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{{#Wiki_filter:Description Survey Unit Release Record Design # Suwey Unit #(s) document constitute "Special Methods" and the survey design used in the acquisition of survey measurements.
{{#Wiki_filter:Survey Unit Release Record Design #             EP-SAN 12          Revision #          Original      Page 1 of 3 Suwey Unit #(s)                                           SAN 12
: 1) Embedded Pipe (EP) Survey Unit SAN 12 meets the definition of embedded pipe for Plum Brook Reactor Facility (PBRF).
: 2) EP SAN 12 is a Class 1, Group 3.2 survey unit as per the PBRF Final Status Survey Plan (FSSP) and Technical Basis Document (TBD)-06-004.
: 3) Surveys in EP SAN 12 were performed using a scintillation detector optimized to measure gamma energies representative of Cs-137. Sample #EP 3-8 fiom Survey Request (SR)-13 was referenced for this decision.
: 4) Survey Instructions for this survey unit are incorporated into and performed in accordance with (IAW) the Babcock Services Incorporated (BSI)/LVS-002, Work Execution Package (WEP) 05-006. Survey instructions described in this Description document constitute "Special Methods" and the survey design used in the acquisition of survey measurements.
: 5) Instrument efficiency determinations are developed in accordance with the BSILVS-002, WEP 05-006, these determinations are appropriate for the types of radiation involved and the media being surveyed.
: 5) Instrument efficiency determinations are developed in accordance with the BSILVS-002, WEP 05-006, these determinations are appropriate for the types of radiation involved and the media being surveyed.
FSSICharacterization Engineer FSSICharacterization Manager EP-SAN 12 SAN 12 1) Embedded Pipe (EP) Survey Unit SAN 12 meets the definition of embedded pipe for Plum Brook Reactor Facility (PBRF). 2) EP SAN 12 is a Class 1, Group 3.2 survey unit as per the PBRF Final Status Survey Plan (FSSP) and Technical Basis Document (TBD)-06-004.
FSSICharacterization Engineer FSSICharacterization Manager
: 3) Surveys in EP SAN 12 were performed using a scintillation detector optimized to measure gamma energies representative of Cs-137.
Sample #EP 3-8 fiom Survey Request (SR)-13 was referenced for this decision.
: 4) Survey Instructions for this survey unit are incorporated into and performed in accordance with (IAW) the Babcock Services Incorporated (BSI)/LVS-002, Work Execution Package (WEP) 05-006. Survey instructions described in this Revision # Original Page 1 of 3 FSS Design # EP SAN 12 Revisi on # Original Page 2 of 3 Survey Unit: SAN 12 1.0 History/Description 1.1 The subject pipe system is a 4" drain line which received influents from the decontamination room and contaminated showers during plant operations. The influents were transf erred through the SAN 12 piping to the -15' RB hot sump.
1.2 EP SAN 12 is approximatel y 16 feet in length.
2.0 Survey Design Information 2.1 EP SAN 12 was surveyed IAW Procedure #BSI/LVS-002.
2.2 100% of the 4" ID pipe was accessible for survey. The accessible 4" ID pipe was surveyed by static measurement at one foot increments, for a total of 16 survey measurements.
2.3 Surface area for the 4" ID piping is 973 cm 2 for each foot of piping, corresponding to a total 4" ID piping surface area of 15568 cm 2 (1.6 m 2) for the entire accessible length of (16') of 4" piping.
3.0 Survey Unit Measurement Locations/Data 3.1 Pipe interior radiological survey forms are provided in Attachment 2 of this release record.
4.0 Survey Unit Investigations/Results 4.1 None 5.0 Data Assessment Results 5.1 Data assessment results are provided in the EP/Buried Pipe (BP) Survey Report provided in Attachment 1.
5.2 All measurement results are less than the Derived Concentration Guideline Level (DCGL) for radionuclide specif ic EP that corresponds to the 1 mrem/yr dose goal established in Table 3-3 of the FSSP.
5.3 When implementing the Unity Rule, provided in Section 3.6.3 of the FSSP, and applying the Nuclide Frac tion (NF), provided in TBD-06-004, the survey unit that is constituted by EP SAN 12 passes FSS.
5.4 Background was not subtracted from the survey measurements and the Elevated Measurement Comparison (EMC) was not employed for the accessible portion of this survey unit.
5.5 The instrument/detector used for this survey was >12 months and <15 months from it's calibration date. Procedure #BSI/LVS-002, Step 4.3.2 allows use of instrument/detectors within this periodicity. The detector was maintained in service for this survey due to a limited window of schedule opportunity to accomplish the survey of SAN 12, and limited

availability of 1" X 1" scintillation detectors with which to accomplish the survey FSS Design # EP SAN 12 Revisi on # Original Page 3 of 3 Survey Unit: SAN 12 5.6 Statistical Summary Table Statistical Parameter 4" Pipe Total Number of Survey Measurements 16 Number of Measurements >MDC 13 Number of Measurements Above 50% of DCGL 0 Number of Measurements Above DCGL 0 Mean  0.003 Median  0.002 Standard Deviation 0.001 Maximum  0.005 Minimum  0.001  6.0 Documentation of evaluations pertaining to compliance with the unrestricted use limit of 25 mrem/yr and dose contributions from Embedded Pipe and radionuclides contributing 10% in aggregat e of the total dose for both structural scenarios and soils.
FSS Design # EP SAN 12             Revision # Original                     Page 2 of 3 Survey Unit: SAN 12 1.0    History/Description 1.1    The subject pipe system is a 4 drain line which received influents from the decontamination room and contaminated showers during plant operations. The influents were transferred through the SAN 12 piping to the -15 RB hot sump.
6.1 A review of the survey results has sh own that the dose contribution for the accessible portion of EP SAN 12 to be less than 1 mrem/yr. The dose contribution is estimated to be 0.003 mrem/yr based on the average of the  
1.2    EP SAN 12 is approximately 16 feet in length.
2.0    Survey Design Information 2.1    EP SAN 12 was surveyed IAW Procedure #BSI/LVS-002.
2.2    100% of the 4 ID pipe was accessible for survey. The accessible 4 ID pipe was surveyed by static measurement at one foot increments, for a total of 16 survey measurements.
2.3    Surface area for the 4 ID piping is 973 cm2 for each foot of piping, corresponding to a total 4 ID piping surface area of 15568 cm2 (1.6 m2) for the entire accessible length of (16) of 4 piping.
3.0   Survey Unit Measurement Locations/Data 3.1    Pipe interior radiological survey forms are provided in Attachment 2 of this release record.
4.0   Survey Unit Investigations/Results 4.1    None 5.0   Data Assessment Results 5.1    Data assessment results are provided in the EP/Buried Pipe (BP) Survey Report provided in Attachment 1.
5.2    All measurement results are less than the Derived Concentration Guideline Level (DCGL) for radionuclide specific EP that corresponds to the 1 mrem/yr dose goal established in Table 3-3 of the FSSP.
5.3    When implementing the Unity Rule, provided in Section 3.6.3 of the FSSP, and applying the Nuclide Fraction (NF), provided in TBD-06-004, the survey unit that is constituted by EP SAN 12 passes FSS.
5.4    Background was not subtracted from the survey measurements and the Elevated Measurement Comparison (EMC) was not employed for the accessible portion of this survey unit.
5.5    The instrument/detector used for this survey was >12 months and <15 months from its calibration date. Procedure #BSI/LVS-002, Step 4.3.2 allows use of instrument/detectors within this periodicity. The detector was maintained in service for this survey due to a limited window of schedule opportunity to accomplish the survey of SAN 12, and limited availability of 1 X 1 scintillation detectors with which to accomplish the survey

actual gross counts.
FSS Design # EP SAN 12              Revision # Original                  Page 3 of 3 Survey Unit: SAN 12 5.6    Statistical Summary Table Statistical Parameter                4 Pipe Total Number of Survey Measurements              16 Number of Measurements >MDC                    13 Number of Measurements Above 50% of DCGL                0 Number of Measurements Above DCGL                  0 Mean                          0.003 Median                        0.002 Standard Deviation                    0.001 Maximum                        0.005 Minimum                        0.001 6.0    Documentation of evaluations pertaining to compliance with the unrestricted use limit of 25 mrem/yr and dose contributions from Embedded Pipe and radionuclides contributing 10% in aggregate of the total dose for both structural scenarios and soils.
7.0 Attachments Attachment 1 - BSI EP/BP Survey Report Attachment 2 -Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form Attachment 3 - DQA Worksheet Attachment 4 -Disc containing RR for EP SAN 12 & Spreadsheet  
6.1    A review of the survey results has shown that the dose contribution for the accessible portion of EP SAN 12 to be less than 1 mrem/yr. The dose contribution is estimated to be 0.003 mrem/yr based on the average of the actual gross counts.
7.0   Attachments Attachment 1 - BSI EP/BP Survey Report Attachment 2 -Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form Attachment 3 - DQA Worksheet Attachment 4 -Disc containing RR for EP SAN 12 & Spreadsheet


EP SAN 12 4" Pipe TBD 06-004 Group 3.2Measurement #gcpmncpm Cs-137 activity (total dpm)
EP SAN 12 4" Pipe TBD 06-004 Group 3.2 Measurement #
Cs-137 activity (dpm/100cm2)
Cs-137 activity   Cs-137 activity  Co-60 activity    Eu-152 activity  Eu-154 activity  Nb-94 activity  Ag-108m activity gcpm  ncpm    (total dpm)     (dpm/100cm2)     (dpm/100cm2)       (dpm/100cm2)     (dpm/100cm2)     (dpm/100cm2)     (dpm/100cm2)
Co-60 activity (dpm/100cm2)
Unity 1                20    20          37,736             3,879               425                   -               27             -                   -     0.003 2                33    33          62,264             6,400               701                   -               45             -                   -     0.005 3                21    21          39,623             4,073               446                   -               29             -                   -     0.003 4                17    17          32,075             3,297               361                   -               23             -                   -     0.002 5                16    16          30,189             3,103               340                   -               22             -                   -     0.002 6                15    15          28,302             2,909               319                   -               20             -                   -     0.002 7                21    21          39,623             4,073               446                   -               29             -                   -     0.003 8                9      9          16,981             1,745               191                   -               12             -                   -     0.001 9                10    10          18,868             1,939               212                   -               14             -                   -     0.001 10              12    12          22,642             2,327               255                   -               16             -                   -     0.002 11              18    18          33,962             3,491               382                   -               25             -                   -     0.003 12              17    17          32,075             3,297               361                   -               23             -                   -     0.002 13              16    16          30,189             3,103               340                   -               22             -                   -     0.002 14              21    21          39,623             4,073               446                   -               29             -                   -     0.003 15              20    20          37,736             3,879               425                   -               27             -                   -     0.003 16              20    20          37,736             3,879               425                   -               27             -                   -     0.003 MEAN           0.003 MEDIAN         0.002 STD DEV         0.001 MAX           0.005 MIN         0.001 1 of 1
Eu-152 activity (dpm/100cm2)
Eu-154 activity (dpm/100cm2)
Nb-94 activity (dpm/100cm2)
Ag-108m activity (dpm/100cm2)
                                                                              -       BSIILVSPipeCrawler-002 Revision 5 Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form Date:     /-/7-pe               Tie:         /P3O Pipe ID#:     6&d1Z            Pipe Diameter:       4 '1                 Access Point Area: /? 6 ' 1 5       '
Unity1202037,736         3,879             425               -                   27                 -               -                   0.0032333362,264         6,400             701               -                   45                 -               -                   0.0053212139,623         4,073             446               -                   29                 -               -                   0.0034171732,075         3,297             361               -                   23                 -               -                   0.0025161630,189         3,103             340               -                   22                 -               -                   0.0026151528,302         2,909             319               -                   20                 -               -                   0.0027212139,623         4,073             446               -                   29                 -               -                   0.00389916,981         1,745             191               -                   12                 -               -                   0.0019101018,868         1,939             212               -                   14                 -               -                   0.00110121222,642         2,327             255               -                   16                 -               -                   0.00211181833,962         3,491             382               -                   25                 -               -                   0.00312171732,075         3,297             361               -                   23                 -               -                   0.00213161630,189         3,103             340               -                   22                 -               -                   0.00214212139,623         4,073             446               -                   29                 -               -                   0.00315202037,736         3,879             425               -                   27                 -               -                   0.00316202037,736         3,879             425               -                   27                 -               -                   0.003 MEAN 0.003 MEDIAN 0.002 STD DEV 0.001 MAX 0.005 MIN 0.001 1 of 1 SECTION 7 ATTACHMENT 2 2 PAGES
Building:       .d&               Elevation:     -/d '                         System:           ,4073 & 9 / h )
- BSIILVSPipeCrawler-002 Revision 5 Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form Date: /-/7-pe Tie: /P3O Pipe ID#: 6&d1 Z Pipe Diameter:
Type of Survey     Investigation         Characterization -Final Survey                 )<     Other   ;>\
4 '1 Access Point Area: /? 6 '1 5 ' Building: .d& Elevation:  
Gross                           C06O                                     cs3-Detector ID# / Sled ID#       LW\                       1     1 P I Detector Cal Date:         -  -
-/d ' System: ,407 3&9/h) Type of Survey Investigation Characterization - Final Survey )< Other ;>\ Gross C06O Detector ID# / Sled ID# LW\ 1 1PI cs3- Detector Cal Date: I - 1 I - 0 7 Detector Cal Due Date: I-JI-v~ 1 Instrument:
I 1I 07                Detector Cal Due Date:               I-JI-v~           1 Instrument:         33313-                       Instrument ID #:               184 DB         J Instrument Cal Date:           - - /     7       Instrument Cal Due Date:               )-I/   -~ ' 8 From the Daily Pipe Survey Detector Control Form for the Selected Detector Background Value       8. I cpm MDC%atic             19         cpm Efficiency Factor for Pipe Diameter 0 , O -3               (from detector efficiency determination)
33313- Instrument ID #: 184 DB J Instrument Cal Date: - / - 7 Instrument Cal Due Date: )-I/ - ~'8 From the Daily Pipe Survey Detector Control Form for the Selected Detector Background Value 8. I cpm MDC%atic 19 cpm Efficiency Factor for Pipe Diameter 0,O -3 (from detector efficiency determination)
MDCstatic     z(0q 8-           dpmi     id D         cm2 Is the MDCsuticacceptable?
MDCstatic z(0 q 8- dpmi id D cm2 Is the MDCsutic acceptable?
a No (if no, adjust sample count time and recalculate MDCbJ Comments:
a         No (if no, adjust sample count time and recalculate M D C b J Technician Signature Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Package Page 1 ofL Attachment 3, Page I
Technician Signature Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Package Page 1 ofL Attachment 3, Page I
,.- Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form (Continuation Form) BSWSPipeCrawler-002 Revision 5 Date: 1 0 & / Pipe El#: &&d 1Z Pipe Diameter:
BSWSPipeCrawler-002 Revision 5 Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form (Continuation Form)
4 ;" Access Point Area: -/d n/ Building:
Date:     1 0 &                                                                     /
Pipe El#:
-/ 5 System: #4#-Jwfk 7- Package Page 2 of - REFERENCE COP Attachment 3, Page 2 SECTION 7 ATTACHMENT 3 1 PAGE I DQA Check Sheet I I Design # 1 EP SAN 12 1 Revision # I Original I I 1 Survey Unit # 1 EP SAN 12 I 1. Have surveys been performed in accordance with survey instructions in the Survey Design? 2. Is the instrumentation MDC for structure static measurements below the DCGLw for Class 1 and 2 Preliminary Data Review' Answers to the following questions should be fully documented in the Survey Unit Release Record 4. Was the instrumentation MDC for structure scan measurements, soil scan measurements, and survey units, or below 0.5 DCGLw for Class 3 survey units? embedded~b~r~ed p pang scan measuremenk below the DCGLM or if 1101 was the need for add~t~onal Statlc rneasJrements or so samples addressed In the survey deslgn? . - -- . .. Yes A 5. Was the instrumentation MDC for volumetric measurements and smear analysis c 10% DCGLw ? 6. Were the MDCs and assumptions used to develop them appropriate for the instruments and techniques used to perform the survey?
d       1Z       Pipe Diameter:
                                              -/ 5
                                                  ;"     Access Point Area:
                                                                              #4#-Jwfk n/
Package Page 2of -    7-Attachment 3, Page 2 REFERENCE COP
I                                                             DQA Check Sheet                                                       I I     Design #       1   EP SAN 12         1 Revision #   I   Original       I                                                   I 1 Survey Unit #     1                                                     EP SAN 12                                               I Preliminary Data Review' Answers to the following questions should be fully documented in the Survey Unit Yes  No  N,A Release Record
: 1. Have surveys been performed in accordance with survey instructions in the Survey Design?
: 2. Is the instrumentation MDC for structure static measurements below the DCGLw for Class 1 and 2 A
survey units, or below 0.5 DCGLw for Class 3 survey units?
: 3. Is the instrumentation MDC for embeddedlburied ~ i ~ i static  n a measurements below the DCGLw ?              1 x 1
: 4. Was the instrumentation MDC for structure scan measurements, soil scan measurements, and embedded~b~r~ed     p pang scan measuremenk below the DCGLM or if 1101 was the need for add~t~onal Statlc rneasJrements. or - so samples addressed In the survey deslgn?
: 5. Was the instrumentation MDC for volumetric measurements and smear analysis c 10% DCGLw ?
: 6. Were the MDCs and assumptions used to develop them appropriate for the instruments and techniques used to perform the survey?
: 7. Were the survey methods used to collect data proper for the types of radiation involved and for the media beina surveved?
: 7. Were the survey methods used to collect data proper for the types of radiation involved and for the media beina surveved?
: 3. Is the instrumentation MDC for embeddedlburied
1 8. Were "Special Methods" for data collection properly applied for the survey unit under review?                 1 x 1      I     1 I
~i~ina static measurements below the DCGLw ? 1x1 1 8. Were "Special Methods" for data collection properly applied for the survey unit under review? 1x1 I 1 No 9 Is the data set comprised of qualified measurement resdtts collected in accordance wltn tne suvey design, which accurately reflects the rad.ological status of the facility?
I 9
I-- . . . . - - . - -. . . . . . . . . . N,A I Graphical Data Review I 1 1. Has a posting plot been created? 1 I 1x1 1 2. Has a histogram (or other frequency plot) been created? 1 I 1x1 1 3. Have other graphical data tools been created to assist in analyzing the data? 1 I 1x1 1 Data Analysis I 1 1. Are all sam~le measurements below the DCGLw (Class 1 & 2). or 0.5 DCGLw (Class 3)? I X I I 1 1 5. Is the result of the statistical test (S+ for Sign Test or W, for WRS Test), the critical value? 1 I 1x1 2. Is the mean of the sample data < DCGLw? 3. If elevated areas have been identified by scans andlor sampling, is the average activity in each elevated area c DCGLEMC (Class I), < DCGLw (Class 2), or c0.5 DCGLw (Class 3)? 4. is the result of the Elevated Measurements Test  
design, which accurately reflects the rad.ological.  -
< 1 .O? I Comments:
Is the data set comprised of qualified measurement resdtts collected in accordance wltn tne suvey status of the facility?
Graphical Data Review
                                                                                                          .... .. .         -      I 1 1. Has a posting plot been created?                                                                               1     I   1 x 1 1 2. Has a histogram (or other frequency plot) been created?                                                       1     I   1 x 1 1 3. Have other graphical data tools been created to assist in analyzing the data?                                 1     I   1 x 1 1                                                                 Data Analysis                                                       I 1 1. Are all sam~lemeasurements below the DCGLw (Class 1 & 2). or 0.5 DCGLw (Class 3)?                             I X I   I     1
: 2. Is the mean of the sample data < DCGLw?                                                                           X
: 3. If elevated areas have been identified by scans andlor sampling, is the average activity in each                             X elevated area c DCGLEMC       (Class I ) , < DCGLw (Class 2), or c0.5 DCGLw (Class 3)?
: 4. is the result of the Elevated Measurements Test < 1.O?                                                                       X 1 5. Is the result of the statistical test (S+ for Sign Test or W, for WRS Test),    the critical value?          1    I   1 x 1 I
FSSICharacterization Engineer (prinVsign)
FSSICharacterization Engineer (prinVsign)
I FSSl Characterization Manager (printlsign)
I FSSl CharacterizationManager (printlsign)
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Latest revision as of 06:06, 13 March 2020

Plum Brook Reactor Facility, Survey Unit Release Record Embedded Pipe (EP) San 12
Person / Time
Site: Plum Brook
Issue date: 03/05/2008
From: Wood D
US National Aeronautics & Space Admin (NASA), John H. Glenn Research Ctr at Lewis Field
Download: ML080670218 (12)


Survey Unit Release Record Design # EP-SAN 12 Revision # Original Page 1 of 3 Suwey Unit #(s) SAN 12

1) Embedded Pipe (EP) Survey Unit SAN 12 meets the definition of embedded pipe for Plum Brook Reactor Facility (PBRF).
2) EP SAN 12 is a Class 1, Group 3.2 survey unit as per the PBRF Final Status Survey Plan (FSSP) and Technical Basis Document (TBD)-06-004.
3) Surveys in EP SAN 12 were performed using a scintillation detector optimized to measure gamma energies representative of Cs-137. Sample #EP 3-8 fiom Survey Request (SR)-13 was referenced for this decision.
4) Survey Instructions for this survey unit are incorporated into and performed in accordance with (IAW) the Babcock Services Incorporated (BSI)/LVS-002, Work Execution Package (WEP)05-006. Survey instructions described in this Description document constitute "Special Methods" and the survey design used in the acquisition of survey measurements.
5) Instrument efficiency determinations are developed in accordance with the BSILVS-002, WEP 05-006, these determinations are appropriate for the types of radiation involved and the media being surveyed.

FSSICharacterization Engineer FSSICharacterization Manager

FSS Design # EP SAN 12 Revision # Original Page 2 of 3 Survey Unit: SAN 12 1.0 History/Description 1.1 The subject pipe system is a 4 drain line which received influents from the decontamination room and contaminated showers during plant operations. The influents were transferred through the SAN 12 piping to the -15 RB hot sump.

1.2 EP SAN 12 is approximately 16 feet in length.

2.0 Survey Design Information 2.1 EP SAN 12 was surveyed IAW Procedure #BSI/LVS-002.

2.2 100% of the 4 ID pipe was accessible for survey. The accessible 4 ID pipe was surveyed by static measurement at one foot increments, for a total of 16 survey measurements.

2.3 Surface area for the 4 ID piping is 973 cm2 for each foot of piping, corresponding to a total 4 ID piping surface area of 15568 cm2 (1.6 m2) for the entire accessible length of (16) of 4 piping.

3.0 Survey Unit Measurement Locations/Data 3.1 Pipe interior radiological survey forms are provided in Attachment 2 of this release record.

4.0 Survey Unit Investigations/Results 4.1 None 5.0 Data Assessment Results 5.1 Data assessment results are provided in the EP/Buried Pipe (BP) Survey Report provided in Attachment 1.

5.2 All measurement results are less than the Derived Concentration Guideline Level (DCGL) for radionuclide specific EP that corresponds to the 1 mrem/yr dose goal established in Table 3-3 of the FSSP.

5.3 When implementing the Unity Rule, provided in Section 3.6.3 of the FSSP, and applying the Nuclide Fraction (NF), provided in TBD-06-004, the survey unit that is constituted by EP SAN 12 passes FSS.

5.4 Background was not subtracted from the survey measurements and the Elevated Measurement Comparison (EMC) was not employed for the accessible portion of this survey unit.

5.5 The instrument/detector used for this survey was >12 months and <15 months from its calibration date. Procedure #BSI/LVS-002, Step 4.3.2 allows use of instrument/detectors within this periodicity. The detector was maintained in service for this survey due to a limited window of schedule opportunity to accomplish the survey of SAN 12, and limited availability of 1 X 1 scintillation detectors with which to accomplish the survey

FSS Design # EP SAN 12 Revision # Original Page 3 of 3 Survey Unit: SAN 12 5.6 Statistical Summary Table Statistical Parameter 4 Pipe Total Number of Survey Measurements 16 Number of Measurements >MDC 13 Number of Measurements Above 50% of DCGL 0 Number of Measurements Above DCGL 0 Mean 0.003 Median 0.002 Standard Deviation 0.001 Maximum 0.005 Minimum 0.001 6.0 Documentation of evaluations pertaining to compliance with the unrestricted use limit of 25 mrem/yr and dose contributions from Embedded Pipe and radionuclides contributing 10% in aggregate of the total dose for both structural scenarios and soils.

6.1 A review of the survey results has shown that the dose contribution for the accessible portion of EP SAN 12 to be less than 1 mrem/yr. The dose contribution is estimated to be 0.003 mrem/yr based on the average of the actual gross counts.

7.0 Attachments Attachment 1 - BSI EP/BP Survey Report Attachment 2 -Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form Attachment 3 - DQA Worksheet Attachment 4 -Disc containing RR for EP SAN 12 & Spreadsheet


EP SAN 12 4" Pipe TBD 06-004 Group 3.2 Measurement #

Cs-137 activity Cs-137 activity Co-60 activity Eu-152 activity Eu-154 activity Nb-94 activity Ag-108m activity gcpm ncpm (total dpm) (dpm/100cm2) (dpm/100cm2) (dpm/100cm2) (dpm/100cm2) (dpm/100cm2) (dpm/100cm2)

Unity 1 20 20 37,736 3,879 425 - 27 - - 0.003 2 33 33 62,264 6,400 701 - 45 - - 0.005 3 21 21 39,623 4,073 446 - 29 - - 0.003 4 17 17 32,075 3,297 361 - 23 - - 0.002 5 16 16 30,189 3,103 340 - 22 - - 0.002 6 15 15 28,302 2,909 319 - 20 - - 0.002 7 21 21 39,623 4,073 446 - 29 - - 0.003 8 9 9 16,981 1,745 191 - 12 - - 0.001 9 10 10 18,868 1,939 212 - 14 - - 0.001 10 12 12 22,642 2,327 255 - 16 - - 0.002 11 18 18 33,962 3,491 382 - 25 - - 0.003 12 17 17 32,075 3,297 361 - 23 - - 0.002 13 16 16 30,189 3,103 340 - 22 - - 0.002 14 21 21 39,623 4,073 446 - 29 - - 0.003 15 20 20 37,736 3,879 425 - 27 - - 0.003 16 20 20 37,736 3,879 425 - 27 - - 0.003 MEAN 0.003 MEDIAN 0.002 STD DEV 0.001 MAX 0.005 MIN 0.001 1 of 1


- BSIILVSPipeCrawler-002 Revision 5 Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form Date: /-/7-pe Tie: /P3O Pipe ID#: 6&d1Z Pipe Diameter: 4 '1 Access Point Area: /? 6 ' 1 5 '

Building: .d& Elevation: -/d ' System: ,4073 & 9 / h )

Type of Survey Investigation Characterization -Final Survey )< Other  ;>\

Gross C06O cs3-Detector ID# / Sled ID# LW\ 1 1 P I Detector Cal Date: - -

I 1I 07 Detector Cal Due Date: I-JI-v~ 1 Instrument: 33313- Instrument ID #: 184 DB J Instrument Cal Date: - - / 7 Instrument Cal Due Date: )-I/ -~ ' 8 From the Daily Pipe Survey Detector Control Form for the Selected Detector Background Value 8. I cpm MDC%atic 19 cpm Efficiency Factor for Pipe Diameter 0 , O -3 (from detector efficiency determination)

MDCstatic z(0q 8- dpmi id D cm2 Is the MDCsuticacceptable?


a No (if no, adjust sample count time and recalculate M D C b J Technician Signature Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Package Page 1 ofL Attachment 3, Page I

BSWSPipeCrawler-002 Revision 5 Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form (Continuation Form)

Date: 1 0 & /

Pipe El#:


d 1Z Pipe Diameter:



-/ 5

" Access Point Area



  1. 4#-Jwfk n/

Package Page 2of - 7-Attachment 3, Page 2 REFERENCE COP


I DQA Check Sheet I I Design # 1 EP SAN 12 1 Revision # I Original I I 1 Survey Unit # 1 EP SAN 12 I Preliminary Data Review' Answers to the following questions should be fully documented in the Survey Unit Yes No N,A Release Record

1. Have surveys been performed in accordance with survey instructions in the Survey Design?
2. Is the instrumentation MDC for structure static measurements below the DCGLw for Class 1 and 2 A

survey units, or below 0.5 DCGLw for Class 3 survey units?

3. Is the instrumentation MDC for embeddedlburied ~ i ~ i static n a measurements below the DCGLw ? 1 x 1
4. Was the instrumentation MDC for structure scan measurements, soil scan measurements, and embedded~b~r~ed p pang scan measuremenk below the DCGLM or if 1101 was the need for add~t~onal Statlc rneasJrements. or - so samples addressed In the survey deslgn?
5. Was the instrumentation MDC for volumetric measurements and smear analysis c 10% DCGLw ?
6. Were the MDCs and assumptions used to develop them appropriate for the instruments and techniques used to perform the survey?
7. Were the survey methods used to collect data proper for the types of radiation involved and for the media beina surveved?

1 8. Were "Special Methods" for data collection properly applied for the survey unit under review? 1 x 1 I 1 I

I 9

design, which accurately reflects the rad.ological. -

Is the data set comprised of qualified measurement resdtts collected in accordance wltn tne suvey status of the facility?

Graphical Data Review

.... .. . - I 1 1. Has a posting plot been created? 1 I 1 x 1 1 2. Has a histogram (or other frequency plot) been created? 1 I 1 x 1 1 3. Have other graphical data tools been created to assist in analyzing the data? 1 I 1 x 1 1 Data Analysis I 1 1. Are all sam~lemeasurements below the DCGLw (Class 1 & 2). or 0.5 DCGLw (Class 3)? I X I I 1

2. Is the mean of the sample data < DCGLw? X
3. If elevated areas have been identified by scans andlor sampling, is the average activity in each X elevated area c DCGLEMC (Class I ) , < DCGLw (Class 2), or c0.5 DCGLw (Class 3)?
4. is the result of the Elevated Measurements Test < 1.O? X 1 5. Is the result of the statistical test (S+ for Sign Test or W, for WRS Test), the critical value? 1 I 1 x 1 I


FSSICharacterization Engineer (prinVsign)

I FSSl CharacterizationManager (printlsign)

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