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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML19261E4569 July 1979Responds to 790411 Request to Allow News Reporters to Accompany Inspector at Facility During Next Insp.Nrc Has No Objection But Invitation Must Come from Licensee
ML20064K5507 January 1979Comments on Phase 1 of Interagency Task Force Rept on Compensation for radiation-related Illnesses.Inclusive Policy Which Would Reimburse Under Serving Claimants Will Be Disastrous.Related Info EnclOverexposure
ML20071C43727 September 1982Requests Copy of Proposed Issuance of Order Authorizing Dismantling of Facility & Reg Guide 1.86
ML20083M35013 February 1984Requests Info on NRC Recommended Waiting Period for Dismantling Facility & Util Plans for Dismantling at Time of Final Shutdown
ML20083M4795 April 1984Submits Addl Questions Re Facility,Per
ML20087P05217 February 1983Requests Listed Info Re Decommissioning Plan
ML20091K97719 May 1984Ack Receipt of Response to Re Facility.Requests Addl Info Re Dismantling Reactor & B&R Study
ML20214N15515 June 1986Discusses 860519 Response to Author 860415 Request for Transcript of NRC 860218 Meeting W/Util.Evaluation of Author Request & Delay in NRC Response Unnecessary.Listed Info, Including Gpu Rept,Requested as Soon as Possible
ML20214N18415 April 1986Requests Transcript of NRC Meeting 86-018 W/Util in Region I Ofc on 860218 Re Util Investigation of Personnel Dose Anomalies Form 1969.GPU Investigation on Rept Also Requested
ML20214T65829 November 1986Requests Inclusion in Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp Proposed Mailing List for Documents Re Dismantling of Facility
ML20236S72210 November 1987Lists Concerns Re Dismantling of Facility.Present Fence Will Allow Larger Restricted Area When Time Comes for Dismantling