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 Discovered dateReporting criterionTitleDescriptionLER
ENS 4015613 September 2003 01:55:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B), RPS System ActuationManual Reactor Trip Due to Unanticipated Negative Axial Shape Index (Asi).This report is being made pursuant to 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B) due to manual initiation of the RPS, although briefed, was not part of any written pre-planned sequence. The unanticipated negative ASI response that began to approach RPS APD trip settings drove the decision to manually initiate an RPS trip. Fort Calhoun Station Unit 1 was being shutdown for a planned refueling outage. During scheduled power shutdown at 3% per hour, ASI was trending more negative (power shifting to top of core) than expected. Reactor Engineering was contacted about the trend at 67% reactor power on September 11, 2003. New guidance was issued, however negative ASI trend continued. RPS Axial Power Distribution (APD) pretrip/trip setpoints were -0.55/-0.58 ASI Units. Below 15% power APD trips are bypassed. Operations briefed the continued power descension with manual trip criteria being the receipt of any 1 of 4 APD pretrip setpoints. At 15.8% delta T power it became apparent that with ASI approaching APD pretrips (-0.5305 ASIU recorded), an Automatic Trip could be initiated if the downpower continued. At 2055 on September 12, 2003, with power at 15.8% delta T, a briefing was conducted and an manual reactor trip was initiated by tripping the Primary RPS Trip pushbutton on Control Board-4. Operations entered EOP-00, "Standard Post Trip Actions" and transitioned to EOP-01, "Reactor Trip Recovery" with all safety functions verified. EOP-01 was exited at 2200 hours and the plant entered OP-3A, "Plant Trip". The plant is currently stable in Mode 3 with RCS Tave at 535 degrees F. The only abnormal plant response noted was a feedwater side relief valve lifted and failed to fully reseat on FW-16A, High Pressure Feedwater Heater. The relief valve was cycled by maintenance and was reseated approximately 10 minutes after opening. The NRC Resident Inspector was notified of this event by the licensee.
ENS 4015714 September 2003 10:49:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xii), Transport of a Contaminated Person OffsiteSlightly Contaminated Worker Transferred to the Hospital for Heat StressAt about 0549, Sunday, September 14, 2003 a slightly contaminated worker who was exhibiting heat stress symptoms was transported to an off-site medical facility for treatment. The worker was very slightly contaminated on both the forearms and elbows. The worker has been treated and is being observed prior to being released. No contamination was spread off-site. Licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4016517 September 2003 13:43:0010 CFR 50.72(a)(1)(i), Emergency Class DeclarationPost Alert Emergency Declaration Based on Calculated Rcs Inventory Loss

The plant is currently in Mode 5 for a Refueling outage. Reactor Coolant System (RCS) level was being maintained just below the Reactor Vessel flange, 1012.33 feet, with Shutdown Cooling in service and Shutdown Cooling Purification in service. RCS temperature was 100F. At 0821 a lowering level was noted on the Control Room level indications LI-119 and LI-197. At 0824 Shutdown Cooling Purification was secured and the lowering level was stopped with an indicated RCS level 1010.33 feet. At 0843 it was determined that approximately 1350 gallons of RCS water was lost over the 3 minutes that the event lasted. It was determined that during that time conditions existed to enter EAL 1.4, RCS leak greater than 40 gpm. At no time was Shutdown Cooling lost and RCS temperature remained at 100F. At 0825 Abnormal Operating Procedure (AOP-19) was entered. Makeup to the RCS was initiated immediately and level was completely restored at 0842 with charging pumps secured. It has not been determined at this time where the inventory went. A walkdown of the Containment and Auxiliary Building has been completed. At this time the plant is stable with an RCS level on 1012.5 feet. The licensee is conducting an investigation and will provide an update to this report. The licensee informed both the State of NE and IA and the NRC Resident Inspector.

  • * * UPDATE AT 1109 EDTR ON 09/19/03 FROM ERICK MATZKE TO S. SANDIN * * *

The licensee is retracting this report based on the following: On September 17, 2003, the Fort Calhoun Station notified the NRC that conditions had existed, for about 3 minutes, to make an alert notification. No alert was declared as the time the station was in the condition was such, a limited time. The condition that required the notification was a reactor coolant system (RCS) leak of >40 GPM. The event occurred as follows: At approximately 0821 on September 17, 2003, Operations noted decreasing level in the reactor vessel. This was indicated on both of the shutdown RCS level indicators. Due to the uncontrolled (indicated) reduction in RCS level, AOP-19 was entered. Within minutes, the indicated level had dropped from 1012' 6" to 1010' 3". Shutdown cooling purification was isolated. The two (2) charging pumps running for shutdown purification were left in operation. After a few minutes, the charging pump's 80 gpm flow caused the RCS level to stop dropping and RCS level began to rise. During and immediately following this event, numerous walkdowns of containment and the auxiliary building were performed that ensured there was no loss of water from the RCS. No coolant leakage was noted during the walkdowns. The cause of the level change was small pressure in the head making the indication read higher than actual. Disconnecting the HJTC clamp allowed a positive vent which caused indicated level to fall. When interviewing the craft performing the work on the HJTC, it was noted that when removing the clamp front a HJTC, the craft noticed a small amount of water bubbling on the HJTC and when an attempt was made to lift the HJTC hub, air was heard in the vicinity of the HJTC. Additionally the craft stated there was some resistance felt from the HTJC when attempting removal. The craft then contacted radiation protection to determine what personnel protection was required. On the second attempt to lift the hub, the craft heard air flow in the vicinity again. When the clamp was finally lifted there was little resistance. It is suspected that the air at the HJTC was due to a pressure differential between the vessel and the containment atmosphere. The higher pressure in the reactor vessel caused level indications to read higher than actual level by approximately 2 feet. When the HJTC flange opened, the change in pressure caused a redistribution of water levels in the RCS. This caused the indicated RCS level change. There was never a leak of RCS coolant outside of the RCS. Therefore, this event notification is being retracted. The licensee informed the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R4DO(Gody).

ENS 4019423 September 2003 18:20:0010 CFR 50.72(a)(1)(i), Emergency Class DeclarationUnusual Event

While in Mode 5, refueling Shutdown with Core offload in progress a fuel assembly in the Spent Fuel Pool became ungrappled. The assembly is currently sitting on the top of the Spent Fuel pool racks resting against the Pool wall at approximately 15 degrees. There is no damage to the Fuel Assembly, evident by no change in area radiation dose rates. EAL 1.14, Plant Conditions Warrant Increased Awareness By Plant Staff or Government Authorities. An investigation has begun to determine the cause of the event and a team is being assembled to plan the fuel bundle recovery. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.


The licensee remains in a NOUE (Notice of Unusual Event) due to the ungrappled spent fuel assembly. The position of the spent fuel assembly remains the same as previously reported. No damage to the fuel assembly nor the spent fuel rack has been detected. No abnormal radiation readings have been observed. As a precaution, the licensee has suspended all fuel movement operations and evacuated the auxiliary and containment buildings. The licensee plans to stabilize the fuel assembly, attach a lifting tool, and place it into a permanent storage position in the spent fuel pool. Notified R4DO (Greg Pick)

  • * * UPDATE ON 09/24/03 @ 1414 BY CADE TO GOULD * * *

At 12:42 CDT the fabricated stabilization device installation was completed and it is currently secured to two walls of the spent fuel pool. The plant will remain in a NOUE until the fuel assembly is lowered into a safe location in the spent fuel pool. A tool has been fabricated to grapple the fuel assembly and it will be moved with the Spent Fuel Pool Refueling Machine. The tool is currently being tested and weighed. All unnecessary personnel were moved from the Protected Area to the Administration and Training Buildings during the placement of the stabilization device. The NRC Resident Inspector was notified. Reg 4 RDO (Greg Pick) was notified

  • * * UPDATE ON 09/24/03 @ 1800 EDT BY RANDY CADE TO GERRY WAIG * * *

The licensee reported that the ungrappled spent fuel assembly was placed in a permanent storage position in the spent fuel pool at 1654 CDT. As a result of this action, the licensee terminated the Notice of Unusual Event (NOUE) condition at this time. Normal access to the facility protected area and radiation control area has been restored. Fuel movement operations remain suspended and a root cause investigation of this event is being conducted. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. NRC R4DO (Greg Pick), DIRO (Richard Wessman), NRR EO (Gene Imbro), FEMA (Ken Sweetser), DOE (Joe Stanbaugh), DHS (Sam Neglia) were notified by the Headquarters Operations Officer.

ENS 4019523 September 2003 17:27:0010 CFR 73.71(b)(1), Safeguards EventSafeguard System Vulnerability Discovered by Ft CalhounThe licensee discovered a vulnerability in a safeguard system that could have allowed access to a controlled area for which compensatory measures had not been employed. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Contact the Headquarters Operations Officer for additional details.
ENS 403037 November 2003 13:45:0010 CFR 26.73, ApplicabilityFfd ReportA non-licensed supervisory individual was found to have failed a fitness for duty test because he exceeded the site's blood-alcohol level limits. The individual's access has been blocked. Contact the HOO for additional details. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.
ENS 4035124 November 2003 09:22:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessInability to Initiate Emergency Sirens from Emergency Operations FacilityAt 0322 CST, on 11/24/2003, an alarm was received on the Alert Notification System. The system alarm is not necessarily indicative of a system fault. Normal procedure is to check the system at the start of the normal work day. When the system was tested at 0615 CST it was discovered that the emergency sirens could not be sounded from the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF). Troubleshooting efforts were begun. The repair crew discovered that the sirens are able to be sounded by their normal stations (the counties). The sirens were also able to be sounded by a remote unmanned alternate location (owned by the utility located in downtown Omaha). However, the EOF could not have verified which sirens had sounded. Verification of siren actuation was possible from the unmanned alternate location. Troubleshooting continues. The licensee has informed the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4038211 December 2003 01:19:0010 CFR 73.71(b)(1), Safeguards EventSafeguards Report

Discovered vulnerability in a safeguard system that could allow access to a controlled access area for which compensatory measures have not been employed. The licensee will notify the NRC Resident Inspector. Contact the Headquarters Operations Officer for additional details.

  • * * UPDATE from R. Lowery to R. Jolliffe at 1100 EST on 12/11/03 * * *

The licensee provided additional information about this event. Contact the Headquarters Operations Officer for additional details. Notified R4DO (D. Graves) and TAS (J. Whitney)

ENS 4041830 December 2003 14:30:0010 CFR 26.73, ApplicabilityLicensed Employee Failed a Random Fitness for Duty Alcohol TestContact the HOO for additional details. The NRC Resident Inspector was notified
ENS 4088520 July 2004 23:18:00Other Unspec Reqmnt4-Hour Notification Required by Technical SpecificationsAt 1818 the predicted post trip voltage on the 161 KV incoming line went into alarm on the PCM MINT program. The alarm was validated using OI-EG-3 and by conversation with the system operator. The predicted voltage was 160.4 KV. AOP-31 Section 1 'grid instability' was entered. Per the AOP, at less that 160.7 KV, the incoming line and T1A3 and T1A4 are considered inoperable. Technical Specification 2.7(2)c was entered. This is a 72 hour LCO and requires a 4 hour notification to the NRC. Both diesel generators are operable. The system operator took actions to raise the 161 KV system voltage. At 1831, the predicted post trip voltage was 160.9 KV and the LCO was exited. The line was inoperable for 13 minutes. At 1834 the voltage was 161.1 KV and AOP-31 was exited. The licensee attributes the dip in line voltage due to heavy demand. The licensee informed the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4091431 July 2004 02:20:0010 CFR 26.73Suspected Drug Paraphernalia Found in the Protected Area

The following information was provided by the licensee via facsimile: Drug paraphernalia (a baggie and rolling paper) was found by the turbine building operator in a trash container located on the turbine building mezzanine level. The turbine building operator was emptying the container at the time. The paraphernalia was turned over to the security shift supervisor. Security is confident, based on a veteran law enforcement officer's experience, that the empty bag found in the trash once contained an illegal substance. Further confirmation by testing will be determined on Monday. Our procedure SO-R-1 requires FCS (Fort Calhoun Station) to make a 24-hour report to the NRC per 10CFR26.73. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector.

  • * * UPDATE ON 7/31/04 AT 1317 HRS EDT FROM HODGSON TO CROUCH * * *

The Security Shift Supervisor was notified by the Washington County Sheriff Department that the bag with the unknown substance has been tested positive for marijuana. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector. NRC Operations Officer notified R4DO (Bywater).

ENS 4104717 September 2004 11:24:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseOffsite Notification to Army Corps of EngineersUtilization of the Missouri river water in support of the dry cask storage (ISFSI) project by Hawkins Construction Company was done in violation of national permitting requirements. Two tubes were placed in the river connected to two pumps: One small line (about 2.5 in.) used to supply water for the cure wetting of the concrete pours and one large line (6-8 in.) connected to a large pump for filling of water trucks for dust suppression and other utility uses. The United States Army Corps of Engineers, who manages the river and its utilization, requires approval of such uses through a national permitting process. This condition was identified during a routine site and environs tour. The Omaha Public Power District environmental affairs group has contacted the Army Corps of Engineers on the issue. The use of Missouri river water by the contractor has been terminated. Another source of water will be used to complete the project. The licensee informed the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4106122 September 2004 15:01:0010 CFR 26.73, ApplicabilityFitness for Duty ReportA licensed employee was determined to be under the influence of alcohol. The employee's access to the plant has been terminated. Contact the Headquarters Operations Officer for additional details.
ENS 413868 February 2005 15:20:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(v)(D), Loss of Safety Function - Mitigate the Consequences of an AccidentSteam-Driven Auxiliary Feedwater (Afw) Pump Declared Inoperable Due to Design Issue

The following information was obtained from the licensee via facsimile: At 0920 (hrs.) CST, on February 8, 2005, Fort Calhoun Station declared the steam driven auxiliary feedwater (AFW) pump (FW-10) inoperable due to discovery of a design problem with the pump turbine. The station entered the appropriate technical specification action statement at that time. The pertinent action statements for auxiliary feedwater ((T.S.) 2.5.1) read as follows: B (Action statement): With one AFW train inoperable for reasons other than condition A, restore the AFW train to OPERABLE status within 24 hours. C (Action statement: If the required action and associated completion times of condition A or B are not met, then the unit shall be placed in MODE 2 in 6 hours, in MODE 3 in the next 6 hours, and less than 300 (degrees) F without reliance on the steam generators for decay heat removal within the next 18 hours. A change to the design basis is in progress to allow the pump to be made operable within 24 hours. The design problem is due to the AFW pump drains. The manufacturer states that the drain lines must drain below the level of the AFW turbine. The current configuration is that the drains are aligned to the condenser which is approximately 18 feet above the elevation of the AFW turbine. This is not a problem during normal AFW turbine operation as the condenser would most likely be in service. However, the condenser cannot be relied upon during all accident conditions that require AFW actuation. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector.

      • RETRACTION - E. MATZKE TO J. KNOKE AT 11:44 EST ON 03/27/05 ***

The licensee faxed the following retraction: Fort Calhoun Station (FCS) has conducted a thorough engineering evaluation of the effects on water in the turbine exhaust housing of the steam driven feedwater pump (FW-10). It was concluded that FW-10 was able to perform its design function based on the results of the evaluation. FW-10 was determined to be operable as required during past plant operation whether or not condenser vacuum was available. The conclusion was based on four points: 1. The preparer's experience with a multi-stage turbine that was started with water up to the centerline of the rotor and sustained no damage. 2. OPPD's strong evidence that FW-10 has been operated multiple times with some water in the casing. 3. A simple conservative analysis of the forces on a turbine blade when operated in a water submerged condition. The blade stresses were determined to be well below allowables for the loading condition presented with the blade moving through the static water volume during a startup event. 4. In addition, inspection of the turbine in 1998 and 2005 does not show any adverse indications of stress or wear. Therefore this notification is being retracted.. The plant is presently in a scheduled refueling outage. The licensee will notify NRC Resident Inspector.

ENS 4144627 February 2005 03:34:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B), RPS System ActuationPlant Had a Reactor Trip from 16.1% Power Due to a Loss of Turbine Load SignalThe following information, in addition to the phone report, was obtained from the licensee via facsimile: Fort Calhoun Station Unit 1 experienced a reactor trip from 16.1% Reactor Power on a Loss of Turbine Load during a scheduled plant shutdown for a refueling outage. The turbine generator was tripped offline at 2101 per refueling outage schedule. A feedwater transient occurred (cause being investigated) during turbine testing, resulting in power rising rapidly from 12.6% to 16.1% . At which point the reactor tripped on loss of load due to being greater than 15% power with all turbine stop valves closed. All plant equipment functioned as designed. A Reactor Coolant System (RCS) cooldown resulted due to a feedwater transient. Main Feedwater was isolated, which terminated the cooldown. Auxiliary Feedwater (AFW) was established with the diesel driven auxiliary feed pump. Emergency Boration was manually initiated due to the RCS cooldown and secured after shutdown margin verification. Plant is currently stable in mode 3. This report is being made pursuant to 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B) for an event that resulted in an event that resulted in an unplanned RPS actuation while the reactor was critical. All rods fully inserted, no ECCS actuation and no relief valves lifted. Steam generators are being used for heat sink. The NRC resident Inspector was notified
ENS 4191612 August 2005 20:50:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseOffsite Notification Made Due to Emergency Siren Actuation

On 8/12/05 at 1550, Fort Calhoun Station was notified by an off-duty employee that an emergency siren was sounding in Washington County, Nebraska. No actual emergency exists and no testing is currently in progress. The siren's location is approximately 1/2 mile East of the P32/P35 county road intersections on county road P32. The local sheriff, radio station (KFAB), and NRC senior resident have been notified. The cause of the inadvertent siren activation is unknown at this time. This event is considered to be reportable per 10CFR50.72(b)(2)(xi). This siren is within 10 miles from the plant. The local sheriff will provide compensatory notifications if required. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.


The licensee determined that their corporate communications department had been performing a test of the emergency sirens but had not notified the site. Notified the R4DO (Bywater) and e-mailed R4 (Graves and Dricks). The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.

ENS 4194725 August 2005 15:59:0010 CFR 26.73, ApplicabilityPositive Random Fitness for Duty Test - AlcoholA licensed employee was determined to be under the influence of alcohol during a random fitness-for-duty test. Contact the Headquarters Operations Officer for additional details. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4200621 September 2005 23:22:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessPartial Loss of Emergency Siren Capability in Harrison County Iowa Due to a Transformer FireFort Calhoun Station was informed that 6 of the 18 emergency sirens located in Harrison County Iowa were rendered inoperable due to a fire affecting a transformer. Harrison County Sheriff department implemented the alternate notification method. Local utility responding to restore power anticipates a 4 hour outage duration. Power was reported to be restored at 2208 CST. Sirens will be verified on Thursday September 22, 2005. There was no indication of malevolent intent reported with respect to the cause of the fire. The licensee informed local authorities and the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4223227 December 2005 13:30:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessTechnical Support Center Ventilation InoperableDuring an equipment operator rounds of the onsite Emergency Response Technical Support Center the access cover for the suction plenum of VA-107, Technical Support Center Air Handling Unit, was found removed and resting on the floor under the opening exposing a 2 ft X 2 ft opening. The as-found condition would have made the Technical Support Center ventilation System inoperable with respect to maintaining Technical Support Center personnel dose limits in a design basis accident. The air handling unit is located in a mechanical room outside the Technical Support Center envelope. With the access cover removed, air from the mechanical room would be drawn into the air handling unit and discharged into the Technical Support Center, in a design basis accident, the as-found condition would allow an undesirable amount of unfiltered air into the Technical Support Center envelope. This condition does not adversely affect the charcoal filtering unit, VA-119, from drawing outside air required to maintain the Technical Support Center in a positive pressure envelope. The cause of the access cover being removed could not be determined, the access cover was re-installed at 08:15 CST and a maintenance work document generated to verify proper operation of latches. This report is being made under 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii) since the as-found condition impaired the licensee's ability to staff the Technical Support Center during an accident. Contingency actions are in place in the Emergency Plan to deal with the evacuation of the Technical Support Center. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4236623 February 2006 14:16:0010 CFR 26.73, ApplicabilityFitness for Duty EventAt approximately 0816 CST a senior licensed operator failed a random fitness-for-duty test administered by the station. The individuals access to the site has been blocked. The licensed employee supervisor had a confirmed positive test for alcohol during a random fitness -for-duty test. Contact the Headquarters Operations Officer for additional details. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4241213 March 2006 16:01:0010 CFR 26.73, ApplicabilityFailed Fitness for Duty TestA licensed employee supervisor had a confirmed positive for alcohol during a re-entry fitness-for-duty test. The employee's access to the plant has been blocked. Contact the Headquarters Operations Officer for additional details. The licensee informed the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4248610 April 2006 15:55:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(i), Tech Spec Required ShutdownPersonnel Air Lock Door Equalizing Valve Leaking byIt was reported to the Shift Manager this morning in Condition Report 200601444 that the inner Personnel Air Lock (PAL) door equalizing valve was leaking by. Although the condition was reported this morning, it was actually discovered following a containment entry on Friday, April 7, 2006. Fort Calhoun Station Technical Specification 2.6(1)b,(ii) states that with the PAL inoperable, except as the result of an inoperable air lock door, maintain at least one air lock door closed; restore the inoperable air lock to operable status within 24 hours or be in at least hot shutdown within the next six hours and in cold shutdown within the following thirty hours. The leak by past the inner air lock door is applicable to this Fort Calhoun Station Technical Specification. The Shift Manager determined at 10:00 CDT that Fort Calhoun was in excess of the Limiting Conditions for Operation of Technical Specification 2.6(1)b(ii) and entered Technical Specification 2.0.1 (Motherhood) which requires the unit to be placed in at least hot shutdown within six hours, in at least subcritical and less than 300�F within the next six hours, and at least cold shutdown within the following thirty hours, unless corrective measures are completed that permit operation under the permissible action requirements for the specified time interval as measured from initial discovery or until the reactor is placed in an operating mode in which the specification is not applicable. At 10:55 CDT on April 10, 2006, a shutdown was commenced and negative reactivity was introduced to the core. At the same time, machinists were dispatched to troubleshoot the situation and found a loose collar on the valve assembly that was preventing full closure of the valve. The collar was adjusted and post-maintenance testing was completed. The inner PAL door equalizing valve was declared operable at 13:10 CDT. Technical Specifications 2.0.1 and 2.6(1)b(ii) were exited, the unit shutdown was ceased at a power level of 96.04% and preparations are being made to return the unit to full power. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4251219 April 2006 14:45:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(v)(D), Loss of Safety Function - Mitigate the Consequences of an Accident
10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(v)(C), Loss of Safety Function - Release of Radioactive Material
Postulated Scenario Where Containment Spray System May Be Unable to Fulfill Design Safety Function

During a review of the operation of the plants emergency cooling system for the containment an unanalyzed single failure was discovered. The identified single failure scenario could result in the containment spray system being unable to fulfill its design safety functions. In the event of loss of offsite power occurring after the initiation of an accident signal, the 480V undervoltage relays serve to trip open containment spray pump breakers (as well as other ESF breakers) in order to prepare the breakers for resequencing after the diesel generator output breakers have closed onto their associated buses. The undervoltage trip bypass function performed by the sequencer timer relay contacts serves to prevent tripping ESF breakers due to inadvertent actuation of the undervoltage trip circuits and allows ESF breakers to trip only when sequencers have been reset by a loss of voltage at the 4160V bus level. In situations where a loss of power occurs at the 480 volt level without a coincident loss of power at the associated 4160 volt level, ESF loads supplied from the lost 480 volt bus, such as containment spray pumps, do not receive a trip signal due to the undervoltage blocking feature of the sequencing relays. For most ESF loads, this is not a problem and can be considered part of a single failure scenario affecting only one train of ESF equipment. In the case of containment spray pumps SI-3B and SI-3C, however, the failure of the associated breakers to trip during a single failure of bus 1B4B, results in the operation of a single spray pump, SI-3A with two containment spray valves open. This results in one pump operation to two containment spray headers. Operating the containment spray system in a one pump, two header configuration creates the possibility of inadequate system performance. This configuration may result in overloading the running pump (due to runout) and inadequate NPSH to the running pump. This condition was intended to be prevented by a modification which installed an interlock between spray pumps SI-3B and SI-3C and spray valve HCV-344. The modification apparently failed to consider the single failure of specific 480 Volt buses. Spray valve HCV-344 has been disabled in the closed position so that no external signals will allow the valve to be opened. Disabling this valve places the plant in a 24 hour LCO (Technical Specification 2.4.2.d) starting at 0950 CDT. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.


On April 19, 2006, Ft. Calhoun station reported that an unacceptable single failure scenario had been identified that could result in the containment spray system being unable to fulfill its design safety functions. The failure scenario required that there be a loss of power at the 480 volt AC level without a coincident loss of power at the associated 4160 volt AC level. This resulted in the potential for one pump operation to two containment spray headers. Following a review of failures that would cause this it was determined that of all the possible failure mechanisms that could impact the capability of affected 480 volt AC bus, such that both trains of containment spray pump could be adversely affected, the only failure mechanism that has unacceptable consequences is a failure of multiple phases of AC power failing in an open circuited manner without a fault occurring and, consequently, without supply breakers opening. This failure mechanism has been determined not to be credible. Therefore, it is not necessary to assume that this type of failure could occur as part of a design basis event. Therefore, no credible single failure could result in the failure of the containment spray system to perform its intended safety function. The report of April 19, 2006 is being retracted June 1, 2006. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. R4DO (Spitzberg) notified.

ENS 4260830 May 2006 07:45:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseOffsite Notification Made Due to Inadvertent Emergency Siren ActivationOn May 30, 2006, at approximately 0245 CDT, Fort Calhoun Station was notified of inadvertent single siren activation by a Washington County Sheriff Deputy. No actual Emergency exists and no testing is in progress. Local radio station KFAB was notified to broadcast an inadvertent siren activation message. Siren number 27, which is located 5.5 miles South of Blair, NE on State Highway 133, was activated as a result of adverse weather conditions. Crews have been dispatched to repair the failed siren. The NRC Resident Inspector was notified of this event by the licensee.
ENS 426152 June 2006 14:52:0010 CFR 26.73, ApplicabilityFitness for Duty Report Involving Licensed OperatorAt approximately 0952 CDT a licensed operator failed a random fitness for duty test administered by the station. The individual tested positive for alcohol. The individual was not performing license activities today. The individual's access to the site has been blocked. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 426927 July 2006 22:00:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(v)(B), Loss of Safety Function - Remove Residual HeatAuxiliary Feedwater Pump Recirculation Valve InoperableAt 1700 CDT, Fort Calhoun Station determined that one of the two safety related auxiliary feedwater pumps may not provide sufficient flow to the steam generators during certain design basis events. The circuitry for the minimum flow recirculation valve for the electric motor driven auxiliary feedwater pump contains some components which were not designed as critical quality components. Since these components are not critical quality components, they are assumed to fail in a manner such that the minimum flow recirculation valve would fail open during a design basis event. If this valve should fail open, flow to the steam generators from the electric motor driven auxiliary feedwater pump may not provide adequate flow to cool the steam generators. The station has entered the appropriate technical specification action statement which requires the plant to be in Mode 2 (hot standby) within 30 hours of declaring the pump inoperable. The electric motor driven auxiliary feedwater pump was declared inoperable at 1700 CDT today. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4278117 August 2006 14:00:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessPhone Lines Out of Service for Maintenance

Phone line maintenance is occurring today 8/17/06. Maintenance starting at 0900 and is planned until 1600 hours. Line maintenance may impact ENS, HPN, and ERDS capabilities. An 8 hour notification per 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(xiii) is being made due to expected failures during line interruptions. Affected communications will be verified subsequent to completion of line maintenance. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.

  • * * UPDATE AT 1725 ON 8/17/06 * * *

The ENS and HPN lines were tested and declared operable at 16:55 CDT. The ERDS line was verified operable at 17:25 by sending plant data to the NRC. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. R4DO (Blair Spitzberg) notified.

ENS 4280526 August 2006 14:45:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseElectrician Flash Burned in Switchgear RoomOffsite Notifications have been made to Blair Rescue Squad due to an OPPD electrician suffering second and third degree burns to arms, face and torso while working on switchgear. The employee has been transported via life flight helicopter to Creighton University Hospital. The flash actuated the Switchgear Room Halon system. Operations verified that there was no fire in the Switchgear Rooms. Recovery efforts are under way. A media release is expected." A continuous fire watch has been established in the Switchgear Room as a compensatory measure. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4289610 October 2006 20:00:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(ii)(B), Unanalyzed ConditionContainment Spray Valve MispositionedWhile performing maintenance on one of two installed Containment Spray Header valves, HCV-345, the System Engineer determined that the valve disk was installed backwards (ball valve). Actual valve positioning would be opposite of remote indication. The resulting affect would be that an accident signal to open HCV-345 would have closed the valve rendering one header inoperable. This condition is presumed to have existed, since the last maintenance activity on the valve during Refueling Outage May 2005, and through Cycle 23. This system is not required to be operable in the current mode. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4290212 October 2006 22:30:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(ii)(B), Unanalyzed ConditionSteam Generator Instrumentation Nonconformance

During a review of two nonconformances documented in the station's corrective action system, an unanalyzed condition which could significantly degrade plant safety was noted. The steam generator level instrumentation was not installed as documented in the UFSAR. Letdown valves and piping inside containment was not installed as described in the UFSAR. An unacceptable scenario is a postulated design basis accident in one of the steam generators and a single failure of the letdown piping in the vicinity of the instrumentation piping of the other steam generator, which could, produce conditions that would mislead the operator as to the condition of the plant during the accident. This condition was discovered during steam generator replacement when the old steam generators were removed and the instrumentation piping became visible. The replacement piping will be routed in accordance with approved drawings. This piping is not required in the current mode. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.


Additional review of the situation previously reported has determined that there are no unanalyzed interactions between the SG level instrumentation tubing and the letdown system. The review determined that the previous determination was incorrectly postulating the occurrence of simultaneous accidents. This observation was not readily apparent during the initial review. Therefore this event is not reportable under 10CFR50.72. Event number 42902 is being withdrawn. However, the continuing review has identified a failure which will require reporting under part 50.73, but not 50.72. R4DO (Jeffrey Clark) notified. The NRC Resident Inspector was notified of the retraction of this event by the licensee.

ENS 4294328 October 2006 22:09:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(ii)(B), Unanalyzed ConditionUnanalyzed Condition

An 8 hour notification per 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(ii)(B) is being made due to discovery of a previously unanalyzed plant condition. The chemical volume control system (CVCS) charging line is a high energy line susceptible, within design space, to a rupture that could result in pipe whip and an impingement condition. The containment penetration (M-3) for the charging line is directly below the high-pressure safety injection (HPSI) header penetrations (M-5 & M-6). Due to this proximity, a failure of the charging line could impact the SI-1503 class HPSI line (M-6) causing damage to the header and rendering it incapable of fulfilling its design function. The two HPSI headers are different class piping with the M-5 penetration being a 2500 psig (SI - 2501 Class) line and the M-6 penetration being a 1500 psig (SI-1503 Class) line. The 2500 psig line is constructed of robust enough piping to not be susceptible to failure, however both HPSI headers are cross connected prior to location of concern. Although both HPSI and CVCS breaks are isolable, operator action would be required to identify and isolate the break location. The possible result of a high energy line break of charging piping could result in all three pipe headers being inoperable until manual action could be taken to isolate leakage on the 1500 psig HPSI line. Plant is currently shutdown for refueling outage with scheduled startup of November 21, 2006. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.


Additional review of the stations design and licensing basis has determined that the charging and high pressure safety injection systems are correctly designed to the stations high energy line break criteria for lines inside containment. This situation is not reportable and therefore event notification 42943 is being withdrawn. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R4DO (Clark)

ENS 429748 November 2006 17:06:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A), System ActuationSpecified System Actuation - Emergency Diesel Generator Auto StartOn November 8, 2006, at approximately 11:06 Central Standard Time (CST) a valid actuation of Fort Calhoun station (FCS) Unit 1 Emergency Diesel Generator 2 (DG-2) occurred as a result of undervoltage on its respective safety bus (1A4). DG-2 started as a result from manually deenergizing bus 1A4 during the performance of the Bus Ground Fault Locator Function Test. The DG-2 output breaker was disabled as part of the test and therefore did not close onto the bus. The procedure was deficient in ensuring that DG-2 was not in automatic. No loads were being supplied from Bus 1A4 at the time and thus no loads were lost. No other Safeguards systems or equipment were actuated. Fort Calhoun Station is currently in a refueling outage, Mode 5 with the core offloaded to the Spent Fuel Pool. No Technical Specifications were entered as a result of this actuation due to plant being less than 300�F. Emergency Diesel Generator 2 was taken out of automatic, lockout relays reset and the engine was shutdown. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4301327 November 2006 19:30:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(v)(B), Loss of Safety Function - Remove Residual HeatMomentary Loss of Shutdown Cooling Due to Rhr Isolation SignalOn November 27, 2006 Fort Calhoun Station was on shutdown cooling, while in the process of moving the plant from Mode 3 to Mode 4 to fix a leak on an In-Core Instrument (ICI) Grayloc fitting. At 1327 Reactor Coolant Pump RC-3B was secured. At 1330, the last Reactor Coolant Pump (RC-3A) was secured. Once the reactor coolant pumps were secured, spray to the pressurizer was lost. This loss of pressurizer spray caused pressure in the pressurizer to rise; the systems pressure interlock caused HCV-347, Shutdown Cooling Loop 2 Outboard Isolation Valve, and HCV-348, Loop 2 to Shutdown Cooling Isolation Valve to close due to pressurizer pressure being greater than 250 psia. At 1330 the Control Room entered AOP-19 for a Loss of Shutdown Cooling. The control room operators initiated auxiliary spray, lowered pressure, reopened HCV-347/348, and started Low Pressure Safety Injection Pump SI-1A. At 1342 shutdown cooling was reestablished. At 1352 all conditions to exit AOP-19 were met and the procedure was exited. During the 12 minutes that shutdown cooling was lost the highest pressure reached in the RCS was 254 psia up from 233 psi and the highest temperature was 135 degrees, up from 134 degrees as read on the core exit thermocouples. The licensee informed the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 431578 February 2007 19:42:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(v)(B), Loss of Safety Function - Remove Residual HeatRaw Water Pumps Declared Inoperable Due to a Potential Failure of the Pump Breaker Linkages

On February 8, 2007 at 10:22 CST, Raw Water Pump AC-10C was declared inoperable when the pump breaker experienced a plunger linkage failure during a scheduled pump start for a scheduled rotation. Due to a similar failure of Raw Water Pump AC-10B two weeks earlier, a condition report was initiated for engineering to review the potential for a common failure mode. Engineering reviewed the number of cycles of the breakers for AC-10A and AC-10D both have greater than 1600 cycles. The breaker for AC-10B had over 1200 cycles at the time of its failure and AC-10C was over 1700 cycles. Based on the similar numbers of cycles, engineering has determined that continued operation of AC-10A and AC-10D without breaker failure could not he assured. All other safeguards associated breakers have been verified to have less than 1000 cycles and are not considered to be susceptible to breaker failure at this time. After discussion with engineering, Raw Water Pumps AC-10A and AC-10D were declared inoperable on February 8, 2007 at 13:42 CST based on the number of breaker cycles for these two components in relation to the two breakers that failed. With three Raw Water Pumps inoperable, Fort Calhoun Station entered Technical Specification 2.0.1 which requires the plant be placed in hot shutdown within six (6) hours. The potential for a common mode failure of the linkage in the 4160 VAC circuit breakers (ABB Combustion Engineering Model No. 5VKBR-250) could have prevented operation of the Raw Water Pumps to fulfill the required design function to remove residual heat during a design basis accident. At 15:22 CST, repairs were completed on Raw Water Pump AC-10C breaker and the pump was declared operable. At 15:34 CST, Technical Specification 2.0.1 was exited and Technical Specification 2.4(1)c, 7-day LCO was entered for the inoperability of Raw Water Pumps AC-10A and AC-10D. The repair of the breakers for AC-10A and AC-10D are scheduled for February 9, 2007. The licensee informed the NRC Resident Inspector.

  • * * UPDATE AT 1632 EST ON 2/12/07 FROM ERICK MATZKE TO S. SANDIN * * *

This communication is meant to supplement the notification of February 8, 2007. The common mode failure of the linkage in the 4160V circuit breaker (ABB Combustion Engineering model number 5VKBR-250) could have prevented the operation of the raw water pumps as required by design. This could have resulted in the inability of the raw water system to remove residual heat during design basis accidents as required. The licensee informed the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R4DO (Smith).


On February 3, 2007, (Event Number 43157) Fort Calhoun Station reported a condition that, at the time, was believed (to be) a possible common mode failure of the 4160V feeder breakers for the Raw Water (RW) System (redacted). The circuit breakers for two of the four RW pump feeder breakers had failed. Investigation had determined that the failure mechanism was the same for the two failures. On February 8, it was not known if the other two RW pump breakers could fail by this same mechanism. The component that failed in the circuit breaker was an offset rod that transmitted operation of the circuit breaker to a set of auxiliary switches associated with the circuit breakers. The offset rods of the A and D RW pumps have subsequently been tested. Non destructive testing determined that the rods had no cracks. Destructive testing determined that the rods would not have failed for several hundred operations of the circuit breakers. As a result, the system was capable of performing its design safety function. Therefore, this event is not reportable under 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(B) as previously reported and EN 43157 is being retracted. While no verbal report criteria is applicable to this condition it is reportable as an LER under 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(vii). The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. R4DO ( Shannon) notified.

ENS 4318122 February 2007 12:57:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessEmergency Response Data System Inoperable

The licensee reported the loss of the Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) due to an Emergency Response Facility Computer System (ERFCS) failure at 0757 EST. The loss of the host computer was determined to be the cause of this unplanned outage. An unrelated planned outage of ERDS is scheduled to commence today following the troubleshooting. The planned outage duration will be 10 hours. The licensee will make an update notification when ERDS is restored. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.

      • UPDATE FROM F. GIANNONE TO KNOKE AT 1846 ON 02/22/07 ***

The licensee reported the Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) has been restored to normal operation. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.

ENS 433475 May 2007 17:10:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseOffsite Notification Made to the State of Nebraska Due to a Small Oil SpillNebraska Department of Environmental Quality notified of an oil spill while backwashing a screen in the intake structure. Approximately 2 gallons of oil was spilled . Most of the oil spill was contained and was wiped up using oil drip pads. There is no evidence that oil was released to the Missouri River. The NRC Resident Inspector was notified of this offsite notification by the licensee.
ENS 4335510 May 2007 20:30:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseOffsite Notification Due to Elevated Tritium LevelsOn May 7, 2007, a horizontal concrete wall crack at approximately 990 ft 6 inch elevation in a radiologically controlled room located inside the protected area, was observed to have water drops forming on the surface. Samples were collected in enough quantity to perform radiological and chemical analysis. The analysis indicated tritium concentration of 110,000 pCi/L. The limits for tritium in the FCS Off-Site Dose Calculation Manual is 20,000 pCi/L. Based on this analysis a conservative decision to notify the state and local agencies was made on 5/10/2007 at 15:30 CDT per the NEI Ground Water Protection Program. These off-site notifications will be made on 5/11/2007. Further investigation is on-going. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4357517 August 2007 15:53:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News ReleaseOffsite Notification Performed Due to External Environmental EventOn Friday August 17, 2007 at 10:30 CDT, the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Station Control Room was notified of a 'diesel fuel' type smell and oil sheen on the Missouri River. Further investigation found the source of the oil was from an outside source upstream of Fort Calhoun Station, which is approximately 20 miles north of Omaha, NE. Per station procedures, the Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) Corporate Environmental Affairs was notified of the oil sheen observations. On Friday, August 17 at 1053 CDT, OPPD Corporate Environmental Affairs contacted the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (NDEQ) of the oil sheen observations. Two contacts were made to Release Response Unit and the Compliance Inspectors Office. OPPD Corporate informed the NDEQ that an oil sheen was observed coming down the river past Fort Calhoun Station. The oil sheen smelled of diesel fuel or similar odor. The oil sheen was not coming from Fort Calhoun Station. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4358221 August 2007 02:03:00Other Unspec ReqmntInoperable House Service Transformers

This report is made in compliance with Tech spec 2.7, 4 hour NRC notification of inoperable house service transformers. The 161 Kv electrical supply to both house service transformers T1A-3 and T1A-4 was lost at 21:03 EDT. Fast transfer to 22 Kv was successful. AOP-31, 161 Kv Grid Malfunctions, abnormal operating procedure was entered. Technical Specification 2.7 (2) c, 72 hour LCO was entered. Background: The site was in a tornado warning between 20:30 and 21:00 EDT. Wind speeds were observed in excess of 60 mph by the site weather tower. One of the two switchyard breakers 3451-5 on the 345 Kv system opened at 20:50 EDT. The 345 Kv output breaker 3451-4 remained closed. The EDG are in standby and ready for service if required. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.

  • * * UPDATE ON 08/21/07 AT 0400 EDT FROM K. BOSTON TO MACKINNON * * *

The 161Kv electrical supply has been returned to service and Tech Spec 2.7(2)c has been exited at 0029 EDT on 08/21/07. Breaker 3451-5 remains open. System walk downs have to be completed before breaker 3451-5 can be closed. R4DO (J. Clark) notified. The NRC Resident Inspector is presently in the control room.

ENS 4363613 September 2007 10:01:0010 CFR 50.72(a)(1)(i), Emergency Class DeclarationNotice of Unusual Event for a Hydrazine Spill in the Turbine Building

A Notification of an Unusual Event was declared at 06:01 EDT due to a chemical leak in the Turbine Building truck dock area near a roll-up door. The leak was discovered at 05:40 EDT coming from a line connecting two vertically stacked Hydrazine Metal chemical storage totes located inside a ventilated enclosure. The Hazmat Response Incident Team was formed to address the spill. Approximately 10 gallons is inside the enclosure berm. A small amount of liquid has leaked outside the enclosure berm but has been contained. Containment activities are in progress. Leak rate appears to be significantly less. Additional plant staff has been called in to support and are arriving on site at the time of this notification. The area has been roped off and plant announcements to warn personnel of this hazard have been made. (EAL-11.4, Plant Conditions Warrant Increased Awareness by Plant Staff) The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector, state and local government agencies.

* * *  UPDATE AT 0742 ON 9/13/07 FROM CHLADIL TO ROTTON * * *

The licensee terminated the Notice of Unusual Event. The termination criteria was that the spill was stopped and the licensee has established limited personnel access restrictions to the turbine building truck bay and the service building elevator. The licensee is continuing to clean the area. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector and will be notifying state and local government agencies. Notified R4DO (Shannon), NRR (Ross-Lee), IRD (Blount), DHS (Haselton) and FEMA (Laforty).

ENS 436781 October 2007 18:15:00Other Unspec ReqmntReplacing the Emergency Response Facility Computer System

The Plant Process computer system (Emergency Response Facility Computer System) will be taken out of service for approximate 3 week period starting October 1, 2007, to implement a planned modification. The current ERFCS is being replaced and a computer outage is required for the installation of the new ERFCS. During this time period Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) and Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS) functions will not be available. However, the Qualified Safety Parameter Display System (QSPDS) will still be operable in the Control Room. This notification is being made to inform the NRC that the ERDS will be unavailable until this modification is complete. The operation of the plant systems will not be affected due to this planned action. ERDS and SPDS parameters will be monitored by control board indications. All contingency actions required by ERFCS-3, ERFCS Maintenance Outage Plant Mode 1, have been taken. Meteorological data to support the Emergency Response Organization (ERO) will be obtained from the local national weather service (if needed) as described in our Radiological Response Plan. A follow up notification, to the NRC will be given once ERDS and SPDS are returned to service. The NRC Resident Inspector has been informed.

  • * * UPDATE FROM KEVIN BOSTON TO J. KNOKE AT 1820 ON 10/30/07 * * *

The licensee completed planned modifications and fully restored the Plant Process computer system (Emergency Response Facility Computer System). The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R4DO (Powers) , T. Kardaras (email).

ENS 438868 January 2008 17:42:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(v)(B), Loss of Safety Function - Remove Residual HeatPotential Loca Injection Flow Rate Issue

At 11:42 CST, a condition report was initiated that questioned the specified flow path for simultaneous hot and cold leg injection following a large break loss of coolant accident (LOCA). When an unisolated LOCA event exists, simultaneous hot leg and cold leg injection should be implemented if the plant cannot be placed on shutdown cooling within six hours of the LOCA initiation and RCS pressure is less than 120 psia. The procedure is implemented at five and one-half hours to provide adequate time to align simultaneous hot/cold leg injection before the six hour time limit. Injecting to each side of the reactor vessel at an injection rate greater than 165 gpm, ensures that fluid from the reactor vessel (where the boric acid is being concentrated) flows out of the break regardless of the break location and is replenished with a dilute solution of borated water from the other side of the reactor vessel. The action is taken between 5.5 and 6 hours after the LOCA in order to ensure that the buildup of boric acid is terminated well before the potential for boric acid precipitation occurs which could restrict coolant flow through the core. Once the RCS is refilled, the boric acid is dispersed throughout the RCS via natural circulation. If entry into shutdown cooling system operation is anticipated before the 5.5 hour limit, then the realignment to hot/cold leg injection is unnecessary. The potential concern is associated with a charging line thermal relief valve CH-202 bypassing flow from hot leg injection and preventing the required flow rate needed to prevent boron precipitation from occurring. A minimum injection rate of 147 gpm to the cold legs and 159 gpm to the hot legs is required to prevent boric acid precipitation. Total hot leg injection flow is measured at FIA-236. Cold leg injection flow is the total of the four HPSI flow instruments, FI-313, FI-316, FI-319, and FI-322 with 50 gpm the minimum flow indication. A total cold leg injection flow of at least 200 gpm ensures at least 150 pm flow into the core, assuming 25% spillage out the break. This meets the required minimum of 147 gpm. It could not be determined through a review of the design basis documents and associated calculations what, if any, bypass flow is assumed through CH-202. Current procedural guidance in the emergency operating procedures is to align a high pressure safety injection pump to the charging header and provide hot leg injection from auxiliary pressurizer spray valves attached to the charging headers through the pressurizer and into the hot leg. The current procedural guidance does not isolate CH-202 and due to the location of flow instrument FIA-236, it cannot be guaranteed that all the flow through the charging system is being injected into the hot leg or being diverted through the normal charging line. As a result the potential existed which could have prevented the fulfillment of the safety function of a system needed to remove residual heat. Therefore this report is being made in reference to 10 CFR 50.72 (b) (3) (v) (B). Efforts are continuing to review design basis documents and calculations to determine if bypass flow was assumed past CH-202 when determining the minimum hot leg injection rate. As a compensatory measure, Operations management has restricted the use of hot and cold leg injection via the charging header until the design basis review confirms the adequacy of the current procedural guidance or the procedural guidance is revised. Pre-approved alternative methods will be utilized via the emergency operating procedures to perform simultaneous hot and cold leg injection if required. No LCO condition exists. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.


On January 8, 2008, (Event Number 43886) Fort Calhoun Station reported that there could be a potential reduction of injection flow to the hot leg during Long Term Core Cooling (LTCC) simultaneous hot and cold leg injection. The charging line thermal relief valve/check valve CH-202 could potentially divert flow from hot leg injection and reduce hot leg flow below the required flow rate needed to prevent boron precipitation from occurring. On January 8, 2008 it could not be determined through a review of design basis documents and associated calculations if bypass flow has been assumed through CH-202. Divergence of flow through CH-202 would result if a valve failure occurred. Assuming flow is diverted through CH-202, the operators would not realize that flow was going through the wrong flow path (cold leg) as their flow indication (FE-326) is located upstream of where the flow path to the hot leg and cold legs branch off. Therefore, there was nothing to alert the operator to isolate CH-202 or go to alternate hot leg injection. Previous procedural guidance was not adequate to address this condition. Current procedural guidance is adequate to address this condition as the procedures now require isolating CH-202 for LTCC. A reanalysis was performed to evaluate the required flow rate needed to prevent boron precipitation and ensure adequate LTCC. Calculations performed assumed full flow (failure) through CH-202. Under postulated design scenarios it was determined that adequate flow would have been provided to the hot legs during simultaneous hot and cold leg injection during LTCC. The calculations determined that under the evaluated scenarios, divergence of flow through CH-202 was acceptable, and that the requirements to maintain adequate flow to the core for LTCC decay heat removal and boron flushing would have been met. As a result of the analysis that were performed, it has been determined that the system was capable of performing its design function even under bypass flow conditions through CH-202. Therefore, this event is NOT reportable under 10 CFR 50.72( b) (3) (v) (B) as previously reported. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R4 DO (Miller)

ENS 4394330 January 2008 09:35:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessMultiple Emergency Sirens Lost Power Due to Severe WeatherDue to severe weather (wind storm) in the area, a total of 8 of 78 sirens were reported out of service (loss of power) in Washington County, NE. An additional 6 sirens were running on their battery backup power supplies. The sirens have been returned to service. A large segment of the population was NOT affected. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 440365 March 2008 06:00:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessFifteen Emergency Sirens Inoperable for a TimeOn March 5, 2008, at 1312 CST, fifteen (15) emergency notification system sirens in the Fort Calhoun Station Emergency Planning Zone (eleven in Harrison County, Iowa, four in Pottawattamie County, Iowa) were de-energized due to a un-planned power outage. The loss of AC Power to these emergency notification sirens impacted 15 of 101 total sirens; 8 of which had DC Battery Backup Power. As a result, this event is being reported under 10 CFR 50.72 (b)(3)(xiii) and guidance in NUREG-1022 as a major loss of off-site communications capability (e.g. offsite notification system). Power was restored to 8 sirens, 4 in Harrison County and all 4 from Pottawattamie County on March 5, 2008 at 1413 hours. One siren in Harrison County was restored at 1417 hours. The remaining 6 sirens were restored at 1529 hours. The power loss was determined to be due to a farm equipment malfunction. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4406615 March 2008 13:33:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B), RPS System ActuationReactor Trip Due to Turbine Trip

At 09:33 EDT the plant experienced a turbine trip which resulted in a reactor trip from 85%. Plant power was less than 100% due to a (turbine) control valve oscillating problem identified on 3/13/08. Post-trip (complications): one of the four 4160 V busses, Bus 1A1, did not fast transfer from 22 KV to the 161 KV system as expected. This buss loss caused Reactor Coolant Pump RC-3A (to) trip off. Seals on RC-3A appear to be failed. The other 3 RC pumps remained in service for forced circulation through the Steam Generators Steam Generator levels are being maintained by Main Feedwater Pump FW-4C. Steaming is through the steam dump and bypass valves to the condensers. No primary or secondary relief valves lifted during this event. Standard post-trip actions were taken per EOP-00 , followed by a transition to EOP-2. Loss of Off-Site Power. During EOP-00 the plant computer indicated 8 rods not inserted into the reactor core. Secondary and primary rod indication showed all control rods inserted. In response to the difference of rod position indication, emergency boration was implemented. Emergency boration was secured after shutdown margin was verified. 4160 V buss 1A was reenergized on the 161kv system at 10:31 EDT. A transition to plant procedure OP-3A, plant shutdown was made at 10:58 EDT. Reactor Coolant Pump RC-3A seal evaluation is in progress. The plant will remain in Mode 3. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector and plans a press release. While RCP RC-3A seals indicate the same pressure across them there were no accompanying indications of containment sump water level increasing or high radiation levels in containment. Decay heat is being removed by normal feedwater feeding the steam generators steaming to the condenser steam dumps. Nuclear Instruments indicated plant shutdown throughout the trip. Safety buses are powered by offsite power and emergency diesel generators are in standby.


None of the reactor coolant pump seals at (Fort Calhoun Station) (FCS) were failed. There were abnormal indications on the A reactor coolant pump seal. The A reactor coolant pump seal is now working normally. Notified R4DO (Whitten).

ENS 4408420 March 2008 13:13:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessTraffic Accident Causes Loss of Power to Ten Emergency SirensOn March 20, 2008, between 0813 and 0818 power to 10 of the 78 sirens in Washington County was lost. They lost power due to a vehicle hitting a power pole. None of the 10 have battery back up power. The sirens are located south of the city of Fort Calhoun, in southeast Washington County. By 1200 power had been restored to 8 of the 10 sirens. The remaining sirens are awaiting replacement of power poles supporting supply lines to restore power. Pole replacement is in progress. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector, state, and local officials.
ENS 4413814 April 2008 17:45:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(v)(D), Loss of Safety Function - Mitigate the Consequences of an AccidentHigh Energy Line Break Analysis Revealed Potential Accident Mitigation Deficiency

During review of a High Energy Line Break (HELB) analysis a condition was discovered where a break in the auxiliary steam system could result in a loss of all the containment fans and coolers, which are required to be maintained operable due to procedural restrictions to mitigate a design basis accident. The plant entered Technical Specification (T.S.) 2.0.1 at 1245 CDT. This specification requires a plant shutdown within 6 hours. Operations personnel isolated auxiliary steam to the affected areas of the Auxiliary Building at 1305 CDT. With auxiliary steam isolated to the Auxiliary Building, containment fans and associated coolers were restored to an operable status. Plant exited T.S. 2.0.1 at 1305 CDT. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.


An exhaustive review of the high energy line break licensing and design basis for the auxiliary steam system as it impacts the safety functions or the containment coolers has determined that the required safety functions are met for the licensed and designed basis of the plant. Therefore the previous notification (EN 44138) of April 14 is being withdrawn. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. R4DO (Pick) notified.

ENS 4420714 May 2008 10:00:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessEmergency Siren Outage for Upgrade

Fort Calhoun Station will be experiencing a partial loss of emergency communications and notification capabilities on Wednesday, May 14, 2008. Omaha Public Power District will be completing an upgrade to the main radio system from approximately 05:00 - 09:00, Wednesday, May 14, 2008. During this time, mobility over the radio system (mostly rural use) and the Fort Calhoun Station Alert and Notification System (ANS) sirens will be out of service. Emergency Planning will notify the affected counties to have their back-up plan for the (alert and notification system) in place during that time. Post Maintenance Silent Testing will be performed upon completion of radio maintenance to verify siren communications. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.

  • * * UPDATE AT 1157 EDT ON 5/14/08 FROM MATZKE TO HUFFMAN * * *

The licensee reports that the siren outage commenced at approximately 0400 CDT this morning and is in progress. Currently, the estimated completion time for this activity is now approximately 1300 CDT today (5/14/08). R4DO (Powers) notified.


Update to Event Number 44207 - Fort Calhoun Unit 1 - Event Date 05/14/2008 - Emergency Sirens upgrade is complete. Post maintenance silence testing was performed. All sirens are functional. The NRC Resident Inspector, state, and local officials have been notified. Notified R4DO (Powers)

ENS 4422821 May 2008 00:56:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(v)(B), Loss of Safety Function - Remove Residual HeatDecay Heat Removal Cooling Interupted During Core Reload

At 1956, during reactor core reload with a full refueling cavity, power was lost to the #2 non-vital instrument bus. This power loss resulted in closure of the shutdown cooling temperature control valve, HCV-341. The closure of HCV-341 interrupted the cooling capability of the in service shutdown cooling loop. While cycling a condenser motor operated valve a 480 volt ground occurred which resulted in tripping the feeder breaker to motor control center MCC-4B2. MCC-4B2 was supplying power to Instrument Bus 2 via the Inverter 2 test transformer. The test transformer was powering Instrument Bus 2 due to Inverter 2 replacement per plant modification. The loss of the #2 Instrument Bus resulted in HCV-341, the shutdown cooling heat exchangers temperature control valve, failing closed. HCV-341 was manually opened to restore cooling at 2019. At 2049 power was restored to Instrument Bus 2 and the shutdown cooling system was returned to automatic operation. Flow through the core was maintained throughout the event, as the shutdown cooling heat exchanger bypass valve responded by opening to maintain flow. At the time shutdown cooling was lost, 44 of 133 assemblies had been loaded into the vessel and shutdown cooling temperature was approximately 88 degrees F. Time to boil was conservatively calculated to be 22.5 hours per plant procedures which assume decay heat from all 133 assemblies. Shutdown cooling temperature rose approximately one degree during this event. Technical Specification 2.8.1(3)(1) was entered due to no Shutdown Cooling loop in Operation. No reactor coolant boron reductions were in progress. Irradiated fuel assembly loading into the reactor core was secured and actions to restore a Shutdown Cooling loop were being initiated. (Ft. Calhoun) entered) a 4 hour LCO to close all containment penetrations providing direct access from the containment to the outside atmosphere. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.


Following a detailed review of the event of May 20, 2008, Fort Calhoun station determined that the safety function of removing residual heat from the reactor coolant system was available throughout the entire event. The system is largely manual and the manual functions were not affected by the event. At the time of the loss of power the core was being reloaded. The heat load was very small and the temperature control valve (HCV-341) was closed to allow the system to increase in temperature. When control power to HCV-341 was lost the valve did not change position. Since the ability of the shutdown cooling system to remove residual heat was not impacted by the loss of power and plant procedures have provisions to control the system locally, the safety function of removing decay heat was not lost. Therefore this notification is being retracted. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R4DO (William Jones)

ENS 4432327 June 2008 19:30:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessGroup Page Via Interactive Notification System Is Not Operational

On June 27, 2008 at 1430 CDT, Fort Calhoun Station (FCS) performed testing of the group paging system via the Interactive Notification System (INS) . The group page did not perform as designed. Further investigation and testing of the group page manually resulted in the same issue. It has been determined that the group page function is not operational. FCS has implemented backup manual callout process for the emergency response organization. Therefore emergency facility activation may take longer than normal. Troubleshooting efforts are ongoing. Licensee has notified NRC Resident Inspector.

  • * * UPDATE FROM GUINN TO CROUCH @ 1023 EDT ON 6/30/08 * * *

Troubleshooting revealed a hard drive failure for the paging system. On June 27, 2008, the paging system was tested satisfactorily at 2145. System is fully functional. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R4DO (Bywater).