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Responds to NRC 801219 Ltr Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Repts 50-460/80-15 & 50-513/80-60.Corrective Actions:Missing Anchor Bolt Washers Will Be Installed Per FCN-257-1-80-1448 & Nonconformance Repts 1-CNCR-257-1432 & 1-CNCR-257-1433
Person / Time
Site: Washington Public Power Supply System
Issue date: 01/12/1981
From: Mazur D
To: Spencer G
Shared Package
ML19345F689 List:
GO-1-81-04, GO-1-81-4, NUDOCS 8102190049
Download: ML19345F690 (5)


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uclear Regulatory Ccmmissien January 12, 1981 Region V GO-1-81-04 Suite 202, '.Jalnut Creek Plaza 1990 ti. California Coulevard Ualnut Creek, California 94596 q O

Attention: Mr. G. S. Soencer 0',

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Ca ef Reactor Construction U U ana Engineering Support Bmnch Gentlemen:



. J. : I::SPECTIO:1 - rip-1/4

ATES OF IriSPECTIO:1 - tiovember 17 to Deceber 5,1930
ET :;0S. 50-460 and 50-513 CC:;STRUCTIC'l PERMIT I;05. CPPR-134 and -174


Letter from G. S. Spencer to R. L. Ferguson, fiRC Inspection n ..:;P-1/4 Site, catec December 19, 1930.

The referenceo corresponaence delineated the resuits of the i;ov.17/Dec. 5, 1900 inspection of activities authorized by liRC Construction Permits

os. CPPR-134 and -174. Furtner, the referenceo correspondence identified certain activities whicn were not conducteo in full compiiance with PSAR requirements set forth in the i;otice of Violation enclosed as Appendix A.

hese of c.oncc.apiiance have been categorized into a level as described in Surpiement II cf the Federai Register cated Octooer 7, 1980 (45 FR 66754) as the Ir.cerim Enforcceenc Policy.

This letter is u_1 t:ec in respense to the referenced correspondence. The specific I;RC finding, as identified, and the Supply System response is provided hercwith as Appendix A.

i 'Jery truly yours,

! az;226 4 D.U:!P-1/4 W. iiazu)'Program Director Pm Enclosure (1) cc: JR Lewis - Bonneville Power Administration CR Bryant - Ronneville Power Administration

'!. ::ani - United Engineers & Constructors, Inc.

V. Stello - Director of Inspection and Enforcement - fiRC 81021900 % pg



NRC - Doclet No. 50-4C0 (

Construction Permit tio. C?PP-13; DggD @

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E Page Two (2) .

kU SUPPLY SYSTEM RESPONSE Corrective Action Taken and Results Achieved A.1 J. A. Jones issued nonconformance report numbers 1-CNCR-257-1432 and 1-CNCR-257-1433 to document the missing anchor bolt washers not installed per drawing CK-37847 for NSW-HX-1A and 2B respect-ively.

The missing anchor bolt washers will be i.nstalled in accordance with technical direction provided in FCN-257-1-80-1448 and the disposition provided'in nonconformance report numbers 1-CNCR-257-1432 a nd 1-CNCR-257-1433. Actual rework will be accomplished during constructica secuencing of work activities.

Further noncontormina conditions will be documented af ter a complete review of WPPSS Quality Class I equipment installations is performed.

A.2 A review of r'rocess Control Sheets for WPPSS Quality Class I equip-ment, in tne process or installation is being performed. Further evidence of oy-passed "hoid points" nave been identified and documented in nonconformance report numoers 1-CNCR-257-1447 through 1497.

Additional nonconiorming conditions will be documented as identified during re-inspection and revies of oil JPPSS Quality Class I equipment in-s talia tions.

J. A. Jones issued currective action request 1-211/257-CAR-006 in relation to oy-passed "hcid points".

It has been ce;crained that ia all cases the " hold poir;ts" were self-innosea by J. A. Jones and were not required by contract or Code. These inspections by-passed can and will be performed upon installation /com-pietion of installations. The J. A. Jones quality b ' gram is being revised to more clearly define these inspection points and to explain neir usaga. Project Operating Procedures PDP-308W and POP-M-501W uill incor orate r these changes and clarifications and will be submitted to UE&C no later than January 23, 1931.

Action Takea to reclude ;ecurrence After procedural revisions are completed, J. A. Jones will perform and document appropriate training for personnel involved to ensure proper implementation of corrective actions stated in Al and A2.

Satisfactory impimentation and re-inspection of all stated corrective actions will result in acceptable equipment installations.

Date of Full Compliance It is anticipated that full compliance will be achieved by February 15, 1981.

O M ]D ju M0 N bb 22

.NRC - Docket No. 50.460 e, q, es J L -

Construction Permit No. CPPR-134

'Page Three (3)

~B. 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion V, as implemented by Section 17.1.5 of the quality assurance program documented in the PSAR and the WPPSS QA Program Manual Procedure QAP-2 Paragraph 3.1 states, in part, that " Activities affecting quality shall be prescribed by

. documented instructions, procedures and drawings, of a type appropriate to the circumstances and shall be accomplished in accordance with these instructions, procedures or drawings. Instructions, procedures or drawings shall include appropriate cuantitative or qualitative acceptance criteria for determining that important activities have been satisfactorily accomplished." -

Table 3.2-2 of the PSAR specifies that the containment spray system piping will meet the recuirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessei Code for Section III, Class 2 pioing.

Subarticles NC3660 and NC4240 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for Section III, Class 2 pioing specifies requirements for welded joints, incluaing aimension and geometry.

Contrary to tne above, as of November 18, 1980, 3/4-inch diameter threadolet fittings nad been weided to the 10-inch diameter containment spray piping and the joining welds were inspected and accepted by the contractor although the quantitative acceptance criteria of the ASME Code for weid dimensions ana geometry were not included in the instructions, procedures or drawings used to control the work.

Installation of these fittings was specified by United Engineer and Constructor's field change notice No. 211-1-80-113, Revision 1 and iscmetric drawing No. 412443, Revision 2. Neither the welders or insoectors performing this quality affecting activity were cognizant of the code weid size requirenents.

This is severity level V violation (Supplement II of Federal Register l Notice 45 FR 66754, dated October 7,1980).

1 SUPPL / SYSTEM RE5'ONSE Corrective Action Taken and Resuits Achieved B. The / chitec t Engineer has provided J. A. Jones the acceptance criteria for ASME Code welded fittings. Nonconformance report number 1-CNCR-211 239 has been prepared to document improper acceptanct criteria and improper s.ze of threadolet fittings installed. Further nonconforming conditions wi .1 be documented upon J. A. Jones reviev of installed welded fittings of this nature.

J. A. Jones will revise all affected procedures, i.e. , JAJ-NDE-004, l JAJ-NDE-003, JAJ-Wl-16.1 and others, as required to implement the l Quality Program requirements.

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= L e t t . 50. a Construc. tion Pennit :o. CPD'-l';

Mb AE{6d Page Feur (t)

Action Taken to Preclude Recurrence After crocedural r?tisicns are cc-nleted. J. A. Jones will perform and docurent accroariate training #cr nersonnel involved to ensure proper implementation of corrottive actions stated.

Satisfactory inole entation and re-insnection to accentance criteria provided will result in acceotable conditions for activities affecting quality. -

Date of Full Comoliance It is anticicated tnat full ccmoniance will ce acnievec by February 15, 1981.

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CO'J.'iTY OF BE!1T0!1 A. *D. /4WLR clR.

2. .. .J, 'B e i no first duly sworn, deooses and says: That he is the gefy Program Director, Wf1P-1/4, for the WASHIflGT0t1 PUBLIC POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM, the applicant herein; that he is authorized to submit the foregoing on behalf of said applicant; that he has read the foregoing and knows the centents thereof: and believes the same to be true to the best of his knowleage.

DATED C/an. /2 , 1921

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d. D. Ed#lE JR.

On this day personei',y c;peared bef ore me 6. ... ..nZU.; @to me ' nown to be the individual .ho executcd the foregoing instrument and acknowledged thit he signed the s;me 's his free act and deed for the uses and pur-poses therein mentioned. gg/'

GI'.'E!1 under :..y hano und seal this /,) d day of d!/>,/<Ao , 19 V G

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/ (}0% / /$f(b Notary Public in and for the State" of Washington ' -

Residing at /_///d /,/f,/<*/'/4X