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| issue date = 05/28/2014
| issue date = 05/28/2014
| title = Overview of Nrc'S License Termination Rule
| title = Overview of Nrc'S License Termination Rule
| author name = Johnson R L
| author name = Johnson R
| author affiliation = NRC/FSME/DWMEP/DURLD/SPB
| author affiliation = NRC/FSME/DWMEP/DURLD/SPB
| addressee name =  
| addressee name =  
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{{#Wiki_filter:OVERVIEW OF NRC'S LICENSE TERMINATIONRULETERMINATION RULEPresentation at the West Valley Quarterly Public Meeting May 28, 2014 Robert L. Johnson 1
{{#Wiki_filter:OVERVIEW OF NRCS LICENSE TERMINATION RULE Presentation at the West Valley Quarterly Public Meeting May 28, 2014 Robert L. Johnson 1
REGULATIONS AND GUIDANCE*Regulations:  10 CFR 20 Sub part E (License Termination gp(Rule (LTR))*Statements of Consideration (SOC) for LTR*Guidance:  Consolidated Decommissioning Guidance, NUREG-1757, Vol. 1, 2, and 3
*Commissions West Valley Policy Statement (WVPS)*Commissions' Orders regarding Shieldalloy oCLI-11-12 and CLI-13-06 oOnly for 10 CFR 20.1403(a) 2 LTR STATEMENT OF CONSIDERATIONS(SOC)CONSIDERATIONS (SOC)*Source of extensive information-rationale for provisions, ttresponses to comments*Commission preference for unrestricted release
*Recognition that there may be cases where achieving unrestrictedreleasewouldnotbereasonable(egwherecost unrestricted release would not be reasonable (e.g., where cost would be excessive) *Flexibility
-Consistentsetofcriteriafortherangeoffacilitiesandsite Consistent set of criteria for the range of facilities and site conditions-License termination approaches available:  unrestricted release, restricted release, alternate criteria Lidiiithdftid
-Licensee proposes decommissioning methods for meeting dose criteria-NUREG-1757, Vol. 2, Rev.1, Section 2 3
GENERAL PROVISIONS, UNRESTRICTEDRELEASE UNRESTRICTED RELEASE*General provisions p-10 CFR 20.1401-1000 year compliance period
-DOE/NYSERDAEISshouldanalyzebeyond1000 yrDOE/NYSERDA EIS should analyze beyond 1000 yr(WVPS SOC)*Unrestricted release license termination10CFR201402
-10 CFR 20.1402-25 mrem/yrand ALARA *Licensee could propose both unrestricted and pprestricted release for different portions of the site4 RESTRICTED RELEASE ELIGIBILITY ELIGIBILITY*10 CFR 20.1403 (a)()*Purpose-Initial eligibility for restricted release-not approvalScreenoutsitesthatshouldberemoving
-Screen out sites that should be removing contamination to achieve unrestricted release*A site would be eligible if "- further reductions in residualradioactivitynecessarytocomplywiththe residual radioactivity necessary to comply with the provisions of 20.1402 -would result in net public or environmental harm or
-were not being made because the residual levels associated with restricted conditions are ALARA."
ELIGIBILITY (CONT.)*Commissions' Orders regarding Shieldalloy
-Series of Shieldalloylawsuits with associated Court and Commission actions-Explain original meaning of provision and clarifies the analysis is limitedtofurtherremovalofresidualradioactivity limited to further removal of residual radioactivity-Not a comparison of individual doses of restricted and unrestricted release and selection of the lowest dose-Cost benefit analyses following NUREG-1757, Appendix N *Costs/benefits of further removal of residual radioactive material from levels proposed to remain onsite to the unrestricted release level *Net public harm analysis (costs of harm to people and environment compared to benefits, e.g., collective dose averted dollar value)ALARA(totalcostscomparedtobenefitsegcollectiedoseaerted
*ALARA (total costs compared to benefits, e.g., collective dose averted dollar value) 6 RESTRICTED RELEASE INSTITUTIONALCONTROLS(ICs)
INSTITUTIONAL CONTROLS (ICs)*10 CFR 20.1403 (b) ()*Guidance in NUREG-1757, Vol. 1, Rev. 2 *Legally enforceable ICs to restrict future site use*Durable ICs -For "higher risk" sites (100-500 mrem/yror > 100 yrhalf life
-StateorFederalgovernment ownership/control
-State or Federal government ownership/control*Five-year reviews
*Independent third party/government entit y backupppygyp*NRC retains authority to take action if ICs fail (SOC) 7 RESTRICTED RELEASE ENGINEEREDBARRIERS(EBs)
ENGINEERED BARRIERS (EBs)*EBstomitigateEBs to mitigate-Human intrusion
-Adverse natural processes (e.g., erosion
) p(g)-Release and transport of radionuclides*Contribute to meeting dose criteria; no prescriptive LTR requirements *EBs are not ICs and are assumed to degrade rather than immediately and totally fail for the IC fail dose criteria 8
-10CFR20.1403(c) 10 CFR 20.1403(c)-NUREG-1757, Vol. 3
-Purpose:enablesindependentthirdparty Purpose:  enables independent third party, including a government custodian, to assume

and carryout responsibilities for controls and ypmaintenance-Requirements for amounts and mechanisms (e.g., government entity statement of intent) 9 RESTRICTED RELEASE ADVICE FROMAFFECTEDPARTIES FROM AFFECTED PARTIES*10CFR20.1403(d) 10 CFR 20.1403 (d)*NUREG-1757 Vol. 1
*Seekadvicefromaffectedpartiesonspecific Seek advice from affected parties on specific questions
* Regulations:
*"incorporateasappropriate "incorporate as appropriate
g          10 CFR 20 Subpart p E ((License Termination Rule (LTR))
, *Provide a publicly available summary of discussions, and document advice in the dscussos,addocuetadcete decommissioning plan 10 RESTRICTED RELEASE DOSE CRITERIACRITERIA*10 CFR 20.1403 (b) and (e)()()*NUREG-1757, Vol. 2
* Statements of Consideration (SOC) for LTR
*ICs in effect:  25 mrem/yrplus ALARA
* Guidance: Consolidated Decommissioning Guidance, NUREG-1757, Vol. 1, 2, and 3
* Commission Commissions s West Valley Policy Statement (WVPS)
"dosecaps")*If ICs no longer in effect (dose caps)oAssumption of immediate and total failure oALARAo100mrem/yroro100 mrem/yror o500 mrem/yrFurther reductions in residual radioactivity necessary to comply with 100 mrem
* Commissions Orders regarding Shieldalloy o CLI-11-12 and CLI-13-06 o Only for 10 CFR 20.1403(a) 2
/yrare "not technicall y achievable"
, prohibitivel y yy,pyexpensive, or would result in net public or environmental harm oIf ICs fail NRC retains authority to take action (SOC) 11 RESTRICTED RELEASE ALTERNATECRITERIAALTERNATE CRITERIA*Alternate criteria license termination
-10 CFR 20.1404-NUREG-1757, Vol. 1; Rev. 2
-Alleviates the need for exemptions for exceeding doses listed below(SOC) below (SOC)-Exceed 25 mrem/yr(1402, 1403(b), 1403(d)(1)(i)(A))
-Not to exceed 100 mrem/yrfrom all man-made sources
-Restrictionsrequiredper1403;reducedosestoALARA Restrictions required per 1403; reduce doses to ALARA-Commission approval after considering public and EPA comments*Exemptions
-Consider granting exemptions -WVPS:  if LTR compliance is technically impractical or prohibitively expensive, but maintain protection 12 NO LICENSE TERMINATION*Keep under license p-SOC:  Alternative to license termination if requirements cannot be met WVPS:longtermorperpetuallicensewhereLTR
-WVPS:  long-term or perpetual license where LTR requirements are technical impractical or

prohibitively expensive NUREG1757Vol1;Rev2Section177and
-NUREG-1757, Vol. 1; Rev. 2, Section 17.7 and Appendix M*Possession only license for long-term control approved byCommission by Commission*Last resort (e.g., if independent third party requirement is not met) 13 RESTRICTED RELEASE CONCLUSION CONCLUSION
* Source of extensive informationrationale for provisions, responses tot comments    t
*Asystemofcontrolstoensuresafety A system of controls to ensure safety-25 mrem/yrwith restrictions -Legally enforceable and durable ICs -EBs designed for site  
* Commission preference for unrestricted release
-Monitoring and maintenance; 5-year rechecks
* Recognition that there may be cases where achieving unrestricted release would not be reasonable (e        (e.g.,
-Independent third party/government backup to site owner/custodian
g where cost would be excessive)
-Financialassuranceforthirdparty Financial assurance for third party-Dose "caps" if ICs fail: "safety net"
* Flexibility
-Remain licensed, if needed 14}}
  - Consistent set of criteria for the range of facilities and site conditions
  - License termination approaches available: unrestricted release, restricted release, alternate criteria
  - Licensee Li        proposes decommissioning d        i i i methodsth d ffor meeting ti ddose criteria
  - NUREG-1757, Vol. 2, Rev.1, Section 2 3
* General provisions p
  - 10 CFR 20.1401
  - 1000 year compliance period
  - DOE/NYSERDA EIS should analyze beyond 1000 yr (WVPS SOC)
* Unrestricted release license termination
  - 10 CFR 20 20.1402 1402
  - 25 mrem/yr and ALARA
* Licensee could p propose p      both unrestricted and restricted release for different portions of the site 4
* 10 CFR 20.1403(a)      ( )
* Purpose
  - Initial eligibility for restricted releasenot approval
  - Screen out sites that should be removing contamination to achieve unrestricted release
* A site would be eligible if  further reductions in residual radioactivity necessary to comply with the provisions of 20.1402
  - would result in net public or environmental harm or
  - were not being made because the residual levels associated with restricted conditions are ALARA.
* Commissions Orders regarding Shieldalloy
  - Series of Shieldalloy lawsuits with associated Court and Commission actions
  - Explain original meaning of provision and clarifies the analysis is limited to further removal of residual radioactivity
  - Not a comparison of individual doses of restricted and unrestricted release and selection of the lowest dose
  - Cost benefit analyses following NUREG-1757, Appendix N
* Costs/benefits of further removal of residual radioactive material from levels proposed to remain onsite to the unrestricted release level
* Net public harm analysis (costs of harm to people and environment compared to benefits, e.g., collective dose averted dollar value)
* ALARA (total costs compared to benefits, benefits e e.g.,
g collecti collective e dose averted a erted dollar value) 6
* 10 CFR 20.1403 (b)  ( )
* Guidance in NUREG-1757, Vol. 1, Rev. 2
* Legally enforceable ICs to restrict future site use
* Durable ICs
  - For higher risk sites (100-500 mrem/yr or > 100 yr half life
  - State or Federal government ownership/control
* Five-year reviews
* Independent p          third pparty/government yg            entityy backup p
* NRC retains authority to take action if ICs fail (SOC) 7
* EBs to mitigate
  - Human intrusion
  - Adverse natural p processes ((e.g.,
g erosion))
  - Release and transport of radionuclides
* Contribute to meeting dose criteria; no prescriptive LTR requirements
* EBs are not ICs and are assumed to degrade rather than immediately and totally fail for the IC fail dose criteria 8
- 10 CFR 20.1403(c)
- NUREG-1757, Vol. 3
enables independent third party party, including a government custodian, to assume and carryout y  responsibilities p            for controls and maintenance
- Requirements for amounts and mechanisms (e.g., government entity statement of intent) 9
* 10 CFR 20.1403 (d)
* NUREG- 1757 Vol. 1
* Seek advice from affected parties on specific questions
* incorporate incorporate as appropriate appropriate ,
* Provide a publicly available summary of discussions, d  scuss o s, a and d docu document e t ad advice ce in tthe e
decommissioning plan 10
* 10 CFR 20.1403 ((b)) and ((e))
* NUREG-1757, Vol. 2
* ICs in effect: 25 mrem/yr plus ALARA
* If ICs no longer in effect ((dosedose caps) caps )
o  Assumption of immediate and total failure o  ALARA o  100 mrem/yr or o  500 mrem/yr Further reductions in residual radioactivity necessary to comply with 100 mrem/yry are not technicallyy achievable,, prohibitively p          y expensive, or would result in net public or environmental harm o If ICs fail NRC retains authority to take action (SOC) 11
* Alternate criteria license termination
  - 10 CFR 20.1404
  - NUREG-1757, Vol. 1; Rev. 2
  - Alleviates the need for exemptions for exceeding doses listed below (SOC)
  - Exceed 25 mrem/yr (1402, 1403(b), 1403(d)(1)(i)(A))
  - Not to exceed 100 mrem/yr from all man-made sources
  - Restrictions required per 1403; reduce doses to ALARA
  - Commission approval after considering public and EPA comments
* Exemptions
  - Consider granting exemptions
  - WVPS: if LTR compliance is technically impractical or prohibitively expensive, but maintain protection 12
* Keepp under license
  - SOC: Alternative to license termination if requirements cannot be met
  - WVPS: longlong-term term or perpetual license where LTR requirements are technical impractical or prohibitively expensive
  - NUREG-1757, NUREG 1757 Vol    Vol. 1; Rev Rev. 2 2, Section 17 17.77 and Appendix M
* Possession only license for long-term control approved by Commission
* Last resort (e.g., if independent third party requirement is not met) 13
* A system of controls to ensure safety
  - 25 mrem/yr with restrictions
  - Legally enforceable and durable ICs
  - EBs designed for site
  - Monitoring and maintenance; 5-year rechecks
  - Independent third party/government backup to site owner/custodian
  - Financial assurance for third party
  - Dose caps if ICs fail: safety net
  - Remain licensed, if needed 14}}

Latest revision as of 20:54, 5 February 2020

Overview of Nrc'S License Termination Rule
Person / Time
Site: West Valley Demonstration Project, P00M-032
Issue date: 05/28/2014
From: Rachel Johnson
Shared Package
ML14143A059 List:
Download: ML14143A037 (14)


OVERVIEW OF NRCS LICENSE TERMINATION RULE Presentation at the West Valley Quarterly Public Meeting May 28, 2014 Robert L. Johnson 1


  • Regulations:

g 10 CFR 20 Subpart p E ((License Termination Rule (LTR))

  • Statements of Consideration (SOC) for LTR
  • Guidance: Consolidated Decommissioning Guidance, NUREG-1757, Vol. 1, 2, and 3
  • Commission Commissions s West Valley Policy Statement (WVPS)


  • Source of extensive informationrationale for provisions, responses tot comments t
  • Commission preference for unrestricted release
  • Recognition that there may be cases where achieving unrestricted release would not be reasonable (e (e.g.,

g where cost would be excessive)

  • Flexibility

- Consistent set of criteria for the range of facilities and site conditions

- License termination approaches available: unrestricted release, restricted release, alternate criteria

- Licensee Li proposes decommissioning d i i i methodsth d ffor meeting ti ddose criteria

- NUREG-1757, Vol. 2, Rev.1, Section 2 3


  • General provisions p

- 10 CFR 20.1401

- 1000 year compliance period

- DOE/NYSERDA EIS should analyze beyond 1000 yr (WVPS SOC)

  • Unrestricted release license termination

- 10 CFR 20 20.1402 1402

- 25 mrem/yr and ALARA

  • Licensee could p propose p both unrestricted and restricted release for different portions of the site 4


  • Purpose

- Initial eligibility for restricted releasenot approval

- Screen out sites that should be removing contamination to achieve unrestricted release

  • A site would be eligible if further reductions in residual radioactivity necessary to comply with the provisions of 20.1402

- would result in net public or environmental harm or

- were not being made because the residual levels associated with restricted conditions are ALARA.



  • Commissions Orders regarding Shieldalloy

- Series of Shieldalloy lawsuits with associated Court and Commission actions

- Explain original meaning of provision and clarifies the analysis is limited to further removal of residual radioactivity

- Not a comparison of individual doses of restricted and unrestricted release and selection of the lowest dose

- Cost benefit analyses following NUREG-1757, Appendix N

  • Costs/benefits of further removal of residual radioactive material from levels proposed to remain onsite to the unrestricted release level
  • Net public harm analysis (costs of harm to people and environment compared to benefits, e.g., collective dose averted dollar value)
  • ALARA (total costs compared to benefits, benefits e e.g.,

g collecti collective e dose averted a erted dollar value) 6


  • Legally enforceable ICs to restrict future site use

- For higher risk sites (100-500 mrem/yr or > 100 yr half life

- State or Federal government ownership/control

  • Five-year reviews
  • Independent p third pparty/government yg entityy backup p
  • NRC retains authority to take action if ICs fail (SOC) 7


  • EBs to mitigate

- Human intrusion

- Adverse natural p processes ((e.g.,

g erosion))

- Release and transport of radionuclides

  • Contribute to meeting dose criteria; no prescriptive LTR requirements
  • EBs are not ICs and are assumed to degrade rather than immediately and totally fail for the IC fail dose criteria 8


- 10 CFR 20.1403(c)

- NUREG-1757, Vol. 3


enables independent third party party, including a government custodian, to assume and carryout y responsibilities p for controls and maintenance

- Requirements for amounts and mechanisms (e.g., government entity statement of intent) 9


  • NUREG- 1757 Vol. 1
  • Seek advice from affected parties on specific questions
  • incorporate incorporate as appropriate appropriate ,
  • Provide a publicly available summary of discussions, d scuss o s, a and d docu document e t ad advice ce in tthe e

decommissioning plan 10


  • If ICs no longer in effect ((dosedose caps) caps )

o Assumption of immediate and total failure o ALARA o 100 mrem/yr or o 500 mrem/yr Further reductions in residual radioactivity necessary to comply with 100 mrem/yry are not technicallyy achievable,, prohibitively p y expensive, or would result in net public or environmental harm o If ICs fail NRC retains authority to take action (SOC) 11


  • Alternate criteria license termination

- 10 CFR 20.1404

- NUREG-1757, Vol. 1; Rev. 2

- Alleviates the need for exemptions for exceeding doses listed below (SOC)

- Exceed 25 mrem/yr (1402, 1403(b), 1403(d)(1)(i)(A))

- Not to exceed 100 mrem/yr from all man-made sources

- Restrictions required per 1403; reduce doses to ALARA

- Commission approval after considering public and EPA comments

  • Exemptions

- Consider granting exemptions

- WVPS: if LTR compliance is technically impractical or prohibitively expensive, but maintain protection 12


  • Keepp under license

- SOC: Alternative to license termination if requirements cannot be met

- WVPS: longlong-term term or perpetual license where LTR requirements are technical impractical or prohibitively expensive

- NUREG-1757, NUREG 1757 Vol Vol. 1; Rev Rev. 2 2, Section 17 17.77 and Appendix M

  • Possession only license for long-term control approved by Commission
  • Last resort (e.g., if independent third party requirement is not met) 13


  • A system of controls to ensure safety

- 25 mrem/yr with restrictions

- Legally enforceable and durable ICs

- EBs designed for site

- Monitoring and maintenance; 5-year rechecks

- Independent third party/government backup to site owner/custodian

- Financial assurance for third party

- Dose caps if ICs fail: safety net

- Remain licensed, if needed 14