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#REDIRECT [[HBL-09-009, Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report, Revision 3]]
| number = ML091880320
| issue date = 06/30/2009
| title = Humboldt Bay Power Plant, Unit 3 - Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report, Revision 3
| author name = Roller P J
| author affiliation = Pacific Gas & Electric Co
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation = NRC/Document Control Desk, NRC/FSME
| docket = 05000133
| license number = OL-DPR-007
| contact person =
| case reference number = HBL-09-009, OL-DPR-07
| document type = Letter, Report, Miscellaneous
| page count = 29
{{#Wiki_filter:Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1000 King Salmon Avenue Humboldt Bay Power Plant Eureka, CA 95503 Paul J. Roller 707/444-0700 Director and Plant Manager Humboldt Bay Nuclear June 30, 2009 PG&E Letter HBL-09-009 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 Docket No. 50-133, OL-DPR-7 Humboldt Bay Power Plant, Unit 3 Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report, Revision 3 Dear Commissioners and Staff: Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.82(a)(7), Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is submitting the enclosed Revision 3 to the Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report (PSDAR) for Humboldt Bay Power Plant, Unit 3. PSDAR Revision 3 reflects a change in decommissioning activity status since PSDAR Revision 2 was submitted to the NRC on March 31', 2008. The PSDAR has been revised to (1) provide a detailed schedule of decommissioning activities, (2) reflect the use of NUREG-0586, Supplement 1, "Generic Environmental Impact Statement on Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities," dated November 2002, that supersedes the original issuance of NUREG-0586 dated August 1988, and (3) discuss a site-specific issue not previously described in the PSDAR, including PG&E's method for ensuring this site-specific issue remains bounded by previously issued environmental impact statements.
These changes are pervasive throughout the PSDAR and are, therefore, not identified with revision bars.In accordance with 10 CFR 50.82(a)(4)(i), the enclosed PSDAR continues to describe planned Unit 3 decommissioning activities and associated schedule, provide an estimate of expected costs, and discuss reasons for concluding that the environmental impacts associated with site-specific decommissioning activities are bounded by appropriate, previously issued, environmental impact statements.
Sincerely, Paul J. Ro ller Director and Plant Manager Humboldt Bay Nuclear Enclosure Document Control Desk June 30, 2009 Page 2 PG&E Letter HBL-09-009 cc/enc:-Gary W. Butner, DHS Elmo E. Collins, Jr.Robert Evans John B. Hickman Humboldt Distribution Enclosure PG&E Letter No. HBL-09-009 POST-SHUTDOWN DECOMMISSIONING ACTIVITIES REPORT HUMBOLDT BAY POWER PLANT, UNIT 3 Revision 3 May 2009 Enclosure PG&E Letter No. HBL-09-009 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page No.
Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) submitted the initial Humboldt Bay Power Plant (HBPP), Unit 3, Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report (PSDAR) to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) on February 27, 1998, in accordance with 10 CFR 50.82 (a)(4)(i).
PG&E is submitting Revision 3 to the PSDAR in accordance with 10 CFR 50.82 (a)(7)to provide the NRC with a detailed decommissioning activity schedule, to use a more recent NRC guidance document as a reference, and to inform the NRC of a site-specific issue not previously described in the PSDAR.On December 11, 2008, PG&E completed the transfer of spent fuel from the HBPP Unit 3 spent fuel pool (SFP) into the Humboldt Bay Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI). As a result, PG&E is ready to begin decontamination and dismantlement of Unit 3. PSDAR Section 3.0 describes planned decommissioning activities, and Attachment A provides a detailed decommissioning schedule.Previous revisions of the PSDAR discussed reasons for concluding that the environmental impacts associated with site-specific decommissioning activities are bounded by appropriate, previously issued, environmental impact statements; specifically, NUREG-0586, "Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement on Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities" (FGEIS)(Reference
: 1) and NUREG-1166, "Final Environmental Statement for Decommissioning Humboldt Bay Power Plant, Unit No. 3" (Reference 2). In November 2002, the FGEIS was superseded by NUREG-0586, Supplement 1, "Generic Environmental Impact Statement oh Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities," (GELS) (Reference 3). PG&E has reviewed the GElS and continues to conclude that the environmental impacts associated with site-specific decommissioning activities are bounded by appropriate, previously issued, environmental impact statements.
Revision 3 of the PSDAR addresses the potential environmental impacts of decommissioning activities that are affected by a HBPP site-specific issue not previously described in the PSDAR. This site-specific issue pertains to plant systems contaminated with alpha emitting radionuclides resulting from fuel clad failures that occurred during reactor operation.
PG&E will apply the guidance and techniques in the GElS to ensure that the environmental impacts associated with the site-specific issue remain bounded by the GELS.Section 5.0 discusses the alpha issue in more detail.In accordance with 10 CFR 50.82 (a)(4)(i), this PSDAR describes the planned decommissioning activities and associated schedule for Unit 3, and provides an estimate of expected costs.I Enclosure PG&E Letter No. HBL-09-009
Unit 3 was operated by PG&E as a 65 MWe natural circulation boiling water reactor (BWR). In addition to Unit 3, two oil and/or natural gas fueled units, Units 1 and 2, exist on the plant site and continue to be operated by PG&E.Unit 1 is rated at 52 MWe, and Unit 2 is rated at 53 MWe. Two diesel-fueled gas turbine Mobile Emergency Power Plants, each rated at 15 MWe, are also currently located at the plant and are operated by PG&E.Unit 3 was granted a construction permit by the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) on October 17, 1960, and construction began in November 1960. The AEC issued Provisional Operating License No. DPR-7 for Unit 3 in August 1962. Unit 3 achieved initial criticality on February 16, 1963, and began commercial operation in August 1963.On July 2, 1976, PG&E shutdown Unit 3 for an annual refueling and to conduct seismic-studies and implement seismic modifications.
Unit 3 remained in a shutdown condition pending completion of ongoing seismic and geologic studies. In December 1980, it became apparent to PG&E that the cost of completing required backfits would likely make it uneconomical to restart the unit. Work was suspended at that time awaiting further guidance regarding backfitting requirements.
In 1983, updated economic analyses confirmed that restarting Unit 3 would not be economical.
Therefore, in June 1983, PG&E announced its intention to decommission Unit 3.The NRC issued License Amendment 19 for Unit 3 on July 16, 1985, that modified the plant status to a possess-but-not-operate status. The NRC's Decommissioning Safety Evaluation Report was issued on April 29, 1987 (Reference 4). The Unit 3 License expires in 2015.During the 13 years of Unit 3 commercial operation, 11 core cycles of operation were completed.
Unit 3 operated a total of 7.85 effective full power years. The fuel was removed from the reactor in January and February 1984, and placed in the SFP. The spent nuclear fuel was transferred to the Humboldt Bay ISFSI in 2008 and will remain stored in the ISFSI until a high-level waste repository has been built, and the Department of Energy assumes control of the fuel. The ISFSI license, issued by the NRC on November 17, 2005, expires in 2025.2 Enclosure PG&E Letter No. HBL-09-009
AND SCHEDULE OF PLANNED DECOMMISSIONING ACTIVITIES Several major inter-related activities are either currently ongoing or planned for the near future at the HBPP site.* Unit 3 decommissioning has started.* Units 1 and 2 will be replaced by a new generation facility, called the Humboldt Bay Generating Station (HBGS), currently under construction.
* Units 1 and 2 will be decommissioned after HBGS begins commercial operation.
* Unit 3 decommissioning will be completed following completion of Units 1 and 2 decommissioning.
Coordinating and scheduling these activities requires a great deal of planning, and the sequence is dependent upon successful completion of HBGS construction and operation, as well as successful decommissioning of Units 1 and 2.Because spent fuel has been removed from the Unit 3 SFP and loaded into the ISFSI, decommissioning of Unit 3 has begun. Attachment A provides a schedule of planned decommissioning activities.
This schedule incorporates cost and schedule assumptions for planned activities that are reflected in the latest decommissioning cost estimate (Reference 5). Studies for some of these activities are continuing, and, therefore, the schedule and methods identified in Attachment A may change. For example, the reactor vessel is assumed to be segmented; however, studies may show that disposing the vessel in one piece is feasible and advantageous.
PG&E will continue to inform the NRC of significant schedule changes.As shown on the-Attachment A schedule, PG&E started decommissioning Unit 3 in May 2009 by dismantling the main transformers, to be followed by decontaminating and dismantling the generator, turbine, condenser, pipe tunnel, and feed pump room that will provide space for future radwaste processing.
PG&E plans to construct the HBGS during 2009 and 2010, and commence operation in mid-2010.
Once the HBGS begins commercial operation, PG&E plans to dismantle and decommission Units 1 and 2. (Units 1 and 2 must remain operational until HBGS begins commercial operation to provide continued electrical services to the local area.) After Units 1 and 2 are decommissioned, the space previously occupied by Units 1 and 2 can be used as a lay-down area for the completion of Unit 3 decommissioning.
3 Enclosure PG&E Letter No. HBL-09-009 The schedule depicted in Attachment A is contingent upon HBGS beginning commercial operation in 2010. If construction and operation of HBGS is significantly delayed, PG&E may adjust the dismantlement priorities and schedule.
PG&E will inform the NRC of significant schedule changes.4.0 ESTIMATE OF EXPECTED DECOMMISSIONING COSTS PG&E submits annual decommissioning funding assurance reports to the NRC in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.75(f).
Updates to decommissioning cost estimates and decommissioning trust fund balances are documented in these reports, the latest of which was submitted on March 31, 2009 (Reference 6).The March 31, 2009 Decommissioning Funding Report for HBPP Unit 3 stated that at the end of calendar year 2008, the market value of the HBPP Unit 3 decommissioning trust funds was $331.1 million. PG&E estimated an additional
$35.745 million (future nominal dollars) will need to be collected beginning in 2007 to coincide with decommissioning of HBPP Unit 3 beginning in 2009 based on a site-specific decommissioning cost estimate prepared by TLG Services, Inc. and adjusted per the Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Triennial Proceeding (NDCTP) Decision 07-01-003 from the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC).The March 31, 2009 Decommissioning Funding Report for HBPP Unit 3 further stated that, based on the site-specific cost estimate prepared by TLG Services, Inc. and adjustments as a result of the NDCTP Decision 07-01-003, PG&E has estimated that the decommissioning costs are approximately
$395.5 million ($37.1 million disbursed from the Trust(s) through December 2008 and $358.4 million future radiological removal costs) for HBPP Unit 3 in 2009 dollars. These costs do not include site restoration of the facilities
($6.5 million), nor spent fuel management until 2015 ($83.8 million).On April 3, 2009, PG&E submitted to the CPUC an updated the site-specific cost estimate for HBPP Unit 3. PG&E will provide an update of the 2009 site-specific decommissioning cost estimate to the NRC in a future Decommissioning Funding Report when approved by the CPUC. Revised information pertaining to estimated decommissioning costs and the status of the trust fund will be documented in future Decommissioning Funding Reports sent to the NRC annually in accordance with 10 CFR 50.75(f).4 Enclosure PG&E Letter No. HBL-09-009 5.0 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS 10 CFR 50.82 (a)(4)(i) requires the PSDAR to include, "a discussion that provides the reasons for concluding that the environmental impacts associated with site-specific decommissioning activities will be bounded by appropriate previously issued environmental impact statements." PG&E originally assessed the environmental impact of Unit 3 decommissioning in the Unit 3 Environmental Report, dated July 30, 1984 (Reference 7). The NRC response to the Environmental Report is documented in NUREG-1 166, dated April 1987.Later, PG&E assessed the environmental impact of Unit 3 decommissioning based on NUREG-0586, "Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement on Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities" (FGEIS) dated August 1988. More recently, the NRC evaluated the environmental impacts of decommissioning nuclear facilities, including HBPP, in NUREG-0586, GELS, Supplement 1, dated November 2002. The Supplement updates information from the 1988 FGEIS regarding technological advances in decommissioning activities and changes in NRC regulations.
The environmental impacts described in the Supplement supersede those described in the 1988 FGEIS. As a result, PG&E has re-assessed the environmental impact of Unit 3 decommissioning based on NUREG-0586, Supplement 1.The occupational dose for complete decommissioning of Unit 3, following 23 years of SAFSTOR, considers:
(1) occupational dose received from placing Unit 3 in SAFSTOR and maintaining Unit 3 in SAFSTOR through 2008, (2)dose from all occupational activities required for the actual decommissioning of Unit 3 through 2015, and (3) occupational dose due to truck shipments.
The occupational dose for Unit 3 decommissioning will meet the regulatory standards in 10 CFR 20 and is, therefore, bounded by the criteria in the GELS.Public dose from decommissioning Unit 3, following 23 years of SAFSTOR, considers direct exposure and gaseous and liquid effluents.
Direct exposure and effluents in gaseous and liquid discharges are not expected to exceed the design objectives of 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, nor the dose and effluent concentration limits in 10 CFR 20 and 40 CFR 190. Therefore, the public dose from Unit 3 decommissioning is bounded by the criteria in the GELS.At the time that HBPP Unit 3 entered commercial service in 1963, the nuclear fuel assemblies utilized stainless steel as the fuel rod cladding.
The stainless steel-clad fuel experienced gross cladding failures during operation.
These failures were severe enough that radioactive fuel was released from the cladding and dispersed throughout numerous plant systems, contaminating these systems with alpha emitting radionuclides, i.e., transuranic elements.5 Enclosure PG&E Letter No. HBL-09-009 HBPP completed the transition from stainless steel to zircaloy assemblies in 1969.Over the SAFSTOR period, as beta and gamma emitting radionuclides have decayed, alpha has become a more dominant factor in dose contribution.
Because alpha causes more severe biological damage when internal exposure occurs, the potential radiological dose consequences are likewise more severe. This issue leads to a unique, plant-specific concern that exists for HBPP decommissioning and is not discussed in the GELS.The alpha issue was not discussed in previous revisions of the PSDAR.However, it was described in two previous PG&E decommissioning funding assurance report submittals to the NRC: (1) PG&E Letter HBL-03-002, dated March 27, 2003, Enclosure 5 (Reference 8), and (2) PG&E Letter HBL-07-002, dated March 30, 2007, Enclosure 3 (Reference 9). These enclosures contain cost studies developed by TLG Services, Inc. and state "The extent of the alpha contamination will require additional radiological controls and will reduce the efficiency of component removal activities." HBPP will implement appropriate best management practices and mitigating measures so that the alpha issue will not invalidate NRC expectations nor the conclusions on radiological environmental impacts contained in the GELS.Based on the above discussions, PG&E continues to conclude that Unit 3 decommissioning will be accomplished with no significant adverse environmental impacts, and because:* By implementing appropriate best management practices and mitigating measures to minimize the impacts of decommissioning activities, there are no unique aspects of the plant or decommissioning techniques that would invalidate or alter the conclusions of the GELS.* Delaying the dismantlement of Unit 3 following 23 years of SAFSTOR has resulted in considerable radioactivity decay with resultant reduced external dose rates and lower occupational deep dose equivalent exposure.* Public and occupational doses are bounded by the GElS criteria.* Radiation dose to the public will be minimal.* Decommissioning does not constitute an imminent health or safety problem and will generally have a positive environmental impact.6 Enclosure PG&E Letter No.,HBL-09-009
: 1. NUREG-0586, "Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement on Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities," dated August 1988.\2. NUREG-1 166, "Final Environmental Statement for Decommissioning Humboldt Bay Power Plant, Unit No. 3," dated April 1987.3. NUREG-0586, "Generic Environmental Impact Statement on Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities," Supplement 1, dated November 2002.4. NRC Safety Evaluation Report, Humboldt Bay Power Plant, Unit No. 3 Decommissioning, dated April 29, 1987.5. TLG Services, Inc. Document P01-1604-002, Rev. 0, "Decommissioning Cost Study Report for the Humboldt Bay Power Plant, Unit 3, 2010 SAFSTOR," dated March, 2009.6. PG&E Letter HBL-09-004, "Decommissioning Funding Report for Humboldt Bay Power Plant Unit 3," submitted to the NRC, dated March 31,2009.7. Environmental Report, Attachment 6 to PG&E's application to decommission HBPP, dated July 30, 1984.8 PG&E Letter HBL-03-002, "Decommissioning Funding Reports for Diablo Canyon Power Plants Units 1 and 2 and Humboldt Bay Power Plant Unit 3," submitted to the NRC, dated March 27, 2003.9 PG&E Letter HBL-07-002,, "Decommissioning Funding Report for Humboldt Bay Power Plant Unit 3," submitted to the NRC, dated March 30, 2007.7 Enclosure PG&E Letter No. HBL-09-009 ATTACHMENT A HUMBOLDT BAY POWER PLANT UNIT 3 DECOMMISSIONING SCHEDULE 8 Humboldt Bay Power Plant Execution Activities Rev. HBPP Execution Activities Rev. 5/28/09 12-Jun-09 09:48 I Durat 2 2010 2011 20 2013 1 2014 'Ara -Hmbld.. we.Pan HBU3-1000 Decommissioning Start Milestone 100% 04-May-09 A 0 Area 1 Reconliguration of Turbine Building for Waste Processing HBU3-YDt-1 HBU3-TB1 -2 HBU3-TB3-1 HBU3-TB2-1 HBU3-TBl-1 HBU3-TB2-2 Main Transformers
-Remove Equip Main Generator/Exciter House -Remove Equip Reactor Feed Pump/Lube Oil -Remove Equip Main Condenser and associated piping removal Main Turbine and Associated piping removal Seal Oil Unit/Exciter Swgr -Remove Equip 95%0%0%0%0%0%04-May-09 A 03-Jun-09 15-Jun-09 14-Jul-09 24-Aug-09 24-Aug-09 02-Jun-09 21-Aug-09 02-Dec-09 01-Apr-11 04-Jan-11 17-Dec-09 18 46 97 356 282 66 u iArea 0 Power Plant 0 .- p i t,:g : a o.. .. .. ..........-
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Pipe TurlneVPipeQaI~ery)beTOý ArO I Outside Atilaty:Equit meint ovni 0 Iv :to..........I Area 3 Outside Ancillary Equipment HBU3-T83-3 lyorogen Yarn 2400/480v Transformers
-Remove Equip 0%1'-Nov-1U 24-Nov-10 29-Nov-1I 29-Nov-it0 b 4 H= Actual Work rn-r Critical Remaining Work V 1 Summary Page 1 of 17 ASK tilter: HSPP Execution Activities 5-28-09.== Remaining Work +
* Milestone (c) Primavera Systems, In(
Humboldt Bay Power Plant Execution Activities Rev. I HBPP Execution Activities Rev. 5/28/09 12-Jun-09 09:48 Ae*ItD Durat ionns 2M00 2010 2011[i.1 2012 I 2013 1 2014 I 1 2 l1 I HBU3-TB3-2 Propane Engine Generator 0% 30-Nov-10 02-Dec-10 3 Area 4 Turbine Ancillary Rooms HBU3-TB5-1 AnionlCatiori/Resin Tanks -Remove HBU3-TB5-2 Condensate Demineralizers
-Remove Equip HBU3-TB6-2 Vacuum Pump/Condensate Pump -Remove Equip HBU3-TB6-1 Air Ejector/Gland Seal Condenser
-Remove Equip HBU3-TB5-1-D Anion/Cation Resin Tank Area -Decon HBU3-TB5-2-D Condensate Demineralizer Area-Decon HBU3-TB6-2-D Vacuum Pump/Condensate Demin Area -Decon HBU3-TB6-1-D Air Ejector/Gland Seal Condenser Area -Decon 0% 04-Jan-lI 17-Mar-11 43 0% 18-Mar-11 02-May-l1 26 0% 03-May-11 05-Jul- 1 36 0% 06-Jul- 1 30-Aug-11 32 0% 31-Aug-t1 14-Sep- 1 9 0% 15-Sep-11 17-Nov-li 38 0% 22-Nov-1 1 29-Dec-i 1 23 p-Qi 04J-N 11-0 W. f,5.04p-09, Area Spent Foe........- ..I..0. ..........
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Humboldt Bay Power Plant Execution Activities Rev. I HBPP Execution Activities Rev. 5/28/09 I 12-Jun-09 09:48 to ODuatlon 209 2010 2011 2012 2013 1 2 4 1 I ........Mir .; .L --HBU3-HtiB-b
:lev,-54, -Ru Trip Accumulators
-Remove Equip U0% u1-uec-u0 u yr-Jun-0u 104 HBU3-RB2-5 HBU3-RB2-4 HBU3-RB2-3 HBU3-RB2-2 HBU3-RB2-1-D HBU3-RB2-2-D HBU3-RB2-3-D HBU3-RB2-4-0 HBU3-RB2-5-D HBU3-RB2-6-D Elev.-44, CRD Piping -Remove Equip Elev.-34, Suppression Pool Access Hatch -Remove Equip Elev.-24, CRD Hydraulic Filters-Remove Equip Elev. -14, Manlift -Remove Equip EL-3 Suppression Pool Cooler Area -Decon Elev. -14, Manlift Area -Decon Elev.. 24, CRD Hydraulic Filter Area -Decon Elev.-34, Suppression Pool Access Shaft Area -Decon Elev.-44, CRD Piping Area -Decon Elev.-54, CRD Trip Accumulator Area -Decon 0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%02-Jun-10 20-Oct-I10 15-Nov-10 24-Feb- 11 11-Dec-12 29-Jan-13 17-Apr-1 3 23-May-13 18-Jun-13 08-Jul-13 19-Oct-10 12-Nov-10 23-Feb-11 27-Apr-11 24-Jan-13 16-Apr-13 22-May-13 13-Jun-13 05-Jul-1 3 22-Jul-13 c-u DI-Junil[)
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Arr -I7 Ha E I Remove Equip rN-M Actual morr 0-0 Cnrical Remaining Worir .- Summary Page 3 of 17 [ASK tilter HBP Execuiton Actrvities 5-28-09.== Remaining Work +
* Milestone I(c) Prnmavera Systems. Inc Humboldt Bay Power Plant Execution Activities Rev. l HBPP Execution Activities Rev. 5/28/09 12-Jun-09 09:48 I CopeeDurMon 09W 1 2010 I 2011 201 2013 I 2014 201 J.... .I --" I ~I I -. ...,,, ,q HBU3-RI34-1 HBU3-RB3-i-D HBU3-RB4-1-D Shutdown Heat Exchangers/Pumps
-Remove Equip Cleanup Heat Exchangers
-Decon Shutdown Heat Exchangers!Pumps
-Decon 0% 15-Jun-ti 17-Aug-11 36 0%0%03-Feb-12 22-Mar-12 21-Mar-12 16-May-12 28 32 I Area 8 Reactor Veseal Removal I Ht3UO-HAV-M HRtU3-RXV I -Ae Spi H13U3-RH2-8 HBU3-R82-9 HBU3-RB2-8-D HBU3-RB2-9-D Reactor Vessel -Mobilize Reactor Vessel Team Reactor Vessel -internals/Segment Remove/Load GTCC into Cask 6 Suppression Pool -North -Remove Equip Suppression Pool -South -Remove Equip Suppression Pool -North -Deeon Suppression Pool -South -Decon 0%0%U1-Jun-1U 04-Apr-11 v1-Apr-11 28-Sep-12 vs 125 312 0%0%0%0%18-Aug-1t 17-Jan-12 20-Jun-12 07-Dec-12 1 2-Jan-i 2 19-Jun-12 06-Dec-12 28-May-13 89 98 98 9X6 1~l............ ..l ....MA .......I1 *i~ : i: -Avgii:X '0 0 1 1~--i Oi- rX 310-Aug-Il0 2 16;ar- a L EU m-m Oeviciia rojc qn2'A ii a'6 ! i i i ] ! : : : : : : : ,Or ?$-Mayl:3,:
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_ Critcal Remaining Work _ii _m Sa TASK filter: HBPP Execution Activites 5-28-09.=- Remaining Work *
* Milestone (c) Primavera Systems, Inc Humboldt Bay Power Plant Execution Activities Rev. HBPP Execution Activities Rev. 5/28/09 12-Jun-09 09:48 I 1 2 12013 l 2014-l02021 ACWAW W ACMW MM -1=7 j
_ lJq]APIJ , -a I- .P mljw4, 4414 alQJIli 114 VIqqAl;=y HBU3-RW1-2 RWB -Waste Receiver & Hold Tanks -Remove Equip 0% 09-Jan-12 22-May-12 77 HBU3-RW1-3 HBU3-RW1-4 HBU3-RW1-5 HBU3-RWI-6 HBU3-RWP HBU3-RWI-1-D HBU3-RWt-2-D HBU3-RW1-3-D HBU3-RWI-4-D HBU3-RWI-5-D HBU3-RWl-6-D Radwaste Demineralizer
-Remove Equip Concentrated Waste Tanks -Remove Equip Resin Disposal Tank -Remove Equip Upper Elevation
-RWB -Remove Equip Rad Waste Embedded Piping RWM Concentrator Pumps &Filters -Decon RWB -Waste Receiver & Hold Tanks -Decon Radwaste Demineralizer
-Decon Concentrated Waste Tanks -Decon Resin Disposal Tank -Decon Upper Elevation
-RWB -Decon 0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%23-May-12 24-May-1 2 24-Jul-12 17-Sep-12 1 0-Oct-1 2 07-Dec-12 29-Jan-13 12-Apr-13 23-Apr-13 23-May-13 18-Jun-13 23-May-12 23-Jul-12 14-Sep-12 09-Oct- 12 06-Dec-1 2 24-Jan-13 11-Apr-13 18-Apr-13 22-May-13 13-Jun-13 09-Jul-13 t 03 ManSi 245t A7 iep-.) !-2t ray, 4-, ep-t1 06-Oct-i-ApriI 8-un-1Z ii 1:3Jrn-13
: 09 i 1]iii 220ct !! i~i i~HBU3-YD2-4 Condensate/Demin Water Storage Tank -Remove Equip 0% 26-Sep-13 22-Oct-13 14 F-M Actual Work M Cntical Remaining Work .m ml Summary Page 5 of 17 TASK filter; HBPP Execution Actiities 5-2M9.C 3 Remaining Work *
* Milestone I(c) Pimavera Systems. Inc Humboldt Bay Power Plant Execution Activities Rev../ HBPP Execution Activities Rev. 5/28/09 12-Jun-09 09:48.vr Name / i% ltasth Orginal complete Duartien 209 1 2010 1 2011 1 01 2013 1 014 1 21 HB3YD-- Condensate/Demin444!
Water -1 I HBU3-YD2-4-D Condensate/Demin Water Storage Tank -Decon HBU3-UC1230 LLRW processing equipment 0% 22-Oct-1 3 24-Oct-13 2 0% 01-Jan-14*
06-Jan-14 4 Area12 asso Su p I 1111111111 I HBU3-Rf32-7 HBU3-RB2-7-D Elev.-66, Uassion 6uump, HcI:L I-Remove Equip Elev.-66, Cassion Sump Area -Decon 0% 1-Omay-12 0% 16-Oct-12 1 t'-UCT-1 z 10-Dec-12 32 32 ARe I.-fRR13 R ReReatt r Vessel Cavt 0 01-Oct-12 05-Feb-13 73 I HBU3-RB1-6-D Concrete -Remove Equip Reactor Vessel Cavity -Decon 0%06-Feb-13 06-Feb-13.....17,Maýl Oct-1 1 -6'-10-00t12:04-De 10 D.t~'i atci-08'-NOv 21 No0lýP',1 !-oct.12 12!as tsob ýSump Area 13, -e olr Veisisl tiavity 4ukj1$:Atrea;14 Cinrir44.Roorý Oqdc1Ne~rOY5uO~ol Are 14Cnto....adNery
..potRom£H UII3-TB7-1 HBU3-TB7-5 HBU3-T87-2 HBU3-T87-3 HBU3-TB7-4 Main Control Room -Remove Equip Demin Control PaneVRFB Access -Remove Equip Instr Repair/Counting Room/Vent Equip -Remove Equip Locker Room/Personnel Decon Area -Remove Equip Hot Lab -Remove Equip 0%0%0%1 0-Oct-1 2 09-Nov-12 23-Nov-12 28-Nov-12 04-Dec-12 08-Nov-12 21-Nov-12 27-Nov-12 03-Dec-12 07-Dec-12 18 7 3 3 4 0%0%H Actual Work Hm Critical Remaining Work .Summary Page 6 of 17 TASK filter: HBPP Executon Activities 5-28-09.=D Remaining Work *
* Milestone (c) Primavera Systems, Inc Humboldt Bay Power Plant Execution Activities Rev. HBPP Execution Activities Rev. 5/28/09 12-Jun-09 09:48..........
... .. ..ty Name A11V1 ty% I b l g. , ComPlete Oamton 20 1 2010 2011 1 2012 2013 04 61 HBU3-TB7-6 Hot Lab Attic -Remove Equip 0% 10-Dec-12 26-Dec-12 1t HBU3-TB7-7 HBU3-TB7 HBU3-TB7-1-D HBU3-TB7-2-D HBU3-TB7-3-D HBU3-TB7-4-D HBU3-TB7-5-D HBU3-TB7-6-D HBU3-TB7-7-D RP Office/Count Room -Remove Equip Control Room/Demin Hall -Decon Main Control Room -Decon Instr Repair/Counting Room/Vent Equip -Decon Locker Room/Personnel Decon Area -Decon Hot Lab -Decon Demin Control Panel/RFB Access -Decon Hot Lab Attic -Decon RP Office/Count Room -Decon 0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%27-Dec-12 04-Jan-13 01-Apr-13*
11-Apr-13 17-Apr-13 29-May-13 13-Jun-13 24-Jun-13 25-Jun-t3 03-Jan-1 3 15-Jan-13 10-Apr-13 16-Apr-13 28-May-13 12-Jun-13 21-Jun-13 24-Jun-13 25-Jun-13 4 6 6 4 24 9 5 16-2t E)1:-A r-1l<I  13 Jun-1 24 Jun 2i Juii in in art 13 16~A~~12 2&#xfd;3: un-1.q JGI4Jn-i4' Area 15, Reafilor Fuelird duild I open, rue, row 0mm, up I 0-oep-Uit I,--MOU6-tiO 1-40 p p I HBU3-RB1-i Spent Fuel P'ool clean up activities Emergency Conrdensor
-Remove Equip 0%01-Oct-12 u1- a- v 15-Jan-t3 60 0-t- 1:-15-~I ....I l l ..............I Actual Work N Critical Remaining Work .Summary Page 7 of 17 [ASK tiller: HBPP Execution Activities 5-28-09.0 Remaining Work *
* Milestone (c) Primavera Systems, In(
Humboldt Bay Power Plant Execution Activities Rev. I HBPP Execution Activities Rev. 5/28/09 12-Jun-09 09:48 I o I I I Duration 209 2010 Of 1 .. 2012 2UM MlI I 1&#xfd;ifl&#xfd; 2015 pifos N~m I 4IJ IAA:43 or HBU3-RB1-4 SFP Pumps/Filters
-Remove Equip HBU3-RB1-2 Spent Fuel Pool -Remove Equip HBU3-RB1-5 LaydownlCask Washdown General Area (Decon Facility)
-Remove Equip HBU3-RBP Refuel Building Embedded Piping HBU3-RB1-3 Cask Shipping Area -Remove Equip HBU3-RB3-2 New Fuel Storage/Fuel Pool Coolers -Remove Equip HBU3-RB4-2 TBDT/Floor Drain Pumps -Remove Equip HBU3-RB1 RFB + 12 Decon HBU3-RBI-I-D Emergency Condensor
-Decon HBU3-RB3-2-D New Fuel Storage/Fuel Pool Coolers -Decon HBU3-RB1-2-D Spent Fuel Pool -Decon HBU3-RB4-2-D TBDT/Floor Drain Pumps -Decon HBU3-RB1-3-D Cask Shipping Area -Decon 0% o U1-uct-12 2/-Nov-1I 33 i 16-Jan- 13 31-Jan-13 01-Apr-13*
02-Apr- 13 12-Apr-13 02-May-13 22-May-13 29-May-13 04-Jun-13*
21-Jun-13 21-Jun-13 30-Jan-13 02-Apr-13 22-May- 13 12-Apr-13 02-May-13 1 i-Jun-i3 14-Aug-13 20-Jun-13 20-Jun-13 21-Aug-13 23-Jul-13 c... ,0 O t- No.. .. 12... .01 -Apr13 b!iiii O2Apri l i 2Aiii M!i i A -' : 1 i li iil i ii i (32 Augi [ iJ.A: : &#xfd; .&#xfd; .&#xfd;~I ~.I]1 13-3 14+Aug-13 liunl3 tun1413-i-.i-i-'~-i-i-i'.
0% 22-Aug-13 02-Oct-13 I ,,_,.~ ._,_r _ _ _ _ _. _ __,_,_ _rN-01 Actual Work 01- Critical Remaining Work V Summary Page 8 of 17 BASK filter: HBPP Execution Actvities 5-28-09.=- Remaining Work *
* Milestone r (c) Primavera Systems, Inc Humboldt Ba Power Plant Execution Activities Rev. :.HBPP Execution Activities Rev. 5/28/09 12-Jun-09 09:48 Complete Duation 2009 1 2010 2011 1 2012 1 2013 1 2014 u~n-ucT-:v5 I HBU3-RB1-4-D SFP Pumps/Filters-Decon HBU3-RB1-5-D LaydownlCask Washdown General Area (Decon Facility)
-Decon 0% 03-Oct-13" 29-Oct-13 15 0% 30-Oct-13" 09-Jan-14 40-II -.-: 1117 0.Ar1 9 19 ,,I 19 -(HBU3-TB4-1-D HBU3-TBP Pipe Tunnel Area -Decon Turbine Building Embedded Piping 0% 17-Jul-12 04-Oct-12 48 0% 02-Jan-tX*
04-Dec-13 192 Area5. 17- Hot Mahn Shi & airtonFclt HI 1-1 Ht Machine chon Equlipment HBU3-HMS1-2 HBU3-HMSP Removal HMS Calibration Facility Equipment Removal Hot Machine Shop Embedded Piping 0% 02-Sep-13' 14-Oct-13 2b 0% 14-Oct-13 31-Oct-13 10 0% 31-Oct-13*
05-Nov-13 1 h t -Q2' ep-1?&#xfd;'I4 4-ot-1?n -ct-& 1bec-1i3j Area 16Rembval of turbine gul 0-Nov, 13: Area 17: Hot Machini e Shiip &Calii 14-Qct 13 l- *05-Nohj-13
.1:4-Jimq5, Area 15 22-Jul 4 30-Jul-i4 29-JUIjI14 01-Aqg 14: I ra 8PckgdRWSoagLW tr, WVulRco i AS 11 HMU3-Hm1-7 vacKaged Hauwaste Storage Building -Remove Equip HBU3-RW1-8 Low-Level Waste Storage Building -Remove Equip HBU3-RW1-9 Solid Waste Vault -Remove Equip 0% ul-JUl-]4-T'JU V 4 1 q 0% 22-Jul-14 30-Jul-14 4 0% 29-Jul-14 01-Aug-14 3 I Actual Work E-= Crtical Renmaining Work w i-W Summary Page 9 of 17 TASK filter; HBPP Execution Activities 5-28-09.Remaining Work * # Milestone (c) Primavera Systems. Inc Humboldt Bay Power Plant Execution Activities Rev. HBPP Execution Activities Rev. 5/28/09 12-Jun-09 09:48 AiI IID At" 22 202 HBU3--W1-f-u Packaged -adwaste Storage Building -Decon 0% U4-AUg-14 2t-NOV-14 67 HBU3-RWi-8-D HBU3-RW1-9-D Low-Level Waste Storage Building -Decon Solid Waste Vault -Decon 0% 02-Dec-14 0% 31-Dec-14 30-Dec-14 14-Jan-1 5 16 9 Area 19 RFS Roof HVAC, Stock, Plant Exhaust Fans HBU3-YD2-i HBU3-RB5-1 HBU3-YD2-2 HBU3-YD2-1 -D HBU3-YD2-3 HBU3-YD2-2-D HBU3-RB5-1-D HBU3-YD2-5 HBU3-YD2-3-D Stack -Elev. 0'0" -Remove Equip RFB Roof/HVAC only -Remove Equip Stack -Elev. 12'0" -Remove Equip Stack -Elev. 0'0"- Decon Stack -Elev.26'0" -Remove Equip Stack -Elev. 120" -Decon RFB Roof/HVAC only -Decon Plant Exhaust Fans -Remove Equip Stack -Elev.26'0" -Decon 0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%24-Jul-13 01-Aug-13*
19-Aug-13 19-Aug-13 10-Sep-13 10-Sep-13 10-Sep-13 10-Sep-13 26-Sep-13 19-Aug-13 10-Sep-13 05-Sep-13 04-Sep-13 26-Sep-13 30-Sep-13 25-Sep-13 04-Dec-13 10-Oct- 13 19q-Aug-'10Se 10-Sep I i0-Siip i!!26-Se i04-Au- 26-Novw1 b j:[ t:; ; ; z l i: :1:4 ; 1 : l ,___0 -Dk-c13 Area 19 FIFO Roof HVAI( staci 04 Sep-1:3 31 0 Se-3 i 5 epi lli ! ~ i !i i i i i l 7&deg; ' 0- -i ii!i!i i i0 2 iii i ii3 i i i i~ i i~ActualWork 01-M Critcal Remaining Work HR---W Summary Page10of17 TASK filter:HBPP Execution Actvities 5-28-09.&#xfd; Remaining Work *
* Milestone (c) Primavera Systems, In Humboldt Bay Power Plant Execution Activities Rev. HBPP Execution Activities Rev. 5/28/09 12-Jun-09 09:48 IA ~MAi I l Sta.t I l O~dorn ... t ; , ...wq w -Mma Activity % San t1if"411 Original'1 C6 DUMN zu] I I m'ete on J-U."j, W.-Iij.. '. FIMAIII.-
d-m. vij..Uacijn-&#xfd;X.&#xfd;
'm III JJJAII qqiAj F p(ttisrudim lpl I HBU3-YD2-5-D Plant Exhaust Fans -Decon 0% 04-Dec-13*
06-Dec-13 2 loe .a ml-. iMaLJf'M 7.ufli 1vn , 2 Mw H-1 .,,t rsPu s AO% fl2.Iul-13 2 Iud.. 14 HBU3-YD1-3 HBU3-YD1-2-D HBU3-YD1-3-D HBU3-YD2-6a HBU3-YD2-6b
-Remove Equip CCP Discharge Piping -Remove Equip CCW Heat Exchangers/Pumps
-Decon CCP Discharge Piping -Decon Gaseous Radwaste Holdup Tunnel -North of RB Gaseous Radwaste Holdup Tunnel -Under RB and South 0%0%0%0%0%24-Jul-13 24-Jul-13 11-Oct-13 22-Oct-13 01-Aug-14*
1 -Oct- 13 30-Jul-13 29-Oct-13 04-Dec-13 11 -Sep-14 45 2 10 24 24 ii 4 Ju~l 1 iI i Od-11 Oct1 1 t%3-,J~r-31 :0- Dec 13: f-i S ep p-I14, Area td OCW ui-13: 18- Oct 1 17- 00-14 18'Mqrl -SM4r-15 I I`ILj 4 1 ...Ara2- icag caal Un~ Can---al South Yar Deon NothYrdDe HBU3-YD1 -5 HBU3-YD1-4 HBU3-YD1 HBU3-YD2 HBU3-YDI-4-D Intake Structure Discharge Canal -Remove Equip South Yard Area Decon North Yard Area Decon Discharge Canal -Decon 0%0%0%0%0%11-Oct-13 05-Nov-13 03-Jan-14 03-Jan-14 18-Mar-15 31-Oct-13 18-Mar-15 17-Jan-14 28-Jan-14 26-Mar-15 13 282 8 13 4 , mm Actual Work -Critcal Remaining Work *.-11' Summary Page 11 of 17 TASK filter: HBPP Execution Activities 5-28-09.== Remaining Work *
* Milestone (c) Primavera Systems, Inc iumboldt Bay Power Plant Execution Activities Rev. HBPP Execution Activities Rev. 5/28/09 12-Jun-09 09:48&#xfd;E vIrU) I OA % 6vit-.Iar jFinish I dW Copeejrdo 2009 2 010 1 2011 1 H12 1 .2014D.~ ~HBU3-YDD HBU3-YDS HBU3-YDP HBU3-YDPa Drains and Catch Basin Installations Contaminated Soil Removal Yard Embedded Piping Circ Water Discharge Pipe (after HMS Bldg removal)0%0%0%0%15-Apr- 11 15-Apr-11 I 03-Dec-13' 02-Jan-14*
08-.Jul-1 1 31-Jul-12 06-Jan-14 28-Jan-14 48 270 19 14 Area 23 Demolition and Sockfill of Structures HBU3-A23-1-1(TB Building Demolition HBU3-A23-1-1"TB Soil Removal HBU3-A23-1-1:TB Survey following soil removal HBU3-A23-1-1:
TB Remediation Survey HBU3-A23-1-1, TB Final Site Survey HBU3-A23-1-1!
TB Back fill area 0%0%0%0%0%0%03-Dec-13" 06-Mar-14 09-May-14 10-Jun-14 13-Aug-14 14-Oct-14 05-Mar-14 08-May-14 09-Jun-14 12-Aug-14 13-Oct-14 12-Nov-14 54 36 18 36 36 18::J&#xfd;AprLl:l&#xfd; 100 08 iitk 1 1:5 ....... fill ,----------
... .........~-Jn 1 ~ 8-atvl:4i 02Wah- ' S -: 0 ... .a. ..17Jni S.i ivy !y!e i I Ot-ia-Ma 4 :09-Maj-1 4 I (vay 09 Jun i4 i'3,uAu -iS i4O0ct1 1&#xfd;2 01.ay-4' 04-Atutq4 1o-14, fe J1C jo- 4 L 1,iiii'::, HBU3-A23-2-1(RB excluding SFP Building Demolition 0% 01-May-14*
04-Aug-14 54* H Actual Work HN-r Critical Remaining Work .- Summary Page 12 of 17 ASK filter: HBPP Execution Activities 5-28-09.== Remaining Work *
* Milestone (c) Pnmavera Systems, Inc Humboldt Bay Power Plant Execution Activities Rev. I HBPP Execution Activities Rev. 5/28/09 i 12-Jun-09 09:48.. .... I A ,t NaDum % rC m10 2011 1 ,i 1'01201 2014 1 20 .., 111lEPA MIJI-944 JIFI Ij iJIJIN'1i l- INj I
40 pIll I q4 HBU3-A23-2-1 -RB excluding SFP Soil Removal HBU3-A23-2-1.
RB excluding SFP Survey following soil removal HBU3-A23-2-1i RB excluding SFP Remediation Survey HBU3-A23-2-1, RB excluding SFP Final Site Survey HBU3-A23-2-1f RB excluding SFP Back fill area 0% 05-Aug-14 07-Oct-14 36 0%0%0%0%08-Oct-14 07-Nov-14 14-Jan-15 17-Mar-15 06-Nov-14 13-Jan-15 16-Mar-i5 19-May-15 18 36 36 36 M HBU3-A23-3-1 (Stack and Recombiner Building Demolition HBU3-A23-3-1"Stack and Recombiner Soil Removal HBU3-A23-3-1; Stack and Recombiner Survey following soil removal HBU3-A23-3-1:
Stack and Recombiner Remediation Survey HBU3-A23-3-1, Stack and Recombiner Final Site Survey HBU3-A23-3-1 f Stack and Recombiner Back fill area 0%0%0%0%0%0%05-Nov-13*
07-Oct-14 09-Dec-14 13-Jan-15 16-Mar-15 19-May-15 05-Dec-13 08-Dec-14 08-Jan-15 13-Mar-15 14-May-15 17-Jun-15 18 36 18 36 36 18: 05Aug- 0 i. ...-.. .......i .:09D Dec 16-Mar-IS 19 MVl 7-W: 10 May 13 Area 23-4 Deii o!itioh ari Of, Ari j -Apr-iiT: tbv 14 :: : : : :+I 3J-i S 1l~~ki :3p, " 9'ay-i 6-066-14$ 3'Mar1-l5 4 MIay1 17&#xfd;JUrv-i 5 I:pac lfl -S: ;Oit FL HBU3-A23-4-1( Spent Fuel Pool (SFP) Building Demolition 0% 01-Apr-13&deg; 04-Apr-13 4 I, rn-r Actual Work ED-= rtical Remaining Work .. Summary Page 13 of 17 TASK filter- HBPP Execution AcSvities 5-28-09.3 Remaining Work *
* Mitestone (c) Pnmauera Systems. Inc Humboldt Bay Power Plant Execution Activities Rev. I HBPP Execution Activities Rev. 5/28/09 12-Jun-09 09:48 completevll Durtio D 1 Z moo09 2010 1 OD 1 2012 1 2013 1~~ 20I15 1I IP= 1 i .. ... ... .. .. .HBU3-A23-4-1 Spent Fuel Pool (SFP) Soil Removal HBU3-A23-4-1; Spent Fuel Pool (SFP) Survey following soil removal HBU3-A23-4-1 Spent Fuel Pool (SFP)Remediation Survey HBU3-A23-4-1i Spent Fuel Pool (SFP) Final Site Survey HBU3-A23-4-1.
Spent Fuel Pool (SFP) Back fill area 0% 09-Apr-13 12-Apr-13 4 0%0%0%0%15-Apr-13 23-Apr-13 29-Apr-13 07-May-13 18-Apr-13 26-Apr-13 02-May-13 10-May-13 4 4 4 4 HBU3-A23-5-1(RW Storage, Low Level RW storage, and Kelly Building Demolition HBU3-A23-5-1" RW Storage, Low Level RW storage, and Kelly Bldg Soil Removal HBU3-A23-5-1; RW Storage, Low Level RW storage, and Kelly Bldg Survey following soil removal HBU3-A23-5-1:
RW Storage, Low Level RW storage, and Kelly Bldg Remediation Survey HBU3-A23-5-1, RW Storage, Low Level RW storage, and Kelly Bldg Final Site Survey HBU3-A23-5-1!
RW Storage, Low Level RW storage, and Kelly Bldg Back fill area 0%0%0%0%0%0%01-Aug-14*
02-Sep-i14 02-Oct-14 05-Nov-14 11-Feb-15 14-May-15 01-Sep-14 01-Oct-14 04-Nov-14 10-Feb-15 13-May-15 16-Jun-15 18 18 18 54 54 18_4 i 7 9 -Apr- 128Apr-13i 2 Ar i 26 i i i A iJ&#xfd;29 Apri O-Mify-1:3:
i i i '~~~~~~ ~~~. ..' ..' .i ,ii ' .i .'. '. .01-Aqfug&#xfd;14*.
I 0 i-sep-02,0c14: 04 P 05-NOV 1.........ii F 0 Wtiii i i i riii1"4-i:: i i :i ii i! 03 Mar 14 ii:il SiIoi i! May-54-- 16n137 14: 0414-13 M~ay 15&#xfd;16-Jun15I 14&#xfd;4-l.i iS Area 23 HBU3-A23-6-1( RW Bldg and High Level Vault Building Demolition 0% 03-Mar-14*
01-May-14 36 11-41 Actual Work -Critical Remaining Work .. Summary Page 14 ot 17 [ASK filter: HBPP Execution Activities 5-28-09.== Remaining Work *
* Milestone (c) Primavera Systems, In(
Humboldt Bay Power Plant Execution Activities Rev. l HBPP Execution Activities Rev. 5/28/09 12-Jun-09 09:48 Coe te Duraton 2009 201 1 20 2013 14 1 ljjjjvljjI~qj
~ j~t jpq l l -May-l i uel" &#xfd;4 -uur-tq4j!
HBU3-A23-6-1" RW Bldg and High Level Vault Soil Removal HBU3-A23-6-1:
RW Bldg and High Level Vault Survey following soil removal HBU3-A23-6-1, RW Bldg and High Level Vault Remediation Survey HBU3-A23-6-1' RW Bldg and High Level Vault Final Site Survey HBU3-A23-6-1!
RW Bldg and High Level Vault Back fill area 0% 06-May-14 04-Jul-14 36 0%0%0%0%07-Jul-14 06-Aug-14 09-Oct-14 11-Dec-14 05-Aug-14 08-Oct-14 10-Dec-14 14-Jan-15 18 36 36 18 HBU3-A23-7-1 ( Transformer and Hot Machine Shop Building Demolition HBU3-A23-7-1"Transformer and Hot Machine Shop Soil Removal HBU3-A23-7-1; Transformer and Hot Machine Shop Survey following soil removal HBU3-A23-7-1" Transformer and Hot Machine Shop Remediation Survey HBU3-A23-7-1, Transformer and Hot Machine Shop Final Site Survey HBU3-A23-7-1!
Transformer and Hot Machine Shop Back fill area 0%0%0%0%0%0%01-Oct-13" 31-Oct-13 05-Dec-13 07-Jan-14 06-Feb-14 11-Apr-14 30-Oct-1 3 04-Dec-13 06-Jan-14 05-Feb-14 10-Apr-14 12-May-14 18 18 18 18 36 18 i I T i i T T T6Augi: 0 0 -9Oct14 &#xfd;ii:~~~~~ ~~ : : ! N D,&#xfd; ;: , :f-al J-i-4 illi- 124a 14 Ar,, i; 01-Odt-13 , 30-Oct13 : 3vC3 f&#xfd;1!t-t3 M 04-DOd-1:3.
0- Feb-14, i Ar 14 1 pii 1APt 1 12,'MaV- 14 16&#xfd; ae P!-Noivls1V'
'I 0,7-rjjnL14:
:4.a M~-1 teioitioh 14, &#xfd;Atoa238D0 Pn HBU3-A23-8-itBMisc Yard Foundations
-Building Demolition 0% 05-lNov-1 3* 07-Jan-14 36 N- Actual Work @D-0 Crlical Remaining Work V .Summary Page 15 o117 TASK filter: HBPP Execution Activities 5-28-09.Remaining Work *
* Milestone (c) Primavera Systems, Inc Humboldt Bay Power Plant Execution Activities Rev. HBPP Execution Activities Rev. 5/28/0 1 12-Jun-09 09:48 I N. I Excuio Ac t ivitie Re .5/80 .....1 ... 1 2-u -9494 9:4 " I I W&#xfd;14&#xfd; 1 ILU:3=3 1=94=11:34:3=4 HBU3-A23-8-1 Misc Yard Foundations
-Soil Removal HBU3-A23-8-1; Misc Yard Foundations
-Survey following soil removal HBU3-A23-8-1 Misc Yard Foundations
-Remediation Survey HBU3-A23-8-1, Misc Yard Foundations
-Final Site Survey HBU3-A23-8-1 I Misc Yard Foundations
-Back fill area 0% 08-Jan-14 12-Mar-14 36 0%0%0%0%13-Mar-14 14-Apr-14 17-Jun-14 18-Aug-14 11-Apr-14 12-Jun-14 15-Aug-14 16-Sep-14 18 36 36 18 HBU3-A23-9-1 I Intake/Discharge Structures
&Canals Building Demolition HBU3-A23-9-1 "Intake/Discharge Structures
&Canals Soil Removal HBU3-A23-9-1, Intake/Discharge Structures
&Canals Survey following soil removal HBU3-A23-9-1" Intake/Discharge Structures
&Canals Remediation Survey HBU3-A23-9-1, Intake/Discharge Structures
&Canals Final Site Survey HBU3-A23-9-1 I Intake/Discharge Structures
&Canals Back fill area 0%0%0%0%0%0%26-Mar-1 5 01-Apr-15 09-Apr-15 15-Apr-15 23-Apr- 15 29-Apr-i 5 01-Apr-i5 09-Apr-15 15-Apr-15 23-Apr-15 29-Apr-15 07-May-15 4 4 4 4 4 4 i i 7 7 i i 7 T... ....:O8Jan-
!!!ii!i!OMair-i ii1 -14:* i l pai 12-un1................S e 14 .....-0May-,5 01A-Ar5 5 01Ar1 09 Apr .15: OS'Aprt 1:5Apr!15 O3pt 29'Apr-15 29-Apr; 1 07-tuly 15.V:::::::::
04-[NSep-14 5 Area 24 RCRA: 0i::: : e:: :: 4 : I:04-Sep-14
:: Area 24 RCRA Cleanup -Soils, Hazmat Removal HBU3-A24--1000 RCRA Cleanup- Soils, Hazmat Removal 0% 01-Sep-14&deg; 04-Sep-14 4 111-4 Actual Work 1 Citical Remaining Work .Summary Page 16 of 17 TASK filter: HBPP Execution Activities 5-28-09.== Remaining Work *
* Milestone (c) Primavera Systems. Inc Humboldt Bay Power Plant Execution Activities Rev. l HBPP... ...t IL) ..... .. N a.. ......I A c iv t .........Area325TFina StatustSurveyn&tReguluroey Closure 1* 06Ja-1 Report HBU3-SCA-1000 Backfill Site 0% 01-Jan-14*
06-Jan-14 4 HBU3-SCA-t 010 Grade and Landscape Site 0% 01-Jan-t4*
06-Jan-14 4 HBU3-UC1 180 Disposal of DAW generated 0% 01-Jan-14*
06-Jan-1 4 4 HBU3-A28-1000 Training for the masses 0% 01-Jan-14*
06-Jan-14 4 HBU3-FU1-1 Fossil Units Shutdown/New 0% 01-Sep-1i0 0 Gen Complete HBU3-FU1-2 Fossil Units 1&2 Abatement 0% 01-Sep-10*
0 HBU3-FU1-3 Fossil Units 1&2 Tanks and 0% 01-Apr-t 1 0 Structures (demolish)
-Site Restoration 0% 02-Jun-15*
04-Jan-16 124 1000 HBU3-LT-1000 NRC Termination of License 0% 02-Jun-15*
04-Jan-16 124 u Actual Work 1 Critical Remaining Work .1 Summary Remaining Work *
* Milestone Execution Activities Rev. 5/28/09 112-Jun-09 09:48 J11121 00 1 2 01 1 2012 1 201 2014 2015 if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ *0~aL4 Are A5ia~ _Aiuve N I& 1&#xfd; ! &#xfd;4I NIIjjlj1`JqPVJ~
:::: &#xfd;i I 4-:-.&#xfd;44 Y 0O-Jan 14&#xfd; Area &#xfd;56 aISite Pestourarey V 06-nJ: 4&#xfd; Area &#xfd;6:7t W~ste Stip~n: 01-,Jab 14' P 06-Jan: 14 YA-:1 0.6-')4n 1:4~ rS2 rll~&nich! i01i 0 1:Jah414 n 4 I 06-Ja n1* .....................................WIO0
,: 1re :6~ t :~t i n : : ! : Pi Apr`il iFoss iil Un i i &* Fossil Unlits 8huicown/Newv 0eniComplete
+:Fossil Unit 62&#xfd; Abaterment 4:1Fossil Units 1 &21:anks and 8thnicures&#xfd; (demoich)W1-Jurt-l 5* 0000..............Page 17 of 17 TASK filter: HBPP Execution Activities 5-28-09.(c) Primavera Systems, Inc}}

Latest revision as of 18:52, 22 November 2019