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  !                      Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 are applied. Examples of deficiencies            !
  !                      Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 are applied. Examples of deficiencies            !
: i in this regard were included in my June 8,1976 letter to you.                l )
: i in this regard were included in my {{letter dated|date=June 8, 1976|text=June 8,1976 letter}} to you.                l )
1                                                                                                      I Subgroup item GR 76-19 has been established to address this question of coverage of quality assurance requirements for Class 3 items.
1                                                                                                      I Subgroup item GR 76-19 has been established to address this question of coverage of quality assurance requirements for Class 3 items.
During the discussion of this item during the meeting of our
During the discussion of this item during the meeting of our

Latest revision as of 02:42, 14 December 2021

Draft Ltr Recommending Specific Changes to Ensure That QA Requirements for Class 3 Items Will Conform to 10CFR50 App B Requirements
Person / Time
Issue date: 12/15/1976
From: Bosnak R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Dobel H
Shared Package
ML20126B025 List:
FOIA-96-214 NUDOCS 7908140181
Download: ML20136B027 (15)


{{#Wiki_filter:_ _ _ e , COMMITTEE CORRESPONDENCE SOCIETY / COMMITTEE: ADDRESS CORRESPONDENCE TO: ' ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code R. J. Bosnak ) Mechanical Engineering Branch Section III Division 1 and 2 Division of Systems Safety .


Subgroup General Requirements Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Consideration of Class 3 Quality WA':HINGTON, D.C. 20555 Assurance % quirements AGENDAITEM: GR 76-19 FILE NO.: DATE: N/A TO: Mr. H. Dobel, Chairman ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section III Division 1 and 2 Subgroup General Requirements Babcock and Wilcox Company l j P.O. Box 1250  ! Lynchburg, Virginia 24505

Dear Mr. Dobel:

My letter to you of June 8,1976 indicated that members of the


Regulatory Staff were concerned regarding the qualit'y assurance requirements included in the Code for Class 3 items. It may be helpful if I summarize this concern as a preclude to suggesting a method for resolution. Regulatory Guide 1.25 indicates that the Class 3 technical requirements of the ASME Code should be applied to certain compenents and systems. Regulatory Guide 1.29 indicates that many of these same components and systems should be designated as Seismic Category I. Regulatory Guide 1.29 further states that the pertinent quality assurance requirements of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 should be applied to all activities affecting the safety-related functions of these items. Our review of t'he quality assurance requirements presently included in the Code for Cicss 3 items indicates that not all of the pertinent requirements of . NRC FORM LS$

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!                      Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 are applied. Examples of deficiencies             !
i in this regard were included in my June 8,1976 letter to you. l )

1 I Subgroup item GR 76-19 has been established to address this question of coverage of quality assurance requirements for Class 3 items. During the discussion of this item during the meeting of our

Subgroup on General Requirements, it appeared that part of the problem may be cla'ssification; namely, should any safety-related t

item of a nuclear power plant be classified as Class 3. The  ! question was also raised as to whether or not a less than " full blown" quality assurance program, but one which is considered to

be adequate for Class 3 items, could ever be accepted by NRC.

I f NRC's problem with regard to Class 3 items may well be one of classification in that it may not be intended by the cognizant code comittees that Class 3 requiremer ts be applied to safety-related items of the plant. If that is the case the appropriate. action for NRC would be to reclassify safety-related Class 3 items i i as Class 2 items. It appears to us, however, that the technical I j requirements (as opposed to quality assurance requirements) now i 1

included in the Code for Class 3 items are adequate. Reclassifying l  !

, these items up to Class 2 in order to correct a quality assurance requirements deficiency would appear to cause the application of more stringent technical requirements than is necessary. A more desirable i approach is to attempt to reach agreement on the necessary quality  ! i assurance requirements for Class 3 items in the Code.  ! i

                                                                                                    !   l t

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k l The answer to the question - Will a less than " full blown" quality assurance program for Class 3 items be accepted by NRC7 - is yes, but it requires some amplification. We agree that differences ' l should exist with regard to the extent whi:h the overall quality assurance program requirements are implemeated depending upon the importance to safety of the covered activity. For maximum effectiveness  ! and efficiency, a graded approach to QA program implementation should be provided. Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 recognizes this concept. For example, Criterion II states: "The quality assurance program shall provide control over activities affecting the quality of  ; identified structures, systems, and components, to an extent consistent ' I with their importance to safety." Criterion IV also recognizes that l selective application of quality assurance requirements to contractors and sub-contracters is necessary by stating: "To the extent necessary, procurement documents shall require contractors or subcontractors to provide a quality assunnce program consistent with the pertinent provisions of this Appendix." Therefore, a less than " full blown" quality assurance program can be applied to a safety-related item for a nuclear power plant and still meet the overall quality assurance program requirements of Appendix B. I l l l

i I 4_ The quality assurance provisions included in NCA 4000 are basically overall quality assurance program requirements which we consider to l l be generally consistent with the overall program requirements of i l Appendix B. It appears logical to us, then, that within these overall j quality assurance program requirements included in the Code, a graded approach to the application of the program requirements is not only permissible but necessary and desirable. If some of the overall l program requirements are omitted, as they are for Class 3 items, it appears to us that key quality assurance provisions would be omitted l entirely. For example, there are na quality assurance program requirements for design control for Class 3 items. As I have indicated earlier, many of these Class 3 items are required to be designed to withstand the Safe Shutdov:n Earthquake. If there is no requirement for control over the design process, what assurance is there that a Class 3 item was properly designed to withstand the Safe Shutdown Earthquake? We have compared the present coverage of the Code for quality assurance requirements for Class 1, 2, MC, CS, CB, and CC construction with the quality assurance requirements for Class 3 construction. A copy , of this comparison is attached. We have underlined those requirements for Class 1, 2, etc. which we believe are also necessary for Class 3 construction for safety-related components. As can be seen in this comparison, we consider that the overall quality assurance program requirements should be essentially the same for all safety-related items in the plant. As indicated above however, this does not mean j u _


          .                                                       that detailed implementation of these program requirements cannot provide for less stringent measures for Class 3 than for the higher classes.

I hope the above discussion clarifies our concerns regarding Class 3 quality. assurance requirements. It is requested we consider this item with a degree of urgency. Sincerely, R. J. Bosnak Member, Subgroup General Requirements


As Stated cc w/ encl: W. S. Gibbons R. E. Keever SD:RSSB SD:RSSB SD:ADDES SD: DES NRR:QAB IE: RIP NRR:MEB JMilhoan WMorrison MKehnemuyi GAArlotto CHeltemes BGrier RJBosnak Task No. bec w/ enc 1: DISTRIBUTION W/ ENCL: RBMinogue DSkovhol t Central Files RGSmith CHeltemes GAArlotto BGrier MKehnemuyi JSniezek WMorrison MPeranich JMilhoan RJBosnak GMillman wm

L 1 1


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  • 08-**t i.e . r a i...e .t. i t . .e d i s e. . e e r i i e s .:.-e .g ec..i r e e i- . f.5.v ie st i.. .

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              *i ini. ..                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            the Inspector a curree.t copy of the written Jescription N                                                         ne trere.. . ..t l re..ise f.c I. des t rinse i.. ..a t rei i.e                                                                                           **                       *
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           -               *3      3.h* '*"" *                 ***8 8'a 88 4 sin tity rol sy n t...n a,..I 4,e- ,aa n.e .6 iu                                                                                                                                                                                                 et.                     .                                    .                *'ly d*8alleit proceder= = iar their .. ehali i,e (J)                                                         -.trapplie ne      va .u tisi.:    n etes
                                                                                                                                                     .hatt     eet.est.c th the  &aiser    8ealety             .a u tn neluse                   .ece n shie                                 ;

avall ble to ele inspotter ser review. The wriances

                                         - praedse d.F.gsee pei.e t. the si e -i. . ,. . ... e.,- n e. .. ao e ,r                                                                  r i.e. ofe...m a Certifiute . .m se                         .i*.*

e...e no e. ... . t it. des"Irtt*" hat 8 auke aue=u ry refus o. i.

                                                  .I the applie ut 's 4 4t e s y a.s.e Peer.s e..                                                                The Pe.ress .ill be ..stuted                                                                                           I.                                                           ese b m a_

at. basis .f Its e.spliaree .ish*this at 6ste and the eere yelet. 6.beestie e. Is et.all be son...e, s. s te.1 the es pe .I 6.ek ist 6hich the .pplissar orplied. lhe Certiligste .hisin le t e s.ed st..ll desselbe e.d specil, the esd ll site . *

                                                  .i . k fer -tish the opplis e.t i. g .litieJ.~ .                                                                                ~

(d D e e e t fi . . f .Il ( tc.e w. ether c o rf rac ted . r,p.Ittat .a , ei.e n e v e lie .s e E.t.s e r's f.c e li e ie. .c .** i.<J t r ri := nue site ver st ice. s?s:t 33 ., j e r,. re l l e s .4 1 n. ices en ee.n r t. . e e. f e.m ane .i t h the reei.d re.e:te , < o f e p.. bee t .vi w s t e. a er e i sjigt, b. ider's 0=eli shall be scaerted Dy s he s.siv ey re s.r t Ekeeace Patys.@lhe l

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           .I a.t%.ri.. paseet f a fertificate                                                                       ~ .T .                                                                                                         .                                                           .

s si . a dies et t she.ges that are ..d. et. alt te esse e,ellette ta -/ The complealty of the work g,.cludes facto a

  • I' sh. s.. pes in . thaa leiresti.a m essy a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ."J.*                                                                                                                                                                                     '

deelga, the lype s of snatesial8 *a'I "'Idl** Peoc eJun e. i a J ..e ..sies e i. r*e

  • hall be edelerse t. the a.eherie=d tw se .ue ps I'.. r.4. t ehat t n. a b. Esepec t.: *. aside -*I-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              %% 8 e.3 e f,.e          is.ei.a the (.-e ll fic.t. .I aes hor f.eti.. l lder* e!s.eJ e pl e.ege                                                                                                                             ,

s Ihe lhickettes of matt 3lals, lle. type s g( nei.

                                                  .iin she usera.4 dstie r Fr.;r . The corsificate et a.shee t ees t a                                                                                                                                                                                                               elettsuctive examinattens applical; and shethe r te,g h isn .mn t . 6. .ae,it aH e s the su,estu euk duel se es pseesee eheets as                                                                                                                                                        ,'
  • treatments are apptled.

2 i .ee .<u.ue, t. use the e..uty an.uu. isienissib:.. - t . - .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               - Jf the else and complexity a.f the 1._aq,,,3 %".

k,_ U.S c. j _k e G M ,vf Q g t,tr /1 A Afd A L. . - T etter's organization includes facte'ra much as 41.e b

                                  .                                (a) 15 .                                                          i
                                                                                                    , en. a.d retnis                                                    e.J, instr.stlose                                                                                                                                     -

e M u,thea m stence3,,,3g( ,,,9g,,,,,, f. 7 i

                                                                                  .,e, .,..                        .. ..         .. .. .. ...i     . i.. .t ..          h... .r ..e t i I..t i.e. m 3                                 A . factors <!eflatae the cem.,s                         .e . ...r - ,o - t.   ...i-a.e . a ,.d .i.eti.er8,,e
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ~-                       - - . - -                             __                               .             , - . , - - - . - -                                        - - - - - - - - .                       .-.          . - .

C. Lass isQ' At c' C S' CR 4 C C-- , class 3 . m.4 >u .. . . . e c . . . e.n . ex. .n s. e.. 2 ed

                                    . u i .u. .. a,-
         .m.. . u. . . m. . ..u. , e a                 s . . . < .. i~ . ..e .u.         r .._n....a.m in.. . .e.,y. , .rr.y,. . .y e                                                                                                                                    -

w...,,,,......... s.. . . . . o , .. ... . . . . ._ .... e a. .y..<.. . . e 4. . . r : . y . .

                                                                                                ,. .n . . : .

e a ,u i,.,, .. .-e,,., . ..,....,. e. ~ e.... ~ . . . e . . ..n...,,.....

                                                                                                                 .. . . , e ,. : . rd.

lis"-4 fo set.reis. . .4 f e' ic . f*. *.i t .h i l . t y ly c et i.. . f ei. e er : s , ,. I

         .,.. re,r the ec..       . . . . . ..e re.c e . e . o. . . r. f           .e. . . . I . .@. no-e.      ec        .

t ine z u . . . . c . e . . . i . . . . . . . r . . ,, .e e.e s,. . . ...

         . . s e 6. o.,o . d . si . . .. ., i= . i

(.... t s.3 * *

                                                                               ..d "T., e. . .,. -m..c r .a e .et i. te                         i n n.i.a. . it su. sn.e e ..ser.                        . R .<nygu.
n. . m.

a i .e.g. - G . i , . ,,. 6, n ..t t i u .w . n se .-t r... d n r .r # 2. e s. u.n..Th i . d. 6 2 g- n.. t h.  ! w h.i

       &.q        .. i...e......
                           . ,el . s , s o s . .n. .,i n. . r
           . u ,...a 6,.hi. sou=.
                                                              ..e . ci . e...u.s.s.4 .,., i..e..d         . . . .i e.. u,i,        ,     .

t.: ad fla.t de.8 .*.11 he k

                                          .. e .s e n... . . .e Ia-. r u  = er..i...      .i .ta   r tr ch.

8* i g ei.e .e r .esie e w.iro  :.. i m.r ue . .e.dsie 6, e. s.. .z.. s o...r. . . .s.jt6. ., c u.e4 6, o. .re Wir .. . i d. . i. . . - i , . . o e <w e, .rer i t i .i i , ve. ir .e e. ...r e .r re. t e.e s.. in. , su... a.

                                                                                                                      .. i n.                       .
        .r,    ........ cr . .. . . o se ... .wi i.e.e. .. r r. e is i .d.: ce. i s. .u .,8-
        . n s , . t., o.e e. .. . . . , pe .e .i . r e i .. .. . d . . i r .h .i . . . 4 e ts . ..e                   . : 4.:
        .e... s ...n . ..e anie. .au une..

KA 4314.4 P..t.r..e.t D.C.e.e.t C tr.1 he . 2eo e . f ar M c ur e.e.t c f a. tee t.l . . i t e.. ..d

        .helt ree                r mene s t. t t e es t e.t .ece. s.e r t.                      .t'ac..t r u s e d .e.e.fc .3,
                                                                                             ....r e e beir cenet . . .i t h                     '

e mi. ice s ..., 1.m. i ec ee.e nece..ary, pf.g reer.t ..:.a c. g . .h.ll re.glte .u.flar.

  • Mer id t . C**Iie r l'u oge.e c .sc h t h. requiseee.t .f thi. Sec t i e.

Pie ...r e. .'.11 f.c e .t .' t s.hre e. .s..s e t h.: .II e.e c n..e. ..s er i. e . e s .a. .-r aer.f re. c a f rn t. t he.e re..ireceu. . Th. .. se .. .f. . ek.l t Ide.s ific t I.. gggggggj1Agg .n.1 tr.w iggggga. .mer. eel.te. f r ..ute e e..l a. t i... . 4 8.e el.. ~ e.ise.c e .f guel ig , f.r.i .hed b y t he . .l le r . ...e s..e les .e en. .re. .re .. la.=, t

  • si.. ... deli.evy.  !

1 i sc. -4 34.3 s s .tr can.... runed.r.. .e4 ar. 4.s. + us.s e .,..%... i.. .W@n ,.,< t.h.r I' 11 ne ere.ce tted t r dee .t.d l yM*W.S

  • Instru'ettens. Procedures, and Drkeir;.
m. .c c em. .m . . w,4, no
                                .                                 ..         . .., i. e. . . . .. . ire .... . e. m am pt ,sa                                                                                                                                                                                                                     i 6                                .cc c rdan e i t h s he .e ... . .e t i... . er.e ee e:s e . .r e r..i ,. .                              *      ,,

w or,4-, -4 ,4 g

  • 4 r eca.w
1me,.cei...greu.a re.. c dr..i.e. . tit epr.rr ia s ..ti s .a 6.. < e 4 9.&

8 e . lie.ii.e <ri nei. s.c de v er,s f or i r.: i.cor e . s .c o ... s ie. m e. 6e e e .. ;.. :.c- --

                                                                                                                                                                                        - - - . - . . . . . . , , , * .~~
s. tit i s b*.e . Th. Cer s. fis s. e464.s . .rstsee de.a ra.i.e , .

I Tsi..u ps.od cerast re. b y ni. .rt.als.t l 8.r e..te.1.I q Ilt y d .. is tl .

       .h..n.g i. d.t. it sh. .f st..                         g.. lit y ....e .ac. s.t.f .I abl.                                                            '                                                                             i t

Sec t i.e .f th. Cade. A sspy .I thue pr.s.dsee. .h.11 b. a..dlly f.s . >

       ... b y ....t e s t i.. p.s               w.t ..e for . by t he I..p.s t.r.
                                                                                                                                                         .                                                                                          l 5

I i

                                                                                                                                                           -                   - .~               .              .  . .          .     -                         .             .      .     -.            .         _.                   .

C L6 S S b .% DI C, C Ss C G ** CC-C 4.A s s .3 e HA.4114. 6 .. .Docurnent Control aca-4 04.6 a e.t C te. Th* c M ,f. o."fr, l'.tt,.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    *rer**'eMer-twikr          sa quality centrol aIstem                           t des                 Ti. te r e.- eh $ t t t e !.de =*n* *
  • e. c.*e e.1 t he e3, g3 psovide procedores which allt assure that it.e latt st .-

d dier *iti,. .' d, .. ete, se e-eeha e ' e~e i f ic at i*a a . i..n.e e s w a . pra. e... ,.i o r. _ i nc t ,6 e ch anec e averes s hich eresc rit.e t *e ertivit a n s *1PIICAI'I* draminges efesign calculationse specificatir.ns.

       'be su  d.. ,ire e . o ,. Ne e e * **eu. h                                                   e"' ee ' hat du e.e.                                                            ser ch angte               t      and Instructlet se as well,ao autherlaed changt se anoweed
         .e      .,,s.       . rer ese,           a erre .e*            t 'I tin re s e a u br . e hn i s ed rer                                                                            . t ..d                .      for construction.                                          .                                                 .

e i s,, .... . e. . a .ud er s he tu.t i.. .he , t he creeevi6ed ecti o, se ree ,g  ;..

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            .s-.-         ., .      '- . , * . .: _

n.. i s ieet e .8 a.i t. r i e nt i holde, 's n et t e r as.. ..e. th) . reor... . sii r,..ide re m d r e hich -iii ther t he t u e.. .:ri c ou. 9, t 6....ra. ereeilicalica*. a'd sace ractI*as ee'r iecd br the bee ir. 6-ee i ie se l..o

 ,       ,a a         u.i._       ,rm..      m. reti .. .m. in d chi m a. ne #er 6. ,iceti                                                                                                         .               l-
         . . ,, s .. i.. . . . ..i. u i , e . . e s .e                         ..J . . e t . t e si s.. .

oCa-4t>4.3 c ti. et r.uhend h tes tet, tee.. end sn tsee ein... . . she t i 64 enewit.hed to u* ee th*Len.IYuht?ttratst.iat. l}A-413 4.7

  • Ci sitral of l'archa sed g Mate, g,g, rlat and items'M, p..s.and assve;ee e..f.e. e f thie Sectienmgt,ggL,pggggggs .

eggg gigg:M(,g g f, , eP e t t ..c li e*.. ier.t s f ic et e.1de_gej.,ig. Ice esscentility .in4 .cg. steel icas. a s a rrea-r ht e q ggg -Jj

  • I f er e .c. e velw e i..e. .h iret i ve evice.c c of q..t it y f ornished to t%e saceller.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ~                                  *                      *          *      ---*'==..==
e. i.. et tbe s ovet e . ..d e n e.i..s i.g .peu de l i ve r y. Doe..ese r err evide.: e [
            .est de ..u n imi et she e st ewe i..                                            .r et t u i.. eite be r e .se er e t-isti.. .: r...h..e4 ..sers. es ase...
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    . r.
               '                                                                                                                                                                                                   'i sca 4124.s            lae tatu.ti.e e d c tv s .t sieentate end tacee                                                                                                                        ;           NA.413 8 t . Identiftsation and Contret of klaterial an l its ma Cid te      ts t'eL r t)                  see...ees sket t te est.y s sheJg ide.a t ticesse. *ad                                                                                                                               Tlie M           selwrcl       wr-trreenha shall include a systern of                                               6 egaleet et eat eriet ead in ms. in t d'.e tee t se Abr ec.ted esselice.                                                                                                                      Thes*                         receiving constrol shish mill a ssum e that the material re.

e e n e,.r e. out sesore ehet 64. n s ilic n gr.,4e eesee. hie e. the i. e s h.c.p ty,._ig_efJnt. t oi.e ic u t . tier.t.tithtt , ..r een. t r e Asse At_s.a s.. ee i.n ett et s ... ceived le properly identified and lias docuenent. tion incluetang *[

                                     ***ll te *** ira-* te reeve t t he ... er ..c.ce ce s ., ee rec t s.e                                                                                                                          required swAterl41 certifications or snatorial test reports no                                           ,

lttiLrnants t hich how ... ,,ee d J~eie e...%eV e, iese e, .e required. The anaterial control system stealt assure im e.d t r e.. , t only the intended material,le uand in construction. . 3 *

  • r" t * *a ' ST i ter... .e er ueenar* un,ititailll1Mia. en6e shall be
          .ste L,l it..L.u h

t ins.mtMt .nd.saa tt a i _shttL63.1= gtet h erreg tyst g[li ..e Geer-d i 1s. eT. ,-

                        .t-ed, socLit
         %es se'L**                f.ait!!a .nitar ei t.l.s.3 istutJttnHL tad t*tt.__m :cas.

L3:d!MI "Iz!f t.?*'*- Welds.Lnttuifs ret.- ;g _liift_fte sil'_IG_eset_1Liet!tettita th t1Ltt.tstitsdied. 1 ' 6, t ill.saistiters i t!.nu itener Isl his sces io _gim" l

                                                                                                                                                                  ..ttOt irt'eted n er s et         =

egee g .,ti.e. ..d chettlists_seg es:iitr sagw th* cher- I ecace ntse sha y egen.6.*d t r agggtied pre.ce6.rce je uge.ited e.d thg_ggedig , , , 11scr drd d_ t.2tacitLAsttLs.ia11 tub:d aa strailit(.3sttlit1.lspL!thfflt.Ge Cet ElR*., ,'.- .

          ! st g3_ g,[ 1., ,,d13ti,ig 21Lf st ,,ht_J.Tt ie sted i. jpe, etect t tote. Che:kpote skalt
                                                                                                                                                                                    ..d fert e d Beme

ef C6egitt l ist:e1Meti.thti ha.e been thi.StI1ME*L.tteter ecc<ived. r evee e d . a.4 netf Tut steegs able.'~he.Qse 36e uee ,'

         'TUs 7 he                  e.....E1.. n t..e re.ed.ce c..dwe ed by t he Certi s ie ni'Y. Tee r                                                                                                              d' a ,4 '.cIdeTg.~a7.h c.nriT. Mime %3iiirTarpeTriceei.. er eiher eegee-                                                                                                                                       *
           ...te, iG~is.cElies e ehell et.a e tWe7 e The stert in et s                                                                                                                                       '

. ~ Gi e t i.c o. ie e rne s I., i.t i i.. .sl.cecat .ee'u r ..d revi e s.. t o h i c h 'f 5eI 8 5 'I' A. ee st eep end de'e el the tt.+ Cer**EQ CiEen er t . e t e .. r e e._J,,e a '. t a f u nt e Po'lden 's regigocet aties sat f or ja p, ' esse e s t p't. ree f orewd bvinit j ele. er et ee. e.1 date f or t hose set ivet tee .htch .I e t e teegg ates s t ra a t .r e , ** 1 I

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         .         . e L


c. Lus If, M C, ce S iC d *s&C- ( u S.,S.3 m i a., t.. . n e u.e ..
m. . , u , . c a .t , ,, ,, u ,,, ,,,, , ,,, , ,,, ,,,,,n , , , ,,

c.... . e e .. .

                                                                                                                      . . ., r .. - . - t.. . c .e. r.. u.. . .a                                                                                                              .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          .     :recessee                                                                             .

n.e c., a n, ... toi,r. .s. e . .e.n. .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      -                    *-                 t._


                                                                 . e .


                                                                                  . . . - . . . ., r. ~ e . .. e . . . ..

e..e e .~. n e e,. e i. ma .. ..... e . .. --euir,

                                                                                                                                                                                                        . e.r ..e .ena..ue,- e , er e g...
g. _ ) 4 '* er sa"di=>tian9 mai* *"'r ida <=*el ev ae= ebatu=i-'e ee.-I tm.i.re3.ireme .. rraiosae ..
                                              .t..usu.g,.e. ee.m,n e. .. "...ea e.n r. u a r e.ei t . usJ.*e ren ce i= ucere . .
                                               , c.]ilisi e ser e i.. e.d .<e .'s.-te.e.=4 t e sies we re. et =e[ac g. t i si.e
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            .                        el**Sectless IX ania Sul section Hit - . _
                                         . r.w .J n .                                                                                                                                                                                                                          .,                                  .

tu e. ab4e .rtescourse b) Tbc stuality esi.Isol erstem s hall Previda ei t rade e aw. ecu ten omat t be per= red. Int.Jint e s.. Jw w.s a beee .4

                                                      .ini~eMi;i7ii~im g..ene .s en er c. rnviJa lee veryr:6.g ne wlie                                                                                                                                                            . to eesure Ihst heat tremtrasmle as re.guired I.y this
  • h'.e ;..t .
                                      ~~(T ;.s e s ... e e cc i s , .r.v eu .. .: cheeGilas e eI fleleiii.4'. ens se a w, f

Settlen are use.l. Alrans shall l.e indicattel by , '

                                         . a:.Eis adiii5. he ** Ce m                                                                           **ll
                                                                                                                                                                           '" lcas      -dei ""         " 8"holder a"            3*i83*t .

e e.""e."ne."su"*f.r t he which the laspea.ter can sattely him'self staat these l _,g_3 t v , . : i ne e nt ee= e n i.e "f s he f.use Lost treatment respire.mente att tuet. This saaY  ! e er usw. g;g;;g;;a,,, iociais er same .f u~r en eae des. 8.r show wen n, in se.ach ~ i 8

  • g; by review e.t funnace tiene.teraperature secords t e f--- p.g .ar n sh a ll n r.v id e f o r e te u s i et. e e r ea s t,.

Or by Other motheJa.

  • l
j. _it ie t. e Lissiht.tti'11XJtiti."4 ' ** 8 e """*M ti.1** !it i"E!.a f *a "*H d < *4 tite. j, .

i 8*' la11eje Ik *.!? t L.itre eti.ity. Ntand !3!!..ns t'erence t*.**' t *hat *!?trereq ** !LE*Y.i'*****'* seiere for the < l **d i8 ts*2..iiry. g'Iven s l J rg n.t.tishir.g_ Le6-e somia.

i. . . .
              .                                                m iu. . so-se.u .. seete .                                                                                                        ie.,- u es                                                                         .
                                                               ...                            .a,. .e e . e .                                                     p. e.                es          ..u      e .a nos e . y een.                                                    'n-au                iggm%'y             Taie s==4sarau~

y,,e,.,,___,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, l

m. .~a .. ee .. ,x
                                                       ... e          .e e n. <.,... .. ., . ..i.. re .,me . . i,. - ...                                                                    ..e.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   . . e.;m    .e u..
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ...e. . .use2                                               .,,                                                                                                           .

er*= =hania ne < =i-daa ope in-

                                              ,e.d;i, ; sin 6 Mit"scpas;&MV"reesE.aseFinTe1.T.'?A~eMrs.'       ar,s ,... 4 +... m.. ..maior.,mirt..                                                       -.

e41k.. c1**Jiac **iar siaallons. *usticteritly to pe rinit ste tdii e.rer.iirTle.tet

                                                                            <ua. J . Sh MCtLMGi'tiL'tiLiill' t. the' D Iiis                                                                                                                                                     ,     .           Inspector to s'aterminevhese specific laspectiens                                                   ;

nare a ne eunret'H e for t he **rt b*Ies les t2ttL are to be performed. (a) .trettet M ertt i *li fMf s. g,Lw '!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   . e,_ hesa.eetll.b 3teet P!3ttrJ8.s                                                              .

t he des e.t e <4ev e saa vlei e S. t.aff se edisch tif *et eb"eie e."e.e.t *

  • bf The c;uality control e stem shall include provialens

int.dicg$.ie hLff.Ari. i.its h** .siysW).r ell.12iltl1Jtdiivee.*EIia~ee..It s . Ten = enatsame l'e's ,

                                               "3 u su                    ?!.= tet                                                                                                      lT1.215&22'".11- saitielt.JLetemp                                               I*        .                for SJantifying nor. ' .strucilwe enomlnasion piace.                                                !

din d  ! n est.*! s.t e ,18't.i.t!!!8se!11.?Leld"'e "tifya_333,.yg ere.J3 1hn.!ggstyrer* e a slures the "- ^ --  : :nnelbarr wn) wee to er et .e ne d*?! fe e"t b = Sai"8

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ~-          lan .                       .

88"I'F%*'Ilh .t.h,e tejuljemente si thle Sectis.n.

                                                     ? H 't. f*iaM!i5hiil_!
                                             !!"litLde.              k 22111 L 11t_J                                     1htf(t!!! *fi ilL51.lilli              ell't.11te ttJitt 14 Ee**I*h                       LicdL3   N *lt*

La its_Itta..Lit. Lait.tE)TaE"l ea se 'h y e hTCer H fie ste ' P.t. (s) ___ _t+f atutt1111 tala.ILat . mica vienta!!!a st eu.s.ieigag, .  ? I _itJ!tsi t ti 41 itt,.Sta tilltalaJeldsL'a_tsamtnL41.RL.AQi_tht.lef 7ttlpr.gbf D i ne i.d ec sed si! is. present .heste itC4dt)MWatte'attL met.exasite hereed

                                            .**d"*r t.ttj e FM*.t.t . *ithJkLibt Litliti e f tbg iertilg113 blAeg,'Agggg.g.                                                                                                                               ,.

ee e.eise .e R.epses.r. . KA41M. ll test f.eetr.t . j (e) .T. s ealna spejlle tie fer *4 le seneJence .Ith wittee test

;                                                      d                     8 te **                                                                                                                                                                           y 1                                     _J.r!!.!c           ru shi*hc i e4 e erguusi,f*'!te       .gsg!g dw. nu 9t.tH=reue                                             .                                the it.1* ire ens e .nd tiet            vte                                                                                                                                              ,

(6) IttLr'stritses *betLlatie'tererttl e"  ;

                                          .isrse.eijabis eteselfilet                fsL.1ht_sinsJeaLaara_

one e. 8. at ti a.1. l sect-ocr e ea.t[ittina le per fer ed. keen men , theLadcassata3a!!r.ett=rles stsamaatsties. Preregleitep that i l inettde e. yo. nee {dcoM he itei.e se.I cet s e et- abrergejestru.e.tetJ e t.i t . car enJ the ite,e. t oeetgeriete eg.J3eteggdgbeeg_ Le f est e4. e.itable envir.a. t een e s t e.ais tan e end crav e eleas esse dat e oc t een . 3 11 letLIttultidiflt he d.:.ese.ted and evaluated te , , that nest vre.ireuentQgga L:ca natis fiaJ. . g

                                                                                        .                                             .                      . - . . . - ~ . . . . -

L f 1 M h

C uss I., Q w., cs, C84 c.c.

                                .a... n                                     co-i .i . . ,,. .. i.a                                                                  . .. n. .               e. ,

m 4 m . n - co.,, , u a . <...

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             . .. ., . , mn ,,+",,,,

e, u s . . e,,,,,, t., . ...... .i.. .. ... ti.e... ... . e e,... . . . . . . n.. u.e-- r,. m.a . m ,i ,, ,, ,, , , , ,,,,,, ,, , AM *d ** * * *' ' a * * ' *" * * * * *" 1*t . a d ' " s i- a the calibratina of emasalmailea. measurin

  • and test UN' 364.g.,.,s y

e gg. . , ag.ty .ece. i* *'."eh . y' *p i s 6. .. ' f tnii.c cit in y .re e t s kygg,, e

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             '            -me~ nt.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ~ ~ ~                       ~ ~ . -          .          ~-

ey e yo . a en e. ,n i e1.. t.,s.a.m.. e.iesa ian es sn e e e...u. a re.< ehee,.h st l be 4. e O.e t. s.rQ@ i+ I . . : .i re e . .e e s t . . .tz t

                                                                                                                                                        .A jLer      .>.QL. .n4 ebli*ar ftrittia_iLiLL.i,S.J'hjLatisc i i.; e s p.i ..                                                                                                                                       6: e s tL2it' ES%fre.1atiaLAE_in11&l=
                                                                                                                                                                                          'I_* 81** * 'd *' 'm 8-isca .. u n ce .                      t s er i ear l.1.!ie r iev e i                                          ,

i d e*i.Tal i .e .e.;it L? ....,; ar t .ea

  • Js s),1gy e .sa_ g.1,,,131.m ueu uil d erL. hicin*nh.!L b ve t s t u{;;,ga,bip e h} r i sa i p .
  • ug i.e .l .r ..d e. J . , de r e suc h .t .J ar d. ei h.t .
                   -~"iti                                            EETITe.                                                           .e Kai'. rat.4.              .t . f t.t L er    l ei nta..

e t ene _s n tf.e ..ssa..iit hi r ar i.aa s e e s e 3.,. . t- ea. 0 **J I. r J e f e t e ta .a t t al 'I f .s i e ' s et.ed e o f .c e.t le t. T he ch,t hg () u*ca gistrer .giggJr e1. i.ain .c tension ewipm. i .

       .r e t.             ,e .        e.iio..etaa.
  • me c. e e d ica e ik.tder .*.it e-e ".i.. a.: e.. r ee s i.e N*'s l e 'd i a u! " '*"I ' V'6eJ bi r u i:.* e i.masi
     .a.lin.i.t                .imu siu.      g' 4'* e s. mi r-e.i                                                      .'.'5<hJ" "uni                               n f < .'8 i*"i lau%"
  • e b._


          . u ed.*

6 8 ' **". .' ' 'iW'

i. en n.s.* ib. e .Lg . .. . . c.

eg . t'"- 'U ''l'e ."sy e' 'gie

                                                                                                                                                                  * *
  • i ''
                                                                                                                                                                    ,'"pe. r e im n e i .'n e s ka t . e.' "i.i p.' ! 'r '" ' , e " 8 ' .-

ta.<n_s nJjs. ei.e s s i., s. .u s . r*" i * * *

  • aT6 ' " Z ** " ' "tes ' '" . '. " " ' " *

ei".,"u. ieT"V.e_ ,7Tiede e bee n. N ein"a s ..'e""f e r we.: r . e "** d ' """ i , ei

       .te. .n s.                    6.i n to 6.a.4e4 i. <me cer TTU           se u.84.r*. go.ili,f r i.d is_r. a...r...             re is . .                                  _n .'an ut.s3 s ani.e. suus . smir,tas na rieurnes.e ri ..., . .s.t i se .. e.ii .ne4 e. e                                                                                            ir.        6. ai s.a . in .,.. , omt en h ar. r:11;.a..s . ...' rre." .'na.                                                                                                  . ' e "
  • r 61 .a4 i'm. i'i

_ .u.,2... eg

                                                               *                       * * * * ' - * *-            -                                                '*-            " " '                 r              r ' *-

u".* .' h " 8e e i . .".". ' ' v. ' .'. .'. er e n . , v . ". n'"..n""i yi e e e s'. $ ': n s . . ru 4. e e.s'i*',".r

                                                                                                                                                                                                      ' de'a s .*.*.".4
       .a u . . r-.t ec t ive ev'= n ..c n n . saer s s s .ee..ew. re . nci f i c mi.g.
       . .. . e n i n. t . . .. un r i n.i . .m.i n 6. . pee i s ed .                                                                                                               ,r.. ins ..a inne                                                                                                                                                                                                                           '
       .TI.u e n . s i. s .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           - .

sca-4 : n. e4 .e huen sus..

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                .sC4 TIT.')TT Crsir.f6 tion er Procese Status re n n e. t te e s t ,bli ehsJ t.1.a fe. i e by it a                                                                                                    .e .f ..e k s.y. .vh                                                                            .
  • s,,.tf fMt'.rt-te pg er I

t ftt5 ilia iI' .u tMF f),"# gg* " >/*=a** e t N4- W.Mie=(~.i)* " W " O h .#** M e-t.u.*

  • a s s a. !.8M.
                                                                . ut 4.R.                                     t.:rmi               .*linabs4        k"nm.Li'Li      t tre . we      t et.f!)s.t.f etatv ore.*.i.l!.ds     .h 3 1: :re,tas                   s'"a*                                       .
     ,in ingje..i s t ic .s i.a e t o m... i r... .a.j sh_ e..f m ..ei.a.                                                                                                          s.,.eu.i..i t... ue ug -                                                                                     .                                           ... .           .. _ . .
     , egg e ine . .cd iW3 s h e a. .o r ...T... ..N.Ti                                                                                                                                      pe.eed. orie,                                                                        *
       ." g n i. die.ese., tu t t he                                                                                           ..t her fi y f or .rrl ie.t i.e a4 re....I                                         of t en. .                                                              f                                                                                                                  ,
       . n . ei . . tasei.. .a4 gu.m.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     .

tu-s t y.. a s >. neur. s tas r tulet er sine ,

r. . . n . .i.ti 6- e.usts.ies a. ...u.t ..yes. . see.. ==ht e. ,. . NA-41H.155 N encentermlag klat,erial er Items
  • f*"*t- * -

ni .. to, r 3 r r ?. i r n .s.uttet et .t_1'! esAL it.4 t h e n. re., re-c.!htL.itti re Lt ie229.21 freg,jep. .gg.,,, og,,gg g'e A System (or,carrectlea of sienconferneiance p.g* *** Q i

     's.i g e. .o..e   . sasen@y tet...a                                l edl def.sedurn        s acc..f or'eee-                                       en see ii ti, 4.ceeetitien j3ggg.
  • A bac en te r manc e g. .., ,.,,4;,,,, ,g,g ,g, ,,,,, ,,p, c,rng4 r ) ] ,

me. . .: 4 4. ns, u s in - naecaf.triae 2 it'a. . WILI' H e agsplicable ruts e et sliis Sacil ' N . a<re 4 mce wi A a l l 6s' e " '* *< 8 8* r < n

  • t.t.*. .51
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  %rnunt   8.o co ge e si. . ren e r .c e me t.1                                                                                                                                                                                         enia.-                                                             l
        .a.      isy .r.4 . re..iey s.: in                                                                                                 s e i.. . s                   c.= 8*.M.n       a sen  ?.udtre.

si..a k. b. 4.ii.ed. '

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     . ,..... rrested er skins.inatui 1.cfare alis tuntemt b - .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       . . . ~ , * " "*~" "..~."--"
4. . a.
                               .-J e . . n et ie-.. .'..H                                                                 te ee e.. nae 4 8. **.. .s e . wist s h. .re:In9.                                                                                                              - .                        WI CT                                                      .

a.. - i . . .e . . .

c. - k < <. u
  • t m c r n..o. s t e. c s . . ..u #.e. i.e e, 4. r.7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ~ ~ ~ -

ge,.. et,.t . n. . ,, , g i. c 66.e .ca.t e n a J. . a n t s. oes at. J. W .ittaa abill b crf et tiebed and e sir i. lad n . O

      .m .. . . . ..,,.........: i u.. ... . i.. .+.                                                                                                                                 se..                                                                                      .             ;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            .       e CeLA ss I, Q, PICs C.S                                                                               s CB
  • CC.

s . CL. Ass ~3 '. i mous c...uoee u u ,) - w .. e. . .. .e .... i.t o- *e--a .. e...g._mn_e .c1 1 u e..i e e.

r. . iu.,,.ee,w.

e.,, ,e i . i e . . =., a.. ee, u ui,_wuui a. dehwin_ ->nmun.Arlena.3 nse,e .,,er , gea ry.A j a t e pu e8 .t,L.j{i j jse c. dit e . e teetat g. euatir e she am as nn. pjg.iu u e ei.u a s e.... .e s i.e . e i s se.e .J.,e ee e. e..i. a: Ele 8e"u saed est e as t er t eJ e. i . e terra it i . na i ggt ep.giggggp > gs. ee .c t a g a tj eyte .1 s e e s ea.Jge..ide.e ..d the c.rrectie. s t ic M .f gjugis.esi.. t, b e e sc uee=

                             .        s. . heil .t a gg(     este.4  eal!.ep         se Hethe dprtof.tye.fej eet.fek                             t 3,c?.!!11L g.ipstr.891. adgg-                                                                                      .

ub e .it t .c t . r * . e rrec tive a:tlaa . 5

                             .esi.s e. .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 I hCA-4t h ll                          S.. lit y  A..                            s e Esc.rd.

(ej .; he Cec t s lic et. 4 A=e b.e!..t l..ld.t . bell maint.i. * *

                          ,ium,,mu        utwito    are . .'ue                                                                                        u m a. me                                                                                                        .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               "^*9" n - am               r e u                                        ne -wf une..~.~e.e   . we me e n e-eti.!< a r. ,= =v m-r                                                                                      du -en. . rr m ...e                                           .


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               =                     -

g1_pregjeu.. t ir .e.stasjae. etr. man'*a. as*_.'rst date notea teUre ead d=rici reretJyrrtuartssliggims i . .n,g ,fWM*W -Sme.4&a a shall l ve a sy .tein for mrr ste... .c neeig. se,.. . eu tle analatenance of records as revalred 1.y NA.4tn.lf.


iiiUEr tati t i9a o C.f eME11u:lifistix

                                            *Mbet          . **4 J .f tt. d.It t.nuinraLeats          TI:e d e l e .h*ll l.. iat e te e g!.s.4 d.i. .c-t titl_at ittm_llutilitM.t e chere.                                                                            *                                       '"'
                            .. g..s e fic.t i.a s f s + +-aae t n ea- e s- s e.                                                                                                                                                                                                         !

(6) access. .g;ge s eed 6. e*wir sca-st eatu.ee23ri l Het sh.tted re@e. g t a 6. .. in e . .. 4 s. . - o.u .66cm .su aus. eueu 67 ..i..rni.e -doneo u .i. j g E.i. nnue.6ebe..c ed e* tide * *i'*6 8. ** ne t i. ail d a en ;,efi ** it.csiciaFrecimeiie" e a;im.ii.~.i t;4 i..W,

                                                          . ice.                                                                                                                                                                                          -
  • gEg%.ip, and jle se h a s c are ,

ee ag..A.g ir iSal for .41 eu.see ne.e see.rJ e .ar ' te the e . ver .J* red. B et tt.8 8 e*PF. (g) t .j iogg .'dg,,g3 r b e s e c t. f i loed ub j ec tt th. Omice's e*nst ueitLtL.1%It!itt.Jak*. ere eie refila a for a ceri i fie . en,tggg, , Ms. cast ic s M s.s eerc fies t s.i.stret t J ailiedt.a_a rties.n.faiss sor **e she a c e i.e .e. . i t!..Its.s ein g3q re tt%.f .6a si.etitaEa< t*t it .tha.t_Itteittelil*. *a eeted e. .riria.1 Pr.u T

                     .Le !.!

t d f r.i . De etitL_at t .1n*Lits.Jf ial r=read si awt11tm repievel tru eear.hetity n a ir.c lei.te. e ene heori&.wre'lar emm ttu t ad.rJ

                        =t (eg         iir.e g{e? sup_gd.n?

est .ut! .8 r seaf try st r.e.e.n*t n r. u.e!ese.!P.s e.* erat Tii. . u s e k. = ui. a.nea i

                                                                                                                                                          *t wzuusel',.!si.t.tle.s it .!..                                                         ne Er             11
                          .4emin eceule..,sifeTh i>.                                                                                                                       .

rere.> c i .e . ve ne o e,.*.n tere.r...svle e.,e.ui. e..s.n. ..

  • 5
                       . e is, r ecc e4. .tir i.e.4 6. *cM i n. i n ct a,r ese aire s en, eine _et i me .r                                                                                                                                                  ,

c . ,'c ..,' c .tP s . '. . ' he h e s i lie "* r*rr * * ** * *r 1 *e ntiana s eie r.ia ea t e ei.o t  ;

i. se ..i gvl u saw , we hs _st.IL6. re.r .=iu. for de=Ima*itae ih. s ee ee.

s ch a rc.e4.r.t . e int se e ne e. . .i.i=O. U._ *

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ,                  4 t u i. m a. c.r..c..                                                .uus niernro;                                                                                                                                 '                    '

( smi etz uh e.s s ania rd.h I, Li a__ egg 3 tags sa. gg;tgg-ger p e..r. ice inerec e s.n Ui .the twe _ p Wtool shelt 6s IsteiatL&a._tu11Lat.  ! *

                                                        ?? the *ies. fit, ef !!!*ttJadettune                                                                                       far she pried _etitslices in                                                                    .
                                                      , nce.
s. < rte) i e .an& ...

n1_Ji;;iEIrdsi (H eere ri;;n_ rae f*rrC8 on. *** 8. 3, cs ac. cc and ca. 2 - 81Lue et 1

  • r<rsue i *terte. a. errisstw ue ..t s ue.4ed i. soci.e.

8"eace r*'82'88 h 8. (4 M tJitLttlM*98 t ta M.L El.fs ellaterie siutti Isr t.-serelce 8 kf t l.e.*lL5t*gider aliese .e ed a when

                                                      .de.lg..s t E** ead             i.g .PM.*c.5**

s_ sde f.rt reteeti _1]*e..O'*f yv

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            'b 4

e e

 . . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                             ....__.____.___.m                _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . - _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ . - . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ -                                                    ._m._-.__m_____-____m___._.__                             __._._m.____                  __________m          m_    __ .. 2  ..__ ___--+

e e a t

                                                                                            -               e     -
s. - - e .e .ee.. -een e==- - - - -- -_


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ~ ~
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ~ '

C Las !' Q' m C' CeS, C 8a c. Co - C LA.s s .,3 o (3) 1h4 rert ified in eien Seccificet tenedemet r=cties 5recifiestisee. IM e i r a Pr es s er e . esJ Ceme t rac t ion ,sg,ar s e ( B.CA* )MH g (31 1 a t tlcl.213 e. rescerl e es* cat ed. f o r each c**Pe eet , part, ' etTr t!*;*h fil ia* 8 i die II, I (4) .ihe esges ted ser tifIs5'Stress 18 **dl t i*r **essees Reporte, ***bl esensete I A fT**Tema

  • es Ses te;= Retes t with tee lf sgeslee regerJies the applis eklitF of Sasses taperte, of rees seleotatione es threit e Sepast to t&e sea .

es..asected seedities (LC.l*3nt. h3-3408, ha-33ce ma-36thJ sad kC-Isle)g e ()) 16.e seg elred ee-reemetros ted dreerieg e eestified es to seesectesse l (hte 3M4)g n (h) ce,ie. en en cest a sied i.etes tet a,,.i t. (ba-mo pa-nn, i tre 4120. CS Sale end CC 3436) e (I) As-test a sketch instedlet 'lecettee of seecrete ptosement e er Lebe- g 1stsee of esteriale (hs-4tl2. (8-4823. CC-4t23); and secorde of r pass-teesiecing negosase, preceJere and leeJa. (4) teeJeetswaties ====ineties report e ie .leJieg seemits of

  • es.3inesioen. repost shall else give the esse and SNT*fC*lA .

satieg el the abL pereee st anterpretles the essaisation resetas. y litel s edaotsephe shall be ins teded were reJietreld.y hee been pee fere.ed t e8-19 80) g , (3) he eeds of sti heet seesteente (ht*23eJ and art-stos). These , esserde way be eith.e the test-treet chast e os e summer y dos:sipa tien of best-treet time med teoreestore date certified by the Cerait icate teelder. he a t treatment e per fereed by the F.sterial re.e.f astecer to easiety set-ieemente of the estesiel epecilise. -? tisas esy be sepeated on the testified stategist test be pes t . , (d)

  • A f t e r s ee mt s nec t iee tentic ati e. seesteristyQgg gliggh gtt veceededactsJiorgiLeym ter Cless 4. f.eee M. Cisee CS and (less CC iteee reEa!Id .IR ZiIllLL* tl.!**i.L
  • with ghts L e g ion ee4 the Cergilhtt_a .

AI Aethes isat ies G elder *egel et y deserence Prerres . steert thsee segwired ie , _Etu mind. nun u_r *5etemd tLa Wte ** umettr tz'ad m be ne , b.2tt_nLiedtlituilt NHiLitt.1 reriod of btertalt Lzcantsitae of the tin. t-t artlptthal.ites t_atsrt_statuirLame_s6an et itz alsas._ ' a) s tesne the dies is eleced se service, serien of the oppropeiste certifisate siender e sets seport on.sta se sited with the eef.eseeest e.the I ses  ; heeleg j.riodis t ien et the Recet ten et ice inenetteties. >-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    . . :-                      ,t.             j bCA-4134.88                          AeJ!t e                                                                                                                                            , j. .g
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               'I A cesgeeter eite syssee of glemoed end gerledic endite ehett be serried
                                                                 ~                                                                                                                                                                                                               '

est by the C'is e elli.~teVTetGribt aen%Wafe ertaesset see,te agewge. gegQ ,

                                   ,,sece =sth ela es,3s te of the 9.e16ty h e=r enc e , Program ees to Nerejee ghy_                                                                                                                                           ,

g lf ec ggserie s el sie fregen. R.e s=4st e en: ell be ger forucJ se eersedsete enth abbikEn Prec.gJuttg er sh:tkilet s kg ger emer;el eet] hee neg dis eg gegei('III{g .

  • is t oe aree s t e i..g e.dit ed. A d. vesente shalt he der eeted b saliie -l t
                                         .f!!':a",el f*I f ef.ikbbd'I*UaI kNEbfedelbilijd'efe~y theeres e= Mail!s in:luJ ee.t re e -tit o f def se sent_orese shalLhe tabea *hese pigw_g.mtim.=18e s oi a c e t                84                 el e=dste shall be sieJe seeslebte se the Inoposter,                                                                 , -

s, a e- e l* . oh 4 5 'F

                                                                                                                                                                             ,                                                            .             ..-                    I-                                                                                                                                                  ,


 - _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . . -                                _-._______________2_____                               _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                       _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _              _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _                     .w__ __   _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -_        -_ _ _ _ _           _ _ . - * -                     ---v--                _. me m- -e   -e r+--~     .=}}