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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20148G98520 September 1973Notification of 730926 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Accident Dose Parameters & Assumptions Utilized by Util
ML20148J0566 October 1972Forwards Ao.Action Taken by Licensee Considered Appropriate
ML20148J40219 November 1963Forwards Amend 46 to 560629 Application for CP & Ol.W/O Encl
ML20148J59219 February 1976Notification of 760224 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Conversion of Tech Specs to STS Format,Including Definitions,Safety Limits,Limiting of Safety Sys Settings & Reactivity Control Sys
ML20148J6225 March 1976Notification of 760316 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Conversion of Tech Specs to STS Format Re Sections on Instrumentation,Main Coolant Sys,Eccs & Containment
ML20148K11521 October 1958Notifies That Addl Info,Re Estimated Distribution of Neutron Flux & Heat Flux in Reactor & Experiment Results Re Precipitation of Solids from Water,Needed to Complete Evaluation of Reactor SafetyBoric Acid
ML20148T0853 June 1988Discusses Multiplant Action F-58,Items II.K.3.30 & II.K.3.31 Compliance w/10CFR50.46
ML20149M60916 February 1988Notification of 880322-24 Meetings W/Util,Eg&G & Cygna in Walnut Creek,Ca to Perform case-by-case Reviews of Seismic Piping Analysis
ML20150E98211 July 1988Notification of 880721 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Routine Monthly Scheduling & Prioritization
ML20151L35718 April 1988Notification of 880502,03,04 & 05 Meeting W/Util,Eg&G & Cygna Energy Svcs in Walnut Creek,Ca to Perform Audit Review of Seismic Reanalysis of Piping Supports Inside Containment
ML20151P9903 August 1988Notification of 880818 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Routine Monthly Scheduling & Prioritization
ML20151Q7916 July 1988Notification of 880714 Licensee Meeting 88-108 in King of Prussia,Pa to Discuss SALP for 861007-880331Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
ML20151Q8159 May 1988Notification of 880518 SALP Board Meeting 88-069 in King of Prussia,Pa to Discuss Regional Evaluation Phase of SALPSystematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
ML20151Q88524 June 1988Notification of 880629 Licensee Meeting 88-102 in King of Prussia,Pa to Discuss Licensee Actions to Enhance Security Program
ML20153E46824 September 1998Informs That Office of Secretary Experienced Problems with Dedicated e-mail Address.In Effort to Maintain Electronic Mailbox for Parties Filing by e-mail,alternate Mailbox Created.With Certificate of Svc.Served on 980924
ML20154P56727 September 1988Notification of 881013 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Routine Monthly Scheduling & Prioritization
ML20195D23031 October 1988Notification of 881117 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Monthly Scheduling & Prioritization Meeting
ML20195G38519 July 1988Partially Deleted Trip Rept of Commissioner Carr 880706-08 Visit to Facilities & Meeting W/State of VT Officials
ML20197G23811 December 1997Notification of 980113 Meeting W/Util in Buckland,Ma to Discuss License Termination Process as Prescribed by NRC Regulations.Agenda Encl
ML20198G76528 August 1997Discusses Review of Yankee License Termination Plan, Submitted 970515.Comments,encl
ML20203B8895 February 1998Forwards Copy of Fr Notice Published on 980128 Providing Opportunity to Either Make Comments on Proposed Yankee Atomic Electric Co License Termination Plan or to Request Hearing on Plan
ML20203F01512 February 1998Informs That Staff Completed Review of Yankee License Termination Plan, ,supplemented 971218 & 980123. Inspection of Licensee Matls & Effluents Records, Recommended.Supporting Se,Encl
ML20204A2546 May 1986Notification of 860515 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Current Program for Completing Dcrdr
ML20204F94224 July 1986Concurs W/Proposed Response to R Blank .Suggests Change to Ltr Clarifying Plant NameChernobyl
ML20204H04819 March 1999Notification of 990407 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Proposed License Amends Re Safeguards,Qap & Other Administrative Changes
ML20205L24426 March 1987Notification of 870402 Licensee Meeting 87-038 W/Util in Region I to Discuss Licensee Presentation on New Emergency Operating Procedures
ML20206G51820 June 1986Notification of 860623 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Proposed Corrective Actions Re Design Problem in Electrical Distribution Sys
ML20206J18721 November 1988Notification of 881215 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Routine Monthly Scheduling & Prioritization
ML20206L5447 April 1988Notice of Licensee Mgt Meeting 88-052 on 880420 to Discuss Util Initiatives & Corrective Actions Re Operator Licensing & Retraining Programs
ML20207A99511 July 1986Notification of 860716 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md to Discuss SEP Seismic Reevaluation Program
ML20207B42327 May 1999Informs That on 990526 Licensee Filed with Commission & Licensing Board Board Notification (Withdrawal of Application) & Motion to Terminate Proceeding & Dismiss Appeal. NRC Does Not Intend to File Response
ML20207P12312 January 1987Notification of 870116 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Schedule for Resolution of Issues Re Seismic Analysis of Piping
ML20207S86919 March 1987Notification of 870324 Meeting W/Util,Cygna & Gei in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Soil Bearing Capacity Under Seismic Loading
ML20209J19121 January 1987Notification of 870205 Meeting W/Util & Inel in Bethesda,Md to Discuss RELAP5YA Code Modeling for Small Break LOCA Analysis.Tentative Meeting Agenda Encl
ML20210C55830 April 1987Notification of 870518-20 Meetings W/Util,Franklin Research Ctr & Nct Engineering in Framingham,Ma to Discuss SEP Review of Design Codes & Load CombinationsSafe Shutdown
ML20210F09122 September 1986Notification of 861007-10 Meetings W/Util,Cygna,Eg&G & Lll in Walnut Creek,Ca to Discuss Open Issues Re Seismic Reevaluation Program
ML20210P9786 May 1986Notification of 860519-21 Meetings W/Util in Rowe,Ma & Framingham,Ma to Inspect Seismic Supports & Discuss SEP Seismic Evaluation & Blockwall Design
ML20211F7412 October 1986Rev 1 to Notification of Licensee Meeting 86-113 on 861015 W/Util in Region I to Discuss Emergency Preparedness Program Changes
ML20211P31320 February 1987Notification of 870312 Meeting W/Util & Novetech in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Fracture Mechanics Analysis of Crossover Lines,Per Encl QuestionsUnidentified leak
ML20212N0009 March 1987Forwards,For Use,Exemption Ltrs for Listed Facilities, Pending Commission Approval of 861208 Paper Recommending Partial Exemption from 10CFR171.Svc Lists & Suggested Distribution Also Encl,Per Telcon W/Ofc of General CounselExemption Request
ML20212Q93310 April 1987Notification of 870422 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Steam Generator Insp Program for Upcoming Outage & Proposed Tech Spec Changes
ML20214A92113 February 1986Notification of 860224-27 Meetings W/Util in San Francisco, CA to Review Bases for Licensee SEP Seismic Evaluation & Review of Existing Data & Calculations
ML20214B42213 November 1986Notification of 861121 Meeting W/Util in Framingham,Ma to Resolve NRC Questions Issued on 861103 Re Wind & Tornado Analysis
ML20214P83313 May 1987Requests Fr Publication of Notice of Issuance of Amend 105 to License DPR-3.Amend Modifies Tech Specs Re Surveillance Requirements for Power Range & Intermediate Power Range Neutron Flux Channels
ML20214R88525 November 1986Notification of 870106-09 Meetings W/Util & Cygna Energy Svcs in Walnut Creek,Ca to Discuss SEP Seismic Reevaluation Program
ML20215A1798 December 1986Forwards Draft Commission Paper in Support of Partial Exemptions from 10CFR171 Fees for Listed Facilities,Per Request.Supplemental Fact Sheets Also Encl.Sample Exemption Ltr for EDO Concurrence Being PreparedExemption Request
ML20215E99417 June 1987Notification of 870623 Mgt Meeting W/Util in King of Prussia,Pa to Discuss Operator Licensing & Requalification Training Program
ML20215F36317 June 1987Notification of Significant Meeting 87-085 on 870623 W/Util in King of Prussia,Pa to Discuss Violations of Physical Security Plan
ML20215H26517 June 1987Notification of 870707 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Licensing Alternatives for Removal of Old Control Rods from Spent Fuel Pool
ML20215K68522 October 1986Notification of 861113 Meeting W/Util in Framingham,Ma to Discuss Resolution of Dcrdr Issues