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{{#Wiki_filter:ENT00285D Submitted: March 29, 2012 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Official Hearing Exhibit In the Matter of
: Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3)
ASLBP #:07-858-03-LR-BD01 Docket #:05000247 l 05000286 Exhibit #:
Admitted: Withdrawn:
Rejected: Stricken: Other: ENT00285D-00-BD0110/15/2012 10/15/2012 WCREP Implementation Procedure
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T. Hall REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 Volume 2 DIII1100T 81JX1$. II'IGINURlNG c::J I EJ I fIIilI ..............
/>t:rIIIottyV"",*,,*, Johne.o_ CiI>nII1IPdI 22 WCREP Implementation Procedure 7.0 Department of Public Works ATTACHMENT 4 Cost Recovery Volume 2 The main goal of disaster response cost recovery is to return as much money into the county economy as possible, based upon losses experienced as the result of an emergency response.
While this function is technically considered a recovery phase function, this information is presented as part of the response procedures as a reminder of what will be needed following the incident.
If the response is undertaken with this information in mind, cost recovery documentation is likely to be more effective, accurate and complete.
There are four types of costs that need to be documented to facilitate federal and state re-imbursement:
Force account labor This is the FEMA term for your own work force, in other words county employee's time. This would include regular volunteer groups run by the applicant, for example the police auxiliary, vol. FD, or V AC.
* Employee's name
* Employee's title
* Employee's hours worked, day by day, broken down into o tasks related to the emergency o other work
* Straight time Pay rate
* Union employee is a member of _______ _
* Salaried versus overtime employee Force account equipment This is the FEMA term for your own equipment, in other words county equipment.
Basically anything that can have fuel put into it is in this area. Also anything that is portable and is not consumed by its use can be applied for; these are calculated based on expense codeslhour.
This would include regular volunteer groups run by the applicant, for example the police auxiliary, vol. FD or VAC vehicles.
* Description of the piece of equipment (include as much detail as is known: horse power, capacity etc.)
* County vehicle/equipment number
* Number of hours used, day by day
* Type of fuel
* Ifthe use is not intuitive (for example, truck with snow plow during a snow storm is easy to figure our, a chain saw during the same event may not be so straight forward), a sentence about how it is used. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 23 WCREP Volume 2 Contracts 1 Rental equipment Implementation Procedure 7.0 Department of Public Works This is contracted work or rented equipment.
Also this could include donation of work or equipment use.
* Vender
* Description of the work done
* Cost
* Contract or PO number
* Check number (if known)
* Rate per hour and number of hours used for rented equipment (Indicate if this price includes driver) Materials Basically these are consumable goods. These can be from existing inventory, in which case replacement costs should be used. This can also include donations of materials.
* Vender
* Description of the materials
* Quantity
* Unit Cost
* Date used
* Contract or PO number
* Check number (if known)
* From existing stock vs. purchased during the emergency REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 24 WCREP Name REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Attachment 5 Emergency Worker Exposure Log Note: forward all exposure information to the County Department of Health's Radiological Officer Initial Time/Date TimelDate Exposure:j:
TimelDate TimelDate Time/Date Assignment Ae:ency Depart. Assignedt (R) lR 3R 5R Complete Volume 2 Total Exposure (R) 25 WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction t . Log the time and date of this emergency worker's assignment i . This should be all exposure received from previous shifts/assignments REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Volume 2 26 WCREP Name l (Print) REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08106110 Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Attachment 6 Registration and Dosimetry Log for Dept. Of Public Works Personnel Note: forward all exposure information to the County Department of Health's Radiological Officer Time Agency Radiation Self Read Dosimeter Information
I.r.L ..........
.. :.:: **
.. 8adge/DLR
,. .( Initial Final Out Work Phone No. Number Serial Number Type tReading
* Readil]l ----..... ---Volume 2 Exposure (r or mr) 27 WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction * -Taken from initial reading on Exposure Record Card t -DG (Dose Guard), 0-5R, 0-20R, 0-200R, RD (Rad60) REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 Volume 2 28 WESTCHESTER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY PLAN VOLUME 2 IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE IP-8.0 FIRE AND RESCUE Revision 0.0 DRAFT 08/06/10 In tenti onall y left blank WCREP Implementation Procedure 8.0 -Fire and Rescue TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1.0 Purpose 2.0 Responsibilities 3.0 Concept of Operations Checklists Page No. Volume 2 3 3 4 DES Fire Services EOC Representative Checklist
-Notification of Unusual Event 5 DES Fire Services EOC Representative Checklist
-Alert 6 DES Fire Services EOC Representative Checklist
-Site Area Emergency 8 DES Fire Services EOC Representative Checklist
-Emergency 10 Resource Section Fire Department Reception Center Assignments REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 13 2 Intenti anall y left blank WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 8.0 -Fire and Rescue 1.0 Purpose This procedure provides guidance to the County Emergency Operations Center Fire Services Representative to coordinate the use of County Fire Service resources to implement the Westchester County Radiological Emergency Plan for the Indian Point Energy Center. 2.0 Responsibilities In the event of a radiological emergency at Indian Point, the County Department of Emergency Services will supply an EOC representative to establish a Fire Services desk. The Fire Services Representative is responsible for Fire Services as they relate to: o Supporting law enforcement's mission related to traffic control in the affected AREA's, if additional resources are needed and requested; o Supporting law enforcement's mission related to route alerting and assistance with the dissemination of emergency announcements to the public, as a backup to the siren system; o Assessing the emergency situation with respect to fire and rescue and the need for those resources; o Coordinating the movement of firefighting personnel and equipment in the event evacuation of emergency service locations becomes necessary; o Providing communications support for the CEOC through the fire communications network; o Monitoring and Decontamination of vehicles at reception centers and the emergency worker personnel monitoring center. o Assistance with the dissemination of potassium iodide (KI) at reception centers. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 3 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 8.0 -Fire and Rescue 3.0 Concept of Operations 3.1 The Fire Services Representative is normally not notified of an Unusual Event, unless deemed necessary by the County Executive.
When notified of an Unusual Event via the County Director, Office of Emergency Management or the County Warning Point. Fire Services will be available to stand by to close out of the UNUSAL EVENT or for possible escalation to a more severe event. 3.2 When notified of an Alert or higher, Fire Services staff will be notified to report to their assigned positions in the County EOC. 3.3 The Westchester County Commissioner of Emergency Services will operate from the county EOC and coordinate Fire Service activities through the applicable Fire Chiefs to provide the following activities:
* Support traffic direction and control in accordance with the evacuation plan.
* Route alerting and assistance with the dissemination of emergency announcements, as a contingency.
* Assessing the emergency situation with respect to fire and rescue and the need for those resources.
* Coordinating the movement of firefighting personnel and equipment.
* Providing communications support for the EOC through the fire communications network.
* Providing rescue services, emergency first aid, and transportation for the ill and injured.
* Supporting reception center operations, particularly vehicle monitoring and decontamination REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 4 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 8.0 -Fire and Rescue DES Fire Services Representative Checklist Unusual Event __ 1. No actions necessary.
In most instances, Fire Services will not be notified of an Unusual Event. Notes: __ 2. In the event you are notified, log notification and stand by for further instructions.
Review procedures and prepare for the possibility of escalation.
Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 5 Intentionally left blank WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 8.0 -Fire and Rescue DES Fire Services Representative Checklist Alert __ 1. Upon notification from the Nuclear facility Operator (INDIAN POINT) of an Alert, Fire Services staff should respond to the EOC and staff their assigned positions.
Notes: __ 2. Upon arrival at the EOC, review status boards and obtain a briefing from the EOC Operations Officer. Notes: __ 3. Request 60 Control coordinate notification of all county fire departments of the Alert classification.
Notes: __ 4. Advise local Fire Services in the 10 Mile EPZ to issue dosimeters, Potassium Iodide (KI), and emergency worker exposure cards. Notes: __ 5. Brief the County Executive and Commissioner of Emergency Services on the status of Fire Service activities and any issues concerning fire and rescue. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 6 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 8.0-Fire and Rescue DES Fire Services Representative Checklist Alert __ 6. Develop a 24 hour shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.
Note: Have lead positions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Notes: __ 7. Stand by for possible escalation to an SITE AREA EMERGENCY or until the ALERT is terminated.
Notes: __ 8. Upon termination of the event, request 60 Control contact county Fire Services to stand down and inform them that the ALERT has been terminated.
All expenses incurred in the activation should be directed through the Deputy Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 7 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 8.0-Fire and Rescue DES Fire Services Representative Checklist Site Area Emergency
__ 1. If not already staffed at the EOe, assure Fire Services Staff was notified to respond to the EOe and staff their assigned positions.
Notes: __ 2. Request 60 Control notify all county Fire Services of the SITE AREA EMERGENCY and place them on standby. Notes: __ 3. Request 60 Control notify Fire Services in the 10 mile EPZ to issue dosimeters, Potassium Iodide (KI), and emergency worker exposure cards. Notes: __ 4. Coordinate with the Department of Health and Social Services on the activation of reception centers. Ensure Fire Departments assigned to activated reception centers are notified to report to assigned locations.
See Attachment 1 for Reception Center Assignments.
Notes: __ 5. Brief the County Executive and Deputy Commissioner of Emergency Services on the status of Fire Service activities and any issues concerning fire and rescue. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 8 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 8.0 -Fire and Rescue DES Fire Services Representative Checklist Site Area Emergency
__ 6. Ensure Fire Services within the 10 Mile EPZ are recording dosimeter readings every 15 to 30 minutes. Notes: __ 7. Develop a 24 hour shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.
Note: Have lead positions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Notes: __ 8. Stand by for possible escalation to a GENERAL EMERGENCY or until the SITE AREA EMERGENCY is de-escalated and verbal confirmation is received from Indian Point. Notes: __ 9. Upon termination, request that 60 Control contact Fire Services staff to stand down and inform them that the SITE AREA EMERGENCY has been terminated.
Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 9 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 8.0-Fire and Rescue DES Fire Services Representative Checklist General Emergency
__ 1. If not already staffed at the EOC assure Fire Services Staff was notified to respond to the EOC and staff their assigned pOSitions.
Notes: __ 2. Ensure all Fire Service agencies have received notification of the GENERAL EMERGENCY.
Notes: __ 3. Advise local Fire Services in the 10 Mile EPZ to issue dosimeters, Potassium Iodide (KI), and emergency worker exposure cards. Notes: __ 4. Upon confirmation by the Health Commissioner, advise all Fire Service Agencies/Emergency Workers in the affected AREA's to take Potassium Iodide (KI) as per state policy. Notes: __ 5. Coordinate with the Department of Public Safety to assess the need to provide Fire Services support to law enforcement agencies for route alerting or traffic control. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 10 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 8.0 -Fire and Rescue DES Fire Services Representative Checklist General Emergency
__ 6. Upon activation of the sirens and notice of any siren failures, Fire Services may be requested to support law enforcement in the conduct of route alerting.
If so, ensure dispatch of appropriate Fire Services to perform route alerting and confirm units have proper route alerting maps (available from Police). Notes: __ 7. Ensure Fire Services are recording dosimeter readings every 15 to 30 minutes. Notes: __ 8. Develop a 24 hour shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.
Note: Have lead positions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Notes: __ 9. Brief the County Executive and Commissioner of Emergency Services on the status of Fire Service activities, traffic control, and any issues concerning fire and rescue. Notes: __ 10. Upon notification of termination of the incident, ensure 60 Control notifies all county fire services.
Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 11 WCREP REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Implementation Procedure 8.0 -Fire and Rescue Resource Section Volume 2 12 Intentionally left blank WCREP Implementation Procedure 8.0-Fire and Rescue Fire Department Assignments To Reception Centers Reception Center 1. White Plains High School 2. Westchester Community College 3. Harrison High School 4. Ardsley Middle School 5. H.C. Crittendon Middle School 6. Fox Lane High School REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Assigned Fire Department Response Status White Plains FD Fairview FD Harrison FD Ardsley FD Armonk FD Bedford FD Volume 2 13 Intentionally left blank WESTCHESTER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY PLAN VOLUME 2 IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE IP-9.0 AMERICAN RED CROSS Revision 0.0 DRAFT 08/06/10 Intentionally left blank WCREP Implementation Procedure 9.0 -American Red Cross TABLE OF CONTENTS SectionlTitle 1.0 Purpose 2.0 Responsibilities 3.0 Concept of Operations Checklist ARC EOC Representative Checklist
-Unusual Event ARC EOC Representative Checklist
-Alert ARC EOC Representative Checklist
-Site Area Emergency ARC EOC Representative Checklist
-General Emergency Resource Section Shelter Status REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Page No. 3 3 4 Page No. 6 7 9 12 Page No. 16 Volume 2 2 Intentionally left blank WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 9.0 -American Red Cross 1.0 Purpose This procedure provides guidance for the American Red Cross Representative to the Westchester County EOC to assist in the implementation of the Westchester County Radiological Emergency Plan for the Indian Point Energy Center. 2.0 Responsibilities 2.1 County Commissioner of Social Services -The County Commissioner of Social Services is responsible for:
* Assessing the emergency situation with respect to social services, financial and sheltering.
* Contacting the American Red Cross.
* Providing social services for evacuees 2.2 American Red Cross (ARC) s responsible for coordinating the staffing and operation of shelters for displaced persons. ARC will coordinate with the county Department of Social Services to monitor the status of shelter facilities.
2.3 American Red Cross EOC Liaison is responsible for ensuring a coordinated response between the County EOC and the ARC Headquarters Disaster Relief Operation (ORO) by exchanging information, requests, and recommendations in a timely manner. The ARC Liaison provides information to the EOC on all Red Cross activities throughout the county, and if requested, on NY State and beyond. While not decision-makers, liaisons shall represent to the EOC the current response capabilities of the Red Cross. The Liaison also forwards County requests for support to the ARC HQ ORO for action. 2.4 Department of Health will staff the personnel monitoring and decontamination functions at reception centers and will coordinate with the DSS to activate and staff needed reception center facilities.
REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 3 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 9.0 -American Red Cross 3.0 Concept of Operations 3.1 The American Red Cross (ARC) will be notified of an emergency at Indian Point via the county's automated notification system. As with most other agencies, the ARC is normally not notified at the Unusual Event, unless deemed necessary by the County Executive.
If notified of an Unusual Event, the ARC will be available to stand by until close out of the UNUSUAL EVENT or for possible escalation to a more severe event. 3.2 When notified of an Alert or higher, the American Red Cross will dispatch staff to report to assigned positions in the County EOC. 3.3 The ARC will begin to assess resources necessary to support evacuees.
ARC's primary mission will be to coordinate the opening and operation of shelters and associated support services.
3.4 ARC will identify and place on standby sufficient personnel to support operations of at least one shelter for every reception center the county opens. The county has identified a total of six possible reception centers which would be opened according to areas subject to evacuation.
3.5 It is county policy to place reception center personnel on standby for the first three reception centers at an Alert. The first three reception centers to open would be White Plains High School, Westchester Community College and Harrison High School. 3.6 The ARC will consider mobilizing staff to the first three shelters as early as a Site Area Emergency.
Facilities will be readied in the event of an evacuation.
3.7 At a General Emergency, the ARC will be prepared to open shelters to serve evacuees displaced by the emergency.
3.8 All evacuees will be processed through a county reception center prior to assignment to a shelter. Evacuees will be monitored for radiation and, if necessary, decontaminated prior to assignment to a shelter. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 4 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 9.0 -American Red Cross 3.9 The ARC will periodically brief the EOC Human Needs Branch Director of the status of ARC operations.
At the request of the EOC Operations Manager, the ARC DRO Director, or designee, will provide a briefing in person, or via conference call, to the EOC Command Staff. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 5 Intentionally left blank WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 9.0 -American Red Cross C EOC Representative Checklist No action necessary.
The American Red Cross is normally not notified at an Unusual Event (UE), unless deemed necessary by the County Executive.
: 1. If notified, contact appropriate personnel and advise them to standby for possible escalation.
Review procedures.
Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 6 Intentionally left blank WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 9.0 -American Red Cross C EOC Representative Checklist
__ 1. Upon notification of an Alert, notify ARC Liaisons to respond to the EOC and staff assigned positions.
Notes: __ 2. The ARC will place staff needed to support shelters on standby. Notes: __ 3. Contact the Metro-NY Regional Chapter, the National Headquarters Disaster Operations Center and New York State American Red Cross, inform them of the Alert and request they be on standby for possible escalation.
Notes: __ 4. Contact facilities which may be used as shelter facilities and notify them of the possible need for their facilities.
Request confirmation of availability.
The ARC plan is to initially open two shelters per reception center. Notes: __ 5. Brief the Human Needs Branch Director on a regular basis regarding agency activities including shelter status. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 7 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 9.0 -American Red Cross ARC EOC Representative Checklist Alert __ 6. Develop a 24 hour shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.
Note: Have lead positions report to the Notes: __ 7. Standby for possible escalation to an SITE AREA OR GENERAL EMERGENCY or until the ALERT is terminated.
Notes: __ 8. Upon termination of the event, contact staff to stand down and inform them that the ALERT has been terminated.
Notes: __ 9. Document all agency costs for response and provide information to OEM at the conclusion of the event. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 8 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 9.0 -American Red Cross ARC EOC Representative Checklist Site Area Emergency
__ 1. If not already staffed at the EOC, notify the American Red Cross EOC Liaisons to respond to the EOC and staff their assigned positions.
Notes: __ 2. Mobilize staff needed to open shelters in support of the White Plains High School, Westchester Community College and Harrison High School reception centers. The ARC plan is to initially open two shelters per reception center. Notes: __ 3. Coordinate with the County OEM to move any ARC, municipal or county shelter supplies out of the ten mile EPZ (e.g., the Town of Cortlandt shelter trailer) Notes: __ 4. Contact the Metro-NY Regional Office, National ARC Disaster Operations Center and the New York State American Red Cross, and inform them of the Site Area Emergency and request they be on standby for possible escalation and mutual aid support. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 9 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 9.0 -American Red Cross C EOC Representative Checklist
__ 5. Maintain contact with Shelter Managers and monitor shelter readiness and operations.
Notes: __ 6. Contact the ARC Public Affairs Lead to ensure they are coordinating with the County EOC PIO staff. Notes: __ 7. ARC Liaisons will brief the Human Needs Branch Director on a regular basis regarding agency activities including shelter status. At the request of the EOC Operations Manager, the ARC ORO Director, or designee, will provide a briefing in person, or via conference call, to the EOC Command Staff. Notes: __ 8. Develop a 24 hour shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.
Note: Have lead positions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 10 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 9.0 American Red Cross ARC EOC Representative Checklist Site Area Emergency
__ 9. Standby for possible escalation to a GENERAL EMERGENCY or until the SITE AREA EMERGENCY is terminated.
Notes: __ 10. Upon termination of the event, contact staff to stand down and inform them that the EVENT has been terminated.
Notes: __ 11. Document all agency costs for response and provide information to OEM at the conclusion of the event. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 11 Intentionally left blank WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 9.0 -American Red Cross ARC EOC Representative Checklist General Emergency
__ 1. If not already staffed at the EOC, notify American Red Cross EOC Liaisons to the respond to the county EOC and staff their assigned positions.
Notes: 2.lf not already complete, direct congregate care shelter staff to report to their designated facilities to set them up and prepare to receive evacuees.
Open additional shelters, depending upon the protective action directed by the County Executive.
Coordinate with the Department of Health and Department of Social Services in the opening of all shelters.
Notes: __ 3. If not already complete, contact the Metro-NY Regional ARC, the national ARC Disaster Operations Center, and the New York State American Red Cross, as well as Regional and National offices, inform them of the General Emergency and request mobilization of support resources.
Notes: __ 4. Request Shelter Managers to periodically report on the status of shelter operations, including staffing levels, facility readiness to receive evacuees; and the number of people processed.
Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 12 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 9.0 -American Red Cross C EOC Representative Checklist
__ 5. Coordinate with the Department of Mental Health to arrange support for counseling services for evacuees at congregate care shelters.
Notes: __ 6. ARC Liaisons will brief the Branch Director on a regular basis on agency activities including status of shelter operations.
Notes: __ 7. Develop a 24 hour shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.
Note: Have lead positions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Notes: __ 8. Confirm with Shelter Managers that 24-hour staffing has been planned for activated shelters.
Record contact information below: Shift Date/time Shelter Manager on Duty Contact Number __ 9. Confirm that the ARC Public Affairs Lead is coordinating with the County EOC PIO and the Indian Point Joint Information Center (JIC). Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 13 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 9.0 -American Red Cross ARC EOC Representative Checklist General Emergency
__ O. Upon emergency termination, contact ARC staff and inform them that the GENERAL EMERGENCY has been terminated.
Begin recovery process. Restore facilities to pre-emergency condition, as soon as feasible.
Notes: __ 11. Document costs for response and provide information data to OEM. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 14 Intentionally left blank WCREP REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 Implementation Procedure 9.0 -American Red Cross Resource Section Volume 2 15 Intentionally left blank WCREP Reception Center White Plains HS i Westchester Community College Harrison HS Ardsley MS H.C. Crittenden MS REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. Volume 2 Implementatioll Pr()cedure 9.0-American Red Cr()ttS Shelter Status Shelter Facility Manager Contact Information Total in Center L-__ ___ ______ .. ___ ..... __ ... __ ..... ___
* I Fox Lane HS Other: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 9.0 -American Red Cross 3 . 1. 2. 3. 17 WESTCHESTER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY PLAN VOLUME 2 IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE IP-10.0 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Revision 0.0 DRAFT 08/06/10 Inten ti onall y left blank WCREP Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1.0 Purpose 2.0 Responsibilities 3.0 Concept of Operations Checklist EMS EOC Representative
-Unusual Event EMS EOC Representative
-Alert EMS EOC Representative
-Site Area Emergency EMS EOC Representative
-General Emergency Resource Section (phone lists, resources lists, etc) None REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Page No. 3 3 3 Page No. 5 6 11 16 Volume 2 2 Intenti onall y left blank WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services 1.0 Purpose This procedure provides guidance for the Department of Emergency Services (DES), Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Division and Office of Emergency Management staff to implement the Westchester County Radiological Emergency Plan for the Indian Point Energy Center as it relates to the coordination of emergency medical services.
2.0 Responsibilities The Emergency Medical Services Director or designee is responsible for:
* Maintaining adequate emergency medical resources for day to day calls, while responding to the emergency needs of Indian Point
* Implementation of this procedure during EOC activations
* Emergency medical services transport for ill and injured patients
* Coordinating the movement of patients and hospital personnel from risk areas
* Coordinating support for the non-institutionalized mobility impaired (NIMI) and hearing impaired, as required.
3.0 Concept of Operations 3.1 The Westchester County DES EMS Division and OEM staff will operate from the county EOC to coordinate emergency medical service resources.
The EMS Division will assist in coordination of ambulance transport of hospital patients, nursing homes or other special care facilities; and support communications links among medical facilities, as well as coordination of support for the non-institutionalized mobility impaired (NIMI) and hearing impaired, as required.
REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 3 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services 3.2 In coordinating support to NIMI's, EMS will work with the Hospital mini-EOC at the Westchester Medical Center, which maintains contact with this group and updates their status and needs. 3.3 When notified of an Alert or higher event at IPEC, DES EMS Division personnel will be notified to report to their assigned positions in the County EOC. 3.4 DES EMS staff in the EOC will periodically brief OEM staff and the County Executive on the status emergency medical services provided, number of EMS agencies responding; the number of ambulances available for patient transport/evacuation; any coordination with hospitals and special facilities; and any coordination with the Health Department and/or Fire Services.
3.5 The Westchester Department of Transportation (DOT) will be responsible for obtaining ambulette resources.
EMA will relay any identified needs for ambulettes to DOT for dispatch. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 4 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist
__ 1. Emergency Medical Services are normally not notified at an Unusual Event (UE), unless deemed necessary by the County Executive.
Notes: __ 2. If notified, contact EMS Division personnel and advise them to stand by for possible escalation.
Review procedures.
Notes: __ 3. Upon notification of termination of the UE, contact appropriate EMS Division personnel to stand down. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 5 Intentionally left blank WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist
: 1. Receive notification of the Alert and respond to the EOC to staff assigned positions.
Notes: UPON ARRIVAL AT THE EOC, THE FOLLOWING ACTIONS ARE TO BE TAKEN: __ 2. Request the County Emergency Communications Center (ECC) to notify the appropriate EMS agencies to place their personnel on standby. Notes: __ 3. Advise ECC to notify EMS agencies within the 10-Mile EPZ to pick up dosimeters.
Potassium Iodide (KI). and emergency exposure cards at their local municipal dosimetry distribution point and distribute this material to their EMS responders.
Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 6 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist
: 4. Coordinate movement of EMS agencies in accordance with the Mutual Aid Plan through the Emergency Communications Center (ECC). Mutual Aid EMS agencies not located in the EPZ but needed for the response should be directed to the DES Training Center for coordination and PPE distribution. (Note: At the Alert consider needs of the two mile radius as a first priority)
Notes: __ 5. Request EMS agencies to perform the following activities:
* Assess needs
* Provide emergency medical services and transport within the 10 Mile EPZ.
* Establish communications links between medical facilities as required.
* Coordinate with the EMS Division Coordinator in the EOC. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08106/10 7 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist
__ 6. Provide emergency medical services for any reception center that may be opened. (Three reception centers may be opened during the Alert. Check with Social Services and Health Departments).
Preliminary reception center assignments are as follows: Reception Center White Plains HS Westchester Community College Harrison HS Ardsley MS H.C. Crittenden MS Fox Lane HS Notes: __ 7. Dispatch DES personnel to the designated EMS Staging Area and establish communications with the site. Include supplies of dosimetry.
Determine staging area location based on incident and weather conditions.
Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 8 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist
__ 8. Coordinate ambulance transportation needs with the Special Facilities Coordinator.
Notes: __ 9. Brief the County Executive on a regular basis on EMS Division activities:
the status of emergency medical services provided; number of EMS agencies in response to emergencies; number of ambulances available for patient transportation 1 resident evacuation; any coordination with hospitals, special facilities; the Health Department andlor Fire Services.
Notes: __ 10. Develop a 24-hour shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.
NOTE: HAVE LEAD POSITIONS REPORT TO THE EOC ONE HALF HOUR PRIOR TO THEIR SHIFT FOR TURN OVER FROM THE PREVIOUS SHIFT. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 9 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist
__ 1. Stand by for possible escalation to an SITE AREA EMERGENCY or until the ALERT is terminated and verbal confirmation is received from Indian Point. Notes: __ 12. Upon notification of termination of the event, contact EMS Division staff to stand down and inform them that the ALERT has been terminated.
Ensure all EMS agencies in the field have been notified of event termination.
Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 10 In tenti onall y left blank WCKEP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist Site Area Emergency
__ 1. If not already staffed at the EOC, assure EMS Division staff are notified via the department call out list to respond to the EOC and staff assigned positions.
Notes: __ 2. Ensure EMS agencies within the ten mile EPZ have been issued dosimeters, Potassium Iodide (KI). and emergency worker exposure cards and that this equipment has been distributed to first responders.
Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 11 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist Site Area Emergency
__ 3. If not already implemented, request EMS agencies to perform the following activities:
* Assess needs
* Provide emergency medical services and transport within the 10 Mile EPZ.
* Establish communications links between medical facilities as required.
* Coordinate with the EMS Division Coordinator in the EOC.
* As requested provide emergency medical services for any reception center that may be opened. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 12 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist Site Area Emergency
__ 4. When requested, coordinate with the Hospital Mini-EOC and EMS agencies to assist in the evacuation of those ill or mobility impaired individuals for whom evacuation would have minimal medical risk. This includes the following:
* Special Facilities
* Homes of handicapped persons, shut-ins and those identified by the Department of Social Services.
* Non-institutionalized mobility impaired (NIMI) persons requiring ambulance transportation identified through the Public Information Brochure (Coordinate with the Hospital EOC)
* Non-institutionalized mobility impaired (NIMI) persons requiring ambulette or Para-transit transportation from the County Commissioner of Transportation identified through the Public Information Brochure (Coordinate with the Hospital mini-EOC).
* Hearing impaired Notes: __ 5. Non-institutionalized mobility impaired and hearing impaired are contacted to ensure they are aware of the event and their needs are met. Coordinate with the hospital Mini-EOC to ensure those contacts are being made and to obtain updated needs information.
Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 13 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist Site Area Emergency
__ 6. Assess the need for additional vehicles and request them through the ECC (Mutual Aid). Notes: __ 7. Brief the County Executive on a regular basis on agency activities; the status emergency medical services provided; number of ambulances in response to emergencies; any coordination with hospitals and special facilities; and any coordination with the Health Department and/or Fire Services.
Notes: __ 8. Develop a 24-hour shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.
NOTE: HAVE LEAD POSITIONS REPORT TO THE EOC ONE HALF HOUR PRIOR TO THEIR SHIFT FOR TURN OVER FROM THE PREVIOUS SHIFT. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 14 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist Site Area Emergency
__ 9. Standby for possible escalation to a GENERAL EMERGENCY or until the SITE AREA EMERGENCY is terminated and verbal confirmation is received from Indian Point. Notes: __ 10. Contact EMS staff to stand down and inform them that the SITE AREA EMERGENCY has been terminated.
Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 15 In ten ti onall y left blank WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist General Emergency
__ 1. If not already staffed at the EOC, assure EMS division staff are notified via the Department call out list to respond to the EOC and staff assigned positions.
Notes: __ 2. Ensure that all actions listed under ALERT and SITE AREA EMERGENCY status have been completed.
Notes: __ 3. Assure that assigned EMS agencies are notified to distribute dosimeters, TLD's Potassium Iodide (KI), and emergency exposure cards to first responders.
Notes: 4. Notify the County Radiological Officer of any dosimetry or KI shortfalls for EMS agencies.
Coordinate with the Rad Officer to meet needs. Notes: 5. Request notification of any reports of EMS equipment or personnel contamination or exposure.
Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 16 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 I I General Emergency 17 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist General Emergency
__ 6. Upon confirmation by the County Health Commissioner, advise EMS workers who may be working within the ten mile EPZ to take, by mouth, Potassium Iodide (KI) as per the SEMO Health Department protocol.
Notes: __ 7. Non-institutionalized mobility impaired and hearing impaired are contacted by the Hospital Mini-EOC to ensure they are aware of the event and their needs are met. Obtain updated information from the Hospital mini-EOC to arrange for medical transport.
Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 18 WCREP Volume 1 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist General Emergency
__ 8. Coordinate with the Hospital Mini-EOC and EMS agencies to assist in the evacuation of those ill or mobility impaired individuals in impacted areas for whom evacuation would have minimal medical risk. This includes the following:
* Special Facilities
* Homes of handicapped persons, shut-ins and those identified by the Department of Social Services.
* Non-institutionalized mobility impaired (NIMI) persons requiring ambulance transportation identified through the Public Information Brochure (Coordinate with the Hospital EOC)
* Non-institutionalized mobility impaired (NIMI) persons requiring ambulette or Para-transit transportation from the County Commissioner of Transportation identified through the Public Information Brochure (Coordinate with the Hospital EOC).
* Hearing impaired Notes: __ 9. Assess the need for additional vehicles and request them through the ECC (Mutual Aid). Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 19 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist General Emergency
__ O. When responding to potentially contaminated injured persons the EMS/Rescue Squads should follow BEMS policy: See
* Life saving medical assistance takes precedence over radiological contamination.
* Obtain pertinent information regarding approximate radioactivity measurement from authorities at the scene, preferably Health Department liaisons.
* Encourage gross decontamination of potentially contaminated patients where it available and does not interfere with life saving measures.
* If the injury is an open wound: remove all clothing around the wound; cover with lean dressing; use elastic (ie cling) bandage to hold wound cover in place; do not use adhesive tape.
* Identify any areas of potential contamination on the patient unable to be addressed by the crew on scene and cover as appropriate to control the spread.
* When cleaning a wound efforts should be similar to cleaning a dirt laden wound or removing foreign material.
* Cover the stretcher, including the pillow with an open sheet; wrap the patient in the sheet to stop the spread of contamination.
* Notify the hospital with available information regarding patient condition and potential contamination.
* Request the hospital to set up a decontamination area for patient transfer and have staff waiting with appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).
* Collect all potentially contaminated materials and equipment; place them in tied-off red bags and tag as "contaminated radioactive waste" for collection at the hospital.
Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 20 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 General Emergency 21 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist General Emergency
__ 11 . Advise the EMS/Rescue Squads after each response to potentially contaminated injured victims to report to the Emergency Worker Personnel Monitoring Center (EWPMC) at the DES Support Services building, 35 Walker road in Valhalla, where vehicles and crews will be monitored for contamination and decontaminated if necessary.
Take unit out of service until cleared through the EWPMC. Notes: __ 12. Brief the County Executive on a regular basis on EMS Division activities:
the status of emergency medical services provided; number of EMS agencies in response to emergencies; number of ambulances available for patient transportation
/ resident evacuation; any coordination with hospitals, special facilities, the Health Department, and/or Fire Services.
Notes: __ 13. Develop a 24-hour shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.
NOTE: HAVE LEAD POSITIONS REPORT TO THE EOC ONE HALF HOUR PRIOR TO THEIR SHIFT FOR TURN OVER FROM THE PREVIOUS SHIFT. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 22 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist General Emergency
__ 14. Upon notice of termination, contact EMS Division staff to stand down and inform them that the GENERAL EMERGENCY has been terminated.
Ensure EMS agencies are informed of event termination.
Notes: __ 15. Prepare for recovery phase, including transport of patients back to the area. Notes: REV 0.0 {DRAFT} 08/06/10 23 WCREP Implementation Procedure lO.O-Emergency medical Services REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 Volume 2 24 Intentionally left blank WCREP Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services Section 1.0 Purpose 2.0 Responsibilities 3.0 Concept of Operations 4.0 References Checklists TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. 3 3 5 8 EOC Lead Public Information Officer Checklist
-Unusual Event 9 EOC Lead Public Information Officer Checklist
-Alert 1 Site Area Emergency 10 EOC Lead Public Information Officer Checklist
-General Emergency 15 Public Inquiry Call Center Supervisor Checklist
-Unusual Event 22 Public Inquiry Call Center Supervisor Checklist
-Alert 1 Site Area Emergency 1 Resource Section Attachment 1: Attachment 2: Attachment 3: Attachment 4: Attachment 5: Attachment 6: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 General Emergency EAS Message Template Immediate General Emergency EAS message Follow Up News Release Template Public Information Contact List (Includes JIC Numbers) JIC Process Flow chart WHUD EAS Activation Information 23 26 27 28 32 33 34 Volume} o Intentionally left blank WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services 1.0 Purpose This procedure provides guidance for the County Director of Communications, EOC Lead Public Information Officer and Public Information Staff to implement the Westchester County Radiological Emergency Plan for the Indian Point Energy Center. 2.0 Responsibilities 2.1 County Executive has the overall responsibility for managing the county's response in an emergency and ensuring the health and safety of the public. 2.2 Director of Communications oversees and directs all county public information and communications.
The Director of Communications makes recommendations to the County Executive on all issues that affect the public in an emergency.
The Director of Communications or designee, is responsible for responding to inquiries from the media. 2.3 EOC Lead Public Information Officer coordinates the preparation and dissemination of accurate and timely information to the public during an emergency at Indian Point. The EOC Lead PIO manages all public information functions, including the development of Emergency Alert System (EAS) messages, press releases and news advisories, and oversees communication with the public inquiry staff. The PIO also interfaces with the Director of Communications and other county and state public information officers to ensure that all public information functions are coordinated and consistent with the county's emergency response.
This position may serve as spokesperson for the county at the Joint Information Center. 2.4 Command Room Public Information Liaison is the chief information link between the Command Room/EOC response staff and the PIO staff. This position is responsible for sorting through all of the county's actions documented during an emergency and forwarding important and relevant information to the PIO workroom.
REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 o WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 Emergency medical Services 2.5 PIO Staff Liaison is responsible for flagging information on emergency actions taken by Command Room/EOC responders for the PIO staff. In addition, this position will assist with distributing press releases and news alerts to the media and officials and posting them to the New York State emergency website. This position and the Public Inquiry liaison will share the responsibility of monitoring the county website for information updates. 2.6 Emergency Alert System message writers are responsible for coordinating the preparation of EAS messages on protective actions for the public recommended by the four responding counties and New York State. The EAS messages will be reviewed for content and accuracy by the County Executive and issued in web-based formats, including the county website and New York State's DisasterLAN application.
2.7 Public Inquiry Liaison maintains communication on an open telephone line and by electronic mail with the public inquiry team and notifies the Lead PIO of rumors that may develop during an emergency.
This position will assist with distribution of press releases and monitoring the county emergency website. 2.8 Press Release writerlinformation specialist assists with the research and preparation of news releases in an emergency.
This position "shadows" the EOC Director and gathers background information on the actions being taken by emergency responders from a public information staff perspective.
2.9 Public Information Writers are responsible for obtaining from the PIO staff liaison, timely and accurate information on emergency actions and preparing press releases, advisories and other informational materials as necessary.
The PIO staff also assists with issuing press releases to the media, maintaining the county's emergency website and preparing news briefing information for the lead PIO. 2.10 Runner is responsible for posting and distributing press releases and other informational materials to appropriate emergency responders and preparing briefing materials for the lead PIO. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 1 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services 2.11 Emergency Website Administrator posts emergency alert messages and press release to the county's emergency website. This position will be directed to either the Communications Office or the Public Inquiry facility located in the County Office Building.
2.12 Media Inquiry A line will be established in the County Executive's workroom to handle media calls. The Director of Communications or designee will take the lead responsibility for responding to media inquiries in an emergency.
3.0 Concept of Operations 3.1 Westchester County has adopted the National Incident Management Systemllncident Command System for EOC operations.
The public information staff is part of the command function in the EOC and report to the County Executive.
3.2 When notified of an Unusual Event, the Director of Communications will assess the event. Public information functions may be activated at the discretion of the Director of Communications or County Executive, if it is envisioned that the event may generate great public interest or the need to share emergency-related information with the general public. For example, this may be the case for security-related events at Indian Point. 3.3 For an Unusual Event, the automated Emergency Notification System (ENS) is not used to notify staff. A manual callout will occur based upon an assessment of the nature of the incident.
The Deputy County Executive will notify the EOC Lead PIO and will assure they, or a qualified alternate, are available to stand by for possible escalation to a more severe event. The Lead PIO will notify other PIO staff as deemed necessary.
REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 2 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services 3.4 When notified of an Alert or higher incident classification, the County EOC Lead PIO and PIO staff will be notified via the ENS notification system and will report to their assigned positions in the County EOC, the Public Inquiry Call Center (alternate EOC) or the Communications Office, located in the Michaelian Office Building in White Plains. 3.5 Initial news releases and/or Emergency Alert System messages will identify the number for the Public Inquiry Call Center, 995-1111, as soon as it is confirmed as operational, so that the public can access this resource.
3.6 The Westchester County Lead EOC PIO and staff will reside in the EOC Public Information Work Room. 3.7 The EOC PIO staff will coordinate with the state operated Joint Information Center (JIC) also located at the Hudson Valley Traffic Management Center in Hawthorne.
The JIC is operated to facilitate a coordinated public information process or system. Coordination is accomplished via numerous communications methods, including shared web-based information; some physical co-location at the JIC; video-conferencing; and telephonic commun ications.
3.8 EAS messages will be developed in the EOC, with final approval by the County Executive (s). EAS message content will be reviewed with and coordinated with the other counties via the PIO web portal, part of the State's DisasterLAN application, and/or via the PIO video-conference line. 3.9 PIO staff will have responsibility for developing the content of EAS messages and transmittal to and broadcast by the EAS station. An EAS encoder will be available in the EOC to permit direct activation and broadcast of EAS messages from the EOC. Until the encoder is operational, telephone communications remains the primary means of communications between the primary EAS station, WHUD, and the EOC. Arrangements have been made with WHUD Radio for message verification.
WHUD has verification phone numbers for call back to the Westchester REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 3 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services County Warning Point and EOC, in the event there is a question as to the authenticity of EAS activation requests.
3.10 Westchester County has a comprehensive outreach and public information program, and maintains an ongoing working relationship with the news media, including those that serve the non-English speaking communities.
Informational and educational materials are provided through all the major media outlets in the metro-New York area that serve the Spanish speaking population.
Per established procedures, the County issues all of its news releases and media alerts to these organizations in English; the news media provide translations from English to Spanish. In addition, the county's director of Hispanic Affairs is available to talk to and provide information and assistance to the media, as needed, and works closely with schools, government agencies and non-profit groups to assist members of the Hispanic community in an emergency.
The Community Emergency Planning for Indian Point booklet is available in Spanish on the county's website at Informational materials distributed at the county reception centers for evacuees are also available in Spanish. 3.11 PIO staff will also be responsible for preparing and issuing follow up news releases.
News releases may be issued through a variety of means including, but not limited to, posting on the internet, emailing and faxing directly to the media and posting in the JIC. The County IT Department has developed a software application to facilitate this process. 3.124 Individuals who may serve as county spokespersons, include but are not limited to: -The County Executive Deputy County Executive REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 EOC Lead PIO 4 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services In addition to the above, additional senior managers may be made available to speak to specific technical issues. These individuals may include the Commissioners of Emergency Services, Health and Public Safety, or their desig nated representatives.
3.15 The County will staff a public inquiry telephone bank to address public questions and concerns and to identify and address rumors or misinformation.
This function will be initiated as early as an Alert and will operate from the alternate EOC in White Plains, NY. In the event that facility is unavailable, other space will be provided in the County Office Building.
3.16 A telephone number for media inquiries specifiC to Westchester will be released to the media as soon as the EOC is activated.
The Director of Communications will coordinate this function.
4.0 References
* Joint Information Center Procedures, New York State Emergency Management Office
* Westchester County Public Inquiry Resource Binder
* Community Emergency Planning for Indian Point: A Guide for you and Your Family
* Lower Hudson Valley Local Emergency Communications Committee, Emergency Alert System Plan for Westchester, Rockland, Orange and Putnam Counties, draft. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 5 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EOC Lead Public Information Officer Checklist Unusual Event __ 1. Upon notification from Indian Point of an Unusual Event, the County Warning Point will notify the County organizations on the Unusual Event call/ist, including the County Executive and Deputy County Executive.
Notes: __ 2. The Deputy County Executive will assess the event and if the event is security related, may activate the public information/Joint Information Center function, or place the communications staff on standby for possible escalation to a more serious event. If the JIC function is activated, refer to the JIC activation procedures in the Alert checklist.
Notes: __ 3. Evaluate the need to issue information on the event to the public through the media. Notes: __ 4. Upon event termination, ensure that the County Executive is informed.
REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 o Intentionally left blank
* WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure
/0.0 -Emergency medical Services EOC Lead Public Information Officer Checklist Alert I Site Area Emergency Note: These checklist items are relevant to either an Alert or Site Area Emergency. __ 1. Upon notification of the event. the PIO staff will respond to the EOG to staff assigned positions. Notes: __ 2. The Lead PIO in the EOG establishes contact with the JIG Liaison and tests the operability of the video link to the JIG. Note: Confirm whether Westchester should assist in set up of the JIC facility , and provide any assistance needed. __ 3. Establish the PIO HotiineNideo-conference and maintain an open line of communications with the other counties , SEMO and Entergy PIO staff . Notes: __ 4. Ensure PIO EAS staff contact WHUD to notify them of the incident status; confirm operability of the communications links and request they review procedures in the event activation of the EAS becomes necessary. Notes: __ 5. Ensure activation of the Public Inquiry Gall Genter at the White Plains alternate EOC and establish communications with the Call Center Supervisor.
Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 o WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EOC Lead Public Information Officer Checklist Alert I Site Area Emergency
__ 6. Obtain the following information and brief the all Pia staff: Time of the event classification Current plant status including the potential for a radioactive release Wind speed and direction Initial precautionary actions being taken by the county:
* School closings or delayed openings
* Students sent to school reception centers
* Parks and recreational areas closed
* River cleared
* FAA, Metro North, ConRail and Amtrak status and notification Status of EOC staffing and if its "operational" Status of activation of other county response facilities Notes: __ 7. Prepare and issue initial news releases.
Ensure the release includes:
* A summary of county response actions
* Telephone number for Public Inquiry Call Center
* Media Inquiry number Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 1 WCREP Volume 2 Implem e ntation. Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Servic es EOC Le ad Pub lic Information Officer Checklist Alert I Site Area Emergency
__ B. The Lead EOC PIO will ensure that information on the event and actions being taken are disseminated to the EOC and the JIC. Notes: __ 9. Track activation of key PIO staff , including the public inquiry call center , and inform the Director of Communications and OEM when key staff are in place. Notes: __ 10. Confirm with the Command Room the need for a Heads-Up EAS Message. If an EAS message is needed , record siren activation and EAS activation times and notify PIO EAS staff to be prepared to issues EAS message. Notes: __ 11. Post all EAS messages to the State PIO website , county website , and in the EOC software application.
Notes: __ 12. Maintain communications with Public Inquiry Call Center supervisor and obtain data on caU processing, rumors and/or misinformation. Provide periodic reports to the Command Room and EOC Operations Manager. Take actions necessary to correct rumors or misinformation. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) OB/06/10 2 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EOC Lead Public Information Officer Checklist Alert I Site Area Emergency
__ 13. Brief the County Executive on a regular basis on PIO activities, the status of JIC activities and number of news releases sent out. Notes: __ 14. Contact the JIC Liaison to obtain updates on: Notes: Media presence at the JIC and JIC briefing schedule Results of media monitoring function of the JIC and any misinformation requiring a county response.
__ 15. Determine the need for a 24 hour shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour shifts) for PIO staff and notify replacements of schedule.
Note: Have positions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Lead EOC PIO should lead a PIO briefing for all PIO staff. Notes: __ 16. Stand by for possible escalation, reviewing procedures and ensuring communications systems are operational and ready for use if needed. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 3 WCREP Volume 2 Implem e ntation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services
* EOC Lead Public Information Office r Checklist Alert I Site Area Emergency
* __ 17. Upon notice eftemination, contact PIO staff to stand down and inform them that the event has been terminated.
Collect documentation of PIO activities, including reports from the public inquiry center. Notes: __ 18. Other response actions taken: Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 4 Intentionally left blank WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure J 0.0 -Emergency medical Services EOC Lead Public Information Officer Checklist General Emergency
___ 1. If not already slalled at the EOC, JIC and Public Inquiry Call Center. assure PIO staff is notified via the department call out list to respond to their assigned positions. Notes: __ 2. If this is the initial notification of an event at IPEC , the Immediate General Emergency EAS message should have been issued by the Warning Point or OEM. Confirm with the Warning Point and DES Commissioner that this message was issued. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Prepare to issue Follow Up news release. The County Executive may be revising initial protective action recommendations. Prepare to issue a new EAS message. o WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EOC Lead Public Information Officer Checklist General Emergency
__ 3. Contact the primary and secondary EAS radio stations and place them on standby to prepare for airing an EAS message. EAS Contact Information:
Emergency Alert System (EAS) radio station, WHUD: (1) Primary Numbers: (845)831-1525 (2) Alternate Numbers: (845)831-1540 Note: If you are unable to make immediate contact with WHUD, both back up stations need to be contacted.
Contact both: WFAS: (1) Primary Numbers: (914)693-9395
[4:30AM-6:30PM M-F] (914)806-6349, all other times (914) 558-0592 (pager) (2) Alternate Numbers: (914)693-2401/5600/5700/1900/2400 (914)285-9327 and WRRV: (1) Primary Numbers: Mon. through Fri. (8:30 am to 5:30 pm) (845) 471-1500 After hrslWeekends (845)452-1015 Note: The EAS messages are coordinated among (4) County Executives and there will only be one EAS message for each PAD, agreed upon by the (4) County Executives for all four counties.
Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EOC Lead Public Information Officer Checklist General Emergency
__ 4. Monitor the County Executive Hotline to obtain the final Protective Action Decision (PAD) and develop the appropriate EAS message for review and approval by the County Executive or designee.
Decision Time: Projected Siren Sounding Time: Projected Time for Issuance of EAS message: Shelter AREA's: Evacuate AREA's: Notes: 5. Coordinate contact with the EAS station and issuance of the EAS message within the agreed upon timeframe.
If time permits. pre-record message. Otherwise, read message directly over the phone to the radio station. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Designate spokesperson to record the message Record message and review for accuracy Open telephone line to WHUD and prepare for broadcast 2
WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EOC Lead Public Information Officer Checklist General Emergency Monitor EAS to confirm broadcast Notify the Command Room when task is complete __ 6. Each EAS message should be followed immediately with a follow-on news release which should provide more details such as: > Telephone number for public inquiry > Use of public information brochures y Identification of general population reception centers open > Current emergency conditions at Indian Point > Instructions for transients without shelter > What to take along and what to leave behind when evacuating
> Information and instructions for parents of students regarding protective actions for students > Information for transportation dependent individuals y Sheltering instructions, if applicable Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 3 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation PrOt:e dur e 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EOC Lead Public Informalion Officer Checklist General Emergency
__ 7. Ensure PIO staff obtains information on other actions that have been taken and current actions being implemented.
This information will be compiled and coordinated with the Lead PIO in the EOC for use in follow-on news releases. o Traffic Control Points (TCP's) established. o Evacuation buses o Open reception centers o Open congregate care centers o Dosimetry and Kl distributed to emergency workers o Field monitoring results o Status of school children o Institutionalized mobility impaired individuals within the affected AREA's are shettered-in-place or evacuated. a Non-Institutionalized mobility impaired individuals contacted and transportation resources ready for evacuation. o Hospitals are sheltered or ready for evacuation o Declaration of "Local State of Emergency" by the County Executive in coordination with the other three counties. __ B. Contact the JIC Liaison to obtain updates on: Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) OBI06/10 Media presence at the JIC and JIC briefing schedule Results of media monnoring function of the JIC and any misinformat i on requiring a county response. 4 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EOC Lead Public Information Officer Checklist General Emergency
__ 9. Obtain any changes in protective actions, and ensure preparation of a new EAS message for review and approval by the County Executive or designee.
Follow procedures for contact with the radio station and issuance of the EAS message. Notes: __ 10. Use the State DisasterLan PI website for coordination of the EAS message content and its posting on the site. Post all news releases and EAS messages to the County website; the EOC software application; and provide hard copies to the JIC via the JIC Liaison. Notes: __ 11. EOC and JIC PIO's continue to monitor and record all changes in plant status, protective actions and Command Room actions for future press release information.
Notes: __ 12. Lead PIO to obtain information on the event and actions being taken from the Command Room and EOC Operations Room and disseminates to the PIO organization in the EOC and the JIC for future development of press releases.
Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 5 
* weREP Volume 2 Implem e ntation Procedure 10.0 -Emergen cy m e dical Services EOC Lead Public Informat i o n Officer Check li st General Emergency
__ 13. Upon tennination of the event, assess the need for on-going public infonnation related to recovery. Coordinate with the JIC Liaison to determine when the JIC will be de-activated and notify the Director of Communications. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08 10611 0 6 Intentionally left blank WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure J 0.0 -Emergency medical Services Public Inquiry Call Center Supervisor Checklist Unusual Event 1. Under most circumstances, the Public Inquiry staff will not be notified of an Unusual Event. No action is necessary. Noles: __ 2. However, the Director of Communications will assess the event and if the event is security related , the Director may activate the public information/Joint Information Center function, or place the communications staff on standby for possible escalation to a more serious event. If Ihe JIC funclion is activaled, refer 10 Ihe JIC aclivalion procedures in Ihe Alert checklist.
Noles: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 o Intentionally left blank WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency m e dical Servic e s .t"'UDIII; I n qu i ry Ca ll Ce nt er S u perv i sor C h eck li st 1. Upon notification of the event , the Public Inquiry staff will be contacted via the c ounty Emergency Notification System (ENS) and should respond to assigned positions at the Call Center in the basement of the County Office Building in VVhite Plains. Notes: ___ 2. Upon arrival at the Call Center: Notes: confirm operability of the 995-1111 telephone line. Notify the EOC of your arrival and declare the facility operational upon arrival of sufficient staff and confirmation of equipment operability , Establish an open line with the EOC PIO room __ 3. Login to the EOC application to review the status key events and obtain a briefing from the EOC Lead PIO. Notes: __ 4. Brief Public Inquiry Call Center staff on the situation status. Review binder and prepare to receive call s from the public. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 o l weREP Yolume2 r-______
Services Public Inqu i ry Call Center Supervisor Checkl i st Alert I Site Area Emergency I General Emergency
__ 5. Remind staff to be aware of and to identify potential rumors and misinformation and to complete necessary forms to alert the Call Center Supervisor. Notes: __ 6. Forward information on rumors and misinformation to the EOC PIO group for attention. Notes: __ 7. Track the volume 01 calls processed and periodically report status to the EOC . Also brief the EOC Pia staff on any public inlonmation issues identified through call center operations. Notes: __ 8. Ensure that the call center staff is updated on critical information on the situation. Notes: __ 9. Discuss the need to 24 hour operations with the EOC Lead PIO and plan appropriate shift changes. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08106/10 * 
* *
* WCREP Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services Public Inqu i ry Call Center Superv i sor Checklist
__ 10.0ther: Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08106110 Volume 2 2 Intenti onall y left blank WCREP Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Attachment 1 EAS Message Template (see next page) Volume 2 o Intentionally left blank WCREP Volume 2 Message Decision Time: Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services Attachment 2 EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM MESSAGE Immediate General Emergency Date ______ _ --------Siren Time: ________ _ ANNOUNCER:
This is not a test. The Emergency Alert System has been activated by chief officials of Westchester, Rockland, Orange and Putnam Counties due to an emergency at the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant in Buchanan, New York. Please listen to this entire message before taking any action. A General Emergency has been declared.
There has been .... There has not been .... A release of radioactive materials to the environment.
OR It has not yet been determined whether there has been a radiological release of radioactive materials to the environment.
People living within five miles of the plant are directed to: stay inside their homes or businesses.
If you have KI (Potassium Iodide), ingest one dose at this time. "In Westchester, you should stay indoors if you are in Buchanan, Peekskill, Verplanck, Montrose, Mount Airy, Croton-on-Hudson, Crugers, Oscawana, Furnace Woods, Pleasantside, Peekskill Heights and Northeastern Cortlandt, including Mohegan Lake. "In Rockland, you should stay indoors if you are in the Towns of Stony Point and Haverstraw.
People in the Bear Mountain and Harriman State Parks should seek shelter. "In Orange County, you should stay indoors if you are in the Town of Highlands, the Village of Highland Falls. People in the Harriman and Bear Mountain State Parks should seek shelter. "In Putnam County, you should stay indoors if you are in Garrison, south of Route 403, and the Continental Village and Lake Peekskill areas. I repeat, those living within five miles of the plant should go indoors and close windows and doors. If you have KI (Potassium Iodide), ingest one dose at this time. People living within 10 miles of the plant should consult the Emergency Planning for Indian A Guide for You and Your Family booklet or similar pages of the phone book for detailed information.
Stay tuned to this Emergency Alert System station for further information and instructions.
This js qot a test, Westchester
____ _ Rockland, ______ _ Orange ___________
__ Putnam _______ _ REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 o WCREP Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services New York State. ___ _ REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Volume 2 WCREP Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Attachment 3 Follow Up News Release Template (see next page) Volume 2 o Intentionally left blank m ester on Roben P. AstoriDO, Cou nt)' E><4!CUlive N e d McConuack.
Olrector of Co ...... unicalloDi EAS FOLLOW-ON NEWS BULLETIN Supporting EAS Message # __ DATE: _____ _ EAS AIR TIME: BULLETIN RELEASE TIME: _____ _ PRESS RELEASE # __ _
Westchester County Executive orders protective actions. Hawthorne NY: County Exec utive Robert P. Astorino h as issued an (additio n a l) Eme r ge ncy Alert System m essage at (A IR TIME) today, to notify residents of a problem at the Indi an Point nu c l ea r power station and advise those people within 10 mil es or th e plant to take (add iti o nal) protective actions. There h as been (a) (no) release of radiation. However, (if there is n't a r e lea se) or T h ere f ore (if ther e is a r elease), if you h ave KI -potassium i od ide , th e county health commissioner is r ecom mendin g that yo u take o n e 1 30 milligram dose at this time. C hildren under one year of age shou ld be given a 65 milligram dose -o n e h a lf of the tablet. If yo u are being directed t o evacuate and do n o t have KI you s hould n ot d e la y leavin g the a rea. You will be ab l e get it at the public r ecept i o n centers that have been ope n ed to accept evacuees who are una ble to go t o the h ome of a friend o r relative o ut s id e of th e area. You can also get KI at Rockefeller State Park, Route t 17 in Mount Pleasant or at the so uth bo und rest stop o n Route 684 n ear Katonah where it is being distributed.
If yo u are in a Planning Area advised t o leave, you s h o uld go t o the home of a friend or relative ou t side the ten*mile area. Once there, you are advised to take shower and was h yo ur c l othes. H ea lth offic i a l s wi ll be providing additional infonnation o n how t o further protect against radiation exposure.
If yo u need a s h ort*term place to stay, yo u s hould go t o the public rece pti on cen t e r assigned for yo ur area. Staff from the county's Socia l Services and H ea lth departments.
as well as from the American R ed Cross, will be there to ass i st yo u. (if there is a release of radiation) you will also be abl e to be m on it o red for radiation co ntamination. P eo pl e in the following (addi ti o nal) Areas are directed t o evacuate their homes o r businesses:
REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 o WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services Village of Buchanan -to White Plains High School Reception Center, 550 North Street, White Plains. Verplanck -to White Plains High School Reception Center, 550 North Street, White Plains. City of Peekskill to White Plains High School Reception Center, 550 North Street, White Plains. Town of Cortlandt
-to Harrison High School. Village of Croton-on-Hudson -to Westchester Community College Gym Reception Center, 75 Grasslands Road, Valhalla.
Town of Yorktown north of Route 202 -to the Fox Lane High School Reception Center, South Bedford Road, Bedford. Town of Yorktown south of Route 202 -to the H.C. Crittenden Middle School Reception Center, 10 MacDonald Avenue, Annonk. Northwestern Somers (Baldwin Place, Granite Springs and Amawalk, north of Route 35 and west of Route 118) -to the Fox Lane High School Reception Center, South Bedford Road, Bedford. Southwestern Somers (Southern Amawalk, South of Route 35 and west of Wood Street and of Muscoot Fann) -to the Fox Lane High School Reception Center, South Bedford Road, Bedford. Western Town of New Castle (area west of Hardscrabble and Millwood Roads) -to the Westchester Community College Gym Reception Center, 75 Grasslands Road, Valhalla.
Town and Village of Ossining -to the Ardsley Middle School Reception Center, 700 Ashford Avenue, Ardsley. Village of Briarcliff Manor, to the Westchester Community College Gym Reception Center, 75 Grasslands Road, Valhalla.
There are (no) (additional)
Evacuations for Westchester County at this time. Evacuation instructions for other remain in effect. People asked to evacuate earlier today, should proceed as directed.
State, county and local police report (traffic conditions if we have it). Before you leave your home or business, close and lock all windows and doors. Tum off all appliances.
Extinguish all open fires and close fireplace dampers. Take pillows, important papers and any medications you regularly use. Ifnecessary, family pets may stay in your car and in outside areas at the reception centers. You should bring pet food and other pet supplies with you. For those people who do not have transportation to the reception center, buses will be running emergency routes and will be available to pick you up. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 1 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services Disabled residents can call ______ for transportation to a reception center. Hearing impaired residents should call ______ _ To ensure the safety of all residents and allow for an efficient evacuation, no one will be allowed to enter the evacuating areas. Astorino has also directed people in the following Areas to shelter-in-place at this time by staying inside and limiting access to outside air: Village of Buchanan City of Peekskill Verplanck Montrose and Blue Mountain Reservation Mount Airy section, Town of Cortlandt Croton-on-Hudson AnnsviIle, Van Cortlandtville, Crompond and Continental Village Toddville and Quarry Acres in the Town of Cortlandt Mohegan Lake and Shrub Oak Northeastern Yorktown and Jefferson Valley Southwestern Yorktown and Teatown Southeastern Yorktown and Kitchawan Granite Springs and Amawalk in the Town of Somers Southwestern Somers Western New Castle and Millwood Ossining Crugers and Oscawana Furnace Woods, Pleasantside and Peekskill Heights Quaker Bridge in the Town of Cortlandt Briarcliff Manor and Mount Pleasant There is (no) (additional) sheltering-in-place directed for Westchester County at this time. Shelter-in-place instructions for other Areas remain in effect. People in the areas being asked to shelter-in-place should remain indoors, close all windows and doors and turn off all fans, air conditioners and other sources of outside air. Close all blinds and drapes. Extinguish the fire in the fire place and close the flue once the fire is out. Residents in the affected areas should continue to listen to their Emergency Alert System station for further instructions.
Information on plant conditions and recommended protective actions is available online at
For more information and assistance, residents can call the Public Inquiry Line at 914-995-1111.
REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 ##### 2 Intenti onall y left blank WCREP Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services Attachment 4 Public Information Contact List (Includes JIC Numbers) REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Volume 2 o Intentionally left blank WCREP REV 0.0 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services I PLANT Information I I from EOF/Computer Display : ------------
----_. Entergy Documenter (direct, computer)
\ \ \ \ \ :.. Entergy DISPLAY MOINITORS Attachment 5 JIC Process flow Entergy Technical Advisor/Radiological Advisor (phone, computer)
Joint Media Briefings Entergy JIC Unified Command by SEMO, Counties, Spokesperson (SEMO, Entcrgy, !----t" Entergy (JIC, video (direct, phone, counties via stream real time, historic computer) video/hotline)
Entergy Writer (direct, ... Entergy News Releases phone, computer) (email, fax, web-posted, internal distribution)
Entergy lIC Director (direct, phone, computer)
JIC PIO Hotline & Entergy Liaison (311, 311 Coordinator SEMO, Govt.) (phone/video/computer)
\( direct/phone/computer) Entergy Liaison (MR, WPO and Corp Contacts GA, CSC, CEC, etc) (phone, computer, web) (direct/phone/computer)
HOWEVER, IF THERE IS AN QUESTION, TO VERIFY THE AUTHENTICITY OF ANY CALL FROM THE COUNTY, CONTACT THE APPROPIATE NUMBER BELOW. CONTACT NUMBERS FOR COUNTY AUTHORITIES ARE AS FOLLOWS: WESTCHESTER COUNTY EOC: 914-864-5200 WESTCHESTER COUNTY WARNING POINT: 914-231-1905 ROCKLAND COUNTY EOC: 845-364-8904 ROCKLAND COUNTY WARNING POINT: 845-364-8600 REV 0.0 o WESTCHESTER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY PLAN VOLUME 2 IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE IP-11.0 Department of Mental Health Revision 0 DRAFT 08/06/10 Intentionally left blank WCREP Section 1.0 Purpose 2.0 Responsibilities 3.0 Concept of Operations Checklists Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume 2 Page No. 3 3 4 Department of Mental Health EOC Representative Checklist
-Unusual Event 5 Department of Mental Health EOC Representative Checklist
-AlertiSAE 6 Department of Mental Health EOC Representative Checklist
-GE 10 DMH Special Facilities Coordinator Checklist
-Unusual Event 14 DMH Special Facilities Coordinator Checklist
-AlertiSAE 15 DMH Special Facilities Coordinator Checklist
-GE 17 Resource Section Attachment 1 : Psychological Response Team Members Attachment 2:0utpatient Mental Health Clinics Attachment 3: Individual Assistance Data Attachment 4: Special Facilities List REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 20 21 24 25 2 Intentionally left blank WCREP 1.0 Purpose Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health Volume 2 This procedure provides guidance for the Department Of Mental Health Commissioner and Department staff to implement the Westchester County Radiological Emergency Response Plan for the Indian Point Energy Center. In a radiological emergency, the psychological impacts on the public may be significant.
The Department of Mental Health will lead county efforts to address such issues. 2.0 Responsibilities 2.1 County Commissioner Department of Mental Health -The County Commissioner Department of Mental Health is responsible for:
* Coordinating local disaster operations with the American Red Cross, Emergency Medical Services, Westchester County Emergency Medical Center, fire and police departments.
* Gathering information on the disaster and assessing the extent, nature and duration of mental health services needs.
* Deploying psychological disaster response teams
* Assisting at congregate care centers.
* Obtaining additional resources from the New York State Office of Mental Health and Federal Government as appropriate.
* Informing Public Information Officers (P/O) of actions being taken regarding mental health services and availability of services provided by the Department of Community Mental Health.
* Supporting outreach services to victims and their families.
* Debriefing emergency workers.
* Maintaining records of disaster response interventions in addition to tracking victims and their families who receive follow-up services.
* Evaluating the psychological response by intervention in addition to tracking victims and their families who receive follow-up services.
* Coordinating with the County Department of Transportation or the EMS desk for evacuation of Special Needs Facilities.
REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 3 
WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health Volume 2 Department of Mental Health EOC Rep 1. DMH is normally not contacted for an Unusual Event. No actions are necessary, other than review of procedures to prepare for possible escalation.
Notes: -----------------------------------------------
: 2. In the event the County Executive contacts the Department, implement any specific requests.
Notes: __________________________
_ Note: It is possible that for special incidents, such as security-related events at Indian Point, the EOC would be activated early. Follow directions provided by the County Emergency Notification System. Record all actions taken. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 5 Intentionally left blank WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health Volume 2 Department of Mental Health EOC Rep Alert/Site Area Emergency
: 1. Upon notification respond to the EOC and staff assigned positions, including DMH Special Facilities Coordinator.
__ 2. Establish contact and coordinate activities with the EOC representatives for the American Red Cross, Emergency Medical Services, Fire and Law Enforcement.
Communications will be maintained throughout the disaster response.
Notes: _____________________________
_ __ 3. Assure that the DMH Special Facilities Coordinator has notified mental health facilities within the EPZ of the nature and extent of the emergency and any recommended precautionary actions. Special facilities should assess transportation needs in the event evacuation becomes necessary and should confirm relocation sites. Notes: -------------------------------------
__ 4. Obtain information on the event and assess the extent, nature and duration of mental health services needed. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 -------------------------------------
6 WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health Volume 2 Department of Mental Health EOC Rep Alert/Site Area Emergency
__ 5. Deploy disaster teams to needed areas, as identified by the Department of Health, the Department of Social Services or BOCES School Representative.
Notes: _______________________
_ __ 6. Provide periodic briefings to the PIO's at the EOC on actions being taken and available services.
Notes: _______________________
_ ___ 7. Identify support needed for outreach services.
Notes: --------------------------------
__ 9. Brief the EOC Operations Officer and County Executive on a regular basis on agency activities.
Notes: ________________________
_ REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 7 WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health Volume 2 Department of Mental Health EOC Rep Alert/Site Area Emergency
__ O. Evaluate the psychological response by obtaining feedback from local operations, disaster victims and by processing psychological response with others involved in the mass casualty or displacement incident.
Notes: __________________________
_ __ 11. Maintain records of disaster response interventions in addition to tracking victims and their families who receive follow-up services.
Notes: ---------------------------------------------
__ 12. Develop a 24 hour shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.
Note: Have lead positions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Notes: ________________________________
_ __ 13. Standby for possible escalation, reviewing procedures for a General Emergency and anticipating resource needs. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 -------------------------------------------
8 WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health Volume 2 Department of Mental Health EOC Rep Alert/Site Area Emergency
__ 14. Upon incident termination, contact Community Mental Health staff to stand down and inform them that the event has been terminated.
__ 15. Document response costs and provide information to the EOC Budget and Finance Rep as well as OEM. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 ----------------------------------------------
9 WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health Volume 2 DMH Special Facilities Coordinator General Emergency
__ 1. If not already staffed at the EOC, assure Department of Community Mental Health notified via the Department call out list to respond to the EOC and staff their assigned positions.
Nores: ________________________________________________
_ Note: For a General Emergency, protective actions WILL be recommended and sirens and Emergency Alert System announcements will be made. This event will undoubtedly result in the need for psychological assessments.
Special facilities will also need to be notified.
__ 2. Assure the DMH Special Facilities Coordinator immediately notifies special facilities within the EPZ of the nature and extent of the emergency and of protective actions, e.g. sheltering or evacuation.
Notes: -------------------------------------------------
__ 3. If not already implemented, establish contact and coordinate activities with American Red Cross, Emergency Medical Services, fire and police departments.
Communications will be maintained throughout the disaster response.
Notes: ________________________________________________
_ REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 10 WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health Volume 2 DMH Special Facilities Coordinator General Emergency
__ 4. Coordinate with the Westchester County Department of Transportation for evacuation of affected special Facilities.
Notes: _________________________
_ 5. If requested, dispatch disaster teams to the opened reception centers. Notes: __________________________
_ 6. Evaluate the need to deploy disaster teams, as identified by the Department of Health or the Department of Social Services.
Reception Centers, Congregate Care Centers and host schools are potential locations to deploy services.
Notes: ______________________________
___ 7. Upon request from the American Red Cross, provide assistance at the congregate care centers. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 --------------------------------------
11 WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health Volume 2 DMH Special Facilities Coordinator General Emergency
: 8. Establish contact with the New York State Office of Mental Health and Federal Government to request additional mental health resources.
Notes: _______________________
_ __ 9. Provide periodic briefings to the PIO's at the EOC on actions being taken and available services.
In coordination with the PIO, evaluate the need to establish 1-800 telephone numbers for members of the public seeking psychological support services.
Notes: _______________________
_ __ 10. Identify support needed for outreach services to victims and their families.
Notes: _______________________
_ __ 11. Brief the EOC staff and County Executive on a regular basis on agency activities.
Notes: _______________________
_ REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 12 WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health Volume 2 DMH Special Facilities Coordinator General Emergency
__ 2. Evaluate the psychological response by obtaining feedback from local operations, disaster victims and by processing psychological response with others impacted by radiological exposure and/or displacement.
Notes: ________________________
_ __ 13. Maintain records of disaster response interventions in addition to tracking victims and their families who receive follow-up services.
Nores: ________________________________________
_ __ 14. Develop a 24 hour shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.
Note: Have lead positions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Notes: ------------------------------------
__ 15. Since psychological impacts could be long-range, prepare a psychological recovery plan which will be implemented in a post-event environment.
Notes: _______________________________________
___ REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 13 WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health DMH Special Facilities Coordinator Volume 2 Unusual Event 1. DMH is normally not contacted for an Unusual Event. No actions are necessary, other than review of procedures to prepare for possible escalation.
_ 2. In the event the County Executive contacts the Department, implement any specific requests.
Notes: _________________________
_ Note: It is possible that for special incidents, such as security-related events at Indian Point, the EOC would be activated early. Follow directions provided by the County Emergency Notification System. Record all actions taken. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 14 Intentionally left blank WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health Volume 2 DMH Special Facilities Coordinator Alert/Site Area Emergency
__ 1. Report to the EOC upon notification.
Notes: -----------------------------------------------
__ 2. Notify all special facilities within the ten mile EPZ of the Alert status and have them place their staff on stand by to support possible protective actions for the facility residents if the event escalates.
Facilities should also assess transportation needs in the event of evacuation and notify the county of any unmet transportation needs. See Attachment 4 for list. Notes: ____________________________
_ __ 3. Request the administrators of all special facilities to determine the number of residents that CAN AND CAN NOT be evacuated and their medical care requirements.
Request administrators provide this information back to the Special Facilities Coordinator within one hour. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 -------------------------------------------
15 WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health Volume 2 DMH Special Facilities Coordinator Alert/Site Area Emergency
__ 4. As the special facilities report back on resident evacuation status review Special Facilities List for each facility and determine if the transportation needs are the same as listed. Record changes on Attachment 4 and relay updated information to County DOT and EMS Desks. Notes: _______________________
_ __ 5. Develop a 24 hour shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12-hour shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.
Note: Have lead positions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Notes: _______________________
_ __ 6. Stand by for possible escalation.
Notes: _______________________
_ __ 7. Upon notice of event termination, contact previously notified Special Facilities to stand down and inform them that the event has been terminated.
Notes: _______________________
_ REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08106/10 16 WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health Volume 2 DMH Special Facilities Coordinator General Emergency
: 1. If this is the initial event classification, follow the directions of the automated notification system and report to the EOC and initiate emergency procedures.
Nores: ________________________________________________
_ __ 2. Protective actions will be issued by the County Executive at a General Emergency.
Obtain the list of affected area's, refer to Special Facilities List, and notify those affected special facilities to implement the recommended protective action, either sheltering or evacuation.
Nores: ________________________________________________
_ __ 3. Obtain updates of transportation requirements needed to evacuate the facility and record this information on Attachment 4 and provide it to the DOT and EMS desk in the EOC. Notes: -------------------------------------------------
__ 4. Upon confirmation by the Health Commissioner, notify affected facilities which have residents that cannot be evacuated to shelter indoors ( Le. basement, large room without windows, hallways with doors and windows closed, or living rooms with doors and windows closed) and take Potassium Iodide (KI). Notes: __________________________________
_ REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 17 WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health Volume 2 DMH Special Facilities Coordinator General Emergency
__ 5. Once all notifications for evacuation to affected facilities have been made, notify all other non-affected facilities to increase level of preparedness and monitor radio and TV for continuing EAS updates. __ 6. If the protective action status changes, .i.e. wind direction and the affected areas are expanded, obtain the affected area's, refer to Special Facilities List, and notify those special facilities.
Notes: _________________________
_ __ 7. Continue to monitor protective action status for ERPA changes and notify special facilities as appropriate.
Notes: ------------------------------
__ 8. Monitor the evacuation status of facilities, tracking when they have completed evacuation operations and arrived at host facilities.
Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 ---------------------------------
18 WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health Volume 2 DMH Special Facilities Coordinator General Emergency
__ 9. Develop a 24-hour shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12-hour shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.
Note: Have lead positions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Notes: -----------------------------------------------
: 10. Upon termination of the event, notify all special facilities and coordinate any assistance necessary to begin the return and recovery process. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 -----------------------------------------------
19 Intentionally left blank WCREP REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health ATTACHMENT 1 REMOVED Contact information is available from the Agency Representative in the EOC Volume 2 20 Intentionally left blank WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health . Volume 2 ATTACHMENT 2 -OUTPATIENT MENTAL HEALTH CLINICS Clinic Clinic serving adults age 18 and over Center for Preventive Psychiatry White Plains Clinic (Main Office) White Plains Clinic Yonkers Clinic St. Bernard's The Guidance Center Grand Street Clinic Mental Health Association Northern Westchester Guidance Clinic of MHA Sterling Clinic New York Presbyterian Hospital (Westchester Division)
Child and Adolescent Clinic Rockland Children's Psychiatric Center Yonkers Community Services*NE Central Westchester Community Services Mount Vernon Community Services Peekskill Community Services Northern Westchester Community Services White Plains Hospital Center Child and Adolescent Clinic Westchester Medical Center Child and Adolescent Clinic Mental Health Association Northern Westchester Guidance Clinic ofMHA REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 Location Telephone White Plains 949*7680 White Plains 949*2660 Yonkers 965*1109 White Plains 949*6202 New Rochelle 636-4440 Mount Kisco 666.4646 White Plains 949-1212 White Plains 997-5950 Yonkers 961-7220 White Plains 328-0793 Greenburgh Mount Vernon 668-5858 Peekskill 737-4043 Yorktown Heights 243-0248 White Plains 681-2223 Valhalla 493-7088 Mount Kisco 666.4646 21 WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health Volume 2 ATTACHMENT 2 (continued)
-OUTPATIENT MENTAL HEALTH CLINICS Clinic Sterling Mental Health Center Sterling Clinic Rockland Psychiatric Center Mount Vernon Menta} Health Center New Rochelle Mental Health Center Peekskill Mental Health Center White Plains Mental Health Center Yonkers Mental Health Center St. Joseph's Medical Center Outpatient Mental Health Clinic Sound Shore Medical Center Kirschenbaum Mental Health Center Westchester Medical Center Adult Outpatient Clinic Clinic Catholic Charities Counseling Services Peekskill Clinic Yonkers Clinic New York United Hospital Medical Center Mental Health Clinic Phelps Memorial Hospital Center Phelps Counseling Services Phelps Counseling Services (Satellite)
Echo Hills Community Counseling Center 1St. Vincents Hospital and Medical Center Westchester Branch REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Location TeleDbone Elmsford 345-5900 x222 White Plains 949-1212 Mount Vernon 699-6070 New Rochelle 633-8842 Peekskill 739-6405 White Plains 948-1192 Yonkers 969-0543 Yonkers 378-7461 New Rochelle 632-5000 ext! 3420 Valhalla 493-7088 Location TeleDhone Peekskill 737-7338 Yonkers 476-2700 Port Chester 934-3125 Sleepy Hollow 366-3600 Sleepy Hollow 631-3653 Hastings-on-Hudson 478-0633 22 WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health ATTACHMENT 2 (continued)
OUTPATIENT MENTAL HEALTH CLINICS Clinic Mental Health Clinic Westchester County Department of Community Mental Health Mount Kisco Community Service Center Mount Vernon Community Service Center Peekskill Community Service Center Yonkers Community Service Center Westchester Jewish Community Services Clinics White Plains Hospital Center Mental Health Clinic REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Location Harrison Mount Kisco Mount Vernon Peekskill Yonkers White Plains (Main Office) Hartsdale Bedford Hills Mamaroneck New Rochelle Mount Vernon Yonkers (North) Yonkers (Southwest)
Yorktown Heights White Plains Volume] Telephone 967-6500 864-7101 813-6220 862-5130 966-6380 761-0600 949-7699 241-8550 381-5560 632-6433 668-8938 793-3565 423-4433 962-5593 681-1078 23 Intentionally left blank WCREP NAME AGE I. Under 18 2. Adult 3. Elderly REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 SEX AGE ETHNICITY
: 1. White 2. Hispanic 3. Blank 4. American Indian 5. Asian 6. Other Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health ATTACHMENT 3 INDIVIDUAL ASSISTANCE DATA ETHNICITY PROBLEM TYPE ASSISTANCE DATES OF PROVIDED CONTACT PROBLEM TYPE ASSISTANCE PROVIDED 1. AgitationlDepression/
Anxiety 1. Screening
& Diagnostic
: 2. ConfusionlDisorientation
: 2. Information
& Referral 3. Disaster Fears 3. Individual Counseling
: 4. Acting Out Behavior -Adult 4. Group Counseling
: 5. Acting Out/School
: 5. Advocacy Adjustment -Children
: 6. Other (Specify)
: 6. AlcohollDrug Abuse 24 Intentionally left blank WCREP REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health ATTACHMENT 4 SPECIAL FACILITIES LIST Volume 2 25 Intentionally left blank WCREP SPECIAL FACIUTY Community Based $elVlces (tCFIMR) 197 Henry Street Buchanan, NY 10511 Central AdministratIVe Office Pautete Sladkus Contact: Ilene Snell Facilty: 736-2615 Westchester ARC Peekskill Day Hab 2 John Walsh Blvd. Peekskill, NY Cx. Avery Valins (914) 949-9300, et. 3032 Facility (914) 736-3326 Julie Hyman SI. Jude Habilitation Inst. (ICFIMR) 1 Mountain Green Road Croton-on-Hudson, NY 10520 Central Administrative Office 332-1171 Contact: Kathleen Antonelli Facility:
271-5588 WARC (ICFIMR) 87 Old Post Road Croton-on-Hudson, NY 10520 Central Administrative OffIce 426-8330 Contact: Benjamin Santiago Facility 271-4399 REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 LR.f.Qf..
61412000 277-4771 321010 plus 11 staff Day Hab 81010 ICF Group Home 910/0 Group Home wWCHEmR COORDINATING CMH CMH CMH CMH Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health FACIUTY VEHICLES NEEDED 2.YltI.m VEHICLES 1 Van IRAf)ISPORIAUQN PROVIDER Own Trans. HOST FACILITY Goldens Bridge ICF-CBS Fairmont Awn & Rt. 138 Goldens Bridge, NY 10526 (914) 232-3146 or 232-3147 2 Mini Vans will need 1 bus to Own and White Plains Bus Westchester ARC 699 Main transport remainder Co. Street of consumers and Mt. KJsco, NY 10549 (914) 241-0505 staff 1 Van Own Transport, IAHD Conference Center 150 Oak Ridge Road Pleasantville.
NY 10520 (914) 769-6018 1 Van Own Transport Katonah Residence
-WARe 71 Greenville Road Katonah, NY 10536 (914) 232-9560 Volume 2 26 WCREP Cardinal McCloskey Susan Lana House 15 Susan Lane Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 Central Administrative office 997-8006 Contact: Debra Jackson Facility 739-6327 Admin. Emergency Beeper: 545-2338 Cardinal McCloskey 48 waterbury Parkway Corllandt Manor, NY 10567 Contact: Ellen Bagge Facility:
739-7434 Adm. Emergency Beeper: 545-2338 living Resources (aka Camary-Statewlde) 8 Dyckman Dr. Mohegan Lake, NY 10547 Central Administrative Office 526-6167 Contact: Cindy Belcastro, Exec. Dlr. Facility:
248-6101 Abbott House Red Mill Road Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 Central Administrative Office Gary Coliesian
-591-7300 Contact: Karen McCaffrey 526-8662 or 8664 AbIlity Beyond Disability 269 MIllington Road Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 No Phone Yet Anticipated Opening 7103 REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 610/0 Group Home 6/0 Group Home 1010/0 610/0 CMH 1 Van CMH 1 Van CMH 2 Vans Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health Own Transport.
Own Trasp Own Transport.
Own Transport.
Own Transport.
Cardinal McCloskey 1900 Saw Mill River Road Elmsford, NY 10523 (914) 592-6320 Cardinal McCloskey VVhltney IRA 42 VVhitney Street VVhlte Plains, NY 10605 (914) 945-5217 Mahopac House-Camary 183 Mahopac Avenue Granite Springs, NY 10527 (914) 246-8101 Abbott House Wood Street ICF Spring Valley, NY (845) 425-2787 AbIlity Beyond Disability 135 Old State Road Brook!leld, CT 06084 (202) 775-8621 Volume 2 27 WCREP Hawthorne Foundation 287 Lafayette Street Cortlandt.
NY Cx Kathy Williams (914) 734-7731 Phoenix House 3151 Stoney Street PO Box 458 Shrub Oak, NY 10588 Central Administrative Office & Facility 962-2491 x 5101 Contact: PatriCk Nordquist Of Jim O'Dwyer 24-hour house 1# 962-2491 ext. 5202 Community Based Services (ICFMR) 2466 Broad Street Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Facility 245-3088 Central Administrative Office Contact: Paulelie Martuzza 277-4771 or 277-4776 Contact: pat Antonecchia Facility:
245-3088 Community Uving Corp. 477 London Road Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 House Manager: Tawana Peacocl< 962-1286 Supervisory Contacts:
John Porcella-241-2356 Pager: (914) 284-2567 Mobile (914) 438-2861 George O'Loughlin-241-7180 Pager: (914) 284-5976 Mobile: (914) 438-0746 REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 51110 plus 3 staff 33010/0 Residential Facility 90slaff 101010 Group Home 710/0 Group Home CMH CMH CMH CMH Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health 1 van owned Own Transp 2 vans 2 Cars 1 Van 1 Van 11 Buses lakeland Own Transport.
Own Transport.
Dalewood House-Hawthorne Found. 25 Dalewood Drive Hartsdale, NY Larry Johnson (914) 946-0283 BronXlliile H.S. 177 Pondfield Road Bronxville, NY Contact: Dr. John Kehoe 337-8600 Lower Shad Road-CBS 4 Lower Shad Road Pound Ridge, NY 10578 (914) 748-8401, 784-8402 Seth Canyon -CLC 11 Seth Canyon Drive Mt. Kisco, NY 10849 (914) 241-2101 Volume 2 28 WCREP The Seabury at Fleldhome 2276 Catherine Street Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 (914) 737-2255 Central Office: Gary Breuilly, CEO, Exec. Dir. Contact: Jodi Addeo, Administrator opened February 2003, currently as of May 13, 2003 there are only 3-asslsted living and 15 dementia residents WARC 2500 Linette Court Yorktown, NY 10590 Contact: Janice Jiradi Facility:
788-0056 Central Administrative Office IAHD-SI. Judes Habilitation 1520 Croton Lake Road Yorktown, NY lQ598 Contact: Mildred Orts Facility:
962-5541 Communtly Living Corp. 304 Jacktyn Road Yorktown, NY 10562 House Mgr. Doran Schy (914) 944-9472 Supervisory Contacts:
John Porcella 241-2356 Pager: (914) 264-2557 Mobile: (914) 438-2861 George O'Loughlin 241-7180 Pager: (914) 264-5976 Mobile: (914) 438-0746 REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 37/3/0 6/010 Group Home 1410 ICF Group Home 61212000 D.S.S. CMH CMH CMH Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health 1 activity bus 18-Psngr own Transport.
Van 2 Vans Own Transport.
Owned 2 Vans Own Transport.
Volume 2 Bedford Resldence-WARC 261 Old Post Road Bedford, NY 10506 (914) 234-7136 IAHD Conference Center 150 Oak Ridge Road Pleasantville, NY 10520 (914) 769-6018 Bedford Manor-CLC 600 Bedford Road MI. Kisoo, NY 10514 (914) 241-0554 29 WCREP Opengate 2043 Crompound Rd. Yorktown, Htgs 10598 Central Adm. Tammy Waglos, Coordlnator*277*3661, ext. 212 Contact: VIcky Nasetta, Mgr. Facility 243*4264 Richmond Children's Center 13 Brookhaven Avenue Yorktown, NY (No Phone Yet) Anticipated Opening 8103 SI. Jude Habilitation Inst. 45 Shinglehouse Road MillwOod, NY 10546 Central AdministratIve Office 769--6018 Donna WlHiams Facility:
941-8753 Devereaux MIllwood Leamin9 Center (Autism) 14 Schuman Road MillwOod, NY 10546 Contact: Jennifer Ross Facili1y:
941*1991 Community Based Services 14 Hawkes Close Ossining, NY 10562 House Manager. Caryn Sicignana (914) 923-5405, 5406 Sup. Contact Louise Rheem-277-4771 REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 (ICFMR) Contact: 81010 Group Home 41010 810/0 ICF Group Home 71010 Group Home CMH OMR CMH CMH CMH Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department o/Mental Health 11S*Psngr.
Own Transp Van Own Transport.
1 Van Own Transportation 2*3 buses liberty Unes 1*7 pass. Own Transportation Minivan owned Opengate 29 Warren SI. Somers, NY 10589 277*3881 Richmond of NY 919 North Broadway Yonkers, NY 10701 (914) 988*1900 IAHD Conference Center 150 Oak Ridge Road Pleasantville, NY 10520 (914) 769--6018 North Salem HSiMS Bryant Ave-CSS 264*B Byrant Avenue WhHe Plains, NY 10605 (914) 997*1863 Volume 2 30 WCREP Hawthorne Foundation 53 Somerstown Road Ossining, NY 10562 Supervisory ex: Eileen Bisordl 592-8526, ext 101 or 127 Contact: Barbara Bruckner Facility:
944-9287 Westchester ARC Ossining Day Hab 258 North Highland Avenue Ossining, NY Cx. Avery Vilians (914) 949-9300, ext. 3032 Facllity:
(914)941-5446 Jackie Adams Stony Lodge Hospital 40 Croton Dam Road Ossining.
NY 10562 Contact: Kevin Czlpo Central Administrative Office
& Facility 941-7400, ext 300 Contact: Kevin Czipo Westchester Family Services Maple House (Senior House) Maple Place Ossining, NY Central Office -FS of W: Tom SanderPres/CEO (914) 941-4104 Benny Borrego, Super, on-site (914) 941-9415 Donna Bucci, Admin for 19 residents only 19 resdlents In enriched program Remaining residents are not part of program run by Donna Buccl REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 610/0 Group Home 2510/0 plus 9 staff Day Hab 601010 Psychiatric Hospital 1081710 CMH CMH CMH D.S.S. Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health 1 Owned 2 Mini Vans willneed 1 bus to Owned transport remainder of comsumers and staff 2 Vans 3 Buses 1 Van (Back* 2 Buses Ambuletles as up 1 car) needed Own Transportation Dalewood House *Hawthorne Found. 25 Dalewood Drive Hartsdale, NY Larry Johnson (914) 946-0283 Owned and White Plains Bus Co. WARC 699 Main Street Mt. KiSCO. NY 10549 (914) 241-0505 Liberty Stony Lodge Partial Hospitalization Program 33 West Main Street Elmsford, NY 10523 (914) 345-5676 Liberty Arsdley HS 700 Ashford Avenue Ardsley, NY Volume 2 31 WCREP Westchester WARC (ICFMR) 9 Riverview Farms Ossining, NY 10567 428-8330 Contact: Angela Hunt Facillty:
762-4148 Bethel Springvale Inn (Senior Res) 67 Splingvale Road Croton, NY 10520 Contact: TIm Foristall (914) 739-4404 FAX 739-5011 Westchester WARC 17 Shaw Highway Corltandt Manor, NY 10567 Central Administrative Office 428-8330 Contact: Kim Conklin 428-8331 Facility:
738-1171 Sleepy Hollow Adutt Home (D/BfA Brandywine Adult Home 620 Sleepy Hollow Rd BriareliffManor, NY 10510 (914) 941-7507-fax 941-7509 Contact: Roslyn Roth, Administrator REV 0,0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 71010 Group Home 1021210 10/010 Group Home CMH D.S.$. CMH D.S.S. 1 Van 2 Vans 1 Van Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department o/Mental Health 3 Buses 1 Bus Own Transportation White Plains Bus Own Transportation Own Transporatallon (might not have aenough in case of emergency)
Bedfurd-WARC 287 Old Post Road Bedford, NY 10560 (914) 234-3451 White Plains HS. 550 North White Plains, NY WARC 6 Park Circle White Plains, NY (914) 946-8552 Phelps Memorial Grand Manor Nursing 700 WhHe Plains Road Bronx, NY 10473 Volume 2 32 WCREP The Clearview School (AMIC) 550 Albany Post Route 9 & River Road Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 Central Adminlstravtlve OffIce & Facility:
941-9513 Contact: Bill Bames Community Based Services 129 Willow Drive Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 Central AdminiStrative OffIce Paulette-Stadkus:
277-4771 Contact: Mlnlvera Slade Facllltyf:
762-1501 Westchester WAAC (ICFMR) 86 MacyRoad Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 Central Administrative OffIce 428-8330 Contact: Vanessa Ramlerez Facility:
941-3868 Dictionary:
1201010 Chlldrens 90 Staff 10/110 Group Home 7/010 Group Home CMH CMH CMH 2 Van. 1 Car 1 Van 1 Van Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health 5-6 Buses Uberty Lines Own Transportation Own Transportation
>I< A-Ambulatory, W-Wheelchair, S-Stretcher; clients ambulatory unless so indicated.
*>!< All Telephone numbers in this table are in area code (914). (rCFMR) Intermediate Care Facility for the Mentally Retarded.
Harrison HS Union Avenue Harrison NY 10528 Contact: Dr Donald Howard 835-3300 Dr Anthony Miserandlno 835-3300 Bryant Ave-CBS 294*B Byran! Avenue White Plains, NY 10605 (914) 997*1863 Armonk House*WARC 21 Thornwood Road Annonk, NY 10504 (914) 273-5583 CMH -Department of Community Mental Health EMS -Emergency Medical Services N -Nursing Homes & Convents M -Mental Health Facilities HRF -Health Related Facilities DSS -Department of Social Services E -Health Care Facilities SD School District W -Group Homes D-Day Care Centers & Nursery Schools SNF -Skilled Nursing Facilities Mental Health Crisis Team 493-7075 Volume 2 REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 33 08/06/10 WESTCHESTER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY PLAN VOLUME 2 IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE IP-12.0 Public Information Revision 0.0 DRAFT 08/06/10 Intenti onall y left blank WESTCHESTER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY PLAN VOLUME 2 IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE IP-13.0 Department of Environmental Facilities Revision 0 DRAFT 08/06/10 Intentionally left blank WCREP Section 1.0 Purpose 2.0 Responsibilities 3.0 Concept of Operations Checklists Implementation Procedure 13.0 Department of Environmental Facilities TABLE OF CONTENTS DEF EOC Representative Checklist
-Unusual Event DEF EOC Representative Checklist
-Alert/Site Area Emergency DEF EOC Representative Checklist
-General Emergency Resource Section Rev. 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 Page No. 3 3 3 4 5 8 Volume 2 2 Intenti onall y left blank WCREP Volume 2 1.0 Purpose Implementation Procedure 13.0 Department of Environmental Facilities This procedure provides guidance for the Department of Environmental Facilities and the Environmental Facilities Staff to implement the Westchester County Radiological Emergency Plan for the Indian Point Energy Center. 2.0 Responsibilities The County Commissioner of Environmental Facilities is responsible for:
* Notifying all environmental facilities of emergency classifications at IPEC, beginning as early as an Alert.
* Direction to all environmental facilities to start implementing their emergency operations plans and procedures.
* Assuring communications with all facilities are maintained until the emergency is over.
* Providing pre-cautionary measures for personnel to maintain facility operations.
* Assuring all facilities when evacuated, are safely shutdown or placed in automatic mode. 3.0 Concept of Operations 3.1 Department of Environmental Facilities is normally not notified of an Unusual Event, unless deemed necessary by the County Executive.
If notified of an Unusual Event the Department of Environmental Facilities will be available to standby to close out of the UNUSUAL EVENT or for possible escalation to a more severe event. 3.2 When notified of an Alert or higher, the County Commissioner of Environmental Facilities and Environmental Facilities staff will report to their aSSigned positions at the County EOC. Rev. 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 3 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 13.0 Department of Environmental Facilities 3.3 The Westchester County Commissioner of Environmental Facilities and Environmental Facilities Emergency Management Staff will operate from the county EOC to ensure all environmental facilities, i.e. sewage treatment plants, Resource Recovery Facility, etc., in the 10-Mile EPZ are maintaining operations and plans for continued operations should a facility have to relocate.
Environmental Facilities will monitor the event from the EOC to assure all county environmental facilities are available for continued use. 3.4 If the County environmental facilities have been affected by a radiological release Environmental Facilities will coordinate the need for mutual aid, state and federal aid to recover or provide alternate or new facilities.
3.5 When County Environmental Facilities are ordered to evacuate assure they shutdown or are placed on automatic control in accordance with their procedures and they maintain communications with the EOC on the status of operations.
Rev. 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 4 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 13.0 Department of Environmental Facilities DEF EOC Representative Checklist Unusual Event 1. DEF is normally not contacted for an Unusual Event. No actions are necessary, other than review of procedures to prepare for possible escalation.
_2. Notes: ______________________________
In the event the County Executive contacts the Department, implement any specific requests.
Notes: -------------------------------------------------
Note: It is possible that for special incidents, such as security-related events at Indian Point, the EOC would be activated early. Follow directions provided by the County Emergency Notification System. Record all actions taken. Rev. 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 5 Intentionally left blank 
* WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 13.0 Department of Environmental Facilities Alert and DEF EOC Representative Check.list Site Area Emergency
__ 1. Upon notification, respond to the EOC and staff assigned positions. Notes: ______________________
_ ___ 2. Notify all environmental facilities within the 10 mile EPZ of the event declaration and direct them to prepare to implement emergency procedures, if necessary. Peekskill Wastewater Treatment Plant Ossining Treatment Plant Yorktown Maintenance Garage RESCO Site Sprout Brook Residue Site Wheelabrator Technologies.
Inc. City Carting Tarlytown Pump Station (North County pump stations)
__ Notes: ______________________
_ ___ 3. Track operational status of these facilities. Notes: ______________________
_ Rev. 0.0 (DRAFl) 08/06110 6 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedur e /3.0 Department of Environmental Facilities Alert and DEF EOC Representative Checklist Site Area Emergency
___ 4. Assure communications , Le. telephones or other suitable means , are maintained at each county facility within the 10-Mile EPZ until the emergency is over. Notes: ______________________
_ 5. Brief the EOC and County Executive on a regular basis on the operational status environmental facilities and the status of emergency operations procedure implementation.
Nooos: ________________________
_ 6. Develop a 24-hour shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.
Note: Have lead report to
* the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Notes: ______________________
_ __ 7. Stand by for possible escalation.
Notes: ________________________
_ ___ 8. Upon notice of termination of the event , contact Environmental Facilities staff to stand down and inform them that the event has been terminated. Notes: ________________________
_ Rev. 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 7
* WCREP Impl e mentation Procedur e /3.0 Department of Environmental Facilities Volume 2 Alert and DEF EOC Representative Checklist Site Area Emergency
: 9. If a facility is placed in automatic operation mode assure the appropriate management maintains communications once evacuated. Personnel from the Peekskill Plant , Yorktown Maintenance Garage, and Ossining Plant will report to the Fire Training Center in Valhalla. The personnel from the Sprout Brook Waste Facility report to Muscoot. Notes: ________________________
_ Rev. 0.0 (DRAFD 08/06110 8 Intentionally left blank
* weREP Volume] Implementation Procedure
/3.0 Department of Environmental Facilities DEF EOC Representative Checklist General Emergency
__ 1. Upon notification.
respond to the EOC and staff assigned positions. Notes: ________________________
_ 2. Notify all environmental facilities of the event declaration and direct them to prepare to implement emergency procedures, if necessary. Protective actions (sheltering-in-place or evacuation) will be issued for at least the two mile area and five miles downwind. Standby for the County Executive to issue specific protective actions. Notes: ______________________
_ __ 3. Environmental Facilities personnel.
who may have to stay longer than the general public to implement shutdown actions , should be considered emergency workers. Ensure these individuals are issued dOSimetry and KI. Remind DEF personnel to don dosimetry and receive and take KI. Notes: ________________________
_ __ 4. After coordination with and confirmation by the County Health Commissioner, notify DEF emergency workers within the 10-mile EPZ to take KI. if they are in impacted areas or are considered emergency workers Notes: ______________________
_ Rev. 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 9 WCREP Implementation Proceduu 13.0 Department of Environmental Facilities Volume 2 DEF EOC Representative Checklist facilities to take precautionary measures i.e. go indoors, shut windows and doors , regulate heating and air conditioning systems to minimize outside air intake while maintaining a reasonably safe indoor temperature. Notes: ______________________
_ 6. When evacuation is ordered, assure each affected facility is shutdown safely or placed in automatic operation mode. Nores: ________________________
_ __ 7. Track operational status of these facilities.
Notes: ______________________
_ __ 8. Assure communications , i.e. telephones or other suitable means , are maintained at each county facility within the 10-Mile EPZ until the emergency is over. Notes: ________________________
_ 9. Brief the EOC and County Executive on a regular basis on the operational status environmental facilities and the status of emergency operations procedure implementation.
Notes: ______________________
_ Rev. 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 10 WCREP Volume 2 Impl e mentation Procedure 13.0 Department of Environmental Facilities IDE , F EOC Representative Checklist
: 10. Develop a 24-hour shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour shifts) and notify replacements of schedule. Note: Have lead posit.ions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Notes: ______________________ _ 11. Stand by for possible escalation. Notes: ______________________
_ __ 12. Upon notice of termination of the event, contact Environmental Facilities staff to stand down and inform them that the event has been terminated. Notes: _____________________
___ _ __ 13. If a facility is placed in automatic operation mode assure the appropriate management maintains communications once evacuated. Emergency workers within affected areas should report to the Personnel Monitoring Center for Emergency Workers in Valhalla, at the Fire Training Center. Notes: ______________________
_ Rev. 0.0 (DRAFD 08/06110 II In tenti onall y left blank WCREP Rev. 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Implementation Procedure 13.0 Department of Environmental Facilities RESOURCE SECTION Volume 2 12 Intentionally left blank WCREP Rev. 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Implementation Procedure 13.0 Department of Environmental Facilities Attachment 1 Facility Notification List (please insert dept list) Volume 2 13 Intentionally left blank WESTCHESTER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY PLAN VOLUME 2 IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE IP-14.0 Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department Revision 0 DRAFT 08/06/10 Intentionally left blank WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 14.0 Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1.0 Purpose Page No. 3 2.0 Responsibilities 3 3.0 Concept of Operations 3 Checklists DPRC EOC Representative
-Unusual Event 5 DPRC EOC Representative
-Alert and Site Area Emergency 6 DPRC EOC Representative
-General Emergency Notification and Response 8 Resource Section Attachment 1: Agency/Facility Contact List Attachment 2: Status of Parks Form Attachment 3: Department Personnel Assignment Log Attachment 4: Emergency Worker Exposure Log REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 2 08/06/10 Intentionally left blank WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 14.0 Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department 1.0 Purpose This procedure provides guidance for the Parks and Recreation Department representative in the county EOC to assist in the implementation of the Westchester County Radiological Emergency Plan for the Indian Point Energy Center. 2.0 Responsibilities The County Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Conservation is responsible for:
* Closing County parks within the 10 mile EPZ and ensuring appropriate protective action information is relayed to staff and visitors to park property in an emergency
* Coordinating notification of local parks to ensure appropriate emergency information is provided
* Making Department property available for staging of emergency vehicles, equipment and personnel
* Making Department personnel available to assist with various aspects of the county emergency response, as needed, including support of Reception Center operations.
3.0 Concept of Operations 3.1 Department of Parks, Recreation and Conservation is normally not notified of an Unusual Event, unless deemed necessary by the County Executive.
If notified of an Unusual Event the Department of Parks, Recreation and Conservation will be available to standby to close out of the UNUSAL EVENT or for possible escalation to a more severe event. 3.2 When notified of an Alert or higher, the County Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Conservation and Parks, Recreation and Conservation staff will report to their assigned positions at the County EOC. 3.3 The Westchester County Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Conservation and Parks, Recreation and Conservation Staff will operate from the county EOC to ensure all necessary actions are taken in support of the event. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 3 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 14.0 Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department 3.4 The County Executive will consider closing parks and other outdoor transient locations as early as an Alert. The Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Conservation will coordinate the closure of county parks upon direction from the County Executive.
3.5 The County will also coordinate relaying notification of the incident status and recommendations to close facilities to local authorities.
3.6 The Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department will make park property available for use as staging areas for emergency equipment and personnel.
3.7 Parks personnel will support reception center operations.
The Health Department will be responsible for making staff assignments to reception centers and for notifying personnel at the appropriate time. Reception center personnel will be placed on standby at an Alert; may have limited activation at a Site Area Emergency; and will be activated for a General Emergency.
3.8 Parks personnel serving as emergency workers will be issued dosimetry and KI for radiological exposure control. Field personnel recording exposures, will relay that information through supervisory channels to their EOC representative, who will in turn provide to the Health Department's Radiological Officer. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 4 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 14.0 Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department DPRC EOC Representative Checklist Unusual Event 1. DPRC is normally not contacted for an Unusual Event. No actions are necessary, other than review of procedures to prepare for possible escalation.
_2. Notes: ________________________
_ In the event the County Executive contacts the Department, implement any specific requests.
Notes: ________________________
_ Note: It is possible that for special incidents, such as security-related events at Indian Point, the EOC would be activated early. Follow directions provided by the County Emergency Notification System. Record all actions taken. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 5 Intentionally left blank WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 14.0 Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department DPRC EOC Representative Checklist Alert/Site Area Emergency
: 1. Upon notification, respond to the EOC and staff assigned positions.
Notes: ________________________________________________
_ 2. Notify Department personnel at county park facilities and local authorities of the event declaration and direct them to prepare to implement emergency procedures for park closure. Notes: _________________________
_ __ 3. Track operational status of park facilities.
Notes: _______________________
_ __ 4. Ensure that Department personnel assigned to assist with reception center operations have been notified and placed on standby. Coordinate with Health Department on personnel needs and assignments.
Notes: _________________________
_ __ 5. Assure communications, i.e. telephones or other suitable means, are maintained at each county facility within the 10-Mile EPZ until the emergency is over. Notes: ___________________________________
_ REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 6 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 14.0 Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department DPRC EOC Representative Checklist Alert/Site Area Emergency
__ 6. Brief the EOC and County Executive on a regular basis on the operational status Parks, Recreation and Conservation facilities and the status of emergency operations procedure implementation.
Notes: __________________________
_ 7. Develop a 24-hour shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.
Note: Have lead positions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Notes: --------------------------------------------
__ 8. Stand by for possible escalation.
Notes: --------------------------------------------
__ 9. Upon notice of termination of the event, contact Parks, Recreation and Conservation staff to stand down and inform them that the event has been terminated.
Prepare to re-open park operations in the ten mile area. Notes: --------------------------------------------
Note: As early as an Alert, Health Department Field Monitoring Teams may be using Muscoot Park as a staging area for field monitoring operations.
REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 7 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 14.0 Parks, Recreation and Conservation De artment DPRC EOC Representative Checklist General Emergency
__ 1. Upon notification, respond to the EOC and staff assigned positions.
Notes: _________________________
_ 2. Notify Department personnel at county park facilities and local authorities of the event declaration and direct them to implement protective actions -either sheltering or evacuation, as determined by the County Executive.
Parks outside of the impacted AREAs should close. Notes: -------------------------------------------
__ 3. Direct Department personnel in the 10-mile EPZ considered to be emergency workers to don dOSimetry and take KI. Record any exposures on Attachment 4 and provide to the County Radiological officer. Notes: ---------------------------------------------
__ 4. Track operational status of county and local park facilities.
Notes: -------------------------------------------
__ 5. Ensure that Department personnel assigned to assist with reception center operations have been notified and activated, as necessary.
Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 ---------------------------------------------
8 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 14.0 Parks, Recreation and Conservation De arlment DPRC EOC Representative Checklist General Emergency
__ 6. Assure communications, i.e. telephones or other suitable means, are maintained at each county facility within the 10-Mile EPZ until the emergency is over or the facility is closed. Notes: __________________________________________________
_ __ 7. Brief the EOC and County Executive on a regular basis on the operational status Parks, Recreation and Conservation facilities and the status of emergency operations procedure implementation.
Notes: _____________________________
_ 8. Develop a 24-hour shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.
Note: Have lead positions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Notes: ----------------------------------------
__ 9. Upon notice of termination of the event, contact Parks, Recreation and Conservation staff to stand down and inform them that the event has been terminated.
Prepare to re-open park operations in the ten mile area. Notes: ______________________________
_ Note: As early as an Alert, Health Department Field Monitoring Teams may be using Muscoot Park as a staging area for field monitoring operations.
REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 9 WCREP REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 Implementation Procedure 14.0 Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department RESOURCE SECTION Volume 2 10 Intentionally left blank WCREP REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department Attachment 1 Agency Notification List REMOVED Contact information is available from the Agency Representative in the County EOC Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 14.0 11 Intentionally left blank WCREP Park Hillpoint
* Blue Mountain George's Island Mohansic Golf Oscawana*
Croton Gorge Stokes Green Bald Mountain Kitchawan Preserve Hilltop Hanover Farm* Paradise Island* Croton Point Sportsmen Center Briarcliff Peekskill Trailwav Hudson Hills Golf Other: Implementation Procedure 14.0 Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department Attachment 2 Status of Parks Town Sheltered Evacuated DPRC EOC Datemme Datemme DateITime Representative Completed Initiated Completed
-Cortlandt / / / / / / / / Cortlandt / / / I / / I / Cortlandt / / / / / / / / Yorktown / / / / / I I I Cortlandt
/ / / / / / I / Cortlandt / / / / I I I I Cortlandt
/ / / / / / I I Peekskill / / / / / / I I Ossining / I / / / / I / Yorktown / / / / / / / I Croton-on-Hudson / / / / I I / I Croton-on-Hudson / / / / / / I / Cortlandt / / I / / / I / / / / / / I I I / / / / / / I / / / / / / / I / / / / / / / I / / / / I I I I I / / / / I I I I / / I / / / I / / / I I I / I I / / / I / I / I / / / / / / I / Maintained/operated by local municipalities.
Hilltop Hanover Farm is operated by the County Planning Department.
REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Volume 2 Closed Dateffime Datemme Initiated Completed
/ I I / I / I / I I I I I I I I I I I / I I / I I I / I I / / I I I / / / I / / / I I I I I / I I I I / i / I I I I / I I / / I I I I / I / I I / I I I I I I I / I / / I / I / I / I / / 12 WCREP REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Implementation Procedure 14.0 Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department Attachment 3 Department Personnel Assignment Log 13 WCREP Worker Name --_ .. __ ..... _-_ ...... __ ........ -REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Supervisor Implementation Procedure 14.0 Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department Attachment 4 Parks Department Emergency Worker Exposure Log Supervisor Contact Number Date Volumel Time Exposure (R) 14 Intentionally left blank WESTCHESTER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY PLAN VOLUME 2 IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE IP-15.0 Department of Correction Revision 0 DRAFT 08/06/10 Intentionally left blank WCREP Section 1.0 2.0 3.0 Purpose Responsibilities Concept of Operations 4.0 References Checklists Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department 0/ Correction TABLE OF CONTENTS Dept. Of Correction EOC Representative Checklist
-Unusual Event Dept. Of Correction EOC Representative Checklist
-Alert Page No. Dept. Of Correction EOC Representative Checklist
-Site Area Emergency Dept. Of Correction EOC Representative Checklist
-General Emergency DOC KI Distribution Point Supervisor Checklist
-Alert DOC KI Distribution Point Supervisor Checklist
-Site Area Emergency DOC KI Distribution Point Supervisor Checklist
-General Emergency Attachments Volume 2 3 3 3 6 7 9 12 15 16 18 Attachment 1: KI Distribution Point Materials List 21 Attachment 2: Facility Set up Diagram for Rockefeller State Park 22 Attachment 3: Facility Set up Diagram for 1-684 Rest Area 23 Attachment 4: Staffing Assignments 24 Attachment 5: Deleted 25 Attachment 6: Deleted 26 Attachment 7: Deleted 27 Attachment 8: Emergency Worker Exposure Log 28 Attachment 9: Registration and Dosimetry Log for Dept. Of Corrections Personnel 29 REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 2 Intentionally left blank WCREP 1.0 Purpose Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Volume 2 This procedure provides guidance for the Commissioner of Correction to implement the Westchester County Radiological Emergency Plan for the Indian Point Energy Center. 2.0 Responsibilities On January 1, 1969 the Westchester County Department of Correction was formed from units of the former Westchester County Sheriff's Department and the Westchester County Department of Social Services and placed under a central administration with a Commissioner appointed by the County Executive.
The mission of the Department of Correction is to maintain secure humane Correctional Facilities that comply with local, state and Federal legal requirements and nationally Accepted Professional correctional standards.
The Department has a legal mandate to provide for the care custody and control of persons 16 years of age and older, male and female, who have been committed or remanded to it's facilities by local Westchester County or New York State courts. Located on the Valhalla Campus the Department of Correction encompasses nearly 1/2 mile, with more than 700,000 square feet of building space. The Department is currently comprised of four divisions; Administration, Jail, Penitentiary and Women's Unit. For Indian Point emergencies, in addition to continuing to provide and ensure a safe environment for its detainees and staff, Department personnel will assist the Public Safety Department with a number of law enforcement related duties. The Department has Significant personnel resources available to assist. The County Department of Corrections may provide Corrections Officers as a resource to supplement county, state and local law enforcement resources involved in traffic control, route altering, etc. In addition, Department personnel will staff deSignated KI distribution points. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 3 WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Volume 2 3.0 Concept of Operations 3.1 Overview of Correction Response 3.1.1 The Westchester County Commissioner of Correction, or designee, will operate from the county EOC and coordinate with the Department of Public Safety to support the following activities, if requested:
* Traffic direction and control in accordance with the emergency plan
* Route alerting and assistance with the dissemination of emergency announcements
* Maintain law and order; protect critical facilities and supplies
* Ensure public safety
* Protect public and private property 3.1.2 The Department of Corrections EOC telephone numbers are 864-5327 and 5328. 3.1.3 The Department of Correction will also staff KI Distribution Points. These pOints are located at Rockefeller State Park, located on Rt. 117 in Pocantico Hills, and the 1-684 South Rest Stop located in Bedford. 3.1.4 No actions will be necessary for a Notification of Unusual Event. At an Alert classification, Corrections personnel will be placed on standby and materials inventoried.
Upon receipt of notice of a Site Area Emergency, Department personnel will be activated to staff the two KI distribution points. Materials stored at the county EOC in Hawthorne will be picked up by team leaders. Kits will contain the following:
REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110
* KI tablets and liquid
* KI Instruction Sheets
* An initial supply of bottled water
* Road signs
* Traffic cones and barricades
* Site Set up diagram 4 WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Volume 2 3.1.5 KI Distribution will be initiated upon notification of a General Emergency.
The location of KI Distribution points are identified in public information materials.
In addition, Emergency Alert System announcements will remind members of the public without KI that it is available at Distribution Points. 3.1.6 Vehicles entering KI Distribution Points will be provided with either one bottle of liquid KI or one KI tablet for each vehicle occupant; a KI instruction sheet; and a bottle of water. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 5 Intentionally left blank WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Volume 2 Dept. of Correction EOC Representative Unusual Event --1. Upon notification from Entergy of an Unusual Event, the County Warning Point (CWP) will notify the selected County organizations on the Unusual Event call list. Department of Correction will normally NOT receive notification of an Unusual Event. If the Department is notified, log receipt and stand by for instructions.
No further action is necessary unless directed by the County Executive.
Notes: ________________________
_ 2. Other actions taken: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 6 Intentionally left blank WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Volume 2 Dept. of Correction EOC Representative Alert __ 1. Upon receipt of notification of an Alert respond to the EOC and staff assigned positions.
Notes: --------------------------------------------------
__ 2. Perform additional internal agency notifications, as deemed appropriate, placing off-duty personnel on standby. Notes: ---------------------------------------------------
__ 3. Stand by for requests from the Department of Public Safety for supporting traffic control assignments.
Notes: ________________________________________________
___ __ 4. Ensure that Correction teams are assigned to man KI Distribution Points. Team members should review procedures and be prepared to mobilize in the event of incident escalation.
Notes: ________________________________
_ REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 7 WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Volume 2 Dept. of Correction EOC Representative Alert __ 5. Develop a 24 hour shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.
Note: Have lead positions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Notes: ---------------------------------------------------
__ 6. Standby for possible escalation to an SITE AREA EMERGENCY or until the ALERT is terminated and verbal confirmation is received from Indian Point. Notes: ---------------------------------------------------
__ 7. If the event is terminated, contact Correction staff to stand down and inform them that the ALERT has been terminated.
___ 8. Record any additional actions taken: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 8 WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Volume 2 Dept. of Correction EOC Representative Site Area Emergency
__ 1. If not already staffed at the EOC, assure Correction staff was notified to respond to the EOC and staff their assigned positions.
Notes: _________________________
_ __ 2. Activate additional off-duty personnel necessary to staff anticipated emergency functions.
Notes: -------------------------------------------------
__ 3. Ensure all staff being dispatched to field assignments have been issued the appropriate dosimetry, Potassium Iodide (K/), and emergency worker radiation exposure cards. Attachment 9 will be used to track the dosimetry issued. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 -------------------------------------------------
9 WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Volume 2 Dept. of Correction EOC Representative Site Area Emergency
__ 4. Dispatch Corrections Teams to pick up KI Distribution Point materials and activate points. Distribution Points should be set up, short of placing signage on public roadways.
If night operations are anticipated, obtain necessary light towers. Note: While actual distribution is not necessary until a General Emergency, in the event members of the public arrive and request KI, be prepared to distribute it. Notes: ________________________________________________
___ __ 5. Be prepared to assist the Department of Public Safety with traffic control within the ten mile emergency planning zone. Notes: __________________________________
_ 6. Ensure Correction officers are recording dosimeter readings every 15 to 30 minutes. If exposures are reported, use Attachment 8 to record information and forward it to the County Radiological Officer in the EOC. Relay exposure control guidance back out to field supervisory personnel.
___ REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 10 WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Volume 2 Dept. of Correction EOC Representative Site Area Emergency
: 7. Be prepared to brief the County Executive and Commissioner of Emergency Services on the status of KI Distribution Points, the status of Correction resources and support activities.
__ 8. Standby for possible escalation to a GENERAL EMERGENCY or until the SITE AREA EMERGENCY is terminated.
Notes: ________________________
_ __ 9. Upon termination, contact Correction staff to stand down and inform them that the SITE AREA EMERGENCY has been terminated.
Notes: ________________________
_ REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 11 Intentionally left blank WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Volume 2 Dept. of Correction EOC Representative General Emergency
__ 1. If not already staffed at the EOC, ensure Correction staff was notified to respond to the EOC and staff their assigned positions.
Nows: ________________________________________________
___ __ 2. Activate additional off-cfuty personnel necessary to staff anticipated emergency functions.
Notes: ---------------------------------------------------
__ 3. Ensure all staff being dispatched to field assignments have been issued the appropriate dosimetry, Potassium Iodide (KI), and emergency worker radiation exposure cards. Attachment 9 will be used to track the dosimetry issued. Notes: ---------------------------------------------------
__ 4. Dispatch Corrections Teams to pick up KI Distribution Point materials and activate points. Distribution of KI should begin immediately.
Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 ---------------------------------------------------
12 WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Volume 2 Dept. of Correction EOC Representative General Emergency
__ 5. Be prepared to assist the Department of Public Safety with traffic control within the ten mile emergency planning zone. Notes: ----------------------------------------------
: 6. Ensure Correction officers are recording dosimeter readings every 15 to 30 minutes. If exposures are reported, use Attachment 8 to record information and forward it to the County Radiological Officer in the EOC. Relay exposure control guidance back out to field supervisory personnel.
Notes: ____________________________
_ 7. Be prepared to brief the County Executive and Commissioner of Emergency Services on the status of KI Distribution Points, the status of Correction resources and support activities.
Notes: --------------------------------------------
__ 8. Monitor KI Distribution Point operations and coordinate with OEM to ensure that distribution locations are being re-supplied with KI, water, etc., as necessary.
Notes: ____________________________________________
___ REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 13 WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Volume 2 Dept. of Correction EOC Representative General Emergency
__ 9. Develop a 24 hour shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.
Note: Have lead positions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Notes: ---------------------------------------------------
: 10. Ensure that all Correction staff with assignments in the ten mile area report to the emergency worker personnel monitoring center (PMC) at the conclusion of their assignments to be monitored and to return dosimetry.
Notes: ---------------------------------------------------
__ 11. Upon termination of the incident, contact Correction staff to stand down and inform them that the GENERAL EMERGENCY has been terminated.
Again, all personnel should be processed through the Emergency Worker PMC at the end of their assignments.
Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 ---------------------------------------------------
14 Intentionally left blank WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction DOC KI Distribution Point Supervisor Volume 2 Alert __ 1. Receive assignment.
Review personnel requirements and confirm all team members are available to deploy. Notes: ________________________
_ __ 2. Inventory materials and supplies.
Notes: ________________________
_ __ 3. Review plans and procedures.
Notes: ____________________________________
_ __ 4. Establish communications with the Department of Correction EOC Rep. (864-5327) Notes: ___________________________
_ __ 5. Stand by for further instructions.
Notes: _________________________
_ REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 15 Intentionally left blank WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Volume 2 DOC KI Distribution Point Supervisor Site Area Emergency
__ 1. Complete all steps listed for the Alert level. Notes: ------------------------------------------------
__ 2. Deploy team members, equipment and supplies to the KI distribution Points. Notes: _______________________________________________
_ __ 3. Set up facility, short of placing signage on public roadways.
Note: There is no need to provide KI to the general public prior to a General emergency classification.
However, in the event public arrive at the facility and request, it, personnel may distribute the KI early. Notes: ____________________________
_ __ 4. Keep the Department of Corrections EOC Rep informed of status. Notes: ----------------------------------------
__ 5. If night operations are required, request light towers from the EOC. Notes: ________________________________
_ REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 16 WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction DOC KI Distribution Point Supervisor Volume 2 Site Area Emergency
__ 6. Coordinate with the EOC to plan a shift change for extended operations (beyond 12 hours). Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 ------------------------------------------------
17 WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Volume 2 DOC KI Distribution Point Supervisor General Emergency
__ 1. Complete all steps listed for the Alert and Site Area emergency levels. Notes: ________________________
_ __ 2. Place road signage and position staff to begin distribution of KI to the general public. Notes: _________________________
_ __ 3. Remind staff to check their dosimeters every 15 to 30 minutes and record exposures.
Report any exposure readings to the Department of Corrections EOC Rep., 864-5327.
Notes: -------------------------------------------
__ 4. Keep the Department of Corrections EOC Rep informed of status. Notes: ______________________________
_ __ 5. If night operations are required, request light towers from the EOC. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 -----------------------------------
18 WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Volume 2 DOC KI Distribution Point Supervisor General Emergency
__ 6. Coordinate with the EOC to plan a shift change for extended operations (beyond 12 hours). Any staff member recording an exposure reading during their shift should report to the Emergency Worker Personnel Monitoring Center at 35 Walker Road, Grasslands Campus, Valhalla.
Notes: -------------------------------------------------
__ 7. Monitor supplies and request additional KI, water, etc, from the EOC as necessary.
Notes: ______________________________
_ __ 8. Upon notification of emergency termination, deactivate operations and notify EOC of status. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 ------------------------------
19 WCREP REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction ATTACHMENTS Volume 2 20 Intentionally left blank WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Volume 2 Attachment 1 : KI Distribution Point Materials List Item Potassium Iodide (KI} Tablets Liquid KI Instruction Sheets Cases of Water Traffic Cones Traffic Signs Set Up Diagram REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 Quantity 28,000 1 ,000 bottles 2,000 4 24 4 6 21 Intentionally left blank
* Impl e mentation Procedure
/5.0 Department of Correction KI Dishibution Poblt, Attachment 2 Facility Set up Diagram 117 & Rockefeller State Park
* Volume 2 I t.dSr S Apt
* I KI SI ... REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 22 08/06/10 Intentionally left blank WCREP REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department oj Correction Attachment 3 Facility Set up Diagram Volume) e; (:l : .. :J I. g --* * -f-"-* 0 00 0::::::: >8 WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Attachment 4: Staffing Assignments (This form to be completed at the time of emergency.)
Volume 2 The following Correction Staff have been assigned to staff KI Distribution Points: Rockefeller State Park Team Leader: Personnel:
: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1-684 Rest Area Team Leader: Personnel:
: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 25 WCREP REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Attachment 5 DELETED Volume 2 26 WCREP REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 . Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Attachment 6 DELETED Volume 2 27 WCREP REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Attachment 7 DELETED Volume 2 28 WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Attachment 8 Emergency Worker Exposure Log Note: forward all exposure information to the County Department of Health's Radiological Officer Time/Date Name Agency Depart. Assignedt t . Log the time and date of this emergency worker'S assignment REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Initial Exposure:t: (Rt -Time/Date Time/Date Time/Date Time/Date Assignment 1R 3R 5R Complete '_. . .. . Volume 2 Total Exposure (R) 29 WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction * . This should be all exposure received from previous shifts/assignments REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 Volume 2 30 WCREP Name (Print) Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Attachment 9 Volume 2 Registration and Dosimetry Log for Dept. Of Corrections Personnel Note: forward all exposure information to the County Department of Health's Radiological Officer Time Agency ........ IIL ..........
Out Work Phone No. , ......... " .. Radiation 8adge/DLR Number Self Read Dosimeter Information Initial t Final I Exposure Serial Number lType tl Reading
* Reading (r or mr) * -Taken from initial reading on Exposure Record Card t -DO (Dose Guard), 0-5R, 0-20R, 0-200R, RD (Rad60) REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 31 Intentionally left blank Hospitals Coordinator APPROVED BY: WMC: ----I Reviewed By: DES: ------f Draft -REV 8/08 Westchester County DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES INDIAN POINT ENERGY CENTER IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE Hospitals IP-16 IP-16 1 Intentionally left blank Hospitals Coordinator Table of Contents Section 1.0 Purpose 2.0 Responsibilities 3.0 Concept of Operations List of Checklists EOC Hospital Coordinator Checklist Westchester Medical Center Command Post Coordinator Checklist Resource Section Attachment 1: Hospital Contact Information Attachment 2: Sheltering Guidelines Attachment 3: NIMI Transportation Requirements Tracking Sheet Attachment 4: Nursing Home Contact List Page No. 3 3 3 IP-16 Dmft-REvaroa 2
Intenti anall y left blank Hospitals Coordinator IP-16 1.0 Purpose This procedure provides guidance and direction to the EOC Hospitals sector. This will be operated by Westchester Medical Center (WMC) staff. The Hospital Sector will coordinate Hospitals and Non-Institutionalized Mobility Impaired (NIMI) persons within the ten mile emergency planning zone (EPZ) during a radiological emergency.
Responsibilities include notification and the identification of needs related to those specified areas and populations.
This includes assessing resources required to transport and relocate identified areas or personnel.
2.0 Responsibilities The WMC Hospitals Coordinator is responsible for communicating with hospitals involved in response to an Indian Point emergency; coordinating contact with and support to institutionalized mobility impaired; contacting nursing homes within the ten mile EPZ and coordinating transportation support for them; and interfacing with other EOC staff to accomplish this mission. In the EOC, the WMC Hospital Coordinator key interfaces are with the New York State Department of Health (through the Hospital Emergency Response Data System); the Greater New York Hospital Association; County Emergency Medical Services; and the County Department of Transportation.
The WMC Hospital Coordinator will attempt to communicate (directly or through the mini-EOC) with all Hospitals, nursing homes and Institutionalized Mobility Impaired (NIMI) persons within the EPZ. The WMC Hospitals Coordinator may use additional personnel or the Emergency Notification System (ENS) to assist with the notifications to these special facilities.
3.0 Concept of Operations 3.1 At the Alert notification from the Nuclear Facility Operator, the county warning point will notify the WMC Hospitals Coordinator or hislher backup. In turn, the coordinator will report to the county EOC and simultaneously open the hospital's command post (referred to as the hospital mini-EOC).
Upon opening, the hospital Command Post will Draft -REV 8/08 3 Hospitals Coordinator IP-16 notify the administrators of hospitals, nursing homes and non-institutionalized mobility impaired individuals on the county list. Hospitals will be advised to place their staff standby to support the following actions: The hospital coordinator shall recommend that hospitals within the EPZ temporarily suspend non-critical patient admissions.
Identified NIMls will be contacted to confirm their status and advised to move indoors and monitor local radio and television stations for emergency information.
EPZ Hospitals and nursing homes will determine the number of individuals that can and cannot be evacuated and determine their transportation needs (Bus, Para transit and Ambulance).
This information will be communicated via the WMC Hospital Coordinator to the County Department of Transportation and EMS representatives in the EOC. The WMC Hospital Coordinator will work with the Greater New York hospital Association (GNYHA) to find bed space in the event that evacuation of hospitals becomes necessary.
Nursing homes are responsible for designating and arranging alternate locations.
The plan reflects those proposed relocation assignments.
Shelter-in-place guidelines are provided at Attachment
: 2. Draft -REV 8/08 4 Hospitals Coordinator IP-16 Alert __ Upon receipt of an Emergency Notification System (ENS) message to activate:
__ Assign a representative to report to the county EOC. __ Activate the Hospital Command Post (mini-EOC)
Notify Westchester hospitals and nursing homes within the ten mile EPZ, advise them of the Alert and to place their staff on stand by to support possible protective actions for facility residents in the event of an incident escalation.
Hudson Valley: VA Hospital*:
Contact No. 734-3300 737-4400 Contacted (Name) -This is a courtesy backup call. The State is responsible for notifying state and federal facilities within the EPZ. Obtain facility census from Hudson Valley Hospital.
Ambulatory Wheel Chair Stretcher Bound NOTE: Hudson Valley Hospital should be advised that they may wish to consider suspending admissions of non-critlcal cases and place their facility "Out of Service" on the County diversion web site. flogin .asp Notify "radiological decon" hospitals of the emergency condition and advise them to place appropriate staff on standby for support. (See attachment 1 for list) Request the Hospital's Mini-EOC to initiate contact Non-Institutionalized Mobility Impaired (NIMI) and Hearing Impaired (HI) persons in the EPZ, advise them of the Alert status and instruct them to tune to a local emergency alert radio and TV stations (see public information brochure for listing).
Record what assistance, if any, may be needed in the event of an escalation (Para transit or ambulance), and provide information to the Department of Transportation and EMS Rep. Draft -REV 8/08 5 Hospitals Coordinator IP-16 IIIiIIIIIIII
__ A_le_rt ____________________________ Develop a 24 hour shift schedule for extended County EOC and mini-EOC operations (two 12-hour shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.
Note: Have lead positions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over Stand-by for possible escalation to or until the ALERT is terminated and verbal confirmation is received from Indian Point. When terminated, contact previously notified hospitals to stand down and inform them that the ALERT has been terminated.
Draft -REV 8/08 6 Hospitals Coordinator IP-16 __ Site Area Emergency
__ Upon receipt of an Emergency Notification System (ENS) message to activate:
__ Assign a representative to report to the county EOC. __ Activate the Hospital Command Post (mini-EOC)
Notify all Hospitals and nursing homes within the EPZ. Advise them of the Site Area Emergency and to place their staff on standby to support possible protective actions for the facility residents in the event of an incident escalation.
Advise hospitals to review the status of potassium iodide stocks and be prepared to distribute to patients and staff upon Direction by the county Health commissioner in the event of escalation to a General Emergency.
Hudson Valley: VA Hospital*:
Contact No. 734-3300 737-4400 Contacted (Name) *This is a courtesy backup call. The State is responsible for notifying state and federal facilities within the EPZ. Obtain updated facility census from Hudson Valley. Ambulatory:
Wheel Chair: Stretcher Bound: Hudson Valley Hosp: ___ _ NOTE: Hospitals should be advised to suspend admissions and to place their facility "Out of Service" on the County diversion web site. httos:llwww. ,asp Notify "radiological decon" hospitals of the emergency condition and advise them to place appropriate staff on standby for support. (See attachment 1 for list) Request the Hospital's Mini-EOC to contact Non-Institutionalized Mobility Impaired (NIMI) and Hearing Impaired (HI) persons in the EPZ and advise them of the emergency status and have Draft -REV BLOB 7 Hospitals Coordinator IP-16 _ Site Area Emergency them tune to a local emergency broadcast station. Obtain what assistance if any may be needed in the event of an escalation (Para transit or ambulance), and provide information to the Department of Transportation and EMS Rep. Develop a spreadsheet of transportation requirements.
Develop a 24 hour shift schedule for extended county EOC and mini-EOC operations (two 12-hour shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.
Note: Have lead pOSitions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over. Stand by for possible escalation to a GENERAL EMERGENCY or until the SITE AREA EMERGENCY is terminated.
Upon event termination, contact previously notified hospitals to stand down and inform them that the SITE AREA EMERGENCY has been terminated.
Direct hospital mini-EOC to notify NIMls of emergency termination (note: the Geo-Cast/Geo-Notify system may be used for this notification).
Draft -REV 8/08 8 Hospitals Coordinator IP-16 General Emergency Upon receipt of notification and instructions to activate, report to the county EOC. Notify all hospitals and nursing homes within the EPZ of the General Emergency.
Advise them of any protective action decisions issued by the County Executive applicable to their area: Evacuate Shelter-in-place Administer potassium Iodide to patients and staff NOTE: Hudson Valley Hospital should be advised to suspend admissions and to place their facility "Out of Service" on the County diversion web site. httos:// Notify "radiological decon" hospitals of the emergency condition and advise them to place appropriate staff on standby for support. (See attachment 1 for list) Coordinate with the Greater New York Hospital Association (GNYHA) to identify bed space for relocation of evacuated patients.
Communicate relocation logistics to EMS desk. Notify the Westchester Medical Center Mini-EOC of the General Emergency and request that they begin notification Non-Institutionalized Mobility Impaired (NIMI) and Hearing Impaired (HI) persons in the EPZ and advise them of the General Emergency.
Obtain what assistance if any may be needed for them to evacuate safely. (bus, Para transit or ambulance).
Forward transport needs to DOT and/or EMS. As the EPZ hospital facilities report back on resident evacuation status, review HospitalsllNIMllist for each facility and determine if the transportation needs are the same as listed. Any additional needs which are requested will be coordinated with the Emergency Medical Services Division and County DOT. Forward transport needs to DOT and/or EMS. Draft -REV 8/08 9 Hospitals Coordinator IP-16 General Emergency Obtain a status report on transportation resources being mobilized for hospital evacuation from DOT and EMS and keep hospitals informed.
Notify those facilities in affected areas which have residents that cannot be evacuated to shelter indoors i.e. basement, large room without windows, hallways with doors and windows closed, or living rooms with doors and windows closed (see attachment 2). Additionally direct the facilities to discontinue the use of tap water and ration meals until controlled water and food can be delivered to the facility.
Obtain the length of time the facility can maintain self sufficiency.
Assure adequate staffing and make arrangements for additional staff or supplies if required.
Once all notifications for evacuation to affected facilities have been made, notify all other non-affected facilities to and monitor radio and TV for continuing EAS updates. If the protective action status changes, i.e. wind direction, area affected or action to be taken, obtain the affected areas, and notify those hospital and nursing home facilities to take required action. Continue to monitor protective action status for ERPA changes and notify hospital facilities, as appropriate.
Develop a 24 hour shift schedule for extended county EOC and mini-EOC operations (two 12 hour shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.
Note: Have lead positions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Once Indian Point has determined all radioactive releases are controlled and terminated and the plant is in a stable condition the County Executive will direct staff to initiate Recovery/Re-Entry actions. Draft -REV 8/08 10 Hospitals Coordinator Westchester Medical Center Emergency Command Post Checklist No response required from Hospital.
IP-16 Upon notification via the county ENS, open and staff the Hospital Command Center EOC). WMC will initiate a "Code 44 -ICS" for Supervisory Personnel to report to the Hospital Command Center for a briefing and HEICS assignments.
Notify the Hospital Coordinator in the county EOC upon activation of the Hospital command center. EOC Hospital Desk: 864-5308 The WMC Hospital Coordinator will log-on to the Westchester County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) computer system to advise that the Hospital Command Center is operational and obtain an initial status report. (The EMS / Hospital desk shall be contacted at the EOC to confirm operations).
The Hospital NIMI Coordinator will establish an Emergency Telephone Bank in Macy Pavilion Room #1423. The Hospital Emergency Command Center shall contact the NIMls and His within the EPZ. Advisement:
Direct NIMI/HI to tune to local media (radiolTV) for event coverage, stay off phone unless there is an emergency.
Refer to Indian Point Community Emergency Planning Brochure.
Query NIMI as to the need for assistance.
Query NIMI if assistance will be required in the event of an evacuation (is there someone to assist you to a reception center or other location outside the area). If assistance is needed from the county, establish if the person can walk, needs a wheeled chair or requires a stretcher.
The Hospital Emergency Command Center will remain on Alert status until advised to demobilize or escalate to a more severe status. Plan for 24-hour staffing of command center. Draft -REV 8/08 11 Hospitals Coordinator IP-16 Advise the County PIO of Telephone Device for the Deaf (TOO) access number for the hearing impaired requiring assistance within the EPZ and of the telephone number for members of the public to call who need transportation assistance, and request these informational numbers be issued to the public via a news release. Procedures as described above, and: The Hospital NIMI Coordinator will establish an Emergency Telephone Bank in Macy Pavilion Room #1423. The Hospital NIMI Coordinator will obtain the NIMI data list and calling instructions from the Hospital Rep in the WCEOC. The NIMIIHI phone team will contact each individual with instructions and determine if helshe requires assistance.
In the event the county is directing protective actions, provide instructions to take shelter or evacuate.
Requisition for assistance will be forwarded to the designated area for dispatch. (I.E. Emergency Communications Center or Mobile Command Post (staging area) Same as above, and: The NIMI phone team will contact each individual with instructions to take shelter or evacuate, as determined by the County Executive, and based upon ERPA. Transportation needs will be confirmed and dispatched, as appropriate.
Plan for 24-hour staffing of command center. Assure radiological decontamination hospitals have adequate supplies to perform decon function.
Dobbs Ferry Community Hosoital Hudson Valley Hospital Center Lawrence Hospital Mt. Vernon Hosoital Northern Westchester Hospital Phelps Memorial Hosoital Sound Shore Medical Center St. John's Riverside Hospital St. Joseph's Medical Center Westchester Medical Center White Plains Medical Center Draft -REV 8/08 Hospitals Coordinator AITACHMENT 1 Westchester County Hospital Listing AOOB.ESS C.lIY SIAIE Zlf MAItUt 128 Ashford Ave. Dobbs Ferry NY 10522-693-0700 1980 CromP9nd Rd. Cortlandt Manor NY 10567-737-9000 55 Palmer Ave. Bronxville NY 10708-787-1000 12 N 7th Ave. Mt Vernon NY 10550-664-8000 400 E Main St. MtKisco NY 10549-666-1200 701 N Broadway Sleepy Hollow NY 10951-366-3000 16 Guion PI New Rochelle NY 10801-632-5000 967 N Broadway Yonkers NY 10701-964-4444 127 S Broadway Yonkers NY 10701-378-7000 Macv Pavillion Valhalla NY 10595-493-7000 Davis Ave. & E Post Rd. White Plains NY 10601-681-0600 IP-16 fB.Jl. EB. FAX It. CTRQI.It.
693-5187 674-9118 693-5187 734-3300 734-3398 734-3397 787-1035 787-5068 337-7522 664-8oo0x3040 664-0456 699-5555 666-1254 666-1268 666-0540 366-3590 366-1554 631-5908 637-1370 632-9662 632-8089 964-4349 964-0279 964-4567 378-7471 378-7291 964-0136 493-7307 493-8298 493-7311 681-1155 681-2912 681-1155 14 Hospitals Coordinator IP-16 ATTACHMENT 2 SHEL TER-IN-PLACE INFORMATION Local officials at the time of the incident are the best source of information for your particular situation.
Following their instructions during and after emergencies regarding sheltering, food, water, and clean up methods is your safest choice. Remember that instructions to shelter-in-place are usually provided for durations of a few hours, not days or weeks. Upon direction by officials to shelter-in-place:
* Close the hospital.
* Bring everyone inside. Shut and lock outside door(s) and windows.
* If there are visitors in the building, provide for their safety by asking them to stay -not leave. When authorities provide directions to shelter-in-place, they want everyone to take those steps now, where they are, and not drive or walk outdoors.
* Unless there is an imminent threat, ask employees, patients, and visitors to call their emergency contact to let them know where they are and that they are safe.
* Turn on call-forwarding or alternative telephone answering systems or services.
If the business has voice mail or an automated attendant, change the recording to indicate that the business is closed, and that staff and visitors are remaining in the building until authorities advise it is safe to leave.
* Close and lock all windows, exterior doors, and any other openings to the outside.
* Have employees familiar with your building's mechanical systems turn off all fans, heating and air conditioning systems to minimize or stop the intake of outside air. Some systems automatically provide for exchange of inside air with outside air -these systems, in particular, need to be turned off, sealed, or disabled.
* Gather essential disaster supplies, such as nonperishable food, bottled water, powered radios, first aid supplies, flashlights, batteries, duct tape, plastic sheeting, and plastic garbage bags.
* Keep listening to the radio or television until you are told all is safe or you are told to evacuate.
Draft -REV 8/08 15 Hospitals Coordinator IP-16 Draft -REV 8/08 16 Name Address Draft -REV 8/08 Hospitals Coordinator ATTACHMENT 3 NIMI Transportation Tracking Sheet Telephone BusNan IP-16 Para-transit Ambulance 17 Inten ti onall y left blank MAP FACII{IY Kn 2 N 1 M t. St. Fran c is Conven t & F r a n ci sca n Sist e rs Infi rma ry 2 50 Sou t h Street -Peekskill , N Y 1 0566 Contact Sister R ose Cecilia Phone: 914-737*5409 or 914* 737-3373 x 3 2 NO FAX Se<:o n diry Co n Cu C S i ster Theresi n a , D i recto r of Infi rm ary 9 E 1 West L edge Health Care F acility 2000 E. Main Street P eekskill , NY 10566 Con t act Barry A d ler , Adm i n i strato r Phone: 9 14-737*6400 F a x: 914-737-3470 Secondary Contact Irma R u ff , D i rector of N ursi ng D ra ft -RE V 8/08 H o sp it al s Coo rdinat o r POP -281 1 0/1 15/82/0 Attachment 4 Nurs i ng Home Listing F COORDINAlIHG 6 Cars E MS 1 Sta t ionwagon N o n e. E M S IP-16 'HOIST F4ClUTY RECEl'TIOII C!IITEJI Ruth T a ylor Geriatri c & Re h abilitation In s titute West c hes t er Med i cal Center V alh a lla, N Y 10595 C ontact Marga r et Ka l sc h ed , Administ r ator Ph one:
F ax: 914-4 93-6211 S e c o n dary C ontac t Nursing Superv i sor O n-D u ty 9 14-493-2 525 p age #1056 Putn a m Nursing & Rehabilitation C enter 4 04 Ludington viH e R oad H ol m es , N Y 12 5 3 1 C o n tac t D i na Ka y e , Adm i nist r ator P h o n e: 645-678-32 4 1 F ax: 645-678*73 1 8 Northern W e stchest e r Hosp ita l Cen t e r 400 Main St r ee t M t. K i sco , N Y 1 0 549 C o n tact I ER Attending O n-Duty I P hone: 9 1 4-666-1 254 F a x: 914-666-1268 , , 18 10 I E2 13 I N2 Hudson Valley Hospital Center 1980 Crompound Road Cortlandt Manor, NY 10566 Contact Dr. John McGurty, ER Director ED: 914-734-3300 Main: 914-734-3748 ED Fax: 914-734-3549 Cortlandt Nursing Home 110 Oregon Road Draft -REV 8/08 Coordinrtor 34/22/23 None. EMS 53/63/1 None. EMS Salem Hills Health Care Center 539 Route 22 Purdys, NY 10578 Mark Badolato Phone: 914-277-3626 Fax: 914-277-3633 Contact Waterview Hills Nursing Center 537 Route 22 Purdys, NY 10578 Contact Ms. Chris Clark, Administrator Phone: 914-277-3691 Fax: 914-277-4184 Putnam Hospital Center 670 Stoneleigh Avenue Carmel, NY 10512 Contact Attending On-Duty Phone: 845-279-5711 x2353 Fax: 845-279-2598 St Luke Hospital 70 Dubois Street Newburgh, NY 12550 Dr. Catherine Polera Phone: 845-568-2305 Fax: 845-568-2912 Contact Orange Regional Medical Center at Arden Hill 19 
H "tals Coordinator IP-16 Peekskill, NY 10566 Campus 4 Harriman Drive Contact Goshen, NY 10924 Kate Costello, Administrator Phone: 914-739-9150 Contact Fax: 914-739-9155 Jeff Hirsch Phone: 845-294-5541 Fax: 845-294-2105 Arden Hill Life Center 6 Harriman Drive Goshen, NY 10924 Contact Carl Kelly Phone: 845-291-3700 Fax: 845-291-3737 18 E3 VA Hudson Valley Health 178/58/11 21 Cars EMS Care System VA Hudson Valley Health Care System Montrose Campus, Route 9A Castle Point Campus Montrose, NY 10548 Route 90 Contact Beacon, NY 12511 Scott Butler Contact Phone: 914-737-4400 ext. Michael Sabo 3519 Phone: 845-831-2000 Fax: 914-737-4296 Fax: 845-838-5193 John Grady, Associate Veterans Affairs Medical Center Director Phone: 914-737-4400 ext. 130 West Kingsbridge 2462 Bronx, NY 10468 After Hours Medical Adm. Contact Specialist Maryann Musumeci 914-737-4400 ext 2811 Phone: 718-584-9000 Fax: 718-741-4221 Secondary Contact Jeremy E. Honey, Emerg. Prep. Coordinator Draft -REV 8/08 20 Pager: 914-492-1266 Cell: 914-755-6951
.. Is Coordinat, Hospna 19A N1A New York State Veterans Pending 1 Bus (5 EMS Home at Montrose finalization wheelchairs)
VA Hudson Valley Health Care System 198 Albany Post Road of facility Castle Point Campus (Montrose VA Campus) plans, per 1 Van (3 Route 90 Montrose, NY 10548 the VA, to wheelchairs)
Beacon, NY 12511 be treated Contact the same 1 Van (15 Contact Paul Dorn, Dir. Of as the FOR passenger)
Michael Sabo Engineering VA Phone: 845-831-2000 Phone: 914-788-6039 Hospital on Fax: 845-838-5193 Fax: 914-788-6106 the same campus. Secondary Contact Patients Veterans Affairs Medical Center Oscer Carter, Adm!n. or Floyd and facility 130 West Kingsbridge Long, Deputy Admin. are Bronx NY 10468 Phone (24hrs): 914-788-6000 registered
' Fax: 914-788-6100 with VA. Contact Maryann Musumeci Phone: 718-584-9000 Fax: 718-741-4221 22 N3 Skyview Health Center 65/97/18 1 Pick-Up EMS Albany Post Road Truck Phelps Memorial Hospital Croton-On-Hudsonm NY 701 North Broadway 10520 Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591 Contact Contact Paula Ress, Administrator Dr. Emil Nigro Phone: 914-271-5151 Phone: 914-366-3590 Fax: 914-271-4455 Fax: 914-366-1554 Secondary Contact Connie Daniels, Director of MAIN NUMBER Nursing 914-366-3000 Draft -REV 8/08 Tarrytown Hall Care Center Wood Court Tarrvtown, NY 10591 IP-16 21 26 I N4 I Treetops at Mohegan Lake I 3550 Lexington Avenue Mohegan Lake, NY 10547 Contact John Waldron, Administrator Phone: 914-528-3583 or 914-528-2000 Cell: 917-362-6933 Fax: 914-528-9235 30 I N5 I Field Home -Holy Comforter Nursing Home 2300 Catherine Street Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 Contact Robert Bulack, Engineering Phone: 914-739-2244 ext. 5443 Fax: 914-739-9724 Pager: 914-972-1209 Secondary Contact Judith Madden, Administrator Phone: 914-739-2244 ext. Draft -REV 8/08 Coordinator IP-16 I I 28/66/12 I None. EMS 75/127/0 1 Pick-Up EMS Truck 1 Passenger Car (5 person) 1 Bus (6-8 person) Eric Kalt Phone: 914-631-2600 Fax: 914-631-0091 Contact Burke Rehabilitation Center 785 Mamaroneck Avenue White Plains, NY 10605 John J. Ryan Phone: 914-597-2500 or 914-597-2145 Fax: 914-597-2787 Contact Salem Hills Health Care Center 539 Route 22 Purdys, NY 10578 Mark Badolato Phone: 914-277-3626 Fax: 914-277-3633 Contact Ruth Taylor Geriatric
& Rehabilitation Institute Westchester Medical Center Valhalla, NY 10595 Contact Margaret Kalsched, Administrator Phone: 914-493-7762 Fax: 914-493-8211 Secondary Contact Nursing Supervisor On-Duty 914-493-2525 page #1056 22 5502 Draft -REV 8/08 * .ospltals
.. H Coord Nathan Miller Center 37 DeKalb Avenue White Plains, NY 10605 Contact Mike Driscoll Phone: 914-490-9109 Fax: 914-686-8895 Nathan Miller (Admin Offices) 220 W. Post Road White Plains, NY 10606 Contact Mrs. Lorraine Goldman Phone: 914-686-8880 Fax: 914-686-8216 Methodist Church Home for the Aged 4499 Manhattan College Parkway Bronx, NY 10471 Contact George Cau, Administrator Phone: 718-548-5100 Fax: 718-548-3147 Dobbs Ferry Community Hospital 128 Ashford Avenue Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522 Contact Ron Corti Phone: 914-693-0700 (have supervisor paged) Fax: 914-693-4723 Somers Manor NurSing Home 789 Route 100 16 39 I N12 ! St. Mary's Rehabilitation Center for Children 44 I N8 15 Spring Valley Road Ossining, NY 10562 Contact Eileen Chisari, VP & Administrator Phone: 914-333-7010 Fax: 914-333-7182 Pager: 888-268-1706 Cell: 917-538-2399 Home: 914-723-2145 GENERAL NUMBER -(914) 333-7000 EMERGENCY LINE -(914) 762-6733 Cedar Manor Nursing & Rehabilitation Center Stormytown Road & Cedar Lane Ossining, NY 01562 Contact Debbie Sebato, Admin. or Hilaray Saadate, Dir. Nursing Phone: 914-762-1600 Fax: 914-762-0437 Cell: 914-772-2405 Draft -REV 8/08 Hoslitals Coordinator IP-16 I I Somers, NY 10589 I 9/35/0 (Infants 6 months and older) 80 Day Staff 10 Night Staff *11 infants need to be carried 40/45/53 1 Van EMS None. EMS Mrs. Joy Bloomer Phone: 914-232-5101 Fax: 914-232-8346 Contact Blythedale Children's Hospital 95 Bradhurst Avenue Valhalla, NY 10595 Contact Larry Levine, Administrator Phone: 914-592-7555 Fax: 592-5844 Phelps Memorial Hospital 701 North Broadway Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591 Dr. Emil Nigro Phone: 914-366-3590 Fax: 914-366-1554 MAIN NUMBER 914-366-3000 Contact 24 45 I N9 52 N11 Victoria Nursing Home 25 North Malcolm Street Ossining, NY 10562 Contact Phyllis Bianco, Executive Director Phone: 914-941-2450 Fax: 914-941-2962 Bethel Nursing Home 19 Narragansett Avenue Ossining, NY 10562 Contact Joan DePaolis, Administrator Phone: 914-941-7300 Cell: 914-830-5133 Draft -REV 8/08 Hosritals Coordinator IP-16 I I 39/10/0 10/58/10 Methodist Home empty as of 6125102 1 Van (6 passenger capacity)
EMS EMS 1 Van Tarrytown Hall Care Center Wood Court Tarrytown, NY 10591 Eric Kalt Phone: 914-631-2600 Fax: 914-631-0091 Contact Methodist Church Home for the Aged 4499 Manhattan College Parkway Bronx, NY 10471 Contact George Cau, Administrator Phone: 718-548-5100 Fax: 718-548-3147 Phelps Memorial Hospital 701 North Broadway Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591 Dr. Emil Nigro Phone: 914-366-3590 Fax: 914-366-1554 MAIN NUMBER 914-366-3000 Contact Phelps Memorial Hospital 701 North Broadway Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591 Contact Dr. Emil Nigro Phone: 914-366-3590 25 
* .aspi H 'tals Caardinat IP-16 Fax: 914-366-1554 MAIN NUMBER 914-366-3000 The Osborn 101 Theall Road Rye, NY 10580 Contact Mark Zwerger Phone: 914-921-2200 Fax: 914-921-2398 Brooklyn United Methodist Church Home 1485 Dumont Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11208 Contact Ann Dowling Phone: 718-827-4500 Fax: 718-277-1700 53 N13 Maryknoll (Clergy Residence) 85/2/0 EMS 18 Cars Bus to Harrison Reception Center: 55 Ryder Road 1 Van Ossining, NY 10562 Phelps Memorial Hospital Contact 701 North Broadway Father Michael Duggan, Dick Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591 Colt or Nancy Kleppel Contact Phone: 914-941-7590 or 914-Dr. Emil Nigro 941-4705 Phone: 914-366-3590 Fax: 914-762-0316 Fax: 914-366-1554 MAIN NUMBER 914-366-3000 , Draft -REV 8/08 26 54 I N13A I St. Theresa Nursing Home -Maryknoll 105 Ryder Road Maryknoll, NY 10545 Contact Father Thomas McDonnell, Center Coordinator Phone: 914-941-7636 ext.2321 Fax: 914-923-3407 MAIN -(914) 942-4240 SWITCH BOARD -(914) 941-7590 Draft -REV 8/08 Hosritals Coordinator IP-16 I I 47/18/4 EMS 1 Bus 1 Ambulette 1 Van 5 Cars Saint Josephs Medical Center 127 South Broadway Yonkers, NY 10701 Contact Michael J. Spicer, Administrator Phone: 914-378-7485 Fax: 914-965-4838 Westchester Medical Center Grasslands Campus Valhalla, NY 10595 Attending On-Duty Phone: 914-493-7307 Fax: 914-493-8298 Contact Ruth Taylor Geriatric
& Rehabilitation Institute Westchester Medical Center Valhalla, NY 10595 Contact Margaret Kalsched, Administrator Phone: 914-493-7762 Fax: 914-493-8211 Secondary Contact Nursing Supervisor On-Duty 914-493-2525 page #1056 Phelps Memorial Hospital 701 North Broadway Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591 Contact Dr. Emil Nigro Phone: 914-366-3590 27 
* .OSpl --.". H .. Is Coord' IP-16 Fax: 914-366-1554 MAIN NUMBER 914-366-3000 Harrison High School 50 Union Avenue Harrison, NY 10528 Contact Anthony Miserandino Phone: 914-835-3300 Fax: 914-835-5471 55 N13B Maryknoll Residential Care 17/5/20 EMS 20 Cars Maryknoll Sisters SNF 1 Van (holds 2 Ruth Taylor Geriatric
& Rehabilitation Institute 100 Ryder Road (PO Box (4 th Floor) wheelchairs and Westchester Medical Center 311) 5 passengers)
Valhalla, NY 10595 Maryknoll, NY 10545 30/3/0 Assisted Contact Contact Living Margaret Kalsched, Administrator Sister Pat Edmiston (3 rd Floor) Phone: 914-493-7762 Phone 914-941-7575 ext. Fax: 914-493-8211 5761 .. 200 Staff Fax: 914-941-0213 also live at Secondary Contact facility Nursing Supervisor On-Duty 914-493-2525 page #1056 Phelps Memorial Hospital 701 North Broadway Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591 Contact Dr. Emil Nigro Phone: 914-366-3590 Fax: 914-366-1554 MAIN NUMBER Draft -REV 8/08 28 63 I N16 I Brandywine Nursing Home 620 Sleepy Hollow Road Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 Contact Paul Roth, Administrator Phone: 914-941-5100 Fax: 914-941-4752 Draft -REV 8/08 Coordinator IP-16 I I 914-366-3000 I 6/121/6 EMS 1 Bus Grand Manor Health Facility 700 White Plains Road Bronx, NY 10473 Contact Howard Wolf, Administrator 718-518-8892 X810 29 EOC Municipal Liaison Draft -REV 811 0 Westchester County DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES INDIAN POINT ENERGY CENTER IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE Municipal Liaison IP-17.0 IP-17.0 Intentionally left blank EOC Municipal Liaison TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1.0 Purpose 2.0 Responsibilities 3.0 Concept of Operations Checklists Checklist 1: Unusual Event Checklist 2: Alert, Site Area and General Emergency Resource Section County Response Actions Overview Draft -REV 8/10 Page No. 3 3 3 5 8 20 IP-17.0 2 Intentionally left blank EOC Municipal liaison IP-17.0 1.0 Purpose This procedure provides guidance for county staff in the EOC who serve as liaisons to local elected officials.
2.0 Responsibilities Westchester County recognizes the importance of establishing good communications with local officials and local government services in an emergency.
Informed local governments will be an asset and represent a valuable source of additional resources to supplement those of the County during emergency response.
Establishing a "Local government liaison" in the County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) whenever it is activated will facilitate this process. The role of the Municipal liaison includes:
* Communicating with local elected officials to keep them informed on the emergency situation and facilitating involvement and coordination of local resources where needed;
* Relaying the questions and concerns of local elected officials to the County EOC and ensuring that those matters are addressed and communicated back to respective parties, including the County Executive;
* Serving as a conduit for direct verbal dialogue with local elected officials on the status of the situation.
* Serving as a resource to the County Executive and EOC staff on municipal issues. 3.0 Concept of Operations 3.1 Municipal liaisons will normally not be notified of an Unusual Event and no actions should be necessary.
There may be some circumstances in which the County Executive would request an early mobilization of selected resources during this classification.
3.2 When notified of an Alert or higher, the Municipal liaisons will report to their assigned positions at the County EOC. Draft -REV 8/10 3 EOC Municipal Liaison IP-17.0 3.3 The Municipal Liaisons will operate from the county EOC to ensure all necessary actions are taken in support of the event. 3.4 Municipal Liaisons will begin contacting local officials at the Alert stage and will relay all emergency classification levels and protective action information to their municipal contacts.
3.SMunicipal Liaisons will also relay any local questions and concerns to the County Executive and other EOC staff. 3.6 Municipal Liaisons will also maintain contact with any re-Iocating local governments, tracking status and alternate location contact information.
3.7 Other County EOC pOSitions will also maintain direct communications with their counterparts in local jurisdictions, e.g, County law enforcement to local law enforcement.
Draft -REV 8/10 4 EOC Municipal Liaison IP-17.0 CHECKLIST 1 Municipal EOC Liaison Unusual Event 1. Municipal Liaisons will normally not be contacted for an Unusual Event. No actions are necessary , other than review of procedures to prepare for possible escalation. __ 2. Notes: ________________________________________________
_ In the event the County Executive contacts Liaisons, implement any specific requests.
Notes: _______________________
_ Note: It is possible that for special incidents, such as security-related events at Indian Point, the EOC would be activated early. Follow directions provided by the County Emergency Notification System. Record all actions taken. Draft -REV 8/10 5 Intentionally left blank
* EOC Mun i cipal Liaison IP-17.0 CHECKLIST 2 Municipal EOC liaison Rep Alert, Site Area and General Emergency
__ 1. Upon notification, respond to the EOC and staff assigned positions. Noles: ______________________
_ 2. Contact local officials and confirm that Ihey have received notice of the event. Note: In the event of an escalation , re-notify officials of all changes , as well as protective actions. Notes: ______________________
_ 3. Track key actions and inform appropriate local officials of: status of schools local traffic decisions on siren activation
__ field monitoring Peekskill EOC status __ Distribution of dosimetry Other Notes: _______________________ _ . ___ 4. Obtain information from lo ca l governments concerning plans to relocate to an alternate seat of government.
Obtain temporary/alternate contact numbers Notes: ______________________
_ Drafl-REV 8/10 6 
* . . ., CHECKLIST 2 Municipal EOC Liaison Rep Alert, Site Area and General Emergency
: 5. Ensure that the County PIO has information on contact points for relocated local government agencies. Nores: ________________________________________________
_ ____ 6. Receive questions and concerns from local officials and ensure that they are forwarded to the EOC Operations Director for attention.
Notes: ________________________________________________
_ __ 7. Develop a 24-hour shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour shifts) and notify replacements of schedule. Note: Have lead positions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Notes: _______________________
_ __ 8. Upon notice of termination of the event, contact municipal officials to stand down and inform them that the event has been terminated. Notes: ______________________________
____ _ Draft -REV 8/10 7 EOC Municipal Liaison IP-17.0 RESOURCE SECTION Draft -REV 8/10 8 Intenti onally left blank EOC Municipal liaison IP-17.0 ATTACHMENT 1 OVERVIEW OF COUNTY RESPONSE ACTIONS UNUSUAL EVENT No. Action Item 1.0 Upon notification from Entergy of an Unusual Event County Warning Point via the New York State RECS line, the Westchester County Warning Point will notify the Commissioner of Emergency Services.
Notification is also made to the Deputy County Executive, County Executive, County Attorney, Commissioner of Health, Lead PIO, and Commissioner of Public Safety 2.0 The Commissioner of Emergency Services ensures DES Commissioner the County Executive and/or the Deputy County Executive are also briefed. 3.0 The County Executive, in consultation with senior County Executive staff, evaluates the need for further actions. Note: The County Executive has the discretion to place key staff on standby and to verify operational readiness of response facilities such as the EOC. Draft -REV 8/10 9 EOC Municipal Liaison IP-17.0 ATTACHMENT 1 OVERVIEW OF COUNTY RESPONSE ACTIONS 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 ALERT Activate the EOC and mobilize EOC staff. Open the Joint Information Center Dispatch County Liaison to Entergy Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Upon arrival at the EOC, each agency places personnel and resources on standby Upon arrival at the EOC, the County Executive Receives a briefing by the Commissioner of the Department of Health and the Commissioner of Emergency Services 6.0 School pre-cautionary actions are considered:
delay or cancel school opening; or shelter schools in place; or close schools early; or relocate schools to school reception centers 7.0 Consider the need to close parks and recreation areas. Draft -REV 8/10 County Executive County Warning Point Commissioner of Emergency Services County Executive County PIO Health Commissioner All County Agencies Commissioner of Emergency Services Commissioner of Health County Executive School Superintendents County Executive Department of Parks, Recreation and Conservation 10 EOC MUnicIpal Liaison IP-170 No. Action Item Implementing AgencylIndividual 8.0 9.0 W.O Consider clearing the River within the 10-miIe EPZ. Note: This recommendation should be coordinated with the other three counties via the Executive Hotline. Monitor traffic flow and establish traffic control points as necessary.
Notify hospitals, nursing homes and other special facilities. County Executive U.s. Coast Guard County Police DPW Emergency Medical Services Mental Health Social Services Schools Coordinator 11.0 Place transportation services on standby. Department of Transportation 12.0 Place ambulances on standby. Emergency Medical Services 13.0 Place reception center radiological monitors on standby Department of Health and confirm team assignments.
14.0 Place Reception Center staff (registration) on standby. Social Services 15.0 16.0 Note: The first three reception centers to be activated would be White Plains HS and Harrison HS and Westchester Community College. Notify FAA, Metro North, CSX (Conrail) and Amtrak. Conduct regular briefings in the Operations Room. Draft -REV 8/10 Department of Transportation County Executive Commissioner of Emergency Services 11 EOC Municipal Liaison IP-17.0 ATTACHMENT 1 OVERVIEW OF COUNTY RESPONSE ACTIONS SITE AREA EMERGENCY 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Ensure that initial pre-cautionary actions are being implemented:
-EPZ schools are sheltered, closed or relocated;
-Parks and recreation areas are closed; -River is cleared within the EPZ Consider the need for additional protective actions, such as sheltering or evacuation.
Consult with the other three County Executives regarding protective actions and the advisability of sounding sirens and issuing Emergency Alert System (EAS) messages.
Consider Declaring a Local State of Emergency Schools designated as school reception centers are ready to receive students.
Facilities designated as general public reception centers are activated and ready to receive evacuees.
Draft -REV 8/10 County Executive Commissioner of Emergency Services School District Superintendents Parks, Recreation and Conservation US Coast Guard County Executive Emergency Services Health Transportation Public Safety Fire and Rescue Social Services Utility Liaison County Executive PIO County Executive Commissioner of Emergency Services PIO County Attorney School Coordinator Schools Coordinator Health Social Services 12 Eoe Municipal Liaison IP-17.0 No. 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 ATTACHMENT 1 SITE AREA EMERGENCY (continued)
Action Item Implementing Agencyllndividual Traffic control points are established.
County Police DPW Buses required for evacuation are staged. Department of Transportation Schools Coordinator Congregate care centers are on standby. American Red Cross Schools Coordinator All emergency workers in the field have been issued Health dosimetry and KI Applicable fire, police, EMS and other affected agencies Sheltering and evacuation arrangements are in place Emergency Medical Services for institutionalized mobility impaired.
Transportation Mental Health Social Services Non-institutionalized mobility-impaired persons are Emergency Medical Services contacted and transportation resources arranged.
Department of Transportation Hearing-impaired residents of the EPZ have been Social Services contacted and advised of the emergency.
Mental health facilities within the EPZ have been Mental Health notified and are ready to take any necessary protective actions. Activities are coordinated with New York State Office of Mental Health, American Red Cross Emergency Medical Services and Westchester County Medical Center. If requested, dispatch Disaster Team to reception and Mental Health congregate care centers. Draft -REV 8/10 13 EOC Municipal Liaison 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0 21.0 22.0 23.0 24.0 ATTACHMENT 1 SITE AREA EMERGENCY (continued)
Hospitals in the EPZ are sheltered and ready for evacuation.
Correctional facilities within the EPZ are notified. (Sing Sing State Correctional Facility is a State responsibility. ) Emergency Worker Personnel Monitoring Center County Fire Training Center) is activated and operational, ready to receive emergency workers. Field Monitoring Teams are dispatched.
County fire services have been notified and are on standby (those services performing reception center monitoring and decontamination are at reception centers.)
All county environmental facilities have been notified and instructed to implement emergency procedures.
Environmental facilities within the 10-mile EPZ are prepared to shelter or evacuate, in accordance with public protective action directives.
In the event of evacuation, ensure procedures are followed to ensure a safe shutdown, or are placed in automatic operations mode. NotifY FAA, Metro North, CSX (Conrail), and Amtrak. Consider data and information developed by the Dose Assessment Team from the EOF, field teams Emergency Medical Services County Police (notification)
Health DPW Emergency Services Public Safety Health RACES Fire and Rescue Environmental Facilities Environmental Facilities Department of Transportation Health Department County Executive IP-17.0 and utility technical representative.
Commissioner of Emergency Services 25.0 Conduct Draft -REV 8/10 14 EOC Municipal LiaisOn IP-17.0 ATTACHMENT 1 OVERVIEW OF COUNTY RESPONSE ACTIONS GENERAL EMERGENCY No. Action Item Implementing AgencylIndividual 1.0 The County Executive consults with the County Executive Commissioner of Health and utility liaison on plant Health status, weather conditions, projected dose rate, and the need to administer KI to emergency workers 2.0 Consult with the Commissioner of Emergency County Executive Services and other key staff to ensure: County PIO -transportation resources are staged; Transportation
-traffic control points established; Public Safety -roads are clear Public Safety/DPW
-reception centers opened and staffed Social ServiceslHealth
-congregate care centers opened and staffed Red Cross 3.0 After confirming necessary equipment and personnel County Executive are in place, order evacuation of the 2-mile radius and 5-miles downwind (weather and other conditions permitting).
Sheltering of additional AREA's, especially those 5 to 10 miles downwind may also be considered.
* Coordinate protective action decision; siren County Executive sounding; and EAS message with the other three county Executives via the Executive Hotline. Note: Camp Smith, is a State decision FDR V A Hospital, V A decision 4.0 Declare a Local State of Emergency, if not already County Executive declared, in coordination with the other three counties.
5.0 County Executive Monitor implementation of protective actions and Commissioner of Emergency Services obtain frequent updates. Draft -REV 8/10 15 EOC Municipal Liaison IP-17.0 No. 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 ATTACHMENT GENERAL EMERGENCY (continued)
Action Item Ensure emergency workers in the field have been issued dosimetry, KI and Radiation Exposure Control Cards. Based on projected dose, evaluate the need to administer KI to emergency workers. If a decision is made by the County Health Commissioner to administer KI, notify all emergency workers immediately.
Monitor the status of schools (sheltered, closed or relocated.)
Traffic and Access Control Points are established.
Note: Public Works provides barricades.
Evacuated areas are patrolled.
County and/or State Police helicopter, or the Civil Air Patrol may conduct air reconnaissance of evacuation routes. Evacuation route impediments are identified and removed. Correctional facilities are sheltered.
Monitor bus operations and transportation progress for evacuation.
Implementing AgencylIndividual All agencies with workers in the field. Health County Executive Health County Executive Schools Coordinator Transportation Public Safety DPW Public Safety Public Safety Public Safety DPW State Transportation EMS Draft -REV 8/10 16 EOC Municipal Liaison No. 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0 21.0 Action Item ATTACHMENT 1 GENERAL EMERGENCY (continued)
At least three reception centers should be open and receiving evacuees:
White Plains Sr. High School Harrison H.S. Westchester Community CoHege Open additional receptions centers based upon extent of evacuation.
Associated congregate care centers should be opened and receiving evacuees.
Field Monitoring Teams conduct field measurements.
Note: Police escort may be required.
Non-institutionalized mobility-impaired and hearing impaired persons are contacted to ensure they are aware of the emergency and needs are addressed.
Institutionalized mobility impaired within affected area are sheltered or evacuated and transportation needs are being addressed.
Hospitals in affected areas are being sheltered or evacuated.
Draft -REV 8/10 IP-17.0 Implementing AgencylIndividual Social Services Health Fire and Rescue Public Safety Social Services Health Fire and Rescue Public Safety Red Cross Social Services Health Department RACES Transportation EMS EMS Transportation EMS Transportation 17 EOC Municipal Liaison ATTACHMENT 1 GENERAL EMERGENCY (continued)
IP-17.0 No. Action Item Implementing Agencyllndividual 23.0 If requested, dispatch Disaster Team to the reception Mental Health and congregate care centers, or other areas of need. 24.0 Monitor evacuated areas and provide support to Fire Services County Police in traffic control. 25.0 Environmental facilities in the EPZ should be Environmental Facilities instructed to start implementing their emergency 26.0 27.0 28.0 29.0 30.0 operations procedures.
In the event of evacuation, implement safe shutdown procedures or place in automatic operations mode. County personnel whose workplace is impacted by evacuation orders will maintain contact with supervisors and confirm relocation sites. Emergency Workers Personnel Monitoring Center (County Fire Training Center) is open and processing workers. Confirm FAA, Metro North, CSX and Amtrak have been notified of emergency status and protective actions and have taken necessary operational steps. Confirm operational status of bus loops among reception centers and congregate care centers. Continue regular Operations room briefing updates. All affected County agencies Health DPW Fire and Rescue Police Transportation Transportation County Executive Commissioner of Emergency Services 31.0 Upon completion of General Emergency procedures, All agencies review and s. Draft -REV 8/10 18 EOC Municipal liaison IP-17.0 Draft -REV 811 0 19 Intentionally left blank}}

Revision as of 19:22, 1 August 2018

Official Exhibit - ENT00285D-00-BD01 - Westchester County Radiological Emergency Plan for the Indian Point Energy Center. Attachment 3L Implementation Procedure 7.0, Dept. of Public Works. P. 21 to End
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/29/2012
Entergy Nuclear Operations
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
RAS 22122, 50-247-LR, 50-286-LR, ASLBP 07-858-03-LR-BD01
Download: ML12338A607 (306)


ENT00285D Submitted: March 29, 2012 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Official Hearing Exhibit In the Matter of

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3)

ASLBP #:07-858-03-LR-BD01 Docket #:05000247 l 05000286 Exhibit #:


Admitted: Withdrawn:

Rejected: Stricken: Other: ENT00285D-00-BD0110/15/2012 10/15/2012 WCREP Implementation Procedure


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T. Hall REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 Volume 2 DIII1100T 81JX1$. II'IGINURlNG c::J I EJ I fIIilI ..............

/>t:rIIIottyV"",*,,*, Johne.o_ CiI>nII1IPdI 22 WCREP Implementation Procedure 7.0 Department of Public Works ATTACHMENT 4 Cost Recovery Volume 2 The main goal of disaster response cost recovery is to return as much money into the county economy as possible, based upon losses experienced as the result of an emergency response.

While this function is technically considered a recovery phase function, this information is presented as part of the response procedures as a reminder of what will be needed following the incident.

If the response is undertaken with this information in mind, cost recovery documentation is likely to be more effective, accurate and complete.

There are four types of costs that need to be documented to facilitate federal and state re-imbursement:

Force account labor This is the FEMA term for your own work force, in other words county employee's time. This would include regular volunteer groups run by the applicant, for example the police auxiliary, vol. FD, or V AC.

  • Employee's name
  • Employee's title
  • Employee's hours worked, day by day, broken down into o tasks related to the emergency o other work
  • Straight time Pay rate
  • Union employee is a member of _______ _
  • Salaried versus overtime employee Force account equipment This is the FEMA term for your own equipment, in other words county equipment.

Basically anything that can have fuel put into it is in this area. Also anything that is portable and is not consumed by its use can be applied for; these are calculated based on expense codeslhour.

This would include regular volunteer groups run by the applicant, for example the police auxiliary, vol. FD or VAC vehicles.

  • Description of the piece of equipment (include as much detail as is known: horse power, capacity etc.)
  • County vehicle/equipment number
  • Number of hours used, day by day
  • Type of fuel
  • Ifthe use is not intuitive (for example, truck with snow plow during a snow storm is easy to figure our, a chain saw during the same event may not be so straight forward), a sentence about how it is used. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 23 WCREP Volume 2 Contracts 1 Rental equipment Implementation Procedure 7.0 Department of Public Works This is contracted work or rented equipment.

Also this could include donation of work or equipment use.

  • Vender
  • Description of the work done
  • Cost
  • Contract or PO number
  • Check number (if known)
  • Rate per hour and number of hours used for rented equipment (Indicate if this price includes driver) Materials Basically these are consumable goods. These can be from existing inventory, in which case replacement costs should be used. This can also include donations of materials.
  • Vender
  • Description of the materials
  • Quantity
  • Unit Cost
  • Date used
  • Contract or PO number
  • Check number (if known)
  • From existing stock vs. purchased during the emergency REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 24 WCREP Name REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Attachment 5 Emergency Worker Exposure Log Note: forward all exposure information to the County Department of Health's Radiological Officer Initial Time/Date TimelDate Exposure:j:

TimelDate TimelDate Time/Date Assignment Ae:ency Depart. Assignedt (R) lR 3R 5R Complete Volume 2 Total Exposure (R) 25 WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction t . Log the time and date of this emergency worker's assignment i . This should be all exposure received from previous shifts/assignments REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Volume 2 26 WCREP Name l (Print) REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08106110 Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Attachment 6 Registration and Dosimetry Log for Dept. Of Public Works Personnel Note: forward all exposure information to the County Department of Health's Radiological Officer Time Agency Radiation Self Read Dosimeter Information


I.r.L ..........


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,. .( Initial Final Out Work Phone No. Number Serial Number Type tReading

  • Readil]l ----..... ---Volume 2 Exposure (r or mr) 27 WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction * -Taken from initial reading on Exposure Record Card t -DG (Dose Guard), 0-5R, 0-20R, 0-200R, RD (Rad60) REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 Volume 2 28 WESTCHESTER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY PLAN VOLUME 2 IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE IP-8.0 FIRE AND RESCUE Revision 0.0 DRAFT 08/06/10 In tenti onall y left blank WCREP Implementation Procedure 8.0 -Fire and Rescue TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1.0 Purpose 2.0 Responsibilities 3.0 Concept of Operations Checklists Page No. Volume 2 3 3 4 DES Fire Services EOC Representative Checklist

-Notification of Unusual Event 5 DES Fire Services EOC Representative Checklist

-Alert 6 DES Fire Services EOC Representative Checklist

-Site Area Emergency 8 DES Fire Services EOC Representative Checklist

-Emergency 10 Resource Section Fire Department Reception Center Assignments REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 13 2 Intenti anall y left blank WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 8.0 -Fire and Rescue 1.0 Purpose This procedure provides guidance to the County Emergency Operations Center Fire Services Representative to coordinate the use of County Fire Service resources to implement the Westchester County Radiological Emergency Plan for the Indian Point Energy Center. 2.0 Responsibilities In the event of a radiological emergency at Indian Point, the County Department of Emergency Services will supply an EOC representative to establish a Fire Services desk. The Fire Services Representative is responsible for Fire Services as they relate to: o Supporting law enforcement's mission related to traffic control in the affected AREA's, if additional resources are needed and requested; o Supporting law enforcement's mission related to route alerting and assistance with the dissemination of emergency announcements to the public, as a backup to the siren system; o Assessing the emergency situation with respect to fire and rescue and the need for those resources; o Coordinating the movement of firefighting personnel and equipment in the event evacuation of emergency service locations becomes necessary; o Providing communications support for the CEOC through the fire communications network; o Monitoring and Decontamination of vehicles at reception centers and the emergency worker personnel monitoring center. o Assistance with the dissemination of potassium iodide (KI) at reception centers. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 3 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 8.0 -Fire and Rescue 3.0 Concept of Operations 3.1 The Fire Services Representative is normally not notified of an Unusual Event, unless deemed necessary by the County Executive.

When notified of an Unusual Event via the County Director, Office of Emergency Management or the County Warning Point. Fire Services will be available to stand by to close out of the UNUSAL EVENT or for possible escalation to a more severe event. 3.2 When notified of an Alert or higher, Fire Services staff will be notified to report to their assigned positions in the County EOC. 3.3 The Westchester County Commissioner of Emergency Services will operate from the county EOC and coordinate Fire Service activities through the applicable Fire Chiefs to provide the following activities:

  • Support traffic direction and control in accordance with the evacuation plan.
  • Route alerting and assistance with the dissemination of emergency announcements, as a contingency.
  • Assessing the emergency situation with respect to fire and rescue and the need for those resources.
  • Coordinating the movement of firefighting personnel and equipment.
  • Providing communications support for the EOC through the fire communications network.
  • Providing rescue services, emergency first aid, and transportation for the ill and injured.
  • Supporting reception center operations, particularly vehicle monitoring and decontamination REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 4 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 8.0 -Fire and Rescue DES Fire Services Representative Checklist Unusual Event __ 1. No actions necessary.

In most instances, Fire Services will not be notified of an Unusual Event. Notes: __ 2. In the event you are notified, log notification and stand by for further instructions.

Review procedures and prepare for the possibility of escalation.

Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 5 Intentionally left blank WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 8.0 -Fire and Rescue DES Fire Services Representative Checklist Alert __ 1. Upon notification from the Nuclear facility Operator (INDIAN POINT) of an Alert, Fire Services staff should respond to the EOC and staff their assigned positions.

Notes: __ 2. Upon arrival at the EOC, review status boards and obtain a briefing from the EOC Operations Officer. Notes: __ 3. Request 60 Control coordinate notification of all county fire departments of the Alert classification.

Notes: __ 4. Advise local Fire Services in the 10 Mile EPZ to issue dosimeters, Potassium Iodide (KI), and emergency worker exposure cards. Notes: __ 5. Brief the County Executive and Commissioner of Emergency Services on the status of Fire Service activities and any issues concerning fire and rescue. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 6 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 8.0-Fire and Rescue DES Fire Services Representative Checklist Alert __ 6. Develop a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.

Note: Have lead positions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Notes: __ 7. Stand by for possible escalation to an SITE AREA EMERGENCY or until the ALERT is terminated.

Notes: __ 8. Upon termination of the event, request 60 Control contact county Fire Services to stand down and inform them that the ALERT has been terminated.

All expenses incurred in the activation should be directed through the Deputy Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 7 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 8.0-Fire and Rescue DES Fire Services Representative Checklist Site Area Emergency

__ 1. If not already staffed at the EOe, assure Fire Services Staff was notified to respond to the EOe and staff their assigned positions.

Notes: __ 2. Request 60 Control notify all county Fire Services of the SITE AREA EMERGENCY and place them on standby. Notes: __ 3. Request 60 Control notify Fire Services in the 10 mile EPZ to issue dosimeters, Potassium Iodide (KI), and emergency worker exposure cards. Notes: __ 4. Coordinate with the Department of Health and Social Services on the activation of reception centers. Ensure Fire Departments assigned to activated reception centers are notified to report to assigned locations.

See Attachment 1 for Reception Center Assignments.

Notes: __ 5. Brief the County Executive and Deputy Commissioner of Emergency Services on the status of Fire Service activities and any issues concerning fire and rescue. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 8 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 8.0 -Fire and Rescue DES Fire Services Representative Checklist Site Area Emergency

__ 6. Ensure Fire Services within the 10 Mile EPZ are recording dosimeter readings every 15 to 30 minutes. Notes: __ 7. Develop a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.

Note: Have lead positions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Notes: __ 8. Stand by for possible escalation to a GENERAL EMERGENCY or until the SITE AREA EMERGENCY is de-escalated and verbal confirmation is received from Indian Point. Notes: __ 9. Upon termination, request that 60 Control contact Fire Services staff to stand down and inform them that the SITE AREA EMERGENCY has been terminated.

Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 9 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 8.0-Fire and Rescue DES Fire Services Representative Checklist General Emergency

__ 1. If not already staffed at the EOC assure Fire Services Staff was notified to respond to the EOC and staff their assigned pOSitions.

Notes: __ 2. Ensure all Fire Service agencies have received notification of the GENERAL EMERGENCY.

Notes: __ 3. Advise local Fire Services in the 10 Mile EPZ to issue dosimeters, Potassium Iodide (KI), and emergency worker exposure cards. Notes: __ 4. Upon confirmation by the Health Commissioner, advise all Fire Service Agencies/Emergency Workers in the affected AREA's to take Potassium Iodide (KI) as per state policy. Notes: __ 5. Coordinate with the Department of Public Safety to assess the need to provide Fire Services support to law enforcement agencies for route alerting or traffic control. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 10 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 8.0 -Fire and Rescue DES Fire Services Representative Checklist General Emergency

__ 6. Upon activation of the sirens and notice of any siren failures, Fire Services may be requested to support law enforcement in the conduct of route alerting.

If so, ensure dispatch of appropriate Fire Services to perform route alerting and confirm units have proper route alerting maps (available from Police). Notes: __ 7. Ensure Fire Services are recording dosimeter readings every 15 to 30 minutes. Notes: __ 8. Develop a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.

Note: Have lead positions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Notes: __ 9. Brief the County Executive and Commissioner of Emergency Services on the status of Fire Service activities, traffic control, and any issues concerning fire and rescue. Notes: __ 10. Upon notification of termination of the incident, ensure 60 Control notifies all county fire services.

Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 11 WCREP REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Implementation Procedure 8.0 -Fire and Rescue Resource Section Volume 2 12 Intentionally left blank WCREP Implementation Procedure 8.0-Fire and Rescue Fire Department Assignments To Reception Centers Reception Center 1. White Plains High School 2. Westchester Community College 3. Harrison High School 4. Ardsley Middle School 5. H.C. Crittendon Middle School 6. Fox Lane High School REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Assigned Fire Department Response Status White Plains FD Fairview FD Harrison FD Ardsley FD Armonk FD Bedford FD Volume 2 13 Intentionally left blank WESTCHESTER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY PLAN VOLUME 2 IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE IP-9.0 AMERICAN RED CROSS Revision 0.0 DRAFT 08/06/10 Intentionally left blank WCREP Implementation Procedure 9.0 -American Red Cross TABLE OF CONTENTS SectionlTitle 1.0 Purpose 2.0 Responsibilities 3.0 Concept of Operations Checklist ARC EOC Representative Checklist

-Unusual Event ARC EOC Representative Checklist

-Alert ARC EOC Representative Checklist

-Site Area Emergency ARC EOC Representative Checklist

-General Emergency Resource Section Shelter Status REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Page No. 3 3 4 Page No. 6 7 9 12 Page No. 16 Volume 2 2 Intentionally left blank WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 9.0 -American Red Cross 1.0 Purpose This procedure provides guidance for the American Red Cross Representative to the Westchester County EOC to assist in the implementation of the Westchester County Radiological Emergency Plan for the Indian Point Energy Center. 2.0 Responsibilities 2.1 County Commissioner of Social Services -The County Commissioner of Social Services is responsible for:

  • Assessing the emergency situation with respect to social services, financial and sheltering.
  • Contacting the American Red Cross.
  • Providing social services for evacuees 2.2 American Red Cross (ARC) s responsible for coordinating the staffing and operation of shelters for displaced persons. ARC will coordinate with the county Department of Social Services to monitor the status of shelter facilities.

2.3 American Red Cross EOC Liaison is responsible for ensuring a coordinated response between the County EOC and the ARC Headquarters Disaster Relief Operation (ORO) by exchanging information, requests, and recommendations in a timely manner. The ARC Liaison provides information to the EOC on all Red Cross activities throughout the county, and if requested, on NY State and beyond. While not decision-makers, liaisons shall represent to the EOC the current response capabilities of the Red Cross. The Liaison also forwards County requests for support to the ARC HQ ORO for action. 2.4 Department of Health will staff the personnel monitoring and decontamination functions at reception centers and will coordinate with the DSS to activate and staff needed reception center facilities.

REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 3 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 9.0 -American Red Cross 3.0 Concept of Operations 3.1 The American Red Cross (ARC) will be notified of an emergency at Indian Point via the county's automated notification system. As with most other agencies, the ARC is normally not notified at the Unusual Event, unless deemed necessary by the County Executive.

If notified of an Unusual Event, the ARC will be available to stand by until close out of the UNUSUAL EVENT or for possible escalation to a more severe event. 3.2 When notified of an Alert or higher, the American Red Cross will dispatch staff to report to assigned positions in the County EOC. 3.3 The ARC will begin to assess resources necessary to support evacuees.

ARC's primary mission will be to coordinate the opening and operation of shelters and associated support services.

3.4 ARC will identify and place on standby sufficient personnel to support operations of at least one shelter for every reception center the county opens. The county has identified a total of six possible reception centers which would be opened according to areas subject to evacuation.

3.5 It is county policy to place reception center personnel on standby for the first three reception centers at an Alert. The first three reception centers to open would be White Plains High School, Westchester Community College and Harrison High School. 3.6 The ARC will consider mobilizing staff to the first three shelters as early as a Site Area Emergency.

Facilities will be readied in the event of an evacuation.

3.7 At a General Emergency, the ARC will be prepared to open shelters to serve evacuees displaced by the emergency.

3.8 All evacuees will be processed through a county reception center prior to assignment to a shelter. Evacuees will be monitored for radiation and, if necessary, decontaminated prior to assignment to a shelter. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 4 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 9.0 -American Red Cross 3.9 The ARC will periodically brief the EOC Human Needs Branch Director of the status of ARC operations.

At the request of the EOC Operations Manager, the ARC DRO Director, or designee, will provide a briefing in person, or via conference call, to the EOC Command Staff. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 5 Intentionally left blank WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 9.0 -American Red Cross C EOC Representative Checklist No action necessary.

The American Red Cross is normally not notified at an Unusual Event (UE), unless deemed necessary by the County Executive.

1. If notified, contact appropriate personnel and advise them to standby for possible escalation.

Review procedures.

Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 6 Intentionally left blank WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 9.0 -American Red Cross C EOC Representative Checklist

__ 1. Upon notification of an Alert, notify ARC Liaisons to respond to the EOC and staff assigned positions.

Notes: __ 2. The ARC will place staff needed to support shelters on standby. Notes: __ 3. Contact the Metro-NY Regional Chapter, the National Headquarters Disaster Operations Center and New York State American Red Cross, inform them of the Alert and request they be on standby for possible escalation.

Notes: __ 4. Contact facilities which may be used as shelter facilities and notify them of the possible need for their facilities.

Request confirmation of availability.

The ARC plan is to initially open two shelters per reception center. Notes: __ 5. Brief the Human Needs Branch Director on a regular basis regarding agency activities including shelter status. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 7 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 9.0 -American Red Cross ARC EOC Representative Checklist Alert __ 6. Develop a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.

Note: Have lead positions report to the Notes: __ 7. Standby for possible escalation to an SITE AREA OR GENERAL EMERGENCY or until the ALERT is terminated.

Notes: __ 8. Upon termination of the event, contact staff to stand down and inform them that the ALERT has been terminated.

Notes: __ 9. Document all agency costs for response and provide information to OEM at the conclusion of the event. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 8 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 9.0 -American Red Cross ARC EOC Representative Checklist Site Area Emergency

__ 1. If not already staffed at the EOC, notify the American Red Cross EOC Liaisons to respond to the EOC and staff their assigned positions.

Notes: __ 2. Mobilize staff needed to open shelters in support of the White Plains High School, Westchester Community College and Harrison High School reception centers. The ARC plan is to initially open two shelters per reception center. Notes: __ 3. Coordinate with the County OEM to move any ARC, municipal or county shelter supplies out of the ten mile EPZ (e.g., the Town of Cortlandt shelter trailer) Notes: __ 4. Contact the Metro-NY Regional Office, National ARC Disaster Operations Center and the New York State American Red Cross, and inform them of the Site Area Emergency and request they be on standby for possible escalation and mutual aid support. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 9 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 9.0 -American Red Cross C EOC Representative Checklist

__ 5. Maintain contact with Shelter Managers and monitor shelter readiness and operations.

Notes: __ 6. Contact the ARC Public Affairs Lead to ensure they are coordinating with the County EOC PIO staff. Notes: __ 7. ARC Liaisons will brief the Human Needs Branch Director on a regular basis regarding agency activities including shelter status. At the request of the EOC Operations Manager, the ARC ORO Director, or designee, will provide a briefing in person, or via conference call, to the EOC Command Staff. Notes: __ 8. Develop a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.

Note: Have lead positions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 10 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 9.0 American Red Cross ARC EOC Representative Checklist Site Area Emergency

__ 9. Standby for possible escalation to a GENERAL EMERGENCY or until the SITE AREA EMERGENCY is terminated.

Notes: __ 10. Upon termination of the event, contact staff to stand down and inform them that the EVENT has been terminated.

Notes: __ 11. Document all agency costs for response and provide information to OEM at the conclusion of the event. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 11 Intentionally left blank WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 9.0 -American Red Cross ARC EOC Representative Checklist General Emergency

__ 1. If not already staffed at the EOC, notify American Red Cross EOC Liaisons to the respond to the county EOC and staff their assigned positions.

Notes: 2.lf not already complete, direct congregate care shelter staff to report to their designated facilities to set them up and prepare to receive evacuees.

Open additional shelters, depending upon the protective action directed by the County Executive.

Coordinate with the Department of Health and Department of Social Services in the opening of all shelters.

Notes: __ 3. If not already complete, contact the Metro-NY Regional ARC, the national ARC Disaster Operations Center, and the New York State American Red Cross, as well as Regional and National offices, inform them of the General Emergency and request mobilization of support resources.

Notes: __ 4. Request Shelter Managers to periodically report on the status of shelter operations, including staffing levels, facility readiness to receive evacuees; and the number of people processed.

Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 12 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 9.0 -American Red Cross C EOC Representative Checklist

__ 5. Coordinate with the Department of Mental Health to arrange support for counseling services for evacuees at congregate care shelters.

Notes: __ 6. ARC Liaisons will brief the Branch Director on a regular basis on agency activities including status of shelter operations.

Notes: __ 7. Develop a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.

Note: Have lead positions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Notes: __ 8. Confirm with Shelter Managers that 24-hour staffing has been planned for activated shelters.

Record contact information below: Shift Date/time Shelter Manager on Duty Contact Number __ 9. Confirm that the ARC Public Affairs Lead is coordinating with the County EOC PIO and the Indian Point Joint Information Center (JIC). Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 13 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 9.0 -American Red Cross ARC EOC Representative Checklist General Emergency

__ O. Upon emergency termination, contact ARC staff and inform them that the GENERAL EMERGENCY has been terminated.

Begin recovery process. Restore facilities to pre-emergency condition, as soon as feasible.

Notes: __ 11. Document costs for response and provide information data to OEM. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 14 Intentionally left blank WCREP REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 Implementation Procedure 9.0 -American Red Cross Resource Section Volume 2 15 Intentionally left blank WCREP Reception Center White Plains HS i Westchester Community College Harrison HS Ardsley MS H.C. Crittenden MS REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. Volume 2 Implementatioll Pr()cedure 9.0-American Red Cr()ttS Shelter Status Shelter Facility Manager Contact Information Total in Center L-__ ___ ______ .. ___ ..... __ ... __ ..... ___


  • I Fox Lane HS Other: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 9.0 -American Red Cross 3 . 1. 2. 3. 17 WESTCHESTER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY PLAN VOLUME 2 IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE IP-10.0 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Revision 0.0 DRAFT 08/06/10 Inten ti onall y left blank WCREP Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1.0 Purpose 2.0 Responsibilities 3.0 Concept of Operations Checklist EMS EOC Representative

-Unusual Event EMS EOC Representative

-Alert EMS EOC Representative

-Site Area Emergency EMS EOC Representative

-General Emergency Resource Section (phone lists, resources lists, etc) None REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Page No. 3 3 3 Page No. 5 6 11 16 Volume 2 2 Intenti onall y left blank WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services 1.0 Purpose This procedure provides guidance for the Department of Emergency Services (DES), Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Division and Office of Emergency Management staff to implement the Westchester County Radiological Emergency Plan for the Indian Point Energy Center as it relates to the coordination of emergency medical services.

2.0 Responsibilities The Emergency Medical Services Director or designee is responsible for:

  • Maintaining adequate emergency medical resources for day to day calls, while responding to the emergency needs of Indian Point
  • Implementation of this procedure during EOC activations
  • Emergency medical services transport for ill and injured patients
  • Coordinating the movement of patients and hospital personnel from risk areas
  • Coordinating support for the non-institutionalized mobility impaired (NIMI) and hearing impaired, as required.

3.0 Concept of Operations 3.1 The Westchester County DES EMS Division and OEM staff will operate from the county EOC to coordinate emergency medical service resources.

The EMS Division will assist in coordination of ambulance transport of hospital patients, nursing homes or other special care facilities; and support communications links among medical facilities, as well as coordination of support for the non-institutionalized mobility impaired (NIMI) and hearing impaired, as required.

REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 3 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services 3.2 In coordinating support to NIMI's, EMS will work with the Hospital mini-EOC at the Westchester Medical Center, which maintains contact with this group and updates their status and needs. 3.3 When notified of an Alert or higher event at IPEC, DES EMS Division personnel will be notified to report to their assigned positions in the County EOC. 3.4 DES EMS staff in the EOC will periodically brief OEM staff and the County Executive on the status emergency medical services provided, number of EMS agencies responding; the number of ambulances available for patient transport/evacuation; any coordination with hospitals and special facilities; and any coordination with the Health Department and/or Fire Services.

3.5 The Westchester Department of Transportation (DOT) will be responsible for obtaining ambulette resources.

EMA will relay any identified needs for ambulettes to DOT for dispatch. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 4 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist

__ 1. Emergency Medical Services are normally not notified at an Unusual Event (UE), unless deemed necessary by the County Executive.

Notes: __ 2. If notified, contact EMS Division personnel and advise them to stand by for possible escalation.

Review procedures.

Notes: __ 3. Upon notification of termination of the UE, contact appropriate EMS Division personnel to stand down. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 5 Intentionally left blank WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist

1. Receive notification of the Alert and respond to the EOC to staff assigned positions.

Notes: UPON ARRIVAL AT THE EOC, THE FOLLOWING ACTIONS ARE TO BE TAKEN: __ 2. Request the County Emergency Communications Center (ECC) to notify the appropriate EMS agencies to place their personnel on standby. Notes: __ 3. Advise ECC to notify EMS agencies within the 10-Mile EPZ to pick up dosimeters.

Potassium Iodide (KI). and emergency exposure cards at their local municipal dosimetry distribution point and distribute this material to their EMS responders.

Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 6 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist

4. Coordinate movement of EMS agencies in accordance with the Mutual Aid Plan through the Emergency Communications Center (ECC). Mutual Aid EMS agencies not located in the EPZ but needed for the response should be directed to the DES Training Center for coordination and PPE distribution. (Note: At the Alert consider needs of the two mile radius as a first priority)

Notes: __ 5. Request EMS agencies to perform the following activities:

  • Assess needs
  • Provide emergency medical services and transport within the 10 Mile EPZ.
  • Establish communications links between medical facilities as required.
  • Coordinate with the EMS Division Coordinator in the EOC. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08106/10 7 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist

__ 6. Provide emergency medical services for any reception center that may be opened. (Three reception centers may be opened during the Alert. Check with Social Services and Health Departments).

Preliminary reception center assignments are as follows: Reception Center White Plains HS Westchester Community College Harrison HS Ardsley MS H.C. Crittenden MS Fox Lane HS Notes: __ 7. Dispatch DES personnel to the designated EMS Staging Area and establish communications with the site. Include supplies of dosimetry.

Determine staging area location based on incident and weather conditions.

Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 8 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist

__ 8. Coordinate ambulance transportation needs with the Special Facilities Coordinator.

Notes: __ 9. Brief the County Executive on a regular basis on EMS Division activities:

the status of emergency medical services provided; number of EMS agencies in response to emergencies; number of ambulances available for patient transportation 1 resident evacuation; any coordination with hospitals, special facilities; the Health Department andlor Fire Services.

Notes: __ 10. Develop a 24-hour shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.

NOTE: HAVE LEAD POSITIONS REPORT TO THE EOC ONE HALF HOUR PRIOR TO THEIR SHIFT FOR TURN OVER FROM THE PREVIOUS SHIFT. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 9 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist

__ 1. Stand by for possible escalation to an SITE AREA EMERGENCY or until the ALERT is terminated and verbal confirmation is received from Indian Point. Notes: __ 12. Upon notification of termination of the event, contact EMS Division staff to stand down and inform them that the ALERT has been terminated.

Ensure all EMS agencies in the field have been notified of event termination.

Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 10 In tenti onall y left blank WCKEP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist Site Area Emergency

__ 1. If not already staffed at the EOC, assure EMS Division staff are notified via the department call out list to respond to the EOC and staff assigned positions.

Notes: __ 2. Ensure EMS agencies within the ten mile EPZ have been issued dosimeters, Potassium Iodide (KI). and emergency worker exposure cards and that this equipment has been distributed to first responders.

Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 11 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist Site Area Emergency

__ 3. If not already implemented, request EMS agencies to perform the following activities:

  • Assess needs
  • Provide emergency medical services and transport within the 10 Mile EPZ.
  • Establish communications links between medical facilities as required.
  • Coordinate with the EMS Division Coordinator in the EOC.
  • As requested provide emergency medical services for any reception center that may be opened. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 12 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist Site Area Emergency

__ 4. When requested, coordinate with the Hospital Mini-EOC and EMS agencies to assist in the evacuation of those ill or mobility impaired individuals for whom evacuation would have minimal medical risk. This includes the following:

  • Special Facilities
  • Homes of handicapped persons, shut-ins and those identified by the Department of Social Services.
  • Non-institutionalized mobility impaired (NIMI) persons requiring ambulance transportation identified through the Public Information Brochure (Coordinate with the Hospital EOC)
  • Non-institutionalized mobility impaired (NIMI) persons requiring ambulette or Para-transit transportation from the County Commissioner of Transportation identified through the Public Information Brochure (Coordinate with the Hospital mini-EOC).
  • Hearing impaired Notes: __ 5. Non-institutionalized mobility impaired and hearing impaired are contacted to ensure they are aware of the event and their needs are met. Coordinate with the hospital Mini-EOC to ensure those contacts are being made and to obtain updated needs information.

Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 13 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist Site Area Emergency

__ 6. Assess the need for additional vehicles and request them through the ECC (Mutual Aid). Notes: __ 7. Brief the County Executive on a regular basis on agency activities; the status emergency medical services provided; number of ambulances in response to emergencies; any coordination with hospitals and special facilities; and any coordination with the Health Department and/or Fire Services.

Notes: __ 8. Develop a 24-hour shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.

NOTE: HAVE LEAD POSITIONS REPORT TO THE EOC ONE HALF HOUR PRIOR TO THEIR SHIFT FOR TURN OVER FROM THE PREVIOUS SHIFT. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 14 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist Site Area Emergency

__ 9. Standby for possible escalation to a GENERAL EMERGENCY or until the SITE AREA EMERGENCY is terminated and verbal confirmation is received from Indian Point. Notes: __ 10. Contact EMS staff to stand down and inform them that the SITE AREA EMERGENCY has been terminated.

Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 15 In ten ti onall y left blank WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist General Emergency

__ 1. If not already staffed at the EOC, assure EMS division staff are notified via the Department call out list to respond to the EOC and staff assigned positions.

Notes: __ 2. Ensure that all actions listed under ALERT and SITE AREA EMERGENCY status have been completed.

Notes: __ 3. Assure that assigned EMS agencies are notified to distribute dosimeters, TLD's Potassium Iodide (KI), and emergency exposure cards to first responders.

Notes: 4. Notify the County Radiological Officer of any dosimetry or KI shortfalls for EMS agencies.

Coordinate with the Rad Officer to meet needs. Notes: 5. Request notification of any reports of EMS equipment or personnel contamination or exposure.

Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 16 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 I I General Emergency 17 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist General Emergency

__ 6. Upon confirmation by the County Health Commissioner, advise EMS workers who may be working within the ten mile EPZ to take, by mouth, Potassium Iodide (KI) as per the SEMO Health Department protocol.

Notes: __ 7. Non-institutionalized mobility impaired and hearing impaired are contacted by the Hospital Mini-EOC to ensure they are aware of the event and their needs are met. Obtain updated information from the Hospital mini-EOC to arrange for medical transport.

Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 18 WCREP Volume 1 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist General Emergency

__ 8. Coordinate with the Hospital Mini-EOC and EMS agencies to assist in the evacuation of those ill or mobility impaired individuals in impacted areas for whom evacuation would have minimal medical risk. This includes the following:

  • Special Facilities
  • Homes of handicapped persons, shut-ins and those identified by the Department of Social Services.
  • Non-institutionalized mobility impaired (NIMI) persons requiring ambulance transportation identified through the Public Information Brochure (Coordinate with the Hospital EOC)
  • Non-institutionalized mobility impaired (NIMI) persons requiring ambulette or Para-transit transportation from the County Commissioner of Transportation identified through the Public Information Brochure (Coordinate with the Hospital EOC).
  • Hearing impaired Notes: __ 9. Assess the need for additional vehicles and request them through the ECC (Mutual Aid). Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 19 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist General Emergency

__ O. When responding to potentially contaminated injured persons the EMS/Rescue Squads should follow BEMS policy: See

  • Life saving medical assistance takes precedence over radiological contamination.
  • Obtain pertinent information regarding approximate radioactivity measurement from authorities at the scene, preferably Health Department liaisons.
  • Encourage gross decontamination of potentially contaminated patients where it available and does not interfere with life saving measures.


  • If the injury is an open wound: remove all clothing around the wound; cover with lean dressing; use elastic (ie cling) bandage to hold wound cover in place; do not use adhesive tape.
  • Identify any areas of potential contamination on the patient unable to be addressed by the crew on scene and cover as appropriate to control the spread.
  • When cleaning a wound efforts should be similar to cleaning a dirt laden wound or removing foreign material.
  • Cover the stretcher, including the pillow with an open sheet; wrap the patient in the sheet to stop the spread of contamination.
  • Notify the hospital with available information regarding patient condition and potential contamination.
  • Request the hospital to set up a decontamination area for patient transfer and have staff waiting with appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Collect all potentially contaminated materials and equipment; place them in tied-off red bags and tag as "contaminated radioactive waste" for collection at the hospital.

Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 20 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 General Emergency 21 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist General Emergency

__ 11 . Advise the EMS/Rescue Squads after each response to potentially contaminated injured victims to report to the Emergency Worker Personnel Monitoring Center (EWPMC) at the DES Support Services building, 35 Walker road in Valhalla, where vehicles and crews will be monitored for contamination and decontaminated if necessary.

Take unit out of service until cleared through the EWPMC. Notes: __ 12. Brief the County Executive on a regular basis on EMS Division activities:

the status of emergency medical services provided; number of EMS agencies in response to emergencies; number of ambulances available for patient transportation

/ resident evacuation; any coordination with hospitals, special facilities, the Health Department, and/or Fire Services.

Notes: __ 13. Develop a 24-hour shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.

NOTE: HAVE LEAD POSITIONS REPORT TO THE EOC ONE HALF HOUR PRIOR TO THEIR SHIFT FOR TURN OVER FROM THE PREVIOUS SHIFT. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 22 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EMS EOC Representative Checklist General Emergency

__ 14. Upon notice of termination, contact EMS Division staff to stand down and inform them that the GENERAL EMERGENCY has been terminated.

Ensure EMS agencies are informed of event termination.

Notes: __ 15. Prepare for recovery phase, including transport of patients back to the area. Notes: REV 0.0 {DRAFT} 08/06/10 23 WCREP Implementation Procedure lO.O-Emergency medical Services REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 Volume 2 24 Intentionally left blank WCREP Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services Section 1.0 Purpose 2.0 Responsibilities 3.0 Concept of Operations 4.0 References Checklists TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. 3 3 5 8 EOC Lead Public Information Officer Checklist

-Unusual Event 9 EOC Lead Public Information Officer Checklist

-Alert 1 Site Area Emergency 10 EOC Lead Public Information Officer Checklist

-General Emergency 15 Public Inquiry Call Center Supervisor Checklist

-Unusual Event 22 Public Inquiry Call Center Supervisor Checklist

-Alert 1 Site Area Emergency 1 Resource Section Attachment 1: Attachment 2: Attachment 3: Attachment 4: Attachment 5: Attachment 6: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 General Emergency EAS Message Template Immediate General Emergency EAS message Follow Up News Release Template Public Information Contact List (Includes JIC Numbers) JIC Process Flow chart WHUD EAS Activation Information 23 26 27 28 32 33 34 Volume} o Intentionally left blank WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services 1.0 Purpose This procedure provides guidance for the County Director of Communications, EOC Lead Public Information Officer and Public Information Staff to implement the Westchester County Radiological Emergency Plan for the Indian Point Energy Center. 2.0 Responsibilities 2.1 County Executive has the overall responsibility for managing the county's response in an emergency and ensuring the health and safety of the public. 2.2 Director of Communications oversees and directs all county public information and communications.

The Director of Communications makes recommendations to the County Executive on all issues that affect the public in an emergency.

The Director of Communications or designee, is responsible for responding to inquiries from the media. 2.3 EOC Lead Public Information Officer coordinates the preparation and dissemination of accurate and timely information to the public during an emergency at Indian Point. The EOC Lead PIO manages all public information functions, including the development of Emergency Alert System (EAS) messages, press releases and news advisories, and oversees communication with the public inquiry staff. The PIO also interfaces with the Director of Communications and other county and state public information officers to ensure that all public information functions are coordinated and consistent with the county's emergency response.

This position may serve as spokesperson for the county at the Joint Information Center. 2.4 Command Room Public Information Liaison is the chief information link between the Command Room/EOC response staff and the PIO staff. This position is responsible for sorting through all of the county's actions documented during an emergency and forwarding important and relevant information to the PIO workroom.

REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 o WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 Emergency medical Services 2.5 PIO Staff Liaison is responsible for flagging information on emergency actions taken by Command Room/EOC responders for the PIO staff. In addition, this position will assist with distributing press releases and news alerts to the media and officials and posting them to the New York State emergency website. This position and the Public Inquiry liaison will share the responsibility of monitoring the county website for information updates. 2.6 Emergency Alert System message writers are responsible for coordinating the preparation of EAS messages on protective actions for the public recommended by the four responding counties and New York State. The EAS messages will be reviewed for content and accuracy by the County Executive and issued in web-based formats, including the county website and New York State's DisasterLAN application.

2.7 Public Inquiry Liaison maintains communication on an open telephone line and by electronic mail with the public inquiry team and notifies the Lead PIO of rumors that may develop during an emergency.

This position will assist with distribution of press releases and monitoring the county emergency website. 2.8 Press Release writerlinformation specialist assists with the research and preparation of news releases in an emergency.

This position "shadows" the EOC Director and gathers background information on the actions being taken by emergency responders from a public information staff perspective.

2.9 Public Information Writers are responsible for obtaining from the PIO staff liaison, timely and accurate information on emergency actions and preparing press releases, advisories and other informational materials as necessary.

The PIO staff also assists with issuing press releases to the media, maintaining the county's emergency website and preparing news briefing information for the lead PIO. 2.10 Runner is responsible for posting and distributing press releases and other informational materials to appropriate emergency responders and preparing briefing materials for the lead PIO. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 1 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services 2.11 Emergency Website Administrator posts emergency alert messages and press release to the county's emergency website. This position will be directed to either the Communications Office or the Public Inquiry facility located in the County Office Building.

2.12 Media Inquiry A line will be established in the County Executive's workroom to handle media calls. The Director of Communications or designee will take the lead responsibility for responding to media inquiries in an emergency.

3.0 Concept of Operations 3.1 Westchester County has adopted the National Incident Management Systemllncident Command System for EOC operations.

The public information staff is part of the command function in the EOC and report to the County Executive.

3.2 When notified of an Unusual Event, the Director of Communications will assess the event. Public information functions may be activated at the discretion of the Director of Communications or County Executive, if it is envisioned that the event may generate great public interest or the need to share emergency-related information with the general public. For example, this may be the case for security-related events at Indian Point. 3.3 For an Unusual Event, the automated Emergency Notification System (ENS) is not used to notify staff. A manual callout will occur based upon an assessment of the nature of the incident.

The Deputy County Executive will notify the EOC Lead PIO and will assure they, or a qualified alternate, are available to stand by for possible escalation to a more severe event. The Lead PIO will notify other PIO staff as deemed necessary.

REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 2 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services 3.4 When notified of an Alert or higher incident classification, the County EOC Lead PIO and PIO staff will be notified via the ENS notification system and will report to their assigned positions in the County EOC, the Public Inquiry Call Center (alternate EOC) or the Communications Office, located in the Michaelian Office Building in White Plains. 3.5 Initial news releases and/or Emergency Alert System messages will identify the number for the Public Inquiry Call Center, 995-1111, as soon as it is confirmed as operational, so that the public can access this resource.

3.6 The Westchester County Lead EOC PIO and staff will reside in the EOC Public Information Work Room. 3.7 The EOC PIO staff will coordinate with the state operated Joint Information Center (JIC) also located at the Hudson Valley Traffic Management Center in Hawthorne.

The JIC is operated to facilitate a coordinated public information process or system. Coordination is accomplished via numerous communications methods, including shared web-based information; some physical co-location at the JIC; video-conferencing; and telephonic commun ications.

3.8 EAS messages will be developed in the EOC, with final approval by the County Executive (s). EAS message content will be reviewed with and coordinated with the other counties via the PIO web portal, part of the State's DisasterLAN application, and/or via the PIO video-conference line. 3.9 PIO staff will have responsibility for developing the content of EAS messages and transmittal to and broadcast by the EAS station. An EAS encoder will be available in the EOC to permit direct activation and broadcast of EAS messages from the EOC. Until the encoder is operational, telephone communications remains the primary means of communications between the primary EAS station, WHUD, and the EOC. Arrangements have been made with WHUD Radio for message verification.

WHUD has verification phone numbers for call back to the Westchester REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 3 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services County Warning Point and EOC, in the event there is a question as to the authenticity of EAS activation requests.

3.10 Westchester County has a comprehensive outreach and public information program, and maintains an ongoing working relationship with the news media, including those that serve the non-English speaking communities.

Informational and educational materials are provided through all the major media outlets in the metro-New York area that serve the Spanish speaking population.

Per established procedures, the County issues all of its news releases and media alerts to these organizations in English; the news media provide translations from English to Spanish. In addition, the county's director of Hispanic Affairs is available to talk to and provide information and assistance to the media, as needed, and works closely with schools, government agencies and non-profit groups to assist members of the Hispanic community in an emergency.

The Community Emergency Planning for Indian Point booklet is available in Spanish on the county's website at Informational materials distributed at the county reception centers for evacuees are also available in Spanish. 3.11 PIO staff will also be responsible for preparing and issuing follow up news releases.

News releases may be issued through a variety of means including, but not limited to, posting on the internet, emailing and faxing directly to the media and posting in the JIC. The County IT Department has developed a software application to facilitate this process. 3.124 Individuals who may serve as county spokespersons, include but are not limited to: -The County Executive Deputy County Executive REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 EOC Lead PIO 4 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services In addition to the above, additional senior managers may be made available to speak to specific technical issues. These individuals may include the Commissioners of Emergency Services, Health and Public Safety, or their desig nated representatives.

3.15 The County will staff a public inquiry telephone bank to address public questions and concerns and to identify and address rumors or misinformation.

This function will be initiated as early as an Alert and will operate from the alternate EOC in White Plains, NY. In the event that facility is unavailable, other space will be provided in the County Office Building.

3.16 A telephone number for media inquiries specifiC to Westchester will be released to the media as soon as the EOC is activated.

The Director of Communications will coordinate this function.

4.0 References

  • Joint Information Center Procedures, New York State Emergency Management Office
  • Westchester County Public Inquiry Resource Binder
  • Community Emergency Planning for Indian Point: A Guide for you and Your Family
  • Lower Hudson Valley Local Emergency Communications Committee, Emergency Alert System Plan for Westchester, Rockland, Orange and Putnam Counties, draft. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 5 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EOC Lead Public Information Officer Checklist Unusual Event __ 1. Upon notification from Indian Point of an Unusual Event, the County Warning Point will notify the County organizations on the Unusual Event call/ist, including the County Executive and Deputy County Executive.

Notes: __ 2. The Deputy County Executive will assess the event and if the event is security related, may activate the public information/Joint Information Center function, or place the communications staff on standby for possible escalation to a more serious event. If the JIC function is activated, refer to the JIC activation procedures in the Alert checklist.

Notes: __ 3. Evaluate the need to issue information on the event to the public through the media. Notes: __ 4. Upon event termination, ensure that the County Executive is informed.

REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 o Intentionally left blank

  • WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure

/0.0 -Emergency medical Services EOC Lead Public Information Officer Checklist Alert I Site Area Emergency Note: These checklist items are relevant to either an Alert or Site Area Emergency. __ 1. Upon notification of the event. the PIO staff will respond to the EOG to staff assigned positions. Notes: __ 2. The Lead PIO in the EOG establishes contact with the JIG Liaison and tests the operability of the video link to the JIG. Note: Confirm whether Westchester should assist in set up of the JIC facility , and provide any assistance needed. __ 3. Establish the PIO HotiineNideo-conference and maintain an open line of communications with the other counties , SEMO and Entergy PIO staff . Notes: __ 4. Ensure PIO EAS staff contact WHUD to notify them of the incident status; confirm operability of the communications links and request they review procedures in the event activation of the EAS becomes necessary. Notes: __ 5. Ensure activation of the Public Inquiry Gall Genter at the White Plains alternate EOC and establish communications with the Call Center Supervisor.

Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 o WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EOC Lead Public Information Officer Checklist Alert I Site Area Emergency

__ 6. Obtain the following information and brief the all Pia staff: Time of the event classification Current plant status including the potential for a radioactive release Wind speed and direction Initial precautionary actions being taken by the county:

  • School closings or delayed openings
  • Students sent to school reception centers
  • Parks and recreational areas closed
  • River cleared
  • FAA, Metro North, ConRail and Amtrak status and notification Status of EOC staffing and if its "operational" Status of activation of other county response facilities Notes: __ 7. Prepare and issue initial news releases.

Ensure the release includes:

  • A summary of county response actions
  • Telephone number for Public Inquiry Call Center
  • Media Inquiry number Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 1 WCREP Volume 2 Implem e ntation. Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Servic es EOC Le ad Pub lic Information Officer Checklist Alert I Site Area Emergency

__ B. The Lead EOC PIO will ensure that information on the event and actions being taken are disseminated to the EOC and the JIC. Notes: __ 9. Track activation of key PIO staff , including the public inquiry call center , and inform the Director of Communications and OEM when key staff are in place. Notes: __ 10. Confirm with the Command Room the need for a Heads-Up EAS Message. If an EAS message is needed , record siren activation and EAS activation times and notify PIO EAS staff to be prepared to issues EAS message. Notes: __ 11. Post all EAS messages to the State PIO website , county website , and in the EOC software application.

Notes: __ 12. Maintain communications with Public Inquiry Call Center supervisor and obtain data on caU processing, rumors and/or misinformation. Provide periodic reports to the Command Room and EOC Operations Manager. Take actions necessary to correct rumors or misinformation. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) OB/06/10 2 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EOC Lead Public Information Officer Checklist Alert I Site Area Emergency

__ 13. Brief the County Executive on a regular basis on PIO activities, the status of JIC activities and number of news releases sent out. Notes: __ 14. Contact the JIC Liaison to obtain updates on: Notes: Media presence at the JIC and JIC briefing schedule Results of media monitoring function of the JIC and any misinformation requiring a county response.

__ 15. Determine the need for a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> shifts) for PIO staff and notify replacements of schedule.

Note: Have positions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Lead EOC PIO should lead a PIO briefing for all PIO staff. Notes: __ 16. Stand by for possible escalation, reviewing procedures and ensuring communications systems are operational and ready for use if needed. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 3 WCREP Volume 2 Implem e ntation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services

  • EOC Lead Public Information Office r Checklist Alert I Site Area Emergency
  • __ 17. Upon notice eftemination, contact PIO staff to stand down and inform them that the event has been terminated.

Collect documentation of PIO activities, including reports from the public inquiry center. Notes: __ 18. Other response actions taken: Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 4 Intentionally left blank WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure J 0.0 -Emergency medical Services EOC Lead Public Information Officer Checklist General Emergency

___ 1. If not already slalled at the EOC, JIC and Public Inquiry Call Center. assure PIO staff is notified via the department call out list to respond to their assigned positions. Notes: __ 2. If this is the initial notification of an event at IPEC , the Immediate General Emergency EAS message should have been issued by the Warning Point or OEM. Confirm with the Warning Point and DES Commissioner that this message was issued. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Prepare to issue Follow Up news release. The County Executive may be revising initial protective action recommendations. Prepare to issue a new EAS message. o WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EOC Lead Public Information Officer Checklist General Emergency

__ 3. Contact the primary and secondary EAS radio stations and place them on standby to prepare for airing an EAS message. EAS Contact Information:

Emergency Alert System (EAS) radio station, WHUD: (1) Primary Numbers: (845)831-1525 (2) Alternate Numbers: (845)831-1540 Note: If you are unable to make immediate contact with WHUD, both back up stations need to be contacted.

Contact both: WFAS: (1) Primary Numbers: (914)693-9395

[4:30AM-6:30PM M-F] (914)806-6349, all other times (914) 558-0592 (pager) (2) Alternate Numbers: (914)693-2401/5600/5700/1900/2400 (914)285-9327 and WRRV: (1) Primary Numbers: Mon. through Fri. (8:30 am to 5:30 pm) (845) 471-1500 After hrslWeekends (845)452-1015 Note: The EAS messages are coordinated among (4) County Executives and there will only be one EAS message for each PAD, agreed upon by the (4) County Executives for all four counties.

Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EOC Lead Public Information Officer Checklist General Emergency

__ 4. Monitor the County Executive Hotline to obtain the final Protective Action Decision (PAD) and develop the appropriate EAS message for review and approval by the County Executive or designee.

Decision Time: Projected Siren Sounding Time: Projected Time for Issuance of EAS message: Shelter AREA's: Evacuate AREA's: Notes: 5. Coordinate contact with the EAS station and issuance of the EAS message within the agreed upon timeframe.

If time permits. pre-record message. Otherwise, read message directly over the phone to the radio station. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Designate spokesperson to record the message Record message and review for accuracy Open telephone line to WHUD and prepare for broadcast 2

WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EOC Lead Public Information Officer Checklist General Emergency Monitor EAS to confirm broadcast Notify the Command Room when task is complete __ 6. Each EAS message should be followed immediately with a follow-on news release which should provide more details such as: > Telephone number for public inquiry > Use of public information brochures y Identification of general population reception centers open > Current emergency conditions at Indian Point > Instructions for transients without shelter > What to take along and what to leave behind when evacuating

> Information and instructions for parents of students regarding protective actions for students > Information for transportation dependent individuals y Sheltering instructions, if applicable Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 3 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation PrOt:e dur e 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EOC Lead Public Informalion Officer Checklist General Emergency

__ 7. Ensure PIO staff obtains information on other actions that have been taken and current actions being implemented.

This information will be compiled and coordinated with the Lead PIO in the EOC for use in follow-on news releases. o Traffic Control Points (TCP's) established. o Evacuation buses o Open reception centers o Open congregate care centers o Dosimetry and Kl distributed to emergency workers o Field monitoring results o Status of school children o Institutionalized mobility impaired individuals within the affected AREA's are shettered-in-place or evacuated. a Non-Institutionalized mobility impaired individuals contacted and transportation resources ready for evacuation. o Hospitals are sheltered or ready for evacuation o Declaration of "Local State of Emergency" by the County Executive in coordination with the other three counties. __ B. Contact the JIC Liaison to obtain updates on: Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) OBI06/10 Media presence at the JIC and JIC briefing schedule Results of media monnoring function of the JIC and any misinformat i on requiring a county response. 4 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services EOC Lead Public Information Officer Checklist General Emergency

__ 9. Obtain any changes in protective actions, and ensure preparation of a new EAS message for review and approval by the County Executive or designee.

Follow procedures for contact with the radio station and issuance of the EAS message. Notes: __ 10. Use the State DisasterLan PI website for coordination of the EAS message content and its posting on the site. Post all news releases and EAS messages to the County website; the EOC software application; and provide hard copies to the JIC via the JIC Liaison. Notes: __ 11. EOC and JIC PIO's continue to monitor and record all changes in plant status, protective actions and Command Room actions for future press release information.

Notes: __ 12. Lead PIO to obtain information on the event and actions being taken from the Command Room and EOC Operations Room and disseminates to the PIO organization in the EOC and the JIC for future development of press releases.

Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 5

  • weREP Volume 2 Implem e ntation Procedure 10.0 -Emergen cy m e dical Services EOC Lead Public Informat i o n Officer Check li st General Emergency

__ 13. Upon tennination of the event, assess the need for on-going public infonnation related to recovery. Coordinate with the JIC Liaison to determine when the JIC will be de-activated and notify the Director of Communications. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08 10611 0 6 Intentionally left blank WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure J 0.0 -Emergency medical Services Public Inquiry Call Center Supervisor Checklist Unusual Event 1. Under most circumstances, the Public Inquiry staff will not be notified of an Unusual Event. No action is necessary. Noles: __ 2. However, the Director of Communications will assess the event and if the event is security related , the Director may activate the public information/Joint Information Center function, or place the communications staff on standby for possible escalation to a more serious event. If Ihe JIC funclion is activaled, refer 10 Ihe JIC aclivalion procedures in Ihe Alert checklist.

Noles: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 o Intentionally left blank WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency m e dical Servic e s .t"'UDIII; I n qu i ry Ca ll Ce nt er S u perv i sor C h eck li st 1. Upon notification of the event , the Public Inquiry staff will be contacted via the c ounty Emergency Notification System (ENS) and should respond to assigned positions at the Call Center in the basement of the County Office Building in VVhite Plains. Notes: ___ 2. Upon arrival at the Call Center: Notes: confirm operability of the 995-1111 telephone line. Notify the EOC of your arrival and declare the facility operational upon arrival of sufficient staff and confirmation of equipment operability , Establish an open line with the EOC PIO room __ 3. Login to the EOC application to review the status key events and obtain a briefing from the EOC Lead PIO. Notes: __ 4. Brief Public Inquiry Call Center staff on the situation status. Review binder and prepare to receive call s from the public. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 o l weREP Yolume2 r-______

Services Public Inqu i ry Call Center Supervisor Checkl i st Alert I Site Area Emergency I General Emergency

__ 5. Remind staff to be aware of and to identify potential rumors and misinformation and to complete necessary forms to alert the Call Center Supervisor. Notes: __ 6. Forward information on rumors and misinformation to the EOC PIO group for attention. Notes: __ 7. Track the volume 01 calls processed and periodically report status to the EOC . Also brief the EOC Pia staff on any public inlonmation issues identified through call center operations. Notes: __ 8. Ensure that the call center staff is updated on critical information on the situation. Notes: __ 9. Discuss the need to 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> operations with the EOC Lead PIO and plan appropriate shift changes. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08106/10 *

  • *
  • WCREP Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services Public Inqu i ry Call Center Superv i sor Checklist

__ 10.0ther: Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08106110 Volume 2 2 Intenti onall y left blank WCREP Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Attachment 1 EAS Message Template (see next page) Volume 2 o Intentionally left blank WCREP Volume 2 Message Decision Time: Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services Attachment 2 EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM MESSAGE Immediate General Emergency Date ______ _ --------Siren Time: ________ _ ANNOUNCER:

This is not a test. The Emergency Alert System has been activated by chief officials of Westchester, Rockland, Orange and Putnam Counties due to an emergency at the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant in Buchanan, New York. Please listen to this entire message before taking any action. A General Emergency has been declared.

There has been .... There has not been .... A release of radioactive materials to the environment.

OR It has not yet been determined whether there has been a radiological release of radioactive materials to the environment.

People living within five miles of the plant are directed to: stay inside their homes or businesses.

If you have KI (Potassium Iodide), ingest one dose at this time. "In Westchester, you should stay indoors if you are in Buchanan, Peekskill, Verplanck, Montrose, Mount Airy, Croton-on-Hudson, Crugers, Oscawana, Furnace Woods, Pleasantside, Peekskill Heights and Northeastern Cortlandt, including Mohegan Lake. "In Rockland, you should stay indoors if you are in the Towns of Stony Point and Haverstraw.

People in the Bear Mountain and Harriman State Parks should seek shelter. "In Orange County, you should stay indoors if you are in the Town of Highlands, the Village of Highland Falls. People in the Harriman and Bear Mountain State Parks should seek shelter. "In Putnam County, you should stay indoors if you are in Garrison, south of Route 403, and the Continental Village and Lake Peekskill areas. I repeat, those living within five miles of the plant should go indoors and close windows and doors. If you have KI (Potassium Iodide), ingest one dose at this time. People living within 10 miles of the plant should consult the Emergency Planning for Indian A Guide for You and Your Family booklet or similar pages of the phone book for detailed information.

Stay tuned to this Emergency Alert System station for further information and instructions.

This js qot a test, Westchester

____ _ Rockland, ______ _ Orange ___________

__ Putnam _______ _ REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 o WCREP Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services New York State. ___ _ REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Volume 2 WCREP Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Attachment 3 Follow Up News Release Template (see next page) Volume 2 o Intentionally left blank m ester on Roben P. AstoriDO, Cou nt)' E><4!CUlive N e d McConuack.

Olrector of Co ...... unicalloDi EAS FOLLOW-ON NEWS BULLETIN Supporting EAS Message # __ DATE: _____ _ EAS AIR TIME: BULLETIN RELEASE TIME: _____ _ PRESS RELEASE # __ _


Westchester County Executive orders protective actions. Hawthorne NY: County Exec utive Robert P. Astorino h as issued an (additio n a l) Eme r ge ncy Alert System m essage at (A IR TIME) today, to notify residents of a problem at the Indi an Point nu c l ea r power station and advise those people within 10 mil es or th e plant to take (add iti o nal) protective actions. There h as been (a) (no) release of radiation. However, (if there is n't a r e lea se) or T h ere f ore (if ther e is a r elease), if you h ave KI -potassium i od ide , th e county health commissioner is r ecom mendin g that yo u take o n e 1 30 milligram dose at this time. C hildren under one year of age shou ld be given a 65 milligram dose -o n e h a lf of the tablet. If yo u are being directed t o evacuate and do n o t have KI you s hould n ot d e la y leavin g the a rea. You will be ab l e get it at the public r ecept i o n centers that have been ope n ed to accept evacuees who are una ble to go t o the h ome of a friend o r relative o ut s id e of th e area. You can also get KI at Rockefeller State Park, Route t 17 in Mount Pleasant or at the so uth bo und rest stop o n Route 684 n ear Katonah where it is being distributed.

If yo u are in a Planning Area advised t o leave, you s h o uld go t o the home of a friend or relative ou t side the ten*mile area. Once there, you are advised to take shower and was h yo ur c l othes. H ea lth offic i a l s wi ll be providing additional infonnation o n how t o further protect against radiation exposure.

If yo u need a s h ort*term place to stay, yo u s hould go t o the public rece pti on cen t e r assigned for yo ur area. Staff from the county's Socia l Services and H ea lth departments.

as well as from the American R ed Cross, will be there to ass i st yo u. (if there is a release of radiation) you will also be abl e to be m on it o red for radiation co ntamination. P eo pl e in the following (addi ti o nal) Areas are directed t o evacuate their homes o r businesses:

REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 o WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services Village of Buchanan -to White Plains High School Reception Center, 550 North Street, White Plains. Verplanck -to White Plains High School Reception Center, 550 North Street, White Plains. City of Peekskill to White Plains High School Reception Center, 550 North Street, White Plains. Town of Cortlandt

-to Harrison High School. Village of Croton-on-Hudson -to Westchester Community College Gym Reception Center, 75 Grasslands Road, Valhalla.

Town of Yorktown north of Route 202 -to the Fox Lane High School Reception Center, South Bedford Road, Bedford. Town of Yorktown south of Route 202 -to the H.C. Crittenden Middle School Reception Center, 10 MacDonald Avenue, Annonk. Northwestern Somers (Baldwin Place, Granite Springs and Amawalk, north of Route 35 and west of Route 118) -to the Fox Lane High School Reception Center, South Bedford Road, Bedford. Southwestern Somers (Southern Amawalk, South of Route 35 and west of Wood Street and of Muscoot Fann) -to the Fox Lane High School Reception Center, South Bedford Road, Bedford. Western Town of New Castle (area west of Hardscrabble and Millwood Roads) -to the Westchester Community College Gym Reception Center, 75 Grasslands Road, Valhalla.

Town and Village of Ossining -to the Ardsley Middle School Reception Center, 700 Ashford Avenue, Ardsley. Village of Briarcliff Manor, to the Westchester Community College Gym Reception Center, 75 Grasslands Road, Valhalla.

There are (no) (additional)

Evacuations for Westchester County at this time. Evacuation instructions for other remain in effect. People asked to evacuate earlier today, should proceed as directed.

State, county and local police report (traffic conditions if we have it). Before you leave your home or business, close and lock all windows and doors. Tum off all appliances.

Extinguish all open fires and close fireplace dampers. Take pillows, important papers and any medications you regularly use. Ifnecessary, family pets may stay in your car and in outside areas at the reception centers. You should bring pet food and other pet supplies with you. For those people who do not have transportation to the reception center, buses will be running emergency routes and will be available to pick you up. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 1 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services Disabled residents can call ______ for transportation to a reception center. Hearing impaired residents should call ______ _ To ensure the safety of all residents and allow for an efficient evacuation, no one will be allowed to enter the evacuating areas. Astorino has also directed people in the following Areas to shelter-in-place at this time by staying inside and limiting access to outside air: Village of Buchanan City of Peekskill Verplanck Montrose and Blue Mountain Reservation Mount Airy section, Town of Cortlandt Croton-on-Hudson AnnsviIle, Van Cortlandtville, Crompond and Continental Village Toddville and Quarry Acres in the Town of Cortlandt Mohegan Lake and Shrub Oak Northeastern Yorktown and Jefferson Valley Southwestern Yorktown and Teatown Southeastern Yorktown and Kitchawan Granite Springs and Amawalk in the Town of Somers Southwestern Somers Western New Castle and Millwood Ossining Crugers and Oscawana Furnace Woods, Pleasantside and Peekskill Heights Quaker Bridge in the Town of Cortlandt Briarcliff Manor and Mount Pleasant There is (no) (additional) sheltering-in-place directed for Westchester County at this time. Shelter-in-place instructions for other Areas remain in effect. People in the areas being asked to shelter-in-place should remain indoors, close all windows and doors and turn off all fans, air conditioners and other sources of outside air. Close all blinds and drapes. Extinguish the fire in the fire place and close the flue once the fire is out. Residents in the affected areas should continue to listen to their Emergency Alert System station for further instructions.

Information on plant conditions and recommended protective actions is available online at

For more information and assistance, residents can call the Public Inquiry Line at 914-995-1111.

REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 ##### 2 Intenti onall y left blank WCREP Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services Attachment 4 Public Information Contact List (Includes JIC Numbers) REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Volume 2 o Intentionally left blank WCREP REV 0.0 Implementation Procedure 10.0 -Emergency medical Services I PLANT Information I I from EOF/Computer Display : ------------

_. Entergy Documenter (direct, computer)

\ \ \ \ \ :.. Entergy DISPLAY MOINITORS Attachment 5 JIC Process flow Entergy Technical Advisor/Radiological Advisor (phone, computer)

Joint Media Briefings Entergy JIC Unified Command by SEMO, Counties, Spokesperson (SEMO, Entcrgy, !----t" Entergy (JIC, video (direct, phone, counties via stream real time, historic computer) video/hotline)

Entergy Writer (direct, ... Entergy News Releases phone, computer) (email, fax, web-posted, internal distribution)

Entergy lIC Director (direct, phone, computer)

JIC PIO Hotline & Entergy Liaison (311, 311 Coordinator SEMO, Govt.) (phone/video/computer)

\( direct/phone/computer) Entergy Liaison (MR, WPO and Corp Contacts GA, CSC, CEC, etc) (phone, computer, web) (direct/phone/computer)







HOWEVER, IF THERE IS AN QUESTION, TO VERIFY THE AUTHENTICITY OF ANY CALL FROM THE COUNTY, CONTACT THE APPROPIATE NUMBER BELOW. CONTACT NUMBERS FOR COUNTY AUTHORITIES ARE AS FOLLOWS: WESTCHESTER COUNTY EOC: 914-864-5200 WESTCHESTER COUNTY WARNING POINT: 914-231-1905 ROCKLAND COUNTY EOC: 845-364-8904 ROCKLAND COUNTY WARNING POINT: 845-364-8600 REV 0.0 o WESTCHESTER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY PLAN VOLUME 2 IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE IP-11.0 Department of Mental Health Revision 0 DRAFT 08/06/10 Intentionally left blank WCREP Section 1.0 Purpose 2.0 Responsibilities 3.0 Concept of Operations Checklists Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume 2 Page No. 3 3 4 Department of Mental Health EOC Representative Checklist

-Unusual Event 5 Department of Mental Health EOC Representative Checklist

-AlertiSAE 6 Department of Mental Health EOC Representative Checklist

-GE 10 DMH Special Facilities Coordinator Checklist

-Unusual Event 14 DMH Special Facilities Coordinator Checklist

-AlertiSAE 15 DMH Special Facilities Coordinator Checklist

-GE 17 Resource Section Attachment 1 : Psychological Response Team Members Attachment 2:0utpatient Mental Health Clinics Attachment 3: Individual Assistance Data Attachment 4: Special Facilities List REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 20 21 24 25 2 Intentionally left blank WCREP 1.0 Purpose Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health Volume 2 This procedure provides guidance for the Department Of Mental Health Commissioner and Department staff to implement the Westchester County Radiological Emergency Response Plan for the Indian Point Energy Center. In a radiological emergency, the psychological impacts on the public may be significant.

The Department of Mental Health will lead county efforts to address such issues. 2.0 Responsibilities 2.1 County Commissioner Department of Mental Health -The County Commissioner Department of Mental Health is responsible for:

  • Coordinating local disaster operations with the American Red Cross, Emergency Medical Services, Westchester County Emergency Medical Center, fire and police departments.
  • Gathering information on the disaster and assessing the extent, nature and duration of mental health services needs.
  • Deploying psychological disaster response teams
  • Assisting at congregate care centers.
  • Obtaining additional resources from the New York State Office of Mental Health and Federal Government as appropriate.
  • Informing Public Information Officers (P/O) of actions being taken regarding mental health services and availability of services provided by the Department of Community Mental Health.
  • Supporting outreach services to victims and their families.
  • Debriefing emergency workers.
  • Maintaining records of disaster response interventions in addition to tracking victims and their families who receive follow-up services.
  • Evaluating the psychological response by intervention in addition to tracking victims and their families who receive follow-up services.
  • Coordinating with the County Department of Transportation or the EMS desk for evacuation of Special Needs Facilities.

REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 3

WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health Volume 2 Department of Mental Health EOC Rep 1. DMH is normally not contacted for an Unusual Event. No actions are necessary, other than review of procedures to prepare for possible escalation.

Notes: -----------------------------------------------

2. In the event the County Executive contacts the Department, implement any specific requests.

Notes: __________________________

_ Note: It is possible that for special incidents, such as security-related events at Indian Point, the EOC would be activated early. Follow directions provided by the County Emergency Notification System. Record all actions taken. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 5 Intentionally left blank WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health Volume 2 Department of Mental Health EOC Rep Alert/Site Area Emergency

1. Upon notification respond to the EOC and staff assigned positions, including DMH Special Facilities Coordinator.

__ 2. Establish contact and coordinate activities with the EOC representatives for the American Red Cross, Emergency Medical Services, Fire and Law Enforcement.

Communications will be maintained throughout the disaster response.

Notes: _____________________________

_ __ 3. Assure that the DMH Special Facilities Coordinator has notified mental health facilities within the EPZ of the nature and extent of the emergency and any recommended precautionary actions. Special facilities should assess transportation needs in the event evacuation becomes necessary and should confirm relocation sites. Notes: -------------------------------------

__ 4. Obtain information on the event and assess the extent, nature and duration of mental health services needed. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 -------------------------------------

6 WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health Volume 2 Department of Mental Health EOC Rep Alert/Site Area Emergency

__ 5. Deploy disaster teams to needed areas, as identified by the Department of Health, the Department of Social Services or BOCES School Representative.

Notes: _______________________

_ __ 6. Provide periodic briefings to the PIO's at the EOC on actions being taken and available services.

Notes: _______________________

_ ___ 7. Identify support needed for outreach services.

Notes: --------------------------------

__ 9. Brief the EOC Operations Officer and County Executive on a regular basis on agency activities.

Notes: ________________________

_ REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 7 WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health Volume 2 Department of Mental Health EOC Rep Alert/Site Area Emergency

__ O. Evaluate the psychological response by obtaining feedback from local operations, disaster victims and by processing psychological response with others involved in the mass casualty or displacement incident.

Notes: __________________________

_ __ 11. Maintain records of disaster response interventions in addition to tracking victims and their families who receive follow-up services.

Notes: ---------------------------------------------

__ 12. Develop a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.

Note: Have lead positions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Notes: ________________________________

_ __ 13. Standby for possible escalation, reviewing procedures for a General Emergency and anticipating resource needs. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 -------------------------------------------

8 WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health Volume 2 Department of Mental Health EOC Rep Alert/Site Area Emergency

__ 14. Upon incident termination, contact Community Mental Health staff to stand down and inform them that the event has been terminated.

__ 15. Document response costs and provide information to the EOC Budget and Finance Rep as well as OEM. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 ----------------------------------------------

9 WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health Volume 2 DMH Special Facilities Coordinator General Emergency

__ 1. If not already staffed at the EOC, assure Department of Community Mental Health notified via the Department call out list to respond to the EOC and staff their assigned positions.

Nores: ________________________________________________

_ Note: For a General Emergency, protective actions WILL be recommended and sirens and Emergency Alert System announcements will be made. This event will undoubtedly result in the need for psychological assessments.

Special facilities will also need to be notified.

__ 2. Assure the DMH Special Facilities Coordinator immediately notifies special facilities within the EPZ of the nature and extent of the emergency and of protective actions, e.g. sheltering or evacuation.

Notes: -------------------------------------------------

__ 3. If not already implemented, establish contact and coordinate activities with American Red Cross, Emergency Medical Services, fire and police departments.

Communications will be maintained throughout the disaster response.

Notes: ________________________________________________

_ REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 10 WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health Volume 2 DMH Special Facilities Coordinator General Emergency

__ 4. Coordinate with the Westchester County Department of Transportation for evacuation of affected special Facilities.

Notes: _________________________

_ 5. If requested, dispatch disaster teams to the opened reception centers. Notes: __________________________

_ 6. Evaluate the need to deploy disaster teams, as identified by the Department of Health or the Department of Social Services.

Reception Centers, Congregate Care Centers and host schools are potential locations to deploy services.

Notes: ______________________________

___ 7. Upon request from the American Red Cross, provide assistance at the congregate care centers. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 --------------------------------------

11 WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health Volume 2 DMH Special Facilities Coordinator General Emergency

8. Establish contact with the New York State Office of Mental Health and Federal Government to request additional mental health resources.

Notes: _______________________

_ __ 9. Provide periodic briefings to the PIO's at the EOC on actions being taken and available services.

In coordination with the PIO, evaluate the need to establish 1-800 telephone numbers for members of the public seeking psychological support services.

Notes: _______________________

_ __ 10. Identify support needed for outreach services to victims and their families.

Notes: _______________________

_ __ 11. Brief the EOC staff and County Executive on a regular basis on agency activities.

Notes: _______________________

_ REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 12 WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health Volume 2 DMH Special Facilities Coordinator General Emergency

__ 2. Evaluate the psychological response by obtaining feedback from local operations, disaster victims and by processing psychological response with others impacted by radiological exposure and/or displacement.

Notes: ________________________

_ __ 13. Maintain records of disaster response interventions in addition to tracking victims and their families who receive follow-up services.

Nores: ________________________________________

_ __ 14. Develop a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.

Note: Have lead positions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Notes: ------------------------------------

__ 15. Since psychological impacts could be long-range, prepare a psychological recovery plan which will be implemented in a post-event environment.

Notes: _______________________________________

___ REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 13 WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health DMH Special Facilities Coordinator Volume 2 Unusual Event 1. DMH is normally not contacted for an Unusual Event. No actions are necessary, other than review of procedures to prepare for possible escalation.


_ 2. In the event the County Executive contacts the Department, implement any specific requests.

Notes: _________________________

_ Note: It is possible that for special incidents, such as security-related events at Indian Point, the EOC would be activated early. Follow directions provided by the County Emergency Notification System. Record all actions taken. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 14 Intentionally left blank WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health Volume 2 DMH Special Facilities Coordinator Alert/Site Area Emergency

__ 1. Report to the EOC upon notification.

Notes: -----------------------------------------------

__ 2. Notify all special facilities within the ten mile EPZ of the Alert status and have them place their staff on stand by to support possible protective actions for the facility residents if the event escalates.

Facilities should also assess transportation needs in the event of evacuation and notify the county of any unmet transportation needs. See Attachment 4 for list. Notes: ____________________________

_ __ 3. Request the administrators of all special facilities to determine the number of residents that CAN AND CAN NOT be evacuated and their medical care requirements.

Request administrators provide this information back to the Special Facilities Coordinator within one hour. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 -------------------------------------------

15 WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health Volume 2 DMH Special Facilities Coordinator Alert/Site Area Emergency

__ 4. As the special facilities report back on resident evacuation status review Special Facilities List for each facility and determine if the transportation needs are the same as listed. Record changes on Attachment 4 and relay updated information to County DOT and EMS Desks. Notes: _______________________

_ __ 5. Develop a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12-hour shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.

Note: Have lead positions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Notes: _______________________

_ __ 6. Stand by for possible escalation.

Notes: _______________________

_ __ 7. Upon notice of event termination, contact previously notified Special Facilities to stand down and inform them that the event has been terminated.

Notes: _______________________

_ REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08106/10 16 WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health Volume 2 DMH Special Facilities Coordinator General Emergency

1. If this is the initial event classification, follow the directions of the automated notification system and report to the EOC and initiate emergency procedures.

Nores: ________________________________________________

_ __ 2. Protective actions will be issued by the County Executive at a General Emergency.

Obtain the list of affected area's, refer to Special Facilities List, and notify those affected special facilities to implement the recommended protective action, either sheltering or evacuation.

Nores: ________________________________________________

_ __ 3. Obtain updates of transportation requirements needed to evacuate the facility and record this information on Attachment 4 and provide it to the DOT and EMS desk in the EOC. Notes: -------------------------------------------------

__ 4. Upon confirmation by the Health Commissioner, notify affected facilities which have residents that cannot be evacuated to shelter indoors ( Le. basement, large room without windows, hallways with doors and windows closed, or living rooms with doors and windows closed) and take Potassium Iodide (KI). Notes: __________________________________

_ REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 17 WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health Volume 2 DMH Special Facilities Coordinator General Emergency

__ 5. Once all notifications for evacuation to affected facilities have been made, notify all other non-affected facilities to increase level of preparedness and monitor radio and TV for continuing EAS updates. __ 6. If the protective action status changes, .i.e. wind direction and the affected areas are expanded, obtain the affected area's, refer to Special Facilities List, and notify those special facilities.

Notes: _________________________

_ __ 7. Continue to monitor protective action status for ERPA changes and notify special facilities as appropriate.

Notes: ------------------------------

__ 8. Monitor the evacuation status of facilities, tracking when they have completed evacuation operations and arrived at host facilities.

Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 ---------------------------------

18 WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health Volume 2 DMH Special Facilities Coordinator General Emergency

__ 9. Develop a 24-hour shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12-hour shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.

Note: Have lead positions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Notes: -----------------------------------------------

10. Upon termination of the event, notify all special facilities and coordinate any assistance necessary to begin the return and recovery process. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 -----------------------------------------------

19 Intentionally left blank WCREP REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health ATTACHMENT 1 REMOVED Contact information is available from the Agency Representative in the EOC Volume 2 20 Intentionally left blank WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health . Volume 2 ATTACHMENT 2 -OUTPATIENT MENTAL HEALTH CLINICS Clinic Clinic serving adults age 18 and over Center for Preventive Psychiatry White Plains Clinic (Main Office) White Plains Clinic Yonkers Clinic St. Bernard's The Guidance Center Grand Street Clinic Mental Health Association Northern Westchester Guidance Clinic of MHA Sterling Clinic New York Presbyterian Hospital (Westchester Division)

Child and Adolescent Clinic Rockland Children's Psychiatric Center Yonkers Community Services*NE Central Westchester Community Services Mount Vernon Community Services Peekskill Community Services Northern Westchester Community Services White Plains Hospital Center Child and Adolescent Clinic Westchester Medical Center Child and Adolescent Clinic Mental Health Association Northern Westchester Guidance Clinic ofMHA REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 Location Telephone White Plains 949*7680 White Plains 949*2660 Yonkers 965*1109 White Plains 949*6202 New Rochelle 636-4440 Mount Kisco 666.4646 White Plains 949-1212 White Plains 997-5950 Yonkers 961-7220 White Plains 328-0793 Greenburgh Mount Vernon 668-5858 Peekskill 737-4043 Yorktown Heights 243-0248 White Plains 681-2223 Valhalla 493-7088 Mount Kisco 666.4646 21 WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health Volume 2 ATTACHMENT 2 (continued)

-OUTPATIENT MENTAL HEALTH CLINICS Clinic Sterling Mental Health Center Sterling Clinic Rockland Psychiatric Center Mount Vernon Menta} Health Center New Rochelle Mental Health Center Peekskill Mental Health Center White Plains Mental Health Center Yonkers Mental Health Center St. Joseph's Medical Center Outpatient Mental Health Clinic Sound Shore Medical Center Kirschenbaum Mental Health Center Westchester Medical Center Adult Outpatient Clinic Clinic Catholic Charities Counseling Services Peekskill Clinic Yonkers Clinic New York United Hospital Medical Center Mental Health Clinic Phelps Memorial Hospital Center Phelps Counseling Services Phelps Counseling Services (Satellite)

Echo Hills Community Counseling Center 1St. Vincents Hospital and Medical Center Westchester Branch REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Location TeleDbone Elmsford 345-5900 x222 White Plains 949-1212 Mount Vernon 699-6070 New Rochelle 633-8842 Peekskill 739-6405 White Plains 948-1192 Yonkers 969-0543 Yonkers 378-7461 New Rochelle 632-5000 ext! 3420 Valhalla 493-7088 Location TeleDhone Peekskill 737-7338 Yonkers 476-2700 Port Chester 934-3125 Sleepy Hollow 366-3600 Sleepy Hollow 631-3653 Hastings-on-Hudson 478-0633 22 WCREP Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health ATTACHMENT 2 (continued)

OUTPATIENT MENTAL HEALTH CLINICS Clinic Mental Health Clinic Westchester County Department of Community Mental Health Mount Kisco Community Service Center Mount Vernon Community Service Center Peekskill Community Service Center Yonkers Community Service Center Westchester Jewish Community Services Clinics White Plains Hospital Center Mental Health Clinic REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Location Harrison Mount Kisco Mount Vernon Peekskill Yonkers White Plains (Main Office) Hartsdale Bedford Hills Mamaroneck New Rochelle Mount Vernon Yonkers (North) Yonkers (Southwest)

Yorktown Heights White Plains Volume] Telephone 967-6500 864-7101 813-6220 862-5130 966-6380 761-0600 949-7699 241-8550 381-5560 632-6433 668-8938 793-3565 423-4433 962-5593 681-1078 23 Intentionally left blank WCREP NAME AGE I. Under 18 2. Adult 3. Elderly REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 SEX AGE ETHNICITY

1. White 2. Hispanic 3. Blank 4. American Indian 5. Asian 6. Other Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health ATTACHMENT 3 INDIVIDUAL ASSISTANCE DATA ETHNICITY PROBLEM TYPE ASSISTANCE DATES OF PROVIDED CONTACT PROBLEM TYPE ASSISTANCE PROVIDED 1. AgitationlDepression/

Anxiety 1. Screening

& Diagnostic

2. ConfusionlDisorientation
2. Information

& Referral 3. Disaster Fears 3. Individual Counseling

4. Acting Out Behavior -Adult 4. Group Counseling
5. Acting Out/School
5. Advocacy Adjustment -Children
6. Other (Specify)
6. AlcohollDrug Abuse 24 Intentionally left blank WCREP REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health ATTACHMENT 4 SPECIAL FACILITIES LIST Volume 2 25 Intentionally left blank WCREP SPECIAL FACIUTY Community Based $elVlces (tCFIMR) 197 Henry Street Buchanan, NY 10511 Central AdministratIVe Office Pautete Sladkus Contact: Ilene Snell Facilty: 736-2615 Westchester ARC Peekskill Day Hab 2 John Walsh Blvd. Peekskill, NY Cx. Avery Valins (914) 949-9300, et. 3032 Facility (914) 736-3326 Julie Hyman SI. Jude Habilitation Inst. (ICFIMR) 1 Mountain Green Road Croton-on-Hudson, NY 10520 Central Administrative Office 332-1171 Contact: Kathleen Antonelli Facility:

271-5588 WARC (ICFIMR) 87 Old Post Road Croton-on-Hudson, NY 10520 Central Administrative OffIce 426-8330 Contact: Benjamin Santiago Facility 271-4399 REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 LR.f.Qf..


61412000 277-4771 321010 plus 11 staff Day Hab 81010 ICF Group Home 910/0 Group Home wWCHEmR COORDINATING CMH CMH CMH CMH Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health FACIUTY VEHICLES NEEDED 2.YltI.m VEHICLES 1 Van IRAf)ISPORIAUQN PROVIDER Own Trans. HOST FACILITY Goldens Bridge ICF-CBS Fairmont Awn & Rt. 138 Goldens Bridge, NY 10526 (914) 232-3146 or 232-3147 2 Mini Vans will need 1 bus to Own and White Plains Bus Westchester ARC 699 Main transport remainder Co. Street of consumers and Mt. KJsco, NY 10549 (914) 241-0505 staff 1 Van Own Transport, IAHD Conference Center 150 Oak Ridge Road Pleasantville.

NY 10520 (914) 769-6018 1 Van Own Transport Katonah Residence

-WARe 71 Greenville Road Katonah, NY 10536 (914) 232-9560 Volume 2 26 WCREP Cardinal McCloskey Susan Lana House 15 Susan Lane Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 Central Administrative office 997-8006 Contact: Debra Jackson Facility 739-6327 Admin. Emergency Beeper: 545-2338 Cardinal McCloskey 48 waterbury Parkway Corllandt Manor, NY 10567 Contact: Ellen Bagge Facility:

739-7434 Adm. Emergency Beeper: 545-2338 living Resources (aka Camary-Statewlde) 8 Dyckman Dr. Mohegan Lake, NY 10547 Central Administrative Office 526-6167 Contact: Cindy Belcastro, Exec. Dlr. Facility:

248-6101 Abbott House Red Mill Road Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 Central Administrative Office Gary Coliesian

-591-7300 Contact: Karen McCaffrey 526-8662 or 8664 AbIlity Beyond Disability 269 MIllington Road Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 No Phone Yet Anticipated Opening 7103 REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 610/0 Group Home 6/0 Group Home 1010/0 610/0 CMH 1 Van CMH 1 Van CMH 2 Vans Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health Own Transport.

Own Trasp Own Transport.

Own Transport.

Own Transport.

Cardinal McCloskey 1900 Saw Mill River Road Elmsford, NY 10523 (914) 592-6320 Cardinal McCloskey VVhltney IRA 42 VVhitney Street VVhlte Plains, NY 10605 (914) 945-5217 Mahopac House-Camary 183 Mahopac Avenue Granite Springs, NY 10527 (914) 246-8101 Abbott House Wood Street ICF Spring Valley, NY (845) 425-2787 AbIlity Beyond Disability 135 Old State Road Brook!leld, CT 06084 (202) 775-8621 Volume 2 27 WCREP Hawthorne Foundation 287 Lafayette Street Cortlandt.

NY Cx Kathy Williams (914) 734-7731 Phoenix House 3151 Stoney Street PO Box 458 Shrub Oak, NY 10588 Central Administrative Office & Facility 962-2491 x 5101 Contact: PatriCk Nordquist Of Jim O'Dwyer 24-hour house 1# 962-2491 ext. 5202 Community Based Services (ICFMR) 2466 Broad Street Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Facility 245-3088 Central Administrative Office Contact: Paulelie Martuzza 277-4771 or 277-4776 Contact: pat Antonecchia Facility:

245-3088 Community Uving Corp. 477 London Road Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 House Manager: Tawana Peacocl< 962-1286 Supervisory Contacts:

John Porcella-241-2356 Pager: (914) 284-2567 Mobile (914) 438-2861 George O'Loughlin-241-7180 Pager: (914) 284-5976 Mobile: (914) 438-0746 REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 51110 plus 3 staff 33010/0 Residential Facility 90slaff 101010 Group Home 710/0 Group Home CMH CMH CMH CMH Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health 1 van owned Own Transp 2 vans 2 Cars 1 Van 1 Van 11 Buses lakeland Own Transport.

Own Transport.

Dalewood House-Hawthorne Found. 25 Dalewood Drive Hartsdale, NY Larry Johnson (914) 946-0283 BronXlliile H.S. 177 Pondfield Road Bronxville, NY Contact: Dr. John Kehoe 337-8600 Lower Shad Road-CBS 4 Lower Shad Road Pound Ridge, NY 10578 (914) 748-8401, 784-8402 Seth Canyon -CLC 11 Seth Canyon Drive Mt. Kisco, NY 10849 (914) 241-2101 Volume 2 28 WCREP The Seabury at Fleldhome 2276 Catherine Street Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 (914) 737-2255 Central Office: Gary Breuilly, CEO, Exec. Dir. Contact: Jodi Addeo, Administrator opened February 2003, currently as of May 13, 2003 there are only 3-asslsted living and 15 dementia residents WARC 2500 Linette Court Yorktown, NY 10590 Contact: Janice Jiradi Facility:

788-0056 Central Administrative Office IAHD-SI. Judes Habilitation 1520 Croton Lake Road Yorktown, NY lQ598 Contact: Mildred Orts Facility:

962-5541 Communtly Living Corp. 304 Jacktyn Road Yorktown, NY 10562 House Mgr. Doran Schy (914) 944-9472 Supervisory Contacts:

John Porcella 241-2356 Pager: (914) 264-2557 Mobile: (914) 438-2861 George O'Loughlin 241-7180 Pager: (914) 264-5976 Mobile: (914) 438-0746 REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 37/3/0 6/010 Group Home 1410 ICF Group Home 61212000 D.S.S. CMH CMH CMH Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health 1 activity bus 18-Psngr own Transport.

Van 2 Vans Own Transport.

Owned 2 Vans Own Transport.

Volume 2 Bedford Resldence-WARC 261 Old Post Road Bedford, NY 10506 (914) 234-7136 IAHD Conference Center 150 Oak Ridge Road Pleasantville, NY 10520 (914) 769-6018 Bedford Manor-CLC 600 Bedford Road MI. Kisoo, NY 10514 (914) 241-0554 29 WCREP Opengate 2043 Crompound Rd. Yorktown, Htgs 10598 Central Adm. Tammy Waglos, Coordlnator*277*3661, ext. 212 Contact: VIcky Nasetta, Mgr. Facility 243*4264 Richmond Children's Center 13 Brookhaven Avenue Yorktown, NY (No Phone Yet) Anticipated Opening 8103 SI. Jude Habilitation Inst. 45 Shinglehouse Road MillwOod, NY 10546 Central AdministratIve Office 769--6018 Donna WlHiams Facility:

941-8753 Devereaux MIllwood Leamin9 Center (Autism) 14 Schuman Road MillwOod, NY 10546 Contact: Jennifer Ross Facili1y:

941*1991 Community Based Services 14 Hawkes Close Ossining, NY 10562 House Manager. Caryn Sicignana (914) 923-5405, 5406 Sup. Contact Louise Rheem-277-4771 REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 (ICFMR) Contact: 81010 Group Home 41010 810/0 ICF Group Home 71010 Group Home CMH OMR CMH CMH CMH Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department o/Mental Health 11S*Psngr.

Own Transp Van Own Transport.

1 Van Own Transportation 2*3 buses liberty Unes 1*7 pass. Own Transportation Minivan owned Opengate 29 Warren SI. Somers, NY 10589 277*3881 Richmond of NY 919 North Broadway Yonkers, NY 10701 (914) 988*1900 IAHD Conference Center 150 Oak Ridge Road Pleasantville, NY 10520 (914) 769--6018 North Salem HSiMS Bryant Ave-CSS 264*B Byrant Avenue WhHe Plains, NY 10605 (914) 997*1863 Volume 2 30 WCREP Hawthorne Foundation 53 Somerstown Road Ossining, NY 10562 Supervisory ex: Eileen Bisordl 592-8526, ext 101 or 127 Contact: Barbara Bruckner Facility:

944-9287 Westchester ARC Ossining Day Hab 258 North Highland Avenue Ossining, NY Cx. Avery Vilians (914) 949-9300, ext. 3032 Facllity:

(914)941-5446 Jackie Adams Stony Lodge Hospital 40 Croton Dam Road Ossining.

NY 10562 Contact: Kevin Czlpo Central Administrative Office

& Facility 941-7400, ext 300 Contact: Kevin Czipo Westchester Family Services Maple House (Senior House) Maple Place Ossining, NY Central Office -FS of W: Tom SanderPres/CEO (914) 941-4104 Benny Borrego, Super, on-site (914) 941-9415 Donna Bucci, Admin for 19 residents only 19 resdlents In enriched program Remaining residents are not part of program run by Donna Buccl REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 610/0 Group Home 2510/0 plus 9 staff Day Hab 601010 Psychiatric Hospital 1081710 CMH CMH CMH D.S.S. Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health 1 Owned 2 Mini Vans willneed 1 bus to Owned transport remainder of comsumers and staff 2 Vans 3 Buses 1 Van (Back* 2 Buses Ambuletles as up 1 car) needed Own Transportation Dalewood House *Hawthorne Found. 25 Dalewood Drive Hartsdale, NY Larry Johnson (914) 946-0283 Owned and White Plains Bus Co. WARC 699 Main Street Mt. KiSCO. NY 10549 (914) 241-0505 Liberty Stony Lodge Partial Hospitalization Program 33 West Main Street Elmsford, NY 10523 (914) 345-5676 Liberty Arsdley HS 700 Ashford Avenue Ardsley, NY Volume 2 31 WCREP Westchester WARC (ICFMR) 9 Riverview Farms Ossining, NY 10567 428-8330 Contact: Angela Hunt Facillty:

762-4148 Bethel Springvale Inn (Senior Res) 67 Splingvale Road Croton, NY 10520 Contact: TIm Foristall (914) 739-4404 FAX 739-5011 Westchester WARC 17 Shaw Highway Corltandt Manor, NY 10567 Central Administrative Office 428-8330 Contact: Kim Conklin 428-8331 Facility:

738-1171 Sleepy Hollow Adutt Home (D/BfA Brandywine Adult Home 620 Sleepy Hollow Rd BriareliffManor, NY 10510 (914) 941-7507-fax 941-7509 Contact: Roslyn Roth, Administrator REV 0,0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 71010 Group Home 1021210 10/010 Group Home CMH D.S.$. CMH D.S.S. 1 Van 2 Vans 1 Van Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department o/Mental Health 3 Buses 1 Bus Own Transportation White Plains Bus Own Transportation Own Transporatallon (might not have aenough in case of emergency)

Bedfurd-WARC 287 Old Post Road Bedford, NY 10560 (914) 234-3451 White Plains HS. 550 North White Plains, NY WARC 6 Park Circle White Plains, NY (914) 946-8552 Phelps Memorial Grand Manor Nursing 700 WhHe Plains Road Bronx, NY 10473 Volume 2 32 WCREP The Clearview School (AMIC) 550 Albany Post Route 9 & River Road Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 Central Adminlstravtlve OffIce & Facility:

941-9513 Contact: Bill Bames Community Based Services 129 Willow Drive Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 Central AdminiStrative OffIce Paulette-Stadkus:

277-4771 Contact: Mlnlvera Slade Facllltyf:

762-1501 Westchester WAAC (ICFMR) 86 MacyRoad Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 Central Administrative OffIce 428-8330 Contact: Vanessa Ramlerez Facility:

941-3868 Dictionary:

1201010 Chlldrens 90 Staff 10/110 Group Home 7/010 Group Home CMH CMH CMH 2 Van. 1 Car 1 Van 1 Van Implementation Procedure 11.0 Department of Mental Health 5-6 Buses Uberty Lines Own Transportation Own Transportation

>I< A-Ambulatory, W-Wheelchair, S-Stretcher; clients ambulatory unless so indicated.

  • >!< All Telephone numbers in this table are in area code (914). (rCFMR) Intermediate Care Facility for the Mentally Retarded.

Harrison HS Union Avenue Harrison NY 10528 Contact: Dr Donald Howard 835-3300 Dr Anthony Miserandlno 835-3300 Bryant Ave-CBS 294*B Byran! Avenue White Plains, NY 10605 (914) 997*1863 Armonk House*WARC 21 Thornwood Road Annonk, NY 10504 (914) 273-5583 CMH -Department of Community Mental Health EMS -Emergency Medical Services N -Nursing Homes & Convents M -Mental Health Facilities HRF -Health Related Facilities DSS -Department of Social Services E -Health Care Facilities SD School District W -Group Homes D-Day Care Centers & Nursery Schools SNF -Skilled Nursing Facilities Mental Health Crisis Team 493-7075 Volume 2 REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 33 08/06/10 WESTCHESTER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY PLAN VOLUME 2 IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE IP-12.0 Public Information Revision 0.0 DRAFT 08/06/10 Intenti onall y left blank WESTCHESTER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY PLAN VOLUME 2 IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE IP-13.0 Department of Environmental Facilities Revision 0 DRAFT 08/06/10 Intentionally left blank WCREP Section 1.0 Purpose 2.0 Responsibilities 3.0 Concept of Operations Checklists Implementation Procedure 13.0 Department of Environmental Facilities TABLE OF CONTENTS DEF EOC Representative Checklist

-Unusual Event DEF EOC Representative Checklist

-Alert/Site Area Emergency DEF EOC Representative Checklist

-General Emergency Resource Section Rev. 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 Page No. 3 3 3 4 5 8 Volume 2 2 Intenti onall y left blank WCREP Volume 2 1.0 Purpose Implementation Procedure 13.0 Department of Environmental Facilities This procedure provides guidance for the Department of Environmental Facilities and the Environmental Facilities Staff to implement the Westchester County Radiological Emergency Plan for the Indian Point Energy Center. 2.0 Responsibilities The County Commissioner of Environmental Facilities is responsible for:

  • Notifying all environmental facilities of emergency classifications at IPEC, beginning as early as an Alert.
  • Direction to all environmental facilities to start implementing their emergency operations plans and procedures.
  • Assuring communications with all facilities are maintained until the emergency is over.
  • Providing pre-cautionary measures for personnel to maintain facility operations.
  • Assuring all facilities when evacuated, are safely shutdown or placed in automatic mode. 3.0 Concept of Operations 3.1 Department of Environmental Facilities is normally not notified of an Unusual Event, unless deemed necessary by the County Executive.

If notified of an Unusual Event the Department of Environmental Facilities will be available to standby to close out of the UNUSUAL EVENT or for possible escalation to a more severe event. 3.2 When notified of an Alert or higher, the County Commissioner of Environmental Facilities and Environmental Facilities staff will report to their aSSigned positions at the County EOC. Rev. 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 3 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 13.0 Department of Environmental Facilities 3.3 The Westchester County Commissioner of Environmental Facilities and Environmental Facilities Emergency Management Staff will operate from the county EOC to ensure all environmental facilities, i.e. sewage treatment plants, Resource Recovery Facility, etc., in the 10-Mile EPZ are maintaining operations and plans for continued operations should a facility have to relocate.

Environmental Facilities will monitor the event from the EOC to assure all county environmental facilities are available for continued use. 3.4 If the County environmental facilities have been affected by a radiological release Environmental Facilities will coordinate the need for mutual aid, state and federal aid to recover or provide alternate or new facilities.

3.5 When County Environmental Facilities are ordered to evacuate assure they shutdown or are placed on automatic control in accordance with their procedures and they maintain communications with the EOC on the status of operations.

Rev. 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 4 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 13.0 Department of Environmental Facilities DEF EOC Representative Checklist Unusual Event 1. DEF is normally not contacted for an Unusual Event. No actions are necessary, other than review of procedures to prepare for possible escalation.

_2. Notes: ______________________________

In the event the County Executive contacts the Department, implement any specific requests.

Notes: -------------------------------------------------

Note: It is possible that for special incidents, such as security-related events at Indian Point, the EOC would be activated early. Follow directions provided by the County Emergency Notification System. Record all actions taken. Rev. 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 5 Intentionally left blank

  • WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 13.0 Department of Environmental Facilities Alert and DEF EOC Representative Check.list Site Area Emergency

__ 1. Upon notification, respond to the EOC and staff assigned positions. Notes: ______________________

_ ___ 2. Notify all environmental facilities within the 10 mile EPZ of the event declaration and direct them to prepare to implement emergency procedures, if necessary. Peekskill Wastewater Treatment Plant Ossining Treatment Plant Yorktown Maintenance Garage RESCO Site Sprout Brook Residue Site Wheelabrator Technologies.

Inc. City Carting Tarlytown Pump Station (North County pump stations)

__ Notes: ______________________

_ ___ 3. Track operational status of these facilities. Notes: ______________________

_ Rev. 0.0 (DRAFl) 08/06110 6 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedur e /3.0 Department of Environmental Facilities Alert and DEF EOC Representative Checklist Site Area Emergency

___ 4. Assure communications , Le. telephones or other suitable means , are maintained at each county facility within the 10-Mile EPZ until the emergency is over. Notes: ______________________

_ 5. Brief the EOC and County Executive on a regular basis on the operational status environmental facilities and the status of emergency operations procedure implementation.

Nooos: ________________________

_ 6. Develop a 24-hour shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.

Note: Have lead report to

  • the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Notes: ______________________

_ __ 7. Stand by for possible escalation.

Notes: ________________________

_ ___ 8. Upon notice of termination of the event , contact Environmental Facilities staff to stand down and inform them that the event has been terminated. Notes: ________________________

_ Rev. 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 7

  • WCREP Impl e mentation Procedur e /3.0 Department of Environmental Facilities Volume 2 Alert and DEF EOC Representative Checklist Site Area Emergency
9. If a facility is placed in automatic operation mode assure the appropriate management maintains communications once evacuated. Personnel from the Peekskill Plant , Yorktown Maintenance Garage, and Ossining Plant will report to the Fire Training Center in Valhalla. The personnel from the Sprout Brook Waste Facility report to Muscoot. Notes: ________________________

_ Rev. 0.0 (DRAFD 08/06110 8 Intentionally left blank

  • weREP Volume] Implementation Procedure

/3.0 Department of Environmental Facilities DEF EOC Representative Checklist General Emergency

__ 1. Upon notification.

respond to the EOC and staff assigned positions. Notes: ________________________

_ 2. Notify all environmental facilities of the event declaration and direct them to prepare to implement emergency procedures, if necessary. Protective actions (sheltering-in-place or evacuation) will be issued for at least the two mile area and five miles downwind. Standby for the County Executive to issue specific protective actions. Notes: ______________________

_ __ 3. Environmental Facilities personnel.

who may have to stay longer than the general public to implement shutdown actions , should be considered emergency workers. Ensure these individuals are issued dOSimetry and KI. Remind DEF personnel to don dosimetry and receive and take KI. Notes: ________________________

_ __ 4. After coordination with and confirmation by the County Health Commissioner, notify DEF emergency workers within the 10-mile EPZ to take KI. if they are in impacted areas or are considered emergency workers Notes: ______________________

_ Rev. 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 9 WCREP Implementation Proceduu 13.0 Department of Environmental Facilities Volume 2 DEF EOC Representative Checklist facilities to take precautionary measures i.e. go indoors, shut windows and doors , regulate heating and air conditioning systems to minimize outside air intake while maintaining a reasonably safe indoor temperature. Notes: ______________________

_ 6. When evacuation is ordered, assure each affected facility is shutdown safely or placed in automatic operation mode. Nores: ________________________

_ __ 7. Track operational status of these facilities.

Notes: ______________________

_ __ 8. Assure communications , i.e. telephones or other suitable means , are maintained at each county facility within the 10-Mile EPZ until the emergency is over. Notes: ________________________

_ 9. Brief the EOC and County Executive on a regular basis on the operational status environmental facilities and the status of emergency operations procedure implementation.

Notes: ______________________

_ Rev. 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 10 WCREP Volume 2 Impl e mentation Procedure 13.0 Department of Environmental Facilities IDE , F EOC Representative Checklist

10. Develop a 24-hour shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> shifts) and notify replacements of schedule. Note: Have lead posit.ions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Notes: ______________________ _ 11. Stand by for possible escalation. Notes: ______________________

_ __ 12. Upon notice of termination of the event, contact Environmental Facilities staff to stand down and inform them that the event has been terminated. Notes: _____________________

___ _ __ 13. If a facility is placed in automatic operation mode assure the appropriate management maintains communications once evacuated. Emergency workers within affected areas should report to the Personnel Monitoring Center for Emergency Workers in Valhalla, at the Fire Training Center. Notes: ______________________

_ Rev. 0.0 (DRAFD 08/06110 II In tenti onall y left blank WCREP Rev. 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Implementation Procedure 13.0 Department of Environmental Facilities RESOURCE SECTION Volume 2 12 Intentionally left blank WCREP Rev. 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Implementation Procedure 13.0 Department of Environmental Facilities Attachment 1 Facility Notification List (please insert dept list) Volume 2 13 Intentionally left blank WESTCHESTER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY PLAN VOLUME 2 IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE IP-14.0 Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department Revision 0 DRAFT 08/06/10 Intentionally left blank WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 14.0 Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1.0 Purpose Page No. 3 2.0 Responsibilities 3 3.0 Concept of Operations 3 Checklists DPRC EOC Representative

-Unusual Event 5 DPRC EOC Representative

-Alert and Site Area Emergency 6 DPRC EOC Representative

-General Emergency Notification and Response 8 Resource Section Attachment 1: Agency/Facility Contact List Attachment 2: Status of Parks Form Attachment 3: Department Personnel Assignment Log Attachment 4: Emergency Worker Exposure Log REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 2 08/06/10 Intentionally left blank WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 14.0 Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department 1.0 Purpose This procedure provides guidance for the Parks and Recreation Department representative in the county EOC to assist in the implementation of the Westchester County Radiological Emergency Plan for the Indian Point Energy Center. 2.0 Responsibilities The County Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Conservation is responsible for:

  • Closing County parks within the 10 mile EPZ and ensuring appropriate protective action information is relayed to staff and visitors to park property in an emergency
  • Coordinating notification of local parks to ensure appropriate emergency information is provided
  • Making Department property available for staging of emergency vehicles, equipment and personnel
  • Making Department personnel available to assist with various aspects of the county emergency response, as needed, including support of Reception Center operations.

3.0 Concept of Operations 3.1 Department of Parks, Recreation and Conservation is normally not notified of an Unusual Event, unless deemed necessary by the County Executive.

If notified of an Unusual Event the Department of Parks, Recreation and Conservation will be available to standby to close out of the UNUSAL EVENT or for possible escalation to a more severe event. 3.2 When notified of an Alert or higher, the County Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Conservation and Parks, Recreation and Conservation staff will report to their assigned positions at the County EOC. 3.3 The Westchester County Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Conservation and Parks, Recreation and Conservation Staff will operate from the county EOC to ensure all necessary actions are taken in support of the event. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 3 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 14.0 Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department 3.4 The County Executive will consider closing parks and other outdoor transient locations as early as an Alert. The Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Conservation will coordinate the closure of county parks upon direction from the County Executive.

3.5 The County will also coordinate relaying notification of the incident status and recommendations to close facilities to local authorities.

3.6 The Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department will make park property available for use as staging areas for emergency equipment and personnel.

3.7 Parks personnel will support reception center operations.

The Health Department will be responsible for making staff assignments to reception centers and for notifying personnel at the appropriate time. Reception center personnel will be placed on standby at an Alert; may have limited activation at a Site Area Emergency; and will be activated for a General Emergency.

3.8 Parks personnel serving as emergency workers will be issued dosimetry and KI for radiological exposure control. Field personnel recording exposures, will relay that information through supervisory channels to their EOC representative, who will in turn provide to the Health Department's Radiological Officer. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 4 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 14.0 Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department DPRC EOC Representative Checklist Unusual Event 1. DPRC is normally not contacted for an Unusual Event. No actions are necessary, other than review of procedures to prepare for possible escalation.

_2. Notes: ________________________

_ In the event the County Executive contacts the Department, implement any specific requests.

Notes: ________________________

_ Note: It is possible that for special incidents, such as security-related events at Indian Point, the EOC would be activated early. Follow directions provided by the County Emergency Notification System. Record all actions taken. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 5 Intentionally left blank WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 14.0 Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department DPRC EOC Representative Checklist Alert/Site Area Emergency

1. Upon notification, respond to the EOC and staff assigned positions.

Notes: ________________________________________________

_ 2. Notify Department personnel at county park facilities and local authorities of the event declaration and direct them to prepare to implement emergency procedures for park closure. Notes: _________________________

_ __ 3. Track operational status of park facilities.

Notes: _______________________

_ __ 4. Ensure that Department personnel assigned to assist with reception center operations have been notified and placed on standby. Coordinate with Health Department on personnel needs and assignments.

Notes: _________________________

_ __ 5. Assure communications, i.e. telephones or other suitable means, are maintained at each county facility within the 10-Mile EPZ until the emergency is over. Notes: ___________________________________

_ REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 6 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 14.0 Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department DPRC EOC Representative Checklist Alert/Site Area Emergency

__ 6. Brief the EOC and County Executive on a regular basis on the operational status Parks, Recreation and Conservation facilities and the status of emergency operations procedure implementation.

Notes: __________________________

_ 7. Develop a 24-hour shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.

Note: Have lead positions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Notes: --------------------------------------------

__ 8. Stand by for possible escalation.

Notes: --------------------------------------------

__ 9. Upon notice of termination of the event, contact Parks, Recreation and Conservation staff to stand down and inform them that the event has been terminated.

Prepare to re-open park operations in the ten mile area. Notes: --------------------------------------------

Note: As early as an Alert, Health Department Field Monitoring Teams may be using Muscoot Park as a staging area for field monitoring operations.

REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 7 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 14.0 Parks, Recreation and Conservation De artment DPRC EOC Representative Checklist General Emergency

__ 1. Upon notification, respond to the EOC and staff assigned positions.

Notes: _________________________

_ 2. Notify Department personnel at county park facilities and local authorities of the event declaration and direct them to implement protective actions -either sheltering or evacuation, as determined by the County Executive.

Parks outside of the impacted AREAs should close. Notes: -------------------------------------------

__ 3. Direct Department personnel in the 10-mile EPZ considered to be emergency workers to don dOSimetry and take KI. Record any exposures on Attachment 4 and provide to the County Radiological officer. Notes: ---------------------------------------------

__ 4. Track operational status of county and local park facilities.

Notes: -------------------------------------------

__ 5. Ensure that Department personnel assigned to assist with reception center operations have been notified and activated, as necessary.

Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 ---------------------------------------------

8 WCREP Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 14.0 Parks, Recreation and Conservation De arlment DPRC EOC Representative Checklist General Emergency

__ 6. Assure communications, i.e. telephones or other suitable means, are maintained at each county facility within the 10-Mile EPZ until the emergency is over or the facility is closed. Notes: __________________________________________________

_ __ 7. Brief the EOC and County Executive on a regular basis on the operational status Parks, Recreation and Conservation facilities and the status of emergency operations procedure implementation.

Notes: _____________________________

_ 8. Develop a 24-hour shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.

Note: Have lead positions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Notes: ----------------------------------------

__ 9. Upon notice of termination of the event, contact Parks, Recreation and Conservation staff to stand down and inform them that the event has been terminated.

Prepare to re-open park operations in the ten mile area. Notes: ______________________________

_ Note: As early as an Alert, Health Department Field Monitoring Teams may be using Muscoot Park as a staging area for field monitoring operations.

REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 9 WCREP REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 Implementation Procedure 14.0 Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department RESOURCE SECTION Volume 2 10 Intentionally left blank WCREP REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department Attachment 1 Agency Notification List REMOVED Contact information is available from the Agency Representative in the County EOC Volume 2 Implementation Procedure 14.0 11 Intentionally left blank WCREP Park Hillpoint

  • Blue Mountain George's Island Mohansic Golf Oscawana*

Croton Gorge Stokes Green Bald Mountain Kitchawan Preserve Hilltop Hanover Farm* Paradise Island* Croton Point Sportsmen Center Briarcliff Peekskill Trailwav Hudson Hills Golf Other: Implementation Procedure 14.0 Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department Attachment 2 Status of Parks Town Sheltered Evacuated DPRC EOC Datemme Datemme DateITime Representative Completed Initiated Completed

-Cortlandt / / / / / / / / Cortlandt / / / I / / I / Cortlandt / / / / / / / / Yorktown / / / / / I I I Cortlandt

/ / / / / / I / Cortlandt / / / / I I I I Cortlandt

/ / / / / / I I Peekskill / / / / / / I I Ossining / I / / / / I / Yorktown / / / / / / / I Croton-on-Hudson / / / / I I / I Croton-on-Hudson / / / / / / I / Cortlandt / / I / / / I / / / / / / I I I / / / / / / I / / / / / / / I / / / / / / / I / / / / I I I I I / / / / I I I I / / I / / / I / / / I I I / I I / / / I / I / I / / / / / / I / Maintained/operated by local municipalities.

Hilltop Hanover Farm is operated by the County Planning Department.

REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Volume 2 Closed Dateffime Datemme Initiated Completed

/ I I / I / I / I I I I I I I I I I I / I I / I I I / I I / / I I I / / / I / / / I I I I I / I I I I / i / I I I I / I I / / I I I I / I / I I / I I I I I I I / I / / I / I / I / I / / 12 WCREP REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Implementation Procedure 14.0 Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department Attachment 3 Department Personnel Assignment Log 13 WCREP Worker Name --_ .. __ ..... _-_ ...... __ ........ -REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Supervisor Implementation Procedure 14.0 Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department Attachment 4 Parks Department Emergency Worker Exposure Log Supervisor Contact Number Date Volumel Time Exposure (R) 14 Intentionally left blank WESTCHESTER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY PLAN VOLUME 2 IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE IP-15.0 Department of Correction Revision 0 DRAFT 08/06/10 Intentionally left blank WCREP Section 1.0 2.0 3.0 Purpose Responsibilities Concept of Operations 4.0 References Checklists Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department 0/ Correction TABLE OF CONTENTS Dept. Of Correction EOC Representative Checklist

-Unusual Event Dept. Of Correction EOC Representative Checklist

-Alert Page No. Dept. Of Correction EOC Representative Checklist

-Site Area Emergency Dept. Of Correction EOC Representative Checklist

-General Emergency DOC KI Distribution Point Supervisor Checklist

-Alert DOC KI Distribution Point Supervisor Checklist

-Site Area Emergency DOC KI Distribution Point Supervisor Checklist

-General Emergency Attachments Volume 2 3 3 3 6 7 9 12 15 16 18 Attachment 1: KI Distribution Point Materials List 21 Attachment 2: Facility Set up Diagram for Rockefeller State Park 22 Attachment 3: Facility Set up Diagram for 1-684 Rest Area 23 Attachment 4: Staffing Assignments 24 Attachment 5: Deleted 25 Attachment 6: Deleted 26 Attachment 7: Deleted 27 Attachment 8: Emergency Worker Exposure Log 28 Attachment 9: Registration and Dosimetry Log for Dept. Of Corrections Personnel 29 REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 2 Intentionally left blank WCREP 1.0 Purpose Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Volume 2 This procedure provides guidance for the Commissioner of Correction to implement the Westchester County Radiological Emergency Plan for the Indian Point Energy Center. 2.0 Responsibilities On January 1, 1969 the Westchester County Department of Correction was formed from units of the former Westchester County Sheriff's Department and the Westchester County Department of Social Services and placed under a central administration with a Commissioner appointed by the County Executive.

The mission of the Department of Correction is to maintain secure humane Correctional Facilities that comply with local, state and Federal legal requirements and nationally Accepted Professional correctional standards.

The Department has a legal mandate to provide for the care custody and control of persons 16 years of age and older, male and female, who have been committed or remanded to it's facilities by local Westchester County or New York State courts. Located on the Valhalla Campus the Department of Correction encompasses nearly 1/2 mile, with more than 700,000 square feet of building space. The Department is currently comprised of four divisions; Administration, Jail, Penitentiary and Women's Unit. For Indian Point emergencies, in addition to continuing to provide and ensure a safe environment for its detainees and staff, Department personnel will assist the Public Safety Department with a number of law enforcement related duties. The Department has Significant personnel resources available to assist. The County Department of Corrections may provide Corrections Officers as a resource to supplement county, state and local law enforcement resources involved in traffic control, route altering, etc. In addition, Department personnel will staff deSignated KI distribution points. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 3 WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Volume 2 3.0 Concept of Operations 3.1 Overview of Correction Response 3.1.1 The Westchester County Commissioner of Correction, or designee, will operate from the county EOC and coordinate with the Department of Public Safety to support the following activities, if requested:

  • Route alerting and assistance with the dissemination of emergency announcements
  • Maintain law and order; protect critical facilities and supplies
  • Ensure public safety
  • Protect public and private property 3.1.2 The Department of Corrections EOC telephone numbers are 864-5327 and 5328. 3.1.3 The Department of Correction will also staff KI Distribution Points. These pOints are located at Rockefeller State Park, located on Rt. 117 in Pocantico Hills, and the 1-684 South Rest Stop located in Bedford. 3.1.4 No actions will be necessary for a Notification of Unusual Event. At an Alert classification, Corrections personnel will be placed on standby and materials inventoried.

Upon receipt of notice of a Site Area Emergency, Department personnel will be activated to staff the two KI distribution points. Materials stored at the county EOC in Hawthorne will be picked up by team leaders. Kits will contain the following:

REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110

  • KI tablets and liquid
  • KI Instruction Sheets
  • An initial supply of bottled water
  • Road signs
  • Traffic cones and barricades
  • Site Set up diagram 4 WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Volume 2 3.1.5 KI Distribution will be initiated upon notification of a General Emergency.

The location of KI Distribution points are identified in public information materials.

In addition, Emergency Alert System announcements will remind members of the public without KI that it is available at Distribution Points. 3.1.6 Vehicles entering KI Distribution Points will be provided with either one bottle of liquid KI or one KI tablet for each vehicle occupant; a KI instruction sheet; and a bottle of water. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 5 Intentionally left blank WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Volume 2 Dept. of Correction EOC Representative Unusual Event --1. Upon notification from Entergy of an Unusual Event, the County Warning Point (CWP) will notify the selected County organizations on the Unusual Event call list. Department of Correction will normally NOT receive notification of an Unusual Event. If the Department is notified, log receipt and stand by for instructions.

No further action is necessary unless directed by the County Executive.

Notes: ________________________

_ 2. Other actions taken: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 6 Intentionally left blank WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Volume 2 Dept. of Correction EOC Representative Alert __ 1. Upon receipt of notification of an Alert respond to the EOC and staff assigned positions.

Notes: --------------------------------------------------

__ 2. Perform additional internal agency notifications, as deemed appropriate, placing off-duty personnel on standby. Notes: ---------------------------------------------------

__ 3. Stand by for requests from the Department of Public Safety for supporting traffic control assignments.

Notes: ________________________________________________

___ __ 4. Ensure that Correction teams are assigned to man KI Distribution Points. Team members should review procedures and be prepared to mobilize in the event of incident escalation.

Notes: ________________________________

_ REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 7 WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Volume 2 Dept. of Correction EOC Representative Alert __ 5. Develop a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.

Note: Have lead positions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Notes: ---------------------------------------------------

__ 6. Standby for possible escalation to an SITE AREA EMERGENCY or until the ALERT is terminated and verbal confirmation is received from Indian Point. Notes: ---------------------------------------------------

__ 7. If the event is terminated, contact Correction staff to stand down and inform them that the ALERT has been terminated.


___ 8. Record any additional actions taken: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 8 WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Volume 2 Dept. of Correction EOC Representative Site Area Emergency

__ 1. If not already staffed at the EOC, assure Correction staff was notified to respond to the EOC and staff their assigned positions.

Notes: _________________________

_ __ 2. Activate additional off-duty personnel necessary to staff anticipated emergency functions.

Notes: -------------------------------------------------

__ 3. Ensure all staff being dispatched to field assignments have been issued the appropriate dosimetry, Potassium Iodide (K/), and emergency worker radiation exposure cards. Attachment 9 will be used to track the dosimetry issued. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 -------------------------------------------------

9 WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Volume 2 Dept. of Correction EOC Representative Site Area Emergency

__ 4. Dispatch Corrections Teams to pick up KI Distribution Point materials and activate points. Distribution Points should be set up, short of placing signage on public roadways.

If night operations are anticipated, obtain necessary light towers. Note: While actual distribution is not necessary until a General Emergency, in the event members of the public arrive and request KI, be prepared to distribute it. Notes: ________________________________________________

___ __ 5. Be prepared to assist the Department of Public Safety with traffic control within the ten mile emergency planning zone. Notes: __________________________________

_ 6. Ensure Correction officers are recording dosimeter readings every 15 to 30 minutes. If exposures are reported, use Attachment 8 to record information and forward it to the County Radiological Officer in the EOC. Relay exposure control guidance back out to field supervisory personnel.


___ REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 10 WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Volume 2 Dept. of Correction EOC Representative Site Area Emergency

7. Be prepared to brief the County Executive and Commissioner of Emergency Services on the status of KI Distribution Points, the status of Correction resources and support activities.

__ 8. Standby for possible escalation to a GENERAL EMERGENCY or until the SITE AREA EMERGENCY is terminated.

Notes: ________________________

_ __ 9. Upon termination, contact Correction staff to stand down and inform them that the SITE AREA EMERGENCY has been terminated.

Notes: ________________________

_ REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 11 Intentionally left blank WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Volume 2 Dept. of Correction EOC Representative General Emergency

__ 1. If not already staffed at the EOC, ensure Correction staff was notified to respond to the EOC and staff their assigned positions.

Nows: ________________________________________________

___ __ 2. Activate additional off-cfuty personnel necessary to staff anticipated emergency functions.

Notes: ---------------------------------------------------

__ 3. Ensure all staff being dispatched to field assignments have been issued the appropriate dosimetry, Potassium Iodide (KI), and emergency worker radiation exposure cards. Attachment 9 will be used to track the dosimetry issued. Notes: ---------------------------------------------------

__ 4. Dispatch Corrections Teams to pick up KI Distribution Point materials and activate points. Distribution of KI should begin immediately.

Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 ---------------------------------------------------

12 WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Volume 2 Dept. of Correction EOC Representative General Emergency

__ 5. Be prepared to assist the Department of Public Safety with traffic control within the ten mile emergency planning zone. Notes: ----------------------------------------------

6. Ensure Correction officers are recording dosimeter readings every 15 to 30 minutes. If exposures are reported, use Attachment 8 to record information and forward it to the County Radiological Officer in the EOC. Relay exposure control guidance back out to field supervisory personnel.

Notes: ____________________________

_ 7. Be prepared to brief the County Executive and Commissioner of Emergency Services on the status of KI Distribution Points, the status of Correction resources and support activities.

Notes: --------------------------------------------

__ 8. Monitor KI Distribution Point operations and coordinate with OEM to ensure that distribution locations are being re-supplied with KI, water, etc., as necessary.

Notes: ____________________________________________

___ REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 13 WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Volume 2 Dept. of Correction EOC Representative General Emergency

__ 9. Develop a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.

Note: Have lead positions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Notes: ---------------------------------------------------

10. Ensure that all Correction staff with assignments in the ten mile area report to the emergency worker personnel monitoring center (PMC) at the conclusion of their assignments to be monitored and to return dosimetry.

Notes: ---------------------------------------------------

__ 11. Upon termination of the incident, contact Correction staff to stand down and inform them that the GENERAL EMERGENCY has been terminated.

Again, all personnel should be processed through the Emergency Worker PMC at the end of their assignments.

Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 ---------------------------------------------------

14 Intentionally left blank WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction DOC KI Distribution Point Supervisor Volume 2 Alert __ 1. Receive assignment.

Review personnel requirements and confirm all team members are available to deploy. Notes: ________________________

_ __ 2. Inventory materials and supplies.

Notes: ________________________

_ __ 3. Review plans and procedures.

Notes: ____________________________________

_ __ 4. Establish communications with the Department of Correction EOC Rep. (864-5327) Notes: ___________________________

_ __ 5. Stand by for further instructions.

Notes: _________________________

_ REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 15 Intentionally left blank WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Volume 2 DOC KI Distribution Point Supervisor Site Area Emergency

__ 1. Complete all steps listed for the Alert level. Notes: ------------------------------------------------

__ 2. Deploy team members, equipment and supplies to the KI distribution Points. Notes: _______________________________________________

_ __ 3. Set up facility, short of placing signage on public roadways.

Note: There is no need to provide KI to the general public prior to a General emergency classification.

However, in the event public arrive at the facility and request, it, personnel may distribute the KI early. Notes: ____________________________

_ __ 4. Keep the Department of Corrections EOC Rep informed of status. Notes: ----------------------------------------

__ 5. If night operations are required, request light towers from the EOC. Notes: ________________________________

_ REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 16 WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction DOC KI Distribution Point Supervisor Volume 2 Site Area Emergency

__ 6. Coordinate with the EOC to plan a shift change for extended operations (beyond 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />). Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 ------------------------------------------------

17 WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Volume 2 DOC KI Distribution Point Supervisor General Emergency

__ 1. Complete all steps listed for the Alert and Site Area emergency levels. Notes: ________________________

_ __ 2. Place road signage and position staff to begin distribution of KI to the general public. Notes: _________________________

_ __ 3. Remind staff to check their dosimeters every 15 to 30 minutes and record exposures.

Report any exposure readings to the Department of Corrections EOC Rep., 864-5327.

Notes: -------------------------------------------

__ 4. Keep the Department of Corrections EOC Rep informed of status. Notes: ______________________________

_ __ 5. If night operations are required, request light towers from the EOC. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 -----------------------------------

18 WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Volume 2 DOC KI Distribution Point Supervisor General Emergency

__ 6. Coordinate with the EOC to plan a shift change for extended operations (beyond 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />). Any staff member recording an exposure reading during their shift should report to the Emergency Worker Personnel Monitoring Center at 35 Walker Road, Grasslands Campus, Valhalla.

Notes: -------------------------------------------------

__ 7. Monitor supplies and request additional KI, water, etc, from the EOC as necessary.

Notes: ______________________________

_ __ 8. Upon notification of emergency termination, deactivate operations and notify EOC of status. Notes: REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 ------------------------------

19 WCREP REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction ATTACHMENTS Volume 2 20 Intentionally left blank WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Volume 2 Attachment 1 : KI Distribution Point Materials List Item Potassium Iodide (KI} Tablets Liquid KI Instruction Sheets Cases of Water Traffic Cones Traffic Signs Set Up Diagram REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 Quantity 28,000 1 ,000 bottles 2,000 4 24 4 6 21 Intentionally left blank

  • Impl e mentation Procedure

/5.0 Department of Correction KI Dishibution Poblt, Attachment 2 Facility Set up Diagram 117 & Rockefeller State Park

  • Volume 2 I t.dSr S Apt
  • I KI SI ... REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 22 08/06/10 Intentionally left blank WCREP REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department oj Correction Attachment 3 Facility Set up Diagram Volume) e; (:l : .. :J I. g --* * -f-"-* 0 00 0::::::: >8 WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Attachment 4: Staffing Assignments (This form to be completed at the time of emergency.)

Volume 2 The following Correction Staff have been assigned to staff KI Distribution Points: Rockefeller State Park Team Leader: Personnel:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1-684 Rest Area Team Leader: Personnel:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 25 WCREP REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Attachment 5 DELETED Volume 2 26 WCREP REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 . Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Attachment 6 DELETED Volume 2 27 WCREP REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Attachment 7 DELETED Volume 2 28 WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Attachment 8 Emergency Worker Exposure Log Note: forward all exposure information to the County Department of Health's Radiological Officer Time/Date Name Agency Depart. Assignedt t . Log the time and date of this emergency worker'S assignment REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 Initial Exposure:t: (Rt -Time/Date Time/Date Time/Date Time/Date Assignment 1R 3R 5R Complete '_. . .. . Volume 2 Total Exposure (R) 29 WCREP Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction * . This should be all exposure received from previous shifts/assignments REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06110 Volume 2 30 WCREP Name (Print) Implementation Procedure 15.0 Department of Correction Attachment 9 Volume 2 Registration and Dosimetry Log for Dept. Of Corrections Personnel Note: forward all exposure information to the County Department of Health's Radiological Officer Time Agency ........ IIL ..........


Out Work Phone No. , ......... " .. Radiation 8adge/DLR Number Self Read Dosimeter Information Initial t Final I Exposure Serial Number lType tl Reading

  • Reading (r or mr) * -Taken from initial reading on Exposure Record Card t -DO (Dose Guard), 0-5R, 0-20R, 0-200R, RD (Rad60) REV 0.0 (DRAFT) 08/06/10 31 Intentionally left blank Hospitals Coordinator APPROVED BY: WMC: ----I Reviewed By: DES: ------f Draft -REV 8/08 Westchester County DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES INDIAN POINT ENERGY CENTER IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE Hospitals IP-16 IP-16 1 Intentionally left blank Hospitals Coordinator Table of Contents Section 1.0 Purpose 2.0 Responsibilities 3.0 Concept of Operations List of Checklists EOC Hospital Coordinator Checklist Westchester Medical Center Command Post Coordinator Checklist Resource Section Attachment 1: Hospital Contact Information Attachment 2: Sheltering Guidelines Attachment 3: NIMI Transportation Requirements Tracking Sheet Attachment 4: Nursing Home Contact List Page No. 3 3 3 IP-16 Dmft-REvaroa 2

Intenti anall y left blank Hospitals Coordinator IP-16 1.0 Purpose This procedure provides guidance and direction to the EOC Hospitals sector. This will be operated by Westchester Medical Center (WMC) staff. The Hospital Sector will coordinate Hospitals and Non-Institutionalized Mobility Impaired (NIMI) persons within the ten mile emergency planning zone (EPZ) during a radiological emergency.

Responsibilities include notification and the identification of needs related to those specified areas and populations.

This includes assessing resources required to transport and relocate identified areas or personnel.

2.0 Responsibilities The WMC Hospitals Coordinator is responsible for communicating with hospitals involved in response to an Indian Point emergency; coordinating contact with and support to institutionalized mobility impaired; contacting nursing homes within the ten mile EPZ and coordinating transportation support for them; and interfacing with other EOC staff to accomplish this mission. In the EOC, the WMC Hospital Coordinator key interfaces are with the New York State Department of Health (through the Hospital Emergency Response Data System); the Greater New York Hospital Association; County Emergency Medical Services; and the County Department of Transportation.

The WMC Hospital Coordinator will attempt to communicate (directly or through the mini-EOC) with all Hospitals, nursing homes and Institutionalized Mobility Impaired (NIMI) persons within the EPZ. The WMC Hospitals Coordinator may use additional personnel or the Emergency Notification System (ENS) to assist with the notifications to these special facilities.

3.0 Concept of Operations 3.1 At the Alert notification from the Nuclear Facility Operator, the county warning point will notify the WMC Hospitals Coordinator or hislher backup. In turn, the coordinator will report to the county EOC and simultaneously open the hospital's command post (referred to as the hospital mini-EOC).

Upon opening, the hospital Command Post will Draft -REV 8/08 3 Hospitals Coordinator IP-16 notify the administrators of hospitals, nursing homes and non-institutionalized mobility impaired individuals on the county list. Hospitals will be advised to place their staff standby to support the following actions: The hospital coordinator shall recommend that hospitals within the EPZ temporarily suspend non-critical patient admissions.

Identified NIMls will be contacted to confirm their status and advised to move indoors and monitor local radio and television stations for emergency information.

EPZ Hospitals and nursing homes will determine the number of individuals that can and cannot be evacuated and determine their transportation needs (Bus, Para transit and Ambulance).

This information will be communicated via the WMC Hospital Coordinator to the County Department of Transportation and EMS representatives in the EOC. The WMC Hospital Coordinator will work with the Greater New York hospital Association (GNYHA) to find bed space in the event that evacuation of hospitals becomes necessary.

Nursing homes are responsible for designating and arranging alternate locations.

The plan reflects those proposed relocation assignments.

Shelter-in-place guidelines are provided at Attachment

2. Draft -REV 8/08 4 Hospitals Coordinator IP-16 Alert __ Upon receipt of an Emergency Notification System (ENS) message to activate:

__ Assign a representative to report to the county EOC. __ Activate the Hospital Command Post (mini-EOC)

Notify Westchester hospitals and nursing homes within the ten mile EPZ, advise them of the Alert and to place their staff on stand by to support possible protective actions for facility residents in the event of an incident escalation.

Hudson Valley: VA Hospital*:

Contact No. 734-3300 737-4400 Contacted (Name) -This is a courtesy backup call. The State is responsible for notifying state and federal facilities within the EPZ. Obtain facility census from Hudson Valley Hospital.

Ambulatory Wheel Chair Stretcher Bound NOTE: Hudson Valley Hospital should be advised that they may wish to consider suspending admissions of non-critlcal cases and place their facility "Out of Service" on the County diversion web site. flogin .asp Notify "radiological decon" hospitals of the emergency condition and advise them to place appropriate staff on standby for support. (See attachment 1 for list) Request the Hospital's Mini-EOC to initiate contact Non-Institutionalized Mobility Impaired (NIMI) and Hearing Impaired (HI) persons in the EPZ, advise them of the Alert status and instruct them to tune to a local emergency alert radio and TV stations (see public information brochure for listing).

Record what assistance, if any, may be needed in the event of an escalation (Para transit or ambulance), and provide information to the Department of Transportation and EMS Rep. Draft -REV 8/08 5 Hospitals Coordinator IP-16 IIIiIIIIIIII

__ A_le_rt ____________________________ Develop a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> shift schedule for extended County EOC and mini-EOC operations (two 12-hour shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.

Note: Have lead positions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over Stand-by for possible escalation to or until the ALERT is terminated and verbal confirmation is received from Indian Point. When terminated, contact previously notified hospitals to stand down and inform them that the ALERT has been terminated.

Draft -REV 8/08 6 Hospitals Coordinator IP-16 __ Site Area Emergency

__ Upon receipt of an Emergency Notification System (ENS) message to activate:

__ Assign a representative to report to the county EOC. __ Activate the Hospital Command Post (mini-EOC)

Notify all Hospitals and nursing homes within the EPZ. Advise them of the Site Area Emergency and to place their staff on standby to support possible protective actions for the facility residents in the event of an incident escalation.

Advise hospitals to review the status of potassium iodide stocks and be prepared to distribute to patients and staff upon Direction by the county Health commissioner in the event of escalation to a General Emergency.

Hudson Valley: VA Hospital*:

Contact No. 734-3300 737-4400 Contacted (Name) *This is a courtesy backup call. The State is responsible for notifying state and federal facilities within the EPZ. Obtain updated facility census from Hudson Valley. Ambulatory:

Wheel Chair: Stretcher Bound: Hudson Valley Hosp: ___ _ NOTE: Hospitals should be advised to suspend admissions and to place their facility "Out of Service" on the County diversion web site. httos:llwww. ,asp Notify "radiological decon" hospitals of the emergency condition and advise them to place appropriate staff on standby for support. (See attachment 1 for list) Request the Hospital's Mini-EOC to contact Non-Institutionalized Mobility Impaired (NIMI) and Hearing Impaired (HI) persons in the EPZ and advise them of the emergency status and have Draft -REV BLOB 7 Hospitals Coordinator IP-16 _ Site Area Emergency them tune to a local emergency broadcast station. Obtain what assistance if any may be needed in the event of an escalation (Para transit or ambulance), and provide information to the Department of Transportation and EMS Rep. Develop a spreadsheet of transportation requirements.

Develop a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> shift schedule for extended county EOC and mini-EOC operations (two 12-hour shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.

Note: Have lead pOSitions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over. Stand by for possible escalation to a GENERAL EMERGENCY or until the SITE AREA EMERGENCY is terminated.

Upon event termination, contact previously notified hospitals to stand down and inform them that the SITE AREA EMERGENCY has been terminated.

Direct hospital mini-EOC to notify NIMls of emergency termination (note: the Geo-Cast/Geo-Notify system may be used for this notification).

Draft -REV 8/08 8 Hospitals Coordinator IP-16 General Emergency Upon receipt of notification and instructions to activate, report to the county EOC. Notify all hospitals and nursing homes within the EPZ of the General Emergency.

Advise them of any protective action decisions issued by the County Executive applicable to their area: Evacuate Shelter-in-place Administer potassium Iodide to patients and staff NOTE: Hudson Valley Hospital should be advised to suspend admissions and to place their facility "Out of Service" on the County diversion web site. httos:// Notify "radiological decon" hospitals of the emergency condition and advise them to place appropriate staff on standby for support. (See attachment 1 for list) Coordinate with the Greater New York Hospital Association (GNYHA) to identify bed space for relocation of evacuated patients.

Communicate relocation logistics to EMS desk. Notify the Westchester Medical Center Mini-EOC of the General Emergency and request that they begin notification Non-Institutionalized Mobility Impaired (NIMI) and Hearing Impaired (HI) persons in the EPZ and advise them of the General Emergency.

Obtain what assistance if any may be needed for them to evacuate safely. (bus, Para transit or ambulance).

Forward transport needs to DOT and/or EMS. As the EPZ hospital facilities report back on resident evacuation status, review HospitalsllNIMllist for each facility and determine if the transportation needs are the same as listed. Any additional needs which are requested will be coordinated with the Emergency Medical Services Division and County DOT. Forward transport needs to DOT and/or EMS. Draft -REV 8/08 9 Hospitals Coordinator IP-16 General Emergency Obtain a status report on transportation resources being mobilized for hospital evacuation from DOT and EMS and keep hospitals informed.

Notify those facilities in affected areas which have residents that cannot be evacuated to shelter indoors i.e. basement, large room without windows, hallways with doors and windows closed, or living rooms with doors and windows closed (see attachment 2). Additionally direct the facilities to discontinue the use of tap water and ration meals until controlled water and food can be delivered to the facility.

Obtain the length of time the facility can maintain self sufficiency.

Assure adequate staffing and make arrangements for additional staff or supplies if required.

Once all notifications for evacuation to affected facilities have been made, notify all other non-affected facilities to and monitor radio and TV for continuing EAS updates. If the protective action status changes, i.e. wind direction, area affected or action to be taken, obtain the affected areas, and notify those hospital and nursing home facilities to take required action. Continue to monitor protective action status for ERPA changes and notify hospital facilities, as appropriate.

Develop a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> shift schedule for extended county EOC and mini-EOC operations (two 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> shifts) and notify replacements of schedule.

Note: Have lead positions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Once Indian Point has determined all radioactive releases are controlled and terminated and the plant is in a stable condition the County Executive will direct staff to initiate Recovery/Re-Entry actions. Draft -REV 8/08 10 Hospitals Coordinator Westchester Medical Center Emergency Command Post Checklist No response required from Hospital.

IP-16 Upon notification via the county ENS, open and staff the Hospital Command Center EOC). WMC will initiate a "Code 44 -ICS" for Supervisory Personnel to report to the Hospital Command Center for a briefing and HEICS assignments.

Notify the Hospital Coordinator in the county EOC upon activation of the Hospital command center. EOC Hospital Desk: 864-5308 The WMC Hospital Coordinator will log-on to the Westchester County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) computer system to advise that the Hospital Command Center is operational and obtain an initial status report. (The EMS / Hospital desk shall be contacted at the EOC to confirm operations).

The Hospital NIMI Coordinator will establish an Emergency Telephone Bank in Macy Pavilion Room #1423. The Hospital Emergency Command Center shall contact the NIMls and His within the EPZ. Advisement:

Direct NIMI/HI to tune to local media (radiolTV) for event coverage, stay off phone unless there is an emergency.

Refer to Indian Point Community Emergency Planning Brochure.

Query NIMI as to the need for assistance.

Query NIMI if assistance will be required in the event of an evacuation (is there someone to assist you to a reception center or other location outside the area). If assistance is needed from the county, establish if the person can walk, needs a wheeled chair or requires a stretcher.

The Hospital Emergency Command Center will remain on Alert status until advised to demobilize or escalate to a more severe status. Plan for 24-hour staffing of command center. Draft -REV 8/08 11 Hospitals Coordinator IP-16 Advise the County PIO of Telephone Device for the Deaf (TOO) access number for the hearing impaired requiring assistance within the EPZ and of the telephone number for members of the public to call who need transportation assistance, and request these informational numbers be issued to the public via a news release. Procedures as described above, and: The Hospital NIMI Coordinator will establish an Emergency Telephone Bank in Macy Pavilion Room #1423. The Hospital NIMI Coordinator will obtain the NIMI data list and calling instructions from the Hospital Rep in the WCEOC. The NIMIIHI phone team will contact each individual with instructions and determine if helshe requires assistance.

In the event the county is directing protective actions, provide instructions to take shelter or evacuate.

Requisition for assistance will be forwarded to the designated area for dispatch. (I.E. Emergency Communications Center or Mobile Command Post (staging area) Same as above, and: The NIMI phone team will contact each individual with instructions to take shelter or evacuate, as determined by the County Executive, and based upon ERPA. Transportation needs will be confirmed and dispatched, as appropriate.

Plan for 24-hour staffing of command center. Assure radiological decontamination hospitals have adequate supplies to perform decon function.


Dobbs Ferry Community Hosoital Hudson Valley Hospital Center Lawrence Hospital Mt. Vernon Hosoital Northern Westchester Hospital Phelps Memorial Hosoital Sound Shore Medical Center St. John's Riverside Hospital St. Joseph's Medical Center Westchester Medical Center White Plains Medical Center Draft -REV 8/08 Hospitals Coordinator AITACHMENT 1 Westchester County Hospital Listing AOOB.ESS C.lIY SIAIE Zlf MAItUt 128 Ashford Ave. Dobbs Ferry NY 10522-693-0700 1980 CromP9nd Rd. Cortlandt Manor NY 10567-737-9000 55 Palmer Ave. Bronxville NY 10708-787-1000 12 N 7th Ave. Mt Vernon NY 10550-664-8000 400 E Main St. MtKisco NY 10549-666-1200 701 N Broadway Sleepy Hollow NY 10951-366-3000 16 Guion PI New Rochelle NY 10801-632-5000 967 N Broadway Yonkers NY 10701-964-4444 127 S Broadway Yonkers NY 10701-378-7000 Macv Pavillion Valhalla NY 10595-493-7000 Davis Ave. & E Post Rd. White Plains NY 10601-681-0600 IP-16 fB.Jl. EB. FAX It. CTRQI.It.

693-5187 674-9118 693-5187 734-3300 734-3398 734-3397 787-1035 787-5068 337-7522 664-8oo0x3040 664-0456 699-5555 666-1254 666-1268 666-0540 366-3590 366-1554 631-5908 637-1370 632-9662 632-8089 964-4349 964-0279 964-4567 378-7471 378-7291 964-0136 493-7307 493-8298 493-7311 681-1155 681-2912 681-1155 14 Hospitals Coordinator IP-16 ATTACHMENT 2 SHEL TER-IN-PLACE INFORMATION Local officials at the time of the incident are the best source of information for your particular situation.

Following their instructions during and after emergencies regarding sheltering, food, water, and clean up methods is your safest choice. Remember that instructions to shelter-in-place are usually provided for durations of a few hours, not days or weeks. Upon direction by officials to shelter-in-place:

  • Close the hospital.
  • Bring everyone inside. Shut and lock outside door(s) and windows.
  • If there are visitors in the building, provide for their safety by asking them to stay -not leave. When authorities provide directions to shelter-in-place, they want everyone to take those steps now, where they are, and not drive or walk outdoors.
  • Unless there is an imminent threat, ask employees, patients, and visitors to call their emergency contact to let them know where they are and that they are safe.
  • Turn on call-forwarding or alternative telephone answering systems or services.

If the business has voice mail or an automated attendant, change the recording to indicate that the business is closed, and that staff and visitors are remaining in the building until authorities advise it is safe to leave.

  • Close and lock all windows, exterior doors, and any other openings to the outside.
  • Have employees familiar with your building's mechanical systems turn off all fans, heating and air conditioning systems to minimize or stop the intake of outside air. Some systems automatically provide for exchange of inside air with outside air -these systems, in particular, need to be turned off, sealed, or disabled.


  • Gather essential disaster supplies, such as nonperishable food, bottled water, powered radios, first aid supplies, flashlights, batteries, duct tape, plastic sheeting, and plastic garbage bags.
  • Keep listening to the radio or television until you are told all is safe or you are told to evacuate.

Draft -REV 8/08 15 Hospitals Coordinator IP-16 Draft -REV 8/08 16 Name Address Draft -REV 8/08 Hospitals Coordinator ATTACHMENT 3 NIMI Transportation Tracking Sheet Telephone BusNan IP-16 Para-transit Ambulance 17 Inten ti onall y left blank MAP FACII{IY Kn 2 N 1 M t. St. Fran c is Conven t & F r a n ci sca n Sist e rs Infi rma ry 2 50 Sou t h Street -Peekskill , N Y 1 0566 Contact Sister R ose Cecilia Phone: 914-737*5409 or 914* 737-3373 x 3 2 NO FAX Se<:o n diry Co n Cu C S i ster Theresi n a , D i recto r of Infi rm ary 9 E 1 West L edge Health Care F acility 2000 E. Main Street P eekskill , NY 10566 Con t act Barry A d ler , Adm i n i strato r Phone: 9 14-737*6400 F a x: 914-737-3470 Secondary Contact Irma R u ff , D i rector of N ursi ng D ra ft -RE V 8/08 H o sp it al s Coo rdinat o r POP -281 1 0/1 15/82/0 Attachment 4 Nurs i ng Home Listing F COORDINAlIHG 6 Cars E MS 1 Sta t ionwagon N o n e. E M S IP-16 'HOIST F4ClUTY RECEl'TIOII C!IITEJI Ruth T a ylor Geriatri c & Re h abilitation In s titute West c hes t er Med i cal Center V alh a lla, N Y 10595 C ontact Marga r et Ka l sc h ed , Administ r ator Ph one:

F ax: 914-4 93-6211 S e c o n dary C ontac t Nursing Superv i sor O n-D u ty 9 14-493-2 525 p age #1056 Putn a m Nursing & Rehabilitation C enter 4 04 Ludington viH e R oad H ol m es , N Y 12 5 3 1 C o n tac t D i na Ka y e , Adm i nist r ator P h o n e: 645-678-32 4 1 F ax: 645-678*73 1 8 Northern W e stchest e r Hosp ita l Cen t e r 400 Main St r ee t M t. K i sco , N Y 1 0 549 C o n tact I ER Attending O n-Duty I P hone: 9 1 4-666-1 254 F a x: 914-666-1268 , , 18 10 I E2 13 I N2 Hudson Valley Hospital Center 1980 Crompound Road Cortlandt Manor, NY 10566 Contact Dr. John McGurty, ER Director ED: 914-734-3300 Main: 914-734-3748 ED Fax: 914-734-3549 Cortlandt Nursing Home 110 Oregon Road Draft -REV 8/08 Coordinrtor 34/22/23 None. EMS 53/63/1 None. EMS Salem Hills Health Care Center 539 Route 22 Purdys, NY 10578 Mark Badolato Phone: 914-277-3626 Fax: 914-277-3633 Contact Waterview Hills Nursing Center 537 Route 22 Purdys, NY 10578 Contact Ms. Chris Clark, Administrator Phone: 914-277-3691 Fax: 914-277-4184 Putnam Hospital Center 670 Stoneleigh Avenue Carmel, NY 10512 Contact Attending On-Duty Phone: 845-279-5711 x2353 Fax: 845-279-2598 St Luke Hospital 70 Dubois Street Newburgh, NY 12550 Dr. Catherine Polera Phone: 845-568-2305 Fax: 845-568-2912 Contact Orange Regional Medical Center at Arden Hill 19

H "tals Coordinator IP-16 Peekskill, NY 10566 Campus 4 Harriman Drive Contact Goshen, NY 10924 Kate Costello, Administrator Phone: 914-739-9150 Contact Fax: 914-739-9155 Jeff Hirsch Phone: 845-294-5541 Fax: 845-294-2105 Arden Hill Life Center 6 Harriman Drive Goshen, NY 10924 Contact Carl Kelly Phone: 845-291-3700 Fax: 845-291-3737 18 E3 VA Hudson Valley Health 178/58/11 21 Cars EMS Care System VA Hudson Valley Health Care System Montrose Campus, Route 9A Castle Point Campus Montrose, NY 10548 Route 90 Contact Beacon, NY 12511 Scott Butler Contact Phone: 914-737-4400 ext. Michael Sabo 3519 Phone: 845-831-2000 Fax: 914-737-4296 Fax: 845-838-5193 John Grady, Associate Veterans Affairs Medical Center Director Phone: 914-737-4400 ext. 130 West Kingsbridge 2462 Bronx, NY 10468 After Hours Medical Adm. Contact Specialist Maryann Musumeci 914-737-4400 ext 2811 Phone: 718-584-9000 Fax: 718-741-4221 Secondary Contact Jeremy E. Honey, Emerg. Prep. Coordinator Draft -REV 8/08 20 Pager: 914-492-1266 Cell: 914-755-6951

.. Is Coordinat, Hospna 19A N1A New York State Veterans Pending 1 Bus (5 EMS Home at Montrose finalization wheelchairs)

VA Hudson Valley Health Care System 198 Albany Post Road of facility Castle Point Campus (Montrose VA Campus) plans, per 1 Van (3 Route 90 Montrose, NY 10548 the VA, to wheelchairs)

Beacon, NY 12511 be treated Contact the same 1 Van (15 Contact Paul Dorn, Dir. Of as the FOR passenger)

Michael Sabo Engineering VA Phone: 845-831-2000 Phone: 914-788-6039 Hospital on Fax: 845-838-5193 Fax: 914-788-6106 the same campus. Secondary Contact Patients Veterans Affairs Medical Center Oscer Carter, Adm!n. or Floyd and facility 130 West Kingsbridge Long, Deputy Admin. are Bronx NY 10468 Phone (24hrs): 914-788-6000 registered

' Fax: 914-788-6100 with VA. Contact Maryann Musumeci Phone: 718-584-9000 Fax: 718-741-4221 22 N3 Skyview Health Center 65/97/18 1 Pick-Up EMS Albany Post Road Truck Phelps Memorial Hospital Croton-On-Hudsonm NY 701 North Broadway 10520 Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591 Contact Contact Paula Ress, Administrator Dr. Emil Nigro Phone: 914-271-5151 Phone: 914-366-3590 Fax: 914-271-4455 Fax: 914-366-1554 Secondary Contact Connie Daniels, Director of MAIN NUMBER Nursing 914-366-3000 Draft -REV 8/08 Tarrytown Hall Care Center Wood Court Tarrvtown, NY 10591 IP-16 21 26 I N4 I Treetops at Mohegan Lake I 3550 Lexington Avenue Mohegan Lake, NY 10547 Contact John Waldron, Administrator Phone: 914-528-3583 or 914-528-2000 Cell: 917-362-6933 Fax: 914-528-9235 30 I N5 I Field Home -Holy Comforter Nursing Home 2300 Catherine Street Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 Contact Robert Bulack, Engineering Phone: 914-739-2244 ext. 5443 Fax: 914-739-9724 Pager: 914-972-1209 Secondary Contact Judith Madden, Administrator Phone: 914-739-2244 ext. Draft -REV 8/08 Coordinator IP-16 I I 28/66/12 I None. EMS 75/127/0 1 Pick-Up EMS Truck 1 Passenger Car (5 person) 1 Bus (6-8 person) Eric Kalt Phone: 914-631-2600 Fax: 914-631-0091 Contact Burke Rehabilitation Center 785 Mamaroneck Avenue White Plains, NY 10605 John J. Ryan Phone: 914-597-2500 or 914-597-2145 Fax: 914-597-2787 Contact Salem Hills Health Care Center 539 Route 22 Purdys, NY 10578 Mark Badolato Phone: 914-277-3626 Fax: 914-277-3633 Contact Ruth Taylor Geriatric

& Rehabilitation Institute Westchester Medical Center Valhalla, NY 10595 Contact Margaret Kalsched, Administrator Phone: 914-493-7762 Fax: 914-493-8211 Secondary Contact Nursing Supervisor On-Duty 914-493-2525 page #1056 22 5502 Draft -REV 8/08 * .ospltals

.. H Coord Nathan Miller Center 37 DeKalb Avenue White Plains, NY 10605 Contact Mike Driscoll Phone: 914-490-9109 Fax: 914-686-8895 Nathan Miller (Admin Offices) 220 W. Post Road White Plains, NY 10606 Contact Mrs. Lorraine Goldman Phone: 914-686-8880 Fax: 914-686-8216 Methodist Church Home for the Aged 4499 Manhattan College Parkway Bronx, NY 10471 Contact George Cau, Administrator Phone: 718-548-5100 Fax: 718-548-3147 Dobbs Ferry Community Hospital 128 Ashford Avenue Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522 Contact Ron Corti Phone: 914-693-0700 (have supervisor paged) Fax: 914-693-4723 Somers Manor NurSing Home 789 Route 100 16 39 I N12 ! St. Mary's Rehabilitation Center for Children 44 I N8 15 Spring Valley Road Ossining, NY 10562 Contact Eileen Chisari, VP & Administrator Phone: 914-333-7010 Fax: 914-333-7182 Pager: 888-268-1706 Cell: 917-538-2399 Home: 914-723-2145 GENERAL NUMBER -(914) 333-7000 EMERGENCY LINE -(914) 762-6733 Cedar Manor Nursing & Rehabilitation Center Stormytown Road & Cedar Lane Ossining, NY 01562 Contact Debbie Sebato, Admin. or Hilaray Saadate, Dir. Nursing Phone: 914-762-1600 Fax: 914-762-0437 Cell: 914-772-2405 Draft -REV 8/08 Hoslitals Coordinator IP-16 I I Somers, NY 10589 I 9/35/0 (Infants 6 months and older) 80 Day Staff 10 Night Staff *11 infants need to be carried 40/45/53 1 Van EMS None. EMS Mrs. Joy Bloomer Phone: 914-232-5101 Fax: 914-232-8346 Contact Blythedale Children's Hospital 95 Bradhurst Avenue Valhalla, NY 10595 Contact Larry Levine, Administrator Phone: 914-592-7555 Fax: 592-5844 Phelps Memorial Hospital 701 North Broadway Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591 Dr. Emil Nigro Phone: 914-366-3590 Fax: 914-366-1554 MAIN NUMBER 914-366-3000 Contact 24 45 I N9 52 N11 Victoria Nursing Home 25 North Malcolm Street Ossining, NY 10562 Contact Phyllis Bianco, Executive Director Phone: 914-941-2450 Fax: 914-941-2962 Bethel Nursing Home 19 Narragansett Avenue Ossining, NY 10562 Contact Joan DePaolis, Administrator Phone: 914-941-7300 Cell: 914-830-5133 Draft -REV 8/08 Hosritals Coordinator IP-16 I I 39/10/0 10/58/10 Methodist Home empty as of 6125102 1 Van (6 passenger capacity)

EMS EMS 1 Van Tarrytown Hall Care Center Wood Court Tarrytown, NY 10591 Eric Kalt Phone: 914-631-2600 Fax: 914-631-0091 Contact Methodist Church Home for the Aged 4499 Manhattan College Parkway Bronx, NY 10471 Contact George Cau, Administrator Phone: 718-548-5100 Fax: 718-548-3147 Phelps Memorial Hospital 701 North Broadway Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591 Dr. Emil Nigro Phone: 914-366-3590 Fax: 914-366-1554 MAIN NUMBER 914-366-3000 Contact Phelps Memorial Hospital 701 North Broadway Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591 Contact Dr. Emil Nigro Phone: 914-366-3590 25

  • .aspi H 'tals Caardinat IP-16 Fax: 914-366-1554 MAIN NUMBER 914-366-3000 The Osborn 101 Theall Road Rye, NY 10580 Contact Mark Zwerger Phone: 914-921-2200 Fax: 914-921-2398 Brooklyn United Methodist Church Home 1485 Dumont Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11208 Contact Ann Dowling Phone: 718-827-4500 Fax: 718-277-1700 53 N13 Maryknoll (Clergy Residence) 85/2/0 EMS 18 Cars Bus to Harrison Reception Center: 55 Ryder Road 1 Van Ossining, NY 10562 Phelps Memorial Hospital Contact 701 North Broadway Father Michael Duggan, Dick Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591 Colt or Nancy Kleppel Contact Phone: 914-941-7590 or 914-Dr. Emil Nigro 941-4705 Phone: 914-366-3590 Fax: 914-762-0316 Fax: 914-366-1554 MAIN NUMBER 914-366-3000 , Draft -REV 8/08 26 54 I N13A I St. Theresa Nursing Home -Maryknoll 105 Ryder Road Maryknoll, NY 10545 Contact Father Thomas McDonnell, Center Coordinator Phone: 914-941-7636 ext.2321 Fax: 914-923-3407 MAIN -(914) 942-4240 SWITCH BOARD -(914) 941-7590 Draft -REV 8/08 Hosritals Coordinator IP-16 I I 47/18/4 EMS 1 Bus 1 Ambulette 1 Van 5 Cars Saint Josephs Medical Center 127 South Broadway Yonkers, NY 10701 Contact Michael J. Spicer, Administrator Phone: 914-378-7485 Fax: 914-965-4838 Westchester Medical Center Grasslands Campus Valhalla, NY 10595 Attending On-Duty Phone: 914-493-7307 Fax: 914-493-8298 Contact Ruth Taylor Geriatric

& Rehabilitation Institute Westchester Medical Center Valhalla, NY 10595 Contact Margaret Kalsched, Administrator Phone: 914-493-7762 Fax: 914-493-8211 Secondary Contact Nursing Supervisor On-Duty 914-493-2525 page #1056 Phelps Memorial Hospital 701 North Broadway Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591 Contact Dr. Emil Nigro Phone: 914-366-3590 27

  • .OSpl --.". H .. Is Coord' IP-16 Fax: 914-366-1554 MAIN NUMBER 914-366-3000 Harrison High School 50 Union Avenue Harrison, NY 10528 Contact Anthony Miserandino Phone: 914-835-3300 Fax: 914-835-5471 55 N13B Maryknoll Residential Care 17/5/20 EMS 20 Cars Maryknoll Sisters SNF 1 Van (holds 2 Ruth Taylor Geriatric

& Rehabilitation Institute 100 Ryder Road (PO Box (4 th Floor) wheelchairs and Westchester Medical Center 311) 5 passengers)

Valhalla, NY 10595 Maryknoll, NY 10545 30/3/0 Assisted Contact Contact Living Margaret Kalsched, Administrator Sister Pat Edmiston (3 rd Floor) Phone: 914-493-7762 Phone 914-941-7575 ext. Fax: 914-493-8211 5761 .. 200 Staff Fax: 914-941-0213 also live at Secondary Contact facility Nursing Supervisor On-Duty 914-493-2525 page #1056 Phelps Memorial Hospital 701 North Broadway Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591 Contact Dr. Emil Nigro Phone: 914-366-3590 Fax: 914-366-1554 MAIN NUMBER Draft -REV 8/08 28 63 I N16 I Brandywine Nursing Home 620 Sleepy Hollow Road Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 Contact Paul Roth, Administrator Phone: 914-941-5100 Fax: 914-941-4752 Draft -REV 8/08 Coordinator IP-16 I I 914-366-3000 I 6/121/6 EMS 1 Bus Grand Manor Health Facility 700 White Plains Road Bronx, NY 10473 Contact Howard Wolf, Administrator 718-518-8892 X810 29 EOC Municipal Liaison Draft -REV 811 0 Westchester County DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES INDIAN POINT ENERGY CENTER IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE Municipal Liaison IP-17.0 IP-17.0 Intentionally left blank EOC Municipal Liaison TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1.0 Purpose 2.0 Responsibilities 3.0 Concept of Operations Checklists Checklist 1: Unusual Event Checklist 2: Alert, Site Area and General Emergency Resource Section County Response Actions Overview Draft -REV 8/10 Page No. 3 3 3 5 8 20 IP-17.0 2 Intentionally left blank EOC Municipal liaison IP-17.0 1.0 Purpose This procedure provides guidance for county staff in the EOC who serve as liaisons to local elected officials.

2.0 Responsibilities Westchester County recognizes the importance of establishing good communications with local officials and local government services in an emergency.

Informed local governments will be an asset and represent a valuable source of additional resources to supplement those of the County during emergency response.

Establishing a "Local government liaison" in the County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) whenever it is activated will facilitate this process. The role of the Municipal liaison includes:

  • Communicating with local elected officials to keep them informed on the emergency situation and facilitating involvement and coordination of local resources where needed;
  • Relaying the questions and concerns of local elected officials to the County EOC and ensuring that those matters are addressed and communicated back to respective parties, including the County Executive;
  • Serving as a conduit for direct verbal dialogue with local elected officials on the status of the situation.
  • Serving as a resource to the County Executive and EOC staff on municipal issues. 3.0 Concept of Operations 3.1 Municipal liaisons will normally not be notified of an Unusual Event and no actions should be necessary.

There may be some circumstances in which the County Executive would request an early mobilization of selected resources during this classification.

3.2 When notified of an Alert or higher, the Municipal liaisons will report to their assigned positions at the County EOC. Draft -REV 8/10 3 EOC Municipal Liaison IP-17.0 3.3 The Municipal Liaisons will operate from the county EOC to ensure all necessary actions are taken in support of the event. 3.4 Municipal Liaisons will begin contacting local officials at the Alert stage and will relay all emergency classification levels and protective action information to their municipal contacts.

3.SMunicipal Liaisons will also relay any local questions and concerns to the County Executive and other EOC staff. 3.6 Municipal Liaisons will also maintain contact with any re-Iocating local governments, tracking status and alternate location contact information.

3.7 Other County EOC pOSitions will also maintain direct communications with their counterparts in local jurisdictions, e.g, County law enforcement to local law enforcement.

Draft -REV 8/10 4 EOC Municipal Liaison IP-17.0 CHECKLIST 1 Municipal EOC Liaison Unusual Event 1. Municipal Liaisons will normally not be contacted for an Unusual Event. No actions are necessary , other than review of procedures to prepare for possible escalation. __ 2. Notes: ________________________________________________

_ In the event the County Executive contacts Liaisons, implement any specific requests.

Notes: _______________________

_ Note: It is possible that for special incidents, such as security-related events at Indian Point, the EOC would be activated early. Follow directions provided by the County Emergency Notification System. Record all actions taken. Draft -REV 8/10 5 Intentionally left blank

  • EOC Mun i cipal Liaison IP-17.0 CHECKLIST 2 Municipal EOC liaison Rep Alert, Site Area and General Emergency

__ 1. Upon notification, respond to the EOC and staff assigned positions. Noles: ______________________

_ 2. Contact local officials and confirm that Ihey have received notice of the event. Note: In the event of an escalation , re-notify officials of all changes , as well as protective actions. Notes: ______________________

_ 3. Track key actions and inform appropriate local officials of: status of schools local traffic decisions on siren activation

__ field monitoring Peekskill EOC status __ Distribution of dosimetry Other Notes: _______________________ _ . ___ 4. Obtain information from lo ca l governments concerning plans to relocate to an alternate seat of government.

Obtain temporary/alternate contact numbers Notes: ______________________

_ Drafl-REV 8/10 6

  • . . ., CHECKLIST 2 Municipal EOC Liaison Rep Alert, Site Area and General Emergency
5. Ensure that the County PIO has information on contact points for relocated local government agencies. Nores: ________________________________________________

_ ____ 6. Receive questions and concerns from local officials and ensure that they are forwarded to the EOC Operations Director for attention.

Notes: ________________________________________________

_ __ 7. Develop a 24-hour shift schedule for extended EOC operations (two 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> shifts) and notify replacements of schedule. Note: Have lead positions report to the EOC one half hour prior to their shift for turn over from the previous shift. Notes: _______________________

_ __ 8. Upon notice of termination of the event, contact municipal officials to stand down and inform them that the event has been terminated. Notes: ______________________________


____ _ Draft -REV 8/10 7 EOC Municipal Liaison IP-17.0 RESOURCE SECTION Draft -REV 8/10 8 Intenti onally left blank EOC Municipal liaison IP-17.0 ATTACHMENT 1 OVERVIEW OF COUNTY RESPONSE ACTIONS UNUSUAL EVENT No. Action Item 1.0 Upon notification from Entergy of an Unusual Event County Warning Point via the New York State RECS line, the Westchester County Warning Point will notify the Commissioner of Emergency Services.

Notification is also made to the Deputy County Executive, County Executive, County Attorney, Commissioner of Health, Lead PIO, and Commissioner of Public Safety 2.0 The Commissioner of Emergency Services ensures DES Commissioner the County Executive and/or the Deputy County Executive are also briefed. 3.0 The County Executive, in consultation with senior County Executive staff, evaluates the need for further actions. Note: The County Executive has the discretion to place key staff on standby and to verify operational readiness of response facilities such as the EOC. Draft -REV 8/10 9 EOC Municipal Liaison IP-17.0 ATTACHMENT 1 OVERVIEW OF COUNTY RESPONSE ACTIONS 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 ALERT Activate the EOC and mobilize EOC staff. Open the Joint Information Center Dispatch County Liaison to Entergy Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Upon arrival at the EOC, each agency places personnel and resources on standby Upon arrival at the EOC, the County Executive Receives a briefing by the Commissioner of the Department of Health and the Commissioner of Emergency Services 6.0 School pre-cautionary actions are considered:

delay or cancel school opening; or shelter schools in place; or close schools early; or relocate schools to school reception centers 7.0 Consider the need to close parks and recreation areas. Draft -REV 8/10 County Executive County Warning Point Commissioner of Emergency Services County Executive County PIO Health Commissioner All County Agencies Commissioner of Emergency Services Commissioner of Health County Executive School Superintendents County Executive Department of Parks, Recreation and Conservation 10 EOC MUnicIpal Liaison IP-170 No. Action Item Implementing AgencylIndividual 8.0 9.0 W.O Consider clearing the River within the 10-miIe EPZ. Note: This recommendation should be coordinated with the other three counties via the Executive Hotline. Monitor traffic flow and establish traffic control points as necessary.

Notify hospitals, nursing homes and other special facilities. County Executive U.s. Coast Guard County Police DPW Emergency Medical Services Mental Health Social Services Schools Coordinator 11.0 Place transportation services on standby. Department of Transportation 12.0 Place ambulances on standby. Emergency Medical Services 13.0 Place reception center radiological monitors on standby Department of Health and confirm team assignments.

14.0 Place Reception Center staff (registration) on standby. Social Services 15.0 16.0 Note: The first three reception centers to be activated would be White Plains HS and Harrison HS and Westchester Community College. Notify FAA, Metro North, CSX (Conrail) and Amtrak. Conduct regular briefings in the Operations Room. Draft -REV 8/10 Department of Transportation County Executive Commissioner of Emergency Services 11 EOC Municipal Liaison IP-17.0 ATTACHMENT 1 OVERVIEW OF COUNTY RESPONSE ACTIONS SITE AREA EMERGENCY 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Ensure that initial pre-cautionary actions are being implemented:

-EPZ schools are sheltered, closed or relocated;

-Parks and recreation areas are closed; -River is cleared within the EPZ Consider the need for additional protective actions, such as sheltering or evacuation.

Consult with the other three County Executives regarding protective actions and the advisability of sounding sirens and issuing Emergency Alert System (EAS) messages.

Consider Declaring a Local State of Emergency Schools designated as school reception centers are ready to receive students.

Facilities designated as general public reception centers are activated and ready to receive evacuees.

Draft -REV 8/10 County Executive Commissioner of Emergency Services School District Superintendents Parks, Recreation and Conservation US Coast Guard County Executive Emergency Services Health Transportation Public Safety Fire and Rescue Social Services Utility Liaison County Executive PIO County Executive Commissioner of Emergency Services PIO County Attorney School Coordinator Schools Coordinator Health Social Services 12 Eoe Municipal Liaison IP-17.0 No. 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 ATTACHMENT 1 SITE AREA EMERGENCY (continued)

Action Item Implementing Agencyllndividual Traffic control points are established.

County Police DPW Buses required for evacuation are staged. Department of Transportation Schools Coordinator Congregate care centers are on standby. American Red Cross Schools Coordinator All emergency workers in the field have been issued Health dosimetry and KI Applicable fire, police, EMS and other affected agencies Sheltering and evacuation arrangements are in place Emergency Medical Services for institutionalized mobility impaired.

Transportation Mental Health Social Services Non-institutionalized mobility-impaired persons are Emergency Medical Services contacted and transportation resources arranged.

Department of Transportation Hearing-impaired residents of the EPZ have been Social Services contacted and advised of the emergency.

Mental health facilities within the EPZ have been Mental Health notified and are ready to take any necessary protective actions. Activities are coordinated with New York State Office of Mental Health, American Red Cross Emergency Medical Services and Westchester County Medical Center. If requested, dispatch Disaster Team to reception and Mental Health congregate care centers. Draft -REV 8/10 13 EOC Municipal Liaison 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0 21.0 22.0 23.0 24.0 ATTACHMENT 1 SITE AREA EMERGENCY (continued)

Hospitals in the EPZ are sheltered and ready for evacuation.

Correctional facilities within the EPZ are notified. (Sing Sing State Correctional Facility is a State responsibility. ) Emergency Worker Personnel Monitoring Center County Fire Training Center) is activated and operational, ready to receive emergency workers. Field Monitoring Teams are dispatched.

County fire services have been notified and are on standby (those services performing reception center monitoring and decontamination are at reception centers.)

All county environmental facilities have been notified and instructed to implement emergency procedures.

Environmental facilities within the 10-mile EPZ are prepared to shelter or evacuate, in accordance with public protective action directives.

In the event of evacuation, ensure procedures are followed to ensure a safe shutdown, or are placed in automatic operations mode. NotifY FAA, Metro North, CSX (Conrail), and Amtrak. Consider data and information developed by the Dose Assessment Team from the EOF, field teams Emergency Medical Services County Police (notification)

Health DPW Emergency Services Public Safety Health RACES Fire and Rescue Environmental Facilities Environmental Facilities Department of Transportation Health Department County Executive IP-17.0 and utility technical representative.

Commissioner of Emergency Services 25.0 Conduct Draft -REV 8/10 14 EOC Municipal LiaisOn IP-17.0 ATTACHMENT 1 OVERVIEW OF COUNTY RESPONSE ACTIONS GENERAL EMERGENCY No. Action Item Implementing AgencylIndividual 1.0 The County Executive consults with the County Executive Commissioner of Health and utility liaison on plant Health status, weather conditions, projected dose rate, and the need to administer KI to emergency workers 2.0 Consult with the Commissioner of Emergency County Executive Services and other key staff to ensure: County PIO -transportation resources are staged; Transportation

-traffic control points established; Public Safety -roads are clear Public Safety/DPW

-reception centers opened and staffed Social ServiceslHealth

-congregate care centers opened and staffed Red Cross 3.0 After confirming necessary equipment and personnel County Executive are in place, order evacuation of the 2-mile radius and 5-miles downwind (weather and other conditions permitting).

Sheltering of additional AREA's, especially those 5 to 10 miles downwind may also be considered.

  • Coordinate protective action decision; siren County Executive sounding; and EAS message with the other three county Executives via the Executive Hotline. Note: Camp Smith, is a State decision FDR V A Hospital, V A decision 4.0 Declare a Local State of Emergency, if not already County Executive declared, in coordination with the other three counties.

5.0 County Executive Monitor implementation of protective actions and Commissioner of Emergency Services obtain frequent updates. Draft -REV 8/10 15 EOC Municipal Liaison IP-17.0 No. 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 ATTACHMENT GENERAL EMERGENCY (continued)

Action Item Ensure emergency workers in the field have been issued dosimetry, KI and Radiation Exposure Control Cards. Based on projected dose, evaluate the need to administer KI to emergency workers. If a decision is made by the County Health Commissioner to administer KI, notify all emergency workers immediately.

Monitor the status of schools (sheltered, closed or relocated.)

Traffic and Access Control Points are established.

Note: Public Works provides barricades.

Evacuated areas are patrolled.

County and/or State Police helicopter, or the Civil Air Patrol may conduct air reconnaissance of evacuation routes. Evacuation route impediments are identified and removed. Correctional facilities are sheltered.

Monitor bus operations and transportation progress for evacuation.

Implementing AgencylIndividual All agencies with workers in the field. Health County Executive Health County Executive Schools Coordinator Transportation Public Safety DPW Public Safety Public Safety Public Safety DPW State Transportation EMS Draft -REV 8/10 16 EOC Municipal Liaison No. 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0 21.0 Action Item ATTACHMENT 1 GENERAL EMERGENCY (continued)

At least three reception centers should be open and receiving evacuees:

White Plains Sr. High School Harrison H.S. Westchester Community CoHege Open additional receptions centers based upon extent of evacuation.

Associated congregate care centers should be opened and receiving evacuees.

Field Monitoring Teams conduct field measurements.

Note: Police escort may be required.

Non-institutionalized mobility-impaired and hearing impaired persons are contacted to ensure they are aware of the emergency and needs are addressed.

Institutionalized mobility impaired within affected area are sheltered or evacuated and transportation needs are being addressed.

Hospitals in affected areas are being sheltered or evacuated.

Draft -REV 8/10 IP-17.0 Implementing AgencylIndividual Social Services Health Fire and Rescue Public Safety Social Services Health Fire and Rescue Public Safety Red Cross Social Services Health Department RACES Transportation EMS EMS Transportation EMS Transportation 17 EOC Municipal Liaison ATTACHMENT 1 GENERAL EMERGENCY (continued)

IP-17.0 No. Action Item Implementing Agencyllndividual 23.0 If requested, dispatch Disaster Team to the reception Mental Health and congregate care centers, or other areas of need. 24.0 Monitor evacuated areas and provide support to Fire Services County Police in traffic control. 25.0 Environmental facilities in the EPZ should be Environmental Facilities instructed to start implementing their emergency 26.0 27.0 28.0 29.0 30.0 operations procedures.

In the event of evacuation, implement safe shutdown procedures or place in automatic operations mode. County personnel whose workplace is impacted by evacuation orders will maintain contact with supervisors and confirm relocation sites. Emergency Workers Personnel Monitoring Center (County Fire Training Center) is open and processing workers. Confirm FAA, Metro North, CSX and Amtrak have been notified of emergency status and protective actions and have taken necessary operational steps. Confirm operational status of bus loops among reception centers and congregate care centers. Continue regular Operations room briefing updates. All affected County agencies Health DPW Fire and Rescue Police Transportation Transportation County Executive Commissioner of Emergency Services 31.0 Upon completion of General Emergency procedures, All agencies review and s. Draft -REV 8/10 18 EOC Municipal liaison IP-17.0 Draft -REV 811 0 19 Intentionally left blank