ML15324A257 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Purdue University |
Issue date: | 11/20/2015 |
From: | Cindy Montgomery Division of Policy and Rulemaking |
To: | Alexander Adams Division of Policy and Rulemaking |
Uribe, Juan, NRR/JLD 415-3809 | |
References | |
Download: ML15324A257 (8) | |
DRAFT JLD-ISG-2012-01, REVISION 1, COMPLIANCEWITHORDEREA 049ORDER COMPLIANCE WITH ORDER EA-12-049 , ORDER MODIFYING LICENSES WITH REGARD TO REQUIREMENTS FOR MITIGATION STRATEGIES FOR BEYOND-DESIGN-BASIS EXTERNAL EVENTSEricEBowman Eric E. BowmanSpecial Advisor, Japan Lessons-Learned Division Purpose The purpose of this meeting is to discuss draft revision 1 to JLD-ISG-2012-01 in order to facilitate stakeholder comments.
1.Revisionreflectslessonslearnedfrom 1.Revision reflects lessons learned from reviews and acceptable alternative
approachesComments must be submitted in writing in order to ensure that NRC will be able to properly consider them.
2 Availability for Comment*Federal Register Notice published November102015(80FR69703)
November 10 , 2015 (80 FR 69703)*JLD-ISG-2012-01, Draft Revision 1 at ML15294A078*Comment period through December 10, 2015* g ulations.g ov docket ID: NRC-gg 2012-0068 3 Endorsement of Industry Guidance ithClifitidAdditi w ith Cl ar ifi ca tions an d Additi ons NEI 12-06 , "Diverse and Flexible Co p in g ,pgStrategies (FLEX) Implementation Guide,"
Revision 1A, dated October 2015, ML15279A426 4
Reformatted to Align with DG-13011.Development and Implementation Process2.Equipment Capacity3.Reasonable Protection4.Equipment Maintenance 5ConfigurationControl 5.Configuration Control6.Treatment of Reevaluated HazardsGidfAP1000Di 7.G u id ance f or AP1000 D es i gn 5 NEI 12-06 New Elements*Resolution of generic concerns from reviews reviews*Appendix E validation process 6
Mitigating Strategies Assessments*Addressing reevaluated seismic and floodinghazardsunderMarch122012 flooding hazards under March 12 , 2012 request for informationFLEXdMdifidFLEX
-FLEX an d M o difi e d FLEX-Alternative Mitigating Strategies
-Targeted Hazard Mitigating Strategies 7
Mitigating Strategies Assessments, Ctid C on ti nue d*Flooding-NEI12-06,AppendixG Flooding NEI 12 06, Appendix G*Seismic -placeholder in NEI 12-06 for AppendixHwithsubstantialelementsin Appendix H with substantial elements in ISG 6.1 to solicit comments 8
DRAFT JLD-ISG-2012-01, REVISION 1, COMPLIANCEWITHORDEREA 049ORDER COMPLIANCE WITH ORDER EA-12-049 , ORDER MODIFYING LICENSES WITH REGARD TO REQUIREMENTS FOR MITIGATION STRATEGIES FOR BEYOND-DESIGN-BASIS EXTERNAL EVENTSEricEBowman Eric E. BowmanSpecial Advisor, Japan Lessons-Learned Division Purpose The purpose of this meeting is to discuss draft revision 1 to JLD-ISG-2012-01 in order to facilitate stakeholder comments.
1.Revisionreflectslessonslearnedfrom 1.Revision reflects lessons learned from reviews and acceptable alternative
approachesComments must be submitted in writing in order to ensure that NRC will be able to properly consider them.
2 Availability for Comment*Federal Register Notice published November102015(80FR69703)
November 10 , 2015 (80 FR 69703)*JLD-ISG-2012-01, Draft Revision 1 at ML15294A078*Comment period through December 10, 2015* g ulations.g ov docket ID: NRC-gg 2012-0068 3 Endorsement of Industry Guidance ithClifitidAdditi w ith Cl ar ifi ca tions an d Additi ons NEI 12-06 , "Diverse and Flexible Co p in g ,pgStrategies (FLEX) Implementation Guide,"
Revision 1A, dated October 2015, ML15279A426 4
Reformatted to Align with DG-13011.Development and Implementation Process2.Equipment Capacity3.Reasonable Protection4.Equipment Maintenance 5ConfigurationControl 5.Configuration Control6.Treatment of Reevaluated HazardsGidfAP1000Di 7.G u id ance f or AP1000 D es i gn 5 NEI 12-06 New Elements*Resolution of generic concerns from reviews reviews*Appendix E validation process 6
Mitigating Strategies Assessments*Addressing reevaluated seismic and floodinghazardsunderMarch122012 flooding hazards under March 12 , 2012 request for informationFLEXdMdifidFLEX
-FLEX an d M o difi e d FLEX-Alternative Mitigating Strategies
-Targeted Hazard Mitigating Strategies 7
Mitigating Strategies Assessments, Ctid C on ti nue d*Flooding-NEI12-06,AppendixG Flooding NEI 12 06, Appendix G*Seismic -placeholder in NEI 12-06 for AppendixHwithsubstantialelementsin Appendix H with substantial elements in ISG 6.1 to solicit comments 8