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ENS 4946623 October 2013 05:00:00Agreement StateAgreement State Report - Failure of Radiography Camera Source to Fully RetractThe following report was received from the Texas Department of State Health Services, Radiation Branch, via e-mail: On October 23, 2013, the licensee notified the Agency (Texas Department of Health) that one of its radiography crews had been unable to retract an iridium-192 source back into a QSA 880D exposure device at a temporary work site in Baytown, Texas. Following an exposure, the source pigtail would not retract fully into the device. An authorized person, the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO), performed the source retrieval. He received an estimated 600 millirem dose. No member of the public received any exposure as a result of this event. The RSO reported that he had to disconnect the crank handle from the drive cables to pull the source back into the camera. The cause was an equipment failure of the drive cable which was binding. A new set of drive cables was attached to the camera and the source moved in and out freely about 10 times. The drive cables were only 3 weeks old. They will be returned to the manufacturer for inspection. An investigation into this event is ongoing. Information will be provided as it is obtained in accordance with SA-300. Camera and source information: QSA 880D camera, serial number D4621, source model number 424-9, source serial number 98960B. Texas Incident Number: I-9130
ENS 5080210 February 2015 14:26:00Agreement StateAgreement State Report - Source DisconnectedThe following was received from the Ohio Bureau of Radiation Protection via email: A crew working near Cambridge, Ohio this morning experienced a source disconnect on a QSA Model 880D camera containing 60.5 Curies of Iridium-192, which occurred at 9:26 AM EST. The disconnect was discovered after a shot, when the crew's survey instrument indicated that the source was still exposed after the guide cable had been fully retracted. The cause for the source disconnect has not yet been determined. The area has been secured, roped off, and is under constant surveillance by the radiography crew. Two Acuren supervisors trained in source recovery are enroute from their Akron office. The customer has been advised and is cooperating in keeping all personnel away from the area. There has been no exposure to workers or members of the public from the disconnect. An ODH (Ohio Department of Health) Investigator is enroute to the site to observe recovery options. The QSA Global Camera (Model: 880D; Serial number: 4192) contained an Ir-192 source of 60.5 Ci (Serial number:13665G)
ENS 5627114 December 2022 06:00:00Agreement StateOverexposure Event

The following information was provided by the Texas Department of Health Services (the Agency) via email: On December 14, 2022, the Agency was notified by the licensee's radiation safety officer (RSO) of a potential overexposure event. The RSO reported three of their radiographers were working at a remote site using a 30.4 curie cobalt 60 source. The exposure time for each exposure was two minutes. The distance from the source to the pipe was two feet. During the first exposure, one of the radiographers was between the source and the pipe being tested. The RSO stated the individual stayed in the area for about one minute. The radiographer operating the source was standing behind a brick wall and was unaware of the individual being in the area. The operator thought the others had cleared the area, and it was safe to perform the exposure. The individual who received the exposures stated the noise in the area was too loud to hear their alarming rate meter. The exposed individual's self-reading dosimeter was off scale. All radiographers' dosimeters have been sent to the licensee's dosimetry processor for reading. The RSO stated their calculations indicated the individual could have received 7 rem from this event. The RSO stated the individual exposed had received 12 millirem prior to this event. All three individuals have been removed from any duties that would require any additional exposure. Additional information will be provided as it is received in accordance with SA-300. Texas Incident no.: 9973 Texas NMED no.: TX220041


On December 16, 2022, the licensee reported they had received the badge reading for the individual involved in this event. The Deep Dose Equivalent (DDE) on the badge was 5,450 millirem bringing the individuals DDE total for the year to 5,662 millirem. The Agency has requested the licensee determine if the badge was worn in the highest dose field during the event. Additional information will be provided as it is received in accordance with SA-300. Notified R4DO (Drake) and NMSS Events Notification via email.

ENS 562911 January 2023 04:11:00Agreement StateVehicle AccidentThe following was received from the Texas Department of State Health Services (the Agency) via email: On December 31, 2022, the Agency was notified by the licensee that while returning an exposure device to the storage location, the driver of the licensee's vehicle hit a pedestrian who was in the road picking up some material. The radiographer stated the vehicle in front of them threw on its brakes and the radiographer swerved to miss them and hit the pedestrian. The police arrived at the scene and an ambulance was called. The individual did not want to leave in the ambulance but was convinced to do so. The extent of their injuries are not known. The licensee stated the exposure device and associate equipment were not affected by the event. Texas Incident Number: 9979