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.  -                                                                                                                        l November 29, 1978 For:              The Commissioners From:            T. A. Rehm, Assistant to the Executive DirecD r for Operations
WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 24, 1978 A summary of key events is included as a convenience to those Commissionerswho may prefer a condensed version of this report.
Contents                                                                              Enclosure Administration                                                                            A Nuclear Reactor Regulation                                                                B Standards Development                                                                      C Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards                                                    D l
Inspection and Enforcement                                                                E    ;
Nuclear Regulatory Research                                                                F Executive Legal Director                                                                  G International Programs                                                                    H State Programs                                                                            I Management and Program Analysis                                                            J Controller                                                                                K Calendar of Significant Events                                                            L Items approved by the Commission                                                          M*
                                                                                    /T.                    &&
A. Rehm, Assistant to the 781207003(o                                                                          Executive Director for Operations
T. A. Rehm 49-27781 1
* Deleted from Commissioners and PDR copy.
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                                          ~ 1 Week Ending November 24,1978                                                    -. ~ . _ . . , .
                                                                                                                                                                              ,                                  v. ;l u
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Arkansas Nuclear One - Unit 2                                                                                                                                                            iM.;
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                                                                                                                                                                                                            ~ ,          .1 Amendment 6 to the operating license was issued on November 18. ,.. Mi y ?                                                                                                            . *d  ..
                                                                                                                                                                  ~.,.;.z v1 Decommissioning Policy                                                                                                                      *C                                              ,,'i
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        .1 On November 21, SD staff met with representatives of the Internal . .lcci .                                                                                                -
Revenue Service and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to                                                                                    1-                              '
i                    review the NRC decommissioning policy program.                                                            ,                                          2'{ .
Hanford Mortality Study                                                                                                                                                          '
On November 20, Dr. Alice Stewart, an eminent epidemiologist i                    co-investigator in the Hanford Mortality Study, met with SD staff                                                                                        -
I and management to present an update'on thesHanford study and discuss current topics of interest in radiation epidemiology. Dr. Stewart emphasizej that previous epidemiological -studies may have underestimated                                                                                                      '
the risk'of radiation induced cancer.                                                                                            -
INFCE Working Group 4                                                                          ,
A discussion paper was prepared indicating that LWR recycle is not                                                                                                                            ,
economically beneficial for any conditions during this century and                                                                                        '
becomes marginally viable early in the 21st century.                                                                                          ,
                  ' Tracking of' Foreign Oricin Nuclear Materials                                                                                                                        ,
On November 20, GAO issued final approval of reporting forms and                                                                                                    .--
procedures for tracking foreign origin nuclear material. in the U.S..                                                                                                .
Program Development                                                                                        -
The NRC memo of agreement with the State of Indiana will be signed by Governor Brown in Indianapolis on December 14, 1978.
* no
                                                                                                                                                                                                    . . ;;;.< n
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* s OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION                                          l Week Ending November 24, 1978 ADMINISTRATION OF THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT l
STATUS OF REQUESTS                                        '{
Initial                  Appeal of Request                Initial Decision                      l 1
Received          362                                      36                l Granted          248                                        10 Denied            63                                      16 Pending            51                                      10                l i
ACTIONS THIS WEEK Received Lynn Connor,                          Requests 13 documents related to employee Doc-Search Associates              overexposures.
(78-327)                                                                                i Lynn Connor,                          Requests 26 documents related to employee Doc-Search Associates              overexposures.
(78-328)                                                                                l l
Sue Reinert,                          Requests correspondence relating to the proposed (78-329)                        radwaste incinerator.
1 Requests correspondence from or to Appalachlan Deborah C. Wyatt, Lowe & Gordon                      Power Company or American Electric Power Company        l (78-330)                        regarding any proposed nuclear power plants to be      l constructed in the next 15 years in Virginia or        i l
West Virginia.
l Glen Van Slyke                        Requests al? documents pertaining to potential l            National Lawyers Guild            threats, adversary actions, civil disorders, (78-331)                        protests, marches, rallies, speeches, etc. which        ,
contain references to the National Lawyers Guild.
Granted A. Kranish,                            In response to a request for all records received, Trends Publishing Inc.            considered or approved by the Commission during the (78-232)-                        September 5 discussion of the OIA/0CC' inquiry into the EDO Testimony, informed the requester the documents were available for inspection at the NRC PDR.
CONTACT:    J. M. Felton 492-7211 ENCLOSURE A
                                  ...  ,.    . , . . .          . .. .          . . .      .m- =--    - - - - -
Granted, Cont'd Ralph Kegel,                      In response to a request for documents and Community Action                information regarding the design and manufacture Research Group.                of the " sat 3 ends" currently being replaced at                        !
(78-299)                      the Duane Arald Energy Center, informed the-                          l requester this information is available for inspection at the NRC Local Public Document                            l Room at-the Cedar Rapids Pubiic Library in                            H Cedar Rapids, Iowa.                                                    I l      (An individual requesting          In response to a request for a copy of all files information about himself)        indexed or maintained under his name, informed the (78-303)                      requester the NRC has no documents in its personnel, security, or radiation exposure records.
Kathryn Hooker,                    In response to a request for a copy of the list of (78-314)                      Local Public Document Rooms, sent to the requester the LPDR list.
Kathryn Hooker,                    In response to a request for seven categories of (78-315)                      Regulatory Guides, sent to the requester a list of the Regulatory Guides published by the NRC.
Kathryn Hooker,                    In response to a request for a list of NRC (78-317)                      publications for 1975,1976,' and 1977, sent this information to the requester.
Kathryn Hooker,                    In response to a request for a copy of the Final (78-320)                      Environmental Impact Study report on Allens Creek nuclear power plant and a copy of the regulation detailing the rights of intervenors to obtain free copies of Environmental Statements, sent to the requester a copy of the Final Environmental Statement and 10 CFR 51.24 and 51.26.                                  l Robin Landis,                      In response to a request for a copy of Teknekron's ,
Charles River                  proposal submitted under RFP RS-NRR-78-176, made Associates, Inc.                available the technical proposal.
l (78-323)
Denied S. Jacob Scherr,                    In response to a request for documents relating to 1 l          Natural Resources              the retransfer of U.S. - supplied spent nuclear Defense Council, Inc.          fuel from Tokyo Electric Power to British Nuclear (78-227)                      Fuels Limited and from Kensai Electric Power to La Hague, France, made available 8 documents and denied portions of 2 documents, and denied 7 documents in their entirety.
                                                      -- - ----.---------------------- rfKcUdLREFUL- _
    ;.===_                = = = = = =
7      3    .g==mp ======          = = = = .
          .                                                                                  I Denied, Cont'd Donald E. Cunningham,        In response to a request for a list of offerors University of Denver      in response to RFP RS-0SD-78-013 whose (78-274)                proposals were deemed acceptable, and a copy of the top three proposals as found by the Source Selection Board, informed the requester of the names of the offerors, and denied portions of the proposals which are considered confidential business (proprietary) information by the companies.                                          l
Lynn Connor,                In response to a request for copies of eleven l                                        documents concerning employee overexposures, Doc-Search Associates (78-309)                denied portions of these documents because          j disclosure of the information would be a clearly    I unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.
Lynn Connor,                In response to a request for copies of eight Doc-Search Associates      documents concerning employee overexposures (78-312)                at United Nuclear Corporation, denied portions of these documents because disclosure of the information would be a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.
l                                                                  ENCLOSURE A
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Week Ending November 24, 1978                          j j
PROPOSALS UNDER EVALUATION RFP RS-RES-78-193 Title - Evaluation of Reactor Radiation Streaming Description - Evaluate accuracy of three-dimensional Monte Carlo computer programs in calculating dose rates inside reactor containments due to radiation streaming.
Period of Performance - Twelve months Sponsor - Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research                          l Status - Negotiations / discussions completed November 21, 1978.
Best and Final offers due December 11, 1978.
ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS Contract No. NRC-03-77-179 Contractor - D' Appolonia Consulting Engineers Title - Technical Assistance on Seismic Input and Soil l
Structure Interaction Procedures Follow-up to item reported during the week ending October 20, 1978:
Contractor representatives and NRC personnel met on October 20, 1978, at Commission facilities to diccuss the cost overrun under the subject contract. Agreement was attained, and the contract was modified to reflect a fixed settlement amount of
                      $28,600.00 for completion of the remaining work and submission of the final report by January 30, 1979.
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DIVISION OF SECURITY ITEMS OF INTEREST WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 24, 1978 A bulletin has been prepared for all employees concerning the implementation of E.O.12065, " National Security Information."
The E.O. becomes effective December l',1978.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ENCLOSURE A
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1 N
                                                . WEEKLY ITEMS.0F INTEREST ._ _
: 1. Arkansas Nuclear One            ' Unit 2
                                                                                                                                                    ^ ~
Amendment 6 to the operating license was issued on November 18.'                                                                        l It arthorizes interim operation for up to 3 weeks in pre-critical                                                              ,    j heat. cp modes until .the inoperable diesel-generator is returned to service.
: 2. Vogtle Units 1 & 2 Georgians Against Nuclear Energy submitted a petition to the                                                                            ;
Comission to rescind the Vogtle construction permits based on environmental considerations.                                    -
: 3. Bailly i
The Commission has received a petition to hold hearings on NIPSCO's pile pmposal. The petitioners include the State of Illinois, the Fonner Joint Intervenors, the City of Gary and the Lake Michigan Federation.
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: 1. On November 21, R. Bernero, G. D. Calkins and R. Wood of the staff met with representatives of the Internal Revenue Service and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to review the NRC                l decommissioning policy program. Both the IRS and the FERC are becoming involved with reviews and rulemakings of their own which cover the treatment of decommissioning funds. At this
!              time, NRC, IRS and FERC are exchanging information; there is no inclination toward joint decisions or formal actions.
: 2. On November 20, 1978, Dr. Alice Stewart, an eminent epidemiologist and co-investigator in the Hanford Mortality Study, met with SD staff and management to present an update on the Hanford study and discuss current topics of interest in radiation epidemiology.        Dr. Stewart was accompanied by Robert Alvarez of the Environmental Policy Ins ti tute. Staff members from other NRC offices also attended the meeting.
Dr. Stewart gave a brief historical description of her work in Radiation Epidemiology, focusing on the Oxford childhood leukemia study, in which the carcinogenic potential of in-utero diagnostic x-ray exposure was first implicated.      #
t a result of this study        ,
and her clinical observations of " reduced immunological competence" in patients with leukemia, Dr. Stewart has concluded that previous epidemiological studies may have underestimated the risk of radiation induced cancer; i.e., persons who would ultimately have developed cancer died from some other cause due to a reduced immunological competence. Dr. Stewart felt that this explained the relatively low rates of childhood leukemia observed in Jaoanese atomic bomb survivors exposed in-utero. She expanded this explanation by indicating that mortality rates for conditions other I              than cancer among the atomic bomb survivors are noticeably higher than l              in the control group which was not appreciably exposed to radiation.
Dr. Stewart prefaced her remarks about the Hanford study by stating that the Hanford population was ideal for an epidemiological study of low-level radiation health effects by virtue of the relative good health of the population (due to health car.: and screening prog rans , e tc. ) . More specifically, persons exposed to low-levels of radiation would be. less likely to die of competing causes before radiation induced cancer had time to develop. Dr. Stewart then presented some additional analyses of the Hanford data which have been submitted recently to the Health Physics Journal. The new
                                                                    -- ------- Jrmmunn .
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findings include data which suggest that the higher radiation doses were associated with more radio-sensitive cancer types as classified in ICRP 14 (e.g. , cancers originating in the bone marrow). Dr. Stewart and her colleagues have also developed a " Hazard Index" system which suggests that Hanford workers who were placed in more hazardous occupations, as indicated by positive and false positive bioassays for internally deposited radionuclides, more likely received higher      i radiation exposures. These analyses, along with some of the results      l presented by Dr. Stewart last March at the IAEA symposium in Vienna      i will hopefully be published early next year.
Dr. Stewart was questioned at some length about the effects of confounding factors in the study of the Hanford population.
Regulatory Guides to be Issued in the Near Future
Radiation Protection Training at NPP's l
Expected Issuance Date: February 1979
== Description:==
Guidance for training programs to satisfy the requirements of Section 19.12 of 10 CFR Part 19, consistent with Section 20.l(c) of 10 CFR Part 20, at nuclear power plants.
J. Bell 443-5970
Loose-Part Detection Program for the Primary System of Light-Water-Cooled Reactors Expected Issuance Date:    March 1979 I
== Description:==
Describes a method acceptable to the NRC staff for implementing certain regulatory requirements with respect to detecting a potentially safety-related loose part in LWR's during normal operation.
The recommended program can, by the early detection of a loose part, provide the tine required to minimize damage to reactor coolant system components.
G. C. Millman 443-5997
                                                            -----r m m uar # _
Regulatory Guides Issued During the Week of November 20-24, 1978 Reg, Guide 1.9, Rev.1 - Selection, Design, and Qualification of Diesel-Generator Units Used as Onsite Electric Power Systems at Nuclear Power Plants [ Issued for Comment)
Reg. Guide 8.24 - Health Physics Surveys During Enriched Uranium-235 Processing and Fuel Fabrication [ Issued for Comment]
Division 3 - Regulatory Guides - Fuels and Materials Facilities -
Table of Contents NUREG/CP-0001 - Radioactivity in Consumer Products ENCLOSURE C
OFFICE OF NUCLEAR MATERIAL SAFETY AND SAFEGUARDS Items of Interest Week Ending November 24, 1978 INFCE Working Group 4 A discussion paper was prepared summarizing the preliminary results of economic assessments of Pu recycle in LWR's using GESMO methodologies, W.G. 4 and recent U.S. economic data and three national gr'wth o
scenarios. Results indicate that LWR recycle is not economically beneficial for any conditions during this century and becomes marginally viable early in the 21st century for the large growth scenario. This paper will be reviewed with the U.S. delegation prior to the Vienna meetings.
Open Pit Uranium Mining Personnel of the Division of Fuel Cycle and PNL contractor representatives visited four open pit uranium mines in Wyoming for the purpose of developing information for updating the generic Environmental Survey of the Uranium Fuel Cycle. Today's general practice is to process all
.            ore above .02% in U 0 content and to save lower grade ore for heap-        i leach processing, of kor regular mill processing if the uranium price      I becomes high enough.
Tracking of Foreign Origin Nuclear Materials l
On November 20,1978, GA0 issued final approval of reporting forms and      !
procedures for tracking foreign origin nuclear material in the U.S.        l Members of the NRC Safeguards staff attended discussions at DOE on November 21, 1978, dealing with DOE procedures for this reporting as it pertains to toll enrichment contract operations at Oak Ridge, MC&A Development Plan An Information Paper to the Commission on the MC&A Development Plan is being circulated for concurrence. This paper will inform the Commission of those Material Control and Material Accounting Task Force recommen-dations which have been implemented and staff plans for development and implementation of other recommendations.
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ENCLOSURE D      l 1
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Items of. Interest                    2                                ;
FY79 Research on Evaluative Methodology A proposed program plan for FY79 research on evaluative methodology has been received from RES in response to NMSS requirements. The plan covers two major RES projects,. the fixed-site physical protection project at Sandia Laboratory and the material control and accounting project at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. The proposed program is under review by NMSS staff and a position is expected lto be formulated in early December, prior to submittal for Commission approval.          ;
* Structure and Drafting of Safeguards Regulatory Documents
0FFICE OF INSPECTION AND ENFORCEMENT Items of Interest Week Endina November 24. 1979
: 1. Entronic Corporation, Kingsville, Texas - Civil Penalty Action -
On November 20, 1978, the Commission received a check in the amount of $6,000 from the subject licensee in full payment of the civil' penalty imposed on October 24, 1978.
: 2. Preliminary Notificatior.s relating to the following actions were dispatched during tha past week:
: a. PH0-78-190B Privately Owned Landfill, Norton, Massachusetts -
Analysis indicates that the radioactivity in soil samples taken from the landfill is enriched, natural and depleted processed uranium compounds. Additional dump sites will be surveyed to determine if radioactive material may be present. Concurrently, an investigation is being conducted to determine possible sources  ;
of the radioactive material found in the privately owned land-fill.
: b. PNO-78-194 ' Twin City Testing and Engineering Co. , St. Paul, MN -
Reported Overexposure of Radiographer, Estimated To Be 5-:5 Rems -
A radiogrpaher received a probable overexposure of 5 to Il rem; when he failed to perform an adequate survey of his camera con-taining 49 curies of iridium 192 and failed to detect that the source was not fully retracted into the camera when a film change was made. An investigation by IE is being conducted. (Closed)
: c. PNS-78-55 Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2 - Bomb Threat - No bombs were found and none exploded. (Closed)                              ;
: d. PNS-78-56 Waterford Unit 3 - Somb Threat - No bombs were found and  ,
none exploded.          (Closed)                                    )
: 3. IE Bulletin No. 78-12A, " Atypical Weld Material in Reactor Pressure        l Vessel Welds " was issued on November 24, 1978 to all power reactor        l facilities with an operating license or a construction permit. The          l bulletin modified the rr orting requirements of IE Bulletin No. 78-12      !
issued on September 29, 1978.
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: 1. Loss-of-Fluid-Testing (LOFT) D. McPherson Preparations to perform the first nuclear test, L2-2, during the first week in December continue on schedule.
The advanced instrumentation is performing very well, with 15 to 16 beams of the gamma densitometers operating. The new gamma densitometers measure the coolant density and mass flow rate in a radiation environment.
This week a low flow maneuvering test was performed with the reactor suberitical . The plant has been taken critical in preparation for power ascension for the L2-2 test.
: 2. RSR Data Bank System                W.D. Beckner The Reactor Safety Research (RSR) Data Bank System is now fully operational. Data from approximately 35 Semiscale, LOFT, THTF and Two Phase Pump Tests are currently available through the data bank.
FLECHT, TLTA and MARVIKEN data are scheduled for inclusion in the data bank in the next few months. Data Bank System development work is now decreasing and efforts are being directed toward increasing the data collection.
The Data Bank System includes the Data Bank Processing System (DBPS) at INEL and the Reactor Safety Research Data Repository                                          i (RSRDR) at ORNL.          The DBPS allows direct access to data via the INEL computer, data manipulation, and the construction of private sub-data banks. The private data bank feature allows, for example, a researcher to access Semiscale data from the main data base; add his own data such as RELAP calculations; and then perform comparisons using existing data bank plotting and data manipulation routines.
The RSRDR serves as an archival and distribution center. Data tapes are available on request to NRC contractors and the public.
              .            FOR THE WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 24, 1978 Yellow-Creek Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 On November 24, the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board issued an Initial Decision authorizing the issuance of construction permits for the proposed facility.
Skagit Nuclear Power Project, Units 1 and 2 On November 24, the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board issued an Order oranting intervention to three federally recognized Indian tribes holding fishing rights to the Skagit River which are secured by federal treaties.
The petition for leave to intervene was filed three years late. The Board, recognizing the unique preferential status accorded to Indians, found that their fishing rights would not be adequately protected by existing parties to the proceedings. As applicants had recently modified its application regarding water intake and discharge into the river, no prejudice was found to allowing intervention on the redesign and new data presented.                                                          -
Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Company (Enforcement Case)
On November 24, the Administrative Law Judge issued an Initial Decision      )
denying the request of the Licensee for mitigation of the $2,000 civil      ;
penalty affirmed by Order dated October 13, 1977. The ALJ held that the Licensee had not presented sufficent evidence to support the claim for mitigation.
Radiation Technology, Inc. (Enforcement' Case)
On November 24, the Administrative Law Judge issued a Decision affirming the civil penalties imposed by the Director, Office of Inspection and Enforcement, in the amount of $3,300. The Director had imposed a civil penalty in the amount of $4,800. Two items of non-compliance ($1,500) were dismissed to the extent they rested upon unverified accuracy of the inspector's survey readings.                                                1 ENCLOSURE G l
l ITEMS OF INTEREST                                I 0FFICE OF INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 24, 1978 INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION INFCE E. Beckjord, US INFCE Coordinator, and W. Kornack of his staff visited NRC on November 22 to discuss NRC support of INFCE and opportunities for increasing that support. Among those meeting with them were W. Dircks, D/EDO, J. Shea, IP, and N. Haller, MPA.
Spanish Visitors Mr. J. Villadoniga and Mr. A. Carraminana of the Nuclear safety Department of the Spanish Junta de Energia Nuclear (JEN) met P. D. O'Reilly of DPM, S. N. Hou and R. F. Audette of DSS and R. Senseney of IP on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, November 20-22.
                                                                                , 6 An interagency meeting has been scheduled at DOE on November 28 to discuss US planning and participation in connection with a meeting in Vienna in February of an Advisory Group to Review the IAEA Program on Nuclear Safety and Environmental Protection. The scope of that program encompasses the NUSS reactor standards program, reactor safety advisory missions, and fuel cycle safety and environmental activities. Among other interests which may be served at the February meeting, it will be an opportunity to urge the IAEA and itc Member States to upgrade safety and regulatory effectiveness in the developing countries which are importing power reactors per SECY-78-365.
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Program Development                                                      !
On November 14, Tom Elsasser visited Frank Bradley of.the Radiological Health Unit, New York State Department of Labor. Mr. Bradley-              !
acquainted him with the responsibilities of his office with regard to    j 4-                the Agreement States Program. They discussed areas of mutual interest    {
to New York State, the Department of Labor and the NRC.                  j The NRC memo of agreement with the State of Indiana will be signed by.  .l Governor Brown in Indianapolis on December'14,1978.                      ;j
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OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND PROGRAM ANALYSIS                        I Items of Interest-Week Ending November 24, 1978 Risk Me~thodology of' Geologic Disposal of Waste At the request of RES, attended a review meeting of risk methodology of geologic disposal of radioactive waste, contracted by the Probabilistic Analysis Staff to Sandia; helped to clarify statistical methodology issues.
Regulatory Issues in Florida Compiled information on nuclear regulatory issues involving the State of Florida. Commissioner Gilinsky-intends to use this information on his trip to the World Energy Conference in Coral Gables, Florida.
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0FFICE OF THE CONTROLLER' ITEMS OF INTEREST Week Ending November'24, 1978 NRC's Appeal to OMB's Markup Submitted On November 16, 1978 OMB provided NRC with its markup of                            'l the FY 1980 Budget and on November 22, 1978 NRC provided OMB with its appeal of that markup.
Staffs Within NRC' Meet With Appropriation Committees' Staffs The memb'ers of the Budget Division and ELD have recently met with staffs of the Appropriation Committees to discuss reprogramming procedures for NRC.
'l 1
1 Enclosure K
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FORECASTED EVENTS TWO-WEEK PERIOD EKOING DECEMBER 11_,E 1978 November 28      Susquehanna 1 & 2      Meeting between PP&L and NRC management to discuss review schedule.
November 28      Shearon Harris 1 - 4 Testimony regarding technical qualification of CP & L to be forwarded to OELD,                    '
November 29    WPPSS 1,2,3,4 and      Meeting with Washington Public Power-5                    Supply System, at their request, to discuss equipment qualification tests ^ *
                          -                          for their plants.          ,            ,
November 29    North Anna 1 & 2        Meeting with applicant to discuss proposed design of shielding around reactor pressure vessel.
November 29    Susquehanna 1 & 2      Site visit to discuss industrial            '
November 30    North Anna 1 & 2      Safety Evaluation regarding settlement of the pump house to be forwarded to the Board.
November 30    Arkansas Nuclear      Amendment No. 7 is expected to be One - Unit 2            issued which will permit the plant to go critical and subsequently operate at full power.
November 30    McGuire Unit 1        Meeting with Duke Power Management on adequacy of augmented inservice program.
December 4      Erie                  Supplement 1 to Erie SER to be published week of December 4, 1978.
December 4      San Onofre            Structural audit of plant design will be conducted.            .
December 5      Black Fox              Hearing recommences in Tulsa, Okla.
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Latest revision as of 12:49, 21 July 2020

Weekly Info Rept for Wk Ending 781124
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/29/1978
From: Rehm T
WIR-781124, NUDOCS 7812070096
Download: ML20148U524 (21)


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. - l November 29, 1978 For: The Commissioners From: T. A. Rehm, Assistant to the Executive DirecD r for Operations


WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 24, 1978 A summary of key events is included as a convenience to those Commissionerswho may prefer a condensed version of this report.

Contents Enclosure Administration A Nuclear Reactor Regulation B Standards Development C Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards D l

Inspection and Enforcement E  ;

Nuclear Regulatory Research F Executive Legal Director G International Programs H State Programs I Management and Program Analysis J Controller K Calendar of Significant Events L Items approved by the Commission M*

/T. &&

A. Rehm, Assistant to the 781207003(o Executive Director for Operations


T. A. Rehm 49-27781 1

  • Deleted from Commissioners and PDR copy.

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~ 1 Week Ending November 24,1978 -. ~ . _ . . , .


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Arkansas Nuclear One - Unit 2 iM.;

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~ , .1 Amendment 6 to the operating license was issued on November 18. ,.. Mi y ? . *d ..

~.,.;.z v1 Decommissioning Policy *C ,,'i

.1 On November 21, SD staff met with representatives of the Internal . .lcci . -

Revenue Service and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to 1- '

i review the NRC decommissioning policy program. , 2'{ .

Hanford Mortality Study '

On November 20, Dr. Alice Stewart, an eminent epidemiologist i co-investigator in the Hanford Mortality Study, met with SD staff -

I and management to present an update'on thesHanford study and discuss current topics of interest in radiation epidemiology. Dr. Stewart emphasizej that previous epidemiological -studies may have underestimated '

the risk'of radiation induced cancer. -

INFCE Working Group 4 ,

A discussion paper was prepared indicating that LWR recycle is not ,

economically beneficial for any conditions during this century and '

becomes marginally viable early in the 21st century. ,

' Tracking of' Foreign Oricin Nuclear Materials ,

On November 20, GAO issued final approval of reporting forms and .--

procedures for tracking foreign origin nuclear material. in the U.S.. .

Program Development -

The NRC memo of agreement with the State of Indiana will be signed by Governor Brown in Indianapolis on December 14, 1978.



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Initial Appeal of Request Initial Decision l 1

Received 362 36 l Granted 248 10 Denied 63 16 Pending 51 10 l i

ACTIONS THIS WEEK Received Lynn Connor, Requests 13 documents related to employee Doc-Search Associates overexposures.

(78-327) i Lynn Connor, Requests 26 documents related to employee Doc-Search Associates overexposures.

(78-328) l l

Sue Reinert, Requests correspondence relating to the proposed (78-329) radwaste incinerator.

1 Requests correspondence from or to Appalachlan Deborah C. Wyatt, Lowe & Gordon Power Company or American Electric Power Company l (78-330) regarding any proposed nuclear power plants to be l constructed in the next 15 years in Virginia or i l

West Virginia.

l Glen Van Slyke Requests al? documents pertaining to potential l National Lawyers Guild threats, adversary actions, civil disorders, (78-331) protests, marches, rallies, speeches, etc. which ,

contain references to the National Lawyers Guild.

Granted A. Kranish, In response to a request for all records received, Trends Publishing Inc. considered or approved by the Commission during the (78-232)- September 5 discussion of the OIA/0CC' inquiry into the EDO Testimony, informed the requester the documents were available for inspection at the NRC PDR.

CONTACT: J. M. Felton 492-7211 ENCLOSURE A

... ,. . , . . . . .. . . . . .m- =-- - - - - -

Granted, Cont'd Ralph Kegel, In response to a request for documents and Community Action information regarding the design and manufacture Research Group. of the " sat 3 ends" currently being replaced at  !

(78-299) the Duane Arald Energy Center, informed the- l requester this information is available for inspection at the NRC Local Public Document l Room at-the Cedar Rapids Pubiic Library in H Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I l (An individual requesting In response to a request for a copy of all files information about himself) indexed or maintained under his name, informed the (78-303) requester the NRC has no documents in its personnel, security, or radiation exposure records.

Kathryn Hooker, In response to a request for a copy of the list of (78-314) Local Public Document Rooms, sent to the requester the LPDR list.

Kathryn Hooker, In response to a request for seven categories of (78-315) Regulatory Guides, sent to the requester a list of the Regulatory Guides published by the NRC.

Kathryn Hooker, In response to a request for a list of NRC (78-317) publications for 1975,1976,' and 1977, sent this information to the requester.

Kathryn Hooker, In response to a request for a copy of the Final (78-320) Environmental Impact Study report on Allens Creek nuclear power plant and a copy of the regulation detailing the rights of intervenors to obtain free copies of Environmental Statements, sent to the requester a copy of the Final Environmental Statement and 10 CFR 51.24 and 51.26. l Robin Landis, In response to a request for a copy of Teknekron's ,

Charles River proposal submitted under RFP RS-NRR-78-176, made Associates, Inc. available the technical proposal.

l (78-323)

Denied S. Jacob Scherr, In response to a request for documents relating to 1 l Natural Resources the retransfer of U.S. - supplied spent nuclear Defense Council, Inc. fuel from Tokyo Electric Power to British Nuclear (78-227) Fuels Limited and from Kensai Electric Power to La Hague, France, made available 8 documents and denied portions of 2 documents, and denied 7 documents in their entirety.

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. I Denied, Cont'd Donald E. Cunningham, In response to a request for a list of offerors University of Denver in response to RFP RS-0SD-78-013 whose (78-274) proposals were deemed acceptable, and a copy of the top three proposals as found by the Source Selection Board, informed the requester of the names of the offerors, and denied portions of the proposals which are considered confidential business (proprietary) information by the companies. l


Lynn Connor, In response to a request for copies of eleven l documents concerning employee overexposures, Doc-Search Associates (78-309) denied portions of these documents because j disclosure of the information would be a clearly I unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.

Lynn Connor, In response to a request for copies of eight Doc-Search Associates documents concerning employee overexposures (78-312) at United Nuclear Corporation, denied portions of these documents because disclosure of the information would be a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.


3.:.y.==; ;g .. ,. ._



Week Ending November 24, 1978 j j

PROPOSALS UNDER EVALUATION RFP RS-RES-78-193 Title - Evaluation of Reactor Radiation Streaming Description - Evaluate accuracy of three-dimensional Monte Carlo computer programs in calculating dose rates inside reactor containments due to radiation streaming.

Period of Performance - Twelve months Sponsor - Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research l Status - Negotiations / discussions completed November 21, 1978.

Best and Final offers due December 11, 1978.

ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS Contract No. NRC-03-77-179 Contractor - D' Appolonia Consulting Engineers Title - Technical Assistance on Seismic Input and Soil l

Structure Interaction Procedures Follow-up to item reported during the week ending October 20, 1978:

Contractor representatives and NRC personnel met on October 20, 1978, at Commission facilities to diccuss the cost overrun under the subject contract. Agreement was attained, and the contract was modified to reflect a fixed settlement amount of

$28,600.00 for completion of the remaining work and submission of the final report by January 30, 1979.

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DIVISION OF SECURITY ITEMS OF INTEREST WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 24, 1978 A bulletin has been prepared for all employees concerning the implementation of E.O.12065, " National Security Information."

The E.O. becomes effective December l',1978.


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ENCLOSURE A

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1. Arkansas Nuclear One ' Unit 2

^ ~

Amendment 6 to the operating license was issued on November 18.' l It arthorizes interim operation for up to 3 weeks in pre-critical , j heat. cp modes until .the inoperable diesel-generator is returned to service.

2. Vogtle Units 1 & 2 Georgians Against Nuclear Energy submitted a petition to the  ;

Comission to rescind the Vogtle construction permits based on environmental considerations. -

3. Bailly i

The Commission has received a petition to hold hearings on NIPSCO's pile pmposal. The petitioners include the State of Illinois, the Fonner Joint Intervenors, the City of Gary and the Lake Michigan Federation.


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1. On November 21, R. Bernero, G. D. Calkins and R. Wood of the staff met with representatives of the Internal Revenue Service and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to review the NRC l decommissioning policy program. Both the IRS and the FERC are becoming involved with reviews and rulemakings of their own which cover the treatment of decommissioning funds. At this

! time, NRC, IRS and FERC are exchanging information; there is no inclination toward joint decisions or formal actions.

2. On November 20, 1978, Dr. Alice Stewart, an eminent epidemiologist and co-investigator in the Hanford Mortality Study, met with SD staff and management to present an update on the Hanford study and discuss current topics of interest in radiation epidemiology. Dr. Stewart was accompanied by Robert Alvarez of the Environmental Policy Ins ti tute. Staff members from other NRC offices also attended the meeting.

Dr. Stewart gave a brief historical description of her work in Radiation Epidemiology, focusing on the Oxford childhood leukemia study, in which the carcinogenic potential of in-utero diagnostic x-ray exposure was first implicated. #

t a result of this study ,

and her clinical observations of " reduced immunological competence" in patients with leukemia, Dr. Stewart has concluded that previous epidemiological studies may have underestimated the risk of radiation induced cancer; i.e., persons who would ultimately have developed cancer died from some other cause due to a reduced immunological competence. Dr. Stewart felt that this explained the relatively low rates of childhood leukemia observed in Jaoanese atomic bomb survivors exposed in-utero. She expanded this explanation by indicating that mortality rates for conditions other I than cancer among the atomic bomb survivors are noticeably higher than l in the control group which was not appreciably exposed to radiation.

Dr. Stewart prefaced her remarks about the Hanford study by stating that the Hanford population was ideal for an epidemiological study of low-level radiation health effects by virtue of the relative good health of the population (due to health car.: and screening prog rans , e tc. ) . More specifically, persons exposed to low-levels of radiation would be. less likely to die of competing causes before radiation induced cancer had time to develop. Dr. Stewart then presented some additional analyses of the Hanford data which have been submitted recently to the Health Physics Journal. The new

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findings include data which suggest that the higher radiation doses were associated with more radio-sensitive cancer types as classified in ICRP 14 (e.g. , cancers originating in the bone marrow). Dr. Stewart and her colleagues have also developed a " Hazard Index" system which suggests that Hanford workers who were placed in more hazardous occupations, as indicated by positive and false positive bioassays for internally deposited radionuclides, more likely received higher i radiation exposures. These analyses, along with some of the results l presented by Dr. Stewart last March at the IAEA symposium in Vienna i will hopefully be published early next year.

Dr. Stewart was questioned at some length about the effects of confounding factors in the study of the Hanford population.

Regulatory Guides to be Issued in the Near Future


Radiation Protection Training at NPP's l

Expected Issuance Date: February 1979


Guidance for training programs to satisfy the requirements of Section 19.12 of 10 CFR Part 19, consistent with Section 20.l(c) of 10 CFR Part 20, at nuclear power plants.


J. Bell 443-5970


Loose-Part Detection Program for the Primary System of Light-Water-Cooled Reactors Expected Issuance Date: March 1979 I


Describes a method acceptable to the NRC staff for implementing certain regulatory requirements with respect to detecting a potentially safety-related loose part in LWR's during normal operation.

The recommended program can, by the early detection of a loose part, provide the tine required to minimize damage to reactor coolant system components.


G. C. Millman 443-5997

r m m uar # _

Regulatory Guides Issued During the Week of November 20-24, 1978 Reg, Guide 1.9, Rev.1 - Selection, Design, and Qualification of Diesel-Generator Units Used as Onsite Electric Power Systems at Nuclear Power Plants [ Issued for Comment)

Reg. Guide 8.24 - Health Physics Surveys During Enriched Uranium-235 Processing and Fuel Fabrication [ Issued for Comment]

Division 3 - Regulatory Guides - Fuels and Materials Facilities -

Table of Contents NUREG/CP-0001 - Radioactivity in Consumer Products ENCLOSURE C

OFFICE OF NUCLEAR MATERIAL SAFETY AND SAFEGUARDS Items of Interest Week Ending November 24, 1978 INFCE Working Group 4 A discussion paper was prepared summarizing the preliminary results of economic assessments of Pu recycle in LWR's using GESMO methodologies, W.G. 4 and recent U.S. economic data and three national gr'wth o

scenarios. Results indicate that LWR recycle is not economically beneficial for any conditions during this century and becomes marginally viable early in the 21st century for the large growth scenario. This paper will be reviewed with the U.S. delegation prior to the Vienna meetings.

Open Pit Uranium Mining Personnel of the Division of Fuel Cycle and PNL contractor representatives visited four open pit uranium mines in Wyoming for the purpose of developing information for updating the generic Environmental Survey of the Uranium Fuel Cycle. Today's general practice is to process all

. ore above .02% in U 0 content and to save lower grade ore for heap- i leach processing, of kor regular mill processing if the uranium price I becomes high enough.

Tracking of Foreign Origin Nuclear Materials l

On November 20,1978, GA0 issued final approval of reporting forms and  !

procedures for tracking foreign origin nuclear material in the U.S. l Members of the NRC Safeguards staff attended discussions at DOE on November 21, 1978, dealing with DOE procedures for this reporting as it pertains to toll enrichment contract operations at Oak Ridge, MC&A Development Plan An Information Paper to the Commission on the MC&A Development Plan is being circulated for concurrence. This paper will inform the Commission of those Material Control and Material Accounting Task Force recommen-dations which have been implemented and staff plans for development and implementation of other recommendations.

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Items of. Interest 2  ;

FY79 Research on Evaluative Methodology A proposed program plan for FY79 research on evaluative methodology has been received from RES in response to NMSS requirements. The plan covers two major RES projects,. the fixed-site physical protection project at Sandia Laboratory and the material control and accounting project at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. The proposed program is under review by NMSS staff and a position is expected lto be formulated in early December, prior to submittal for Commission approval.  ;

  • Structure and Drafting of Safeguards Regulatory Documents

0FFICE OF INSPECTION AND ENFORCEMENT Items of Interest Week Endina November 24. 1979

1. Entronic Corporation, Kingsville, Texas - Civil Penalty Action -

On November 20, 1978, the Commission received a check in the amount of $6,000 from the subject licensee in full payment of the civil' penalty imposed on October 24, 1978.

2. Preliminary Notificatior.s relating to the following actions were dispatched during tha past week:
a. PH0-78-190B Privately Owned Landfill, Norton, Massachusetts -

Analysis indicates that the radioactivity in soil samples taken from the landfill is enriched, natural and depleted processed uranium compounds. Additional dump sites will be surveyed to determine if radioactive material may be present. Concurrently, an investigation is being conducted to determine possible sources  ;

of the radioactive material found in the privately owned land-fill.

b. PNO-78-194 ' Twin City Testing and Engineering Co. , St. Paul, MN -

Reported Overexposure of Radiographer, Estimated To Be 5-:5 Rems -

A radiogrpaher received a probable overexposure of 5 to Il rem; when he failed to perform an adequate survey of his camera con-taining 49 curies of iridium 192 and failed to detect that the source was not fully retracted into the camera when a film change was made. An investigation by IE is being conducted. (Closed)

c. PNS-78-55 Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2 - Bomb Threat - No bombs were found and none exploded. (Closed)  ;
d. PNS-78-56 Waterford Unit 3 - Somb Threat - No bombs were found and ,

none exploded. (Closed) )


3. IE Bulletin No.78-12A, " Atypical Weld Material in Reactor Pressure l Vessel Welds " was issued on November 24, 1978 to all power reactor l facilities with an operating license or a construction permit. The l bulletin modified the rr orting requirements of IE Bulletin No. 78-12  !

issued on September 29, 1978.

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1. Loss-of-Fluid-Testing (LOFT) D. McPherson Preparations to perform the first nuclear test, L2-2, during the first week in December continue on schedule.

The advanced instrumentation is performing very well, with 15 to 16 beams of the gamma densitometers operating. The new gamma densitometers measure the coolant density and mass flow rate in a radiation environment.

This week a low flow maneuvering test was performed with the reactor suberitical . The plant has been taken critical in preparation for power ascension for the L2-2 test.

2. RSR Data Bank System W.D. Beckner The Reactor Safety Research (RSR) Data Bank System is now fully operational. Data from approximately 35 Semiscale, LOFT, THTF and Two Phase Pump Tests are currently available through the data bank.

FLECHT, TLTA and MARVIKEN data are scheduled for inclusion in the data bank in the next few months. Data Bank System development work is now decreasing and efforts are being directed toward increasing the data collection.

The Data Bank System includes the Data Bank Processing System (DBPS) at INEL and the Reactor Safety Research Data Repository i (RSRDR) at ORNL. The DBPS allows direct access to data via the INEL computer, data manipulation, and the construction of private sub-data banks. The private data bank feature allows, for example, a researcher to access Semiscale data from the main data base; add his own data such as RELAP calculations; and then perform comparisons using existing data bank plotting and data manipulation routines.

The RSRDR serves as an archival and distribution center. Data tapes are available on request to NRC contractors and the public.




. FOR THE WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 24, 1978 Yellow-Creek Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 On November 24, the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board issued an Initial Decision authorizing the issuance of construction permits for the proposed facility.

Skagit Nuclear Power Project, Units 1 and 2 On November 24, the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board issued an Order oranting intervention to three federally recognized Indian tribes holding fishing rights to the Skagit River which are secured by federal treaties.

The petition for leave to intervene was filed three years late. The Board, recognizing the unique preferential status accorded to Indians, found that their fishing rights would not be adequately protected by existing parties to the proceedings. As applicants had recently modified its application regarding water intake and discharge into the river, no prejudice was found to allowing intervention on the redesign and new data presented. -

Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Company (Enforcement Case)

On November 24, the Administrative Law Judge issued an Initial Decision )

denying the request of the Licensee for mitigation of the $2,000 civil  ;

penalty affirmed by Order dated October 13, 1977. The ALJ held that the Licensee had not presented sufficent evidence to support the claim for mitigation.

Radiation Technology, Inc. (Enforcement' Case)

On November 24, the Administrative Law Judge issued a Decision affirming the civil penalties imposed by the Director, Office of Inspection and Enforcement, in the amount of $3,300. The Director had imposed a civil penalty in the amount of $4,800. Two items of non-compliance ($1,500) were dismissed to the extent they rested upon unverified accuracy of the inspector's survey readings. 1 ENCLOSURE G l

l ITEMS OF INTEREST I 0FFICE OF INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 24, 1978 INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION INFCE E. Beckjord, US INFCE Coordinator, and W. Kornack of his staff visited NRC on November 22 to discuss NRC support of INFCE and opportunities for increasing that support. Among those meeting with them were W. Dircks, D/EDO, J. Shea, IP, and N. Haller, MPA.

Spanish Visitors Mr. J. Villadoniga and Mr. A. Carraminana of the Nuclear safety Department of the Spanish Junta de Energia Nuclear (JEN) met P. D. O'Reilly of DPM, S. N. Hou and R. F. Audette of DSS and R. Senseney of IP on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, November 20-22.


, 6 An interagency meeting has been scheduled at DOE on November 28 to discuss US planning and participation in connection with a meeting in Vienna in February of an Advisory Group to Review the IAEA Program on Nuclear Safety and Environmental Protection. The scope of that program encompasses the NUSS reactor standards program, reactor safety advisory missions, and fuel cycle safety and environmental activities. Among other interests which may be served at the February meeting, it will be an opportunity to urge the IAEA and itc Member States to upgrade safety and regulatory effectiveness in the developing countries which are importing power reactors per SECY-78-365.


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Program Development  !

On November 14, Tom Elsasser visited Frank Bradley of.the Radiological Health Unit, New York State Department of Labor. Mr. Bradley-  !

acquainted him with the responsibilities of his office with regard to j 4- the Agreement States Program. They discussed areas of mutual interest {

to New York State, the Department of Labor and the NRC. j The NRC memo of agreement with the State of Indiana will be signed by. .l Governor Brown in Indianapolis on December'14,1978. ;j

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OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND PROGRAM ANALYSIS I Items of Interest-Week Ending November 24, 1978 Risk Me~thodology of' Geologic Disposal of Waste At the request of RES, attended a review meeting of risk methodology of geologic disposal of radioactive waste, contracted by the Probabilistic Analysis Staff to Sandia; helped to clarify statistical methodology issues.

Regulatory Issues in Florida Compiled information on nuclear regulatory issues involving the State of Florida. Commissioner Gilinsky-intends to use this information on his trip to the World Energy Conference in Coral Gables, Florida.



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0FFICE OF THE CONTROLLER' ITEMS OF INTEREST Week Ending November'24, 1978 NRC's Appeal to OMB's Markup Submitted On November 16, 1978 OMB provided NRC with its markup of 'l the FY 1980 Budget and on November 22, 1978 NRC provided OMB with its appeal of that markup.

Staffs Within NRC' Meet With Appropriation Committees' Staffs The memb'ers of the Budget Division and ELD have recently met with staffs of the Appropriation Committees to discuss reprogramming procedures for NRC.


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FORECASTED EVENTS TWO-WEEK PERIOD EKOING DECEMBER 11_,E 1978 November 28 Susquehanna 1 & 2 Meeting between PP&L and NRC management to discuss review schedule.

November 28 Shearon Harris 1 - 4 Testimony regarding technical qualification of CP & L to be forwarded to OELD, '

November 29 WPPSS 1,2,3,4 and Meeting with Washington Public Power-5 Supply System, at their request, to discuss equipment qualification tests ^ *

- for their plants. , ,

November 29 North Anna 1 & 2 Meeting with applicant to discuss proposed design of shielding around reactor pressure vessel.

November 29 Susquehanna 1 & 2 Site visit to discuss industrial '


November 30 North Anna 1 & 2 Safety Evaluation regarding settlement of the pump house to be forwarded to the Board.

November 30 Arkansas Nuclear Amendment No. 7 is expected to be One - Unit 2 issued which will permit the plant to go critical and subsequently operate at full power.

November 30 McGuire Unit 1 Meeting with Duke Power Management on adequacy of augmented inservice program.

December 4 Erie Supplement 1 to Erie SER to be published week of December 4, 1978.

December 4 San Onofre Structural audit of plant design will be conducted. .

December 5 Black Fox Hearing recommences in Tulsa, Okla.

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