NOC-AE-01001181, Request for Relief from ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI Requirements for Weld Examinations (Relief Request RR-ENG-38)

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Request for Relief from ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI Requirements for Weld Examinations (Relief Request RR-ENG-38)
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 09/18/2001
From: Jordan T
South Texas
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
-RFPFR, NOC-AE-01001181
Download: ML012690265 (16)


Nuclear Operating Company South Texas ProjectElectric Generating Station P.O Box 289 Wadsworth, Texas 77483 -- VA/--

September 18, 2001 NOC-AE-01001181 10CFR50.55a U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 South Texas Project Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. STN 50-498, STN 50-499 Request for Relief from ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI Requirements for Weld Examinations (Relief Request RR-ENG-38)


"South Texas Project, Units 1 and 2 Request for Relief for Reactor Pressure Vessel Weld Nondestructive Examination Coverage for the First 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval, "NRC to William T. Cottle, dated June 20, 2001 Pursuant to 10CFR50.55a(g)(5)(iv), the South Texas Project submits the bases for not achieving complete coverage of examinations required by the ASME Section Xl Code in the inservice inspection program. Examination requirements for Class 1 and Class 2 components are provided in ASME Section Xl, Tables IWB-2500-1 and IWC-2500-1, for inservice inspection by nondestructive examination of component welds during the first inspection interval. The South Texas Project requests relief from obtaining results from essentially 100% of the examination volume or area of component welds during the first inspection interval, excluding reactor pressure vessel welds inspected by automated examination. 100% examination coverage of these welds is impractical because of component configuration and geometry, and because of the limitations of the examination equipment and techniques used to perform these examinations.

Limitations on examination coverage by automated examination of reactor pressure vessel welds were approved by the NRC in the referenced letter.

The attached discussion includes a list of the affected welds for which relief is requested, the amount of coverage obtained, and the basis and justification for their acceptability.

If there are any questions, please contact either Mr. Michael S. Lashley at (361) 972 7523 or me at (361) 972-7902.

Manager, Nuclear Engineering


Request for Relief from ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section Xl Requirements for Weld Examinations (Relief Request RR-ENG-38)

NOC-AE-01 001181 Page 2 cc:

Ellis W. Merschoff Jon C. Wood Regional Administrator, Region IV Matthews & Branscomb U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 112 East Pecan, Suite 1100 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 400 San Antonio, Texas 78205-3692 Arlington, Texas 76011-8064 John A. Nakoski Institute of Nuclear Power Addressee Only Operations - Records Center U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 700 Galleria Parkway Project Manager, Mail Stop OWFN/7-D-1 Atlanta, GA 30339-5957 Washington, DC 20555-0001 Mohan C. Thadani Richard A. Ratliff Addressee Only Bureau of Radiation Control U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Texas Department of Health Project Manager, Mail Stop OWFN/7-D-1 1100 West 49th Street Washington, DC 20555 Austin, TX 78756-3189 Cornelius F. O'Keefe R. L. Balcom/D. G. Tees c/o U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Houston Lighting & Power Co.

P. O. Box 910 P. 0. Box 1700 Bay City, TX 77404-0910 Houston, TX 77251 A. H. Gutterman, Esquire C. A. Johnson/R. P. Powers Morgan, Lewis & Bockius AEP - Central Power and Light Company 1800 M. Street, N.W. P. 0. Box 289, Mail Code: N5012 Washington, DC 20036-5869 Wadsworth, TX 77483 M. T. Hardt/W. C. Gunst U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission City Public Service Attention: Document Control Desk P. 0. Box 1771 Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 San Antonio, TX 78296 A. Ramirez/C. M. Canady City of Austin Electric Utility Department 721 Barton Springs Road Austin, TX 78704


Reference Code: ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI 1983 Edition through Summer 1983 Addenda A. Components for Which Exemption is Requested (a) Name and Identification Number: Component welds (other than reactor pressure vessel welds inspected by automated examination) as listed in the attached tables.

(b) Function: Various (Refer to applicable sections of the South Texas Project Updated Final Safety Analysis Report for specifics)

(c) Class: ASME Code Class 1 or Class 2 as specified in the attached tables B. Code Requirement from Which Relief is Requested ASME Section XI Code Table IWB-2500-1 and Table IWC-2500-1 specifies the examination method and extent of coverage for nondestructive examination of welds.

Relief is requested from the full volumetric or surface examination coverage requirements of the Section XI Code when the obtained coverage is 90% or less. The welds for which relief is requested are listed in the attached tables.

Welds having a reduction in volumetric or surface examination coverage of less than 10% are considered to have essentially 100% coverage in accordance with Section XI Code Case N-460.

C. Basis for Relief from Code Requirements The South Texas Project requests relief from full examination coverage requirements for the welds listed in the attached tables based on the impracticality of achieving required coverage.

Obtaining required examination coverage of welds may not be practical due to various factors, including:

"* component configuration,

"* geometry, and

"* examination equipment and techniques utilized for the examinations.

D. Alternate Examination No alternate examinations are proposed for the welds for which relief is requested.

Attachment NOC-AE-01001181 Page 2 of 14 E. Justification for Granting Relief 100% examination coverage of these welds is impractical because of component configuration and geometry, and because of the limitations of the examination equipment and techniques used to perform these examinations. However, volumetric and surface examinations of accessible locations will continue as required.

F. Implementation Schedule The South Texas Project requests that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission grant relief from the referenced nondestructive examination requirements pursuant to 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(i). Approval of this application is requested by January 31, 2002.

Attachment NOC-AE-01 001181 PaQe 3 of 14 B-A B1.21 1 RPV1-103-101 Closure Head Dome 81% 100% Limited ultrasonic 1 RE03 to Torus examination (UT) due to 1 RE05 proximity of lifting lugs and insulation support ring.

B-D B3.110 1 PRZ-1-N3 Pressurizer Head to 71% N/A Limited UT from the 1 RE01 Nozzle nozzle side due to nozzle configuration.

B-D B3.1 10 1 PRZ-1-N4A Pressurizer Head to 69% N/A Limited UT from the 1 RE01 Nozzle nozzle side due to nozzle I configuration.

B-J B9.11 1 29-RC-1101-5.1 Elbow to RSG 87% 100% Limited UT due to weld 1 RE09 Nozzle Safe End configuration and size of search unit required for cast stainless steel (SS) material.

B-J B9.11 1 29-RC-1201-5.1 Elbow to RSG 87% 100% Limited UT due to weld 1 RE09 Nozzle Safe End configuration and size of search unit required for cast SS material.

B-J B9.11 1 29-RC-1301-5.1 Elbow to RSG 87% 100% Limited UT due to weld 1 RE09 Nozzle Safe End configuration and size of search unit required for cast SS material.

B-J B9.11 1 29-RC-1401-4.1 Elbow to RSG 87% 100% Limited UT due to weld 1 RE09 Nozzle Safe End configuration and size of search unit required for I_ cast SS material.

B-J B9.11 1 31-RC-1102-1.1 RSG Nozzle Safe 87% 100% Limited UT due to weld 1 RE09 End to Elbow configuration and size of search unit required for cast SS material.

B-J B9.11 1 31-RC-1202-1.1 RSG Nozzle Safe 87% 100% Limited UT due to weld 1 RE09 End to Elbow configuration and size of search unit required for cast SS material.

B-J B9.11 31-RC-1302-1.1 RSG Nozzle Safe 87% 100% Limited UT due to weld 1 RE09 End to Elbow configuration and size of search unit required for cast SS material.

89.11 B-J 1 31-RC-1402-1.1 RSG Nozzle Safe 87% 100% Limited UT due to weld 1RE09 End to Elbow configuration and size of search unit required for I_ cast SS material.

Attachment NOC-AE-01 001181 Page 4 of 14 WELD EXAMINATION COVERAGE - UNIT 1 ASME ASME ASME Weld Identification Weld Total Total Surface Description of Outage Category Item No. Class Configuration Volumetric Coverage Limitation Coverage B-J B9.11 1 31 -RC-1102-9 Elbow to RC Pump 36% 100% Limited UT due to weld 1RE03 configuration and size of search unit required for cast SS material.

B-J B9.11 1 31-RC-1202-9 Elbow to RC Pump 36% 100% Limited UT due to weld 1 RE03 configuration and size of search unit required for cast SS material.

B-J B9.11 1 31-RC-1402-9 Elbow to RC Pump 38% 100% Limited UT due to weld 1 RE06 configuration and size of search unit required for cast SS material.

B-J B9.11 1 12-RH-1101-10 Pipe to Elbow 81% 81% Limited UT and magnetic 1RE06 particle examination (MT) due to proximity of permanent structural support.

B-J B9.31 1 27.5-RC-1403-4 4" BC to Main RC 85% 100% No UT from the main run 1 RE06 Loop side due to branch connection (BC) configuration.

B-J B9.31 1 29-RC-1101-3 12" BC to Main RC 45% 100% Limited UT from the BC 1RE03 Loop side due to BC configuration.

B-J B9.31 1 29-RC-1401-2 16" BC to Main RC 45% 100% Limited UT from the BC 1RE06 Loop side due to BC configuration.

C-A C1.10 2 RHAHRS-1A-S2 RHR Hx Shell to 75% N/A No UT from the flange 1RE01 Flange side due to flange configuration.

C-B C2.21 2 RHAHRS-1A-NA Nozzle to RHR HX 47% 100% Limited UT on the weld 1RE06 Shell and both sides due to weld configuration.

C-B C2.21 2 RHAHRS-1A-NB Nozzle to RHR HX 47% 100% Limited UT on the weld 1RE06 Shell and both sides due to weld configuration.

C-C C3.20 2 18-FW-1029-(1 PL1- Feedwater Pipe N/A 61% Limited MT coverage due 1RE01 1PL8) Lugs to configuration of the lugs and proximity of permanent pipe support.

Attachment NOC-AE-01 001181 Paae 5 of 14 WELD EXAMINATION COVERAGE - UNIT 1 ASME ASME ASME Weld Identification Weld Total Total Surface Description of Outage Category Item No. Class Configuration Volumetric Coverage Limitation Coverage C-C C3.20 2 18-FW-1031-(1PL1- Feedwater Pipe N/A 57% Limited MT coverage due 1RE06 1PL8) Lugs to configuration of the lugs and proximity of permanent pipe support.

C-C C3.20 2 30-MS-1001- Main Steam Pipe N/A 55% Limited MT coverage due 1RE01 (27PL1-27PL8) Lugs to configuration of the lugs and proximity of permanent pipe support.

C-C C3.20 2 30-MS-1003- Main Steam Pipe N/A 55% Limited MT coverage due 1RE06 (26PL1-26PL8) Lugs to configuration of the lugs and proximity of permanent pipe support.

C-C C3.20 2 30-MS-1004- Main Steam Pipe N/A 55% Limited MT coverage due 1RE07 (26PL1 -26PL8) Lugs to configuration of the lugs and proximity of permanent pipe support.

C-C C3.30 2 RHARHS-1A-IWA1, RHR Pump N/A 75% Limited PT due to 1RE06 2, 3 Integrally Welded proximity of pump Attachments support.

C-F-1 C5.11 2 16-SI-1201-5 Valve to Pipe 85% 100% Limited UT from the 1RE04 valve side due to valve configuration.

C-F-2 C5.51 2 30-MS-1001-27 Valve to Pipe 78% 100% No UT from the valve 1RE01 side due to valve configuration.

C-G C6.10 2 CIAPCS-1A-PCWl CS Pump Flange to N/A 58% Limited liquid penetrant 1RE07 Upper Casing (PT) due to proximity of floor penetration.

C-G C6.10 2 RHARHS-1A-PCW4 RHR Pump Casing N/A 89% Limited PT due to 1 RE05 to Nozzle proximity of drip tray under the pump.

BEZ - - 2 18-FW-1029-(1PL1 - Feedwater Pipe 82% N/A Limited UT coverage due 1 RE01 (See Note 1) 1PL8) Lugs to configuration of the lugs and proximity of permanent pipe support.

BEZ - - 2 30-MS-1001- Main Steam Pipe 88% N/A Limited UT coverage due 1 RE01 (See Note 1) (27PLI-27PL8) Lugs to configuration of the lugs and proximity of permanent pipe support.

BEZ - - 2 30-MS-1001-28LD Longitudinal Pipe 53% 53% Limited UT and MT of 1RE01 (See Note 1) Weld entire longseam length due to proximity of permanent pipe support.

Attachment NOC-AE-01 001181 PaQe 6 of 14 WELD EXAMINATION COVERAGE - UNIT 1 ASME ASME ASME Weld Identification Weld Total Total Surface Description of Outage Category Item No. Class Configuration Volumetric Coverage Limitation Coverage BEZ - - 2 30-MS-1001-29LU Longitudinal Pipe 31% 31% Limited UT and MT of 1RE01 (See Note 1) Weld entire longseam length due to proximity of permanent pipe support.

BEZ 2 30-MS-1002-26LD Longitudinal Pipe 75% 53% Limited UT and MT of 1RE05 (See Note 1) Weld entire longseam length due to proximity of permanent pipe support.

BEZ 2 30-MS-1002-27LU Longitudinal Pipe 63% 31% Limited UT and MT of 1RE05 (See Note 1) Weld entire longseam length due to proximity of permanent pipe support.

BEZ 2 30-MS-1003-27LD Longitudinal Pipe 75% 53% Limited UT and MT of 1RE06 (See Note 1) Weld entire longseam length due to proximity of permanent pipe support.

BEZ 2 30-MS-1003-28LU Longitudinal Pipe 63% 31% Limited UT and MT of 1RE06 (See Note 1) Weld entire longseam length due to proximity of permanent pipe support.

BEZ 2 30-MS-1004-25LU Longitudinal Pipe 82% 82% Limited UT and MT of 1RE07 (See Note 1) Weld entire longseam length due to proximity of permanent pipe support.

BEZ 2 30-MS-1004-27LD Longitudinal Pipe 75% 53% Limited UT and MT of 1RE07 (See Note 1) Weld entire longseam length due to proximity of permanent pipe support.

BEZ 2 30-MS-1004-28LU Longitudinal Pipe 63% 31% Limited UT and MT of 1RE07 (See Note 1) Weld entire longseam length due to proximity of permanent pipe support.

Note 1: BEZ is an Augmented Examination for the Break Exclusion Zone.

Attachment NOC-AE-01 001181 Paqe 7 of 14 WELD EXAMINATION COVERAGE - UNIT 2 ASME ASME ASME Weld Identification Weld Total Total Surface Description of Outage Category Item No. Class Configuration Volumetric Coverage Limitation Coverage B-A B1.21 1 RPV2-103-101 Closure Head Dome 81% 100% Limited UT due to 2RE01 to Torus proximity of lifting lugs 2RE03 and insulation support ring B-B B2.31 1 SG-2A-SR1 SG Primary Head to 67% N/A No UT from the support 2RE02 (See Note 1) Support Ring ring side due to support ring configuration.

B-B B2.31 1 SG-2B-SR1 SG Primary Head to 72% N/A No UT from the support 2RE03 (See Note 1) Support Ring ring side due to support ring configuration.

B-B B2.31 1 SG-2D-SR1 SG Primary Head to 67% N/A No UT from the support 2RE02 (See Note 1) Support Ring ring side due to support ring configuration.

B-B B2.40 1 SG-2A-SR2 SG Support Ring to 68% N/A No UT from the support 2RE02 (See Note 1) Tube Plate ring side due to support ring configuration.

Limited UT from the tube plate side due to proximity of welded plates.

B-B B2.40 1 SG-2B-SR2 SG Support Ring to 66% N/A No UT from the support 2RE03 (See Note 1) Tube Plate ring side due to support ring configuration.

Limited UT from the tube plate side due to proximity of welded plates.

B-B B2.40 1 SG-2D-SR2 SG Support Ring to 68% N/A No UT from the support 2RE02 (See Note 1) Tube Plate ring side due to support ring configuration.

Limited UT from the tube plate side due to proximity of welded plates.

B-D B3.1 10 1 PRZ-2-N1 Pressurizer Head to 66% N/A Limited UT from the 2RE02 Nozzle nozzle side due to nozzle configuration.

B-D B3.110 1 PRZ-2-N2 Nozzle to 79% N/A Limited UT from the 2RE04 Pressurizer Head nozzle side due to nozzle configuration. I

Attachment NOC-AE-01001181 Paae 8 of 14 WELD EXAMINATION COVERAGE - UNIT 2 ASME ASME ASME Weld Identification Weld Total Total Surface Description of Outage Category Item No. Class Configuration Volumetric Coverage Limitation Coverage B-D B3.1 10 1 PRZ2-N3 Pressurizer Head to 64% N/A Limited UT from the 2RE01 Nozzle nozzle side due to nozzle configuration.

B-D B3.1 10 1 PRZ2-N4A Pressurizer Head to 65% N/A Limited UT from the 2RE01 Nozzle nozzle side due to nozzle configuration.

B-D B3.110 1 PRZ2-N4B Pressurizer Head to 79% N/A Limited UT from the 2RE04 Nozzle nozzle side due to nozzle configuration.

B-DI B3.110 1 PRZ2-N4C Pressurizer Head to 61% N/A Limited UT from the 2RE04 Nozzle nozzle side due to nozzle configuration. Limited UT from the head side due to proximity of 2" nozzle.

B-D B3.130 1 SG-2A-IN SG Nozzle to Head 88% N/A Limited UT from the head 2RE02 side due to proximity of vibration sensor instrumentation box.

Limited UT from the nozzle side due to nozzle configuration.

B-D B3.130 1 SG-2A-ON SG Nozzle to Head 88% N/A Limited UT from the head 2RE02 side due to proximity of vibration sensor instrumentation box.

Limited UT from the nozzle side due to nozzle configuration.

B-D B3.130 1 SG-2B-IN SG Nozzle to Head 63% N/A Limited UT from the head 2RE03 side due to proximity of vibration sensor instrumentation box.

Limited UT from the nozzle side due to nozzle configuration.

B-D B3.130 1 SG-2B-ON SG Nozzle to Head 64% N/A Limited UT from the head 2RE03 side due to proximity of vibration sensor instrumentation box.

Limited UT from the nozzle side due to nozzle

Attachment NOC-AE-01 001181 Page 9 of 14 WELD EXAMINATION COVERAGE - UNIT 2 ASME ASME ASME Weld Identification Weld Total Total Surface Description of Outage Category Item No. Class Configuration Volumetric Coverage Limitation Coverage configuration.

B-D B3.130 1 SG-2C-IN SG Nozzle to Head 61% N/A Limited UT from the head 2RE05 side due to proximity of vibration sensor instrumentation box.

Limited UT from the nozzle side due to nozzle configuration.

B-D B3.130 1 SG-2C-ON SG Nozzle to Head 61% N/A Limited UT from the head 2RE05 side due to proximity of vibration sensor instrumentation box.

Limited UT from the nozzle side due to nozzle configuration.

B-D B3.130 1 SG-2D-IN SG Nozzle to Head 88% N/A Limited UT from the head 2RE02 side due to proximity of vibration sensor instrumentation box.

Limited UT from the nozzle side due to nozzle configuration.

B-D B3.130 1 SG-2D-ON SG Nozzle to Head 88% N/A Limited UT from the head 2RE02 side due to proximity of vibration sensor instrumentation box.

Limited UT from the nozzle side due to nozzle configuration.

B-F B5,130 1 29-RC-2101-5 Elbow to SG Nozzle 70% 100% Limited UT due to weld 2RE02 (See Note 1) configuration and size of search unit required for cast SS material.

B-F B5.130 1 29-RC-2201-5 Elbow to SG Nozzle 70% 100% Limited UT due to weld 2RE03 (See Note 1) configuration and size of search unit required for cast SS material.

Attachment NOC-AE-01 001181 Paae 10 of 14 WELD EXAMINATION COVERAGE - UNIT 2 ASME ASME ASME Weld Identification Weld Total Total Surface Description of Outage Category Item No. Class Configuration Volumetric Coverage Limitation Coverage B-F B5.130 1 29-RC-2301-5 Elbow to SG Nozzle 40% 100% Limited UT due to weld 2RE05 (See Note 1) configuration and size of search unit required for cast SS material.

B-F B5.130 1 29-RC-2401-4 Elbow to SG Nozzle 71% 100% Limited UT due to weld 2RE02 (See Note 1) configuration and size of search unit required for cast SS material.

B-F B5.130 1 31-RC-2102-1 SG Nozzle to Elbow 70% 100% Limited UT due to weld 2RE02 (See Note 1) configuration and size of search unit required for cast SS material.

B-F B5.130 1 31-RC-2202-1 SG Nozzle to Elbow 70% 100% Limited UT due to weld 2RE03 (See Note 1) configuration and size of search unit required for cast SS material.

B-F B5.130 1 31 -RC-2302-1 SG Nozzle to Elbow 88% 100% Limited UT due to weld 2RE05 (See Note 1) configuration and size of search unit required for cast SS material.

B-F B5.130 1 31-RC-2402-1 SG Nozzle to Elbow 70% 100% Limited UT due to weld 2RE02 (See Note 1) configuration and size of search unit required for cast SS material.

B-F B5.130 1 31-RC-2202-9 Elbow to RC Pump 38% 100% Limited UT due to weld 2RE05 configuration and size of search unit required for cast SS material.

B-F B5.130 1 31 -RC-2302-9 Elbow to RC Pump 38% 100% Limited UT due to weld 2RE05 configuration and size of search unit required for cast SS material.

B-F B5.130 1 31 -RC-2402-9 Elbow to RC Pump 38% 100% Limited UT due to weld 2RE05 configuration and size of search unit required for cast SS material.

B-F B5.40 1 PRZ2-N1-SE Pressurizer Nozzle 78% 100% Limited UT from the safe 2RE05 to Safe End end side due to nozzle configuration and proximity of welded lugs.

Attachment NOC-AE-01001181 Paae 11 of 14 WELD EXAMINATION COVERAGE - UNIT 2 ASME ASME ASME Weld Identification Weld Total Total Surface Description of Outage Category Item No. Class Configuration Volumetric Coverage Limitation Coverage B-F B5.40 1 PRZ2-N2SE Pressurizer Nozzle 84% 100% Limited UT from the safe 2RE05 to Safe End end side due to nozzle configuration.

B-F B5.40 1 PRZ2-N3-SE Pressurizer Nozzle 85% 100% Limited UT from the safe 2RE01 to Safe End end side due to nozzle configuration.

B-F B5.40 1 PRZ2-N4ASE Pressurizer Nozzle 82% 100% Limited UT from the safe 2RE01 to Safe End end side due to nozzle configuration.

B-J B9.11 1 12-SI-2218-1 Valve to Pipe 79% 100% Limited UT from Valve 2RE04 side due to Valve configuration.

B-J B9.1 1 1 27.5-RC-2103-1 RC Pump to Pipe 51% 100% Limited UT due to weld 2RE04 configuration and size of search unit required for cast SS material.

B-J B9.11 1 27.5-RC-2203-1 RC Pump to Pipe 37% 100% Limited UT due to weld 2RE04 configuration and size of search unit required for cast SS material.

B-J B9.11 1 27.5-RC-2303-1 RC Pump to Pipe 40% 100% Limited UT due to weld 2RE04 configuration and size of search unit required for cast SS material.

B-J B9.11 1 27.5-RC-2403-1 RC Pump to Pipe 55% 100% Limited UT due to weld 2RE04 configuration and size of search unit required for cast SS material.

B-J B9.11 1 31-RC-2102-9 Elbow to RC Pump 42% 100% Limited UT due to weld 2RE02 configuration and size of search unit required for cast SS material.

B-J B9.11 1 6-RC-2009-1 Safe End to Elbow 86% 100% Limited UT from both 2RE04 sides due to weld configuration.

B-J B9.31 1 27.5-RC-2403-4 4" BC to Main RC 85% 100% Limited UT from the BC 2RE05 Loop side due to BC


B-J B9.31 1 29-RC-2101-3 12" BC to Main RC 45% 100% Limited UT from the BC 2RE02 Loop side due to BC


Attachment NOC-AE-01001181 Paae 12 of 14 WELD EXAMINATION COVERAGE - UNIT 2 ASME ASME ASME Weld Identification Weld Total Total Surface Description of Outage Category Item No. Class Configuration Volumetric Coverage Limitation Coverage B-J B9.31 1 29-RC-2401-2 16" BC to Main RC 45% 100% Limited UT from the BC 2RE05 Loop side due to BC configuration.

C-B C2.21 2 RHAHRS-2A-NA Nozzle to RHR HX 69% 100% Limited UT on the weld 2RE05 Shell and both sides due to weld configuration.

C-B C2.21 2 RHAHRS-2A-NB Nozzle to RHR HX 69% 100% Limited UT on the weld 2RE05 Shell and both sides due to weld configuration.

C-C C3.20 2 18-FW-2029-(1PL1- Feedwater Pipe N/A 51% Limited MT coverage due 2RE01 1PL8) Lugs to configuration of the lugs and proximity of permanent pipe support.

C-C C3.20 2 18-FW-2030-(1PL1- Feedwater Pipe N/A 51% Limited MT coverage due 2RE03 1PL8) Lugs to configuration of the lugs and proximity of permanent pipe support.

C-C C3.20 2 18-FW-2031 -(1 PLI - Feedwater Pipe N/A 51% Limited MT coverage due 2RE06 1PL8) Lugs to configuration of the lugs and proximity of permanent pipe support.

C-C C3.20 2 18-FW-2032-(1PL1- Feedwater Pipe N/A 51% Limited MT coverage due 2RE06 1PL8) Lugs to configuration of the lugs and proximity of permanent pipe support.

C-C C3.20 2 30-MS-2001- Main Steam Pipe N/A 54% Limited MT coverage due 2RE01 (29PL1 -29PL8) Lugs to configuration of the lugs and proximity of permanent pipe support.

C-C C3.20 2 30-MS-2002- Main Steam Pipe N/A 54% Limited MT coverage due 2RE04 (30PL1-30PL8) Lugs to configuration of the lugs and proximity of permanent pipe support.

C-C C3.20 2 30-MS-2003- Main Steam Pipe N/A 54% Limited MT coverage due 2RE05 (29PL1-29PL8) Lugs to configuration of the lugs and proximity of permanent pipe support.

C-C C3.20 2 30-MS-2004- Main Steam Pipe N/A 54% Limited MT coverage due 2RE05 (28PL1-28PL8) Lugs to configuration of the lugs and proximity of permanent pipe support.

Attachment NOC-AE-01 001181 Page 13 of 14 WELD EXAMINATION COVERAGE - UNIT 2 ASME ASME ASME Weld Identification Weld Total Total Surface Description of Outage Category Item No. Class Configuration Volumetric Coverage Limitation Coverage C-C C3.30 2 RHARHS-2A-IWA1, RHR Pump N/A 83% Limited PT due to 2RE06 2, 3 Integrally Welded proximity of pump Attachments support.

C-F-1 2 6-CS-2303-12 Pipe to Valve 89% 100% Limited UT from valve 2RE06 side due to valve configuration.

C-F-1 C5.11 2 6-SI-2107-1 Valve to Pipe 88% 100% Limited UT from the 2RE02 valve side due to valve configuration.

C-F-1 C5,11 2 6-SI-2109-11 Pipe to Valve 89% 100% Limited UT from the 2RE02 valve side due to valve configuration.

C-F-1 C5.21 2 2-SI-2206-5 Flange to Pipe 87% 100% Limited UT from the 2RE03 flange side due to flange configuration.

C-F-2 C5.51 2 30-MS-2001-26 Pipe to Pipe 87% 89% Limited UT and MT 2RE01 coverage due to proximity of permanent Ipipe support.

C-G C6.10 2 CIAPCS-2A-PCW1 CS Pump Flange to N/A 61% Limited PT due to 2RE06 Upper Casing proximity of floor penetration.

C-G C6.10 2 SIAPLH-2A-PCW1 LHSI Pump Flange N/A 73% Limited PT due to 2RE06 to Upper Casing proximity of floor penetration.

BEZ 2 18-FW-2029-(1 PL1 - Feedwater Pipe 82% N/A Limited UT coverage due 2RE01 (See Note 2) 1 PL8) Lugs to configuration of the lugs and proximity of permanent pipe support.

BEZ 2 18-FW-2031 -(1 PL9- Feedwater Pipe 87% N/A Limited UT coverage due 2RE06 (See Note 2) 1 PLI 0) Lugs to configuration of the lugs and proximity of permanent pipe support.

BEZ 2 30-MS-2001 - Main Steam Pipe 88% N/A Limited UT coverage due 2RE01 (See Note 2) (29PL1-29PL8) Lugs to configuration of the lugs and proximity of

_permanent pipe support.

BEZ 2 30-MS-2001-30LD Longitudinal Pipe 52% 52% Limited UT and MT of 2RE01 (See Note 2) Weld entire longseam length due to proximity of

_ _permanent pipe support.

Attachment NOC-AE-01 001181 Paae 14 of 14 WELD EXAMINATION COVERAGE - UNIT 2 ASME ASME ASME Weld Identification Weld Total Total Surface Description of Outage Category Item No. Class Configuration Volumetric Coverage Limitation Coverage BEZ 2 30-MS-2001-31 LU Longitudinal Pipe 28% 28% Limited UT and MT of 2RE01 (See Note 2) Weld entire longseam length due to proximity of permanent pipe support.

BEZ 2 30-MS-2002-31 LD Longitudinal Pipe 52% 52% Limited UT and MT of 2RE04 (See Note 2) Weld entire longseam length due to proximity of permanent pipe support.

BEZ 2 30-MS-2002-32LU Longitudinal Pipe 28% 28% Limited UT and MT of 2RE04 (See Note 2) Weld entire longseam length due to proximity of permanent pipe support.

BEZ 2 30-MS-2003-30LD Longitudinal Pipe 57% 57% Limited UT and MT of 2RE05 (See Note 2) Weld entire longseam length due to proximity of permanent pipe support.

BEZ - - 2 30-MS-2003-31 LU Longitudinal Pipe 28% 28% Limited UT and MT of 2RE05 (See Note 2) Weld entire longseam length due to proximity of permanent pipe support.

BEZ - - 2 30-MS-2004-29LD Longitudinal Pipe 52% 52% Limited UT and MT of 2RE05 (See Note 2) Weld entire longseam length due to proximity of permanent pipe support.

BEZ - - 2 30-MS-2004-30LU Longitudinal Pipe 29% 29% Limited UT and MT of 2RE05 (See Note 2) Weld entire longseam length due to proximity of permanent pipe support.

Note 1: This weld will be either deleted or replaced during replacement of Steam Generators in 2002.

Note 2: BEZ is an Augmented Examination for the Break Exclusion Zone.