ML20029E938 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 01/27/2020 |
From: | Nadine Aridi, Ted Carter, Stephen Giebel, Allen Gross, Laurie Kauffman, Michael Lafranzo, Dennise Orlando, Bruce Watson Division of Decommissioning, Uranium Recovery and Waste Programs |
To: | |
S Giebel | |
Shared Package | |
ML20029E935 | List: |
References | |
Download: ML20029E938 (12) | |
NUREG-1757, Consolidated Decommissioning Guidance Decommissioning Process for Materials Licensees, Vol. 1, Rev. 3 Stephen Giebel, Ted Carter, Nadine Aridi, Allen Gross, Laurie Kauffman, Michael LaFranzo, Dominick Orlando, Bruce Watson, CHP U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Team Members Regional Staff:
Laurie Kauffman, Region I, Health Physics Inspector Michael LaFranzo, Region III, Health Physics Inspector NRC Headquarters Staff:
Ted Carter, Senior Project Manager Stephen Giebel, Health Physicist Nadine Aridi, Administrative Assistant Allen Gross, Risk Analyst Kenneth Kline, Financial Analyst Dominick Orlando, Senior Project Manager
Regulatory History of NUREG-1757, Volume 1
- Three-volume NUREG-1757 series published in September 2003
- Draft Supplement 1 issued in September 2005
- NUREG-1757, Volume 1, Revision 2 published in September 2006
- Revision 3 addresses staff and stakeholder comments, updates, and lessons learned from recent decommissioning projects
Materials Licensees
- Licensees Regulated under 10 CFR Parts 30, 40, 60, 61, 63, 70, and 72
- Fuel Cycle Facilities
- Fuel Storage Facilities
- Materials Facilities
- Limited Applicability to Reactors under Part 50
- For 10 CFR Parts 60, 61, and 63, applies only to ancillary surface facilities supporting radioactive waste disposal
Sections Applicable to Reactor Licensees
- Radiological Criteria for Decommissioning - Sections 6.1-6.7
- Decommissioning Surveys- Section 15.4
- NEPA Compliance - Section 15.7
- NRC Approach to Release of Solid Materials - Section 15.11.1
- Onsite Disposal of Radioactive Materials (10 CFR 20.2002) -
Section 15.12
Sections Applicable to Reactor Licensees
- Use of Intentional Mixing of Contaminated Soil - Section 15.13
- Restricted Use - Section 17.7
- Alternate Criteria - Section 17.8
- Screening Values - Appendix B
- EPA/NRC MOU - Appendix H
- Overview of 10 CFR Part 20, Subpart E - Appendix M
Updated Regulatory Authority 7
Major Changes to NUREG-1757, Volume 1
- Decommissioning Fees - updated guidance for fees incurred during decommissioning, 10 CFR 170 and 10 CFR 171
- Update on the Site Decommissioning Management Program (SDMP) - SDMP was discontinued in 2004
Major Changes to NUREG-1757, Volume 1
- New 20.1406 Requirements and Guidance - updated, decommissioning planning rule, minimization of contamination
- New Decommissioning Categorial Exclusions (CATXs) -
updated, 10 CFR 51.22(c), 3 categorical exclusions for decommissioning
- Many technical issues are addressed in NUREG-1757, Volume 2
Path Forward
- Draft NUREG-1757, Volume 1, Revision 3 has been developed
- This revision incorporates new guidance
- Consideration of stakeholder review and comments
- Planned publication in 2020
- Solicit feedback for further improvements on future revisions 10
Whats Next?
State Review Federal Agency Review Publication
Speaker Contact Information Stephen J. Giebel 301-415-5526 12