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 Start dateReporting criterionTitleEvent descriptionSystemLER
ENS 4515015 June 2009 07:00:00Agreement StateAgreement State Report - Damaged GaugeOn 15 Jun 2009 a fixed gauge fell off a digester blow line, about 4 feet onto a grating platform. Licensee staff working in the area noticed the gauge and alerted their supervisor and radiation safety officer. After ensuring the shutter was closed and the source (CS-137; .4092 Ci) was still present, the device (containing its source) was moved to a secure location. Licensee performed wipe surveys to check for leaking / contamination. Meter surveys confirmed the presence of the source, and also the absence of elevated dose rates. There is concern that the welds failed that attached the device to the mounting on the pipe. The manufacturer (Ohmart Vega) has been notified and will assist in arranging return of device (containing its source) and further assessment of cause of failure. The manufacturer uses same model (SR-1A) and serial (#6339) for both source and device. The Washington State incident number is WA-09-034.
ENS 4523930 July 2009 07:00:00Agreement StateAgreement State - Damaged GaugeOn 11 Dec 2008 a generally-licensed fixed gauge (serial M3465, containing 80 millicuries Cs-137 as of 2nd quarter 1989; decayed to 50.4 millicuries in July 2009) was removed by the manufacturer from its installed location and placed in storage pending disposal. On 30 July 2009, a WA (Washington) Department of Health (DOH) materials inspector visited the fixed gauge licensee (also specific license WN-I090-1) to conduct a reciprocity inspection of the manufacturer's on-site activities. The manufacturer's representative was there to remove and package a total of 14 decommissioned gauges for disposal. Several of the gauges showed varying degrees of corrosion. The fixed gauge, serial M3465, showed significant corrosion and was missing a cover plate. The manufacturer's representative reported no unusual radiation measurements prior to packaging activities on 30 July 2009. During packaging, the fixed gauge was rolled over at which time the DOH materials inspector measured the dose rate at the opening as 500 milliRoentgen per hour. Immediate action was taken to control exposure. The manufacturer's representative adequately secured and shielded the gauge prior to shipping. Apparently the shutter and lead shielding that blocks the radiation beam was either broken or misaligned and failed to function as designed. There was no significant exposure to personnel. The WA DOH investigation continues. The State of Washington incident number is: WA-09-055.