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{{#Wiki_filter:U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Actions and Milestones Table Area Actions and Milestones extracted from Agency FITARA Action Plan Target Completion Date Status Status Description Choose: Not Started, In Progress, Complete, Deferred Describe in detail agency responses to status (e.g. ongoing actions, dependencies, partial milestones).
{{#Wiki_filter:U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Actions and Milestones Table Area                   Actions and Milestones                 Target      Status                        Status Description extracted from Agency FITARA Action Plan         Completion Date   Choose: Not Describe in detail agency responses to status (e.g. ongoing Started, In actions, dependencies, partial milestones).
Budget Formulation (A-D) Milestone 1: In fiscal year (FY) 2016, NRC is implementing the assignment of a cost activity code (CAC) to each component to track full time equivalent (FTE) cost associated with IT investments.
Progress, Complete, Deferred Budget   Milestone 1: In fiscal year (FY) 2016, NRC is       2016-02-27 Complete   The NRC has mandated the use of new Cost Activity Codes Formulation implementing the assignment of a cost activity code                        (CACs) for reporting time associated with IT-related (A-D)    (CAC) to each component to track full time                                  activities. These new CACs associate staff time with the equivalent (FTE) cost associated with IT                                    components (systems and services) they support (as defined in investments.                                                                the agencys IT Portfolio) and institute an enhanced level of transparency and control over IT resources.
2016-02-27 Complete The NRC has mandated the use of new Cost Activity Codes (CACs) for reporting time associated with IT-related activities. These new CACs associate staff time with the components (systems and services) they support (as defined in the agency's IT Portfolio) and institute an enhanced level of transparency and control over IT resources.
Milestone 2: The NRC IT/IM budget guidance is       2016-06-30 Complete   The NRC IT/IM budget guidance was approved by the CIO going through the agency concurrence process for                            on June 9, 2016 and posted to the NRC IT Policy Archive.
Milestone 2: The NRC IT/IM budget guidance is going through the agency concurrence process for final approval by the CIO. Once approved, it will be made publicly available under ADAMS Accession No. ML15300A002 and posted to the NRC IT Policy Archive. 2016-06-30 Complete The NRC IT/IM budget guidance was approved by the CIO on June 9, 2016 and posted to the NRC IT Policy Archive.
final approval by the CIO. Once approved, it will be made publicly available under ADAMS Accession No. ML15300A002 and posted to the NRC IT Policy Archive.
Milestone 3: The NRC's Capital Planning and Investment Control Process, the supplement to the NRC's Capital Planning and Investment Control Policy and Process Overview, is in concurrence. Upon CIO approval, it will be issued under ADAMS Accession No. ML15260A904 and posted to the NRC IT Policy Archive.
Milestone 3: The NRCs Capital Planning and          2015-12-31 Complete     The NRCs Capital Planning and Investment Control Investment Control Process, the supplement to the                            Process, the supplement to the NRCs Capital Planning and NRCs Capital Planning and Investment Control                                Investment Control Policy and Process Overview, was Policy and Process Overview, is in concurrence.                              approved by the CIO on 12/28/2015 and posted to the NRC Upon CIO approval, it will be issued under ADAMS                            IT Policy Archive.
2015-12-31 Complete The NRC's Capital Planning and Investment Control Process , the supplement to the NRC's Capital Planning and Investment Control Policy and Process Overview, was approved by the CIO on 12/28/2015 and posted to the NRC IT Policy Archive.
Accession No. ML15260A904 and posted to the NRC IT Policy Archive.

Budget Execution (E-H, J, L) Milestone 4: The NRC's Capital Planning and Investment Control Process, the supplement to the NRC's Capital Planning and Investment Control Policy and Process Overview, is in concurrence. Upon CIO approval, it will be issued under ADAMS Accession No. ML15260A904 and posted to the NRC IT Policy Archive.
Budget     Milestone 4: The NRCs Capital Planning and             2015-12-31 Complete The NRCs Capital Planning and Investment Control Process, Execution  Investment Control Process, the supplement to the                          the supplement to the NRCs Capital Planning and Investment (E-H, J, L) NRCs Capital Planning and Investment Control                              Control Policy and Process Overview, was approved by the Policy and Process Overview, is in concurrence.                            CIO on 12/28/2015 and posted to the NRC IT Policy Archive.
2015-12-31 Complete The NRC's Capital Planning and Investment Control Process , the supplement to the NRC's Capital Planning and Investment Control Policy and Process Overview, was approved by the CIO on 12/28/2015 and posted to the NRC IT Policy Archive.
Upon CIO approval, it will be issued under ADAMS Accession No. ML15260A904 and posted to the NRC IT Policy Archive.
Milestone 5: The NRC plans to finalize and release the draft IT/IM resource review policy.
Milestone 5: The NRC plans to finalize and release     2016-06-30 Complete The NRC IT/IM budget guidance was approved by the CIO the draft IT/IM resource review policy.                                    on June 9, 2016 and posted to the NRC IT Policy Archive.
2016-06-30 Complete The NRC IT/IM budget guidance was approved by the CIO on June 9, 2016 and posted to the NRC IT Policy Archive.
Milestone 6: The NRCs IT/IM Budget Team, with         2016-02-29 Complete The first quarterly review, including an IT spend analysis, was support from the OCFO, will present the results of                          provided to the IPEC on February 3, 2016.
Milestone 6: The NRC's IT/IM Budget Team, with support from the OCFO, will present the results of the first FY 2016 quarterly review to the executive
the first FY 2016 quarterly review to the executive-level IRB for concurrence.
- level IRB for concurrence.
Milestone 7: MD 2.8, Project Management                 2016-05-31 Complete MD 2.8, Integrated Information Technology/Information Methodology will be replaced with a new MD 2.X,                             Management (IT/IM) Governance Framework was approved Integrated Information Technology/Information                               on February 24, 2016 and posted to the Management Management (IT/IM) Governance Framework;                                   Directives Collection on
2016-02-29 Complete The first quarterly review, including an IT spend analysis, was provided to the IPEC on February 3, 2016.
however it is currently in concurrence and not expected to be published until the second quarter of FY 2016.
Milestone 7: MD 2.8, Project Management Methodology will be replaced with a new MD 2.X, Integrated Information Technology/Information Management (IT/IM) Governance Framework; however it is currently in concurrence and not expected to be published until the second quarter of FY 2016. 2016-05-31 Complete MD 2.8, Integrated Information Technology/Information Management (IT/IM) Governance Framework was approved on February 24, 2016 and posted to the Management Directives Collection on
Milestone 8: The NRCs new Budget Execution           2016-09-30 Complete MD 4.7, Budget Formulation and MD 4.8, Budget Execution Management Directive (MD 4.8), currently under                              were approved and on August 15, 2016 and August 18, 2016, review by the EDO, clearly outlines the role of the                        respectfully. They are available at CIO in the reallocation of IT related resources during             execution.                                                          collections/management-directives/volumes/vol-4.html.
Milestone 8: The NRC's new Budget Execution Management Directive (MD 4.8), currently under review by the EDO, clearly outlines the role of the CIO in the reallocation of IT related resources during budget execution.
2016-09-30 Complete MD 4.7, Budget Formulation and MD 4.8, Budget Execution were approved and on August 15, 2016 and August 18, 2016, respectfully. They are available at
-rm/doc- collections/management
3    Milestone 11: The NRC is further enhancing the budget execution process and procedures to better align budget formulation and budget execution and to provide better visibility to all stakeholders. The primary focus is on ensuring complete visibility for the CIO. 2019-12-31 In Progress The NRC will continue to implement and refine existing business requirements to streamline and enhance the IT budget execution process and procedures.
Acquisition (I, K) Milestone 9: The NRC IT/IM budget guidance is going through the agency concurrence process for final approval by the CIO. Once approved, it was made publicly available under ADAMS Accession No. ML15300A002 and posted to the NRC IT Policy Archive. In addition, formal documentation of the process to assign resources to contracts is underway and will be published to the NRC IT Policy Archive.
2016-06-30 Complete The NRC IT/IM budget guidance was approved by the CIO on June 9, 2016 and posted to the NRC IT Policy Archive.
Milestone 12: The NRC will refine the process by which the CIO certifies incremental development, as appropriate. Related policy documents will be updated to add clarity, a procedural document(s) developed, and all changes communicated to NRC staff. 2017-12-31 Complete Per GAO's recommendation, NRC updated the CPIC policy and process documents to include (1) an agencywide process to ensure that all major IT investments and acquisitions are reviewed for the use of adequate incremental development, (2) the role of the CIO in the process, and (3) how the CIO's certification will be documented. All updates were approved by the CIO on December 15, 2017 and posted on the NRC IT Policy Archive.
Organization and  Workforce (M-Q) Milestone 10: As discussed in P1, the gap analysis will be completed in the first quarter of FY 2016. An implementation plan will be based on results of the gap analysis and the approved solutions.
2015-12-31 Complete NRC conducted a gap analysis of the current IT workforce, which revealed gaps in cybersecurity and cloud computing. Mitigation strategies are being implemented to address current skills gaps in those areas. OCHCO continues to partner with OCIO to ensure that the agency maintains the appropriate mix of skill levels to meet its full
-time equivalent utilization goal.

4    Milestone 13: The NRC is increasing the number of Contracting Officer's Representatives (CORs) overseeing IT contracts within the OCIO.
Milestone 11: The NRC is further enhancing the        2019-12-31  In Progress The NRC will continue to implement and refine budget execution process and procedures to better                            existing business requirements to streamline and align budget formulation and budget execution and to                          enhance the IT budget execution process and provide better visibility to all stakeholders. The                            procedures.
2017-09-30 Complete The NRC has increased the number of certified CORs in an effort to effectively manage contracts or task orders under the new multiple vendor IT services agency contract model.
primary focus is on ensuring complete visibility for the CIO.
Milestone 14: Develop formal procedures and tutorials to support the training of new IT service/program managers and CORs and to serve as guidance and refresh training for existing IT service/program managers.
Acquisition Milestone 9: The NRC IT/IM budget guidance is         2016-06-30  Complete  The NRC IT/IM budget guidance was approved by the CIO (I, K)  going through the agency concurrence process for                              on June 9, 2016 and posted to the NRC IT Policy Archive.
2017-12-31 Complete The NRC has developed formal procedures and training tutorials for the service managers, CORs, and contractors to use in the execution and maintenance of various contracts or task orders. The initial training was conducted on December 20, 2017. Milestone 15: The NRC is developing competency models for the IT workforce in alignment with an agency-wide strategic workforce planning initiative.
final approval by the CIO. Once approved, it was made publicly available under ADAMS Accession No. ML15300A002 and posted to the NRC IT Policy Archive. In addition, formal documentation of the process to assign resources to contracts is underway and will be published to the NRC IT Policy Archive.
2019-12-31 In Progress The NRC is in the process of developing a strategic workforce planning process to identify future skill gaps for the core IT positions and competencies that are needed to address future skill gaps.}}
Milestone 12: The NRC will refine the process by      2017-12-31  Complete    Per GAOs recommendation, NRC updated the CPIC policy which the CIO certifies incremental development, as                          and process documents to include (1) an agencywide process appropriate. Related policy documents will be                                to ensure that all major IT investments and acquisitions are updated to add clarity, a procedural document(s)                              reviewed for the use of adequate incremental development, developed, and all changes communicated to NRC                                (2) the role of the CIO in the process, and (3) how the CIOs staff.                                                                        certification will be documented. All updates were approved by the CIO on December 15, 2017 and posted on the NRC IT Policy Archive.
Organization Milestone 10: As discussed in P1, the gap analysis    2015-12-31  Complete  NRC conducted a gap analysis of the current IT workforce, and    will be completed in the first quarter of FY 2016. An                        which revealed gaps in cybersecurity and cloud computing.
Workforce  implementation plan will be based on results of the                          Mitigation strategies are being implemented to address current (M-Q)    gap analysis and the approved solutions.                                      skills gaps in those areas. OCHCO continues to partner with OCIO to ensure that the agency maintains the appropriate mix of skill levels to meet its full-time equivalent utilization goal.
Milestone 13: The NRC is increasing the number of    2017-09-30 Complete   The NRC has increased the number of certified CORs in an Contracting Officers Representatives (CORs)                                effort to effectively manage contracts or task orders under the overseeing IT contracts within the OCIO.                                    new multiple vendor IT services agency contract model.
Milestone 14: Develop formal procedures and         2017-12-31 Complete   The NRC has developed formal procedures and training tutorials to support the training of new IT                                tutorials for the service managers, CORs, and contractors to service/program managers and CORs and to serve as                          use in the execution and maintenance of various contracts or guidance and refresh training for existing IT                              task orders. The initial training was conducted on December service/program managers.                                                  20, 2017.
Milestone 15: The NRC is developing competency       2019-12-31 In Progress The NRC is in the process of developing a strategic models for the IT workforce in alignment with an                            workforce planning process to identify future skill gaps for agency-wide strategic workforce planning initiative.                        the core IT positions and competencies that are needed to address future skill gaps.

Latest revision as of 19:32, 19 October 2019

SRM-LTR-15-0321-9-OCIO U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Actions and Milestones Table
Person / Time
Issue date: 05/28/2019
From: Leah Kube
Governance & Enterprise Management Services Division
Leah Kube, 301-415-0669
Shared Package
ML19121A334 List:
M-15-14, SRM-LTR-15-0321-9-OCIO
Download: ML19148A133 (4)


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Actions and Milestones Table Area Actions and Milestones Target Status Status Description extracted from Agency FITARA Action Plan Completion Date Choose: Not Describe in detail agency responses to status (e.g. ongoing Started, In actions, dependencies, partial milestones).

Progress, Complete, Deferred Budget Milestone 1: In fiscal year (FY) 2016, NRC is 2016-02-27 Complete The NRC has mandated the use of new Cost Activity Codes Formulation implementing the assignment of a cost activity code (CACs) for reporting time associated with IT-related (A-D) (CAC) to each component to track full time activities. These new CACs associate staff time with the equivalent (FTE) cost associated with IT components (systems and services) they support (as defined in investments. the agencys IT Portfolio) and institute an enhanced level of transparency and control over IT resources.

Milestone 2: The NRC IT/IM budget guidance is 2016-06-30 Complete The NRC IT/IM budget guidance was approved by the CIO going through the agency concurrence process for on June 9, 2016 and posted to the NRC IT Policy Archive.

final approval by the CIO. Once approved, it will be made publicly available under ADAMS Accession No. ML15300A002 and posted to the NRC IT Policy Archive.

Milestone 3: The NRCs Capital Planning and 2015-12-31 Complete The NRCs Capital Planning and Investment Control Investment Control Process, the supplement to the Process, the supplement to the NRCs Capital Planning and NRCs Capital Planning and Investment Control Investment Control Policy and Process Overview, was Policy and Process Overview, is in concurrence. approved by the CIO on 12/28/2015 and posted to the NRC Upon CIO approval, it will be issued under ADAMS IT Policy Archive.

Accession No. ML15260A904 and posted to the NRC IT Policy Archive.


Budget Milestone 4: The NRCs Capital Planning and 2015-12-31 Complete The NRCs Capital Planning and Investment Control Process, Execution Investment Control Process, the supplement to the the supplement to the NRCs Capital Planning and Investment (E-H, J, L) NRCs Capital Planning and Investment Control Control Policy and Process Overview, was approved by the Policy and Process Overview, is in concurrence. CIO on 12/28/2015 and posted to the NRC IT Policy Archive.

Upon CIO approval, it will be issued under ADAMS Accession No. ML15260A904 and posted to the NRC IT Policy Archive.

Milestone 5: The NRC plans to finalize and release 2016-06-30 Complete The NRC IT/IM budget guidance was approved by the CIO the draft IT/IM resource review policy. on June 9, 2016 and posted to the NRC IT Policy Archive.

Milestone 6: The NRCs IT/IM Budget Team, with 2016-02-29 Complete The first quarterly review, including an IT spend analysis, was support from the OCFO, will present the results of provided to the IPEC on February 3, 2016.

the first FY 2016 quarterly review to the executive-level IRB for concurrence.

Milestone 7: MD 2.8, Project Management 2016-05-31 Complete MD 2.8, Integrated Information Technology/Information Methodology will be replaced with a new MD 2.X, Management (IT/IM) Governance Framework was approved Integrated Information Technology/Information on February 24, 2016 and posted to the Management Management (IT/IM) Governance Framework; Directives Collection on

however it is currently in concurrence and not expected to be published until the second quarter of FY 2016.

Milestone 8: The NRCs new Budget Execution 2016-09-30 Complete MD 4.7, Budget Formulation and MD 4.8, Budget Execution Management Directive (MD 4.8), currently under were approved and on August 15, 2016 and August 18, 2016, review by the EDO, clearly outlines the role of the respectfully. They are available at CIO in the reallocation of IT related resources during execution. collections/management-directives/volumes/vol-4.html.


Milestone 11: The NRC is further enhancing the 2019-12-31 In Progress The NRC will continue to implement and refine budget execution process and procedures to better existing business requirements to streamline and align budget formulation and budget execution and to enhance the IT budget execution process and provide better visibility to all stakeholders. The procedures.

primary focus is on ensuring complete visibility for the CIO.

Acquisition Milestone 9: The NRC IT/IM budget guidance is 2016-06-30 Complete The NRC IT/IM budget guidance was approved by the CIO (I, K) going through the agency concurrence process for on June 9, 2016 and posted to the NRC IT Policy Archive.

final approval by the CIO. Once approved, it was made publicly available under ADAMS Accession No. ML15300A002 and posted to the NRC IT Policy Archive. In addition, formal documentation of the process to assign resources to contracts is underway and will be published to the NRC IT Policy Archive.

Milestone 12: The NRC will refine the process by 2017-12-31 Complete Per GAOs recommendation, NRC updated the CPIC policy which the CIO certifies incremental development, as and process documents to include (1) an agencywide process appropriate. Related policy documents will be to ensure that all major IT investments and acquisitions are updated to add clarity, a procedural document(s) reviewed for the use of adequate incremental development, developed, and all changes communicated to NRC (2) the role of the CIO in the process, and (3) how the CIOs staff. certification will be documented. All updates were approved by the CIO on December 15, 2017 and posted on the NRC IT Policy Archive.

Organization Milestone 10: As discussed in P1, the gap analysis 2015-12-31 Complete NRC conducted a gap analysis of the current IT workforce, and will be completed in the first quarter of FY 2016. An which revealed gaps in cybersecurity and cloud computing.

Workforce implementation plan will be based on results of the Mitigation strategies are being implemented to address current (M-Q) gap analysis and the approved solutions. skills gaps in those areas. OCHCO continues to partner with OCIO to ensure that the agency maintains the appropriate mix of skill levels to meet its full-time equivalent utilization goal.


Milestone 13: The NRC is increasing the number of 2017-09-30 Complete The NRC has increased the number of certified CORs in an Contracting Officers Representatives (CORs) effort to effectively manage contracts or task orders under the overseeing IT contracts within the OCIO. new multiple vendor IT services agency contract model.

Milestone 14: Develop formal procedures and 2017-12-31 Complete The NRC has developed formal procedures and training tutorials to support the training of new IT tutorials for the service managers, CORs, and contractors to service/program managers and CORs and to serve as use in the execution and maintenance of various contracts or guidance and refresh training for existing IT task orders. The initial training was conducted on December service/program managers. 20, 2017.

Milestone 15: The NRC is developing competency 2019-12-31 In Progress The NRC is in the process of developing a strategic models for the IT workforce in alignment with an workforce planning process to identify future skill gaps for agency-wide strategic workforce planning initiative. the core IT positions and competencies that are needed to address future skill gaps.