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 Start dateReporting criterionTitleEvent descriptionSystemLER
ENS 4383310 December 2007 22:45:00Agreement StateAgreement State Report from North Dakota of a Possible Overexposure

A physician researcher at the University of North Dakota received a report from Landauer of a radiation exposure reading on his badge of 74 Rem deep dose and 69 Rem shallow dose. The monitoring period for the badge (monthly or quarterly) was not known to the State. Investigation has determined that the researcher is believed to have worked only with P-32 and has done nothing out of the ordinary. The lab area where the researcher worked has been surveyed and there is no indication of contamination. The researcher is currently having blood work done to determine if there is any indication of radiation damage. The licensee is also working with Landauer focusing on the discrepancy between the deep dose and shallow dose readings on the badge. For an overexposure of this magnitude, it would be expected that the shallow dose would be much greater than the deep dose. The University Radiation Committee is leading the investigation for the licensee. The State plans to evaluate the results of the licensee's investigation findings before considering what actions it will take .


The North Dakota Department of Health was informed from Landauer that the physician researcher's ring badge from the time period had been processed and showed no remarkable dose above normal doses seen for those conducting activities similar to that of the researcher. Additionally, Landauer identified residual contamination (not quantified) on the researcher's primary dosimetry badge that showed the excessive deep dose and shallow dose. It appears at this time that the majority of the dose delivered to the primary badge may have been due to the contamination on the badge. Results of the blood work have not been completed the time of the update. The researcher is currently restricted from working in radiation areas and using radioactive materials, pending the completion of the investigation. Notified R4DO (Farnholtz) and FSME EO (Morell).

  • * * UPDATE FROM CHRIS SCHMALTZ TO JOE O'HARA AT 1421 EST ON 01/03/2008 * * *

The North Dakota Department of Health was informed by the University of North Dakota via letter that the university received a report from Landauer that indicates the contamination was limited to the physician's badge and that the dose was to the badge and not to the individual. Blood work and a medical exam conclude that the physician was not overexposed. The dose in question was limited to the badge. Based upon the reported results, the State does not consider this to be an overexposure event. Notified R4DO(Lantz) and FSME EO (Morell)