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m aLuLap_m mum u umLus uutus um a meas _ us.umEm asa swm__m_ ,3ste us ums um mur a m m nur _ _ ygg
  , PORa4 NRC SSO N%C LICENSE NO,              ;p'                              1 (77s .                                                                                                                                            .
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:ntisuCMSEEXMRES 30 June 1986                                                                                                                                                                                n,l"g!
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Entteh States of Amertra                                                                                                        .
                                                                                                                                                                            .        s            -
:. ;n Nuclear Regulatory Commission                                                                                                                                          ', 'y!
Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended,and the Energy to the licensee authorizing the export of the materials and/or product 6en Poorganization Act of 1974 and the respelatione of the Nuclear Regulatory or utilization facilities listed below, mbiect to the terme and conditions l.,
Commission issued purmaant thereto, and in retience on statements and herein.                                                                                                                        -
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repeweentations heretofore made by the licensee, e licones is hereby leeued LICENSEE                                                                                ULTIM ATE CONSIGNEE IN FOREIGr4 COUNTRY                                          ,        q 1
NAME Edlow International Company as agent                                                                    NAME for Empresa Nacional. del Uranio, S.A.                                                                              Fuerzas et al          Electricas de Cataluna,                              *J S.A Ano:Es3 1815 H Street, N.W.                                                                  (ENUSA)          AcoREst Asco Nuclear Reactor                                                                ~"'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ,J" f Suite 910                                                                                                              Asco, Tarragona, Spain                                                          ;            i Washington, D.C. 20006                                                                                                                                                                                      ,
(Fuel for Asco Unit 2)
Attn: Lisa Harrington INTORMEDIATE CONSIONEE IN FOREIGN COUNTRY                                                                    OTHER PARTIES 70 EXPORY it .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    'l' T
NAME                British Nuclear Fuels, plc                                                                                    U.S. Department of Energy Risley, Warrington WA3 6AS                                                                                    Goodyear Atomic Corporation                                                            '
England                  (Conversion)                                                                        P. O. Box 628 Piketon, Ohio 45661 ADDAESS                  ENUSA                                                                                                                                                                                                  f Fabrica de Elementos Combustibles Juzbado, Salamanca, Spain (Fabrication)                                                                                                                                                                                        C                ,
APPLICANT *S REP. NO.                                                                                        COUNTRY OP ULTIMATE oESTiNATiON Spain-                                                        ''- "' -
ENUSA 2 QUANTITY                      DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL 5 OR P ACILITIES                                                                                                                          o i' l ' i 7,04.894 kilogi                ams              Uranium-235 Contained in 22,000.000 kilograms                                                                                                                          4 uranium, enriched to 3.27 w/o maximum.                                                                .        .n              3y m          ie            up u'                                                  Conditions 6 and 8 on page two of this license. apply to this q y~ i; export,                                                                                                                                                  a-r
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leelther this tiristes not any fleht.under this tioonas ehets be seeigned of                                  '--                                                                  GNTATIVE etherwte trensferred in whlettori of the provleione'of the Atomic Enwsy                                          :L                                    i .. u,;            m    Uf . m- in                            1 d                Ul. p Att)f 1,964, se emended and the Energy Hoorganisetlen [ct of '1974.                                                                                ,i!        ,  l} l t            ~
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o        o                                  N.. -                    amed V. Zinimennan, Assistant Directo'r & 4 Thee tacones is stelect to the rleht of recapture or control by Section 108 of                                g g g 'ggg gggg7pggggggj ggfggggpg$ $
ihe Ato,r.i. cners, Act of iss4, s. wnended and to Mi of the oth, prove-
    . eione of e.u Acts, now or hwe. vin in eefeci .nd to eri vend ruie, and Office of Intornational Programs 1mm                                                                  Y ~'
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regulations of the Necteer Regulatory Commlose:n,                                                          DATE OP ISSU ANC,                          AY 151985 ' o
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U.S. N0 CLEAR REGULATORY COMMIS$10N EXPORT LICENSE Conditions                          License Number N
Condition 1 - Licensee shall file with the Customs Officer or the Postmaster two copies,in addi-tion to those otherwise required, of the Shipper's Export Dectoration covering each export and mark one of such copies for transmittal to the U.S. Nuclear Regu-lotory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555. The following dectoration should oc.
company or be placed on the Shipper's Export Declarotions for such exports:
                                "This shipment is being made pursuont to specific license number (specific license number) filed at (location of Customs office where license is filed),
on (date license was filed). This license expires on (expiration dote of license), and the unshipped bolonce remaining on this license is sufficient to cover the shipment desenbed on this declaration /
Condition 2 - Exports authorized in any country or destination, except Country Groups Q, S, W, X, Y, and Z in Port 370, Supplement No.1, of the Comprehens've Export Schedule of the U.S. Department of Commerce.
Condition 3 - This hcense covers only the nuclear content of the material.
Condition 4 - The material to be exported under this license shall be shipped in accordance with the physical protection requirements for special nuclear material in 10 CFR 73.
Condition 5 - Special nuclear material authorized for export under this l cense shall not be transported outside the United States in possenger carrying circraft in shipments exceeding (1) 20 grams or 20 curies, whichever is less, of plutonium or uranium 233, or (2) 350 grams of uromum 235.
Condition 6- This licen:o authorizes e, port only and does not authorne the rece;pt, phys col possession, or use of the nuclear material.
Condition 7 - The Ikensee shall complete and submit on NRC form 741 for each shipment of source material exported under this license.
Condition 8 - The licensee shall advise the NRC in the event there is any change in the designo, tion of the company who will package the nuclear material to be exported under this hcense, or any change in the location of the poc6agin0 operation, at least three weeks prior to the scheduled date of export, i
I !
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Latest revision as of 11:41, 23 July 2020

License for Edlow Intl Co to Export 704.894 Kg U-235, Contained in 22,000 Kg U,To Spain
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/15/1985
From: Jacob Zimmerman
ENUSA-2, NUDOCS 8505300385
Download: ML20128H017 (2)


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m aLuLap_m mum u umLus uutus um a meas _ us.umEm asa swm__m_ ,3ste us ums um mur a m m nur _ _ ygg

, PORa4 NRC SSO N%C LICENSE NO, ;p' 1 (77s . .

/). 4/p:/V , ,

ntisuCMSEEXMRES 30 June 1986 n,l"g!


e E

Entteh States of Amertra .


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. ;n Nuclear Regulatory Commission ', 'y!

Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended,and the Energy to the licensee authorizing the export of the materials and/or product 6en Poorganization Act of 1974 and the respelatione of the Nuclear Regulatory or utilization facilities listed below, mbiect to the terme and conditions l.,

Commission issued purmaant thereto, and in retience on statements and herein. -

p 'l  :

repeweentations heretofore made by the licensee, e licones is hereby leeued LICENSEE ULTIM ATE CONSIGNEE IN FOREIGr4 COUNTRY , q 1

NAME Edlow International Company as agent NAME for Empresa Nacional. del Uranio, S.A. Fuerzas et al Electricas de Cataluna, *J S.A Ano:Es3 1815 H Street, N.W. (ENUSA) AcoREst Asco Nuclear Reactor ~"'

,J" f Suite 910 Asco, Tarragona, Spain  ; i Washington, D.C. 20006 ,

(Fuel for Asco Unit 2)


'l' T

NAME British Nuclear Fuels, plc U.S. Department of Energy Risley, Warrington WA3 6AS Goodyear Atomic Corporation '

England (Conversion) P. O. Box 628 Piketon, Ohio 45661 ADDAESS ENUSA f Fabrica de Elementos Combustibles Juzbado, Salamanca, Spain (Fabrication) C ,


ENUSA 2 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL 5 OR P ACILITIES o i' l ' i 7,04.894 kilogi ams Uranium-235 Contained in 22,000.000 kilograms 4 uranium, enriched to 3.27 w/o maximum. . .n 3y m ie up u' Conditions 6 and 8 on page two of this license. apply to this q y~ i; export, a-r

/////////////////////////////////////////END//////////////////////////////////////////////e/, '


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i Sy A 476 J INV250 ALIDNRC UNLf48 REPRE 5fGNED GELO%- H!--[. y' i -'

leelther this tiristes not any fleht.under this tioonas ehets be seeigned of '-- GNTATIVE etherwte trensferred in whlettori of the provleione'of the Atomic Enwsy :L i .. u,; m Uf . m- in 1 d Ul. p Att)f 1,964, se emended and the Energy Hoorganisetlen [ct of '1974. ,i! , l} l t ~

%[ IH 1@i L% e '

o o N.. - amed V. Zinimennan, Assistant Directo'r & 4 Thee tacones is stelect to the rleht of recapture or control by Section 108 of g g g 'ggg gggg7pggggggj ggfggggpg$ $

ihe Ato,r.i. cners, Act of iss4, s. wnended and to Mi of the oth, prove-

. eione of e.u Acts, now or hwe. vin in eefeci .nd to eri vend ruie, and Office of Intornational Programs 1mm Y ~'

i g"-

regulations of the Necteer Regulatory Commlose:n, DATE OP ISSU ANC, AY 151985 ' o


t "f

Poge 2 of 2 Page Q- 8* #


Condition 1 - Licensee shall file with the Customs Officer or the Postmaster two copies,in addi-tion to those otherwise required, of the Shipper's Export Dectoration covering each export and mark one of such copies for transmittal to the U.S. Nuclear Regu-lotory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555. The following dectoration should oc.

company or be placed on the Shipper's Export Declarotions for such exports:

"This shipment is being made pursuont to specific license number (specific license number) filed at (location of Customs office where license is filed),

on (date license was filed). This license expires on (expiration dote of license), and the unshipped bolonce remaining on this license is sufficient to cover the shipment desenbed on this declaration /

Condition 2 - Exports authorized in any country or destination, except Country Groups Q, S, W, X, Y, and Z in Port 370, Supplement No.1, of the Comprehens've Export Schedule of the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Condition 3 - This hcense covers only the nuclear content of the material.

Condition 4 - The material to be exported under this license shall be shipped in accordance with the physical protection requirements for special nuclear material in 10 CFR 73.

Condition 5 - Special nuclear material authorized for export under this l cense shall not be transported outside the United States in possenger carrying circraft in shipments exceeding (1) 20 grams or 20 curies, whichever is less, of plutonium or uranium 233, or (2) 350 grams of uromum 235.

Condition 6- This licen:o authorizes e, port only and does not authorne the rece;pt, phys col possession, or use of the nuclear material.

Condition 7 - The Ikensee shall complete and submit on NRC form 741 for each shipment of source material exported under this license.

Condition 8 - The licensee shall advise the NRC in the event there is any change in the designo, tion of the company who will package the nuclear material to be exported under this hcense, or any change in the location of the poc6agin0 operation, at least three weeks prior to the scheduled date of export, i

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