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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20045D37421 June 1993LER 93-008-00:on 930520,determined That TS SR Not Satisfied for Stack Flow Indicator,Per Amend 137 Issued on 910307. Caused by Lack of Attention to Detail.Calibr & Functional Test Procedures developed.W/930621 Ltr
ML20045D72022 June 1993LER 93-009-00:on 930524,apparent Spurious Signal from Pressurizer Level Instrumentation Caused Backup Charging Pumps to Automatically Start,Due to Deterioration of Wiring. Instrument Loop Calibration Will Be performed.W/930622 LtrBoric Acid
ML20045H25612 July 1993LER 93-010-00:on 930611,1 of 14 Halon Cylinders Did Not Meet Min Pressure Acceptance Criteria Listed in Semiannual Switchgear Rooms Surveillance Test.Caused by Failure of Test to Include Necessary Steps.Cylinder recharged.W/930712 LtrContinuous fire watch
ML20046A86926 July 1993LER 93-011-00:on 930624,experienced Reactor Trip Due to Loss of Load.Caused by Lack of Proper Job Planning,Lack of Formal Decision Making Process & Incomplete Communications.Training Will Be Provided to Operations personnel.W/930726 LtrSafe Shutdown
Slow transfer
ML20046C21230 July 1993LER 93-004-01:on 930301,confirmed That Channel D Axial Shape Index (Asi) Being Calculated in Reverse Since 921031-930301 Due to Drawing Discrepancies Associated W/Control Channel B. Temporary Mod 92-078 & Standing Order 0-25 RevisedAnticipated operational occurrence
Temporary Modification
ML20052B2367 April 1982LER 82-006/03L-0:on 820323,during Surveillance Test ST-ISI- WD-1,F.1,valve HCV-506A Failed to Close Via Control Room Switch.Caused by Solenoid Valve Malfunction.Solenoid Valve Disassembled,Cleaned & ReassembledSafe Shutdown
ML20052D9296 April 1982LER 82-008/03L-0:on 820330,during Performance of ST-FW-1, F.2(b)(6)per Tech Spec 3.9,steam Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Failed to Start.Caused by Back Pressure Trip Lever in Tripped Position.Lever Reset
ML20052J06327 April 1982LER 82-009/03L-0:on 820411,while Exchanging Component Cooling Water Heat Exchangers,Associated Outlet Valves HCV-490B,HCV-491B & HCV-492B Failed to Open.Cause Not stated.HCV-491B Reassembled & TestedTime of Discovery