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{{#Wiki_filter:April 15, 2019 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION BEFORE THE ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARD In the Matter of EXELON GENERATION COMPANY, LLC                             Docket Nos. 50-277-SLR 50-278-SLR (Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units 2 and 3)
JOINT MOTION FOR CORRECTION OF THE TRANSCRIPT OF THE ORAL ARGUMENT HELD ON MARCH 27, 2019 Pursuant to 10 C.F.R § 2.323(a) and consistent with 10 C.F.R. § 2.327(d), the NRC Staff, on behalf of itself, Beyond Nuclear, Inc., and Exelon Generation Company, LLC (collectively, the Participants), hereby requests that the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (Board) issue an Order correcting the official transcript of the Oral Argument held on March 27, 2019, as set forth in the errata listed in Attachment 1 hereto. The Participants submit that these corrections are necessary either to correct material errors in the transcript or to ensure that the transcript accurately reflects the statements made during the oral argument.
Accordingly, the Participants request that the transcript be revised to incorporate the corrections identified in Attachment 1 hereto. Each of the Participants has authorized the Staff to state that they join in this Motion.
Respectfully submitted,
                                                      /Signed (electronically) by/
Kayla Gamin Counsel for NRC Staff Office of the General Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop - O-14-A44 Washington, DC 20555 Telephone: (301) 287-9234 E-mail:

50-278-SLR (Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units 2 and 3)
Executed in Accord with 10 C.F.R. § 2.304(d):
JOINT MOTION FOR CORRECTION OF THE TRANSCRIPT OF THE ORAL ARGUMENT HELD ON MARCH 27, 2019 Pursuant to 10 C.F.R § 2.323(a) and consistent with 10 C.F.R. § 2.327(d), the NRC Staff, on behalf of itself , Beyond Nuclear, Inc., and Exelon Generation Company, LLC (collectively, the "Participants"), hereby requests that the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board ("Board") issue an Order correcting the official transcript of the Oral Argument held on March 27, 2019, as set forth in the errata listed in Attachment 1 hereto. The Participants submit that these corrections are necessary eit h er to correct material errors in the transcript or to ensure that the transcript accurately reflects the statements made during the oral argument.
Mitzi A. Young Counsel for NRC Staff Office of the General Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop - O-14-A44 Washington, DC 20555 Telephone: (301) 287-9178 E-mail: Rebecca Susko Counsel for NRC Staff Office of the General Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop - O-14-A44 Washington, DC 20555 Telephone: (301) 415-0032 E-mail: Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 15th day of April 2019
Accordingly, the Participants request that the transcript be revised to incorpora te the corrections identified in Attachment 1 hereto. Each of the Participants has authorized the Staff to state that they join in this Motion.
Respectfully submitted,      /Signed (electronically) by/
Kayla Gamin Counsel for NRC Staff Office of the General Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop
- O-14-A44        Washington, DC  20555 Telephone:
(301) 287-9234        E-mail: Executed in Accord with 10 C.F.R.  
§ 2.304(d):   Mitzi A. Young Counsel for NRC Staff Office of the General Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop  
- O-14-A44       Washington, DC 20555 Telephone:
(301) 287-9178       E-mail: Rebecca Susko Counsel for NRC Staff Office of the General Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop  
- O-14-A44       Washington, DC 20555 Telephone:
(301) 415-0032       E-mail: Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 15th day of April 2019 ATTACHMENT 1 PROPOSED TRANSCRIPT ERRATA Proceeding Name:
Exelon Generation Company, LLC (Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units 2 and 3)
Docket Nos:
50-277-SLR and 50
-278-SLR  ASLBP No.:
19-960-01-SLR-BD01  Page Line From To Speaker Global  10CFR 10 CFR  4 5 Exelon Generation Company LLC Exelon Generation Company, LLC Judge Gibson 8 9 Regulatory Commission Nuclear Regulatory Commission Judge Gibson 15 1 And your first you make And your first point you make Judge Gibson 16 11 Of is it Or is it Judge Kennedy 20 8 US U.S. Lewis 23 20 curious is you curious if you Judge Kennedy 28 15 series of question series of questions Judge Kennedy 29 16 of OE is that is of international OE that is Lewis 29 23 states, The states, "The Lewis 30 2 and structures.
and structures."
Lewis 30 12 lead into that Limit it to that Lewis 30 13 we shared we share Lewis 31 13 really did related Lewis 32 6 20CFR 5071 10 CFR 50.71 Gamin 32 24 program, it's in program in Lewis 32 25 dispute. dispute --  Lewis 33 8 a radiation effects irradiation effects Lewis 33 19 is water manhole's if water manholes Lewis 34 7 meets it meets its Lewis 34 8 fission monitoring condition monitoring Lewis 34  14 if heard if I heard Judge Kennedy 35 21 the, in the the language in the Curran 37  20 period extended period of extended Judge Kennedy 38 24 we're fall we're falling Lewis 39 21 BW-1s BWR-1s Lewis 41 8 US U.S. Judge Abreu 41 12 they are  there are Lewis 42 17 concern concerns Judge Abreu 42 18 struggling is struggling with is Judge Abreu 43 11 those question those questions Curran 46 10-11 this Appendix A Appendix A Curran    48 17 paragraph, The paragraph, "The Curran 48 19 examples, examples,"
Curran 48 20 of how "of how Curran 47 7 those programs.
those programs."
Curran 49 15 Us, U.S., Judge Kennedy 49 20 US U.S. Curran 49 22 US U.S. Curran 50 2 US U.S. Curran 52 5 8.1.6 A.1.6 Lewis 54 15 2802 2.802 Gamin 56 13 it's its Lewis 57 7 intervener intervenor Curran 60 25 It in aging It is in aging Curran 62 15 nobody us nobody is Curran 67 4 intervener intervenor Curran 67 8 intervener intervenor Curran 68 21 we can they can Curran 71 21 54.21d 54.21(d) Curran 74 7 upper shell of energy upper-shelf energy Lewis 74 24 fluence and BWRs fluence than BWRs Lewis 75 6 known at known as Lewis 80 10 KENNEDY GIBSON Judge Gibson 80 19 KENNEDY GIBSON Judge Gibson 80 25 KENNEDY GIBSON Judge Gibson 81 7 KENNEDY GIBSON Judge Gibson 81 12 KENNEDY GIBSON Judge Gibson 81 19 KENNEDY GIBSON Judge Gibson 81 23 KENNEDY GIBSON Judge Gibson 81 24 says if says, "if Curran 82 1 SSEs SSCs Curran 82 5 effective.
Curran 92 10 Subsequently Subsequent Judge Gibson 96 17 Domestic and International domestic and international Gamin 96 18 Operating Experience operating experience Gamin 96 23 degradation in degradation and Gamin 97 8 show stoppers showstoppers Gamin 98 15 says: Another says: "Another Curran 98 16 SRP-LR, SRP-LR," Curran 98 17 Renewal, and Renewal, "and Curran 99 4 Element 10.
Element 10."
Curran 99 5 onto say: The on to say: "The Curran 99 14 of aging. of aging."
Curran 99 16 our reply your reply Judge Gibson 99 17 here: The here: "The Judge Gibson 100 1 experience.
Judge Gibson 103 2 that Beyond that, Beyond Judge Kennedy 103 3 that's identified that Judge Gibson  identified Judge Kennedy 103 16 conditioned monitoring condition monitoring Lewis 104 1 our a Lewis 105 9 Well, the One of the ten Lewis 106 21 have check have to check Gamin 109 21 pretty it sure pretty sure Lewis 110 16 taking it out take it out Judge Gibson 110 17 autopsy an autopsy Judge Gibson 111 6 have to some have to do some Curran 112 112 type. or type or Judge Abreu 114 17 I just You just Judge Gibson 119 7 th the Curran 122 1 a condition the condition Curran 124 24 amount of Office of amount of Judge Abreu 127 11 things s things as Judge Abreu 127 24 unformed uninformed Lewis 128 8 Everyone Every one Lewis 129 22 how can continuous how continuous Curran  129 23 feedback in feedback be in Curran 130 11 external experience operating external operating Judge Abreu 141 25 I'm sorry I'm terribly sorry Judge Gibson 143 7 reason. reason. So.
Judge Gibson 146 3 be come become Curran 147 22 comment: The comment: "The Gamin 148 4 every year. every year."
Gamin 153 25 cant' can't Curran 156 12 needs changed, needs change, Curran 159 14  in to into Curran 159 15 really likely really is likely Curran 163 1 get the get to the Curran 163 15 in EIS in an EIS Curran 163 16 renewal of GEIS renewal GEIS Curran 165 10 quote, determine quote, "determine Curran 165 11 valid. valid." Curran 167 9 quote, throughout the revised GEIS quote, "throughout the revised GEIS" Lewis 167 10 GEIS, the GEIS, "the Lewis 167 11 of 40. of 40." Lewis 167 14 This is, Ms. Curran's then And as Ms. Curran said in Lewis 168 19 renewal judged renewal are judged Lewis 168 21 increase at risk increase in risk Lewis 169 14 build up build-up Lewis 170 10 exclusively explicitly Lewis 171 16  burn-up rates burn-up, uprates Lewis 171 21 extended power
-up rate extended power uprate Lewis 172 5 Thank God I'm glad Lewis 172 5 it too the two Lewis 172 22 Now only Not only Young    173 1 determinations Category 1 and Category issues determinations on Category 1 and Category 2 issues Young 174 19 COR-17-00 CLI-17-00 Curran 175 8 notice we notice if we Curran 177 4 And EIS An EIS Curran 177 10 as concerned as concerns Curran 177 16 follows: Beyond follows: "Beyond Judge Gibson 177 21 operation.
Judge Gibson 177 25 Finally "Finally Judge Gibson 178 5 term. term." Judge Gibson 181 10 accident accidents Curran 183 12 that something that there is something Lewis 183 13 risk risks Lewis 183 18 the power need for power Lewis 183 19 51.53.(c)(3) 51.53(c)(3)
Lewis 185 7 JUDGE KENNEDY JUDGE GIBSON Judge Gibson 188 18 in contention in a contention Curran 188 23 recovered by covered by Curran 189 17 It's cracked It's correct Lewis 190 24 So challenge So to challenge Lewis 191 4 not challenges.
not challenged.
Lewis 192 21 Judge Abreu Dr. Abreu Judge Gibson 194 23 upper shelf energy upper-shelf energy Lewis 194 25 to how to show Lewis 195 2 of these that these Lewis 195 16 says, the says, "the Lewis 195 21 initiated event initiating event Lewis 195 22 frequency.
Lewis 195 23 concludes, the concludes, "the Lewis 196 5 change. change." Lewis 198 12 decline declined Young 198 13 Issues that issues, that Young 198 20 that at Young 198 23 in particular identified that particularly identified Young 198 24 to. Domestic to, domestic Young 199 7 2014 no need 2014, no need Young 199 11 people from staff people from
--staff Young 199 18 up that up, that Young 199 19 show stoppers showstoppers Young 200 4 a current the current Young 200 7 permitting implementing Young 200 8 deteriorations deterioration Young 200 14 GAL-SLR GALL-SLR Young 200 16 aware that in Aware that, in Young 200 21 impacts. They impacts, they Young 203 12-13 show stoppers showstoppers Curran 204 12 a place the place Young    205 5 In In the Young 207 8 2.309(f)(6) 2.309(f)(1)(vi)
Judge Gibson 210 2 licencing licensing Curran 210 14 2.309(f)(6) 2.309(f)(1)(vi)
Lewis 211 20 still exist. They still exist, they Lewis 212 20 BWR BWRs Lewis 213 12 we got we've got Gamin 214 15 accidents which is a category 1 issue accidents, which is a category 1 issue, Young 215 3 contention contentions Young 215 4 this grievance its grievances Young UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION BEFORE THE ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARD In the Matter of EXELON GENERATION COMPANY, LLC Docket Nos. 50

50-278-SLR (Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units 2 and 3)     CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Pursuant to 10 C.F.R. § 2.305, I hereby certify that copies of the foregoing "JOINT MOTION FOR CORRECTION OF THE TRANSCRIPT OF THE ORAL ARGUMENT HELD ON MARCH 27, 2019,"
ATTACHMENT 1 PROPOSED TRANSCRIPT ERRATA Proceeding Name: Exelon Generation Company, LLC (Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units 2 and 3)
dated April 15, 2019, have been filed through the Electronic Information Exchange, the NRC's E
Docket Nos:      50-277-SLR and 50-278-SLR ASLBP No.:      19-960-01-SLR-BD01 Page      Line    From                    To                      Speaker Global            10CFR                  10 CFR 4        5        Exelon Generation      Exelon Generation        Judge Gibson Company LLC            Company, LLC 8        9        Regulatory Commission  Nuclear Regulatory      Judge Gibson Commission 15        1        And your first you make And your first point you Judge Gibson make 16        11      Of is it                Or is it                Judge Kennedy 20        8        US                      U.S.                    Lewis 23        20      curious is you          curious if you          Judge Kennedy 28        15      series of question      series of questions      Judge Kennedy 29        16      of OE is that is        of international OE that Lewis is 29        23      states, The            states, The            Lewis 30        2        and structures.        and structures.        Lewis 30        12      lead into that          Limit it to that        Lewis 30        13      we shared              we share                Lewis 31        13      really did              related                  Lewis 32        6        20CFR 5071              10 CFR 50.71            Gamin 32        24      program, its in        program in              Lewis 32        25      dispute.                dispute --              Lewis 33        8        a radiation effects    irradiation effects      Lewis 33        19      is water                if water                Lewis manholes              manholes 34        7        meets it                meets its                Lewis 34        8        fission monitoring      condition monitoring    Lewis 34        14      if heard                if I heard              Judge Kennedy 35        21      the, in the            the language in the      Curran 37        20      period extended        period of extended      Judge Kennedy 38        24      were fall              were falling            Lewis 39        21      BW-1s                  BWR-1s                  Lewis 41        8        US                      U.S.                    Judge Abreu 41        12      they are                there are                Lewis 42        17      concern                concerns                Judge Abreu 42        18      struggling is          struggling with is      Judge Abreu 43        11      those question          those questions          Curran 46        10-11    this Appendix A        Appendix A              Curran
-Filing System, in the above
-captioned proceeding, this 15 th day of April 2019.         /Signed (electronically) by/
48  17 paragraph, The          paragraph, The      Curran 48  19 examples,                examples,          Curran 48  20 of how                  of how              Curran 47  7  those programs.          those programs. Curran 49  15 Us,                      U.S.,                Judge Kennedy 49  20 US                      U.S.                Curran 49  22 US                      U.S.                Curran 50  2  US                      U.S.                Curran 52  5  8.1.6                    A.1.6                Lewis 54  15 2802                    2.802                Gamin 56  13 its                    its                  Lewis 57  7  intervener              intervenor          Curran 60  25 It in aging              It is in aging      Curran 62  15 nobody us                nobody is            Curran 67  4  intervener              intervenor          Curran 67  8  intervener              intervenor          Curran 68  21 we can                  they can            Curran 71  21 54.21d                  54.21(d)            Curran 74  7  upper shell of energy    upper-shelf energy  Lewis 74  24 fluence and BWRs        fluence than BWRs    Lewis 75  6  known at                known as            Lewis 80  10 KENNEDY                  GIBSON              Judge Gibson 80  19 KENNEDY                  GIBSON              Judge Gibson 80  25 KENNEDY                  GIBSON              Judge Gibson 81  7  KENNEDY                  GIBSON              Judge Gibson 81  12 KENNEDY                  GIBSON              Judge Gibson 81  19 KENNEDY                  GIBSON              Judge Gibson 81  23 KENNEDY                  GIBSON              Judge Gibson 81  24 says if                  says, if            Curran 82  1  SSEs                    SSCs                Curran 82  5  effective.              effective.          Curran 92  10 Subsequently            Subsequent          Judge Gibson 96  17 Domestic and            domestic and        Gamin International            international 96  18 Operating Experience    operating experience Gamin 96  23 degradation in          degradation and      Gamin 97  8  show stoppers            showstoppers        Gamin 98  15 says: Another            says: Another      Curran 98  16 SRP-LR,                  SRP-LR,            Curran 98  17 Renewal, and            Renewal, and        Curran 99  4  Element 10.              Element 10.        Curran 99  5  onto say: The            on to say: The      Curran 99  14 of aging.                of aging.          Curran 99  16 our reply                your reply          Judge Gibson 99  17 here: The                here: The          Judge Gibson 100 1  experience.              experience.        Judge Gibson 103 2  that Beyond              that, Beyond        Judge Kennedy 103 3  thats identified        that Judge Gibson    Judge Kennedy identified
Kayla Gamin Counsel for the NRC Staff U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop O14
-A44       Washington, DC 20555 Telephone: (301) 287
103 16  conditioned monitoring    condition monitoring  Lewis 104 1  our                      a                      Lewis 105 9  Well, the                One of the ten        Lewis 106 21  have check                have to check          Gamin 109 21  pretty it sure            pretty sure            Lewis 110 16  taking it out            take it out            Judge Gibson 110 17  autopsy                  an autopsy            Judge Gibson 111 6  have to some              have to do some        Curran 112 112 type. or                  type or                Judge Abreu 114 17  I just                    You just              Judge Gibson 119 7  th                        the                    Curran 122 1  a condition              the condition          Curran 124 24  amount of Office of      amount of              Judge Abreu 127 11  things s                  things as              Judge Abreu 127 24  unformed                  uninformed            Lewis 128 8  Everyone                  Every one              Lewis 129 22  how can continuous        how continuous        Curran 129 23  feedback in              feedback be in        Curran 130 11  external experience      external operating    Judge Abreu operating 141 25  Im sorry                Im terribly sorry    Judge Gibson 143 7  reason.                  reason. So.            Judge Gibson 146 3  be come                  become                Curran 147 22  comment: The              comment: The          Gamin 148 4  every year.              every year.          Gamin 153 25  cant                    cant                  Curran 156 12  needs changed,            needs change,          Curran 159 14  in to                    into                  Curran 159 15  really likely            really is likely      Curran 163 1  get the                  get to the            Curran 163 15  in EIS                    in an EIS              Curran 163 16  renewal of GEIS          renewal GEIS          Curran 165 10  quote, determine          quote, determine      Curran 165 11  valid.                    valid.                Curran 167 9  quote, throughout the    quote, throughout the Lewis revised GEIS              revised GEIS 167 10  GEIS, the                GEIS, the            Lewis 167 11  of 40.                    of 40.                Lewis 167 14  This is, Ms. Currans    And as Ms. Curran said Lewis then                      in 168 19  renewal judged            renewal are judged    Lewis 168 21  increase at risk          increase in risk      Lewis 169 14  build up                  build-up              Lewis 170 10  exclusively              explicitly            Lewis 171 16  burn-up rates            burn-up, uprates      Lewis 171 21  extended power-up rate    extended power uprate  Lewis 172 5  Thank God                Im glad              Lewis 172 5  it too                    the two                Lewis 172 22  Now only                  Not only              Young
-9234       E-mail:               Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 15th day of April 2019}}
173 1    determinations Category    determinations on      Young 1 and Category issues      Category 1 and Category 2 issues 174 19    COR-17-00                  CLI-17-00              Curran 175 8    notice we                  notice if we            Curran 177 4    And EIS                    An EIS                  Curran 177 10    as concerned                as concerns            Curran 177 16    follows: Beyond            follows: Beyond        Judge Gibson 177 21    operation.                  operation.            Judge Gibson 177 25    Finally                    Finally                Judge Gibson 178 5    term.                      term.                  Judge Gibson 181 10    accident                    accidents              Curran 183 12    that something              that there is something Lewis 183 13    risk                        risks                  Lewis 183 18    the power                  need for power          Lewis 183 19    51.53.(c)(3)                51.53(c)(3)            Lewis 185 7    JUDGE KENNEDY              JUDGE GIBSON            Judge Gibson 188 18    in contention              in a contention        Curran 188 23    recovered by                covered by              Curran 189 17    Its cracked                Its correct            Lewis 190 24    So challenge                So to challenge        Lewis 191 4    not challenges.            not challenged.        Lewis 192 21    Judge Abreu                Dr. Abreu              Judge Gibson 194 23    upper shelf energy          upper-shelf energy      Lewis 194 25    to how                      to show                Lewis 195 2    of these                    that these              Lewis 195 16    says, the                  says, the              Lewis 195 21    initiated event            initiating event        Lewis 195 22    frequency.                  frequency.            Lewis 195 23    concludes, the              concludes, the        Lewis 196 5    change.                    change.                Lewis 198 12    decline                    declined                Young 198 13    Issues that                issues, that            Young 198 20    that                        at                      Young 198 23    in particular identified    that particularly      Young identified 198 24    to. Domestic                to, domestic            Young 199 7    2014 no need                2014, no need          Young 199 11    people from staff          people from--staff      Young 199 18    up that                    up, that                Young 199 19    show stoppers              showstoppers            Young 200 4    a current                  the current            Young 200 7    permitting                  implementing            Young 200 8    deteriorations              deterioration          Young 200 14    GAL-SLR                    GALL-SLR                Young 200 16    aware that in              Aware that, in          Young 200 21    impacts. They              impacts, they          Young 203 12-13 show stoppers              showstoppers            Curran 204 12    a place                    the place              Young
205 5  In                      In the                Young 207 8  2.309(f)(6)              2.309(f)(1)(vi)      Judge Gibson 210 2  licencing                licensing            Curran 210 14 2.309(f)(6)              2.309(f)(1)(vi)      Lewis 211 20 still exist. They        still exist, they    Lewis 212 20 BWR                      BWRs                  Lewis 213 12 we got                  weve got            Gamin 214 15 accidents which is a    accidents, which is a Young category 1 issue        category 1 issue, 215 3  contention              contentions          Young 215 4  this grievance          its grievances        Young
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION BEFORE THE ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARD In the Matter of EXELON GENERATION COMPANY, LLC                          Docket Nos. 50-277-SLR 50-278-SLR (Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units 2 and 3)
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Pursuant to 10 C.F.R. § 2.305, I hereby certify that copies of the foregoing JOINT MOTION FOR CORRECTION OF THE TRANSCRIPT OF THE ORAL ARGUMENT HELD ON MARCH 27, 2019, dated April 15, 2019, have been filed through the Electronic Information Exchange, the NRCs E-Filing System, in the above-captioned proceeding, this 15th day of April 2019.
                                                    /Signed (electronically) by/
Kayla Gamin Counsel for the NRC Staff U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop O14-A44 Washington, DC 20555 Telephone: (301) 287-9234 E-mail: Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 15th day of April 2019}}

Latest revision as of 21:34, 19 October 2019

Joint Motion for Transcript Corrections
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/15/2019
From: Kayla Gamin
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
50-277-SLR, 50-278-SLR, ASLBP 19-960-01-SLR-BD01, RAS 54921
Download: ML19105A660 (8)



JOINT MOTION FOR CORRECTION OF THE TRANSCRIPT OF THE ORAL ARGUMENT HELD ON MARCH 27, 2019 Pursuant to 10 C.F.R § 2.323(a) and consistent with 10 C.F.R. § 2.327(d), the NRC Staff, on behalf of itself, Beyond Nuclear, Inc., and Exelon Generation Company, LLC (collectively, the Participants), hereby requests that the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (Board) issue an Order correcting the official transcript of the Oral Argument held on March 27, 2019, as set forth in the errata listed in Attachment 1 hereto. The Participants submit that these corrections are necessary either to correct material errors in the transcript or to ensure that the transcript accurately reflects the statements made during the oral argument.

Accordingly, the Participants request that the transcript be revised to incorporate the corrections identified in Attachment 1 hereto. Each of the Participants has authorized the Staff to state that they join in this Motion.

Respectfully submitted,

/Signed (electronically) by/

Kayla Gamin Counsel for NRC Staff Office of the General Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop - O-14-A44 Washington, DC 20555 Telephone: (301) 287-9234 E-mail:

Executed in Accord with 10 C.F.R. § 2.304(d):

Mitzi A. Young Counsel for NRC Staff Office of the General Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop - O-14-A44 Washington, DC 20555 Telephone: (301) 287-9178 E-mail: Rebecca Susko Counsel for NRC Staff Office of the General Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop - O-14-A44 Washington, DC 20555 Telephone: (301) 415-0032 E-mail: Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 15th day of April 2019

ATTACHMENT 1 PROPOSED TRANSCRIPT ERRATA Proceeding Name: Exelon Generation Company, LLC (Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units 2 and 3)

Docket Nos: 50-277-SLR and 50-278-SLR ASLBP No.: 19-960-01-SLR-BD01 Page Line From To Speaker Global 10CFR 10 CFR 4 5 Exelon Generation Exelon Generation Judge Gibson Company LLC Company, LLC 8 9 Regulatory Commission Nuclear Regulatory Judge Gibson Commission 15 1 And your first you make And your first point you Judge Gibson make 16 11 Of is it Or is it Judge Kennedy 20 8 US U.S. Lewis 23 20 curious is you curious if you Judge Kennedy 28 15 series of question series of questions Judge Kennedy 29 16 of OE is that is of international OE that Lewis is 29 23 states, The states, The Lewis 30 2 and structures. and structures. Lewis 30 12 lead into that Limit it to that Lewis 30 13 we shared we share Lewis 31 13 really did related Lewis 32 6 20CFR 5071 10 CFR 50.71 Gamin 32 24 program, its in program in Lewis 32 25 dispute. dispute -- Lewis 33 8 a radiation effects irradiation effects Lewis 33 19 is water if water Lewis manholes manholes 34 7 meets it meets its Lewis 34 8 fission monitoring condition monitoring Lewis 34 14 if heard if I heard Judge Kennedy 35 21 the, in the the language in the Curran 37 20 period extended period of extended Judge Kennedy 38 24 were fall were falling Lewis 39 21 BW-1s BWR-1s Lewis 41 8 US U.S. Judge Abreu 41 12 they are there are Lewis 42 17 concern concerns Judge Abreu 42 18 struggling is struggling with is Judge Abreu 43 11 those question those questions Curran 46 10-11 this Appendix A Appendix A Curran

48 17 paragraph, The paragraph, The Curran 48 19 examples, examples, Curran 48 20 of how of how Curran 47 7 those programs. those programs. Curran 49 15 Us, U.S., Judge Kennedy 49 20 US U.S. Curran 49 22 US U.S. Curran 50 2 US U.S. Curran 52 5 8.1.6 A.1.6 Lewis 54 15 2802 2.802 Gamin 56 13 its its Lewis 57 7 intervener intervenor Curran 60 25 It in aging It is in aging Curran 62 15 nobody us nobody is Curran 67 4 intervener intervenor Curran 67 8 intervener intervenor Curran 68 21 we can they can Curran 71 21 54.21d 54.21(d) Curran 74 7 upper shell of energy upper-shelf energy Lewis 74 24 fluence and BWRs fluence than BWRs Lewis 75 6 known at known as Lewis 80 10 KENNEDY GIBSON Judge Gibson 80 19 KENNEDY GIBSON Judge Gibson 80 25 KENNEDY GIBSON Judge Gibson 81 7 KENNEDY GIBSON Judge Gibson 81 12 KENNEDY GIBSON Judge Gibson 81 19 KENNEDY GIBSON Judge Gibson 81 23 KENNEDY GIBSON Judge Gibson 81 24 says if says, if Curran 82 1 SSEs SSCs Curran 82 5 effective. effective. Curran 92 10 Subsequently Subsequent Judge Gibson 96 17 Domestic and domestic and Gamin International international 96 18 Operating Experience operating experience Gamin 96 23 degradation in degradation and Gamin 97 8 show stoppers showstoppers Gamin 98 15 says: Another says: Another Curran 98 16 SRP-LR, SRP-LR, Curran 98 17 Renewal, and Renewal, and Curran 99 4 Element 10. Element 10. Curran 99 5 onto say: The on to say: The Curran 99 14 of aging. of aging. Curran 99 16 our reply your reply Judge Gibson 99 17 here: The here: The Judge Gibson 100 1 experience. experience. Judge Gibson 103 2 that Beyond that, Beyond Judge Kennedy 103 3 thats identified that Judge Gibson Judge Kennedy identified

103 16 conditioned monitoring condition monitoring Lewis 104 1 our a Lewis 105 9 Well, the One of the ten Lewis 106 21 have check have to check Gamin 109 21 pretty it sure pretty sure Lewis 110 16 taking it out take it out Judge Gibson 110 17 autopsy an autopsy Judge Gibson 111 6 have to some have to do some Curran 112 112 type. or type or Judge Abreu 114 17 I just You just Judge Gibson 119 7 th the Curran 122 1 a condition the condition Curran 124 24 amount of Office of amount of Judge Abreu 127 11 things s things as Judge Abreu 127 24 unformed uninformed Lewis 128 8 Everyone Every one Lewis 129 22 how can continuous how continuous Curran 129 23 feedback in feedback be in Curran 130 11 external experience external operating Judge Abreu operating 141 25 Im sorry Im terribly sorry Judge Gibson 143 7 reason. reason. So. Judge Gibson 146 3 be come become Curran 147 22 comment: The comment: The Gamin 148 4 every year. every year. Gamin 153 25 cant cant Curran 156 12 needs changed, needs change, Curran 159 14 in to into Curran 159 15 really likely really is likely Curran 163 1 get the get to the Curran 163 15 in EIS in an EIS Curran 163 16 renewal of GEIS renewal GEIS Curran 165 10 quote, determine quote, determine Curran 165 11 valid. valid. Curran 167 9 quote, throughout the quote, throughout the Lewis revised GEIS revised GEIS 167 10 GEIS, the GEIS, the Lewis 167 11 of 40. of 40. Lewis 167 14 This is, Ms. Currans And as Ms. Curran said Lewis then in 168 19 renewal judged renewal are judged Lewis 168 21 increase at risk increase in risk Lewis 169 14 build up build-up Lewis 170 10 exclusively explicitly Lewis 171 16 burn-up rates burn-up, uprates Lewis 171 21 extended power-up rate extended power uprate Lewis 172 5 Thank God Im glad Lewis 172 5 it too the two Lewis 172 22 Now only Not only Young

173 1 determinations Category determinations on Young 1 and Category issues Category 1 and Category 2 issues 174 19 COR-17-00 CLI-17-00 Curran 175 8 notice we notice if we Curran 177 4 And EIS An EIS Curran 177 10 as concerned as concerns Curran 177 16 follows: Beyond follows: Beyond Judge Gibson 177 21 operation. operation. Judge Gibson 177 25 Finally Finally Judge Gibson 178 5 term. term. Judge Gibson 181 10 accident accidents Curran 183 12 that something that there is something Lewis 183 13 risk risks Lewis 183 18 the power need for power Lewis 183 19 51.53.(c)(3) 51.53(c)(3) Lewis 185 7 JUDGE KENNEDY JUDGE GIBSON Judge Gibson 188 18 in contention in a contention Curran 188 23 recovered by covered by Curran 189 17 Its cracked Its correct Lewis 190 24 So challenge So to challenge Lewis 191 4 not challenges. not challenged. Lewis 192 21 Judge Abreu Dr. Abreu Judge Gibson 194 23 upper shelf energy upper-shelf energy Lewis 194 25 to how to show Lewis 195 2 of these that these Lewis 195 16 says, the says, the Lewis 195 21 initiated event initiating event Lewis 195 22 frequency. frequency. Lewis 195 23 concludes, the concludes, the Lewis 196 5 change. change. Lewis 198 12 decline declined Young 198 13 Issues that issues, that Young 198 20 that at Young 198 23 in particular identified that particularly Young identified 198 24 to. Domestic to, domestic Young 199 7 2014 no need 2014, no need Young 199 11 people from staff people from--staff Young 199 18 up that up, that Young 199 19 show stoppers showstoppers Young 200 4 a current the current Young 200 7 permitting implementing Young 200 8 deteriorations deterioration Young 200 14 GAL-SLR GALL-SLR Young 200 16 aware that in Aware that, in Young 200 21 impacts. They impacts, they Young 203 12-13 show stoppers showstoppers Curran 204 12 a place the place Young

205 5 In In the Young 207 8 2.309(f)(6) 2.309(f)(1)(vi) Judge Gibson 210 2 licencing licensing Curran 210 14 2.309(f)(6) 2.309(f)(1)(vi) Lewis 211 20 still exist. They still exist, they Lewis 212 20 BWR BWRs Lewis 213 12 we got weve got Gamin 214 15 accidents which is a accidents, which is a Young category 1 issue category 1 issue, 215 3 contention contentions Young 215 4 this grievance its grievances Young


CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Pursuant to 10 C.F.R. § 2.305, I hereby certify that copies of the foregoing JOINT MOTION FOR CORRECTION OF THE TRANSCRIPT OF THE ORAL ARGUMENT HELD ON MARCH 27, 2019, dated April 15, 2019, have been filed through the Electronic Information Exchange, the NRCs E-Filing System, in the above-captioned proceeding, this 15th day of April 2019.

/Signed (electronically) by/

Kayla Gamin Counsel for the NRC Staff U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop O14-A44 Washington, DC 20555 Telephone: (301) 287-9234 E-mail: Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 15th day of April 2019