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 Issue dateTitleTopic
IR 05000390/200100414 January 2002IR 05000390/2001-004 & IR 05000391/2001-004, Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Inspection on 09/16/12/15/2001 Re Heat SinkHigh Radiation Area
Fire Barrier
Temporary Modification
Condition Adverse to Quality
Significance Determination Process
Foreign Material Exclusion
Operability Determination
Fire Protection Program
IR 05000390/200100511 April 2002IR 05000390/2001-005 & 05000391/2001-005, Watts Bar, Inspection on 12/16/2001-03/16/2001. No Violations NotedHigh Radiation Area
Fire Barrier
Nondestructive Examination
Temporary Modification
Significance Determination Process
Process Control Program
Eddy Current Testing
Operability Determination
Fire Protection Program
Power change
IR 05000390/20020064 April 2002IR 05000390/2002-006 & 05000391/2002-006, Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Inspection Completed on 03/21/2002. One non-cited Violation Noted. Safeguards Information RemovedSignificance Determination Process
IR 05000390/200700730 July 2007IR 05000390-07-007, 05000391-07-007, on 05/29/2007 - 06/01/2007 & 06/11-15/2007, Watts Bar, Units 1 and 2; Triennial Fire ProtectionSafe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Operator Manual Action
Emergency Lighting
Significance Determination Process
Fire Protection Program
Fire Watch
IR 05000390/200840521 November 2008IR 05000390-08-405 and 05000391-08-405, on 11/04/2008, Watts Bar Nuclear Plant - NRC Supplemental Inspection ReportAffidavit
IR 05000390/201140220 September 2011IR 05000390-11-402 & 05000391-11-402 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant - NRC Security Inspection ReportSignificance Determination Process
Regulatory Conference
IR 05000390/201540711 October 2016Watts Barr Nuclear Plant - Amended NRC Material Control and Accounting Inspection Report 05000390/2015407, (Letter Only)Affidavit
ML03364010918 December 2003Notification of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant - Triennial Fire Protection Baseline Inspection - NRC Inspection Report 05000390/2004006 and 05000391/2004006Safe Shutdown
Fitness for Duty
Fire Barrier
Fire impairment
Temporary Modification
Fire Protection Program
ML06285044312 October 2006Notification of Watts Bar Nuclear Power Plant - Component Design Bases Inspection - NRC Inspection Report 05000390/2007006
ML0734000983 December 2007IR 05000390-08-002 & 05000391-08-002, on 02/11-15/2008 & 02/25-29/2008, Watts Bar Baseline Occupational Radiation Safety InspectionHigh Radiation Area
Process Control Program
ML1106601674 March 2011Notification of Inspection and Request for InformationBoric Acid
Nondestructive Examination
ML18242A24930 August 2018Notification of Inspection and Request for Information for NRC Confirmatory Order Follow-up InspectionFitness for Duty
ML20129J8738 May 20202020 WBN - POV Inspection Information RequestPower-Operated Valves
Power Operated Valves