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 Start dateReporting criterionTitleEvent descriptionSystemLER
ENS 437769 November 2007 05:00:0010 CFR 21.21Part 21 Notification - Conval Valves Weld QualificationsThe manufacturer provided the following information via facsimile: This letter serves to notify the Commission of two (2) potential safety-related, non-compliances as defined in 10CFR-Part 21. These non-compliances involve Electron Beam (EB) weld qualifications for welds performed on pressure boundary and safety related components of Conval valves; and Electron Beam (EB) welding of cobalt alloy types 6 and 21 to pressure boundary parts of Conval valves. Possibly as high as 2,000 forged-body, globe valves generally for use on high temperature steam and hot water in sizes ranging from, 1/2" to 4", possibly involving one or more of these non-compliances, have been supplied by Conval to approximately 25 nuclear power plants over an estimated time period extending from the 1980's to the present. Probably over half of the valves suspected of nonconformances were procured as Commercial Grade valves. Potentially affected plants are: Region 1: Fitzpatrick, Indian Point, Pilgrim, Vermont Yankee, Nine Mile Point Region 2: North Anna, Surry, Oconee, Brunswick, Crystal River, Harris Region 3: Cook, Palisades, Quad Cities, Point Beach Region 4: Arkansas Nuclear One, Fort Calhoun, Palo Verde, Grand Gulf, Waterford, Cooper, South Texas Foreign Plants: Laguna Verde (Mexico), Keoberg (South Africa)