Page 39 of 220 Under the Michigan Emergency Management Plan, the Department of State Police will provide guidance for the development of state and local nuclear incident emergency plans for dealing* with peacetime radiological incidents. These are) defined as situations in which normal control over radloactive materials is accidentally lost, with resulting hazard to the health and safety of the general public. The State Director of Emergency Management and Homeland Security is responsible for planning and coordinating the Disaster Relief Forces and their activities for the state, The Nuclear Power Plant Project Coordinator, Emergency .Management and Homeland Security Division, State Police is designated as the Emergency Planning Coordinator for the State's radiological emergency response planning portion of the plan. The Slate Police, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division, at the direction of the Governor, will coordinate all organizations in the State for nuclear lncident activities. maintaining liaison with all levels of government. The prlmary State Emergency Operations *Center (SEOC). acting in support of the BCEOC, will perform all state governmentar functions. This SEOC is located at 7150 Harris Drive, Dimondale. Ml 48821. Alternate sites to the primary State EOG will be located in one of the State Police District Headquarters as indicated in the Michig*an Emergency Management Plan. The basic responsibilities and duties of the State Government agencies that provide support during a nuclear incident are outlined below. B:9.b.1. The Primary State Response Agencies arid a summary of their responsibilities are: B;9.b.1.a. The Department of Michigan State Police (MSP)

  • Receives notification of nuclear incidents from the utility and alerts state agencies and warns affected local governments (adjacent states and adjacent counties are also alerted);
  • Operates the State Emergency Operations Center. and the field team centers; . * * * *
  • Provides overall direction and control of all activated state and local disaster relief forces;
  • Provides notification to local jurisdictions based on technical advice by the.

DEQ to evacuate and/or shelter in-:place.

  • Assists local jurisdictions to establish security around restricted area;
  • Collects and compiles damage assessment information;
  • Prepares and *coordinates emergency public information releases and advises the news media;
  • Assists local jurisdictions with. any transportation accidents;
  • Establishes procedures to handle terrorist activities at nuclear power plants; and
  • Provides liaison to various federal organizations and agencies.

Planning Standard B CEPRev40

Page 40 of 220

.B.9.b.1;b.       The Deparfment ofEnvironmental Quality (DEQ)
                **      ;Monitoi:s the environment;        personnel, *and equipment fo . support . of emergency.operations;*        ***   *             *
                  *     ,Evaluates tile. public health and medical a~pects of radiological effe¢s;
                  *     'Recommends measures and ~stablishes limits to mitig~te ~actiologicat effet:ts son public health;
                 }'J    Recommends measures to .control the spread of radioactivity; *.
  • Establishes 'radiological safety
  • criteria* for recovery, re-occupancy, and rehabilita,tion ofaffected areas; *
                 .. Provides technical advice e1nd assistance for offslte. decontamination activities and .support.
  • Sample surface.water. , .
  • Conduct other

monitoring. as requested: . . . o Monitor areas for.contamination ofthe erwironment .and r~comr;nenp suita~le oQ.untermeasures,to,reduce th.eJmpact;of. contcl.minalion ,oHhe.:en.vironment

  • Provict.e meteoroJqgic~J support and 'technical advice for use in analyzing *or projecting radiological release hazards.
  • The ~S.tate Sqpport':R~sponse ~gencies .and .iS,sdmrriary .of the1r-responsipjlitie$


                *Department of Agticuiture
  • Respom,ible for *sarnpling
  • agriculture irec1.s to( foc,d coritamim~tion and~

recommending* 21ppropriate counter measu!'.E!S in. iconjunction rwitti the Departrnenf.of Pdplic 'Health'. ... ' . . . ..

  • Res,popsil:>ie for t?kiJJg appropriate clctions to 'prohibit c:onh,1minated Jootjs fr?JTI ent~ring ttie market. . * * * * * *
9:b:2:b; .*.* Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
  • Prov.ide *liaison to .th~ ,pllblic utmty companies ..
  • PrClvide recommendations for handling *erief,gy disruptions resulting from a shutdown dueto a nuclear incident.
                          -                                                                              .
                *     'Provide advice and guidance to affected :persons regarding insurance claims
                       ~nd   adjustmepts.            .                       . .     .

B:9.b:2:c. Department of Corrections

  • Provide for mass,carei feeding, clothing ani:I 'sheltering.
  • Provide mass transportation. assis\ance for affectt9d persons and disaster
                     - reliefworkers.

,8.9.b.2:d; Department ofEducation

  • Provide supportfor mass care. feeding and:'housing.
  • Provide mass tra,nsportation assistance:

Planning Standarcl H 'CEP Rev40

Page 41 of 220 B.9:b.2;e. Department of Community Health

               *.*    Provide crisis counselln1;l" and intervention center assistance to affected persons,
  • Provides coordination of medical and emergency medical services to affected *
                   .areas..                                       *           * *                            *
8.9,b.2.f. Gepartmeritof,Military Affairs 6 . Provide transporfation and manpower, Sllpport for "evacuation counter .


  • Provide security support to local law enfor:cement operations, including*
                     'Control of .access to ,restricted or evacuated areas Within. the Emergenqy Planning Zone (EPZJ .
           .Department           of Natural Resources
              ..    *Monitor areas accessible by fish         and*gaml=l:
  • Jak#; action fo:prevent or minimiz~ contamination of fish and game.
              * .* Jake safTlples of .*fish: and g~rtie, vJhich. may have. been exposed                         or
                    ,contaminated.                                    **              *    *             *
            .*        Assist local. authorities ;tc, wa*rn and <evacuate occupants                  state parks,

beaches; .

                                  *and otl:ler re.creatidhal areas :ifnecessary.

8.9.b.2:h. Human Services

  • Assist with shelterlng*and housing*evacuated populati()n;
              * *.P;rcivide feeding and clothing if required

to Pers~[lS

                                                                           ..    *,*,


           **         Establish ~ssistahce centers for affected'indlviduals a~d families to receive .
                    .advice and assistance;                    *         *                      *     *.
            ,** *coordln!3'te assistanc~ made:a.vailable by ~oluntee,r reliE!f agencies and Jhe American Red dross. .                * *                  *                *
  • 8.9:b.2:L *Department of Transportation
              .. Provide fonmass .transportation assistance lo local jurisdictions if required .
                            .":        .              *.    .                                   '
             ...      Provide. advice and assistance support regarding barricades and security measures around.       .an *evacuated or restricted.area,
                                                                                      * *
  • Provide advice** on, traffic regulation and control for the evacuation of designate.ct.areas.

Provide assistance forth,frescue*of*ecitra~ped workers and\persons. Planning Standard B *CEPRev40

Page 42 of 220 The Michigan Department of State Police is notified of an emergency condition in the manner described in Section E by the SEO or designee. The State Police will set up a command post at the SEOC at 7150 Harris Drive, Dimondale, Ml 48821. The State Police will also *set up. a Field T earn Center (FTC) to coordinate the dispatch of field teams to monitor for radiological contamination. The FTC will be established at the Michigan Department of Transportation Coloma Service Garage on Red Arrow Highway at 1-196. The State Police will coordinate their efforts .with the BCEOC and with the EOF, as needed. After notification has been given, the Michigan Department of State Police will assist Berrien County and perform the actions Hsted in Section 8.9.b. B.9.c. Federal Government The Feqeral Government has established the Nuclear/Radiological Incident Annex under the National Response Plan to coordinate Federal radiological assistance. The Nuclear/Radiological Incident Annex establishes:

      *  ,A means of requesting and providing Federal radiological assistance from existing
         ,federal resources, ,and
  • An operational .framework for coordinating the radiological monitoring and assessment activities of Federal agencies during radiological emergencies occurring w1thin the United 'States and its territories.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) as the Coordinating Agency is responsible for coordinating the response of all other federal agencies in accordance with the National Response Plan. The Department of Energy (DOE) Chicago Operations Office, located at Argonne National Laboratory; has radiation monitoring capability available. It will, .'8S requested by NGG Management or any of the indicated offsite groups (Sheriff, State Police or DEO}, assist In the offsite emergency ,prqgram. The Chicago Operations Office will, upon request by NGG Management or any of the indicated offsite groups,. participate in the monitoring of the offsite areas affected and in the analysis of fiel<;l data and wjfl recommend measures to be taken offsite for protecting the public. !t will also advise the ED of the recommendations. The DOE Operations Office will, to the extent they are available during the protection and recovery stage, continue to advise the Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division of the Michjgan D~partment of State Police ,and provide monitoring and analytical capability as requested. 8.9.d, Fire Department CNP maintains an onsite fire fighting brigade; this capability is expected to be sufficient for all fires onsite. In the event offsite assistance is desired or needed, fire departments may be called upon. The Fire Protection Shift Supervisor is responsible for fire fighting activity onsite as well as notifying offsite departments when assistance is needed. The primary '.fire departments that will respond to a fire emergency at CNP are:

  • Lake Township Fire Department
  • Bridgman Fire Department Planning Standard B CEP Rev40

Page 43 of 220 Letters of agreement to provide firefighting assistance to CNP can be found in Appendix B of this Plan. B:9.e. HAZMAT Team CNP maintains an onsite hazardous material spill response team that is capable of responding to most emergency spill events. lf there is ,insufficient manpower or material available. assistance from the Berrien County HAZMAT Team will be requested. A letter of agreement offering thelr services can be found in Appendix K of this plan. AEP has also contracted with environmental firms to provide emergency spill response assistance. These contractors are listed in the Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) Plan and Pollution lncident Prevention (PIP) Plan, copies of which are located ln the Shift Manager's office. Planning Standard B CEP Rev 40

page44of 22d Figure 2

  • Management Structure of the Nud$ar Generatioh Group Vite Pte ,,d~rit Enu1netiltill
                  ',          , "'"

Planr11hg Standard .B CEPRev 40.

Page 45 of 220 Figure 3 Site Operations A. I Plant Manager Operations Maintenance .Nuclear Outage Work Control D1rnctar Dlrci:tor M,mnger Manager


Site Procedure Radiation Protection Safety Group/Nuclear Chem!s!ry

                                           .Manager                                    Doturnent Manager                                                          Manager Man;igement Mnnocor Pla11ning Standard B                                CEP Rev 40

Page 46 of 220 Figllre 4 on:s111tt Res1:ionse*Or&1ar1izatiQ11*

                                                                   ** $1 (e ~111~rgei1cy bi re ci:or
                                                                         *.; ($tifrtr-.1'.ai)agei')> *
                                                                         <:(SV,          '   ,;*,.,

Pfan.6iQ9 . stahdartl s >tel?* Rev 40 ~-~ -'-----~--- .__.,,..,......,___ _ = -~ ;. =v -N *------'-=--- ;

Page 47 of 220 Figure 5 - TSC Organization CR Communicator (Located in CR) Plant Evaluation Maintenance Security Coordinator Admirtistrative Team Cootdinalor Goordlnator ICPUaison [event based) l TSC Admin Sl)ecialist Computer Analyst Planning Standard B CEP Rev 40

Page 48 of 220 Figure 6 - OSC Organization Osq Comtnuni~ato, Team Coordinator OPs Spervlsor 4 ~P Supervisor (from shift) Radwaste Operator

                                                                                                                           .       I 0 .l Mechanic                   Electrician 2x: Chemistry Technician 5x: Fire Brigade Member I

(from shift) . (from shift) (from shift) (from shift) J l&C Tech 6x: AEO (from shift) (from shift) _.,.,._,.*..........~ - - - . , . ~ 3x; RPT (from shift) ,________ Electrician OR l&C Tech (from shift} Planning Standard 8 CEP Rev 40

Page 49 of 220 Figure 7 - EOF Organization Operations Advisor Public lnformallon Communicator EOF Communicator Offslte Liaison Coordinator Logistics Coordihator Administrative Coordinator EOFAdmln 2l<; Offsite tlaison IT Specialist Specialist lhdustry & Reg Dose Assessor Affairs Liaison FMT Communicator Planning Standard B CEP Rev 40

Page 50 of 220 Figure 8 - CNP ENC/JIC Organization Briefing Statement Writei::. Meclia Area Coordinator Support Office Coordinator

                                                                                      , Support Office Admin Receptionist                                                  Specialist AV Specialist Planning Standard B                                  CEP Rev 40

Page 51 of 220 Table 1 CNP Staffing for Nuclear Power Plant Emergencies 1 . Plant Ops and Response and Shift Manager (CR) 1 Assessment of Accident Assistant Shift ManagerN\/CC-SRO {CR) 1 Operational Mitigation Unit Supervisor (CR) 2 Aspects Control Room Operator (CR) 4 Auxiliar E ui mentO erator CR 4

2. Direction and Command and Shift Manager (CR}

Control Co.ntrol.,. -**** __ ...___J~ite.Emergency Dires;)or (TSC} 1 Facility and Group TSC Manager (TSC) *+ ..... . ***~*,¥***-- Control OSC Manager {OSC) 1 F Manager {EOF) 1 C Mana er (ENC) 1!d)

3. Notification & Emergency icensee - Reac;tor Operator {CR) 1\"I Comm, Communications ocal/State - Qualified Operator (CR) 1 Federal - Qualified Operator (CR) 1 State & County Communicator (EOF) 2 ENS Communicator (TSC) 1 PN_Communi~or(EOFL .. 1 Plant Status & ** R Communicator (CR)

Technical TSC Communicator.(TSC) 1 Activities OSC Communicator (OSC) 1 EOF Communicator (EOF) :1 _. *-* Pubkc lnfo_Comrnunicator (!=OF) 1 Governmental ffsite Liaison Coordinator (EOF) ffsite Liaison (EOF) 2 Liaison (TSC) 1M t & Re Affairs Liaison EOF 1

4. Radiological EOF Director 1 Assessment
   .and Support of Dose Assessment                          tor O erator CR)_
  • __
  • _ --.
  'Operational                                              .Assessor _{EOF).__ ------ ~ __
  .Accident        Offsite Surveys                        Technician {OSC)
  • Assessment MT Communicator (EOF) 1
                     . _ _---*- __ .,......... . . MT. Member {EOF). "                                          4 Onsite Surveys                      P Technician (OSC)                              1 P Technician (OSC) ff1-p1a-nt sufVeyS                  P TechniCian (0Sc)

RP Supervisory . =d~~;;~!~~~;?g~~r~fo~ior,(T§g}':~==*--: -~-~=~:*

                                                   ... nvironmental.*Assmt.Coordinator~(EOF)......... **- . .-


                                                                                                                   ~ ... ,~_,,., .,,,_,     '~
                   - ---- --*----- _____ P Supervisor (OSCL ...... ___ .. _ .. *---- .... __ _                           1 Chemistry I                         hemistry Technician (OSC)               ..   .' 2 Radiochemistry                      hemistryTechnician. (OSC)_


  • hemistry Supervisor (OSC) 1 Su ervisor Planning Standard B CEPRev40

Page 52 of220

5. Plant System Technical Support Shift Technical Advisor (CR)

Engineering, I Accident Core Damage: PET - Reactor (TSC) 1 Repair, and Analysis *Thermal Hydraulics: PET - Ops (TSC) 1 Corrective Electrical: PET - Electrical/l&C (TSC) 1 Actions Mechanical: PET - Mechanical (TSC) 1

                       *---*-** ... .. Operations Advisor_(EOF)_,....*. ,,,,__,,,,.,.         1 Repair and          Mechanic (OSC)

Corrective Actions Electrician (OSC) 1 l&C Technician {OSC) 1 Electrician OR l&C Technician (OSC) 1 Maintenance Coordinator .(TSC)

  • 1 Team Coordinator (OSC) 1 Mechanical Supervisor (OSC) 1 anic(OSC) 1 waste Operator (OSC) 1 lect!l&C Supervisor (GSC) 1 lectriclan (OSC) 1
6. In-Plant PAs Radiation PTechnidan (OSC) 2*'!

Protection P Technician (OSC) 4

7. Fire Protection 5 Local Support
8. Rescue/ 1~ Aid Local Support
9. Access Control Security & Shift Security Supervisor (Plant) 1 Accountability Security Personnel (Plant) (c)

Securit Coordinator (TSC) 1 10.Resource Administration Administrative Coordinator (TSC) 1 Allocation and TSC Administrative Specialist *(TSC) 1 Admin Administrative Coordinator (EOF) 1 EOF Administrative Specialist (EOF) Media Area Coordinator (ENC) Receptionist (ENC) * . Facility Operations Cym~AnalyslJI§C) _ *. __

  • Logistics Coordinator (EOF)

IT Specialist.(EOF) 1 AV Specialist (ENC) 1. Support Office Coordinator (ENC) 1 Support Office Admin S ecialist {ENC) 1

11. Public Public Information Utility Spokesperson (ENC) lnfonTJafion Technical Communicator-(ENC}

Briefing Statement Writer {ENC) Rumor Control/Media Mon Coard (ENC) Rumor Control/Media Mon Spec (ENC) 4

                                                                             ' \ffidtalsi 30     29    41      :1 The augmentation times presented in this table are goals developed from the guidance of Table 8-1 in NUREG-0654, FEMA-REP-1, Rev. 1 "Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response.Plans and Preparedness in St,!pport of Nuclear Power Plants."

a May be provided by shift.or other personnel assigned from other functions. Nol included in the total.

b. The ICP Liaison is a situational position. For all HAS events a.2nd TSC Security Coordinator assumes the position of ICP Liaison and respondssto.the ICP.
c. *Per Security Plan
d. Utility Spokesperson and Emergency News Center Manager are minimum staffing positions required for facility activation. but they do not have a required response time.

Planning Standard B CEP Rev40


     ' * , .v ,(    *:*   ,    :.::;:


            .    *.     '


                                      , * "*,., **, *,, * ,m *
  • C.1. Federal Radiological Assistance G.1.a. Requesting .Federal Assistance T-he Emergency Director (ED) or the Site Emergency Director (SEO) has the authority to request federal radiological assistance:
                                                                 . . '       '
                                                                                      '          .

A request for fec:!eral radiological assistance should be made through the Depcirtmentof Energis (DOE) Chicago*.Qperations Office located* at 9800 S. Cass Avenue, Argonne; Illinois 60439. The Chicago Operations Office is designated to provide the primary assistance following

      ,a radiological incidentin the Radiological Assessment Program {RAP) Regiono.

When a request for RAP assistance is made, the following informatjon pr9\fided:.

1. Nature ,ofthe incident.
2. Name, title, location and telephone *number of person requesting assistance.

3: *.

  • Time of the indderit
  • 4. . Location of the,incident.
5. Accessibility of locatfon.

Whether;a fire ls 'involved. Relative seriousness 000nclderit.

               ' \fVeathencondition~; "
                                    '       '

Personnelinvo!ved (injuries: ~ontarnination, etc.).

                                                         .             '
     *:10; :*    local/state/federal agencies thattiaveibeen notified! .
  • 11. Whether the news media is aware of the incident; whether false or exagger~ted r~ports are'kno.wn fo have circulated~ ** * * ** * * *
     ..C.1 :b. Federal Resources The immediate objective of the DOE's Chicago Operations' to dispatch a team of*

specialists to the incident site where the team wilt: *, *

1. Evaluate the hazard._.
2. Take or _recommend action to counteract, and control any .acute hazard offsite :from the licensee's site, * *
3. Establish cornmunic;tion with State and local authorities and. the .press.

lf the Chicago Operations Office determines a need for additional assistance beyond its own. capabilities. it may initiate the Nuclear/Radiological Incident Annex. * *. Planning Standard C CEPRev4b

Page 55 of 220 The Nuclear/Radiological Incident Annex has been established by the federal government to

  • coordinate federal radiological assistance. The Nuclear/Radiological Incident Annex establishes:
  • A means of requesting and providing Federal radiological assistance from existing federal resources, and
      "   An operational framework for coordinating the radiological monitoring and assessment activities of Federal agencies during radiological emergencies occurring within the United .States and its territories.

Through the Nuclear/Radiological Incident Annex the DOE's Chicago Operations Office has *the capability to call upon resources located throughout the United States and will provide this assistance where necessary or when requested. Some of the immediate resources that can be provided are (but not limited to):

1. Provide team(s) of RAP personnel to assist in offsite monitoring.
2. Provide portable direct reading radiological measuring instruments.
  • 3. Provide counting equipment.
4. Provide aerial surveillance and measurement.
5. Provide analytical capability to augment the licensee and state's capability.
-6.       Provide resources as may be available at the Argonne

National Laboratory.

Z. Provide health physics assistance.
8. Provide environmental control assistance.
'9.      Provide remote handling equipment on an as needed basis.
*.Additional information pertaining to federal radiological assistance can be found in Appendix E, Description of Federal Radiological Assistance, to this plan. Appendix E is divided into three sections. Section I is a brief introduction to the federal radiological assistance. Section II describes.typical capabilities and expected mobilization and travel times for some of the Region 5 radiological assistance resources available within Region 5 of the DOE's radiological assistance program. Section 111 describes additional DOE capabilities that can be activated dependent on the assistance needed and how it is activated.

C.1.c. Federal Response Support Resources Appendix E contains information on the local resources required to support the RAP. C.2. Liaisons C:2.a. Liaisons to CNP Not applicable Planning Standard C CEP Rev40

Page 56 of 220 C.2.b. Liaisons from CNP Sections f3.5.a.1 Oand 8.5.c.10. detail the liaisons provided to the Berrien County EOC, Incident Command Post and the Michigan SEOC. C.3. Radiological *Laboratories Section H.6.c Offsite Laboratory Facilities discusses offsite laboratory availability. CA. Offsite Agencies and Organiz?tions Appendix B identifies the primary response agencies that can be relied upon in an emergency to provide assistance. In addition various nuclear industry organizations can be called upon to provide technical assistance as 1ieeded. Procedures have been developed and are in place that assures the ability to notify and request assistance from those agencies identified in Appendix B. These procedures also provide the ability to notify and request assistance from other nuclear industry organizations. These include,* but are not limited to:

1. NSSS Supplier.
2. Consultants on .radiological and radwaste requirements.
  • Nuclear Fuel Supplier.

C.4..a. American Nuclear Insurers The American .Nuclear Insurers notification criteria for nuclear emergencies has been brought into alignment wJth the emergency classification {EAL) system described in Section D and also identifies methods for follow-up communications. American Nuclear Insurers requires notification in the event of an Alert, Site Area Emergency or General Emergency. A representative of the NGG shall notify American Nuclear Insurers via the American Nuclear Insurers emergency notification number. American Nuclear Insurers requires that periodic updates be supplied of releases of radioactive material from* the plant, plant status and impending protective action for members of the public. These updates are the responsibility of the Industry Support Communicator in the EOF. Appendix I and Figure 13 show the ANI notification procedure. C.4.b. Nuclear Transportation Accidents A Voluntary Assistance Agreement has been entered into between electric utilities .involved in thetrarisportation of source material, special nuclear material and by-product material received. possessed, used or transferred. This agreement sets forth the understanding and agreement with respect to the mutual undertaking to each other in the situation where an emergency occurs by reason of a nuclear materials transportation accident and assistance is provided by one utility to another. A copy of this-agreement can be found in Appendix 8. Planning Standard C CEP Rev 40

          ..... *-*----**--***-******* *******************-**--*--********-----***---*****--*---*-------------------

1 Page 57 of 220

,cA.c. Nuclear Power Plant Accidents Aivoluntary cl~Sist.arice agreernenth~s,been entered into between electric utilities in~olved in. the*.*..
  • oper?tion .of. nuclear* pgwer plants. Thi~ c1greernent sets forth the understanding and* agreement with zre~pe.ct to. ttieir :mlltual undertaking fo eaQh other,in a situation where an emergency .occtirs

.. atfa *11ucle:ar pqwer, planfan9 assista;t1ce .. is provided by* one utility to .another.A copy of thiii" 1 agre~iT:ien(~ari ,be found *in Apperidi(B .. and co~ta:ci information is cont~ined in th.e Emergency plan ;Proceoures. * * * ** * * * * *. *

  • Page 59 of 220 D. EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM In general, Initiating Conditions ((Cs) describe conditions that require implementation of emergency actions. Emergency Action Levels (EALs) are, where possible, pre-designated, non-subjective thresholds for entry into a particular Emergency Classification Level (EGL). The action to be taken- by the operating shift depends on the severity of the incident, its effects and type.

The SEO or ED will exercise subjective judgment to ensure .all incidents are classified at the highest appropriate EGL based on the following criteria:

  • Conditions warrant a declaration of an Unusual Event when events are in process or have occurred which indicate a potential degradation of the level of safety of the platit or indicate a security threat to facility protection has been initiated. No releases of radioactive material requiring offsite response or monitoring are expected unless further degradation of safety systems occurs.
  • Conditions warrant a declaration of an Alert when events are in process or have occurred which involve an actual or potential substantial degradation of the level of safety of the plant or a security event that involves probable life threatening risk to site
  • personnel or damage to site equ1pment because of Hostile Action. Any releases are expected to be limited to small fractions of the EPA Protectiv!:: Action Guidelin.e exposure levels.
  • Conditions warranta declaration of a Site Area Emergency when events are .in .process or have occurred which .involve an actual or likely major failures. of plant .functions needed forprotection of the public or Hostile Action that results in intentional damage or malicious acts; ( 1) toward site personnel or equipment that could lead to the likely failure of or, (2) that prevent access to equipment needed for the protection of the public. Any releases are not expected to result in exposure levels which exceed EPA Protective Action Guideline exposure levels beyond the site boundary.
  • Conditions warrant a declaration of a General Emergency when events are in process or have occurred which involve actual or imminent substantial core degradation or melting with potential for loss of containment integrity or Hostile Action that results in an actual loss of physical control of the facility. Releases can be reasonably expected to exceed EPA Protective Action Guideline exposure levels beyond the site boundary.

I The lCs/EALs were created following the methodology of NEI 99-01, Revision.6. The ICs/EALs will classify an event .or conditjon into one of four Emergency Classification Levels (ECLs) if an emergency classification is appropriate. D, 1. Emergency Actlon .Levels Emergency Action Levels are pre-determined, site specific, observable thresholds for plant Initiating Conditions that place the plant in a given emergency class. An EAL can be an instrument reading; an equipment.status indicator. a measurable parameter (onsite or offslte): a discrete, observable event; results of analyses; entry into specific emergency .operating procedure; or another phenomenon which. if it occurs, indicates entry into a particular emergency class. Planning Standard D CEP Rev40

Page 60 of 220 The severity of the emergency classification may change over time with the emergency being upgraded from one classification level to another. Incidents will typically be classified in a lower emergency" classification at first and then escalated to a higher classification if the situation deteriorates. Each of the four emergency ,classification levels has characteristic Emergency Action Levels for various parameters. Table 2 is the EAL Initiating Conditions for modes 1 through 4. Table 3 describes the EAL Initiating Conditions for the various Emergency Condition Categories (ECCs) for Modes 1 through 6 and defueled. Table 4 describes the lnit\ating Conditions for Modes 5 and, 6 and defueled condition (shutdown). D.2;, Initiating Conditions Initiating Condition - One of a predetermined subset of nuclear power plant conditions where either the potenliar exists for a radiological emergency or such an emergency has occurred. Some of the initiating conditions and events are directly identifiable by their existence. such as operation of a safety system ,or a 'fire, while others require observation of process or radiation monitoring instrumentation. , Station procedures contain the specific instrumentation, equipment status, and non-process conditions and events that are used to establish the emergency classification. Table 2 is the EAL Initiating Conditions for modes 1 through 4, Table 3 describes the EAL Initiating ,Conditions for the various Emergency Condition Categories (ECCs) for Modes 1 through 6 and defueled. Table 4 describes the Initiating Conditions for Modes 5 and 6 and defueled condition (shutdowri). 0;2.1 Emergency Declaration Timeliness Station procedures contain instructions to declare an emergency within 15 minutes after the availability of indications to plant operators that an emergency action level has been exceeded and shall promptly declare the emergency condition as soon-as possible following identification ,of the appropriate emergency classification level. Planning Standard D CEP Rev40

Page 61 of 220 Table 2 EAL lNITIA Ti NG CONDITIONS-' Mode 1'-4 GENERAL EMERGENCY SITE AREA EMERGENCY ALERT UNUSUAL EVENT j SG1 Prolonged loss of all oflsile and all onsite AG power lo emergency buses SS1 Loss o! all o!fsite and all onsile AC power lo emergency buses for 15 rninules or loi1ger SA 1 Loss of al! but ono AC power source to einergency buses !or 15 minutes or longer I su1Toss of all o!fsiteAC power

                                                                                                                                                       , capability lo emergency buses for 15 minutes or longer 1    SG1.1                                         SS1.1                                        SA1.1                                         SU1.1 Loss of Loss of all offsite and all. onsite AC        Loss of all offsite and all onsi!e AC        AC power capabili\y, Table ,S-1, to           Loss ol  all o!fsite AC power caµabillly, Emerg   povier to emergency 4, 16KV buses T11A        poviedo em~rgency 4;16KV buses T11A          emergency 4. lGKV buses t1 iA (T21A)          Table S-1, to emergency 4, 16KV buses
           ,\C   (T21A) and T11D'(T21D)                        (T21A) and T11D (T21D) for~ 15 n)in;         and Ti 1 D (T2iD) reduced.lo a single      j T11A (T21A) a,1d T11D (T2.1D')

Power AND EITHER; (Mote 11 power for :a 15 n\h (Note 1)

  • Restoration of al least one essential bus source for .a*15 rn1n. (Nole 1) in ~ 4 hours is not Hkely (Note*, l ANO
  • CSFST core Cooling fsED P/\TH (F* Any additional single power source 0.2) conc!lilons met fanum v.ill result In loss of all AC power s ~--+-,,-,----,,.,.-,,-----,,---,--,-,~f-,c-.,.,,,.-~-,---,--,,--,.~~---,-,,.-.,.,,..~--1 lo SAFETY SYSTEMS Sysleni SG2 Loss of all emergency AC and vital SS2 Loss or al! vitnl DC power for 15 Table S-1 AC Powor Sources MalfuncL oc power sources for TS minutes or minutes or longer Offsito:


  • Uni\ Auxiliary Xmr TR 1AB (TR2AB)
  • Unit Auxiliary Xmr TR1CD {TRZCD)
  • R_eserve Auxiliary Xmr TR101AB 2 SG2.1 SS2.1 [TR201ABl Loss of Loss of all offsite and all onsite t\C Loss of all 250 \/DC power based on bus None
  • Reserve Auxiliary Xmr TR 101CD Vila! power to emergehcy 4, 16KV buses T11A voitage.fndicatlons "215 voe on all vital {11'201CD}

DC (T2i A) and T11D (T21D} /or a 15 min, DC biJses 1CD (ZCD) {Train A) and

  • 6914 .15 kV Altemale Xfr TR 12EP,1
                                                                                                                                                       , Onslte:

Power AND Loss of all 250 VDC J>OWer based on bus 1AB (2AB) (Train BJ for a 15 min; (Nole l) I' *,EpG 1Ai3 (2A8) voltage indications< 215 voe on all vital ~DG~~CD~>~~~~~~~ DC buses 1CD l2CD) (Train A) and 11\B (2/lf:l) (Train 8) for)?: 15 min, Nole 1 Planning Standard D CEP Rev 40

Page 62 of 220

          ~!fl~:]G~E~N~E~R~A~LJE~MfilE~R~G~E~N~C5Yc:=f]sfillTITEAREAEM~RGENCY                                  ALERT                                UNUSUAL EVENT SA3.UNPLANNED loss 0) C6n\rol Room           st:J:fONPlANNEO loss of Control Room indlcalions for H.l inlnutes or longer with   indlcatlons for 15 minutes or limger a s,lgnificnnt !ransienl lh pmgress
                                                      . 'Table S-3 Slgnlfic11nt Transients SA3.1                                         SU3.1 3
  • Reactor trip An UNPLANNED over'it results in the An UNPLANNED even! results in the loss of None
  • Runback > 25% thermal power inability \o monitor one ormore Table S- lnabiiity 16 monitor one or more Table S*

CR i pararMtets from vA!hin!M Control rwran1eters from vllthin the Conirol inoicalions

  • Efeclrical load reieclion> 25% or 12 Rooni
  • full electrica\ load Room for~ 15 min. (Note 1) ror ~ 15 min. (Note 1)
  • ECCS actuation ANO Any signinctml .lranslenl is In progress; Table S-3 **-*-
                                                                                                                                        , SU4 RCS activity greater \han Technical Table S-2 Safety System           I Speciflca!lon allowable Hmlls I r-=.-::-'-r"."-::-r=----r;==~

s 4 Nolie

                                                                                                              'Paramet<1rs System           RCS
  • Reac\or power MalfiJnct. None Activity *
  • Indicates RCS activity "
                                                                                              'RCS leve,I alien 3.4.16 liini!s
  • RCS pressure SU5 RCS leakage for 15 minUles or
  • Core Exit TC temperature longer
  • Level in a! least one SIG
                                                                                               , AIJ)rilimy feed now In a\ leas! one       SU5.1 RCS unidentified or pressure boundary 5                                                                                                                         leakage > 1o gpm for)! 15 min.

RCS None None OR . Leakage RCS ictenti!ied leakage > 25 gpm for;: 15 min. (Note 1) Nohe OR leakage from the RCS to 11 location oulsil!e ' containment > 25 gpm for"' 15 min. Planning Standard D CEP Rev 40

Page 63 of 226 GENERAL EMERGENCY SITE AREA EMERGENCY ALERT UNUSUAL EVENT _..,;::..;:::::.o:..::::.:..;:.:...:::::...=.:.:::::.:..;:..::..::::.;...;:..:c...:.._+-::s:::s~s'"i1n-.a2;b',;il"'i!,~*:-:to:-s::.h~u7t -:;do:::*w'"* ;;:lh:''-;s;;-A.'.6;:--;:A:-:rn::o-=m=-=a:;;ti::-c;:'.o:".rm==a=-nt:::ia:.1-::tn:;:.p:-f;::a:;;lls::-;:to:-s:th:-u::-t-t-;,S:7U7:6:-A:c-u'w'me!lc olma11ual trio fails to shut 1!1=-* causing a challenge to core cooling dO'Ml (he reac\o.r and subsequent rnar.uat do\Vf\ the reactor or RCS heal reniovel actions !akeri a! the reactor contrd Cl.insole are not successful in shutting do,-.n lhe rmic!or SS6.1 SAG.1 SU6.1 An automatic or manual trip fails to An automatic or rnanua! trip falls lo shut An automatic trip did not sl1ut dowi1 the shut down the ieaclor as ihdicaleu by dol'.11. the ~eactor as irn:lica\ed by reac\or reactor as i,nc!lcated by rMctor power 2: 5%

                                                                                                                  .reactor power 2 .5;%                                                                                ,po;-ver;: S1~                                                                                             afte.r any RPS'setpo!ntisexceedi!d AND                                                                                                   AND                                                                                                      AND All actions to stnit down the reactor                                                                 Manual lrip actions teken at !he reacto1                                                                 A subsequent au\ornal\c tl*p or manual trip 13                                                                                                      are not successful as l!kllcated by                                                                   control console (reactor \rip swilches) are                                                              action !ar:en a! !he reactor control console RPS                                                 None readof powed:.5%                                                                                                                       in not successful shutting dov.ri the                                                                       (reactor trio sv,itches) ts successful in Failure                                                                                                    AND EITHER'.                                                                                          reactor as H'idicated by reactor power ~ 5%                                                               shutting down \~e reaclor as Indicated by
                                                                                                                   ; Core Coo!ing RED PATH (F.{l.2)                                                                       (Note 6)                                                                                        power< 5% (Nole 8}

conditions rnet

  • Heat Sink RED PATH (F-0,3) SU6.2 A manual trip did not shut down the reactor s oonctitions met as indk:aled by reaclo: power ~ 5% afler System any maf1ua! !rip adlon was initiated MalfuhcL Table S-4 communication M AND A su.bsequent :;mlcmatic trip or manual trip System <,Onslte ClR action taken at tile reactor controi console X (re!1clor trip sv.ilct1es) is s,1ccessful in Phinl Radlos X X shvt\ing cown the reactor as indicated by reactor wer < 5% Note 8 X X SU7 Loss of all or\slie or off site Telephone cornmun:caiions capabilities ENS Ure X X.

Corn!J1ercial X X 11 I 2 I 3 . 1: 4 lm'111i!t*iiii¥1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  .. Telept:ioue                                                                                                    SU7.1 Miciov.-ave                                                           X                         X               Loss.of al! Table S-4 ons1te communica!ion 7

Loss cf Nona None Tt,!'H1$!111SSlo'r1 rhethods Cornrn. OR Loss of all Table S-4 ORO communication methods OR Loss of all Table S.a NRG communication rnelhcz!s Planning Standard D CEP Rev40

                                                                                                                                                       <Page 64* of.226.

isolate contii!rimenf or toss pressure cori!rol '

                                                                                                                                                 ,,i ,,,*      *,,

SUS,1 n.ot isolated vr.thin 15 mln. of a VALID containment i~olatioh sighe!I , , , 9Fk :. . .*  : , .. ,,. '.******.::.*

                                                                                                                      , C611taifirl1en!prnssufo. ?' 2.i! pslg with< one.,
                                                                                                                       ,full train of containrneilf depri;issuriza!iori' ,

eqliipmcint operating perdesigh for

  • 15 min. Note 9 Note 1) *
           ' Selsrriic evenl{earthq!late}        ,
           *: Ih\eifiii!'6r etterh~f ~Loobif,,\O' event*
  • High vnnds or.iornado s!~ke *
           *FIRE,                                             The oc;cvrrence of any Tabl9 S-5
           * ~PL6s1of.J                                       hazaroous e*teti! ANb          .

Even\ rlamageh~s cilused. indicetioils of

            , 6ihei events with sim1tar hazard                degraded perlorri1ai1ce on one tiain of a cllaractefis!lcs seoii' as d~tem~ltied

tiy the

                                                         , , SAFETY SYSTEM iieedetl for.Hie ci.trienl
                                                             ,r;iperaJ!ng 111qge
  • L-,--,,-~+;....;.+~;....;.=~......;.,...,...,, *,ANO EITJ,ER:. , . . .. * . *.*. **
                                                            .i l:.vei1r damage ti,as caused ind1Cfli1ons of cJegrad~d p_effor111ance to the Sf)('..Ofld, ln:t!O oflhe SAFETY SYSTEM needed f6r H\e
                                                            . ctfrrent operatiilg mode.. :.: *         **
                                                              , Event d,arnage tias resulted ln v1s1.BLE
                                                             ,DAMAGE to the second lriiin or the .. . ..
                                                            . SAPETY SYSTEM needed fer the curtent operating .mode

((Ntites 11, 12) Planning Standard D .CEP Rev40

Page 65 of 220


Fission Product Barrier Threshold MatriK

             -             t,oss Flail Clad (FC) Barrier_

Potential Loss. . Li:iss


Reactor Coolant Syslorn (RCS) Barrier

                                                                                                               .*        Polerylial J.;os~

Conta1nment (CNMT) Barrier Los.s Potential A, 1, An au\oma!ic or manual 1. Opera lion of a steridby 1, A leakino er RUPTURED RCS or SG ECCS (SI) ac\llaticin required c!Jargirig puhtp is requ1re<l by SG is FAULTF.O cutslde oi Tube by Eff11ER; . EITHER: cont;;i]riment

                                                                              ~ UNIS0lABLE RCS
  • UNISOLABLE RCS Leakage Nor1e Noni} leakage leakage l None
  • SG !ube RUPTURE
  • SG tllbo leakaoe 2., CSFST Jnteg:i!y-RED  !

PATH (F-0.4} _,,..,,=,,,--*----- ccndit1ons ri1et ,;.,,.,,..,...... B. 1, CSFST Core Cooling-RED ' Core Cooling* 1, CSFST Heat Stnk*RED t GSFST Core Cooling-RED Inadequate PATH (F-0.2) coMillons rnel OP/\H(')!; PATH (F-0.2) PAT! I (F~0.3) conditions met PATH (F*0.2) c-0ndi!lons nie\ Heat condilforis met AND . AND Removal 2. CSFST Heal Sink-RED None Heal Sirk is required None Res\oralion procedures not PATH (F-0.'.3) i::6nditlohs 1,1fective iNIH1in 15 min.. {Nole m1;;tAND 1) Heal Sirik ls required C.CNMT 1. Coh\ainmeht radiation >, 1, Containment radl~tion ,, 1. Containment radiation > Radiation! Table r-.2 column 'FC Loss' None Table F-2. None NoM Table F-2 'GNMT RCSAc!lvity 2. Dos(l equiva!ent 1-1 j i column 'RCS Loss' Potential loss~ coctani adivitv. > 300 tiCi/ilm O.CNMT 1. Containrnen\ lso!a1for, is 1, CSFST Con\ainmenl*RED Integrity or requfred AND EITHER PATH (F~0.5) coridilions met Bypass

  • Containment lnteg*lly has been lost based on SED 2, ConMihment hydrogen judgm~nt concen\ratlon dt 4%,

None None None None

  • UNISOLABLE pat!iway :i Containment pressure>
                                                                                                                                                     !rem C0!1!1.11nmen! !o !he                 2,8 psig \\~th < one fu11 !ra\ri ernirorirnent ex,s\s                      qi depresswimlbh Z. lndibtltiilns o! RCS                    equipment operating per leakage outside of                         design for~ 15 mh (Noles

,-.--- Any co11dit\on in Hie 1, Ariy condition iri the I 1. Any condi!ion !n \he i Any conditkm .in the Contalnniorit

1. Any tomli\ioh In the 1, 9)
1. Any condiFon 1t1 the E.SEC 1, J 1, Judgement opinion of lhe SED th:it opinion of th!! SEO that \ opinion of thE! SEO that \ ophiion of !he SED that ophfon ol the SED Hw\ opinion of (he SEO tnat ihd1cates bss of!he Fuel indicates pntennar !oss of !nd,:3tes loss 6! the RCS .: irn:licn!es potential loss of the fr1d!t.ates loss of the indicates po\entlat loss o! \he Clad bm6er !N, Fuel,Clad harder 1 .onrner , I RCS barrier , * <;ontaim1\enl barrier Cor\lainment barrier Planning Standard D CEP Rev40

Page 66 of 220

  • Table 3 EAL INITIATING CONDITIONS-Mode 1-6 & Defu.eled GENERAL,. EMERGENCY SITE AREA EMERGENCY. UNUSUAL EVE:NT RG1 Release of gaseous radioactivity RS1 Release of gaseous radiofictMly RA 1 Release or gaseous or liquid RU 1 Release of gaseous or liquid resulting 111 offsite dose greater !hon resulting in offsite dose greater than 100 radioat!lvily resul\!119 in offsiie dose racHoactiv!ty grenler lhan 2 limes the 1,000 mrem TEDE or mrem thyroid mrem TEDE or 500 mrnm thyroid CDE groaterlhan 10 mrem tEDE or 50 mrem ODCM llmits for 60 minutes or longer COE 1 thyiokl CDE RG1.1 RS1.1 RAU RU1.1 Reading on any table Rs 1 effluent Reading on ai1y Tal\le R, 1 ernuenl Reacting on any Table R* i emuent Reactir1g on any Tallie R*1 emuer1t radialfon n1oniior > column "GE. !or;;: 15 rad!al!on monitor> column 'SAE*.rar ~ 15 radlatton fnonilor > column 'ALE!'<r for;;: radia(ion tnonilor > column "UE' for~ 60 min. (Notes 1, 2. 3, 4) mlh (Notes 1, 2, J, 4) . 15 min. (Notes 1, 2, 3. d) min. (Noles 1, 2. Jj
  • RG1.2 Rs1;2 RA1.2. RU1.2 Dose assessment i:,sii1g actual ... Dose assessment usin/1 actual . Dose assessmenl using actual Salnpie analysis for a gaseous or llq\.ild meteorology lndlcates doses" 1000 meteorology indicates doses > _100 rnrem meteorology indicates doses> 10 mrem release indicates a concentration or R mrem TEDE or 5000 n1rern thyrcitil ODE TEDE or 500 mrein lhyroid CDE al or TEDE or 50 rnrem Uiyroit! COE al or 1 release rnte > 2 x ODCM limits for '60 Abnom1. , 1 al oi'&eyond beyond the site bour\dary (Nole 4) beyond the site boundary (Nole 4) mh lhe site boundary (Nole 4l RS1:3 . RA1.3 (t~otes t 21 Le;,:~s I

I R~d *

  • Rad Etnuent RG1.3 Field survey resuits Indicate EITHER of Field survey results indlcate EITHER of
                                                                  !he !ol!O\'ing al or beyond the sl!e Analysis of a liquid ef!1uent sample
                                                                                                             . indlca.* les a concciri!raUon or ret;;ease rate Ernuent   !         !he !ollowinti al or beyond the silo boundary:


  • Closed 1*indow dose rnles > 100 mR/hr that would result In doses,. 10111mm 1 TEDE or
  • Closed ,*~ndow dose rates > 1000 expected to contlmie for ~ GO mln. 50 mrerri thyroid COE at or beyond the 1i1Rll1r oxpec\ed lo continue for~ 50 1111n.
  • Analyses of field survey samples . site boundary for GD 111in. of exposure
  • Analyses of fiejtl SLirvey samples indicate thyroid COE > 500 rnforn for 60 (Noles 1, 2) lntlicate thyroid COE> 5000 mrem for GO rnin. of inhalation: RA1.4 f!elo surveiv reslilts liidlcale rnin. of inhalation. {Notes L 2) EITHER of 1he folfo1,~ng at or beyond the (Notes 1. 2) siie boundarv: *
  • Closed window dose mies ,. 10 mR11ir expected lo contrnue for~ 60 min.
  • Analyses o_f field s,uvey samples tnd!cate thyroid CD > 50 mrem !or 60 min. of inhalation.

Plannirig Standard D CEP Rev40

Page 67 of 220 GENERAL EMERGENCY SITE AREA EMERGENCY ALERT UNUSUAL EVENT 2 Spent fuel pool level cannot be RS2 SpM! fuel p:)Ol le\/el a\ the top of the R/\2 Signl/!ca,i\ lO\Wring o1 waler level RU2 UNPLANNED less of waler level resfored to at feast the top of the fuel racks fuel rnc~s above, or damilge to, irrad,.ited iue! aL'Ove irradiated fuel fer 60 minutes or longer [ 1 l 2 3 4 t 5 t 6 D RG2.1 RS2.1 RA2.1 RU2.i Spent fuel pool level cannot be restored ta Lo),er1ng of spenl foe! cool level 16 o it 01 Uncovery oi fm,diated fuel In the UNPLANNED water revel drop in !he at leest OIL on 1(2)-RU-502,CRI Spent 1(2)-RLl-502-CRI Spent Fuel Pit level REFUELING PATHWAY REFUELING PATHWAY as indicated by low Fuel Pit Level lndii;a\ion for ;: so mi,,. lndicatton RA2.2 water level alarm or lndicatkm (Note 1) Damage lo im1diated fuel resulting in a AND 2 ". release of radioaotivity from \he fuel as UNPLANNED rise in corresponding area Irradiated indicated by High. alarm on any of the radiation levels as indicate,! lY; any of the Table R-1 Effluont Monitor Classification ihreshblds Fuel foil91*.ing radiiilion monitors: follow1no radiation monitors: Eveilt Release Monitor GE SAE Alert UE

  • VRS.110"111201, Unit 1 Upper
  • VRS-f101112ot Unit 1 Uppl!!f Point Go111n1,1me11t Contalnrnen\

Unit Veil! VRS-1500 **3,3E+OO 3.3E*01 3.31:,02 4.2E-03

  • VRS*2101f2201, Unit 2 Upper
  • VRS-2101/2201, Uni! 2 Upper lll Noble (2500) pCilcc i,Cilcc  !!Oilcc ;tCYcc Con!alrimen! Conlainrnent R



C Gas Gland Seal SRA-1800 (2800) U,E*02 11Clicc 1.6E+Q1

,otrcc U\E700 t4E-01 ptiicc
  • R-5 Sµ,rnl Fuel Area
  • VRS-500G Soen! Fliel Ar&a RA2.3 .
  • R-5 ScM! Fuel Area
  • VRS-5006 Spent Fuel Area

(!) 11Ci/cc Rad Levels I Rad Elf!uenl Leakoff

                                 - * ...nN*----~,,_.

Sleamjet* Air Eje-;tor SRA. 1900-g<*~ {2900) pC\lc


HiE+03 itCiit:e t--'""-'v>>.:...~--,*-*'- _ ; _ _ l.5P02 11C!/cc UE+01 11Citc,:: Lowering of speii\ rue! pool l':lvel to g ft. 6 iii. on. 1{2)-RL1,~02,cR1 Sp;;nl Fu!?! Pl\ lovel Indication (t\ ft 10 in. on local ruler) Radwaste RRS,1001 .,:....** 4.6E*04 RA3 Ract.1atfnn levels that IMPEDE access Effluehl . . .

                                                                                                                                   *--               com           lo equ)prneti! necessary for nomial olan!              Table R*2 Safe Oporatlori & Shutdown 1.7E"03      operauons, oooldov.n er shu!d0\\11 *                ,___ _ _ _RoornslA.""ro;;,,;.a_s~e-,-,~--1
                                                                             ...       ...            -*                            .......--.
                        '.:,2 so                       R-1,9           .; ..__


  • Room!Aretl Au>:Hi,ny Bullclmg '5 C'

Bb1'r,!owri DRS-3100/4100

                                                                           .,.:.,;......._            ......._.. _                 -- . - .... com ,

t2E-*04 RA3d BART Area 3

J SG R-24 -- . -- ..... .........._... 2.9E'-04 cpm Dose rates~ 15tn~lht in any of lhe following areas:
  • Boric Add Storage l Area Rad Bloi'down. 1 .DRS-I
  • Unit 1 Control Room {ERS-7401)

I Levels Treatment 3200!4200I ' .........~- --- . --* 1.2E+Q5

  • Unit 2 Control Room (ERS-840 lJ Tank Roorn, Nl.lC!em Sarncli11g Roo11,_J..,____,

l  !.

  • Central Atnrm Station (by survey)


  • Auxiliary Build,ng 609'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ,tKV Room (Mer.z;in,nc An UNPLANNED event results in                                Area), Boric Acid Botch 3, 4. 5 riltllatior1 levels that orohlhil or IMPEDE                 Tank Area, Clleri1Mry access lo nny Table R-2 rooms or areas                      Hol Lab. RHR Hx (Noto 5)                                                    Room Planning Standard D                                                                                     CEP Rev 40

Page 68 of 220 GENERAL EMERGENCY SITE ARl;A EMERGENCY ALERT UNUSUAL EVE~---* HS1 HOSTILE ACTION wilhin the planl H/11 Hostile action vrithin \he OWNER HU1 Confirmed SECURl1Y CONDITION PROTECTED AREA CONTROLLED AREA or airborne attack or threat threat \\ilhin 30 minutes 5 6 D HS1.1 HA1.1 HU1.1 AHOSTILE ACTION is occurring or has A HOSTILE ACTION ls occurrlno or has A SECURITY COMblTION that does not 1 ,None occurred wiihin the plant PROTECTED occurred within the OWNER - involve a HOSTILE ACTION as.ieported Security AREA as reported by lhe Security Shilt CONTROLLED AREA as reported by Hie by the Security 811111 Supervisor Supervisor

  • Security Shilt SL1j)ervrsor OR OR No\i!icalion of a credible security threat
                                                                                                                                               *A validated rfolificamm from NRC or an                   directed at the site aircraft attack threat witl,in 30 rnin. of the            OR H                                                                                                                                           site.*                  *
  • A lialiclaled notification from the NRC Hazards ro\iidin , irHom1ation of an aircraft threat HU:2 Seismic event greater than OBE levels 2 Hlr2.1 Seismic None None None Control Room personhel feel an actual or Event potential seismic event AND The occurrence of a seismic event is
                                                                                                                                                                                                          .confirmed in manher deemed approprlille

'--'--......._'-'-~----........~---'-"-'--"-"'--'--"-----_::..--'-'--"'-....1.;---'--...:.....--..:.,..;-'--~--'-"""""....:.:c.J..---------'---'-'-----"-'---'-"-'~'--------'---'---'b"-'*-'t'--'-he::..S=-t'-"1i:.:.ft.:.::M,:;a:..::na::.=e.:...r......,.._ _ _ _ _....., Planning Standard D CEP Rev 40

Page 69 of 220 GENERAL EMERGENCY UNU$.UAL EVENT HU3 Natural or Techndloglcal.Haiard j L j 2. I .3 I 4 j 5 L6 j O I HU3.1 .* . , .. . . .*. A lornadti'strike within !he PROTECTED AREA . .. . HU3.2 lti!ernaf room cfr. area FLOODING of a magnitude sufftclen! to require marillal or aolomaiic elecldcai isofiltli:m ofa ' SAFETY sYSTEMcompt.ir1eni needed for the clirreni

  • operalihg mode HU3.3.
                   ** ;Mov~.nient of personnei ,'<'iU1in lhe plant

_f?ROTECTED;AREA is 1¥PEOEO, <iu~ io

                      , a,.. aven! extemal to the PROTECTED
                 * * . AREA l6volvirig hazardous inaterlafs (e.g., an offsi!e'cheirtlcal sµm or toxlc gas release). :          ....
  • HU3A ..* ' ** *
                     !   A ilazardotfa. evenUhal rE!sulis In ons.i\e
  • corffl!tions sufficieniio pronibit the plant'
                     . staif from accessing 'the siie via personai
                      }1ehlcles      N61e* 1           *. .'. **      *. .*
  • P~ge70 of 220 UNUSUAL EVENT HU4 F!REpot~11Uill!y tlegriatliog the level of sn!ely of.!hi plan\
  • j.1L2L~J4;,Js. slo HU4.1 AFI R!; i~ rot ei.!(!]guis~~d \vrlhln 15 min. of . * .

,a11Y of the !o\lowing FlRE;oeteclion,lndica!ibns '. (Note 1):, . . . * ,

 , Repoit from ihe !ielo (l.e,, visual obsetvatioriJ
  • Receipt i.lf n\ultlpli!i' (more lhan 1) fire al/!ims or lndiciitions *
  • Fiekl voi[lieil!lon .oi a slrjgle fire aiilrri1 .

AND Th.e f'JRE rs located. Wi!h!ii';my TablelH

  • ri!eA: * **

HU(a Receipt of n si119i~ ik~ nlarm {Le,, no other i11t!icatibos of a FIRE) ANO The fire ala.rm is

, indicating. o FIRE \Vitliiri a11y. Tnb!e H-1 )!tea .
  • AND ri,e .e\lsti:,11i:o of a* F!R.E is not veilfi~d
  \\'(:hjh 30 mln: o! alarm iei:eipl (Note 1)

HU4;3 AFIRE.wi\hl:\ lhe plant orlSFSH>ROTECTED A.R.E:A rt?h,;Vngulshe~ wi\hln 60 m\n, of lhe

  • i!)itlnl loport, alaf!)) or 11\iilciHiln (Note 1)

HU4*4 , . .* *

  • A Fl~E \vl!hin th& p,anlor!SFSI PROTECTED
' Af<EA tpat requites Jireflghilrig s\ipporf lit offsile flie res    or\se a enc*   lo extii)' i.lish


                                                                . HS6 lnabilily lo controt a key safely           HAO Control Room evacus!ion resumng funclion from milside the Control Room          in transfer of plan\ conlroi lo alternate locations i1l2[3j4\5l6!D1 HS6'1                                           HA6.1 An even\ has resulted ih plant control          An event has resulted ih ptiml control 6                                                      being transferred from the Control Room          being transferred froi,, the Control Room Gon!rol                          None                     to the Local Shutdom lns\rui11entaUon            lo \he Local Shu!dov,n lnstnimentatfon                              ,None Room                                                     AND Evacuat1011                                                conti,-o! of any of !he lotlo,..Ang key s;ifety ftmclions Is not reestabHshed v,itnln 15 min. (Note 1)'.
  • Reactlvi\y control (rnocles 1, 2 ilnd 3 only)
  • Core cootlng
  • RCS heal removal her conditions eiisl which in u,e HS7 Other conditions oiislihg Iha! in Ille HA7 Other eondilfons exist \hat in the HU7 ouier ccmdltions existing !hat in the judgment oi the Site Emergency Director Judgment of !he Slte Emergency Director Judgment of the Sile Emergency Director judgment of the Site Emergency Direclor H warrant declara!ltin or a GENERAL watrani declaration or a SITE AREi\ warrant declaration of an ALERT warrantdeclaration or a UE Hazards EivtERGENCY EMERGENCY 11 l213.i4taja.101 HG7.1 HS7.1 HA7.1 , HU7.1 . .

Other condlllons exist which In.the other conditions exlsl \1/t\ich in tJw Oilier co11df!lohs exist which, ln the Other cMdi\ions exist which ih H1e 7 judgfnen! of lhe SED Indicate !hat events are in prog'ress or have occurred whlch involve aclual or IMMINENT subs\anlial judgment or the SEO indicate that events are in progress or !iave ocwrrecl 11,11ich 1nv6lve actual or fil<ely major fa11ures o! judgment of \he SED. indicate that l !udwMn! of lhe SEO fndlcate !hat events events are fn progress or have occucred * , are in prngrnss or have occwred which which irwolve an actual er polenUal ind!ca!e a po!entlal degradation or ttie SEO core degradalion or melting vAth potential plan! functtons needed !or protedion of substantial degradation of the level of level of safety or !lie plant m indicate a Judgement ,for, loss of co11tain1rnm1 Integrity or the public or HOSTILE ACTION that safety of the plant or a secrnity event \lial securily 1t1rea! to Facility protection has HOSTILE ACTION Hial results in an results in Intentional damage or involves probable life n,ree!ening risk !o been inllialed, No relmises of radioactive actual loss of physical control of the maliclous acts. (1) to\'rard site personnel site personnel or damage to sile 111nteria! requiring oflsite response or facility. Releases can be reasonably or equlpmenl that could lead lo the likely equ,pmett1 because of H0ST1LE n1onitoring ore expec!ed untess further expected to exceed EPA Protective failure or or, (2) that prevent effective ACTION. Any releases are expected to degradation of SAFETY SYSTEMS Acllon Guideline exposlire levels acce$S to equipment. needed for the be limiled lb small fractions of \he EPA occtirs. bffsile for mofe than 111e lrmriedlate site protectlon oflhe publlc. Any retoasos aria l'ro!eclive Action Guideline exposure tl!ea no! expecled lo result in exposwe levels levels.

                                                                   \*,11lch exceed EPA Proleclive Guideline               levels beyond Planning Standard D                                                 C:EP Rev 40
          . UNI..IS.UAL . EVENT

.EU1 DJunageto a lgaded .task . CONFINEMENT BOUNDARY , I J :1:2 J3'. I 4 L, 5 6 I D. J E.UU bamage to a loaded cask . . CONFINEMENT BOUNDARY as* indicated by ah oh-contact radiation reading: .. . * * .

 * > .60 nirernlhr (gamma+ neutron) on the top or the overpack            * *
 * :> 6()0 mmmlhr:{gamm~ + neutron) ori .

the .side of the 6vefpack excluding inlet and ouUet ducts

Page 73 of 220 Table 4 EAL INITIATING CONDITIONS-Mode 5-6 & Defueled GENERAL}Mi;,RGENCY --* ___§IIE AREA EMERGENCY~=r--**--*--*=:fLERT ..........J UNUSUAL EVENT CGi Loss of RCS inventory affeclin!J CS1 Loss of RCS inventory affecling CA.1 Slgnifican! loss of RCS inven\ory CU1 UNPLANNED toss o! RCS fuel clad inlegrily with containment core decay heat removal capacity Inventory challenged CG1.1 CS1.1 CA1.1 CU1.1 RCS level cannot be rnonilored for l!30 RCS level cannot be monllored for ;,;30 loss of RCS inventory as indicated by UNPLANNED loss of reactor coolant min. (Nole 1) mln. {Nole 1) RCS level< 614.0 IL results in RCS waler level less u,an a AND AND CA1.2 required lower limit for 2 i5 min. (Nole Core uncovery is indlcaled by any of Core u1icovery Is Indicated by any of RCS waler level cannot be monitored 1) 1 the foUowir'lg: \he foHowing: . .  ! for ;,; 15 min, (Note 1) CU1.2 RCS

  • UNPLANNED increa~o h, any Table
  • UNPLANNED Increase In any Table I ANO EITHER RCS water level canr10! be monitored Level C-1 surnpllank level of sufficfent
  • W'1PLANNED increase !n ahy Table AND EITHER C*1 sumpltarik level of.sufficient magnitude to indicate core uncovery msgn11ude to lndlcsle core uncovery C-i sumpltank level due !o a loss of
  • UNPLANNED increase ln any Table I.
  • High alarm on Con!ainmer1I radialion
  • Hfgh alarm on Containinenl radfaUon RCS inventory C-l nionitor VRA-1310 (23'IO) or VRA* monf!or VRA-1310 (2310) orVRA-
  • Visual observation cl UNISOLABLE sump/tank level due to loss of RCS C 141D(2410) 1410(2410) RCS leakaye inventory Cold
  • Erratic Source Range Moriilor
  • Etralic Source Range Moni!or
  • Visual observallon of unlsolable RCS SD/Refuel lndicalion indtcaiion leakage Syslem AND Mam.met. Any Conlaintnenl Challenge 1nditaU6n.

Table .C-2 Loss of all o!lslte ahd all onsile AC 2 Loss of aH bul one AC power pov.13r to emergency buses for 15 source to emergency buses for 15 minutes or longer mlnutes or tonger 2 C>\2.1 . cu2.1 Loss of Loss of all offs!le and all imsile AC AC power capability, Table C<l, to Emerg None None power to emergency 4.rnKV buses emergency 4.16 kV buses T1 tA (T21A) AC H1A /T21Al and T110 (T210) for 2 15 and TH D ( f2 ID) roduced to a single Power min. (Note 1) power ., source for ?. 15 t111n, (Nole 1) AND Any acld!tional,slngle power source

                                                                                                                                                             !allure v.111 rnsull in loss of all AC power
  • to SAFETY SYSTEMS Planning Standard D CEP Rev 40.


                                                          *CA31nability to mair1talriplan\ in cold    CU3 UNPLANNED lilcrease !ri RCS shuldown
  • temperature l0i~~'*il:':~1~*mlw1s:111pJ s I 6 Bilil CA3.1 CU3,1 .

3 UNPLAN~IED incre*ase.iti RCS UNPLANNED increase in RCS

None lemperaluie to> 200;FJ6r > Table C-4. terhperaiure to> 200"F (Note 10)

RCS CU3.2 . Tetnp. duration

                                                           .tNote 1, 10)                               Lb!\S of all RCS temperature and RCS C                                                         OR            .         .   *
  • level i/ioicatlon ror *~ 15 min. (Note 1)

Coicl .'tJNPLANNED RCS pressure increase > sb1Refue1 ' 10. psig (This EAL does not apply' during

  • system
  • r,stilld *1ant condl!lons.

Malfuncl CU4 L6s; 6! v1iaioc" power for 15 n1inutes . or loryger 4 ,. Loss of t!f':~:1frt!f:1~Nlliffi$ltffi'Hi s 1 .a 1111111 None .None" None..

          .Vital*                                                                                       CU4.1 DC                                                                                           < 215 VDC bus vollage lndlca\lons. on .

Technical Specification required 250

  • voe vi!atbusesJon: 15 min. Note 1)

CEP Rev 40

Page 75,of.220 GENERAL EMERGENCY . UNUSUAL EVENT. CU5 Loss of all onsite or o!Tsf!e communicallons capabllilles CU5.1 None None Loss o/ all Table C-5 onsite coinmunicalion methods OR Loss of all Table .C-5 ORO

  • corrununicalion methods OR Loss or all Table C-5 NRG
                                                                                                                                                                       . communication methods
                                                                                                                         .C:.AJ3 liaz.;,1rdous eyeiit arrecling SA,.FElY SYSTEMS deeded fofthe C                                                                                                                     current operaliilg mode Cold SD/Refuel Systein                                                                                                               .CAG,1             .      .*    **

Ma1runct '1]1.e occurrence ot any Tabie 0,6 0 hazardous event , AND , Eventdairiage has caused i11dications

                                                                                                                         ,*         ,iided. perfohnance on one lrarn None                                                                                      FETY SYSTEM rieected for the                         Nono
                                                                                                                           '          operating 'rriode ANO EITHER:
                                                                                                                           *)::vent dainage has*caused indicaUons of degraded perfofmen~ lSJ the Secom.I
                                                                                                                          !rain of lhe SAFETY SYSTEM needi:id, for the current operating        mode .


  • Evant darm19e nas resulted in , '

VISIBLE DAMAGE to the secorid !rain' of the SAFETY SYST.EM needed for

                                                                                                                 *,       the current' opera\1ng rno<[e         ,

'1-C-,--..;:..;..'--"-'-'---'-"c-:..L===...c~=~=--'-:~'-'--'--'--'"--'-:=:";,...-*~==-'-----'-:.....,..............._',c..,(""'N~o!es 11.12 ... ,, , , *.

Page 16.of 220

                           ** Tabli; C-3 AC Power Source!l
               ** *J;eserve AuxHiary XrnrTR101AB (TR201AB}
                  *; R,eserveAll"<iiiafy Xmi TR101CD(TR201CD}
                  >* 6914'.1? kV /\\teq1ate XmrTR12EP-1   .. *.*... *.
  • Mainxinr TRt (TR2.}. backfeed (onty 1r already
                  .aligned)         ,             ** *         * *
               '1  6hslte:

I**!;:DG 1A8 l2AB)

-:t:l?GJCD {2CO) *:
 * ~eismlc everil (earthquake) * ..
  • or externalFLOObtNG everif * . * ..* * *.*.*.
~/l~ \'~rids criorn?do slri~:.
., Other li\lerils with s1ii'lllar hm:aid ..

cihara cie rls!1cs as deteimined by the iSED .. ' . . ..

  • Page 79 of 220 E. NOTIFICATION OF EMERGENCY RESPONSE PERSONNEL AND ORGANIZATIONS E, 1. Notification of Offsite Response Organizations During an emergency condition, control of offsite actions rests with the appropriate government authorities with technical assistance provided by various members of the plant staff. This technical assistance is provided through the use of the plant's communication system.

A current list of all key support agencies with their telephone numbers is maintained .in the Shift Manager's office so that they may be notified of any emergency condition. This call list is incorporated into the plant Emergency Plan Procedures and is checked quarterly to verify that all phone numbers on the list are correct. It is the responsibility of the SM, acting as the SED early in an event. the SEO, or the ED, once the EOF is operational, to ensure that these offsite

  • response organizations are notified. Notification shall include the message authentication in order to permit further action by the Sheriff's Department.

Notification is given to the Berrien County Sheriffs Department and to the Michigan State Police Operations Office in Lansing, Michigan within 15 minutes following the recognition and verification of an Unusual Event, Alert, Site Area Emergency, or General Emergency condition. Any incident that requires initiation of the Nuclear Emergency Alarm requires notification of the NRC and. notification of 1he appropriate offsite groups. Upon notification with authentication, the Berrien County Emergency Operations Plan will be implemented. The Berrien County Sheriff's Depa,rtmenl has established a county Emergency Operating

  • Center (EOC) in Benton Harbor, Michigan, which will be the focal '.point for immediate offsite county agency actions when notified of an emergency conditioni The Berrien County Sheriff is the Berrien County Administrator of the Office of Emergency Management/Homeland Security and is responsible for coordinating all local resources when notified of an emergency condition.

An offsite liaison is sent to the Berrien County EOC at the emergency classification *Of Alert or higher classification. The liaison assists .in the interpretation of incoming plant reports, and acts as the liaison between the Plant andJhe Berrien County Sheriffs Department. The organization of the Department of State Police is such that initial notification is made to the Michigan Intelligence Operations Center (MIOC) in Lansing, Michigan. The Michigan State Police will then set up an EOG at 7150 Harris Drive; Dimondale, Ml 48821. An offsite liaison will also be sent to the State EOG upon activation by the State Police to perform a function similar to that of the person at the Berrien County EOG. Plant status updates will be provided to the State and County using separate lines. All communications, where practical, to the State and County will be via the offsite liaison at their respective EOCs. Immediately following the initial notification of the Berrien County Sheriffs Department and the Michigan State Police, the SM/SED/ED shall also notify the Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1s Operations Center, and the appropriate senior AEPNGG management. The decision to evacuate offsite individuals or to take other protective action rests with the appropriate civil authorities. The SEO or ED is responsible for notifying the appropriate State/County authorities that the conditions for offsite protective actions have been reached. Planning Standard E CEP Rev40

Page 80 of 220 Figure 8 shows. the ,initial notification process for nuclear incidents. A current list of all appropriate company officials and county, state and federal authorities with ]heir telephcme numbers is maintained as part of the plarit ERO Phone Directory~ A listing of offsite support groups is attached as Appendix B. *

  • E:1 ;a Notification ofNucl~ar Transp~rtation Accidents
Incidents involvingnuclear material that result from transportation accidents offsite as specified
   . in Section C.4:b ahd within the* service terrlfory of AEP'shafl he reported to the applicable stat~*

goveniment. The appropriate information required in Sections.E.3 and EA .and other pertinent information shall be provided as necessary. If the Plant has been requested to respond to a* transp.ortation accident in.valving .nuclear material '.by .another utility under the Voluntary Assistance Agreement, the Plant shall inform the state and Berrien County government of.the request, nature and location of the accident, expected responseand recommended precautions to be taken by .the responsible offsite authorities. The response team shall *keep the on-scene

    • . :government
      .     *.


                        '. " .,*.   .*.

and the



                                                 .> .        '

on the


status ofthe

                                                                          ., . :,: ,. . ,        ,:: .   .


                                                                                                               *.,.. . .
                                                                                                                                  ,     *
   .~E:2 . . *ERO Alert, Notification and Mobilization **

E'.2.a Onsite (Plant Staff)

                                  .                     .
  . 'Jf~*n emergency condition should afise thaf*'NOU!d ~fleet individuals on or df(site, this plan will be iri,ticited. There are two plan.t emergencyalarrns>A Fire Alarm:.1:1119 a tiuci~ar                                */

Errn:~rgency Alarm. Each audible. signal is unique ana easily 91stinguishable so that rio confuslori. as:to it~ purpose will dev,elo,p. .. . , .., . .

    *1dhe incid~nt6r conctitfon is:a fl;e, the      Fire Atarrrds*sou.ridE?d..

T~e Nuclear Emergency Ala.rm)s a tiorn desigh.ed* to ,pro~u.cJ a.distinct sqund different from ~ny ** * **

 . other ala.rms in-the plant. it may be activated 111anuallyJrom* either the LJ.riit '1 Control -Room                               .or
   *Unit 2.Control Room. The senior supervisor of the-on,..duty shift{e.g., th~ Shift Mcinager) has the authcn:ity to .activate the Nuclear Emergency Alarm.' :In the a~sence of Jhe 'Shift :Manager, the s~nior' NRG licensed operator assigned in the :Control Room* has the *authority to activate the Nuclear Emergency° *.,e.;1.ar01, An annoµncement over the .Plant Public Address Sys_tern {PA) identifying the incident will . be made including a brief description of the incident, and the
 . appropriate alarm for the determined condition will be sounded throughout the plant and at the switchyard. lri addition.An certain areas where the PA system and/or the Nuclear Emergency Alarm are not audible, strobeJights are installed to provide avisual warning signal.

ln the case of some Security events; the Nuclear Emergency Alarm would not be sounded ..

  • Perscins responding *to th? NEA could become targets of opportunity. Instructions to onsite" perso~nel 1wo1,1ld, be mad~ using the Plant PA systerri .
   .lmmEidiate. sounding. of the ,Nuclear Emergency Alarm is .required for incidents which, in the judgmentoUhe.Shift-Manager;                                              *      **                *                 *   *
                                                                              .       ,.\."                 .  .               ,;
               *   .release of radioc1ctivity that -could cause ,conditions for excessive ,ex:pcisure to .plant personnel, or               *                            *             *                             *             * *
  • plant conditions. that could cause conditions for excessive exposure to plant
personnel, .or Planning S~andardE CEPHev 40

Page 81 of 220

  • a Site Area Emergency, or General Emergency, except where harm to. personnel is possible (e.g. Security event driving the SAE or GE).

The sounding of the Nuclear Emergency Alarm dictates an immediate evacuation of all plant personnel and plant visitors to the onsite assembly areas identified iri Section J.1. with the exceptions that

t. The operators on duty for each unit report to their respective Control Room.
2. Personnel designated as part of the plant Emergency Response Organization report to their assigned facilities. (i.e. TSC, OSC, EOF, ENC/JIC)
3. Individuals in outlying areas of the plant are informed by Site Protective Services of the emergency classification in effect and the action to be taken.
4. *security personnel will remain .on post unless otherwise directed.
5. lnitiatron of the procedures for evacuation of all employees and visitors within the Cook Energy Information Center.

Immediately after initiation of the Nuclear Emergency Alarm, the emergency call list is initiated, if not already initiated, and measures are taken by the Shift Manager and Shift Technical Advisorto evaluate conditions on the site. The decision to take onsite protective actions, beyond sounding of the Nuclear Emergency Alarm is the responsibility of.the SEO. Any Emergency Plan incident other than routine tests that. requires initiation of the Nuclear Emergency Alarm requires notification .of the NRC by the SED or ED and notification of appropriate offsite groups as determined by the SEO or ED. E.2.b :Offsite (Plant Staff) An EmergElncy Plan Procedure for notification of plant personm~I and an ERO Phone Directory have been developed to provide the information that is necessary to summon plant personnel during emergency conditions 1o staff the Emergency Response Facilities. This procedure may be implemented anytime the SEO determines that it is necessary to augment on duty emergency personnel with off-duty plant personnel. A current list of all key personnel with their telephone numbers is maintained in the Shift Manager's office so that they may be notified_ This call list is incorporated into the. ERO Phone Directory and is checked quarterly to verify that all phone numbers on the list are correct. When the Nuclear Emergency Alarm is sounded, notification of the Site Vice President (or Alternate), and Operations Director is the responsibility of the Shift Manager or designee. Calls mare by on-sfiift personnel initiate the ERO call out lo staff the Emergency Response Facilities. If the automatEJd ERO Notification System (ERONS) fails, a backup manual call out procedure is initiated. Personnel that are called out, or are on call, report to their .assigned Emergency Response Facility immediately upon receiving notification to respond at an Alert or higher emergency classification. In the event of security related event the notification alerts the emergency response personnel, who normally report to on-site facilities, to report to an alternate location such as the Buchanan Office Building.

  • Planning Standard E CEP Rev40


                                                                                                                                                                                             ** Page 82 of 220*                .** *.
  • . On2etbe Nuclear Emergency Alarm *has* sounded, .only .authorized personnel .cJtepermitted,to enter the {)wner Controlled :Area: This access 2ontrol is afllnctidn. of the Plant Security Force*
   *whicl( may, be further au*gmerited by the Berrien County .Sheriff arid/orthe Michigan State**
   *:Po!ic~: ,,                            ** *                                               *                                                        *              *            *.                   *
   ,E.3,}' Content of.iriiti'al Emerqency'.Messages
, '.lpitiaCerti~rgency mis.s~g~s                                           ~e;n.tfrq~ .the. Plant to ;apprnpdate :qff~ite respon?tf,organizati6ns
shail~ontain Uie 1J1formation li~fed}~st6w. as,:it)~ecomes availa~Je>< ** * * .  : 0 ,, * . ,*** <* :-> *n ** , * . Date'~r1d time,qf tlassificaiion: Indiccltefif a' relea~e'.Js.*occurring orAias

./,;'.,\>t* *'-'(\), : . :~'/ .:_*/ ,, '}j~~/'. .\\ :/ :<' **,< .:i/<'::::f\/"'<.";'.-
                                                                                                                                       '**"'*i"":,,,. .ti>,=--'<
                                                                                                                                                                *.. , f
                                 .V\liril~irectic,rf~i{ij,wfbd s'peed. '*>                                             *. .
                               *'Ip6teritf~11y 'c1ffic,tec1 .P9pulation
                                      ***        *.c:       : .. "


                                 *y~r!fi.dci,tlpnto ~$nfir~'*ct~thentlcitf~f'6all.' ***

Cb~tent of Foll3~.;i.Jp :~~erd~r1cv ;Messages:::*. * {\ :-;*-:(\ W=oii'ow":-uP me~sa9 ;~rse~t irofu'th~ Pl~nt ,to*, apprJr:i~Jate pttsit~ 'response organi+/-~t,ons shou1c1* .*

  • contain'theioll9wing]nformation,
   * . * ,. . .  . .            . . .     "*    ..    .:. :  *h'   .
  • as it.becomes available:' *. i' *. . .* ., . *. '....*.*
                                                                                        '""" .'." *     .   '  ~,*  .   .... . .... .     " ,,.                  *"*      "        *          . *..   .     ** ..          . .

1-~(j~ftJi~*'.*gf;ii~df~;[nt, *~a~e.l~d.,telephone';Mu~*~er***(or:*~:6~*~*Jt*nic~tibn.*2h~*~'h:~,***

                  *Jpentificafion);ofcaller:: ,                                            . .      *,    *. .                 ,              ,              .. * .. ,   '       , *'     .         ,   .

Type i'and .de;cfiption of ,release (airborne,' waterborne, su'rface spill) and estim,cited dura:tiOrilirnpacttimes {actual or projected) .

                                .~J1e~tirh~te ,of:.t6~. qu~htity ofr1dioactive material released. or b~ing;rel~ased ar1d the:rel~~sepoint                                 '.:/               .                               .,                                                                                    ,
                           *. *,:**FlhystJat fOfnJ;Of f8l8?Sed*~aterial,                                                lnpfuding e~t\m~tei,; of the relcJtiv~ quantifies****
                                 ;ofr:iol:),le;g~~e$, 1odiries c1nd partl,qul~tes;                                                                    ,, -* * .* **. * *. **            ., * * * , ..             * * *. *
                              .t=!~~~~~.~~9~\'!'; (w\nd' ~.. directiOil,                                                                                                    atffi6$f>heM
  • stabiilty; *
                                , Projected dos~ ,;at~. at site boundary; 'integrat¢cl                                                                             close from -tirri; o( message to project~~ end cifre,Jea?8; atsite,boun~a*cy:                                                                              .,                             ...
                               ,Pfpj~ct~tJ.qpsi*~t~ arjd,integrafed,d9sefor 2,is:,~ind:tOmjJes.

Page 83 of 220 8 * ... .(1rog1;10si~.forworsening ." . . ort$rminating

                                                                                                  ' .           ..          :       -.*

the event . based on .planUnformatioo

                                                                                                                                                                           '  *-

i Nc:itApplicableS: Public Notification . The iBerri~n County Sheriff'.is* responsible, fcir overfjl!'superyision of'the' Vli,afning function for ..

   . ,offsite adions.                                                                                              *                    ,                       *         ,

.. The Berrien Counfy ErnergE?ri:cy Operations Plan~l'>luclear Power Plant J.ncident Procedures

. ' confa(n the time estimated for adverse and favorable conditions. for various sectors in the 10
   .Tniie -~PZ for 2 mile, !5 mmt and, 1Q. rriilesadiL 'fh~ tirifestirnates\nclud~the ti Ines ricjuitedfop
  • Notificati~n*
                                     .                                     .
            **** .,::*
                   .:*, .


                               '.,'    ,,..         *::*    ,.           :     :

t *,* .,.* '**::: Mo*vemenf ..

Cfor:ifirmation* '
                    .. EvacUationi& *Confirmation Sped~IJCorfr;iderationscto '.In elude or**conside( "-~>
                           .  ><,.         ~ .       "':\: ** ..... ,      .:.   :  "'-* ~-****.      .*.,,. ,.:*   **.'.*':: .. *...:,   .


                                                                                                                                                > .*':** *.:* :_.* ---~
                             ;..Al~rtihg)~6a1':riJc1io, te1,tvi~ioo *stat1dns_ ani i~9afnei~tmedia tp be prepared to:

transri)itEmergency Public Information*. This initial notification.will be _... .

                                 .accpn,plish~d via~ a *-radio receiver/trarisfnitter'tha1 will, re,cordJhe ,e!Tlergency
dnformati,emtransmitteq,'tJy the;Sher!f,f s D@partment to des1gnafedJocations-**.
                              . simalfaneously, Aaditional.1iiformation willbe provided as described in Section G.
                              ..Coordination with other law enforcement and fire services to extend public
  • notification *Of the apprqpriate Emergency Plan areas utilizing public address
                                    ~y~terns on ernergericy vehicles.
                                  ,warning* or t.he Warren. Dunes park<(recrefation) area populace -Of the . emergency and;action'to .be faken.                                        * *            **                     *                       *     *
  • Adtivation ~na**us¢'.of.tfle:ern¢rg~mcy~arrting :systE,m cqnsis,ting ,o(siiens located througho(Jtth'e.~ tGf niile EPZ. ;Activatior\ bf this ,system ,is cofitrolled splely<by the

_Berrien County* :Sheriff an_c:l .iis ,based ',upon recommendations made by tbe

                                    ~ppr~priate a~thority:.
  • Th~- '[): 'C.' Cocik Plant \Emergency ,Preparedness :QE!partmeht 'has ,overall responsibility for testiq~,maintenance, oHhe Alert'.and N6tificat_ion System {AN$) Sirens.


Page 84 of 220

     ; ifhe At;.JS, is the 'Prima& method .for. alerting and notifyjr1g the populatiQn within *the plume e,xpqsure ERZ. ~ackuJii.ANS.,for the BPZ its achieved through Route Alerting which is contained
  • withih tne '.Alert ahd Notification Systefn,{ANSJ Design Report *and the State of Michigan and Berrierr County RadiologicaiEmergency.Response Plans. Refer to Appendix B_fo(FEMAJetter:
      ,d?scr:ioingitt'lE{provisi0,rj$ fqrJXNS_. .*.
         *       * *         *      *      *         '.
  • ft' *
                                                                                                         .                   .                           .                       .

A desbriptio~ of the, W9rhi~g syste,rfl" IS UY tlie' eh)'?rgency pr~paredheis* brochureicalenda{ 0

. J:ir,qvidecl)fu                }\ppecidi,cb;;                           'Emeftgenqy'Preparedness Brochwe. .* . . . . *. . *
          ,;_./.       ,,             .   ,            .,               .          .    .              '..                          .     .** *.      ....

E7. Jl)'e -Staf~_pf Michigan, an9 rf3;etrien *county ~?Ve d~v~Joped

  -:em?rgericy'plans)fat:npldnesscigesJorrelease*:of:inform_ation to the public, and      incorpcirated* in their respective*
         * ,*        V         *  .    ',         *; /.    :.        ,;    '                       .,,     * .. *:,.*.:.                      ."*   .
  .*TbeSf;?' f!16S$age,s .will ,utl!ize,iSURPOrting.inforrnat1on obtained :directly fRirn the Plant jodrqrn the
     ;pfarit liaisoli_",J:>eirsorts:

adlvated); .. * * [qc~tecf

  • af :tti,e. !3e~ri~n. County EOp;\~tat~. ~Q()J
                                                                                             * * * **                                               *           , ., ,
  •, \~t::t11.~. JIG. ,(w~en .
                                                                                                                                                                                        *'*              * *
    .l:Jgin:gcike intormatipn ,gathe,rekt fr~m **.var{ou?*_sources,":the rriessa,ge(§) Vfi1c:c0 ntain -pertinent
     .infrmnation\t6 )th$,pLiblic'for'the qe.clared :emergency classific.ation,. Jhe rhesscrge(s) *describe the
  • '.warr1ing. sheltering, -~vacuation arid otlleh protective measures deemed necessary by the
.. apprgpriate 'Courity. and/of State *offici~Js;                                                                                                                          .
..Additlofl~*lly,.                      Berrien .:County                               has)prepared sample- PubJic_*'inforrrtatio_n Bulletins. Jo provide P5'rl:inent Jnforrnation ,on prqtective ii_ctions that m?Y be taken in the eve11t ,qf a nucl~ar ln9ident.
                          " :*.     ' ' .




                                                        '      <

111 the!B.errien ;CouiitY *Emergency*~<"Plan:

                                                                                *         ., ,; ,*        "              * *   -*:.   * *   ,     *        *:':     '
                                                                                                                                                                        .*         .            .      .     .
                                                                                                                                                                                             .CEP f{ev40

Page 85 of 220 Figure 9 Nuclear incident Initial Notification Process

tnt.:itlent 0Jsci1vur1ill I----1-,---

J, 1 Nlldwr f.rne1zcnrv a r fire Alano Ut!rtien SM or C11u11ty Altemal,e President,.., State Police Not.l(~I G1,naratio11 Sib,Vite Pn,sillt11t Security Erle/ JIC NRC Rt~ideot ln:s.peclu1 Fire. llepartmcnth'"

                                                            *1 i     H1Jt-~rgcnr,11 Pref.'Jrcdne~

c....-:iordinators Planning Standard E CEP Rev40

Page 87 of 220


r '.-.-.

     ,,    ' *"'


    'I I
.1 ..*
   'I I
r I

I l ,I



 >1 J
l l*




  ;I ii J- -,'-,
  • CEPRev40>

..  : . : . ,*:* ...

  • . :c1=p ;Rev:}J:O,l '

Page 89 of 220 F. EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS F.1. Licensee. Local, State. and NRC Emergency Communications

 .Implementation procedures for the use of communication networks to notify all parts of the emergency organization are outlined in the CNP Emergency Plan 'Procedures that are available in each of the' emergency response facilities: The communications network consists of communications systems that are available on a '24 hours per day basis:to,communicatewfth AEP personnel, State, County, and the NRC during emergency torn:litio'ns.

F .1.a. State and Local Communications The Berrien County Sheriff's Department and the Michigan *State Police dispatch are continuously staffed so capability exists for 24-hour radio and telc1phone communication with the Plant. The telephone and radio liriks to the Berrien County Sheriff's Department dispatchers also accesses the county emergency response organizations. The.*91.1 system is an alternate method to access the county emergency response organizations. The primary means of notification to the Sheriff's Department is :by telephone*. As an alternate, notification of an emergency* to the Sheriffs Department in Berrien County is made with a transmitter and receiver* combination device from the Unit 1 'Control Room. This device is operated with a frequency and a licens~ maintained by the State of Michigan. Controls for the device are also available on the Plant Security consoles. This establishes a communication link between the Control Room and the Sheriffs Department in Berrien County. The primary means of notification to the State Police Operations Center in Lansing is by telephone. A back-up radio system is maintained between CNP,andthe Michigan Department of State Police in Niles. Michigan. In this system, a radio transceiver maintained at the CNP is set at a frequency used by the State Police. These radios are' equipped such that the State Police are assured that any transmissions to them originated at the Cook Plant.

  • Communications between CNP and the local'fire departments .are by means* oftelephone calls.

The fire departments would respond immediately upon notification, eme"rgency at CNP. Radio Radio communication capability is provided to contact the Berrien County Sheriff's Department and the Michigan Department of State Police Rost 53 '(in Niles) from the Unit 1 Control Room, Central Alarm Station (CAS), and the Secondary .tXl9-rm Station (SAS) in the event of failure of telephone company drcuits. Suitable normai and back-up power supplies are also provided.

  • Bridgman Local Telephone Service
                                                         .                .    '

L9ca! commercial telephone service provides circuits betweenBriclgman°and the CNP. F.1.b. Communications with Contiguous G:overnments in theEPZ's Notifying the State of Indiana and the Michigan counties within a 50 niile radius of CNP of the incident classification, protective actions recommended," etc. is the responsibility of the Berrien County Sheriff's Department and the Michigan Department of State 'Police. Berrien County and Michigan is the only county and state within a 10 mile radius of CNP. Planning Standard F CEPRev40

Page 90 of 220 F.1.c. Communications with Federal Emergency Response Organizations The "Communications" section of Appendix E, Description of Federal Radiological Assistance, outlines communication with the DOE Radiological Assistance Plan responders.* F.1.d Offsite Communications The communications system at CNP provides the versatility required in the event of a nuclear incident. The system operation utilizes private telephone lines, .dedicated microwave links (OPX), 2-way radio, the normal in-plant communication system (PABX), and the cc1pability to reach outside extensions through various system company switchboards. The emergency response centers will have the following communications capability: -*--"' PABX/ OPX Private Fire/Erner. Offsite *ENS*. HPN *. Microwave .Lines Radio Radios .Control Room X x~. X X I X TSC (SS) X X X il X X X osc X X *1 X EOF X' X X I X X  ! X Plant M9.r's Office _ X  ! ENC/JIG X X 1 The EOF utilizes the Buchanan Office Building PABX and has access to a local commercial provider ~nd AEP microwave capability. **

  • 2 Two telephone lines in each Control Room automatically bypass the .p!antPABX ifit fails.

Communications between CNP and the Offsite Survey Team(s) are made by '.portable radios. These radios are maintained in the dedicated survey vehicles, emergenc:y facilities, and are assigned for use to :Plant operating departments. AEP Microwave/Fiber Optics Svstem This system allows direct communication to .major media stations and AEP ;Offices. It provides fast and reliable support for the plant if'\ the event *of an emergency. The CNP switchboard has "tie trunks" to Buchanan, Michigan and Fort Wayne, Indiana. Direct, dedicated microwave channels are established 24 hours per day between Cook Plant, and both Fort Wayne, Indiana and Buchanan, Michigan. The microwave facilities at CNP are powered by thelr own battery that is constantly serviced :by a trickle charger, powered from an AC station auxiliary. In the event :of a failure in this AC line, an eme(gency generator automatically takes over the supply of power to the charger. The battery alone is *capable of operating the microwave facilities for approximately 8 hours. F. Le. Alerting and Activating Emergency Response Organization and Personnel Plant PublicAddress System The Plant Public Address (PA) System is powered by the Critical Control Room Power Supply and is automatically switched to a backup. supply from the diesel generator in the event that the normal power supply*is lost.

  • Planning Standarcl F CEP'Rev40

The Plant PA System provides paging to al.I. major ,pu.ildings e>f the plant -inclLJding the *.. office and service .building_ This system includes'.a five~party channel system for two,-Way' communications.: * * **. * * *

            '*,t        sl:lould' 'be noJed that thjs system "cannot be us~_d to, ,notify iriciident. Other sy~tems are *available'for thfs use,                     . .. . '              .. .



persons ,of an

                                                                                                                                            .. .     .

Plant Private.Automatic Branch Exchange Plant TI:elephohe System*

            . The Private Autdmatic'Branch E~change Plant 1'~1eph6ne 'System (~ABXfis powered by its*.own battery on:a trickle 0charger. PABX Systern installations:c1re located in areas most frequently occupied by plant persor:111e1_, <:including*n11e plants ernergenc.Y response .

organiz9 tion; . * * *

  • Security Radio
           ' A portable ra,dio system is installed for security comipunibatiof)S. This system uses dual
            . transmitters to provide a ctUal frequency c~pabilit{ Raciitf coveragejncludes all general areas (:msitei If necessary, this system' car:r be' cused as' a back.,up means of..

in 9ommunicati6n onsite the event of an emergency'. . ..*** , Fire and Emergeritdy Radio

  • AportableTadio system *is'.insfaHed for fire and em~rgency corrimunications: This sykterri .

i5 ,powered from anon-emergency bus. and provided with back4p :J:,attery power, 'The fire ancl emergency<rapio coverage includes :all geheral areas onsitEf, extludirig ,'.CO!Jtairir:t:fent This system is also utilized.forrnedical emergencie9, field leam~comriu:micafioris, .etc.

                > *  '*,, ~ *,            C   ,    ,
  • c, >-' * ,' V * ':* ,* *, * ', ,, OO ,* : , * * * ', * > *
 ,f.. j J    Emergency*Communicationswith the NRC

. Communicati~ns with the :NRC Headquarters is by dedicat~d t~lephone lines from the Control Rooms, TSC; and 'EO!( The :Federal Telecommuri1cations *sy$temf .(FTS); is used, to:

;comniunicate with NRC '.frleadtjuarters. inWhiteFllrit; Mc1rylaric1: Communitatjons}'Vit~)Region Ill\.
headquarters, locatea iri Usie, Illinois! :is by_ Commercial tel~phone lines andthe_'FJS. ,, . '

Health Physics Network (HPN)

                                     '                        '                                  '

A f=TS telephone line has.been installed 'be~een the_'.p;*~rit and:the N'Rc, which is

          ' primarily inte.nded for use' during at1 emerg?l1CY .and.will fu~,ctionas the, R.~alth :Phypics'
           , Network ,(HPN) dedicated lin~. Atotal of three extensions a:re lec;ated*afAEP faciliti~s,in: ,
  • NRC Resident lnspecto(s Office: .
  • EOF . .

This line will be Utilized to provide specific information to the NRC regarding significant radiological events at the 'Plant. Information transhlitted .to the NRC, .excluding that

  • orig'inating from *the Resident Inspector's Office, imusrbe. approvedby the appropriat~

emergency response management personnel pdbr to 1its transmittal. . , Rlc1nnirig Standard f. ..CEP,Rev 40

                             .                               '     - -              ..

T.~~ HPN tel~phones will be staffed _by the ..* Emergency Nbtification System {ENS) The Emergepcy Notificatjon System {ENS) is int~n:ded for'use *as the primary :means for: the Plant to ;ri:!pOrt ern~rgencies.arid :other sigiiiflcari(eve6ts :to the NRG:, :'fhis F;:J7S line will serve as ,a dedicated line to provide operational ciata to the NRG during a declared

          , emergency'
                   ..  ~ . . *~ ~ ,

A total of five extensibns art1ocated ai AEP facUitjes fa: '

  • TSC
             * ;N RC:'R~siH~11F'1n~~ecte>r's Office
             ;,; .'.t=br=

Comm'unication;* bver the ;ENS tJrepn6ne .~,HI be '1~itiated. ~y Cci~froi' ,Room ,personnJi.rfa'". nuclear,e,mergency occurs a.t :CNP: Ljcensee personnel will staff the ENStelepp9nEis,.sat

            .the:EOF when the,EOf'.is activated. .                          .        .                                        . ..,,
            'Emergency R'esponse Data System '{ERDSJ The Erri;rgeilcy Respcibse.Data Syst~m (ERDS)is .a::dir~ct ,electmdic da't~.'lihk'betWeen:
          ; CNP           computer ,systems :and the ;N RC Operations '.teoteL C;rypes '.of ,data, 'tr.=i,nsrriitteci . ,

include , information on the plant's p(imar:y ana se?br;idary coolant systems, , safety , injection $yste111' ,radiation mo,nt~Ofipg .systeins.. ,Dat~i,is updatecfat e1'pproxi1T;1§Itely' secondiintervals: ,' * **. * > * * * :. . *. *.* .*. * .. '

. F.2 Coinmunicatiq6s b~tween CNP and the offsite medical                               fac;ilities'.are maae'by            telephone 'cal'i~';
    • and a~e authenticatedforporitam1nc;1ted patients only. * * *
 .F.3       Communications Systems Testirig
, Communication Jinks.between'the 'NRC {)perations benters ana'the CNP                                     T:SC,aricl EOF<viaJhe Emergency Notification Systeril ,Creel phcme) are tested,monftily *fqr* o,perc1billty. :In addition\ the.

Control Room cqmmurHcation link with the NF!(; Operations Ceht~rs:is'testedfor*oper:ability'on ** ..

 ,a *daily 'basis.                         *                     **  .*. *      *,.      * *       * *                          **     *  **
              . *: ,,:~

0 Comii1uni~ation links betweeri the :p1anf and Berrien County :Sheriffs *oepartnien(' ahd the Michigan** Department . of State Police have. ,been* ,established a'r:,d . . :are itested*.,mohtlily :at ,a 0 miriinium, Communications with. Offsite :Survey Teams will be tested atlea~t annually to ensure an understanding of the ;content ofthe. rnessagedn the drill~:

                                                                                                      .. ,
                                                                                                            .        .    , ,

Rlanning st1ndard F'. ... :CEP~e~4o .

                                               *..  . "*'      *:  . . *.
,, 'The ,utility :industry's experience .h~.s g9nsist~ntli sho\lVn"lti~t ioffsitE:l'put>Jic fec16Hor;f is<m&e ::.+\ ;* ;;;
  • favo{al:>I~ wher:i infqrrnationorigit1afol:i;:y.,ltbfhE:l µtmty,,<EiQd *. thafinotificatjpn otappto,priat!:!pounty/;*., .)'/. *.*
   > stale and federal agendas is made ::pri~r\to ai:ly public announ"cerqe9r*lo :en ~-*, * (that t~e ;4[(;'
information 'presented js fully' understood by al(p~rti~~ an~/dci$~ notpon~icfwlt~; .* ' .* r,eport~J'[;f *,* *
    ; and,. inform~~iqnt(ans.rnitt~d ;to '.any -~g~ncies,,~y ,otrier,: Sf:?l]fCeS, J?res~:.9riefing§,                                          will    !)'e arranged ;
  • fa., idt 6f~li~~'.?:r** w,t~;*~~prop~i~te :a9,~n§y. o!figi~*t t9c.trEmit,,:~<~qt;isi~tt:f t,::rilrsr t!rn~1yi~kqna~~> . *,: ,.

1 1

      ;T:;fi ~;:;;:~~i!{;;:~;t!!f1t;~t t~1:;1~:~.,~~;~f incident. ,::                        1\t, .;
            )\{* ,},**, .* ,*.£ \\; C' :c:*. .*,,.;,,;\  \;l;:. *<* **.;,;£f:.,.).i.* ,. ;\,',;,Jt* I(:,; )t t<i),/> ;\,<Ji'.;s,
          , ,*: ; Mpnitoring sthe brq.aac;ast*medi9;.tcit,'di~t:;l;epa£icie?in!:?etw,eer1 ~pprovect}rn:.
                .. and broadcast information:                                                            .

il(ft!~Jl1!!~:11kty~~iit;Ai!:.tfr!fi!tic~ ** . cfimergen"i:;C1lhe;goaListo j~pti.iert;'~it~A,f~~ . fgencyf;'.or' have E . 1 ;appr *--. tely,HO'rriintltes

                                                                                  ~'hey             ,:   ,.;;{<    *',     e'Y\ .*,.          .
                                                                                                                                                 .. $Claiatlon,qL .. *.
                                                                                                                                                   ,if.'  s.;  .     '.'    *.****
     >  .~*,:'";~*v .* '. ,,, . . .,,                           .            ,f~     1

{;:i(~ *;: :;Ji ]'.,k'~)r;t'

!c.].ArrieriQcin'.'.Electr:fo,f?owet{,t,.E .. ann1:1ally '..: . .* .***** *.. emergi:locy,~d4cau¢qal' ir1lom1c;1tion'.".to ........ ,,.. ,
 .tpubHc ;i/Jithi11.the<E::me!'g13ncy Plarining Z'Qne                       (E~g'.JiflfOnjuncfiCli;t              with BefrieO qoqi:rty and th~, '
   . Mict{igan,,,pepart:O,entjof ,S:tat~.::p9liqe:-l:;m *- ... **'::.M!'lnag.*.'                                         *.           -'Homelan * ~fity ."*
    *:biVision:(S't:tcn)n'form~tion inctiy§le$;~1l~ wc1rning,, > '~pio . ..
  • e .... *. * . ... . . *. 51ic/*

Bd6cation~l 'information on* radic1tior1/personneht>t.agent1es . . n . .fot'a anci***sheltering ano evacuatiqn* pro~dlltesused.irftlie':ev~l]t ;(lf a Tll.lbleclr .incld~ri[ I\RP8Qdix*pjs .*

                                                                                                                                          .I 1onalfaformation, ;
.* . an exampl~ pf *fhe emergency education!lH~f~rrrfattgn rnc1teri~.1 Jhatis.*oi$trit>u.tiist :'atin~~lly.i:[' *:;? /:,{:,

a~~~~* :e~ergency *,n~1.*.,inf~r~~t;~;mQl.s**1~istfltiyt;a':io.:1me* *::'u:8h~111riiiit11~/i;*~~d'C*'.Is:,:**ii,*. *.*,.,.*.:' ,.,. . . 1

    *updated*. annually'. This:*ir1formati6n 'is. sent to au '1;3errien county :reslderjces\ana. bt.1si11esies, *asJ
  • as
/11ell .f:-Jil~S/and Clther.]ocatiqr'fs .s,ety~d *.!JY:J;in~nitjjp~l :p:oweti . ,rnaiJ)ng Jg'clµd.~.s,tpt:>st?*Hviq~:
  • . ?~~~~1~r~~~!~i~~ri1y~ji~t~~5;t~~~}!~i~:~;[;,~e~j~tq;:th~;Ji~~;~~~~~J~. *e~W~,.:I::. . . .
   *.li!~t1~t!!!lt~&~1~~~t~t1~!i~~l~J1£ij/i~/ *c!fJ1i:r~1:* ~r
  • pact of the *10 m,i!~*EPZ most ffeqDeqtly u~etf,byJg.rg~ *SE!grn;ent$ ofthe transi~nt;pgpuJaiioi.will;. *..,. .
also *be iproyjde:q "'{ith>sir,nila,r information,' 1[li~ ,.Q9;9k Energy lri}orm~tj6n. 1.Qenter','tvl@@ag~t is:2; t. ** ;)


   . the jQ1m1leEPZ.,            Ci'    .



of; emer:gericf:aoucatioi'i~lifr;1fqfrpatioqjq .th~' puoiic;witllin';r*

                                                                          *    '  .       i    .  *            *.      *            *  *.
  • i I ... . *
                                                                                                                                                                                   .,; .

Page 96 of 220 G.3. Emergency News Center/Joint Information Center (ENC/JIC) The Emergency News Center/Joint Information Center (ENC/JlC) provides a single location for issuing information on incidents and Company response.about incidents to the news media. The Emergency News Center/Jolnt lnformation Center (ENC/JIC) is located in the Nuclear Generation Group Headquarters Building located approximately 14 miles southeast of the plant site in Buchanan, Michigan. The ENC/.,l!C shares the first floor of the building with the EOF. Media access is allowed to an auditorium *area, media work area, and lobby area of the building through a guarded main entranceway. Access to all other areas and entrances to the building are locked, barricaded,' or guarded to prevent media intrusion into the EOF, corporate offices, or the ERO staffed portion of the ENC/JIG. The auditorium provides the location for briefings by the utility Spokesperson and representatives of any other agencies responding to the .incident. Space and electrical power are provided for media cameras to be set up for broadcasting brlefings. An area adjacent to but separate from the auditorium is set up as a media work area with desks, chairs, and phones for media use, as well as distribution of press kits and copies ,of releases. A Support Staff area is set up adjacent to, but separate from the auditorium and areas accessible to the media, for communicators, statement writers and others working to support ENC/JIC operation, Fax machines, telephone .fines and computers are set up to support obtaining current information and preparing press statements.

  • G.4. ENC/JIC Spokespersons and Public Inquiry G.4.a. Spokesperson Information Later in the *event as off-site agencies activate, the ENC/JIC becomes *1he single location for coordinated response to the news media by the spokespersons of the Company, local and state government.the NRC, and any other agencies responding to thEl incident. The. ENC/JIG does not become a Joint Information 'Center until after the ,declaration of a Site Area Emergency and when a representative from the state is present and declares the JlC activated.
  • G.4.b Spokesperson Information Exchange The ENC/JIG is staffed to provide for media release preparation and presentation, media monitoring, and public inquiry. The ENC/JIC staff also provides for support of off-site agency responders to the facility as well as support for the media representatives that use the facility, GAc. Public Inquiry A Media Monitoring and Public Inquiry area is set up with radios, televisions, and telephones, Media Monitors watch releases televised by the local media and listen to radio reports for any inaccurate information. Public Inquiry Communicators record and respond to any questions called in to the Public Inquiry extensions.

G.5 Annual Media Briefing Planning Standard G CEP Rev40


  • Information, is *sent annually to the local. news media to explain the emergency *prE?pare,ctn.ess.

plans of the State, County, and utHity. This is sentjust*priorto the:anriual CocikEIJlergencyJ?lao;. exercise and invites the media fo. participate in the exercise. The role of the media iri providing emergency itjformatioriJo the'public: is also explained/ , ',, , , ,* , *.*,,

                                                                                                                                                     *Page 99 of220 H.            EMERGENCY FACIUTIES AND EQUIPMENT Planrpersonnel who are needed and are not onsitewill be notified of.the existing ,plant condition *
** al'ld will be directed to report to 'oJje of the fcill9wiqg locationi:;:                                        *-
  • 1, Tse, 2 E,OF' 3 ,DSC 4

H. 1. Tecbnical 'Support :center H 1.a: TSC Functions The on site T echnicql Support Cent~r (TSG) provides plant mali~geg:i~nr and t;cb~ica! ,?upport to plant: oper8:,tions _.personn~! *dti,riqg* emerg:e11cy. cpqditions fr9m:,.3.'i!p~?Iti.9fl *. o~t~i<:f~,,thE;}Cohtrol Room: '* *

  -Dmin~ the*;short-t~_rm eme,rgeric~:conditions, the TSC .is'/c~p~~:IE?;-'Pf's~rying; tn~ folloWirig * *.

purposes *until §!IJ re,quired r~sponsec,enter~ both on.and offsite have:;been activated. .

         .-     Provictiqg:lechn,icaliupportto*operat1ons
                                       '...  . -,* : '                ',    .*


                                                                                .          . -, , . . ><::**- ,
                                                                                                                                 .. :*
       , * < Elirecting the activitie,s ot~ite Ji>ersonneL
         * , Evaluating offsite agency *requests :c3nd recornm~ridatfo_n~                                             ,td  :ens~~e /oMpatibiHty with
              ' emergen,cy r~sponse,,pbjeftives.                                                         .- . . .. -

The TSC ~hall:be actiyated for any Alert, Sit~'.AreaEmergendy ~r'Giri~ral.Emerg,~nc;y...*.***

 . The. TSC, combined with* the~ Control*.Roorri,'\:an *perform the*fu.ndti6ns,ofili~'. 'E0F untu:th~ JEOF}

is activated_ *' . .. . **.

  • e *:: *":.
  'Sufficient data to determine the plant steady state and dynamic behavior prioftctand 'throughout the course of c3n accident is available for analysis in the TSC: TSC personnel snail ;have ready access to plant-records and procedures to?upport detaileg techniqc3J *ana:lysis:and evaluation of plant.conditions. * * **                   * ., *                              *             **.                .*** * * *                *** * '

The TSC' facilities may be ,used bi plant personnel for normaLdailro.perations as weH:as for training and emergen9y .driUs provided tnat Jnese activmeis do ,Qpt.:i11tep=et"' 'with :the immediate::', 9 ctivaticm of the TSC>orthe 'co_ntinuirig TSC operations in the-evenf of'.an a:.ccident.- - *. *

. The pririiaryNR,C'sol~                in theTSC WIil be sffpportive, advisory_>,ari~iclbser~~1ionaL
         ..".    . *_ . . .. .*.!:?*:: .               *... *           .       *::.. ~-  ' . .**:_. :      ')/\;).. /:*   '*'.:'.<! ,'   -:**,
H ..Lb. TSC Location . . .* / ; .

The TSC is locat~d adjacent tci the Control Ro9m to readily :J1;1~w >facitd-ra6einteraction .. between Corit(ol Room personnel and the .senior plarit' management)Norking in:the TSQ. (See Figures10.and11) .*.* .*.*, ,*. '*. *. * * *.t.:? />. ** *- ,


Plannihg :Standard :rf ~-

 *** An alternate location for th.e                         TSC is the, Buchanan Office Building conditions at the* plant.

H 1. C'. Tse. Staffing Th~ TSC. is st~ffed to provide technical support to the *control Roorrf operati~~ Jtaff *during .

accidents. The number and type bf personnel assigned to the r:sc *and their time of arrival in.*

the TSCmay vary ac_cordinglo the emergency The TS.C staff assignrner1ts are ccmtained in Section B .. The SEO, cir in the, absenc~ of the SED, the TS¢ Ma11ager shaH:coordinate

  • actiylties in the TSC and interface with th.e Control Room and the EOF'. . .. .

H 1.. d. TSC Uesign The CNP tsc is located in the Turbine ~uildiAg *adjacent to the ~o Co~tml* ~~oms. This location readily allows for _face-to*face interaction. between the *Controi Roomlpersonnel 0and. TSd :personnel. Because of the**proximlt{of the.Tse to the Control Hoom, lfwill normally ia)<e less'thari 2 niihutes tQ travel frnn{one facilityto the oth~L The lower l~vel ot'tHe TSO(elevatlon ..

    *634') is comprised primarily*of the Shift* Manager's Office and thE3 TSC computef room, The*

upper :1evel. (elevation 643'F houses the Plant :Evaluation Team area which coritainii' the qornputer: COASOles, COITlmUriications area, and a Separate office *witli sufficie:nt working Spa'cEf .*. for five NRC ,representatives. The staffing and uSe .of lhe TS~ has been tested emer:gency

    .exercises with.the sestJlt.thatthereJs..sufficient space for plant emergency perscmn~I to perform *
  . their,assigned functioOs:                          *                  *                                          *          *     *.*. . .            *.  *.     . . *.    .
 . The TSC               has bee1rconstructed fo provide the same d~~ree ,of radiologicgl habitcibUity :as 1he contr,ql iR<;>om. una~r accident conditions: concrete shielding                                                        has       been: providectto*s.19*nifiqaht1y reducethe: efiects' of containmehfMilding "radiauon shine* during _an ai2ict~nt. "Radiation ....
  . monitoring
       .. ' .. :.o is provided


                                                ... *,.*


                                                            .: .. ' ....,   ,."


                                                                                    ,   . .            ** ..
  • well as
                                                                                                                  .* ,o     '

airborne .

                                                                                                                                                .* ;.-,.::.  . ..




          '. . ~--
.  :," '..


                              .  ,


                                   - , .:.  . .


                                                    . -~:*.

1.. Provide t~ch~k:arsupport to plarit operations durjn~ ~mer~enc~;?§9~d.!tior:i.f:

                   ;Relieve the     reacfor operators of peri~heral duties nof dire"c~tit relat~d :fc;;;e~dto/~ystern manipulation. *              *                                     *                                                              *
Prevent congestion in the Control Room.

n necessary, .perform EOF functions for .an Alert, Srte Area Emer9ency *or General

  • Emergency until the EOF :is fully functional
                                                                   "              .                          .**              '          '
  • The fol!owjng communication systems have been provided in the TSC:
                  * .* . < . .* . ; ; .'.                                 .* .            ..*.* * * ..* . . .. . .*. . . .*. ** .                  <. } .*     t .{. ' ; .,* <;.;

[Offsite :emergency radio to comm.uriicate with the 10ffsite Survey '.fearri~ as.\vel! aswith'. in=planftearns; and EOF: . .. . , . .. . . .... . . . ' .. Dedicated lirje' orf the NRC Health Phys,1cs'. Jhe NRG.Emergency NotificationSy~teim(ENS).

                                                                                                          ~etwork. (HPN} .

and llNO ;d~d/Gated )lii,J; .bn*

                                                                                                                                      . ..*. * . . . . . . . .*.* ** ..... .
         ** *     :Plant intercom/PA System.

Dedicated communication the Control Room, osCaridEdi=:. Planning Standard H

P*age 101 of 220

          *     :F*ax,capability.
  • 2 private lines*ottthe CNP PBX are9edica_ted for NRC*use with qutside capability.
                                         .         .
  • Addjtional telephon*es to be us~d-as needed.
                                                                                                                             . -  .   "
TheTSC Will nqt contain, but will have .re'ady adcess to plant :records, _drawihgs and otl1Eif documentation as required:. The concept of. operation of the' AEP Emergency R~sponse
                                     'in Or'gc(nizafior{is described SectiorJA: 1,b: .                      '                         .                         ..

H.1 :e. TSC Data Availability Personal tomputers and, pfintersare avaHable in the TSC that allow ac~ess to .the ;pla~tLAT\l,

  • stand'-,;!lone programs, and access t.oPlant Proces$ Computer information. *
                                  .              **0.    . l   **            *  :;   *
  • 1-rte:1. *.. Plant.*Proce~~Comi{uter (PP'c:;)

The: Cf'JP Plant Process Corripute{(PPC) System has been developed an_d de~igned using the *. guidelines of-NUREG-'0696 ~md NUREG-0737, Supplement1 to provide the planLopetating and/ technical support personnel with the pertinent plant -information Jo facilitate *the emergency r~sponse to ;an accider)t in. -8 timely manner and to 8S$SS, th~- ?tatusof. the criticalsafety ' *

functions. This system *can,al~o be. ysed during norrnc;1I pla.nt operfltions fqr othei;functi6n~ such:,

as,plantperforriiance analy~is and*persohneltraining. . , . . ...*.* . .. . .

                             .          .. .                 .           -         .

The'.PPC. network is.a,data'ciathering,,analysis, a~a,display sy~tem tl:lat ;il'iterfaces with rnulfiple

   ,.computer <sy~tems: Thi~ ¢ystern consists of two similar *,c6rnputerJzed data 'acquisition, processing ~md display ~ystems, one for e9ch unit. The: Unit                               f   and )Unit 2, PPCs 'c3Cqyire, validat~. and convf}rt. anc1lpg, c;iigltal, puls$, and sequ~11ce'.of eyents inputs from process -*.
   'instrurnents,intg engjneefring Units. lnaddition. *datr::i'.'is acqgjred :from th'e ~MS' MIDAS. and from variousrecorders located thr9Ughout tne plant The .1Jnit 1.;,l)nitt and SimulaforPPCs ana*tt;ie.

Plant System Server (PSS) *computers are part of a computer network.* The PPC network is usea to send emergency response d_ata fo the NRC'via ER.D~. The Safety Par$m_eter Di?play

   'Syst~m .(SPDS) .is also afuridion tha,(jspci[fdrmec,1,1:),ythe::'PPq;ne:tvyprk:                            **
  • The PPC system information is accessed with personal computers that access the PPC through the Plant System Server (PSS) system and the information so obtained is usually referred .*

PPG data. PCs that have access to the PPC inthis fashion are available in the Control Rooms,:

.. TSC, QSC, ENC/JIC, and the :EOF..                       .                                 .                  .      . ..... *-

Emergency Response Data System Emergency ,Response Data .System{ERDS) is.a direct e\ectr<;>nic data)lnk between CNRPRPii _.* .*

  • system and the NRC Operations Center: Types OT'data *fransmil:ted include information?on -the ...

plan(primary and secondary' coolant systems; safety 'injection system, and radiai:iorn:nonitoring

  • -systems. * * * **
          .. *.           .                             ..
  .A Dose Assessmen(~rogram '(OAP) :is avc1ilable in the TSC,; :EOF}and tile Control'Roern: OAP is-discussed'in section 1.4.                              ,                         .         .      .           .
                                             * . >Plani,ing Staridard H                                             GEPRev4o

Page 102 of 220 H.1.eA .MIDAS* Access fo meteorological. *information via the Meteorological Information . and Dispersion 4:\sse*ssrnent (MIDAS) System display ls available on any of the computers i_n the Control

       . Rool;Jls, ,OSC, TSC, and EOFthat have acc~ss to the PPG:- The meteorological informatio.n is.
     ' ,bsed:for offsite :aose assessment :purposes;                       ,*              '                    '              , .. '
                             'Radiatiori:Monitoflng System RMS data is available on any of"the computers located in -the Contro*I                               'Room, *0SC, .TSC, ENG/JIC and EOF facilities .that have access to the PPC.

Emergency Gperations Facility

         *.g EOF'Functions The EOF provides coordination               ~nd evaluation    of,licensee activities during ari emergenc:y ..Th~*

EOF shall be activated.. , during an Alert, SiteArea Emergency

                                                    '                          .    ...


                                                                                             ,.    :* .*.- *.Emergency}-*
                                                                                                                .. .    *.

Once_ fully activated and staffed, the function of the' EOF sha11 *p_rci~i_de for: .

                                             '   *,   ,             .'.      -   . .    .       ..
               * . Manag~m~rifof overalI licensee emer;gencYresp~nse;
               .. Co~-rciihatio~: of radiologicfil and* envir~mm~~taraisessnienfr
  • oetermi11ati0,h of r~commenaed pubuc',pr.ot~ctive Jctions,
                                                                                                              .            .

c~~rdinati~ri of e~ergency respohse}actiyities With fecten:il, st~te, <CUld !¢cal agenci~s.'°

                  . an\;l.    .                .        '          .* ' .          . . .*.      .
  • Recovery function§. .*
 ,,;-ro accomplish)hese;functiom(,personnel shall be prpvi<:ied i,n :the EOFfor communiccJtions'.YJith:t
      'offsite     agencies and the 'evaluation of pertinent ;radiological, meteorological, and plant system ..*

data bnc'e the Emergency Response Organization ( ERO) has been established in the EOF,. the TSC Manager will work with' the Logistics *Coordinator .to coordinate communications with the~ f3Dgineerirm support personnel as needed to respon~ to.the ~.mergency: .

     ' The ;EOF per~Onnel shall coordinate the -emerge[lCY* response activities with those of county,
       ,sfate,,~n<:l federal, emergen.cyr:~sponse organizatioi;is, jncluding the NR~ and.'FEfvlA.
       'H:2:b,      EOF Location
. .Th~ EOF is located,on th~ first floor in the NGG rleadquart~r~ b~ilding ,in Buchanan, :ii1ichiliari; * .*

. *. _* iapprox1mately t4:. miles -from CNP. +he EOF shares *the firsLfloor.;of the building iwitt:i' the '.ENC/JJC, .but the media is segregated from all but a

  • lobby area and auditorium ;where*

briefings occur and,90 not have* acce.ssto th~:EOf:or the;,EQF *st~ff. (Eiee Fi~pre 11)

  • Plarining Standard :H

Page 103 of 220 EOF Staffing The EOF shall be itaffed to provide overall management of the planl resources and evaluation and cop°rdination of plant activities during and after an accident.. The EOF staff will include

  '.'personnel' to ;perfQrm radiological evaluations, interface with offsite, and manage offsite resource's. The EOF staff assignments are contained in*Section R The ED shall be in charge of
   .all activitiesintheEOE .*.. .                                                                                           .            .
  *'H:2.d. 'EoFDesigri The EOF is located in the NGG Headquarters building in Buchanan, Michigan, which is . *
    • approxjo\afely 14'miles from.CNP: ILoccdpies approximately:6400 square feet of the first floorof the.ouilding, .approximat(\Hy2500.squarerfeet of which is reserved for ,use bYi:JRC personnef J'.he EOF *cobtains. aq opera,tion~ room' which indudesc'th~ crisis . nianagement team~
  ,communicators; .the NRq *offit;e; the                                                          dose             'assessors .a.ncl the'::dat? ,display tennirials.'Tl1~
 ,communications arefo,the:                                                   .                                                          .                              . ..
            * *iENC/JJC .
         . .* . ;State andlocci'I representatives:in their respective Emergency Operation c~hters.
                 **   '                ' ,'            : * . .,        ;         . .     *\,:.'                     '  .      '        *   ' *.,     .       ..          ., . a.:".   , .. , ..
                        . .    .,..            ..,*       . ,**    . .   .. . *.   .


                                                                                       .*-:   ;,  . /  *.. *.


                                                                                                                .,   '
                                                                                                                         *1nd HPN telephones  .:       . *,*    * .. have been
                                                                                                                                                                      '            ,. .*
                                                                                                                                                                                              .     '
                                         '                             .

TSC .and Control Room

                    ':Uce~~~e Offsjt~ i4iey Tea,ms *.

Ti\e EQF Manager will ,be .irr,chargeofan the Emergericy OperatiQnsfJci!ity communicators

**and*st?tU§;d\splays. * * * * .* * *                                                       *, *                   * *          * .* '             ** ** * *                  *         * * '* * *
  • Jhe following
  *\" * , - .:              ..

cornm.unic . tiori *systerm;. have

                                                        . 9. .... '                                      ..



providediin 5,-., the*. EO.F: * * ( (Qffsite ~merge'r-1cy T~dibito com'mu~icatewith th~ bffsite sGrvey Teams, fsc, and OSC. Dedicated line onthe NRC. Health Physics Network (HPN) and on the.,NRC Emergency N()tificat,00 System (ENS}.

                                              ,.. ;;
                -                                               ..                .:*              *.*                                              ...
               *.*.:Dedicated communication*circuit to th~ Control Room, TSC, and OSC ..
  • Fa'.r.capabilitY,
                                    .            .
                                                       '*                                                                  .                                        .

3.J)ri;~te :unes dedicatted for NRG use with '6utside capability, '

       * .*         Additional telephones to be used                                                 as needed.

The design ofthe *EOF struqtu,re and organization ensures]ts ability fo perform the. fdUowing

 'functlohs:                             '           '                         .            .                .
  • M~nagement tjf overall licensee emergency response;
           * . ,:coordination of radidlogical and environmental assessmenf.
                                                                                     ' :Pl~nriing .standard H.                                                                           , CEP'Rev40

Page 104 of 220

                                   ***.> '* :/ " :> **'*                             '           .                                 **.*.          . ..                . *.*                 .        .     .           .

Cgordinaiidn'oi *e.mergency. response ,activities .with federal,

                                                                                   . .

s.tate and local agencies. TI'heEOf was' desig*n~d tor o~cypancy by approximately 70 ,persons/ Th.e approximate

               ,:pcqupanqy; l:>y funqtion},js a~follo~s:                                                                     , , ,                                                   ,                    , , ,,
                                        .*              .                 .         >-***.          *::           ..


ERO 'QAa~a;er,~ and :Coordinator§ 6 J\Ji:{C.Per~orn,el .. . .. 23 FEMA, State and County Personnel 3.
                                    ,coinrntmicator:5'                                                                                                        6 Ample ,Jirkin'g'spacJs;.exist ciut?ide t~e . ,EOF in the . NGG Headquart~rsB~ildi~g . pa,rk1ng loUor nurnl:>er :of. vehiGles :thatj::anb~ expected during: ~n emergency c:lS weU as space for :mobile
               .vc1ns: that wHI be bmughtjn by offsite ,s~ppo~ agencies. ln:additiori;. space exists riear the
     *, :Ruil9ing tti:c1t*c9nhe.use'd for'lanciing a:h~licopfer should arise:.
. * "' * * * '" * *; ,' ~. :. ', , * * '
  • C ** * * * *
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   * *
  • HL2:e: *. ;EOF Data),vaif~bility .
* . ,,;*. ,7!:he.:~ame :CO~P.Uter                                                 tap~bHity **{et. }e¢;:LAr{' QAP; .* etc}d:scrib~d::iqr*the ;1;C in '.H.l.e. is: ,
    )':avaHableintheEOf;)"*     .   ,      .       ,  .       ,**'" ' , .
                                                                                             >, *. ;'* *.* (' * '.;: ' * ** .* , ,, ... ,,, . '". . . ,** '/ * .
                                                                                                       .                                                    .            .

' ** *( T,~e;Qperatiohs;S,ui:ipoft Cer;iter'(OSC} is:;af:rcinsite a~?eitibly ,irea<separati :frornlhe Control

    <*f'*F{oofn a'nd .thi:{TSC*wnere 'licensee qpefations ,support ,pejsqnnel repbrt:iri **an ,emergency.
Brovides o'a . location where plant logistic support can be
  • c6ordinat!:!d during an emergency, and
                      * ,,l~esti:id~ iConfrof R&cirii 'c!!tc~ks io .those ,support Personnel specifiqally requested by the shift n,;,ma~,ec
       -'.:" ' . '*t.0,,           .,*, . . .*, *. :*~'"*."                         .*-:,* . ,*.*.. ***. *,* . ::~, .**** ;. . **:':,:** .......>*** ..*                          ...;* .****< **:.,*. *:/,    :**,;               ... ::,:
   .*; f.T:fie,GSC
        *,, .. *:*i< .'.":,',.' ,.'<'


                                                **/:.:                ,activated c;, .;::~- ,.
                                                                                                   ,for:ariy/Alert, :site.Area
                                                                          *."*:>~* \ . ;"> ;* *. *, ,.: \"t **:: '                     *... **/*.*,
                                                                                                                                                              .Emergency'.                .or Generai'.Emergericy:
*: . :*. ,.* *, .;*.<** .* '. . :* . . *: ', .. ,*** '. .. :
     '. This                  is       ari :assemoly; area for personnel to fepod for,: ins;ructions from the OSC .Manager..
       . Oommt1nicatibns.                                              are.*           provided" to the ':Control/Room, JSC;:                                                                 and          EGF on bridge .!lines,
Gommuhicatio,ns are provided to Damage ,control; Rescue,>:,~nd Survey.}eams v.iith\portable
       * ;radios. *                                                                                                                                    .* *                                                **

Page 105 of 220

H:3:b. DSC Location
                       "**"                >a
   ':rhe      osC,is k>cated ,jn the' basement of the Lakeside Office Building on the plant site. The classrooms. storage rooms, and offices on the north end of the basement comprise the area ,

where the' staff assigned fa. the OSC stage and perform their function. The remainder of the

    ;office' building)*,comJjlex is 'µsed' for' assembly of the remainder of th~ plant staff when accouptability is per,forrnJd. (S~(? 'Figt1res 10 and *11) *                                                            , .                  *.. .                ..            ,.

Th~* 0$C. will. n()~mally. b~, located, in. the b~s~ment *area*of the L~k~sicle Off,ice.~Building;. f;; this are_a is not ,ir;itended to *be "fixed" and ,may be re~located'to other areas of the 'plant that Will permit the orderly progression of work 'to restore the plant/unit to operational status. Any ,':area that ls U$8d,as anOSGShall be approved bythe SE[)aftertheRPD~partmenf surveys. ' the,ar§aand,it_'isJoundfo,b~ractiologically <:1cc;ept~ible. . .* , .. ' .* .

  .           . .. ,
 . An altemate location for the OSC is tl:ie Bucha.rit1n Office Builciing iri 'tl;ie e:vent of-a unsafe
   ,conditioqs ~tthe plant                                      *       **
  • H'3.c, :0SC Staffing, Ihe;o's:c staf(~s~ign'rnJnts ar~ contained iri Section R Th~ osc Manager ~llaldbe in tharge *Of' allactivities in the OSC; .


                                                                             **             *             .          ..     *.            . *  *    .                    *          .

rl.3,t:i .0SCDesign

' :[he :osc' is [oc:~ted in the' bas,emenU:ifthe plant's lakesidE: office :t)ujl<:ling.                                                                  Cla.ssroom space)s
   .av:ailabJe:for assembling, briefing, and da::briefing :re;sponse teams,                                                                   as   well as storage' space for.
 .j:?mei-g~ncyTespofise ,ecjuiprT'ient;sucli ,as anti:con~rrlination tlothing' and:s'utvey equipment. *. *.
  ***             .'                     *                        '                 ,.               ,,    ¥.          :   *    * ***    **      *    *           ,,.      ;
  'There shall ,be*(lirect' communications*befuteen: ttie OSG and1h{Contf61 Room' a~d.between. the*.' c1.tid<thei tsc _so ,!hat-the persqr:i'rl~I reporting,td.the osc, caA"6e*assignedtp -duties in.* support of emergency 1operations. *, , . , . , , ., . Me?os ifor analyiingJiE.sarpples c1ng: er1,vironm,ent~l samples are\located inthe osc. Offsite

  • Survey Teams ,can>teturn samples '1o the .osc; for.,aiialysis. If the, OSCi is ,unavailable or inaccessible samples can be. Palisades _NudearPlarit (about 25 miles from CNP) or ot~er ,qHhe coqtir1,9ency,Ofl'site Laboratory Facilities.

Th~ following communication systems have been provided in the OSC: Offslte;ernergency,radioto communicate with the*Offsite Survey Teams, TSC, and EOF.

                               ',, '.' 3* '.'* "' . .   ~ *. :.       ..,*      .* '*. ,: .. : ;: . . . *                :             '                    :    ' :.        *
              ; Dedica:ted,c;omril~Qicl:ltio~ ,circ'u!ts to th~ tControl Room, TSC, and EOF.
           ~-        '


          */ . Addjtiomil;telephones to be +1s~d as                                           ne~qeg, .
  'H."3,e. GSCData,Availa:bil~ty ',                                        .       ** '                     < ....

The samecorhputer capabilrty (PC; PPG, LAN, -etc.) described for the TSC.,-with. the exception is cif DAP, availal:>le ih th.e OSC. :in ,addition the '0SC has' access capability to the,Hadiation Prqte.ction Dose Tracking and Control S~stem, * * * * ** *. ** *

  • Plan_ning'stpn,clard :rt ,* . .',
                                                                                                                                                                      . CEPRev,id,

Page 106 of 220

                                                . .                                                                                                 ..

AEP Emergency Organization Staffing and .Activation

                                            ,.,                   . '\:.        "    '-~                                                                                           .
               )The-Concept eriiplbyed' by AEP is to support the plant operating staff in an emergency by
activating all of ':the.Emergency Response Facilities wnen the qperating shift determines that.


    • *..... ,* *,

1Etre. ,necess~ry

                                                            ~=/(".,                   .        ~-~      ,_;

tci respond .*,; < *, to,an:.'":!:!Vent. ..,

              * .Atthe plant; the TSC would *be activated uppn an Alert, 6r higher emergency classification arid*
                 *WOUid ,perform: its .functions: fo :support Control.Room operation 'within tne goal of 60 minutes.
               'Tbese functions are,. to provide .. plant managfiment and, :te¢hriical support* to 'Operations:

personnel; refieve the Co'ntrol Roeim personnel *of perfpheral duties not directly relate¢ to piant operation; prevent congestion in the Cont.rol Rcibm, and perform EOF functions until the EOF is

                  'activated.,'                                          .               .'                 .                 . .. **, .*                            .* .                    *.                .*              '
       . :\TheEOFwm be activated for any Alert,                                                                              Site Aretf) Emergency or Gen.era! Emergency c1nd for .
               \any 'lesser classffication .* as determined by the SEO, The goal isto acti\.1ate tj1e EOF. within. 6.0 *.**.*
             \Tninutes' ,of ar\ .Alert, or higher<emergeticy .classification: Pre-designated' members of. the*. NGG .
        **, '}~taff*W!ll repo~Jo,th~:EOFto provide managf?rnentand operations .sUpport.                                                                                                                                           . .
              )When ,EROrnernt)ers '.arrive :at t~e. EOF' tf;ie EbF functions are t;ansferred ,from the TSC dr the
            .. ,Gontrdi Room, to* ifhe l~oF;(Thes$ functions *are: managemEmt of overall licensee .emergency *.
response *. coordination .of radidlogicaL and i3miimnmental.a~s?ssrnent.,including.det~rrnination .
            . <of protective a9tio11 -re.c~rrinienctations for the poblic, .(Wn$q . th;e. Emergency Director pQsition is.

nd acfhtated), 9 ,coordinatiop.'*of .em~rg~riby response ctivities, with federal, state and' local 9 agencies. Durihgthislirne,)he£~0Fisin com111uriication'"Vith theTSC: .... *.* ,..

                       **          '                *, -' *' ' O     '     ::-:*  ,/:*   ',..,  ,  *'          ...   ,*
  • A,V - ,,, * "'*;,~
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ,                    .*
                }6¢:;ENC/JIC fa1di1ii                              Wm             b<f:~ctivate~                         at   th~:Ale,rt,,levl?l,~atj,d :t>ecomes .the. JlC a Site                                       at               'J,,reif Erriergenpy and "whe'rldecJared ~s the                                                                 JJGbytbe                          Stfite bf Michigan. The goal ls to .activate the
                'ENClJICwithin'90 mir;mtesiofanAlert, or.higherE;mergency cl.assfficati9n. The ~Qf will bein comffi1.1nicanon 1\/ith}Jie .E~C7JIC as. W~II as with'.}he statital'ld county :~rri.ergency' operati()tis ce.nter::,:Pr~ss rel$asefWill:tie*coprdir1ated witbtt,1tfNF{C;, $hiite,.local.andAEf' ERO.* .                                                                                                                             .
      *;?:L<>rig, Term.:.R~covery, A!,thE(~lant)re TSC>i~ pr()yi9ihf}' syr:pqrt }q ;Gpntrot Roorri. and pl~n(

.,. '\ , *Operati9ns Staff. }he :8q 'iS: :resppnsible fqr .tfie*,entife reqe>~eiy qperatioh ancti~ Joc;ated 'ir the*,

   \ ?,:. 'EGE1 Jne,EOFstaff-obtaihs its'.lnforrnation on tfie:plant statusfrom thePf?C terminals located in
        .***(the EOF,The dose,asse~sment and communication with the licensee'sOffsite Survey-Teams
             )ar1d alLotber 9ommuriicE!ti~ns with offsite parties continues to be performed* at the .EOF. The
             .:Engineeri.ftg, Qesjg!) and Site. Service.s Manager* i~. ;respons1ble for obtaining. supplementary
             .:.*assistance;Jf *qeeded, JrolTI tl1~ ,other NGG pen~onnel.
                              **, :E111er,g~nc~*;Bet~Ction:*'.* .,

CNP :has,. n~~lear a'ri~*, .process ,instrumentation tci detect abnormal .situations. This

             . -inst~LJme.ntatio'n '\/\fill PCO'.lfoi<:i~ vyc1mirig *io Jb~ ?percftors s,o thaCaction* can he taken.                                                                                                        t6    ave>id ,or*

Jajitjgate *~h.e. cons~qll~nces of'. .Pfant indde.nts. {)etectiqh capability is :pro,vide~ "in the foHowing areas: . fnstr~hientatipn;for detecting seismic activity*,on the;plant.~ite .and.meteorol6gica'I .towers

                                  .formonitoripg .and recording weather data.                                                                                      ,* .             ".                                                        .
                                                                                                      '                             .
                                                                                                                                      .                    .

Asystern for*moriitC>tiqg ofradiation' le.vets in ~el,~qE;tj_ ?treas *Of ihe plant, ragioactivity .of

                                 .;p~ocess strea.rnsJn t.h~. 1plar1t, anc~ liguip a11d gaseous pischarges .from the plant'.
                                                                                                                   *-'   _!.                           . __ :: ,*,    .   ::     '
                                                                                                               -Planning;Standard'H*.*                                                                                   'CEPHev40
                                                                                                                                                                                      '"-S.                 ..
                                                                                                                                ****--- .._..,;*-~------.'.._.-.#.,*-***-*-***-      *-----*--~*-*-*-*=*- -*-- ~-**--* -~----*-**-**--*.,  A

Page 107 of 220

                               '             :,                   '                                    ,**


  • Jnstruiner;itation*.to measure ,tc:1rik .levels in various plant systems and the pressures, temperi3tures; ,and JIOWS'Of proc~ss streams*.'

lnstrument~tron :fordetectirig fires ih theplantand security events.

SpecificaUy;the;instft.1111ent~tion. avai!E,ibl/3 to assis(in,cte,terminingJhe severity of a nuclear ihcidentinside.the'coi1tairimen'
                -_ - '~ . . . ,, :                           ,   **--* .. ...
                                                                            .'   *' :, :         '           '

iin Table . 5, *icritk:al

                                                                                                                                                                                  ..      .


                                                                                                                                                                                                          .                 .


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  , '        .
Ev~,~ts'tn_at 9018otg~~e:~ 1pot~ntip1 tot rc:lcti.01ogica1 reieasesJ:,ut whi~h may have a pu~iic ..

int~re*stare,de,tecte,~)l:irotJgh.'.tfi¢ plant's monitoring insfrumEmtation, the plant computer system, audio~visu*a1, ,alarm(frip_ indications, fire protection system, _and seismic monitoring system.

 *Thie. seismic *rrldriit~rihg *. s,ystern cohs,ists oftwo forms.of monit9ring *instrumentation; ,the strong motion :triaxial acc~leromete'r$ and tne .peak recorciipg ,acceieroi:t,eters.
        "' *' *,: * . ..':         * '.' ."   ,    ,'.
  • i*, *; * '":'. '~._. t, * * .;; * .,, ** ""' ... * , , *,.; .*.  :. . . x:,* '.: . , , .. *.. . .. ,. ; ,.:,o

The strdng motidn iti;i,a)(i~L~ysteim is cioinposed ohiefamic !riggers,. control panel, recorder,

)pahels, ~ccelerometem,~;Jflnd,powe~supply. :]Jhese.porhponentsprovide a means ofrecqrding
  • the tif:l'ie:histor:y of:a{seismic.iverit. The; powens4j;>ply':to th,e system, excluding the ;playback 1nstr;ument,)s.designed tci:provide:power:"from abattEiry backup source should the AC input
 *supplybe lost                                                                 * .*                                      **                                                    **           *              **                                  *
                          .                                                       .

The,seismic monitqrii:ig ~ystem inciudes comptiterwitl;l*.an uninterruptable power

  • supply. The:System}tl,:1s:real.,time .analysis Jhe .accelerometers for these two systems haye.\t>e~n ,placecHg ,\/ari9us locationsJhroOghput ,the plant:in Sl,lCh positions as to minimize .


      '            -                                  :    . . -,,..,*.,                     ..
                                                                                                                                '.                        *. .                     '..                        .

H;5.b* Radiation Monitoring System 1]~~:*instrfumentatioi{:f~l ietirrniriir;ig the extenr:and .. magnitude. of accidental releases :of rao1oa~tive ,materia!s/;offsite inciudes: the Radiatio,n Monitoring System and meteorological

'instrumentation.                                              *lnformatloo                                     from each of*these sources is<availablein the Unit tl and Unit 2
*Cbritf6FRtfomk>asXw~ll ilS ~ny'PCyJltl)~accessto]h~\planf                                                                                                                                            System             Server (PSS), *. The RMS and Meteorqlogical .System ,aata;is :available! '.to the EciF; TSC, ENC/JIC and osc from the PPC
*ttfro4gh the PlcmfSysterrfServer. *
      -.        .::,\/ .-             \          _., *.,':D,:._:, .. *:*>, -.~-::                             -<     i, Al~rrris. are                              ;prJyidia.zi6;Jhigh* radiatio~, RMS malfunctions and. where applicable, loss of sample
'flow on the.local iotfication and*cotitroLpanel, anc:l:arthe main Control 'Room display console via the:E{MS.commuqlcGifiClnS ~ystem..                                                                                                 ..           .            .                                 .            .                                        .

.** .;\::\.*  ;-- -'* ., "\:" ~*2/rli~;<d'.'!,,-, .. :;( i ,> .\s .~. rt*~~/ . 'A"release c~n ,be'4efe~l)iinea 'from in".plant RMS, ,or ;portable ,radiation instru!Tlentation ciispatched lrorri tne)plantwl:len litf-Js. pbssible. tl:\c!t}tt,Jl7re *,beeri *ap acciderital gas release whic:l);couldi riof'tie"fl1cmifored.byAhe plant RM?~)nforrnation Jrom ;readings of this portable qn~frume*ntatibnJnay

     ,                 , . . *.                                  ., ~'." ,;-;;
                                                                                        - ',:. . .. *                  '     .
                                                                                                                                  ,,                        . ,.
                                                                                                                                                                    ;the extent ofthe release.

1Fot ,~cciderits .,wtttrrttB~re 'h~s t>~~J::no ,sig~ific~~tyri:?l~ase*.to* the. eri'virons,****but cre:itdir1gs ,,bn

.:Op'ntrol :Roon{instru,ments indicatei':a';rt:1lease. witli1n the containment; samples can be taken to deter;mirie the, level!' of:radipactivity; :therein. l:c=ibles irelatibg the radiation levels k1 the containfueriHor vatjqus accident *coriditioris as a furiCti()O oftiine :and ,powe(tiistory are used for
,colii'pa(ison \with actll~lidata as an a)d in °deterrnil:lirlg. :the gossible type. of arid severity of the
.acc'ident aha are-contained ,iivthe Emefrge,ricy.Pian Pfocedures.

x~ ., < ' :* > *. .* .. :, . ':*. , .. *:.: . * ' ,, ' "', ' .: : ". *.. :,. . *

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      .                        *.
Planriin'g Standard *H CEPHev40

Page 108 of 220 The major source of liquid effluent from the plant is through the circulating water discharge. ldentified potential sources of radioactive releases to the tirculatirig water system are monitored by the process mon'itors of the Radiation Monitoring System. For long-term events which may have some impact on the environment, additional REMP sampling stations may be provided as .necessary. The Rc;tdiation Monitoring System *instrumentation is divided into analog and digital systems. Additional information on the monitor functions and range can be found in the UFSAR, Offsite Dbse Calculation Manual, "OP Drawings", and Technical Specifications Bases sections. H:5:b.1. Analog. System

1. The Process Radiation Monitoring Systems monitor various- fluid streams for indication
         'Of radiation levels. The radiation levels are indicated by meter, recorded by a multipoint
        ,recorder, _and high radiation level alarms are annunciated in the Contrdl Room.
2. The Area Hadiation Monitoring System monitors radiation levels in various areas of'the
       '.plant The radiation level is indicated** 1ocally, and in the Control Room where it is recorded. A predetermined increase in the radiation level detected by this system is alarmed both locally and in the Control Room.

H5.b.2. Digital System

1. The Proces.s Radiation Monitoring :Systems monitorvarious fluid streams for indication is
       -of radiation levels. This data ,processed by a local rnicrqprocess~r. Display of the data is available upon operator .request via terminals inthe Control Rooms. A common high radiation alarm is annunciated and the initiating device(s) identity is printed or logged at the control terminals:

a The Eberline digital RMS consists of series of radiation detectors, monitor controllers or local processors, and control terminals together with appropriate ancillary components* including display devices. The local processor gathers data, *performs routine calculations, retains channel parameter information, and a history file for all detectors served by that processor: It also determines operation and alarm status and communicates with *the central .control terminal.s ..A digital display _provides status and alarm outputs and a display of selected channel data.

  • Alarms are provided for high radiation, RMS malfunctions.and, where applicable, loss of sample flow on the local indication and control panel, and at the main Control Room display console via the RMS communications system.

Eac:h reactor unit at CNP has an RMS control terminal. The two central control terminals are functionally .identical. One control terminal performs the functions of polling each local processor for operational status and data, logging any changes in status and associated data, logging history files, annunciating* status conditions, communication error messages and, upon keyboard request, performing calculations on data in the history files. One control terminal pertorms system operating functions while the other is in standby ready to take over system functions. ln the event :of control terminal failure or outage, the standby system controller ls capable of controlling RMS in both units to provide updated data. The control terminal is the operator interface with the rest of the system. Planning Standard H CEP Rev40

Page 109 of 220

2. Area Radiation Monitors monitor radiation levels in most rooms and passageways of the AuxHiary Building and each containment. This data is processed by the local microprocessor and transmltted to the redundant control terminals.

A complete listing of the RMS monitors., their identification number, type .of monitor, location, and -range is available via computer or in the .Reference Section o,f facility binders containing the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures issued for use. H.5.b.3: Release Assessment Dose Assessment software is available in each Control Room, the TSC, and the EOF that calculates:

i. The site boundary dose as a function oftime, meteorological conditions and release rate,
2. The dose rate as a .function of distance .from the plant for site boundary and beyond, and meteorological condition.s.

The above DAP software is only applicable to .gaseous releases which are directly measurable from plant effluent and containment area monitors, or Offsite Su1vey Team measurements of plume dose rate. In addition to the instrumentation which is immediately used by the .Plant personnel in detecting a radiation release from the plant, a Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program is available from which samples can be taken and analyzed.

  • The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program GREMPJ monitors the environment surrounding the ,plant The stations from which sampling .of airborne particulate. airborne 1.-131, lake. water. well water, external radiation, ,etc. are located in the Plant's :surrounding environs and are identified in.appropriate plant procedures.

With the existing instrumentation available to plant personnel, the evaluation of therelease and the estimation of the resultant radiation levels at distances from the .site,boundary can be made without the need to use the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program sample stations. For long-term events which may ,have some impact on the environment, additional REMP sampling stations may be established. H.5.c. Process Monitoring Plant operating parameters including pressures, temperatures, volumes, and flowrates for systems, as well as RMS and meteorology are available throughout the ERO facilities on PCs that access the PPC information through the Plant System Server {PSS): H.5.d Fire Protection The fire protection detection system is comprised of two general types of detectors. They are thermal detectors and products of combustion detectors. The thermal detectors are designed to detect thermal energy output (i.e., heat from a fire). The products of combustion detectors are designed to detect particles, smoke, or infrared radiation. Planning Standard H CEP Rev 40

                                                               ........ , ____________________

The ~ire detec!i011.~~~terris 8rovide an*alarrn.ano/or,actuate :fi,:e suppres,sion sy:;;t~fTl~: ~!arm fun.ct1ons generally include:. ** * * * ,, , **

   * , Annunciation in :the Control ;Rooms,
           *           **     ~,    >     C      '     C      *    *
           ~'lidible' overal,I p!arit pre .Morris *,fortbo?e\ sqppl:$~sion ~ystern;;:Which ;~re acttiate~:ft,y
          -d~tes;tion systems,           , ,' , *, ." ', ,                          ' , ,, , ,' ,                 ,      '            '         ,* , '          , , ,

Audible and/Or Visu,#i' alar[llS Jor gaseous Sl1p!)ressi9n systenis-;*actu~tec(by detection

          .systems;                                                      *             * *             *' *                *                                       *
  • A thermistor is a co~i1nuous *1ine h~at .detector, w~en. an ove,rs h~at conaiiiG>n, ogcurs
    . , :?,1nywtiere .along . the . *th~rniistor, Jhe *:msist~nce drops whi~h.A$ :~ens~d by the/contro,I
      .* panel. The ;gontr~1.*pan.e1 ~5:titf:ites <?.Fl *alc;1r:rp and/or autqmc1ti§fire *sµppress1onJ,ystems*, >>*

Fusible Entity :Detector/Actuators *

    , *fusibl~'Enfi{y l)etJctors* :are _ **.L,ISeCI !p<agtivate\*~pririkler sy~tems**bY, melHng;;,at****
        ' predeterrriined .tEm1peratures aUowirig .waterfo oe:releasedfrorii Jhe sprinl<lerhe,3,ds. 'The ty,pes
                    .of plant sprinkler systems.emplgying*i~js
                                               "          -      ~   ' ..       ..   .

t~pe ofcietect,or/~~t,uators_Glf:t::?;'

                                                                                          ., : <.* . .   ' ... *.   *,  ~-* ..            . . : ..        ..
               ;W,etPipe:Sprinkler Syster;n
             . Tile piping *js always -tu11 *of ,water. cinder ,pressure; . so. ff)at, ',ff e>qfose,d t,o* .fire, .tlie'
             . sprinklechead is activate,c:l . and water \f\lil!',\r1stantlyJl9~ frorii:th~ open t1~a~',orito the:
               *fire ar'.tcJ:,.citthe same tim(,prpvides .an ~'!arm ,of .sucli .* a ctivatiOi, ;an~ :water :flciw,... . ' .

I Preaction Sprinkler't3ystem Tne7esystems*-~l:e us'e~Jp_ ar~as *subject:t6 .freezing* te,rnpef~turJ~ o(\Alher'~ ,then~'. is a possibility Of water ,ctarriage',trom acc)derffal *qperntiori or::a .breakJn the piping system. lrithese systems. tliere.are.two,piping .systems oneJor air.(pilot) and one for water. Sprinklers :(pilot .tt,ead~). witn a lower temperature ra~ing are .installed in the air (pilot) piping. sys\em as1c9rripared foJhose installEld in th¢' vt~tei':if:>iping_ system. :Phe air pressL:1,;e in the ;pilot:pipirig ;gElep9 ? control ;v§lve close,cf, '\fl/t,e.nJhe J>1lqbneads .

              . qperate ficim a fire, the air :ii'! the pilot piping ;i:, vented. an,d'.the coi;ltrpl valve opens allowing *water to .fifLthe .wateq:iiping. Atthis; :Pciint, the'.system,,op!:irates*:the'sarrie :as a ,wet pipe spririkler !=lYStep1'.                      ,
  • foriization t~Re.
      ' .Re~'poncis to* an :abnormally J1igh conbentratidn of invisible :particlescCof co~bbsti6n products that .are icmized,by
                          '                 *~

a radioactive sourceJocated. in .the,detector'

                                                                                                                         . *. .'. . . . . . .


                                                                                                                                               ; .*     . .  ..
                                                           ..  ,      '.
                                                                           .  ***: **:  :  .

Page 111 of 220 8;5-P~fldS to .yisible smdRe in the d¢tectqr,c~atnber ~hlth cr;1uses a light .soufce in tlie detector',to be refracted.*and reflected int6 a phbtoelectric.celL ' * .* * * * * .

  • Infrared Flame Detector Responds directly'to the presence dfcthe infraredradiation,eman~tingfrom flarnes,which flicker between the.frequencies of$,to'3biC.P,S. **.* . *. .... .* . . .

Offsite Monitoring and .AnalysisEguipmenf.

                        .                                     -                 ...

i-'L6 .a. Geophysical* (Meteorological. hydrologic~ seismic) A contract is rnaintain~d with a commercial weather servi~e for meteorological forecast services, '

  • ,a9ct for an alternate sou'rce of :r11eteoro1ogic,a1 date:., if JH~ plapt site meteorolog'ical syst~ni is ;
      *unavailable. As a )back-up
  • for the contract ,service Jhe .NGAA, We.ether* Service Forecast<

IJroadcasts are accessed through a plant phone.* extension,, ,as well .as being available frorrf> weath~r radios;, * * * ** 0  :.,., **::::)

    *.Phone' ,riuniDers for the Natipnal 'Earthquake .lnform'Mibn 'eehter ,3fe rri~infained .P.MP-2080'.' *..
   . EPP-1.0t Emergency Classification'.:.. Thef center can be. contacted                                                                               of, information on seismic eyents.

1-1.6.b. Radiological Monitoring

                      .                 ,       , ..     .. l Emergency_ .Plan RroCE:ldUr~s E:lSt~blish '. the ,_ rne~n.s .of'. a.s~utiqg>that adequate is
      'equipment stocked at designated points for yse., in ,em~i:g,E;hcje::s d¢alirig 'witti hazarqs. The emergency equipment includes, ibut. is not 1.imiteo'to:                                          *               *        *
  • Air samplers with :assorted -cartridges
             * .* lo,n ,chambers.
             *         'Geiger counters
  • Respirators
  • Personal ,dos.imetty Plant procedures identify the reqliirement .for emergency, eqliipment. to be inventoried and.

ch_ecked at specified tiJT)eS to ensure that the S!Jpplies;apq eguipmE:lnt are j:,rqperly maintained, , and available for use, *Emergenqy eqiJipment is 'kept at some<offsite locations *see. Appendix G,, * ' , Emergency Kits and EquipmentL.oca:tions, fo(l6catio11s. *, * *

                 " *                             * *:,,, ** <                 *       * *   *~

Appendix El contains c1gre~ments with offsite. support* agenci~s}lnglu9ing ~greements With othe.c, .. ff litilitiesfor

..  '  . -     .             assistan'ce
                             "     . . . during
                                          - . "


                                                   "'         . .  .   .   .         -.   '    . ', .*, ..* -~. .* .k .*******
                                                                                                                         ..      .* ...    ..     . :..*..'*) ;

Appendix E contains information ,about e1ssistance _and resources, including available through the C>OE Radiological AssistancePlan. * , H.6.c Offslte Labor:atory:Facilities .* lo the event that it becomes necessary to use offslte laboratories ,foranalysis of samples the ,. following facilities may be contactea. and the ,analysis performed detpending on the* type -of

". samples (See>Appendix H;Radiological'Resp?nse(Sqpport Seryice <:::apabilitie~):                                                                               *
                                                                  .Plc1nn1ng'Standard :H * .

Page 112 of 220

  • Teledyne Isotopes Inc.
  • Argonne Laboratory (DOE)
  • There is also a Reciprocal Laboratory Use Agreement witli Palisades NuclearPlant (see Appendix B).

H. 7. Radiological Environmental Monitoring The CNP uses a pressurized water reactor with a radwaste holdup and treatment system that has been designed to keep radioactive releases to as lo)'I' as practical levels. However, small quantities of noble gases and Other radionuclides that* are released to the environment are expected to be minuscule and -insignificant as a source of potentiatexposure to flora and fauna in the area. However, direct radiation exposure to the public and radionuclide accumulations in various components of food chains to man is carefully monitored through the REMP. Further lnformation on the REMP can be found in the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM). H.'8 '* Meteorological System The system's meteorological towers are .located inside the thermal internal boundary layer and have the ability to measure unmodified onshore airflow to detect the presence of a lake breeze. The meteorological system consists of monitoring information located on three towers. The primary and backup towers are located about 1-'mlle inland from the plant site to provide a representative determination of the meteorological conditions for emergency planning purposes. The primary tower has instruments at the 10 .and 60-meter elevations. Each elevation has a measurement of wind $peed and direction. Temperature is measured at both elevations and is used to determine a delta temperature (delta T). This delta T ls used in dose .assessment *to determine atmospheric stability. A precipitation gauge is Jocated near the primary tovver site. The backup tower has wind speed and wind directkm instrumentation located at the 1Cf.,meter elevation. Separate communication lines are provided for the main and. backup 1owers. The shoreline tower also has wind speed and wind direction instrumentation at the 10-meter elevation. Temperature detectors are. located at the 2-meter and to meter ,elevations of the -tower. The Shoreline tower is located just northwest of the plant on the shore ofLake Mlchigan. The three towers are controlled by a central computer located at CNP site. The towers are polled every 15 minutes for meteorologlca,I data. The data are stored in the central co[llputer. Meteorological data are available from any PC with accE!ss to.the PPC data. Daily checks of the digital data are performed to ensure reliability.. Erroneous data are flagged on these di~plays and triggers :the issuance of a Work Order ry./0). The WO system .is used to notify the appropriate dEjpartment of the problem and provides notification of the resolution to the problem. An adequate spare parts inventory is maintained at the primary tower site. Calibration of the system is perform"ed semi-annually and is documented .by the plant Instrumentation and.:Control Section. Meteorological information can be obtained directly from the primary 'tower site using a keypad if communications with the central computer are lost. Backup meteorological information can a!so be obtained from a consulting firm. Forecasting information is available from the consulting firm as weH as a plant extension that continuously plays NOAA weather 'information. and Weather Service radio.

                                       *Planning Standard H                          CEP Rev40

Page 113 of 220 Planning Standard H CEP Rev40

Page 114 of 220 Figure 11 LOCATIONS OF EMERGENCY RESPONSE CENTERS North Access Building

                         **...*..                                             ...! .................. ,., **.****.*,. .. ., _. . . .. ..... . ........................ ,r,, . ,

Maintenance Bulldlng

                                     '* ....
                                                       ..                                                                                                                                                              ..

Visitors Center

Control Auxiliary BUIiding Rooma ~;::::::c::--, D. Tttchnlcal Support Center Turbine l3uhu1ng Operation. Scroen House


Suppon Center 1 i .................. *~OfUce Building

                                                                       ' ...................   **-*....................... *~ .... .......... 't *...... ..... ................ .. . .:- ........... .tt* *********-* ***

Emergency News Center/Joint Information Emergency Operations Facilily in the Center in the Nuclear Generation Group Nuclear Generation Group Headquarters Headquarters Building In Buchanan Building in Buchanan Planning Standard H CEP Rev 40

Page 116 of 220 TABLES CRITICAL NUREG 0737 PARAMETERS ,-----*--*"-'""""'"'-*--------,,*---=-----------.----~ - - - - - ' - - - - - : - ' : ' - = = : - : : - : = - = - c c - ' : - : ~ - - - - - - PARAMEI.ER. ~----l=N=S=TR:_.:.,U=M;ENTATION NeutronFluxGarnmametrics NRl-21, NRl-23 ~------------ Safet ln'eclion Flow IFl-260, 266 Refuelin Water Stora e Tank Water level ILS-950, 951 Containment Water Level . NLl-320, 321, 330, 331, 340, 341 Contairnnent RecirculationSurn Water level,, NLl-300, NLl-301 Containment Pressure Wide Rangfil_ PPA-310, 312 Containment Pressure (Narrow Rang.!) PPP- * *

  • Containment H dro en Monitorin

_Q_ontainment Isolation Valve PosftlonMonitoririg . . .* , . atin Lights *-,-*-*-* *-------i

 ~O!ltainment Area Radiation MonitorsJtfjgh Rang.!)____.-,;-"*--*---* \lnilJ_\[f<A:1 ~JP. 14.10, Unit 2 VRA-231 ~_?,4JS?.. ****------ ,

Steam line Pressure MPP-210, 211,212.220, 221. 222. 230. 231,232,240,241, 24Y-- Stearn Generator Water.Level Wide Range} , Bll-110, 12Q_,_J,30, 140 -- _,.-----,-----------"----, Steam Generator Water level Narrow Ran e BLP*110, 111, 112, '120, 121. :122,J30, 131,, 132. 140,141.142 Auxilia Feedwate.r Flow Rate FFl-210, 220, 230, 240 CCWFlow to ESF S stem, CCW Pufllp Breaker Status Ipp..1OE, PP-1 OW ,..~ Reactivity Control, Control Rod Position CA1-8(U1), CB1-4(U1), CA1-4(U2), CB1-8(U2"""'),'"""C~C-1--8-,C::-:D::""'.1--9-.-S-A-1~-.8.-S-8-1--8-.- - 1 SC1'4. S01-4 r-cC,-o-n-de_n_s_a_-l~-~-J-or-'-a"-g-e_T_a""cnk_L_e_v_e_l--~:=======:=:==:_"""_---==--~=-'--,. '..""+=c-=l..:.l-1'-Jc,,,,3.::,.::C..:.L-l-'-11_4___-----------~---"--'---.*-=-=--=----~~~----*--_-_*-_-_-_-_-_-_-~-_-,--..-....---.-_,=:]- Planning Standard H CEP Rev 40


The purpose of this section is to describe tlie:systems, 'equipment; and m~tnods for .rryonitofing and *\;issessing offsite .consequen¢esKjf actual :or. potentjal riad(ologic?Femergericles. .

      \. ' ,*         .               .           . /,;;,J,.-. '::-                  . . ,.* .         ):\'.;< ><:("\/" :       . : :,:_:. '.".*:* ~ .. * ._::,.::*;'\f,,),

1.1. Identification and Everit '.Classification ..

  , The Em~rgef:icy Pl~n* Pro(?edures~_99ntaJh Jl1e: infbrm,?tio~ used to establish Jh'.e)emer,genc:{

classification' category, t>ased, on plant sy;Stem and effltjent pafa'meter values, ;l'hose 'initiating . ,

    ,conditions ar~jdentified in NUMAR~/NESP-007; Section ,ffcohtains 'the :plantspecific E/\Ls and, *
  *initiating conditions .in the Emergency,C!assification System tables.                                                                                      *                   *-*

L2. -Radiation Monitoring Sysierrl'lf:,

, .The RMS monitors area rndicifi?n 'levels:                                     fri   most:ro~m§ and* passagew~ys _of:the Auxiliary Building} and each containment. Effluent and process. flows are* monitored fof, ;radioactive materjal. The ,monitors, arid, cha"hh~lf of J~ClSt:interestfor 'iporiitc>ring and e~aiil.~Hing: evenfo,for radiolpgical impact.are:                ***-. , * .. :,s::, ; ,}< /                        . ;'}' . *, . .*_. ,                                          f: \ ' . . , *-

l!i~~~~Jf~!~1Jf!tii!;f;:/f~ii \i ~~f;;;;:i:Ji;:i::t:':Jg~~i! SteaniGeneratorPower()p~rate~-f3!::lii~fValve:(p0r;(V)Mordtors.,::: ..:,:, .. :*:******~4 per:unit

                                                                                                                                                        '.:*.r.: ..             per -unit*

Containment H)g!t - Range;Ar~a *::;:~,:-:~ :R?diation . Mqqitors,.f:;:;.:_

                                                                                           .                     .     .
                                                                                                                           ... ,\:,,........ .,;. .. . .. i/;;,,2           .

Process Monitors

  • Go,mponent Cooling.Looi:>~ -

Liquic:l)NasteDisp9sal * ..*.. , ;

               .Steam Generator BlowdQV!fl Sarnp 1ng Esseriti?I ServiceW9te~ , ' . . ., - .
            --- Waste GasDecayTan!<s,
             . Waste Liquid Off..,Gas .* ,. ,//:i:' *:: .
              . Steam Generator Blowdown):reatment A complete.listing          of the RMs**mqpitorS.f their identification :nyrnb~r,_type oLmqnitor,>focatioh,,

and range*isavailable via con,pllt~r'orJllthe,Referenc:e:Seigtiori offacili~y l:liDdf:lrS'.~6on(airiing {h:e . . Emergency

  • Plan . Implementirig: .f:1roc~qures, *'issued,for(yse: .*Section 'H;5JL. contains
  • tne description of the RMS system,, * ***

1.3. Release Source.Term .,- ,Calculations t~rrecting containme.t1F,d0Se'tates as}'l furiclipn_'ottihie.,and rea~t&'p9Werhisto*ry ..*. _., are contained ijn 'th'e. plarit coie'.ciamage, :as$essmen(i1ir;e>ceotJr,e: 1:ables,iis~,:fne .corre¢ted

   ,containment dose   ,' .'
                             .rate.,r:esults c<to',r:>r'oiideiestimates
                                                     , ,.,,. __-,:;_:; ' : : *'*    , :".


                                                                                                 ..: -*:,     .:


                                                                                                                   **e.* .  ,*,
                                                                                                                                                   *                * "         * '    -

Estimates 'cif *:c~re damage are. u:~;~nc/sel~ctithe* spu/9i:t~r~ *US~cf-:in th~, [z)d~e /\ssessrrient Programfo(tissessing release?. _/:;;c. "** ,. *

  • The Dose Assessment Program for assessing releases ofradioactivennatel"ial can usedhe sour:.ce term for a release after core damage, a release of a 'waste gas decay tarik'(WGD]1, a release from the spenUuet, pif {SFP) or a rel1:Jase fromthe Independent ~pent :Ppel Storage Installation '(1SFSI) to estimate dose rates.. , . ' . . *. .


  • Release Magnitude l;ffluenfrnonitor. ragiation readings arid ,~ffluent pathway ;flOW*T§ltef arJ ll~d JP ,cc1lclilaterthe magpifude of Jelea~es.. * * * * *
  • When iLis possible that there has been an acddental gas ,.release:,whlch .could n'qt be rnonitored by the .Plant RMS survey .teams from the )P,laritperfonp ,syrveys 9ffsite,with portabll:!

radiation *instrurnentation: Information from readings' ,ofJliis portaol,e ihstn:imehtatioh may be used to determine the extent oftfle,release. * * * * ** 1.4 Dose Asse~sment Evaluation , 1 A dose. asseiss.rnent program to quic~ly r1:J!atE? rtieasqred ,retfi:a5,~, -r~tes 'anq' containment ,dcisf:, rates to dose and dose rates at the site boundary and beyond .are* maintained in.the Control Rooms, TSC, and the EOE The determinatio,n ofthe :meteorologicaJ 'stability*c:!ass to perform. qffsite dose calculations is described in. the,:,Plant,.Emergepcy. :Rl~n .Rrgce'ct!ijres: . 'Orce, the meteorologi9al stability class .js determinecl, th,e offsit.e,radiation dose"and *dose;rates at the site boundary can be estimated using the information ,obt~ined,from)he plant radiation monitoring instruments





                          . :


                                     ,* . .


... . . :** ,..
                                                                                         ,:jnd     the ****\,._
                                                                                         *..:c.,* -*-*-:


                                                                                                                          ***. *:* ***:,**?* -*-;


                                                                                                                                                         . _;,.   *"

>A cld§e ass~ssrhent cornputef.program, DAP[Pi:ovidesra *.nietlibd estimates *Of dose* arid dose 'rates at the ,offsite area Jl)OE:it .probably' affected 'by a: .'.gasequs

                                                                                                                     ,s,     caictltatiog '.Conservative rnlease .to.'aFisist 'in emergency classification, *and ,Protecth,~*:~cti9.h RecC>111n1enda:tiohs ;(PAR):

J.he o.ose, A~sess'ment J?rogram allows evaJu,atipniotiE?veral type~ 'cif :releas~ sc~ria~c;is with* the . flexibility for meteorofogical and radiologjcal ,inputs ttQ p~rt{orm ;alternate evaluations :,to best, characterize an event and the resulting .:,prntective measures..* The. program . silso allows' calculatioris based on offsite survey ,results fc)f cfoss .c.ompa,rison .. purp,ose~, ,qr a,:means for evaluating unmo,nitored~releases. ** * * * ** * **

  • In order to calculate a ,dose/dose rate, the proci;ar11requires data 6~: . *
  • the radiological effluent. , *
  • containment area monitor doserate?, or.
  • offsite dose rate measurement results. *

. .*. .*.. \/*.


Th,is information can' be obtained fn:3in the pli3nfsRMS;orf~om

                                                 ,             ... .   ..     -- '"       . .
                                                                                                          , , .. ~
                                                                                                                     .. .        ,. **~  .   . ..       .
.Other features included ih the program :are as               fplb~s:!i{ >
  • Variable Trajectory Plume Segment Model}
  • Radioactive decay after reactor shutdown _ , ..
  • Decay.and daughter in-:gr'owth.during '.transff *.. **.
  • Ground 1eve1 release . *. .* ...
  • finite Cloud correction , . . ..
  • Option to :input offsite field survey data. . *.. .* *
  • NuReg- 12is Event Tree Modeling for:Sour'ce,TE!rm
  • Multi AccidentAssessmerit C~pability .
  • Theprograrri onJ5ersonal computers. .. .

Planhin 9 ;st~ndara ir> * *. CEP*Re~40

Page 12Q of220

        .                                                                .                       ..

The UAP program will be used as the pri~ary means of performing'a dose asses~merit. Dose Assessment Program (OAP) is a PC .¢pmputer program. that calculates-c<>nservative . . estimates.of Total Effective Dose Equivalent .(TEDE) and Thyroid Committed Dose*Equivaler:it (COE) dose rates and total projected dose, based on aradiological release, at the plant

  • boundary and at 2, 5, and 1O mile distances. The program ,also,1.Jses the informatkm to determine the Emergency Clas~ification Level (EGL) associat_ed. with the r'eiease:.
  • L5 Meteorological Assessment The system's meteorological towers are located inside the thermal internal bouhdary layer and have the. ability fo measureunmodified onshore airfl_ow to det~ct the preserice o(? lc:1ke breeze.

Meteorological data are available from any PPG capable computer. Seci:1on rES contains a description of the Meteorological System. * *

  • Meteorological data from th.e onsite. meteorological tower. is in'put into}he;"dose assessment program: Tfie data is useo to calculate :the atmospijer1c* ,diffusion facto[;: X/0, fo determine atmospheric di!:iperslon of radioactive material as part of the Dose .Assessment Program fo(

calculating 6ff site doses and dose rates. Weather forecast information is also used to ,project changes in plume dispersion and locatiQn. which can cause changes to Protective:.Action

  • Recomrnendations. * * * * **

1.6. Not Addressed: . L:7 Radiological field Monitoring.

  • As part of the response to any Alert, Site Area'Emergency ,Of<General Emkrgency, one or more offsite survey teams are formed, as. per plant procedure~. and .dispatched' for sampUng,under .*

radio contacL The off-site* survey team driver pos~ion is normally filled ;qy non-'_RPT personneL* ' Qualifiect':;i~p Technicians fill the position for persons performing the suivey. At.adequate ;RP and other personnel are not available onsite, personnel to ,staff offsite ~uiveyJeam(s) would be summoned per Eme.'.gency Plan proce_dures. ** * * *

  • LB. Liquid and Gaseous ,Release Assessmt:'!nt A minimum of two vehicles dedicated to Emergency Plan offsite surveys is available 24 hours a day. Additionally, keys for all normally available plant *vehicles arE/ available ,in the OSG inthe Office Building Basement. Offsite survey team(s) deployed from onsite *wodld have such vehicles available for use. * **

Each bf the two dedicated offsite survey vehicles, the office<building b?Semeh't, and the E:OF' have air sampling equipment, dose rate, ,and *count rate, instr:ur:neritat1qn ,in:acidition'.}o ,r<'ldio . equipment for communicatiQ,n vvith the plant. . . *.* * .. ' .. . . Previous experience indicates that deployment ofpersonneil,'from,onsitefo* pffsite ~,reas approximately 30 .m.inutes from tllE/ time ofnotiricati9n. . . . {9. Off-site Radioiodine 'Monitoring

                                                                           .    :    .                           .

Measurements of radio-iodine yielding sensitivity to the.rnnge of 10*8 µCi/cc can';be~obtained by returning the sample to the regular counting facility or to the ,~oupting ar~a *independent ,of the regular counting-fadlity located in the basement area ofthe Offic~Huilding.

  • Planning 'Standard .f. CEP\Rev4o
  • ....

.*Plahnici9St~r:\~'krci j

                                 ' !* .*      .            *:- .*                                                    ~; '*"

Owner Controlled. Area.warning and Advisement- . it/g,rice\,e. *.Rl

          . emergency
                                                       .i;:t~Ni .\¥ltn1~'

can' il:ie*. maae tn'?fi#i~nt?i:) e.~ensiyet Eln 'anriotincemenf ,6kthe/n~iurf bf"thr:* to. tno~i;pefsC>,nheljrrirnediafely:

            ', .- ','* ; ,,. ,/.                                         ...--*. *:        , ..... * '.'-',: :: .. :-£+" ,,         *: .. :e1:***;*:'* * .... ,* ,:
       .*.i~!t~~~iiat1rd:f1-t;~Xi~~~f~,tfcf~tt~Ii;l~~~eitfb~*~!1r~;~Mt1yi*~.~:~r~as**.qf:t~;t::ri~n,lt~itei{:i J1:.i:
  • Non ERO/Employees*** . .

Hl~ 11f<~rnploye~s**. witfuoyf.;ERf:{,*ddti~$!)anw *r}~f~cH1ne,trt~iilp9lafily; .clS~igriedLtO Jq~ ***.Pl~nti;for

.. .'. :trai~ihg                     or ,qth'er :purpo5,~s. are                                       'required tq ~now 1he lo~tion*~n~t                                                   rqutes            to t~e a~s,emt;)Jy af'e~*~ *e,

't':,i~f~~;~~~~~rf~~I~ .* ~;~~Q~i~~~ln~;;~~~;~~~ <\nsile:~~~te~~\ tL<;,:i (\!iSitcifsJ\. *-*  :. *:fr. i;,t~&\tjJ;:*~iifJf*ii,:'Ya;~;iJ~:;,j~~:iihi:hl**~..~'t~~~(***

  • a,pprqpri@ite ass¢[ibly area u,pon sqµndipg *9fthe NtJclElar Ertierg¢h¢y Alaitn >

i'f 1 .. .

          ~~~~"'i;H:;~~q/ etilt1~J~~'f.!~tti~,rrr .

a~seqtf.>ljng1t~e 2pe9,pl1:::ru,ndElr ir s,up~rv;i~i.Rn in~~e; area ~esig11atEip',9y tH~ ~ED orqesighatE!cft/

  • si6iiilyCfQrf*
        ':altE;?f!li3{~i '.P. .,
  • Q~el <:1t(eady;,(?nSite' imm,~cfi~tely pr< ;appropri~t~ ffissemblt elf~,( 7 1
     '., upon spµncli lthe:Nuclea'r . .*'r'm.                                                                                                                     i                                             *      '       *                               .,

J.1;td ...;:::;..::==

                         ;fi */ . *.: :'                          >" * * *      .1 *,v                                  '>' *:~\';.<(    *=.
  • i: *,:::; * . * *,;* :: : , * . **< **</*:, /"":; .*.:* * *; .. :,:. .;:::,-> i; : :>(:,'.'* {:.*::,. *. r:*)i("., *:* /;:f. : r* ,*
  • 0
. * *
       <tbe'ilfiecisibn.;fo: :comme ' ....* . **... . '.of.toe Cci()K ,Energy, Information :Qenter:iS foad~ of th:(

N * * * *. * > **

      ' {S6D on ttje\b1s,~ of the:~v~foaticm 0

o{th'e con'dition of the plarit find. the extenfof the erMergrlncf ..

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   .                      ...
The. fvla~ager of the Cqok Energy lnformati.on Cehter
        *acqpt1r;it~bility .fuf *a1!Energy, lnform.c1fi9lj Q~nter employees and all visitors of the.. Cepter ..shpijld or  designee IS re~poqsible Jor the the,          Nucl~arEmergenc,yAiarmbe:~otindedi.
             . * .. :,::c/      , , *, * *,            *                * /*'                            v;,,v * , *        *,*;   *
                                                                                                                                              .                   .                                                                       *.* *;>** .*.': ... : .
  • .:.:****

Wh;n :State Rolice and Nationai-Guard are .assigned to the plant .their ,disposition will be

,de~~mlned by th~ nature qMhe ,ehjergency.. If the plant is uridep atfa'ck the,.MSJ? .and>Nlationat ,,;
   . ttl~:tltJ:i1~~1~iJ~~.i~~:~~ii~~~tr£~~,i~~tfiJ1~g;rri:~,:;~J;r~~;itt
       .. *qns~Ss~dtiaPp~rionn~band                                                            ~yacuatei!,,froin;site upon                                         evacu~Uor1 Of>nOn-'essen!ial ;person11e.i.::;; ***;
                           ,,        ,.      ,. l' }   ~                                       ..,                                                      ;a .                      ""'                  *,                                '                         :':}

Page 124 .of 220 * *

                                                                                                                                                        -:::::,**.>*=\**.:_:*.       \". :.:: ,.
                                                                  -->           **.:.< :i/    {(':\>>[fj/;
  • tdu*RqtcfY
                                       **:: >   <>: :' '::'."'.!ri*:;i.(<,*::tiJ~\,"}~w;;\~('. '.:*' ; :)\":>.";~'-.', ."' ,,*,:* ,../*,:':=,>~//!:**** < ';'\[> .,,+;: .;.. ' :=\> / : .*> *.. :*. .    :\' ......

(f~r E.nerg*y ln!9crriiaUoh GfJl'lt~r@)jy) tcilhe Hed ~rro~ Highway'. * .

      ~~]~!ii?~ i~~~iW]f!l!iSt~!~li,,
                         . */:::.. :;](\<:'
                       *.. ru~nhiS,;ayaiiable* from* the Ha#i~ti9'ri Prote9iion *Acc;ess Gonfrol{RPACJ,)(acce~s)o Sib}~f                                                       * *"'* *                                                                         ...,
                                 '... ........                                          . ... .
     . If  ~11Y *of.Jbfl~vacµl;l,ted persbnhfil are. conJ~qiinated,                                                                                                  the psc Manag~r will institute !h~
                    * 'Jt~JJs'.\f9frlllOVement of .thE:ise persgrihel. to .decontamination facilities:~nd 'init1c3,:te Jlje surtciutjding*atea~.                                                                            ..                                                                                          ..

. \it* {'( . . . . J*;tZr;,r~~r~J~\;Ji:!~i .* ;i!f]ia,~i11J/'.Jtl(j *'*btis**1occ3tions th.rdUgboutJ

       *func!ion,oftne p(arjf:se,chrity force'.Toefac . ,,.,., > of all pei~()AI}~( int~fpr?t.

th~ ,~lariJ is ma. ..* . *etj"via puter:~y$tem, The ~ecµr!ty,:pomputerfe*


Page 125 of 220

  • During some postulated .events, assembly and accountability may pose a greater danger to plant personnel than directing a rapid egress of personnel from the Protected. Area, or directing persc,rynel to ,remain at their work areas. SM/SEO. discretion, with input from the Security>
    .* Cootdinator (or Security if facilities are not yet acthrated) should be used when ,debiding. to perform* ;;icc*ountabiiity _and/or evacuatj.on under these ,conditions. ,                                                           * *
                                           '                                 '

Once the Nuclear El)lergency Alarm bas been sounded aU personnel onsite shall report to their pre-assigned assembly areas. The SEO will notify personneivia the PA system9f any changes

      . in.:the:,a.reas
  • plapf *
  • to be:used '.dLJe to the';release
  • or ~:xpepted relec1,se 9f radiqlogical eff!u~.mts from the
                                                                                      *                             *                   * *            *
  • Personnel reporting to their assembly area onsite will be accounted for using the plant security acce$s list. and security computer. This list provides an up-to-date listing of all personnel on site by area locatio,n. The. results of'the accountability process wiU be transmitted to ill$ individualJn *
  • cllarge ,e)f personneraccouritabjlity; * * * * ** *
             '    **                          **           *         <

If .perE;ormel are '~naccounted for,' .the *security>cbriiputer v.,iil *, b~, querie.d :fo <determine

  • the'.

individuals, last :known. l9cation. The individucil(~) will be paged on the PA :system, the', individual's supervisor will be notified and if .required, the SED will initiate search and rescue operations. ' .

::  ::.:'* . .
  ' J ;6: *. ' Protective Mt:i~~ures for Those' Rem'airiirltj;                                  bf :Reportind40 the' Site Personnel remaining oh;:,iteafterthe sounding of the Nqdlear Emergency Aiarm willbe required to ,asse111ble in arrarea thaf is fre£:Hrnm, ionizing radiation ari.d contamination, *or presents t11e
.. rriiniq1um exposure to personnel engaged in em~rgency op~ratiotis .. Surveys ofthe assem~ly area(s)will .be conducted to ensure continued habitability:                                                                                  **

Personri~I remc1_ining Onsite who are E?hgaged* in ,~1T1$rgency operations where there an actual is

       .qr potential radiolqgical hazard, *shall upon the direction of the RP Dire~tor, wear the -required*

protec,ive clothing and ,respiratory. protection, The RP Department shall *peifon:n the requireci surveys ,and establish the type and qliahtity of clothing, and other protective measures required.

        .*     ,.       .,:/,, . =.. :   . '  *.   *:-**_'   '   .        ,     -   .   : __ , , : * . ' */ .     *  ... .      ' :   .      . .*.:  .*,    ..   . .
   , 1:he ,Plarifsecurity:Fo}ce will aconfro1'~ccess t6 the'6wner'.:GC>nfr~lled ,Area                                                    at the f94'Gateh0Jsef,'

a.s directed bytheSED. Personnel arriving at{he plant to assJst in the emergency will be allowed access to the .plant via

** rrihiimal,exposur~ routes :as identified by the Plant RP Depai:tmenLand approved by the SEO.


  • The RPDepartmenfwill establish Controlled Area Access.Point for personriel arriving at ,(and .

departing from) the :Plantfrom offsite if the access route exceeds the criteria for Clean Areas;, as identified in the Radiation Protection Plan. The amount of e;,cposure personnel receive in

  • feporting to the plan(wilLbe inclu,dect 'in the individual's dose .records.
                                                                        .                             .-                     .*

Additionally_; other ,pr!;lcautions, such' as decontamination, will. be taken as necessary prior;to eriteftf'.!9 the1plant, the assigned* assembly area. E(!Uipment,d~contaniination atid'COntrols are described in detail in the .RadiatiqfrProtection Plan. ' ' ' J:6.a. Respiratory Protection


The R,adiation Prot!;lcfion Rian and :Radiation Prqtection Procedures identify thEJ instructions and: requirements pertainipg to respiratory. protection requi're,ment~ and .respiratory pr6tecfi9n equipment usage. *. * * * ** * ** Planning Stand.ard J . :cEPRev40

Page 127 of 220 For .in9itjents that.fall und~r the ECLs as defined herein, the $ED or ED wiU notify the Michigan

        /Stat~C1~01ice, the :f!er,hen County §heriff's Department, ;the NRG, and the .A.Ep Emergency .

H~~porise :Orgar;1iza,t1on,gescri1Je9 intbis plan that such <;1n incident has occurred; .. ***

                    .                                        .

lt is<the.' responsibility of the Goyerqor of Michigan, or authorized represen~atiye, to. issue protedUve Actipn .Qrders (PAOs) :such as sheltering, ~vacpafion, administration of thyroid bldcking ~gents; $tC:oThese dedsiorjs are based.ttpbn theprotec;ttve ,action 'guides inAnne.x S of the,Michig'aniEmergency'ManagementPian (MEMP). Since copies of the MEMPare maintained and readily available at the various Emergency Response .Facilities, the protective action guides and' . .*,., their bases *, . ' will .not be

                                                                         ' . *"" :. .        ..


                                                                                                    .                      .      "         '.

here. ' . Forirncid~nts invoMng actual or:il)lminent releases of radioactive rnateriai to th~ atmosphere the

  • C:o~trd(;Ro9rn or ;f:,PF 'pr:otec:tiv~ aqtign :-recornri;ieni:tatiqr1. proceclLir~s. as :appropriate, v.riU ,ie' .
 ****. use:d as the .basis fo(rec:onirnendajiQns.for pmtedive .acfions to the ;pllblfc. }hese :Procedures O * '
       !are :based ,otf tne ,,cu'rrent issue o(the. .Manual for Protective:.Action Guides and Protection .
       .Action for Nuclear Incidents" (EPA,4004~-92-001i The'. EPA Guide provides Protective Action: .
       *Guides* (PAGs) for whole :body external .gamm~ radiation and for inhalation .of radioactive
  • materialin,an.airborne
         * ...     '?."       '     .

plume. ', ...*, .; *. '

                                            ,,'.,.> .. ' * "" " :~ *:*\.* *'.."* ., ..:* ': .,.,:*
                                                                                                                                                                   ' .. .
    ':+ti~E.rilcfof\~t¥;ctike;:~¢ti6ris1o *.                                                                    it>e;stt~ai~ended t;>.the public *afo .*$Jacuation.:*sheltering'; ana.: ..
access'c:ontrol Evacuation .potentially: provides the great~st margin of protection. On: the other .
  . hanq,,>b~catJse sheltering                                                                      *mayi            b¢ impleO?ented ih les~ time tha'q eva,cuation! it                                                                           may be the.

jirot~ctive *actio.n ofcljioice Jf rapia *~yacuation *is, iri;iped~d for .c:1nt re9-son. Also, sin_ce sheltering is. :1es$ .disruptive. tnc11'f evacuat\qn; it l)lay *b_e tl'le **protective '.actipn of :choice 'Y'fchen the dose:;

r(;:'dtic:fon*factor assodated with}helter }$. adequate:to re~llceihe pr9jeded d6s~ foJes's than
  .'PAG:,levels. Access.:control :is atfeff~ctive action Ct!) ayoid ~xposure. .of personneLwho migllt ..
     .qthEifWis? enter .ar~a~ *t:>f;high :e>,,:pi:lsµr~:unnecessarily,
' .~. * * **:,:-* ** ,. ': ." .  : , ** *:" *** ,. ' * *** ' * * * * ' -;'*-c:, s, **.~:' . .* **.* *
                                                                                                                                                                                       .              . .             .                        .        .    .

Emerdefoc::yPlan Rrbcec,tdres have!been*established to provide thernechanisrrr and criteria tor '.prot~qtiv:e*,actions state and *local goyetn1J1ent. .* to .* .* * .. Ci

  • Jc::: r* . *** ,: .:_.,. ,;:'),1°fr,* ,.,.;, r** 'l;t .* *** * :: ***. *.
       ~dditiqnaUythe ,prptective actiofl gt:iid~sfor emergency workers
                                                                                                                                                                    *. ** **. : , * .' ....,,,/'*. .*.~* :, .. .:******* .* *. . *. . . *. *
                                                                                                                                                                                                     .and those engaged'iri lifesaving
c1cti\iities :exposed to airborne radioactive materials are listed ln Section K.1,, Emergency E>;pi~;u~e! and in the PlaritHadiation Protection Plan.
.. ,Ev~c~atlbri'tirne estl;c;ttes                                                                    and         informational county ffic!PS are contained i~ the Berrien County Emerg*encyOperatfoh~'.Plc1n*sul;"iiit(ed
                        .. ,:. ;      '.     . ,, . .                  ....  *.    : ... .*. .. . .
    • ~ .*. . *... : -
                                                                                                                             -    :

to the


Nuc.lear . Regulatory'Commission '(NRC). .

Evacuatio{i'ctiliie e;fifui:ites'are .peri~tm~d within 365,clays after tlle'.availability of the most recent decer;mial census data, Yearly reyiews 'of the Evacuation ,ttm,e>estimates are performed* to
estii:riatetl:l~ Emergency iPlanning
        '"'.<,. <*-~.t.: : r~ ....... ,....:,,: .. - ... < .,.*, .

Zone ;perma*rientrnsident

                                                                                                         ... ' ., .,. -,,._::.                  **----~-.     ,... **::*.\ .. * --~

population changes. _,:.. _ .. *. ':* .. **.* .. .,.***: :**_..- :*: .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       .         .


  • CEP'Rev4Q
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            .***Page 128 of 226 r'~1~m~;E°xposcire . PafhWay:P~~t~ctive,Mea~1.Jf~s*'1mplement'a'tion
                                                ,             **               ~   'n   ,a   * * *    ,   *     '
  • ,, *.*Lt.}O:a.Route
         *"' -~;-,,;. . *. \.


                                            ,* '~.           .:~ /f              ~                      ;. ....* ..... .
      ,:;M,i,~:::fcir ,the i,o ~n~,:~o ;~ii~ EP.Z:*'~~veloped of:thi Mi'chigati Stc1Je.police are Pt§vid,edfor use ;


     ,*aurietollowingJoca\ioris'., ' ,                                                                      '
                                   . ,ContrdiJi0orns ,

is'c:t\/fi*' ,,

                                * *EOf Ef\JC/,'.JIG
                                      *serri~n chunty iEG>G .,. ,
                                   ,'¢t>o~JEne,rg5', Inrof:~.atioff;Seq!~(< : L /, , .*,
    . itie~t'~,~~ ;QO~,i11fcir~§li~Ir'}~1J.~tia?:~#cf'*'*****, ' ,si~hcltidri~';:, ~m~rb~ndy der:1ter J6'2~tions tqpograpliical !nformatioh, .and when- used, in c~njunction with B~rrien qounty *;plan indicates
  • preferred:evacu.ati9n routes. **;
                    * . '*.                              ~                .I            *          *          *
 . .~~~1Ir:~;:~~~~~ii~r~Z~~~~~*~6* ~. .

Emergehcy . OperationsPfaniuo ..

                , , ,...} ;,./ . ". >* ~:,,,.,
                                                    '            ., *~*       "      '.


                                                                                                                        .:c. ', :o     *'.     , *.. , - *      -  ~  .    .. .
                                                                                                                                                                                 .pi are(~6l{t;iR~ inthe~ii;n~n* 6oon\Yi
                                                                                                                                                                                *:, '  , .


                                                                                                                                                                                           .:*, *. . *- : ;. .**-,. * .* . . ",.*, '" .( *
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             .      .


   ..:.:~L;1. J.,.*>*.. . ,i~opulatibn . . . . . -~'; ".}' *).:-~**                               .:.*.
                                                                                                                                         .* * ,:,.,** .** .** ..*.* ,*.** .
    ,ThJ              1:Beiri~n G:dri~ty e1~fli}iitqltid~~i,~fovisi9ri~ tJ{l1~rtih~ ;J9qal r,adi8:a,nc:I televisiofu ;t~tlqA~

local mews media to'b~*,pr~pq( .. . ansmifErnE:irgehcyPut:>lic lnf9rri{~ti6n .. Sec;tio11:E:6*, ' ..

      .addr~ssesPubiic)Jotific:atiorC;:,,,                                                                              ';,'. '.******** . '; ,: ,,,,. , * ......:*.*. ;.\/.*.'..,,. ,..,.,, <* *....*.*,* ,,.,.:,,-.,.,,                      ,
 .. , The,; .*..                    A~~essg1ent<Rrogra: .*. .                                                           J.dff~~ite: ~a~~t:;'t~a~\r~~µ1(s;>~§:.~~u:as,ip1~rif                                                             :JystenranaI equip_ment status, . are- ;the,* ba"t;i?:
  • rn-;f';P,r9tectiye/ Action: 'Recorruneri'.dations: Dl>iP and surv~ys . ,;*


                                           ,. *'""'"..

in* seytiqns:tl:4

                                                                    .* _* . '         .. ***                      ,*:*;

and *t :5: =*


Page 129 of 220 Figure 13 Cook Nuclear Plant Primary Evacuation Routes A Northeast along Main Access

                                            /,   Road to Red Arrow Highway a South along Lake Michigan Beach area to Livingston Road c North Along Lake Michigan Beach area to Rosemary Road D (For Energy Information Center)

Northeast on Visitor Center Road to Red Arrow Highway Planning Standard J CEP Rev 40

  • Pagt= 130 ()f220 P~ge 13{of 220,
                                ,,                 .                    . EXPOSURE:coNTROl.                           ( . ,,.~
    .The CNP' Radiatl~t) Prdte,ctto'n Plan' (pM1:.e61h:) ' speclfiei' the base' criteria for the Jmplementati6n'.Qfthe:Rad!ation ,Protection !WP)\J;Jr,t;lgram                                                                     -~ncl the methods to be used tp cqntrol .
           . ei<posure'id. radiation 'aha :radioactive;rnaterials)ffi!ie'.standard*s* listed :in PMl-601:0                                                                 a'ndlhe
   . progr~ms:to'~e;foli,oyved c9pslst 1<:lf:},,:                                                                       :::    .. >f'  <( .     ,    . ,, , .  ..<  ..*    *':    . *
       .*:,:t:'. RP:ff~iniri~,:~~d ci"u;lification(
            ':2/>'* * :~L.ARAIProgr:am
":" , :


                         .. . *:*y<> :* . *. * *:::-.,:/};) :~
                             .h    *                                  ~
                 ,,   /              '

D6se:Calculation,'fvlafiual *.

" -. .. ***

. *. {::.~~?'.~evi~1~;afsu&em~~:c~itq;i1m. /::*r,


following areas: .* ** * * * *** **

      . , i t.*
         ' -,.,-/*:
                        '\~" *,        '   **... '     -~ :"'.:...'..     .,,:' .. ,,_. :.-:::.*

Control* .

                                                                             . *.;.,-."***'<, , ....
          ,3;:: :.Cont;minati~n?d6~tiJ1,***.

Radioacti~eEffluent'control / .' f>;t>ry6rr[Jcil Con~itio~fRespdpEie ',: .,, . ~:<*:.:: .:

Page 132 of220

9. RMS Instrumentation 1.0. RMS Instrumentation *Calibration
11. RM$ A\larm Response,
                 ,.  (,       <   **>*;* "'"* *. :.'

K.1. Emergency Exposure It IS possible)hat emergency situations may .arise which transcend the'.r:iormal T~quirements for limiting dose./. * ** *** * * * * * * * *., **

  • Dose to penetrating radiation during emergf3ncy response or re~ponse to accidents may be up to lO re3m Total Effective Dose Eqciive.\leht.{TEDE), 1:00 r~rri Cfommittec:Lpose Equivalent *(CDE) to the:thyroid fo{non-,,life-savihg acti6fiS; :
                       .                           '       -            '                            '
  • i/;<
                                                                                                                 **--:  .. ****   ..
                                                                                                                                         . .* .,*.* * ,,, > ".\ ,
                                                                                                                                                             .                   .*::*.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     .* , * *
    .Life saving '.doses may be up to 25 rernTEDE 0(250 ,r~~ COE to the thyroid: .l~fowever, in all '

situations., ever)". reasonable~effort sl)all be:made :to minimize c:iose; ' . '

                         ' .      '                                                                            .     ~1            '

In .no base iha!f .:this type -ofdose\,e permitted unless :ref~ue personnel ,areweanibg monitoring devices capable pf monitoring_ these'doses. * * **

  • Situations* m~y aiso rarely 0ccur, in;whfchia dqse,Jn:exqe~7'**bf25.rem/for e1merg~ncy exposure, WOUid *be l.inaVC>idable* in brdertd:carry ouf.a lifesaving OperatiOIJ, to avoid :extensiye exposure pf large populaticins,Cto perform assessmE:inladions, *provide fffst aid or ,qfuer medicaltreatrnent
 , services, ;to .perform personnei decontamination or provide ,ambulance services for personnel

. On$ite. (Onsite medical, s_upport :;s de$Cribeo' Jn Planning Standard il,. L.2) Hqwever; persons undertaking any emergency *qper:atlorrln which the dose wm:exceed is rem fo the wtiole,body shocild do so only on a voluntary basis an<J with full awareness of the diks invqlved, including'

'the numerica,!'levels of dose atwhic~.acute effects of radiation wilt be incurred 'and numerical
estimates pf)he ;r'isk of delayed ;effects: ';,'
                     '                    ..      ,".  " ;   ~        "

..... K.2.. 'Emergency Exp~sure Auth~~i+/-ation .a'nd Contrbl

 ' Doses. in e~qess of 1:0 ,CFR20 limits :may :be authorlieci -~yjhe'SE[) in,ordeLtopr~vent serious property damage, serious bodil/injury,. orfor life*saving'measures.                                                                                   ' . ' ,'

The *assessment and recording o( radiation exposures. will be the assigned duty and responsibility',of the *person so *designated by the RP Director The ,SEO :shall be made aware of

  • any changes .in,qumutative expC>sure$ which. would affecternergency:team ;assignments .. *
                    *.          *.,     ,    '....             .          ***::   .   .* .*.   .'   * ... :* '        *J.       .      -  .             *.-. '   - ',   .   '.:         .  * ..._

._ th~ e~~,6~ure:,or.~~rsonne1 ;wh6.~e~~ in.the immediate area ~fa radfatioh':incident must be determined :befpre \QSY are assign~<f to any em~rge(l9Y *or reC()Very';'./tearn,, *self-:reading dosimeters, -electronic. dosimeters, . *area*monitor record~,,orftherm0Jumin~scent .absimeters will

   .be.'used to,estai:>lish accumlilated*expcisure'for each ihdivit:i~al.                                                                                    *             *
  • K3, ,Emergency Personnel Dosimetry .. *
  .K.3.a Dbse'.Deterniination Rac!iatiom B<:pqsure Records for expe>se'd .personnel wiU be maintained                                                                           by     the ,pl;ntand will be available .for review by the State oflMichigan               '*:*   '; ..   '   . .



of . Environmental


Quality .,.

                                                                                                                                                                               ,*.            ,

K3.b. 'Dosimetry Use ,and Dose Reccirds Planning Standard *K- CEPRev40

Page 133 of 2:20

                                             ..                                                                                             :
         *.   .           : '                .-               ..       *,.                 ..          *. *>::          *.                     *.*/     .       :    *. .                   *. .
                        .                                                        .                                  .
   . RMT-2080.cOSC:"001 identifies criteria anq niethocls forf~~ding, *~ecording and Inaintainingdos~
      *rec:ords.                *.       . :.     ; ;. :.     . .*        ' ,,                   '         . . .*.       > .*. '          **.* '           . *. . ***.      .        . ..


       ~Rt Applicable,.

K:5. K.5.a.

      'RMT~2080-0SC.,001 identifies the criteria for;decdntarniriation of pe~sonn,el, personnel wiJurids, and eqllipment., .                            .                         .                     .            .                       . .                             .. .            . ,a~d ;records bf data taken byihe lic~nseetestilti119 from ~>nucleaFinc;ident 'l:H the, lii;:ensee's. plant vJill'.be made availaple to the*.* State for, review ;upon Written request fo:plant 111anag~ment by the' Miohig 9n ~D~Q or other design~ted State ,,agericy. * * ** *

     *k:5. b. '1:)econtaminatiofr M~thod~                                                                                   .:
                                                                                                                            .....      ..           *.-.
                                                                                                                                                     . ..

iRMT-:208Q-,0SC-.001 folehtify the means and [116thods for deconfamiOation of J>ersonnel, fpe"(sonneFwouJ1d$, c:1nfeiquiprn,e~t. There a~e *.two.:s~par~te decoi:i.tam1n;tion'facmties Wfiich usid duri11g ad ern~i:gency'.'.' The r:nain . tacmty .is located. in tl']e :Radiation ProtecUon Access C6htr61 .(RPA,q ;on, the 609': e.levation east of the* allxiiial)l ~uilding':'Tbe :citriet facility i?. Jo9a,ted in the */\uxHiary Bllil~ing :< access *atthe*TurolneHadiatioh Rrotebtion Access':contr0lff'RF>:~\C)pn:'the 60'9' elevation o(ihe~.*.

    ,U.~it'1T~rbine8Liildipg:                          .     . .* , -          t       .      ,.       . .. ,,      , *.      ,       .. .       ,     . *..           .     *         *        ..

The de6011tamination JacHity a~sociated .wit~ ..the .RPAC CCll)l=1i$ts ,()f d~conta.mination *area a ~nc:L a ;pE3rsinnel' 'Shower: AdditiqnaL *~pace, available;jni~(?~~? 111ay *<,alsc? -~E3- u:~ed'. Personnel

    .protective clothing ,and,equipment are availc;ible inJhe*RF?t\C;
            *~. , " ) "                * * **"  *
  • f e  : *' ** ' "s, Both dec,ontarriination'>facilities tiaye,, ~9e.qvate,. fc.1t~r -(~yppli~s fat ;qoth * ~h.O'h'E3f:S arid \vash basins .. All floor and sink. drains ir,i the' adjoining cireas :drain either')nto the laundry arid hot shbwer drain tank
  • or other contam,inated .liquid tanks for complete '.control of potentially contaminated wastes, .. , * ' . ..... . C * * * ** * * ' * ' ' ,. * '

Jnforrpafion Ori egU iprne'nt. q.fld jJ)V9fltOr~{of SU ppltes as \f\/1311. c!S' .d{3tail$d Written ,(:lfoCEJdtire~ and . standing order$; are foundO)iri: the Administrativij. Arocedure's and '.the "Emergency Plan Procedures, as*well as theRPPlan and the.RP ProcEJdUres. A list o(Emergency KitLocationsJs shown .in f.ppendix C. friventory P,F()CEJdures are,$pecifiediin,)he:~p procedure indicatefl;in the.

      • iplf1n(procecturl colun,n iii. Appendi~;ft,\:_ , * * * . . . .. * * . * * . . . . .. . . *..

K.6. . Contaminati8~ Controi. K6.a.

     'RMT~2080~0SC.::Q01' ,and. RMT-:2080~TSC:001 :iaehtifies                                                     the\means,                  arid 111ethodsfor '.area access for control ofcontaminc:1tion. , '                                          .. ' .

K:6:b. Water.and Food C0Mta111in~tibn Control

                                                                                                                                                                    'CE3PHev 4Cf
        ;:~zr~2oao~.*ERl~~jaiij~',riii'                          ' ';, rlirjct)~;irY~,~f ifC>,E[a.~p9~fa'01in.~\i~gic11~;:\~t:~[Pi~g .,;areis. .,.

a~~/t9y'}?t~.:r~~ ~1r*** ., 1

      .,T.!l.e.pggUq Vlftll*bq,ire~tr1ctedJrqm ar~a~J..
                                                            *.* _. . :.                        . Ci:.**.....*.*..*........... /:t**.*. (;a:rt',::\jl*?:* ******\.,
                                                                                          ,t . . yyn~rQ9t}tronedAr,t:i,a;ra,r;[l,~llYJ()pent() the:
      ':P,i.115Hfa~(L~:,;)$ner~y 'Ji-Jfp~rn~ttqci;;Q~l;l,et,fw  *.. ::iy~ .1*er\<borjJ~mitiaJ~cliW1!.tlla:g~oc1~b(i rn~tert9l<
    * 'in*, exbessi1f;tne *Ii mits:defined ;1n:T:aole' 6; 1Maxinium*~11owclble:Co htarri,iQatidn";l:lirnits*ttor *On~§ifi:?:.
      *Facilities ,u'seg* '&y.:t11e*     iruolic~.         prio?to -tfiel'.rel~a~~ :6t**t.hese -~reas"":fbr puB1l~ li~dfih~ J>l~t1fw111
       ,notify the. DEQ .and:provi<;fe the i:eguired. data for reyiew at least 24 hot1rs 'in .a.dvance of'release.

of these *ar~as fo the *public: * * - ._ -' -  : , *_

               ~::. '  ~ **.':: "                                 :,,, .

.., 'ii-{1 .:. : , '.becont~miric:itiJrh:if:Rcil'dc'c.***,*,*."*  ;.i .:,-,""

   ** :protfctiv~'.qlotHin~
                                 ., '

i!:n~~~rit~~ldiZfiti~~:'ltr!~~i~l~tf~~:: ~~! 8.¢1ldyHng\ttiE;,

                                              ~- ,i;::: :"


                                                                                                     -*               . ..          .     . .... '       .
  • Page 137 of 220 L. MEDICAL AND PUBLIC HEALTH SUPPORT L. 1. Offsite Medical Support Lakeland Regional Medical Center, Saint Joseph, in St. Joseph, Michigan has an emergency room which is open 24 hours a day year round and arrangements 'have been made with them for the, care of contaminated persons. There is a physician constantly on duty at ,the hospital.

Lakeland Regional Medical Ce,nter, St. Joseph is the primary site for the handling of contaminated patients from CNP. The hospital is approximately 9,.5 miles.from the plant site. In addition, Niles Community Hospital, Niles located in Niles, Michigan, about 19 miles from the plant site, has facilities and staff for the handling of contaminatecl patients from CNP. This facilify is the back-up site for Lakeland Regional Medical Center, St. Joseph. The Radiation Emergency Area (REA) at Lakeland Regional Medical Center, 'St. Joseph, lends itself well to controlling the access of non-essential personneL The REA at both St. Joseph and Niles .ls located in a section of ,the hospital remote from any other treatment facilities. A contaminated or potentially contaminated patient is wrapped and* placed on a clean gurney* when taken from the ambulance before being taken into the facility to avoid the spread of , contamination. ' The.R,~facility in both hospital_sconsists of;a ,room designed for easy decontamination. should this .be .required. Adequate water '.is supplied for any necessary personnel or equipment decontamination. The facilities include a fiberglass table with 'a special drain to allow control of liquids for later remeval from the hospital. lfthe injury does not require special handling because of contamination ,levels pr high radiat,ion *levels, the facilities of the emergency room and other parts .of the hospital are available. * , , In addition to that equipment normally found in hospital emergency facilities for routine non-nuclear emergencies, other specialized equipment includes such ,items as plastic and absorbent paper. for *contamination_ control, protective clothing, equ\pment for the control of liquid and solid wastes and their removal .from the hospital to the plant for treatment and/or disposal, and assqrted :~igns, barriers, and, supplies. Also available *at the :hospital are such items as surveiY,, instruments, dosimeters, samplers, and associated equipment' There are no limitations with regard to duration of admissions of casualties or contaminated patients. Special rooms have Qeen arranged so the patients can be kept as long as necessary before being transferred to a,different..facility or until released.

  • Onsite decontamination of the injured person, as well as the design of the REA with respect to the rest of the hospital, negates any limitations on the availability of the offsite medical facilities with respect to ,contamination levels. The only limitation due to direct radiation levels from a contaminated injured person is to the people directly conceimed with treatment of , the contaminated .injured person because the REA is located in -a ,part of the building remote from the patients and staff in most conditions. The limitation on the exposure of the physician or hospital staff remains a medical jucigment made by the physician for individual cases. Thls judgment will .be made -using data obtained from portable radiatioR'monitoririg equipment.

Planning Standard L CEP Rev40

Detailed propedurei: have. bee~ ,q~velop~d for activati,on. ()f lhe hos~it.aJ assi~ta,we plan. :A,

  • comprehensive training program !ias beep. conducted for .the hospital staff arid employees who**.

would be involved as a part,otthe offsite medical support. This program inclodestraining inthe

    . principles of radiation protection,. l,1.asic .rt4.diation ,protection. procedures; applical:)le p?irts of't~l emergency plan anct emlrgency':procepi.lres, ana an exerci$e .simulating radiological and.

physical injury. This,'.trainingl>rogram :sh!31l :be *peripdically:tevievve~ :and irlpeate,d at 'leasf:once ** eacJ\yeac * * * * * ** ** *. **** Plabtpersonnel will mof1itor all. persons 'leaving the)reatment room after remov 91.o(protective *

  • clothing, The tre9trrient foorn, all :eq1JiplTl~r;ff.use,cVfr1 *trie worry a11d dt1ring patient tre.atme11Lis surveyed by plaht personnej for contamination. Any contaminatediequipment .or are~swili he decontaminated by plant personnel :to ,the Plant RP Protection. Plan .Clean Area" specifications*::*

All rc:1dioactive wastf is ,sec:iled and transported 1:P the, p!c:11{t ;for. dJspO$i;(I ir:i. a~.9ordt3.n9e ,with' :. currei,t,DOTand St~te/~g_ufations. .****. *. , ' \; ...* . '" ./' . )f . 'tr > *. Substtquent Jherapy:tcir indiyiduals)Nho have been. ~xpo,s~d or cpnt;aininat~d 'is provided. in the >

     <kind an*c1. ext~nt viin'iQhjs reguirec!Jt!:!hder t.he di~~ction uf the hospital physician;. Additionally, con,sulfatiori servi9e is . available Jrom tfJe Department ,of Er1ergis J~adiation . Emergency:'

Assistance Center/Training:.Sife :on radic1tiQnrelated injuries:

                             ,.                      **   *S  *"*._"*,*                 ':            '  '                  "     *  *:,.*,,          *    :
                                                                                                                                                                                      . .. . . . '                           .    . '*
  • Onsite Med1calSLipport *
                                             "'                                  "       *,.;J In  'th~      evehr           oi **J~ri6u's?lnju~.'\:;rfiedical treatrii~nt mbst. ~IW~~s .t~ke.* pfoceder1ce*                                                                                                             over
  . decontcu'fiinatiori .ofthe indiv1dual/itrst Aidfraining                                                                                is provided within several.plahtdepc:1rt!Tient~,*.

.>*. '.providing ell)ergenoy. rnedi~~I expl3ptise .wimi.n the J:Jlant .~11. iplant*;pl3rsdn)J\3l,are.traigedJri the *.

 . 'proper response toiarnedic.:il:emer.gfency'.'..'.fslo'physicians or:riurses:are loca'fed ,qn-'~ite: ;** , .*.... *
                                " '      .  :*:, ~, . . . h.     .... ,,           .      '      .       '~*.       ,    , . . * . !~.    '   . *.         ..   ..     ' . ~   .   . * **.*h   - *  . . . ..  '
    .Th¢ ¢NP. 11as.                   tb~:".hece~sei.r{                             f~cilities          ?~ha**                ;upplies* *at the .                          Jite     fc>L'deqontaminatl~n. c1pd' .

monitoring of pers9rinel "as w~ll. as ttle facH,ties arid n,ecessary rriedi~al Sl,JPU:il~esJof appropriate . emergency first aid tr:eatm~nt . . .. . . . . . ,, .*

           .\ *'.'  :: .            .. .     ,,.,;-*           ;, .*~.*,   ,   ~   ,

L3. Not.A;ppUcable. ' L.4. Victim Transport Medic.. 1 Arriblilance:Seryi~~)js*1'06ated approximately A 11'!iles fa;m*the)plant ana$r~vid~s the/: primary emergency'rnedical :service§ for th'e Plant ci~,s .a back up ,a planlqr'nergency :vElhicleAs, . available.. . . ' *. . . ' .* . ' . *. . . ' .

                                                                                                                                                                                                            *.'       :.              *.
  • Planning
                                                                                                  ~     ... ::.; */r ... :
                                                                                                                                 ;'. ,>'-~*'   = *
  • L. ,
CE:P'Rev 40.,, .
                                                                                                                                                                                               .*,            ....
                                                                                                                                                                                   .. , :P~ge
                                                                                                                                                                                         *'... **: ..

140 of .220

                                                                                                                                                                                                             *_'*.   .          /"


  • M.1. Reentry and Recovery The exact nature and 'details of c1 specific emergel'.lcy',d~terniihe'ttie procedure!/that are .used for the resumption of normal planfacti\iities. The pmbe~,uf~sfqrm~lated to ;r'etlfJirtthe:services :of plant



lost through . such an incident

                                                               ~           *,

follow thej,iactices . .. u-::.- ()fgood

                                                                                                                                                       ..     ,


                                                                                                                                                                      . .                        :

judgment: .


After the Emergency 'Plan has been activated, the plant p*erse>nnef ',initiate a ~u~vey *of plant damage ano c::ontamination. The p!a[it systems or *corn.polierifa involved .1rijhe iricident*:are evaluated by any number of the follovvjng ,methods: . . . . . .

1. Radiation Sur;veys
2. Pro~ess instrumentation'*.*'
  • VisuaL:iri~pections {v.ihere *po_~5-iole)
                        '                    .     ..                -   ,    .  ***.e,        .
4. Reac;torPrcitection Syst~m.*fnstrurnentatioil.
5; ReactC>r Contrql System ir'lstrurne,ntatfon 6:. Our:dfcori ~h~f1ncoreFMud1;la'r:ih;frumer:itation)* .
                     .,   .   *.     ... ' . '.  .   ,,.* .. * '  . ~--: _.,,   .. . *        '~-   *t.. ,,.*.*  '  .. ,.,

7 .. Engineering safety features)Q!:>trymentation

         .R     Radiation mc:mitoring             sysf~m
9. Po~fAct:ident Sampling .Capa~iHty '(:where poss1ble). ,* .

. * '.Survey dr personnel monitoring te~irrls ;are sent,outto ,gather,;iflforiination ;ptit>rtbie-eT)Jty aod*

    .report suc_h findings toJhe individuais -d~sign_ated. in tne'Ernf:!rg,e11cy :'Rian Rmcedur~s :in :tne TSC
and/or the EOF. * * *. * * **. ' . *. * **.. c::( *< ,. *. . *. *, c,,*:: <* ,:;: c ,
  • The Radiation Protection Direct~r (RPG) '.is re~ponsible for" *:protecting plant 'personnel. re~

entering the plant. The RPO is responsibleror ensuring -tnat radiation ,doses are .under. Federal.* limits for a sadiation worker in\i{)lved in planfre~enfry before :resuming normal J>larif:ciperation... ..

                                    .                   **,,;              .            . .      '         .*   ***.:.,.*     *.*.::,**:*-;;(;(     : :**:,     .       ',.,*  *.*,"*'*;',.'.:°:,*.:*:**'"'":,     *', ..,

Survey teams.will measure r~diatlon ,levels. on ,ancl,arouh~ tb~j;feahct}l~htry'Qfo\tJe rilacl~,  : when radiation hazards are reduced to perrnissibJ~:l,e}le'ls.,[he SE:O wlH*:appr?ve:,'*re,-:entr;y: proceduresbased*¢n:existingand~pqtentialcon~itions'.coH!)E{plafit'. *** '> ,>,;:,' * * *. *. Recovery Operations Where c()ntrol,oftheincident:j'ias*ibeeri.attained.and thefe}~fr16fJrtt)er dangert~-;~erson'n¢l, ttie ,

   .emergency phase shall be a{'an.,c~ncE Restoration :and,J~~9\/er:y,operc1tionsi~fia!l continue. b\,lt*

not 1.Jnder the.. sc1me criteri,f a:t the ernergene:t.e>peratiori{ ;t>uring .;restoratfon:'and re6ovecy operations, activity'levels andpersorinel exposures will t:>eit:>ased,<>n*to QPR 20 liroits. .. .

                                                                              '.Plamiing Standard M .


N;* *. EXERCISES AND DRILLS N.1. Exercises N J:~a. Exercise ,Cdntent . Eacfr ex~rcise will. 'b~ boiiducted. *In accordance:. with. a uniqUe',;~tenario *9iiv~16bed' for Jha( . exercise. Each .exercise tests portions of -emergency preparecfriess 'plans within the ,fi-;EP

... systein; State- and. -~ounty~ The::J>lant will also",participat~ ir{:jgint exercise~, in.ifiated anci
'. qoc,rdin_ated :by, ' N~C*and FEMA'to*testthe effectivenE!ss<.oftlle ,¢mergenc/*plan(s);aticlll
     .levels. ,                                .                         .                   .                          ,          . ..                                . ..                  *,                    . . . ' '* '*..         ,.
                                                                                                           '                                                                                            .                     ..               .

The*ultimate criteria;againstwhich the results of exercises are to bE! TJ1E!asured wrn be effecUyH' . iinplem.entation of *the plant's qnd :participating response *Ofga~iic1tiph er:nergency::respoqse: :

 ' *plansio, a simulated_ev~nt, ~n(j thf) manner In whiqh all_ agenctes( public .aQd Jlfi\{ate,)riteffc1ce .;.

tn~ir plc1f)l:l to .aSSllr¢*thc1t th!'lE!altlJ:and safety is profocteq/ .. . . . " . ., .

    , .. ;-, . ; . :* ,:,        '    ' ,     '.   :.'.,::;* *... *. (   "           .       .     . :**:\   ", *.. *         . *} \        .,:. :=( ;_~,, .:  <. '                  *:' ::

Rt:h.'i'Exercise ;SdheduHng *. ' An a~nual emergency exercise is conducted at CNP. to test~arious basic' element~ o( ihe emergency prepa' program, 'HienniaUy, thi~ _e?<ercise *is cop?ucted. with\partidipation of offsit~jemerg~n9y ~~l'SQJlriet jn~lu<'Mg tho!;~ of E>tat~:~nd'.0()Ul'l!¥ ~9!3.ngi~~- '. '. ' .*.* '

           ' .. ,";   )"
    .ott-hours shift augmentation 'drills ensu*re* thalthe goals ofi'ft:able ( '.cf.Ip,. staffi119:,.;tor":

Rad1q!ogicaf'Emerg'enc:ies; are being met. Thesfdrills ar,e to b~. C()nduciedseml;3nnually. One .,*. of'these drills pef Cc.'\lend,\;!J .yearwiU,,:iJidU.df; the COl)tacted. perso,rin.el ,repor;ti!)g to*tfle,ir :~ssigned;. '. .

  , emergency facillties;"and activati11if the facHity;, Credit Ca(l be.** talc~n-fqf'.nqrnjaLsf:iift persdnnef>' ;.
  • i*above'.Jhat
  .       .**<**.        *:' .*, "'


                                            . .. .             *":;* <.
                                                                          ...  *. :,. *,"

meet the

                                                                                              ... * .. .                   ,.*.


'* ... *\t** ..;,* . . 0* '


                                                                                                                                                                             **   ** ;:

cSc~na'1fos* 'wm -~~ v%i-Iea . fr6m yearlqyeacsuch,'th'at '311 niajdr ,6IE!tneAtsC,of}h~ Einefg¢~~y' Rlc3ri,,. ,** Emerg~ncy Plan 'Prd,c;edures. and .Emergency* Response. Organizations ,ar<:! t~st~d wlttiin an *. . 8. ** yea(period (see Appendix J, Eight Year Plan Matrix, for 8 year;plar;i,}/,

       , .                     '          .......... -                         ,          '                         .                                *.             ..;c   *    .             * .. .
                                                                                                                                                                                                            .. .      ,, .         .   . . .. .
  • N:2.a; CommuriicaHofr Drills
                                                                  .  .                                                                                                                                              .

Communications is a part of each drill and exercise. Links are established betwEi!~n. th~ off-site agencies and the 'QOdk ERO, or,,plant personnel playirig :the ,p_art ,at ;the off-$ite. ag:enc1es.,:* communicate )Nifh the ERO communicators. * * * * * * *

   -Corprnunication, links*_*between the plant emergency facjlities are\~stablis~ed                                                                                                                              )s     ,a .p~r-t pf **each' drjll or exercise; Anytime Offsite Survey' I earns, ate dispat¢hed 'for ,dr:HLJor .exercises,,

' ,.communication and control with ,the ;teams 'is established. . .. ' . . '. ' ' Qu~rt~fly' fire drillf Ell'e conducted lo, em,ure ,()'.articlpation ~ian11uaUy. ;~y * . . *. b~1g1d~ rne111bers. An annual fire drill is held that includes participation ,of an offsite fire dep'grtmenf

                                   .,                                                     --                            **


                                                                                                                                              **                 *                        **  **          '      <     ,"*.
  • Page 144.of 220 An exercise simulating . radiological and ;physical irijury .shall be conc;lucted VJith. the pffsite **

medical personnel annual!{ N.2.d: Radiological Monitoring Drills

                                                                                                                            .              .      .

brills *involving responie td, \ana analysis ot,

  • simulated ,airborne. :nquidi ana *,ert~ironrnei:ital,*

(vegetation, snow, *soil, etc.) samples and. direct radiafior:}' measurements -in the environment

    . sf:iallbet conducted*semi:.:annually.                       *            *.               *            * ' **           *.       * '*         *
       ~         .        .

N2'.e; Health Physic~ D>rills N2.e;.1,. Environmental Monitoring .

                                                                                                      .                .               .
                                                                                                  .                               . .

b.rilfs Involving response* to, and analysis of, simulated . airborne, liqOid, .:ind *e~Vironrn;~t~l (vegeta~ion, snow, soil; etc,}<§am,ples aqp di,rectradiation meas~re111ents. in"the *~T1\firol'lmE:nt

  • shall oe conducted semi-acinually. * * * * ** * *
  • N:2;e:2~.. P*lant Liquid Monitoring
                                     '        .    ::**                                  ...                    ..               :: .
. '*PASS        rempved *. by Operating Li,cense change #26 t. and .2:44 .for U1 . and '2. T~spectively- deleter .*

reqt..iirements for PostAccident San,plirig System ... * ** * * * * ** * *

    *N.2.L Other drills ,

N.2.f:i.Hostlle Action Based Drills of DrmsdnvoMng respons¢ to the. use violent fqrcejo deistroy,:eiquipmept, take .h6dtagei~. ;and/of*:. intimidate the licensee to achieve an end. Jhts includes 'attc1ck by air, l?l)d, or ~ate(usinsfguris,* explosives, projectiles; vehi_cles., or other, deviqes used Jb. deliver'destmctive force. (NRG

    ,Commitmetrt.'83:7'.3,)                                                .                             . .       .          .                . .

N,2:f.2.Fast.Breaking Drills Drills. involving 'ah _:initial classJficajion of;;or rapid escalatiQn. to:; a: Slte, * ,A~Ela: ;'Emergencf or .

  ': General Emergency.

N.2.f.3.No radiological release or minimal release. . Drills involving decl~ratjon of a Site Area£mergency but .nqt:a GeneraIEniergency;that inv61v.e***

    ,no radiological release           or an unplanned mihimalfadiological release:.                                * * * * , * * * * ** *
  • N.3. -Dr,ill and Exercise Execution
i1::ach scencirlo :shall exercise andshall include:

bi)ointly developed 'by. *appropriate .response ag~ridies \f)~rticipating *.

                                                     ..                      .                .         . .. . .                      .   . '

in the .

    .N.:3.a. Basic objective(M:ofthe exercise
                             .    .                                  .
 >N.3.ti Date, time and place and *paiticipafing'response agencies, and 0

the _extent to--which participating agencies will respond._

               .Simulated everit~; which may include*offsite 'radiologldal* rel~as~s_'
  • Plapnlng Standa_rd N . CE~,f3ev 40
                                                                ,.  ;'-,'.


                                                                                                                                  .,       ..

145 of'220

                                                                                                                                                   **.   ..- ... , -~.
                                  .                                 .

N.3.d. Time Uhe of real and~s1mulated events:

 *. N.3.e. Narrative summary describing the conduct of the exercise;*

N.:3.{; Arrangements for official ob_s~rvers, and advance mate;ials~fo official observers>' ***

  • N.4'. Official Observation andCritigue* .
. Aftertne arm or_*e.x~rcise; *a critique sha1r            be         conc:iuctect, ,rivolviniJ .parttcipants, contro,1iers;and 1pbservers, The critique ~houl~ be.*held*,as soon as practicable cifter t:om*pleticm*of .tfie *dr,Ul or
. exercise. . .                     ' ..        . .. .. ..                                  . . * *.... *.                  . ..               .          . *.


  • Results Evaluation and Corrective Actions .. *
/A fo(rnal ev~lllatlon pf exercises, With Jessons.'learned;- shall'i$e .prepar~d and. submitted tffrbugfrf
  *.the Corrective Action PrograJh. The Emergency Prep~redness. Manager (or alternat~) shall'
Tevievv ancLassign actionJtelllS *to upgrade those area'swhere dE7ficienci~swerE
noted. T~ese
  • . a.ctiofr items Y)/m be.assigned, tracked'.alld closed psing the pla,ntcorrective actibn::progran:,.
_, ... *::*,.,,,.. '(' * ... ,*:* * . ; "**."' ' : .. *.: '* .:'" ' .cc*,::*.. : ( ,, .:: *. :.. * *. * . ;*:** ..,:,,

{)rgarilzation *Training* {)ook Nuclear Plant provides training to agencies or orgaJ:1izations that provide orisite assistance tostl)e'plant.Ty;pes of *orqanizations provided tt:iis* training are as follows: .

                          '.. Locai
                                  .. ,.   **'.


                                                                      ...       .            ...
  • Arnb11lance Service *
                                'Fire J)epartrpents
*,. lrf.!injrlg, shout.a be,pfferetjaJ1nu,:1lly: .Should                                                                      :*any of          the~"?. agencies requestaclditional :training,
. . . eitn~tin' sbgp(:}'0rsch~du1e; fJf!~ry.possib1e:a2tio:n shou1~ 't>e,taken*tcr.facmtatetne retiuest.                                                                                                             **
                 *<                                                                .*   .F                                ~                          z Tl"letrainingof                                  Berrien County'and State of Michigan* emergency msponse p~rsonriel *isthe
      ,re~pqnsibility                             of 'the tyiichigah State ,Police Emergency 'Mamigemf?nt ,and Hoineland Secur,ity
  \D/vi~ion. ThEfCook NudeafPl},mt:is commfuedto*assist ,,n the endeavor upon request:
   ' .j           .. ,        '                    .. .                 ,    *-                    ..  ~              *'       *,.        ..-.:   . .        **.. ..                :  *           :, . ,. . ..

();2: Onsite ERO Training * *.,

     .The".plani*trafr11ngJi~ogtarrU$ the re$pom,ibilify.,ot*th~,.TrJin'ing *f\.llana'ger.

_)',,,'*, .'"" * ~ * ,', :;;:;;'n*\ ,:/; *,*;_,'.,,  ; , ', * ,: *"<' ,-_.,/*:: ,*.'.;,* *: 1-; =;:::*:

  . A 'generi employs~ training prqgram provide$ i~itial orientationtrajning and, annual ( every 12

. *mon!fus) iefraibing to GNF' :employees ifi thetgen~ral. ern¢rgency:~,p1a*r respcmse, They are* faniiliarized.,vith :the ..~()t1t1i;libg of the. Nddeaf Emerg~flcy Alarrn: assemtjly 0area}; ~nd routes to,

     .take to these asse_rri~ly,areas. Thi,s frainirig"also.iric.lUdes *generataspeds.*ofthe 'Emergency
     .Plano                >                                    *. **** * * * * *                                                                * * * **                             * * ** *                        *
   ..:':ERO                     po5-iti6n .specific training: and. quciiificatiqn. 'is administered through IPD-600,EPT .
     ;Emergency Preparedness 1f:taining Program* Description. 'Position specific* Job Familiar'iZation
c;:uides are used for or}:-the,jop tfai~ing and qualification ofthe ERO responders:
            ,,                         :* '< *,:*           . ~,.****,, *. *.:{, "* -~ .(,                            .          ..,.                  .          .,,.*: *~~* ,_,:.*.~ :..".':
     *0,3.                      flrstAid Team Training.

Persqmiel who respond to med.ical ernergencles afthe Cook Nuclear Plant receive either first~

     .aid,.. training...or

are qualified

                                                            ..     *.*    .

as .. .. Medical ErriergencyResponseTeam . members (MERT).

                                                                                                                                                                                        *:.*                   .
                            . ERO:Training .and *Qualification fo.tµe maxim;unr e1ent practicabl'e, :emergency *plan training ana,.qua1ification .sh.ou1a be.

Ancpr;R9ra,e~;ipto.,fllOctional }r,a,iriing:and qualif/c~tion pwgrams,..

  • speciia11k~d and retr&i11ing prdgrams wmbe ,p~ovided**as :outi'inect below toftrie***


                  ,:*,                                  . . ' ..            ,.    *,                  **,  . ..          .,
                                                                                                                                                                 *          ,         *            *             *
  • Planning St~ndard O
  • GEPHev40***

Page 148 of 220 . ** lniti13I specialized trairying 'in ~merg~ncy plan and pr,~cedures. implementation is provided to tqe directors and coordinators of the response organizations incluc.iing emergency plan ;drill

        *participation and annµalreviews the same: Tr~ining for exe~ution of the emergency plawis                    of pf:OVide~ 6y C,Ofl)pletipnJof sen,ic:>r liC~l'.lS.ed Qperatqr training, pr equivalent training that.applies to ernergei1cy plan (3}{(3cuti?r* *                                                                                      *                         *      *' **         *                                 *          ,.                              ***
       *,~.~,;~.' ;~erso1in'~1' ~;~6~msible'for*Ac~ident Assessment . *.
        'lr11Ui:i::sp~cializecl-..                                     f~~initig; in                    'ern'efg~ncy plant' opeH1tions, .ern~rger(cy plan §lfld, ,prncepUres, '
    \ JmRl~l"llentation ~is pr.~yifl~cl* indudil)g; ~n an.rual r~yiev.i of the s.arnf:( Further; tf~ining includes *
     , 'pa,t:ticip~tion 'in ~ri:ieril~~cy plandrills/ . .* .*.*.*.. . ,,                                                                                                     '. ******* .,.*          .*,          . .*. *.*, : "                   i '.

0.4;¢. Radiological]\Aohiforing Teams .

.*. ,R;,;diitr6!1 Prot~ctioq;:1:t~;ic:>nnel' r~c~iie',Emer,g¢J"icY:Plah :fraiHitig\as, 'part *?f. tni:iir*.lnitial RP*
   "' Jecnnii::ian traini'ng ..:,Pontioui,ng IrainingJ~d;driil p~n1cipatibn *ri::,quir~rnerts 'c1dqfE:$~e,d *in JP[),~

h\pescriptkin.[> . .

     .FireBtigaqe,staff[edeiJ{1nitial c3fid * *
             *"~*** ,*, ' '. ' * *   *** ' - . , '     <. *, *.,   *       *        * *,     :* : *.:; .. ~._: ,,

inJire .fightirig teCl]niques,and:=:: first aid.

                                                                                                                                                                                                           ~ *              '**

nihe'i~1.;int/s~c/<j;;,. ..* . ~if 1s"'.<fo1:1~j ~red tne,.1=~k[o~hqy s~burlW(:Team. Au a.c:ti9ns ,requi~~.ff';;t *..

  • during ernergen91es:are. included ,irfsecurity officer training*. *> * * .*.* . :**.,** .*

0 ,-  ; , " , * '*<, . *:/;:* * *" o .,\::::: ' > "") ,  ;,,,. ', 'C * >

     }The* barhage,:O'.bntr(j :t~am* is* ir~;p~nsibl~:)6i-}h~ ,.r~p?iF :anlt re'storation                                                                                                                            ot d.=imag'eq                 pla!"lt systems;; equipmef}t,~::or COrrlp'onenJ~,. Tr~iiiing,:.eiercise~' ai14 tj~ms*involving the Damag:!

Q~~t.rol .'. ):earn;;-,i\li,lt 1L?eLcqnau6ted ', in,*;~*. man11er,.,qqns,!sterit' with :.~~tal:ilished .Emergency. Plan* Rropedures,i' >:, .,,.. ,. . ..*. . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . .* . ... it~ritst~aid:tr~iiilft:~fgtf~~ .*is ~Jrri\ni~i~~~J;&/ti-iefr~aining oef.~drnent.

   . The f\ll_ERT program is' admil'listered by an accredifea offsite institution.
. 'The . locai *
  • q=.ire'.)De~~ctments receive familiariza.tion ** in ';specific
  • plant access and** control
  • . *. trlJjii.1t!1J;~::::1i,::2w:1r:

the;ct11nual;plant'.emer* ency e~ercise. . . . . syst8m {$~).trainin~ and1,~rti~ates*in

                                                                                                                                                                           .          .*.           .                                   .             .
      ;SiJ.{:: . iec1i~!1iJ!                                       1
                                                                                        '..   .         , .*.* **      ,     ;                             .* .                             . . .            .
An exercise,;sirrt'utating radio10 9i~J1 ,and
        . ..       ..                                          *.*


                                                                       .*,** ..:,****
pti:ysici . inju~ shall b~ conauctecf with the

Page 151,of 220

                       ,                 ,
                                         ,                         ,

P. RESPONSIBIUTY FOR PLANNING EFFORT P .1, . Emergency Planner Training Emergency PrE!paredfs\ess Coordinator position.specific training and qualification is administered through, TPD~600~EPC Emergency Preparedness ,coordinator' Training Progr<fur{ Description; Position: specific training and' qualification card are used for training and qualification of Emerg~ncy Preparedn~ss Coordinato~s. ' , , ' P:2' ;:'~Emergency Plan Adrninistration Responsibility

           'a, ,/0*~ *  * ' *         ~* ,   C  '      o,     *      *   -*         *
   '.The Chief Nuclear Officer shall have overall authority and responsibility                                                       radiologlcal
  • emergency response :planning. In Jhis effort he has. the authority to delegate responsibility in the planning effort to enhancethe ovei::all readihessand ensure {hat the plan is* updatecf as
  *necessary. Norma.Hy: plan updating ,and review ~ill b~ th.e responsibility of the Site yice .*

President.. The training_,of individuals in the CNP Emergent:y R~spoJ1$e Organization, (ERO) in' the Em~rgency Plan,shaH be of the:Training Mariager, . . ,,

                ..            .,__.:!."              ,            .         .         '.         '"

P.3 Emergency.Rl~nning*Coordinator Desighation**

. Not addressed ..

P.4.. ;Periodic Reviews Updates'andAudifs: The responsibilities *Of the individuals; groups, agencies; the .Emergency . Plan, .and. implementation procedures*to be followed during ~m eme~gency condition are-.~eviewea .at a niininium'. on an anmual basis :ahd *Updated as r$qt1ired. All written_ i3gree.ments.with offsite <

 '5Upport groups are reviev.ted and updated if necessary,                                     on ~o a           .y~ar basis.* This 'review       willJ  i take)nto account changes identifiecl. by drills am:f :e.xercises,* Th(,p!ant maintains up-"iO-date; approved emergency .!~sponse plans from the stat~ ~~d county. Changes to these offsiteJ:ilali$

are reviewed to maintain* an effective interface with t~e Cook Emergeocy Plan. * *

  • The Plant Operations Review Committee is respcmsible for the ,review of .changes to the Emergency ,Plan. Tbe Plant ,QperaUoms Review .Committee is ids{) responsible for the review of .
. changes, other than editorial correct\ons; to the Emergency Plan frnplemimting Procedures. The Senior:1Vice President'- Nuclear Generation *Group, .or designee, shall approve changes to the Emerg~ncy Plan, All reviews shall be documented. The Senior Vice President-Nucle?r
 ,Generation Group s~all be sen,t copies ofthe changes. NRG approval shall :be obtained as
  • :approp(late. **
              .                                             .

P.5. . Emergency Plan

           . .                     *. ..
cha*nge. Communication
                                                          . .          .                                           *.    ..  .            .

Approved Emergenqy ;Plan .revisibns and/o; aRplicable.procedur~I. changes* wm 'be *promptly.

 ,forwarded to appropriate offsite emergency support;organiz?tions...                                       *           * * ", *
       '                                                             '      . .   .      .          ,           .

A l!st:of th_e'E:mergenpy Flan shall be suomitted with eac~ *planrevisioh. ,ghanges t9 the IRI ant's Emergency** Plan Procedµres shall be maae .iri acc?rdance with *plant* practice*.for revising procedures, , , , , ,, , Planning *standard .P ,CEPRev40

Page 152 of220

                                                                                                                                                     .,,:       ,* ...... ::*:** :.                 :i_:

source .

                                      .Emergency'.Op;ratiorjsPi~ns*.'                                                                                         Berrien CourityShedff's Office
                  <'*.:*<<. Midlfi,tiga'h.'Em. e._}g.e'nc_.y?Managkm.*.* en.'tP1a.n
  • Stat~'ot Mic~igah"* *,.,.,, *.*

LR~glonalHla11 Hanc:JBdi?k~'R/l;R . *.*.::,Dep~rtm~~t~f~n@r~V~e~ion\l ..,*>* .*..

                                   'JNPG Em~rgency R~~pci[JS{:; Manual                                                                                    ' ,lnstituteiof'Nw~)ear.Pow~r, Qp~ratfolis >,
                               . ',N~fibnaj',Re~p6~§,e
                                     .;Nuclea(:!Ra~ii:oio'gi<:~Ji'i,r1qidinfAqn~x          plan;: ' ' ,, : ' * . .*. * '.                               ** .,,**,DN*.. * ,. .eR..**.p,.c*
                                                                                                                                                                                    * . rta'. sm
  • a*
                                                                                                                                                                                          *.,** . *. .,:.*c*,e* 'no
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  *.. .~o..**_*
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              .              '.*.ao
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ..                        e
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             .                                                                            '. *.,i.*t*.h.*'. ', . .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    .*9...i.*.*.*,~.,A*.n.9.d**,***e***.*.*.sn*C~Yc.,u. *.:fitY.*,.,* .**.*,*.'. .*., *.. w
                          .... . *. ..                            .. .. .*. *. ~mJqting ~i:i~?~fCli~dil)fi ;:~~djtiqnal '.ihfoi:nj21ti9? ,q~\:.ttie:jErijerg~ncy;Jt'. <:);':; .

Plan'"~re avctilat:He, in the rryergef}cy.Pla't'l J=>fqcedqr~s,> T;l;le \Yrftt§![1,pfocedQf~s Jr:i.f ...

           ,. Appendix;/,\ cover'the                                             follovving;"ar:e ,n9flimit$a to:                                                                                                                                                                                                                       .                                                     .
., . *;,.";+ .. :***-** , .. ,.:* :'{;,:,\. k: : *.:*. .* *-,~'C*:*.,.,;... ~.,.;. " / .: * ...:\ ..'" ..*.. :.: ' ' .
                          ' 1!~, *8:uthrjty:~~d\~~tf1ni\~,JHtyjorpompietin~,:Specifid)tasts;,, * .ii*.*. .* . *. ** * *
                                       ,,Action.... ;:.'.
                                      *.-.*:':_~/'.'.    ~
leve!s,requiring 'irnpleme11tation
                                                                      >::<*. *.-."*:**;'";*_. . . " \\:; . ."' *,, *::.::,* .. <  ~
p'f protectiv~ 111easur~s-outlined,
                                                                                                                                    .*. (;_, ..... :** ., ** . .:.,, .;-:*_.:=:.:] .. ... ** ..<:'*:<!.: .:.,:*'"'".                                                                      *:- <.~- : ' .*
                                      .* *Mijdtc:ciitre~t~~nt-~1~ciaJres anh' ~~~dligg:dt'co:Oia[n,ifiatE}~, indiytq~ais. ***
                                         'N;~es~~ty:eJUiprn~nt*.fot:inedicJktr~atmintht~diafidri ,dcitedt1on, ahd** re~He 'Operatio~s.))
          *. .* ):,?:sJ{,1J~~tific,ati()fi\l(erijf~~~6t>B~m~9nic~fi~,rs',E:g~lprr~nt,* * .
                                                                                                             **,~<-  ,: . . 1;~
  • . *. ;. ,*,. - -*. -*:., -.:'** ;/". ,.,....'. !)~>\. .~, '. . .: .:: . *.: . .-..,.,,.*-: . I ..
                        *' 6/. Emergency* centE!r,descriptio9 an'd :operafiorl>>
~;itor~ti9n;,p;()p~d~;~~ttro~:i~erci,~,p,cyjb',~6fm.~l:*c;ofi~iti9rjs,. ***
         . /liuJ~;;td{,tbe';~rnefge;6y;Plar1:~~lii11piem~Riing prQc~dlires are performed ,as**ctelineated in **10**,,

i:;: .'Cf~ 50;5,4(t}I(): these ali'cms: shall :be perror,ine9 by tne Alanf, Periorm~.mce Assurance. .* :::;: qepa,(tmenf~rjp n;1aY.;ioch.,1d:e ;it§!ri1Sir~lating *f() trai~iQ9.:'[eaqir:i,~s~J~sting, equip!]ien\,,Stcite/loc:ar *

   +,*, <:rqlant;interface$'; ~tdiq§ll c;trr~*n~~me11ts, etc~,. ,: ('.** : * , ,:* <> ****./'*\ .* T/**.. * ?. :,, . .::]**, ./* : , fr,,,
     **.. < Iu~iitiiJaing~ sh~1i\bi1{~pottea?~vJ!u~t;d :c1~a~~com~~;datrdns'p6rilp1et~a as;aesciibea* iri\h~ ** ** * *.* *
         , Audlt.,;f~rograi:n .Pdlic:YS°*;;r!Je \fes11lts,* ,pf '.\he *.cjtJdii, alqng,),yvitf:i' tile :wc:orn,tnend§~ions.Jo('
            .:imRrovefn~ots: shall .b~ *:aqpurnentea :and. r:~por.te9 't?.° plcj11t. mciinagE:lTlenf a,nct !'etainE3d to{,a,(
              ;pedod cit.fh,e years. 'RE3views inydlving t,f(e. adeq1.1apy of interface.:'with '$tate/lociill 'agencies '.Sha I('"

1 oe available to tile apprqpric;l~E3 aQency: . . . . .. . . . , .. .

                                                        .                              .   ...
  • X** B:10:*,~::ERO ielephorie,:N~ftiber'Updates>
                                  ";,                             V,         -   , .t,
     .*. *\f.pp~ridl;*a,*fulfiis':tttis\i:~qufrerri~Ht.
         *.'",::::       ,*        .            ,,                     .       "           .-    ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 *.   .    .       .  .

F>age 154 ol 220 . . RMA-,2080;.;EPA-008 ..*. EME.RGENCY .PLA,N MANA<3EMENT

   .       .             -~-~        .          .
                                                                                 * *ttMERG.E.NQ":r' HJ3SP0NsE: * .
  .;Pry'l p".: 208.0.2          ERP,..1'01                                           .**' EMER<iE,N<}YrGI..ASSIFICAJiON
                                                                                           '     *            *                                            -
  • u
  • PMP;.;2Q8Q.,EPP-1:08
     '.      :' )'     **>         . *=>.{*  ':> .:/::*'
                                                                                               '.INITIAL DOSE                   *. ~


                                                                                         . PROCEGURES*~              . , .                :>,.. * ,*
                                                                                                                                     . .....            *:

1 ii:,cdRE:0AMAGE;:~s$E:S$MEt*Jr . **.:. .

                                                                                   *i,*ORtLD,&1EXERCISESCHEQHLING .* . *..
                                                                                   ' }DEMELOPMENT,iCdNDUCT :&EVALUATION
                                                                                    *1   t;;c1:1vAT,0Nf,}~.Nb~oPERATi'bN*oPrHE*E6F *
                                                                                         . ACTIMATloN AND 0PE~Ai10NOFTHE ENc1J1c
,i¢;cf1vAf10NAND:bP:ERAJlbN-o.rfr~'.EX)st. *
                                                                                                    -                                     o::  *~ ,. .*                            :'                       _.,.   : *****-;,
                                                                                     "'Aci1vAr10N*iNo      '.,  . .        ... .         . . o*PERATJoN  .   ..  ** .. /"   ., -;.
                                                                                                                                                                                        .. ,-   .. . ...    ..      .         "'*

PLANT REsPoNsE io A{,AL10AfEo sEcuR1n *

                                                                                             'tPtREf(E, '.                                      '                                                                       .,,
                                                                                     ' EMERGENCY RESPONSf :f~ESOl:.lRCE
                                                                              '**. :,tEME=FiGf:NC~ PR*~PAFfE6NESS;PERl0DIC ,
                                                                                     . PROGRAM ACTIVl:PIES .
                                                                            ..'..:sc::iE~§RGENqYPF(f:_p/l.;RpDNE$S COOR.QINATOR
                                 .. .                                                .::PROGRAM DESCRIPTION . * . .                                                                        '*. ..                .
.'.bc:c:bN'IAMl~ATibNiANo:m~~frvt~NJ: Di T:HE *~AoidAdTEi\!gLY                                                                            1                                                 1
                                                                                                                                                                                             \'          *.
             \     . .,-: ., . , ., />      *,; .        *:'.*;* :;: .. ::> ' ,       ,:, ..... ,  .. ,. " **,_. *~ ** *~ ':. :*   *
                                                                                                                                           . . .. ' .                     .* .*                      '
                                                                                                                                                                                                         . . *GEP :Rev 4b
                                                                                 . Page 155, of 220 CROSS .REFERENCE At Cook ~uclearPlant, f\JUREG~0654 is applied as,gu1dancein*p'l~n'.arid procedure gev'elopmentvvith cQnsicleration to plant organization, adminis~ra}hie pqlicie,s arid operating procedures.         *         *                 *      **            * ****

Page 157 of 220

                                                                                      ..  *.
        '   NUREG-0654
  * (Sect,H Pla.nnj11g Standards PLAN SECTION PLANT PROCEDURE
     . and EvafuationCriter:J. ~,L__

DA Not applicable Not aoolicable E.1 IE.1 PMP-2080-EPP-1.00 E.2 E.2 . PMP-2080-EPP-100 SPP-2060-SFl-216 --' E.3 E.3 . PMP-2080-EPP-100 E.4 E.4 PMP-2080-EPP-100 RMT-2080-EOF-001 E.5 -*--*-..---* Not applicable .Not aoolicable E.6 tE.6 Not applicable

                                        . Aooendix :0 E.7                                    E.?
  • PMP-2080-EPP-100 RMT-2080-EOF-001

. F.1.a F.1.a PMP~2080-EPP-100 F.1.b fF.1.b - RMT-2080:.EOF-001 F.1.c !F.1.c.

  • RMT:.2080-EOF-001 Aooendix E
 'F.1.d                                  F.1.d                           RMT-2080-EOF-001 F.1.e                                  F.1.e                            PMP'2080-EPP-100
 .F.1J                                   F:t.f *                         .RMT-20SQ.:EQF"'001 F.2
  • F.3

I2 .3 Not applicable

                                                                       . EPP-2080:.ER0-001 G.1                                     G.1                             Not applicable Aooendix D G.2                                     G.2                             Not applicable G.3.a                                   G.3.                            .RMT-2080-ENC-001             *.

G.3.b Not addressed . .* .. Not aoolicable GA.a GA.a *RMT-2080-ENC-001 I G.4.b


G.4:b. RMT-2080-ENC-OO 1 G.4.c G.4.c. RMT-2080-ENC-OO 1

  • 'G.5
  • G.5. Not aoolicable H.1 H.1 (TSC) RMT-2080-TSC-001 I
  • H.3*{0SC) RMT-2080..:0SC-'001 H.2 . RMT-2080-EOF..:001 H.2 H.3 I Not applicable -

Not applicable (SEOC/CEOC) HA IHA. - PMP-2080-EPP-100 H.5 :_LH.5 *RMT-2080-TSC-'001 HS.a* IH.5.a RMT-2080-EOF-001 II . RMT-2080-0SC-001 H.5.b IH.5:b . RMT-2080-TSC-00:1 H.5.. c IH.5.c RMT-2080-TSC-001

'H.5.d                              iH.5.d                            . Not aoolicable.

H.6 JH,6 RMT-2080-EOF-001 H.6.a /H.6.a RMT-2080-EOF-001 .*H6.b jH.6.b RMT .:2Q8Q..,EOF-001 l !EPP-2080-,ER0-001 Appendix A CEP Rev 40

RMT-2oao:.:osc:.:001 EPP.:20so.:ER0-001 EP8~2080-ER0-00t.

Page 159 of 220

           . NUREG-0.654          .                                             .

EMERGENCY I (Sec~:11 Pia,ming ~tantjard~ , ,, PLlXN ,SECT'ION PLANT.PROCED.l;JRE

  *--'~!)d Evaluation Criteria')      ., .                .,.

K.1a-Q K1 C. '*


RMT..:2080-0SG-001 1 K.2 K2 . RMT-2080-TSC-001 HMT..:2080-0SC-001 I

'K.3.a                                     /K3.a.                                  RMT-2080-TSC-001 RMT-2080-0SC-cOO 1 K.3.b                                    K3.b.                                 I RMT-2080-0SC-001 K.4                                      hNot Applicable                         Not Applicable.


 --*----**--,_,, ___________              !KS.a.                                . RMT-2080-0SC-001 K.5.b                                   IK5.b                                 . RMT-2080-0SC-001 K.6.a.                                      K.6.a.                               RMT-2080-TSC-001
                                                                               . RMT..:2oso~osc-001
-K6.b.                                 . Not Addressed K.6.c.                                   K.6.c..                        '       RMT-2080- EPl-109 K7                    ..                  K.7                     .           . RMT-2080..:0SC-001 Li                                        Lt                                 : .Lakeland Hospital Contaminated Injured Person Protocol L2                                        L2.
  • Not aee~---

L.3. Not Aoolicable Not applicable *-- L.4 L.4. :Notaoolicable M.1 M.1 ~-2080-0SC-001 M.'2 ' M.2 ., -2080- EPl-109 M.3 1 M.3 RMT-2080- EPl-109 M.4 Not addressed * : Not applicable N.1.a N.1.a ' RMT-2080-EPP-500

                                                                              'RMT-2080-PPA-001 N.1.b.                          ,,        N.1.b.                               ;RMT-2080-EPP-500
                                    .* Aooendix J                           .. RMT-:2080-'PPA-001

. N.2.a N.2.a . jRMT-2080.,EPP-'500

                                                                             , RMT-2080~PPA-001 N.2.b                                     Tech. Spec.                           RMT-2080-EPP..:500 RMT-'2080.,PPA-001 N.2.c                                     N.2.c.                               RMT-2080..:EPP-'500 AooendixJ                         . :RMT-2080.:PPA-001 N.2.d                                     N.2.d.                               RMT..,2080-EPP:-500 N.2.e                                     N.2.e                                .RMT-2080-EP.P-'500 N.3                             * ,N.3                                           RMT-2080-EPP-'500 N.4                                'N.4                      --                RMT-2080.:EPP-:500 N.5                          '
                                    'N.5                                          RMT-2080-EPP-500 OA                                        0.1                                   TPD-600.:EPT

0.1.a. , 0.1 TPD-600-EPT 0.1.b. . J>Jot applicable


Not .applicable 0.2 0:2 ' ' TRD-600~EPT 0.3 *. 0.3 . RMT-2080-PPA-001 0.4.a 0.4.a. TPD.c600-EPT 0.4.b 0.4.b. TP0--600-'EPT


Appendix A CEP,Rev4D.

iic1kelahd Health'.,

  • Townshik,Ei~e*Departrpeht;
  • CitlotBriclgman*r::ire
           ;,- "\,...... \
                             *."  . /.* .:=:. * . .

Medi~ 1 yornmu11ity ~merg~ricy S,~rvicf .

 .t:()mppny, ,Entergy '.Nucle<:1t, P~lisadis,.im.a :rnqiana;:: .. ,

lv1lchigar'l'fower~C~t ;r:*o* . . . . . . :.- . . ilnstitute of Nuclear Power Operations 'Emergeri~y ' ,'Resources* ;t . * * , * , ,. *.* * *


Sheriff, Berrien County/Michiga~.

                                              ])IVrSJON ()J*cJlr;JlJHis:N<Co1JNTYSfmRIVit's-Ovi{1C:r::}*

21 otHt Em;,ire.i,vc:nue; Bc,-hton }lurbm, Michigiiri *4$lfl1i .

rclcpl1one (i69)*9&Jc114'1, Pa,:.: (2<i9) 9s:;:s126 >'

Mr: R6nald J. Sie&er

  • One Cook Place
           . Bridgrrian,         fvU      4~:106 bear Mr, Sieber:*
           *we wish       to :reaffirm the willingness of.the :Berrien Counly Sheriff's Departrrient:to respond upon requeisHOany emergency which could occur at thep. Ci Cook .facility.. Berrien County]Emergency Man~gerrie-nt/C)ffic:e* ofifil(Jtneland Security.has the *Ob.ljgation                             to* ' .


        *. j-eSf?Rti.d up(!ll rio~ficatiqn tha\ em~rge~cy e~st~; *Berrien Cqunty:will;iry,~lerneof t~~lr
          *,N uc;!§!ar A,qcident frciced,,ures:(Appefiqix :if9f the(Emergeincy Qperations:f;>,lan .ind Jiike
  • appropriate a¢ioris;as.outlin~d'ther¢1n:.**, . . . .. . . ', ' *.
          . !rfaciclitiqn, jttie *Sherifi's Departr11ent'has b,,isic;f)ai(bi .and investigative seryices and cu.rre!ntly ,has :afo}meen.member Hazafdo~~,f,\A§lferj!!l1" '~espClnse :r~c1m,/\f{hO, afe ..

Techolcian!Level. 'F.ouroflhe fourteen ,Haz:iMal team .mernoors*arE> cros$',tr

  • iec!)riici?RS(and *of\//hom.have succti~sfuU~LC~fnpleted t * . * . . H~zardous Device .Schop! ..
         ** at RedstoneArsenal in,Redstone,*A!abariia,. QurTacticaf*Un 1conslsts ot;20,persoi-inel who conducttiraining.nionthly; : .
.. . .:.'.<. ' . . . ~ . "
                                                                                                       '    *..      * ... ' .

The Berrien 9ourity. Sheriff's Department i;vill 'b~ available *to you upon ,reqt1e~t. *in'.any a'rea within the jurisdiction ofthis agency, ' ' ' .' . Sincerely, ** **

        .. L Paul Bailey                      ().           .            .

Sheriff/Director, Ernergency Managery,ent


TI1is )cUcris lo C<m!irir1;tl11itLr;kcland Health remains nblc,to provide care.for thdrijurefi i radioactivcly~ct11\faminated patients nrthc St. Joseph a~d 'Niles Em?rgencY ricpartmcnl iii cs, This would include Donald{?. C.ook peisoIU1etcxposcd on°siri.: and nu::mhers'orthe puhlic: \. C

   ,:xpu!icdi:1ifoi1tc"1h,01~iay'requirescnficcs.. ' ' / ****.* .             ' '                ..,.**'.'. . i"' '* '
 ,Mtittin!Iy ngrecd upon annu!tl :miming and dolls. *'"'ill be condufa~i]to 1L<isurc i.1Jn:qqmpcteiicxi11 * .
  • . caring %r 1hi1: palicni populaiio.n, \\'Ith .evaluation hy f,f.M.ii \}'hen required. /.policy am:( \sc.

procedure mununJ is nvaiJiible at each Site and updated regularly to i.neorporak: changt:S,fo palien! management. tin idemified Raiiiation Emergenqy Ami (REA:) is available u( 1mdi site t1mt , alJO\\\\l for stabi!t?.ation,ireutmcni;aml rn111mg,e1nent i1!'tlte rildionctivc'e<m1po1ie11tqf1he ..... cmcrgen~y... J undcrslmid. tll,iti(hc :trairiing.Jor hospital .per:;onnet,. equipmerit, ,:ind stocking ,ofahe: .

 . disaster cart will continue,fo:be v.rn,iided I,y D<inatd C:* .C:ook Nuclear;;Plartt.                        *         *
      .                        .                 '   .   -          ..     . *. ..  :;:, *./~ .. .            . .. :,
  *111i~ agrl'linicnt'~h~',~ffecffrnci ttie .date of signiitg 11'nrn'~lth:~phit.3;; ti_po11 ni;1ccy:(QO) clnys prior written notice.t~,!heothcrparty;.ten:ninates t~e agfeemi..-nt. , .**.,, **, *..* * /: .        > ,,... ' '

I'lc,isc comaetKuthyEffa,.Maf!iigcrofErm:rgcncy ~crvi~es, 11t2t,9.9S3;~670'foF1lllfris~istiinc?. thaty9urcquirc. . .. * ** *

-'Lort:n n:_namcl, MD President &CEO Lakeland Health ..

F'age 165 ~f 22p >.:* Lakefowns!")1p:Fire bepartm§lflt LAI(E T0Vv1NSF1IP FIREA.ilo 'RE.SCUE .

                            '.N), BOX S 1{ 3 l G9S!l/\WNE11 ROJ\D JllhDGJ\JAN,,~f.i'C!ll(fr\'N 'Hiltli\
                                  . .     .              .   .      269,A(,5,6351                             ,                   .. , '

l1meJ1!CllC~ro<)A""~mi;t1!jktwc£1ll;,;l~k<,'!mrter'l;o~fn;m,iR.Er{j)cn,111;11~ll aod** Dnnaltl*C.Cnnl:;J{idertr l'hmt . . . llpnu rt.>ecipt of lLf(,'qUCSl for.:~,;istance; fmin thc CookNJfolem:jjhmt; J:~ftClmrti:r *Township Firt: Dcp:i,riiuent agf.i<:s l,i resptJJld by.sending pc.rsorincl*mul, im,t;;Fl';A.;. !?Ql ci,:npliu11\l'umper'. J;jn: Apfirin;ttls with tlic rcquirc:dar11iuim~ equipmyt1! tpct:he Ct1[)l:;11u;lc:i~rtr>Ju~nmc,' *: *. . .'

               *:r:hc CookNudcarl'limt agrecs*tolead l,ake,ChurtcrT~w11sl~pFirc;Dcpnrtnii.mtrc:;pon<lcri; from the Sc-:urity*Contro}Cenh:r'io the scene.and i:g'rt:et !()J)t(>llide csciom far Liikc*Chartcr 'lbwir;hip
            ' *fire Fighting 'Vehicles m1dJJC!'SllU),lcl -WhHcin, the l'mlectoo J\rea;9r:o{hcr C*\\'rl\:f;Confrolied i1reus,
              'J'i1c 'Chiik 'Nuclear Plrtnl .1111d Luke Charter Townshi1i Fin:;;J)epiiJ111~:i! 'agrt-eltmt .;for,aH fil'CS ,,ii.:
the J'!nm Hrotcctetl: Arcru;; the .Plant Fire ilrit-,ade leaderjvill .be responsible 'for 'fire extinl,'UiShmcnt witl1 the ussist,'ince. of Lav.e Cl)url.:r Toviru;hip Fire, 'Dt.';lariri1e1i1 pl,'l'SOllncl iiat!

nd~ioo and 90un~ o~:t]ic L:ikc Chnncr '.(o\vm;hip Flre Cl~cfo~l1is *dcsignce, 0;/ , . , l'()J' fires outsideethe Plaut .Prtllecled hci, 0 the Lake Chnrtcr;lrobhip; fire Clil6f .slia!l be*

              'i:cspon~fbl~for fire ~iiig:iL~linicnl with the ni!i*icc 1111d co:insel of1* Plam Fm::Brigade fo1dcr or dc.~ign#ifthr:.y nre.pres,cnt '                              '         ' ' ,, '.' ' '                                  
        ,,, :Tbe,Cool:'Nucfoar Plant ~grces \tl ,providcari'a Liik~ chafi;sr*ro~l,ipJ'lfe il¢pnrtment;gi~ .\0 p~rlicipitt~j~ annual site ~JiccJfic training and drills coni!ficicd ~t.'.thc~4k~uctearPlaof'sik'. * , .
            ,This ngrcciuieul shall remain fn*clfec! from the dato ofsigriin,gurilcss !h1i ag}ciomlili.lfo !Cfll;inatixL
                            *                    *                            '*    -      a,,:._*           ,*:             *     *..

Ally party"11pun 'nint:t)'(90)

              ~grcerne1i1::* .,        "

days. priur writi-:11' notici:)o

                                                                               ' *,
                                                                                                  .the pH~::r ,pa.r):y :urny terminate this'
                                                                                                    ' ' .**.* ,,, . . -           , ,,, , ", ',,,.,'                    ',

j\.<;_ un iridication or your agrcemcn1 1o :i.e ;btv~ ~~lct;i~~(s \;;,Js<iiiiin; our tm1tua1 responsibilities, ph,i,se sitQ. bclo\\\ ' ' Sincerely, Accepted ri11d*11grecdio tltls


d:.,_dayOf~,, i%: .. d  : : t L . ",2018

                                                                                         '      '     ,,,            '       ., '~ -,,-;-
                                                                                                                                        '   ' '             : .*
                        *     :..Jc.        1 P.                 ..
                                                                                       ' ' '(jl 'J\J
                                                                             . . 0.1/)1. .:) . *:[!*(*}~.,A ', -.* .*
                                                                                                                                          * . *" t ,t * '
  • UV.WV\.;.,+/-!_:_L.q ... - ~ -~.. ~~.2:~=- ,,,__,, ,__. -*-

Site ~ !ice President * *  :-*---_ - . ,,

                                                                                .Joho*J:,as\                           *... \ * * *., **. - '
~~uelcar J'hml ' Supc:rvis11r . .. .
                                                                                ,r:ake Charlcr'To'wusliij, ':,

City of Bridgman Fire. D~partrnent *.*

              *-.t<*.-~t/.=               ": . . -.-~' *::. <)~:,:*****'*{*.":'"';**: *. *.'*..
     .* llpo11rcccipl o'fa .i-eq ucst ro,i assisiartee.fromJhcC0(1k'N1,1clcnr, Plant,* BrJdgmun Qitf'Fire Dcparime11t'
                                                                                                                                       **.> ...:-.-.*,             .. :* :',:                        ,.*,: .. *=* . .*             **.: . .
       'agre~-s:to respondiby sending porsom1el, apparatus, ii11d,equ.iJ1inci)tio the :Cciok*Nticlcar:Plant;sHc,,
        ,.     - *       .   .* , .:         . ,: .* **...   ** ,, .   *       :.       .      .. :.* .  .         . . . . :,    . ~;:       . *     ~   .* .* ' . **: .. :**. * :lo . . * '.. ?    *** **.'"* ** :  **** *** , a:    .*  >'* ..
    ;:'i'1ilq~µk Nucl(inr1f1llnragrrit:~ ~olc;.liBr1Ugmnn Gityif'ireDepnrt~~nt:rqsp~~drits fi:/:ifu\thc Sec~rity ..

giiitrol <:)(inter ito tlic S.CCJ\~IUld. 'agrees(o pri:ii.fidtiescorts 'fc~r Brl<l!;!llllJl pity;FJrcl)op~trl1n~1it AJlfGJraitis and . . . personnel .

                                         ,,*liile in .theprolccteo    ' :    -    '      ' ',.

or 0Jl1c{owncr area;. :'~- *.. ,. contr6lled - . ifreitS; .\. ..

                                                                                                                                                                                               .                                    ..           . .
    . The:Cool; N~clenrl>!~nt and iiridgmanCiiy Fire D6partmc11! ~&'Te~:that;for iii firc.-siin*tl;c.ili&int
      'Pr~iccted. J\rens; th,".l'h(nt .Ffrc,~i wm he i:espo'n.sil>>e'f~r Ahi: fi~~ cxtinguislimcnF}Vrth Jhe
       ;assistllllCC ofBridgman,CilY Fire Departmcrit pehmnncl and the advice nnd cminscl ofthc;Bridgman City .

Fiic,*Cl1i~fqr hiidlcsigoec. .. . . *..  :' . *. * *.. . . .. .. For n:J;~u.tsidef,aie; .Protected.,Arca, the blike Ch~rtcr To\\'l!~}li)i 'Fi;r,c.ph1cf shalJ. be rcsj>o;mibl; for fir(,i..cix.t!ngu1~hineot. . ,... *. i¥sist~nCf: ridgmari City Fire Dcpai'tment".ponio~ncl.nncl;ad,'1fo ofthe<

      ;I3ridgn,iim City Ffre Chiefor dci<ignec*n                                                             ui,sd oftlte *Plant Fh:c ~rtgadc Le;itlcr o(dcsii;nee iftliey * .*

ai:c pi~cnt. * * '* * * , *

  • Tltc, *Ogo,k t:Ji}cle:~i l~!aril;~gree:s ,to ;P!QVide*_and 1Brjdgtnni1 qity Fire Dcpuftmcn:t ;~~reesto' parllcipute hr annual sitc'.specific training and drills,couducted at ,thc.CookNuclear Plant.1,-itc: .., **
           ,,   :   "'".   ,         .             *.      .             /.,        . *                       * .,            .              .             ,o.      .                . ** :~~    .c
      'J;his agreement sunll rem.ninJn*cffectfromthe date ofsignitig unlcs.fthe ugrecmcntisJcrim.nateit
  . :Ariyparty upOn\uiJcty(90) days prit1r wrhtcn :notice tu the othcFparly n1ay t~nniriat~}nis.agiecmcnt.
  • As miindication.of your .agreement lo the above st:i.tcm,mts concerriing our mutual .responsibilities,

_please sign below;.

  • Sinccro1y; .*

Accepted.and agree~ to: this I l, µ.. Day of ~.... ':'~;;,_, 2018

                                                                                                                                   .:;;~~~------                                                        ,       '----""-

J l;ji:Buist

                                                                                                                                  -Fire ChieL <                                      .                      , ..
                                                                                                                                .* Bri~lgirian ,CJty_Fire ,ocptrtme11t

Page 167 of 220 sf)/lE?dic 1'*9<;>irlmunity Emergency ~ervice MEIDIC:,

                                                                                 . . . .* *                    ..  :,.***;:;**~                                  .
                       .Em;;;;!};~, Piti1i11i;;g A;frt!r.11/Ci1t 1Ie/weeiJ ~1e,iil1.j A111b1fl1111celtlid I>i111~itic. ,(}Joi/,J,,;1dt; PJ;i,i .

C * < .: / * : .' * ' *'*"..=:::,? * :'~> : ::~: *  ;* ,( *>' ** *. */" ' <*' ":;  :\:::.. .: :,: . *:-:-*, \; "* */*~ :* * '\t:** *: * :* * '.;;:~:a*:"'.>

fr1;~ p1frpose:oftllis.'!clleds.loe&\tibHsl, ah a19*ccinei1i between ludii~1ari11tl Mid1ig,u1'Ele~1fiiCQ1;1pu11y's.
                 * . Donald :Ci Cook Nnckar Plant and Medic l. Ai1ibi1ta11cc. In tht event i1fun ..emcrgenex at *1hc Conk . .
                   *1'111clcifr'Pla1i1)1ivolvihg*uidt!iury, Medic J.Af!lbu1:iiic~ agree:: .to provldc*incuic.,1.cimi,,vhctli~t thcyfotlm lmsbee11,j1yurep M.thrirei:dlt Clfan r1ci:7oent involving r.1dicfoctivc;contamiiiation,ibal!lrdou~,i'(asl~or a rcgulu. woi'kadcick:nt,;,                                ..              .                                   .                      .             .          . ..

Upo~*~g~l:fif~:~t;eit*for a~J!M8 yehicle,!~ci1n.tbc.C:oo):N11qJcar f'lant,Control Rooin,*Mcifit l

                   .Alribul1;1n~c:ag;ees tozc.~ptmd l),y~~'11dl11gpersmi1icl, 11;,para1tL'<, .and c,j1ilp1tient 1ii1he J>lant site.
                /*~f~hci~rJ'lant                               agi:eesfo pro~!dc an escort              'ror EMS'~liicles and persoiiiiel,vhile.i.n'tli~pi(l~~d
                  -lln:!1( .,~.~-* *,, *
  • _' * * ' ' ,:*, ** * ., *-' *
  • V ; * ;_,
               .'t~~~           Nui,l~a;l'la~tilgr~ to pi;o~lde the necessary healll1 physics support fo Medic l Ambulance stall"
                 *,t111ri1ititbcJn:a11nEii1 *or vic\ims wlici arc.if!iutrd lna11 accidc11i:invnh'ingrridiriac1ive coniaminatfon.
in tile cvent*ofan ilijnry foydi:ving~ hazardous ,;,;irite, spe~ifi~.crnm1icalinformation'.will bcpnividcd to

l Ambulanci.ndan:

                               .,:_,                             ...
                                                                                    ** :'          .' * * *                                                             *
                    ~111~ coi1i~un1ciltion link bet\veei,Mcilic I A111hulai1ccaudt:ookN,uelear Plant ,*iill*be*p~1*idedvi~

lelophnnc,commimicaiion:thrhurJi}hellcrri~ii*Coimiy*dL~palch radio: 0 C9ok Nncle.-ir Plant agrees t~ for emergc:ncyrooii1 and EMS personncnu *ordcr.10 prep.,rcfhem for handli11g.ofraiiiologii:aUy CC>lltamin.ited victims. Such 1rainingwill consist o(;brnnol.

                 *tidiniitcd to, 11 di$cussio1n1f ty~-s .cif mdiation, fyjn:s of contaminalfon, *methods of dccontmnination, and methods of controlliO¥,the spread ofcontaniilialion, Co.ok Nuclear l'iant ugi*ceslo cond.uctund M~<lic J .Ambulance agrees 1oparticipatcinjoiot drills lhnt hlclude plan.tjrersonncl, I:iMS personnel.and emergency room personneL Tnese drills will meeiJoint
                    <;omniii..{tmrnu Ai:crcilitcd llospitals (JCAl15rcquin.~ricnt'i.                                                                                       .

c.ook Nuc\ear Phtll\ ngrees ~Q tlccontamfoate a}l Medic 1.Ambulance equipment and fm:JHtiesjncluding

                 *.EMS vehiclcldh11i *have h!ii:ome*cunt:iminaled':as ,i result ortreatmeni ofa vietim'ilrii:timelv'fashion and
                  ,lb dispose oftlie ,L"JSOCiiJl~il w;dtc. .*                                              .                                                                 **
                     ~~,.    .             \,     ..,'           , /,;' **.. ' ....
               '. ciiiii.Nm:lcar Plaut ngrL>cS to,ifu1\tidc tlll\CP,,(CllC}' kh,'forthc emergency roo:n and:thciimhulnnce.

Appendix 1B CEPRe\1:40

,Reciprocal Laboratory LJse.AgrE?ement * ?pages


WHEREAE>. iNDJANA!r~ICH!GANP0~'E~ (h;~i~~tteica11ea*i~AP):il11d ,.*

            . ENTERGY NUCLEAR PAlJMqes, L(,C.; ~h7reinafter called ~ENTERGY") have ,

chemical and radi~cf\emical .analytical labo~torles at their Donald c Cook. Nu~lear Plalit

                                     "'   "    *    * * :J            ,*  *,*        ,                                      ,,

and Palisad~s N,u~lear Pl,mt. res~ctive!y, _which Jaboralc)ly Jadlities are suitable for porforming,chemical analys~s-Jollowing a nuclear.,-related accident (NRA), and.

                     ' Vll,H~RE'.AS, lfvlP c:;nd _Entergy.each desin{to .provid_e the:femporary use of their respectfve ~xisting I~boratory racnifies and-~ersonne11~ p~rform,cflfmicaLana1ysestor.

the ottiercihthe e~eDtlh_Ei otlierhas lost'1:1sf of.its.laboratory fa611m~s doe to aNRA. .

                              ,  --     ., - ..

parties ' her¢to

                                                                         , .::*

do*.. hereby



                                                                                                 . *,.,*y* '    -.
                                                                                                                      ~s ,f~llows:
:*... , 1.;: ln)fie.event E:ltl:ler partyhereto iE>JLlnabll? to"usei!flabpratC11Y facilitles-di1et9
             ?;1-JRA, the oth~r<party agrees to temporarily use:fts existi~g '.tab6ratpry facUiUes .arid p~~oonel. tc, th~':ext~nt practipal, to anaiyzcr,wlthi:>~t cnarge; sampl~s d~livered io itby ,
  • thJpart~Whirih. suffer.ed,tne NRA. ,Eac~**party.agrees/iry connectiori with *suer:
         , sa~plihg. har1dllrig,~~d a~al~es,                  lb corilplyy;lth ,th; r~qtiirements of NUREi0578 a~d NUREG-0737~and such* q! requirements *?s ~ay b~ specified by fne Nuclear
        .,. Regulatory Comfuission in' past~accident safuple'.analysis. *
2. Each-pai:ty ;:igr;IBS; 1n pertorniin~ analyses for

the.. other, to provide a high


standard of professional service, provided, however, that neither party _shall have any obligation' or .liability for .. . damages, fuc:lucling,

                                                               .            *,but not limited to. consequential    .      ..damages,.,

arisi119. :out5jf or in *connection with_ the ofrters use of, or reliance on; t.he results of such,,


3; This agreement shaJJ be effective on the date hereof and *shall continue .until tern,lnated ;~tnereinafter'set.{orth.- 1Eith~r,pqrty.-~ereto'ffiay1erniinate:this*agreemen,

        . a11)'1ime here~tter upon:siirty-(60):c,i~ys \Nrltten:nouce                       or termination to the other party.

Page 172 of 220

                    ~tEJtg;g)fNu~~af;p_;j~-~~¥{(L(C),' cni E~eigy.~lec!;ic,&rripany.and*, ..


  ,..*..             .                    8ower9~yfelectti~fac!lltles; inci4ding r:i~c)eai:gen~raUoriistaUons and*
  . are ,erigagedJnthe'g~neration,of;elecfric powerin Michlgari; *and . > >> .* ._ *.,..** .
   ?e~p~rifinceo:.a 1hJ-*;arJr~~.d,~;e,to,'     'personrie1 Be,; &stJre,th~-~val;cih,,llly
in:,the ev~ri.t of an 'emergency'
                                                                                                                                ~f.aciiquatelytraiped::rir:id .,*.._....

sHuatiori;at any of:th~i{ . /:nu~feafgenef OS;:;,> i. *, ,.* ,: > .. L .**. '* ..... > ' .**., *** .. * ' ' '

    )J~~. ;~~Rt\~:;:. ,'ir; c~~~ide;~Jg;; ~f1hEl'promises and mutuabcovenants herein' set
   }forth,Jhe parjies agree as.follows:                                            '                   ,',                 '     '                     *0                           '
            ,*? (.          , .,.': .,          ~-   ., ~        ",                          . *.,,.
    ~A1~i-i~*st1;1J,be,dettnect,J~; *\u~~()n'.fi11wpicJ:i,~ferits*a;eJn'.proc;es~~Th~11e. ofdirred.***
   \i.1ttik!tflov.()19~ '1:1rjactual}or                               tiats,u1:>stantiat:<1egraaaunn :Pfttie*!evel of safety or Jre t1~.1f1p!~. .*           .                     .                   .    *::=**>,.        *.       ~   ,. . .          ,v         .   ..                 ,.              . .. .     ..
      , *** ::*'*  - * * ***:*.      y* * * *    ~>*::> *. *..                                     :* ....,c: .** "\:,,***_.   *\::,.    . ..:*:    ..'"-: '.'.'  />>          <     *.,-. .,
    "§mt1rgenct/il'lall ,be de~n,e,~ .                                                               C3-'.derniU~m ?f Qsit~.~rea *Clmergencx llS,i
   -~~t forth in,"!1:J..                      ~5f?; .... * , . . ..*.* * ....,. ri?ye11J;\ areip prqcie,~1or, ~ve'~ccur;r$d wnii:nii:iiiohie . . 'r llke\ymajodailure~:pf;p!aht:funpttons;ne~ed'for,protection oMhe
 .<public:::/'*'                                 ' ..,., ... .,,.*.T:'";,"****.**-..:.,,,*,* .. **,,*,.,.....                                                  ,             ."<'**.*
              *~st1n~-,~aify* ~halFbe:defi~~d ~§;ri'hypitty t~;thl!;:Agr13e111~ntvihb, upon t[ie ..

ripe*df>an)im~rgE!!lCY,'atoi:ioJ,f'its riuclear;genei'atirig:siations;)seekS'eil1ergency

  .'assi~nce, pursuariho this Agreement,:from o'ne or more ofihe:'parties'heretcii', .
.* ,:Agreement \\(tip *~re,*pres~nted ,vmh~ a r,equesrtor emergency*assistance pursuant to this Bri,de,fln~1-a,s~~y ~.rtior,p~rtie,~ld this                                                .

Agr~enienC,;: .. . . '"'* .. ' . .. * ** - * * * '*. * *

  • Page
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ."          :*.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   * .. of 220
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       '.,'       .
  . /'{A,~rici.:i ut~' ,. . * . ' .' ' .* . . . '


      * ** 2, 1.         Jn';ffi~:aJeiii*~fahAlert,af Cltt~*onts,huclear geheraling,station~. riny party to {his                                                                                                                               :j
               . }'ar;nolify a,oy:of atr*onheotli;,r;pari,~s l!Jat <!ri A1~rt.exists and thaf their**

1:/'. ein~Q;Je'r;fcy,~ss~tanceni~fbfJ~uire~. ( ' . . .. . .. . '! I

                   ? ;;:(,..:              ,,  ~                                         .,',..                                                                                  <"
                     . ijfr1he evenlof ~h emergency al 01fo:ofils nuclearg~nerating stations; any'partyto the
                         *.. . . Lmay request               *;,       *. . *,


                                                                                                .*. . .


                                                                                                                  ,   .           *,, .,.*





al!,of the .. *..olher parties,

                                                                                                                                                                                                   . .******.
  • t ':1'*'.,tt\f::~:;~~f~~t~~~G~:a;is@tc~*;1jai1Ji~imad~ bel\~~111 Jnd.~n;ong.theJ0Uo~~1,19 ..
                                                                                                          ,                '
  • i


                                                                                                                .. Site' Vibe:Rresidj6t ~'Paljs~aes ;Nuci~ar ri~rit .
                                                                                                             *. ,/Siie iJ1ce'.:Pr~~ide~t{cook ,Nucliiar Plahi II I'

I EaUure Jo:resp~rid.ito a re~u~sfi!4r emergencyassistance;pursuanl to. Jhis Agre~menl .. lI shall be ~xcused if;ih ordorto respond; the.regul:!sled party orparties would'be forced ill its.or thef(so1e'juqgment or]udgmi,nts)to: f . * .* . . .*. . . . .* * * * .*

                               ,.., * .... :*."<,.            .;*<:t:*-.:'l.\ .:* .- ,.,._ 't~/.::\/!"'/.':r:i. _' =>. ..                                  _     ..... ,.,*._.       .* .'- -. *->

3.1.'1 Vif)laie it:£duties relating tcUlie care *and i!S<OWl1 nuclear generating stalions;~or* ';'. .i * . * ** * , . . ..

                                                   ..          .           .     *.***

Je~p~rdize th~ p~blic,:health or srifety a{a locatlqn plhe(thall*the localfon oftMe

                                     *r~q(i~,stirigiiarty;~rriergehci> *'. : *                                                                                                      *
  • ARTIC~EiV .. ' *. i ..* '.

SCOP~qF ASS,ISTANCE} *. j. 1 reqt &~fucL~ridedhis Agreeinent,Jh~ l' orparlieswitfprov,de trained

                      ,and;experienoed;P!:!CSOnnel foperform off-site:radiation protection actiyilit;s lo the requesuns party, All equipment1nteridedtaruse by the responding personnet. except
                  *. ;perso,naldosl!11ders'andicertifica.lion.docum~nts .(such as certifications of Health
                    .Physics straining, instmmenrtrairiing *and dqse exposure;records); shall be !he of
                     *respons16l1Jty the'rciqufiSUng party,lo;provide.,:tfie responding* party or parties may
                     .U!je\their,ov.rri:equipmenrfh3greei:1ble fo lhe requesting party, However; use by the I

responding party or, parties of;their;own equipnientshallin' no way alter .the duties and obliga!ions;imposed upon'the'partiesJbythls.Agreement

                             '**~\.:                  s 0 (                   *     ** * ' ~ " } '   **:x*'>,v*      .. ,,,"';'   *;.   :~*        '"  *.
                     'Emem"~11cya~;is1ahC\? p~                                                        tbi'tt.~',~riptJr\tjlhglpartf or parties sl,alfi@nUnueiunlij .
                ,; *4h~fr;;p¥rsonrie@r°':di~ .                                                     . 'Anif;regiiesllng;party; or arerecallecfbythe responding
                 *.. ;part.fto,sappqrt operations alilts own 'facilities:*'*.* .                                                             i* *                                               .               *
               /.)\'/;' ,,,,.,:.\:'.:fr'       ,e            ,/'°}, ':*"     O,                  V    A,    *"*,~*,.}'*      *,   ,(;,


Page 174 ot220** I "4;8 Respo11ding party or parties' 'fHJrsonnei exposure shall be 1fmited to (!ff-slte radl<!UOn, and . such exposure ~halLnol exceed federal requirements as selforth in 10CFR20:, * * * ** ' 4A 'Wages, hgurs .and olher~terms and conditions. of employment applicable to loaned persormel !lhall l:ie thosee>f the party providing suc~perse>hnel. '. ,. 4:5 ,Personrief:provid~d'byrcsponding party or parties shall; ali ilm~,duri~g the p~riod ,n* *

  • tit which emei:g~ncy assistance is'being provided, connnuc to be employees of the rosponding party or parties. Ihe responding party, and not the requesting party, shall be liab!e to loaned ,persormel ioranywages; salaries, cCJsf and expenses associated wlth tllepr~vlsion ofemergency~ssist~f}F'* '

ARTICLEV . . . . ,

 .REIM13URSEMENTFOREMERGENCYASS1STANCE RENDERED 5,1      The requesting ,party;shaU reimburse*eai::hresponding party 1ci{al!'costs and e,;pens~s Jncurred,bY,each:responding party'ln.providing emergency ass1stance hereunder; Such costs and expenses shall include:                                               *                       *             *
  • Siilaries. and wagE!S !)aid to*loaned personnel ,(i~c!uding super;vioors) fo(ptiid .

time spent in llie,reques!ing partyseivlce area,,and pald time for travel to and

                        'from suchsel'.iit:e:area; .                             .                             .

Ape~centage or u,e fota1 ofsuc\1 wages a'ocf salaries,. ~s c:ietermined by too respondinQ party,. reflecllng .expenses:incurred. for:. .

                  *. 5.1 ;ff Cortipliance,with'Wprker:con,pfalnsallon i~Ws; *
                      *      :*'    *, : *\;~-~/ * . *, .. ,,.~**   '    ';.,*     . .c '.c'  *,  .. "   ***,*
5j.2,2P.ayroll laxes; I 1 ~:3'Ho.:pit.ilizallon. surpi~t.and 1nedical *6~verage;
                       .sA :2.4JO?E1hsions and ,nte'\nsuic:\~ce; 5.1.?,.5 Vacation, holiday and sick pay; 5.12;6;i-raveli3cfild~ni Insurance; Transportation to*and from .thecreques!ing partfservice area, induding,the,cost
  • oftravei! accident insurance purchased expressly for coverage during such tran~portafion; .
                       .Food       and
                                    . . .


                                                         *..               .
P~rsonal.e>:pense; speclfi~lly agreed lo;betwe~n the requesting andresponding
                      ,parties;, *                                *                          ***

5:rt ,6l, *bharg~i,. a! tne :rates ]ntarnctl1y .usedby' the/responc1if)g party, for the useiof 0

             *..c'.,.' frarispoi'taUon equipment and,o!her equipmen\Jequested; and                                                    .
      **. s,;l:1       AnyJurthercosts specmcauyagreeci 16;bey.v~enthe.~~~µeiun9 *ana respona,n9
                    'parties)                              "
                                                                                                                                           ,CEP Rev40
                                                                                                                               . Page 175 of 220 5.2'. i'.ll*time    sheets andworkrocor~s.pertalnihg to loanJd*perstinnel shall he
        ;lhei:esponding,party.                       *               *. * * * * **                     * **           *             .*

All c:harges shafl be* paid by the reque~ting parif to each responding party within terf(10}.


deys. ,after




0U10 invpiCQ;itemized

                                             .             '

to .!tie



                                                                              *.,,.., ...* '*

of the*fequesting

                                                                                                         ".* .        .

party'.' *

     . The requesfi11g ;Pllity shall Jndemnify and hold *harmless each responding partyfrom and against ar1y and all liablliiy fodoss,. damage, cos! or expense which the responding p~rty shallfncu(by reason.of bodi!y.lriju.ry,. including death, *to any person or parsons, or by reas<m of damage. to.or.deslruclion of any property,,in6luding the loss of use'Jhereof,                                       .

arlsing put-of orin,an}; manner'conne9ted with the giving or emergency assisla11ce;to the .

  • rt;qllesllng party. * * * *
  • ln*the-event*of bodily'injury, lnclud[ng.death,Ao any employeeofthe responding party; or
      .in -!he    event of.damage to oidestruc!ion of any property. of the respmlding ,party, the requesting pal'ly stiaU ir:idemoify the re.:ponding partyJgr such loss In ;the fol!o\\1ng

If such Joss is; by.ah insurance policy purch~sed by the }espondlnfparty .. a from third party cattier; the.requesting party stiall.make'.reimbtirsemeriUo the extent. such losses inc~setheresponding

. ,  ; . ' ... .
                                            .,     :   .*. .. '~- ....,


                                                                                  ")     .,


                                                                                       ' .. '.. .,.,
  • *; .


                                                                                                                         .        .

6:2:2 If s,uch'los~ is not CO,VElied by in !rtsflrance policy purchased by'.the>

                 .;or exceeds such coverage; *I~ requesting party shall make ..

reimbursement tcrthe exleiit cif;fhe claims orbenems actually paid or the kisses su~ained by the resporiding party.. * * * * : * *

  • At any Umwaf!erttie*date'of.thlSll\greement any .party, by,givlng.nOt less ]han thirty days wrltten,rio!ice'!Q U1a other.parties, may trom tirile,fu *lime, caffTor reconsideration of the 1erms-and'condiUons;cif !his.Agreement lfsuclHeconsideration is called for, the authorized representatives of the parties shall. meef as promptly as convenienl and cdiscuss*any oflhe:terms and conditions of the Agreemenl No party sha!Lbe under any obligation io agree to anS,,modificalion or supplement not salis{actory fo it Any '

agr,eni_ent:rnodifying or,supplellli;Jnllng such.terms.and co.nditionsshallbe inwriling, s)gned:by ~II partios,,and,shall,uchrnodiftca{ic,n or.supplement shall

     'beccime'effective. . .             '       . . .. .               ..* . '                     '.

The parlie'$:agree ,to;provide, aUheirown expense, persrinnel to .observe cir:as~lst in clftlmonstraling the'effectiveness*of.a nucloar*genera!ing;,slaHon omeryency plan as may tie required,'by that nuclear g.enerafin%J slaUowNRC,: approvect,;e,mei:gency plan.

  • Page 176 of220
C.EP Rev 4()

T:fiisJefforp;rtilics tfiat thf Nu,cl~:PmyepPlµurEm~rge;cy R~~pons~Assist;ribe



             . . Noveml;lcr:8,
                     ,     .    . .'

2013 reiriains511

                                               ,-     .. -e1JecL
                                                              . INPO
                                                                 . .                    . . as,described .

will*..assisl'you in,thengrccmentaod.inre,*isionJ oftbcUriite~'States*lildustryEvcnrResponse;';***.

Framework. ,, , . . . .**. . , " .. ** .,. . * . .. ,

A C<>py of~he agreement and the Jouni~rpait signiitures,¢,111 hecfound'o~thtINPO '.

  • itit¢gratcd Jespopse. n1embcr website. This .igrccineiihvillrcma.iri i~ 6ffcfit until amended or'.term~ated in aecordancc\yitti the guidance de:Sc:ribi<l ,in p~agraphs 11

,agreemonf .. ' ' ' . ',;, ' ' *'* ' ' "" and

                                                                                        ' '"* '.*

JS of:thc

                                                                                                        ' i'


                                                                                                                                       *::,:, , .. '
  • 1c1o'of220
                                                                                                                                                       .,        *, ** '.vt:
                                                                                                             . ...   . .. ..... .'
                                                                                                       * [ocAfioN
  • Hadiatlon Protection Er11ergeriqy Kit * '>op~r?ti9:n5.Support>Gen,t~r (QSC)  :.

iErnergehcy{Qp~raiiohs'facility{EOF). . ,\'

                                                   ,****.'surv&y y~n,fe1~~.~Lt~:at~~t$t*2.,~ecticatea'. *.


.,;:\Firs(~id- De.c9n *Equi~men(                    :*:R~diafib8.,.Prdt~6fi()~;cpe~ .*CClntrol 'fHPAC)* *. .

Anti-'CEqljipment for Ambulance* S$CUr:ltyCOonti;81Qentef . . ...*:1 n:.:p1~1lt1oti.,Site Driver:to Hospital* ,Vehicle :searchiPOrtat ** *. *

                                                                                          "';"':*.' . < .**..
                                                                      ; .,*,.:.:'        \(:/":

fanerge;~cy AhthQ Eqd1p111~rit,* * * ,i:echfiic§ll S.l:!P'p'prt:Qent~r,(:f§9)

                                                     \Opera,tiohs -SupportCenter ~rea, '                                             .

Tr~fnir1g:Center\* ,........ :.;,, .

                                               / *. Lakelandi~egfql}af:M~d1c;al Qenter, §t. . Joseph,
                                                    . ~ile,S,'S8mrnRr\itJJtio~~itsil; Nite~,,                                                 .           ..

t* ,gt;. ior6i~~'.,d~ckr*~F17~b:~t~irs*

                                                 >:*. ~.r.07., .*_\;AR,UP\
1' '


                                                                                ~   .,::**./):::**:=*

t crli~!tt~~f~ftf!ts¢)

                                                      ,1o*-- i:imt turbine ;Bldg,. {fo(J:urbine Building use<

pnly) :?, '*

  • Page 182 of 220
                                                                  'Applicabl~ Portions from the Annual
                                           , Emergenc,y Jnformat!9ri Cal~ndar for Berrien Cour1ty""",'~ -.........---'--~,;;.,,_-

WHJ\TTO DO IFYO\J HEAR EM~RG~NCYl!'{RtRNl!'JG SIRENS In ~t1>inC:ounty,weU~earl)'-wan\ing i/i..fll and c~!lp~ol\lit4lds Ill akrt,f'll.lofa ikr!oia , , THllS!R£NS Mlt nrrm ¢NTH£ i:msf

   ~me19~ncy.Suth-1gendes indvd,i, a nud.. ir acdd!!cnt dl~mlcil spUt lm'Eli'W'eatti~r~ioth<?r ,                                                            5AT1.llIDAY OFt!i!, t.i6NT!JATI PJ,(

pi!lble,&\ngi.ircosoondltli;oln~tirtwi\ty, ' . . All imnWy te~,,x~t ror /\pr( ccm!!t af 3 rh<:ft slf'?ri !l:lund !llrtlrg k!;;sthan 3 m11wte, i> If the 11,,;erget1C)ffllfnill9 siren sounds rorttirile to ~e mlil,utfU. !UM to anyllilt'v'blort wtwn oirad101btlon llm\d tn \hlis<<tlon.ord!ec'kyour mo pbor\i\ ormh<wwnekiit On t,oonu1. Satuldayor April,"f~l!?Sl ~n ero<<g,m()'W\l\f~lilll ~lttMl~ i5r thmemmstiis c:omrnunltet1on d4vtc'ti ro,remti<"~ncy meJia!,ll!L ~rrl,m Cou11iy'uie1 it nailo~! al!!rt and, tit, 1p,rn,ai part of(XJ1 tomp>cllensh~s:if;fu, wain1ni,isys1emtos<mdemel'9"r,:yimili:agestdyou. , , , , p!an.AtothNtl!OOf.~umayhm!-Otind:

        * ,Elmfll~tY.f Alert System (f.M)111~!'19eiilr~.serii lh,oogh'!v a~d!lldbllatiom.AOt>ftheTV                                                         1~1/sti ais.., t.rtWtj >>ss iron ah\l~u!1l,:
           *ndndb il aiion,11st<<l h~~,a111 pin of thf lo:al Em~rgl!J\cy AWi Syrtmi(EAS), Som~ of 1~

ita\ioris/My~r:,arkn~alkl1yln9rttlli§e/Migill'.K)'lnkirmalfot10utdui!tocomput~rla!d fl"O\l!,n1io1njl O! rlmli<?d l>roadml \i: ll'!dUllf>J, Chtd,a!lol th~ thll1d rt1tion1 uotr1 )'OU fi!id O'l>t ,. timts b11mla'!itlng roierg!!tcy inror,mtrori * , ' ' , ,,

       .*, CRit pf>'.>~tl *rid cth<< tilr>ik,1 ~ di.via!~ 1'-'C~~\1 \Vi!llles,I f~,m;y Alitrts (WU,~ !f'yoor wlrnlMs
           <:arrl!!r p;i1tl:lpamsfn ttitWEI\ t)1tem )".>UWlll flii:4h'a' l!m!,pi!n:yalilrts a1.11ornatblty.\llEA rness;,g<ilili~i,;,td\lrg,!d toyoilr wlr~l,iwdata.ptiri                                                 '
 ' .,,ifyoi.ihu~an otrikrii011()'1!re~ lhat Liit, (iif:l,mti>an aminu\oor aslflllith&t flfXI!'~
       , In less.tha1l'11-1niiiut*lht11M!li.1t b probablydi!bngavolllnt<Kir firt. *r,111Ht. Ta be,
          ~un;,tu/t;i \o iny ra~iocitelevl1ion it,.tlcii l~ted
       . 1111,mge,~;                       ,*                 ' ' *
                                                                        ~/ire   oi c:h1.ldt)"Our~lls:imrnror~merg61q" *.
                                                                                              ** * , " ', '*'          , ' ,
    > iiyoiln1Jlkot)iati1nam111J1incyJkllnl1danii1!J<itl<1rl\otwt:id<trtg.aii:iM-92~11 , ,

Ji,nin.d~ly'. The~~ (cunt}' fmtifgmiq~mag~el)t0ffimmalri'.afn$lhe~trni>s,tor

        ,your ptntti!:tfon, rnp:>rt non-w<<Yslng sl~ru rfghtaway,                                                     ,

Vacatlonersand.Vlsltots * ,,,

 , ,hi ~µr V11Nd11;, Tumroone oftlwi!!l!ivlilanot 1a,f,c,ru,1ioiu (!llli!d ill rlq~tJ; fi>lbwalf di,.itk>nl gl'lenlrf p,1kol!icfat1,1hef]1f~rid jjiilk"-of!>:ers,Ollilng *-th<< 1!1'114rgtnq,do notstayln
     )'OU1'111'hkle.lfhnolurlil' ' '                                                                   '

Boaters ilrtd c':mipet'S , .' , 11 you hlin im<lrgfflcy slrims vmll e b<>>ollng. do net wait f(lf fwther wamln<>,'('uil~fo till? marli'I!! thahnef, 16 (lfh,11 Mill) or ioari Bi >!'3 i'Yfu !f,rtii:in)1~ted lo the 19ht~u1 trrierg<1n,yinfr,rmaiki1t , , ,',

  • l". Ait call lett~rs,a r~ ij{~tiiate at th~ ,1,01~ of printing. Afl\tatt<<i~;ire a

M!rlooµ,iiio! boats wlll atio w.;in bi:at~rs,on Lake Mkhigal\ lt,i~til fs !'!rhos ffl'l!:fper.ty,You wili . of10>?.iT! 24 hWlS, ~d\ y,:<.1rcab1¥! or sat.!lite pr01\rfe1 fcr)'l)iJi , (\ntltln~up,, , *  ;,, , > , '

  ', !;ii tol:i !n\1! biratkmof$11f~vnl~~ and doc~Jn9 areas:                                ,                                                                                                           1 II you 11hr UMl'Qfflt:Y ilims whUo camrlilg, hlldng, ;wlinm~*~ vHltir,:j In                      a,;. pa,k,; follow ,,


  . d!\:li\l w!1l uw *~ ¥,ti~!fdddr6B~1tm' oiino!:llut~it unitsto 1kt }Q~ \mYt\vhat)'5~ t!>>U\! d:,. ,

M 611i11doc:al f'l!lts, 1mmooh!My tune to ari .itea radio itifi;in Hi'loo ~trtght and fdb'vl imttilctl<)n\ : ~~~1111i~~j.

Page 183 of 220 ____________________ WHAT TO DO IF YOU ARE TOLD TO SEEK SHELTER OR STAY INDOORS , 2018 FUNCTIONAL NEEDS CARD f-<;f 111orter:w;gerciat 11 ii ~!l!~i!o it:.yiru:lotV,1. fu? wind \,i\11:,',;iw any ltlttt<< p,::ism:~, tumiJi wcl gaws 1Yny 111 a uvm time Durlfl? a W.'!!!\! \\Wtli!!r t1nNQin9: f W!:I~ °"1 <l.uh,,* 1~11k M()f'03.TI\OS hull:Jfngs cffer th;, b"5t i:~ot.di611, !?.\proal!Ylnl':ment~ While 1ndocr;, o:> lhe follOl'.10:;:  ! fi~£:>~.VH t::*\IAl\.tD

    !> IC!M!p calm. P;ink ls ~,:nii 1wtil ,:,ni:;m;i in anr erri1!fgrn:y,                                  !                                                                                       1.Kl11E 1                                                                                 l1!itml , I- CJoie allw1ni:lowsand doon,!ngpets 1nsli:I~                                                 I
     > Ttirn off all alr-lntalce s)'rtf!ms ruch as faMam:l air rorditioners, Turn dawn                     l ful'N<W thermonat Clow nrapl,<e di!iinp,.rt.                                                    I
     ,- If your bull ding bM a basement taku mHo and go there.                                             I
  • Do not go (!UUld!! to wi \1fai li happe11ir.g11nli1 ;rov aH! !u!d it \.safe logo out I Cl am to\tl to mcu;,,,,, if you*mus! go 1:Mdooii trmflr 10 wam SO'l'MOO>!' during I J. nude~r omorg~nry, mw,i your no!'l! and nv:mih wiih a piece of doth 1vch ;u a I tow!!l tn scarf, tH\flO!O!i OF l'lERRJE>t CCAJNT-r'SttERl"F!J OFFICE 51:}'!RlEN COl.ltlfY E.\lEROENCY MANAG!:l,'l;1!T
i. Do not 111e the 1oi1tpoone or Internet. uni Ms it is ainotut~ly 11f/te:1Mr;'. !ft 21C,O E E\l?!REAVE in~<:>rtan( 10 ;..,,.p t~fpl'KH')'!l line:s,::,,,;i,r, for ero;;>rg.-n:r us;,,, BEITON HA!U!QR Ml !i!!llZ*9Gi,S I> St;,y out of your car or vehlde In a weath~ emergency, 5*k sh!:!\er i11 :l>,e ba,fmen! oi a r1i;uby bvikling t;r 1n a dilthvntil thl! we~thN em;1gcyrn:y passes, up IMPOOTAtm Oil not ptd tMdrim rrom ~hoofs or,day Q<<J' centers; lllllllll,l11h+J1111lflll 111 11l..t,Jl 11l 1fltlllll 111 1tlJl 111 sdtt.Xlbtaff a~d ~lid clll~IV!lti wilt lr.1!1111 thtldni'n 1111chool titltillt ls 53ft' to go cut ilgain. ' .
                            .            '

I I In an '-!mrg~11,:y, a p,in;on -.,1th afor.::ti::,n,11 nml1! ,my indud;, any:me with ,i!km or I h<J:aring imp,lrnwiih, j:,hy1kal Cf 1mmtal dbahililim, or s,:,ml!OM \\TIO ha} no meanr of I tr.i Mpilrta\icn- lf YQJ might n"':,d help iii zn eml!T}l'hty, pleal(! All out lh~ fur,:!im,I I

      /lt,<<h;:,mloil !he ne,1 page andmi!it[n 1odai lt 1stmprirt:111t to m:ilc that}'(}ll                    I                   If you have ftmdlonal ntieds.,

moold update .and mall In ;>our Functional Net!ds card eath year. 'The Bffriin (t:,::nt;d*!eatth Deputmm1 will hep yoor functional ni!ed! inf-:irmation on file !or c*tH I fill out th.e other side. or this carcL I

       *'<ilt i' mformalb11 wi!l t., kept cormrlemiaL Pi,iast.1. fill 01r. ailw cari:l .md nHll it in I

Cut this card out, fold and st:al It, i t r'°"r< ai yo*J rB:'ci\'e youi n\!W c,11-lrnfar, if rnt-et!ro. then put It Into the mall. I tr you lttiow someMawnh fundlo1ul n~h who !mi: Within the 1o-mll11 1 E.rnl'fgi!mcy Planning Zone tW<l page Hil, phrase voiunte!lr to help them 1n an l ef!lN9ency. lf th!. ii n,:J\ piw.:tkal or pimtt:>lec, ph,Mil discun andfnr mist !!;.zm in ftlling I tQt rhb emerg'.?ncy c:arct I I I 15 Appendix D OEP Rev 40 L __

Page 184 of 220

                                                                                                                * : 201 a}tiNCTIONA~ NEEDS tNFoRMAnoN * *
                                                                                                                 ..1** UyrfJhJ.)'<F-"100Ml!>i<id\, p!fiMfl!Hii tri1ticii:f:f.d, mllt 'IJil.hlap? ...~d Ja!il'j[
1{1'Jm\lli$'1l!d,ita <aldiadl)'flrii:>l;i>.ipoir&)Q*I0'°4ah( .* .


                                                                                                 ..           ' j

Cook Nuclear Public Inquiry Line: 86G-J62-3t05 31 , .snn1rnc<<n): .

                                                                                                               *.,,, *mit I       '" '                                                                                                   .IR:
~**t:i~~::rp,:~t!:!~:it~:::~:!J;:i~~i:~:~*Tuey,,nngwi *.,*.

i J' ' '"".9\l..;.:~_*


i¥ Goi:lir~tlyloa r~¢ioncentef~ri~reg1S't~t; FolK!Wth~broit<!ci~ed. *.* . / . 'I lfthrrta~;ipJ.<itri:liilltltM:itiijyt<..'rii~~.~lti1tt~11tadllmti.n,fountf,

  • ewu:ualionroute instructiom to the nuiltwt open rkj:)tic.n Cfnter_Plecase Moister ! Emr'9'~lltjllilnagemtilht269:9Si:i\il,ErtA?l5-'. , ..*...., . ' . . . . . . /, .
        ~henic~airivtH6ramilyariafritnd$\liilll:nqWwhar!.!)'dUare.Men-ouha'.~ ,, , f.                                                     " ** * * * *. * * ,, * , * *
  • reglsle,rei:!you tnay'g:ito naywilhfri&ll:lioifilmilyvitiollfeootil<k! thede.Jiger, 'J ,' 1fTIJ~lREAP\\llM1fi'EltUIJ){llT,Pim£p~TlllU!lll111SYOlJSTAtlllllfAlU.EMCGUIIIT:, .

ilm;i,,ptif'Yni:r~re~><ou,,-i11H~iisligbed:foa~a~7..~rll'ygatheoo,gpll!lt/!:. *,:{:,'I} llli 119 IA!A OJl't' 'Ylr !ill';: llJl Jrn:' ;~ OCT


.~ Tauoo,lyemmtlalttems.Pad\asifyollvieregmngooa1ripf~tonlyafewda~1" \j' ,

                                                                                                                 *+.*      '.Yi!fUil **!IA Inf I :du * * , ,

C1lO t 'D Oll U.,TIW'JPPU), * ,,. *..*.. Usli t~fist b11l9wasa guide. ,j im:tNlll'\\lllll lCA!!l'Y.#tidH\\1.t;ll!I! ,

  • Wl!!I!CPMt *'11\liµlit\M l!W~tcu, 06 riot tak~ iii'iiarms, akohpflfbev~i'ages or IUegal dnigs'~r I 'illill:AI<:I! ... ~N .ct'llff:_~--~-~.---**

tr you have furn:tmnal t1l!eds and have. sent lrt apostmrtl, )'Oil wiif 1 ~ , I . \ T~l!T..iri= IIIFO~toli: i111ceig9* as~lifance'.lf >'im neec:l help, iist~n to a icr.alTV or radio statloh cs~ l .* ,.,,

      . page lli)faf~teli:phorni~\Jrtiberytiu cancilt S> ** * **.* *. ., ,*                                           : :wll1llfJmlly!fl(t11!Hr!lfrril"::,,1gil1-,tunarup,irta!illnif~li.tiwr,:i.1L!lllbir1outi!ii11~~eme~iihcyi
 ,. Havi!aplanforyo'urpl!tr,Cuirently,r'!cepiicncenti?nwiUohiyai:nptpitsif                                                   YES~ !10'~.                                             '            *. *,,  '           ' *,'                          ' ;          .
     ' t~Y ara '.i.~rvk11.inim:.h. r,,,;ike arfuhginn!.';fltt. to hay I*riltt rl!lativm; friends ~r .,

at a ~Urknd!i holt>loutsv.fotil the ama. llring :it (iee lilt! l l'UIIIT~JIOW: ....., .> .** ;;, .* < . *.*. . . ,. . ,

      . d',;i,:!<Jisl biib-w;.,Foff!10te irtformiitil;irl, go to f,.                      ,IJfS,                      I       llsr\U,btt~pru ilt h:-me tm~wii!lld~tii. ;1\t~rnl lf')ilu Min! 11km !n vi~ in an rmmjidqJ A!ffnr.-~(@m ind Pet! Weicorrn>.rorn,,                    .                                                       ...lh,1m12tiiliii11imiwr~,:                                    . . .                                                            .

t,,* '.'mrri off;S'inal~ appliances, llghUand water fautetS: lloWMC leawi YOU!

 ,,' ', refrigefa!~riln~ 1reerer on.,            ,; . .         ..    . .     < ,; <  ;             .

fi.*, Tur.n off all a,i~li\tal!e systems sum as fans ~nd alt C<)f)!l!tioiiirg.J(lirTd<:mn

      ; ftirnace i!ietlllOstaL OoseJ'ireplilce damp?.is.             , , *... *         *        .     .. . :

.'il,i cioii!~oo lockaUwiridows:art'tl doi!UiTh~evatOiit~ ,mi~ m1l.~ !i!<Ut~ ~rid

        }1iih-<i!1 not b~ anoned to r~luin until llirnlfe. . *. . .* , . .* ..*.*.                         .

t-, Check on n~ghbois,Make siJ;i?ttil!ykiv,ii.+itrittl 1!\r/Kuat~ and th~t \ht!); h~vl! transfi.:>~atiwi, : * * **

  • Appendixtf

Page 185 of 220 What to Bring With Yot1 Cook Nuclear Plant Emerge ncy Planning Zone

BilSlu: thh (3 nd.u, t,llh. pofUble radio, t\uM,;;hl 'fhHirclt-<hruin thermp iu 10,miltrt<!l\lSSU'l'DIJ'ldi~C~ rud.eai ~I'll l!I B~oun~no il'I u Emet ettn banetl"-'J. ken tt>Of I. credltfd~Hcard1.. Jll.irmirlg Zone tEPlj Th1t eiirly:w.tmin<;! 1lrm s)'Jl<M'Tl lor Serriffl County t1 w,tt11n the ti' When,. arN l ind chedboo~ wal pvrr.e 1 lo sQtioru {~ p,ge !'.) wihi.rt ~ 1 1 liw,g in~ llit £PZ whe IN!!!' h an eoi~rqtnc

... Btdd1119: b!Jn\t!U. pihow 1l(!(!ptng b.lgt lnl'dt tht EP1 ire lhe P ~ Atlloo #./e.1 for lht Coot. NucJe;u .P i¥, Oun!V} 1n, ~ . tfltse ams will be

Toll.trta: so p. t ~. toothj,~stt, loothbn,sha. idenlimd~the numbtrs.lhc"n in the rl\ i!tampl!!.1~ orfad,o tb ion ~Ja * "Pro!('ClM! ~ion .\rfl 1 arcn. rut.ah' suppl itl mu)H'V1C1J1tf *at "Ptoctdl\lf Ac:00!' ;\rt 2 m'UJtfi ~ 1htl et:Kn:m w tdl Prot<<tivl' Mion .\re,t )'Oil <<. worl or arto boolong in so )'O\l 011 r!!ipond *pmTlptly ID rutructions

'.: SpKt:al rtmu: IP!!(i1l.<fl!lt 10001. bibv IOfmU~ nd bottll't dlaoos. bl'Ori e to~°' 91 mes Dvnng ilU!!'IWrgtncy, lilt..,-i lo11N TV o,r,1d'io 1t1tions ,md lollow .he al tncuatien u 10 he l'N'.tption

                                                                    ~nter you are lo u:i:e
Ht ~th supphe: mtditints, glasses. de-ntwM.

lu*anng aids, rim ;id i premi!Xion inlo,rnatlO'n

ldeitJficauon:driVl!r'1 li<:e-nse:c~it unil. ~-/
     '"'    rt " J'.Sl~ll
Pt1 SUPf>lle : fo,:xt w~tet mooion/!l.. I~ , ~ t.1,gi.


  • I)11w cartru*11y, lllet a fll!W ~peed Fallo'" I
                                                                                                                                                      **               ..,.,M 11
  • u / r ' 'l'i'... (

irK iontcf lf sMiff, Ptfoeun:l t1~offi(P('l.

   * ( loiOII wtndciwundnnts. Shv1 cH ~~ and ,:

rO'll:I ning

  • l lstM tothua~ !t M pa,.15).iollowemEI'

{ *. 4


inruu< oris bro,1<kast on r t.J! 0t p(!f'Ublt ri'JQ Y u w,11 t°'! old whro it ll ut, to rt um ltWIOVWIJC*IIGR SOfOOl 1100 h:ll lh>t d. Nilft !s...itt> ofHi"'°*&st,of M-S l j C:lllOMA )lltH SOtoOl

   .l(I() W. S~ l'>H"fl" Sit~ ~ m ,1 fAtd Anow Hl9.....,I
                   ~ll.!rfALOHIQI ~

l 112 E.ClifS.,tot.N..., llulllllo (South cl us-111 WAnnun NIQl SOIOOl. no f. SL J°"""" Jitr""1; Wfflr>ld 111..i Ar<c* Hi9f'w*Y1 16 Ap pendix D CEP Rev 40

Page 187.of 220

   !iAiUAAL BA.tKGOOUtlO nAOl/iTlotc IS !II nu: Am Wf!.l!ifi\IB£                                       Effects of Radiation .

Th11,'iun wrotH1tl1 plan~i with coomk radia\k!n. Somt> rocks'~rid mlmrai1 g~ (;>f/smal! J*.tlt ai tooll1uth exp6~11ra 1od1eiun cah c:auw ~tn/ulsunbum, 100 mudi l.!.<-!i)svre lrm1jntt r;f ndiatloii. .Onuc1Jrtl!:i'PU mayb~ fln\lllu Yfith ii: raoon ga1, Manybuildliig to Glrtain le,'!!ls .and types c;,1 radl;tbfi can ha\'<? harmful effP.M You would, httN,;v.,r, mat1:r1al~ ,ootatn radi'..ltk~Jn fiid. r.tdioacilvll partkleJ are, in 1he air vii! lll'iutoo. the MW . (\~H0\'~~,000 mJ:1~wiili1i13 0.,7 to product! food m eataod th!!< wah!n<< drintE\v.n 018 ood~I. are ,lightly raomtt\'i!,Thl!!I! do~1 of so,oc,o t:i 100,,:00 m.1l'em au,* 10uc<<~ cl 1ad1aticn are call!!d n1lural bacl:ground radialkm. * * ~\11[<:! t-!fQleY,::U WCtJld fe~arw\1l!lff<<:lL Theamoontof l'Z;!JXUUT)t fri:M radiatlo~tlep,11rr.i1 e,n; .

  • lengiht.ft!/11e;<ouare,~~ *
  • H&ii fM )n)U ,wrlt'{1l ,iw. ktiW! ofr;;tlrnJoo.
  • Wiithpa,tof}W~!se:r.p,,~~. *
, Hu.v muchmalerfalrw.inhi!1<JOT~~ r~fO)'Ji.Jr1>>l!Y.
  • Wti,tMHNOUSE l1.ADiOACf!VE,SOUPC£:S !:VERY Oh,Y ...
    ~iides nattinllt oo:i.Jiring radiltioo; lhe<t lnbo artmdal'trnan-m&:!e) rY.llalion                *Your Jv,i;ihhor plw1oca1'effect yi:qY re.action to ratliatlro etp(mwe: fer Pad,;,acti'lll ina!eruts uiooin mroiu\.ind denlaf"X,rayi,_ They am il!i!d toh~p             . enmpt,;. ymi rhookl ho? aware lh~t unborn bllbll!S and v1?rY,1i)ung chl!dmn are mote dligo,::-i~ and treat zuch a; caw.:er. Sder1'~ aM industry i.ue radlooct!VE;
  • likely to bl! h,mned by ridlatlo:n el'.p()slitl,l. '

1Tn!fifals !01 fl!l~rclt'and to do l\1:h ,1tiln91 a~ X*U)" \W!lri~.Olhrirsomt'eiiliradioottlw;* Th~ Odtalfuri yeti Ollt et:!)0100 lo, trn! hm thUKl! }'00 ti ave of !ml'tlt:9 ,!\Y harmful maWl'il!t~recootTVs,srook~ det!1(1()!'.l,JOl11el11irilm;u1-d'l!!wald\>>Jandi:hxkLVery Effect.I. ThathW,hY it h 10 iiripi,r,tanUo h.M .¥' emerg<?o:y plw irl p~ re;n nuo,:,,ar 1ma1l aim:unt! <1.1ailhtron com!! from 911nEnting ae<trk1!:)' with n~ir porl!!r. po\yet p11!nL We. ~:I to tre.n radf.1tlc>n witM:?tti (atrtion lM <cmmnh M,r.J~ *

                                                                                                     , Cook 1fomilr Plan! \Wn\P.U lllg\ltarly d)~k radfaUoo !ev.;ls both imtdli tM cu~sm the p~~llnihe unlik!M)'l!\"i!ntcr a ~,;ifournudti¥ ~c~:$antal the r:*laJ'il; 11.i!te andf.idef.11
                                                                                                      h!ialthe,;;mls wool,;! be called in to tal'J!ooatloo 1ei!i:llnp1 ~Dnd tli.!pfmi i~i<!

l--'----_::c.:=c;;;.;,;:;:,;,;~..:......;_....;1--.c:.:::=.:.;,:;_;===:.:.;,;==.--1 boundary, TI1t'$'.l ~ading~ WOllld Mtermin<! vmat tlept tf <l[l)', ;'Ou. youi famitt and ti:!* 1,wrrn*?ild M!!!i tb :tak\\ to pmt-0<ty~ui:il>l*ffls. * .

  • Types of Radiation .*. . . State ~f Mlcl\lgan Potassltiil1Joclld~ Dl~fribuU6n *
  ** !latffatlo!l lm:l~s such lfii,igi ~; ~.t. liiatMd tadit,j W~vtUli.'1\'!!Wf, whtil'H!! ipeak         ~dio~cn\*e iodI11!i!{t;dlQ\           r;p'i;~ tflhe pitdticl.;i~t,;i;,tl!d lvit. 1ele.1r.\.!dm in,;:

ef.udlatlon wn1llalh.* me,;n "i:mirir,g' rn:tmtioi;i, This railla)Wn ca11 produ~ high* unlil~,E'Rl'lt bfa !*noo.1 . ** * ' kM:ftd'!('Kl}b a not;. enci\jy, d1arl)HI µankles ttTie<l roos* fn \Ila tn.ll!H'3!s it itrl~s. . w:l,pac~h"!! !Offl.l of loom;; trial may£!! tah:!f\ to w;!i.;ce th<i amomfof rltlbattlte i¢dine the abz.tbi!<l bf b:,;1-1\ tflyrrjld g!ar,d,fJ c.ffi1r. ixotectloo i:m!y to tllj!,jl\;1!'.ld gland anii mE ;,(M11 rvt11:s oi: 1ot1mHG 11ADIAT!Ofl ME: itt Wi/! l\~fd be to, eYdi;mtfon an:J in,plaC!! sh,!l~iing. E'i.i!cwtloh and in' * ,

  • AJp~i p,rt,dt-1, wn1::11 can bi! stop~ l:f! a,~t-::<P3J)',r:
  • pt.Qi shtlt.1idn;i 1 rw ~fl~ primary lim111 of prct<<ticmIna em#rgt'n...'.,,.
  • Btu partkJM., wi1d1 cant<: il*)P~ hr aihin ~et of mE1.l. Stat,; and e6,:1111 ollicMs will u~IM Eml\'19(:Qey Alm Syst;mi 1EASJ trj r.iot~y l~ i:n!1\::
  • G.imma l'a1' whir.h can~.flsio;:v<i<l abnon cr.smp\et,i\:,by thrwf~tolc'ont:rma. of .1he n.eed to blY.1.lafl!i totriek ifa,lt'!r iri plm. or t6ti!l:t' >H'l is aval!a!:fo toperions
        *. Nwiroo partide;;.. ~ran Ill.? iitoµ,ixl bywatr;tronc~tt\a!\dm1;:ml .                          \\!'thin lll mUes o{Coo~~Ju,;.ll!;,r f.lla11tth!,;,,~~1h the Mklllgan l.)sf,lrtrlii,M cl H<:!,lth and Hmriao Str-,fm (MOH!t5~ P.etalliid!ristructions oo the MOHi-iS d!str\butl'lfi of Kl can be found on page t9of thrsµkndar C!f WWW.mlihtgan.giiv/Xl. llls il.ii,:,..1wry to ;,kl up Yc>Jr Kl prior !,Mn em<:!~o/ silul1¥.in al !he pllJ:LC,;;rn!)lele yoor ~'i:>tKh*ct and picl: up fl)ur r,x 11t.a part1dpiltmg r::hamilltY ;m'6urn1r5:St cro'\\lre01ci;, Yilihvlll
  • I

., NOT be able to get Kl from till! phlum acy llll!lnQ a nudm,r plant Miergency.

                                                                                                     . P,.ople who af!f tiIT>?f9lt to !oolne ,rotkl nmu1!!..)l;l. In lh.e i!'Mr.t << an a!!mg!ueactiort
  • mntkO rlocior, . .

Appendix D CEP Rev 40

  • Page i88 of 220 .

.* f\lOTICE Tq FJ\Rrv\l:RS, FOpD PROCE.SSORS *-*~**'-""*-~~ ANI)'.l)lSlRIBUTORS


HOW YOUW!ll ilENOTlflED m.A.tlUCLEAn E.ME!lGEtlCY PROTtCtlNG HIE FOOD SUPPLY OUillt!GA NUClEAll EMntGEN(Y 1hti Slate of Mithknn l'lill eva!uat~ th!! si.!rioui.llN$ of ;i nudemicddmt II Will ordef . Foi!owing aoud.;1r emi!rg;mcy, the ~bll< rould be a:po1t<\ to l"JdiCfflh*e material

ittlons to i:roted itw p.i!:1k an<! \he food ii.ipply. . *. . **: ** **. . in ii!verafwa:,,;,.At first partltl?~ md g.a;i:it r.1'lmd lnro !iw aln,;ttld tit. tngE:rtoo
. ~ i[YotiltttWlthln lO~lles oflhl! Cook NIK~;lr Plant;your fu~warringrN)i                                        ,;,r~\e,,:f df~}1\ Additktli!i!.ip:it~;Wd~.i~II fry;rm ~'::ll'.l',l ,;,r drmYiogfood C1 b-? th!isounding ol ~m.;tg~ncy slre-ru .. If Yo*l l\.~ar a iin1~fu1 thrw to fr:atn{nUlet,                 mllk,mnt11;11~atro ~ l~<et d nd~c.iv.:: matemt ~tm;rs, fooo ~.?~ors and tunt> to a radio or TV staticn tirted on p;19e 1S !ctr 1.rnl!rt1enc;lrnorrnaoon.                           dirtnoolix!":11( tak~;n*p\to ptt>!<<t th* .f~<.l SlJllply. £~ 1w,,wm be
 *      .           .     .* .             . ; . .. . . *. . . ~. . .. : .. **                                     t3k!i!lut111l!\rm1~!i0f,Vl)lO.COntarorna!r;;1c!)!1,r;,,rn1tl\h1~p.,gHndlh!ii1<.f(lt,1k!am II"  If ywllvefanherthan 1om1tu rrom the pl,1nt,1w wmbenotfil!ltl.l1)*im .                                   ,mmiopi*i thefo,:i<l i'tµjfy ;~ \he i;:,"intd.iriudxre~ency                                  **

ii<froantl1Vt1atiom1s~pagiitS).Then&i<sr~ttwi!ll!ityolikiv.rulty;wneij.a * . .  :. . * . ' * * * .. to takeprot~ctive ittion. or a Gooperallv,i E1temion S<<nce ofikiah,111 fonti!CL SAMPL!:S W!Ll,BHOtl[CTTOiOUH!'!tM1NE PltOTECTIV!i JICT!Olt ynu, Pliiasl! follow the emnrgerii:y in11ruct1ons !)9hl a*,ia:,,. In th<! 1n'l!nt of M1 aeddi/ntal r.!1m,1 of rwi~e mfo,ooLSbte of Michigan i> If voo have quertlons about a re;il.or pot@ntial emergl!ilcy,pll!a3e<:oiltact thl! ~mtrge.t!l:.ywor~ \\flld~tlt<mi~ \'-~t pioiil';:tlv1estepn'vuwill m<<l fo iil:e, Mkh*g1n D1Jpo!lm!!n¢,ol Jl.?r..:uttme and Rur11l Dl!'~ent at * .Erri;:rg?'!q worr~wil! coUs.x:t Hmi;!l(iof alt, w~:et ttrd wil to .iM wh!!thi< l)*ero h ro,., ;;r.39 31,, After 00111, ct!I 51,1.,31:i,.04,w,

  • 1111:lmactM! tcmhmtnatrm, wMt'1' rt 11 !c<:,1!td M'rd loo ~mw!lt $.arr,pi,;; cl m,tt, f,;,-a?f,
                           *       .         . .                   .                                               cropsantl pw<<!:Sled ioodsaho ma)'~ tl~nJ0':1a!d datum:! cd1,ar fmcrs.V/iU he u,e,;J WHAT      ro 00 lfYO\J All( TOlD TO Sf.tK SIHUEn                        ..    . ..         .,                . by 1tm Jtatl! to di!twnirr'!! th!! i;..:,rt <:ilum:i cl a-:fron to prct*:-:t lM! public and thfi lo:x!

Ourlr,g.a nucleat!!merg.eiv:y,it h \'er/ import1~t tcd,mii y0urof!!OO<lf admtws urllCh

  • iu~pr, .
   <11 p::,n\bl!! .. P~as;; <<~ruidron and Wk!11fu;; m1truc1kinspro,"lood in r.dto.tmll\                           .Sil,.'llples f!tl)'b;! tabn(tornll filraw,1yas;.omi!§s from!h.;p!lht ,ite.Stneoi nwmge.s isw Pi.\l& 1*J. .                       .*         .          .
  • Mkhigm i,merg11.11cy \,*ixl;J;n ....~n 91m farm en, food proc;in1Xn!'ld !!llltibll!oo ou\lid~

WHATTO 0-0 IF);OU Mli' O!lDEnEO TO E\IAC \JJ\TE YOUllFARM . . of Iha 1O*milCHadii./it:rl thli (ook t1u:1mi1 P1a:iu~dl1dti.ilructiont (ll'1 !;i:r;ito toll.ct

    !I )~U r,,'e 1vithit1 10 mik*s cl the (ocl; Nucleiir Pl111t, )IOU may t,.; tckl to !!>'30Jate,                 .and te1t s;irrtplt>$,
   'itiu mJ'ibe pe-mll!ed, ti<:!lom fro tit lh<.'sbl P. to reen!~r lht en~t~ ~t~ .                 .*
  • SI\MµU:t Ar!E. !3E!HG TAX:£11 flOW'ro Gl\f\S U.S Atl',\SttiNf tl!!f,poratit; to t...oa fa tl!t n~, cl yoor farm, Y~u ,~111 rll<cl'v.e inrlrucoom 00 wtial lladioactm! rrutafalli o::aJt naturally in th'! 1m0ronm'Mtl. So lr.dhna Mir.lll~an P0t1~
    ~lt!llt)Ul<:}Saf~typ~'l)lPM~!!ddecoolaffi\111!t!°npr~,.;dum. .                                            * .arn:1Stiil!!'o1Mit!iig,menwiwmcywori;imcoo!muj!l<ttll1!~ll\r,li't cl!m.air,waW, .;.*

1 1qur<=;oc*peratl111! &.1!!11.tmn S,;rv10,agimta1n p1m 1dt> amn~I h11allh antll'1'!ding *.mll~v,;getit'.ior>::1ndan.lml!Jfifi111~¥ths (oo~Nutli!ar Pl~nLTht1 give; tlifiTl*a*naturnt"* *

  • guldtltMs * ... t1rn1fine for comparisc,t\ in the l!IIMI of a 111X.\m l!m,mjtnc;*.
  • HOV.' CAN i\ mitl~J\fi EMHl<iFiicY Cl)f'4li\MINATE f{fl,)Dt HfXW TO P!N:i1tcrtoU1U¥A1TJl SlJJlf\tV itt AN\.i"ttEJ\ri. EMHlGENCY Durir,g .ar.oc,m fflll!',!1!11tY, d\lit,si.ted. radio;ctr.,emall>rbh un fillano fmiti. , .S!me aSmikhw:ittr~.n,,,_t Cl!n fo.ry;;.,11 !h;.-;1tocl Co\NH Oic'?l>Wil!l, tat11:tand t.~her w,;;11t11b1i}iO'tgralm, lhh 1,:,.-.;l W\lt,d~1e1 th~ food ;1rpi}l)'Jnd b.;Niten b}'tlw P,Jtlr:. rtorngli!m'IMifu'lr,:Cldt!! o!ithe lnt\!!wit!rom ronfornin.1,;,J ~ 1m;.;m,crdst;;m1: j.

Forei:uhpt~,Cowscotrldi!ai 9rm covei'Mv1ilh radto;iclh'!!looine*lll, Joo; i.lf th;i *1n 1m1,:;rat<MirOOJ wefinmJwafarh;;;lmshouk! ~i:afu tou,!'. .**

  . iodfnr,cootd ~p.;5s!idH1ioogh lo th:imlltand th'!~ to p.,ijptewh~dm\}, ll bliM*ll I . Radioactive cooiamm.ai1tdt1X)$ilalnn th, gimmdusiH11ywi1\ tr:w.! '.~.rpk:a,!r .*
. Ql$ I~' !)l)trnlli! \PCC<<:!!ntr.i& ln I~ hU!'I\Ml lh;ffldg\an~ Whsrt rt. f.OU!d QUt~                            .ll\iotfw !oil. I! pJfll.iminantt fan oi!to tw.1ul1at,/d lak~s ;md t\wrr, th!! rndiwrth'li th,rokl talltm'.                                                                                                mJ!@rhts mayg~tmtom~ gfui.!ndw.iter ,uppfi;;,1. ftt.k'i'.1 ju1ta rew tio\m funtrmms and 13kl'rti.rnrr,* the o:im~minfotunari:,' ~11~1;                     ..                      .
  • GEP ReV40

Page 189 of 220 HbW TO PROTECT YOllll UVE:STOO< Oil POUUHY Iii Ar.i.lCLEJ\!t EMEllGENCY ,VHO PAY'> fl:Hl LO:Sl O!l Ol:ST1\0Y£D FARM PllOO\JCT 5l iru, lim priority ii {1l: p1ot1,ctdalry,ahlnmh ~llletw~ciiw materl1ls cut 'qllli:kfy Fann,m; Ioctl riiocei1on ;,001:!l!trlliut,;i{, coul:! f.\.:1!' 1erloui fln:ancl3noiHi rcnowin,; enter th~ foo:i chiltl !hrough milk arid olMr dJlry p!'Odu...'11. If il'l'.!flerin-~ ls r11qulred. a m.icll!Jr emaz.r~eoq, \Jnoor f~rai faw, )'O'J wl11 b! rc-imbum*:! fur Jrrt ,::,; lh1m1 hil~1.

                               ;h.!ler )'?\I! d.ilrt anfmals lint.                                                                                                         TheP!ic?-~n;oil Act.. eriac!'Kl b>t Crogren fn 1957,til<..uim the operal,;:,rs of nud~ur
                               ;he!tl'! liw11tc,d: in <-0,'l!rad barn! Ci <;h;id1 \.'l'l~!S tr.i \\~l\hl?t h e:(tfl!me!)' hot Of otlil!r                                   pctW'd/ pllihl.t aiida<1t.i11 oih,er nw:16arfatlfrti~! tl, puicltt!~ nudear fiabi,litf irsUril!!Cll fa~ ma!G; 1h1t~ot1in9 imp;,ssibl@, Pro\'ltlE' yc*;r anrmau vmh .miredfe.;d soJt'.h ai my,                                                 .policies for Im prot£di;;Jn cf tlw pubk ru" l'l\1Uh. r,;.fault inrurnric,e p,:idi min pl.a,c,e frl.ig'.' and'1<dgrai!'I. Villemver po.uibi!', d~,v w;jte-r for:;our anil'l'\/lh irtim a wen.                                         lo pl)' dnitm promp1!y wttt'rmrt lengthy rou:t hearingf.Ckiimaots nM<l on)'..i ~

A.,*olil mfng wAttr fh:iirt pooo~. r11~n: .1nd cro:!~.TNs "ill h!lp 10* minimb:il th~ arm,ynt makme lnjurv er iJropgrtY d.wmge rnwhed from .\t,11' nutle;ir~msrgenq, Comm;rt!~ rt radioadi'I!! ma!!l'rit!l lngeitt..:I by'.i'Jl.l( i11fmJI$. lniuranc~ pohch:s ~xdutl~ to'!ll'fal},l lt>r mli:!aat emerg;;.nciei M:alll~ l{'lt Mte* AJ;,1, m.l\es w\"'!r.gE> utiiecenary. Poultry ar11 mote 1eiimn1 fo udioacth'I! tcnlaminatiiln than oth;!datrn anktiarsJ<i!<!p them in your tndos'i?d f.ciHty and continu!l toif~'!! lhem!!or!1<1 r<<..:fandwl'!llwat&!. WHAT TO DU WITK rooo ANO P!lODVCU CO!H Af,llfiATED lf 'tour ptili!uy ;r"' ncrm~lly k;pt outdoor.dir1ng tfl.em inside ifpouible. E'ggm;U$ 1H l\ N\JCi.1:t11l EMt!lG,ENO' pro\*>~ mtural piol~dlon from tcntamihatiM. G;;n!:'1111>', ~mi!\ !>Ii! t!foweat iiftl?f Crops 111 tM lht 1h~n1 We *tr.nrn<l w =C'i'<' 1Utfare cmuminatioo. Lm: ','Out 1tilooingtrops gtowto rnaturil)., 11le f-l'wltf radiation e~p:i1umlh1?tWitt roceiloe ~!;c,,Jh:J not affKt t!wlr orO'Nth:Mort contaminants wUl be wa ihed o:lfln the

                                 .IMPORf/\Pm 0~ not ~Jt+tiy ;.,,: ilhi~I~ ~~ilp's, mllli &~ fe(l<i.suppl~,,,                                                                rain. Or. over litni!, tll?-crcpiwiil return to s.afGfay,,ls .1 tll!!ygrow. tf ,;:w.fa! hi!l"r;ii\ing lin~ss.dITTi:cted by iuthciitU~ to do so.*
  • proc..."<lurnure mq-JITT!<!. your():,::,pi!ra;ive h\\'/J\t\i:,n £.!*~;ig,ml 1,il!i;iw1 you inrtruct!oot.
                                                                                                                                                                            !fools *Ml tuber<

00 t(QT 0.,tllQYYOVA MIIMAIS f\:ltatl:!"4 am:;u and phr!! trot rnJl!m, *inde: lt1'i! gllllind 9B.1ec*illt art ;atE 10 r"t lx:~tr,:y your ahlm..b onrv if you gei orders from 1ta!G or fooml au(httfifui. Do n01 Mal<l! vJrn tothr.iii:itghly wa;h ,n,d fl(!t.,1 til>elk prodw::Kto rnm\'l'i"! w1t p.rirdei ;;rid daugh!er any a:1lmll! ,;mipt for imm!!dl~I<! food m!C'dl. G'lneral!/, !rima!s that are mnlaminant..

                                ;;xpi:mm to radk>aclivQ contaminantt and raoi,mtlve ra irrr1ai~r will rnnin.-. Many will                                                    l"tulu nnd 'ff!J*l*blH In Ike field ll!! ri1..,1t!!ta!JI!! and ,a!e for humani to eatAlovf!!V111, da 001 ~!km an,imh (o gnmi In                                                 \Jnprotect!!rl plants n'IJ'/ h;;\"1 partides cf radk\mh'I'! tomJmi11Mlc,; on tl\jj,r surfao;;,
                                ~n fi,:,kl~ uni~,; tiw Statt' d Michigan, yoor Cooperatiw b:!!l'niien s~*,k;, ag:ent 0t                                                    .Selero !!a ting th~vrash tb.o.!!Jl,gh\t. Th"n bmih,, l(f\Jh or p;ir.i :re 01J!<1r BY!!~. Some aml!w., gm'!!rnmiml ofiidal 9iw.1 ybU pNnfaion.                                                                                             l~fy v~iall!i!s mat!:<. taii.rn aft<:!h'i::*if. n,111-0\1! thQ ¢<Jt;,,r 1.,nus.

WHAT1D tiO ff N'fO IS RAOiOACTIVHY COtlTAM!!H\HiD lf,t,crcri.>psdonot 0~10~ harv1?St~d im1nN:fntely, IN\"! 1hm11n th?f1~ld or en !he Or.!t in 1?,tmnl' Q!lm(lJ~rxi~1 m1v yoo rm ryror li'>'l:'ttock rnntaminatnd grnin "1 ti!Hi*1.~ r!Y:*Jld~abl~tooo h,m*estecd-0ntettH.1r arm h dc..:fare<J hoy. lfyoumurt ut!! !h-.contlmlnatedf!'f<l, you may b!! ahli!tomdu,:p th,e lev~lctl

                                ,oomamlnatlon. f6r 1,,fampll!, if ihli! fMd it slored 01t1id,1 the contamiruition rm1 Yoi.l !nay  rne   '>011W PP, fruits ~nd \~g!!tabies to! poilig,:., Cor.t:amioafim, lr*.,~r. in ,'Our am,1 mat Ix; too high for fll!!d 1\,:>!l\er. \o har.*e.t\' your crop in a limEly irnnnm, i'nu 1\1,i bf? grnm,t at cr nrt;ir thuurfacr of !hi! r<'l!(f pile. You maybi! ~bl,:, lo IB!m:e t!w                                                     ~ t<'lmburied for crop lt1'S.v.!L ilintimfr13tlon ll!Y.-f tl;?T1ttita11tty bv rimovil'lg the top p<Jrtlon.

J.lon.-, imd "1"1' prodvctl P.::i mt dilP:lSI! oi <<nHminatc'<l fE!!d oi h,w 1Jt1f*m ipo11Jge hai made it iru!tllbl'-' Fc.fla..,'ing a nud{'at'l!tmrg&nt;/. S.1~tH*f h1khig1r, fffi<.'tg~myw:.1tl1rt will o~d !ota\e. Ge11'.!rn!!r, .:ontamln:i1!l<l pro-:loormaY ~ r1lvag;1al:1l! art:et ad<<1wte tlm1l' p:a1~ and i;implei ailJ aro!i't\i hon~)/ Nld b?i!l\iVes. ln tho P!llt!!(il\,1 ,',ctjcil t,ru1. Corrt,tt your they ,r1? pcp-,.rry !)lo:;,ssed; Plerni lri!-ep f!!<!<l ;upplil'! !J?par.1e!rom (ooper.!ivl:! bt~ru!cn Ser/kl? *l\J&11l for guidilnc,;, cthli!r fwd 10 thHootamiivlfic,n d::i,;1 not !ptead, 'tom Coop!!!'!tiv<1 E.1.1;;,micn SH,k!! L>J;1!n t cm p1ov1 d!l 1W with iJ:)'K:ffit:: lnf,::mutroo. 18 Appendix D CEP Rev 40 "-**** "'"'""""..,.*> .,...,. *'A"**.**-**-"" *..:- .:*:.,,_;,_.* ,.~., .' "*':" ... :'-*.,*. ..M. *~*<*"-'.. ~,.;.._ ~~.--.,, 0 ~~"'** ,.:;,.,/~.

                     ,*...            '                                         *.,         '                      :':,
 <Nor1ct :ro,FARM£Rs, Fooo PROcEssoRs ANotj1srmao1bastm<<iNufo ;*
          '   ,, *   * **  : ,. *'  :   , * ' ' * "    '    : **   ,  " .. '  ..    ,.    *      '"   * ,      ... ,: ..     ' -   -.,    '.. > ~ ** *  ..  ,   ,. ........         *   *   ~  *     ..,.

In 1%, 5/l\'IH<? situal.r.m1, floor mips mayl:x! plantoo imtud l'J!lrult~aru:h02getab!e; .

                                                                                                                                               .. Oe9p pJO'fllng tn.rJb;;u?!d to IP-eptheradfomi.11 t:-0<nt.1mfrn11ts bi!!ow llm rootzor-!!
                                                                                                                                                   *uiitil tri.e 1adla,e1l'ril')' dl!ci:h to safo lfv11fi ov?r Um!! Llminq m.y alio l"J u*k! fo limit
  • tltl!ab$t!t11tloo¢<1l>!tilkmlr.:oittlveru!!fflmtsb'i'crop,s. * * * * . *. '

F~rmp<l><fl!".ll. , , ,, : , '., .. Y ... *

                                                                                                                                               .. Fnmen im!l recJve guid~h~ f~'.11 t]'\~ llri~£-d Stat!!S L\?pamr.!!n( of Agtfr:Jture\ .,*.

II riililoaittie partk~t<< material am pres.;int in 13rgt' amo\lnh. )'OU inwbe ar.M,~. *, Natura! R!lrourcei Coh11,r:va.frm,s.Jif~*lro, on l'.:iw ~ 11?1tm.1H*.iluable roll. 10 p11>:li.<i:lh<1? we: * " mt lo, u;e,e;toi sEll, prajlK'.~or animal pm:iuct~un!l,[!'3mp!etafl'! takeil,and ' amlyzoo: St!.l'l! of MkliQa(ll!mi!igeri,y V/Qfb.!l'S wilt mnditci the 3.1mp!e lmtsanil '\VHA1 ,SHOUlii i:'o6ti PROCS~!iORS ~* mmm umns 00

  *arn!yslt P!e21P.-!olklyithef{titd~s lo protKtl~ put:lk's .ind yoonate))\
  • IH fl HlJCUA!l E~£!tGtNCY1 , '. ** . . . * . *....*.*.* . \'

Milk .. .. . . . , . . ... . . , ':tftei:11Jru~lear.em~m:7,gtw~mtrt~rilt>ffidahmaym1iricttlwm:>11~me',:il6/'

 . Milk'miltam,L-,,,,w. lei~s r;i( iodin~-131 Ola,'~ tOOWrt~ to P'7                            .. Nda'td..   * . ,m11k ot\ ,, : '~ntam.roaterl f~d:R~tii.# 1:1r..vinhl]l)I                                                          ourl:e!ph'c,a.1baap!Oiluctt d1.tesit 'hiro it 1,~\i& it~ied until lli! 1>:ldthe'~ radiOJctivffy tlimlnllhlls lci safe la1'l!!s. It
  • iliool(f be refe~liiid u~ul \ .. . not .tonwmptlon et ii d\'.!tilioo Th m~yallobe1J~iriariim1I~. ** . . . , .. . . . . .. },~ . ~'Jf~~rt?tii1.1.mlr,uct~u:~.:'

W!l~~a'.ld~sti~ \ * * , . , .**.** , , ,:'\;* is: ,:hi:>WI . . . . prtxloct;, * ** , ;* **

    *,\fl11i ;i ll!Kln.i1 ~E,itfoi;ify. wild g.i\'l\f! suet\ ai d~r. rabhl1/i<iuiti'1'\ ph?.1;Ant a/id                                           .* :'1he.¢rn.ircmjv1:?ri\hli;iiiifiJg<i cai.i~tl tfy ariot!ear ri!..<!i*.lll.rTI!); bi! iwt0li:.~: Steps can .
  *paitiii.lg~may~J.tfoodao.iwdtNcootatiiln.itl!<lwltniatJio!fcthinpilrticws.Slit!ea                                                                 beta.\.!i!lltdmaksafoOt~0'(2fY. * '*"'                                                     *. *.          ,'        .
     \~li:higan ~eig~jiy Workl'fl may iidvi:;!! you ootto eat ~ti!d gnmi unt!tit hat oom,
     ;amp!~ and ailii$ii:d lo i:~ ~fe' Wild !l<fib~ pbnls, iixh :;i} rutiY!i! Mi!>,;; muihi;ooou;.
 'oari:!.fior,igi~nl;.lp!lfmin:, ~Pi:1rmlniorwinter9m!!,:t/narhl*~p-rtlcl~sof ,, .                                                                         . I-Or. mor0 ll1formatlon~ Conta<:t: **

root1imina~oooo1htlr.1urfacc,1, too. ~o:e eating.~ mieJt:.'i.*M!\ b!mh;rpul!or *

     ~iti.m{nimi:~rnn~miniltm '                                      ' ' ,' '                                     ,,             '                                           MSU-1ltJUtlW
                                                                                                                                                                         ,* *9~~f2b coo~/~~;.<.      ~~PtliAmf ~WSIO~ ~IMC.*

ii'ow JotiN Will.TH Rl\OIOJ\Cl!VJTY II EACH SAFE lt\'US? US? ll~la11da!e l!(l;.il :,** Jh~ Sf.~ ffliil ratlft\,~diviht!imh'il!h~~ dliipends Cll So!iw,r~l lh!ft1l Inert !)alE$ ~kM?!d S~tah Harlxl!,M! 49011: ,' ' rrorn a nlitlec.rp;i-..,i,r~ot kise tlwlt ~u.lbacwitvwithin mlliutei 'MndorooVi,t rain:

                                                                                                                                                                        ,* llttnv!1111ue.anr.msu.('(,j\)fcotiritw1rf.o.'Emrim.

ll!~il \o,il!p~\!ll t~*itllyve ,~~le~I [rb~ fi!anti'lffY~ktlMn ~roo,~ti!~ h~~" ,t,' l~f'J ram G!il?l' ,& 1n1dnt t'l!lffg~IX)' O!dY!plash COl\µrntnat~ l!lllO!llO plant 5\lffatllS,

                                                                                                                                                                              '.' ~,*'.>'\';*'   !'. '_c*;:,'\.':*~::},~ *...:"'.':>", ',* --,,,

1hfs wiUincrw'e ib~ amciunt o!.niiJidac lh'!! matetial bi\ !oW:stiloor!'l;l µ~nls ,* itmr.n;t~s d~n~1: ** ni;sronE corrl'I\Ml~AtEh soilSf , .


ff you h~v~ quastiontabout a malor ern(iarg~ncy, you may also contact fllq Michigan

,*.* '.flitri: aie,sev~afoepi !halo , illk-en lo mitore s&Ui com~,rnfn.;tw ioadtJC.l!!ai                                                                       tMPJirtmentof Atl~!ture~nd Rural tMvetopfTl(!ntl *
    ,~mergl!ncy. One i;m:llilll me the 1oi! for apeiiod of tim~Jil.~.                                                ~ttiJtlor\.

IYEa,ily mitamirmllKiioll may n~ tu bi:! mrill:Noo '

  • MiclllGA~ PEPAll'~NToft ~/;mc1.iuunii
                                                                                                                                                                            . ANll RURALOM~OPMOO .*<

wasletl[~p~lfad&ty,SIJchdrastk~tlcmrna)'na!be ', '* . * *. ** .... *.* ml)' l'i!; litet!iot J!Ml pltitidfa/~ll ~l.itha1 ,v.iitwmn1:1arbi1lJtflng~wtwrli>p/ltlp!ei:om11 in'

 ,* .cb~~ c'oritm wlthlt. *                                                                         *        **                       *

. . *.ti=::::=:...7u:~**

      'iw :...iiu~o:ritic llbtoJt1.iiot Kl ~ '

11\a'.J!floin\Otjdli~'il~liti pi,;.,( i

  • il~cy.* i *.*
     *i1.vwiw~r..,,., <<!li>M1to>iiiln111
     .. . . . . . ;;,' 1:11*
                                                                   ,, ::: ,. ?,/: . .***",,
                                                              #i.\!J & \&A4bd; [ ¥ii£ ;i@fi.; Ji M     Ai i       .
                                                                                                       . *.ll;@Q

Page 192 of 220 CU! *ln~,Llh.,:!ll1ht>:!lino. _  :::r',; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ r-------------- - I Read this inlonnation before signing the Kl voucher. I 2017 *2018 Potassium Iodide {Kl) Voucher Slt,inlng th; 1*omilm moans I.hat you agrne to arid undorshmd tht fo!!owingr 01* u,ni*,1 t!'l!lcn, 1a;r!'e t!Ull tl.7t!'<ellitt'.',; (f ltt'mrnttrn pm'l<<':! a-11 !/la\ Lt,nblal';i,g.1q !tr

                                                                                                                     ;w~ 11110 h'! 01 ill':-,; 1'1tt'.h,;: ml ~sol tta Cool:!IU!fl!:,O-:'l;rt I UNDEFISTANO THAT:                                                                                                   Pl.EASE COMPLETE SECTIOH 1 OR 2
  • !U t; nn trill'-!::'$ ctr.:nter. oon ~rrlrt!!slt! ang.
  • IQ It b fl(' l:i\£!A ttl)' wmn aGenmi1 !l!'Jif'?!l!:'f ll1S ooin o-ictim:i ill !ne ClJt!t t10011Z !'!rt t. llIQ!fESTl!lt'i 11 fO!! IIOlM'!OlD OSl
  • Id u tmr a ir.t~ul! 1:,- e-111:uati)<'l or1h!l1artng-1-,pla:e, 11111 rut,:;v, tt 1mln!r'!tlns 1l! NIJY\ll'l"q olk\lli. 1,;\.MI:
  • Kl antf Jrolecl$ tM ln1TT1d gt:ln!! ftr.m rlllloi>:U.'1 l~j~- It tl0!>1 no! ;t'Dle:i 'N resl ot 1111! N<<iy.

10 anuelar JX'.ffl' plln\ ~ml"',J!<<V, ttmm ro.ilu ti? lm:lllll MSI:! 1mm ufhl!! rumn tll nn!h!!un. SBUlAl01!fr ' Nitou;rt ll'.\lnjl fj f:1 lllUl!IJ ,n. It el!l ClUlP, ~*Pm t1 ,'ln;tP. '11110 lt!Vi! !nfro\3 CIWWJ (l]l m: or~ a!ellJlt 01£>~ l'!oµie !l<'>l hm! oell'llllll131'i!rJ.'!L'lor.t3 er trj'l!t>!Om!f!!mE'l"Emir urtl:sn:il *mo-Jltts (liUV!ih illll \!!l7 rnr~ wn dt;;>a<.l"l. !hlUl:J nol t:JKI! 10 wnrm m:tta'!J"1 (i:t!Sfi: f,!Jhf:l lo!tl!!ro:ct!lr. I AGREE TttAT: N.l!Btrn nwu lrn~rn nns u:or.:Sx

  • r ~tr tolt" 11111n,tue11ins to w.- to wo p:t!s!Jum r,:,n,e (Kl) >Gfi~!H!F1Jl~ATftl!ADCGLl5:
  • i 11tr W!! hi pinlm11:y tmrlr~ trom !II robllly_ cwm.. ocrts t\" ~~ns rm::~>> trf? uw,
   !l!!'h'lll'f. r:iun~g ruiu pl:1:ir,tni ct Kl
l. Rf.Qllilllll' IHOIIIUSl!IBS ~

Mt!1! agr&!lmwnls for busin!}.!!SllS

  • I f"'1l s; mpm!in! k'll btnl')e,;!.'mtlluUun n:imed en tt1e 1110:tmr. 1/,l>IIO!DlliNl~
  • lhll ouinsm-,trtur.on \1111 pro1~oe m1or.nll!on en ~o!.lng wa m!'-frnJ i:,:lllr:ll"lllccl!urn In nht1t>i!l)l!!'l!tll!"'ls prton,, Ulltrl:u!lng ~I. 1N01M'>:u 1111 non 1h11 tJITTntll:n tn E3Cll bot (f.l{llif\llJw cl rJ an: to me WHHS Wltm!! al Wft'II rrtcttgnn cpilXLt 5f111l Artm11:

To q*12Hfy to recsJvo Kl labl~ls for yom llous~hold 1Jrl.JUsine1:,, y!l'll must:

  • Um ,r 1"1lrn lllt~ln to 11'11!11 d N C(,'.Jt lb:l!m r..'IDL (ll'I: /Jr:
*   ~    lfi \'llin CHl~tl'                                                                                           CCIJklY:                                                                    fH:M,l
  • f"IB'IB1!J gl!'ll?mire:,H1!lm tMlu O.
                                                                                                                      /Ult!, tf [N?\lJ:l!J;,lllE\1lt'llill(\Th'\.1L'i1Hi 1:*l ,IDilifli:

S1UilTlJR£: tlliffi Participating Phannacles lDU NAY P11:1 IP 'l'QIJI ~ TNll.EJS AT 1HEFULlOW1NG PMIWAl& ,011aw OlT! D5Hl&!r. lCT "- {JI~:

  • Meta' 1920 Pfpestone Rd" Denltm lfabol; Ml PHUWCT
  • Meler t'i019 Rl:d Jvmw Hwy., Ml R.IMI:: PlllltlUCT f:
  • Mefier Ph! 5160 S. Franklin SL, MlchJgm Dly, It (ITT;
  • 11$ 1223 Ptnllfllx St., South Hmn, Ill
                                                                                                               \.. -     -- ._,, -  -    -   -  -   -  -   -   -    """' ,_,., -   - -  -   -  ;;J.._-- *- """ -   -  -* -   -    ,_ -  -

C\Jl ,lotlgt!,oi.,ho:<!lin"'  ; Appendix D CEP Rev 40


  *. Eroe1~~c;.sll1tstlorubften~tch~op!-?d'f~ari+/-Agoodi"Wklslaysaf@lun , .

EMERGENCY tNFORMATIO~ emerg.encyh tiJ.kricw "hat to do.ahe,d oltirrie. H<ifl! an;,li~~~ ybuon !al:i!howfo Ut"tall llh? phomriumoor:; .rid !i'lllrul)i?oty itifmmt11:myou'ln rni!mb,;niycur. ma~.e 1ura )'1:lll,)'01.damily and ,vour t:a.worWtr! are.ptep.tred to lfa~ arw:ir111etgl!l!t)', * .htiinll'h,ok!/Jf tkltm,;!.$ mai ~ lr\ a piiinQfial 'lffii\!7"m:;y; Ptas;i in.:llid~ ham~s 1;Mer you read this Emergl!llcy.lriforinatlon Cafornlar1 pwase share It ~it yow, aild iiumoori !cr v:ur: fsmll); t~km;1hei1 di!Ji,fJy iiWpf!e )'QJ CHI findit'q11~!}' wllrn )'OU~ lt. Do<:tori ....*. Sl!erifr.

1. Kl!l!p the foll awl rig Items together 1(1 a~fe, HSY*ti).get,to plati!l

_ Emei,lenl:y calh c Ch!ldooo\ M'.!\lpplle:1 w Important pa;.'i'r~ c ~binarus Cre<!il cards

      . / Jidllt                       c Portab~radlo                     Penonal ld,;nt1fkat1on I                                             C EitrH.,,,ttt>riel         . G. Pot.11siumi6dlde tKll l                                             C'. Flashlight                    J! obtatne'.!'ii!'advan,:;11 3, M11'kli al151 of personal lns\nlctlons that )'OlJ,y,JllrfomilY,or CO*Y,\lfkers ;.'4Jl oo,;dto followfn :\i1 ~mtig\'!ntyJ(o!!i!paliltc:4 supp!\;l1 )coilmay11Rilwtth lh!lns~bos.

irxlw.J2 on wunupp!y !!st the il@ms \n ttep i alxl'ii! and I~ l!'ladntloMupp{l!i!, NAM£ OF PE!lSOtl Qfl SEllYlCE

          !lm,doopage I&.                                                                               *              *
  • I 4. ~ your vehld!! In good running i:itdfl, Fill yoor git tari\:\\itt!M,',if lt gels t>?\Cfllt
          !i.;,ll,lfyoo donothavu caiordo n:>t haw Y.>l!lllOO!>, to      drh'l?touro    31\ l)(ll<.'ljj<!ncy;
  • tlerrlt/i ei,;~nty tm""9C~.Sffllt~ ti\ 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             . .

lill .&ut th!! F11nciforul NM:il arif cin paQi'l Is and Ir.. 11\all the card rtghl'.1.vray,You *.:G:::;;"°:.:";.:.N:="c:::tlo;::.;""=,.;.""::.:bl:::.:*:.:.d:.::n.:19"'::.:*tz:..<.=U:::.:nc:c"....:......:.....*.:..*.;:006-;;::;..;}l;=l'-"'3..;;.tO::.:S:-..'--"....:..--'-....;........___....:..= I *:k>Mthr*,<h rlamp, * * *

  • 5, lf ynulmow pooplewhohilYeruncllonal n,eds. fll<lkewretheyn,~111,n a Funcitonal Ne!ids otcl. Thh may !otluile !nJtmi? wilii'vfaloo ct hearing

I: impafrmwlS; ~cal or m~ntlhfaabi'lills's. ono:nooM who meins~ 11'3niimrtf!tion. !lime ht!p room tiU ou1 !lw furlrtr.>Mltf~ ca11hnd ra!Uin it . . . rlijhtJW!)'(IW! pag1;ii tS .ind 16).'o't! iuW mMil>>f1onCtlrl'\"f\~!'llC)'\4!11t toh~p J*Qplt with lum:tional n!:lidi ~t to Jafetv. A1SD. If.)':)u knoi v.imeone who h blihd cr canriol r;,1<lwcll. pie.mi r11~d Uii, F.rnergl!ncy Information Calendar to l,1lrn or.lllir. 1M ltie !p.ll'.:o buiowto .,\3o Us! any i.~i~!ll'.!a!lh rn medical infwruHon that an

                                                                                                                   ~fll!Hl<}'ti;am memb'1f rmy n!!d i,t, f<'mfA* 1lbOUl}'01l, yi:lut family membffl n\m display It where lam\ly C( friends uh 1i11d .I! last.                                               r,i  C0:.1\,:,1},!!rt.

1?:t~~~ta1~:\"" SP!C!Al HE,U.TM NEfOS Oil l'MEllGENCi' mrcnriv,Ti Ort 20 Appendix D CEP Rey 40

r i I Page 195 of 220 FEDERAL RADIOLOGICAL ASS1STAN9E OESCHIPTION Jhii: clocumenf summarizes the :ooE:sra*diological assistar1te 'c~pati"i!itiks that can* be.

         ,provided,tothe>DonaldC. Cook Nuclear Plant (CNP).                                                                                                                              * *
                                         .    '                        .        "          .                                 .              ~        ."

sect,6n 11 ct~s;ribes, typical c;apa@ilities; and *expected rnobiH?:atiory and traye1 timesJor

 **.. sqrne,oftheof:\egion5*ofthe DOE'.~ raq/Rlbgic~I assistance ,program:                                                                                                                  * ** * .       .
 * '6'* . .,.* . ,, ...      ,r,.   ...~     "'            *.   '             :.    >,, .* ..   ?'**         '\~,:,,'* .   *   *., *,:,:: .,  ..,:.*              ' .   .:: :* '

Section I;, describes additionaf DOE c;a~abilities that can be ac_tivated d(;)pendent on the assistance needed and howJUs activated:

             '         :
  • n * * ~ * * ** * .*~ , * ,* ,, ~ : **
                                                                                                                                                        *                              * ** *      *         *
 . ' .~ased pci jfa. exteri~iVe capabHitie5-, the:-Chicago ()peraticins Qffice:(CH) wjll .c1ugment the resoi:Jrcesof.CNP: ;CH typical capabifities and<rnobllization c:irid tr,aveltimes are ba$ed ori .
     . discusp'ioris with the\CH *Regional .(;ootdinating Offige r~presenJ~tive<.on the Begiop .
     . ,'3~di_ologicatA$s1sfanc!3 ,Plan {RE:fererH;:e* 1)( *                                                                                              *      **     * * . * . ,.. ** .** * * . *. *.
      . ttie              rnobiliz~tion* time, which iis defin~d as ttie time required to:                                                                                         ,,:~a  equipment     and initiate travel; i§' usually abou.for;ie h.our:, Travel times in this atlachinehLare specifi~ to to
     . CNP> ¥nd ,perta'in arri\f~I at .somf c,1ppropr;iate lqcatiofi A~ar the; stcition . .These are b~st
        ;estimate t;hobiliiation}in<l travel basedori ii normal sitliafa)Tl . . . \ . / .*.*. .                                                                                                      . .>;    <

Reglon'5'Typical Capabilities and* Mobilization an? Travel *:rirnes:'

     . T.he DOE r~di.ol~rifoaI assisiance:resolihces**are"'dr;;n tr61T1:t11~ rnajor.oof ccmtractor                                                                            1
   . laboratories antj .facilities. Jhe .p~rs9pi)eL ;i[JVe>lved with 'these fesponse .'have routine radiological-related _duties.                                    on*       a dc;iily ;9ash, at:.leading nuclear facilities thereby ensuring not             only continuiriif experience*                               and            trfifoing, but also providing the 'Conditions for keeping equipment operable and calibi~ted. :""                                                                          ' ' .                                                                        '
     * "'fpe:Racfiologicf:11 Assistance ~Plag (RAP1 provides as~istance only, Aithough this is a*

cfed~raf govemf!!ent §lgeri'9y with'hlghly developed e><perti§e, this .agenc;y wjlknot :assume the respqnsibilify. bf ;the" 'l:Jtiiity or Staie' for J>rptettion ;.of th¢ :.hea1t11 **'and... welfare :of .. Michigan citizens and. plant personnei. CNP would request:OOE~RAP assistance only if it was :aetermihed that the plant radiological resources needed augmentation. If r~qqested, ci RAP r~presentative frorn the CH. will report to the _plant/EOF and the CNP in J~RO accident assessment and radiological exposure control function: CH can provide suppottttdCNP toaccompHsh thefoUoWing goals: . i~: .. Alpha; beta, *ga1T1111~ radiation surv~ys

        *; . *Raaiatiortmonjtodng qf ~frjo9a,                                                            waier.. :mrn{anct:personn~l-
  ** ; .; .;;rnma',specfr6met~;~Hili~a;\~~l!cfidej~*~ntirtcatio~ of ai~:Jood;.wJt~r, . mJlk, SOH and.

vegetation ** * ' ** * * **

        .: vAirtooroe *radidigdipe samplil'.lg.,ai]ctanalys1s
           ,                                           '      .   -  . .   ..     " .       '        "' ~:-..                      ..
                                                                                                                                         *ofconcentration~ as]oW.;as5E-ci7 :µGil cc
                                                                                                                                                 .      .   ' :.

Rad.iological 'dohtrol aa\Titet .

  ** *               :Laboratory analysis
"Mobile labo;ato*r;es *,
                                                                                                                                                                                          .                    .

Page 196 of 220

                        .M,J81jdl1;bo~~t9fieEffi6:m RAP :~~~tain ;high, ~!idlow~rang,e:~lpha, .b~ta, c1ni~am~c1
                        .radiation*s.i;irvey* a1pna.:gamma spectrometry analysis equipment
                         §:Mii"Qs1teo ,tirnes. of arrival:f0:f.'t.t,,e.*q~ ;resout9£:?s within,;the. regicm wiltvc1ry d~penctin~ on*
     . . .. . .;wher@ ;the *resources are ciralyb frofiiThe 1                                                                               number of petstkinel ~rid ,:equipment* < . .
      . . . ~~~~~i~;;r~t~}t&l~,rttn~~~~tcphctitiqris arld)be r~9!les\S
  • f~t*~qJji~l~°r!il~ 1&F:J~it~,~lt,h5'h6urassernble
        . **"* 'time of arrivabto CNParea/assum *. a:1,a!f:tfourfo,a
                                                                                                                                              ~~ti~ ~1::;f*l~7JtM~l~~:;.

0 ofmobmzation

                      , time:;'Jt .shOLllci/b~:*notedth~CANL'"t.eain
  • is.*.*~.* majtit team: a9d thereforeJ1as**.~.*1arger
     * . . . *:*:*:}.:i;~l~]i~}i;~%t~[JW~e;q0,~~8gt~i:~~d6{1/lf!b~}!fcf;
           * ***. a,:ialyzei>,J:he.;,otlier teams* 'listed **in. the. table would. complement .this ANL .. resource 0
                                                                                                                                                 ~~tr~t;~s;ii;l ~~1:~J~te 0

0n!i. .

                       'capability<., ,:'*" , *** "'* , * * ,                                                 * ** * * ' *** * * * *. * ,* * *.*          *     * **.*       *
               . W*.,"  a!'fangements
                                          ..      *. *    .     . J;{\~~f y.iill     be made' for,
                                                                                                             ~-:wayicornmunicatjon fJit.°Inf~;i~}i,!hoir~i:~~z;,
                                                                                                                                              'orre  cqiitact  with,  a radiological
                      *1~xp~~                     .. i;,J:jtlone, :c21ll
  • aj~y,,:b¥' IIlape ,l1pip.* theTech,i:iJcal. ~upport Center.,;l:>y, the
                        ~ad!pl . t*f~se~Srr'lt:!11t;t;;oofalin.atgr (RAS3).;:,Ttie:;:I~AC ~ci.uld be abie, ttj . aescrib.e lhe su~p'ectea ra~iofogicatconseqde,:i:ces of. the accidenfana,the resources ?nd assist~nce wtiichmight
                            . * .. J:> .*,* .. "' . *. *.

tie.required ofQc5E RAP:

                                                                    *: .. ,' ..... *. .. . .* ****". .
                                                                                                                           **                     *         *          *            ,
    • Ill. . Ad.ciliti6ha18dkRAFiic~pabii~~~s' So*,,::,'*' V
                       ~P@.cYtii~ed::;irid>*tJO!§tlJe fts0ume31 ¢xist
  • fqr yariolJS. oth~r OPE activities'.. These
                    ' resq,urce~,can)b~; activated ;~nd mdblfiz~d when needed. Jnc;Jude;d i.n. this ,capabl!jty are
                    ':res0Urc?'s31vajlablethropgt'i'outall .the ,ofherD()E. radiol,ogigatassistance regions .as wen
            .. t;.as,             ;to~ ;iesollfes ofth~ ,~Gct~af,,Emergepyy:,$earch :J:e~rrr,,~EST}, /Aerial                                                               Measuring.

System .(~fvJS), and the,;Atinospheric ' Advisory Capability'(ARAC) ..*

                          .            :, .     ' "*., **:: \,,~        .      *~.      ..   .<:;_,,;;-   .  '    .         - -..         - ,            ..
                   , and                equipment                 that are oi~<~~]ii,d,tO';nc1~~~ the aePloymehi irrimecfiately ,required.*

of thbse pefSonnel If the situation)s of major proportion, equi ** erjt1in,thefoll9wing categoriesrnay be needed *and available.

                                  --~             *,    ' ***       *        ?                          '
             * * * * . HE}ftqti"Rt~rn '~riq/fi>(~di1tving ,ai,Ecraft* ~re. equippC;!d *with                                                     gaTT1ma and neutron. detection.
           ,;.>:e'ql!iP., .. ,, **G91TinJa.*sR,ecJr.atilata. is, ,recordect:with, pos,ition informati9n'.derived from
          .*? l: in El ..'. .*. ,.* ... J~dts *;ot se',/,~r~f exp,osur~rrates ; ~nct, principal* )sotope jj.dentitl<.;a,tion:;*on. the
'/'grqurtd,, illfiis'i~*;plot+/-ea\c3s::\sopletMs,qnrnai:is ,or aerial* photographs for iminediatefuse by
           'c'        ::i::: ,p;;.i~ [>~~;~,                                                                 .y/1t15"1a~g.;.f<)rrri~:<c!'irera§' A ~\,/e cii'!tfrei tj~e<ja"lus
                       ~canr:i~r';is 'a'y:ail~ble *for yery 'Se'r'l'siWE:i' t1Jetma1:::mapping, assessmentapplicatioris *. or sirpilar,djagno;;tic. , ** , , . . . .                                                                                            ,                  .. ,
                                                                                                                                                                              . Page 197 of 220
          .Stah!fiard*Hlealth:Phys1cs lnstrdments ..
          .Packages of'st~ndard h,ealth physi~s instr~ments are avai\able with current calibrations.
       * :J;eam .scientistq *s,elest the appropriat~ instruments for ;the predominant isotopes. ATLD ric:1d!:!t' . c1ild, f~~(J, :PU'.:l\~
  • are Jncl'Liqed. /J, vati~ty :of: .a farming 'dosimeters, are carrieid: by
          ,pe~~Onnel '\J}(O[kjn~;clpsetq,,the 'in~ider,1~ site .. A,l~O; i9c;lu~,ed. 3-'re ai,r samplers. portal:>le counUng:,eqiJipme9t.. bciftery *p.gvyer:e,g:'anaJyzers,, and.** source 'handling equjpment Anti:.
     ,. c()ntamiiiation clothing .and breathing*apparatus are also available.                                                                                                  .    .. .*        .
          >  *.,,: 'C       ,;*        '.'.'./('"     :,         "., ::,,*:,    ***:.:' ";, ,*.      ,,~ * *' *,:': ,*   OoO ',~     *.:,,  *:     "i ,* * .. - ,.:.

d0tnrnuri1f ~tiorii *

         .Ah' .. ext~nsive ,\0111~1unicati6ns .* system is deployed* .with . the special *team. A
         ,r,emorapdurri . e>f ':understanding 1betvveen. DOE at. \AT&T assures'rapid.** telephone
  • response .for'fneL'C:qrrirriunicaJitms* *system conne~tion: The. switching hardllv'.are .for** a t.WE)IV~.Iin~ tele,ptione' SY§tem;:im~r~a.ios .for:):1F, andVflf tranSQ1i~:;ions are* installed _in anajrlin~ <;i:lrg'O P9f-ih<acidition,.th~ ~yste:Ql COt?.taih,s a poitab.le. micrqwave S}'.ftem to
     . provi~e. -vid~9,,:,aata, >.:audio,; telephon*~, and* t:ontrql J:;ornmunication ,'be,tw~en a ;field
     . corrinfahd p6st ,and anJricident .site JtJhich may -be up to. :50 miles ~part:;tel~phon~ 'with ;
         'fir:            ti~cl<~p\ .'I~*. the',' .ptlm~r;yj-. long~r <:fistanc~ 60Jnrrit1hi~at1on' systerir.*. o'n:,sc.ene comrriuriication is \:assured witb- VPJF                                                                        rad,io,* repe*aters and pagers. Included in Jhe
        .corrimlJ@ioafidr(ar:ray :ate allthe ;basic supportelemeqts to estalJlish a field command po~F                       .. .                                     . ,                                         . .                                                       -
      -Tflis              includes Jypewi:i_ters, ,telecopie'rs, copy, m,achlnes, ;status .t?oards_; <etc, All. of. the eqyipment<and ,~ystems *described .a:b.ove are p,cicl<aged for ,deployment .wtthin two hours .
       *of; a(request. ;E~istiiig\,aiflift ~gr~ements;between'DQE rJnci tb~ MiJ.ita[Y* Airlift Command:.

as~~re ;rapid,..fe~pors,r:*

     ..body               aircrc:1ff an<:! trucked t~ost         ,of 'the equipipe9t c~n; a l~q ;l?e. :flo\t¢n. on *con\merqiat .wide-the. .final. distance                       a tb .site it'time scf dictates:                               -*.
        **..          . .             ,,*.*              .,;       .      *,**...                                  ,,* .                         , ;                 . .* *,

Badkup Support:.

    . th~te ijire-tJ'iany spebi~lized iysten,s 16c~1Ja. throiJghbut [)OE National Laborntories
      *Wbic;h' ~QJ1a,;be rn~d,e avajjable for specializecLneeds .or '*extreme emergency situations.

l:Me rnern~ers\of tt'l~f.:specic:i'I . Dc:)E, field tearn, .?md_. the .D9.E Headquartfrs E!Tlergenc;y Actfqr( ,(i;'o,c>roinati11g;tTe,am /are prep~fed ito lo6afe >:~pecia) *. ~quiptne{)tf ;artange

     ; *trans~octati¢r) incf J,ogistica,lly. ,si.Jpp~r:f the)equiptr}~flt dh :sife if *.risk                                                                                 to, the public and n.ational' prior/tie~ sorequire;**                                                            .                                        .


   -* :. ..t.Y>>/ <<?./ \,-- .*_ '.(:                                :*>°;* ;*/:i/'.' . _*, "./. :_:                              . . .*           -*\
        }he bR~C: :system. kn::at~d atLLL; .is a. *system for computer* based atmospheric modelin/;rsystJrn. which. is Teal-'titl}e '!lhked fo.-the National Weather Service and the
     .:t;fSA,FJ31obal'Xfy,eather System, Td ins,ure,acctiff,lle.rt1odeling for small areas around a
   **,~xef'§Jte mef~pf:pl_pgic;e3l 1d~tffrom t~et~itE;::is ,re9uir~c!L ptjditip11, *topogn,1phic cl ala is                                               In
  • aadea';for{tne,Jsite\ein,.drons; Many\catcutationar moae1s :a're available: to.the ne1d. team.

' .* 'SourceterrnJim~y'\>e discrete':~exploilon)'; *c'orjfjnu.du(plfume, or patter[ls ifpartic~iat~s .

        ~re1pres,ent: ,§>o/!!WareJs *~v~ilaplefi~ ii,ia~e;;,9os.~ a,~?~s~memts.c1ndto, aocumulate.the,se if
.,* 'th,e':ir~lease is: *contipl;iirig 'O"~r.a ,perigd:,oftime. bR'AC can alsopredict *plume.pat.terns.*.
    . wllich,rn~Y .be :exfrE'fme!y vald'i3~le*;for,evacuation :p'i'annlng, ,loc.ations whereJ1ir irnonitor,hg
        ~hoLltct:b~ f)rnphasii~a; or .planning teleas~s u*ncter
  • limited 'control. Finally, aericil teams -:can continuously. compare ancLupdate ARAC ;data :with actual in-'plunie foeaiu.remen~s fo assist in improving ;Soufoe ierm ~sj\males: ,(;ommunication with ARf';G
     . is via tele,cot:>.i~[- H.i?cau$e ;ofilts Jel~tively; long d~pl9y111e,rit time .oCapproxlmat~l.y>tl~

. ' .,'9oyrs. 1\~AC,cefuld *only *be sy~d ;as a,,backUp ;,to" <>ffsite.~6se projf;1Ction ,calc.ulations done

by :the LJtility,stat¢ ahd:,local agencjes..
            ,.*,.          .:*.,:  .*,            .,:     ;>c ..      . ..,*,::       .       *,     *,,
                                                                                                                                   *       **                                                 * *
                                                                                                        ,Appendix£                                                                 .DEP Rev' 40

P~ge 198 of 220 *. . iherequ~st'f9~;tbe aboveTesources iS:l);lpde t~ *CH * requestthek activation. by calling ;th~ DO_E :Headquarters at the Emergency Operation Center in Germantown, . M~ryland.: , :i : . .* * .;,.:* . ** . _. /?i . , **.. * ** .*.* . . * . . *.*.*-*. . . . iclf°'CHI . .. es}r;esour6es.":6the[than th6~ewithin DOe' 1 RAP; are need~d. CH. would activate e appr:c1Rriate fe~ei;aLagencies withfrr the lnteragency RadiologicaLAsslstanc:e . Pr()gr~m :byj;alling

       '          '   v~~-<> **   - <:'.'/.. ,
                                                ;.the :appropriate
                                                         , '"*    '

or agenqies, difectly,

                                                                                                   * *         *
                                                                                                                  ..      ** * *.* .*
       <CcinJiti; Ohio Monitoririgje~n!is from ttje. above locatiof:iiare *;ayail~ble                                                 assistance: peployrnen~

time js,~ight.18:j'hours or 1loqger,

             ,-6(   . ..   .    ' '" .       '"        '     '
                                                                .      ,/: \       -~:* o< ..

Page 199 Of 220

                                       .* State ofMic:bigan EOC
                                   .: 715DHarris.iDrive.* ' *
                                   .} .6imohdale, Ml48821 517-284.:.3862 .   .
                                 ' ' ~ield     :riarn'.ter1tet '              .
                                 . * * ,Miqhi,9a,n Departme'nt:of l"'ransportatiOn
                                         ,Qdlom? (3arage        .           .
                                     . Red Arrow r1ighw~Y
                                     .*. B'enfon :Harbor, Ml ..
                                 . *
  • 269-840~2811 .

sc'Eoc. . 2100 E~stEmpire Ave. a: ~l2~~tk~~j:* :fy1r ) *

                            .*,soulhwestMlcpigahRegjonaLAirpor( ..
                          *. **.i:~:~~iJ!!Jr~Juency.: ;' and
                           ., 'f:i*eq)3a$~1qper.:itoc.AV!f3AS*
                                                                     ;: '; ....* fuel:c.:


                                *available; :Major,e,nginea:nd repair*capabUity:*
      • .;::;t~ttf:i~,
  .    . Teleplione:~ .
. \ , *!t;:',
 *\t**,Se~i~~~]rf;;%';i  ,cll!~?;:;;:~1:~fk1d f<     JetAfo~Ufvailable; Majobengine and avionics .
                             .* re~ai(capabiUty .

7:oo:,am fo_midni~ht

                                                                          .               ' .:*

Page 200 of220 s00,:M~z*, so:o'.rviflz .



                    ". *.*, \, ~ ,. -~, ::,*:,. ; .
.'ii, * ,, ,,, , "
                                                           . *,_: .* * *"*.*.***[ :,/ ,.\.,:,,; ;-**> <


              , * , <* *~ .*. * :Exit ** -*t60B;* ' '*" ddntinue
                                                            *,        , ** ' :{i,~~$t)'on'f.:294
                                                                                      *",, ::, *( * *
  • 0 ':**:°:,A*<

[l~SO] for 0,6;~ile

                                                                                                                                *   **   *,
      /*y9ntinae {East) :on:1.:s9.1J{~4.fQr:;'~2 :mil~~,.*.
       /\;;; :~;J~;u;tiaii);dr:;:~;~ti;::;~1,1~::                                                                                                              ioEl~beth Ai2Bubha~~*~)tu~r, l.~ft-(\/Vest)* 6nfo *~iiz:~b~tf1.Stre~d6r*% :mu~.t'o*.soO Qirci~Dtive
Mecfi~ai ~acility :Loca'ti:6n ,,i,1:::?Ii *...
  • Lal<e.!a*i;iqi :R~gioiial Medical/@etjt~t
          *S!:Jtjs~p~;':tv1I                                             '.,/\'.;:."' *                 **.iimiJir~:~J~i~~ ,.*
  • Nil,~?l~9dlrnunity .Fiospit~I. '. '31901\1: 'St., Josep!1 Njle~;f\!.l! . . *. . . ,l'Ji!es, Ml
                                                                                                      /{269:683;551'0 ,, {                     <.'


           . Chi¢agc:rQperationstC:>ffice'"ArsgonhedUlnois.
             ~;d;~1o&i~*,*.~~~istaAt'~~~*~**~1~~tjib~§,;:~~g.Gst*2s.:                                                              . ~.~7;3~**':u:s'i*~.Depa~111~n~*of;Eriergy,
                                                                                                                                  . .* .. .. , . .          .    . .            .
                          '      ;<  ,;         .    -**              *_,_,      ,. .        *:c    ,*'    .'.'


Page 201 of 220

  • ArggnriE(Nation'al '.Lab Argonne.

lllinOis .. . . , ,.

                  ,,'?~ :/,               ,~ :?
           'Mobil~   Labor?ttif:t,s;It;r t \
                           *  , ** , * **    ~ ""$'

This number include~:,~ne\~r two DOE personnel to coordinatetbe.Federal raqio!ogical rnonitprlng effort with the t;Jfility and/or state.*'*" '<' . * . . * , . * .

 ** ,This 'includes 30~90 minutes mob1ll~;fion r1me.,based 9frrnotof~~hfole/l~nd tran~pqrtatio'n '
      .under idealweather and traffic conditions. * * * * * * *                      * * * ** *     **    *
         '                                 '             ~~

Pqge 207 of 220 ARGONNE LABORATORY (DOE) The following is a description of resources available from the Department of Energy (sDOE) per the regional implementation of DOE Radiol<>gical Assistance Program (RAP). This description of available r~sources is taken *from the DOE Region V Radiological Assistance Plan. Section Ill, dated January 1984. This description of available resources is consistent with the DOE Letter of Agreement found in Appendix B fo the Donald C. Cook Plan. DOE Region V radiological assistance resources are drawn from the rnajor DOE contractor in laboratories and facilities located the geographical region. The personnel involved with these responses have routine radiological related duties on a daily basis at leading nuclear facilities, thereby, ensuring not only continuing experience and training, but a!so provldin.g .the conditions for keeping state-of-the~art equipment operable and calibrated. It should be noted that Argonne National Laboratories is a major resource and, therefore, has a larger spectrum of monitoring equipment and personnel for emergency response than the other laboratories in the region. DOE .provides assist.ance only. ,Although this is a Federal agency with highly developed expertise, this agency will not assume the responsibility ofthe utility, the State, or local resource group for protection of the health and welfare of the local population and nuclear station personnel. A request for DOE assistance would .be made only if it was concluded that ;Utility and State raqiological resource~ needed augmentation, If requested, a RAP reprE!sentative from DOE Chicago Operations Office (CH) will report to the utility's emergency operations facility (EOF) and/or the State EOG and assist the emergency organization in the accident assessment and radiological exposure .control functions. CH can provide support .to accomplish the following goals: *

  • Alpha, beta, 'and gamma radiation surveys;
  • Radiation monitoring of air, food, water, milk, and personnel;
  • Gamma spectrometry and radionuclide identification of air. food, water, milk, soil, and vegetation samples;
  • Airborne radioiodine sampling and analysis of concentrations as low as 1 E.:os microcuries per cubic centimeter; *
  • Radiological control advice;
  • Laboratory analysis;
  • Mobile laboratories; and
  • Communications Mobile laboratories from CH contain high and low range alpha, beta, and gamma radiation survey equipment as well as sodium iodine scintillation spectrometry analysis equipment.

Estimated times of arrival for the CH resources within the-region will vary depending on where the resources. are drawn from. The number of personnel and equipment dispatched will also vary depending on the accidemt conditions and the nature of the request. The request for any of the DOE .resources listed in this section can be activated by a single incoming telephone call. Once the CH Duty Officerreceives the request for assistance, he. will make the necessary calls to activate the specific .resources .requested, That incoming number is (630) 252-4800 (24 hrs.). AppendixH CEP Rev40

Page 209 of22Q NUCLEAR EMERGENCIES The provisions of the Price~Anderson . Law facilifafe ANI and MAELtJ (the, p()ols) .providing .. prompt assistance to members of the public who mciy 'be adversely affected<Iri the eventa nuclec1r*incidenl wete to oc9ur at an ANlltvlAELlJlNRC indemniftedtacility~This arrang~ment is

      ; intended to aljeviaiEl, the imr:r:iectiate financial burden :which may be incurred by ,members.hfthe public',due, Jor example, t9 evacuation an~irelocati.on ac.tivities. initiated as a consequence of a nuclearoccurrence.:,;'*                     . *..          '   .... * ** .... ' ;          *; . . ' ...           ' ' ,.: ..... ,        :...****        :..

In prpviding emer,g!=.!o:cy assistance to members of;the public, the. pools y11ill promptly dispatct) their representatives!to commence the distribution of e111ergehcya's~ist~riceifunds; *. ' * *. . ! .

                                   .                                                  ,                                   *,
      ~he pqols,'.:emergehcy*assistahce arwngerii~hts contemplatetheJnobilizafion'.a11ddispatcb of emergency claims teams t~ t;firedlydis,pens? ,emergency assistani;:9 *funclsJo affecte,fme,)ilbers; *
       ~~~~                                                                               -                  .
     .Folt°:wiog Qcitificati~,fli6f .a T!Uclear *incide1,1£:pqteQtiaUy invo1¥ing *bogJly injllry', evacu,at!on,of'offsit! .

personnel ,pr damag~ to offsite property,J~e AN! staff:v.Jm alert',2taims ;personnel of.member\ companies. The information provided to us by the insured *Will be utilized fo Tecommend * ' .. appropriate f;mergency response actions. !( the magnitude of the;,incident requlres *jrrimediate,.;. finan~ial assistance~to* members ofot~e geqeral pqpLilation,'pocil. r~presenfC;Itives yJill ,be 'directed;: to esfabiisrr a11 emergency.assistance offig~ at a. convenient lgcahon. *!tis .coriterr:tplateci that establ1Shrhenf of c$1..1ch an .office cwould. be, coordinated. With :the Jnsured

  • and local or .state.

government ~uthorlties. . . ' . - . .. ' . . ... ' - . ' .. .. Applic~ntsJcw emeigebcya~sistancetwil! befrequiredto filF,outa\sim,pleJdrin giving theit'haine;:. address., and names of additional ipersons'.t9 be assistei:l'. The application contains .tilvo: basjC* provisions: ., . * . _*_ .... **-*** . . *. : . . .. .. .* .. 1 :, ****" *Th~t.the. d1sbct'f~~i~ht *ot:~g,-~~geddyi;s;i;~~nce t11-~di:do'~s:natc3rtstit~te *a~ .~8rniksidM\ /

             * * :. <;>f .liability on the part of the insured; and                      *        ** * * *      *                                           **    *
                    .                    "                 ..                                                   .
2. That th~ acceptance applicant of emergency funds does
  • not cpnstifote'.a rele.ase.oDthe part ofthe* .
                                                                                                     * **                                 *
  • The procedures outlined above . are specifically directed tCJwards immediate payment to
   . members                of the public for out-of pocket .tran~portation, Jivirig. and. other reasonable expenses a

jncurred>shortly after nuclear inch;lent. Subsequent to ; telieCbeing* prc,).\lidect,k. the pools,wm bodily .injury and prop$rty damage claims W,~ich ,maybe presented. Shaul~ the incitjent be declared an Mextraordinary* nuclear occurrerice*: 1by. the* :KiRC, virtually au *1egal defenses. are waivedd~y the :i11sured arid fhe pqqls which makes. acljust1ng tlie ,claims.much simpler::**.. . .;. . .* *, - -*** .. - ,; . .;,. . . ., :.... ** .. *; . ...:,. ,.:,c.:**** . ' '. CRITERIA FQR EM~RGENC'( NOTIFICATION,,**..

  . Under what circumstances , should :the pocils                                   be      notifie<l in ~rder        ,fo. activate the,          type of .
 **, emergency:assistance response:described.above(?
              *         ',.  ',.     *           "'
  • e * ' ,

Page 210 of 220 Condition 5. "Notice of Occurrence, Claim or Suit", of the Nuclear Energy Liability Policy (facility form) delineates the notification commitment of the insured to the insurer; however, the provisions of Condition 5 do not specifically describe the type of immediate financial assistance discussed above. Almost by definition. emergency financial assistance must be provided in a timely fashion. Timely assistance of course. implies timely notification:

     "The pools should be notified in the event of a nuclear emergency requiring notification of State or Federal governmental agencies, or if the insured believes that offsite persons may be affected and financial assistance of a nature discussed (under Emergency Assistance above) may be required. In these instances we would expect notification as soon as possible after the initiation of the emergency."

Recent efforts by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission have led to the standardization of the system used by power reactor licensees to categorize emergencies as published in NUREG 0654 (Rev. 1). "Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans ... " Other types of nuclear facilities are using similar terms to describe emergency conditions which could develop at their sites. To be consistent with industry classification systems, the insured's emergency plans and/or emergency plan implementing procedures should be written to require notification of the pools in the event of an ALERT. SITE AREA EMERGENCY. or GENERAL EMERGENCY as soon as possible. Even if it appears to be remote that offsite persons will be affected, the pool should be notified in order that response plans can be initiated to the point of alerting teams of adjusters to stand by. Response activity can be discontinued if it proves less severe and does not require pool response. Naturally, all nuclear occurrences of an emergency or non-emergency nature which may fall under the nuclear liability policy should be reported formally in writing as specified in Condition 5 of the facility form policy. EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION ANO FOLLOW-UP PROCEDURES In the event of an emergency, it is important to establish clear lines of communication between your facility and ANI in order to exchange all required information during a developing emergency situation. ANI maintains 24 hour coverage of our emergency notification number. This number is 860-682-1301. During normal office hours (8:00 am - 4:00 p.m.) this number will be answered by our receptionist who will transfer an incoming emergency call to an appropriate individual in the office. Outside of normal office hours this phone line is covered by an automated phone answering service. The answering service can be used to leave a message, including the affiliation and phone number of the caller. A designated ANI staff will in turn call back the facility to obtain appropriate information regarding the nuclear accident. The TMI incident. as well as other incidents, clearly demonstrated the need for follow-up communication since the information transmitted in the initial notification may be incomplete. As discussed above, an important purpose of emergency notification to the pools is to allow them to gauge financial assistance to member of the public as they did during the TMI incident Additionally, members companies with assets at risk require accurate and timely information from the AN! staff when nuclear incidents occur, whether or not such incidents ultimately lead to the actuation of emergency financial assistance by the pools. In order to carry out these mandated responsibilities. it is essential that ANI receive up-to-date information from reliable technical sources regarding radioactive releases from the site, plant status. and impending protective action for members of the public. Appendix I CEP Rev40


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  • Exi§rcise with,St~te arid County pa,rticipatiorf Annu,al ~X:!:lrcise ($~tisfied by Biennial Eval1,1ated Exefcise)

Notes: The . plan'presehted

                      .  ... ,:  *.

above ensures





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ArinuaJ ltern.s .... 6;. Jest of c9mrr1uni¢i3tions between. Cook Plant,* State and County EOCs and Field As$~s.sment Tearn~,.

  • : 7. Re.vJ.ew QfEme19en¢y Ptepareqness Progr,am, ptJr,su~ntto 10 QeJt50.$4(t) CP~ Audit). : *
   ?,         Le.tter to State al}c;tCounty making interface *evaltJatio11 p9rtion of 50,54(t) review available' 9, .      bistripuUdt,-of Emergency Preparednes~ PW:ili~ Information Br9chllre > , ; *                              **        ,.     - ,----'----"----"-~~---------,

fir~ drilLW1Jb off sit'? $Lippprt participation{COl)QUCtecl p13f firn Protectl(:m Ptpgrarn .MartUi::1,1. (FPPM)) 0


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          '* .Test of tbe:*PUb,li~.Notifi,e;ation Sy~rE:m
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  • tne"s~rt)i-fo1~uaUtem_s. ar~ :~9nducted' during. any:~:;hth J~_nUiafY;{hr~~gi{jJun.e ahd '~r\Y'mohth tjy:i[hg;julyJhrdugHG)ecetnber/ 1

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Page 216 of 220 APRl:zND1}<:J<

Page 218 of 220

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C; ;ale Redslone Arsenal .in Redstone. Alabama ... Our 1 a*cficaliL!nit consists,of 20 personnel

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  • Page 220 of220

~ Jhe Cook Emergency :f;'lai:i,is "ihqlly controlled "i.1Jiderj'O. GFE. 50. 5f4(q) :~fig:p!an\ proceduf~ *. RMA-2()80~EPA:qo$; Em~fger{¢YsJB1:~ri'.M.a!]pg~n:iemt, t,herefore *.~§~.:5.9Jevi.e~ is ri.otieq~ireg'. .. 1 tfCFR' 50J54(q) revie~i ~a~*p~ifd~~ed;~hi is}~fe~~nc~d j~*th~~orkfiiwJor*this**revi;i,on. The con~iusl611 w~s "~aset{ohH¢gJ,uid~i 1.219~md *.qc Cookproc~d#re RMA.,208Q~E~A-

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