Regulatory Guide 7.9

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Standard Format and Content of Part 71 Applications for Approval of Package of Type B, Large Quantity and Fissile Radioactive Material
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Issue date: 03/31/1979
Revision: 0
Download: ML13350A232 (38)

U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION March 1979REGULATORY GUIDEOFFICE OF STANDARDS DEVELOPMENTAT 71 APPLICATIONS1E B, LARGE QUANTITY, ANDMATERIALREGULATORYSTANDARD FORMAT AND CONTFOR APPROVAL OF PACKAGIN(IFISSILE-RADUSNRC REGULATORY GUIDESRegubtswr Gulds ate mmull to daesalf end make svelabll to the wjubksed og e rtabb to dIM NRC Moff of vipeestt spe11" pmte of theCaiml arcfid upgagomlt for vkzutated anents in tom guoide@ we edncuagedRagpjmr~mbe Gulee -* .aots&etua 800oret e ationa enomda corm-0 ane vdi eI jotaurad Mtodr endrete sofutbow dlffaerdItm toseif~~t woe, ~wire aor A two rnic aft e tor icense by emt useful in eveluetin ft neeid for en ewati revAs1on.Commerti shoud be sent to me Secr erv of me Commramo. U.S. !J.ucarReglatry ommon. Wa gtipo. D.OC. 2M6I6 Attention: DocstnN andThe guides am lawued In the IolIolhig ten broad 1. Power Psectoa 6. Procucta2. Research aW Tme Rectoi 7. TransportationI. Fuels end Materie Facaimiis IL Occuostionl Poselm4. Envi m en Satn i .Antitru$t and Financtsl RvisiewK Matertl am Pn tISot t. Gene"Raueasm for single ropini of Wed guides (witc be raoroduesel or forplacerneit on en autotnatl itteb= 6:14O t fsiangle copies of futr; %,tdesin Specific ofSlIom sOuLdd !nud , swlt to the U.S. Nudeaw ReutaoyWe D.C. 20M Attention: Director, DOl.son ofTechn'ial Infortorinarid Ocum Con SUMMARY OF CRITICALITY EVALUATIONFissile Class (I, II, III)Fissile ClassIII IllNORMAL CONDITIONSNumber of undamaged packages calculated to besubcritical (Fissile Class I must be infinite;Fissile Class II must be at least 25; andFissile Class III must be at least identicalshipment.)Optimum interspersed hydrogenous moderation(required for Fissile Class I)Closely reflected by water (required forFissile Class II and III)3Package size, cmACCIDENT CONDITIONSNumber of damaged packages calculated to besubcritical (Fissile Class I must be atleast 250; Fissile Class II must be at least10; and Fissile Class III must be at least 1.)Optimum interspersed hydrogenous moderation,full water reflectionPackage size, cm3Other Transport Index (must not exceed10 for Fissile Class II)6-3 6.4.1 Calculational or Experimental MethodA general description of the basic calculational method used to calculate the effectivemultiplication constant of the package under the normal conditions uf transport and accidentconditions of transport to demonstrate compliance with the appropriate NRC regulations shouldbe provided. This should include a description of the computer program and neutron cross sectionsused with their referenced documentation. *he basis for selecting the program and cross sectionsshould be discussed.If an experimental method was used to determine the compliance of the package with criticalityrequirements, include a complete description of the experiment and a discussion demonstrating thatit conservatively takes into account the normal and accident conditions of transport for the package.6.4.2 Fuel Loading or Other Contents Loading OptimizationDemonstrate that the correct fuel loading or other contents loading for the maximum reactivityhas been evaluated for both the single package and arrays of packages for normal and accident condi-tions of transport. Approximations, boundary conditions, calculational convergence criteria, andcross-section adjustments are to be itemized and discussed.The requirements of §§ 71.33, 71.34, 71.35, and 71.36 of 10 CFR Part 71 should be satisfiedfor a single package. The requirements of §§ 71.37 and 71.38, 71.39, or 71.40, as appropriate,should be satisfied for an array.6.4.3 Criticality ResultsResults of the reactivity calculations establishing the most reactive configurations for thesingle package and arrays of packages for both normal and accident conditions of transport shouldbe displayed in tabular and graphic form. Justification should be provided for any interpolationsand extrapolations. A discussion of the validity and conservatism of the analysis should beincluded. The bias established with the benchmark calculations in Section 6.5 should be takeninto account.6.5 Critical Benchmark ExperimentsThis section provides justification for the validity of the calculational method and neutroncross-section values used in the analysis by presenting the results of calculations for selectedcritical benchmark experiments.6.5.1 Benchmark Experiments and ApplicabilityProvide a general description of selected critical benchmark experiments that are to beanalyzed using the method and cross sections given in paragraph 6.4.1. The applicability ofthe benchmarks in relation to the package and its contents should be shown. All similaritiesand differences should be noted and resolved respectively. References giving full documenta-tion on these experiments should be provided.6-4 6.5.2 Details of the Benchmark CalculationsActual nuclear and geometric input parameters used for the benchmark calculations shouldbe provided.6.5.3 Results of the Benchmark CalculationsProvide the results of the benchmark calculations. Establish and provide a discussion ofany calculation bias.6.6 AppendixThis appendix should include information such as justification of assumptions or analyticalprocedures, test results, photographs, computer program descriptions and input/output, and appli-cable pages from referenced documents.6-5 7. OPERATING PROCEDURESThis chapter of the application should describe the operating procedures to be used in thepreparation for and performance of the processes of loading and unloading the package. The discus-sion of these procedures should be presented sequentially in the actual order of performance.At a minimum, this chapter should demonstrate the ability to comply with the operating procedurerequirements specified in Subpart 0 to 10 CFR Part 71.7.1 Procedures for Loading the PackageThe discussion should include inspections, tests, and special preparations of the packagefor loading. If applicable, a detailed description should be presented of the procedures usedto ensure that liquids such as shield water and primary coolants are filled into their respectivecavities, in compliance with the design specifications. Details should also be provided of theprocedures used to remove residual moisture from cavities designed to be dry. The effectivenessof the procedures should be evaluated.7.2 Procedures for Unloading the PackageThis section should include inspections, tests, and special preparations of the packagefor unloading. As applicable, the- procedures used to ensure safe removal of fission gases,contaminated coolant, and solid contaminants should be discussed. Also as applicable, describeany required cooldown procedure, and show that it does not affect the continued use of thepackage.7.3 Preparation of an Empty Package for TransportThis section should discuss the inspections, tests, and special preparations of the packagingnecessary to ensure that the packaging is properly closed, decontaminated to prevent the inadvertentspread of contamination, and delivered to a carrier in such a condition that subsequent transportwill not reduce the effectiveness of the packaging (e.g., damage to sealing surfaces caused bythe freezing of moisture not properly removed).7.4 AppendixThis appendix should include supporting documentation, detailed discussions and analysisof procedures, and graphical presentations.7-1 B. ACCEPTANCE TESTS AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAMThis chapter of the application should discuss the acceptance test and maintenanceprogram to be used on the packaging, in compliance with Subpart 0 of 10 CFR Part 71.8.1 Acceptance TestsDiscuss the tests to be performed prior to the first use of the package.8.1.1 Visual InspectionThe visual inspections to be performed and the intended purpose behind each inspectionshould be discussed. State the criteria for acceptance for each of these inspections as well asthe action to be taken if noncompliance is encountered.8.1.2 Structural and Pressure TestsDescribe the tests to be performed. Present the acceptance criteria. Describe the actiontaken when the prescribed criteria are not met. An estimate of the sensitivity of the testsshould be provided.8.1.3 Leak TestsDescribe the leak tests to be performed. Leak tests should be performed on the containmentvessel as well as auxiliary equipment such as shield tanks. Describe the criteria for acceptanceand the action to be taken If the criteria are not met. Estimate the sensitivity of these tests,and give the basis for the estimate.8.1.4 Component TestsDiscuss the tests for those components to be tested. Provide acceptance criteria anddiscuss the action to be taken if the criteria are not met. Valves, Rupture Discs, and Fluid Transport Devices. These components should betested under the most severe service conditions for which the package design assumes theiracceptable performance. When the tests are presumed to adversely affect the continued perform-ance of a component, the results of tests on components of the same model and type may besubstituted. Gaskets. Gaskets should be tested under conditions simulating the most severeservice conditions under which the gaskets are assumed to perform. Since these acceptance testsmay degrade the performance of either the gasket under test or the package into which it isassembled or both, the tests are not necessarily performed on gaskets or packages to be put into8-1 service. The simulation system must ensure adequate representation of those conditions thatwould prevail if the actual system were used in the test. In accordance with paragraphs 4, 7,and 18 of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 71, the manufacturer of the gasket must maintain a qualityassurance program adequate to ensure that acceptance testing of a given gasketing device isequivalent to acceptance testing of all gaskets supplied and identified by that manufacturer asthat model gasket. Miscellaneous. Any component not listed in paragraphs and whosefailure would impair the package effectiveness should be tested under the most severe conditionsfor which it was designed. Since these acceptance tests may degrade the performance of eitherthe component under test or the system into which it is assembled or both, the tests are notnecessarily performed on components or systems to be put into service. The simulation systemshould ensure adequate representation of those conditions that would prevail if the actual systemwere used in the test. Furthermore, the manufacturer of the component should maintain a qualityassurance program adequate to ensure that acceptance testing of a given component device isequivalent to acceptance testing of all devices supplied and identified by that manufacturer asthat model device.8.1.5 Tests for Shielding IntegrityDiscuss the tests to be performed to establish shielding for both gamma and neutron sources.The acceptance criteria as well as the action to be taken if the criteria are not met should bedescribed.8.1.6 Thermal Acceptance TestsDiscuss the tests to verify that each package performs, within some defined variance, inaccordance with the results of the thermal analyses or tests for normal conditions of transport. Discussion of Test Setup. Describe the tests. The description should includeheat source, instrumentation, and schematic showing thermocouple and heat source locations aswell as the placement of other test equipment. Estimate the test sensitivity based on instru-mentation, test item, and environmental variations. Test Procedure. Discuss the procedures used in testing and data recording. Reportthe frequency of data recording during the test. The criteria used to define the steady-state(thermal equilibrium) condition of the test item should also be discussed.8,1.6.3 Acceptance Criteria. Discuss the thermal acceptance criteria and the methodemployed to compare the acceptance test results with predicted thermal performance. Discussthe action to be taken if the thermal acceptance criteria are not met by a packaging unit.8.2 Maintenance ProgramThis section should describe the maintenance program used to ensure continued performanceof the packaging. The program should include periodic testing, inspection, and replacement8-2 schedules, as well as criteria for replacement and repair of components and subsystems on anas-needed basis.8.2.1 Structural and Pressure TestsDescribe the tests to be performed and the frequency of performance. The instrumentationand test sensitivity should also be described.8.2.2 Leak TestsDescribe the tests to be performed and the frequency of performance. Estimate the sensitiv-ity of these tests.8.2.3 Subsystems MaintenanceDescribe the test and replacement schedule to be used for packaging subsystems (e.g..auxiliary cooling systems and neutron shield tanks) whose inadequate performance could impairthe total package safety. Justify the schedules established, using verifiable test or manufac-turers' data.8.2.4 Valves, Rupture Discs, and Gaskets on Containment VesselSpecify the test and replacement schedule to De used for these components. Justify theschedules established, using verifiable test or manufacturers' data.8.2.5 ShieldingDescribe the test and inspection schedules, as well as the corrective action to be used toensure adequate shielding performance. Both gamma and neutron sources should be considered.8.2.6 ThermalDescribe the tests proposed and the frequency of these tests that would be performed onthe total system. Show that the proposed test frequency will detect thermal performance degrada-tion of the packaging prior to compromise of the package safety.8.2.7 MiscellanecosDescribe any additional test not considered previously that should be performed periodicallyon components and subsystems.8-3I schedtules, as well as criteria for replacement and repair of components and subsystems on anas-needed basis.8.2.1 Structural and Pressure TestsDescribe the tests to be performed and the frequency of performance. The instrumentationand test sensitivity should also be described.8.2.2 Leak TestsDescribe the tests to be performed and the frequency of performance. Estimate the sensitiv-ity of these tests.8.2.3 Subsystems MaintenanceDescribe the test and replacement schedule to be used for packaging subsystems (e.g.auxiliary cooling systems and neutron shield tanks) whose inadequate performance could impairthe total package safety. Justify the schedules established, using verifiable test or manufac-turers' data.8.2.4 Valves, Rupture Discs, and Gaskets on Containment VesselSpecify the test and replacement schedule to ne used for these components. Justify theschedules established, using verifiable test or manufacturers' data.8.2.5 ShieldingDescribe the test and inspection schedules, as well as the corrective action to be used toensure adequate shielding performance. Both gamma and neutron sources should be considered.8.2.6 ThermalDescribe the tests proposed and the frequency of these tests that would be performed onthe total system. Show that the proposed test frequency will detect thermal performance degrada-tion of the packaging prior to compromise of the package safety.8.2.7 MiscellanectsDescribe any additional test not considered previously that should be performed periodicallyon components and subsystems.8-3