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Annual Operations Rept for Iowa State Univ Research Reactor for Jul 1989 - June 1990
Person / Time
Site: University of Iowa
Issue date: 06/30/1990
From: Hendrickson R
NUDOCS 9008070125
Download: ML20058L351 (4)


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4 l: Departmen t of Nuclear Engineering 26l Sweeney llall ;

. lOWA STATE! + ,.i - 5 = n 22)o e UNIVERSITY Telephone 515-294-5840 l

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Docket No. 50-116 Ref 10 CFR 50.71(a)  !

l July 31; 1989' j d,

, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission 'l ATTNt Document Control Desk
l Washington, DC 20555 g q

Dear Siri Enclosed with this letter is the Annual Operations Report for the Iowa State University research reactor. The period covered by this report'Is from July'1,.1989 to June. 30, 1990.

' Sincerely, ]

1 kl$dW

. Richard A. Hendrickson  !

' Reactor Manager l

Enclosure .


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C: -Administrator, US NRC, Region III.

L R. A. Danof sky, Chm. , Reactor Use Com.  ;

R. A. Jacobson, Chm., Radiation Safety Comm. 'l '

E. E. Sobottka, Dir.,' Environmental Health & Safety Dept.

B.'I'.'Spinrad, Facility Director 7 ,

American Nuclear Insurers .i

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'7, 9008070125 900630 h i POR" -ADOCK 05000116 J n >


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ll # ANNUAL OPERATIONS REPORT for the Iowa State University Research Reactor Docket No. 50-116 July 1,1989 -- June 30,1990 This is a routine operations report to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in accordance with the requirements of Section 6.6 of the Technical Specifications, Appendix A to Operating License R-59.

1.-Summary of reactor operatino experience includino the enerov Engduced by the reactor:

The reactor la operated in support of undergraduate and graduate teaching laboratories and graduate student research in the nuclear engineering program. Three dif ferent courses, required for all sophomores and Juniors in the nuclear engineering curriculum, provided hands-on laboratory experience and sample irradiation services during during fall and spring semesters. A graduate-level course that used the reactor' extensively was of fered in the f all .

- During the period Jul 1.1989 - Jun 30,1990, a total of 85 kilowatt-hours of energy production and 198 hours0.00229 days <br />0.055 hours <br />3.27381e-4 weeks <br />7.5339e-5 months <br /> of operation were recorded. Last _ year's numbers were 63 kWh and- 172 hours0.00199 days <br />0.0478 hours <br />2.843915e-4 weeks <br />6.5446e-5 months <br />. Since initial 1:riticality,-the cumulative kilowatt-hours are 70?7 and the cumulative operations hours are 8451. A percentage breakdown by operations categories !s shown below:

Research . Teaching Maintenance Operator Service Grad U-grad Training Energy _(%) 27.1 1.5 26.6 28.5 16.3 0.0 Time (%) 19.4 13.1 33.6 9.9 24.0 0.0 The 15% in rease .in operations time ov'er' last yearL was due mainly

- to the extra use by f all and spring semester graduate classes and the 35% increase In energy production over last year is due to a new neutron radiography research project. The ef fect of the operator training effort is less~noticable this year since It is every other year when new operator-candidates are trained. Fortunately, the time spent on all maintenance was 40% less than last year.

Annual Operations Report for R 59 ... Page 1 of 3 l


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2. Unscheduled shutdowns Includ!no. where appilcable. corrective action taken to preclude recurrence:

There was one unscheduled r5utdown during the reporting period.

o One automatic shutdown occurred (Dec 1, 1989) when the AC power ,

to the building was lost due to a large f ailure at the campus 23 power plant. The reactor facility was secured without incident. .;

3. Major preventive and corrective maintenance operations havino k

1 safety sionificance: '

There were no major preventive or corrective maintenance activities i during the reporting period.

4. Major chances in the reactor faellity and Drocedures. and new tests or experiments. or both. that are sionificantly different from those-performed previously and are not described in the Safety Analvsle Report. Includino conclusions that no unreviewed '

safety auestions were involved:

There major changes in the facility, procedures, tests, or experiments.


5. Summary of the nature and amount of radioactive effluents released or discharoed to the environs bevond the effective control of the University as determined at or before the point of SJch release or discharce. (Included. to the extent Erictical. are estimates of Individual radionuclides present in the effluent. If the estimated averaae release after dilution or diffusion is less than 25 percent of the roncentration allowed or recommended, a statement to this effect is used):


Argon 41: The technical specification limits on release of this radionuclide to the environs are based on weekly (up to 100 kWh) and annual (up to 4760 kWh) energy production of the reactor. .The operating records show that less than 25% of the concentration allowed was released to the environs.  !

Others: No measurable amounts of other radioactive effluents were released to the environs.

. Annual Operations Report for R-59 ... Page 2 of 3 1

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.6. So ar! zed results -of any environmental surveys performed ~

- - outside'-the facility . i-

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- (Noenvironmentalsurveys'outsidelthefacilitywererequiredtobe performed since:the_ trigger level,? based on surveyo inside the facility,-

p' 'was not. exceeded.,


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3 y_- 7 ;Summarv'of exposures received by facility oersonnel and visitors: j where such' exposures are areater than 25 percent of that alloved J

_ ~m-6 or recevnmended j e . H

.No facility' personnel or visitors'had exposures' greater than~25'


  • . percent'of?that allowedLor recommended, ,

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