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{{#Wiki_filter:I PLANTS UNDEIR or. REVIEW FF3, ". ' 31 (/evA, 0e Aftkr r176 . 1/2 Byron 1/2 Braidwood
1/2 LaSalle 1/2 Midland 1/2 McGuire 2 So. Texas 1/2 Shoreham Waterford Grand Gulf 1/2 Diablo Canyon 1/2 Susquehana
                                                                      FF3, ".' 31 PLANTS UNDEIR or. REVIEW
1/2 St. Lucie 2 Summer 1 San Onofre 2/3 Bellefonte
                                                            (/evA, 0e Aftkr
1/2 Watts Bar 1/2 Sequoyah 2 Comanche Peak 1/2 WPPSS-2 Fermi 2 Zimmer I Perry 1/2-Palo Verde Catawba Marble Hill Wolf Creek Callaway 50-461/462
    1. Clinton 1/2
50-454, 455 50-456/457
    2. Byron 1/2
50-373, 374 50-329,330
50- 370 50-498, 499 50-32 2 50-382 50-416/417
                                            50-454,   455 r176
50-275, 323 ,50-387, 388 50-389 50- 39 5 50-361, 362 50-438, 439 50-390, 391 50- 328 50-445, 446 50- 39 7 50-341 50 --3:. 8 50-440, 50-528, 50-413, 50-546, 50-4 82 50-483, 441 529, 530 414 547 486 I 1 R1O323O81 fEH'i -* 1 9YWI PLANTS UNDER (CONSTRUCTION
    3.  Braidwood 1/2                      50-456/457 . .20.Cherokee 1/2/3 Beaver Valley 2 St. Lucie 2 Vogtle 1/2 River Bend 1/2 50-491, 50-412 50-3 89 50-424, 50-458, 492, 493 425 459 e Forked River Nine Mile Point 2 Millstone
    4.  LaSalle 1/2                        50-373,   374
3.BailJy 2 Limerick 1/2-Hope Creek 1/2 Seabrook 1/2 50-36 3 50-410 50-4 23 50-367 50-352,*50-354, 50-443, Hartsville
    5.  Midland 1/2                        50-329,330
1/2/3/4 Phipps Bend 1/2 Yellow Crcek 1/2 WPPSS 1/3/4/5 Harris 1/2/3/4 FNP 50-518, 50-553, 50-566, 50-460, 50-400, 50-437 353 355 444 519, 520, 521 554 567 508, 513, 509 401, 402, 403 ALL POWER REACTOR LICENSEES Docket No. 50-348 Farley Unit 1 Docket No. 50-313 Arkansas Unit 1 Docket No. 50-368 Arkansas Unit 2 Docket No. 50-317 Calvert Cliffs Unit 1 Docket No. 50-318 Calvert Cliffs Unit 2 Docket No. 50-293 Pilgrim Unit 1 Docket No. 50-325 Brunswick Unit 1 Docket No. 50-324 Brunswick Unit 2 Docket No. 50-261 H. B. Robinson Unit 2 Docket No. 50-10 Dresden Unit 1 Docket No. 50-237 Dresden Unit 2 Docket No. 50-249 Dresden Unit 3 Docket No. 50-254 Quad-Cities Unit 1 Docket No. 50-265 Quad-Cities Unit 2 Docket No. 50-295 Zion Unit 1 Docket No. 50-304 Zion Unit 2 Docket No. 50-213 Connecticut Yankee (Haddam Neck)Docket No. 50-3 Indian Point Unit 1 Docket No. 50-247 Indian Point Unit 2 Docket 50-286 Indian Point Unit 3 Docket No. 50-155 Big Rock Point Docket No. 50-255 Palisades Docket No. 50-409 Lacrosse Docket No. 50-269 Oconee Unit 1 Docket No. 50-270 Oconee Unit 2 Docket No. 50-287 Oconee Unit 3 Docket No. 50-334 Beaver Valley Unit 1 Docket No. 50-302 Crystal River 3 Docket No. 50-335 St. Lucie Unit 1 Docket No. 50-250 Turkey Point Unit 3 Docket No. 50-251 Turkey Point Unit 4 Docket No. 50-321 Edwin I. Hatch Unit 1 Docket No. 50-366 Edwin I. Hatch Unit 2 Docket No. 50-315 D. C. Cook Unit 1 UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY
    6.  McGuire    2                        50-       370
    7.  So. Texas 1/2                      50-498,   499
g aWASHINGTON, D. C. 205 February 26, 1981 ALL CONSTRUCTION
    8.  Shoreham                            50-32 2
    9. Waterford                            50-382
  10.   Grand Gulf 1/2                     50-416/417
MICEN$ES Gentlemen:
  11.   Diablo Canyon 1/2                   50-275,   323
RE: PERIODIC UPDATING OF FINAL SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORTS (FSARs)(GENERIC LETTER 81-06)The Commission approved the rule 50.71(e) (copy enclosed)
  12.   Susquehana 1/2                     ,50-387,   388
entitled,"Periodic Updating of FinWl Safety Analysis Reports" and published the rule in the Federal Register on May 9, 1980. The rule became effective on July 22, 1980.Although this new rule applies to holders of operating licenses for power reactors, we believe your organization should be aware of it, since, within 24 months after issuance of an operating license or July 22, 1982, whichever is later, the original FSAR submitted as a part of the OL application must be updated in the specific manner provided in the rule. Thereafter, it must be updated at least annually.
  13.   St. Lucie 2                         50-389
  14. Summer 1                             50- 39 5
  15.   San Onofre 2/3                     50-361,    362
  16. Bellefonte 1/2                       50-438,    439
  17. Watts Bar 1/2                       50-390,    391
  18. Sequoyah    2                       50-       328
  19. Comanche Peak 1/2                   50-445,   446

Each update must reflect all changes up to six months prior to the filing of the update.Although the rule itself is self-explanatory, several questions have been asked regarding the FSAR's legal status, format and content, and we have provided the enclosed guidance.Further questions should be directed to the Project Manager for your facility.\ ncerely, Darrell G irector Division of Licensing Enclosure:
21. WPPSS-2                              50- 39 7
As stated ubr al Reirlster I Vol. 45. No. 92 1 Friday. May L 1980 1 Rules ia Regulations
  22. Fermi 2                              50-341
* lawnt vwwam ..---. -- --- .---- ------
  23. Zimmer I                            50 --3:. 8
  24 . Perry 1/2                            50-440,    441
  25. -Palo Verde                          50-528,    529,  530
10 CFR Part 60 Perlodlc Updating of Final Safety Anlysis Reports AM=N0 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
  26.  Catawba                            50-413,    414
  27. Marble Hill                          50-546,    547
  28.  Wolf Creek                          50-4 82
  29.   Callaway                            50-483,    486
  1 IR1O323O81

ACTIOm: Final rule.SUMMARr. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission Is amending lbrejutions to require each person licensed to operate a nuclear power reactor to submit periodically to the Commission revised pages for Its Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR). These revised pages will indicate changes which have been made to reflect information and analyses submitted to the Commission or prepared as a result of Commission requirement.
fEH'i -* 19YWI
1.  Cherokee 1/2/3                50-491, 492, 493
2.  Beaver Valley 2              50-412
3.  St. Lucie 2                  50-3 89
4.  Vogtle 1/2                    50-424, 425
5.  River Bend 1/2                50-458, 459
6.                                  e
7.  Forked River                  50-36 3
8.  Nine Mile Point 2            50-410
9.   Millstone 3.                 50-4 23
10.  BailJy 2                      50-367
11 .  Limerick 1/2                  50-352, 353
12.  -Hope Creek 1/2                        355
13.   Seabrook 1/2                  50-443, 444

The amendment Is being made to provide an updated reference document to be used In recurring safety analyses performed by the licensee, the Commission.
15.  Hartsville 1/2/3/4            50-518, 519, 520, 521
16.  Phipps Bend 1/2              50-553, 554
17.  Yellow Crcek 1/2              50-566, 567
18.  WPPSS 1/3/4/5                50-460, 508, 513, 509
19 .  Harris 1/2/3/4                50-400, 401, 402, 403
20.   FNP                          50-437

and other interested parties..EFFECTIVE
DATE: July 22 190.Not,-The Nuclear Regulatory Commisslon has submitted this rule to the Comptroller General for such review as may be appropriate under the Federal Reports Act. as amended. UUS.C. 351L Us date on which the reporting requirement of this rule becomes effective.
Docket No. 50-348                        Docket No. 50-3 Farley Unit 1                            Indian Point Unit 1 Docket No. 50-313                        Docket No. 50-247 Arkansas Unit 1                          Indian Point Unit 2 Docket No. 50-368                        Docket 50-286 Arkansas Unit 2                          Indian Point Unit 3 Docket No. 50-317                        Docket No. 50-155 Calvert Cliffs Unit 1                    Big Rock Point Docket No. 50-318                        Docket No. 50-255 Calvert Cliffs Unit 2                    Palisades Docket No. 50-293                        Docket No. 50-409 Pilgrim Unit 1                            Lacrosse Docket No. 50-325                        Docket No. 50-269 Brunswick Unit 1                          Oconee Unit 1 Docket No. 50-324                          Docket No. 50-270
Brunswick Unit 2                          Oconee Unit 2 Docket No. 50-261                          Docket No. 50-287 H. B. Robinson Unit 2                      Oconee Unit 3 Docket No. 50-10                          Docket No. 50-334 Dresden Unit 1                            Beaver Valley Unit 1 Docket No. 50-237                          Docket No. 50-302 Dresden Unit 2                            Crystal River 3 Docket No. 50-249                          Docket No. 50-335 Dresden Unit 3                            St. Lucie Unit 1 Docket No. 50-254                        Docket No. 50-250
Quad-Cities Unit 1                        Turkey Point Unit 3 Docket No. 50-265                        Docket No. 50-251 Quad-Cities Unit 2                        Turkey Point Unit 4 Docket No. 50-295                        Docket No. 50-321 Zion Unit 1                                Edwin I. Hatch Unit 1 Docket No. 50-304                          Docket No. 50-366 Zion Unit 2                                Edwin I. Hatch Unit 2 Docket No. 50-213                          Docket No. 50-315 Connecticut Yankee (Haddam Neck)          D. C. Cook Unit 1

unless advised to the contrary.
      (GENERIC LETTER 81-06)
The Commission approved the rule 50.71(e) (copy enclosed) entitled,
"Periodic Updating of FinWl Safety Analysis Reports" and published the rule in the Federal Register on May 9, 1980. The rule became effective on July 22, 1980.

accordingly, reflects Inclusion of the 4Sday period which that statute allows for such review (44 U.S.C. 3Ut(c)(2)).
Although this new rule applies to holders of operating licenses for power reactors, we believe your organization should be aware of it, since, within
24 months after issuance of an operating license or July 22, 1982, whichever is later, the original FSAR submitted as a part of the OL application must be updated in the specific manner provided in the rule. Thereafter, it must be updated at least annually. Each update must reflect all changes up to six months prior to the filing of the update.

Although the rule itself is self-explanatory, several questions have been asked regarding the FSAR's legal status, format and content, and we have provided the enclosed guidance.
.Mr. Morton R. Fleishman.

Office of Standards Development.
Further questions should be directed to the Project Manager for your facility.

US. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
\  ncerely, Darrell G            irector Division of Licensing Enclosure:
As stated

* lawnt vwwam    .
                    . ---.
                                Reirlster I Vol. 45. No. 92 1 Friday. May L 1980 1 Rules ia
                                        ---  .  - ---  - - -                        ---
                                                                                                                  Regulations      WMENNOMAIN
                                                      *1UPftKMINTARY INFORMATIOW. On              which theNRCstaff is making a November A197L the Nuclear                  systematic safety evaluation of eleven Regulatory Commission published in the      (11) nuclear power facilities licensed for Federal Rjgster (41 FR 49123) notice        operation before 172. The purpose of of proposed Ma making      invitig vlnttow this systmatleevaluation program suggestions or comments on the              ISEP) Is to determine and document the proposed sle by December S&19t A            degree to which the eleven (p1)facilitlms notce f correction and extension of        mec            t licensing requirements for comment period was published In the        new plants. Of the tva (5) plants Federal Register on December 27, 19        li sd por o January 1 1983 that are
                                                      141 FRS O In whIch the comment                si lI sed to operate, three (3)are period was extended to January 28.1977.    Included In the SEP. Th remaining two the notices concerned proposed              (23 plants.' which presently are shut atendments to 10 CFR Part 50                down, will be subject to the provisions Licening of Production and Utilization  of the nrle as long as their licenses Facilities." to require each applicant for. authorize operation or holder of, a power reactor operating        The licensees participating in the SEP
                                                      license which would be or was issued        probably will be requested to supply a after January 1,1963 to submit              considerable amount of Information periodically to the Commission revised      during the program. Requiring them In pages for its Final Safety Analysis        addition. to update their FSARs could Report (FSAR). These revised pages          prove to be excessively burdensome and would Indicate changes made In the          cauld result In duplication of reports.

D.C. 20555. telephone
facility or the procedures for its          The Information generated during the operation and any analyses affected by      program and the manner in which it i NUCLEAR REGULATORY                                  these changes. Thirty-one persons          collated wM result in a completed FSAR
  COMMISSION                                          submitted comments regarding the            at the concluson of the program For proposed amendments. The commenters        these reasons licensees of facilities
  10 CFR Part 60                                      could be roughly divided Into three groups with seventeen supporting the        being subjected by the NRC to a Perlodlc Updating of Final Safety                                                              systematic evaluation program will not nile with comments, eleven opposed to      be required to comply with the Anlysis Reports                                    the rue. and three neutral. Copies of the  provisions of thfs rule until they are AM=N0 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory                      comments received may be examined in r-;blc the CommlsIon's            Document      notified by letter by the NRC' Director Commission.                                                                                      of the OfEice of Nuclear Reactor ACTIOm: Final rule.                                Room at 1717 H Street. NW.,                Regulation that. for their particular Washington. D.C.                           facility. the propam has been SUMMARr. The Nuclear Regulatory                          The substantive areas of comment can  completei. BcaUSe of the Commission Is amending lbrejutions                  be categorized generally as follows:
                                                                                                  considerations just mentioned, that part to require each person licensed to                  1 Carcation of Rul*                        of the prpsd rmlewbl limited the operate a nuclear power reactor to                  L Applicability of Rule                    applcabiiy to filities licensed after submit periodically to the Commission              3. Content of TSAR                          January 2.1963 has been deleted and the revised pages for Its Final Safety                  4. Scope of Rule L ming of Submittals                      rule will apply to all power reactors Analysis Report (FSAR). These revised                                                            licnsed to operate.

pages will indicate changes which have              L Relation of Rule to Other Rules and been made to reflect information and                                                                Tle. R required to be updated by
                                                        7. 11 Status of Updated FMAR                the rule is the original FSAR submitted analyses submitted to the Commission                a Costjeneflt of Rule                      as part of the application for the or prepared as a result of Commission                    In response to the comments received,  operat        u nse. It would not include requirement. The amendment Is being                  the Commission Is modifying the rle to      the subsequent supplements and made to provide an updated reference                (a) extend Its applicability to all power  amendments to the FSAR or the license document to be used In recurring safety              reactors licensed to operate, (b) exclude  that may have been submitted either In analyses performed by the licensee, the              applicants for operating licenses. (c)      response to NRC questions or on the Commission. and other interested                    clarify the wording of the rule (dl        applica        or licensee's own initiative parties..                                            reduce Its impact on power reactor          folowing the orinl submittal. These EFFECTIVE DATE: July 22 190.                        licensees by relexdng some of the time      various splements and aendments Not,-The Nuclear Regulatory                        requirements. and (e) require the Initial  must be aopriately incorporated Into ,
  Commisslon has submitted this rule to the            revision to be a complete FSAR.            the original FSAR to create a single.

On November A 197L the Nuclear Regulatory Commission published in the Federal Rjgster (41 FR 49123) notice of proposed Ma making invitig vlnttow suggestions or comments on the proposed sle by December S& 19t A notce f correction and extension of comment period was published In the Federal Register on December 27, 19 141 FR S O In whIch the comment period was extended to January 28.1977.the notices concerned proposed atendments to 10 CFR Part 50 Licening of Production and Utilization Facilities." to require each applicant for.or holder of, a power reactor operating license which would be or was issued after January 1,1963 to submit periodically to the Commission revised pages for its Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR). These revised pages would Indicate changes made In the facility or the procedures for its operation and any analyses affected by these changes. Thirty-one persons submitted comments regarding the proposed amendments.
Comptroller General for such review as may              When the proposed rule was              complete and integral document. The be appropriate under the Federal Reports            published for public comment. its          initial revision to be filed should contain Act. as amended. UUS.C. 351L Us date on              applicability was limited to those plants  those pages From the originally which the reporting requirement of this rule becomes effective. unless advised to the            licensed after January 1.1963 in order to   submitted TSAR-that are still applicable contrary. accordingly, reflects Inclusion of the     exempt five (5)older facilities. The      plus new replacement pages that
  4Sday period which that statute allows for            Commission believed that it would not      appropriately incorporate the effects of such review (44 U.S.C. 3Ut(c)(2)).                    be feasible for these licensees to          supplements. amendments and other FOR FURTHER INFORMATION

The commenters could be roughly divided Into three groups with seventeen supporting the nile with comments, eleven opposed to the rue. and three neutral. Copies of the comments received may be examined in the CommlsIon's r-;blc Document Room at 1717 H Street. NW., Washington.
.                      implement the rule because there Is no      chaes tat have been made. This will Mr. Morton R. Fleishman. Office of                    integrated document comparable to an        result in a dngle complete document Standards Development. US. Nuclear                    FSAR for their facilities. Since Regulatory Commission. Washington.                   publication of the proposed rule, the         '"Me two Iecttles am*Idian Point Unrt No. I
                                                        Commission has Initiated a program in      and Humbai&Say Unit No. 3.

D.C.The substantive areas of comment can be categorized generally as follows: 1 Carcation of Rul*L Applicability of Rule 3. Content of TSAR 4. Scope of Rule L ming of Submittals L Relation of Rule to Other Rules and 7. 11 Status of Updated FMAR a Costjeneflt of Rule In response to the comments received, the Commission Is modifying the rle to (a) extend Its applicability to all power reactors licensed to operate, (b) exclude applicants for operating licenses. (c)clarify the wording of the rule (dl reduce Its impact on power reactor licensees by relexdng some of the time requirements.
D.C. 20555. telephone 31-443-5921.

and (e) require the Initial revision to be a complete FSAR.When the proposed rule was published for public comment. its applicability was limited to those plants licensed after January 1.1 963 in order to exempt five (5) older facilities.
Federal .Regisr / Vol. 4 No. 92 / Friday. May 9. 1980 1 Rais and Regulations                                    3061S
  being filed, that can then serve as the                  be at least the same as originally          of license amendments and technical baseline for future changes.                            provided. Minor differences between        specification changes are independent Commenters have asked about the                    actual and projected population figures    of the FSAR updating process and once
' proper format to be used when making                    or other such changes in the site          approved would not be subjdct '
    'he FSAR submittal. Since the format of                environment need not be reported            further consideration smply because the the FSAR is not covered by regulation.                  unless the conclusions of safety              SAR Is updated. This. of course, does the rule does not specify a particular                  analyses reative to public health and      not precude the reevaluation of format. ne NRC staff has provided                      safety are afected and the censee has      previous positions based on new guidance for the preparation of FSARs                  ptrepared new analyses as a result of      Information or new considerations. The in Regulatory Cuide I.7 Revision 2.                    NRC requ.emens                              material submitted may be reviewed by Standard Format and Content of Safety                  Commenters have questioned the          the NRC staff but will not be formally Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power                      relation of the proposed FSAR updating      approved. The new pages will be Plants" However, many FSARs were                        requirements to other reporting            accepted as representing the licensee's developed prior to any specific guidance                requirements such as the Annual            position at the time of submittal and will on format The format to be used for the                Operating Report and I S0.59(b)             be utilized in any subsequent reviews or FSAR revisions is the option of the                    reporting. It is not the Commission's      NRC staff activities concerning that licensee, but the Commission expects                    intention to require submittal of          facility.

The Commission believed that it would not be feasible for these licensees to implement the rule because there Is no integrated document comparable to an FSAR for their facilities.
that the format will probably be the                    duplicative reports. The Commission Is        After consideration of the comments same as the format of the original FSAM                eliminating the requirement for the        that were received and other factors, the No analyses other than those already                    Annual Operating Report ThsaRIl            Commission has adopted the prepared or submitted pursuant to NRC                  reduce significantly the reporting burden  amendment to Part 50 as set forth requirements (either originaly with the                 of licensees. Tere has been no             below.

Since publication of the proposed rule, the Commission has Initiated a program in which theNRCstaff is making a systematic safety evaluation of eleven (11) nuclear power facilities licensed for operation before 172. The purpose of this systmatle evaluation program ISEP) Is to determine and document the degree to which the eleven (p1) facilitlms mec t licensing requirements for new plants. Of the tva (5) plants li sd por o January 1 1983 that are si lI sed to operate, three (3) are Included In the SEP. Th remaining two (23 plants.' which presently are shut down, will be subject to the provisions of the nrle as long as their licenses authorize operation The licensees participating in the SEP probably will be requested to supply a considerable amount of Information during the program. Requiring them In addition.
application, or as part of the operating              requirement that 50.59(b) reporting be        Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of license review process, or as required by              part of the licensee's Annual Operating    1954 as amended, the Energy
    1 50.59 or other NRC requirement. or to               ReporL This information generally has.      Reorganization Act of 1974. as amended.

to update their FSARs could prove to be excessively burdensome and cauld result In duplication of reports.The Information generated during the program and the manner in which it i collated wM result in a completed FSAR at the concluson of the program For these reasons licensees of facilities being subjected by the NRC to a systematic evaluation program will not be required to comply with the provisions of thfs rule until they are notified by letter by the NRC' Director of the OfEice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation that. for their particular facility.
support license amendments) are                        been included in the Annual Operating      and section 5 of title S of the United required to be performed by the licensee                Report as a convenience, but it could      States Code, the following amendment because of this rule. However, analyses                have been submitted separately and the     to 10 CFR Part 50 Is published as a existing in the FSAR which are known                    licensee still would have corneplied with  document subject to codification.

the propam has been completei.
to be Inaccurate or in error as a result of            1 ,so9(b)which merely requires new analyses performed by the licensee                reporting "annually or at such shorter      PART 50-DOMESTIC LICENSING OF
    pursuant to NRC requirements. would                    intervals as may be specified In the        PRODUCTION AND UTIUZATION
    have to be revised. Specialized studies                license." Furthermore. the report            FACILITIES
    provided in the FSAR. such as On                      required under I 50.59(b) is only "a brief    Section 50n1s amended by adding a volcanic hazards or quality assurance,                description of such changes. tests. and      new paragraph (e)to read as follows:
    should include the late information                    experiments, including a summary of the that has been developed in response to                safety evaluation of each." e                f 60.71 Mantas.      o1 rsords, tkng ot NRC requirements. New analyses (i.                      1 50.59(b) reporfti may not be detailed    reports.

BcaUSe of the considerations just mentioned, that part of the prpsd rmlewbl limited the applcabiiy to filities licensed after January 2.1963 has been deleted and the rule will apply to all power reactors licnsed to operate.Tle. R required to be updated by the rule is the original FSAR submitted as part of the application for the operat u nse. It would not include the subsequent supplements and amendments to the FSAR or the license that may have been submitted either In response to NRC questions or on the applica or licensee's own initiative folowing the orinl submittal.
analyses not previously included in                    sufficiently to be considered adequate to FSAR) which were required during                      fulfill the FSAR updating requirement          (e) Each person licensed to operate a consideration        of unreviewed safety              Tle degree of detail required fpr            nuclear power reactor pursuant to the questiona 5 technical specification                    updating the FSAR will be generally          provisions of I 501 or 1 5022 shall anges. or other licewsing questions.            greater than a "brief descriptionS and a    update periodically. as provided in nay be incorporated as appendices or                "summary of the safety evaluation."        paragraphs (e)[3) and (e)(4) of this ptherwise appropriately inserted within                However. there Is nothing that precludes    section, the final safety analysis report
_ the FSA.-                                                  submitting the I 50.59(b) report along      (FSAR) originally submitted as part of Program type material that is                    with the FSAR update submittal and          the application for the operatin license, rteferenced by the FSAR. such as the                   thus patisfy 1 5059(b) along with          to assre that the information Included Quality Assurance Program or the                      10.7(e). Parts of the FSAR submittal        In the FSAR contains the latest material Emergency Plan, should be referenced                  may be referenced by the I 509(b)          developed. This submittal &hallcontain accurately. If such material has been                 report.                                    all the changes necessary to reflect revised or amended. the latest revision                  Several commenters have raised legal    Information and analyses submitted to should be referenced. A description of                                                            the Commission by the licensee or- physical changes to the facility should                questons concerning the proposed rule including questions relative to the        prepared by the licensee pursuant to be included in the update after the                  .purpose    of the rule, the implication      Commission requirement since the changes have been approved            for  use  and                                              submission of the original FSAR or. as   Jk concerning    re-reviews, the status of are operable. The level of detail to be                cowspleted  hearings.  and prior license  appropriate, the last updated FSAR. The maintained in the updated          FSAR    should                                                updated FSAR shall be revised to approvals. The rule Is only a reporting requirement to insure that an updated      include the effects of: all changes made
          'As deflned in I 50.W)(a2). A proposd cian,        TSAR will be available. Submittal of        In the facility or procedures as test. or experiment hel be deemed to involve an uteoviowed safety quesion (I) if the probabity of    updated FSAR pages does not constitute.      described in the FSAR: all safety
      *ccureCs or the consequence of an accIdent or         a licensing action but is only Intended to  evaluations performed by the licensee malfunction of equipment Importsnt to safety          provide information, It is not intended    either In support of requested license previously evaluated inthe safety analysis swport      for the purpose of re-reviewing plants.    amendments or in support of may be increased or II) if a possibility for an accident or masunction of a different type then any    Matters which have been considered          conclusions that changes did not involve
  'evalusted prenously in the safety analysis Deport        previously during hearings will not be      an unreviewed safety question: and all may be crtated: oraiii)if the asiDarn of salety as    reconsidered as a result of the FSAR        analyses of new safety issues performed defined in the basis for any technical specification                                                by or on behalf of the licenste at is reduced.'                                           submittals. Thus. for example, approvals

These various splements and aendments must be aopriately incorporated Into , the original FSAR to create a single.complete and integral document.
-1frn    r9          yr.#4-ni Pnevicp,    I Vnl- 4S. No. 92        / Friday. May 9. 1980 / Rules and Regulations JU:LAU A              -p..., On        . Vnt. __, No. 9            _  __,, M      .
Commission request. The updated                - (Sec. ath.. Pub. Law 3-703.68 Stat. OM Sec.

The initial revision to be filed should contain those pages From the originally submitted TSAR-that are still applicable plus new replacement pages that appropriately incorporate the effects of supplements.
information shall be appropriately                201. Pub. Law 33-43L.8 Stat. 12U4 142 U.S.C.

amendments and other chaes tat have been made. This will result in a dngle complete document'"Me two Iecttles am*Idian Point Unrt No. I and Humbai& Say Unit No. 3.
located within the FSAR.                         2201(b). U4t)J.

Federal .Regisr / Vol. 4 No. 92 / Friday. May 9. 1980 1 Rais and Regulations
(1) Revisions containing updated                Dated at Washington. D. this lat day of May13980.
3061S being filed, that can then serve as the baseline for future changes.Commenters have asked about the' proper format to be used when making'he FSAR submittal.

Since the format of the FSAR is not covered by regulation.
infonnation shall be submitted on a replacemept-page basis and shall be                For the Nuclear Regulatoy Commispibo.

the rule does not specify a particular format. ne NRC staff has provided guidance for the preparation of FSARs in Regulatory Cuide I.7 Revision 2.Standard Format and Content of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants" However, many FSARs were developed prior to any specific guidance on format The format to be used for the FSAR revisions is the option of the licensee, but the Commission expects that the format will probably be the same as the format of the original FSAM No analyses other than those already prepared or submitted pursuant to NRC requirements (either originaly with the application, or as part of the operating license review process, or as required by 1 50.59 or other NRC requirement.
accomparJed by a list which identifies            Samuel 1. cbllU.

or to support license amendments)
the curre;J pages of the FSAR fllowing            Secretaryof Lhe CoMMnISSiL
are required to be performed by the licensee because of this rule. However, analyses existing in the FSAR which are known to be Inaccurate or in error as a result of new analyses performed by the licensee pursuant to NRC requirements.
page replacement. One signed priginaI            FrDoI4MaU File 5.40
and 12 additional copies of the rpquired          MIumo CooM negoo information shall be filed with the Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.                                                                          * ;
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cormmision.

would have to be revised. Specialized studies provided in the FSAR. such as On volcanic hazards or quality assurance, should include the late information that has been developed in response to NRC requirements.
Washingtpn. D.C. 20555.

New analyses (i.analyses not previously included in FSAR) which were required during consideration of unreviewed safety questiona 5 technical specification anges. or other licewsing questions.
(2) The Fubmittal shall include (1)a certificatipn by a duly authorized officer of the licopsee that either the information accurately presents changes made since thle previous submiattal necrssary to reflect information and analyses ;ubmitted to the Commission or prepared pursuant to Commission requiremlt. or that no such changes were made: and (ii) an identification of chansel riaoe under the provisions of
1 50.59 but not previously submitted to the Commission.

nay be incorporated as appendices or ptherwise appropriately inserted within_ the FSA.-Program type material that is r teferenced by the FSAR. such as the Quality Assurance Program or the Emergency Plan, should be referenced accurately.
(31(i) A revision of the original FSAR
containing those original pages that are still applicble plus new replacement paees shall be filed within 24 moriths of either July 22.1980, or the date of issuance of the operating license.

If such material has been revised or amended. the latest revision should be referenced.
whichever is later, and shall bring the FSAR up lo date as of a maximum of O
months prior to the date of filing the revision.

A description of physical changes to the facility should be included in the update after the changes have been approved for use and are operable.
(ii) Not less than 15 days before
1 50.71(c) becomes effetie. the Director of thd Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation shall notify by letter the licensees of those nuclear power plants initially subject to the NRCs systematic valuation program that they need not comply with thie proviions of this aection while the programlb being condctcd at their plant. The Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation will notify by letter the license. of each nuclear power plant belng evaluated when the systematic evaluation program has been conipleted. Within 24 months after receipt of this notification, the licensee shall file a complete FSAR
which is up to date as of a maximum of t montls prior to the date of filing the revisisil
    (4) Subsequent revisions shall be ied no less frequently than annually and shall reflect all changes up to a maximun of 6 months prior to the date of filh,.
    (5) Each replacement page shall include both a change indicator for the area changed. e.g., a bold line vertically drawn In the marin adjacent to the portion actually anged. and a page change Identification (date of change or change number or both).

The level of detail to be maintained in the updated FSAR should'As deflned in I 50.W)(a2).  
Questions and Responses Concerning FSAR Update Rule A. REGULATORY/LEGAL
A proposd cian, test. or experiment hel be deemed to involve an uteoviowed safety quesion (I) if the probabity of*ccureCs or the consequence of an accIdent or malfunction of equipment Importsnt to safety previously evaluated in the safety analysis swport may be increased or II) if a possibility for an accident or masunction of a different type then any'evalusted prenously in the safety analysis Deport may be crtated: or aiii) if the asiDarn of salety as defined in the basis for any technical specification is reduced.'be at least the same as originally provided.
  1.   Question:   Is the updated FSAR part of the licensed basis of the plant?  That is, can the original FSAR, as amended, be set aside and forgotten or is the license still based upon it?    E.g., for report- which ing to NRC of deviations from conditions stated in the "FSAR,"
        one applies.
Minor differences between actual and projected population figures or other such changes in the site environment need not be reported unless the conclusions of safety analyses reative to public health and safety are afected and the censee has ptrepared new analyses as a result of NRC requ.emens Commenters have questioned the relation of the proposed FSAR updating requirements to other reporting requirements such as the Annual Operating Report and I S0.59(b)reporting.
It is not the Commission's intention to require submittal of duplicative reports. The Commission Is eliminating the requirement for the Annual Operating Report Ths aRIl reduce significantly the reporting burden of licensees.
Tere has been no requirement that 50.59(b) reporting be part of the licensee's Annual Operating ReporL This information generally has.been included in the Annual Operating Report as a convenience, but it could have been submitted separately and the licensee still would have corneplied with 1 ,so9(b) which merely requires reporting "annually or at such shorter intervals as may be specified In the license." Furthermore.
the report required under I 50.59(b) is only "a brief description of such changes. tests. and experiments, including a summary of the safety evaluation of each." e 1 50.59(b) reporfti may not be detailed sufficiently to be considered adequate to fulfill the FSAR updating requirement Tle degree of detail required fpr updating the FSAR will be generally greater than a "brief descriptionS
and a"summary of the safety evaluation." However. there Is nothing that precludes submitting the I 50.59(b) report along with the FSAR update submittal and thus patisfy 1 5059(b) along with 10.7(e). Parts of the FSAR submittal may be referenced by the I 509(b)report.Several commenters have raised legal questons concerning the proposed rule including questions relative to the.purpose of the rule, the implication concerning re-reviews, the status of cowspleted hearings.
and prior license approvals.
The rule Is only a reporting requirement to insure that an updated TSAR will be available.

Submittal of updated FSAR pages does not constitute.
Response:  The original FSAR, as amended, is still considered to be the licensing basis for the plant.  However, as indicated in the rule, the updated FSAR "shall contain all the changes necessary to reflect the sub- information and analyses submitted to the Commiss'ion;... since cer- mission of the original FSAR...." Furthermore, the rule requires tification by the licensee that the "information accurately presents infor- changes made since the previous submittal, necessary to reflect mation and analyses submitted (emphasis added) to the Commission...."
                                                                            NRC intends and an identification of changes made under IQ-CFR 5 50.59. The to use the updated FSAR in the future for appropriate applications such as reporting of deviations from conditions stated in the "FSAR."
          If, as a result of possible audits, the NRC finds that the updated FSAR is not as certified to by the licensee,  appropriate enforcement action would be taken.

a licensing action but is only Intended to provide information, It is not intended for the purpose of re-reviewing plants.Matters which have been considered previously during hearings will not be reconsidered as a result of the FSAR submittals.

Thus. for example, approvals of license amendments and technical specification changes are independent of the FSAR updating process and once approved would not be subjdct 'further consideration smply because the SAR Is updated. This. of course, does not precude the reevaluation of previous positions based on new Information or new considerations.
2.   Question:    Is the updated FSAR to be called the docket file is the final author- Response: The original FSAR and the the updated FSAR, which will be ity if a discrepancy exists although provide the most convenient reference.

The material submitted may be reviewed by the NRC staff but will not be formally approved.
referred the updated FSAR, will Question:    Who receives update?  E.g., do parties to the original

The new pages will be accepted as representing the licensee's position at the time of submittal and will be utilized in any subsequent reviews or NRC staff activities concerning that facility.After consideration of the comments that were received and other factors, the Commission has adopted the amendment to Part 50 as set forth below.Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 as amended, the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974. as amended.and section 5 of title S of the United States Code, the following amendment to 10 CFR Part 50 Is published as a document subject to codification.
a copy?
      proceeding, libraries, etc., receive the licensee is only required Response: As indicated in the rule, There is no intention to send to send the updated FSAR to the NRC.

ufiless such copies are copies to parties to the original proceeding.
Section 50n 1s amended by adding a new paragraph (e) to read as follows: f 60.71 Mantas. o1 rsords, tkng ot reports.(e) Each person licensed to operate a nuclear power reactor pursuant to the provisions of I 501 or 1 5022 shall update periodically.

as provided in paragraphs (e)[3) and (e)(4) of this section, the final safety analysis report (FSAR) originally submitted as part of the application for the operatin license, to assre that the information Included In the FSAR contains the latest material developed.
regulations. It is planned to place requested in accordance with Commission public document room, the public copies Of.the updated FSAR in the local Technical Information Center document room in Washington,. D. C. the and the Nuclear Safety Information Center.

This submittal
be used as the technical
&hall contain all the changes necessary to reflect Information and analyses submitted to the Commission by the licensee or-prepared by the licensee pursuant to Commission requirement since the submission of the original FSAR or. as appropriate, the last updated FSAR. The updated FSAR shall be revised to include the effects of: all changes made In the facility or procedures as described in the FSAR: all safety evaluations performed by the licensee either In support of requested license amendments or in support of conclusions that changes did not involve an unreviewed safety question:
  4.   Question: In the future can the FSAR
and all analyses of new safety issues performed by or on behalf of the licenste at Jk yr.#4-ni Pnevicp, I Vnl- 4S. No. 92 / Friday. May 9. 1980 / Rules and Regulations
        specification basis?
-1frn r9 JU:LAU A On -p..., .Vnt. __, No. 9 _ __,, M .Commission request. The updated information shall be appropriately located within the FSAR.(1) Revisions containing updated infonnation shall be submitted on a replacemept-page basis and shall be accomparJed by a list which identifies the curre;J pages of the FSAR fllowing page replacement.
                                                                    are included Response:   The bases for the technical specifications If the technical specifi- along with the technical specifications.

One signed priginaI and 12 additional copies of the rpquired information shall be filed with the Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
may continue to reference the cations have referenced the FSAR, they updated FSAR.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cormmision.
2) has changed, is
  5.     Question:  If environmental information (Chapter the ER or EIS affected in any way?
                      The rule applies only to the FSAR.     The rule imposes no Response:
                                                                  Report or Environ- requirement to revise or update the Environmental was required, it would be as mental Impact Statement. If a change a result of other regulations.


D.C. 20555.(2) The Fubmittal shall include (1) a certificatipn by a duly authorized officer of the licopsee that either the information accurately presents changes made since thle previous submiattal necrssary to reflect information and analyses ;ubmitted to the Commission or prepared pursuant to Commission requiremlt.
6.   Question:    Relative to the frequency of the updating, what do the words 'no less frequently than annually" mean? .
        Response:    The time interval between submittals should not exceed
        12 months.

or that no such changes were made: and (ii) an identification of chansel riaoe under the provisions of 1 50.59 but not previously submitted to the Commission.
  1.  Question:    For multiple unit stations with multiple FSARs:
              -    Can they be combined into one FSAR, possible with colored pages?
              -    Must the format for each FSAR be the same?
        Response:  To the extent that the plants on a multi-unit site are similar and have a good deal of identical information in their FSARs, the FSARs can be combined into a single updated FSAR, for convenience, with differences appropriately identified.

(31(i) A revision of the original FSAR containing those original pages that are still applicble plus new replacement paees shall be filed within 24 moriths of either July 22.1980, or the date of issuance of the operating license.whichever is later, and shall bring the FSAR up lo date as of a maximum of O months prior to the date of filing the revision.(ii) Not less than 15 days before 1 50.71(c) becomes effetie. the Director of thd Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation shall notify by letter the licensees of those nuclear power plants initially subject to the NRCs systematic valuation program that they need not comply with thie proviions of this aection while the programlb being condctcd at their plant. The Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation will notify by letter the license. of each nuclear power plant belng evaluated when the systematic evaluation program has been conipleted.
As The formats for each updated FSAR do not have to be the same.

Within 24 months after receipt of this notification, the licensee shall file a complete FSAR which is up to date as of a maximum of t montls prior to the date of filing the revisisil (4) Subsequent revisions shall be ied no less frequently than annually and shall reflect all changes up to a maximun of 6 months prior to the date of filh,.(5) Each replacement page shall include both a change indicator for the area changed. e.g., a bold line vertically drawn In the marin adjacent to the portion actually anged. and a page change Identification (date of change or change number or both).-(Sec. ath.. Pub. Law 3-703.68 Stat. OM Sec.201. Pub. Law 33-43L .8 Stat. 12U4 142 U.S.C.2201(b). U4t)J.Dated at Washington.
indicated in the supplementary information, the format to be used is the option of the licensee.

D. this lat day of May13980.For the Nuclear Regulatoy Commispibo.
2.   Question:    Do original questions and responses have to be maintained in any particular format, or at all?
          Response:  The original questions and the responses that were sub- mitted remain in the docket file as part of the record.   The re- into sponses to the questions should be appropriately'incorporated the "body" of thp updated FSAR.    No separate section is required.

Samuel 1. cbllU.Secretary of Lhe CoMMnISSiL
File 5.40 MIumo CooM negoo* ;
Questions and Responses Concerning FSAR Update Rule A. REGULATORY/LEGAL
1. Question:
Is the updated FSAR part of the licensed basis of the plant? That is, can the original FSAR, as amended, be set aside and forgotten or is the license still based upon it? E.g., for report-ing to NRC of deviations from conditions stated in the "FSAR," which one applies.Response:
The original FSAR, as amended, is still considered to be the licensing basis for the plant. However, as indicated in the rule, the updated FSAR "shall contain all the changes necessary to reflect information and analyses submitted to the Commiss'ion;...
since the sub-mission of the original FSAR...." Furthermore, the rule requires cer-tification by the licensee that the "information accurately presents changes made since the previous submittal, necessary to reflect infor-mation and analyses submitted (emphasis added) to the Commission...." and an identification of changes made under IQ-CFR 5 50.59. The NRC intends to use the updated FSAR in the future for appropriate applications such as reporting of deviations from conditions stated in the "FSAR." If, as a result of possible audits, the NRC finds that the updated FSAR is not as certified to by the licensee, appropriate enforcement action would be taken.1
2. Question:
Is the updated FSAR to be called the FSAR?Response:
The original FSAR and the docket file is the final author-ity if a discrepancy exists although the updated FSAR, which will be referred the updated FSAR, will provide the most convenient reference.

3. Question:  
3.   Question:   Is the initial submittal of the updated FSAR treated as the a revision of the original and numbered sequentially following last revision or amendment?
Who receives update? E.g., do parties to the original proceeding, libraries, etc., receive a copy?Response:
        Response     The initial submittal of the updated FSAR should be not as treated as i unique document and called the updated FSAR and a sequential revision of the original FSAR.     Subsequent changes be should be considered revisions to the updated FSAR and should
As indicated in the rule, the licensee is only required to send the updated FSAR to the NRC. There is no intention to send copies to parties to the original proceeding.
        numbered starting with revision No. 1.

ufiless such copies are requested in accordance with Commission regulations.
4.    Question:  Are change bars and revision numbers required on the initial update or Is it a "clean" document?
        Response:  The initial updated FSAR should be a "clean" document without change bars and revision numbers.    The subsequent annual revisions would then include the change indicators and page change identification.

It is planned to place copies Of.the updated FSAR in the local public document room, the public document room in Washington,.
S.   Question:    Can the initial updated FSAR be a complete, new, FSAR
D. C. the Technical Information Center and the Nuclear Safety Information Center.4. Question:
        without retaining the old pages?
In the future can the FSAR be used as the technical specification basis?Response:  
          Response:   The initial updated FSAR may be a completely new document without any of the original pages.
The bases for the technical specifications are included along with the technical specifications.

If the technical specifi-cations have referenced the FSAR, they may continue to reference the updated FSAR.5. Question:
If environmental information (Chapter 2) has changed, is the ER or EIS affected in any way?Response:  
    1.    Question:  Is the "drawing package" considered part of the FSAR?
The rule applies only to the FSAR. The rule imposes no requirement to revise or update the Environmental Report or Environ-mental Impact Statement.
          Does it  need to be updated?
          Response:   The "drawing package" is not considered part of the FSAR.

If a change was required, it would be as a result of other regulations.
Only the drawings that are included in the FSAR should be updated.

6. Question:
Relative to the frequency of the updating, what do the words 'no less frequently than annually" mean? .Response:
The time interval between submittals should not exceed 12 months. -B. FORMAT 1. Question:
For multiple unit stations with multiple FSARs:-Can they be combined into one FSAR, possible with colored pages?-Must the format for each FSAR be the same?Response:
To the extent that the plants on a multi-unit site are similar and have a good deal of identical information in their FSARs, the FSARs can be combined into a single updated FSAR, for convenience, with differences appropriately identified.

The formats for each updated FSAR do not have to be the same. As indicated in the supplementary information, the format to be used is the option of the licensee.2. Question:
2. Question:    Can one eliminate information no longer applicable to an operating plant - e.g., initial training program, start-up test program, etc., assuming it is in the original FSAR?      (Also construc- tion QA program)
Do original questions and responses have to be maintained in any particular format, or at all?Response:
    Response:   Information pertaining to programs described in the original FSAR with amendments, such as the initial training program of and the preoperational test program, should be submitted as part the initial updated FSAR for completeness.     The intent here is to locate previously submitted information in one document.     Submission of new information is not required.     The proposed technical specifi- tech- cations may be eliminated since they have been superseded by nical specifications issued by the Commission.
The original questions and the responses that were sub-mitted remain in the docket file as part of the record. The re-sponses to the questions should be appropriately'incorporated into the "body" of thp updated FSAR. No separate section is required.3
3. Question:  
Is the initial submittal of the updated FSAR treated as a revision of the original and numbered sequentially following the last revision or amendment?
Response The initial submittal of the updated FSAR should be treated as i unique document and called the updated FSAR and not as a sequential revision of the original FSAR. Subsequent changes should be considered revisions to the updated FSAR and should be -numbered starting with revision No. 1.4. Question:
Are change bars and revision numbers required on the initial update or Is it a "clean" document?Response:
The initial updated FSAR should be a "clean" document without change bars and revision numbers. The subsequent annual revisions would then include the change indicators and page change identification.

S. Question:  
3.   Question:   If the original FSAR is in Regulatory Guide 1.70 format, updated?
Can the initial updated FSAR be a complete, new, FSAR without retaining the old pages?Response:
      do comparisons (e.g., to other plants) in Chapter 1 have to be Response:   The only changes that should be made should include all material submitted to the NRC.   Only an administrative update is required.   The licensee should point out that the comparison was con- sidered valid at the time the operating license was issued.
The initial updated FSAR may be a completely new document without any of the original pages.C. CONTENT 1. Question:
Is the "drawing package" considered part of the FSAR?Does it need to be updated?Response:  
The "drawing package" is not considered part of the FSAR.Only the drawings that are included in the FSAR should be updated.4
2. Question:
Can one eliminate information no longer applicable to an operating plant -e.g., initial training program, start-up test program, etc., assuming it is in the original FSAR? (Also construc-tion QA program)Response:
Information pertaining to programs described in the original FSAR with amendments, such as the initial training program and the preoperational test program, should be submitted as part of the initial updated FSAR for completeness.

The intent here is to locate previously submitted information in one document.
4.  Question:    Will Security and Emeegency Plans (Chapter 13) be treated separately?
      Response;  the updated FSAR should reference the Security and Emer- gency Plans that are currently in effect.

Submission of new information is not required.

The proposed technical specifi-cations may be eliminated since they have been superseded by tech-nical specifications issued by the Commission.
    5. Question:  Assuming portions of the plant or systems have been modi- fled and designed to codes then currently in effect, how is this addressea in the update?
      Response!  Identify whatever codes have actually been used to design'
      or modify the plant.    If older codes were used for certain parts of the plant, it should be so indicated.

3. Question:  
6. Question:   Assuming the original FSAR contains references that are no longer in.use or acceptable in industry, must they be changed and the affected analysis revised accordingly?  (For exa"ple, reference to a Corps of Engineers Technical Document on wave height analysis.)
If the original FSAR is in Regulatory Guide 1.70 format, do comparisons (e.g., to other plants) in Chapter 1 have to be updated?Response:
        Response:  New analyses do not have to be performed and new refer- ences do not have to be incorporated just to comply with this rule.
The only changes that should be made should include all material submitted to the NRC. Only an administrative update is required.

The licensee should point out that the comparison was con-sidered valid at the time the operating license was issued.4. Question:
Analyses should be revised if safety (i.e., 10 CFR s 50.59) or other Considerations require such revision.
Will Security and Emeegency Plans (Chapter 13) be treated separately?
the updated FSAR should reference the Security and Emer-gency Plans that are currently in effect.5 I I 5. Question:
Assuming portions of the plant or systems have been modi-fled and designed to codes then currently in effect, how is this addressea in the update?Response!
Identify whatever codes have actually been used to design'or modify the plant. If older codes were used for certain parts of the plant, it should be so indicated.

6. Question:
Assuming the original FSAR contains references that are no longer in.use or acceptable in industry, must they be changed and the affected analysis revised accordingly? (For exa"ple, reference to a Corps of Engineers Technical Document on wave height analysis.)
New analyses do not have to be performed and new refer-ences do not have to be incorporated just to comply with this rule.Analyses should be revised if safety (i.e., 10 CFR s 50.59) or other Considerations require such revision.'6}}


Latest revision as of 04:14, 24 November 2019

NRC Generic Letter 1981-006: Periodic Updating of Final Safety Analysis Reports (Fsars)
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley, Millstone, Hatch, Calvert Cliffs, Dresden, Oconee, Mcguire, Nine Mile Point, Palisades, Palo Verde, Perry, Indian Point, Fermi, Catawba, Harris, Wolf Creek, Saint Lucie, Watts Bar, Hope Creek, Grand Gulf, Sequoyah, Byron, Pilgrim, Arkansas Nuclear, Three Mile Island, Braidwood, Susquehanna, Summer, Columbia, Seabrook, Brunswick, Limerick, Turkey Point, River Bend, Crystal River, Haddam Neck, Diablo Canyon, Callaway, Vogtle, Waterford, Farley, Robinson, Clinton, South Texas, San Onofre, Cook, Comanche Peak, Quad Cities, La Crosse, Big Rock Point, Zion, Midland, Bellefonte, LaSalle, 05000363, 05000355, Zimmer, Washington Public Power Supply System, Shoreham, Satsop, Bailly, Atlantic Nuclear Power Plant, Cherokee, Marble Hill, Hartsville, Phipps Bend, Yellow Creek  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 02/26/1981
From: Eisenhut D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
GL-81-006, NUDOCS 8103230813
Download: ML031080517 (13)



(/evA, 0e Aftkr

1. Clinton 1/2

2. Byron 1/2


50-454, 455 r176

3. Braidwood 1/2 50-456/457

4. LaSalle 1/2 50-373, 374

5. Midland 1/2 50-329,330

6. McGuire 2 50- 370

7. So. Texas 1/2 50-498, 499

8. Shoreham 50-32 2

9. Waterford 50-382

10. Grand Gulf 1/2 50-416/417

11. Diablo Canyon 1/2 50-275, 323

12. Susquehana 1/2 ,50-387, 388

13. St. Lucie 2 50-389

14. Summer 1 50- 39 5

15. San Onofre 2/3 50-361, 362

16. Bellefonte 1/2 50-438, 439

17. Watts Bar 1/2 50-390, 391

18. Sequoyah 2 50- 328

19. Comanche Peak 1/2 50-445, 446


21. WPPSS-2 50- 39 7

22. Fermi 2 50-341

23. Zimmer I 50 --3:. 8

24 . Perry 1/2 50-440, 441

25. -Palo Verde 50-528, 529, 530

26. Catawba 50-413, 414

27. Marble Hill 50-546, 547

28. Wolf Creek 50-4 82

29. Callaway 50-483, 486

1 IR1O323O81

fEH'i -* 19YWI


1. Cherokee 1/2/3 50-491, 492, 493

2. Beaver Valley 2 50-412

3. St. Lucie 2 50-3 89

4. Vogtle 1/2 50-424, 425

5. River Bend 1/2 50-458, 459

6. e

7. Forked River 50-36 3

8. Nine Mile Point 2 50-410

9. Millstone 3. 50-4 23

10. BailJy 2 50-367

11 . Limerick 1/2 50-352, 353

12. -Hope Creek 1/2 355

  • 50-354,

13. Seabrook 1/2 50-443, 444


15. Hartsville 1/2/3/4 50-518, 519, 520, 521

16. Phipps Bend 1/2 50-553, 554

17. Yellow Crcek 1/2 50-566, 567

18. WPPSS 1/3/4/5 50-460, 508, 513, 509

19 . Harris 1/2/3/4 50-400, 401, 402, 403

20. FNP 50-437


Docket No. 50-348 Docket No. 50-3 Farley Unit 1 Indian Point Unit 1 Docket No. 50-313 Docket No. 50-247 Arkansas Unit 1 Indian Point Unit 2 Docket No. 50-368 Docket 50-286 Arkansas Unit 2 Indian Point Unit 3 Docket No. 50-317 Docket No. 50-155 Calvert Cliffs Unit 1 Big Rock Point Docket No. 50-318 Docket No. 50-255 Calvert Cliffs Unit 2 Palisades Docket No. 50-293 Docket No. 50-409 Pilgrim Unit 1 Lacrosse Docket No. 50-325 Docket No. 50-269 Brunswick Unit 1 Oconee Unit 1 Docket No. 50-324 Docket No. 50-270

Brunswick Unit 2 Oconee Unit 2 Docket No. 50-261 Docket No. 50-287 H. B. Robinson Unit 2 Oconee Unit 3 Docket No. 50-10 Docket No. 50-334 Dresden Unit 1 Beaver Valley Unit 1 Docket No. 50-237 Docket No. 50-302 Dresden Unit 2 Crystal River 3 Docket No. 50-249 Docket No. 50-335 Dresden Unit 3 St. Lucie Unit 1 Docket No. 50-254 Docket No. 50-250

Quad-Cities Unit 1 Turkey Point Unit 3 Docket No. 50-265 Docket No. 50-251 Quad-Cities Unit 2 Turkey Point Unit 4 Docket No. 50-295 Docket No. 50-321 Zion Unit 1 Edwin I. Hatch Unit 1 Docket No. 50-304 Docket No. 50-366 Zion Unit 2 Edwin I. Hatch Unit 2 Docket No. 50-213 Docket No. 50-315 Connecticut Yankee (Haddam Neck) D. C. Cook Unit 1







The Commission approved the rule 50.71(e) (copy enclosed) entitled,

"Periodic Updating of FinWl Safety Analysis Reports" and published the rule in the Federal Register on May 9, 1980. The rule became effective on July 22, 1980.

Although this new rule applies to holders of operating licenses for power reactors, we believe your organization should be aware of it, since, within

24 months after issuance of an operating license or July 22, 1982, whichever is later, the original FSAR submitted as a part of the OL application must be updated in the specific manner provided in the rule. Thereafter, it must be updated at least annually. Each update must reflect all changes up to six months prior to the filing of the update.

Although the rule itself is self-explanatory, several questions have been asked regarding the FSAR's legal status, format and content, and we have provided the enclosed guidance.

Further questions should be directed to the Project Manager for your facility.

\ ncerely, Darrell G irector Division of Licensing Enclosure:

As stated

  • lawnt vwwam .


. ---.



Reirlster I Vol. 45. No. 92 1 Friday. May L 1980 1 Rules ia

--- . - --- - - - ---

Regulations WMENNOMAIN


  • 1UPftKMINTARY INFORMATIOW. On which theNRCstaff is making a November A197L the Nuclear systematic safety evaluation of eleven Regulatory Commission published in the (11) nuclear power facilities licensed for Federal Rjgster (41 FR 49123) notice operation before 172. The purpose of of proposed Ma making invitig vlnttow this systmatleevaluation program suggestions or comments on the ISEP) Is to determine and document the proposed sle by December S&19t A degree to which the eleven (p1)facilitlms notce f correction and extension of mec t licensing requirements for comment period was published In the new plants. Of the tva (5) plants Federal Register on December 27, 19 li sd por o January 1 1983 that are

141 FRS O In whIch the comment si lI sed to operate, three (3)are period was extended to January 28.1977. Included In the SEP. Th remaining two the notices concerned proposed (23 plants.' which presently are shut atendments to 10 CFR Part 50 down, will be subject to the provisions Licening of Production and Utilization of the nrle as long as their licenses Facilities." to require each applicant for. authorize operation or holder of, a power reactor operating The licensees participating in the SEP

license which would be or was issued probably will be requested to supply a after January 1,1963 to submit considerable amount of Information periodically to the Commission revised during the program. Requiring them In pages for its Final Safety Analysis addition. to update their FSARs could Report (FSAR). These revised pages prove to be excessively burdensome and would Indicate changes made In the cauld result In duplication of reports.

facility or the procedures for its The Information generated during the operation and any analyses affected by program and the manner in which it i NUCLEAR REGULATORY these changes. Thirty-one persons collated wM result in a completed FSAR

COMMISSION submitted comments regarding the at the concluson of the program For proposed amendments. The commenters these reasons licensees of facilities

10 CFR Part 60 could be roughly divided Into three groups with seventeen supporting the being subjected by the NRC to a Perlodlc Updating of Final Safety systematic evaluation program will not nile with comments, eleven opposed to be required to comply with the Anlysis Reports the rue. and three neutral. Copies of the provisions of thfs rule until they are AM=N0 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory comments received may be examined in r-;blc the CommlsIon's Document notified by letter by the NRC' Director Commission. of the OfEice of Nuclear Reactor ACTIOm: Final rule. Room at 1717 H Street. NW., Regulation that. for their particular Washington. D.C. facility. the propam has been SUMMARr. The Nuclear Regulatory The substantive areas of comment can completei. BcaUSe of the Commission Is amending lbrejutions be categorized generally as follows:

considerations just mentioned, that part to require each person licensed to 1 Carcation of Rul* of the prpsd rmlewbl limited the operate a nuclear power reactor to L Applicability of Rule applcabiiy to filities licensed after submit periodically to the Commission 3. Content of TSAR January 2.1963 has been deleted and the revised pages for Its Final Safety 4. Scope of Rule L ming of Submittals rule will apply to all power reactors Analysis Report (FSAR). These revised licnsed to operate.

pages will indicate changes which have L Relation of Rule to Other Rules and been made to reflect information and Tle. R required to be updated by

7. 11 Status of Updated FMAR the rule is the original FSAR submitted analyses submitted to the Commission a Costjeneflt of Rule as part of the application for the or prepared as a result of Commission In response to the comments received, operat u nse. It would not include requirement. The amendment Is being the Commission Is modifying the rle to the subsequent supplements and made to provide an updated reference (a) extend Its applicability to all power amendments to the FSAR or the license document to be used In recurring safety reactors licensed to operate, (b) exclude that may have been submitted either In analyses performed by the licensee, the applicants for operating licenses. (c) response to NRC questions or on the Commission. and other interested clarify the wording of the rule (dl applica or licensee's own initiative parties.. reduce Its impact on power reactor folowing the orinl submittal. These EFFECTIVE DATE: July 22 190. licensees by relexdng some of the time various splements and aendments Not,-The Nuclear Regulatory requirements. and (e) require the Initial must be aopriately incorporated Into ,

Commisslon has submitted this rule to the revision to be a complete FSAR. the original FSAR to create a single.

Comptroller General for such review as may When the proposed rule was complete and integral document. The be appropriate under the Federal Reports published for public comment. its initial revision to be filed should contain Act. as amended. UUS.C. 351L Us date on applicability was limited to those plants those pages From the originally which the reporting requirement of this rule becomes effective. unless advised to the licensed after January 1.1963 in order to submitted TSAR-that are still applicable contrary. accordingly, reflects Inclusion of the exempt five (5)older facilities. The plus new replacement pages that

4Sday period which that statute allows for Commission believed that it would not appropriately incorporate the effects of such review (44 U.S.C. 3Ut(c)(2)). be feasible for these licensees to supplements. amendments and other FOR FURTHER INFORMATION


. implement the rule because there Is no chaes tat have been made. This will Mr. Morton R. Fleishman. Office of integrated document comparable to an result in a dngle complete document Standards Development. US. Nuclear FSAR for their facilities. Since Regulatory Commission. Washington. publication of the proposed rule, the '"Me two Iecttles am*Idian Point Unrt No. I

Commission has Initiated a program in and Humbai&Say Unit No. 3.

D.C. 20555. telephone 31-443-5921.

Federal .Regisr / Vol. 4 No. 92 / Friday. May 9. 1980 1 Rais and Regulations 3061S

being filed, that can then serve as the be at least the same as originally of license amendments and technical baseline for future changes. provided. Minor differences between specification changes are independent Commenters have asked about the actual and projected population figures of the FSAR updating process and once

' proper format to be used when making or other such changes in the site approved would not be subjdct '

'he FSAR submittal. Since the format of environment need not be reported further consideration smply because the the FSAR is not covered by regulation. unless the conclusions of safety SAR Is updated. This. of course, does the rule does not specify a particular analyses reative to public health and not precude the reevaluation of format. ne NRC staff has provided safety are afected and the censee has previous positions based on new guidance for the preparation of FSARs ptrepared new analyses as a result of Information or new considerations. The in Regulatory Cuide I.7 Revision 2. NRC requ.emens material submitted may be reviewed by Standard Format and Content of Safety Commenters have questioned the the NRC staff but will not be formally Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power relation of the proposed FSAR updating approved. The new pages will be Plants" However, many FSARs were requirements to other reporting accepted as representing the licensee's developed prior to any specific guidance requirements such as the Annual position at the time of submittal and will on format The format to be used for the Operating Report and I S0.59(b) be utilized in any subsequent reviews or FSAR revisions is the option of the reporting. It is not the Commission's NRC staff activities concerning that licensee, but the Commission expects intention to require submittal of facility.

that the format will probably be the duplicative reports. The Commission Is After consideration of the comments same as the format of the original FSAM eliminating the requirement for the that were received and other factors, the No analyses other than those already Annual Operating Report ThsaRIl Commission has adopted the prepared or submitted pursuant to NRC reduce significantly the reporting burden amendment to Part 50 as set forth requirements (either originaly with the of licensees. Tere has been no below.

application, or as part of the operating requirement that 50.59(b) reporting be Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of license review process, or as required by part of the licensee's Annual Operating 1954 as amended, the Energy

1 50.59 or other NRC requirement. or to ReporL This information generally has. Reorganization Act of 1974. as amended.

support license amendments) are been included in the Annual Operating and section 5 of title S of the United required to be performed by the licensee Report as a convenience, but it could States Code, the following amendment because of this rule. However, analyses have been submitted separately and the to 10 CFR Part 50 Is published as a existing in the FSAR which are known licensee still would have corneplied with document subject to codification.

to be Inaccurate or in error as a result of 1 ,so9(b)which merely requires new analyses performed by the licensee reporting "annually or at such shorter PART 50-DOMESTIC LICENSING OF

pursuant to NRC requirements. would intervals as may be specified In the PRODUCTION AND UTIUZATION

have to be revised. Specialized studies license." Furthermore. the report FACILITIES

provided in the FSAR. such as On required under I 50.59(b) is only "a brief Section 50n1s amended by adding a volcanic hazards or quality assurance, description of such changes. tests. and new paragraph (e)to read as follows:

should include the late information experiments, including a summary of the that has been developed in response to safety evaluation of each." e f 60.71 Mantas. o1 rsords, tkng ot NRC requirements. New analyses (i. 1 50.59(b) reporfti may not be detailed reports.

analyses not previously included in sufficiently to be considered adequate to FSAR) which were required during fulfill the FSAR updating requirement (e) Each person licensed to operate a consideration of unreviewed safety Tle degree of detail required fpr nuclear power reactor pursuant to the questiona 5 technical specification updating the FSAR will be generally provisions of I 501 or 1 5022 shall anges. or other licewsing questions. greater than a "brief descriptionS and a update periodically. as provided in nay be incorporated as appendices or "summary of the safety evaluation." paragraphs (e)[3) and (e)(4) of this ptherwise appropriately inserted within However. there Is nothing that precludes section, the final safety analysis report

_ the FSA.- submitting the I 50.59(b) report along (FSAR) originally submitted as part of Program type material that is with the FSAR update submittal and the application for the operatin license, rteferenced by the FSAR. such as the thus patisfy 1 5059(b) along with to assre that the information Included Quality Assurance Program or the 10.7(e). Parts of the FSAR submittal In the FSAR contains the latest material Emergency Plan, should be referenced may be referenced by the I 509(b) developed. This submittal &hallcontain accurately. If such material has been report. all the changes necessary to reflect revised or amended. the latest revision Several commenters have raised legal Information and analyses submitted to should be referenced. A description of the Commission by the licensee or- physical changes to the facility should questons concerning the proposed rule including questions relative to the prepared by the licensee pursuant to be included in the update after the .purpose of the rule, the implication Commission requirement since the changes have been approved for use and submission of the original FSAR or. as Jk concerning re-reviews, the status of are operable. The level of detail to be cowspleted hearings. and prior license appropriate, the last updated FSAR. The maintained in the updated FSAR should updated FSAR shall be revised to approvals. The rule Is only a reporting requirement to insure that an updated include the effects of: all changes made

'As deflned in I 50.W)(a2). A proposd cian, TSAR will be available. Submittal of In the facility or procedures as test. or experiment hel be deemed to involve an uteoviowed safety quesion (I) if the probabity of updated FSAR pages does not constitute. described in the FSAR: all safety

  • ccureCs or the consequence of an accIdent or a licensing action but is only Intended to evaluations performed by the licensee malfunction of equipment Importsnt to safety provide information, It is not intended either In support of requested license previously evaluated inthe safety analysis swport for the purpose of re-reviewing plants. amendments or in support of may be increased or II) if a possibility for an accident or masunction of a different type then any Matters which have been considered conclusions that changes did not involve

'evalusted prenously in the safety analysis Deport previously during hearings will not be an unreviewed safety question: and all may be crtated: oraiii)if the asiDarn of salety as reconsidered as a result of the FSAR analyses of new safety issues performed defined in the basis for any technical specification by or on behalf of the licenste at is reduced.' submittals. Thus. for example, approvals

-1frn r9 yr.#4-ni Pnevicp, I Vnl- 4S. No. 92 / Friday. May 9. 1980 / Rules and Regulations JU:LAU A -p..., On . Vnt. __, No. 9 _ __,, M .

Commission request. The updated - (Sec. ath.. Pub. Law 3-703.68 Stat. OM Sec.

information shall be appropriately 201. Pub. Law 33-43L.8 Stat. 12U4 142 U.S.C.

located within the FSAR. 2201(b). U4t)J.

(1) Revisions containing updated Dated at Washington. D. this lat day of May13980.

infonnation shall be submitted on a replacemept-page basis and shall be For the Nuclear Regulatoy Commispibo.

accomparJed by a list which identifies Samuel 1. cbllU.

the curre;J pages of the FSAR fllowing Secretaryof Lhe CoMMnISSiL

page replacement. One signed priginaI FrDoI4MaU File 5.40

and 12 additional copies of the rpquired MIumo CooM negoo information shall be filed with the Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. * ;

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cormmision.

Washingtpn. D.C. 20555.

(2) The Fubmittal shall include (1)a certificatipn by a duly authorized officer of the licopsee that either the information accurately presents changes made since thle previous submiattal necrssary to reflect information and analyses ;ubmitted to the Commission or prepared pursuant to Commission requiremlt. or that no such changes were made: and (ii) an identification of chansel riaoe under the provisions of

1 50.59 but not previously submitted to the Commission.

(31(i) A revision of the original FSAR

containing those original pages that are still applicble plus new replacement paees shall be filed within 24 moriths of either July 22.1980, or the date of issuance of the operating license.

whichever is later, and shall bring the FSAR up lo date as of a maximum of O

months prior to the date of filing the revision.

(ii) Not less than 15 days before

1 50.71(c) becomes effetie. the Director of thd Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation shall notify by letter the licensees of those nuclear power plants initially subject to the NRCs systematic valuation program that they need not comply with thie proviions of this aection while the programlb being condctcd at their plant. The Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation will notify by letter the license. of each nuclear power plant belng evaluated when the systematic evaluation program has been conipleted. Within 24 months after receipt of this notification, the licensee shall file a complete FSAR

which is up to date as of a maximum of t montls prior to the date of filing the revisisil

(4) Subsequent revisions shall be ied no less frequently than annually and shall reflect all changes up to a maximun of 6 months prior to the date of filh,.

(5) Each replacement page shall include both a change indicator for the area changed. e.g., a bold line vertically drawn In the marin adjacent to the portion actually anged. and a page change Identification (date of change or change number or both).

Questions and Responses Concerning FSAR Update Rule A. REGULATORY/LEGAL

1. Question: Is the updated FSAR part of the licensed basis of the plant? That is, can the original FSAR, as amended, be set aside and forgotten or is the license still based upon it? E.g., for report- which ing to NRC of deviations from conditions stated in the "FSAR,"

one applies.

Response: The original FSAR, as amended, is still considered to be the licensing basis for the plant. However, as indicated in the rule, the updated FSAR "shall contain all the changes necessary to reflect the sub- information and analyses submitted to the Commiss'ion;... since cer- mission of the original FSAR...." Furthermore, the rule requires tification by the licensee that the "information accurately presents infor- changes made since the previous submittal, necessary to reflect mation and analyses submitted (emphasis added) to the Commission...."

NRC intends and an identification of changes made under IQ-CFR 5 50.59. The to use the updated FSAR in the future for appropriate applications such as reporting of deviations from conditions stated in the "FSAR."

If, as a result of possible audits, the NRC finds that the updated FSAR is not as certified to by the licensee, appropriate enforcement action would be taken.



2. Question: Is the updated FSAR to be called the docket file is the final author- Response: The original FSAR and the the updated FSAR, which will be ity if a discrepancy exists although provide the most convenient reference.

referred the updated FSAR, will Question: Who receives update? E.g., do parties to the original


a copy?

proceeding, libraries, etc., receive the licensee is only required Response: As indicated in the rule, There is no intention to send to send the updated FSAR to the NRC.

ufiless such copies are copies to parties to the original proceeding.

regulations. It is planned to place requested in accordance with Commission public document room, the public copies Of.the updated FSAR in the local Technical Information Center document room in Washington,. D. C. the and the Nuclear Safety Information Center.

be used as the technical

4. Question: In the future can the FSAR

specification basis?

are included Response: The bases for the technical specifications If the technical specifi- along with the technical specifications.

may continue to reference the cations have referenced the FSAR, they updated FSAR.

2) has changed, is

5. Question: If environmental information (Chapter the ER or EIS affected in any way?

The rule applies only to the FSAR. The rule imposes no Response:

Report or Environ- requirement to revise or update the Environmental was required, it would be as mental Impact Statement. If a change a result of other regulations.


6. Question: Relative to the frequency of the updating, what do the words 'no less frequently than annually" mean? .

Response: The time interval between submittals should not exceed


12 months.


1. Question: For multiple unit stations with multiple FSARs:

- Can they be combined into one FSAR, possible with colored pages?

- Must the format for each FSAR be the same?

Response: To the extent that the plants on a multi-unit site are similar and have a good deal of identical information in their FSARs, the FSARs can be combined into a single updated FSAR, for convenience, with differences appropriately identified.

As The formats for each updated FSAR do not have to be the same.

indicated in the supplementary information, the format to be used is the option of the licensee.

2. Question: Do original questions and responses have to be maintained in any particular format, or at all?

Response: The original questions and the responses that were sub- mitted remain in the docket file as part of the record. The re- into sponses to the questions should be appropriately'incorporated the "body" of thp updated FSAR. No separate section is required.


3. Question: Is the initial submittal of the updated FSAR treated as the a revision of the original and numbered sequentially following last revision or amendment?

Response The initial submittal of the updated FSAR should be not as treated as i unique document and called the updated FSAR and a sequential revision of the original FSAR. Subsequent changes be should be considered revisions to the updated FSAR and should


numbered starting with revision No. 1.

4. Question: Are change bars and revision numbers required on the initial update or Is it a "clean" document?

Response: The initial updated FSAR should be a "clean" document without change bars and revision numbers. The subsequent annual revisions would then include the change indicators and page change identification.

S. Question: Can the initial updated FSAR be a complete, new, FSAR

without retaining the old pages?

Response: The initial updated FSAR may be a completely new document without any of the original pages.


1. Question: Is the "drawing package" considered part of the FSAR?

Does it need to be updated?

Response: The "drawing package" is not considered part of the FSAR.

Only the drawings that are included in the FSAR should be updated.


2. Question: Can one eliminate information no longer applicable to an operating plant - e.g., initial training program, start-up test program, etc., assuming it is in the original FSAR? (Also construc- tion QA program)

Response: Information pertaining to programs described in the original FSAR with amendments, such as the initial training program of and the preoperational test program, should be submitted as part the initial updated FSAR for completeness. The intent here is to locate previously submitted information in one document. Submission of new information is not required. The proposed technical specifi- tech- cations may be eliminated since they have been superseded by nical specifications issued by the Commission.

3. Question: If the original FSAR is in Regulatory Guide 1.70 format, updated?

do comparisons (e.g., to other plants) in Chapter 1 have to be Response: The only changes that should be made should include all material submitted to the NRC. Only an administrative update is required. The licensee should point out that the comparison was con- sidered valid at the time the operating license was issued.

4. Question: Will Security and Emeegency Plans (Chapter 13) be treated separately?

Response; the updated FSAR should reference the Security and Emer- gency Plans that are currently in effect.



5. Question: Assuming portions of the plant or systems have been modi- fled and designed to codes then currently in effect, how is this addressea in the update?

Response! Identify whatever codes have actually been used to design'

or modify the plant. If older codes were used for certain parts of the plant, it should be so indicated.

6. Question: Assuming the original FSAR contains references that are no longer in.use or acceptable in industry, must they be changed and the affected analysis revised accordingly? (For exa"ple, reference to a Corps of Engineers Technical Document on wave height analysis.)

Response: New analyses do not have to be performed and new refer- ences do not have to be incorporated just to comply with this rule.

Analyses should be revised if safety (i.e., 10 CFR s 50.59) or other Considerations require such revision.

