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 Start dateReporting criterionTitleEvent descriptionSystemLER
ENS 4038612 November 2003 10:00:0010 CFR 20.2201(a)(1)(ii)Vial Containing 1.07 Millicuries of Sulfur-35 Was Accidentally Placed in Trash.On 11/10/03 a package containing two vials of P-32 and one vial of S-35 was delivered to Thomas Jefferson University Hospital Radiation Safety Office. The package was surveyed. The two vials of P-32 were picked up. The person who was to pick up the S-35 vial was not around. The trained Radiological Lab Tech obliterated the package radiation material markings thinking that the person picking up the S-35 was going to pick it up. The person to pick up the S-35 did not show up . A Lab person saw the open package without any radioactive material markings on the outside of the package and, not knowing that the S-35 vial was inside the package, placed the package in the trash, the afternoon of 11/10/03. The trash was removed by the custodian and placed in the dumpster the morning of 11/11/03. Later the trash was picked up by the trash collection company and eventually placed in a landfill. Corrective action has been taken by the licensee to prevent this type incident from occurring in the future.