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 Issue dateTitle
ML18093A9198 March 2018Revision 31 to Updated Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 18, Response to NUREG-0737 Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements. Redacted
ML19092A07711 March 2019Revision 32 to Updated Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 7, Instrumentation and Controls
ML19092A09211 March 2019Revision 32 to Updated Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 18, Response to NUREG-0737 Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements
ML19332F18430 November 1989Application for Amend to License NPF-42,revising Tech Specs,3.5.4, & Re RHR Flow & Safety Injection Pump Availability
ML20008G25930 June 1981Forwards Response to NUREG-0737, Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements. Response Will Be Issued as Chapter 18 of FSAR & Will Be Incorporated in Fsar,Revision 5,currently Scheduled for Jul 1981 Publication
ML20010J01324 September 1981Forwards Response to NRC 810901 Request for Addl Info Re NUREG-0737,Item II.F.2,instrumentation for Detection of Inadequate Core Cooling.Info Will Be Incorporated in Future Revision to FSAR
ML20058N55617 December 1993Transmits Changes to Data Point Library Resulting from Change in Power Rating for Plant,Software Mods That Affected Transmitted Data Points & Editorial Corrections,Per 10CFR50,App E,VI.3.a (ERDS)
ML20069B56824 May 1994Proposed Tech Specs,Incorporating Improvements in Scope & Content Endorsed by NRC in Final Policy Statement on TS Improvements for Nuclear Power Reactors,58FR39132,dtd 930722
ML20073L51515 April 1983Forwards Response to Generic Ltr 82-33,Suppl 1 to NUREG-0737 Re Requirements for Emergency Response Capability.Due to Const & Licensing Status at Time TMI Requirements Were Issued,Requirements Were Addressed in Chapter 18 of FSARs
ML20082D9446 April 1995Proposed Tech Specs Re Incorporation in Scope & Content Endorsed by NRC for License NPF-42
ML20084C20310 April 1984Rev 0 to Procedure EDP-ZZ-00005, Assessing Core Damage
ML20086M58513 December 1991Forwards Data Point Library & Critical Safety Function Parameters Data Points,Revised to Better Provide Info Requested in NUREG-1394,Rev 1, Emergency Response Data Sys (ERDS) Implementation
ML20092H31416 May 1984Rev 1 to Engineering Departmental Procedure EDP-ZZ-00005, Assessing Core Damage
ML20126E3883 June 1985Transcript of Commission 850603 Meeting in Washington,Dc Re Discussion/Possible Vote on Full Power OL for Facility. Pp 1-46
ML20137T60327 November 1985Startup Rept for Cycle 1
ML20153G73023 September 1998Special Rept 98-003:on 980814,station Entered TS, Action Statment a Due to Inoperability of RVLIS B Train. Cause Has Not Yet Been Identified.Work Order 98-202813-000 Has Been Generated
ML20195E75910 November 1998WCNOC Proposed PASS Function Reduction
ML20196K73226 March 1999Proposed Tech Specs Converting to Improved Tech Specs
ML20203C9582 February 1999Forwards Rev to 830804 Response to GL 81-07, Control of Heavy Loads. Util Revised RB Analyses Section of Rept to Clarify Control of Movement of Heavy Loads Over Two RHR Loops During Shutdown & Refueling Conditions
ML20207J2025 March 1999Proposed Tech Specs Re Conversion to ITS Section 1,0,3.1, 3.2,3.3,3.4,3.6,3.7,3.8,3.9,4.0 & 5.0
ML20207L0405 March 1999Suppl 1 to 970515 Application for Amend to License NPF-42 Incorporating Changes to WCGS TSs & Adding License Conditions to Address Surveillance Requirements.Suppl Submits Mods Submitted to NRC During Review Process
ML20215E37715 December 1986Provides Status of License Condition 2.C.(7),Attachment 3, Item (3) Re Reg Guide 1.97 Instrumentation.Listed Instruments Installed & Maintained Per Plant Procedures
ML20217F74814 October 1999Informs That Based on Approval of Core Assessment Damage Guidance in WCAP-14696,rev 1 for Westinghouse Nuclear Power Plants,Licensee May Use WCAP-14696,rev 1 at Wolf Creek Generating Station
ML20249B57716 June 1998Refers to WCNOC 970515 Proposed License Amend to Convert Current TS for Unit 1 to Improved Sts.Licensee Should Responds to Encl RAI within 30 Days of Ltr Date
ML20290A57523 July 2020Corrected Redacted Version of Rev. 33 to Updated Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 7, Instrumentation and Controls
ML20290A58623 July 2020Corrected Redacted Version of Rev. 33 to Updated Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 18, Response to NUREG-0737, Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements
ML21053A1178 April 20211 - Issuance of Amendment No. 227 TS Change Risk-Informed Justification for the Relocation of Specific Surveillance Frequency Requirements to a Licensee Controlled Program Based on TSTF-425
ML21168A1067 June 20214 to Updated Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 18, Response to NUREG-0737 Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements
ML21168A1167 June 20214 to Updated Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 7, Instrumentation and Controls
ML22067A0308 March 2022Changes to Technical Specification Bases - Revisions 86, 87, 88, 89, and 90
ML22151A14218 May 20225 to Updated Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 18, Response to NUREG-0737 Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements - Part 1 of 2
ML22151A15318 May 20225 to Updated Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 7, Instrumentation and Controls
ML23135A1738 May 20236 to Updated Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 7, Instrumentation and Controls
ML23135A1848 May 20236 to Updated Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 18, Response to NUREG-0737 Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements - Part 1 of 2
ML24114A12715 April 2024Redacted Updated Safety Analysis Report (WCGS Usar), Revision 37, Chapter 18, Response to NUREG-0737 Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements
ML24114A13815 April 2024Redacted Updated Safety Analysis Report (WCGS Usar), Revision 37, Chapter 7, Instrumentation and Controls
NEI 99-01, Wolf Creek Generating Station Proposed Revised EAL Technical Basis Document12 September 2016Wolf Creek Generating Station Proposed Revised EAL Technical Basis Document
NEI 99-01, Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation Request to Adopt Emergency Action Level Scheme Pursuant to NEI 99-01, Revision 6, Development of Emergency Action Levels for Non-Passive Reactors30 September 2016Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation Request to Adopt Emergency Action Level Scheme Pursuant to NEI 99-01, Revision 6, Development of Emergency Action Levels for Non-Passive Reactors
NRC Generic Letter 1985-0217 April 1985NRC Generic Letter 1985-002: Staff Recommended Actions Stemming from NRC Integrated Program for the Resolution of Unresolved Safety Issues Regarding Steam Generator Tube Integrity
NRC Generic Letter 1985-0531 January 1985NRC Generic Letter 1985-005: Inadvertent Boron Dilution Events
NRC Generic Letter 1985-072 May 1985NRC Generic Letter 1985-007: Implementation of Integrated Schedules for Plant Modifications
NRC Generic Letter 1985-0823 May 1985NRC Generic Letter 1985-008: 10 CFR 20.408 Termination Reports - Format
NRC Generic Letter 1992-0419 August 1992NRC Generic Letter 1992-004 - Resolution of Issues Related to Reactor Vessel Water Level Instrumentation in BWRs Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(F)
NRC Generic Letter 1998-0228 May 1998NRC Generic Letter 1998-002: Loss of Reactor Coolant Inventory and Associated Potential for Loss of Emergency Mitigation Functions While in a Shutdown Condition
NRC-84-0046, Forwards Requested Changes to Final Draft Tech Specs.List of Tech Specs Discussed W/Description of Status & Action Required Also Encl20 March 1984Forwards Requested Changes to Final Draft Tech Specs.List of Tech Specs Discussed W/Description of Status & Action Required Also Encl
WM 16-0008, Wolf Creek Generating Station, Redacted Version of Revision 29 to Updated Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 18.0 - Response to NUREG-0737 Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements31 May 2016Wolf Creek Generating Station, Redacted Version of Revision 29 to Updated Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 18.0 - Response to NUREG-0737 Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements
WM 16-0008, Wolf Creek Generating Station, Redacted Version of Revision 29 to Updated Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 7.0 - Instrumentation and Controls31 May 2016Wolf Creek Generating Station, Redacted Version of Revision 29 to Updated Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 7.0 - Instrumentation and Controls
WO 02-0004, Revision to Technical Specifications Re Suspension of Positive Reactivity Additions21 February 2002Revision to Technical Specifications Re Suspension of Positive Reactivity Additions
WO 02-0062, Changes to Wolf Creek Radiological Emergency Response Plan, Implementing Procedures and Form19 December 2002Changes to Wolf Creek Radiological Emergency Response Plan, Implementing Procedures and Form
WO 03-0024, Special Report 2003-001 for Wolf Creek Re Unavailability of Post Accident Monitoring Equipment15 April 2003Special Report 2003-001 for Wolf Creek Re Unavailability of Post Accident Monitoring Equipment