Regulatory Guide 10.1

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Compilation of Reporting Requirements for Persons Subject to NRC Regulations
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/31/1975
RG-10.001, Rev. 1
Download: ML13350A222 (12)



Revision 1 July 1975 a REGULATORY









The Commission's regulations set forth in Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, require the submission of various reports in connection with licensed activities.

In addition, the Commission regulations require that each applicant for a license authorizing operation of a production or utilization facility include in the applica-tion proposed technical specifications.

These technical specifications as approved by the NRC are incorporated into the facility license as conditions of the license and include a section on reporting requirements.

This guide presents a compilation of all reporting requirements applicable to the various types of NRC licensees and other persons subject to NRC regulations.

including identification of the proper NRC addressee or addressees

~and designation of the number of copies required.


For the most part, neither the NRC's regulations nor the technical specifications of a facility license specify the number of copies of a report that should be submitted by a licensee to the Commission.

In addition, although the regulations specify how a report should be addressed, e.g., the responsible NRC Office, the address-ces will change periodically as a result of modifications In workload or functional realignments.

Appendix A of this guide is a complete listing of all NRC reporting requirements in effect at the time of issuance and indicates the number of copies of reports that should be submitted in order to ensure timely review by the staff.The second column of Appendix A titled "Type of Licensee" shows those types of licensees that are normally subject to the particular reporting requirement.

Categories included are (1) Reactor Facility Licensees, (2) Fuel Fabrication and Fuel Reprocessing Plant Licensees, (3) Byproduct Material Licensees, (4) Source Material Licensees, and (5) Other Special Nuclear Material Licensees.

Because of the broad categorizatioJn of licensees listed in the "Type of Licensee" column and because other reporting requirements may be applicable in particular situations, this column should not be iclied upon as definitive in all situations.

This guide does not discuss the specific information that is to be contained in the report; foi this information the licensee should refer to the underlying regulation or provision of the license teclnical specifications.

In some cases, the information that is to be submitted by licensees is described in detail in other publications in the Regulatory Guide series. For example, Regulatory Guide 1.16 deals with the reporting of operating information for nuclear power plants, and Regulatory Guide, 3.19 deals with the reporting of operating information for fuel reprocessing plants.As indicated in Appendix A, when a report is to be sent to both a urimarv recipient and secondary address-ee, any cover letter should be addressed to the primary recipient and should show that copies are also being forwarded to the secondary addressee.

There should be a cover letter for each copy of the report.It is expected that this guide will be revised from time to time as the various reporting requirements are modified or as new requirements are added. For any new or revised reporting requirement not listed in the appendix and for which the appropriate number of copies is not specified in the regulations or technical specifications, a licensee should submit 20 copies of the report or as otherwise specified by the Commission.


GUIDES 11*9wlstaty Gwides at0 issued to doitiib# and '.56o ivattabis so 1140 public'"asihest acceptable to tha MRC staff of Impl~ement~ing specific Pont of sfse ColI,,mssion's regulations.

to delineate techniques used by thie stall In *valu.e,. g specific ptobIettsI

cpostutased accidents.

citeplcvids guidance to appli cents Regulatory Guides drip not ssjbtsittutes IGO regultibons.

and compliance I11,11, 1ha riot Clamored Melthods and solutions different liean, those sat c!ut in leg ide fn t be acceptable it they piceido a bass for the findings reqsuisite to sri suu oi£ntinuancea catpiut cif atlicense by the Commnission.

Co iniets n uggesii's10n tot improvemnsin~i5 is hot$ guedes, are oncoustiogd

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to Accommnodate cam maIieis and to reflect new sntrnatnorr011 Of412`4144C40

this guide was revised asa::lute of subssaoiuvo comments received lien, the public and additional staff Commenlnt tshould be sin, to she Sacf1taiy Of Ihe CoMmil"son.

U S NLuclee, Aeguiltory Commisnion.


D C. 2OeJ. Attention Dockeling esd ServicI Section.The guides ate issued in the following loe boad divisions 5. Powe ResacsocD 2. and Test Asttibfi 3 Irues* end Motorliss facilities

4 Invicnrimental and Siting S. Ma141ials oid Plant Protection I 7. Teanspoitation I Octupealtn ellea h, 9 Antitrust Review 10 denorat Copies Oi pubtnhed guide* m&sV be obtained by isquest inditating the divrflion de1silsed to the U S Nuclear hlgutaslto CofmIosiilon.


D C 206. Attention Disealot, Office Of Steodaide Development C. REGULATORY

POSITION The addressees and copy coverage shown in Appendix A are intended to implement the reporting requirements of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations and those reporting requirements imposed by the NRC as license conditions.

It is recognized that, in a number of cases, there is a conflict between the addressee shown in Appendix A and the addressee shown in the underlying regulation.

For these situations, appropriate changes to the regulations are in the process of being developed.


The purpose of this section is to provide guidance to applicants and licensees regarding an implementation schedule for utilihing this guide.The reports listed in the guide reflect regulatory or license requirements existing at the date of the guide.Therefore, the indicated reporting requirements with respect to the number of copies and timing of the report should be followed for the next submittal of each report listed. Until appropriate changes are made In the regulations to conform to the addressee as shown in Appendix A, reports may continue to be submitted to the addressees shown in the applicable sections of the regulations.

Irrespective of transmittal mode or addressee, all reports submitted by licensees should reference:

I. The specific section of regulations under which the report is submitted, and 2. The governing docket or license identification number.10.1-2 A





Type of No. Licenseoe Report 1. All Report of radioactive contamination of package of radioactive material 2. All Report of excessive radiation levels external to the package 3. All Theft or loss of licensed material 4. All Theft or loss of licensed material 5. All Report of Incident 6. All Report of incident 7. All Overexposure of individual and excessive levels and concentrations of radioactivity

8. A, B, C, E Personnel exposure and monitoring reports 9. A, B, C, E Personnel exposure at termination of employment

  • Code: A -Reactor facility licensees Requirement

§ 20.205(b)(2)

§ 20.205(c)(2)

Primary Timing Method Recipient Secondary Addrssumu Immediately Immediately P, To NRC Reg. Final Off.b Delivering Carrier P, T P, T NRC Reg. Final Of f. Delivering Carrier§20.402(a)



30 days§20.403(a)



24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> NRC Reg.Off.None WC NRC Reg. Dir., IEo (6);Off. (2)d Dir., MIPCf (1)P, T NRC Reg.Off.Dir., MIPC (1)Dir., MIPC (1)P, T NRC Reg.Of f.§20.405(a)


§20.408 30 days Annually 90 days after termination W NRC Reg. Dir., IE (6);Off. (2) Exposed Individual

(1);Dir., MIPC (1)W Dir., IE 11)W Dir.,IE (1)None Exposed Individual

(1)B C D E All Fuel fabrication and fuel reprocessing plant licensees Byproduct material licensees Source material licensees Other special nuclear material licensees All licensees OP. T -Indicates that notiilcation may be by phono, telegraph, maligram, or facsimile.

bNRC Reg. Of 1. -Indicates appropriate NRC Regonal Office Mecifled In Appendix D of 10 CFR Part 20.'W -Indicates written report.dNu-ber In parentheses following the primary recipient or the secondary addressee Indicates the appropriate number of copies of the report that should be forwarded to each. Whemr notification es by phone, telegraph, mallgram, or facsimile, no copy distribution is Indicated.

eDIrctoro Office of Inspection and Enforcement, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555.f Director, Office of Management Information and Program Control, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Washington, D.C. 20555.10.1-3 COMPILATION




Type of No. Lliantsee Primary Timing Method Recipient Secondary Addressees Report 10. C Transfer of tritium -Form NRC-741 -report by transferor

11. C Transfer of tritium -Form NRC-741 -report by transferee

12. C Tritium inventory rpt.13. C Unlawful diversion of tritium.14. C Unlawful diversion of tritium Requirement

§30.55(a)§30.55(a)§30.65(b)§30.55(c)§30.55(c)Promptly 10 days after receipt of material Semiannually W ERDA Oak Transferee Ridgeg (1) (3)W ERDA Oak Ridge (1)Transferor

(1)None None W ERDA Oak Ridge (1)Promptly P, T NRC Reg.Off. (1)15 days W NRC Reg. Dir., IE (5): Off. (2) Dir., MIPC (1)15.15a.16.16a.DELETED§31.5(c)(5)

30 days C Failure or damage to shielding in device; mechanism or indicator;

detection of removable radioactive material C Transfer of device to specific licensee DELETED§31.5(c)(8)

30 days§31.5(c) (9)(i) 30 days 16b. C Transfer of device to general licensee W NRC Reg.Off, (1)W Dir.. NMSSh (1)W Dir., NMSS (1)W Dir., NMSS (3)W DIr.,NMSS (3)W Dlr., NMSS (3)W Dir., NMSS (3)None Dir., MIPC (1 Dir., MIPC (1)I 17.18.DELETED C Registration

-Form NRC-483 19. C Report of changes of information furnished on Form NRC483 20. C Material transfer report by §32.11 licensee 21. C Import or transfer of material report by§32.14 or §32.17 licensee§31.1 1(b)§31.11(e)§32.12§32.16 Prior to use of byproduct material 30 days Annually Annually None None NRC Reg.Off. (1)NRC Reg.Off. (1)9 U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration, Post Office Box E. Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37830.hoirector, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20565.10.1-4 COMPILATION




Typo of No. Licensee Report 22. C Report of transfer of license -exempt quantities of byproduct material by§32.18 licensee 23. C Import or transfer of material report by§32.22 licensee 24. C Import or transfer of material report by§32.26 licensee 25. C Transfer of devices generally licensed under§31.5 by §32.51 licensee 25a. C Transfer of devices generally licensed under Agreement State regulations equivalent to§ 31.5 26. C Transfer of tritium or promethium-147 generally licensed under §31.7 by§32.53 licensee 27. C Transfer of americium-241 generally licensed under§31.8 by §32.57 licensee Requirement

§ 32.20§32.25(c)§32.29(c)§32.52(a)§32.52(b)§32.56§32.60 Primary Timing Method Recipient Annually W Dir., NN (3)Annually W Dir., Nfh (3)Annually W Dir., N, (3)Quarterly W Dir., NN (3)Quarterly W Agreerr State A (1)Annually W Dir., NI (3)Annually W Dir., NI (3)Annually W Dir., N (3)5 days W Dir., N (1)5 days W NRC R Off. (2 5 days W NRC R Off. (2 SecondAry Addrewees 1SS NRC Reg.Off. (1)lSS NRC Reg.Off. (1)vSS NRC Reg.Off. (1)V1SS NRC Reg.Off. (1)lent None gency ASS NRC Reg.Off. (1)MASS NRC Reg.Off. (1)MSS NRC Reg.Off. (1)28, C Transfer of strontium'90

§32.63 generally licensed under§31.10 by §32.61 licensee 29. C Disposition of leaking §34.25(d)sealed radiographic source 30. C Report of exceeding limit of §35.14(b)removable contamination

(5)(iii)by Group VI licensee MSS Reg. Off, (1);Dir, MIPC (1)Dir., IE (5);Dir., MIPC (1)Dir., I E (5)None 31. C Report of exceeding limit of removable contamination revealed by leak test 3

2. C Registration

-Form NRC-482§35.14(e)(3)

§35.31(b)Prior to use W Dir., NMSS of byproduct

(3)material 10.1-5 COMPILATION




rt Requirement Timing Method Type of No. Licensee Prirnary Recipient Repoi 33. C Report of changes of information furnished on Form NRC-482 34. A, 8, ) Nuclear Material Trans-action Report -Form NRC-741 -filed by transferor

35. A, 8, D Nuclear Material Trans-action Report -Form NRC-741 filed by transferee

§35.31(d)§40.64(a)§40.64(a)§40.64(b)§40.64(c)§40.64(c)30 days Promptly W Dir., NMSS (3)W ERDA Oak Ridge (1)Sexondary Addnasae None Transferee

(31 10 days after receipt of material Annually W ERDA Oak Transferor Ridge (1) (1)36. AB,D Annual statement of source materials inventooy W ERDA Oak Ridge (1)P, T NRC Reg.Off.None None 37. A. B, D Unlawful diversion of source material Promptly 15 days 38. 'A,BD U.Iawful diversion of source material W NRC Reg. Dir., IE (6);Off. (2) Dir., MIPC (1)39.40.41.DELETED DELETED DELETED DELETED 42.43. A, B Effluent release report 44. A. B Changes in security plan made without prior approval§ 50.36a(a)

(2)§50.54(p)Semiannually Two months after change i 45. A Completion of construc-tion before earliest date specified 46. A Construction deficiency report 47. A Construction deficiency report 48. A, B Report of facility changes, tests, and experiments conducted without prior NRC approval§50.55(a)Promptly W NRC Reg.Off. (2)W Dir., NRR'(3)W NRC Reg.Off. (2)P, T NRC Reg.Off.W NRC Reg.Off. (2)W NRC Reg.Off. (2)Dir., IE (25);Dir., MIPC (2)NRC Reg.Off. (1)§ 50.55(e)(2)


§50.59(b)l Promptly 30 days Annually or as otherwise speci-fied in license Dir., IE (10)None Dir., IE (15);Dir.. MIPC (1)Dir,, IE (40)'Director.

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555.JSee also Reference Numbef 96.10.1-6 COMPILATION




Type of No. Licensee Report 49. A Copy of annual financial report 50. A Fracture Toughness Requiremnent

§50.71(b)Part 50, App. G, Sec. V.E.Primal/Timing Method Recipient Second~ary Addr~eafs Upon issuance At least 3 years prior to date when the predicted fracture tough-ness levels will no longer satisfy requirements of Appendix Variable W Dir., NRR (a)W Dir., NRR (15)None None 51. A Report of test results of specimens withdrawn from capsules (fracture toughness tests)Part 50, App. H Sec. IV 51a. A Report of effluents released in excess of design objectives

52. A Reactor containment build-ing integrated leak rate test 63. A Notification of disability of operator 54. E Changes in material control and accounting program made without prior approval Part 50, App. I Sec. IV.A Part 50, App. J., Sec. V.B§55.41§70.32(c)30 days 3 months 15 days 2 months or 6 months 2 months 2 months Annual W Dir., NRR (15)W NRC Reg.Off. (2)W Dir., NRR (15)W Dir., NRR (2)W Dir., NMSS (41 None Dir., IE (20)Dir., MIPC (2)None NRC Reg.Off. (1), 55. E Changes in plan for physical protection of SNM in transit made without prior approval 56. E Changes In security plan made without prior approval 57. E Annual report of plu-tonium transfer to general licensees under§ 70.19§70.32(d)§70.32(e)§70.39(d)W Dir., NMSS NRC Reg.(4) Off. (1)W Dir., NMSS NRC Reg.(3) Off. (1)W Dir., NMSS (2)None kReports reQuired by Parts 70 and 73 should be sent to the appropriate NRC Regional Office listed in Appendix A of 10 CFR Part.73.10.1-7 COMPILATION




Type of No. Lk/mee Primary Timing Method Recipient Secondary Addressees Report Requirement


58. A, B, E Accidental criticality or loss of SNM 59. A, B. E Theft or unlawful diversion of SNM or attempted theft or unlawful diversion of SNM Immediately P, T P, T NRC Reg.Off.NRC Reg.Off.Dir., MIPC (2)§70.52(b)k Immediately

60. A, B.E Material status report, Form NRC-742 61. 8, E Unaccounted for SNM exceeding applicable limits 62. A, B, E Nuclear Material Trans-action Report Form NRC.741 -filed by transferor

63. A, B, E Nuclear Material Trans-action Report Form NRC-741 -filed by transferee

64. C, D, E Notifications on trans-portation of licensed materials 65. All Report by general licensee under §71.12 66. A, B, C, E Reductions in effective- ness of authorized package during use 67. A, B, E Notice by licensee of failure to receive periodic calls during shipment by road 68. A, B, E Notice by licensee of failure to receive periodic calls auring shipment by rail 69. A, B, E Failure of shipment to arrive at destination

-notification by consignee ISee also Reference Numbers 98 and 99.§70.53(a)§70.53(b)§70.54§70.54§71.5(b)§71.12(b)(1)(iii)§71.61§73.31(b)Semiannually

30 days after start of ending physical inventory Promptly 10 days after receipt of material Prior to shipment Prior to first use of package 30 days Immediately W ERDA Oak Ridge (1)W NRC Reg.Off. (1)Dir,, MIPC (2)None Dir., IE (5);Dir., MIPC (1)W ERDA Oak Transferee Ridge (1) (3)W ERDA Oak Transferor Ridge (1) (1)W Dir., NMSS NRC Reg.(5) Off. (1)W Dir., NMSS (4)W Dir., NMSS (2)None Dir., MIPC (1)Tele- NRC Reg. Appropriate phone Off.k Law Enforcement Authority Tele- NRC Reg. Appropriate phone Off. Law Enforcement Authority§73.33(a)Immediately A§73.36(e)Immediately P, T NRC Reg.Off.Deliverer t 10.1-8 COMPILATION




Type of Fo. Licensee Report 70. A, B, E Action taken to trace shipment -notification by licensee who made the physical protection arrangements

71. A, B, E Results of trace investi.gation of lost or unac-counted for shipment Requirement

§73.36(e)§73.71(a)§73.71(a)§73,71(b)§73.71(b)Primary Timing Method Recipient Immediately Immediately

15 days Immediately

15 days P, T P, T NRC Reg.Off.NRC Reg.Off.Secondary Addiusseas None None 72. A, BE Results of trace investi-gation of lost or unac.counted for shipment W NRC Reg. Dir., IE (8);Off. (2) Dir.. MIPC (1)73. A, B, E Report of suspected theft or diversion of SNM or industrial sabotage against plant 74. A, 8, E Report of suspected theft or diversion of SNM or industrial sabotage against plant 75.7.78. A, B Bodily injury or property damage from possession or use of radioactive material resulting in indemnity claim 79. A Balance sheet and operating statement 80. E. Nuclear Material Transaction Report Form NRC-741 -filed by transferor of SNM 81. E Nuclear Material Transaction Report Form NRC.741 -filed by transferee of SNM 82. E Theft or unlawful diversion of SNM or attempted theft or unlawful diversion of SNM P, T NRC Reg.Off.None W NRC Reg. Dir., IE (8);Off. (2) Dir., MIPC (1)DELETED DELETED DELETED§ 140.6(a)Promptly as practicable W Dir., NRR (20)Dir., MIPC (1)§ 140.18(a)

Annually§ 150.16(a)


10 days after receipt of material W Dir., NRR (8)W ERDA Oak Ridge (1)None Transferee

(3)W ERDA Oak Transferor Ridge (1) (1)§150.16(b)

Promptly P, T NRC Reg, Off.None 10.1-9 COMPILATION




T IpO of N&. Lkwassee Report Requirement

§ 150.16(b)Primary Timing Method Recipient Secondary Addraeasse

83. E Theft or unlawful diversion of SNM or attempted theft or unlawful diversion of SNM 84. D Nuclear Material Transaction Report Form NRC-741- filed by transferor of source material 85. D Nuclear Material Transaction Report Form NRC-741 -filed by transferee of source material 86. D Annual statement of source material inventory 87. D Unlawful diversion or theft of source material 88. D Unlawful diversion or theft of source material 89. C Tritium transfer report Form NRC-741 -filed by transferor

90. C Tritium transfer report Form NRC-741 -filed by transferee

91. C Tritium inventory report 92. C Unlawful diversion or theft of tritium 93. C Unlawful diversion or theft of tritium 94. C, D, E Report of proposed activities in non-Agreement States -Form NRC-241 15 days§ 150.17(a)

Promptly W NRC Reg. Dir., IE (6);Off. (2) Dir., MIPC (1)W ERDA Oak Transferee Ridge (1) (3)W ERDA Oak Transferor Ridge (1) (1)§150.17ta)

10 days after receipt of material§ 150.17(b)



15 days§ 150.19(a)


10 days after receipt of material§ 150.19(b)


§ 150.19(c)

Promptly§ 150.19(c)

15 days W ERDA Oak Ridge (1)P, T NRC Reg.Off.W NRC Reg.Off. (2)W ERDA Oak Ridge (1)None None Dir., IE (6);Dir., MIPC (1)Transferee

4 (3)W ERDA Oak Transferor Ridge (1) (1)W ERDA Oak Ridge (1)P, T NRC Reg.Off.W NRC Reg.Off, (2)W NRC Reg.Off. (4)None None Dir., I E (6);Dir., MIPC (1)§ 150.20(b)(1)

3 days prior to engaging in each such activity None 10.1-10





T~pe of No. Licensee Primar!Timing Method Recipient Sec ondary Addrnuesse Rep or Requiremen t 95. A Startup of Reactor Tech Specs Within (1) 90 days following completion of the startup test program, (2) 90 days following re-sumption or commencement of commercial power operation, or (3) 9 months following initial criticality, whichever is earliest.

If all three events are not completed, supplementary re-ports every 3 months.Tech Specs Annually N NRC Reg.Off. (2)Dir., IE (25);Dir., MIPC (2)$0 96. A, B Annual Operating Report W NRC Reg. Dir., IE (40);Off. (2) Dir., MIPC (2)97. A, B Monthly Operating Report 98. A, B Abnormal Occurrences

99. A. B Abnormal Occurrences

100. A, B Abnormal Occurrences

101. A, B Source Leakage Report 102. C Source Leakage Report 103. A Annual Environmental Operating Report 104. A Nonroutine Environ.mental Operating Report Tech Specs Monthly W Dir., IE (10)P, T NRC Reg.Off.NRC Reg. Off. (1);Dir., MIPC (2)Dir., MIPC (2)Tech Specs 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> Tech Specs 14 days W NRC Reg. Dir.. IE (40);Off. (3) Dir., MIPC (1)W NRC Reg. Dir., IE (30);Off. (3) Dir., MIPC (3)Tech Specs 30 days Tech Specs for Annually Part 50 Licensees License condi. 5 days tion for Part 30 Licensees Tech Specs Annually Tech Specs 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> W NRC Reg.Off. (2)W NRC Reg.Off. (2)W NRC Reg.Off. (2)P, T NRC Reg.Off.Dir., IE (4);Dir., MIPC (1)Dir., IE 45);Dir., MIPC (1)Dir., IE (20);Dir., MIPC (2)Dir.. MIPC (2)10.1-11 COMPILATION




Type of No. Licensee Primary Toming Method Recipient Secondary Addresswes Report Requirement Tech Specs 105. A Nonroutine Environ-mental Operating Report 106. A Nonroutine Environ-mental Operating Report 107. A Nonroutine Radiological Environmental Operating Reports -Anomalous Measurement Report 108. A Nonroutine Radiological Environmental Operating Report -Pathway Medsurement Report 109. A Nonroutine Radioactive Effluents Reports -Gaseous & Liquid Radio-active Wastes 110. A Nonroutine Radioactive Effluents Reports -BWR Gaseous Wastes UNITEO STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY



0. C. 20555 OFFICIAL BUSINESS PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, 1300 10 days W NRC Reg.Off. (2)Oir., IE (20);Dir., MIPC (2)Tech Specs 30 days Tech Specs 10 days Tech Specs 30 days Tech Specs Quarterly W NRC Reg. Dir., IE (20);Off. (2) Dir., MIPC (2)W NRC Reg. Dir., IE (20);Off. (2) Dir., MIPC (2)W NRC Reg. Dir., IE (20);Off. (2) Dir., MIPC (2)W NRC Reg. Dir., IE (20);Off. (2) Dir.. MIPC (2)W NRC Reg. Dir., IE (20);Off. (2) Dir., MIPC (2)Tech Specs 10 days POSTAGE AND FEES PAID LJNItco S7ATts '.U",A0 GCOVLAm 1,0 om"MI,1101I
