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 Entered dateEvent description
ENS 4428210 June 2008 18:04:00At 10:11 today, 10 June 08, CPNPP (Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant) Unit 1 plant computer suffered a power supply failure. The failure of this power supply resulted in a loss of the SPDS (Safety Parameter Display System). Loss of the SPDS meets the 8-hr. reporting requirements of 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(xiii). Troubleshooting and repair of the plant computer power supply is in progress. Repairs are estimated to be complete at 2100 CDT. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 456179 January 2010 12:14:00At 1028 CST on the 9th of January, Unit 1 tripped due to turbine trip greater than 50% reactor power. The turbine trip was caused by a sudden pressure fault of the Unit 1 main generator output transformer (1MT1). All systems operated as designed. All three auxiliary feedwater pumps auto-started as required. There were no complications noted on the reactor trip. Current status: Holding in mode 3 and shutting down secondary equipment. Decay heat removal is via auxiliary feed and main condenser steam dumps. All rods inserted during the trip. No relief or safety valves lifted during the transient. The electrical grid is stable and Unit 1 is in its' normal shutdown electrical lineup. Investigation of the transformer fault is underway. Unit 2 was unaffected by the transient. The licensee will be notifying the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4674813 April 2011 01:57:00

The following event occurred with the unit in a "No Mode" defueled condition. On the 12th of April at 2215 CDT Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 had a Train B ESF Actuation (Black Out) reportable per 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(iv) for (the 6.9KV Train B) Emergency AC Electrical power systems including Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG). At the time of the event, Unit 2 was in 'No Mode' - the core was off loaded and post maintenance testing was being performed on the 2-02 Emergency Diesel Generator. The scope of the EDG testing was to verify proper operation of the EDG when it was the sole supply to the Unit 2 Train B 6.9KV safeguards buses. Unit 2 Train B 6.9 KV buses have 3 AC sources - XST1 (138KV) preferred source, XST2 (345KV) alternate source and the 2-02 Emergency Diesel Generator. The 2-02 EDG was started normally and was operating in parallel with XST1 (preferred AC source) just before the event. The event was triggered when the preferred AC supply breaker to the Train B 6.9KV Safeguard bus was opened per plan. The opening of the preferred feeder breaker resulted in the 2-02 EDG being the sole AC source to the Train B 6.9KV bus. Immediately following this breaker operation, the EDG tripped on an Auto Voltage Regulator failure. This caused the Train B 6.9KV safeguard bus to de-energize which resulted in the automatic closure of the alternate AC (XST2) feeder breaker. This in turn triggered the Train B Solid State Sequencer to sequence on Train B Black Out loads - as designed. The Train B Black Out Solid State Sequencer operated as designed. No abnormalities were noted. All available equipment operated as designed. The 2-02 EDG is currently tagged out and the problem associated with the (Auto Voltage Regulator) failure is being investigated. (The) NRC Resident Inspector has been informed and is currently located on site. No fuel movement was in progress during this event. Train A safeguard power was unaffected and available throughout. Non-safety related power was also not affected. The only operational impact was the loss of a Train B spent fuel pool cooling pump for approximately 10 minutes. The spent fuel pool temperature increased approximately 1/2 degree during before cooling was restored.


Further investigation of this event has determined that the 2-02 Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) auto voltage regulator functioned as designed. The EDG did not receive an emergency start signal, which was consistent with the design for the plant conditions present. In addition, Unit 2 was defueled and in a 'No Mode' condition, and there was no actuation of any of the systems listed in paragraph 50.72 (b)(3)(iv)(B) by the sequencer operation. Therefore, this event is not reportable because it did not meet the criteria for a system actuation per 50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A) and the guidance in NUREG-1022. The licensee will be notifying the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R4DO (Miller).