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#REDIRECT [[IR 05000070/1998201]]
| number = ML20217C149
| issue date = 03/18/1998
| title = Insp Repts 50-070/98-201,50-073/98-201 & 50-183/98-201 on 980209-13.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Safeguards Programs,Security Program,Procedures,Radiation Protection & Matl Control
| author name =
| author affiliation = NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation =
| docket = 05000070, 05000073, 05000183
| license number =
| contact person =
| document report number = 50-070-98-201, 50-073-98-201, 50-183-98-201, 50-70-98-201, 50-73-98-201, NUDOCS 9803260333
| package number = ML20217C121
| page count = 18
See also: [[see also::IR 05000070/1998201]]
          -_.1    <
                                                                                        ENCLOSURE 2
                                              : U. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
                                                OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION
,                                            ,
                      ' Docket Nos:    50-73, 50 70,'50-183
                      - License Nos:  R-33, TR 1, DR-10
                        Report Nos:    50 73/98 201, 50-70/98-201, 50-183/98-201
                      ' consee:      . General Electric Company
                        Facility:      Nuclear Test Reactor (NTR)                                    !
                        Location:      Vallecitos, CA
                      - Dates:        February 9-13,1998
                      ~ Inspector:  ' Craig Bassett, Senior Non-Power Reactor Inspector
                        Approved by:  Seymour H. Weiss, Director
                                      Non-Power Reactors and Decommissioning
                                          Project Directorate
                                      Division of Reactor Program Management
                                      Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
,-                                                                                                  ;
                      9903260333 980318
                      gDR      ADOCK 05000070
N                                                                                                    ,
                                            EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
                                General Electric Company Nuclear Test Reactor
                          Report Nos: 50-73/98-201, 50-70/98-201, 50-183/98 201
      The primary focus of this routine, announced inspection was the on-site review of selected
      aspects of the licensee's Class ll non-power reactor operation including: organization and
      - staffing; review and audit functions; procedures; radiation protection and ALARA programs;
      effluent and environmental monitoring; the shipment of radioactive material; the safeguards
      and security program; and the material control and accounting program. Oversight
      programs for two of the licensee's deactivated facilities, the ESADA Vallecitos Experimental
      Superheat Reactor (EV6SR) and the General Electric Test Reactor (GETR), were also
      Chances. Oraanization. and Staffino
      e    The licensee's organization and staffing remain in compliance with the requirements
            specified in the Technical Specifications.
      Review and Audit Functions
      e  . Audits were being conducted by the Regulatory Compliance group and th,e Vallecitos
            Technological Safety Council reviewed change authorizations and facility changes
            according to the requirements specified in the Technical Specifications.
      e Procedures were being reviewed and approved as required and changes to procedures
            were acceptably reviewed and approved.
      Radiation Protection Prooram
      o One appbrent violation was noted for failure to comply with TS Section 6.3 involving
            f ailure to complete monthly surveys within the six week time frame prescribed by TS.
        e Postings met regulatory requirements except for one instance of failure to post a
            radiation area (as noted below).
        * Personnel dosimetry was being worn as required and doses were within the licensee's
            procedural action levels, and NRC's regulatory limits.
        * Radiation monitoring equipment was being maintained and calibrated as required.
        e The Radiation Protection and ALARA Programs satisfied regulatory requirements.
        * One apparent violation was noted for failure to post a radiation area.
        e Another example.of an apparent violation was noted for failure comply with
L          TS Section 6.3 involving failure to provida whole body counts four times per year as
l          required by procedure for individuals assigned to work in radioactive material areas.
                            ??                                                                  ,,
          .                  >-
              ,                                                                    .2-
                                Effluent and Environmental Monitorino '
    ''                '
                              Les Effluent monitoring satisfied license and regulatory requirements and releases were
                                        within the specified regulatory and TS limits.
                                Transportation of Radioactiva Materials
                              . e.    Radioactive material was transferred from the Nuclear Test Reactor to the 102
                                        Radioactive Materials Laboratory (from the reactor license to the materials license) for-
                                      ~s hipment and/or disposal according to procedure.
                          t      Safeguards and Security
                                e ! One~ apparent violation.with three examples of failure to comply with the Physical
                                      - Security. Plan was noted.
                      3          e Other aspects of the NRC-approved security program at the facility were being _
                                        acceptably carried out.
                            s Material Control and Accountability
                                *      No deficiencies were identified in the licensee's Material Control and Accounting .
              *                        program.-
              G=                Status of Other Reactor Facilities 1
                                er The General Electric Test Reactor and ESADA Vallecitos Experimental Superheat Reactor
                                      ' facilities are being maintained in accordance with the applicable TS requirements and in-
                                        a safe shutdown condition.
, . .
      '                            *
      .                                (-
"            ..            ,
        :.                                                  -                                                        .
            ,                    y                                    REPORT DETAILS
                        ' Summary of Plant Status .
                          The licensee's one hundred kilowatt (100 kW) Nuclear Tes't Reactor continues to be
                          operated in support of neutron radiography. During the inspection, the reactor was being
                          started up and operated several hours a day to complete various radiographic work projects.
                          1. Changes,LOrganization, and Staffing (69001)
                              a a. Insoection Scone
                                  ' The inspector reviewed the following regarding the licensee's organization and -
                                    staffing to ensure that the requirements of TS Section 6.1 were being met:
4''                ,              . ~ ~ the organizational structure,
                                    .      management responsibilities, and
                      f;            * ' staffing requirements for safe operation of the reactor facility,
                                b. Observations and Findings
                                  ; Through discussions.with licensee representatives the inspector determined that
                                    management responsibilities and the organization at the facility had not changed
                                    since the previous NRC inspection in June 1997 (Inspection Report No. 50-73/97-
          #                        . 201). The inspector determined that the Manager of the Vallecitos and Morris -
                                    Operations (V&MO) was responsible for the NTR facility license. The Manager of
                                    Facilities Maintenance was responsible for the overall safe operation and:
                                  ' maintenance of the facility as specified in the TS.. The Manager, NTR, was
                                    responsible for the. routine safe operation and maintenance of the facility.
                                    Through review of records and logs and through discussions with licensee personnel.  j
                                  - the inspector determined that the staffing at the facility was acceptable to support'  i
                                    the work and ongoing activities.l The staffing met the requirements of the TS.
                                c. Conclusions
                                    The licensee's organization and staffing remain in compliance with the requirements    l
                                    'specified in'the TS.-                                                                  1
                          2.' Review and Audit Functions (69001)                                                          l
                              La. Insnection Scone                                                                        !
      '                                                                                                                    ;
                                    The inspector reviewed the following to ensure that the audits and reviews              l
                                    . stipulated in the requirements of TS Section 6.2 were being completed:                i
                                  ...      Vallecitos Technological Safety Council (VTSC) meeting minutes,
                                    e ~ Vallecitos Nuclear Center (VNC) RegJiatory Compliance audits, .                    ,
                                    . - VNC Nuclear Safety Procedures,                                                      )
                                    .    - VNC Safety Standards, and.                .
                                            TS duties specified for the cognizant Nuclear Safety Review Groups responsible
                                            to the Manager, V&MO.                                                          J
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                      - b. . Ohnarvations and Fin'dinas
                              Section 6.2 of the TS requires that the independent review function be performed -
                              under a written charter. VNC Safety Standard No.1.1, " Charter - Vallecitos
                            s Technological Safety Council," Revision (Rev) 7 stipulates that the VTSC is
                            ' respontNo for reviewing Change Authorizations (CAs), reportable incidents, and
                              facility changes. VNC Safety Standard No.1.2, "VNC Regulatory Compliance
                i            Function Charter," Rev.~ 7, requires that the VNC Regulatory Compliance group
                              reivew plant operations, changes to procedures, CAs, and retain exposure records.
                            . The VTSC was required to meet quarterly.
                              The inspector reviewed the VTSC meeting minutes from September 1996 to the
                              present. These meeting minutes showed that the committee met as required by the
                              TS with a quorum being present. The inspector also noted that the VTSC had
                              considered the types of topics outlined by the TS.
                              It was noted that the Regulatory Compliance group completed audits of plant
                              operations and reviewed changes to procedures and CAs. Audits were varied so
                              that all aspects of the licensee's safety program were reviewed every two years.
                              The inspector noted that the audits and the resulting findings were detailed and that
                              the licensse's responses and corrective actions were acceptable.                          ,
                        c. Conclusions
                              Audits were being conducted by the ' Regulatory Compliance group and the VTSC            j
                              reviewed change authorizations and facility changes according to the requirements      i
                              specified in the Technical Specifications.
                  3. Procedures (69001) '                                                                              j
                        a. Insoection Scone
                              The inspector reviewed the following to ensure that the requirements of TS
                              Section 6.3 were being met concerning written procedures:                                ;
                        *    selected operations procedures,                                                          l
                        .c    selected safety procedures, and                                                          ;
                              the process used by the licensee to revise, review, and approve all facility
                        b. Observations and Findinos -
l                              The inspector verified that selected procedures and associated changes had been
                              reviewed and approved in accordance with the TS, applicable administrative
L                              procedures, and the VNC Regulatory Compliance Function Charter. ~ Changes were
l'                            properly reflected in the copies of procedures'in use in the NTR control room.
)                        c. Conclusions
                              . Procedures were being reviewed and approved as required and changes to
                                procedures were acceptably reviewed and approved.                                      ;
. , ,
            *                              5                  f
    . .:
                                    4                  -
        g                        f 4. Radiation Protection Program (69001)
                                        a. Insnaction Scone                    ,
                                                The inspector reviewed the following to _ verify compliance with 10 CFR Part 20 and
                                                tho' applicable licensee TS requirements and procedures:
  r;                                            .: RadiStion Monitoring (RM) survey records,
                                              -e' = radiological signs and posting,.
                                              - .    dosimetry records,
                                              : ..  calibration records and periodic check records for radiation monitoring
                                              f.    the Radiation Protection Program,
                                                . the ALARA Program, and
                                              1 ;the Bioassay program.
  E                                            The inspector also toured the licensee's facility and observed the use of dosimetry
                                          , .and radiation monitoring equipment. Licensee personnel were interviewed as well.
                                        ~b. : Observations and Findinos
                                              i ,1)
                                                (        Surveys
                                                          TS 6.3 requires that the licensee have procedures for various activities
                                                          including radiation protection,
                                                          Standard Operating Procedure'(SOP) 7.3, " Radiation and Contamination
                                                        . Surveys," Section 5.2 requires that routine surveys be conducted by radiation
                                                          control personnelin accordance with Nuclear Safety Procedure 3550, " Building -
                                                        '105/NTR Work Routines."
                                                          Nuclear Safety Procedure 3550, " Building 105/NTR Work Routines," Rev. 7;
                                                          dated October 1995, Sections V.A, B, and D require monthly surveys in the
                                                          Machine Shop, NTR Setup Room, NTR Darkroom, and the Hand and Shoe
                                                          Counter. Section V.E requires monthly surveys in the North Room and the
                                                      . South Cell.
                                                      . TS 4.6 defines monthly to be an interval not to exceed six weeks.
  az                                                  .The inspector reviewed the results of daily, weekly, monthly, and other periodic
                                                          contamination and radiation surveys. It was noted that, in most instances, the
                ,                                    L required surveys were completed by RM technicians as required by TS and
l              ,
                                                          licensee procedures.'- Results were evaluated and corrective actions taken as
                    -                                      -
  l                .s          -
l  :
                However, in 1997, the inspector noted that the Machine Shop, NTR Setup
                Room, NTR Dark Room, and the Hand and Shoe Counter were surveyed on -
      7          September 10 but not again until October 28. This represented a period of        ,
                time exceeding six weeks. Also, the North Room and the South Cell were          1
                surveyed on December.10 but not surveyed again until January 27,1998. This      '
                was also a period of time exceeding six weeks. In both instances no
                contamination was detected on the follow-up survey.
              ' The licensee was informed that failure to complete a survey of the
                aforementioned areas was an apparent violation of TS 6.3 (VIO 50-73/98-201-
          (2) Postings and Notices
                Copies of current notices to workers required by 10 CFR Part 19 were posted
                in appropriate areas in the facility. The copies of NRC Form-3 that were posted
                were the latest issue.
          (3)    Dosimetry -
                The licensee used a National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program
                (NVLAP) accredited vendor to process personnel thermoluminescent dosimetry.
                An examination of the records for the past two years through the date of the
                inspection showed that all exposures were within NRC limits and licensee
                action levels. Dosimetry was acceptably used by facility personnel.
          (4)    Radiation Monitoring Equipment
                Examination of selected radiation monitoring equipment demonstrated that the
                instruments had the acceptable up-to-date calibration sticker attached. The
                calibration of portable survey meters was typically completed by on-site
                personnel. Calibration frequency met procedural requirements and records
                were maintained as required.
          (5)    Radiation Protection Program
                The licensee's Radiation Protection Program was established and described in      I
                various VNC Safety Standards and Regulatory Compliance Nuclear Safety
                procedures. The program was further outlined in SOP 7.1, " Radiation
                Protection Program," Rev. 820, dated September 27,1996. The program                ,
                included a requirement that a review of the program be completed annually.
                The annual reviews were being completed as required.' The program also
                outlined the requirements for training in radiation protection, as well as the
                policies and procedures to be used when working with radioactive materials        )
                  and in facilities where radiological work was performed. The program appeared    j
                to be acceptable.
              ,                                                  .
                                                              -5-                                              2
                        . The licensee no . longer routinely used respirators for radiological work.
                          However, the capability was being maintained on site by emergency response
                          personnel. The licensee's Respiratory Protection Program was being carried out
                          as outlined in the procedure and associated instructions. Training was being
                          conducted, bionssays were being completed, annual personnel physicals were
                          being conducted, and the equipment was being checked and maintained as
                          The inspector reviewed the Radiation Work Permits (RWPs) that had been
                          written and used during the past two years. It was noted that the controls
                          specified in the RWPs were acceptable and applicable for the work being done.        :
                          The RWPs had been reviewed and approved as required.                                  i
                  : (6) ALARA Program
                        :The ALARA Program was outlined and established in procedure SOP 7.5,                  )
                          " Radiation Exposure and Control," Rev. 823, with an effective date of April 29,      !
                          1994. The ALARA program provided guidance for keeping doses as low as              ;)
                          reasonably achievable and was consistent with the guidance in 10 CFR Part 20.        j
                                                                                  .                            I
                    (7) Facility Tours                                                                          i
                          10 CFR 20.1902 requires that radiation areas be posted with a sign reading          ,
                          " Caution, Radiation Area." 10 CFR 20.1003 defines a radiation area as an            i
                          aree, a::cessible to individuals, in which radiation levels could result in an
                          individual receiving a dose equivalent in excess of 5 millirem in one hour at
                          30 centimeters from the radiation source or from any surface that the radiation
                          The inspector toured the control room, selected support laboratories, and other
                          areas with a licensee representative on various ocassions. The inspector noted
                          that the facility's radioactive material st' orage areas were properly posted. No
                          unmarked radioactive material was noted.
                          During one tour, when the reactor was operating at power level of 100 kW,.
                          both the inspector and the licensee representative conducted a radiation survey
                          of some of the areas surrounding the reactor. Postings at the entrances to the
                          controlled areas,' including the reactor control room, were acceptable for the.
                          hazards present. Radiation areas were posted as required with one exception.
                          The inspector found that an area on the east side of the South Cell, outside the
                          cell wall, had a radiation level of 6 8 millirem per hour (mr/hr) as measured at a
                          distance of at least 30 ' centimeters'from the wall. The licensee measured levels
                        ~ from 5.5 to 6 mr/hr. The area was not posted 'with a sign indicating that it
                          was a radiation area..
                          The licensee was informed that failure to post an area in which radiation levels
                          could result in an individual receiving 5 millirem in one hour was an apparent
                          violation of 10 CFR 20.1902 (VIO 50-73/98-20102).
          .                                ,
    , Y,'
                          [                                                    6-
P              '
            ,      <
                                  -(8)- Bioassays 1
                                        . TS 6.3 requires that the licensee have procedures for various activities
    g,                    ,
                                        ' including rediation protection.
  ,                                        VNC Safety Standard No. 5.3.0, ~ Bioassay Program," Rev. 6, dated November
                    y  '
                                        ' 1996, Section 3.7 stipulates that an employee's supervisor or manager is
                                          responsible for initiating the action to begin bioassay sampling and for notifying
                                          Regulatory Compliance of all radionuclides with which their employees will be
    >+                                    working. A written notification from supervision can be made using forms
                                          VNC-335 and -336. Form VNC-335 has a Frequency-Of-Exposure Table which
                                          states that personnel who are regularly assigned to work in " Radioactive ,
                                        ; Material Areas". on a daily basis should be counted four times per year.
                                          The inspector reviewed the bioassay records for the three individuals who
                                          routinely work at the' NTR and enter a radioactive material area almost daily,
e                                        The form of bioassay routinely used by the licensee for personnel working at
                                        Ethe NTR is a whole body count (WBC). It was noted that,in 1996, two of
                                          these individuals only received one WBC each, in 1997, all three individuals
                                          only received two WBC each.
                                          The licensee' was informed that failure to perform a whole body count four
                                          times per year for individuals who are regulary assigned to work in radioactive
                                          material areas on a daily basis was another example of an apparent violation of
          .                            - TS 6.3 (VIO 50-73/98-201-01).
                              c. Conclusions .
                                  One apparent violation was noted for failure to complete monthly surveys within the
                                  six week time frame prescribed by TS. Postings met regulatory requirements except
                                  for one instance of failure to post a radiation area. Personnel dosimetry was being
                                  worn as required and doses were within the licensee's procedural action levels and
                                  the NRC's regulatory limits.- Radiation monitoring equipment was being maintained
                                  and calibrated as required. The Radiation Protection Program and the ALARA
                                  Pr'ogram' satisfied regulatory requi ements. One apparent violation was noted for
                                  failure to post a radiation' area. Another apparent violation was noted for f ailure to
                                  provide whole body counts for individuals assigned to work in radioactive material
                                  areas four times per year as required by procedure.
                      ' 5. Effluent and Environmental Monitoring (69001)
                              a. 'Insnection Scone
                                  The inspector reviewed the following to verify compliance with the requirements of
                                    10 CFR Part 20 and TS Sections 4.4 and 6.5.1.e:
                                  *      the licensee's environmental monitoring program,
                                -.        annual VNC effluent monitoring and environmental surveillance program
                                          reports, and
                                  +      counting and analysis records.
                        >                                      _
    N                                                    a        ,
    .;                                                                                                                                >
                                  '; b Observation and Findinos
                                              The inspector determined that gaseous releases continued to be monitored as
                ,              w            required, were adequately documented, and were well within the annual dose
                                              constraint of 10 CFR 20.1101 (d),' Appendix B concentrations, and TS limits. There
                x                        2 were no liquid releases of radioactivity in water or to the ground water greater than
                                              those limits specified in 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2.
    y                -                                      -
                                        c. Conclusion
                  _ _
                                            ' Effluent monitoring satisfied license and regulatory requirements and releases were
                                  _        - within the specified regulatory and TS limits.
                              8. Transportation (86740)~                                                                          ,
                                      l3. ' InsDection Scone -
                          ,                ;The inspector interviewed licensee personnel and reviewed.various records to verify        l
                                          . compliance with procedural requirements for transferring licensed material.            y
                                        b. . Observations and Findinas -
                                          iThrough records reviews and discussions with licensee personnel, the inspector
                                          ' determined that the licensee continued to transfer solid waste to the 102
                                            . Radioactive Materials Laboratory (RML) for shipment and/or disposal. The transfers
                                              were documented on Nuclear Energy Operation (NEO) Form 706 and appeared to be
                                              in compliance with procedure.
                                        c.. Conclusions
                                            ' Radioactive meterial was transferred from the NTR to the 102 Radioactive Materials        I
                                              Laboratory (from'the reactor license to the materials license) for shipment and/or -      I
                                              disposal according to procedure,                                                          j
                              7.1 Physical Security (81401i81402, 81431) :
                                    - 3.
                                              Insnection Scone
                                              To verify compliance with the licensee's NRC-approved Physical Security Plan (PSP)        {
                                              and to' assure that changes, if any, to the plan had not reduced its overall              !
                                              effectiveness, the inspector reviewed:                                                    j
                                            ' '
                                              .    logs, records, and reports,-
                                            ..    = the security' organization,
                                            :*-    key control, .            .    .
          <r                                  .    intruder detection and physical barriers,
                                              *    access controls, and
                                              *    procedures,
                                                                      ..                                                              a
          ,, ;              y      <
                  J        3        >
                                              d- .                                      :-
                        .        1
                                        , .
pA                            #.
s              ,                                                                                  ..
y                                                                          (
ic ~                                      "b2 f0hmarvatinns and Findinas'.
                                                      [(1)    Emergency Generator Testing:
                                                            . The licensee's' Physical Security Plan (PSP), Section 11.2 requires that the
                        e                                    . emergency generator be tested semi annually to demonstrate that, upon loss of
                                                              site power, it starts automatically and the Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) and
                                                            l motion detector continue to operate.
, '
                                                            1 The inspector checloed the records documenting the testing of the emergency
                                                              generator. :lt was noted that, prior to 1998, the test was only performed
                                                              annually. The last time the emergency generator had been tested was on.
                                                            . November '4,1997. LThe' licensee stated that the procedure for conducting the
                                                            - test was being revised to require a semi-annual test.
r            .
                                                              The licensee was informed that failure to conduct semi-annual operability tests
                                                            'of the emergency generator was an apparent violation of the Physical Security
                                                              Plan (VIO 50-73/98 201-03).                  ,
                                                      '(2): Test of the High Level Conference Circuit (HICON)
                                                              Section 12.3 of the PSP requires that the HICON be tested on the first
?                          '
                                                              Wednesday of each month.
                  t                                                                                                                .
                                                              The inspector reviewed the records documenting the testing of the HICON. It
                                                              was noted that, during 1997, there was no documentation of a test being
                                                              completed in October, and the test in December was not completed on the first
                                                              Wednesday of the month. in'1998, testing of the HICON was not completed
                                                              on the first Wednesday of the month in either January or February.
                                                              The licensee was informed that failure to conduct a test of the High Level        '
                                                              Conference Circuit on the first Wednesday of the month was another example
                                                              of an apparent violation of the Physical Security Plan (VIO 50-73/98 201-03).
                                                      (3); Off Site Emergency Agencies Call List Quarterly Calls
                                                            ' Section.12.4 of the PSP requires that a quarterly call be made from en Off Site
                                                              Emergency Agencies Call List on the first Thursday of March, June, September,
                                                              and December using the site or automatic dial telephone.
                                                              The inspector reviewed the records documenting the quarterly calls made from
                                                              an Off-Site Emergency Agencies Call List. It was noted that the calls had been
                                                              made in 1997 but had not been made on the first Thursday of March, June,
                                                              September,'_and December as required.
                                                              The licensee was informed that failure to complete a call from the Off-Site
g                                                              Emergency Agencies Call List on the first Thursday of the month of March,.
'                                            '
                                                              June, September, and December was another example of an apparent violation
                                                              of the Phys'ical Security Plan (VIO 50-73/98-201-03).
                  2 The inspector' determined that the other ' aspects of the licensee's physical protection
                  . program conformed to NRC requirements and to the licensee's implementing
                c. Conclusion
                    Three examples of failure to comply with the Physical Security Plan were noted.
                    Other aspects of the NRC-approved security program at the facility were being
                    acceptably carried out.
            8. M'aterial Control and Accounting (85102)
                a. Insoection Scone
                    To verify compliance with 10 CFR 70, the inspector reviewed:
                    .    storage areas,
                    e    procedures for tracking the quantity, identity, and location of Special Nuclear    I
                          Material (SNM),
                    e    assignment of responsibilities -
                    .    annual inventory results, and
                    .    associated records and reports.
                b.' Observations and Findinos
                  ' The design of item control areas ensured that physical and administrative control of
                    .SNM would be maintained. Licensee procedures for tracking SNM were acceptably
                    carried out. Records showed that physicalinventories were conducted at least
        1            annually as required by 10 CFR 70.51(d).
                    Nuclear Material Transaction Reports (DOE /NRC Form 741) and Material Status
                    Reports (DOE /NRC Form 742) had besa submitted by the licensee as required by
                    10 CFR 74.13(1).-
                    Exhibit I (attached to this report) summarizes the licensee's uranium materia' i
                    balances from October 1,1995, through September 30,1997.
              'c.' Conclusion'
                    . No deficiencies were identified in the licensee's Material Control and Accounting
l.        , 9. Follow-up on Previous Open items (92701)
                a. 21nsoection Scone
                    The inspector reviewed the actions taken by the licensee following identification of
i"                  previously noted Inspector Follow-up Items (IFI).
          b.- ~ Observations and Findinas '
              (1) - IFl - 50-73/93-02-01 - Automated Key Control Reccrds
                      In June 1993, it was noted that there were some inconsistencies in the records
                      with regard to the combination changes for the lock controlling access to the
                      NTR controlled area. During that inspection, the licensee indicated that they
                      were anticipating placing their issue and change records for keys, locks, and
                      combinations into an automated data processing system.
                      During an inspection in March 1996 and again during this inspection, the
                      licensee's system for tracking keys, locks, and combinations was reviewed it
                      was determined that the licensee had installed the ~BEST Key / Core Control
                      System" on the security computer. Security personnel were trained and
                      proficient in its use. The database for the entire site lock system had been
                      entered into the security computer and was up-to-date. This IFl is considered
              (2)    IFl - 50-73/96-01-01 - Evaluate Neutron Survey instrument Calibration            l
                      While reviewing the calibration of instruments in March 1996, an NRC.              l
                      inspector noted that the licensee was using a pulse generator to calibrate their
                      neutron survey instruments. The inspector questioned the use of a pulse
                      generator instead of a certified radioactive neutron source with neutron
                      energies typical of those measured during the radiation surveys conducted -
                      during power operation of the NTR facility as recommended in ANSI N323-          )
                      During this inspection, the inspector reviewed this issue and verified that the
                      licensee now sends the neutron survey instrument used at the NTR off site to
                      be calibrated. The vendor uses a certified Californium-252 source to calibrate    i
                      the instrument. The instrument was last calibrated on July 8,1997. The
                      procedure appeared to be acceptable and this IFl is considered closed.            ;
              (3)    IFl - 50-183/93-01-01 - Revi.'w of Licensee's Evaluation of Flooding in the
                      Containment Building
                      In 1993, approximately 50,000 gallons of water were discovered in the lower
                      level of the EVESR containment building. The NRC initiated a specialinspection
                      to review the circumstances of the event and the licensee's actions in response
                      to the problem. An IFl was established to follow-up on the licensee's final
                      review of the event and review the corrective actions taken to prevent
                    . recurrence.
                          During an inspection in March 1996 and again during this inspection, it was
                          noted that the water was apparently ground water that had entered the
                          containment building via a deteriorated piping sleeve expansion bellows located
                          in a valve pit adjacent to the building. The slightly contaminated water was
                          pumped out of the containment building and processed through the site liquid
                          waste evaporator. Repairs and preventive corrective actions were scheduled
                        ' for 1994.' The inspector reviewed the 1994 through 1997 annual reports for
L                        the facility and noted that repairs and corrective actions had been taken in
                          1994. The licenses currently enters the containment building annually to
                          perform a radiation survey, take air samples, and conduct a general check of
                          the conditions throughout the facility, The results reported in the annual
                          reports indicate that the conditions have remained unchanged to the present.
                          This item is considered closed.
              c.' Conclusions                                                                            1
                  Acceptable actions were taken by the licensee regarding the three IFis noted above
                  and these issues are considered closed.
          10.      Review of the Status of Other Reactors at VNC (40755)
                  a.    Insoection Scone
                  The inspector reviewed the following to ensure that the requirements of the            '
                  applicable TS were being met for the GETR and EVESR facilities:
                  .      annual reports,
                  .      Regulatory Compliance Reviews of the facilities, and
                  .      Annualinspection Checklists for each facility.
                  b.    Observations and Findinos
                  The inspector verified that the GETR and EVESR are being maintained in a
                  deactivated status in accordance with the appropriate licenses. No major preventive
                  or corrective maintenance activities having safety significance were performed.
                  Annual entries have been made into the buildings to perform routine radiation
i.                surveys and to check the areas to ensure that the conditions remain unchanged in
                  the f acilities. All reactor fuel has been removed from the reactors and shipped off
                  site. The GETR and EVESR facilities are be!ng maintained in a safe shutdown
                  c.    Conclusions
                  The GETR and EVESR facilities are being maintained in accordance with the
                  applicable TS requirements and in a safe shutdown condition.
r                                                                                                        j
(                                                                                                        l
p -..
!                                                    -12-
        11.    Exit interview .
            The inspection scope and results were summarized on February 13,1998, with
            members of licensee management. The inspector described the areas inspected and
            discussed in detail the inspection findings.
            No dissenting comments were received from the licensee. The licensee did not identify
          :as proprietary any of the material provided to or reviewed by the inspector.
, .                                                                                                  1
                                PARTIAL LIST OF PERSONS CONTACTED                                    ,
      C. Bassett, Manager, Regulatory Compliance
      W. Kreutel, Senior Reactor Operator
      B. Murray, Senior Licensing Engineer
      M. Rogers, Specialist, Radiation Mor.itoring                                                    i
      D. Smith, Manager, NTR                                                                          i
      R. Snyder, Senior Reactor Operator                                                              l
      G. Stimmell, Manager, V&MO
      H. Stuart, Specialist, Radiological Engineering
                                    INSPECTION PROCEDURES USED
      IP 69001    Class 11 Non Power Reactors
      IP 81401: Plans, Procedures, and Reviews
      IP 81402: Reports of Safeguards Events                                                          l
      IF' 81431: Fixed Site Physical Protection of Special Nuclear Material of Low Strategic          j
                  Significance                                                                      ]
      IP 85102: Matarial Control and Accounting - Reactors                                            i
      IP_86740: Inspection of Transportation Activities                                              )
                              ITEMS OPENED. CLOSED. AND DISCUSSED                                    i
      Onened                                                                                          )
      50 73/98 201-01        VIO      Failure to comply with TS 6.3 by: 1) failure to complete      j
                                      monthly radiological surveys within a period of time not
                                      exceeding six weeks as required and 2) failure to perform a
                                      whole body count four times per year as required by            j
                                      procedure for individuals who are regulary assigned to work    '
                                      in radioactive material areas around the NTR on a daily        :
                                      basis.                                                        I
      50-73/98-201-02        VIO      Failure to post an area outside the South Cell of the NTR in
                                      which radiation levels could result in an individual receiving
                                        5 mr in one hour with a '' Caution, Radiation Area" sign.
      50-73/98-201-03        VIO      Failure to comply with requirements of the PSP for:
                                        1) conducting semi annual operability tests of the            ,
                                        emergency generator prior to 1998,2) conducting calls        !
                                        from the Off Site Emergency Agencies Call List on the first  i
                                      Thursday of the month of March, June, Septebmer, and          i
                                        December of 1997, and 3) conducting a test of the High-
                                        Level Conference Circuit on the first Wednesday of the
l'                                      month in October of 1997 and in January and February of
l-                                      1998.
  ,7,                                    a
  YD                '
    '':                  .
  ,      ,
                        'Q0and                                                          .
                            50-73/93-02-01-              ;IFl      Automated Key Control Records
                        '50-73/96-01-01                    IFl      Evaluate Neutron Survey instrument Calibration
                        .50 183/93-01-01.                  IFl-      Review of Licensee's Evaluation of Flooding in the
                                                                      Containment Building
                                                                      LIST OF ACRONYMS USED
                        ' ALARA'.
                                          . As low as reasonably achievable -
                            CA                Change Authorization
                        .: CCTV :              Closed circe:t television -
                        tCFR: .                Code of Federal Regulations
                        ,EVESR~            = ESADA Vallecitos Experimental Superheat Reactor.
                            GETR.            General Electric Test Reactor-
                        ; HICON                High Level Conference Circuit
                            HP.              Health physics .
                        'iP .                  Inspection Procedure
                        J kW-                  Kilowatt =
                        :NEOL              . Nuclear Energy Operation-
                        LNCV.              - Non-Cited Violation
                        .NRC              . Nuclear Regulatory Commission
                            NRP          - Nuclear Reactor Program
                        . NSIC                Nuclear Safety.information Center
                        .NVLAP.              . National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program
                        (PC:              - Frocedure change
                        'PDR                  Public Document Room
                          . PSP.              Physical Security Plan
                            RHP.              Reactor Health Physicist
                            RM      .      ' Radiation Monitoring.
                        . RML;                Radioactive Materials Laborrtory
                        ;RPC-              ' Radiation Protection Committee
                                              Radiation Protection Office
                            RSAC.        ' Reactor Safety and Auditing Committee
                        : RWP-                Radiation Work Permit -
                            SNM            -Special Nuclear Material        ..
                        ESOP                . Standard Operating Procedure
                            SRO;              Senior Reactor Operator .
                        tTS.                  Technical Specification                      ,
                            V&MO~            Vallecitos and Morris Operations
b                . _    :VNC                  Vallecitos Nuclear Center .
                            VTSC.            .Vallecitos Technological Safety Council
    'A                      WBC .    .  - Whole Body Count
                                                  EXHlBIT I
                                        GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY
                                        VALLECITOS NUCLEAR CENTER
                                            NUCLEAR TEST REACTOR '
        Docket No. 50-73                                                  License No. R-33
        Material Balance for Period: October 1.1995 - Santamber 30.1997
        Reporting Identification Symlhol: YJB                            Report Units: Grams
                                                              Hioh Enriched Uranium
                                                        Element                  Isotone
      - Beginning inventory:                              3,878'                  3,577
        (October 1,1995)
                    Receipts:                                +1-                    +1
                    (Received from Lockheed                                                  '
                        Martin Oakridge (FZG])
                    Total Receipts:                          +1                      +1'
                    Material to Account for:              3.879                  3.578
                    Shipments:                                -1                      -1
                    (Shipped to KKM in
                        . Switzerland [RZAU-1])
                    Fission / transmutation:                  -4                      -5
                    Total Removals:                            -5                      -6
                    Ending Inventory: -
                    (September 30,1997)                    1824                    3.572

Revision as of 18:01, 26 January 2022