IA-85-777, Forwards Info/Action of Region III Insp Rept Re Allegation on Harassment of Lk Comstock Inspectors Discussed on 850329. Notification Requested If Any Action Initiated: Difference between revisions

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#REDIRECT [[IA-85-777, Partially Withheld Ltr Ack Receipt of 850320 Info Re Lk Comstock Engineering Co Production Emphasis Base Metal Reduction & Inspector Qualifications at Facility.Completion of Insps Expected within Next 90 Days]]
| number = ML20199F311
| issue date = 11/07/1985
| title = Forwards Info/Action of Region III Insp Rept Re Allegation on Harassment of Lk Comstock Inspectors Discussed on 850329. Notification Requested If Any Action Initiated
| author name = Weil C
| addressee name = Pawlik E
| docket = 05000456, 05000457
| license number =
| contact person =
| case reference number = FOIA-85-777
| document report number = NUDOCS 8603270595
| package number = ML20199F271
| page count = 3
g>* *' f ug                                  UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
;            j'f,,S                    . , . . REGIOgp
%              .j                    ,e# 7ss noostvELT ROAD CLEN ELLYN. ILLINOl$ 60137 November 7, 1985 MEMORANDUM FOR:      E. T. Pawlik, Director, 0ffice of Investigations Field Office, RIII FROM:                Charles H. Weil, Investigation and Compliance Specialist
This matter was discussed with you on March 29, 1985, anc it was concludea that an investigation by OI:RIII was not warranted. However, you indicated an interest in being apprised of trie results of Region III's inspection of that matter. Enclosed for your information/ action is a copy of-the Region III Inspection Report. Please inform me of any action initiated by 01:RIII into this matter.
J Charles H. Weil Investigation and l
Compliance Specialist              l
Inspection Report No. 50-456/8502I                                                              )
I l
8603270595 860304 PDR  FOIA GUILD 85-777     PDR 6[\S
J0LIET HERALD' NEWS              s
* July 24, 1985 ins pec':or .ic en it.ies won,t be protectec By Cindy Wojdyla                                            Professionan l>wple for the Public interest, which Herald-News Writer                                          represents citizen groups. The firm is representing
Bridget Rorem, of Essex, one of two people who has Electrical inspectors at the Braidwood Nuclear Power Station who cifum they nave been haranneo f M enWW We sdn s heense app!!cctic:t The most recent contention filed is the harass.
will not be given a blanket protection order to
                        ..                                          ment charge, which was accepted by the board tigating the harassment charges                                                                                  i we      y                                        of m.dnesday.        The "harassment spectors meluded                    contention threats of vic,lence,  verbal says abuse say more than 25 of the electrical quality control          abuse, tennination of employment, transfer to unde-inspectors at the station have complained to the            sirable jobs or work m areas where quality deficien-Nuclear Regu! story Commission about pressure to approve deficient work. ," widespread          caes could not be noted, assignments to perform The inspectors work for LK. Comstock, the            burdensome or me,nial *apecial projects, and other adverse treatment.
contractor hired to do the electrical work on the                One Coinstock quality control supuvisor was 54.11 billion Commonwealth Edison station.                termmated for mistreatment ofinspectors but "sys-The Atomic Safety and Licensing Board denied the general protection request Wednesday during a          tematic, harassment continues at Comstock to the ~
present, Guild s group asys.
prehearing licensing conference for the station. Law.
Edison spokeswoman Irene Johnson sa,d      i the rence Brenner, chairman of the board, said protec.                                                                    '
Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Edison have tion may be granted on a case.by-case basis at a mechanisms set up to deal with harassment com-lan time                                                    plaints. Edison attorney Michael L Miller said there Attorney Robert Guild said he was disappointed was inadequate documentation of the charges to get by the ruling. "We want them (the inspectors) to be free to come forward and give the board the evi-            the matter before the board.
dence of what they have experienced," Guild said.                Other contentrons filed include:
E Critietsm of the quality assurance program at "A number of people have told us they fear retalia-tion and won't come forward unless they're given        .the station. Edison officials have admitted some some protection." The harassment issue is a critical      problems and have set up programs to remedy them.
5 Rorem has filed a contention listmg what one* Guild said.
                                                      ..              should be included in Edison's evacuation plan for "If these people aren't free to do their job . the    the station. The plan will be available in August.
whole sptem of assunng that the plant is built                  E The owner of Bob Neiner Farms near the safely is undemunedl* he said.            '
station has filed a contention to limit the size of the Lven if the protection order had been granted,        electrical transmission lines. Edison said it will not the names of the workers would have to be revealed          install the more powerful lines that Neiner objects to those accused of harassing them so they could            to, but it may in the future.
prepare a defense during licensing hearings ached-              B Neiner says the proximity of the Illinois Cen-uled to begm m October, Brenner said.                      tral Railroad lines presents a hazard. The railroad is But Guild said he would have preferred the            used to transport flake TNT from the Joliet Army inspectors had the protection of the board. Anyone        Ammunition Plant. More hazardous materials may violating the ruling would have been subject to            be manufactured there in the future. An explosion contempt orders and severe penalties, he said.            on the railroad could affect the plant.
Brenner told Guild that simply bringing the              All of the contentions will come before the board matter to the board is protection enough for the          during the hearings, which may last up to a year.
inspectors. Now that the matter is in the public eye,    The board is the judicial arm of the Nuclear Regula.
future harasiunent would be obvious, he said.              tory Commission. It is one of three bodies that must Guild works for a law firm called Business and        give a recommendation for a start up license.
f B/ko pH-RS- g- 007c, dkM      J
                                                                                                                                                                                                      '        a 1
                                                                                                                                                                                    . > x e.
                                                            ..                                                                                .                                                e Chicago Tribune, Thursday, July 25,1985          Section 4              3, Am'
2 D
Xuclear-plant workers claim harassmenF
[ *.."# 1 i
                %g        g                          that evidence'will be heard in a able jobs or work in areas where someone to feel they are harsMb .
m                      Jan. 20 hearing into Braidwood quality deficiencies could not be when in fact they.are being urged, construction ' practices. At that noted, assignments to perform strongly to do the job their Q      ,
Quality centrol inspectors who time, the board will rule on the burdensome or menial 'special player is requiring," Smith                                            m.
Q                at      $4.1    B                                      -  l ss Cassel Jr. a lawyer for ' men ent _ a d-treat-NRC    has  raised    its  own      conM nuclear power plant under con.
group, ;isaid abuses David Smith, a spokesman for about whether Braidwood was:-
i 4    '. struction in Wm County 'were            the      tizens againer insparents ibr reporting , Commonwealth Ed(ison Co., owner                    builttheso commission that it will operate  Anadtandely.
i punished or thrnmensind a Chicago                                                                                        In 1983 citimans group charged Yvadaanday. safety vloiations were widespmad and operator of the facility 60 Edison $100,000 for serious qualityf Business and PrnAmasianal Peo.y and                etic, casting doubts on , miles southwest of Chicago, said: control failures in installing safety i
pie for the Public Intenst said that the                      of an ongoing re- "True, a nuinber of Comtock e                                                ,9' at least 25 in= par *nes working for - Ine of Braidwood construc. quality controlinspectors did come ~Comstock          quipmentisata the        plant.
the L.K. Comstock Engineering tion ordered by the NRC in 1984.                  to the NRC, but it is my belief that company.            Danbury, Omuy' W Co., the electrical contractor at     i A document filed with the NRC harassment and intimidation was Braidwood, .have compiminad to - hearing panel charged that since not the only subject. Therefore, to ,,,              NRC hea          s . for ' Bra                    l g
federal authorities about "herass-; August,1984, 25 Comstock inspec- .say that was all they went to see                    o g , 4, ,                                  t ment and latimidation by Com- tors have complained to the NRC the NRC about is simply not cor-stock sup'ervisors."                about abuses.                              rect.                                        W    Edim        hl      MD      -      ~      -'
could delay getting the first of 4Wei                        L The - ; -- was made Tues-              " Harassment and retaliatory            Smith said he knew of only two reactors at the station irto                          ;.
              ' day before a-Neclear Regulatory treatment included threats of vio- sffidavits from workers charging tion. The first reactor is                                          F. -
Conernimminn [NRC] Ateenic Licen- Isnos, verbal abuse, ten mination of - i,uch abuses.                                to be  in  operation      in  October,M                    t sing and Sedety Board,which ruled    41.ca, transfer to undesir-
                                                                                                  "In fairness, it is possible for and the second a year later.'. d. '
                                                                                                                                                  ,                          '"?d .              I
                            ,e r

Latest revision as of 18:53, 19 April 2021