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ENS 4036530 November 2003 06:00:00Agreement StateAgreement State Report Regarding Well Logging Source AbandonmentTexas Incident No.: I-8079 Event Report ID No.: 40365 Event location: Newfield Exploration Company Well: Cotton Whitehead 2501 Valverde County, Texas Notifications: Texas Department of Health, Bureau of Radiation Control; Texas Railroad Commission, NRC Operations Center; NMED; NRC Region IV Event description: Late Friday evening, November 28, 2003, a logging source string became stuck in the customer's well. After several fishing attempts without success, it was decided to abandon the sources downhole. The sources will be cemented in place with the top most point covered by a minimum of 100 feet of red dyed cement. A deflection device will be place above the source string. A plaque has been ordered for installation on the wellhead. The source string held three sources: one Am-241/Be source manufactured by NSSI, Model DA-5, Serial No 27942, with an activity of 4.5 curies; one Cs-137 source manufactured by AEA, Model CDC.CY4, Serial No. 2907GW, with an activity of 2 curies; and a second Cs-137 source, manufactured by Gammatron, Model GT-GHP, Serial No. Z-194, with an activity of 0.8 curie.
ENS 4094210 August 2004 05:00:00Agreement StateAgreement State Report - Well Logging Source Lost in Well During TrainingThe following is taken from a facsimile sent by the Agreement State (Texas) Event description: After well logging operations on the afternoon of August 10, 2004, the well logger was removing the source from the tool on the training well. The tool was not fully engaged with the source. When the source cleared the logging tool, the well logger bumped the source into the deflector, causing the source to drop from the handling tool. The deflector performed properly and deflected the source, an 18 curie Am/Be (neutron) source downhole. This is the Atlas No. 2 well, an un-cased hard-rock well located on the Baker Hughes property for training of Baker Hughes staff. The source is a GammaTron Model DA20, Serial No 36313. The source is known to be at the bottom of the 5750 foot well. The training well is currently full of fluid. The operator is going to replace the fluid with clear fluid and begin 'fishing' operations. The wellbore is 8-7/8 inches and this source with nose plug is 9 inches in length. TX Incident # I-8152
ENS 4114119 October 2004 05:00:00Agreement StateAgreement State Report - Three Well Logging Sources Abandoned DownholeWell: Mako Steward A-37 State Tract #1, Galveston, County, Texas 9,150 ft. downhole (bottom of well) Well logging string became stuck in a 6 3/4" wellbore over the weekend. Attempts to 'fish' for the sources was unsuccessful with the fishing tool becoming stuck in the wellbore above the well logging tool string. The tool string contains three sealed sources: an 18 curie Am-241/Be; a 2 curie Cs-137; and a 0.8 microcurie Cs137. The sources were declared abandoned late on October 19, 2004. The Licensee is preparing to seal the well with red dyed cement and placement of a deflection device in the wellbore. The tool string is sitting at the bottom of the well at 9,150 feet downhole. Source manufacturers and serial numbers are currently unavailable. Texas Incident No. I-8175
ENS 4229831 January 2006 16:50:00Agreement StateAgreement State - Material Loss of Control

The State provided the following information via email: (The) RSO for Baker Hughes Oilfield Operations, Inc. (NM license number WL 241-33), reported at 9:50 a.m. on January 31, 2006 that Baker Hughes temporarily lost control of a 2 Ci Cs-137 sealed source after completion of a job two to three miles south of Eunice, NM in Lea County. Upon completion of the job, the crew from the Midland, TX facility secured the 18 Ci Am/Be source in its shipping container and departed the job site, leaving the unshielded Cesium source on the ground. On returning to Midland, the crew discovered the Cesium source was not in the vehicle and they immediately notified Baker Hughes personnel in Hobbs, NM. Hobbs personnel located, recovered, and secured the source approximately 2 hours after the Midland crew left the site. Preliminary information indicated there was no drilling going on at the job site when Hobbs personnel recovered the source and it was not known if any individuals received a dose. A follow-up telephone call to (the RSO) today indicates non-badged individuals were working in the area of the unshielded source. Initial calculations show the highest dose to any of these individuals to be less than 70 mRem. The New Mexico Radiation Control Bureau is continuing the investigation of the incident and will provide updated information as it becomes available. A visit to the licensee's Hobbs, NM office is planned.


Here is the update on EN 42298 (NMED item# 060083/Baker Hughes) for the dose to members of the public. Initially, Baker Hughes had calculated 68 mRem as the highest dose to a member of the public, our calculation based on the information they provided was 70 mRem. Their final report indicates that after characterization of the meter from a Radium field to a Cesium field, the maximum exposure is 60 mRem. I have attached the final report from Baker Hughes regarding the Cs-137 source left behind at a jobsite in Eunice, NM. The NM Radiation Control Bureau found the response from Baker Hughes and the corrective actions to be adequate. Notified R4DO (Bywater) and FSME (Morell) THIS MATERIAL EVENT CONTAINS A "LESS THAN CAT 3" LEVEL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL Sources that are "Less than IAEA Category 3 sources," are either sources that are very unlikely to cause permanent injury to individuals or contain a very small amount of radioactive material that would not cause any permanent injury. Some of these sources, such as moisture density gauges or thickness gauges that are Category 4, the amount of unshielded radioactive material, if not safely managed or securely protected, could possibly - although it is unlikely - temporarily injure someone who handled it or were otherwise in contact with it, or who were close to it for a period of many weeks. Although IAEA categorization of this event is typically based on device type, the staff has been made aware of the actual activity of the source, and after calculation determines that it is a Less than Cat 3 event. Note: the value assigned by device type "Category 3" is different than the calculated value "Less than Cat 3

ENS 4996114 March 2014 05:00:00Agreement StateLouisiana Agreement State Report - Two Abandoned Well Logging SourcesThe following information was obtained from the State of Louisiana via facsimile: Event Location: The source became stuck down hole at Deer Island CL&F 005, Terrebonne Parish, LA Event type: Two sources were in a device used to log down hole wells. The two sources became lodged down hole and Baker Hughes, after 'fishing', decided to cap the location and go around the sources. Cement and a whip-stock were used as deflection devices. Notifications: LDEQ (Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality) was notified of the lodged sources on March 17, 2014 @ 15:00 hrs. (CDT). At that time, Baker Hughes requested to plug the lodged location and place a deflection device to continue their work. The request was granted. Event description: On March 17, 2014, Baker Hughes contacted LDEQ reporting that two well-logging sources became stuck down hole; a QSA Global 2.5 Ci Cs-137 source, SR# 90652B and a QSA Global 5 Ci Am/Be neutron source, SR# 77860B. A request to continue work was granted after a cement plug and a whip stock deflection device was placed at the location of the lodged sources. This incident was reported and will be abandoned and maintained by the requirements of LAC 33:XV.2051 and 2099 Appendix B. The Department (LDEQ) considers this event closed. Louisiana Event Report ID No.: LA-140003