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ENS 414728 March 2005 13:55:00The following information was obtained via e-mail from the Texas Department of Health Services, Inspection Unit, Radiation Branch (e-mailed text in quotes): The following is a description of the incident: Unit 10560498/10540094 went out on 02/02/05 at 19:30 hours to a temporary job site. Unit returned to the Laredo, TX facility at 16:53 hours 02/03/05. The Unit was serviced by HES (Halliburton Energy Services) employee checking out at 19:30 hours 02/03/05. The Unit was detained by Border Patrol at Freer check point with ex-employee driving Unit at 23:22 hours 02/03/05. The densometers were inventoried at the time HES recovered the Unit from the Border Patrol. The densometers that were on the unit were: Densometer V3C- 131, Isotope Cs- 137, Activity 11.7 (milliCuries) and Densometer W2C-086, Isotope Cs-137, Activity 11.7 (milliCuries). After a phone call with the licensee, it turns out that the driver was an ex-employee that went into Halliburton's yard and stole a truck that was later used in an attempt to smuggle contraband thru a Border Patrol check point. The truck never crossed the Texas border. The driver was arrested after Border Patrol agents were alerted to the truck and Halliburton was immediately notified of the theft of the truck. They (HES) then sent someone to claim the vehicle and the sources. (State of Texas Department of Health) has requested a copy of the police report. Texas Incident Number I-8215.
ENS 4149014 March 2005 16:44:00The following is a summary of a report submitted by the State of Texas to the NRC via email: A radiographer employed by Texas Gamma Ray, LLC received an unexplained dose of 6730 mrem during the month of October 2004. Additional dose reported for the month of November 2004 increased the annual accrued dose for the year 2004 to 7780 mrem which exceeds the yearly occupational dose limit (5 Rem). The licensee (Texas Gamma Ray, LLC) immediately informed the State of the overexposure via telephone and initiated an investigation. The investigation determined through interviews with the radiographer and a review of his October work assignments that he had dropped his film badge near a radioactive source (approximately 1 meter distance from a camera containing 30-40 Curies Ir-192) for about thirty minutes to an hour. The radiographer did not report the incident at that time or in his written statement describing his work activities. The licensee noted during their review of the monthly dosimetry monitoring reports provided by Atomic Energy Industrial Laboratory that two of the three individuals assigned to work with this radiographer wore spare film badges. The State cited the licensee for eleven violations of their TX license. Texas Incident No. I-8190.
ENS 4155631 March 2005 16:33:00The following information was provided via E-mail by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) (state text in quotes): On February 21,2005 at the Motiva Enterprise facility located in Port Arthur, Texas an event took place that prevented the return of a radiography source to the shielded position via normal operations. The unauthorized retrieval of the source was done without proper license condition authorization. All dosimeters have been processed and no overexposures have occurred as a result of the retrieval. Additionally, a verbal notification was made to DSHS, and followed by written report received 03/21/05. The Operating and Emergency procedures to be employed in an incident of this type were reviewed for full understanding by all staff involved in Radiographic operations. The source was Ir-192 (150 Ci) from a SPEC Model G-60; AEA Model 969. Texas Incident # I-8224