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 Issue dateTitle
IR 05000272/199109929 July 1993Initial Draft SALP Repts 50-272/91-99,50-311/91-99 & 50-354/91-99 for 911229-930619
IR 05000272/20020062 August 2002IR 05000272-02-006, IR 05000311-02-006, on 05/12 - 06/29/02, Public Service Electric Gas Nuclear LLC, Salem Units1 and 2, Maintenance Rule Implementation, Identification and Resolution of Problems and Performance Indicator Verification
IR 05000272/200300710 November 2003IR 05000272-03-007 & 05000311-03-007, on 06/29/2003 - 09/27/2003; Public Service Electric Gas Nuclear LLC, Salem Unit 1 and Unit 2; Maintenance Effectiveness
Information Notice 1986-27, Access Control at Nuclear Facilities21 April 1986Access Control at Nuclear Facilities
Information Notice 1987-11, Enclosure of Vital Equipment Within Designated Vital Areas13 February 1987Enclosure of Vital Equipment Within Designated Vital Areas
Information Notice 1987-11, Enclosure of Vital Equipment within Designated Vital Areas13 February 1987Enclosure of Vital Equipment within Designated Vital Areas
LR-N23-0073, Request for Exemption from Specific Requirements in New 2023 Security Rule17 November 2023Request for Exemption from Specific Requirements in New 2023 Security Rule
ML10298053429 April 2010Email from Cline, Leonard to Cahill, Christopher; Burritt, Arthur, Mc 0309 for Salem Afw.
ML10298060730 April 2010Email from Cline, Leonard to Heater, Keith; Burritt, Arthur, Salem Unit 1 Afw.
ML18100B25029 July 1994Responds to NRC 940630 Ltr Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-272/94-16,50-311/94-16 & 50-354/94-16.Corrective Actions: Sfm Responsible for Violation Given Severe Disciplinary Penalty
ML18102A75710 January 1997Responds to NRC 960930 Ltr Re Violations Noted & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalties in Insp Repts 50-272/96-14, 50-311/96-14 & 50-354/96-14.Corrective Actions:Involved Security Personnel Were Disciplined &/Or Remediated
ML20135C04020 November 1996Partially Deleted FOIA Request for Documents Re Six Security Violations at Salem/Hope Creek Nuclear Power Plants
ML20147B00424 January 1997Seventh Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents. Records in App O Encl & Being Made Available for Pdr.App Q Records Withheld in Part & App R Records Withheld in Entirety (Ref FOIA Exemptions 2,3,5 & 6)
ML20311A4066 November 20172017 Q1-Q4 ROP Inspection Findings
ML20311A4136 November 20172017 Q1-Q4 ROP Inspection Findings
ML23324A30717 November 2023Request for Exemption from Enhanced Weapons, Firearms Background Checks, and Security Event Notifications Implementation
NRC Generic Letter 1991-036 March 1991NRC Generic Letter 1991-003: Reporting of Safeguards Events