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{{#Wiki_filter:.                        _      .              . _ _ _  _                .    . _ .        _ _              _      _ __.      _.      .
      .                  Mr. Robert P. Murphy
                      ' Gansral Counssi                                                March 20, 1997 General Accounting Office
,                        441 G Street, NW, Room 7175
,                        Washington, DC 20548 j                       
==Dear Mr. Murphy:==
4 Pursuant to Subtitle E of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1966, 5 U.S.C. 801, the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is submitting the enclosed Agreement with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Under Section 274 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the NRC is authorized to enter into agreements with the Governor of any State, whereby the State is authorized, as an Agreement State, to regulate the use of reactor-produced isotopes (byproduct materials), source materials, special nuclear materials in quantities not sufficient to form a critical mass, uranium and thorium mill tailings, and the disposal of low-level radioactive i,                      waste. On March 28,1996, Governor William F. Weld requested that the Commission enter into such an Agreement with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Under the Agreement, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts will assume regulatory authority over the activities listed above, except for the regulation of mill tailings. The NRC periodically reviews each Agreement State program and actions taken by the State under its Agreement to ensure compliance svith Section 274 of the Act.
f                        We have determined that this Agreement is not a " major rule," as defined in 5 U.S.C.
804(2). We have confirmed this determination with the Office of Management and Budget.
The enclosed Agreement will be effective March 21,1997, and will be published in the
;                        Federal Reaister within 30 days after this Agreement is signed by NRC Chairman Jackson and Governor Weld.
m 1                                                                            Sincerely, 3
d                                                                              Original signed by/
9704170362 970320 PDR    STPRG ESGGEN                                              Dennis K. Rathbun, Director PDR Office of Congressional Affairs                              !
                ;j Lj             
q        As stated j
                          *ldentical letter sent to: Tb? Honorable Al Gore and The Honorable Swt Gingrich 3
      ,y                  Distribution: See Next Page.
I i
DOCUMENT NAME: G:\ ROV \SBREFA.MA1 n ,.c.iv. . copy .e ini. docum.nt, indic.i. in in. no.: c - copy witnout art.cntroni/.ncio.u,., e - copy w,th attachm.nt/.nclosur. N' = No copy OFFICE                OSP , c                    OSP:DJ f                      OSP:D// g                OCA:D          f NAME          RLBlanton:k,kgg PLohausI ,d                              RBangart ' WO              DKRathbunVU DATE                03kyh/9V        'J''
03/6/97                  03(Q97                    03/10/97 OSP FILE CODE: SP-S-16; SfMt#3 ?-C-6; SP-C-12;
                                                                                              $Pu '; 20 NOTE: WP 5.1 DISK TO RRDE A/d T 6-D59,
* p' 'I }
y              9 W/THREE COPES OF ENCLOSURE m
    .  . .    . -    .-    - -  . - _ _ . . - . - _ - _ - .          . -  _ . ~ . _ , - . . - . ~ . - . = . . - . . . . . . . _.
4                                  .
i            o d
i 1-j Distribution:
DIR RF                                        . DCD (SPOS)-
FXCameron/OGC                                  NRC PDR - YES SCrockett/OGC MLesar/ADM DMeyer/ADM RVirgilio/OSP SBREFA File Massachusetts File Compatibility File Congressional File 1
l J
1 I
1 i
Mr. Robert P. Murphy                                -
          ' G:ner:I Counsel                                                                                                            l G:nor:1 Accounting Office 441 G Street, NW, Room 7175 Washington, DC 20548                                                                                                      !
==Dear Mr. Murphy:==
Pursuant to Subtitle E of the Small Busine s Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1966, 5 U.S.C. 801, the Nuclear Regulatory Comhission (NRC) is submitting the enclosed                                          ,
Agreement with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.                                                                          I
                                                                        \ of 1954, as amended, the NRC is authorized Under      Section to enter into            274 of agreements          the with  theAtomic Governor  Energy o,        Ac{f any State, whereby the State is autho          I as an Agreement State, to regulate the use of, reactor-produced isotopes (byproduct materials), source materials, special nuclear materials in quantities not sufficient to form a                            ;
critical mass, uranium mill tailings, and the disposal of low-level radioactive waste. The                                '
NRC periodically reviews each Agreement Staty program and actions taken by the State under its Agreement to ensure compliance with Section 274 of the Act. On March 28, 1996, Governor William F. Weld requested thatlthe Commission enter into such an Agreement with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Under the Agreement, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts will assume rkgulatory authority over the activities listed above, except for the regulation of mill tailings. (
We have determined that this Agreement is not a (' major rule," as defined in 5 U.S.C.
804(2). We have confirmed this determination with the Office of Management and Budget.                                                            I
The enclosed Agreement will be effective March 2111997, and will be published in the Federal Reaister within 30 days after this Agreement is signed by NRC Chairman Jackson and Governor Weld.                                                    I Sincerely, \
Dennis K. Rathbun, Director Office of Congr,essional Affairs i
j As stated                                                                        i i
1 3
              *ldenticalletter sent to: The Ifonorabia Al Gore and The Honorable Newt Gingrich i
Distribution: See Next Page                                                                j T
DOCUMENT NAME:          G:\ ROV \SBREFA. mal                                          *See previous concurrence, n    .n,. . ..n . tw. e    ni. ina.. . w o,. i,.c  c . con moot .e1.,. r - c ,, wnn .ti.cwm.nt>.ncio.ur. s - no co,,
0FFICE                OSP                    OSP l        OSP:DD          OSPyp ),                    DEDR        OCA:D i
NAME        RVirgilio:ndb/gd            RBlanton        PHLohaus        RLBahhkr t          HLThompson        DKRathbun DATE                01/21/97*              01/21/97* 01/22/97* 01/C4/97                            /      /97      /  /97 OSP FILE CODE: SP-S-16; SP-NA-9; SP-C-6; SP-C-12; NOTE: WP 5.1 DISK TO RRDB M/S T-6-D59,                            \
7            Mr. Robert P. Murphy '
                                                              *          ^
General Counsel                ..,v-                                .
            ' General Accounting Office 441 G Street, NW, Room'7175 Washington, DC '20548                        .
==Dear Mr. Murphy:==
w 3
                                                                                      ,          g Pursuant to Subtitle E of the Smell Busjness Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1966, 5 U.S.C. 801, the Nuclear Regulatory Commissido (NRC) is submitting the enclosed Agreement with#the Commonwealth'of iMassachusetts.
Under Section 274 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the NRC is authorized to enter into agreements with the Gcverhor of any State, whereby the State is authorized, as an Agreement State,' to regulate the use of reactor produced isotopes (byproduct materials), source materials, special' nucle'er materials in quantities not sufficient to form a critical' mass, uranium mill tailings, and the disposal of low-level radioactive waste. The NRC periodically reviews each Agreement State program and actions taken by the State under its Agreement to erisure compliance hith Section 274 of the Act. On March 28, 1996, Governor William F. Weld requested ghat the Commission enter into such an agreement with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Under ins Agreement, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts will assurM re                                                                                          1 above, except for the regulation of mill tailingh. gulatory authority over the activities lis
We have determined that this Agreement is no a " major rule," as defined in 5 U.S.C.
804(2). We have confirmed this determination ith the Office of Management and Budget.
3 The enclosed Agreement will be effective March 21,1997, and will be published in the Federal Register within 30 days after this Agreemknt is signed by NRC Chairman Jackson and Govemor Weld.
Sincerely, Dennis K. Rathbun, Director Office of Corigressional Affairs
As stated t                                            '
                  *ldenticalletters sent to: The Honorable Al Gore and TN Honorable Newt Gingrich Distribution: See Next Page
: v. m . ,, .e mi.        m.nt,i.e                i. m. wm c . dhout attachment /.ncksu,. *P = Copy Wh ettschm.nt/.ncio.ur.
r - u.. ops                                                                      ,A 1      \
OFCCE                OSP          lE                    OSP          g b                OSP$ 'JN        \    OSP:D        l          OCA    ,
NAME        ROVirgilio:ndb/gd          RBlanton gp%                            PHLohaus                RLBangart              DKRathbun DATE                01//)/97                            01/gt/g7                        012Z /97        ( 01/ /97                  01/ /97
                                                                                , ,OSP FILE CODES: SP-C-12; SP-S-16; SP-NA 9
                                          ~ NOTE: WP 5.1 DISK-TO RRDB M/S T-6-D59, W/THREE COPIES OF ENCLOSURE s      ,.
_y          _ _ _ _ _ _ _
e          Y          'O}}

Latest revision as of 19:15, 30 June 2020

Forwards Agreement W/Commonwealth of Massachusetts,Per Subtitle E of Small Business Enforcement Fairness Act of 1966,5 Usc 801.Agreement Will Be Effective 970321
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/20/1997
From: Rathbun D
To: Murphy R
Shared Package
ML20137V637 List:
NUDOCS 9704170362
Download: ML20137V633 (2)


. _ . . _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ __. _. .

. Mr. Robert P. Murphy

' Gansral Counssi March 20, 1997 General Accounting Office

, 441 G Street, NW, Room 7175

, Washington, DC 20548 j

Dear Mr. Murphy:

4 Pursuant to Subtitle E of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1966, 5 U.S.C. 801, the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is submitting the enclosed Agreement with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Under Section 274 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the NRC is authorized to enter into agreements with the Governor of any State, whereby the State is authorized, as an Agreement State, to regulate the use of reactor-produced isotopes (byproduct materials), source materials, special nuclear materials in quantities not sufficient to form a critical mass, uranium and thorium mill tailings, and the disposal of low-level radioactive i, waste. On March 28,1996, Governor William F. Weld requested that the Commission enter into such an Agreement with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Under the Agreement, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts will assume regulatory authority over the activities listed above, except for the regulation of mill tailings. The NRC periodically reviews each Agreement State program and actions taken by the State under its Agreement to ensure compliance svith Section 274 of the Act.

f We have determined that this Agreement is not a " major rule," as defined in 5 U.S.C.

804(2). We have confirmed this determination with the Office of Management and Budget.

The enclosed Agreement will be effective March 21,1997, and will be published in the

Federal Reaister within 30 days after this Agreement is signed by NRC Chairman Jackson and Governor Weld.

m 1 Sincerely, 3

d Original signed by/

9704170362 970320 PDR STPRG ESGGEN Dennis K. Rathbun, Director PDR Office of Congressional Affairs  !

j Lj


q As stated j


  • ldentical letter sent to: Tb? Honorable Al Gore and The Honorable Swt Gingrich 3


,y Distribution: See Next Page.

I i

DOCUMENT NAME: G:\ ROV \SBREFA.MA1 n ,.c.iv. . copy .e ini. docum.nt, indic.i. in in. no.: c - copy witnout art.cntroni/.ncio.u,., e - copy w,th attachm.nt/.nclosur. N' = No copy OFFICE OSP , c OSP:DJ f OSP:D// g OCA:D f NAME RLBlanton:k,kgg PLohausI ,d RBangart ' WO DKRathbunVU DATE 03kyh/9V 'J

03/6/97 03(Q97 03/10/97 OSP FILE CODE: SP-S-16; SfMt#3 ?-C-6; SP-C-12;

$Pu '; 20 NOTE: WP 5.1 DISK TO RRDE A/d T 6-D59,

  • p' 'I }


. . . . - .- - - . - _ _ . . - . - _ - _ - . . - _ . ~ . _ , - . . - . ~ . - . = . . - . . . . . . . _.

4 .

i o d

i 1-j Distribution:


FXCameron/OGC NRC PDR - YES SCrockett/OGC MLesar/ADM DMeyer/ADM RVirgilio/OSP SBREFA File Massachusetts File Compatibility File Congressional File 1

l J

1 I

1 i

Mr. Robert P. Murphy -


' G:ner:I Counsel l G:nor:1 Accounting Office 441 G Street, NW, Room 7175 Washington, DC 20548  !

Dear Mr. Murphy:

Pursuant to Subtitle E of the Small Busine s Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1966, 5 U.S.C. 801, the Nuclear Regulatory Comhission (NRC) is submitting the enclosed ,

Agreement with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. I

\ of 1954, as amended, the NRC is authorized Under Section to enter into 274 of agreements the with theAtomic Governor Energy o, Ac{f any State, whereby the State is autho I as an Agreement State, to regulate the use of, reactor-produced isotopes (byproduct materials), source materials, special nuclear materials in quantities not sufficient to form a  ;

critical mass, uranium mill tailings, and the disposal of low-level radioactive waste. The '

NRC periodically reviews each Agreement Staty program and actions taken by the State under its Agreement to ensure compliance with Section 274 of the Act. On March 28, 1996, Governor William F. Weld requested thatlthe Commission enter into such an Agreement with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Under the Agreement, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts will assume rkgulatory authority over the activities listed above, except for the regulation of mill tailings. (


We have determined that this Agreement is not a (' major rule," as defined in 5 U.S.C.

804(2). We have confirmed this determination with the Office of Management and Budget. I


The enclosed Agreement will be effective March 2111997, and will be published in the Federal Reaister within 30 days after this Agreement is signed by NRC Chairman Jackson and Governor Weld. I Sincerely, \




Dennis K. Rathbun, Director Office of Congr,essional Affairs i


j As stated i i

1 3

  • ldenticalletter sent to: The Ifonorabia Al Gore and The Honorable Newt Gingrich i

Distribution: See Next Page j T

DOCUMENT NAME: G:\ ROV \SBREFA. mal *See previous concurrence, n .n,. . ..n . tw. e ni. ina.. . w o,. i,.c c . con moot .e1.,. r - c ,, wnn .ti.cwm.nt>.ncio.ur. s - no co,,


NAME RVirgilio:ndb/gd RBlanton PHLohaus RLBahhkr t HLThompson DKRathbun DATE 01/21/97* 01/21/97* 01/22/97* 01/C4/97 / /97 / /97 OSP FILE CODE: SP-S-16; SP-NA-9; SP-C-6; SP-C-12; NOTE: WP 5.1 DISK TO RRDB M/S T-6-D59, \




7 Mr. Robert P. Murphy '

  • ^

General Counsel ..,v- .

' General Accounting Office 441 G Street, NW, Room'7175 Washington, DC '20548 .


Dear Mr. Murphy:


w 3


, g Pursuant to Subtitle E of the Smell Busjness Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1966, 5 U.S.C. 801, the Nuclear Regulatory Commissido (NRC) is submitting the enclosed Agreement with#the Commonwealth'of iMassachusetts.


Under Section 274 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the NRC is authorized to enter into agreements with the Gcverhor of any State, whereby the State is authorized, as an Agreement State,' to regulate the use of reactor produced isotopes (byproduct materials), source materials, special' nucle'er materials in quantities not sufficient to form a critical' mass, uranium mill tailings, and the disposal of low-level radioactive waste. The NRC periodically reviews each Agreement State program and actions taken by the State under its Agreement to erisure compliance hith Section 274 of the Act. On March 28, 1996, Governor William F. Weld requested ghat the Commission enter into such an agreement with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Under ins Agreement, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts will assurM re 1 above, except for the regulation of mill tailingh. gulatory authority over the activities lis


We have determined that this Agreement is no a " major rule," as defined in 5 U.S.C.

804(2). We have confirmed this determination ith the Office of Management and Budget.

3 The enclosed Agreement will be effective March 21,1997, and will be published in the Federal Register within 30 days after this Agreemknt is signed by NRC Chairman Jackson and Govemor Weld.

Sincerely, Dennis K. Rathbun, Director Office of Corigressional Affairs


As stated t '

  • ldenticalletters sent to: The Honorable Al Gore and TN Honorable Newt Gingrich Distribution: See Next Page




v. m . ,, .e mi. m.nt,i.e i. m. wm c . dhout attachment /.ncksu,. *P = Copy Wh ettschm.nt/.ncio.ur.

r - u.. ops ,A 1 \


NAME ROVirgilio:ndb/gd RBlanton gp% PHLohaus RLBangart DKRathbun DATE 01//)/97 01/gt/g7 012Z /97 ( 01/ /97 01/ /97

, ,OSP FILE CODES: SP-C-12; SP-S-16; SP-NA 9


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