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General Design Criterion 1, "Quality Stand-ards and Records," of Appendix A, "GeneralDtsign Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants," to4' y -O CFR Part 50, "Domestic Licensing of Pro-duction and Utilization Facilities," requiresthat structures, systems, and componentsimportant to safety be designed, fabricated,erected, and tested to quality standards com-mensurate with the importance of the safetyfunctions to be performed. Appendix B, "Qual-ity Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plantsand Fuel Reprocessing Plants," to 10 CFRPart 50 requires that measures be establishedto ensure materials control and control ofspecial processes such as resin molding.Section 50.55a, "Codes and Standards," of10 CFR Part 50 requires that design, fabrica-tion, installation, testing, or inspection of thespecified system or component be in accordancewith generally recognized codes and standards.Footnote 6 to § 50.55a states that the use ofspecific Code Cases may be authorized by theCommission upon request pursuant to § 50.55a(a)(2)(ii), which requires that proposed alter-natives to the described requirements or por-tions thereof provide an acceptable level ofquality and safety.This guide describes a method acceptable tothe NRC staff for implementing these require-ments with regard to the design, fabrication,and testing of fiberglass-reinforced thermo-setting resin (RTR) piping for spray pondapplications. This guide applies to light-water-cooled and gas-cooled reactors. The AdvisoryCommittee on Reactor Safeguards has been con-sulted concerning this guide and has concurredin the regulatory position.Lines indicate substantive changes from previous issue. | |||
==B. DISCUSSION== | |||
The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Com-mittee publishes a document entitled "CodeCases."' Generally, a Code Case explains theintent of rules in the ASME's Boiler andPressure Vessel Code (the Code)1 or providesfor alternative requirements under specialcircumstances. Most Code Cases are eventuallysuperseded by revisions to the Code and thenare annulled by action of the ASME Council.Code Case N-155-1 (1792-1), referred to inthis guide, is limited to Section III, Division 1,of the Code and is oriented toward design andfabrication of RTR piping. The Code Case doesnot prescribe a lower temperature limit, prima-rily because the American Society for Testingand Materials (ASTM) specifications do notcontain a lower temperature limit, but RTRpiping systems would normally be qualified forthe intended service temperature condition.It is planned that after Revision 2 of thisguide is issued, the acceptability of futureminor revisions to Code Case N-155 (1792) willbe noted in Regulatory Guide 1.84, "Designand Fabrication Code Case Acceptability--ASMESection III Division I." Major revisions to theCode Case will, however, result in a revisionto this guide (1.72). Filament-wound struc-tures have mechanical properties superior tofiberglass-filled laminates, and they are con-sidered more desirable when intended pressure components.The Code Case obtains an allowable designstress from the hydrostatic design basis (HDB)strength as derived from either Procedure A1Copies may be obtained from the American Society of Mechan-ical Engineers, United Engineering Center, 345 East 47th Street,New York, New York 10017.USNRC REGULATORY GUIDES Comments should be sent to the Secretary of the Commission, U.S. NuclearRegulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555, Attention: Docketing andRegulatory Guides are issued to describe and make available to the public Service Branch.methods acceptable to the NRC staff of implementing specific parts of theCommission's regulations, to delineate techniques used by the staff in evalu- The guides are issued in the following ten broad divisions:sting specific problems or postulated accidents, or to provide guidance toapplicants. Regulatory Guides are not substitutes for regulations, and com- 1. Power Reactors 6. Productspliance with them is not required. Methods and solutions different from those 2. Research and Test Reactors 7. Transportationset out in the guides will be acceptable if they provide a basis for the findings 3. Fuels and Materials Facilities 8. Occupational Healthrequisite to the issuance or continuance of a permit or license by the 4. Environmental and Siting 9. Antitrust and Financial ReviewCommission. 5. Materials and Plant Protection 10. GeneralRequests for single copies of issued guides (which may be reproduced) or forComments and suggestions for improvements in these guides are encouraged at placement on an automatic distribution list for single copies of future guidesall times, and guides will be revised, as appropriate, to accommodate comments in specific divisions should be made in writing to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatoryand to reflect new information or experience. This guide was revised as a result Commission, Washington, D.C. 205&5, Attention: Director, Division ofof substantive comments received from the public and additional staff review. Technical Information and Document Contro point B), constitut,; the acceleration region of thehorizontal Design Response Spec-tra. For frcquencieshigher than 33 cps. the maximum ground accelerationline thc Design RCeptm.c Spcctra.lie vertical cuomponent Design Response Spectracorresponding to the maximum horizontal groundauceicru/ahm of 1.0 g are shown in Figure 2 of this guide.The numerical values of design displacements, velocities,and accelerations in these spectra arc obtained byiultiplying the corresponding values of the maximumhorrn tai ground motion (acceleration = 1.0 g anddisplacement = 36 in.) by the factors given in Table II ofthis guide. The displacement region lines of the DesignResponse Spectra are parallel to the maximum grounddisplacement line and are shown on the left of Figure 2.The velocity region lines slope downward from afrequency of 0.25 cps (control point D) to a frequencyof 3.5 cps (control point C) and are shown at the top.The remaining two sets of lines between the frequenciesof 3.5 cps and 33 cps (control point A), with a break atI %e frcquency of 9 cps (control point B), constitute theacceleration region of the vertical Design ResponseSpectra. it should be noted that the vertical DesignResponse Spectra values are 2/3 those of the horizontalDesign Response Spectra for frequencies less than 0.25;tor frequencies higher than 3.5, they are the same, whilethe ratio varies between 2/3 and I for frequenciesbetween 0.2S and 3.5. For frequencies higher than 33cps. the Design Respone Spectra follow the maximumground acceleration line.The horizontal and vertical component DesignResponse Spectra in Figures 1 and 2, respectively, of thisguide correspond to a maximum horizontal groundacceleration of 1.0 g. For sites with differentacceleration values specified for the design earthquake,the Design Response Spectra should be linearly scaledfrom Figures I and 2 in proportion to the specifiedmaximum horizontal ground acceleration. For sites that(1) are relatively close to the epicenter of an expectedearthquake or (2) have physical characteristics thatcould significantly affect the spectral pattern of inputmotion, such as being underlain by poor soil deporits.the procedure described above will not apply. In thesecases, the Design Response Spectra should he developedindivdually according to the site characteristics. | |||
1. The horizontal component ground Design ResponseSpectra, without soil-structure interaction effects, of theSSE, 1/2 the SSE, or the OBE on sites underlain by rockor by soil should be linearly scaled from Figure 12 inproportion to the maximum horizontal groundacceleration specified for the earthquake chosen. (Figure1 corresponds to a maximum horizontal groundacceleration of 1.0 g and accompanying displacement of36 in.) The applicable multiplication factors and controlpoints are given in Table 1. For damping ratios notincluded in Figure I or Table I, a linear interpolationshould be used.2. The vertical component ground Design ResponseSpectra, without soil-structure interaction effects, of theSSE, 1/2 the SSE, or the OBE on sites underlain by rockor by soil should be linearly scaled from Figure 2 inproportion to the maximum horizontal groundacceleration specified for the earthquake chosen. (Figure2 is based on a maximum honzmtal round accekrationof 1.0 g and accompanying displacement of 36 in.) Theapplicable multiplication factors and control points angiven in Table 11. For damping ratios not included inFigure 2 or Table II, a linear interpolation should beused.2This does not apply to sites which (I) are reattwely clomto the epicenter of an expected earthquake or (2) which havphysical characteristies that could apuficntly affect thespectra tmbmiatton of input motion. The D=srp ResponsSpectra for such sites sould be dveioped on a bets.1.60-2 DEFINITIONSResponse Spectrum mcans a plot (4 Ihc maximuinresponse (acceleration, velocity. or displaceennt) of afamily of idealized single-degice-of-frcedin, dampedoscillators as a function of natural frequencies (orperiods) of the oscillators to a specified vibratorymotion input at their supports. When obtained from arecorded earthquake record, the response spectrumtends to be irregular, with a number of peaks andvalleys.Delip Respim Spectrum is a relatively smoothrelatlionship obtained by analyzing, evaluating, andstatistically combining a number of individual responsespectra derived from the records of significant pastearthquakes.Maximum (peak) Ground Azcceierltion specified for agwen site means that value of the acceleration whichcorresponds to zero period in the design response spectrafor that site. At zero period the design response spectraacceleration is identical for all damping values and isequal to the maximum (peak) ground accelerationspecified for that site.TABLE IHORIZONTAL DESIGN RESPONSE SPECTRARELATIVE VALUES OF SPECTRUM AMPLIFICATION FACTORSFOR CONTROL POINTSPero t Amplifitimtlon Factors for Control Pointsof. ..CrOtf imiraion Oispliammanth 2iticeiDmping A(33 cps) 8(9 qos) C(2.5 qu I0(0.26 qCR0.5 1.0 4.96 5.95 3.202.0 1.0 3.54 4.25 2.505.0 1.0 2.61 3.13 2.057.0 1.0 2.27 2.72 1.8810.0 1.0 1.90 2.28 1.70'Maximum ground displacement is taken proportkma to maximngpound acoilwation, and is 36 in. for pound accel ation of 1.0 gravity.'A6meimtion and displacement amplificition factors ame taken ftomreconumaenitions given in reference 1.1.60-3 VERTICAL DESIGN RESPONSE SPECTRARELATIVE VALUES OF SPECTRUM AMPLIFICATION FACTORSFOR CONTROL POINTSPercnt Amplification Factors. for Control PointsofCritical Acceleration' 2 Displacements Ioemping A(33 cps) B(9 cps) C(3.5 cps) D10.25 CpS)0.5 1.0 4.96 5.67' 2.132.0 1.0 3.54 4.05 1.675.0 1.0 2.61 2.98 1.377.0 1.0 2.27 2.59 1.25I0.0 1.0 1.90 2.17 1.13'Maximum ground dispiaoCCncnt is taken proportional to maximumground acceleration and is 36 in. for ground accelcratin of 1.0 gravity.' Accelcration anipl-aticaton factors for the verti'al design v.sXmnnespectra arc equal to those for uorizontal design rcsponse spectra at a givenfrequency. whereas displacement amplification factors are 2/3 those for hori-r ,lial design response spectra. Thesc ratios between the amplification factorsfor the two desin response spcctra are in aprcement with those recommcndedin reference 1.'Thewe values were changed to make this table consistent with the dis.Luimmin of vertical components in Section 8 of this guide.REFERENCESI. Newmark, N. M., John A. Blume, and Kanwar K.Kapur, "Design Response Spectra for Nuclear PowerPIlnts," ASCE Structural Engineering Meeting, SanFrancisco. April 1973.2. N. M. Newmark Consulting Engineering Services, "AStudy of Vertical and Horizontal EarthquakeSpectra," Urbana, Illinois, USAEC Contract No.AT(49-5)-2667. WASH-1255, April 1973.3. John A. Blume & Associates, "Recommendationsfor Shape of Earthquake Response Spectra," SanFrancisco, California, USAEC Contract No.AT(49-5)-301 1, WASH-1254, February 1973.1.60-4 I--0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100FRF IUENCY, quFIGURE 1. HORIZONTAL DESIGN RESPONSE SPECTRA -SCALED TO lg HORIZONTALGROUND ACCELERATION low0q~4b10KK0.1 0.2 0. 1 2 5 10 20 50 100FREQUENCY, qFIGURE 2. VERTICAL DESIGN RESPONSE SPECTRA -SCALED TO 1g HORIZONTALGROUND ACCELERATION UNITED STATESNUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSIONWASHINGTON, D.C. 20555FIRST CLASS MAILPOS1 AGE & FEES PAIDUSN RCWASH D CPE RMIT No .JilOFFICIAL BUSINESSPENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE. $300}} | |||
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Revision as of 23:21, 5 March 2018
ML13038A106 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 11/30/1978 |
From: | Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, NRC/OSD |
To: | |
References | |
RG-1.072, Rev. 2 | |
Download: ML13038A106 (7) | |
General Design Criterion 1, "Quality Stand-ards and Records," of Appendix A, "GeneralDtsign Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants," to4' y -O CFR Part 50, "Domestic Licensing of Pro-duction and Utilization Facilities," requiresthat structures, systems, and componentsimportant to safety be designed, fabricated,erected, and tested to quality standards com-mensurate with the importance of the safetyfunctions to be performed. Appendix B, "Qual-ity Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plantsand Fuel Reprocessing Plants," to 10 CFRPart 50 requires that measures be establishedto ensure materials control and control ofspecial processes such as resin molding.Section 50.55a, "Codes and Standards," of10 CFR Part 50 requires that design, fabrica-tion, installation, testing, or inspection of thespecified system or component be in accordancewith generally recognized codes and standards.Footnote 6 to § 50.55a states that the use ofspecific Code Cases may be authorized by theCommission upon request pursuant to § 50.55a(a)(2)(ii), which requires that proposed alter-natives to the described requirements or por-tions thereof provide an acceptable level ofquality and safety.This guide describes a method acceptable tothe NRC staff for implementing these require-ments with regard to the design, fabrication,and testing of fiberglass-reinforced thermo-setting resin (RTR) piping for spray pondapplications. This guide applies to light-water-cooled and gas-cooled reactors. The AdvisoryCommittee on Reactor Safeguards has been con-sulted concerning this guide and has concurredin the regulatory position.Lines indicate substantive changes from previous issue.
The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Com-mittee publishes a document entitled "CodeCases."' Generally, a Code Case explains theintent of rules in the ASME's Boiler andPressure Vessel Code (the Code)1 or providesfor alternative requirements under specialcircumstances. Most Code Cases are eventuallysuperseded by revisions to the Code and thenare annulled by action of the ASME Council.Code Case N-155-1 (1792-1), referred to inthis guide, is limited to Section III, Division 1,of the Code and is oriented toward design andfabrication of RTR piping. The Code Case doesnot prescribe a lower temperature limit, prima-rily because the American Society for Testingand Materials (ASTM) specifications do notcontain a lower temperature limit, but RTRpiping systems would normally be qualified forthe intended service temperature condition.It is planned that after Revision 2 of thisguide is issued, the acceptability of futureminor revisions to Code Case N-155 (1792) willbe noted in Regulatory Guide 1.84, "Designand Fabrication Code Case Acceptability--ASMESection III Division I." Major revisions to theCode Case will, however, result in a revisionto this guide (1.72). Filament-wound struc-tures have mechanical properties superior tofiberglass-filled laminates, and they are con-sidered more desirable when intended pressure components.The Code Case obtains an allowable designstress from the hydrostatic design basis (HDB)strength as derived from either Procedure A1Copies may be obtained from the American Society of Mechan-ical Engineers, United Engineering Center, 345 East 47th Street,New York, New York 10017.USNRC REGULATORY GUIDES Comments should be sent to the Secretary of the Commission, U.S. NuclearRegulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555, Attention: Docketing andRegulatory Guides are issued to describe and make available to the public Service Branch.methods acceptable to the NRC staff of implementing specific parts of theCommission's regulations, to delineate techniques used by the staff in evalu- The guides are issued in the following ten broad divisions:sting specific problems or postulated accidents, or to provide guidance toapplicants. Regulatory Guides are not substitutes for regulations, and com- 1. Power Reactors 6. Productspliance with them is not required. Methods and solutions different from those 2. Research and Test Reactors 7. Transportationset out in the guides will be acceptable if they provide a basis for the findings 3. Fuels and Materials Facilities 8. Occupational Healthrequisite to the issuance or continuance of a permit or license by the 4. Environmental and Siting 9. Antitrust and Financial ReviewCommission. 5. Materials and Plant Protection 10. GeneralRequests for single copies of issued guides (which may be reproduced) or forComments and suggestions for improvements in these guides are encouraged at placement on an automatic distribution list for single copies of future guidesall times, and guides will be revised, as appropriate, to accommodate comments in specific divisions should be made in writing to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatoryand to reflect new information or experience. This guide was revised as a result Commission, Washington, D.C. 205&5, Attention: Director, Division ofof substantive comments received from the public and additional staff review. Technical Information and Document Contro point B), constitut,; the acceleration region of thehorizontal Design Response Spec-tra. For frcquencieshigher than 33 cps. the maximum ground accelerationline thc Design RCeptm.c Spcctra.lie vertical cuomponent Design Response Spectracorresponding to the maximum horizontal groundauceicru/ahm of 1.0 g are shown in Figure 2 of this guide.The numerical values of design displacements, velocities,and accelerations in these spectra arc obtained byiultiplying the corresponding values of the maximumhorrn tai ground motion (acceleration = 1.0 g anddisplacement = 36 in.) by the factors given in Table II ofthis guide. The displacement region lines of the DesignResponse Spectra are parallel to the maximum grounddisplacement line and are shown on the left of Figure 2.The velocity region lines slope downward from afrequency of 0.25 cps (control point D) to a frequencyof 3.5 cps (control point C) and are shown at the top.The remaining two sets of lines between the frequenciesof 3.5 cps and 33 cps (control point A), with a break atI %e frcquency of 9 cps (control point B), constitute theacceleration region of the vertical Design ResponseSpectra. it should be noted that the vertical DesignResponse Spectra values are 2/3 those of the horizontalDesign Response Spectra for frequencies less than 0.25;tor frequencies higher than 3.5, they are the same, whilethe ratio varies between 2/3 and I for frequenciesbetween 0.2S and 3.5. For frequencies higher than 33cps. the Design Respone Spectra follow the maximumground acceleration line.The horizontal and vertical component DesignResponse Spectra in Figures 1 and 2, respectively, of thisguide correspond to a maximum horizontal groundacceleration of 1.0 g. For sites with differentacceleration values specified for the design earthquake,the Design Response Spectra should be linearly scaledfrom Figures I and 2 in proportion to the specifiedmaximum horizontal ground acceleration. For sites that(1) are relatively close to the epicenter of an expectedearthquake or (2) have physical characteristics thatcould significantly affect the spectral pattern of inputmotion, such as being underlain by poor soil deporits.the procedure described above will not apply. In thesecases, the Design Response Spectra should he developedindivdually according to the site characteristics.
1. The horizontal component ground Design ResponseSpectra, without soil-structure interaction effects, of theSSE, 1/2 the SSE, or the OBE on sites underlain by rockor by soil should be linearly scaled from Figure 12 inproportion to the maximum horizontal groundacceleration specified for the earthquake chosen. (Figure1 corresponds to a maximum horizontal groundacceleration of 1.0 g and accompanying displacement of36 in.) The applicable multiplication factors and controlpoints are given in Table 1. For damping ratios notincluded in Figure I or Table I, a linear interpolationshould be used.2. The vertical component ground Design ResponseSpectra, without soil-structure interaction effects, of theSSE, 1/2 the SSE, or the OBE on sites underlain by rockor by soil should be linearly scaled from Figure 2 inproportion to the maximum horizontal groundacceleration specified for the earthquake chosen. (Figure2 is based on a maximum honzmtal round accekrationof 1.0 g and accompanying displacement of 36 in.) Theapplicable multiplication factors and control points angiven in Table 11. For damping ratios not included inFigure 2 or Table II, a linear interpolation should beused.2This does not apply to sites which (I) are reattwely clomto the epicenter of an expected earthquake or (2) which havphysical characteristies that could apuficntly affect thespectra tmbmiatton of input motion. The D=srp ResponsSpectra for such sites sould be dveioped on a bets.1.60-2 DEFINITIONSResponse Spectrum mcans a plot (4 Ihc maximuinresponse (acceleration, velocity. or displaceennt) of afamily of idealized single-degice-of-frcedin, dampedoscillators as a function of natural frequencies (orperiods) of the oscillators to a specified vibratorymotion input at their supports. When obtained from arecorded earthquake record, the response spectrumtends to be irregular, with a number of peaks andvalleys.Delip Respim Spectrum is a relatively smoothrelatlionship obtained by analyzing, evaluating, andstatistically combining a number of individual responsespectra derived from the records of significant pastearthquakes.Maximum (peak) Ground Azcceierltion specified for agwen site means that value of the acceleration whichcorresponds to zero period in the design response spectrafor that site. At zero period the design response spectraacceleration is identical for all damping values and isequal to the maximum (peak) ground accelerationspecified for that site.TABLE IHORIZONTAL DESIGN RESPONSE SPECTRARELATIVE VALUES OF SPECTRUM AMPLIFICATION FACTORSFOR CONTROL POINTSPero t Amplifitimtlon Factors for Control Pointsof. ..CrOtf imiraion Oispliammanth 2iticeiDmping A(33 cps) 8(9 qos) C(2.5 qu I0(0.26 qCR0.5 1.0 4.96 5.95 3.202.0 1.0 3.54 4.25 2.505.0 1.0 2.61 3.13 2.057.0 1.0 2.27 2.72 1.8810.0 1.0 1.90 2.28 1.70'Maximum ground displacement is taken proportkma to maximngpound acoilwation, and is 36 in. for pound accel ation of 1.0 gravity.'A6meimtion and displacement amplificition factors ame taken ftomreconumaenitions given in reference 1.1.60-3 VERTICAL DESIGN RESPONSE SPECTRARELATIVE VALUES OF SPECTRUM AMPLIFICATION FACTORSFOR CONTROL POINTSPercnt Amplification Factors. for Control PointsofCritical Acceleration' 2 Displacements Ioemping A(33 cps) B(9 cps) C(3.5 cps) D10.25 CpS)0.5 1.0 4.96 5.67' 2.132.0 1.0 3.54 4.05 1.675.0 1.0 2.61 2.98 1.377.0 1.0 2.27 2.59 1.25I0.0 1.0 1.90 2.17 1.13'Maximum ground dispiaoCCncnt is taken proportional to maximumground acceleration and is 36 in. for ground accelcratin of 1.0 gravity.' Accelcration anipl-aticaton factors for the verti'al design v.sXmnnespectra arc equal to those for uorizontal design rcsponse spectra at a givenfrequency. whereas displacement amplification factors are 2/3 those for hori-r ,lial design response spectra. Thesc ratios between the amplification factorsfor the two desin response spcctra are in aprcement with those recommcndedin reference 1.'Thewe values were changed to make this table consistent with the dis.Luimmin of vertical components in Section 8 of this guide.REFERENCESI. Newmark, N. M., John A. Blume, and Kanwar K.Kapur, "Design Response Spectra for Nuclear PowerPIlnts," ASCE Structural Engineering Meeting, SanFrancisco. April 1973.2. N. M. Newmark Consulting Engineering Services, "AStudy of Vertical and Horizontal EarthquakeSpectra," Urbana, Illinois, USAEC Contract No.AT(49-5)-2667. WASH-1255, April 1973.3. John A. Blume & Associates, "Recommendationsfor Shape of Earthquake Response Spectra," SanFrancisco, California, USAEC Contract No.AT(49-5)-301 1, WASH-1254, February 1973.1.60-4 I--0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100FRF IUENCY, quFIGURE 1. HORIZONTAL DESIGN RESPONSE SPECTRA -SCALED TO lg HORIZONTALGROUND ACCELERATION low0q~4b10KK0.1 0.2 0. 1 2 5 10 20 50 100FREQUENCY, qFIGURE 2. VERTICAL DESIGN RESPONSE SPECTRA -SCALED TO 1g HORIZONTALGROUND ACCELERATION UNITED STATESNUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSIONWASHINGTON, D.C. 20555FIRST CLASS MAILPOS1 AGE & FEES PAIDUSN RCWASH D CPE RMIT No .JilOFFICIAL BUSINESSPENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE. $300