The following report was received from the
Kentucky Department for Public Health and Safety via email:
Kentucky Radiation Health Branch (KYRHB) was notified by email, June 10, 2019, of an apparent fixed gauge device On/Off shutter equipment failure. KY Licensee Arkema, Inc. reports that on May 1, 2019, during a required 6-month check, instrument techs discovered the shutter was not closing. Verified by survey meter, the readings did not 'go down' as expected. Survey numbers are not recorded. Licensee RSO [radiation safety officer] notified plant operations department and the safety department that entry into that vessel is not permitted until the shutter mechanism has been repaired. This vessel is sealed and can contain hazardous chemicals. The only openings into the vessel are through bolted flanges or a bolted manway. The operations department controls who and when entry is allowed into any vessel. Entry into any vessel cannot be done unless the proper permits are completed, the tank is cleared, verified as clear, the source shutter is closed and verified as closed. If any of these things [are] not done then entry into the vessel is not permitted. The licensee will have a tag installed on the bolted manway stating that entry is not permitted. Ronan Engineering is scheduled to be onsite to evaluate repair or replace options. There has been no entry into this vessel in the past 6 months. The licensee will provide timely updates to KYRHB. The licensee will reinstruct employees of event reporting criteria.
Kentucky Event ID: KY19006