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{{#Wiki_filter:SOCH Model Data Input (Unit 5)  
{{#Wiki_filter:SOCH Model Data Input (Unit 5)
No Name                           Definition                                                 Format 1 TITLE ...................... Title output (Start in col. 2.)                                 A80 2 YEAR,MNTH, ........             Date & time when computations begin.                         3I3, DAY,TIME                                                                                      4F9.0 DT ............................ Time step in seconds.
No   Name           Definition Format
PRINT......................     Print interval in min. If 0, use DT.
PTCHUP                           If nonzero, a check of unstable node points is made at each time step, and any found will be "patched".
1 TITLE...................... Title output (Start in col. 2.) A80  
3 YEAR,MNTH, ....... Date & time when computations end.                                         3I3, DAY,TIME                                                                                      F9.0 4 YEAR,MNTH, ........             Date & time when all hydrographs begin.                     3I3, DAY,TIME                                                                                    4F9.0 ZLOC                 = -1       No locals will be input.
                        = 0         Locals are input in this file.
2 YEAR,MNTH,........
                        = 8         Locals are input from unit 8.
DAY,TIME Date & time when computations begin. 3I3, 4 F9.0 DT............................ Time step in seconds.
ZNBL                 = -1       Do not print nonboundary lines.
PRINT...................... Print interval in min. If 0, use DT.
ZBOUND               > 0         U.S. boundary input from unit 9.
5 NCHAN................... Number of channels (segments between adjacent                       4I3, 3X, boundaries) in network (Max is 10).                         I3,12X, NJUNCT.................. Number of junctions in network.                                     2I3 NXCROS................. Number of sections in the geometry file (Max is 300).
PTCHUP If nonzero, a check of unstable node points is made at each time step, and any found will be "patched".
NSTM ...................... Not used.
3 YEAR,MNTH, .......
NSTEP..................... Number of elevation entries in each section (Max is 21).
DAY,TIME Date & time when computations end. 3I3, F9.0 4 YEAR,MNTH,........
KSPL........................ Channel no. which has special KSPL operation at d.s.
DAY,TIME Date & time when all hydrographs begin. 3I3, 4 F9.0 ZLOC = -1 No locals will be input.
  = 0 Locals are input in this file.
LSPL........................ Channel no. which has special LSPL operation at d.s.
  = 8 Locals are input from unit 8.
ZNBL = -1 Do not print nonboundary lines.
Note:         Line No 6 needed only if one or more junctions.
ZBOUND > 0 U.S. boundary input from unit 9.
5 NCHAN................... Number of channels (segments between adjacent boundaries) in network (Max is 10).
4I3, 3X, I3,12X, NJUNCT.................. Number of junctions in network. 2I3 NXCROS................. Number of sections in the geometry file (Max is 300). NSTM......................
Not used. NSTEP..................... Number of elevation entries in each section (Max is 21). KSPL........................ Channel no. which has special KSPL operation at d.s.
end. LSPL........................ Channel no. which has special LSPL operation at d.s.
end. Note: Line No 6 needed only if one or more junctions.
Repeat for each junction.
Repeat for each junction.
6 NUSBR.................... Channel no. of the u.s. branch. 5I3 NDSBR.................... Channel no. of the d.s. branch.
6 NUSBR....................       Channel no. of the u.s. branch.                             5I3 NDSBR....................       Channel no. of the d.s. branch.
NSIBR..................... Channel no. of the side branch.
NSIBR .....................     Channel no. of the side branch.
JSIDE = 1 Side channel has a u.s. end at this junction. (Else, enter SOCH Model Data Input (Unit 5)
JSIDE               = 1         Side channel has a u.s. end at this junction. (Else, enter
No    Name          Definition Format
0.)  ITRIB =  1 No side branch at this junction. 
  =  2 Side channel has 1 section. 
  =  3 Side channel has > 4 sections. 
SOCH Model Data Input (Unit 5)
No    Name          Definition Format

Note: Repeat line 7 for each channel.
SOCH Model Data Input (Unit 5)
No Name        Definition                        Format 0.)
ITRIB = 1    No side branch at this junction.
        = 2    Side channel has 1 section.
        = 3    Side channel has > 4 sections.

7 NODES.................... No. of node points (Max is 91). 16I3 KUBC...................... Code for u.s. boundary.
SOCH Model Data Input (Unit 5)
  = 0 Elevation given
No Name                        Definition                                              Format Note:          Repeat line 7 for each channel.
  = 1 Discharge given
7 NODES.................... No. of node points (Max is 91).                           16I3 KUBC ...................... Code for u.s. boundary.
  = 2 Rating table used
                    = 0         Elevation given
  = 3 Junction with free surface KDBC...................... Code for d.s. boundary.
                    = 1         Discharge given
  = 0 Elevation given
                    = 2         Rating table used
  = 1 Discharge given
                    = 3         Junction with free surface KDBC ...................... Code for d.s. boundary.
  = 2 Rating table used
                    = 0         Elevation given
  = 3 Junction with free surface KTAB...................... Rating table no. used d.s. at the start of run (if KDBC=2). If blank, table 1 is used.
                    = 1         Discharge given
KRULE = 1 Regular fixed rule operation is used for d.s. boundary.   = 2 PMF fixed rule operations is used for d.s. boundary.
                    = 2         Rating table used
KTOTFL = 0 No or partial failure will occur.
                    = 3         Junction with free surface KTAB ...................... Rating table no. used d.s. at the start of run (if KDBC=2). If blank, table 1 is used.
  = 1 Total failure at d.s. end will occur.
KRULE           = 1         Regular fixed rule operation is used for d.s. boundary.
KODEN = 0 Manning's n's constant at each node.
                    = 2         PMF fixed rule operations is used for d.s. boundary.
  = 1 Manning's n's vary with elevation at each node.
KTOTFL           = 0         No or partial failure will occur.
  = 2 Manning's n's vary with discharge at each node.
                    = 1         Total failure at d.s. end will occur.
NUTP....................... No. of points in u.s. rating table (used only if KUBC=2). NDTP....................... No. of points in d.s. rating table 1. NDTP2..................... No. of points in d.s. rating table 2.
KODEN           = 0         Manning's n's constant at each node.
                    = 1         Manning's n's vary with elevation at each node.
                    = 2         Manning's n's vary with discharge at each node.
NUTP....................... No. of points in u.s. rating table (used only if KUBC=2).
NDTP....................... No. of points in d.s. rating table 1.
NDTP2..................... No. of points in d.s. rating table 2.
NDTP3..................... No. of points in d.s. rating table 3.
NDTP3..................... No. of points in d.s. rating table 3.
NDTP4..................... No. of points in d.s. rating table 4.
NDTP4..................... No. of points in d.s. rating table 4.
KUFAX = 0 U.S. discharges/elevations given as hydrographs (KUBC<2).  
KUFAX           = 0         U.S. discharges/elevations given as hydrographs (KUBC<2).
  = 1 U.S. discharges/elevations given as hourly averages (KUBC<2).
                    = 1         U.S. discharges/elevations given as hourly averages (KUBC<2).
KDFAX = 0 D.S. discharges/elevations given as hydrographs (KDBC<2).  
KDFAX           = 0         D.S. discharges/elevations given as hydrographs (KDBC<2).
  = 1 D.S. discharges/elevations given as hourly averages (KDBC<2).
                    = 1         D.S. discharges/elevations given as hourly averages (KDBC<2).
KSTART = 1 Starting line input from unit 1. KEND = 1 Starting line output to unit 2.
KSTART           = 1         Starting line input from unit 1.
No    Name          Definition Format
KEND             = 1         Starting line output to unit 2.
Note: Repeat line 8 for each channel. 
8 TMILE..................... Upstream boundary stream mile. 8F9.0 REFDX.................... Reach length (in feet) if all reaches of channel are equal. REFTW.................... Submergence tailwater elevation. SURCH.................... Not used.
FLRH....................... D.S. elevation at which failure will occur.
FLRQ....................... D.S. discharge at which failure will occur.
FLRDAY,FLRTIM Day & time when failure will occur. 
Note: Repeat line 9 for each channel where  REFDX = 0.  (Mult. cards if NODES>9).
9 DX(I), ......................
I=1,NODES-1 Lengths (in feet) of each reach from u.s. to d.s. 8F9.0 Note: Repeat lines 10 & 11 for each channel  where KRULE>0. 10 REFH(1).................. Absolute minimum elevation. 7F9.0 REFH(2).................. Normal minimum elevation.
REFH(3).................. Elevation where table 1 starts.
REFH(4).................. Elevation where table 2 starts.
REFH(5).................. Top of gates elevation where table 3 starts.
REFH(6).................. Maximum elevation before failure where table 4 starts.
PEAKH.................... Maximum elevation allowed while emptying after recess; if exceeded, switch to table 1.
11 REFQ(1).................. Normal emptying rate at start of a flood  (turbine discharge).
7F9.0  REFQ(2).................. Not used. REFQ(3).................. First constant discharge maintained before using table
: 1. REFQ(4).................. Emptying rate at the end of a flood as well as the constant discharge before using table 2.
REFQ(5).................. Max. spillway discharge at gate top. REFQ(6).................. Max. spillway capacity before failure.
PEAKQ.................... The emptying rate selected by a previous run as the peak discharge before recess.
No    Name          Definition Format
Note: Include line 12 only if KSPL and/or LSPL are nonzero. 
12 HSPL -------- Elevation held at downstream end of channel KSPL until discharge reaches QSPL.
4F9.0  QSPL -------- Discharge where table 3 starts for channel KSPL. When recess reaches QSPL, hold elevation at HSPL.
HLSPL ------- Elevation where table 3 starts for channel LSPL. When recess reaches HLSPL, hold discharge at QLSPL.
QLSPL ------- Discharge held at d.s. end of channel LSPL until elevation reaches HLSPL.
Note: Repeat lines 13 through 17 for each channel. If the number of elevation/discharge pairs is zero for any
table, exclude the corresponding line.  (Multiple cards if more than 4 pairs).
I=1,NUTP U.S. rating table defined by NUTP pairs of elevation and discharge.
8F9.0  14 DELTAB(I), DQTAB(I),
I=1,NDTP D.S. rating table 1 defined by NDTP pairs of elevation and discharge.
8F9.0  15 DELTB2(I), DQTAB2(I),
I=1,NDTP2 D.S. rating table 2 defined by NDTP2 pairs of elevation and discharge.
8F9.0  16 DELTB3(I), DQTAB3(I),
I=1,NDTP3 D.S. rating table 3 defined by NDTP3 pairs of elevation and discharge.
8F9.0  17 DELTB4(I), DQTAB4(I),
I=1,NDTP4 D.S. rating table 4 defined by NDTP4 pairs of elevation and discharge.
8F9.0 No    Name          Definition Format
18 ICROSS(I),..............
I=1,NXCROS One column entry per section. Multiple cards if more than 72  sections.
72I1  =  0 Skip this section.    =  1 Use this section as node point. 
  =  2  to
=  8 Interpolate between this section and the next one to obtain 2 to 8 node points.
  =  9 Duplicate this section to obtain 2 node points. 
19 IPRINT(I),...............
I=1,no. of nodes One column entry per node point. Multiple cards if more than 72 node points.
72I1  =  0 No output for this node point.    =  1 Output results for this node every PRINT minutes. 
  =  2 Output a summary hydrograph for this node at the end of the printout. Output results for this node
every PRINT minutes only if at least one other node
has a IPRINT value of 1.
Note: Repeat line 20 for each node where IPRINT = 2. 
20 OTITLE.................. Description of node point.  (Stream mile is automatically included in the description.)
A80    Note: Repeat line 21 for each channel with  KSTART = 0. If KSTART = 1, input from unit 1.  (Multiple cards if
NODES>4)  21 H1(I),Q1(I),.............
I=1, (nodes+1)/2 Pairs of starting elevation & discharge for each node point.  (Odd node points are boundary points; even node points are non-boundary points.)
If the elevation of the most u.s. node point for a channel (H1(1)) is zero, then that channel's starting discharges will be computed based on boundary and local inflows at time zero. Also, zero elevations at any node point will be replaced using backwater computations.
8F9.0 No    Name          Definition Format
Note: Repeat lines 22 through 27 for each channel. For each channel: exclude lines 22 through 24 if KUBC>1 or ZBOUND = 1 and/or exclude lines 25 through 27 if KDBC>1 or special operations are used (i.e., KSPL, LSPL, or KRULE>0). If ZBOUND = 1, lines 22 through 24 are input from unit 9.
22 MCHAN.................. Channel number (ignored). 2I9,  NUBP....................... No. of u.s. boundary ordinates.
3F9.0  BNDINT.................. Time interval of hydrographs if constant; else enter
: 0. BPEAK................... Peak ordinate if not included in the constant time interval boundary ordinates.
PEAKTM............... Time of peak discharge in hours.
Note: Use line 23b if KUFAX = 1; else use line 23a.  (Mult.
cards if NUBP>8) 23a or USB(I),......................U.S. boundary ordinates. 8F9.0 23b UQFAX(I), ..............
I=1,NUBP U.S. boundary ordinates given as hourly averages. 8F9.0 Note: Include line 24 if KUFAX = 0 and BNDINT = 0.  (Mult. cards if NUBP>8) 24 UST(I),.....................
I=1,NUBP Times (hrs) of the corresponding ordinates in line 23a. 8F9.0 25 MCHAN.................. Channel number (ignored). 2I9  NDBP....................... No. of d.s. boundary ordinates. 
Note: Use line 26b if KDFAX = 1; else use line 26a.  (Mult.
cards if NDBP>8) 26a or DSB(I),......................D.S. boundary ordinates. 8F9.0 26b DQFAX(I),...............
I=1,NDBP D.S. boundary ordinates given as hourly averages. 8F9.0 Note: Include line 27 if KDFAX = 0.  (Multiple cards if No    Name          Definition Format
NDBP>8) 27 DST(I), ....................
I=1,NDBP Times (hrs) of the corresponding ordinates in line 26a. 8F9.0  Note: Repeat lines 28-33 for each channel.  (Multiple cards if NODES>8)  28 XN1B(I),..................
XN2B(I), I=1, (nodes+1)/2 (Same range for lines
29-33) Mannings n's for each node point. For KODEN = 0, the n's apply for all levels of elevation & discharge. 
For  KODEN>0, these n's apply to the lowest of 3
levels (defined on line 31).
8F9.0    Note: Include lines 29-33 if KODEN>0. 
29 XN1M(I),.................
XN2M(I) Mannings n's for the middle of 3 levels (defined on line 32). 8F9.0  30 XN1T(I),..................
XN2T(I) Mannings n's for the top of 3 levels (defined on line 33). 8F9.0    Note: Include lines 31b-33b if KODEN = 2. Else, (KODEN>0) include lines 31a-33a.
31a o
r H1B(I),H2B(I)..........Elevations below which the Mannings n's on line 28 apply. 8F9.0 31b Q1B(I),Q2B(I)..........Discharges below which the Mannings n's on line 28 apply. 8F9.0  32a
o r H1M(I),H2M(I)........Elevations below which interpolation between line 28 & 29 Mannings n's apply (if above line 31a elevations).
And elevations above which inter-    polation between line 29 & 30 Mannings n's apply (if below line 33a
8F9.0  32b Q1M(I),Q2M(I)........Discharges below which interpolation between line 28 & 29 Mannings n's apply (if above line 31b
discharges). And discharges above which inter-polation between line 29 & 30 Mannings n's apply (if
below line 33b discharges).
8F9.0 No    Name          Definition Format
33a o
r H1T(I),H2T(I)..........Elevations above which the Mannings n's line on 30 apply. 8F9.0 33b Q1T(I),Q2T(I)..........Discharges above which the Mannings n's on line 30 apply. 8F9.0  Note: Include lines 34-39 if ZLOC >= 0. 
34 NCL......................... Number of concentrated locals. 3I3,F9.0 NDL......................... Number of distributed locals.
NLBP....................... Number of ordinates for all locals.  (If ZLOC>0, this number is ignored and a value is computed based on TINTV and the length of a run.)
TINTV..................... If ZLOC>0, this is the default time interval (in hours) for those locals that do not specify a time
interval (TBPINT on lines 36 & 38). If 0 is entered, 6 hours is assumed.  (Value is ignored for ZLOC =

0.)     Note: Include lines 35, 37, & 39 if ZLOC = 0. If ZLOC > 0, lines 37 & 39 are input from unit 8, and are preceded by separate lines defining a unique value (format is I9) of NLBP for each local. (Multiple cards if NLBP>8)   35 TLOC(I),..................
No Name                          Definition                                              Format Note:          Repeat line 8 for each channel.
I=1,NLBP Times (hrs) of the corresponding ordinates in lines 37
8 TMILE..................... Upstream boundary stream mile.                              8F9.0 REFDX .................... Reach length (in feet) if all reaches of channel are equal.
& 39. 8F9.0   Note: Repeat lines 36 & 37 for each concentrated local.
REFTW.................... Submergence tailwater elevation.
SURCH.................... Not used.
FLRH ....................... D.S. elevation at which failure will occur.
FLRQ ....................... D.S. discharge at which failure will occur.
FLRDAY,FLRTIM Day & time when failure will occur.
Note:          Repeat line 9 for each channel where REFDX = 0.
(Mult. cards if NODES>9).
9 DX(I), ...................... Lengths (in feet) of each reach from u.s. to d.s.         8F9.0 I=1,NODES-1 Note:         Repeat lines 10 & 11 for each channel where KRULE>0.
10 REFH(1) .................. Absolute minimum elevation.                              7F9.0 REFH(2) .................. Normal minimum elevation.
REFH(3) .................. Elevation where table 1 starts.
REFH(4) .................. Elevation where table 2 starts.
REFH(5) .................. Top of gates elevation where table 3 starts.
REFH(6) .................. Maximum elevation before failure where table 4 starts.
PEAKH....................      Maximum elevation allowed while emptying after recess; if exceeded, switch to table 1.
11 REFQ(1) .................. Normal emptying rate at start of a flood (turbine            7F9.0 discharge).
REFQ(2) .................. Not used.
REFQ(3) .................. First constant discharge maintained before using table 1.
REFQ(4) .................. Emptying rate at the end of a flood as well as the constant discharge before using table 2.
REFQ(5) .................. Max. spillway discharge at gate top.
REFQ(6) .................. Max. spillway capacity before failure.
PEAKQ.................... The emptying rate selected by a previous run as the peak discharge before recess.

36 MCH........................ Channel no. of local.
No Name              Definition                                              Format Note:  Include line 12 only if KSPL and/or LSPL are nonzero.
I9, 2 F9.0 XMICL.................... Stream mile where local enters.
12 HSPL --------      Elevation held at downstream end of channel KSPL          4F9.0 until discharge reaches QSPL.
TBPINT................... If ZLOC>0, this is the time interval (in hours) of the local ordinates in line 37. If not specified, use TINTV. (Ignored if ZLOC = 0.)
QSPL --------      Discharge where table 3 starts for channel KSPL.
37 CONL(I), ................
When recess reaches QSPL, hold elevation at HSPL.
I=1,NLBP Concentrated local ordinates. 8F9.0 No    Name          Definition Format
HLSPL -------      Elevation where table 3 starts for channel LSPL. When recess reaches HLSPL, hold discharge at QLSPL.
QLSPL -------      Discharge held at d.s. end of channel LSPL until elevation reaches HLSPL.
Note:  Repeat lines 13 through 17 for each channel. If the number of elevation/discharge pairs is zero for any table, exclude the corresponding line. (Multiple cards if more than 4 pairs).
13 UELTAB(I),         U.S. rating table defined by NUTP pairs of elevation      8F9.0 UQTAB(I),          and discharge.
I=1,NUTP 14 DELTAB(I),          D.S. rating table 1 defined by NDTP pairs of elevation    8F9.0 DQTAB(I),          and discharge.
I=1,NDTP 15 DELTB2(I),          D.S. rating table 2 defined by NDTP2 pairs of elevation  8F9.0 DQTAB2(I),          and discharge.
I=1,NDTP2 16 DELTB3(I),          D.S. rating table 3 defined by NDTP3 pairs of elevation  8F9.0 DQTAB3(I),          and discharge.
I=1,NDTP3 17 DELTB4(I),          D.S. rating table 4 defined by NDTP4 pairs of elevation  8F9.0 DQTAB4(I),          and discharge.

-1 0Note: Repeat lines 38 & 39 for each distributed local.
No Name                      Definition                                              Format 18 ICROSS(I), .............. One column entry per section. Multiple cards if more    72I1 I=1,NXCROS                than 72 sections.
                  = 0        Skip this section.
                  = 1        Use this section as node point.
                  = 2        Interpolate between this section and the next one to to      obtain 2 to 8 node points.
                  = 8
                  = 9        Duplicate this section to obtain 2 node points.
19 IPRINT(I), ............... One column entry per node point. Multiple cards if      72I1 I=1,no. of nodes          more than 72 node points.
                  = 0         No output for this node point.
                  = 1        Output results for this node every PRINT minutes.
                  = 2        Output a summary hydrograph for this node at the end of the printout. Output results for this node every PRINT minutes only if at least one other node has a IPRINT value of 1.
Note:          Repeat line 20 for each node where IPRINT = 2.
20 OTITLE.................. Description of node point. (Stream mile is                  A80 automatically included in the description.)
Note:         Repeat line 21 for each channel with KSTART = 0. If KSTART = 1, input from unit 1. (Multiple cards if NODES>4) 21 H1(I),Q1(I), ............. Pairs of starting elevation & discharge for each node    8F9.0 H2(I),Q2(I),                point. (Odd node points are boundary points; even I=1,                        node points are non-boundary points.) If the elevation (nodes+1)/2              of the most u.s. node point for a channel (H1(1)) is zero, then that channel's starting discharges will be computed based on boundary and local inflows at time zero. Also, zero elevations at any node point will be replaced using backwater computations.

38 MCH........................ Channel no. of local if only distributed over 1 channel.
No    Name                          Definition                                            Format Note:          Repeat lines 22 through 27 for each channel. For each channel: exclude lines 22 through 24 if KUBC>1 or ZBOUND = 1 and/or exclude lines 25 through 27 if KDBC>1 or special operations are used (i.e., KSPL, LSPL, or KRULE>0). If ZBOUND = 1, lines 22 through 24 are input from unit 9.
Else, enter 0.
22    MCHAN .................. Channel number (ignored).                                    2I9, NUBP....................... No. of u.s. boundary ordinates.                            3F9.0 BNDINT.................. Time interval of hydrographs if constant; else enter 0.
I9,5F9.0    XUMID.................... U.S. mile or total distance of distributed local.
BPEAK ................... Peak ordinate if not included in the constant time interval boundary ordinates.
Case 1: MCH>0 U.S. mile of local on channel MCH.
PEAKTM ............... Time of peak discharge in hours.
Case 2: MCH=0/
Note:          Use line 23b if KUFAX = 1; else use line 23a. (Mult.
XDMID=0 Total distance of distributed local over channels MCHU through MCHD. (Should be the sum of the
cards if NUBP>8) 23a  USB(I),...................... U.S. boundary ordinates.                                8F9.0 or 23b  UQFAX(I), .............. U.S. boundary ordinates given as hourly averages.            8F9.0 I=1,NUBP Note:        Include line 24 if KUFAX = 0 and BNDINT = 0.
(Mult. cards if NUBP>8) 24    UST(I),..................... Times (hrs) of the corresponding ordinates in line 23a. 8F9.0 I=1,NUBP 25   MCHAN .................. Channel number (ignored).                                    2I9 NDBP....................... No. of d.s. boundary ordinates.
Note:          Use line 26b if KDFAX = 1; else use line 26a. (Mult.
cards if NDBP>8) 26a  DSB(I),...................... D.S. boundary ordinates.                                8F9.0 or 26b  DQFAX(I), ............... D.S. boundary ordinates given as hourly averages.            8F9.0 I=1,NDBP Note:         Include line 27 if KDFAX = 0. (Multiple cards if

lengths of these channels.)
No  Name                        Definition                                              Format NDBP>8) 27  DST(I), .................... Times (hrs) of the corresponding ordinates in line 26a. 8F9.0 I=1,NDBP Note:          Repeat lines 28-33 for each channel. (Multiple cards if NODES>8) 28  XN1B(I),.................. Mannings n's for each node point. For KODEN = 0,          8F9.0 XN2B(I), I=1,                the n's apply for all levels of elevation & discharge.
Case 3: MCH=0/
(nodes+1)/2                  For KODEN>0, these n's apply to the lowest of 3 (Same range                  levels (defined on line 31).
XDMID>0 U.S. mile of local on u.s. channel MCHU.
for lines 29-33)
XDMID D.S. mile of distributed local. Case 1: D.S. mile of local on channel MCH.
Note:          Include lines 29-33 if KODEN>0.
Case 2: N/A 
29  XN1M(I),................. Mannings n's for the middle of 3 levels (defined on line      8F9.0 XN2M(I)                      32).
30  XN1T(I),.................. Mannings n's for the top of 3 levels (defined on line        8F9.0 XN2T(I)                      33).
Note:         Include lines 31b-33b if KODEN = 2. Else, (KODEN>0) include lines 31a-33a.
31a H1B(I),H2B(I).......... Elevations below which the Mannings n's on line 28              8F9.0 o                                apply.
r 31b Q1B(I),Q2B(I).......... Discharges below which the Mannings n's on line 28              8F9.0 apply.
32a H1M(I),H2M(I)........ Elevations below which interpolation between line 28              8F9.0
                                  & 29 Mannings n's apply (if above line 31a elevations).
And elevations above which inter- polation between o                                line 29 & 30 Mannings n's apply (if below line 33a r                                elevations).
32b Q1M(I),Q2M(I)........ Discharges below which interpolation between line 28              8F9.0
                                  & 29 Mannings n's apply (if above line 31b discharges). And discharges above which inter-polation between line 29 & 30 Mannings n's apply (if below line 33b discharges).

Case 3: D.S. mile of local on d.s. channel MCHD.
No  Name                          Definition                                            Format 33a H1T(I),H2T(I) .......... Elevations above which the Mannings n's line on 30            8F9.0 o                                  apply.
MCHU,MCHD U.S. & d.s. channels of distributed local.
r 33b Q1T(I),Q2T(I) .......... Discharges above which the Mannings n's on line 30            8F9.0 apply.
Case 1: Ignored.
Note: Include lines 34-39 if ZLOC >= 0.
Case 2: Local is distributed over entire channels from MCHU through MCHD (as well as all channel nos. in
34  NCL ......................... Number of concentrated locals.                          3I3,F9.0 NDL ......................... Number of distributed locals.
NLBP ....................... Number of ordinates for all locals. (If ZLOC>0, this number is ignored and a value is computed based on TINTV and the length of a run.)
TINTV ..................... If ZLOC>0, this is the default time interval (in hours) for those locals that do not specify a time interval (TBPINT on lines 36 & 38). If 0 is entered, 6 hours is assumed. (Value is ignored for ZLOC =
Note:          Include lines 35, 37, & 39 if ZLOC = 0. If ZLOC > 0, lines 37 & 39 are input from unit 8, and are preceded by separate lines defining a unique value (format is I9) of NLBP for each local. (Multiple cards if NLBP>8) 35  TLOC(I),.................. Times (hrs) of the corresponding ordinates in lines 37      8F9.0 I=1,NLBP                      & 39.
Note:          Repeat lines 36 & 37 for each concentrated local.
36  MCH ........................ Channel no. of local.                                    I9,2F9.0 XMICL .................... Stream mile where local enters.
TBPINT ................... If ZLOC>0, this is the time interval (in hours) of the local ordinates in line 37. If not specified, use TINTV. (Ignored if ZLOC = 0.)
37  CONL(I), ................ Concentrated local ordinates.                                8F9.0 I=1,NLBP

No      Name                        Definition                                              Format Note:          Repeat lines 38 & 39 for each distributed local.
Case 3: Local is distributed from stream mile XUMID of channel MCHU down through stream mile XDMID of channel MCHD (as well as through the entire channel nos. in between).
38      MCH ........................ Channel no. of local if only distributed over 1 channel. I9,5F9.0 Else, enter 0.
TBPINT.................. If ZLOC>0, this is the time interval (in hours) of the local ordinates in line 39. If not specified, use TINTV. (Ignored if ZLOC = 0.)
XUMID.................... U.S. mile or total distance of distributed local.
39 DISL(I),...................
Case 1:        MCH>0                  U.S. mile of local on channel MCH.
I=1,NLBP Distributed local ordinates. 8F9.0}}
Case 2:        MCH=0/                Total distance of distributed local over channels XDMID=0                MCHU through MCHD. (Should be the sum of the lengths of these channels.)
Case 3:        MCH=0/                U.S. mile of local on u.s. channel MCHU.
XDMID>0 XDMID                        D.S. mile of distributed local.
Case 1:              D.S. mile of local on channel MCH.
Case 2:              N/A Case 3:              D.S. mile of local on d.s. channel MCHD.
MCHU,MCHD                    U.S. & d.s. channels of distributed local.
Case 1:              Ignored.
Case 2:              Local is distributed over entire channels from MCHU through MCHD (as well as all channel nos. in between).
Case 3:             Local is distributed from stream mile XUMID of channel MCHU down through stream mile XDMID of channel MCHD (as well as through the entire channel nos. in between).
TBPINT .................. If ZLOC>0, this is the time interval (in hours) of the local ordinates in line 39. If not specified, use TINTV. (Ignored if ZLOC = 0.)
39     DISL(I), ................... Distributed local ordinates.                               8F9.0 I=1,NLBP

Revision as of 10:16, 23 November 2019

Soch Model Data Input (Unit 5)
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 01/26/2007
Tennessee Valley Authority
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML070530155 (10)


SOCH Model Data Input (Unit 5)

No Name Definition Format 1 TITLE ...................... Title output (Start in col. 2.) A80 2 YEAR,MNTH, ........ Date & time when computations begin. 3I3, DAY,TIME 4F9.0 DT ............................ Time step in seconds.

PRINT...................... Print interval in min. If 0, use DT.

PTCHUP If nonzero, a check of unstable node points is made at each time step, and any found will be "patched".

3 YEAR,MNTH, ....... Date & time when computations end. 3I3, DAY,TIME F9.0 4 YEAR,MNTH, ........ Date & time when all hydrographs begin. 3I3, DAY,TIME 4F9.0 ZLOC = -1 No locals will be input.

= 0 Locals are input in this file.

= 8 Locals are input from unit 8.

ZNBL = -1 Do not print nonboundary lines.

ZBOUND > 0 U.S. boundary input from unit 9.

5 NCHAN................... Number of channels (segments between adjacent 4I3, 3X, boundaries) in network (Max is 10). I3,12X, NJUNCT.................. Number of junctions in network. 2I3 NXCROS................. Number of sections in the geometry file (Max is 300).

NSTM ...................... Not used.

NSTEP..................... Number of elevation entries in each section (Max is 21).

KSPL........................ Channel no. which has special KSPL operation at d.s.


LSPL........................ Channel no. which has special LSPL operation at d.s.


Note: Line No 6 needed only if one or more junctions.

Repeat for each junction.

6 NUSBR.................... Channel no. of the u.s. branch. 5I3 NDSBR.................... Channel no. of the d.s. branch.

NSIBR ..................... Channel no. of the side branch.

JSIDE = 1 Side channel has a u.s. end at this junction. (Else, enter

SOCH Model Data Input (Unit 5)

No Name Definition Format 0.)

ITRIB = 1 No side branch at this junction.

= 2 Side channel has 1 section.

= 3 Side channel has > 4 sections.

SOCH Model Data Input (Unit 5)

No Name Definition Format Note: Repeat line 7 for each channel.

7 NODES.................... No. of node points (Max is 91). 16I3 KUBC ...................... Code for u.s. boundary.

= 0 Elevation given

= 1 Discharge given

= 2 Rating table used

= 3 Junction with free surface KDBC ...................... Code for d.s. boundary.

= 0 Elevation given

= 1 Discharge given

= 2 Rating table used

= 3 Junction with free surface KTAB ...................... Rating table no. used d.s. at the start of run (if KDBC=2). If blank, table 1 is used.

KRULE = 1 Regular fixed rule operation is used for d.s. boundary.

= 2 PMF fixed rule operations is used for d.s. boundary.

KTOTFL = 0 No or partial failure will occur.

= 1 Total failure at d.s. end will occur.

KODEN = 0 Manning's n's constant at each node.

= 1 Manning's n's vary with elevation at each node.

= 2 Manning's n's vary with discharge at each node.

NUTP....................... No. of points in u.s. rating table (used only if KUBC=2).

NDTP....................... No. of points in d.s. rating table 1.

NDTP2..................... No. of points in d.s. rating table 2.

NDTP3..................... No. of points in d.s. rating table 3.

NDTP4..................... No. of points in d.s. rating table 4.

KUFAX = 0 U.S. discharges/elevations given as hydrographs (KUBC<2).

= 1 U.S. discharges/elevations given as hourly averages (KUBC<2).

KDFAX = 0 D.S. discharges/elevations given as hydrographs (KDBC<2).

= 1 D.S. discharges/elevations given as hourly averages (KDBC<2).

KSTART = 1 Starting line input from unit 1.

KEND = 1 Starting line output to unit 2.

No Name Definition Format Note: Repeat line 8 for each channel.

8 TMILE..................... Upstream boundary stream mile. 8F9.0 REFDX .................... Reach length (in feet) if all reaches of channel are equal.

REFTW.................... Submergence tailwater elevation.

SURCH.................... Not used.

FLRH ....................... D.S. elevation at which failure will occur.

FLRQ ....................... D.S. discharge at which failure will occur.

FLRDAY,FLRTIM Day & time when failure will occur.

Note: Repeat line 9 for each channel where REFDX = 0.

(Mult. cards if NODES>9).

9 DX(I), ...................... Lengths (in feet) of each reach from u.s. to d.s. 8F9.0 I=1,NODES-1 Note: Repeat lines 10 & 11 for each channel where KRULE>0.

10 REFH(1) .................. Absolute minimum elevation. 7F9.0 REFH(2) .................. Normal minimum elevation.

REFH(3) .................. Elevation where table 1 starts.

REFH(4) .................. Elevation where table 2 starts.

REFH(5) .................. Top of gates elevation where table 3 starts.

REFH(6) .................. Maximum elevation before failure where table 4 starts.

PEAKH.................... Maximum elevation allowed while emptying after recess; if exceeded, switch to table 1.

11 REFQ(1) .................. Normal emptying rate at start of a flood (turbine 7F9.0 discharge).

REFQ(2) .................. Not used.

REFQ(3) .................. First constant discharge maintained before using table 1.

REFQ(4) .................. Emptying rate at the end of a flood as well as the constant discharge before using table 2.

REFQ(5) .................. Max. spillway discharge at gate top.

REFQ(6) .................. Max. spillway capacity before failure.

PEAKQ.................... The emptying rate selected by a previous run as the peak discharge before recess.

No Name Definition Format Note: Include line 12 only if KSPL and/or LSPL are nonzero.

12 HSPL -------- Elevation held at downstream end of channel KSPL 4F9.0 until discharge reaches QSPL.

QSPL -------- Discharge where table 3 starts for channel KSPL.

When recess reaches QSPL, hold elevation at HSPL.

HLSPL ------- Elevation where table 3 starts for channel LSPL. When recess reaches HLSPL, hold discharge at QLSPL.

QLSPL ------- Discharge held at d.s. end of channel LSPL until elevation reaches HLSPL.

Note: Repeat lines 13 through 17 for each channel. If the number of elevation/discharge pairs is zero for any table, exclude the corresponding line. (Multiple cards if more than 4 pairs).

13 UELTAB(I), U.S. rating table defined by NUTP pairs of elevation 8F9.0 UQTAB(I), and discharge.

I=1,NUTP 14 DELTAB(I), D.S. rating table 1 defined by NDTP pairs of elevation 8F9.0 DQTAB(I), and discharge.

I=1,NDTP 15 DELTB2(I), D.S. rating table 2 defined by NDTP2 pairs of elevation 8F9.0 DQTAB2(I), and discharge.

I=1,NDTP2 16 DELTB3(I), D.S. rating table 3 defined by NDTP3 pairs of elevation 8F9.0 DQTAB3(I), and discharge.

I=1,NDTP3 17 DELTB4(I), D.S. rating table 4 defined by NDTP4 pairs of elevation 8F9.0 DQTAB4(I), and discharge.


No Name Definition Format 18 ICROSS(I), .............. One column entry per section. Multiple cards if more 72I1 I=1,NXCROS than 72 sections.

= 0 Skip this section.

= 1 Use this section as node point.

= 2 Interpolate between this section and the next one to to obtain 2 to 8 node points.

= 8

= 9 Duplicate this section to obtain 2 node points.

19 IPRINT(I), ............... One column entry per node point. Multiple cards if 72I1 I=1,no. of nodes more than 72 node points.

= 0 No output for this node point.

= 1 Output results for this node every PRINT minutes.

= 2 Output a summary hydrograph for this node at the end of the printout. Output results for this node every PRINT minutes only if at least one other node has a IPRINT value of 1.

Note: Repeat line 20 for each node where IPRINT = 2.

20 OTITLE.................. Description of node point. (Stream mile is A80 automatically included in the description.)

Note: Repeat line 21 for each channel with KSTART = 0. If KSTART = 1, input from unit 1. (Multiple cards if NODES>4) 21 H1(I),Q1(I), ............. Pairs of starting elevation & discharge for each node 8F9.0 H2(I),Q2(I), point. (Odd node points are boundary points; even I=1, node points are non-boundary points.) If the elevation (nodes+1)/2 of the most u.s. node point for a channel (H1(1)) is zero, then that channel's starting discharges will be computed based on boundary and local inflows at time zero. Also, zero elevations at any node point will be replaced using backwater computations.

No Name Definition Format Note: Repeat lines 22 through 27 for each channel. For each channel: exclude lines 22 through 24 if KUBC>1 or ZBOUND = 1 and/or exclude lines 25 through 27 if KDBC>1 or special operations are used (i.e., KSPL, LSPL, or KRULE>0). If ZBOUND = 1, lines 22 through 24 are input from unit 9.

22 MCHAN .................. Channel number (ignored). 2I9, NUBP....................... No. of u.s. boundary ordinates. 3F9.0 BNDINT.................. Time interval of hydrographs if constant; else enter 0.

BPEAK ................... Peak ordinate if not included in the constant time interval boundary ordinates.

PEAKTM ............... Time of peak discharge in hours.

Note: Use line 23b if KUFAX = 1; else use line 23a. (Mult.

cards if NUBP>8) 23a USB(I),...................... U.S. boundary ordinates. 8F9.0 or 23b UQFAX(I), .............. U.S. boundary ordinates given as hourly averages. 8F9.0 I=1,NUBP Note: Include line 24 if KUFAX = 0 and BNDINT = 0.

(Mult. cards if NUBP>8) 24 UST(I),..................... Times (hrs) of the corresponding ordinates in line 23a. 8F9.0 I=1,NUBP 25 MCHAN .................. Channel number (ignored). 2I9 NDBP....................... No. of d.s. boundary ordinates.

Note: Use line 26b if KDFAX = 1; else use line 26a. (Mult.

cards if NDBP>8) 26a DSB(I),...................... D.S. boundary ordinates. 8F9.0 or 26b DQFAX(I), ............... D.S. boundary ordinates given as hourly averages. 8F9.0 I=1,NDBP Note: Include line 27 if KDFAX = 0. (Multiple cards if

No Name Definition Format NDBP>8) 27 DST(I), .................... Times (hrs) of the corresponding ordinates in line 26a. 8F9.0 I=1,NDBP Note: Repeat lines 28-33 for each channel. (Multiple cards if NODES>8) 28 XN1B(I),.................. Mannings n's for each node point. For KODEN = 0, 8F9.0 XN2B(I), I=1, the n's apply for all levels of elevation & discharge.

(nodes+1)/2 For KODEN>0, these n's apply to the lowest of 3 (Same range levels (defined on line 31).

for lines 29-33)

Note: Include lines 29-33 if KODEN>0.

29 XN1M(I),................. Mannings n's for the middle of 3 levels (defined on line 8F9.0 XN2M(I) 32).

30 XN1T(I),.................. Mannings n's for the top of 3 levels (defined on line 8F9.0 XN2T(I) 33).

Note: Include lines 31b-33b if KODEN = 2. Else, (KODEN>0) include lines 31a-33a.

31a H1B(I),H2B(I).......... Elevations below which the Mannings n's on line 28 8F9.0 o apply.

r 31b Q1B(I),Q2B(I).......... Discharges below which the Mannings n's on line 28 8F9.0 apply.

32a H1M(I),H2M(I)........ Elevations below which interpolation between line 28 8F9.0

& 29 Mannings n's apply (if above line 31a elevations).

And elevations above which inter- polation between o line 29 & 30 Mannings n's apply (if below line 33a r elevations).

32b Q1M(I),Q2M(I)........ Discharges below which interpolation between line 28 8F9.0

& 29 Mannings n's apply (if above line 31b discharges). And discharges above which inter-polation between line 29 & 30 Mannings n's apply (if below line 33b discharges).

No Name Definition Format 33a H1T(I),H2T(I) .......... Elevations above which the Mannings n's line on 30 8F9.0 o apply.

r 33b Q1T(I),Q2T(I) .......... Discharges above which the Mannings n's on line 30 8F9.0 apply.

Note: Include lines 34-39 if ZLOC >= 0.

34 NCL ......................... Number of concentrated locals. 3I3,F9.0 NDL ......................... Number of distributed locals.

NLBP ....................... Number of ordinates for all locals. (If ZLOC>0, this number is ignored and a value is computed based on TINTV and the length of a run.)

TINTV ..................... If ZLOC>0, this is the default time interval (in hours) for those locals that do not specify a time interval (TBPINT on lines 36 & 38). If 0 is entered, 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> is assumed. (Value is ignored for ZLOC =


Note: Include lines 35, 37, & 39 if ZLOC = 0. If ZLOC > 0, lines 37 & 39 are input from unit 8, and are preceded by separate lines defining a unique value (format is I9) of NLBP for each local. (Multiple cards if NLBP>8) 35 TLOC(I),.................. Times (hrs) of the corresponding ordinates in lines 37 8F9.0 I=1,NLBP & 39.

Note: Repeat lines 36 & 37 for each concentrated local.

36 MCH ........................ Channel no. of local. I9,2F9.0 XMICL .................... Stream mile where local enters.

TBPINT ................... If ZLOC>0, this is the time interval (in hours) of the local ordinates in line 37. If not specified, use TINTV. (Ignored if ZLOC = 0.)

37 CONL(I), ................ Concentrated local ordinates. 8F9.0 I=1,NLBP

No Name Definition Format Note: Repeat lines 38 & 39 for each distributed local.

38 MCH ........................ Channel no. of local if only distributed over 1 channel. I9,5F9.0 Else, enter 0.

XUMID.................... U.S. mile or total distance of distributed local.

Case 1: MCH>0 U.S. mile of local on channel MCH.

Case 2: MCH=0/ Total distance of distributed local over channels XDMID=0 MCHU through MCHD. (Should be the sum of the lengths of these channels.)

Case 3: MCH=0/ U.S. mile of local on u.s. channel MCHU.

XDMID>0 XDMID D.S. mile of distributed local.

Case 1: D.S. mile of local on channel MCH.

Case 2: N/A Case 3: D.S. mile of local on d.s. channel MCHD.

MCHU,MCHD U.S. & d.s. channels of distributed local.

Case 1: Ignored.

Case 2: Local is distributed over entire channels from MCHU through MCHD (as well as all channel nos. in between).

Case 3: Local is distributed from stream mile XUMID of channel MCHU down through stream mile XDMID of channel MCHD (as well as through the entire channel nos. in between).

TBPINT .................. If ZLOC>0, this is the time interval (in hours) of the local ordinates in line 39. If not specified, use TINTV. (Ignored if ZLOC = 0.)

39 DISL(I), ................... Distributed local ordinates. 8F9.0 I=1,NLBP