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NUREG-0750 Vol. 31 l'
Index 2 l
4 I
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I Available from Superintentendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office Post Office Box 37082 i
Washington, D.C. 20013-7082 l
A " ear's subscription consists of 12 softbound issues, 41 as, and 2-4 hardbound editions for this publication.
Single copies of this publication are available from National Technical r
Information Service, Springfield VA 22161 i
i i
Errors in this publication may be reported to the l
Division of Freedom of Information ano Publications Services
Office of Administration -
l U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission f
Washington, DC 20555 (301/492-8925) l l
l l-I Y
l NUREG-0750 Vol. 31 Index 2 l
i I.
L i
I January - June 1990 i
l t
i i
l t
Prepared by the -
Division of Freedom of information and Publications Services -
Office of Administration U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 (301/492-8925)
p i
i Foreword Digests and indexes for issuances of the Commission (CLI), the Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Panel (ALAB), the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board panel (LDP), the Administrative Law Judge (AU), the Directors' Decisions (DD), and the Denials of Petitions for Rulemaking are presented in this document.
%ese digests and indexes are intended to serve as a guide to the issuances.
Information elements common to the cases heard and ruled upon are:
Case name (owner (s) of facility)
Pull text reference (volume and pagination)
Issuance number issues raised by appellants Legal citations (cases, regulations, and statutes)
Name of facility, Docket number Subject snatter of issues and/or rulings Type of hearing (for construction permit, operating license, etc.)
Type of issuance (memorandum, order, decision, etc.).
These infonnation elements are displayed in one or more of five separate formats arranged as follows:
: 1. Case Name Index The case name index is an alphabetical arrangement of the case names of issuance, docket number, issuance number, and full text reference.the iss
: 2. Digests and llenders The headers and digests are presented in issuance number order as follows:
the Commission (CLI), the Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Panel (ALAB) the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel (LDP), the Administrative Law Judge (AU), the Directors' Decisions (DD), and the Denials of petitions for Rulemaking.
The header identifies the issuance by issuance number, case name, facility name, docket number, type of hearing, date of issuance, and type of issuance.
The digest is a brief narrative of an issue followed by the resolution of the issue and any legal references used in resolving the issue. If a given issuance covers more than one issue, then separate digests are used for each issue and are designated alphabetically.
l i
: 3. Legal Citations Indes His index is divided into four parts and consists of alphabetical or alphanu-merical arrangements of Cases, Regulations, Statutes, and Others. %ese citations are listed as given in the issuances. Changes in regulations and statutes may have occuned to cause changes in the number or name and/or applicability of the citation. It is therefore important to consider the date of the issuance.
De references to cases, regulations, statutes, and others are generally fol-lowed by phrases that show the application of the citation in the particular issuance.
%ese phrases are followed by the issuance numter and the full text reference.
: 4. Subject Indes Subject words and/or phrases, arranged alphabetically, indicate the issues and subjects covered in the issuances. De subject headings are followed by phrases that give specific information about the subject. as discussed in the issuances being indexed. Dese phrases are followed by the issuance number and the full text reference.
5, hellity Indes ne index comists of an alphabetiM1 arrangement of facility names from the issuance. The name is followed by tocket number, type of hearing, date, type of issuance, issuance number, and full text reference.
Iv l
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I l
SPICAL HLOC2'EDINO, [* CISION, thees k Sl6055 SP, AIAB-929,31 NRC 2710990)
SUSPENSION OF IJC2;NSE; MEMORANDUM AND ORDIA (Ommma NkC Sist Motion for lenmary DuPnsimen and Tenniname Psossedue); Dude h Sie055-SP (ASIAP A i
87 545-01 SP) (Suspensue Orderk 1APMl7,31 NRC $40 0990) 1 bat.TIMORE OAS AND ElJCTRIC COMPANY l
MATERIALS IJCENSE; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Twennses of 7 J. DerAm Nes 72 8. S317, 2318, IAP#13, 31 NRC 456 (1990)
Tenninstang besseng1 Duches k 1500D(KO ScovP (AllAP h 9 40101 SCOvP) GA 86 365) (Oenemal IAesses Usuier 10 CfA. 6150.30), IAPD14, St NRC 458 0990)
CLEVELAND 12JffiltlC !!LUMINATINO (X34PANY, a el OMRATINO LIC1.N58! AMENDMENT; MEMORANDUM AND ORIEA (Orenung Paunen to laservens); Deska No. 2444MA (ASIAP Na 94405424A); LAP 41$,31 NRC Sol 0990; 00NSUMFJts POWla COMPANY OrtAATINO IJCENSE: DIRECIOR'S DHCISION UNDFA 10 CJJL $1206; Decka h MIS 5; Di>962,31 NItC 4610990)
* Asses af Concern''; Desemns Amnem ei e Sioyh Drede Nos. M00710, 202275-MIA (A$ LAP No 94613M MLA) (Re: 11tUMP 8 Pndesi) (RyPseenes launas k 24406t3 32, Special Nuclear Meianals linanse No SNM 347); LAP #il,31 NRC $59 (1990) i MATERIA 13 IJCENSE AMENDh(INT, MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Adanens to the M),
Dodes Nas M4"1270,402278-M1A (ASIAP No. 90-613MM1A) (Re: TRUMP S bject) l (Byssedum Lisense Na 2440513 32; Syncial Nominar Maiorials license No. SNM-247), IAP40 22, 31 NRC 592 0990) l' l'lDRIDA POWIR AND LJOlff COMi%NY OMAATINO IJCENSE AMENDMENr. MEMOOLANDUM AND ORDER (Itulus en Musien im Seamary thspes6uen and Dienussel af F-==demak Doshet Nes. W25&OLA-4, M2514LA4 (A5 tap Na 99 56401 OLA) (PsessueTampassimo thhsh 1APM4, 31 NRC 54 (1990)
OMRA11NO LJCENSE AMENDhEENT; MEMOfLANDUM AND ORDER (Danying Pennen to tensrvenen Dsche Nes 22540tA4, %2510lA4 (ASLAP Na 99 584-010lA)
(PsessueTemperesun IJnuisk 1APMS,31 NRC 75 0990)
OPIAAflNO LJC3NSE AMENDMFNT; MEMORANDUM AND ORDEA (Psehsang Canfounes Osder. Parues and Comenuensk Dede Nos. 22SOLA 5. 4251 OLA 5 (AStJP h 96602 OlGA 5) (Tndumsal SpeciAcanons Rapissement) (Fosshey Opsesting 13esnam Nos. DPit 31, DMt4th LAF9016,31 NRC 509 (1990)
RIiQUEST Klit AC110N, DIRECIVit'$ DHCISION UNDIA 10 CFA. 62.306, Dados Nos. 56254 2 251; D(Hol,31 NHC 327 (1990)
IlOU570N IJGfTING AND POWER COMPANY INIOllCIMNT Ac!10N, ORDER, Dodet Nas 50448, M449, CLJ 941, 31 NitC 1310990)
. - ~.
Does b 403061 ML (ASIAP h 834M On ML), IAPM9,31 NRC 130 0990).
NRC 263 (1990)
NottlHERN $1ATR8 MWER COMPANY MATIAIAIJ IJCENSE AMENDMINr; MEMOILANDUM AND OILDElt (Regusa fur Heerseh Doest Na 20$004 MLA (A5 TAP h 9499641.ML) (Hypedua MounalIh Na 22-05799 02); IR##3,38 NRC 40 0990)
M09004MLA (Ast3P h 96$9601 ML,) (Ryysedum Massial IJoanes & 22-0t799-02A 1AP#19. 31 NRC 379 0990)
PActMC oat AND MACf9 TIC 00MIENY ANITI1 LUST; DERBCIOIt'$ DI6 SKIN UNDER 10 CJJL $2.206; Does Nas. 2275.A. 2323 A; DI)t43, St NRC $95 0990)
POIrtlet Wh00 RIAL HosPtTAL SUSPENSION OF AcrIYtt188 AND MODEMCATION OF IJCENSE, MLEHEAkiNO CONMBtDKE OILDER (Delspel and Tennemmesa af Reysserse Possemeassh Doess & Ol412tS40M (ASIAP i
k 9461545CM) (EA 94M2) (Cl
, Osdur sepsedue Reeshydesary Ammmes and helfpue Iw 1AP 9621, St NRC Set 0990)
PURLJC SBItVKE IX2dPANY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, a el OPNLATING IJCRNSE; Wh00RANDUM ANO ORDEIL; w Nen. $44434 $0444 OL (Offshe fumespumer Pimmens Ismessh ALAR-927,31 NRC 137 0990)
OPERATING IJCNNBE; helMOILANDUM AND OILDER; Desha k S440.Ot,1. 564444L1 Utammeauss Tsumustusseh ALAR 930,31 NRC M3 0990)
OPERA 11NO IJQlNBE; DHCISION; Does Nes. 344c% M4444 (Offshe t-y-y Planning Immak ALAR 952,31 NRC 3710990)
OPliRATING IJGNSP4 WMOILANDUM AND OILDNt; Deem Na $444% $64444 (Offslie funeemory Pisens Ismeh ALAR 933,31 NRC 4910990k QJ 902,31 NRC 197 0990k C1J 943,31 Nhc 219 0990)
OPNLATINO IJCENSE; ORDER; Daem Nas. 5440% 24440L (Offsiis fumagenry Plannens lesessh QJ 964,31 NRC 4t3 0990)
OITJLATINO LJCENSE; hSIMokANDUM AND OILDEll (Relag en Isservenev Manaus to Adant a tats Mind Camisessa and ResPen its W Resad eran the Whhesswel af the Meassehusems E3.8. Newse and WC0Yh Daem No. 240% $44440L (AstAP h 32471 03 014 (Offshs Rmagener Plannmeh IAP#1,31 NRC 19 0990)
OPNLA11NO IJQiNSE; heih000LANDUM AND OILDFJL (Dunying learvenes' Mstian to Rayon Reasd Regadas Piepened Amendsmus to Opossung (Joense ? '
X Dudes Nes. %4410t.
M444-OL (ASLAP k 32-47842-0Q (Offshs Emergency Plansangh LAP #2. 31 NRC H 0990)
OPNLATING IJQiNSE; nelh00RANDUM AND OILDNL (Ruhse en Cennin Rammaded and kalened issussh Does Nas. M46% M4444t. (AttAP h 8247102-OL) (Onske luneessney i
Pa* 13P 9412. 31 NRC 427 0990)
OPNLATINO (JGNSE; hEiMOILANDUM AND OILDia (Innlowag Psehmanns Ceufensunk Does t
I No. $4443% M444-OL (Astar No. 32 47102 01,) (Opshe Immaganry Plansas issuss);
1AP#20,31 NRC Sol 0990)
ROCKWELL INTEltNA110NAL 00ItPOILA110N MATERLAIA IJCENSE AMENDMINI; MEh000tANDUM AND OILDIBt; Desbet b 425 ML (S enal Nuensar Maamial IJoense h SNM 21h QJ to$. 31 NRC 337 (1990)
& 7025 (ASIAP h 09 594414L) (spesial Nuciant Maisrial LJeanse Na SNM 21) (Rapissa to Romew to Quesher 1990); 1APM10,31 NRC 293 (1990)
Hamenwaars and 1APSRh Doest h 425 (ASIAP No. 8459441 ML) (Sposeal Nuclear Meissial LJamnes Na SNM21) (kequess to Ransw to thh-1990h IAP#tt,31 NRC 320 0990)
I i
ENM)hCEI@NT Acn0N, MEMORANDUM AND ORDut; Daem Nis. 0205000, OS0$941, 048982, OLS0035,020H44, ALAB 931,31 NNC 32 (1990) i LNPORCEhSNI ACHON; ORDFA; Daem Nes. 2 4 5 900,03405941,036 # 982, 5 405335, 0364444 (AllAP Nes. 99 M0 01.Old,9639541M-211AP#t,31 Pac 143 (1990)
MODIFICA110N norma norma (Dayiss Massens is Demones Nhc Oems issued Masah 16, 1989,
end Angsms 21,1980, far task of lunadweisak Duest No. C6405900, W6469st, e840$982, 1
0508335,260M44 (AtlAP Nes. 539601 OM, 96396 01 DM-2X 1aP447,31 letc 116 i
ORDER (Defenal and Yanniemem af Raspessive Pmesednesh Does Nes. 3431379-OH, OS401415W (AtlAP No. 96413#CM) (EA 96071) (Osdur *-W Bieshy$-+v Aalvkiss i
and Meefytus Ussessk 12P#21,31 Dec Set (1990)
OPERATING 1JGNSE AMfWDMENT, MEh000tANDUM AND OILDFA Otelise en hiiden for lasse to hussvens IUnd by the asses of Versuusk Daem No. 36271 mM (ASIAP No, n3954saA) fcenserwaisa Pened Resspessh IAP-944,31 NRC 85 (1990) h
l a
3 k
V n
,-n e
4 4-
.i m.
Nes. 30448,54449, D00RGh4ENT; Fduuary 4, U9&, ORDER a -
f A
The Carus== danse 9m mensa of Mr. Ishn Ceeder for e pneseein ender staying Om
~ g ordanusnet er en eeninierstiw + a based es hhn by she NRC Staff in emmisseien erkh his senseras and,eys,deng g semih Teams p,ej a The Canummum baissous ihm Mr. Casser is in e pushian e
:, semply whh she sulyssna, _ - ' ; die pendenry of an KRA sequest he Aled whh the MlC
, 2 B
The NRC SeaK's sequest that sa eBeger pnsries to k any eeneeres ties the abager bed est psovided periously should not be consensed as en invaesian to allow an eDeger eis apparisahy to soview all prior g
NRC Sinff saisne en his povias eencarns er ausgehuis, or to pass pdynes en the s=d M ef the NRC Staff's emanns Rather, the purpose et tw requem is na give the eBeger to appanuaity to espeams eeneerns to ihr Sintf that Isa niey how feDad to furnssh povknasty besses of the emissanos of a
=h agrasmuss, massed tree by the absgst and his firemer engleyer, whish asy how hem med to
susada die abseer fruen bringing his conaers to tus esency.
! 7 A
C 1he Cummissaan bolsove that en elines need seus seek the pesandag of a poneng ICIA g 3 sequest signedara his povinus eesuures and an.y.*- in esder en earmply whh en ad-==houve subpoena w
sequesung that hs psovies the NRC weib infernween mi whahar he wishheld endey eenoorns inen em 8
NRC, developed new eenourns eines his tenninaian of eng4ayinese whh the Usames er has en innarest 7.
In she snamnar in wh64 his pseveaualy sapsessed osuusrm wee eelsesens
ClJ-942 PUSUC SERVICE C0htPANY OF NEW llAbu'SIERE, et at (Seshrunk tamh Unies 1 and
4 2), Daea Nas. 54443 0L. 50444-OL (Offenes Ibnergmcy Planning) OPERA 11NO LJCENBE; Mene I, C^
The Comunisian edesumens e eenited passeien fnen des Appeal basse eeskhqs puulense en ekseher essismeny enneersang perunder esceden seenanas and thsar pmjemed dass comangaanses is adsmasible far te papenas of judging the edecaecy et en einerynicy plan. The Csausnieman doesnniens that aush testirmony O
is inednesephist The Canunaaman seussness that ensorgency pime en to be evalueemd against the einisen pianmag an=d=ds of 10 CIA 6 5047(bk whid an dweened temasd aussanable assurance of psuesmin
measures far a trend spectnen of
* B The rulernaldags of 1930 and 1987 estehlish that anagency plemung es a genend snamer is emisidend pasr of f.at4aar redapets") pnasciami_
C For die paupees of dondung winehar puSesed testinumy on chas sedumes in a spacinc a== aria shmad be ednuusd as solovens to evalueuen of energency pienning h is 1-an==ist whether the ausrgency plasming seemineues ase considsed Ann-tier Codequees") er serend.ner ("eate-edequais") p======
D Emegpacy P amung is "emanal.- aus li is only saanum eenn i sammel.dgs thei amargency l
plans an a baskeeny, o empend er Wanl lues of defenes then earnes beo play mily in the samunely som 3
that ogpneand desist fee--.s and human capedty is take comestig estesen how both faded i
is overt a ser6aus nushop.
E la die test of its muergency plannang segulaticns, in rulumskistas en the subjsst of emergency plannina, and h edsueemary deemies hearpening ihn= agulauens, ihe Cannessia has meds ensar that
>denew en se adapacy of anagracy planmee an in be bened en aanfermhy whh as plannus mandards est furth in 10 CIA $ 5a47(b)
F Nealms6 in 10 CIA Sa47 earname any sugestaan that calcuissimis of does==-a r-an enemuled to play a role in de evehashan of en amargency plan's sempery. Considueessa of oposanc escidas
.e 5
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DIGESTS IBgCANCEg 0F THE NUCIAAR RROULA700tY COMag8BBION s+smaus and their pasmaal due ennsmpmeses has beam sendsud
, 6, es,
_ " of :
smede g=dema esi i,
ad eyedelmus das en a songs of sendens ad mar esempmess.
O la b by applying me generic piidenes of the sinessa passadag - "--s= et 10 CIA 5047(b) to ths eview of indnidual maingary pinas - amt by amespums to pseest the effems of panssular hypsahment i
essedmWs censuring under penisuist hypeestical asednims of wussher, timme d year, and tisme of day -
J that the NRC emisam basif that ese es.1 af esiuseums dess ph-a is sess. -
H-N Anal emersawy pW suls, as emmesd in 1987, should have Ish hule debt as in ihm Ceme =%'s bassa, which siey he summarimod as fanses: Emmaamey pleas ese to be evolusand en.
n their own anerks, assinst the sisimum pimuuss===aads af 10 CSA $ 50.47(bk whh pasuseptros velssty asumend to PEMA's upset )demens em e5sies pis,edss; that the evaluneen dess met uneD esundantism
- er eis dame -=y-that edela he esiculmed inder emises hypeeshool eisomanneses; and that a pism i hdend admiusie seeinst these piseming seamends k ensmamed genanny --r--a to any esher pasm that has base feed adapses.
l A deemmasham of m--Aas= ef f M mods by ans, is est for individual,
bosnh is ehm. Penis emensand whh the selo's appressh may paisism to shases the sale, er they insy enemyt, by sepsming a wasus of the ads,is ehme why k shauki met be applied to e penisular eses.
QJ-90 3 PunUC SiglVICE COMPANY OF NEW HAlegHBIE, as al (Besksmak Simism, Umbs I and 2), -
Desket Nas. 304GOL. 30444484 OpBRATINO tJCENSB; Mmeh 1.1990; MEMORANDUM AND '
De Communemen daddas to ano, the Aasmic Sefer and I====mp Bassd's *== ef s'
' fuD omer lismens far the Seelmeek Nasiner Power Sistiam Uma I to basesse elfesene under he seedeuses t
emise the pendomry of father apposis and ashar ashmisisaresive..
. Im sesshing hs inumeeme asessivuuss soview, :L& Cummissim denies bearvsmess' sequest for whef in the mesma of mandsmus.
Rapses for maye of full po,e lismuss ='-='== en she domind, however, a nuisf '
; may is pavided to pommit the Aling et, *ssi any mannus..
B By seedseiam and a lag ime of esas M' the C
- bas aplickly sessimed spavisory
, p=ar to est m at any mage of a psmosedug is deside any maner hemif, See to CFA 62.764(eX5)(0 and i
i (fX2X0; e.g., Public Servise Ces of New Hampshme Clasluesk Session,Umbs I ed 2),C1J 774,5 NRC Sal,516 (19M
De NRC's alas pouvide one sanse esp in the evemight of besasing desiasms, the "maneshais i
elfesenemara suview? To espisin, whsm an Aamaic Sefeiy sud unamang Based aushannes the issusass of a hcomes, that dommam, like that et a trial esma, send met swah the
-. of an appeals noismaussa 5
effectivs D
As a mas, the effectivesses seriew eammines the seemshisasum of the umanas Bend's decisian t.
widinet susches any fernal and Seal deuisism that me funha soview and suvisism af the desimise endd ever be sequhed and wthan pse)sdise to laser M
, p=aka= of ismes esillim esassavessy l
E he rhd==m's *eseherity to inestmo and pories gendamer im a pending passamams is est immited by the isruns of 10 C.FA 1784(a) (supdsiian medag the ordinary panssies for soview)*
Seahreak, QJ W4, supre,5 NRC at $16 he Co-has inhamut supervisory enhaky ever adjuncenery,
'.. and "ihme is every senses why the Osmaniseum shedd be -
" as sosp inno a possmens.,,,* Umiand assess limagy Rassemh sad Develequesus Ah- (Clinsh luter Brasier Rassear Piset), QJM13,4 NRC 67,75-76 (1976), spened im Seahmak, QJ38, esyss,5 NitC at 3%
o F
Canadame plus do est espamaly peerids for immenses mandsiary whsf. However, the Comunissism weeld be willing is punt niinf of this sua im appepmans Relief im ihs meses l
et smandenen is e deemic somedy, warressed only im imanual - _.
and only whose these is a failuss j'
to obey e elser duestesa to ymicum a --
. - j &ay med whsse me asher salief is eveinshie.
.O A soview of NRC sules and prior NitC dommens does not massest the aamismes et asiy elast.
- eity em the paa af the usemeses Bessd to delay fuD. power aushaustant pending -
emmpassian of iemand posesdags or s-ha-et 5 penhas emmen. In fast, a wview of prise posednes l:
ludicans peu samspies of whee, as ham, permies or liseums won mahmised while mensed passanags and
wuss still pensus - Seebmak, C1JM4, ages,5 NRC et $21: Commenes puser Co. (Madend 1
Plant, Uniis I and 2), A1As-45s,7 NRC 155,15&40,14+.70 (197s); less leised IJohan, Ca (shenham 4
4 Y
. - --,i,
l l
--i I
Nuclear Pbear Sessim. Unit I),13P 6453,20 NRC 1531 (1964). Ses also OymmeheB Alhamse v. NRC,.
l 1800 F.2d 1201 (DC Cir.1986) (per sunem)ighnidag heumos of a fun-power hasuss._
pondsucy of mesiens to mapan.
~H Whaus dose is a reused er pendas smation, the meener of haemes er permdt h-ammt be -
censidssed en a esas by. cess basis.
I 7hs sediarky of the Beard to aanhanas issuanes d a fun-power lummes men-.
. penducy of nunends and masies sensting to unagency planmag lasmas can be mesad to e spesiac psovoim 00
Cf.R. ISO 47(c)) of ths NRC's amassmey plamens.
l AB lames that en selevant to oespa-with 10 CSA 450.47(b) ensurgeoy plammme siendases an ont===ady maesrist to haenes issuemos boueuse, oder 10 CFA 6 247(c),.
immies may sat be eipninses and therenne need met be radved psier to hasmse issummes.
K Safey issues, includmg emergency piamong issues, een be esseguesed in annus of ths IJeammes Bassd's duir i.
,im ihe pr amany hair as spresed a sesurre, en msmer a ihs maff far infanual vasalutaan 1.
- A heemsung boeml may safer sninen sesesse that in no way pensin to the basic Andings assansary for Ismenes of a bosass to the Sass for pass-basAss s===n=ah t'- th Edison Ca of New Yesk.
.l (Indian Puiss, Unh 2), QJM23,7 ABC 947,95152 0974k Pundic Servise Ca of hidians (Mashie thB Neoisse Osmaname Sisties, Unas 1 and 2), ALAB41,7 NRC 313,318 (IM8k less Island IJslaams y
Ca (shasuham Nuclear Power Sission, Unk 1), AIAB 788,20 NRC 1802,1159 (1984).
M, Wldis pestias en inyhed by sur sulas to Sne effectivemmes emusumes under 10 CFA 61164, the -
prindpal evenus for relief for perdes seekmg to pueshade hommes issummoe pendag appeals is to seek e may l
under 10 CEA 4 2.788.
- Of the four stay faceans, k is wen maawian==d that "ihe smast asucial [temer) is wissiher inopsable b$ary will be inassed by the enorms ehment a saay." Alabama Peuer Ca Geosph R lbstsy Nunnaar Plus, Uehs I and 2), C1J-8177,14 NRC 795,797 (1961%
pr A that pensk heenens heads to evaluees whsihar a samend amed black eushortseelen of a L=ma, sepsise aD i
' after the original sags to be mAjast to eennin "immenhnsus" i
equisammes, and aDow the Camunisman to map isso a psoceeding at any mass to eSer gedemos to the ponies ese asidier _,.
' ner aberatisms; they beve basa he fame far peas and have base apphed 7
to mensraus madear power pimet hcarming,
.- befuse this ans i
'Ihe C===d=imi has mased =p==dy and -.
"y that it vGl est emender the et senassess to a esmpissed plant er asher -e fanses bi he hd=g en wish t
amargumey piamming safety regulaties. Ses, eLs, Sesosent Assi-Paumenon langus v. NRC, doo F.2d 1025 j
l (D.C Or 1985).
t i
Q Avoinshis fundeng wGl _,,
what, sider the f'
's dessummmemoung males, waaid l
be seguired far decommissianing of a pies that had been in eyesessen for a lang period of timme and dist man is fmand safricsont to offset any cisen d inoperabis h@my fnum lask af desammismamas funds.
I' R
16 is well asided that, '
_ er a susiner soaidema does not enemisas the
l had of ineparable bijury that would warmas a stay of hau-power opentisms. F4, Coreland Elecuic
. Ca (perry Nuclear Power Plans, Unias I and 21 ALAB 520,22 NRC 743,748 m.20 0985),
n-chins New Yet v. NRC,550 Fad 745,75657 (2d Cir.1971), and Virginia Sunshus Annonce v. Huuhie,.
,1J 477 F, Supp. 68,70 (D.D.C.1979).
s When en hamming beard has mahanand and dw commmaien's imamedians effesiivuess aview h
has levarad Essume issuanos, ths yet of a stay would be enmerery to the public hassest wldds imiderlies the mia=Jana es des Commusman in 5 U.S.C 6558 to eengdes besass appih psesendings whhin a sessaneble time wth ens meani for the rights d the panies.
QJ 904 VilRMOPff YANKFJi NUCLJiAR POWER CORPORAVON (Venment Yankes Nuclear Power Station), Desket Na 50 2710LA (5 pent Ibal Pool Amedessak OPERATINOlJCENSE AMENDh0NT; 1
On cananoeinen by the Apeal Beesd of us ruhng svesmas an tasarveer's emetr-a==1 enneorning a spera fuel pool accident, A1AB 919,30 Nhc 29 (1989), the Commuassaan veneens that past of the Appeal Board's W that anunnus to a hal&ng that en accidas wish a y==haWhy en the esder 4
af 10 per necaer year is samees and aramMve, wuhout pajaJies to e Isser C
- desar===aesa=i l
7 4
l l
i se
en what en Inuits sheid be, he Censummie dumees the Appeal Beard, en sanand, to deve:ap fenhor '
inferonense baises a )mipusut is made m abaker the easiduss at issue bee h senses and speedseive.
B he Cansmissima does met send ens Supsums Cast's desosien im Rabenssa v. Muhse Vaney.
N== Causmu,490 U.S. eso (1939k to say that en sondes een be endeded isum NEPA emadession a the sols ground that h psummes a *wount eens."
C What is hopenma for pusymmes of pePA ennaderoman is the laelihmed af assuneses of the,
sedesnt in quantian. If the ad== sought to be emmedmed h aufnceantly unlikely that k een be chamsterised inhly as sunses and spendssive, than osasideronian under NEPA is met sequhad as a momer et now.
ROCKWEll.1NIEANADONAL OMtPORA110N (Rndesdyns Divinen).the No.70 25 ML (Spastal Nucamer Maindal 1Joense No. SNM-21); MATERIA 13 IJCENSE RENEWA14 Apru 13,1990, MEMORANIL'M AND ORDER A
De Canumsman afEnns ALAS 425,30 NRC 709 (1989), but psevides eenmanas toisadesumess he agnesnes web the Appeal Band's '
- of thses psemmens of the P
's new adus Penha, the P-sesamumsude that a of procesass goversing suseasians bassaug,
and espresses ths view that this deviss b shesdy smalamen )dge be utilmed in appropeises permumed ender the Commameen's sels for,
. De subnusman of quatuais to e ymny by the psumidnig of8est is appsoposes only sher a mains has immed am the iniaisi sogenet ist bassing and shar the NitC SieK has made the hearing als einnale s
in occardanos whh 10 CIA $2.1231 and eher peniss have Elod their ininal wriman pensousations in -
t essardenes wish 10 CFA (2.1253(b) er (ci K
. Whsse en ahimedve ) des's involvensus in the seulemas psocess emund be estensive 6mses C
than psavidag monungunma to panies er holding a confusense in spen ammim), the Camuussian behaves lhet eenhasman et a usubsums )dge should be esasidsed.
D De Canaismen balmsves that seemt to a smalmness ) des sney be --r h under les paesamt a
alas which anneuress salmnens (10 Cf.R. H 2.759,11241), endow p maiding einasse whh ens authesity to held esadeseness befmo e during hamings for sansmium (10 CIA H 2.71s(h),2.12os(c)1 and allow pnmodes cGems to asks any esher action emmsens whh the Aasmic IW Ass, the Adenmusmesive phoedme Aat, and thW sales of pressics (10 CSA H 2.71stm),112oe(ll -
E Wi==== ef the sendement >dge samus be mandstory and cessist amenss to a ymsty's deuinimo bi h in view of the fast that a endemens )dge might signes in es pens dissummises and fans a bdynssa mi the mesda et a pesy's pasimen dising the osame af==g *'=== the esadesume')sdgs's.
and deshnes whh the passidnig elleur en alus maries of innses, one the panies' posisium will have to be cumansenhed-
'l F
A pony will hasdly be be a peakian to appeal the gsent er denial of a hearing sequem emises the prendas einear has issued a wdusa desissan arami.. how the emnands of 6 2.1205(g) have er have not been nut.
CLI.904 ' PUBtJC SERYlCE COMPANY OF NEW HAMPSIURE, et al (Seabroek assaiaa Unies I and 2), Duska Nos. 544434L,5444d-OL (ONans Emmemey Plauung Imuss); OPERAHNO IJGNSE, 3uns 8,1990t ORDER I
l A
De Canasame anospes a safen! fsam hs Appeal Based in addsums the mens of biassveass' snation to vege the Seebeek moeud to lisignes a seleting to the use at that fasuity el ennain
' ; devions (11asmusems
"). Ties C
' - denies the menism beesues k Ands that Isamvenom have not usade des sequised showing ender 10 CIA $1734(a) for suspeung a.
elased sensed. De Canuma=== defoe, ersil a laser data, the name of addinamal ymdenes en mapuung anniese Aled very less in the edpdiostory prooms and die appsopmase fenen for inicial canadersman of technical imuss lashing usam to tasman befee aider of ks subanknees pensis.
j B
A motion to suspen a elesed sasend to consider *=i evidenes wiB est be esmaad unisms ths i
following erheria ese endsned: (1) the misden nemt be timely, eacept that an -
"y greve issus susy be w in the dessetim of ths puumdag of6cer even if ensimsly pnamend; (2) the menen enust addrums a ag=*==a esfaty or envisasumannat issue; Cl) the motien must denianstrees that a smaterially Affama sendt would be er would have been likely had the newly pedoed evidence bees somsedsud j
initially.10 CIA (1734(4 1
8 l
l j
.. ~. - -.. -..-
i A assima to sospen e ensand sesed is sai tissely obess hasness did met est prompily sher f
lateressie selevent to en essasshes they sumpt to inigste becaus eveEmide, D
bosness who have 3mbhe lderumman sensiing to the seemer desy esak to mise for at 1sest 10 sammhs pris se Slag a austion to sospam er et least emme 7 weeks' manos of appliassu' eseisse wish seapon in the menar in quantion, omld and ed have moved mass promptly then a fur 4 weeks thessehe, esyssisBy given that the sensed had lang anos cissed sad the Cessnissian's besmuksee e5eseneasse decisina was.
espuesd insmissaly.
'Ilu Commesman resseably emnands that _
- Elmd eher the bassins is esder wey -let elene omshaded - he Alad pnsepily sher sessipt et the imisemanimi =,= dad o Isume thans _
t Pedic Service Cn af New lisapshus (sesbeast Sessism Unias I sad 2), ClJ-89-4, at NRC 399,414
(1989), eines Duke Power Cow (Casewho Nacimer Samie,IJahs I sad 2). QJ-D 19.17 Nhc 1041.1048-50 (1983). See also Public Servise Cat af New Hampelme (Seeksusk Sesiin.Umiss I and 2), A1AB-918, 29 Nhc 413,482 0909) (asuhd out ynsepauss is sogned).
F Imsrname tea in pauses en semist Niemases esisy issue" when easy have aus addened mesessaly pumusive eviesass si en enesheid to esemis e sensauhis behsf dist am syphomm's pnyers and essammes.
wth a Sistf psesorihed smhsmeed surveinsame posesus win he imensens to yseride the sequishe mesmessus et plast enfaiy.
i e
b 9
e e
---a u
--- - =
.a i
ISSUANCES OF TIBE ATOh0C SAFETY AND IJCENSING APPEAL BOARDS b'k AIAB 926 OENERAL PUBUC ITri1JTIES NUaEAR CX*PORATION Gluss Mila taland Nuclear Sienan, Unh 2), Desdist Na 54320OtA (rW af Accidan-Osmeroned Waist); OPERATINO UCENSE AMENDMENf; January 19,1990, DEOSION
;y A
The Appeal Board afErsas the usansmg Bassd's docunan, IEP-89 7, 29 NRC 138 (1989),
- g#
suthertung a luense amedmuss far the accides4amaged Unit 2 reacter et Thres Mils Island %s smandenes will permalt the evepassaan by fassed hasting over a ens to two year pesied of the weeur that p.
has semanulaned enshe fresa the accidmu and enndng decasaminatica assivities.
,d B
"An appenms's brief usest siserly idessify the enass af fact and law that ase the subiest of the appsel For and issue appealed, the pescise partion of the record setied open in suppan of the amernen of r
error must also be provided " 10 Cf.B-62.762(d)(1).
3 C
An appsDant's %ist must consain suf5cient information and cogent arpmat to alert the seher y
pornes and the appeDees tribunal of the pessies natuse d and support far the oppsDant's claims." Casolens
;,7 Power & Ugfu Ca (Shearen Harris Nuclear Power Plant), A1AB-843,24 NRC 200,204 (1986). Accasd id.,
g ALAB.856,24 NRC 802, MS (1986h id., AIAB 837,23 NitC 525,533-34 0986h Pennsylvania Power g c and Ught Ca (Susquehanna Sinne Electric Station, Umts 1 and 21 AIAB493,16 NRC 952,955-57 L et (1982) 3*p D
The Appsel Board wG1 not genenDy consider amtiers ina..a nsa adequaealy beisfad. Any party who has insufEciesty articulaasd les claims unst bear fuD responshility far any pa=4La -,,
of 6
thuss argenessa caused by the '_
of he brief. Ses Osossia Power Co. (Vegne Fl=*ie Gunsreung 2r,.
Mant, Unies I and 2), AIAB 872,26 NRC 127,13132 (1987); Wisconsin Electric Power On. (Puies Beach p
Nuclear Plant, Unies I and 2), AIAB 739,18 NRC 335,338 a4 (1983).
E he Appeal Beant does not hold peo es panies to the sono standard for briefs as panies sepassessed 4
by couneet See Pubhc Service Elsetnic A Ons Co. (Salem Nuclear Osneroung Station, Unit ik A1AB-650, 14 NRC 43,50 n.7 (1981), aff'd sub anno Township of lauer ABoweys Crunk v. Public Service Elsetdc A Gas Co.,687 F.2d 732 (3d Or.1982).
F issues er argumenes that ase not niado seedily appannt or -
-b6s by se laservsmar's brief
wiD be desmed in be waived and ausenhnsly wiD not be addnesed by the Appsel Bossd. SiniGady, when
.C traervenas do not esplan wha snatorial faces are in dispues, why thans faces are esaiorial, and why the Uceans Beard's treetsusnt of shoes teruns was ni erar, the issues are dommed to be waived.
O la sumswas factual findmas, k is wou essnad that the Appeal Board is "not fase to dissegani the fact that the usanseg Bauds are the Comunissimi's primary fact Ending trikla
* Nenhern ladiens i
i Pubhe Service Co. (BaiDy Osnareting Stanon, Naame ik AIAB-303,2 NRC 858,867 (1975) li The Appeal Based wiD only "mject er niedify nndings of the Ucenang Bassd if, aher giving s
ka decision the psobstm fasce it intrinsically _
'. {the Appeal Board is] saavunced that the recond canpels a diffennt sansk." N4 pre Mahmot Power Carp. (Nas hee Poita Nuensar bsk Unit 2),
AIAB.264,1 NRC 347, 357 (1975) De Appsel Based "nmet be per==d-l hat the smoord evidanas t
as a whole campais a differos canchmian and (the Basal) wiu not overturn the hearing jedes's Andiny simply because {ihe Board) nught have reached a diffenra sesuk,
" Ouneral Public Utilities Nuclear Corp. (hres Mile Island Nucasar Stasiai, Unit No.1), AIAB-881,26 NRC 465,473 (1987).
1 The burde of going forwsmi wkh evidence io suppon a contanuan that a license er amendment should not be issued is en the pony aessung sud a However,this burden usuat be *.
fmen the uhanssa burden af proof en the issue of whosher a license er licenes amendmars should be issued.
4 l
r 9
1 F
' which is en the apphoemt See Casummes Poeur Ca (Midland Plant, Unies I and 2k A1AB-123,6 ABC
. 331, 345 0 973) l 1.
De '1-==p Bard's damme. hs wappesens ad;
, moned, and the si,pisessa to l.
the Final.i.
- heress Sesammes farsa ihe esmynses envisuussssnel susesd of duasumL 10 CFA 56 51.102(c),51.le(c). Ses Philadelphia Eineeric Co. 6 h=M Omemeang Sessian, Unks I and 2h AIAB-819,22 NRC del,105-06 09:5), aft'd in pen and soview esherwise desband, CU-865,23 NRC l
125 (19a6L semanand in pan en eher ponds esb asas. Ihmisk Beelegy Assima, lac. v. NR*.,840 F.2d 719 Cid Gr.1989).
AIAB-927 - PUBtJC SERVICE COMPAhY OF NEW liAMPgNIRE, si at (Seebseek Semism, Unies 1 and 2), Dodat Nos. 3444340,54444-OL (Offaias S-=y-y Flamahg lemus); OrliRATINO UCENSE; l
Fehmary 26,1990; WEMORANDUM AND naswm l.
A he Appeal Bassd denies en bearvens's assion to seapon a poeima of the sessed in the eyessung heense passendes involving the Seelmed umsteer power fesuity es minimely and benene k dass nas passant B
"y pseve issue" widen the smanning af 10 CIA $ 2.7M(aXI).
en *- -
he t'aien's Rules of Punense emphddy seguin ties deniet et an musimely sessim to soupes a socied unions the asume passens "an -
"; assve issua" 10 CfA $2.7M(eXI)..
=C Wimse two bensing beesde won "-=y diflaams espesas et en emmemey suspause slan.
and auf, m.m eyeen, r-wy of mapmag menen befan== lemma'as bensd based en a pensmier event does set encuss delar af eues amanha in saise e mesum to searms before the essend baasd based '
en the same event besmee the Asst bensd easid est assses the hupsa of lhet event opse ihmes meness that were wnhin she }h of the amened bened. Q. Imag leiend (Jaleing Ca (Stummhem Nasisar Pseer Sutins, Unit 1). AIAB 902,28 NitC 425,429 n--d== beesd een dismiss e peay fvem ely the pen '
of the psoomsdag whhin that bensd's purview 1 aview deshmed, CU43. II. 3 Niec 403 (1988) his being es, thee was ao peamenal for *ns dual lisigeman et die sense issue whn ymmbly insensisessa summhs.*
Pubbe Service Ca et New Hampshim (Seemseek Seation, Unies 1 ed 2), AIAB-916,29 NitC 434,439 (1999)
AIAB-928 KERR.had1FF ClDih0 CAL CORPORATION (Wes Clusego Itans liasths FacDity), Docks Na 462061 ML; MA1ERIALS UCENSE AMENDMENI'; Masch 27,1990, MEMORANDUM A
On Masuh 13,1990, ties Appeal Band denied anciens for a may of the Usenung Beasd's decision 7
t l
in IJIP-949,31 NRC 130 (1990), " '. an esamadamus to ths useassians license beid by Kasr McOso '
"y in depass of sediassive ihasten mal teilings, asher essammend weses, equipunema, hielding r-l n.bble, and cessamuneesd sags. %s Appeal Beasd immes a mamammemn eastamag the seesmu'for that endier denist
B la esonnamung whsdier a may pendus appeal is wenamned, esusademtaan must be given to the feDowing cdneris: (a) otmaher the moving pony has mods a sung sivuring that k is likely to putou en
the mones; (b) wtusher the auwing pony wiB be irsepenhly bdured unless a may is guessed; (c) winedier granting a may would harm ether panies; and (d) e6mse the pehlic bessest lus.10 CSA 42.78a(e)..
the may cainds, the binden of possuasima is en the samment, and whus no ens esiassis.
C r' -
Is espanisive, *!the annst signinsam facier in demdias whosher to esens a sisy sepsest is 'whosher the pany.
aquesing a sisy has shown that it will be irseresubly im> sed udeus a may is penned ** '
e Edismi Co. (Thsee Mas Isised Numiser Stanien, Unit 1), CU4417,20 NRC tel. 304 (1934) (quesing Weteghmass Elmtsic Corp (Espans to the Phnkppensk CU-8414,11 NitC 631,662 (1980)).
* See -
. Alabama Peeer Ca Omerh M. Padsy Nuclear Pless, Unies I and 2), QJ 8127,14 NRC 795,171 (1981).
D Aheme a sisy, si apphoem's _,
. Ismed _..
af the pnyemed she duing es appeal puuseas enast be taken huo asesums in any seguimd Anuss analysis easynens e yeepened sine to abernative shus.
E De Commusman has beid that absent en appliams's bed faish in les swimmaimmat aposeans. *the '
l cast-bans 6t] analyes an sanand ahmuld be dame en the basis of the facensi psudesses saisnns at the sinus l
ef the analyes." Puhtic Service Ca of New Hampshme (Seelmeek Stasima. Unies I and 2), CU 77-8,5 NRC 505,532 (1977).
- ;"ths lager ths -
- d sessusses to one eine, the Isas hhely l
k is that an absenenvo she wiB sensin feenhia* Plesids Pbeer & ljeht Ca (SL Lucis Nucteer Pouer l
Plant, Unit Na 2), AIAB404,5 NRC 1185,11st (1977). Acoudagly, wishout a sisy, a peny advoennes l
en abernanve siis may be inspambly injmud if much tune and money wGI be spam en the poposed she k
1 7
l l
puntag appenL' Ses id. at litt, Puh Service Ca of Insane (hisMe 1411 Nucimer Osmanness testism, Unies I and 2), ALAB437,6 NRC 610,634 (1977).
F' Ahssa e Ameng of bispasehls h@sry, en Appeal 16eud may not gros a stay unbus "a suvuual.
et om decisim under ennsk is met assely likely, he a vinust eensissy.* Osvenmed Enemme nh-i Ca (Ptery Nuclear Pinser Plan, Unies I ed 2), ALAB-820,22 NRC N3,746 nJ (19851 Ses Osmesal -
l Public Unlities Neelser Camp. (Duas Mils leland Numinar Station, Unk 21 AIAIL914,29 Nhc 357,361 '.
l -.
(1999) l
'O, The sness limas of esvarat grumnds for appos!, without mese, is insuftsmus to esenhhsh that ths menwest is likely is posen en the smarks.
l 11 -
he falnsuring nedmilent issue is shscussed Ahereses Siens.
I ALAR.929 ADVANCED MEDICAL SYSTEhtS, INC. (One Fuseery Row Omove, OH 44041A Docket I:
Na 3414055-SP, SPIICIAL PROCEEDIN0; Manh 30,1990; DEQ310N..
A he AppealDesse asespas the8 L=====9 Beasts sefenalin IJIP 89-II.29 Nhc 306 0909), and '
savesens the Demers nding emesnung the =pph-hmy of the lispiel Assam to 3mseine As to sneemrials hoesse susysumme,
Appent bands en doisosied suihrsky to soview n. lings werened by lionssing bands bi pseemedags amenseed pussuant to 10 CF.R. Put 2, Suhysn O.10 CP.R. 61785(ak (bXIX -
A hennems band mesy seier a sulug fu beurlesunary appenses aview when she bened deensenes that such suview *is assessary se pasvent derimuss to the public nuesnet er umssual delay er enysass".10 CF.R. 61730(f).
. An appeal band is not abiised to essert all safened ndmas. Ses Censuussa Power Ca (hEdlend.
- 4 Plan,Umbs 1 and 21 AIAB4M,13 NRC 96 0981) Raaber, this i-7 serieur b enmused *enly -
whose the salms below shher (1) thseesels) the pany adversaly affeceed by k wish imunesens and eminus '
inspassbis kupan whidi, as e piectical sneuer, (cen)not be ansvisand try a laser apgmet er (2) affestie) the leeic suuce== ef en ps.- dag in i p vesin er-t aunner" Public Sevise Cm af beans (MsMs IED Nudser Omensens Staien, Unies 1 and 2), AIAB 405,5 NRC 1190, i192 (1971).
Eve though the Mashis 1611 crheris how not been met, en appeal boud sney saascine hs diasseinen.
and acesyt a lisonnus besse's safenet if the ruling involves a spostian oflaw,has summic ',
.and-bas net been pseviously addromed en appent Sea, e.g., Duke Puser Ca (Caeswba Nuolant Sission, thiina 1 y
and 2), ALAR 487,16 Nhc 460,4M45 (1982), mv'd in pan en esher assunds, C1J-4319,17 MtC 1041' 0983) Ses anse Roskwon bassmetional Ce+ (Radisedyne Divisienk ALAB-925,30 Nhc Top.712 n.1.
0 9091 -
F he fiquel Aecess to heties Act (EAJA) pavides that an egency that sendusas en advanery j
edpdienteen ohnB aweed auernsy's fuss to a pers ing pony mansas the pasieien of the assacy was n
ashstantially )ssiined er spedal -'.
snake a.
ved assut. 5 U.S.C 4504(eXth An *edvessary e4mdesation" as used in the EAIA is an ad,ineceanen w assaian SM et the Adnumisemeive Pseesdess Act I-(APA) hi whide the Uniend Seates is.,
' by asel, but emeludes an udpadiendan for the puspens.
l af saishissimas er tains a sees er for the penning er emoving ad a lisessa 5 U.S.C 5 504(bXI)(c).. '
l' O
An edpensatisi under aestian 554 of the APA is sequued by casens no be duasrummed on the suced l
aner appansmity for an agency hearing. 5 U.S.C. 5554(aK Semiens 534,556, and 557 et die APA est fenh the psessemos that an egency must foBow in anh a fennat, as-thMoused hearing. 5 UAC H 554, :
556 557, II A snessnals license r-i procesang is na an " adversary adjushomeman" for the purpoems of' ihe EAJA beoeuse the Aesmic Emergy Act does act aupaire such a hearing to be en the seend punuant to APA essaien 554.
I It b the enabling manues (Ls., the Aimmic Energy Act), and met the APA that doesnaines whenhar.
en earthersessed hearbe is supmed. PNiad=iphaa ! _
. lac. v. NitC. 727 F.2d lit 5,1202 4 -
(D.C or.19e4x see thnied siness v. Anaghey.tadhan samal Cap.,406 U.S. 742,754 57 0972%
J la any issue of stammary inampretation, *ihe 'searting paus' nest be ths inneaags of the ananas hemif." lawie v Uehad Stanas,445 U.S. 55,60 (1980) (quoting Raher v. h====
Corp.,442 U.S. 33A '
337 (1979)).
K Wbsihar the weeds "on the moorf' or '' formal" heaung appear in a stamme is est saandhas on the innas of obaher an APA section $54 hearing is sequired. See Uniend 5saans v. Haside East Cesst Ry. 410 ;
k 1
UA. 234,238 (!?73); ADeshanyJ Au 406 US. m 757; Seeensa Assi-huusse lasses v. Cens,572 F.2d 872,876 (1st Cir.1978), eut denied,49 UA. 824 (1978k Marasha 00 Ca v BPA,564 F.2d 1253, 4
1263 (9th Or.197fL Be 'in en slaamse of thans maaic weses,,, C=esus numa ensarly lanssis hs inum is trisser the formal, en4he sesad headng provismus of the APA.* Osy of Wem Oniosgo v. NRC,
- 704 F.2d 632, MI (hh Or,19s0A eff's Ken-Moons Casp (West Odengo Itase Banks Fodh$ Clj-82-2, l
15 NRC 232 (1982) j L
hose is ao paa-y sagasumans for formal headsges is psessednes beelving the sem er amanense of a meesnais homies. Kerr.MaQss,15 NRC at 252.
l M
hue is a lamesten6mg amasapaum esasarming suscesr spareams lusass and snuinuassa permit -
emess that the Aiemie Energy Aa seydses suHhs sesed homrmes. See Unie of rw Sameism,
: v. NRC,735 F.2d 1437,1444 m.12 (D.C Chr.19841 eart. desind,489 UA.1132 (1985).
N Sessian 181 of die Ansade Ibissay Aan duens that"It>s perisisms oflikea " " vePsossens Ast) abau syply to aD assney eseiam take under this abspis," essays when elsesiSed infennetum is.
f involved. 42 UA.C 62251, his esaden alsus, however, dass amt dimens ihn ehsensame of may partisular APA psemodures. Ken.Mcoss,15 Nhc at 247 al3; Wem Ousepi,701 F.2d at 642 A a.8.
O Seseism 184b el die Aiemie Emergy Aan does sist sequise e innes! APA, es ibs sesend 'essring for hemse.
or aspannen actions; saiher, k smandness that the posvimmes of sestian 558(c) of ths.
APA be feuausd. 42 U.S.C 622M(b)..
, Sestian 558(c) of the APA provides that (eacept b esses d wdifubuses er thess in whidt the f
public hashh, inamut, er sefay seesises asherwise) e lisuusse unst be given wrimen maties of a psoposed whhdrawel,==p===t, savocation, or annoinima of a lismes sad en appanuaisy to demenarsis er ediisse canpiimise with an newful segmummes. 5 U.S.C 6554(<K Q.
Sasien 558(c) of the APA does met se, sire er esameplane a sustian $54 hearing for laamise aupaniius or..
sensus. Osassher & Andar Ca v. Sinism,687 F.2d 1067,IFM (hh Or.1982) 5 R
De NRC has w.lfermdy pneridad an appenmaky for enen.senord hearings in liessee empuman prMiss. See to CJA H1202,2.70a ~
S De Cisninseman's Rules of Pression paavide for infesmal heasmes in psocondings involving
t nuissians tiemmes, mespi for ihase eensermed =th enf mmes esiins, whidi sein vapen sermal edpandan under 10 Cf.R. M170% et sei. 54 Fed. Ree-8369,8270, 8276 (19ee) (in he sediand a 10 CFA (2.1301)
T lamemandas asancy pressies emmat supply the ensemary sequmemma for a hearing of the fennahay spacincaBy sequised any the EAI A. See West Odengo,701 F.2d at 642. Cf. nei -a Cas=% of Temas
: v. Unhed Sisies,765 F.2d 221,227 28 (DLC. Cn. '985) (even if a pseceedes is ehmbassary in nasues.
esction 554 is apphoeble sely if the enabbag sienne meteens a farmel haainst U
As a waiver of savuuan hannuity, the EAJA mansa sidely caustmut ses St. Imuis Esel sad Supply Ca v. FFJtC,990 F.2d 446 (D.C Or.1989k Owses v. lu,860 F.2d 1363,1M6 (6th Cir.1988);
Smedberg Medias & Test, lac. v. Demoven,730 F.2d lost (hh on.1984)
V Waivass of savussen lasunusty must be arissly esamuund. Astun. m Senaking and lisahh v. Call, 724 F.2d 211,225 (D.C. Or.1964) l W
Desphs the fact that, enhaugh not asquised by stamme, an agery may websmarily candoct formal :
f' methe seemed headags like these descuihad in essaien 554 el the APA, the EAJA des not apply to such -
; and may not earve es the basis for en awed af emerney's insa. St. lauis Fust,890 F.2d at 447 51; Owas,860 F.2d et 1366 67; $sisdbes,730 F.2d at 1092-93. f%s= Sar=h= Ruis v. INS,838 F.2d 102% 1023-30 (9th Or.1988)(a bene).
AIAlb930 - FUBlJC SERVICE COMPANY OF NEW IiAMPSIGRE, et al (Sahseek Statimi, Units 1 and 2)J -
ILeet No.54443415444441 ("-- T-
he Appeal Bond sufus innervuise' metism to veopen the secord and eens less 61sd essammans,
l saganing the defacave Rassmause to the Cassaissima i
l B
Whsse Enshty has auadied to sonne but met au lasses, en appeal board wGI emenen new mamers -
enly if ihase is a " seasonable menus" besumen these enemus and the issues saumsause befass the bosnl.
Virginia Elertrie and Ptiver Co. (Nanh Aans Nusient Power Ssation Umiss I and 21 ALAB-551,9 NRC.
704, 7 77 (1979). A "sessanable smaus" dem met smann a "tasal identisy or saammanably of issues" bus, l
adier, has safennes aimely to "a satismal and duma Lak.* Lansiana Power & IWs Co. (Weinfed Sesem
- Elsasic Simian,Unk 3k AIAB-797,21 NRC 6,8 0985); Fissids Power and IJohn Ca (BL basis Nuclear Power Plass, Unk Na 2k ALAB 579,11 NRC 223,226 0900) -
C The fast ihet en Appeal Beard peepstly has befoe k issues esmom mangency pisamns does
- not )meify hs h6 et newly seised temass concerning the possihis inihme of :
. The P
's agulaisns semist a fed=====1 siebs to esak a seepumas of des seessd se any i
imme permans is the sunsens of the pseaseems en lang as (1) ihe pressadas b as yet sempime, and (2) -
de sempedag===A=ds as est fasih in 10 CIA 52.734 beve been suse. Ses 10 CIA $1.734; $1 Fed
. Bag.19,535 0956). -
i4 E.
The "s======ht= amaus* inst dass met psechade en husrvanar inom advenues a new===== aa ansing famn somes i of esfoy 1 ' x Reihar, the fussissa of ihs inst is is asaanma ths ;
,l appseyeses fenen to mesnain ab inisio a posiy's claim that the supusesmasas of 10 CFA $2.73d for the paramas of a sessed have bem assis6ed.
P The daarudassim as to whssher a "uneemabis maam* esises is est siniedy speakass a mener of an appeal beesd's emberty to est en a panacular = mi=i to seapon a sesesd in insneses a now esmessimL k
; is, basised, a susser akin to vome - the hupairy being when, given the subjsst of the essassess and des den sesma of the psessmens, the mission is best emmendend imisisDy..
, Whee senhor the IJoensing Bond mer the Appeal Bensd euomaly is enunderhe issues wth a "adenal ad emesilia = de - af a new emnasian ihm mishs enve a en basis for segmung a semesd, the Comunesias is the appe=ipsiste adjudneseary body to ads en suit a sessism.
ALAB-931 SAPE1Y IJ0ffT CORP 0 RATION, es al (Blommakers Sies Iha"'amir"*=), Desbet Nas. C$4 05980,1D405981. 03445982, 01408335, 02004d4; 1900RGMENT ACTION; AprG 23, 1990, MEMORANDUM ANDORDFJt A.
. Tbs Appeal Bond smans dueceed seninesdan af 0) theljoenseg Bend's denialin 15P-90 7,31 NRC 116 0990k of a mesian to dismiss for lack of)meshcsaan and (2) a sempemimi miles in 15P 948, St NRC 143 0990k that lihed a previously named sisy of a staff order espadng inumadians paymismas isso :
a trust fund far almaaup of a site. Tbs Appeal Benad afEnns bedi desmaeus while adding a medi6eesian '
eenommas paymes pumnians.
B A sepasst for eeniAceance bnnaght by a pany dues not invoke appeal boasd ;
es e anamer d right but sediar seska only the sancias of a :---_ ' -, power. Ses 10 CSA 6 2.719(i); Public Servios Ca of New Hampshise (Sambeesk Staisi, Unias I and 2), A1AB-271,1 NRC 478,48183 0975). -
. Session 183 af the Aisnic linergy Act presceibes die aangumas er meester of a lisease er any night under that tissess 'in violasian of the pamaans of like Act).* 42 U.Sc 62233(c). -
D The C-=-n's Rules of Practice espiise that ihm fenewing femas be W is esading whahar sesy solist is appspnene. (1) wheder the moving peny has snede a sueng showing that k is likely to pseva0 en ths =ensa, (2) wheeher des pony will be ir pamkly h@med unless a stay is gambed,(3) '
t whsdner eks passing of a may would harm scher ponies, and (4) whee the public isomest liss.10 CSA
$ 2.7s:(e). Sm Vhsimie Putndsum 3chham Am'n v, Pederal Poeurem 259 F.2d 921,925 (DC Or.1958).
E An appeal band wGI undanake discsuaanary innerlocuiary serine "enly whssa the sulise below 1 einhar 0) thsemals) the pasiy advmanly affected by k widi imunedises and seriam inspamble kapact.
which, es a prendest insaar, [canhat be anewmand by a inner appeal er (2) ellessis) ihe basic sauceuss of-du prememens in a pervesive er ammuel menner." Public Sovice Co. d ladians (Mmble llin Nucaest Ommreeing Saanen, Unha I and 2), ALAB-405,5 NRC 1190,1192 09711 P
while en appeal bossd win sake ben eecame an aerummet of the panies that ' '
, soview -
is appseynne, k wiu decide heelf winshar thess is auf5 cissa seuss fur the samoins of les diessationary ~
eashesity to soview an !
_, order.
O A beamang board's view of ins own ;_
' bomulanes ever a enemmassi is sans ciscure-saanees een effest the basic strusiuss of the peessedma, insking '
, inview appseposes. See Public Service Co. af New llampshue (Seabenak Station, Unas I and 2), ALAB.916,29 NRC 434,437 0989).
11 A )w l-1 suling that daarmunes the mann af a pony in an =h psossedses heavuy bdluumcas the shape of the pe==a==hng and acceshnely is preperly the subject of
* _, soview.
e p
I Il e licesing boasd has pesvisuely daied a pony's nuaw for e poemme las eney, the pany may be obis to ehtam soview of sush mling as a summer of rigle by sensetag hs may sepset befass an appeal -
besd. See, et, Talado E&am Co. (Devis Bases Nuclear Power Seseium, Unies 1,2 & 3), A1AB M4,5 NRC 35,36 (IW11 J
Akhaugh 10 CIA 6 2.788 by hs eersus opphes only to easys of the effesenenen et e essasian er sciam of a beenans or appeal based penshug the Ahas and hpm of an appeal inen suit assimie, e i.
boensing besse psesidag over the bassins en en NitC sinff adminasueens miesseness esdur h empoemed to consider whaher such an order should be effensin ahming the pedmey of des pressedes. Ses 10 -
CIA (2.718(m) OHumans banni sney asks any estim -' wah ties Assunic Enugy Ass, ths Rules of Poeties, and the Adamunneuve psumedess Act).
K Upon an appeal boasd's daarminanimi dist en :
, aude is soviewohle, e
'I erder clanely ennascend with the $ set ander may also be ihn subjast of mch soview.
L Sestian IM of the Aamaic linergy Ass,42 U.S.C. 4 22M whidi prohibsm the tressfer, assennema, er dispasal et liosuses, *demedy or ladnessly, thsemish assanter of amanet of any useuse to any passe"
~1 widiaut HitC's emans, is sprissobis to byysmaist ensesrial liseses issued ender semism 81 et the Ast and 10 CfA Pen 3a ses 42 U.S.C Itill: 10 CSA 530.34(br M
llas panaple of enspesses law that a tensfer of snee is est e omsmier af easpenas asses is ~
i inappliashie for the parames of dansnainug whahar thess has bem o "isuuter of esmael of any hasuse" under the torens of essaien IM of the Assinic Energy Ast N
la inampseums the Aamaic Enessy Ass, the pisin meanies and a precancel appEassian of the tenns of the manute essmei, parianderly bi the absense et legisisarve bissary to the canuary. -
O-A shmeholder is damned to have seassel of a carpanuam "who she (a he] danernunsa earposee -
Pdicy, whahe by pummaDy amamme managensat., ' "y or by solaceus managenes,
in se NAD Ptepenis, bec.,799 F.2d 726,732 (llah Gr,1986). '
The emeral of a liamse is in the hands of the param or poems who beve the thismans sight to ;
decide bow the beamed aceivhies absund be omedussed.
Q A puma cesperation's amis of 100% of the mock of hs NRC-licemed an=Aany ensumnas a i
*tansfer of emiuol of any liemme" for the purposes of asceien 184 et the Ausni,1 Energy Act l_
*Tensrel"of a tia==a whhin ibe mammas of marcian 184 et the Aamaic Ensugy Act is fused in the i reman er paness who, bassues of sensahip or authoney empusisly dansested by the owners, passess the ~
power to essareine ourpasses pubcy and thus iles asection of the swivaans umb=r the licains.
S The emises to which a subsidiary's day to day spesamms ass sonisBy,.
by the perma is -
irsonsvent to 4
; whahar emme has basa a " transfer of comol" af a licass fa the per: eses of esction 184 of die Asernic Ensesy Act.
T The faamse of a li===== is assify des t --.-.--i af the aans of 160% of in, mesh -- - en unaushansed transfer af sammel under esseim 184 et the Ausnic Enemy Act.
U "Where ihn stannery papeso emund be essDy famarased duendi the ass of esperses carpasses seities a sapleenry is meined to lonk duough empusees aminies and west the sapesmas maisins as e e te purpanes of supdaemut" Cupinal Telephens Co. v. PCr,498 F.2d 734,738 n.10 (D.C. Gr.19741 '
V A beansing band has not fened to psevids an appomunny to maped as epised by 10 CEA >
$ 2.730(c), when t simply sessnessed sua spans the psevmaas niings of bish panies as the maak of a sepsut '
in peeries vueses far a pavisus, ensplaimed mhus.
AIAB-932 PUBlJC SERVICE COMPANY OF NEW HAMP51BRE, et al. (Seabrook Statian, tinies 1 and
2), Doest Nos. 5444341, SH4401. (Offsine Emessency Planning issues); OPERATING IJQiNSE; _
May 31,1990, Dt! CISION A
la soviewing 12P 84 32, 28 NRC 667 (1988), sanourning ite New laa ps. g. gen.gia.1 l
linierguncy Rampasse Plan (NHRERP) lar the Sestuosk Session, the Appeal Boesd affuses these pations of IJtP 88 32,28 NRC 667, seassems 'itespause Pwominal Adequacy,""nsnan Behavier hi F.
and "Evsanoinen T' ns F- (III1s)," and -,
Liomsing Bonni whnes en Seasomst Assi.
u Polhation lassus (5APL) Comanuens 4 and 5, escept that the Appeal Basal suvuuss and menaals the' IJcemang Based's alma en E'TEs for ihnhar celsuimime missive in de ' hidden vehicles" described in 19.120 of IJIP 88 31 Ties, the Appeal Board addseness the ornamder of immes camournas the NHRERP d
not envuod by ALAB 924,30 NRC 311 (1989), paumans for inview penang. In adation, the Board l~
16 r
i a
t I
l 1
imihar esplaims suena mamare in hght 4 CU 942,31 NRC 197 (1990), painism for asview pedag sub suma "- v. NRC, No. 90w1132 (D.C Cir. Alad klar. 7,1990), ths Casmisem's sessa decision 1
. in whish k discussed whsihar energency pienens supsiasmanas em "sesquese pusessese" mandeds wishin i
the meaning of secesse 182 of die Anasune Emergy Ass of 1954, as emnedad (42 U.S.C. 42232).
J Per pupames of padging the adequacy of ame and local suspues pomesmal sessumes,inevieaals l
B.proputy ass eenadened to bs "svaDabis* no psevide envious if they am walda en auganastaan er
* ped" '
'J that is e sendadste to perfem a pesticular suspues funchea C
The Usensias Bassd's conclusimi that (1) *ienpeal aienshuity" of napens yemenest (Ls., the.
shuisy to parencapses bi sempense acevttees en a tweny.feur haur basis, and (2) *velmsmal evoushGity" of 1
r-- y==anaal 6.s', the wahneises to paradr== in impmase acovinse), is man ympedy adeessed and evolmened as past of the "planistg" and ~_,
- " pneus Awhdut the fulleasle esassesney sepanes aseseiss), meher then in asessung the adeguacy of suspasms passesmal sesmunes *posis" is a sessmehis ans that is not at odds wish any esiming seydsesry supusamme.
The d= " is 10 CF.R. 6 50.d ?(bXI) that ensda ruinessel espamme angsmisenssa samt how "saff to suspend and to signisma hs ininial suspanes en a -h bens" and gas guidemos in NUREG-0654 Crherian!!A.4 dia *telesh pancipal.
shnu be espehls of emaismaus (36.haur) apannens for a leauseesd perine do not nquin er agens any panneute time by which a meremme me=== nest be '1uuy saffer er any panicular usehad by whiset safEng adequacy suust be h E
Session IV.D.3 of Appmes E io 10 CF.R. Post So, whde mandsmag einst the besmans muut have ihn ar my is assify same and loost ofEsials whhin Ahsmi aminness of escisnes em amargumey and that v
the empehuisy auss asist to manify the public of a sihassian seguinng wees amism wishin Ahsen udnutes of natifying mese and local ofEcials, does not impdm any panicular tamus for amaimag $su sospense eugenisation mafang er any penscular mahad by which mafka adequacy must be dar-====8 F
. In the elesnce af any senpeDans sharing that sieu6 cant asymmes of diens in the nspanas pumannel" pools" being selial open as a pnncipal planang basis to estabbsk suspume peneumd --
sesquacy as for mis season er anaher likely no be n ' ' ' " thee was no mand for ememanacy planners a
to make a espereno "swoushihty" aliawsg as part of the preme undensket to id-sify thans " peals."
0 A pony that fsGs to put fenh ausgedly solovest inferunsteen en direst easmestam is not entidad in have that bdarmatum emisidsmed because k could have been ehoiend enring _
*Seccan SO47(aX2) duas eat requim deformans d my hearing am Same and lasel goverummet ansresney seqmmes plans to await If.h4A's issuenes of Anal Andings en these pisms. Rasher, what that islastian is a hamnsas decisam based en the best evenshis sumuss infanmanen a esorgency
" Clncumati Oas & Electric Co. (Walima IL Zinumer Nuciser power Ssanien Unit Na 1),
.i AIA8-727,17 NRC 760,775 (1983)(citation and foannene enumed) See also peoinc Oss and lussaic Co.
(Diablo Canyun Nuciser Power plant, Umbs I and 2), AIAR-776,19 NitC 1373,1379 (1984); Sanhern Califends FJiman Co, (San Onafs Nuclear Gunmehag Station, Unita 2 and 3h AIAR 717,17 NRC 346, 379 80 (1933).
t i
It is for ilis Imensus Baasd to )ades at mactly what sings an amargensy plan is maceandy deveisped to allow for hamnngs and a decisian, taking into acessun des evidnins en the ourset mais of des plan, h===r, AIAB-727,17 NRC at 775.
J The admismen of enruinnelissumany is a mamar wishin ths *===== ef a Usensus Basan, i-paruculady stun the pony sponsanns the instimeny sessanably alumid have annapaned the amask open hs '
evidanos. See 'ablar blatale Symsme v. KC,782 F.2d I82,201-02 (D.C Cir.1985) r K
h is a "esuled pnnespie of appeDas practice that an appeDas is esdunasily peecluded (nun peessing immes or advancmg argummes not passened to the asial tribesial," eacept possibly in ihm cens af " serious -
#=sadvs issues." A1AB-934,30 NRC et 358.
L la senswing Ucenang Beerd 6mings beasd on the issumeny of apphemus' empat wensmus,"[t]he pombihey that tr=% or eve comerary bdunmoes could be drawn if the visse of [
')espans were acespied does net pavent the irial board's Andings inun being appened by abmassaal evidence,"
Nathan Indiane public Sevice Co. (Beiny Omemung simian, Nulsar 1), AIAB 3Gl. 2 NRC 458,866 (1975)(chasians emised).
-g i
i 17 f
l I
i i
-.. ~..
l L
. After giving the 1Amiens Basd's lectual Andmus the pahative fees they immusunny samumend l
sagssoms abaness behavist by the geneal public, the Appeal Band -w thes is no basis for suvesung i.
that indus.
N A ''W shearvoinen in hs bumundeses enensivensus seriew esmannung eis adpadissiary amend is met innens upon the Appeal Band. See 10 CFA 4 2/M4(g) -
o Fleming erscials en mquised is emelop "Isluidshnes le em shain of pnessirw amism aming -
en emmenary
* 10 C.F.R. 6 M4?(b)(IO). To this and, pismen aise ese io "provids en analysis of the time s=7w to owcuses and fa saking ashar pensaiw ensisms le voie m names sad distmasas wishst ths o
l phune espamme pashuey EPZ ((Lo., emmegunsy pinaming neum)] for tessues and,..
r Id. Part So, App E, SIV.
P Aa :
iisas esihmans (IrfE) should be peepued *%ssed en a dyssene analysis OmumHusessa mudy under variens h) far the [EpZ]." NURE04654 Creada 11J.10.L Ses also Appemba A no -
Q it'>s (ETE] analysis is hemeded io setas a soslimic imme for Wa=== en -
Philadelphis Elsneric Co. (lJmiensk Omissuung Session, Unies I and 21 AIAB-645,24 NhC 230, 344 09a6k ese alsoihmerd. ALAB B36,23 NRC 479,486 0966). Wah this intenstie in hand *emagery coordission een eum decide what praisseive assians (eg., sheksrug er ;
} ass senened in ihm -
. If a radialssiset emmenney esmas." tamard, AIAB 545,24 NRC at 244; ses also LJmerd. ALAB-836,23 Nhc at dek R.
The E'I1! la only a planesas tool; es sudi, Commuusman insulmiais enabhsh no pesticular thus limies for emapimag an BPZ :
Ses 1.Jmerd. AIAB-645,34 NRC at 344;IJssed. A1AB-436f 23 NRC at 486.
5 These is no segulainry aquussment that des Sines ;
"y assign aiming police mesurces to e
perucularlacetion to meme that ihase ese no sisfReg delays in the event of e ' ' J ' emersecy. Simply :
becauss adehemal police sumouess wiB be messed in 3 ptriscular lucetien bl the owed af 4 Edalagied emergmcy and wiu supuso sene period of time to amig, this radal far delay does not supise that.
pennannat police mafEng in that asas be " beefed up" to a degne beyed what is seherwme seguised in provids adapsie law enfanumsat presscenen under mannel cinuestances. See Saueben Califamia Edisne -
Co. (San Chiefse Nucasar Osnamung Stasina, Unies 2 and 3), C1J-8310,17 NRC 528,536 (1983), sev'd.
In pan en eher grounds, OUARD v. NRC 753 F.2d 1144 (DE Or.1985).
T The Appeal Basd muy aske enicial neues of the Sisis af New Hasapshue TafEs ".
' himanal accomyemyang the New Hampshme "hra=' Emisrgemey Response Plan. See 10 CF.R.
U If a panisular assidsat sequense aquisas that pnnective action be taken when sians and loest energency response effens en est fully==hini== i mapansa of6cials would how to weigh wheesver
increased risks sney be h open taking a pesticular preiective action (sudi as an evenussian) widesst having the plasmed suspense paremmel in place, Y
la pueduchqs ETEs, pimmen should banhads"[ebumsess of tonesse,,
,., such as peak inurist vuhmees." NURF40654, App. 4, at 4-3.
For the eenan beach sees wishin the EPZ, NURBO-0654's p=l=== to calanlais the ETEs an'ihm W. basis of" peak immist vehenes"is won served by the ese of the "sussemble apahaa a p==ey" smashed 0.e., e enehod that esas an estimate af paked vehicles, as seu as vehicles in ermisit, en a peak sequesmassive day).
X When ihs vehicle came used bi :
; ths ETE for des beech populaien was based e an esennais of the esenal number of vehislas en a supuemusasive peak day and when *ceswineams usuuhuned innanomy" bed been possamed that thee vess 'iiidemi vehicles,' Le., vehicles met ahearvabis fnen eerial pheengsspie (and endi ausmher of vehides was set lenh in die IJcenang Based's Endings), the Basse and hi not rapinas that ihons hidemi vehieles he himespanied wishin dw apprapnme IrfE caladassens-Y While there may be an ',
"y on the part of the Sines to '-,
avised ;
l'tEs buo an energency plan, ess NUREG0654 Canarian llJ.10J-in, dw appbcant radier than the Sisis is,
far pegering an amanded est of E'llis, ens 10 C FA Part 50, App E, SIV; NURBO-0654 l
Cnesnet 11J.8.
. 1 a
-e c
-,w-m e--*:-s
t L
4 Z
When fullemer enshar6=== bas been made eNueive,in samen6mg mamses, the Appeal Banni aunt eensider the bepect of ks asnan see ihms ah=====
lassensk, AIAB-845,24 NRC et 2R l
IJnsensk, A1AB.836,23 NRC at 2R ese QJM3,St NRC at 230.
AA When addasmal calculaisis mandseed by ths Appeal Band to essest en ETE ds6cesney do not pasms ETlis, en esienne lacmans oushanastian need est be visisted. Ses 10 CSA SM47(c)(1)
'j sequise signincoat nume er sessunus to errnpises and ase not likely to monk in a puefensed shampe in the.
- BB Whm,in ondereismos with a Comunassaan polacy e-apphemus (1) had psonded a list of s 1 meal sassoal facihdas capable of -
W can to esmaandamend individuals, and (2) had essmanisind to essuply fuuy weh any a4=i-at Comunissium sepausumens thes mids be layamed ha soupamos es a ju6cial desenminadas avaiwaise the Comuussian's psevieus
' of the esspo d assessary me6 cal
: i serviess ensageneses under 10 CfA 6 R47(b)(12), the IJammans Band paupesty missesd en isnervenar's
- 4.n-pmg appinesses*
whh the sepansames of 10 CSA $ $&47(b)(12).
l CC Wbst a pasty fails en saarevert assarial fases as esembbdied by ammear pesty in support of a,
mesian far mannary 6sp-*= disy en enessively admuties Ses 10 CSA $ 2.749(e).
DD lhassgancy planeng is an *adequess,
' " mandud under seseium 182 ef the Aamusic Ensay -
Am (ABA) C1J-942,31 NRC et 21413.
EE To desernune whsdier en masamicy plan pavides "adapses panesess,* ihe pasa asust be assessed.
. L l
in innas of whahar k mens the sinksen pisaning manduds of 10 CSA $ 247M QJ442,31 NRC at 213.217, AIAB-933 PUB 1JC SERVICE COMPANY OF NEW liAMPSIGRE, et al (Seatseek Station. Unies I and 2), Dada Nas. 54443% 50 444 OL (Offshe Emissuaney Plannes issums); OPERA 71NO IJCENSE; Juss 7,1990, MEMORANDUM AND ORDER A
De Appeal Bonal genu the apphemes' and ihn maff's snesiens either to strike er to shamiss -
as premaeum intervenes' appeals of the IJmunmas Board's May 3,1990 menesensma sad esder, encept innafar as thses appeals W 8the h-i of ens of the intervemas fuens ihs psocondaag B
he oriaans for seigening a succed an est fanh in 10 CFA $2.734.
C De isnt of "Enshty" far oppsal purpenas before tids agmiey (as in the esmes) is -.ny a pressical ens. As a gunsual minner, a hesnains band's assion is Anal for sypsuses pumpness whms k maher a=ra== ef a lesst a major esspnent of the caos er isrmissess a pany's sigla to peniapaae; ndings that do neither an ismarlocutory. Tenedo Edison Co. (Devis-Beme Nuciser Pomer Snaim), ALAB 300,2 Nhc 752, 754 (1975)(faas-an= mained)
.t D
A lismiseng banni esear that 6mnisses a pany fran the puesdag passesses mafEasent Anslity to beerp==I Wa E
De oppnynais vehicle far seeksig a speedy neerusnar===i of an assensday hasulmaanal appeal is a =mi-i for summary afErnience, net a suosien to hi=
F Whas the Appeal Beans may invaks hs "- y aushammy in soview '
, anlere by way of descend ennanconian, ans 10 CSA 4 2.7190), k wiR met mannally do ao udeus either of the enablished isses for the esercies of that ausharity is ma, ses else Public Servios Cb. af hidians (Madde -
Hin Nacisar Omismans Stain, Umis I and 2), AIAB4,5 NRC 11941192 (IM7)..
O A pnnecove notics of sweal is apprapnais when ihme is any sessi far spanian suspeenna die Anstity far appnal purpasse of a heensing boasd enter. See ALAB.906,28 NRC 615,619 (1988).
l l
l j
W LSP 941 PUBUC SERVICE COMPANY OF NEW llAMPSIURE, et s!. (Seelmaak Staian, Uniis I and h
OPERA 11NO UCENSE; Jarnaary 8,1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Ruhng cm lasarvenars' j
2), these Nas. 44434L 50444-OL (ASIAP & 82-471024L) (Offsins Esmougency Plannan6)'
Mraions to Admit e IAae-Filed Comenne and Reapen ths Record Bened upon the Wuhdrawal of des
, p
's Messedmeans EAS. Neswast and WCXIY)
- p 1 RPM 2 PUBUC SERVICE COMPANY OF NEW HAMPSIDRE, as aL (Seminook Ssation, Unies 1 and 7
2), Dodat Nas. 24434L, 504444L (ASLBP W 82-47102OL) (Offsise Enissenecy Plannsas),
p OPERATING UCENSE; January 9,199R MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Denyug husrvenars' Manan g
en Reapon Record Resenhas Preposed Amandament no Operating Ucense Appliconen) g-LSPM3 NOK!1IERN STATES POWER COMPANY (Pathnnder Asamic Plant), Ducket & 3405004-MLA (ASIEP & 94599-01 ML) (Bypsoduct Maiorial Umnae h 2248799 02); MATERIA 1Jt U-T GNSE AMENDMENT; January 10,1990, MEMORANDUM AND ORDER p,f A
Where sequestor for samhng psavides no assus besween die in)wy clanned and the psoposed
, y { -
hcensing acuvity, the claim of in)sy is puoly speculative and legally insufncient to establish stamhng.
E13 >
[D B
A perenn who soplady caramutes past des erarance of a power plant site, sought tales decanuais-
;h -
sioned, may be penumed to have the sequisite inserest that she might be effected by das de$anunissiming, ond means the pubcial mandards for steadans meer 10 CF.R. (2.1205(g).
LEP 944 FIDRIDA POWER AND UORT COMPANY (Turkey Ptant Nuclear Osnaretag P.ans, Units 3 7
and 4) Dudes Nos. 542540tA4,54251 OLA-4 (AStEP No. 89-584-014l A) (Presnin Tasapename Urnask OPERATING UCENSE AMENDMEPTT; January 16, 1990; MEMORANDUM A(D ORDER ih A
The unansing Bened =h the pnar leauence of an immedssasty efisoivs hosnee amendynes by i*
grena ng the I L===es's Masaan for Sonenary Disposisaan an the last camatian temsuung in this peaceedag.
The Bonal Anda,that the Inserveness seek to heigase sianers eusside the scops of the peaceeding, fail to g
adequenaly enablish the saisierce et a dy=-Jinsierial faa as to thane meners widen the scgs of the
gencendag, and seek to unpass insting ;
not sequired under 10 CFA Part 5a R-B 1he purpass af the sunanary disposinen pr==A=e est aus in 10 CFA 6 2,749 is to avoid MLEng lisarmes an inness whsse these is no genuins espas of maissial fact. Staismant of Pohey on Conduct of
. [,A Ucensing Proceedings, CU-818,13 NRC 452,457 (1981). See llauman Ughting and Ptswer Co. (Athme
Creek Nuclear Osnarating Stasian, Uint 1), AIAB 590,1I NRC 542,550 (1980).
C Wimme a sunenary disposinen mention is suppurted by afLisvu,10 CFA (1749tb) emiuins the appusing pony to stois speci6c faces, tesher than sely an mero allegatiars or damals, to shour that thste is a gamune issue of faa. Absens such a showing, sumrnary disposition will issue if the movent has eensned his burden of estabhahing that no genusne issus es to any maisnal fact emisis.
D Appendia H io 10 CFA Part 50 psovides ihm senaars in an ints6rsind survedlance progran
OSP) rnua have "airnilar" design and aparatang features; it dass not require idnaical aparating feet. ires.10 CFA Pan 50, Appendia 11.H.Cl (1999)
E Picnasals to modify Comunissien-irnpased insting menhadologies that e I==== is aushansed and abhgated to follow must be esensand es en anad on a C-rs6ulataan, and, to the enters they caistese a pounan for nelsunakung, are mielde the )madution of a Usenang Boesd.
F The fallmnns toduucal issues om docussed Fracture T.
."W y; Nenne Fluencet LEP-945 FIDRIDA POWER AND UOlfT COMPANY (Turkey Phant Nuclear Generating Plant, Unias 3 and 4), Dudat Nos. 5425401A4,54251-OLA4 (ASLEP W 89-564 014tA) (Presnise Temperatue p.
1 l
. ]
8 1
Usumesk OPHLATING IJCINSE AhE!NDMENT; 3ssumy 15,1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (puryus hahim to lueervens)
A-hs IJanssaq Based denies a psahism to Isaarvens Sind 11 mushs eher the ensee af the thus spesited bi the Naties of Oppsaumky far Hamdag as >===My less, and est eduruus )imited based en :
' a samsi4sresie of the seher fear Ismass est as et 10 CJJt. 42114(sX11 8
Whas en the fassen en ses et 10 CIA. I 2.734(aXI) must be ensidesed and emis is esyssimos, the snan heroness of the See facesse is the puesness er eksamme af *gend esmas")selfying Ibs 1stemmes of the psiisiest Aboms *gmed souns
* e psamener base e beery huden to )mally a less hmervense based en the nrusinhas four fanssa..
C As a pausal suns, a desisism to summim eDus, and suhuin team hearveming in a thmely assner, is met )sniassaian for e Based to permit hearnessism ha en immimely===r and die Usensus Based lads no mans, soploman, policy maammess, orrwa==== esas law shst osan mesmas that maplayens of an
, apphase er liseums ess maided to a gameric mangelse tsua the Camumanism's puesm6ual subes. =
-D A hommme band dass met fasamises the passiheny that spanist fases migls esist which would 7
wensat a dayanus tem the gement suis that ene eersist sessamfuby mand am his sigins to Sie en asshesly.
. i psahism eher siming en his siglas to Als a timely pasien. Hemuser, mass sesenisms ofimme af d=d==
do met esisNish the type of apasist fases assassary E
A lisemmag hussd wGI met ausmus that the inst maployes might boue hemi des wissim of smalumen eher does for Aling timisty pakism to hearvais has pesand as infassed er sammuusd the employes's esdens prior to that does as to sender hiss effssiively imesyshis of emessising his siglas under thee
*s ndes of pressies as pusessesd by emeism 210 of die liasugy m===g d==n== AaL F
Whas usely asising informanen has bem sesspised as *gend esues" for a las Alad pasiden to heaves, Caesumes Pomer ca. (Eased Pissa, Unies I and 2), IAP-8MS, le lec 571. 577 (1932),
l pueriously eveashes hafarinstist usurly segnised by a paummer has est Kansas Oss and m mi, Co. (Wolf Creek Osmareting Bendam, Unit 1),12P-84-17.19 NRC 378,886 (1954). =
i 0
Winis en early decisies of ilie Appeal Read maggemed that die dear was open en the syneessa wheelier puddisesian in the Federal Register was udnams, sending aiens, to pas psammaisi hearvemme en main, hnesylvede pseur and ught Co. r-sessa misserie swim Uses 1 and 2),,
- j 6 ABC 642,643 sL2 (1973), that dear was.
"y elseed in Taumsses Veney Amhamity (peowns Ferry Nusieur Plus, Unies I and 2), ALAB441. 4 NIlc 95 (1976), whsumin the Appeal based sammmerGy -
ssjesend e peakian to lemurvens Alad boyed the perind spesiasd bi the asphashis Podesal Regimer.
A etsim by a paineter that k was inued has bassaien bessues k salind en ensdser pesty ertsaisy to.
supeusses hs inessums dass est======= *gned causs'' See Gulf Sesess Utilides Ce6 (River Band Seation, Unies I and 2), AIAB444,6 PGtC 740,796 (1977).
I he esisting peniss, the pubisc, and the Ila====s Resed have a espiashis knesust in the timely =
and aduty senduct et liamsing passedings. hus, des fast that p==- wass pueyered to go forwesd wish ihmir asymmens husmedisasty and that husrwunist would est daisy en einsdy issued lisemme amendamma do est funy seawer de pahey esmedmansa undulyne dec=--i-se omsmeras ender des last finner.
d 10 Cf.R. 6 2.714(a)(1). A party has e debt to disasuer, psier to hanshig, the assues and 8 semel bases of an seher pasnes' innesteen paddens. Band sedband as grass innervenaion under esses _
whsse mamaemmt daisy esmid be evoided only et des esponse of the disoevery rishes of the esisdag panies to des daarunus of the ederly and af6 cissa endast of any $seme hs4
J While a beendadag si the issues due to the gsamt af a less Alad psaiden to haarves sigla est be 1 ef =inimal '_,
a the endier mages of a ease, the Usmusing Bessd found this emmampues to be a amens erymmes assist sush laservemman whose it asuus taused the med of the pusesseme, penisuisdy whee no "somd emuss" esists is )msdfy the daisy in seeking hearvenism.
l 1AP946 VERMONT YANKEB NtK1J!AR PCWER CORPORA 110N (Vermusa Yankes Nustemt power haiami Deshet b 542714tA4 (ASIAP W S&595-0M)tA) AP
- pggigd Emmgemmb f OPERATING IJCENSE AMFRDMEPff; 3mmisry 26,1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Rehas em Ptaition for lasve to Isaari mis Fuse by the Sises of Vennes) '
A he licensang Be ad gremes ths $4ses of Vernisus's smpaan for a bandas for the purpses of appenas the gram of a liennes em memet to amend the Vanima Ysakse Nucisar Power Statism operadas liamaan to e fuD 40$ year term, e at adnuu one of nine psoposed -
- for lisionnien..
- (
_..., _,.... ~. ~.,..... _
1 Jm
1 1
B la 4. ' ; whether a painaner has sundang, the Comnussie has held that cast,
juheial tuisspes of mandag are centsoung Time, thess omst be a showing (1) that the octam bang '
shausaged enuld esuse 'is$ fact" to the panem seeking to learvens and (2) that eush isdury is seemsbly :
widda on *sens et imsrens" prescend by on Armic Enesy Act a ths National Emissenmaal Pohey '
.j 1
*Aberact emnesnu* or a 'smus asedenic imessst*in the snauer wha en met -
' by sees
.j snel bepect en e r=~ win not eentw mandag Rather, the amenad harm must have emme parnsular q
effect e a p=h, and a patinaner snust have earne disest siehe in as ei.aeorns af the puesseduts D
While e. ass is beds guidenas in NRC enes law essowning the assanas of *espect" es the term is used in 10 C.FA 92.71d. a petitieser sney sensfy this ;,
^ by idensifying general poemenal effects -
of the homens emism or esses of concern that ess widdn the eenps of the public hsakh and safety namess
'j that may be senadened in the peessedug 3
E Whose a ysopened homens aceien omnseras a maclear faenity within e stans, whidi has peesssaally -
:J aignineens effens en ths -
of a maan and die haakh, welfase, and safety of he s4tissus, e snaas
.J has standing to huervene in a presendug F
The issue of whsdur a propend liamme amendesse does er does not bevolve s =ph haasses canadasstian is met kn nble in any hearing that adeht be held en the proposed ammh beoeuse de e
Andag is e preesdural devias whose only purpose is to doestmuns the tiening of the homing (befono or eher issuanos of the ameduunt).
3 O
Sinse an envuonnusual suport (FR)is seqinised only fer actises that would seguise en umumuusmaal hupact semasment (BIS) under the Comunisman's seguissasas, no BR is aquired in
' whh a psoposed omstruction period snoepaue amednuma to ensand en ininal apeetag komme to a full 44yest term boosuse -
the Canunimimi's segulauens et 10 CFA 4 51.20(b) dass nas spenfy that type of acsimi es maparang an EIS. Only en swinnummeal
- (EA)is seynsed in eenneseien wish muh issnes amatemenes.
11 A essessman asserung that en anyht impset maammuss (Els) er _
'sepan (ER)
is aqubed to suppen a ympened Iwanang aonen wennd ased to elahn that the estimi ymsmes passansuy signinessa swisonnmaal hupaces er unresolved inness of inanemble
- d monumes, and the
'I base would need to idmenfy these isnpacts er assoasses, the hugauma of whie is not prescribed by the -
Consnissimi's regulations.
l LBP-947 5 AWlY LIGift CDRPORATION, et at (Bleamsburg sas E -
'), Desket Nos. (D4.
059g4 (D4059el, (D405982, 0340g335, 030 Og4dd (ASGP Nas. 89-590 01-OM, 94598-01 OM 2); ;
ENIORCEMENT; Jamary 29,1990; ORDER (Denying Metiens to Dimmiss NRC Onisms issued M sdi 16, 1939, sad August 21,1939, far lack of Junisshcnon)
%eIJcenang Basal dunes..
's motion to dimnies for led ef)nahcsaan, eencludag that
the faihus of the original haansas to fully inform the Camusussism of onspoenie senegonismiaans and salm of ennuothas klaah of sacck sendend au sucement corposenans liable for tbs cens of decasianmanum of sinas peuvenualy under die omend of the original hansme, and messet to the enfamunent einlimity of ens i
Cesenemuut and the jurisdiction of the Boasd.
e B
By annien Is4 of du Aisnio Energy As of 195d, as amended, d2 U.SA 4223d, Congress enablished a mang puhuc paticy psahibinns n uensfer of ement of any hemus" by evey eenssimb6.,
'c e
means, whhan ties prior weinen and informed census of the Comnusman. %is breed and sweepmg asennary languese was closely trueuled to presenbe the ausnatien in any manier er fem of any resnes or
.,A j'
sight to asikse er preeace special suelser snaissial, without this specined Comunaamun action.
l C
Any pese or corpswation that chooses to engage in luessed machsar bypseesce maesdal sesmuss, j
is net eenpisamly les to conduct lessif in a businesses-usmal mannst. %ssa eso==h===aiat sensusues i
f upai mifensesed wai==== actirms and fanns mouking from the high degree of segulausy evenighna, duect er e
. ' :J Not surprisingly, mach 1.niianans apply to issues hevolvmg ihm dimet or indirect sansfer of liceuss, at=A-disness in enspersie and aber hasneses, and mauses selated to the liabihiy and sosponebeluy for the alsommaminanen of sinas and facGines used in licensel activities.
D De Aramic Energy Act of 1954, as aananded, sequias a fun, fair destasure to be made by licensass of actions involving the transfee er canuut of L-so that des NitC can make an bifanned ) dement whether auch actions me in acaudence unh the Act Clearly, Anancial and other eensidersuma senated to
'h d
.j 4
= ~. -. _.
I l
q l
j DIGESTS BigUANCtg OF THE A10h0C SAFETY AND IJCEN5fMG BOARDS desemamenstaan af the siis d lummed mader byproduct saivbes exand and abreald be navissed by the NRC in fulAlhas he massemy.,
i E
Whmse NRC is domind the appesesihy to soview the esses of memnessa abauges in a lisensas's ;
~l eurpassee.
ens to the hansas's fades to emuply wish useinary esensuso segumensmas, ths transfes of essesel af a bseness by esspense senesenring was leveled as to ths NRC which is abbesend by s:semes to eagesd ease.
F De,
against -,,
_ tenstes si emessel of hommes eussend by Cemyum esmis
' he lyserad er avoided by hemisme er by the NRC basif. Ausmpled pensfus of samenhip and ensarol by -
a hosname wee ineffensiw to eluminees NetC; ' " over the mesomeng euniaies bessess ihn tansfers J
see in vielsene af mannery seguesammes.
0 Massive immstem sush as 1005 af seesk ourassenp sud Wat changus in empemes sumanse, semanhip, and sensel as the esas as summpeed meestas er smagemmas of lisemnes.
i H
,he among ridelic policy esensassed by Casesses in homing snappsumed tenaiess of aussel of hommeses is eussmains, and lumes emme ces be as sucedsmes of mesh menisesry sepastus segummmann by NRC sogenosanes, daisys, lashes er equheble aseeppel,.mia==a=== ef the SBC er the hommes's eum shasebanden, easgud proper lusiness ammvesisms, spanens, er the penoimans of 10 CJJL Phn 50.
1APM8 SAITTY IJ0ffT (XRp0 RATION, se el (Riessushing See Dessneminaamm), Deshst Nus. OS.
05960, 05405981, 05405942, 030 00MS, OMMISd44 (ASIAF Nes. 99-590 On OM, W598 01 OM-1); :
ENRECEh02fT; Fehnery 8,1990; tierwm A'.
De Usensing Sussi sammedsse and==ds== ha prior may pendmus line'ef the imummhses efestavamms et oss of two Sestf adessanssa esdes ns Sisif order in gamessa seguised the penise to begin masshly paysemes bee a fund humaded to delay the esas of a eks ebenseedestina sandy, and sande ens mapias in that had naamsenesty available for empenemme, la smodifybig in yder moy, the Usenens.
Beesd pennies the supdsmaans of paymous as bassums biensdisasty e5msuve bei sesys any _,
et ensh faids pendag naseur order af ths Bessd.
B De four fasaur out was endiend by the Communion wish sagssd to supiens for says of imumulusely effesave desumme b 10 CJJL 6 2.788. Ahheigh the sugetation dans nsa esphoidy syply as desmansminatism enferosmunt ordan, k is logical to apply disse well-sesayumed asmends in e===W==ing the equashls samedy f of a sisy of sush eseus.
C in e "==r-esfassement pausemens, the ymbhc lassmet is es inset bepensa aamsider.
asian. This facear esgues assimat a sesy whose the '
7 sessed tends to enshhsh that k is in the.
puhtic bassent for pasupt seeien to be taken to aquise composesians and enha s suspaminis for pehmens a site whh smelast.
to einen aq, the sins.
LJIPM9 KERR Me0RE OlEn0 CAL (DRPORATION (West theta Pr Esshs Pacilisy), Doekst h d42061 ML (ASIAP k El.dt5-01.ML); MATERIAIJ UCENSE Amt ADMENT; Fehnaary 13, 1990; INfTIA1.DBOSION (Ruhns an AB Renaimns issues)
A his laisist Dessman disuses Semit to inne a hemise eminnensa to Kare.Msome th=w=1 Cospo-sedan whish win penit h to depass of sensin theriamn smiB tailings in an engammund dispuest eeu to be sensuusend en les West Onisses, Elismis mas, h feuses Uly'g9 35,30 Nhc 677 (1989), in whidi sensin I
insmas wuss smashed in Keres n=='s fever en r
- for summassy W and sensin calier.
luniend louns sem est denn for hensing B
la this hikist Dammen, des I la=== imp Bessd innerpass Quanan I to 10 Cf.R. Pen 40, Appsuuna.--
A, Ands fases fauseing a hemsing en thnes hunned issues, and decides a emaism far mammaary
of au other loues saunamists to be decided. hs Usenseg Besse essoludes thes Ken'Mooss's propaned espassi seR d=A== the aquinsmaus of 10 Cf.R. Pan 40, Appensa A, by wide margins and that these is a high doyes of ammmase that no sipunces camamminatism wdl escur a a summk of desapa==t of the Wat Oiiesgo saiu imhngs bi k.
C Cdesries I supuns that the sesis of namesnans isma parmiseen and hydseless fossem naast be '
egnanised bi chmasing masas abernative asiu taihnen dispeest uses.
D The lameemanen to Appenna A peavides that seasidermann must be given to scansemas facters bi l cheesus among sharesuves and pennies apphsemis to propass shernserves to spesine agusensmas. Dans previsions dimises that the Appendia A erheia suust be apphed Setibly with due omh ac d the cases d achieving canain bensnis under ths ensoria.
2d l1 m
E Whose the evWess seypens the smaclusies tbst the psap=ad espeal esE wiD havs only a aspheihis impaa en snandesear qualiny, thee is no betinesse for hisuning the espass of espasmas of j
l the mult asungs et annaher elas whom lhe hepast on gesundesear adels be less.
-l l
P Analyses of 6sposal eeu behevier must beve as appssprises dayss of.
nsy should pennk sealimic puedisaisms of the kapest of she popesed desmal eau whish, to the esima they sur, ovessises I"
1 that hopast. Ilowouer, they should met be so sensarvesive as to be umaneseng, sommasisig that ingset to the estas of eenire the fossihuey of the peupused seu beo gesmism.
q s
12P-9410 BOCKWELL DfTliRNA110PLAL (X1RPORA110N (Rashandyms Dmema), Dodst h M25 n==har -
(AtlAP h 89 594-01.ML) (spesial Numiser Eisriallisenes New SNM-21) (Regian to Reiser to 1990); MATERIA 1A IJCEN5E AMENDesfi; Wah 19,1990, MEMORANDUM AND ORDER ;
A De Poesiens Olnest in ens ps -==aag whish is governed by subgen L er 10 CJA Pen 2, e
yenes in pan Appheast's musian to arike eminin omsers and pens of emmerus of the hearvensa pumusa l
to 10 C.FA 6 2.12 Din).
B he Ptuadme Ober soviews each of the eenserm mensmed in Appheast's sessise to arike and duesraunes, based en syssiac Isses seinead to essh esussre, what panies of ths inssion to suike may be -
appupuisesly grasest C
To sutus a sensure er a part af a esasern un the ground af sedendency, ths Possuhag Ofaser must ii ind seasidaiey othin the sling af a pensular innervener. AResed sueuulaney wth ansiher intervenor ens oss massa younds Ier e munism to eothe.,
D he presides artier saggens that the panies seassem their seminnet posiasms and esasider hanhar -
saganiaties lamans inweal semismess.
E Appbsehuny of epsehty assmenes (Appendia B to Pen 30) to phammhun passning and fuel L fabrisalit e plaats.
12P'9411.. DOCKWBIL DfTERNATIONAL CORPORA 110N (Reskandyus Division), Desket No. 7425 (A$lar New 09-594-01.MI,)(spesial Nusisar masrialI h=== h SNM-21)(Request to Ramser to h 1990); blAl?Jt1A13 IJGNSE AMENDh0NIA Wah 30, 1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (ReseMada-Hamassmass and LAPSR)
A la suspones to hearveness' mesian, the psesidsig aber s==A=w the sensa smana Hunesensa Assasiasian as a party along wth two of he senseras.
B Relevest nuespaper anisins, pnyerly hulsed sad amadied for safensus purpose to en inserveer's basis ease, passeRy wul he ansissa ponds in wahmend a mission to meiks.
r C
A emessen that populatism has yeen in ths vieimhy of a famihty for bandhas spesialassasleer -
minierials wiB not othmand a motion w arike when it is -
' ' by seppened ausgatisms that the t
susuhms skk of meistian esisese wul mosed to Cf.IL Part 20 mandeds for.n===hi-renseien aapa-
D A essere about addisive offsms fsens tesic and essassisve snatorials that is sus pan af a NEPA.
-t essern, absR be annsk because ihsee is no supilaemy sapessaient that such ausend addnivo effests be omsidased seher that in a NEPA emeest.
12P 9412 PUBlJC SERVIG COMPANY OF NEW HAMP81HRE, et nL (Sesiumsk Saatim, Units I and 2), Doest Nos. 544434L 54ded OL (AStaP New 82-471014L) (Offnine limmagsmsy Plaums);
ORIRATINO IJGNSE; May 3,1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Reling en Censsi Ramended and Retened Ismes) 1 13P 9413 BAL11MORE OAS AND BlJICIRIC COMPANY (Calvert Cliffs ".
- Syssa Ibst Secess huseDemenk Dadat Nos. 72-8,54317,54318; MAlliRIALS IJGNSE; Wy 15,1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Taminman of Pressedes) 4 A
De tjamming Besse israunates e pressohng in whidi, prior to the ta===aa of a Natise of Hessums, the mily posisiteter esakisig a basang elssted to wnhdrew, 13P.9414 BASIN 17.511NO 1ABORAIURY,INC, dha BASIN SERVICES,INC., Deens k 15000033-
'4 SCdCivP (AllBP h 9460101.SCDvP) (EA 88 265) (Ommral IJeaness Under,10 CJA ll5a20); ;
CIVIL PENALTY; my 30,1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Ouder Appsevang Semismusa Asses-mas and Tennemsiing P-Wi A
De IJamens Bened appnsvus a semannant egnament between the NRC Sistf and I 6-=== subject A
to en Order lampesias Civil Ma= mary Penahy and an Oider to show Causs why 13ssess shald Nea Be.
Sepauled, and armas die panies'pire mesian to isrminais the possuhns
')a i
l t
1 a,
ISPM15 - C32VELAND BlJICI1 tic II.LUhENA11NO Cohc%NY, a et (Persy Nestsee Pouer Plass, Uma
1), Dmint No. 54440aA (A512P Na 94405-02 OLAX OPERATING IJCENgE AMENDMENT;lums 11,199&, Men ANDUM AND ORDER (rn-ame punisism to base, ens) >
A' This Mm====A== and Order soviews e pakism to Isaarvens and emaamma 81sd in sesyssee to.
a assise ladiesnas thati1====== bad appbad for en asentensa to their speseng b-man which weeld '
danses.,_, '" pasmuseer Immins and asher.c _ '"- fuel haferasenem 6uss the Penry Teshmisal 2,
and substisses a psuvises eBewingIJssasses to est theselisahs bi messed ohh NRC eyyssved
mushedslasy 1hs eusssssaan seises se asymmen that guess of the amendsmus w01 emiswfully abpsive passiemer ofles handag sigins sidst 6100s af the Aemmic Bassgy Act, lhs Beasd indissend that in hs view, bassues k was est pesRds to assensin tems the apphessism whosher the besse umsmdummt would west any suksessanal esmanism in IJssassa h doesnahame the eyhspestec pesumsaur lissins, time enemmise b -
semissible, IJssmaem and gasff wee effended en opposemity to susk susamsidemeten prior to lho Besse's eder semining die psahlsmer and he h ew-= ='s ese saises equins ihet pesar anseer Teknisal"r "
-l n
. samma 5o36 ef en B
musst inshade emas ameness e is whide the huyssisim of sigid esmesiens er lumisseisms k meusnessy to shvises die passihnisy of en ehmesmal menaden er suma givbig sine to en inumsdisse thust to ths ymblic huahh and safssy, Cyels spesi$e pasmuseer luules ase mish meses. The h susy est abesses in
~, to saview and appsene lismus asmandesma that nims such manus by gusseing -
hemmen memensat esamism in desamung ema -
d C
Am hamassed ammeer af the public is sudaled to en apputumisy for hensing om um epi iesma far en asusmemma to e pesar aussist lissmet 13PM14 FLDRIDA P0gflgt AND IJWir 00h0%NY (Usesy Point Nestaar Osamesing Plast,Unia 3 and -
4), Desksa Nes.342540LA 5,542514A 5 (ASIAP Na94402-01 OLA-5)(r a a s
g m.pi
- s (psd1my Opersums U===== Nes. DPR 31. DPR-41); OPliRA11NO IJGNgE AMDdD-heeft; han 15,19eo; hetMORANDUM AND ORDER (P=hsemos Comfames Order.. hnies sad Com.
tsades) s A
The IJssasise Bend eemks an inservemar aher esasiled ammidmansa of Isme et eW
==a13====, sad the semissehGay of Five of Any eit esmessises ese aesdamL 1he adumssism af safsay ismas b based en esamine issmus of fact arising bassues of Apphoma's ademissian that a punaisr chasse in testadsel
'" ' - la a "seleaanimi" and bessess of an eram er maisman in the emnlysis.1he sesummone si eswisessummal lasums is based en esamine issues of fast sensed wish aspost to -
esimy issess that might uhamsasiy sesak he e Anding that ihm dunge in - '"
is *e mQar fedmal
B As organissess anay gain sending based en en momens of a "===k=* " puswhing that the meseher t-b sense them het a passive asesrasser widmet any emmel over ins speamm6 ITanismsmesa, the "unasher" en -
' ' ( is based musst be e smasher for haussif and met far mesher.
whoss sending has est base desummmmed.
C ABessmans of k -=====a and hasandenen must be w : After an oppmemmity for-I desumassmass has beam anaded,
' defensesry eDagesom may be samsk isum eis need.
l D
A membewyer myseensing se engenisseiam mased - es pan of a Sling ihet eEsgad hemmasset and i=d u=d== -ihet he me leise essharised ihat ensemannem to saysema hint Neuenhahms, sinus no enhar.
basis for asseding sales and his wehenwel weeld depuivo the eagemessism of momens, k is syysopesas to give en meniseyer e essend ehemse in eminder en kapiisemens of his whham L -
E In applytag the PW's usely adspeed senadasd ist the semissum of - em Based ends est a pahimer aesi idemity en ene er eminden in A,,imma's ensayas is mee i. pain A=-=
far ha emanaem, Merely saating. In selianse en an edemanum af Applisess, that a shamps bi ha todenset is a "salaamai-i"is met adScisen to gain admammen for a emmaman whom Applisant's analysis :
ins semisant ruimemar must aho idemify an euer er seusman in the assomspesryiss aanlysis to esesse a suunius issus of Amst and gain edamesism far las :
P Whh suspas en movhussensat issues, the Bessd seniusd two :
" baseuse amusins immass -
of fact wish suspass to safmy _
esund ehmusesly semak in a Anding that this sans easils "a saajar -
fadasal actism,*.
26 i
. = _ - -. _.. --. -. _ _
0 lir a,
- ' ouest seWr: seks enho out-iMerise tisms; esehemed lunk for ihuanal power, puesmainer puessee, sad the his w opermeise leap assism tempmemme; ahangs in seses seduseism mydsanimes; RCS bassa osassmetism; hT bem servaammse; einses tisms Ier one sheenal -
af host trooms; sad eher tima
' IJP # 17-ADVANQID MEDICAL SYSTEMS,INC, (Ones thenry Rour, Osmeio. Ohio 4do41), Desket No.
3014055 SP (ASLAP No. 87-545-01.SP)(sespammmm 0sder); 5U5 PEN 510N OF lJCENSE;)ums 12 lf90, MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Osmusses NRC Seaff Menime far Sammmary W sad Teramating
- Piese= dens) 1 A'.
In ads esas ths 1 ta====p Dessd gusses sessmary dupmemmi of four immam pushed by Advensed Madcol Spenne, Imr., A tw ns the leefulmans of a aussmary lissues empumise order under ths e
Pro mina of to CJA H2.2cS2Jos and 10 CfA SM61.
B h inwfuhsus of e emanary lissues = r=='-- =de issued ender to CfA H 2.2O2 2o6 and 10 CSA (M61 is dansnaimed by whether er met a Dussier's desimise to issus des esder k an abses of -
6sessass asest the osandsomes ammsumced in t'm Beism Ca, of New Yes 0masa Passa, Unies -
1,2, and 3), QJ 75 8,2 NRC 173 (1975).
A Dessaar's desisism w ions a sisemary lissess empumim ander under 10 CSA H 23512os :
and 10 CSA 6 M61 samt be based symm soliable, psabasive, and askanssmal evidsmasL "5shnessanal"messas W
such selevent evidense es a smessemble mind miight assert es adequais to mypen a e -& -
Edesa Ca v. NLAR,306 U.S.197,229 (1938).
D Only the evideos availshis to the Dessear at the times a desisism is made is issue a sumsmary lissmas
. masponsism esser ander 10 CSA H 2.as12os ad to CIA iM61 is misvest w a dearemaman er
-1 whenbar er met the Dessaar's desisism to issue the eder is as abuse of disseenassL Cummelidsend Edassa Ca '
af Near Yes Onese Puist, Unies I,2, and 3), QJ.75-8,2 Nhc 173 (1975), eines t'====meus Pseer Ca
- j (Midised Pime, Unies I and 2), QJ-73 38,7 ABC 12 (1973). -
E A masumery lissmas suspensum order issned under 10 CJA H 2.2001206 and 10 CJA 6 M61 is fadaily aimer if tem liessess esa seassembly desarm base die eder die ismiss span whidi k would mand to assk essovery if a hessing is segusanad under 10 CSA 92.202(b).
IJnit9018 - CURA 10R$ OF THE UNIVERSTTY OF MISSOURI, Decket Nos. 7400270,3402278 MLA s
(ASIAP Na 946134haA) (Ile: TRUMP-8 Puoiset) (Bypseduct IJssume h 3640513 32; Special Nucisar Massnels lissmas Na SNM-247); MATERIA 12 IJCENSE AMENDMEPf!'; Joe 15,199&,
MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Adnuminc Funiss and "Ames of Comestm*; Defening Asiaan en e Sisy)
A lies promeng of8ser semins too panies, aAar desause canndsstiam af standes quem 6ms, and '
semias sis of esvam areas of esasure pseemsed by thans pemies. He defen assism em a sequest for a may em the posed shst die asiasris for a may have met beam most but that edsgeses laferaieties is met sesnessly availabis far uns byihe imeensissa.
The possisms adRear feind dist venidense of a===h=r of a esmeermed arram within 2 edias i
af an es& utihming 10 yams et pienemium oss adequais to enabhsh standing. He said, feBowes Nenhasm Samas Power Ca (Peddedor Aummic Plast), IAP 90w3,31 NRC.40, di (1990), that: "[F}ar en ergamlaamse is have aimedes k ammt sheer b$sry in fact to hs.
-- ' homens er to the imammst of '
membus.., who have aisherised k to act for desa. Whsse the ogsmassaan is daysmuss ape b@ry to the bassent of les mandass er apssessa to===hhd standhig. the organissue mest psowids wish ins psiisism -
1 i
l Idumiesatime of et Isast one museber er apommer who viu be b@med, a ~
'. of the mamme of that.
f injury, and an audiensanse for that orp=i==*w to sepassa that hulividual in the pseesseas. The henry in feet must he apunba whhim de=== ef issamms passasd by suases misens the presenhus. -
r C
An agassadan may est be mi hearvenst emises die amas of esmoorm k advensus an esasisies with hs orgmassaiemal purpses.
D A pensiemer must show "m$wy hi fast" h sudar w obtain namens However, the phrmas 3rsary in fact
* dess met bear he osdinary Enghsh meneming sud seisss to em injury that smay be possinds should a proposed,
* neden puoemed. Nar is k vaquised that as part of esus==ew f standing that a u
o pauuemar psave that injury will asemauy occur. h is ensuch to have seassemble younds for behavnes that k4ary may occur.
E Tbs " injury b fact" inst is the emme for fornial adjudicatism sad for Subpen 1. cases.
i I
i I
4 e w 4
~. ~
--i.-wu v.-e-4.
1 i
.I 4
F-71be predag einse admined na of semi enes of essars, poiming et est e paimmer ased -
aus even sisse a omsara, jet an ' ems er eenseraf One eres of sumssen, senseing to fees emuserning an
. as ensinded bassume thess uns as showing of j
ausged sitees d this esperusisut a naciser, "
w 7
any lessl basis for des alssa and k ens thessfue est geramens to the besses -
j O
When paimener fans to aly am any lagst smetensk to amen that a pseisst inspeepedy siska *uusisar
. emyben masmasseaingsu _.
- ans of omsers" thes b p is em peding -
r apphessima fw a heemse. -
Pushismus' ass vegebed to Ans e mysant for a sisy at the esent af their essa, esos though.
aufenamien selssem to their need fa a may may not be availshis to thest Osmusqmmely, the passiding efEser suvissed the miessia far assseing a may and defened aseian based a $m lisk of suissent hufenssian ovellside to iho Ph==
1 Poussemas' arysummes that they have e sight to a homing prier to the giussing af a lisease er
. eth =my=m to the omsmemmut af a special masrials besman, is asyssidy mahansas but =
l assenheises kupermissihis se a shabemos to the agemey's posedusal =falh Wlusi e psehise has been Elad wishout eqr formal mad $ssues that a imamming emist is remens.
J the time af esmaal assies issum whid timedimens is sashand is des ihne et asmal assimo then ihme is a -
bosasius estism psoding in whish a pesan may be pernumed to imaarvensu K
1hs $ stowing techniset hauss an disenssed. Nepaname, Amerisiusa, Plansmium; Dispania of
phneiam seush an - pi--
odel of.
12P#19 NOKneRN STATES POWER COhPANY (Pediander Aassaic Plant), Dedat h 34050%
MLA (AstAP k M399 01 ML) Olypadset Meissial IJssass k 22-08799 43); MATintIA12 IJ.
tWhamel whidsewal of sepsest for hessing, whish formed the esis basis for gsuming a hearing en an appl==ah to asnad a bypseenet materiallisease to "L-== power mesas huudings, seusves au justicishis Ismess befese the Pussidmg Of6ser and imings the presseding to an ed.
IAP # 20 PUBtJC 55RVICE COh0PANY OF NEW HAMPg80RE, et al. (Beshumsk Satism. Unies I and 2), Desket Nos M443 OL. 54444 OL (AstAP & BM710400) (Offaius Esmosesmay Ptsemus issues); OPERATING IJCEN" June 27.1990; MEMORANDUM AND mma (Pnilowing Pushmasing Cumfames)
12P N 21 tr. MARY MEDICAL CENTER-HOBART and sT. MARY MEDICAL CBNTER-GARY, Deskat Nes. 05431379-OM,014016154M (AstAP k 94612#0M)(EA 94071)(Oudar assynudag Beednytheory Aoiiviums and Modifyung i1=-=a) and POK111R MEMORIAL H0gPfTAL (Velysseise, Indisms), Desket Na OS4121340M (ASIAP k 94615-054M) (EA 94072) (C "
i Onier 8seremhas Beachytherapy Aaivisies and Madifying IJoense); SU5 PENSION OF AC11VH1ES AND i'
MODIFICA110N OF IJCEN5E; hois 26,1994, PRFJIEARING CONFERENm mrime (Defasst sad Tennemann of Respostive Puncesdags)
A la a PtahmsrLig Confames Oudar severning two,
.. the IJanasing Band (1) gases a jaims manian af au panise to ester for 30 days an univities in me pressmens, to aussuunsene esmismaat assaineisms, mid (2) gsmes the aquet of the only paiusmer for inservemma in the asher peesseding to wahdesw his sequest for a homins, das terunnseng that penssednis
-1AP M 22. CtRA1DRS OF Tile UNIVERSITY OF h0S$00RI. Desk Nas. ?4omno,3402273-MIA -
(AstJLP Na 94613 02 MLA) (Re: TRUMM Ptoject) (Bypsedust IJssass k 24-00513-32; Spesial
. Musleer Mansnals IJssass k SNM-247); MATERIA 1A IJCENSE AMENDMENT; June 29, 1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Addmans to die Pins)
A The pseudung of5ser sopiired the Siaff to canader a naar eiendesd for doesnessag the proper -
sessoas of a hearing als in a Subpart L cess pwousa ao 10 Cf.R. I1.1231.=
B in this Subpast L esse, involving mens of eensure selsted to fasm of serises hann to public esisty,:
the Piemeng Ofteer, esting passant to, supdsed the Staff to bisnele in the hessing sesud: - any NRC spent (instudug <==r-em geis and nadings of v6elensn) sad any.
baaween the NRC and I la==== suias ibe last 10 yeus, that *-.
cadd uy balisse to be suissent to may of ther admused suas of essern (se ases of esacara is a genessi esos that is est shasply dahmiend to speal6c weeds esad in descriteng the esmeern).
as t
c h
1 1
4 1
i l
DIGESTS ISSUANCE 8 OF DIRECTORS' DECISIONS DD941 FLIRIIM POWIR AND IJGTT COMI%NY (Tusey % Nuclear Osweating Plant, Units 3 and d),Ihdot Nas $4250,54251; REQUEST POR AC110N; Mane 22,1990 DIRECIOR'S DF41SION UNDER 10 C.FA 4 2.206 A
in this Anal Duarter's Decisien, the Duecser of Nuclear Ramesar Regulation aspeds ao maaining issues isA epen by Panist Duncaer's th= DDwS9-5,30 NRC 73 (1989), es wou as em=1 lasuse mised by Thomas L Separiis in two subpm Penisiens. The I%sitioner sequested that the NRC take cenain btunediate a6 time whh regant to Tesey Puies Nucisse Osnareting Plant, Unias 3 and d, aDesing as beams for his sequests that these had been sepsisals ogsinat enployees for reportmg safety concerns and a thiUing effect on sepaning safety conaeras as a susuk of discrunination and ha.
n that his unploynant had been advesesty aftened aner sugasma bi psosected activhy as denned in 10 C.F.R. 4 5a7. that the IJcenses and ha counsel acted bupuoperty in connectuut wish Petitioner's hearing befose the Departnent of 14bar, and that ihare had been a falsincetion and damnusim of documensa at the fecuity. For samaan, est fanh in the Psaition, the Duectar denies ths Petitanner*a sequeses.
D The ineutution of
; in suspanes to a sequest pursuere io 10 C.FA $ 2.206 is appropiate c
only when subsiersial heahh and enfay issues have been esised.
DS942 CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY (Big Rock % Plansk Dosars Na 54155; OPERA 11NO IJCINSE; May d,1990; DIRECTOR'S DFI2SION UNDER 10 C.F.R. 5 2.206 A
The Ibeciar of Nuclear Reecear Regulation dernes a Pethim, and ks ----
; Elad by loAnne Bear Beenum em behalf of Canesraad fhe for the Qiadevons Arre requestang that ths Nuclear Regulatory Censnusian esder t'
-- Power Carnpny to update and reuora ks Big Red Puint Plans to meet all curent esfety design and radanctive effluent criassia and to psahiba casammand apareuen easil such time as thase objectives as me. %s Ptsiuanars aDeged that the NRC and Censusness Power Company jointly have impseperly used easihens6: crheria and "gandfathenng" to defer ',
- tices of safssy cuiseria, nuultog in large re&nsceive - fruen Big Rock Paens; that Big Rock Point dass met asse cument NRC estesy standards; and that en envkunmental bepect massment is required for amunued apareuen of the facihty.
B The pnnciple is arndy estabhahed that perenns inay not uns 10 C.FA 51.206,
: for seconsideration of issues pnyviously decided.
C While the NRC is pachaded from taking cases inne accent in estabhahms or enfesting the sequisine i
level of adequese preescuan of the public haahh and esfety, canis bi devising er - -
; expainments that affasd preescisan above and bayend that level may be considered.
D he Natanal Envuesenensal Policy Act of 1969 does eat vapain amronmental knpoet staements i
for major federal actuus that preceded las effective date, l
De fallowing inchawal issues are docussed: Radwenie Symans; Radioactive Does to Wochess; l
Operating and Mairmensace Casas; ma - Weste Syman; Pree-Risk A=a===s; 14ml Disposal af law.tavel Wests.
DD 943 PACIHC OAS AND ElJiCfRIC COMPANY (Diablo Canyan Nuciair Power Plant, Unies I and 2), Dixist Nos. 54275.A. 54323-A; ANITTRUST; hans 14, 1990; D(RECIDR'S DECISION UNDER 10 C.F R 6 2.206 A
The Duectar e( the Of5ce of Nuclear Rascaer Regulation (NRR) has ruled upon a paitian Sled by the Nanhern California Power Agency (NCPA) sepassung that the NRC take canam mforcement actims l
29 l
.,1 i
asukut pts 4Ac Gus & Easseric Campany (pO&E; tw ansesey vialeing the emiserest Lmes + tw hs Dishio Canyon Nusisar Unies.
m assed apam a Fedust Disuise Comt's Anunen out ehm hfannome est has bem peevidad m 1
f ihn NRC, the Dunste he emanheded shot PG&E visissed die Diablo Caspen maisust haamse sendeses by afusing a provies sensin Californie einies penist mp=== mss =6dsesh pesar and -
C 70&E sino has visisind the senemas lisease enademas for em Diable Cemyan unies by inchuhng i
Isasuses in seri8s sind wish the Federal Emersy Basminisey Cemenssium PERQ dus puestade hassessed
panies foun m tha terms and omndeses of Wuns % home sesmissive pusvensus pueride PG&E 1
wkh an unfair advenues in he deslises weh eher power systems by forcing sham to aske enviss under whaesvar terms 70&E pouvides. Tbses psevisises ese h wth the bassa of the hommse M-l
-I sinas des pampass of Ussass Castian (9): is to moble W=1 disesenses baseous passies in serviss sehe& des and tedits to be suselved at PERC.
D ne following techniset issues me dessussed Refemals to psovide penist sequuumasas whannesle power and mamanissen servism; Radussis to pavide apnesynses servise edis&dus sud wm 4
1 i
o t
1 h
k i
s LEGAL CITATIONS INDEX CASES Abela v. Oustafsan, 888 F.2d 1258,12&344 (9th Or.1989) appheshuisy of Equal Aoses no Justace Act to formal pr==Av 'a ehemos of stammary seguiremens far such hearings: ALAB-929,31 NRC 289 (199Q 4
Action en Snding and liashh v. CAB,724 F.2d 211, 225 (D.C. (n.1984) eensinaction of waivan of savesup bienunky; A1AB-929,31 NRC 291 (1990)
Adidas v. Kane & Ca,398 U3.144,159 (1970) p.
afruisv9 support vapaised for summary disposition antims; 1RP-944, 31 NRC 67 (1990) y Alabama Power Ch (3assph M Farley Nuclear Plant, Units I and 2), ALAB-182,7 AEC 210,216-17 Q
.k seineria far admission of cassetians; 12P-904,31 NRC 92 0990) is Alabama Power Ca (Joseph M Fedey Nuclear Plars, Unas I and 2), AIAB-182,7 AEC 210,217 y
O y
for summary espuminon; LAP-944,31 NRC 66 a.6 (1990) p p Alabama Power Ca (Janspi M. Fadey Nuclear Plant, Units I and 2), (1J-81E,14 NRC 795,7M sf f
(1981) t
bunlan an movers for a stay; ALAB 928,31 NRC 267 (1990)
M weight give no irveparable in#ry factor in h
. suy notions; CLJM3,31 NRC 258 (1990) a Alhs LOeners! Nuclear servwes (Bernwell Fuel Receiving and Starsee Station), AIAB-328,3 NRC 420,
422 0 976) interest requisement fa standag to intervens; IEPWe. 31 NRC 89 n.3 (1990)
Andaraan v. IJhany Labby, Inc, 477 U.S. 242, 2450 (1986) bunten en opment of summary Aq-- C1JW3,31 NRC 239 a.28 (1990)
Association of Dets Pnrassms Service Organisations v. Camp,397 U.S.150,153 (19'70) showing necessary to estabhsh stan&ng to inearvae in NRC pnxeading; IEP-946,31 NRC 89 (1990)
AvaileMuty af Nnds for Payment of Intervenor Ancrney Fees - Nuclest Regulatory C 62 Camp Gen. 692 (1983) resenctaans on award of anameye' fass; ALAB-929,31 NRC 277 0990)
Bellati v. NRC,725 F.2d 1380 (D.C. Cir.1983) hearing sights an insterials licanes amendments; IAP-90-18, 31 NRC 570 (1990)
Bastan Edman Co. (Pilgrim Nalear Ounerating Stasian) DD.88 7,27 NRC 601, (07 (1988) probabihatic nsk.
requirement for licenses; IEP 946,31 NRC 113 (1990)
Bowles v. Willingham, 321 U.S. 503, 520 (1943) bearing aghts e aanmary suspmann enter; LEIA9417,31 NRC 543 (1990)
Duasness A Piofennonsi Panple for the Public Interest v. NRC,793 F.2d 1366 (D.C. Qr.1986) restncuans en award of anarneys' fees; ALAB-929,31 NRC 2710990)
Capaal Telephane Ca v. PCC,498 F.2d 734,738 a10 (D.C. Cir.1974)
- ~.E tmeirnent of esperate carparsie entities as one for purpme of agulatian; AIAB-931,31 NRC 368
.y a55 (1990)
Casohna Power and lieht Co. (Shesem llams Nuclear Power Plant), A1AB-837, 23 NRC 525,533 34 (1986); AIAB-843,24 NRC 200,204 (1986); AIAB-856, N NRC 802,805 (1986) content af appsDans bnefs; A1AB.926,31 NRC 9 0990) 31 h
l l
Camlina Poww and Usha Co. (Shanne liarris Nulser Power Plait, Uniu I and 2), AIAB-837,23 NRC,
ij 525, 544 0 986) laissbilny of chaDenen in Canuaissias ytem, 13P-946,31 NRC 103 (1990)
Ceuutar Mnbus Symans v. IOC,782 F.2d 182,20102 (DC Cir.1985) board emessuse to admit sunstmaal instiniany; AIAB-932,31 NRC 397 n.1010990)
Chemical Wome Managenant, Inc. v, EPA, 873 F.2d 1477,1482 (D.C. Chr.1989) -
sond fa farinal hearing em amiassis licamms susponimi; AIAB-929,31 NRC 285 (1990)-
i Ouvien, U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Dalenas Comicil, Inc., 467 U.S. 837 0984) saanunauen of lesimistive hisiwy to denarians sinunory innant; AIAB429,31 NRC 383 0990) -
Oncinneel Oss and Elecidc Ca (William IL Zinator Nuciser Power Susion, Unk 1), AIAB-777,17 NRC
.l 760,770, Til (1983) impananse of secuency hi evacuatieu tune estunsins; C13-90 3,31 NRC 240 (1990) '
Cincinnati Oss and Eissisic Co. (WiDiasn IL Zanmar Nuclear Power Sission Unk 1), AIAB.777,17 NRC -
t 760,775 0M3) basis far hasunne misirm em suergency,,
-- AIAB-932,31 NRC 389 (1990) e Cinesansti Oss and Elecine Ca (Wilham IL Zanmar Nucasar Power Station), IAP-8414,11 NRC 570 OMO) f asely enquised.
,al emisisace as good eeuse for less filing; 13P-945,31 NRC 8481 0 990)
Oty of Wet Odcago v. NRC,701 F.2d 632 Odi Cir.1983) no siadficant hasards considasation for manadals basses aniendmanes;12P 9418,31 NRC 572,5N -
Oty of Wat Mira9e v. NRC,701 P.2d 632,641 (7th Or. IM3), afr Kser McGee Casp (West a
Chicago Rose Earths Pacility), C1182 2,15 NRC 232 0982) need far fornist bearing en snsterists licanas suspesamt; AIAB-929,31 NRC 383 (1990).
'g Clrveland Elmaric lumainating Ca (Perry Nuclear Power Plant. Uniu I and 2) AIAB443,6 NRC 741, 753 0 977) burden en peuponent of sununary deposition snoeira; ISP-44,31 NRC 67 (1990) develand Elssade lihar,inating Co. (Pury Nuclear Power Plass. Uniu I and 2), ALAB-443,6 NRC 741, 754 (1977) burdat on opponen of senmary espasinen; 12PM17,31 NRC 542 n.5 0990)
Osveland Electric lumnineting Co. (Peny Nuctsar Power Plam, Uniis I and 2), AIAH-675,15 NRC 1105, 1113 0 982) sequest is suorneys' fees as cause for 6sessuanary insarlocutary soview; A1AB 929,31 NRC 779 0 990)
Osveland Elastric Ilhaninsting Ca (Peny Nuclear Poww Plars, Uniis I and 2), ALAB-8206 22 NRC 743,'
746 at (1985) showest abset irreparabis injury, far grens of a suy; AIAB-928, St NRC 2de 0990)
Omveland Elsanc IUuninstag Co. (Perry Nuclear Puner Plant, Units I and 2), ALAB-820,22 NRC 743, 748 n.20 (1985) speculmism shout accideas as inopershie injury far purpnse of obtanmg a may; C1JW3,31 NRC '-
. j3 259-60 (1990)
Oeveland Elecine IHeninating Ca (Pary Nuclear Power Plant, Uniu 1 and 2), C1JM7,21 NRC 233
<t (1986), aff'd sub man Ohio v. NRC, 814 F.2d 258 (6th Cir.1987)
.4 Oeveland PJactdc Ilhaninsting Co. (Perry Nuclest Power Plant, Uniss l'and 2),12P 81-24,14 NRC 175,
.j secpenug a sesord, mandards far,13P 90 l,31 NRC 210990) i 181 85 0 981) evidentiary m,ppet rapiired of contsnuan at admanian sues; ISP-946,31 NRC 92 n.10 (1990)
Cantam, Inc. v. Runkel. 722 F, Supp 1442,1451 (E.D. hEch.1989) membenhip basis in mublish standing of an oogenization; 13P-9416,31 NRC 514 n.5 (1990) i t
33 1
4 I
i f
f 4
e i
Camammakh han Ca (Basidwood Nuciser Pimw $wien, Units I and 2), CU%8,23 NRC M1 l
0 966) weight arvan to feman Gi) and Ov) hi desnaining adminibihty of law-filed -
12P 941, =
31 NRC M 0990)
Cannenwashh lidman Ca (Baidwand Nucisar Power Susion, Uniu I and 2), CU48,23 NRC M1, '
M4 0906) apphcebikiy of Swfacier inst for Isse fihnes to infunnat procendags; 1AP 943,31 NRC 51 (1990)
Commumeshk Edison Ca (CarreB Casey Sas), A1AB401,12 NRC 18. M (1980) l^
scape af ismas heisahls in opasims homas ausmdens pr--Aap IDP 904,31 NRC 910990)
Cannsbemed Edman Co. of New Yak Ondian Paint, Unk 2), QJ-74-23,7 ABC M7,95152 (1974) isuses appupuises far post-basang "- by Staff; QJM3,31 NRC 231 sLil 0990).
edw Edissa Co. et New Yak Ondisa Paini, Unh 2),12P 83 25,15 NRC 715,736 (1982)
, hemis to subbah siendung af an esganssatimi; 13P-9016,31 NRC 514 a.5 (1990)
Cassei.dsud Edessa Co. of New Yak M= Psa, Unies 1,2 and 3), CU 75 8,2 NRC 173,176 I
0 975) seasdad for inisissian of show esmse.
. : DD941,31 NRC 3310990)
Cas-N FJimen Co. of New Yak (Indian Pains, Unks 1,2, and 3), CU-75-8,2 NRC 173,175 -
0 975) eosps of biasshis issues in anses of shacessian sview; 12PMl7,31 NRC 54243 n.5 0990)
Camelidasse Edison Co. v. NtJta,305 U.S.197,229 (1938) of "subsinniial" es appland to evidence; 1AP 9017,31 NRC 557 (1990) :
r-Power Co. (Big Red Nu61sar Pisis), AIAB-636,13 NRC 312,319 0981) =
s sospe of envbummental soview of ersating bcones amendment; 1RP'9016,31 NRC $37 0990)
Consensa Power Co. (Mased Plant, Uniu i and 2), ALAB 123,6 AEC 331,345 (1973) busden of posar and Innden of poing forward bi licensing c
_ - AIAB-926, St NRC 15 0 900)
Cassenes Power Ca. (hEdnand Plant, Uniu I and 2k AIAB 395,5 NRC 772,185 0977) burden of psont is show paimes for a say; 1 AIL 9018,31 NRC 575 (1990) i Consensus Puwer Ca (hEdend Plant, Umu I and 21 A1AB458,7 NRC 155,15440,169 70 (1978)
'5 lissnes asihonsataan while nanand Pnnmedass and snanimia ass Pandas; QJ#3,31 NRC 230.'
0 990) e
--- Power Ca (bEdnand Plans, Units 1 and 2), A!AB434,13 NRC 96,98 (1981) abbasumi et appsel baseds to accept safened rulings; ALAH-929,31 NRC 278 0990) l Consumers Power Co. (Edised Plant, Unias I and 2L CU 73 38,6 AEC 1082 (1973).
l abuse of discianum sendard, lap 9417,31 NRC 544 0990)
Consumers Power Co. (bEdnand Plant, Unies I and 2), CU-73-38,6 AEC 1082, los3 M 0973) hensies tishis en meesnals hamnes oneenmens; A1AB-929,31 NRC 288 0990)
Conseners PWwer Co. (EBand Plant, Unies I and 2), CU 73-38,7 AEC 12 (1973) ocupe of heigabis issues in abuse of disaation aview; 12P-9417,31 NRC 542-43 n.5 (1990)
Consenes Power Ca (Ednand Plant Units I and 2), CU-74 3,7 AEC 7,910 A a.6 0F74)
hessiss nighas an maisnans beanse suspensums; A1AB 929,31 NRC 288 (1990)
Cosnanas FWwer Ca (ERand Plani, Units I and 2k lap 4243,16 NRC 571,5710982) newly arising inferinstian as good couss for lais interventian; 13P-945,31 NRC 79 (1990)
Duke Pouw Co. (Amansbusse to Maamists Usense SNM 1773 - Transponmian of Spast Post inen.
Oconso Nuclast Saeeien for Stange en bicGuue Nucisar Station), A1AB-528,9 NRC 146.1510979) nwriis demanninanens at samentimi ashnissian maget 13PM6,31 NRC 92 0990)'
Duke Power Ca (Catawbe Nuciser Station Unns I and 2), AIAB-687,16 NRC 460 0982), sev'd in part en other grounds, QJ43-19,17 NRC 10410983) sisadant for -
af aloned ruhnen; A1AB-929, St NRC 719 (1990) j Duke Power Ca (Caiawte Nuclear siation, Uniu I and 2), QJ-13-19,17 NRC INI (1983) five facter assi for senissimi of lasernled causnaions apphed to manions to suspen; 12P 941,31 NRC 210990) d 33 a
I' i,
' :)
CAS63 Ikke Power Cu. (Cauwbs Scisar Station, Uniu I and 2h CU-8319,17 NRC 1041,1048 50 0983) i tanslesse el e to napan; CU 946. 31 NRC 447 0990)
Enester Reis v. INS,838 F.2d 1030 (96 Or.1988) apybenbanisy of Equal Aesses to Juanse Act to formal psuccedmse is obsenes of anaeusory sequuentant for such hearings; AIAR-929,31 NRC 359 (1990)-
Ewirs v. Mytinger & em.m,- y,339 UJ. 594 (1949) -
beenna sighu a pngsristy of an eeninistsatin decis' inn; 1AP 9417,31 NRC 543 sL8 0990)
Ewing v. Mytinger & Caes1 henry, Inc., 339 U.S. 594, 599 0950) -
eiseummeness apprepnais fer sansnary luonas suspenmen; IAP-9417,31 NRC 544 (1990)
Eum Nelser Co. (Nuclear Fust Recovery and Recychng Centerk LBP 77-59,6 NRC 518 0777) ~
pimindty to fecuny es basis for *r IAP 943,31 NRC 42 (1990)
Fehey v. Manmes,332 UJ. 245,253 0947) circumsteness apprepnene for susumary bcones suageuian; 1AP 9417,31 NRC 544 0990) l Mest Neuenal Beak of Arisans v. Osias Service Ca,391 US. 253,2ML90, seh's denied 393 UJ. 901, 0 968) showing asmsesty for grant of maiunary espaseian; IAP-944,31 NBC 67 0990) t Haside Power and IJaht Co. (St. Imcas Ncler Power Nat, Unit 2), AIAB404,5 NRC 1185, llM (1977) decimiansankhts pnsens in sensiderene of sharnative site; AIAB428,31 NRC 268 0990)
Neide Power and IJaht Ca (St Imcie Nucisar Power Nat, Unit 2), AIAB-579,11 NRC 2Zl,226 0 980) dannitami of **-hta manus"; AIAB-930, 31 NRC 346 (1990) -
Hasids Power and IJaha Co. (Twkey Pant Nuclear Gunarating Sunan, Units 3 and 4), IAP 8114,13 NRC 677,684-85 0981) scope of evbesesnial suview of opssating liusnas amenenans; IAP 9416,31 NRC 537 (1990)
Onneslur & Aadier Ca v. Sunen,687 F.2d 1067,1074 04 Cir.1982) need for fwnial hearing on matenals heense suspenamn; AIAD 929,31 NRC 286 0990)
Ossem v. Heskler,746 F.2d 844, 852 (D C. Or.1984) -
standasd for great of writ of snandamus; CU 943,31 NRC 229 0990) i Osweste v, Of6ce of Personnel ".
. 308 F.2d 14%,146546 (Fed. Or.1986) subsuntial justinentia sundaed for )dicial soview of &acauenary shnuusemiive asenes; 1AP 9417, 31 NRC 545 stil 0990)
Osnaral Pubhc Utihne Nuclear Carp. Ghree h Island Welear Station, Unit 1), AIAB 881,26 NRC 465, 473 0 987) standesd for sujection er me&ficatim af heensing board fuulmss; AIAB-936,31 Mtc 13 (1990)
Osnarel Pubhc thihties Welser Corp. (Thes E Island Sclear Sutim, Unit 2) AIAB 914,29 NRC 357, 361 0 989) biarde of pseef w show grounds for a suy; LDP 9418,31 NRC 575 0990) showins, ehemas irseparehle bijury, for grant of a stay; AIAD-928,31 NRC 288 0990)
Osasral Fuldee Utilisie Nuclear Camo. (11use h Island Nelear Station, Uniu I and 2; Oyseer Creek -
Weiser Osnarseng Sessian), CU-854,21 NRC 561,563 (1985)
:g ase of 2.306 presseau as a vehicle for secensideration: DD-942,31 NRC 467 (1990)
Omargia Power Co. (Yegtis Electric Osnerating Nat, Umu I and 2), AIAB-872,26 NRC 127,13132 0 987) penahy far failure to heist claims en aweal; ALAD426,31 NRC 9 0990)
Gulf Sisees thilines Ca (kiver Band Susien, Umis I and 2), AIAB444,6 NRC %0,76649 0977)'
l right of ineuemed state to eeyt coniantions of withdrawing interwner, IAP 9412,31 NRC 431 0 990) -
i Oulf Smas Utihnss Ca ("ivw Band Sution, Uniu I and 2), AIAB 4el,6 NRC %0,796 0977) i seliance en enesher party to supreset one's interesu as good cause fa less L -
: LAP 945, 31 NRC 80 (1990) l 4
l 1
i l
m __
1 i
. CASES linke v. United Sesia, 869 F.2d 531,534 36 (9th Cir.19s9) appbcability d lispaal Acoms to Annce Act to femal proceedings in steenes of enamnery sequusment fu auch bearings; ALAB429,31 NRC 2s9 (1990).
Hankh mM Onny v. Kanedy,82 FA.D. 21 (DAC.1979)
"'; bens to emblish samdang of an sugam a-taPM16,31 NRC Sie n.5 (1990)-
llauman IJohting and Power Ca (Anew Creek Nunear Omnersting Statian, Unit I), A1AB-590,11 NRC 542, 548 0 980) mains deuruunatanus at somentusi eenissian sage; 12P.906,31 NRC 92 0990)
Haineen IJslains and Power Ca (AEew Cseek Nuclest Gunmenns Statian, Unit 1), ALAB 59411 NRC 542, 550 0 9so) pures of siseenery durade IAPM4,31 NRC 67 (1990)
-l llauman IJghting and Power Ca (Saudi Teams Project Uniu I and 2K A1AB-549,9 NRC 664,64849 l
0 979) weight give to delay ed Iw=ndeing of isman in daierndning law inuevenian pasmens; tal'945, 31 NRC 42 0990) t l:
llauman LJohting and PW Ca (5euth Tesas Pio)ect, Uniu I and 2), A1AB.199,21 NIIC 360 0985) effest of a pony's withdrewel en heigstion ef ba canisations; LEP#12,31 NRC 430 0990)
.j i
Haumsa tJohting and Power Co. (5outh Tesas Psoject, Unisa l and 2), ALAll.799,22 NRC 360,370 75 OM5) baisabihay of sheracter of beernes far platanian peacessag and fust fabrication plant; IJPM10,31 NRC 2F10990) liauman IJoining and Power Ca (senh Tsaas Piojast, Uniu i and 2),13P 8413,19 NRC 659,669 79 l
0 984)
I heigabihty of character of hcenses for plaundian piecessing and fust fabncenan plans; IAPM10,38
NRC 297 0990) liunt v, Washingian Suas Appio Adverunng C 1432 U.S. 333,343 0971) manhesehy basis to subhah manding of an organisation; 1.BIA90wl6. 31 NRC $14 e65 (1990),
laispendent Bankers Associamen v. Banni d Govenues, 516 F.2d 1206,1213-14 (D.C. Cir.1975) esanananen of losimienve history in daarmine mannory intes; ALAB 929,31 NRC 283 0990)
Inland limpus Det Council v. Millas,325 U.S. 697 0944) bearing agies en propriety of an eeninisustive deciaian; ISPW17,31 NRC 543 at (1990) kuus v. run 792 F.2d $21 (9di Cir.1986) -
e EIS and._
' aassamment aquirenants for maimials hcense -
. IJP 9418,31 NRC 569 0 990)
Kansas Ons and IGestric Ca (Wolf Cask Osnareung Sution, Unit 1), ISP-8417,19 NRC 378, 886 -
0 984) previously avainsble infernutian eut is newly acquised by inservenor as good cause for las filias; 3
13P 945,31 NRC 79 (1990) 1 Kansas Oss and luscaric Ca (Wolf Cesak Omereung Station, Unh 1),13P 8426,20 NRC 53,6162 (1984) l innaes appropriais for pan-hosnng venohaien by Staff; CtJM3,31 NRC 231 a.ll 0990) 7 l
Kansas Oss and IGecord Ca v. Brock,780 F.2d 1505 00ih Cir.1985h can. daied,478 U.S.1011 0 986) preencium of 6_ _,' yes fann roulistian by bcensee; 12P 945,31 NRC 78 0990)
Imwie v. Unined Sisies,445 U.S. 55,60 09:0) sianing pairs fa mamanary beerpsenation; AIAB 929,31 NRC 282 0990)
IJclear v. United Sunes,334 U.S. 742 0947) hearing sigina en propsisty of an administrative decisim; 1RPel7,31 NRC 543 at 0990)
IJenanck Esehqsy Acisen v. NRC,869 F.2d 719 04 Cir.1989)
admianbihty of...
tal coussion dealing with greater-ihan design-basis accidsmas; 12P 946, 31 NRC 111 (1990) i I
35 1
lamwh4 laeaney Aaum v. NRC. 869 F.2d 719 0,4 Or.1969) i lausshinny of ew* :
- la eyes fuel pad esen&nas
;; QJ 944,31 y
NRC 3M (1990)
Img leland LJohime Ca (Sheehme Nucler Power Sininen, Unh 11 C1Jul3. 34 NRC 22 (1966) siendeed for danstmuung edsguacy of enerysrty plannuis; QJM2,31 NRC 202,217 (1990) kag laland LJohnns Ca (Sharsham Nedser Poww Sinnen, Unk ik AIAB-743,18 NRC 387. 396 eL37 (1983) lost d hommes sesehenen as gnad some far less-rned iniarvennen psianun; 12P45,31 NRC 7f (1990) tag Idend 1)gleing Ca (Sheehan Nudent Power Sisnm, Unk ik AIAB 788,20 NRC 1102,1859 (1964) issues appngmens le pani 4menng sesehnien by Sistf; QJ#3,31 NRC 231 ali (1990)
Img Island LJohung Ca (Sheehan Neeler Power Session. Unh Ik A1AB g3L 23 NRC 135, l$1 (1966), sev'd in pan en seher pseunds, QJ-87 It 36 Nhc M3 (1987) =
inevener evidense seassdag imeder sale abnedssonen insidfbess banese k found to enshhsh then wald mas be the munimien aanbut af inaches tausend le pseps supsmana; AIAh 932,31 NRC 406 eL130 (1990) las laland IJehnns Ca (thesehen Nuelser Poww Sunum Unk ik A1AB 83% 23 NRC 135.1M57 (1966), ofrd, QJ 4712, 26 NkC 383. 396 99 (1987) selevenes of psehshdity of i,
d a posinctive asiaan is desernmannen of wimaher amargenry P anning shhesiums have been inas; QJWS 31 NRC M6 (1990) l 1mg leland IJohning Ca (Sheehan Nualear Power Sunen. Ush Ik A1AB 901,28 ?*RC 302,306, j
mview dachand. QJ St-il. 30 NRC 00S 0908) of "assenehle nosas" ALAB 930,31 NRC 346 (1990)
Img laland (Johnns Ca (Sherchen Neder Pirwar Sieuan, Unh 11 A1AB-902,28 NRC 423,429, sevow darlued. QJ 46-il,28 NRC tio (1968)
Ikunsing bord eunumty la dienies panies in infusceied preendanes; A1AB 927,31 NRC 140 (1990)
Img Island IJohnns Ca (Shm hsen Nanser Power Sunen, Unk 1), AIAB-903,28 NRC 499. 506
(1988) fundomsnul fase mandasd for kdams adaputy of emagency plans; 12P41,31 NRC H n34
(1990) lang taland IJohung Co (Sharsham Nanear Poww Sunan. Unh Ik A1AB 911,29 NkC 347,254-55 (19e9)
IWS netweak es sneens of malfymg pblic of endeslogssal emercancy, sehawe mi; 13P#t. 31
NRC 27 (1990)
Img talend lashnns Ca (Sheehan Nudear Power Stenum, Umt 1), C1Jull. 23 NRC $77. HI (1966) fundammuel how eiendasd far odraissian d anargency esercias eenimaisms; CLl#3,31 NRC 22s i
(1990) 1 Img laland lighains Ca (Sherehen Nualer Poww Sunan, Unit ik QJ413. 34 NRC 22,30 (1966) annunum dose envises er eveauenen inne im 174 mand to poses; QJ 96131 NRC 340 (1990) las Island IJslaans Ca (Shasham Nanear Power Sunen, Unh th QJ413,24 NRC 22,31 (1986) besiduna assumpinan opphed in eine panicipanon in energency suspisies when suu has mes parucipsied in amusenry pianning.13PMI. 31 NRC 42 (1990) lang taland lashung Ca (Sharsham Nudeer Power Sunan, Unh Ik QJ-99,1. 29 NRC 89,9194 (1989) l efrulevies and snenerial aggwning manus to senpsn; 13P 94th 31 NRC 444 (1990)
l las Island LJslaing Ca (Sharsham Nunear Pows Sinnen, Unit ik C1JW129 NRC 211 (1989)
ISS suswask as sneans of naifying pec of neologiset emagency nhame en;13PMI. 31 t
i NRC 27 (1990) i tag taland IJ hung Ca (Sheeham Nudest Power Sunan, Unk ik 13P-g3-37.18 NRC 445. 573 74 l
ti9:3) i prolehihene ed esassement rapdroment la heenning; 13P44. St NRC 113 (1990)
34 i
r i
l I
i I
l CAS63 lag taland LJ ming Co (Sheelme Nudeur Pt. war Sunen, Urs l),12P-64 53,30 NkC 15310964)
Inanse omharisenes while semend panesduw and meuwe es pendas; QJW3,31 NkC 230 0 980) l tag leland 14deang Ca (beeham Nudent Pows siensan Unk 1), tap-g7 36,26 NRC 301,304, seems doenen desmed, 137 87-29,26 NRC 302 0987) soplass to suspesas to newnery espashaan sneums; 1AP 944,31 NRC 63 e 3 0990) l Lag lanand 14elems Ca (sheeham Nedser Power Sinnen, Unk 11 IDP-ts N,28 NRC 311 (1968) fauen of intervener to edeses snano et decisien en BBS naswask as sanns of susifyiss public of sedialesiset energency; 1AP#1,31 NRC 27 a.34 0990) l l
tarim v. NRC,712 F.2d 1472 (pc Cu.1983h ov'd en seher grounds,470 U.S. 730 i==dae nehms em sneesrule lassmas amanensues; 1AP-94tl, St NkC 570 0 990) l Imie.ene power and IJoht Ca (wmarfeed sesem Elmetric Sienen, Unit 3), A1AE 797,21 NRC 6,8 j
l 0 985) t i
es(enition et **seensushne hasus"l ALAB-930,31 NRC 346 0990)
Lauienne Power and 14sle Ca (Weissfad Suom Eisseric Sienen. Unh 3). QJul. 23 NRC 10946) soupunke e semese, mandsnis far, IAP-901,ll NRC 210990)
Weihen 00 Co. v. EPA,364 F.3n 1253,1363 (9th Or. IFf7) need fu fersmal hearing am swinnals twenn suspensien; AIAB 929,31 NRC 383 0990)
Masseehmous v. NRC,878 F.2d 1516,1521 Ost Gr 1989) heenas mehes en spesning hierne emsnenenu; 1APMl5,31 NRC SO4 (1990)
Masseeluseus v. Unhed Siseen,456 F.2d 378 0968) best-effans assunymen appland so same panicipation in enerssney sospanse when otees has est perusipsied is amusency pasaning; 12P#1, al NRC 42 0990) -
Maihows v. Eldnden 434 U.S. 319,33F35 0976) formal heerhqps mandeied by due proieme seedemness; ALAB.929,31 NRC 301 m.14 0990)
Wing.aluen liesen ca Chese khne latend Nanser Sunei Unit 1), QJ.03 22,18 NRC 399,302, 307 05 0 903)
Inadequacy of messecy suspe as wommentien despou anapaneswy munewes, AIAS 932,31 NRC i
385 a.38 (1990)
Mangialisse FAsan Ca Ohne Was Islend Nanuar tune, Unit 1), QJ 64-17,30 NRC $01,804 0964) burden en snaves les a easy; AIAB 928,31 NRC 367 (1990)
Musissipgd Power and IJoht Ca (Orend Gulf Nunear Sienen. Unit I), A1AB-704,16 NRC 1725,.1730 0 982) l parnoularuy seqused of monas to suuren; LAP 941,31 NRC 35 0990)
Manusippi Poww and lasht Ca (Orand Outf Nwlear Sutum, Uniis I and 2), A1AB.130,6 Alic 423, 436 0973) detail seguimd far bens et centenue senissian mase; 12P-904,31 NRC 92 0990)
Mmusarid Power and 14sht Ca (Orend Outf Nalent Sution, thdis I and 2), ALAB.704,16 NRC 1725, 1730 (1982) bwden en intervenien peuunnes in ebeenne of gead esuee fu low faing,13PMS,38 NRC 76 -
0 990)
NAD Pagernes, Inc.,799 F.2d 736,732 Olih Or.1966) sharehnnder cenwel of 4 carparetian; ALAB-931,31 NRC 364 n46 0990)
New Yisk v. NRC,550 F.2d 145,75657 (2d Or.1977) speculenas ehem necedonis as ineparabis irjay for pwpree of otaaining a moy; QJM3,31 NRC 259 4 0 (1990)
Niasma Mdawk Pown Cap (Num Mas Pamt Nalent tunas, thdt 2), AIAB-364,1 NRC M7,357 -
(1975) standard fa sejsetian or auwkficenen of licensm8 luard findmas; A1AB-936,31 NRC 13 0990)
Nanhern Indans Public serv 6cs Ca Otailly Generanns $6anan, Nuclear 1), A1AB 303,2 NRC 858,866 0 975) waaht given to views of recognised espons en imarnan behaviar la emergencies; ALAB-932,31 NRC 398 a.l(D 09#0) 37 F
l i
q i
Nenhore indene Public Servue Co. (Bouly Go.orenns Susan Nticlear ik ALAB 3@,2 NRC $54,967 0 975) weight given by aggeal luneds to lawshe kant findangs, AIAB 9E, St NRC 13 0 990)
Nunheen ladiens Puhlw Servko Ca (Beilly Omereing Sunan, Nuclear 1), CLJ 78-7,7 NkC 429,43132 l
(1978) eptuohihty of APA sectean 354 in sweenals bsmas suspenslan poweedange. A1AB 929,31 NRC 284 (1990)
Nariheen Swiss Pt. wor Ca (Penhfinder Assens pnera), LAPM),31 NRC 40,410990) eiendans to intervene la informal puendings; 1APMit,31 NkC 565 0990)
I NRDC v. NRC,606 F.2d IMI (DC. Dr.1979) beating nights en noisrists lismes asunensens;IAP#tt,31 NRC $70 0990)
Nual or lasinsonna Co. (Shafriend, lumeis latmel Redmoeuve Wesu Dugnaal Sas) QJ-79-6,9 NRC t
673 0 979) hearing sights am sie.esues assess, IAPWl7,31 NkC $44 ILIO (1990)
Nucient Regulenary Cenemomen Gaemasse Auihasised to Passess a Tsenspot Busingle Queniniss d Special Nuclear Meieriens), CLJ 77 5,5 NRC 16,17,20 a6 0977) detent to marre paynoni en pm en.1 ensemanen men w e oid m emonien.a by l
Cenenessim er feasual issues k may leier laws to soview; 1APMlf,31 NkC See sL10 0990)
Opp Malls v. Aerdnesusier d Wege & Iluur Divieian, Sl2 UK iM 0940) beanas mehu em smyriesy of en eennesuouve emoisien,1AP#if,31 NRC $43 eL8 0990)
Owens v. Brest,640 F.2d 1363, lH6 (enh Chr.1968) emmaussion of weiven of envoeyi inanunky; ALAR-929,31 NRC 290 0990)
Oysieruhs0 Athenes v. NkC 800 F.2d 1201 (DC. Or.1986) t hamnae siehenaeuen whas unend parendener and sneues ese pendug: QJDS,31 NkC 230 0 990)
Pacife Oss and Inertr6c Co. (Diablo Canym Naciser Power Plant, Unlis I and 2), ALAB-776,19 NRC 1373, 1379 (1964) beeis for bosname deciaisei e emergewy preparaenses; AIAB 932,31 NRC 389 0990)
Pacifs Oes md nortne Ch. Chahno Canyim Nuenest Power Pners, Unite I and 2), ALAB 752,20 NRC 838,542e41h 0964) opgaal buard brudutum to muensin meauens to soupe; AIAll 930,31 NRC M4 0990)
Pacific Oss and lancinic Co. Chablo Canym Nuclear Power Plant Unies I and 2), C1J&l2,24 NRC 1, 6 m.3 0966k sev'd in pen em esher gnmends, Een leis Ohispo Mathese fur Peses v. NRC,799 F.2d 12h8 (9th Cir.1966) purpme of no significent lueerde semandesonen denarminsnen; 1APD6, St NRC 910990)
Pennsylveme Power end 1ight Co. (Susquehanns 8 earn IGeswis Sunen, Unha l and 2), ALAB 148,6 Alic 64% 643 es2 0973) suftwinney of puhnsen,ei in Fedent Reguiar to pus buervenese en nanos obma propmed ecnun; IAPMS,31 NRC 79 0920)
Pennsylvens Power and 1.ight Ca (sungasharva Eeaman 80essric Sunen, Unks I and 2), A1AB-ee3,16 NRC 952,955-510942) enniani et appensis bness, AIAB 926,31 NRC 9 (1990)
Phundalphie Decenc Ca Garneriek Generanns Bunan, Uniu i and 2), AIAB Sit 27 NRC 681,105-06
09851, eff'd in pan and soview aherwee duchned, C1J%5,23 NRC 125 (1986), surneded in pen en enlur sammes sub muss timerisk Eeulasy Action, Inc. v. NRC,649 F.2sl fit Od Cir.1989) docuenents twmang enne au ena
-' vesend of desman; A1AB 9M,31 NRC 17 m,78 0990)
I n
WDedsiphia Doctric Ca Gimerick Omnmenrg Stenan, Unha 1 and 2), A1AB-836,23 NRC 479,456 0 966) ennuncy sequimd of evecuenas unos consnaus, AIAB-932,31 NRC 408 0990) i i
Phandelptua Elastric h GAmerk& Osnarenig Sunnn Units I and 2), A1AB-836,23 NRC 479,487 0 956)
ecrepuhuity and adequacy of hesnnes survey d speculneeds peulenans; LAP #12,31 NRC 433 1
38 l
l l
I l
l l
l-t n,
1 a
i h
M Mr a Desenc Ca (LJmend Omenues Sena Unas 1 and 2), AIAB 8%,23 NRC 479,40495 a
i OM6) eesspeewthy of puedmove fmange and pan-hannre eerifwenen et fanselease and bnplomanamnen of i
muergency plans, CLJ 943,31 NRC 2310990)
PWindsiplus lassens Ca (LJmond e
. Sunan, Unas I and 2h AIAB MS,24 NRC 230, M4 I
(19M) i answery equised af ensunnen tems asusmeiss; A1AB-932,31 NRC 408 0990)
Niedmirina Elssenc Ca (Peneh Beause Aissaic Power tienna, Unks 2 and 3), A1AB-216,8 Alic 13, l
i 20 21 (1974) eesps of issues knigshls in opsmung homas emmemme pressness; 1AP-904,31 NRC 910990) i F P Newspapesa, Inc. v. NRC,777 F.2d 1895,1302 (D C. Cir.19M) i senese that daisnnines whseher en esshe mousd hannns is segubed; ALAB 929,31 NRC 282,283 j
283 U.S. Set,3%, $97 0930) hensing ashes en summary suspuman esder, IAP*l7,31 NRC $43 0990)
Piano v. Underweed, 487 U.S. Ono,108 8. CL 000,1011.14 3d #0 0988) t sidenenual Jesunene standesd for )adesist soview d i.
; admmesmouve asians, IAP#17, 31 Nhc H5 all 0990)
Pimiss County Cherier of the tsad Wahan laamse af Amenes, Inc. v. NRC, en6 F.2d IM3, IM8 a.12 (D.C. Chr.1979)), east denied,448 U.S.1132 (1985) mand te furnal hearing en maisnels Esssse suspeaksi; AIAB 929,31 NRC 264 0990)
Posdaad Geeral Blaserie Co. (Pohble Spares Nuclear Plani, Uniu I and 2) CU427,4 NkC 610, 613 14 (19 % )
esasspis of mandus applied in NRC pe===&=ig; 1AP-944,31 NRC 89 (1990) i Punised Osment Enssine Co. (Tnisa Nusisar Plam), AIAB $31,9 NkC 363,271.'M 0979) emeeni of indensat speo6Aceness; 1APW15,31 NkC S05 0990)
Nedend Omneral tussiric Co. (frujen Nimiser Man). AIAB-SM,9 NRC 287. 289 90 a6 0979) t empo of issues langable k; speoung hennes amenenes pausedug; 1AP#4,31 NRC 910990) t Pn. jars Managenen Omer (Qinsh River Basader Reesec; *ian,3, AIAR-354,4 NkC 363. 39192 0976) i effest of a pany's withdrowal en husanas of hs :
* 1AP#12, St NkC 430 (1990)
Pubhc nervise Ca of ineens (Marble Hdt Noelear Osnarsiing Samu,,? Unha 1 and 2), A1AIIL316,3 NRC 167,170 (19%)
eespe of issues hugehne in opereung !===s unenenom pn=eseas; 13 944, si NaC 910990)
Puhlac Servies Ca et ineens (Marhis ibli Nuclear Gemeenns Sienan, Unies 1 en, th ALAB405,5 i
i NRC tito, lit 2 (1977) sceaulesd far pres of demanansry inledanuiery serieur, AIAB 929,31 NRC 278 0990); A1AB-931, St NRC 360 0990) tesis for emersies of dueriod cornfuenan einhaniy; AIAB 933,31 NRC 498 (1990)
Puhhc $srvies Ca et ineens (MarWe Ilill Nucimer Omusenns Saene, Unies I and 2h AIAB437,6 NRC 00,04 0977) weigle give to inaps ehle inkry claim whee ehermedve oss essaanuen is heise ymound, A1AB-928, St NRC 268 0990)
Puhhc Servios Ca of Ineens (Marbis lii" Nuclear Osneroung Sunsa, Unsis 1 and 2), AIAB461,'l NRC 313,318 0978) nesses appseynnie fe prai hearing H-i by Staff; QJ 943,31 NRC 231 eLil 0990)
Puhhc Servies Ca of New fleer.pdiin (senhoud Sunan Units I and 2), ALAB-883,27 NRC 43,49 (1988)
Av+fector east fm admmman of leiefined emnissaksu apphed to inanass to sospen; 1APM1,31 NRC 28 0990)
PuWic &arvin Ca of New IlampMm (Seahn,4 Sunan, Uniu I and 2), A1AB 915,29 NRC 427,432 0 909) merenas a secasd. mandards far, ISPM1, St NRC 210990) f 39 l
i I
I n
h l
CA56:8 Puer nama Ca of New llempshue (neebaud Sunnn, Urum 1 and 2), A1AB 916,29 NRC 4M,437 (IM9) inesd's www of lu een Junedictimal namadanes as losis fw smat af '--
7 6 '_ _
7 soview; AIAB-931,31 NRC MI (1990)
Punc name Ca of New flamphus (5esbrud Sunan, Uniu I and 2, ALAB 918,29 NRC 473,482 (1989) premapensus seguuud la Enug snauens to sengen; C1J 904,31 NRC 487 (19M)
Public Servin Ca of New limershise (leshovd Sunan. Uniu 1 end 2), A1AB 918,29 NRC 473.
483 M (1989) peesulertsy segubed of snesses to sengen; IDP 9(kt, St NRC 35 (1990)
Penc teman Ca of New Hempehus (seebend autus6 Unie I and 2), CtJ-774, $ NRC SQL $16 (1977)
Commaksim endianay to buervens and psevide puesneo in pauhse pr"-pr C11943,31 NRC 1
229 (1990)
Pubine $srvies Ca of New itempshes (neebsed Suners Units I and 2), CLJ-M4,3 NRC MB, $21 (1977) besume evelessiestim while semand W mid snenes ero pendas; ClJ#3,31 NkC 230 (1990)
Puldie Servia Ca ed New liernpshire (seeland suuan, Unie I and 2), QJ-7M. 5 NRC $03,532 (1977) basis for east-beant emelysis en semand, AIAB 928,31 NRC 268 (1990) -
Public Servin Ca of New Ilesepshko (Seebsod Sunen, Uniu I and 2), QJ 78-14,7 NRC 1'7, M1 m.9 (1979) heenho beard aunherhy en samend to enter any seder in :
with sananded proceeding:
13P 9412,31 NRC 432 (1990)
Pubhc harvie Ca of New Hampshbe (Sealmud lunan, Uniu 1 and 2), CLJ-094,29 NRC 399,314 (1989) pnenpenses aquised in Alus smenens no sesgen; C1JW6,31 NRC 487 (1990)
Pues Servies Ca of New itengehhe (neshwad Sunen, Unha 1 and 21, LAP 82 %,16 NRC 1029, 1953 (1982) psabebiksne tak _
sep,trement fur hennems; LAPW6, $1 NRC 113 (1990) 5 Public Serv 6es Ca of New itemphue (Seebsod Sunen, Unha I and 2), IAP-843, 29 NRC 51,89,'
off'd, ALAS 915,29 NRC 4D (1999) l weight eben to foream (iiD and (v) in doeniining admissibuity of lawfi!.d eassannma, ISPMI, 31 NRC 34 (1990)
Puldea Servies ca of New llangehus (Seebmd $unen, Unha i and 2),12P 8132A,17 NRC 1170, 1874 e4 (1983) burden em pompunent of summary dampesluen snanani ISP 944,31 NRC 69 (1990)
Punc Servies lusseric and Oes Ca ($nnoni Nucleat Omereting Sunen Unit I), AIAB-568,11 NRC 333, 336 (1980)
I siendeed for duesteenary i
, soview; AIAB-929,31 NRC 278 n2 (1990)
Pune Service FJeseric and Oes Ca (selen Nassar Generaine $6snan, Unit 1), ALAB450,14 NRC 43,
$0 n.7 (19811, eff'd emb nun. Townelup of lower Alloweys Cod v. PuWe Servise luscaric and Oss Ca, es? F.2d 732 (3d Or.1982)
Ahng sundants applweble to pro es bearveiers; ALAB 926,31 NRC 10 (1990)
Wvire Mains Ca v. NRC,966 F.2d 1246,1252 (todi Or.1989) essi banent beneneing sequunnants for dupceal of salu taihnes; 13P 909,31 NRC 159 (1990)
Railened t' of lones v, Unhed Sunes,165 F.2d 221,227 28 (D.C. Cir.1985) appbehihty at APA sectumi 554 to snaissians bees,es suspoussui presedings; ALAB 929,31 NRC l
287 (1990)
Reier v. h= Corp.,442 U 8. 350,337 (1979) manug psont for sistukuy beerpneauen; ALAB 929,31 NRC 282 (1990) i et i
i i
i i
t l
I Rabenem v. Meehow Wiley Cuisens Coundl,400 UJ. Quo (1989) suse<ises esendess semidanums in spes fuel paal ensnames,
;: C1JM4,3I NkC SM f
t 0 980)
I hadwell 1
-' Casp. (Redadyne thweise), AIAB-925,30 NRC 700 0989) outhnemy of pseadass enser is ed ersessare d peruss or sospeo dancienu; 1APM18,3l NRC
$77 0990) sehr of presideus eneser le d' anne
* docuseims in setdernssa asemensmes,IAP#10,31 NRC 317 (1990)
RedweB Inamnessmal Cag. (Resbady s thessia), ALAB.925,30 NRC 709,712 a.1 (1989) eesspeamme et safened subny mob gueric i,1
. AIAS 929,31 NHC 279 0990)
San taals Otuspo W for Posse v. NMC,751 l'.2d 1287 (D.C. Or Ind), afrd en bene,109 F.2d M, east domed,107 8. CL 330 (19M) wess ense assidae omsidueesens in open fuel punt onenensa pnessengs; QJM4,31 Nhc 3M 0 980)
Aan tais Otuspo Mahoe for Pease v. NRC,751 F.2d 1287,1316 (DC Or.1964), aird,199 F.2d 26 (a bew), out. deuse,479 UJ. 9D 0906) ased far farenal hearing an sumannis homme suspesim; AIAn-929, St NRC 385 09e0)
Seesenst Assi-Pelknami taneus v. Cusins,572 F.2d 872, t?6 (la Or.1978), aan. denied, 439 U.S. 42d j
(1975) send far faraial hearing a manerals basene suspensimi; ALAB 929,38 NRC 283 (1990)
Sueceast Anti Peneman langue v. NRC,400 F.2d 1925 (D.C. Or.1985)
essnade amendsetume in dedemmaking a esmpliance wah sensgeiry planense emissy segulatians, CLJ 963,31 NaC 239 0900)
See Posefic Gas and Geoene Ca (Deban Canyse Nwlear Power Plsen, Unha 1 and 2), QJ-6412,30 NRC 249 0964) eartupske emedemuens in enapenry gaanning: 1AFM12,31 NRC 000 0900)
Shady v. NRC,65I F.2d 780,788 (D C. Car.1981) hennes helas e asionals homas enenenses;IJtPDit,31 NRC $70 (19e0)
$haDy v. NRC,651 F.2d too,791 (D C, Dr.1980), veceind en enhar younds,435 U.S. IIM (1983) i
bassist eishes e opmoung homas emenensnia, LAPMIS 31 NRC 504 0990)
Sierre Club v. hheian,405 U.S. 727 (1972) ehnwes assessary in enshhah sunens to bearvene in NRC prusesdms.1APM4, $l NRC $4 i
d 1
09eo) l Easrae Cub v. Manan,405 U.S. 727,739 (1912) nemiuschip hans to enshhsh sendag af en asymusadan; 1APM16, $l NRC 514 a.5 0900)
Essrve Club v. NRC, M2 F.2d 222 (9th Cir.1988) thieshinny of esame-escides emuse,ums in spas fuel g=u4 ensnenen.-
; : CLJM4, 31 7
NkC 3M 0990) t Smedhess Medune & Teal, Inc. v. thouwen,730 F.2d 1089 Dih Or.1964)
"-- of waivess of enveman innusuiy; AIAB 929,31 NRC 290 0990)
Emah Coeuhas Neanc and Ons Ca (Vas0 C. Benner Nwlest kotion, Unh 1), AIAB442,13 NRC 481, 995 (1981)
**iel* slven is delay and knedenins of lasuas in de.. ; leis hoevenien peutisms: LAPMS, 31 NRC 53 (1990) weisla shei in tasan (to end ov) la deemians edmissibihty et imetiled om m 1Arel, St NRC M 0990)
Smahasa Cahreaus Ideae Ca (San Onnis Nwlear Omereting Sieuan, Unhs 2 and 3), ALAB,7t?,17 NRC Me, 379 to (1983) hans far beansing decesum en emergency peepersinais, ALAB 932,31 NRC 389 0990) 8.nnham Calilanno 14enn Ca (San Onnive Nwlear Genereung Sution, Unies 2 and 3), C1J 8310,17 NRC 524,533 0983) mandeni far duenninire odequacy of euersoney plannins; QJM2,31 NRC 3010990) 41
_., ~ - _,,
P 11 GAL CITATIONS INtW.X CAhas Sanhem Cohfanns Idem Ca (len Onshe Naher Ommeing Suties, Unia 2 and 3), QJ 8110,17 NRC 528, SM (1983), sev'd la paa em ahe gnauds, OUARD v. NRC,753 F.2d 1144 (D.C Cir.
l IM5) af ''eausedmary snessmus" in emagency plannms; QJ t03,31 Nhc 237 m23 OM0)
Seaham Cahfunds idman Ca (Saa Onshe Nanser Osnersius Bienen, thhs 2 ed 3), QJ-4510,17 NRC $28, SM (1983), wv'd in paa en eher gnauds, OUARD v. NRC,753 F.2d 1144 (D.C Gr.
IMS) pdue sesmuse sepummeras tw onequery pimuung: ALAB 932,31 NRC 412 0990) i' j
SL 1muis Punt and Supply Ca v. PFJtc. 890 F.2d 446 (DC Or.1989) i i
emmuusissa of weaven of esvempi benumby; ALAB 929,31 NRC 200 0999)
of Palery en Cadust of LJesmens Pessmeder. QJ ll 8,13 NRC 452,457 (IMI) pmPass of eumanary espannum; 1APM4. 31 Nhc 67 0990)
To-issues VsDoy Authority (heoens Peury Nuelser Fleet, Unha I and 2), AIAB-MI. 4 NRC 95 09%)
i safrisiency of & in Pedaal Raymer to pe intervenes en masses eben ymyssed eensa; 13P-965,31 NRC 79 0900)
Tease Unlimas Osamenho Co. (Canandw hak Sisse IDesirie Biansa, thhs I and & QJ 8146,14 NRC till, lill.14 0981) effest of a pony's whhdrewat en hiessesan of le omnimi6sns; ISP#it 31 Nhc 430 0990)
In he hamhmsh,869 F.2d IS03,1505 (D.C Gr.19M) siendasd ist yes of wek of h; CtJ#3,31 NRC 229 (1990)
Talade luksen Co. (thwes-Beam Nesleer Power Sinnen), A1AB 300,2 NRC 751758 0975) test of Snahiy fw appeal papasse; AIAB433,31 NRC 496 0990)
Tdedo Idesen Co. (Deve Dessa Nusisar Power Sinne, thhs 1.1 and 3), AIAS %4, S NRC 33,36 (1977) anweel of our vraw-; AIAB 931. 31 NRC 362 (1990)
Tansnucisse Inc. (lan Appheenans to Low linnshed Urmdum limpans to IlfRAlml Mamher Neness).
QJ 77 34. 6 NRC $25,531 (197f) i ehauses senseras a sendamw ineensi es leses tw eiendug to imervens61APM4, St NRC $9 a.3 0 980)
Union of Cansaned Smenuou v. NRC,735 F.2d 1437 (D.C. Or.1964) hearise sales en amesnals heemse emendesmas; 13PM18,31 NRC $70 0990) unan ed Camerned Seemaisu v. NRC,735 F.2d 1437.1444 e612 (D.C Os.1964) need for femal beenne en amaanals hosnes suspe#en; A1AB-929,31 NRC 254 (1990) thusi of Casuerned Sessnessu v. NRC,8M F.2d 105 (D.C. Or.1987) east eensemenens in essnns and unfesing adequaepsuancesan enfey enandants far asolaar fecGauss; DD96L 31 NitC 40 El (1990)
I h-heiween Emi4iw and emessed4aar siendards tw emersanc7 plenaug; QJM2, St NRC I
203 0 990) thined Seness Immsy Reennh and Devekganet Admuusuonan (Quich IUver Beesder Renaar Plant),
QJ413,4 NRC 67. 75 M 09%)
eenpo of Comunissian suikerny to inisrvens and povide pa'lamos in paidag poseedags; C1JW3, u
38 NRC 229 0900) thhed Sisem v. Allegheny lmdhan lesel Camp.,406 U.S. 7417% $7 0972) eistuns that deemrunnen whahar en e-the-suceed lenring is vecind; AIAB 929,31 NRC 281283 OMo) i thhad Sanies v. Flands list Ceest Ry.,410 U.S. 234,238 0973) need for femal hearms on mutanals lumuss auspanien; A1AB 929. 3l NRC 283 (1990)
Unlied Sesses v. Pocirw Oss and 13scer6e Co. 714 F. Sige.1039 (N.D. Ca.1989) violane of anuuusi pamsism of lugnee; DD963,31 NRC 506 09eo)
Vernuus Yankee Nudent Power Camp (Vennet Yankee Nuclear Psmer Siena), A1AB.138,6 Alic 520, 321 0973) efless of ''sussmahle mesus" inst en saanens to sospun; AIAB-930,31 NRC M7. 348 (1990) l a
., +.
i i
1 j
Vernues Yedes Ealear Power Corp. (Verman Yedee Naimar Power Siaue), A1AB 138,6 Alic 520, l
i 323 EL12 0973)
eneel bawd knadicten is entertain sunso to senpe; AIAB 930,31 NRC H8 0990)
Vermet Yedes Naisar Power Camp. v. Newel nosswess Dalmas Ceancil, las. 435 U.S. $19 $53 54 0 978) i chine of beneing based erew whee cleanient's own obasses enearned the numming hansd flndags; ALAB 936,31 NRC 15 0990)
==Dearle and Pews Co. (Nee Ases Pown Suiin Unies I and 21 AIAB.146,==
6 Alic 21,633 0 973) beerpressiian of **essen" e used in eenia 2.714; LAP-M6,31 NRC 09 0990)
Veronis liissis6e and Power Co. (Nanh Aans Power Sutin, Unlu I and 2k AIAB 339,2 NaC 395, 398 0 975) bunsen em innervenues where gesd eene is se shown fa lees 4 led enumaiens, IDP-MI,31 NRC M 0990)
Vugenis umasle and Power Co. (Nanh Ame Power Sesesm. Unies I and 21 AIAB422,9 NkC 54,57 (1979) af **h$ sty in feet" Isme imense amendment; IAP mit,31 NRC SM 0990) pnmimity to fecihty as hemis for sinnema; LAP M3,31 NRC 45 (1990) i Virpnis Denne and Power Co. (Nardi Ama Pimer Swusa, Uniu I end 2k A1AB-551,9 NRC 704,7(r; I
0 979) smaus requirement for appeal bened ;
- se ovariais new iseums; AIAR 930,31 NRC M6 0 990)
Virginia Densic and Poww Cet (Neth Amu Power Bioilen. Unies 1 and 2), AIAB484,11 NRC 451, 453 0 900) thr> wing anneanery tw grant of aerumary :
13P-M4,31 NRC 67 (1990)
Vuginis Putnamen lehhors Ass's v. Federal Power Canuniss6sn,259 F,2d 921,925 (D.C. Or.1958) evnere tw sisy of inensemes eneisiveness of ordsm; IDP-Mt. 31 MRC 146 0990) four lesent test for asent et e easy; AIAB 931,31 NRC 360 (1990 mandsed far grant et a sur pendmg arguel, ClJ MS,31 NRC 257 0990 Virginia Smakine Alliance v. Itsudrie,477 F. Supp. 48,10 (D.D.C.1979) ehnia acadmus as irregeseble b$sy for pwpene of obtainmg a may; QJ M3, St NBC 25940 0990)
Wenh v. SeWm,422 U.$,400 0975)
I sluiwmg necessary to esieblah sisadmg to haervoo in NkC gracindes; 1AP.E6,31 NRC 89 l
Washmanen Puhhe Power $ ply syssen (WPP58 Natear Projaa W. 2), DD 64-1,19 NRC $99,923 l
9 l
0 954) standard la initianias of show eeuse presasemes; DDml,31 NRC 331 (1990)
Weahington Puhtec Power $*yply $yenem (WITSS Naimar Piojsis No. 31 ALAB *l47, il NRC 1167, i175-76 0 983) ese et showouse pnnesdags so oderum lasues that are ce subject of en mouies pmessieg:
taltMS,31 NRC 810990) westinghauss Mactric Onp. (Esparu to ths Phihrpnes) QJ 8414, il NRC 631, E2 0950) learden en amenant la e star; ALAB 938,31 NRC 367 (1990)
Wiesensa henne Poww Co. 0%s Beach Nwlear Plani. Unas I and 2), A1AB 739, il NRC 335,338 e 4 (1983) pensity to faihus to bnef claine en opsmal; AIAB-936,31 NRC 9 0990)
Wiemnain I%Iw Service Corp. (Keweimes Nwinar Power Plant), IJiP.76 N,8 NRC 78,810978) hwden en intervenia genitioner in shamws of gend cause for leis filing; IDP-MS,31 NRC 76 Owo)
Wang Yang Sung v McGinih,339 U133,50 0950) 3 formal heennes mandaied by Aw penusse candemiians; A1AB-929,31 NRC 291 a.14 (1990) l 43
.i f
- ~ -
i Wemgler !_
_ LAP 99-M,30 NRC 7% 161 til 0989) anihlanuma ef Issmass to seewer fees mm ew Fquel Juance le All Act; AIAR 9N 31 NRC 279 l
L1 OMO) i Yakus e, theind Sisens. 321 UA 414. 442. 443 0 M3) hoesut nelas en saunary suspeaum order. IDPM17. St NRC 543 0990) i M
i e
r l
l 44 f
i I
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l l
1 CIA 0.103(b) apphoshusly of Lpal Aseem to Janism Am to femal NitC pacesenes in eteenne of sauary segerernes far ad laannes. ALAB 929,31 NkC 289 (1990) 1 CIA 305.88 5 endemanew of one et eastlemem bege; QJ#5,31 NRC 340 (1990) 1 CJA 315 epphcebthty of hpal Assess to Justics Am to forunal NItC,
; is enemios of natutory i
seguirense for such heariegs; A1 AB 929,31 NRC 288 (1990) 1 C.FA 315.l(D appi,sehlhiy of Lpal Aeoems to Jue:ise Am to formal NHC pr==aa gs in sheenos of manusary n
sequuensma for such hearbes, AIAh 929,31 NRC 289 (1990) 10 CJA 1103,1104,11205(1) paar ernies and heating aquhunente a enseenals imense..
- s, ISP-94 tt, 31 NRC 574 (1900) 10 CFA 12001306 offecuwmass of summary suspamum arder pendmg Andmg of legal sufliciewy of the arder, ISP-9417, 31 NRC $43 n6 (1990) knmediais effenivanais of show.eeues order,13P#17,31 NRC M2 n.2 (1990) legal sufheisney of onener's decieum to issus msnmary hemme suspensum order; IEP-9417,31 NRC 543 (1990) 10 C.FA 2.202 e
agparimby for formal hasnns en menenals heanse suspensums, A1.AB-929,31 NRC 287 (1990),
10 CF.k 1202th) t clartry of direciar's rouonals far eienenary maap==im order, ISP M17, 31 NRC 546 (1990) hearing nghis en shou'ceues orders; LDP Bl7, 31 NRC $44 n.10 (1990) 10 CfA 1202(f) duanar's eushetiy in teks summary admuuarative enian, ISP Ml7,31 NRC $44 (1990) heanns requiremeses en nwrtis of desuciar's aumenery suspenske arder, ISP 9417,31 NRC $43 (1990) 10 CFA 1203 Caranusman pohey en omtlemas assemens; LAPM14,31 NRC 459 (1990) 10 CJA 1206 j
forum far addruesms concerns abana chaages in technical speci6catima, IEP-9415,31 NRC 504, 5(0 1
I farunn for htigauss encerns abaut prior
' s activities; IEP%3, St NRC 48 (1990)
I radiaoceve ofRuem umamens inen Big Rock Puus Mans; 1996131 NRC 462-81 (1990) supesi for accian encarning enqdayne repneans for npurung safmy corwerns, 1994 8, 31 NRC 328 (19'r0) standard for truusunn of show.ceime proceedangs; DD 941, 31 NRC 331 (1990) eso es a vehicle for secensidereuen; IC942,31 NRC 467 (1990) use d show-cause proceedmes to address isenes that are du subpct of an ongoing proceedmg.
12PMS,31 NRC 00,81 (1990) vioistum d entitrust pnmaian af hcenes DD 943,31 NRC 595 (1990) l
45 l
l I
l l
~. - _ ~
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kECU1A710NS e
10 CFA 1700 appemmhy far immal honetag en messaals heemse ausgenmens, ALAB-929,31 Nhc 287 09900 10 CFA 1701 a esq.
eminemmes pausesshes deimed as advenery adjwhoeusa; A1AB 929,3t NRC 281 ('990) 10 CFA 1704(c) d=vakha= ef special asemen in infwmal pressmeng; IAB903,31 NRC 52 0990) 10 CSA 1714 homens vigins en speoung hennes ensnesamms; 1AP#15,31 NRC 504 0990) hearest :_f
- for tensrvennen in operouse homme amendmans presemens; 1APM6,31 Nhc 88 0 990) nets af new to penaapew in hesmas ennenenssa ymmem; 1AP415,31 NRC 503 m.10900) siendog to hearvene in epomung homies :
pressedes, IAPMIS,31 NRC 506 (1990) 10 CFA 2.7)(a) siendesde le suspanas a vered C1JW4 3174tC 486 (1990) 10 CJA 1714eXI) e&missadiny at lawAned _
- head am parismaly unevenelde deu;1AP-904,31 !#tC 94,100 0 990) aggdenshuky of Defens test for late $ lings to infomal pesosedmps; IAP43,31 NRC 510900) appbsehuey to manies to sempm; A1AR 9M,31 Nhc 347 (1990) emeneuseman of hypeshenemal osass in deteredning whosher geed eene emises for less L_ _
i IAP#5,31 Nhc 77 0990) 6 femersuafw leisL _
. IAPMS, $l NRC % (1990) 10 CFA 171MeXIXiHv) opgenenhuky to snesisms to suspen; 1AP e412,31 NkC 447 0990) sempmens e sneesd, mentads far; IAB941,31 NRC 21, M. M 0990) 10 CFA 1714eX2) pensaderty seguired of huervernum penaeums; IAPW6,31 NRC 48,99 0990) 10 CFA 1784(b) eindevnes and meinnat suppunhas nunuma to seopen; 1APMl2,31 NitC 444 0990) i basis wishepesthchy sequimmes im edre,ission of -
. IAPM6,31 NRC 910900)
10 CFA 1?t4(bX2) ensema of -
. IAP#16,31 NRC 515 0990) tuneisem sepimenenas tw esmamains odersemag *Puniing licones _ _ _
. IAPMIS,31 NRC 504 sL5 0990) 10 CFA 1714(hX2Xi0, 0i0 estaltian et fauwe to demanurses peuine issue of fact; 1APM16,31 NRC 521 eL12,523 a.15 0 980) ogpen seeded of anniemiens to asuhiinh genuins inass of fact; 1APMI6,31 NRC 5210990) 10 CFA 2.784(bX2Xii0 elmoing mesmeary to saise NEPA clearns; IAPM16,31 NRC 537 0990) seeimana of new or foot hi emmanuens;1APWl5,31 NRC 506 (1990) 10 CFA 1714d) erheria for seus of imervenumi; 1APM6,31 NRC 68 0990) 10 CFA 1714e) hees tw deu6 ding emaantians lesed on pwely legal issues; 1APM15,31 NRC 506 (1990) 10 CFA 1715(c) rigia d new to P*aici ow en licerme onwndnwas; 1APM15,31 NRC 502 n.10900)
P 10 CFA 1?ll(h) euiberity of possidag Wheen to hold easilemem sufmences; C1J45,31 NRC 340 (1990) 10 CFA 1716(0 danessuenery heerlommary sview via diverted certincedm; ALAB-933,31 NRC 498 a.34 0990) e siendant for demeuanary heartacuiary reviour, A1AB-929,31 NRC 278 sL2 0990) 46
I h
. ~... -
~ -,.
LE. GAL CITATIONS INDEX RRCULA7MNS 10 CFA 1716(a0 outhanty of preendas afneme to hand esalenen esafeense; C1JM3,31 Nhc 340 (1990) hsenems Ivani seduwiry to emeder whenhar en esder should be enactrue chuing pendency of a beang; A1AB 931,31 NiiC 362 m.37 (1990) 10 CFA 1730(c) eggertwniy to suspend to sessims le moesmidarenen; A1AB 931,31 NRC 364 m36 0990) 10 CFA 17)o(f) luensma based euthority to sofw rulmas is the Canmussian la eview; AIAB 929, St NRC 278 09M0 sier.Nd is luenses boasd saferrel of rulse for assednesiary enunene sevwer, A1AB-929,31 NRC 279 0 990) 10 CFA 1732 beden af pnud and innden of gang forweed in hennems psassednes, A1AB-926,31 NRC 13 (1990) 10 CFA 1734 effen of *sessenebts oesus* tem em snesias to sospen; A1AB 930,38 Nhc 34647, Set 0990) eiendard for own of soarenmg munien; AIAR 933,31 NRC 493 (1990); 13PMI,31 NkC 31,36 0990);13PM12,31 NRC 443,44647 0990) 10 CFA 1734(e) safesy signiheanos deserunnetion in decision to edenh leesr6ted eenarmen; 13PM1,31 NRC 26 0990) 10 CFA 1734(eXI) dansene of pnadmg eKuur to edndt utsty eignineens lawEled.
; 13P41,31 NRC 26 n.25 (1990) gad esuas seguinnma for latohled.
apphed to inanans to senpan; 13PMI,31 NRC 34 (1990) standeed for gram af lawAled musiw to senpen; AIAR 927,31 NRC 139 0990) tinwhness regubernems for summes to rayan; ISIA941, St NRC 21 (1990) 10 CFA 1734(sX3) meierially efferent susuk requimmers for justifying snaim to sayen; 13P#l,31 NRC 33 (1990)
- 10 CFA 1734(d) sandads for :=yemns a sened, C1J 906,31 NRC 486 0990) 10 CI A 174)(1) otheial nosirs of state energency pleense ncuensus; A1AB 932,31 NRC 413 (1990) e e
10 CFA 1749 papase ed menenary depantian; ISPM4. 31 NitC e6 0990),13PM6,31 NRC 92 0990) rephes to suspiamos to munraary deposiuan insieu; 13PM4,31 NRC 63 a.3 0990) senmary deprintiem of -
- dellaneiro changes in indmical specifweikme;13PM4,31 NIIC 36 (1980) 10 CFA 1749(a) effen of imervener's feuure to centrovert ensierial faas; A1AB 932,31 NRC 423 0990) 10 CFA 174*(b) ofndevit support seguired tw aanmary 6spasition numans; 13PM4,31 NRC 69 0990) congsaancy of bearvene's onpset appasing sunenary depasunn menen; 13PM4,31 NRC 65 (1990) y of heenses espart m9parung beennes's summary dunasium menen; 12PM4,31 NRC 63 09HD showing neesssary for grant af sumnary deposinan; 12P#4,31 NRC 67 0990) 10 CFA 174*(d) burden en propaners of sunenary deposinan madmi; 13PN4,31 NRC 69 0990) 10 CFA 1738 hn nbihiy of delleges to Communnian segulanons. IAP46, St NRC 103,104,114 (1990) e htigabihty of dellenges to imagrated survedlann plan audwnlulasy; 13P44,31 NRC 710990) 10 CF.R.1759 appausmars of esatismant bdges; C1JW3,31 NRC 340 (1990) 47 I
l I
LIGAL CITATIONS INDEX RFcetArioNs 10 CFA 1762(b) enest of pendency d ens appeal en deedhas le Ahng bruis em eendier, ALAB-933,31 NRC 497 a.31 (1990) 10 CFA 1762(dXI) sorsed ehesies segmed se support essannens of ena e appeal. A1AB 926,31 Nhc 9 0990) i 10 CFA 1764 6
C noview ed fulle=w hamnsing; CL1903, St NAC 2310990) etherie la sisy of inume6eis effestmness of esdese. LDP48,11 NRC 146 0990) effass of Commissese inenadases effmeveness miew en nasums etlE na emasevessy; 12PM12,31 NkC 438 0 990) issniseses eSestivenes esview si full power license einheriseissa; AIAE 933,31 Nhc 494 m.6 0990) purpme af benediese effecovenssa sowwe, QJM3,31 NRC 2M 0990) l 10 CFA 1764(eX3XI) and FX2X0 Commeasum audins6ty to bearvene and geories bi pendes g-
.. QJM3,31 NRC 229 0 980) i 10 CFA 1764(f)(2X0 I
emanni for Cennuesum esmaiAmum of hamming beard decimmi en semanded enssanney planning edapneer, ClJ#3,31 NRC 234 al7 (1990) 10 CFA 1764(g) i effest of Canunission eteemism in eessens of inaneese efisceiveness dadeien en beansing based Andag et mangency personnel edequacy; A1AB432,3I NRC 407 0990) 6desuAsetien of issues to be addressed om semand, IAP#l2, St NRC 438 a34 (1990) 10 CFA 1773(i) saferral at sagemst for hearing to homeing board; 13f490$7, St NRC 119 (1990) '
10 CFA 2.785(e) delsessian of oushuruy to epseal buerds to soview suhnas solened by hoensus bannes, AIAB-929, $l NRC 278 (1990) 10 CFA 1785(bXI) densestian of susharuy to appent hards to sevww Minas soforred by beenems beards; AIAB-929,31 NRC 278 (1990) sienessd tw d_..
ry thvury soview; ALAB-929,31 NRC 213 m.2 0990) 10 CFA 1785(d) endensity of appeal boards to eenify quasiums to em Camrtissim; QJM2,31 NRC 199 0990) 10 CFA 1766(e) eenps of Conenamien siaharity to buervene and pwide guidance nn panens prot =sengs; ClJ 963,31 NRC 229 (1990) 10 CFA 1788 epphoshility to stay of effestivenses af maff estareenient onlar, AIAB-931. 31 NRC 362 n.37 (1990) entene for may of immeeste effectiveness of on6ers; talt968, St NRC 146 0990) mondeed for grant of a siey pedag egeal, QJW3,31 NRC 257 0990) 10 CFA 176a(b)
Peas lunk ai may nuaiuns; AIAB428,31 NRC 270 0990) 10 CFA 175t(s) applicabihty of may enteru to anfamensa,
n ISP#l,31 NRC 146 0990) entene for desarmoung maaim far may pendug ammal; ALAB 928,31 NRC 267,270 (1990) cruens far issuance of a sisy; AIAB 931,31 NRC 340 0990k LAP #tt,31 NRC 375 0990)
10 CFA Pen 2, Subgen J pmoulums le melanissim and esmaederation of sequeou for fees; AIA929,31 NRC 2tt m.6 (1990) i 10 CFA 11000 apphcabihty of Equal Access to Justice Act to hoense sogenmon ;cu. ; AIAB 929,31 NRC 282 (1990) 10 CFA 11205(cX2)(0 i
inmehness of beervrAm peution far informal poose&nss, IDPM 18,31 NRC 564 (1990) l As 4
4 c-
y c-m
. ~.
10 CFA 112W) sepam fu Wermal hearing by peny enha enn applement; QJMS 31 NRC MO 0990) 10 CFA 11316(d)O) emana of sequest le bassing en menanals lesense amenemmt; LDP#tt, St NRC $67 (1990) spesineer of esses d sensere seauhad in sepas le informal hearing: ISPM3,31 NRC 46,47,50 r
$1 (1990) 10 CFA il316(s) apphashiluy of Anlis sedum suis to A-
; pmosadms; WiPDS. 3! NRC 45,47 0990) hems le psumens emeer's suhng om sepam fe a hasrus; IAPW3. 31 NkC 46 (1990) sienesed for guess of informal hasang; QJ 965,31 NNC MI (1990) standag to heurvene in Wemel e
.. IAP418,31 Nhc $64 (1990) 10 CFA 113e66) ricts is nerveur er teneden esens of commera in infennal pressednes, IJIP43,31 Mic SO (1990) ehseing assesary for sensing a see issus in en infeeni pressmemg; 1AP43,31 Nhc $l (1990) 10 CIA 113160) eudusky of poemdess ernaar to issus e mar, LAP #18,31 NRC $75 (1990) stinlience is wahdhy of; 1APW18,31 NRC $72 (1990) 10 CFA il30lLb) appenh of euhnes en sageums Ier infesmal hessities; QJMS 31 NRC MI (19eo) 10 CFA 11307 demonsisen of presidme einser la susesnals haanse ensnenssa geminadas; 13P#it. 31 Nuc $62 OMG) 10 CIA ilanD(s) ausharky of puedag ednour oc septses the esauss of a precendeg; 1APelt. 31 NRC $77 (1990).
10 CFA il20D(c) enduwhy of piumdwe edtsess to held essGenes omfereness; C1JMS. 31 NatC 339,340 (1990) 10 CIA 1130p0) andumhy of psendug othems to held osulaners sanfarences; QJM5,31 Nhc M0 (1990) 10 CFA ilDi ominobusy of luonne Als pdsr to heard guestness; ClJMS,31 NRC 339 0990) esseems of hearing hie; 1APM22. 31 NRC 593 (1990) seed le hear % sequestar to specify asons of consere psier to the Alang af the hearing nie in um desket; 13P#3. 31 NRC 46 (1990) 10 CFA 112316) eviharhy of pendug dncer to specify sammes of hearins 61s;12PM2131 Nhc 593 0990) eengumkien of husrug Ale; 13P#3,31 NRC 46 a.2 (1990) 10 CFA il211(d) dessesary in nsfemal p.
; - CUW5,31 NRC 339 (1990); IJIPM18,31 NkC $65 0990) 10 CFA ilD3(s) suspnness is hansd t*; QJMS,31 NanC 339 (1990)
weine psessneuses in infennel p-
. ; ; 12P#tt. St NRC 568 (1990)
10 CFA il23)(a), (d) eenherky of psendsig dneer to pass fidnewup quesnes; QJW5,31 NRC 339 (1990) 10 CFA 112336) er (c) sehmismen of beesd spassmens after panies have Aled wrimen psessannons; CUM 5. 31 NRC 339 (1990) 10 CFA il233(c) edequacy of seestion numherW mluipunas for pluiunium pmessung and fuel fabrisonen plant; 1APW10,31 NRC 302 (1990) i demnissel of pony for isDue to esmply wah specifu:ity separernenu of; 13PM10,31 NRC 316 (1990) selevance of erhans for wnnen presanense to metian to arike; 12iL9410. 31 NRC 394 (1990) 49 L
-_. ~
l lIGAL CITATIONS INDEX klx2tLAT10NE 10 CFA il233(d) and (e) eudssky d psomdag diner to see ogsuppend endsnes; 1&P#10, St Nhc 204, att (1990) 10 CIA il23hs) apyrsynmensus d sonenary saferomes to newspaper ordeles as endmenary suppet in infernal t
;:13P9411,31 NitC 323 0990) einharty of puedag afnest to see wnman ;
; 13149010,31 Nhc 294 0990) edunsaansesen of snamens to suik 1AP410,31 NRC 306 em 0990) 10 CFA 112376) binden et pseef to show yuands tw a mer, IAPM18,31 NRC $75 0990) 1 10 CFA 11239 hugshuny of mandards and ;
applied to destnuns sensene of lands to asuunnseed use; 1AP#3,31 MC 49 0990) 10 CFA 2.1239(s) 10 CFA il2M6)
. LAP #18,31 NRC $14 (1990)
shnhamens to Comunissee fense for shabuges to Cuandsam seculseuse; 13PM18, St NRC $74 (1990) hussbuhr d seguisesy siendeses; thPM),31 Nhc 49 0990) 10 CFA 11341 appenanma of esideman:)sdess; QJ#5,31 NRC 340 0990) eueharty d pendue einser to held esadenes senterwass; CLJ 945, St NRC 339 (1990) effen of appsumel of essdsense essesmen by possidag orneer,1APMl9,31 NRC 500 0990) 10 CIA il251(d) sneshamme fu pasmaang unemesmed enfay issues in informal p
; ; QJ 965. 31 NRC 339 a3
- (1990) 10 CFA 113e J
ensharky of pendess einser to insas a may; 12P#tt, St NRC $75 0990) thname of easy eaw 1AP#tt,31 NRC 571 (1990) 10 CFA Pan 2. Appsimha A. R(d) outbarky of premdme einser to ludd estdemas conferwess: ClJMS,31 NRC 339 0990) 10 CFA 931440 fees tw KilA sequens; QJMI,31 NRC 134 0990) 10 CFA 940 e
we6ver af fase for KILA aquiss; GJMt. 31 NRC 154 0990) 10 CFA Pan 30 apphoshuky to ed&tive effmes of umic and seemestive sneiermis,IAP#ll,31 NRC 325 0990) pigndouse danmiy %ume in mandards for seemie espasuse; ISP-94tl,31 NRC 322,3M i
0 990) seeseedve wome treeinuse symens et Rig Rod Puisa Plant; IO942,31 NitC 464 (1990) 10 CFA Elb) j sppbsehuisy to immense fa plinauen poossang and fumi fabriosdan plasa; 1AP 90-10,31 NRC 297 n.12 (1990) i
10 CFA Al(c) deAmtion of AIARA; AIAB-926,31 NRC 16 a.710990) 10 CFA R101. klo2,30.103,2104,30.105, E106 pnpuistsam damity %imus in siendards for se&mian espasuse; 1APM11,31 NRC 322 (1990) 10 CFA Pan 30' legal ensemary of duessar's decimen to issue emnmary license suspension order, LAP 417,31 NRC 543 OWO) perfernianos of snaineenance wnuk en '
,; equipmen widuna NRC authorisaduw A1AB 929,31 NRC 276 0990 asspe of duener's authority; ISP#17,31 NRC 547 (1990) 10 CFA 30.31,35 apphoenen and bconens imedrements le general byprodua lioeness; AIAB-931,3I NRC 365 0990) i l~
$9 i
l 3
eudunity to napale serieramaal bdwwwum trum e twenses and na inossene k imo de linenas,13PM17,31 NRC $$1 m32 (19M) 10 CFA 30.34(b) despanis enmes of; AIAB 931. 31 NkC 347 (1990) fathem to destems espuma newunares as vinnsnam of; AIAR 931,31 NRC 359 (1990) nenne and omssa seguisenants la tressier ef Isommes; 1AP47,31 NkC 118.121.128 (1990),
12P#4,31 NRC 14546 (1990) pneenpeian ogsina esmipnuma or transfa d loann; ALAB 931,31 NRC 336 (1990) 10 CIA M4(d) j defuntism et byproduct nourial,13P47,31 NRC 122 (1990) t 10 C.I A 3044) donatie et senserah end _, ~ selaive is pimemmien af bypadact ensional; 13PW7. 31 NRC 123 (1990) 1 10 CFA M61 Commaman endenqr to sunwnerily empend a twense; 12PM17,31 NRC 533 (1990) 10 CIA 30.61(b), (c) ehewusiances appsopsom tw sunenery 16canas empansim; 12PM17,31 NRC 347 (1990) 10 CFA 35.36(b)
Casmuiss6am edunity to sequus :,,
- ? informeuen inun a twenses and to inaspessie k truo se lessnes; 13PM17,31 NRC 551 a32 (1990) 10 CIA ha 40. Appedia A langsbibey of hearpenatum and application et mul isthnes repletians; A1AB.928,31 NRC 270 (1990) 10 CFA ha 40, Appendit A Cnierum i usegaabihiy of eles tw duranal of snIn inihnes; 13P#9,31 NRC 155 57.164 (1990) 10 CFA ha 40, Aggiandia A. Cdierian 6 deman of ;._--
eurose een fu sniu asumes; AIAB 928,31 NRC 2h6 (1990) deman siendard tw einer la dermal een fa snill teilugs,13P#9. 31 NRC 192 (1990) 10 Cf1 $0.1 ellessues of maricyes suprinsis et Tuney 1%u; ID901. 31 NRC 329 (1990) 10 CFA 50.7(aXI) psuessteen of beanses anployees ge*irsting as interieness in licensing ;_
. : 12P'945. M NRC 77 m 6 (1990) 10 CIA $03)(dX3)(ii) emeral of bysseduct r.wianal lesness, AIAB 931,31 Nhc 367 (1990) 10 CFA $034(b) essesnt af Final Safay Analysis Repwi; ClJ 902. 31 NRC 212 (1990) respmunnhty for hnal Andmg regaiding eiytinonre barnet, IAPW6. 31 NRC 93 (1990) 10 CFA 5034(bX2X115034(b)(6)(1), Ov), (v), 50.34(bXIk (9), 3034(ck $034(d), MM enreau d et specincetiens; 13P 94tS,31 NRC 505, 26 (1990) 10 CIA 5046 esengtem foam amargecy eure eauling sysuun eingle fauum cnieria :.
; D[1962. 31 NRC 472 (1990)
tunhatuse en susheres of liquid efflusses fran e euclear pime; 19 942,31 NRC 469 (1990) 10 CF.R. 5047 classancatim er emaganry planning etandards u escend tia, QJW2,31 NRC 200 (1990) i weghs given no FEMA nndmes e adequecy er emergency plannag; ClJ 963. 31 NRC 349 a.47 (1990) l 10 CFA 50.47(a) adapacy d energency plaruung fw encuation d beach populatims; QJM2. 31 NRC 200 (1990) 10 CFA 3047(sXI) bensd ener in fauuro to make masarable usumace Endug under, ALAB 932,31 NRC 424 (1990) innarpasatkes of "odequais Pneutive innesums"; QJM2,31 NRC 306 (1990) 4 r
l l
$1 l
l l
awierielny of last of i--f _
; doull in sum emessney pen te mesmeWe momenee Amnes; C1J 963. 31 NItc M7 (1990) l 10 CIA 30.47(eX2) knesd enhesky to band beanage and membe Andmes en ede9ancy of napense panamel someween prue so Ptil4A Andes; A1AE 932, $l NIIC 3s4,339 (1990) i
,, bassen emagewy plan appuvud by lenses and that epymed by Plih4A: 1AP412, 38 l
Nhc 443 (1990) sussenews esmuena eundesd In doenneese adequacy et oneyewy poinies; CJ 902. 31 NItc 214 (1990) 10 CFA M47(b) bees tw judging odeguscy d energency plannies; QJM2,31 NRC 213,217 (1990) i senseense ed eenended enegory pennes iseoas en heeneus pmosadeg; QJ#3,31 NIIC 231 (1#0) 10 CFA 247(bXI) emageiry suspens poemnal edequery to Santowsk; ALAB 932,31 NRC M0 (1990) leuen of assamment, used fer, QJ 903,31 NItc 252 (1990) t showing of empendthy er einergency suspense p
: a. AIAB 932,31 NIIC 304 a.36 (1990) 10 CFA 3047(bX3) lunes of egnament, need far, QJ 903,31 NRC 232 (1990) 10 CFA 30.47(bX5) lemese of asseamma eridi lasst sodio moeisse for puhhc anunsehen dwing "+1 annseuses, mood fw; 1AP-961,31 NItC 30, M (1990) 10 CFA 3047(bX8) f feeukies and equigenes segubed to suppen emagency suspene; QJ 943,31 NRC 253 (1990) idenuAsenen of spe 4al-needs populeuen fw eveausum planning; C1J 963,31 NItc 235 (1990) 10 CFA 247(b)(10) evenwese eme asummes for advanced his suppen patieds; QJ#3, St NitC 340, 230 (1990) feelhues and espalpness sequhed to sigpen emagency suspass; QJ 903,31 NRC 253 (1990)
need to instude shehems as pensense estum in muergency piens. QJM3,31 NRC 344 (1990) l
sequhement to _. '
pecessin eenen 3 h: ALAB 932,31 NRC 408 (1990) 10 CJA 247(bX12) i shallenas to aggliesme' arrongenses for snedieel earvises for ennaenunswd in)med indaviduals; A1AB-932,31 NRC 430 (19e0) 10 CFA 30.47(c) essent in Comnessian =mdesenen of beenmas beard desiesen en samended emergency plannms odegiscy; CJ43,31 NRC 2M n.l? (1990) l 10 CFA 30.47(<XI) effect of appeal beard romend en beenes issuenes; QJMS,31 NRC 238 (1990) effect ud samenJ en fuB-pimer autherhenia; A1AB 932,31 NitC 419 (1990)
.. " of aestian 30 47(bXt2) segumemanu, ALAB 932,31 NRC 421 eL349 (1990) 10 CIA 30.47(cXlXiii) appimetniky of senham4mst effens pesumpuen to teacher beimevier dwing -.
: A1AB-932,31 NitC 404 a145 (1990) 10 CFA 3047(cXIXiiiXB) besaffens essenpuen opphed to sinne perncipation in emergency a=pa== mines omie has nas perucipated in enesgency planning; 13r#1,31 NRC 30 (1990) 10 CFA M48 apphoebilky of cremnet eenenes under, C1JW2, St NRC 308 (1990) 10 CFA 3049 oveheunn of 44 year piens hfe inna kninal agemenen; 1AP 94A St NitC 106 (1990) 10 CIA 30.51 psoseduse fa esissuling en operenns lumise; 1AIA944,31 NRC 93 (1990) 32 b
h l
t i
Rootu?wws 10 CIA $03Se hugebilky of ensures deshng etdi appbeshilar d esculeumia, IDPDA St NRC 1(O 0990) l parende d spessman heyend paned of ope =use lismee es meje fodent actions; 1AP.9% St NitC 95 (1990) 10 CJA M.S$e(cXd) osatermanse wah ende eswhhshed eher plant easmuusnan; 1APM4 31 NitC IN (1990) 10 CFA M.53*(aXd) einadesd far se,uinense of emissy velve; 13PM16,31 NRC $3d (1990) 10 CFA $0J7(dXtH9) eueushy to isees innpesery epousang W 1AP#4,31 NRC 95 All 099n) 10 CIA 30.54(bX6) hugshuny d naiv to me sie tweat hasards omnedsenum duerminsuan; 1APM6,31 NRC 90 n
0 990) 10 CJA 3040(e) sneindens sequhesness for presum.
- boundary; 1AP#4,31 NRC to 0990) 10 CFA 3061 sempo af kheates issues in homme amashnent pnuendes: 1APM4,31 NatC 10 0990) 10 CFA 30.62 independes emanwry feed eier eyeism vap.uense fa pnmawned woe sencume; 1AF9416,31 NRC
$3B sL22 0990) 10 CIA. 3063 deusessaien af esespiehuny d ehernadw AC power sauroes, IAPM16,31 NRC $2 nl5 099m i
10 CFA 3043(cMd) desenw Imr. '--+ wkh sequhonent fw sharewdw as pnwer sowcas; LAP #16,31 NkC $23 n.ll 0990) 10 CFA 30.72 sameurasen af eyessaan fauswing has shuidown; 13P#16, St NRC 525 0990) 10 CIA 30.73 i
plass atendnwns sensied to pesaw eamleit openen presses; 1JIP416,31 NRC $26 (1990) 10 CFA 30.80(e) durames eneses of; AIAR 931. 31 NRC M7 0990) 10 CFA 30.90 e
applesehuky to seguest in sesepswo pesind of emmuuenan by uso d en opemung Econes eenendment, IAP#4,31 NRC M 0990) 10 CFA 30.91(eXd) no signineen hasseds desarmenense far estemie d pressumAmaperonin tuniu; 1APM4, St NitC $6 0 990) 10 CFA $0.91(bX3) riels of ensis is penicipew es hcme, -
: IDPM15,31 NRC $02 n.1 (1990) 10 CFA 30.92 ne sign 4 Amass hoseeds eams;dereuen fa neierials lumme omensknams; IAP#tt,31 NRC $72 0990) siendeed far daarminise tweee annuinses requens;IAPW6,31 NRC 103 0990) 10 CFA S0.92(c) espdteens honesde essuidoredans in licenes amendment; ISP#15,31 NHC 503 0990) s 10 CFA hn 30. Appedia i sedanspw wesw tenement symiens et liig Rach Puus Plant; IO902,31 NI4C 46d (1990) 10 CFA ha $0, Appendia K.11.D.I enengsim fann energency eso saalms speiem sing 4feilus criwris requirenems; DD 942,31 NRC 472 0 990) 10 CFA hn 30, Appedia A. ODC 31 eatensim d pressu.l.,
. hmhs; 13P 944,31 NitC %, to 0990) 10 CFA hn $0, Appendia B eppheshuity to for phesmhan processus and fuel febrication plans,13P#10,31 NRC 29697 0990) 53 i
l l
l l
l l
IIGAL CITATIONS INDEX msOUL.47MME 10 CFA ha 30. Appenda E,IV eveesus amo minnsie seguironmes; A1A2432,31 NRC 408 0990)
evesususs tune ownma la advensed his asyren pauses; ClJ#3,31 NBC 340 0990) i senpaustalmy fe evesuniin taas asumme peeparoisen; AIAR 932, St NkC 419 0990) r 10 CFA hn 30 Appenda F,iv.D lemme of essannes wah local seen enseiens tw public smashessian dweis seenlasesel amarencess,
4 need fer, LDPMl. 31 NInc 30,34 09eo) 10 CFA ha 30 Appenda E. IVA3
... et IS snissie onaugency menanestum sospitones,1APM1, St Nhc 310990) elmoing of eunushikey a muergeiey suspense pommenst, AIAW932,31 NitC 36d a36 0990) t 10 CFA hn So, Appendas 0 servise pened far fueseme taughams uniuss; 12PM4, 31 NitC to (1990) 10 CFA ha 30, Appedia il eensust and edersemy at a==gw esvadlanes prayesn; 1DP44,31 NRC 66 0990) 10 CIA ha 30, Appeda IL I!C hugsbuhy W ehausges to NItC4ypnned lsessmand Swwallianse heerem; IDPM4,31 NRC 57 0940 mas of tredasasd east sneestians inen one test sensaw to puedast fossws taughams of snessnals in enseher sessenr.1APW4. 31 NaC El 0990) 10 CFA ha 30, Appendia H,II.Cl esensehy of deden and armeens resume of sesame in laispeed surveGleans plan; 12P44,31 i
NRC 70 0990) 10 CFA hn 30, Appeda IL !!C3 esmagency seguisenere for ens of iningreied marveiDense progrem; 1AP M4,31 Nnc 6109N)
L 10 CFA St.14(a)
. _J onclususe fran 108 seguirenees;1APMl6,31 NRC $37 m310990) suspensiWimy tw daarmining ased in 135 en proposed eason; 13P#16,31 Nhc $37 (1990) 10 CFA 51.30
. _ _. d acuens by type of ~.
-" sevww sequised, IDPM4,31 NRC 97 0990)
FJS seguirunenes fu p6sms liamssd prior to effectiveness of NiiPA; 10 942, St NkC 467 0990) 138 seq. '-
- for pnyased eseums; IDP416,31 NRC 537 (1990)
IGS sagasemens for asen6ual specinostum emendmans; 12P#16,31 NkC $36 0990) e 10 Cl A St.30(eri)
EIS seguiresnanis for materials license senewel; ISP#10,31 NRC N8 0990) 10 CIA St.30(b) envimmimmeet soview seguiransras la :
period secapsus :
1APM6,31 NRC 97 09M) types of assies suspunns preparetka d an envinnenental inquet seismos; 1APM6,31 NRC 96 0 990) to CFA 51.21 seasewisaike et actions by type of.._
--' soview sequired, IAPM6, 31 NRC 97 0990) normeiWluy for determining need for EIS en pngesed ocuan; 1AP#16,31 NIIC 537 0990) types of ecuaw sequang and envir=uunsreal emessmers; IAPM4,31 NRC 96 0990) 10 CFA $122 esisgeriutie of octions by type of ani
' wyiew seguired; 12P-904,31 NRC 97 (1990) 10 CFA St.22(b) suspannihihiy far determinin6 need im EIS se pregamed actkm; 1AP-90*l6,31 NRC 337 0990) 10 C.FA St.23(c) types of acties sequinns and envinsunanial essesmeni; 1 AIL 90$6,31 NRC 96 0990) i 10 CFA 51.23(c)(9) i 138 sequirunenes to diege in i e or owveillance supinuments; 1AP#16. 31 NRC $37 a33 5
0 990) i sempenthihiy for determining need for 135 en pnyased action; 1AP416,31 NaC 537 0990) i 5d l
I i
LJ: GAL CITATIONS INDEX asauta71ows 10 CI A $1.2AcX10) et snn)w federal eensey IAP M16. 31 NRC 537 m33 (19eo) mapaniWihy le duermueng send le las cm pesyssed actaan; lap 416,31 Nhc $37 (1990) 10 CFA $1.2AcXtd)(v) 138 and awkwannual :
seguasemerus le sneeenals bseine -
' n LAP #ll,31 NkC 388 (IMO) 10 CJA 5131 suspamiWihy for duermbang need le d
" impact menensa. ISP#4,31 NkC 97 (1990) 10 CFA $l32 no ownfees impost fashng for maisnels lesense senewel;12PM10,31 NkC 298 (1990) 10 CFA SI AS
' entlyuss seguired fe enimmen of syaratens Isoame w =aram sensannaian pmaad; 1AP M4. 31 Nuc 94 (1990) enetsammenal sevise sepshemmes le esasuuciam pened seceriuso ammemma; 1APM6. 31 NkC 97 (1990) 10 CFA 5132 huanWier et shalleuses to Comm6ssian sepsisuuns; 12P#4,31 NRC IOS (1990) 10 CFA $l32,'feWe S-d aprimy to eneboonmeel knposes d 1_
ef weses;1APM3,31 NRC 49 (1990) 10 CFA $l33 envhenmamal review :J
- fe esmuustim pened recepinse emedness; 1APM6, St NRC 97 (1990) 10 CFA 513)(e) issue preerihed in openung lismes pnemedings; 1AP 944,31 NRC 95 (1990) laiemhily er arms feel shipmenes la apenung beanse amenement presseding to reespause pmed; 1APM6, St NRC 95 (1990) 10 CJA St.9$(e) issues, -- - " in opmoting ikwee pseasedines; IAPM6,31 NMC 95 (1990) 10 CFA St.102(c) deswnses feenne esmplees envinsanmaal secord of duceuss AIAlt-926,31 NitC 17 a78 (1990) 10 CFA $1.106(c) iseum pneathed in operenna lismas pnxeadings; 1APM6,31 NGC 95 (1990)
i 10 CFA 61.102 i
apphoshihty to matenals hcense venewal for plueenhen pnmusang med fuel fehnesian plant; ISPM10, 31 NRC 299 (1990)
I 10 CFA hn 61 licenans of low level adioactive wens eiins; IO902, 31 NRC 478 (1990) 10 CFA het 61 parfanamnes et isw level seduective wome eues; 18942,31 NRC 477 (1990) 10 CFA 70.4(r) qualuy esamenos rapiiremsnis for pluisuken pressmeing and fuel fabrioenen plant; 1APM10,31 NRC 296 (1990) 10 CFA 70.2AeX2h (d)
I eamma of apphoone le licose far plukudurn poosamns and fust fericeenen plant;13P410,31 NRC 305 a.21 (1990) 10 CFA 70.2AsW2h (6k Ok and (t) es:thquake and bsushhse sensiderations in quahiy ensureaus pegram for pimenium presensing and fuel fabrioenen plant,13P#10,31 NRC 303 (1990) i 10 CFA 70.22(f) agyhoshiluy of quahty easwoms criaans to for pluwenum pmoensing anel fuel fabrioenni plars; 18PM10,31 NRC 2%97 (1990) eenhquake end bsushhse emmidersties in quahty assurance pogram fe pleaniurn ps comung and fuel febriconen plant; ISP 9410,31 NRC 304 (1990)
IJ; GAL CITATIONS INDEX Rsou1A7mNs 10 CFA 70.22(19Xsill) errisenbahy to sunedeuw effems inen sedinesew and ehemuset subsiasses inse pluiminun pomoesses and fust felmisetum pleni; 13PD10,31 NieC 301 (1990) 10 CFA 70.22(k) appheeWhey to teamsess le passanium pnumanns and fuel fenricatum pinas; ISP410. 31 NRC 297 a.12 (1990) 10 CFA 70.2Xoc) odegany of seeminen manliorus equienes tw pluissinum psosassing and fuel febneetum pass; IAP#le,31 NRC 302 (1990) to C.FA 70.2Nec), (4) eentspshe end bnahlin eenstemenes b geky enunnes ynqpem fw plesnima pessmanns and fuel fetuiseman ples; 1APM10,31 NRC 303 (1990) 10 CFA 70Jt(d) apphaeWhty to luensass fw pluisemme prosessms and fuel fabrisation plam; 1APW10,31 NRC 297 m12 (1990) 1seshy at maneists besse enumenen. IDPMit. St NRC $70 0990) 10 CFA 1031 eppaiseWimy to lasmasas fu pluinnium p% and fast febr6cetion plani; 13F94to. 31 NRC 297 n.12 (1990) 10 CJA 7037 meesmale esasel and aesams6ng sognisemanes tw phmanium presembs and fuel fehsisenen ptsm; 1APW10, St NkC 297 0990) 10 CFA 703g appinseWhty to heensens tw pluunden processes and fuel febelastum plami; 1AP#to, St NRC 297 a.12 (1990) 10 CFA 7039 veraning sagenseemse for of9sem seleases inen pleianiwa pmsenema and fuel fabricanan pies; 12P#10,31 NRC 297 0990) 10 CFL 73.2mX2H4) appieseWiny to tienneens fu pluianien proossems and fuel falancanan plom.13P.9010,31 NRC 297 m.12 (199t!)
10 CFA 73J7 apphiaWluy to lassneens tw pdunamien praussung and fuel febrkeinen plass; 13P410,31 NRC 297 a.12 0990) 10 CIA 100,11 dummetaan hasween emergency plannmg nyanenans and sinns and engineering design sequisemeras; ClJMS,31 NRC 205 (1990) 40 CJA pen 61 opphoeWhiy to sneeerials license senews! tw pluioniwn peacesses and fuel fabricanan plani; 12P#to, 31 NRC 399 (1990) 40 CFA Part 61. Subpen T Why to ilusien aull inihnss; 13PW9,31 NRC 192 (1990) 40 CJ A Pen 190 apphaeWhty to snaiensis boense senswel for plutenium pausessing and fuel fabrisonan plani; 13PM10, 31 NRC 299 (1990) 40 CJA 19&l0 apphoebuny a inenarials hoense senewal fw pluksden pnesseing and fuel febncenia plans; 1APM10, 31 NRC 299 0990) 40 CFA 19132(bXI),19141 (1949) deman siendard for eiwer far disposal eeD fa m01 teilings; ISP49,31 NRC 192 (1990) 40 CFA Pen 1304 eppheeWhis to NRC seletive to insangency di8puses; LDP49,31 NRC 153 0990)
M l
_ _ _ _ _ - -.. _ ~ _ - _. - - _. - - - - - - - - -
LEGAL CITATIONS INDEX STATlTES Adeninistrouw Pmandus Act. 5 U.8C 304(bX2) suusary requisemanu far esihsuomed hearmy; AIAB 929,31 NRC 200 me (1990)
Adnunistrouvo Procedus Act,5 U.S.C. 554(e) sistaary equinsnense la ehsepard haanny, AIAB-929,31 NRC 280,282 0990)
Adneustrouve Procedum Act,9(b), S U.8C 558(c) odeguacy of infasnahan avsDands to diremer and sensmubisness of dec num based en that infarenstion; LAP #17,31 NRC 555 (19W) aggdaoshihty to heanse revuceums. ALAB 929,31 NRC 285 86, 288 (1990) apprupnam for sunenery boense suspenslan; ISP 90-17,31 NRC 555 a.52 (1990) disuaar's eusharuy to take emnmary adnunisueuve ecuan, ISP# 17,31 NRC 544 (1990)
Ausnk Emessy Act, 42 U.1C 2014(e)(2) (1982) cleasinosuan ed sharmen snill talhngs os byrendum sneianal, IEPM9,31 NRC 152 (1990)
Aunk linergy Act. 57,42 U.SC 2077(cK2) ingehty of snmanals hoanas emandment,1AP# tt,31 NRC 570 (1990)
Ausnic feefly A84 Il legal team for darenar's summary suspensum seder,13PD17,31 NRC 546 (1990) pensenpuan asemei emaipunani er transfer of byproduct matenal licenses; A1AB-931,31 NRC 363 (1990)
Asamic Imessy Act, 64(a),42 U.3C 2114 com-bereht balemang for management of thenwn mill taihnes; ISPM9,31 NRC 154 (1990)
Ausnic Imergy Aa, S4(aXI),42 U.8C 2114(a)(1) eess banshi balancing for mansaanent of sharian mal talhnas; ISPW9,31 NRC 158,163 (1990)
Ausnic Imergy Act,104,42 U.1C 2D4 l
NRC junediaum swer perues and thanaldiny of heenses; 13PM7,31 NRC 126 (1990) l Aiemu imergy Act,16)(b), (c), (o) legal hans for diream's sunenary suspensum ardar, IAP#17, 31 NRC 546 (1990) i Aiamic Imagy Act,16t(b), (1) imarpetauan of fantaaer protectum mandards far emagency planrung: (1J#2, 31 NRC 202-01 (1990)
Asamic Imergy Act,161(b), (i), and (o) cleesifiestaan of emergency planens standards es essendaier, C1JM2,31 NRC 20345,208 (1990)
Atomic insegy Act, it), 42 U.S C. 2231 i
l spplicabihiy of Admuustrouve Procedus Aa pnwinans to mansnais lacense suspensians, A1AB.929,31 l
NRC 285,288 (1990) daracew's eushanty to tehe summary aderunastrouve octum,13PM17,31 NRC 544 (1990)
Ausnac luurgy Act,182 emergency planeng requiremanns as adequais preseaum sandards; A1AB-932,31 NRC 380,420 (1990) legal hans for daream's summary suspensian order, ISP 9417,31 NRC 546 (1990)
Aunic Imergy Aa,182(a),42 U.5C 2232 l
-- aunhnney to require ogpiernahal informauan inn a hcermes and to encroposes k into the luenes, LAPM17,31 NRC 551 a.32 (1990) interpseuuan of fintaner protectum standards for emagency planning; C1J 902,31 NRC 202 (1990) 87 l
respesitalaus af bcomes le phmummen pru'*'h'S and fuel falmcene P s% 1AP 410,31 NRC 297 l
a,12 0990)
Amnic imagy Act,183,42 U.5C 2233 pneenpum assina essenes or iransfer of 1meme; A1AB 931. 31 NRC 356 0990x ISP M1. 31 NRC 123 0990)
Assene lungy Asi,183c,42 U.5C 2233(c) failum is danstame ampene seanseuske es vudeuen of, AIAB 931. 31 NRC 359,368 0990)
Ausnic Imagy Act,164,42 U $C 2D4 failun to declass carpmens newunurug es vkdanen of, A1AB 931. St NRC 359,362,364,370 f
C 990) na.a and eensent repuremens for uansfer of beanses; 1AP M7,31 NRC 118.120,128 0990);
1AP48,31 NRC 14546 0990)
Ausnic Imagy Aoi,166 edspey et information evaushls to dueener and nosenaldeness of decisian based en that bdermonun; 1AP-417,31 NRC 555 0990) og9 asehilsy of Adminiswouw PreseAus Aa pawisions to boense savoceuens; A1AB.929,31 NRC 285 7
d 0 990)
Conmesman suihastiy in emunsruy sumpuut a lisese; 12P 9017,31 NRC 555 a.52 (1990) laget less for duemar's sununery suspanie order,1DP'M17,31 NRC 546 0990)
Assunic linety Aa,186(b) et eggsupnete le sunenary lumnse suspanism: ISP B17,31 NRC $55 a32 0990) need for formal hearing se mananals Esense suspemen; A1AB 929,31 NRC 287 (1990)
Ausnic linessy Aa,199(b),42 U.$C 2D9(aXI) hessing righis en maarials beanse amanensses; 1AP-Mll,31 NkC SM710990)
Amunic Enugy Ast, ll9s,42 U.5C 2239(a) cameris of mandmg appbed to NRC peousmhng; 1AP M6,31 NRC 99 0990) hasang nghis an samanals twense :
* -. IAP M it, S t NRC 570 0 990) haanna nghis em speenns beense en -
. ISP-M15. 31 NRC SW 0990) heeness seguireness for imervenuen in opentse license amendmus proceeding; 1AP-M6,31 NRC 88 l
0 990) kneshiluy of chanages en no signfwent hasards camisidersnan desernunanen; 1AP M6,31 NRC 90 0 990) e
.L Atamic linergy Act, IB9s(l),42 U.SC 2239(a)0) determinsium of whether en en-d+ record hearing is aquind, AIAB-929,31 NRC 282 85 0990) need fe formal haanns em neueials beanse suspanmari; ALAB-929,31 NRC 283 a.8 (1990) i Asamic linagy Act,191 peruids er opennan beyund peciad of opeseneg liomme as sna) federet senans; ISP B6,31 NRC 95 OMO) l l
Cenn Air Act,309,42 U.SC 7609 jurinduska sur psopamed disposal cell; 1AFM9,31 NRC 153 st9 (1990)
Communicanons Act of 1934,310(d),47 U.SC 310(d) l transfer et tweness wisheet agency appsuul; AIAB-931,31 NRC 364 (1990)
Imrgy and Weier Dowlepnes Appsegmouans Aa, Puh,1. No.104371,502,102 Stai,157 (1988) noiricssans on eserd of euerneys' foss; AIAB 929,31 NRC 277 0990)
Imrgy Renspanianne Aa,210 imen far cenplaims fmm licenses onplayess; 1AP M16,31 NRC 513 a4 0990)
Purpres d employee Pressonen luovician; 1AP 945,31 NRC 77 78 0990) nutrictig lagunge in esidemma agreemmt; C11MI,31 NRC 133 0990) niabanan against employees for npsuung ufay oncerns; DDMI. 34 NRC 329 0990)
I4ml Access to Junike Act,5 U.Sc 304 entidemma d bcomes in enfassement salan en suarneys' foss; A1AB 929,31 NRC 277 0990) 14ual Access to Justice Act,5 U.$C 304(a)0), (bXIXc) l deAnitum d *edwenary adjudwation"; AIAB 929,31 NRC 279 0990) 1 l
N l
l I
r i
Eval Asums to Jumies Aa,51!3C. 304GXIXCXiG ypes of ensimens eswesed by; AIAS 929,31 NatC 280 (1990)
Equal Asses in Just6ss Aoi, S U.SE 304(cXI) apphashGky to fenmal NRC pressednes 6m ehsense d moeuwry seguisemos tw sush hamnap, AIAB439,31 Nhc 208 (1990)
Psmoudusse for estuniennen and ennemiereuse of sequess for foss; AIAE 929,31 Nhc 281 (1990)
Imr4ssel Redemesehe Wese Pulary Anundsmenn Act of 1963. Tule 1. PA 1. 94340 mais suspemmentsy for W si low-level endosemive weseas; 18942, St Nhc 477 0990) 14sr1sual % Wass Felicy Amunaisemme Aa d 1941,5(dX2Xc) esses ebbeseisms sagasdag meses generoemd in that aime; IJtPM4,31 NRC 93 0990)
Neessual W1 Febry Asi,42 U.Sc 4321 Bis seedsenesas for pleam hommed prier to enensivemss of NEPA; DD942,31 NRC 467 (1990)
Nasisual bevinuummeel Pehry Aa,4332fC)
Bit sugesammes for sesionals bienes senewel; IJ6P.9410,31 NRC 294 0990)
Neenmaal bestsusumessal Pehry Aa,103(2XC),42 US C. 4332(2XC) emusemetime of shermetives to.
-. paried susepause she 1JIP.904,31 NhC 99 (1990)
Natasual Env6nmummaal Petary Aa,103(2XE),42 U.8C 43320XE) siendeed $se sesmidueeien of thesnatives to propened beanske enien; LAP 944,31 NRC 99 (1990)
NRC '.benses balemsms far snensesmas e' her6mn sult talhnes;1AP49,38 Nmc 158 0990)
'" Aa, Pe.1. New F7415, 30. 96 Sist 3067. 3(r19 (1983) eaa FW 1. New 404, sk. 324,9(b),40 Sist 2n, M2 (1946) med le funnel hensing sa sneemanns bannes suurennen; AIAB-929,31 Nhc 386 (1990)
PA 1. No. 96 481,3DNc), M Seat 2325 (1960) emeses la senhamretsve estans; ALAB 929,31 NRC 260 (1990) l M
l LEG AL CITATIONS INDEX otucks 18 Aa lw. 2d Carpursucre ll55 62 (1985) daarminnuen of inoelvemes af parem earpoonen in auteubary to daarmee haWhey far espennendneumi; AIAB-931,31 NRC $44 sLS4 (1990)
Devia, Admeemuotin 14e $108 sermanneness oppspnose for mannery beense suspensean; ISP 9417, St NRC S44 (1990) 2 R. Devts, Aeninistrouw law Tueuse i12.10, et 450 (2d ed.1979) opg6ceWhey W APA secuen $$8(c) se bcesse sevocences; AIAB 929,31 NRC 287 0990)
Fedesal Rule of Cov0 PrM=e $6
peuemium far summary esquehiers LDP-944,31 NRC 66 n6 (1990)
If i
12 W. Fleseer, Cyclopeas of um law of Prhees Carpineuans (See, m 310 (rev. 1985) d-aroseler of shares of oned as arenefer of surparece essess, A1AB.931,31 NkC 30 (1990)
[, "4 ll.R. Rep. h 110, 99th Carg., Im Sees., pt 1, et 4 soprosed in 1985 U.S. Ceds Caig & Act News F
132, 133 purpine of Igal Access in Juance Act, A1AB 929,31 NRC 280 (1990) k '
ilR Rep. No SM,97ih Cong.,24 Seu 471 (1982) 1-cam.hanent balancisig for managenom af thanum mill isilmas; 1AP.M9, 31 NRC 161,163 (1990)
llR Rep. Na $M,97th Cars,2d Sem 47, repruesd tr,1982 U.S. Code Ceng & Ad. News 36(0,
.j '
3617 i
eam.benshi halanctng for man =genent of tharuun mill tallmas, ISP-949,31 NRC 158 nit,163 n.30
,Q (1990)
'3 llR Rep. k 1418,9esh Caig. 2d Sees 54 sopround in 1980 U.S Code Cass & Adndn. N'ews 4964 purpses ad I+al Accese to Jusues Act, ALAB-929, 31 NRC 280 (1990) llA Rep. N I414, kh Cene 2d Sess 18, supruned in 1980 U1 Cmde Omg & Ad. News 4953, 4964, 4997 suheiansaal bouAcatum senderd for kdiaal revow of decreuenary admmistrouve oceans. ISP.961 ?, 31 NkC 545 (1990)
Il Rep. No 1990,79th Care 2d Sana (IM6), sopruned in Admuususun Pnwedum Act: lagislauwe fleuwy, 8. the h 248,79th Cams 2d &ses 233, 275 (IM6) saaspuam ao unparanens far advance nause of licana suspenman; IEP-9317,31 NRC 555 n52 (1990) lit. Idente & G.F. Trowbruise Frenwwcek far Aiamic Susiesy: AC rry em the Aumuc Imergy Aa of l934, en C49 n64 (1955) applicaWisy of essean IM of AIA to licensees other than hoewes, ALAB-931,31 NRC 363 (1990) l NRC Rules and Reguisuais 2 SC 52,56 beans for decoding enntenuma hosed an pwely legal issues, ISP 9415, 31 NRC 506 (1990) 5 Rep. No. 752, 79th Cang im Sess. (1945), npanied in Admuustrsuve Procedure Ass: Lagislative limicry, 8. Ibc h 248, 79th Cong 2d Sees 155, 211 12 (IH6) escapam to segunement far advance nauce of lueras suspenann, IJIP.9017, 31 NRC 555 n.52 (1990) 5 Rap h 1677, 87th Cong, 2d Sess., repruned in 1%2 U.S. Code Cong & Adnun News 2J07, 2213 need far formal hearms ao meianals license suspensian, AIAll 929,31 NRC 264 (1990) el
O rlit*5 I sus of leen Comennine en Assene lassey thh Cans.18 Se88. InTeovisig the AIC Aspiswy Puumuse 72 Deus Counn Pam 1W.8) mand for funnel home6ng am snaisnels liennes ow AtAB 929. 31 NIIC 364 (199@
WeWe 1%d be "- - ' theuenary of the legleh lanpage. IF7614.
doenman d unenable selsove to dessenur's deciseen an ownniney keense suspenman. IAl' 9417. 31 NItC $55 (1990) i e
e l
l ACCIDINIS emesesnry planning ennsuisreues, Ctj m2,31 NRC 197 (1990 venune and epseuleuws, pdehihty based dehnhkm; C1J-904,31 NRC 333 (1990) l ADDrinT IfflCTS af sneenettve and ehenmal wesias,13P-9410, St NRC 293 (1990),13P 94 tl,31 NRC 330 (19,0)
ADMANCA'IUttY PR001tMN05 oweidsrouan of issues involved in mismaking, CtJ-942,31 NRC 197 (1990) due pnesse; ClJMS,31 NRC 219 (s990)
ADMINISTRATDT AfDGE sendeman ouduwhy of, QJ 943,31 Nhc 337 (1990)
ADMINISTRATTYL MLOCIDURE ACT farmal hasnns requuernenu under, A1AB 929,31 NRC 271 (1990)
ADVANCID llit SUPRMtt PATTIN!1 evosiasues tone eunuse for C1J 943,31 NRC 219 (1990), LAP 9412, 31 NRC 427 (1990),
b 12P 9420,31 NRC 381 (1990) f 4
A1.TT.RNA11Y13 ocenanus leones in seneulmetian of, A1AB 924,31 NRC 263 (1990)
in unasalad sauruss. handhng of, ISP-9418, 31 NIIC 359 (1990)
AVITrRUST sufusal to pwnee apprapneia servios sdadules and tariffs, DD 943, St NRC 395 (1990)
N solussi is provtds remal requisenenu whalesale power and transmassue omrvices. Di> 943, 31 NRC
$95 (1990)
APPIAL 90ARD5 acuan en new makers, ALAB 930,31 NRC $43 (1990) danciatueury imerlacuary review; ALAS-931,31 NRC 350 (1990) ahhgauan to eauert saferved whnge, A1AB-923,31 NRC 271 (1990) enanland far evenurnug a hanems huerd's Enengs AIAB 926,31 NRC 1 (1990) standants of sevww; ALAB 926,31 NRC 1 (1990) suy authonty; AIAB 928,31 NRC 263 (1990)
APPIA13 suy panens sesolutu ed, QJ 943,31 NRC 219 (1990) issi af Anahiy far, AIAB-933,31 NRC 491 (1990)
AIPlA13, IN!TAIDCtftORY euihortty to rowww reserved ruhnen, A1AB-929,31 NRC 271 (1990) via dueceed certinseuan, inst fur, ALAB-933,31 NRC 491 (1990)
AQUllrAs sihanan dalenha, redurge estunsies far, LSP-909,31 NRC 150 (1990)
ATOMIC ENIRGY ACT odespuis pasectaan standani under escuan 182, AIAB-932,31 NRC 371 (1990) haanna requuemense far hcener revocauans and suspensusu, AIAli 929, St NRC 271 (1990) hasnns nghis an sperating hoenas arnandmenu,1RP-9415,31 NRC 301 (1990) tnalianshihty of heeness, A1AB 931, 31 NRC 350 (1990)
#7-e9 6
-w wm ti
SUlijili INDEX lasenses eeuss under,12PM1,31 NieC ll6 (1990) esperung sepairesneens le twensess; 12PW7,3l NRC 116 (1990) tesdudsel spesifeeums le poes reeckws, smenens et, ISPW15,3l NRC Sol 0990) tressier af inpeeses meneal loansus; AIAS 931,31 NitC 330 0990) teamfar d ;. ';. neefnetwa and eenmus regasserneras fer,12PM7,31 NRC 116 (1990)
BIACll POPUIATIONS eheherug esmedmeneus in ernagency plenrung; C1J M3,31 Nhc 219 0990); 1APM12,31 NRC 4D 0990);1AP#20,31 NRC Set (1990)
BOARDS See Appel Bards,IJeaneng Bards IKSON B AT -
. ~. IAPMI6,31 NRC 509 0990) in seesw easdent system; 13PM16,31 NRC $0D (1990)
BRu?S appauses, sessed suppert seguised in; A1AB 926,31 NItc I (1990) oundemis te pe es hueven me; A1AB 936, St Nhc 10990)
BLRDEiN OF FItOOF desalapdshed home landen of gaug fareerd, A1AB 926,3l NRC 1 (1990)
BYPle000(T MAllalAL LJC1.NSES tressfer of emuel et, A1AB-938,31 NRC $50 (1990)
BYPIK100CT MATERIAIS IJCENSE AMINDMi>T wishesseel et supsest for honning; LAP #19,31 NRC 579 0990)
CONCRIGATE CARE FACI 11!113 edegaery of; C13#3,31 NRC 219 0990)
(XWStevAT1SMS in estyens of bepea of ;
? espanal cell to unwiwa mal tailow IAPM9,31 NRC 150 (1990)
CONTAINMIXr BURJMNO ousupensed ear symem, sannonian of hadig air surgdy us 13P-902,31 NRC $8 0990) 00PGAMINATION P amhan resensie in fem of, IAP 9410,31 NRC 293 (1990) l (U CIN110NS of whhdsswuq Inservoor, e& yuan tiy enather pny; 13PM12, St NRC 427 0990) standssd for ednessum et,13PM16,31 NRC $09 (1990)
CON!1tOL kODS dsup tena; 12P#16,31 NRC SM 0900)
Co8T BlWiirrT ANALYSBS in omedmouen of sherannvas to engineered dispreal cell far themen null tailmse; AIAB 928,31 NRC 363 0990)
COsn operethe and snaweenews; IX142,31 NRC 4610990)
CYANitt in ensis swearials as West Odoago altet IAPM9,31 NRC 150 (1990)
!*CislON appellais, effect d imnsediam effettivenses soview en; ALAB 932,31 NitC 371 (1990) imenens board, as amendeness of Anal environmental etamment; AIAB-926,31 NRC 10990)
IECOMMIS$10NINO funds, odequacy et, seletive to irveparable injwy claims la p,rpse of obtaining a suy; CLJM3,31 NRC 219 0990)
siendung to hearvent A3,31 NitC 40 0990)
DEiCONTAMINATION enforenness orden, appganility of essden 1788 to; ISPME,31 NRC 143 (1990) 6e
' l IMRiiCTED CFJmFICATION eppeal based dussmumery enhaniy; AIAB 933,31 NRC 491 (1990) =
of lemaanns bneed denial d winnen to esmans for leek of junsdicuan; AIAB-931,31 NRC 350 (1990)
against liesnams engalayens for separung esfety cancerns; DDMI,31 NRC 327 (1990)
DISQUAUFICATION et opsaial assimas in informal procendang; LBP 943,31 NitC 40 (1990) l' DOCUMFNTA110N et spills and incessnes, need far, for spec 6s1 inacher ensierials twenas aneve; 12P-9410,31 NRC 293 g
DOSE CONSEQUENCE 8 eensidemami in mluating anassney plans; CUM 2,31 NRC 197 0990)
EARTHQUAKES 8% in special nacient ensissians laosnes senewal procemens; UIPMl(\\ 31 NitC 293 (1990) '
,S ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS in h"isg em omagdienue wish emagency planning salmy soplations; CUM 3. 31 NRC 219 (1990) in entweenum of esimy siendude; DD942, St NRC 461 (1990)
EMERENCIES laaman behavier in; A1AB-932,31 NRC 371 (1990)
to nas to annfy public of meielagioni energmey; LBP-941, St NieC EMERGENCY EXBhCISES v
esuias, sequest ic suspei succed en; QJM3,31 NRC 219 (1990)
EMRRMNCY FLANNING eccidas seasiderenes in: CUM 2,31 NRC 197 (1990)
es adequeas pecessman standasd; AIAB 932,31 NRC 371 (1990) basis for.
. CUM 2,31 NRC 197 (1990) ecommme esasideratimes in decimanmaking en adequacy of; QJM3,31 NRC 219 (1990) eveanetion time etionates, segulmery guidance for. ALAB-932,31 NRC 371 (1990)
Asst tier pretesman efforded by; CUM 2, 31 NRC 197 (1990) i smess! services esreages; AIAB-932, 31 NRC 371 (1990)
need for PEMA Andings for Anal hosnains decision; AIAB-932,31 NRC 371 (1990)-
ebjersives of; CUW2,31 NRC 197 (1990) pam4isseing += of issues; QJM3,31 NRC 219 (1990) suspesse,
. manded for beging adapacy of; A1AB-932, St NRC 3710990) spedaleemds survey far; 131L94th 31 NRC 427 (1990)
- siasus of, for license a'
. CU 90 3, St NRC 219 (1990)
.5 esmers en guenscove snessuses; AIAB-932,31 NRC 371 (1990) l comes, mafEcisney of; AtAB-932,31 NRC 371 (1990) sians and lueel government
; AIAB 932,31 NRC 371 (1990) weight given to ItMA Andings en adequacy of; CUM 2,31 NRC 197 (1999) 1 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PERSONNEL supleiery pedance on; AIAB-932,3I NRC 371 (1990)
EMPIDYBE5 See Ucenses Employees ENFJtOY RBORGANIZATION ACT estilsense assamamos under section 210; CUM 1,31 NRC 131 (1990)
ENIORCEMENT of adnunisissiive sepaans, denial of request for proiective order to may; CUWl,31 NRC 131 (1990)
ENIORCEMENT ORDER sesenadersman of stay of effectivenssa ef; 13PW8,31 NitC 143 (1990)
O l
5 h
l I
ENIORCIMINT PROCEFDINOS Wi== subnes lhet dansranns a pony's sicus in; AIAB-931,31 NRC 350 (1990)
ENYlh0NWINTAL ASSESSMENT for spesial aselear mansnais hamnes renewel, need for,12P 9410,31 NRC 293 0990)
for -
pened isospese anie denna, need far,13P-946,31 NRC 85 0990) fw passes Esensed pner to statuee's inq4emensaison; DD942,31 NRC 461 (1990)
ENVikONMDftAL RiiPoetit seqmmesmes for -
period suonpauss amendmsnis; ISPM6,31 NRC 85 (1990)
@ *y to menertals license suspuunan proceedityp; A1AB429,31 NRC 2710990) of advenary pseceedies; AIAB 929,31 NRC 271 (1990)
EVACUATION TIME EST1MA1ES for advensed hfe siveert psilass; CUM 3,31 NRC 219 (1990),12PM12,31 NRC 427 0990%
IJPM20,31 NRC 581 (1990)
- of vehielse hiMen inun serial observatisi in; 1APM20,31 NRC 5810990) supismal appunesti te mansion of; QJM3,31 NRC 219 0990) sepalstery anddenes for, AIAB 93131 NitC 371 (1990)
EVALUATION of openLalesses popuistion; Q3 943,31 NilC 215 (1990)
EVIDENCE bude of gang forseed wish; ALAB 936,31 NRC 10990) deny of penses to punvide; AIAb432,31 NRC 378 (1990) infamies and quenten of pseat; AIAB-932,31 NRC 3710990) eunebutaal tenismeny, admissitehty of; ALAB-932,31 NRC 371 (1990)
EXMiRT WTINESSEs weiglet given to annimony of; AIAB 932,31 NRC 3710990)
FEDERAL EMFANNCY MANAGEMINT AGENL'Y weighs given to W en adequacy of emagency plans; CUM 2,31 NRC 197 (1990)
FhDERAL REGIS1ER ednsioney of puhhessian of ansico in, to alma huerveners of heenang actions; (EPM 5,31 NRC 73.
0 990)
ItMA HNIXNGs need far, for Anal lumneing densum; AIAB-932,34 NRC 371 (1990)
MNAL ENVIRONhEiNTAL STATEMENT bcamens heesd decisimi es amendman of; AIAB-926,31 NRC 10990)
FINA111Y test of, for pusposes of appeal; AIAB 933,31 NRC 491 (1990) l MRES phaeneen senesses hang; 13PM10,31 NRC 293 (1990); 1APMll,31 NRC 559 (1990)
FRACIURE TOU0ilNF35 Chupy Vesesh test far, LBIA944,31 NRC 54 0990)
et Big Red Paims; DDM2,31 NitC 4610990)
effect of engmassed dispseal esil le therium miD tailmes on; 12PM9,31 NRC 150 (1990).
llARASSMFNT dosimamention of enseations; IAPMl6,31 NRC 509 0990) liFARING Mla esames of; 12P 9422,31 NRC 392 0990) llEARING REQUFETS l
wishosswel ef; IEPM19,31 NRC $79 0990) i I
\\ t
l l
SUllJECI' INDEX llEARING RIOffl1 en spenting luess amedmmes;12PW15,31 NRC 5010990)
IIEARINGS for lumnse sevemenans and empennons; AIAB-929,31 NRC 271 (1990) for maissian hamas, type sequued; ALAB439,31 NRC 271 (1990)-
fermal, desereunams of amad far AIAB-929,31 NRC 2710990) se iso informel Pmommeny
: AIAB 932,31 Nhc 371 (1990)
Ibthe?DIAH IFFBCrlVENESS REVIEW offest en appast basse h-ALAB-932,31 NRC 371 (1990) paynes ef; GJ#3,31 NRC 219 0990)
INIORMAL PROGEDINGS dampaali6 cation of special assistas; 12PM3,31 NRC 40 (1990) headas Sie emmenss; 12PM22,31 NRC 392 OP90) snations to sidhs in; IBP410, St NRC 293 0990); IAPM11,31 NRC 330 0990)
Phat standag in;IDP#ll,31 NRC 359 0990) siendus to bearvens in; IDPM18,31 NRC 559 (1990) timing of wnnen quasiasms in; QJMS, St NRC 337 0 990) wnman esdses is; QJM5,31 NRC 337 (1990) -
simust vusus iduaisal aposting fasames for -
- weh suplamam; IDP-904,31 NRC 54 (1990)
!!MJLPRETATION er 10 CFA 1730(c); AIAB 931,31 NRC 350 (1990)-
et 10 CIA Part 40, Appendia A. Crhanen 1112P#9,31 NRC 150 (1990) of 10 CIA 50.47(b)6 ClJ#2,31 NRC 197 0990) of 10 CIA 50.47(b)(12); ALAB-932,31 NRC 3710990) -
of 10 CIA Part 50, Appendia E; AIAB-932,31 NRC 3710990) i of advessary pressmeng; AIAB-929,31 NRC 2710990) of *espect" h to CSA 2.714; 13P 904,31 NRC 85 (1990) stemmary, sanning pains for, ALAB-929,31 NRC 271 (1990)
puo es, standeds la luiefs; AIAB-924 31 NRC 10990) wididneel of; IAP#13,31 NRC 456 0990) wishdowel ef, becauss of emulement assemem; IEP'9421,31 NRC 589 (1990)
INT 11RVENT10N espect sugamument fer, IAPM6,31 NRC 85 0990)
!! MAVEN!10N, IA711 by Issenes empinyes, fear of paahadan funn liceness as gaad ceans far,12PM5,31 NRC 73 0990)
Ave feaar test far, IAPMS,31 NRC 73 0990) sand eeuse far, IAP45,31 NRC 73 (1990) newly arising information as goud cause for, ISPM5,31 NRC 73 0990) solianse en anssher peny to sepsesas ow's isessasis as pod osme far,12PMS,31 NRC 73 (1990) weisis given in pmantial for inondsning d issues bi desnainias grant ef; 12PM5,31 NRC 73 0 990)
' weigis given to pasnmal for delay in 4.c
; som et LBPMS,31 NRC 73 0990) suRisDiCnON appeal banni, sessanable nsaus sequireness; AIAB430,31 NRC 343 (1990) d i
effect of licanang board view of, en basic suucame of prweeding; AIAB 931,31 NRC 350 (1990)
NRC, when owneniup has been trenafersed without cansas of NRC; IRPW7,31 NRC 116 (1990)
IEAQtA111 fran enemmered depasal con for thanum adu taihngs; 13P49,31 NRC 150 ONO) 67 4
.= -
d l
IE!17.RS OP AGREEMFXT sospo et sonended issues; 13P 9012, 31 NRC 427 (1990) wth asheals and edieal,- -
. ClJ-963,31 NRC 219 (1990)
ensamsi, v6sieben of; DD943,31 NRC 595 (1990)
far, ALAB429,31 NRC 271 (1990)
IJCENSEE ganhAssaiens to handle oracial auslast mesenals; IEP 9410,31 NHC 293 (1990)
IJCENSEE EMPIDYBBS laes heuressman named en fear of sesaheesen Inun bemess; IJP 945,31 NRC 73 (1990) suprinsis assinst, for apartuis enfay ounouras; DD-941,31 NRC 327 (1990) sustrissima en sepetag of asfety emosras through entlement osamment; ClJ 941,31 NHC 131 (1990)
IJCENSENS eespoons peress and eMg salatimshign; AIAB 931,31 NRC 350 (1990) isensier of ownsehsp, censunees en; 1AP 947, 31 NRC 116 (1990)
IJCENSES temster er esdyuussa d AIAlt-931,31 NRC 350 (1990)
IJCENSING BOARDS authertay to safer sulings; AIAB-929,31 NRC 271 (1990) diassuaan in smanaging,
.. AIAB 93% 31 NHC 371 (1990) view of own kdadunien, sifact an basic esmerwe of pauseding; ALAB 931,31 NRC 350 (1990)
MATERIAIS ACCOUNTABilJIY by phnehen psossesses and fust fabriosiaan facility; 13P 9410,31 NitC 293 (1990).
to allow dispend of thanen mill teihnes in menssad abspanel onll; IJP-949,31 NRC 150 (1990) to depose of thesiusa sniU tanings in ensmaand ekspeal cell; AIAB 928,31 NRC 263 (1990)
Mall!RIA!J IJCENSE SUSPENSION PROCEEIMNOS applioshihty of Equal Aceses to Justias Act to; AIAB429,31 NRC 271 (1990) -
MEDICAL SERVICES of segulsiory sequimenense far, AIAB-93% 31 NRC 371 (1990)
' Will TAllJN05 therhus, duramal in enginemed dispneal cell; AIAB-928,31 NRC 263 (1990)
MOTION TO REOPEN en pomposed openums license ornandesns application, denist d; 13P-94131 NRC 38 (1990)
M0110N310 STRIKE in leformal ;.
. - 12P 9010,31 NieC 293 (1990); ISP tall,31 NRC 320 (1990)
NATIONAL ENVIRONMlWTAL POlJCY ACT essmanac issues in eenadesena of shernseves; AIAB 924,31 NRC 263 (1990)
EIS for plares liemand prior to suus's enanment; DD942,31 NRC 461 (1990) awisonnussel esport sugnimmons for ccnstruction paiad secepean ememimsmas;IDP-946,31 NRC 85 (1990) acenang beesd decision as snenshnent of Snsl
_m tal asasenens; AIAB-936,31 NitC 1 (1990)
sensas and speouleuve avess; ClJ-944,31 NRC 333 (1990) worst-ense analysis; ClJ-944,31 NRC 333 (1990)
. in ensanled amuses, handhas of; IAP'9418,31 NRC 559 (1990) l NElfrit0N PLUENCE effect en naciar venssi, ISP-944,31 NRC 54 (1990)
NIL DUCll1JTY TRANSfl10N nisease esenperswo for, IJP-944, 31 NRC 54 (1990).
es i.
I r
l I
iniestehty of;IDP'946,31 NitC 85 0990)
'1 en todudsel., "
shmes; 1APMI5,31 NRC 5010990)
' NOTIrm,ATION of NRC et transfer of focaisy _
. aquiremmes for, IAPM7,31 NRC 116 09eo)
et puhhc of sedudselent emergency,
: et opphcom's plan wnh sepuleinry T 1APMI,31 NRC 19 0990) of eradal fecuniss in en anagency; CUM 3,31 NRC 219 (1990)
' NkC FTAlf pen hearing WW of issues; CUM 3,31 NRC 219 (1990)
NUQFAR PROIRERATION CONCERNS u bens for esemens in informal psummedme, IAP-Bil,31 NitC 559 (1990)
ausharky to west espasens esermees annius es one fu purposes of ngulaien; ALAB-931. 31 NRC 350 (1990) enfeemmes of :-N
. CU#1. 31 NItc 1310990) prisduaien whee ownenhip has been esentarsed whhne sensam of NRCI 1APW7,31 NRC 116 0 990)
.-, aushmeirr, QJM3,31 NRC 219 0990) i l
sudense en omsugency nupenas pasanant sensuress; AIAB-93131 NRC 3710990) f gudsase en sweeustian time estimsaas; ALAB-93% 31 NRC 3710990)
OPPldAL N(TIl01 l
et sians enerosacy sepanse plan; ALAB-932,31 NRC 371 (1990) -
OPERATING IJCENSE AMENDMiiNT changs in *61 spacinesman fa pressureAsmperatus luuhs; 13PM4,31 NRC 54 0990)-
eensuuesia period sucepiuse; 12PM6,31 NRC 85 0990) for A=ra==1 et A-esnanted weier et TMI-2; A1AR-926,31 NRC 1 (1990) bearing sighas en; IAPM15,31 NRC 501 (1990)-
wkhdiswel of :
- far, IAPM2,31 NRC 38 0990) -
OPERA 11NO IJCENSE PROCEEDINGS J, peduncy of suymans monian befase ens board as escuse for unsenely Aling af motion to sempen befase the asher boasd; ALAB-927,31 NRC 137 0990)
% offect of appeal bosni decisien of; A1AB-93% 31 NRC 3710990)
'. podeng - '' cf sanand psoceedes; CUW3,31 NRC 219 0990)
ORDFAS wiinen, in infinimal proceedungs; QJM3,31 NRC 337 0990)
PufTONIUM disresunen than,di $se or esplosion, nedet of; 13P'Sil,31 NRC 559 0990) l Imluid, bandhne et 300'C; 1APM10,31 NRC 293 0990) j posessman bt fem af semanunaison; ISP#10,31 NRC 393 (1990) nimenu ahnhas A s; 12PWl0,31 NRC 293 (1990) eeune pashoging for shipines of; ISPM10,31 NRC 293 (1990)
POf4JLAT10N DEN!!TY sansideraties in eiscial euclear mensrials license senewal prug; 1APW10,31 NRC 293 (1990);
12PM11,31 !!RC 320 0990)
PREDICTIONS of hapact of enginmuod A=pa==1 cell for thisium snill taihnes, namre of suppetmg analyses for.
12P#9,31 NRC 150 0990)
PRE 55URE/ TEMPERA 1URE UMTTS l-fcr senaer vuemmis; U1PM4,31 NRC 54 0990) 69 I
l es.---
n n
.,n e
- SUHJECT INDEX fitE35URIZI2) WAlliR REACTOR caminned lenh fa thwinal power, possuruer possure, and highesi operating naar coolans temperatum; -
1APM16,31 NRC 509 0990),
enade suhutaan requunnenas, disnes in; IDP-9416,31 NRC 509 (1990) outage time far one dannel d best tracing: LAPM16,31 NRC 509 (1990)
PR08ABl1JTI1C RISK ASSESSMENT for Big Red Point; D&962,31 NRC 461 (1990)
PROOl' Ses Smden of Pmd PR0lliCIIVE MFASURf3 nearim, far bene populations; IBP 90-20, 31 Nik"' 581 (1990)
PR0!?CI1VE ORDER to stay enfaresmas of administrative subpoens, denial of; CJMt. 31 NRC 1310990)
QUAIJfY ASSURANCE appheebility to,
puosseing and fuel fabriostim facihties; IAPW10,31 NRC 293 0990)
.j RAIXATION DIfl1CI10N in anG and water, asses far, IAPM10,31 NRC 293 0990) -
RADIA110N h0NTIURINO EQUIPMENT with sustian 2.1233(c), ISPM10,31 NRC 293 0990) l, RADIOACI1VE DOSE in weekas; DD942,31 NRC 4610990) l RADIOACI1VE WASTF. IDW lJ: VEL j
land deposal ef; D&942,31 NRC 4610990)
for ph==i pmossang and fust fabacation facility; 1RP 90-10,31 NRC 293 0990) l RADWAYTE $YrrEMS I
J l
et Big Rock Pent; DD94% 31 NRC 4610990)
REACIVR C00 TANT SYSTEM basen annomtation; IEPWik 31 NRC 509 0990)
REACTOR OPERA 1DR quah6esties, empest to reapon record on; CUW3,31 NRC 219 0990)
REACf0R VESSEtJ puseumAsmpersiano lemts for,13PM4,31 NRC 54 0990) 1 RECONSIDERATION of sisy pendene lite of immedians onectiwness of enfastament order,13PM8,31 NRC 143 (1990)
REFERRAL OF RULINOS by hemsing bosnh, authority fer, AIAB-929,31 NRC 2710990)
REOU1ATIONS ehallenges in; ISPM4,31 NRC 54 0990) =
,l inampostasian of " aspect" in 10 Cf.R. 2.714; IEP'946,31 NRC 85 (1990)
' et 80 C.F.R. 50.47(s)(2); AIAB-932,31 NRC 3710990) inser'seastian of 10 CIA 50.47(h); C1JW2,31 NRC 197 (1990) l r
interpseistice of 10 Cf.R. 50.47(bX12); AIAB-93131 NRC 371 (1990)
.j interposetian of 10 CIA Pan 40, Appenda A. Criterian 1; 13P 949,31 NRC 150 0990) i inserpsmation of 10 CIA Pws 50, Appendia E; AIAB-932,31 NRC 3710990) methods nf carryhanos with; 1RP 944,31 NRC 54 0990)
'l waiver of' QJM2,31 NRC 197 0990) l REMAND eftert on hcanes sushmiration; C1JW3,31 NRC 219 (1990)
i RiiOPENING A RiiCORD apphcetaan of Swfacts test for admissian of late Eled statanties to snatian ins; IBP 901,31 NRC 19 0 990) i evidanuary suppet supiret for CLIM6,31 NRC 443 (1990) i i
h j
i en opassier r "
- dwing low-power imming; C1J#3,31 NRC 219 0990) '
4 siended for gros of imannely munie for, AIAB 927, St NRC 137 (1990) siendeses far, ALAB 930,31 NRC 343 0990); AIAB-933,31 NRC 4910990X CUM 6,31 NRC 483 (1990h IAP#l,31 NRC 19 0990k 1APM12,31 NRC 427 (1990) tunehness of munisms far, QJM6,31 NRC 483 (1990); IAP#12,31 NRC 427 0990)
REPORT 1NO RBQUIREMFAT5 for tremier d faenity ownership; 12P#7,31 NRC 116 0990)
, L'
,, hd for, AIAB-931,31 NRC 350 (1990) af show-eemse desersninstian, sended fer, IAPMIT,31 NRC 540 (1990)
Ses also launseems B0esteveness Review REVIEW, APPEllA7E
,i soaps ef; AIAW932,31 NRC 3710990),
eiendases d; AIAB-94 31 NRC 10990) ~
weighs sinn to hommh s band Anangs; AIAB-926,31 NRC 1 (1990) l i
dwing essef-earvice tiene for poussanand weier senciar, IAPW16,31 NRC 509 (1990)
RUIDhfAKINOS fenen for, ClJM2,31 NRC 197 (1990)
* - - ^
edW et --i essenmig need for Els for -
period seospume IAPM6,31 NRC 85 (1990) -
appeal bensd ausherity to soview refersed ndings; AIAB-929,31 NRC 2710990) appeal band decimens, effect en hennes
; AIAB 932,31 NRC 371 (1990) appeal bend siended for evenurnus a bcmeing boasd's Sadings; AIAB 926,31 NRC 1 (1990) appenses soview, scope of; AIAB-932,31 NRC 3710990) burden of gains forwad to suppet cessannen egyasing hcense er unendrnant; AIAB 926,31 NRC 1-0 990)
Inaden ei snesses for esey; AIAB-928, Si NRC 263 (1990) burent e opponent of suonary dispadtion; IDP 944,31 NRC 54 0990) chaumigos to Cemenissim segulaties: ClJM2,31 NRC 197 0990); IAPM4, St NRC 54 (1990) -
comesmee h w upsisunenas; 1APM16,31 NRC 509 0990) -
cdaaria for sisy of agency assia; 12P#8,31 NRC 143 0990)
- ; funds; QJM3,31 NRC 219 0990)
, veview; AIAB-931,31 NRC 350 (1990) amagency plansung standants for licane autharizatimi; QJM3,31 NRC 219 0990) eviduaisry esppet supiired for a to reapan; C1JM6,31 NRC 483 0990) sapen weenasses, weight given to tenkaany of; AIAB 932,31 NRC 3710990) -
Federal Regimer ruhhcotian as sufscises notice far purpose of tirnely *.
; 12PM5,31 NRC '
73 0 990)
-1 Anality of dommens; AIAB 933,31 NRC 4910990) hesseenens and hawai, des-sequisuniones;1AP#16,31 NRC 509 0990) besabig Ries, emessas ef; IDPM22,31 NRC 592 0990) bearing vapsiremene for niennians licenssa; AIAB-929,31 NRC 2710990) benedisse effectinnese review, enset an appeal beard desiciens; AIAB-932,31 NRC 3710990) inaneeste effeedvanes review, purpens ef; QJ#3,31 NRC 219 0990) injury hi-fact showing to obtain seending; 13F9018,31 NRC $59 0990) innarest., '
- et 10 CIA 1714; 12PW4,31 NRC 85 0990) interlocuanry appeals via deused camincetian, tems for, AIAB-933,31 NRC 4910990) inirlocusery soview of _,,
order connected with Amt order; AIAB-931,31 NRC 350 0990)
-d inierpsmetion e( 10 CIA 1730(c); AIAB-931,31 NRC 350 0990)
Jurisdiction maings niet damernune a pony's mens in en enforcanent procemies; AIAB-931,31 NRC 350 0 990) 71 f
law imarvessum, good esues far, IBPMS,31 NRC 73 0990) leie Anad -
' - CUW6,31 NRC 483 0990) 7 l
besse assherueden paneng _
of menand procesang; CUM 3,31 NRC 219 0990) baieshilisy af eeniAems baasses emadmanas R _
: 12PM6,31 NRC 85 (1990) nundstory must, manded for gass of; CUM 3,31 bgtC 219 (1990)
A to suiks bi luformal,.
_;; IAP#10,31 NRC 393 (1990); 12P#11,31 NRC 320 i
0 990) nuhiple band pensesdags, padecy of en nuaian befase ens based as ensues for untimely Ahas of smedan to suspen baten the asher basal; A1AB 927,31 NRC 137 (1990) ofEcial assise of einie ausresney se plan; ALAB-932,31 NRC 3710990) t aghemal standes in informal ;-
*. : LAP #18,31 NRC 559 0990) -
'" swadm4 basis far, IAPM16,31 NRC 509 0990).
secord suppen suyahed in appelisw brists; ALAB-926,31 NRC 1 (1990) sospanies a smousd, ariseria for. ALAB-933,31 NRC 4910990); CUM 6,31 NRC 483 0990) -
suspains of senerd en new infersneuei; AIAB-930,31 NRC 343 (1990) eedsuma a9--ae !APM10,31 NRC 393 (1990); QJMS,31 NRC 337 0990) show-eeues peessedags as e vehicle for solisigstion of lasues; DE>90k2,31 NRC 4610990) senadasd far soview of show-eeuse dessen:imaniai; 12P'417,31 NRC 540 (1990) sisadeses te senpaning a suomd; ALAB-927,31 NRC 137 (1990) sian% to lasarves in dooansmissiming prooms&as; ISPM3, St NRC 40 0990) sisadas to bearvues in opereeing lissase amendment procemens; IJPM6,31 NRC 85 (1990) standuqs to bearvens in Subpan L pr-ahre IAP418,31 NRC 559 0990) sisy of asumey eeden: A1AB 931,31 NRC 350 0990)'
i swy poeng appest; AIAB 928,31 NRC 363 0990); QJM3,31 NRC 219 0990) sisy sequest when informanen sehnera io need for may is not evolishne; IEP#18,31 NRC 559 0 990) senmary afersmanos, motions far, ALAB-933,31 NRC 491 (1990) i seemary shapaaltion naties; AIAB-932,31 NRC 371 (1990) -
senmary disposiden, purpee of,13P 904,31 NRC 54 (1990) thnebnsus of nimiens to soapan; QJ#6,31 NRC 483 0990) tiening of weinen quantians in informal psossedings; CUMS,31 NRC 337 (1990) wolver of inqueparty briefed issums; AIAB 936,31 NRC 10990) weight given to beennns bened 6n6nes by appast beards; AIAB-926,31 NRC 10990)-.
withdasal of basis for man &ng by manlawyer; 12PMI6,31 NRC 509 (1990) wnnen eseme bi informal besanas; CUM 5,31 NRC 337 (1990)
i adminstresive jaulge's involvernens in; CUMS,31 NRC 337 0990) beween NRC staff and lesenses; 13PM14,31 NRC 454 0990)'
defenal of emivisies in a procemens in allow for negatistians; 13PM21,31 NRC !?e (1990) sonnetaan et empinyes's shility to repan enfany caicorns; CUMI,31 IT 131 (1990) j SIIELTERINO of transient beach populations; 13P 9042,31 NRC 427 (1990); LBPM30,31 NRC 5810 90);
CU E3,31 NRC 219 (1990)
SilOW CAUSE PROCEEDINOS as e vehide for sehugeuan of issues; D0%2,31 NRC 461 (1990) standesd for kniinaian of, DIAM 1,31 NRC 327 0990)
SoviinfuGN IMMUNITY waiver et, ALAB-929, St NRC Ut 0990)
in bifonnel pieceeAns, duquatincation af; tap'%3,31 NRC 40 0990) '
SPECIAL I%CI111W.S nati6 cation in an energency; CUM 3,31 NRC 219 (1990)
L 72 o
i l
i R-m a
- m A.
2-ma m
w w
. j
. 1
- 1 j
- l l
-I ho. ass 7-to hones;13PM10,31 NRC 293 0990) pasassem in fans of -
; 12P410,31 NitC 293 0990) i SPECIAl-NEEDS POPULA110NS owwy edeguacy, for senegency piennug gnupasse; 12PM12,31 NRC 427 (1990) hh of CU#3,31 NRC 219 0990).
l SPlWT PUBL POOL EXfWNSION accidens sensiemetiens hi; QJM4,3I NRC 333 (1990)
i ebenest eenseras or acedenac isessest es basis far,13PM6,31 NRC 85 0990)
- j l
in -
' ; pseessese; 13P43,31 NRC 40 (1990) in aparating beanse amenement presse6ms; 13P 904,31 NRC 35 (1990) in)mry-nn-fest showing to obsain; 13PM18,31 NRC 559 (1990) l
' '. basis for 13P 9016,31 NRL 509 0990) i to beervens in infennal pseemedags; 13PM18,31 NRC 559 0990)
I l
whhessent of.
_?s basis fe, by manlawyer; 13PM14 31 NRC 509 (1990)
STATES standmig to hearves; 13PM6,31 NRC 85 0990)
IrTAY er ogsary assias, asheria fe gram af; AIAB 931,31 NRC 350 (1990) burdet of peneussian em newem far, AIAB-928,31 NRC 30 0990) criesris for gent of;12PMS,31 NRC 143 0990) inepuebis injury standesd; QJ#3,31 NRC 219 0990) pendune has of barnadases eNeceiveness of enfasoament order, ncendessiian af; 13P48,31 NRC 143 0 990) pendu s appeal; QJ#3,31 NRC 219 (1990) request far, when bifersnanan salasent to need far stay is not eveIlable; ISP#il,31 NRC 559 -
0 990) -
J., enfansment et, C1J#1. 31 NRC 1310990)
AFMRMANCE vehicle for seeking maries depasition; AIAB 933,31 NRC 4910990) l
DISPOSfTION burde e oppansat of. AIM 932,31 NPC 3710990); 13P-90-4,31 NRC 54 (1990)
purpass d; 13P44,31 NRC 54 0990) -
5UMMARY UCENSB SUSPEN510N standesd for soview of; 12P#17,31 NRC 540 (1990)
- ; af; A1AB-932,31 NRC 371 (1990)
mae knuu; 13P-90 4,31 NRC 54 0990) conians ef; 13P-9015,31 NRC 5010990) cycis oped6c case aparaums bmits and asher cycle 4pecine fuel information, samaval from; 13P 9015, 31 NRC 5010990) 17.!En(ERAPY UNT!3
niemeensnee activisies by mhcensed butividuals: 13PM17,31 NRC 540 0990).
TEWEllATURE for mil dussihey transitaan; 12P-904 31 NRC 54 (1990)
TERMINATION OF PROCEEDINO becauss of wnhdrewal of inservener,13PM13,31 NRC 456 0990) 1T.513 Charpy V-notch, for fiacium taughnses; 12P 90 4,31 NRC 54 (1990) 73 i
h 4
&spenst in empneared 6speal cell; ALAB428,31 NRC 263 (1990); LEPM9,31 NRC 150 (1990) 11tANSMrT*I11RS Rosemaeus, defuses im; ALAB-930,31 Nhc M3 (1990); QJ,946,31 NRC 483 (1990)
TRANSPOftTATION SERVICES smagemey, hW of individials needes; QJMS, St NIIC 219 (1990)
af enknist hemes e'==da'a u; DDM3. 31 NRC M (1990)
WAIVNt of mise er sagahe QJM2,31 NRC 197 (1990) et esseseipi innemity, esmsuuction et Equal Access to Justice Act far, A1AB429,31 NRC 271 -
i oveparaman by issued heating of necident generenad woner at TMI-2; AIAB 926,31 NRC 1 (1990) et sharmen main teihny in anpassed dupesal eeu; ALAB-928,31 NRC 263 (1990) of absstum miu inihnes in supnemed despenal esD; IAP 949,31 NitC 130 (1990)
sasidsseW at TMI 2, despeen) of; ALAB-926,31 NRC 1 (1990) f Ses also Ossendweest WHIFI12BIDWNt3 suprisek againsi; DDMI, St NRC 377 (1990)
WRIT OF MADAMUS standesd for great ef; QJM3,31 NRC 219 (1990) i e
l N
f l:
l k
FACILITY INDEX 1110 ROCK POINT PLANT; Dodet Na 54155 REQUEST POR ACrlON; May 4,199% DIRECTOR'S DECISION UNDER 10 Cf,R. 6 2.206; DDM2,31 NRC 461 (1990)
BIDOMSilURO STill DECONTAMINATION; Ducket Nas, 030 05980, 034 05951, 034 05982, 030 08335, 034 08444 ENIORCEMENT ACflON; lanuary 29, 1990; ORDI;R (Demying Motions to Danuss NRC Orders issued March 16, 1989, and August 21, 1989, for lack of Junsdsenon); IEP-90w7,31 NRC 116 (1990) l ENFORCEMENT ACrlON; Fehruary 8,1990; ORDER; IJIP-90 8,31 NRC 143 (1990)
54317, 54318 f
MATERIA 13 IJCENSE; May 15, 1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (terminatim of Pmeeedmg); 12P-9413,31 NRC 456 (1990) l DIAlllD CANYON NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, Uniis 1 and 2, Dodet Nos. 54275 A,54323-A ANITTRUYT; June 14, 1990; DIRECTOR'S DECISION UNDER 10 Cf.R. 6 2.206; DD-943, 31 NRC 595 (1990)
ONE FACTORY ROW, GENEVA, Oli 44041; Ddet Na 3016055-SP SPECIAL litOCEEDINO; March 30, 1990; DECISION; ALAB-929,31 NRC 2710990)
SUSPENSION OF IJCENSE; June 12, 1994 MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Orendng NRC Staff Mauan fa Surnmary Disposiuon and Terminsung Proceeding); LBP-9417,31 NRC 540 0990)
PATilFIMDER ATOMIC PLANT; Dudas Na 34050M-MIA MATERIAIJ llCl!NSE AMENDMENT; January 10, 1990; MEMORANIX.'M AND ORDER (Request for lleanna); LEP 943,31 NRC 40 (1990)
Pl;RRY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, Unit 1; Ducket Na 54440 OLA OPGLATING IJCliNSE AMrNDMENT; June 11, 1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDliR (Granung t'etition to intervene); IJ1P-9015, 31 NRC Sol (1990)
ROCirtTil)YNE DIVISION, Docket Na 7425 MATT. RIAL 3 IJCENSE AMENDMENT; March 19, 1990; MEMORANDUM AND OkDER (Mouan to Strike), LEP 9410, 31 NRC 293 (1990)
MA1T.RIAIJ (JCENSE AMENDMENT; March 30, 1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDFR (Recmsidersuon-llomemiises and 1APSRX IEP-9411,31 NRC 320 (1990) l MATER!AIJ LJCENSE AMENDhGiNT; April 13, 1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER, CIJ-945, l
31 NRC 337 (1990) 51 ADROOK STATION, Units I and 2; Ducket Nos. 54443 OL, 504M OL OPERATING LJCENSE; January 8,1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Ruhng m Imervmorf Mauons to Admit a late-Filed Contention and Reopen the Reconi Based upon the Withdrawal of the Menachusetts ILilS. Network and WCOY); IEP-901,31 NTC 19 (1990) 75
FACILITY INDEX OPERATING UCENSE; January 9,1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Denying traervenas' Enon to Range Reenrd Regarding Pic;msed Amendment to Operanns Ucense Appbcaden);
IBP 942,31 NRC 33 (1990)
OPERAUNO UCENSE; February 26, 1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER; AIAB-927,31 NRC 137 (1990)
OPERATING trtNSE; March 1,1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER CUM 2,31 NRC 197 (1990X CUM 3,31 NRC 219 (1990)
OPERATING UCENSE; May 3,1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Ruhng en Certain Remanded and Referred lasues); 12P 9412,31 NRC 427 (1990)
OPERATING UCENSE; May 31.1990; DECISION; AIAB-932,31 NRC 371 (1990)
- (1990) -
OPERATING UCENSE; June 8,1990; ORDIA; CUW6,31 NRC 483 (1990)
OPIRATINO UCENSE; Jew W,1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Followirig Prehearing Confmancek UIP-9420,31 NRC 581 (1990) i SEABROOK STATION, Units I and 2. Docket No. 50-443 01r15444441 1 -
SOUril1EXAS PROJF4T, Uniu I and 2; Ducket Nos. 54448, 50 449 ENIORCEMENT ACTION; February 8,1990; ORDER; QJMI,31 NRC 131 (1990)
TURKEY POINT NUCIIAR GENERATING PLANT, Uniu 3 and 4; Dncket Nos. 54250, 54251 REQUEST IOR ACTION; Man:h 22, 1990; DIRECIDR'S DFCISION UNDER 10 C.F.R. 6 2.206; DDMI,31 NRC 3D (1990)
TURKEY POINT NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT, Unha 3 and 4; Ducket Nos. 54250-OlA.4, 54251oLA-4 OPERA 11NO UCENSE AMENDMENT; January 16, 1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Ruling an Etion fa Sumnury Disp <sinon and Dismisaal of Proceedina); UlP 944,31 NRC 54 (1990)
OPERATING UCENSE AMENDMENT; January 16, 1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDElt (Denying Paunan to traervene); LBP-945,31 NRC 73 (1990)
TURKEY OINT NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT, Uniu 3 and 4; Docket Nos. 542540LA 5, 1
- Confe ence Order. Parnes and Conuntions); ISP 9416,31 NRC 509 (1990)
en Petiden for lasve to Intervens FUed by the Suns of Vermont); ISP 946,31 NRC 45 (1990).
i WETT OllCA00 RARE EARTils FAQUTY; Docket Na 442061.ML l-MA1T.RIA13 UCENSE AMENDMENT; February 13,1990, INT!1AL DECISION (Ruling m All l
Remaining lasues); UlP.949,31 h1tC 150 (1990) i MATERIALS UCENSE AMENDMENT; March 27, 1990; MEMORANDUM; AIAB-928,31 NRC +
263 (1990)
-l 1
l l
c 1
i 76 f
a I

Latest revision as of 00:26, 17 December 2024

Indexes to Nuclear Regulatory Commission ISSUANCES.January- June 1990
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/30/1990
NUREG-0750, NUREG-0750-I02, NUREG-0750-V31-I02, NUREG-750, NUREG-750-I2, NUREG-750-V31-I2, NUDOCS 9010230091
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NUREG-0750 Vol. 31 l'

Index 2 l

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e-s e m% m.p, s c P 9 10230091 900930 l PR NUREG 0750 R PDR r i b I 2 i l I I i s I Available from Superintentendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office Post Office Box 37082 i Washington, D.C. 20013-7082 l A " ear's subscription consists of 12 softbound issues, 41 as, and 2-4 hardbound editions for this publication. Single copies of this publication are available from National Technical r Information Service, Springfield VA 22161 i i i Errors in this publication may be reported to the l Division of Freedom of Information ano Publications Services ( Office of Administration - l U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission f Washington, DC 20555 (301/492-8925) l l l l-I Y E I i ( l NUREG-0750 Vol. 31 Index 2 l i I. f INDEXES TO NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION ISSUANCES 1 L i I January - June 1990 i l t i i l t US NUCL L AH HE GUL AIORY COM MISSION 1 Prepared by the - Division of Freedom of information and Publications Services - Office of Administration U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 (301/492-8925) ~ p i ..........-._._.g.._ ...___._n._.., i Foreword Digests and indexes for issuances of the Commission (CLI), the Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Panel (ALAB), the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board panel (LDP), the Administrative Law Judge (AU), the Directors' Decisions (DD), and the Denials of Petitions for Rulemaking are presented in this document. %ese digests and indexes are intended to serve as a guide to the issuances. Information elements common to the cases heard and ruled upon are: Case name (owner (s) of facility) Pull text reference (volume and pagination) Issuance number issues raised by appellants Legal citations (cases, regulations, and statutes) Name of facility, Docket number Subject snatter of issues and/or rulings Type of hearing (for construction permit, operating license, etc.) Type of issuance (memorandum, order, decision, etc.). These infonnation elements are displayed in one or more of five separate formats arranged as follows:

1. Case Name Index The case name index is an alphabetical arrangement of the case names of issuance, docket number, issuance number, and full text reference.the iss
2. Digests and llenders The headers and digests are presented in issuance number order as follows:

the Commission (CLI), the Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Panel (ALAB) the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel (LDP), the Administrative Law Judge (AU), the Directors' Decisions (DD), and the Denials of petitions for Rulemaking. The header identifies the issuance by issuance number, case name, facility name, docket number, type of hearing, date of issuance, and type of issuance. The digest is a brief narrative of an issue followed by the resolution of the issue and any legal references used in resolving the issue. If a given issuance covers more than one issue, then separate digests are used for each issue and are designated alphabetically. 111 l i

3. Legal Citations Indes His index is divided into four parts and consists of alphabetical or alphanu-merical arrangements of Cases, Regulations, Statutes, and Others. %ese citations are listed as given in the issuances. Changes in regulations and statutes may have occuned to cause changes in the number or name and/or applicability of the citation. It is therefore important to consider the date of the issuance.

De references to cases, regulations, statutes, and others are generally fol-lowed by phrases that show the application of the citation in the particular issuance. %ese phrases are followed by the issuance numter and the full text reference.

4. Subject Indes Subject words and/or phrases, arranged alphabetically, indicate the issues and subjects covered in the issuances. De subject headings are followed by phrases that give specific information about the subject. as discussed in the issuances being indexed. Dese phrases are followed by the issuance number and the full text reference.

5, hellity Indes ne index comists of an alphabetiM1 arrangement of facility names from the issuance. The name is followed by tocket number, type of hearing, date, type of issuance, issuance number, and full text reference. Iv l ~ ~ _. - _ _ _ _ _ - - _ - - _ _. - - - - _ - - - _ -.- I l i CASE NAME INDEX i AtWANCED MEDICAL $YSTl;MS, INC. SPICAL HLOC2'EDINO, [* CISION, thees k Sl6055 SP, AIAB-929,31 NRC 2710990) SUSPENSION OF IJC2;NSE; MEMORANDUM AND ORDIA (Ommma NkC Sist Motion for lenmary DuPnsimen and Tenniname Psossedue); Dude h Sie055-SP (ASIAP A i 87 545-01 SP) (Suspensue Orderk 1APMl7,31 NRC $40 0990) 1 bat.TIMORE OAS AND ElJCTRIC COMPANY l MATERIALS IJCENSE; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Twennses of 7 J. DerAm Nes 72 8. S317, 2318, IAP#13, 31 NRC 456 (1990) BASIN TESTINO 1A90RATORY, INC de BAtlN SilRVICES INC-CIVIL FilNALTY; MEhlORANDf)M AND ORDPA (Orde A eerug t=ah Agamment and M Tenninstang besseng1 Duches k 1500D(KO ScovP (AllAP h 9 40101 SCOvP) GA 86 365) (Oenemal IAesses Usuier 10 CfA. 6150.30), IAPD14, St NRC 458 0990) CLEVELAND 12JffiltlC !!LUMINATINO (X34PANY, a el OMRATINO LIC1.N58! AMENDMENT; MEMORANDUM AND ORIEA (Orenung Paunen to laservens); Deska No. 2444MA (ASIAP Na 94405424A); LAP 41$,31 NRC Sol 0990; 00NSUMFJts POWla COMPANY OrtAATINO IJCENSE: DIRECIOR'S DHCISION UNDFA 10 CJJL $1206; Decka h MIS 5; Di>962,31 NItC 4610990) CURATOR 5 OF Tile LDEVER5fTY OF MIS 5OURI MA1TJt1A13 IJCI:NSE AMf:NDMINT; MEMORANDUM AND ORDtiR (Admsang blaes and

  • Asses af Concern; Desemns Amnem ei e Sioyh Drede Nos. M00710, 202275-MIA (A$ LAP No 94613M MLA) (Re: 11tUMP 8 Pndesi) (RyPseenes launas k 24406t3 32, Special Nuclear Meianals linanse No SNM 347); LAP #il,31 NRC $59 (1990) i MATERIA 13 IJCENSE AMENDh(INT, MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Adanens to the M),

Dodes Nas M4"1270,402278-M1A (ASIAP No. 90-613MM1A) (Re: TRUMP S bject) l (Byssedum Lisense Na 2440513 32; Syncial Nominar Maiorials license No. SNM-247), IAP40 22, 31 NRC 592 0990) l' l'lDRIDA POWIR AND LJOlff COMi%NY OMAATINO IJCENSE AMENDMENr. MEMOOLANDUM AND ORDER (Itulus en Musien im Seamary thspes6uen and Dienussel af F-==demak Doshet Nes. W25&OLA-4, M2514LA4 (A5 tap Na 99 56401 OLA) (PsessueTampassimo thhsh 1APM4, 31 NRC 54 (1990) OMRA11NO LJCENSE AMENDhEENT; MEMOfLANDUM AND ORDER (Danying Pennen to tensrvenen Dsche Nes 22540tA4, %2510lA4 (ASLAP Na 99 584-010lA) (PsessueTemperesun IJnuisk 1APMS,31 NRC 75 0990) OPIAAflNO LJC3NSE AMENDMFNT; MEMORANDUM AND ORDEA (Psehsang Canfounes Osder. Parues and Comenuensk Dede Nos. 22SOLA 5. 4251 OLA 5 (AStJP h 96602 OlGA 5) (Tndumsal SpeciAcanons Rapissement) (Fosshey Opsesting 13esnam Nos. DPit 31, DMt4th LAF9016,31 NRC 509 (1990) RIiQUEST Klit AC110N, DIRECIVit'$ DHCISION UNDIA 10 CFA. 62.306, Dados Nos. 56254 2 251; D(Hol,31 NHC 327 (1990) OENIAAL PUBLJC LT!11IIII3 NtOSAR CORPORATION OMRA11NO LJCENSE AMENDMINT; DHCISION; Duda h 43MOLA (Depnsal of Acciders Osnormed Weier), AIAB 9M St NRC 1 (1990) IlOU570N IJGfTING AND POWER COMPANY INIOllCIMNT Ac!10N, ORDER, Dodet Nas 50448, M449, CLJ 941, 31 NitC 1310990) I . - ~. \\ l CASE NAME INDEX 1 K73R MsOBE OllMCAL, O'lILPORATION MA1ERIA1A IJCENSE AME.NDMEhT; INTI1AL DbCisKW (Rulus em All Ren,eming lasussh [ Does b 403061 ML (ASIAP h 834M On ML), IAPM9,31 NRC 130 0990). i MATIALALA 13GNSE AMENDMINI, MEMOILANDUhl Dada h 442061 Mt4 AIAR 928,31 i NRC 263 (1990) NottlHERN $1ATR8 MWER COMPANY MATIAIAIJ IJCENSE AMENDMINr; MEMOILANDUM AND OILDElt (Regusa fur Heerseh Doest Na 20$004 MLA (A5 TAP h 9499641.ML) (Hypedua MounalIh Na 22-05799 02); IR##3,38 NRC 40 0990) MA11tRLA1A LETJUE AMENDMINI; ORDEll1111tMINATING PROCBliDIN0; Dests: No. M09004MLA (Ast3P h 96$9601 ML,) (Ryysedum Massial IJoanes & 22-0t799-02A 1AP#19. 31 NRC 379 0990) PActMC oat AND MACf9 TIC 00MIENY ANITI1 LUST; DERBCIOIt'$ DI6 SKIN UNDER 10 CJJL $2.206; Does Nas. 2275.A. 2323 A; DI)t43, St NRC $95 0990) POIrtlet Wh00 RIAL HosPtTAL SUSPENSION OF AcrIYtt188 AND MODEMCATION OF IJCENSE, MLEHEAkiNO CONMBtDKE OILDER (Delspel and Tennemmesa af Reysserse Possemeassh Doess & Ol412tS40M (ASIAP i k 9461545CM) (EA 94M2) (Cl , Osdur sepsedue Reeshydesary Ammmes and helfpue Iw 1AP 9621, St NRC Set 0990) PURLJC SBItVKE IX2dPANY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, a el OPNLATING IJCRNSE; Wh00RANDUM ANO ORDEIL; w Nen. $44434 $0444 OL (Offshe fumespumer Pimmens Ismessh ALAR-927,31 NRC 137 0990) OPERATING IJCNNBE; helMOILANDUM AND OILDER; Desha k S440.Ot,1. 564444L1 Utammeauss Tsumustusseh ALAR 930,31 NRC M3 0990) OPERA 11NO IJQlNBE; DHCISION; Does Nes. 344c% M4444 (Offshe t-y-y Planning Immak ALAR 952,31 NRC 3710990) OPliRATING IJGNSP4 WMOILANDUM AND OILDNt; Deem Na $444% $64444 (Offslie funeemory Pisens Ismeh ALAR 933,31 NRC 4910990k QJ 902,31 NRC 197 0990k C1J 943,31 Nhc 219 0990) OPNLATINO IJCENSE; ORDER; Daem Nas. 5440% 24440L (Offsiis fumagenry Plannens lesessh QJ 964,31 NRC 4t3 0990) OITJLATINO LJCENSE; hSIMokANDUM AND OILDEll (Relag en Isservenev Manaus to Adant a tats Mind Camisessa and ResPen its W Resad eran the Whhesswel af the Meassehusems E3.8. Newse and WC0Yh Daem No. 240% $44440L (AstAP h 32471 03 014 (Offshs Rmagener Plannmeh IAP#1,31 NRC 19 0990) OPNLA11NO IJQiNSE; heih000LANDUM AND OILDFJL (Dunying learvenes' Mstian to Rayon Reasd Regadas Piepened Amendsmus to Opossung (Joense ? ' X Dudes Nes. %4410t. M444-OL (ASLAP k 32-47842-0Q (Offshs Emergency Plansangh LAP #2. 31 NRC H 0990) OPNLATING IJQiNSE; nelh00RANDUM AND OILDNL (Ruhse en Cennin Rammaded and kalened issussh Does Nas. M46% M4444t. (AttAP h 8247102-OL) (Onske luneessney i Pa* 13P 9412. 31 NRC 427 0990) OPNLATINO (JGNSE; hEiMOILANDUM AND OILDia (Innlowag Psehmanns Ceufensunk Does t I No. $4443% M444-OL (Astar No. 32 47102 01,) (Opshe Immaganry Plansas issuss); 1AP#20,31 NRC Sol 0990) ROCKWELL INTEltNA110NAL 00ItPOILA110N MATERLAIA IJCENSE AMENDMINI; MEh000tANDUM AND OILDIBt; Desbet b 425 ML (S enal Nuensar Maamial IJoense h SNM 21h QJ to$. 31 NRC 337 (1990) P MATFJLIAIJ IJCENSE AMENDh0NT; MEh00ELANDUM AND OILDNL (Menen to tisiksh Dodet & 7025 (ASIAP h 09 594414L) (spesial Nuciant Maisrial LJeanse Na SNM 21) (Rapissa to Romew to Quesher 1990); 1APM10,31 NRC 293 (1990) MATliItlAIJ IJCENSE AMENDhGNT4 MEh00RANDUM AND ORDER (Ressasidseinan. Hamenwaars and 1APSRh Doest h 425 (ASIAP No. 8459441 ML) (Sposeal Nuclear Meissial LJamnes Na SNM21) (kequess to Ransw to thh-1990h IAP#tt,31 NRC 320 0990) L

  • u.

I i l CASE NAME INDEX f SAPLTY 1Julff CORPORATION, a st. ENM)hCEI@NT Acn0N, MEMORANDUM AND ORDut; Daem Nis. 0205000, OS0$941, 048982, OLS0035,020H44, ALAB 931,31 NNC 32 (1990) i LNPORCEhSNI ACHON; ORDFA; Daem Nes. 2 4 5 900,03405941,036 # 982, 5 405335, 0364444 (AllAP Nes. 99 M0 01.Old,9639541M-211AP#t,31 Pac 143 (1990) MODIFICA110N norma norma (Dayiss Massens is Demones Nhc Oems issued Masah 16, 1989, [ end Angsms 21,1980, far task of lunadweisak Duest No. C6405900, W6469st, e840$982, 1 0508335,260M44 (AtlAP Nes. 539601 OM, 96396 01 DM-2X 1aP447,31 letc 116 i (1990) l FT, MARY WIDICAL GN110t.4tOSA87 and ST. MARY nGDICAL ONI11R--OARY SUSP9tNSION OF AC11YTT1E8 AND MODIFICA110N OF IJGNSE, PREHEARING CONFERENG i ORDER (Defenal and Yanniemem af Raspessive Pmesednesh Does Nes. 3431379-OH, OS401415W (AtlAP No. 96413#CM) (EA 96071) (Osdur *-W Bieshy$-+v Aalvkiss i and Meefytus Ussessk 12P#21,31 Dec Set (1990) YEkh00NT YAPGLEE NUCIAAR POWEIL CORPURATION OrtlRA11NO IJGNSE AMENDMEPfn MEh00RANDUM AND OILDER; Does No. 36271 ORA (apes het Phuf ^^h CUW4,31 Nhc 333 (1990) OPERATING 1JGNSE AMfWDMENT, MEh000tANDUM AND OILDFA Otelise en hiiden for lasse to hussvens IUnd by the asses of Versuusk Daem No. 36271 mM (ASIAP No, n3954saA) fcenserwaisa Pened Resspessh IAP-944,31 NRC 85 (1990) h ( l a 3 k V n ,-n e 4 4- .i m. wW DIGESTS laBUANCES OF THE NUCIAAR REGULATORY COMMISBOON QJ 941 HOU570N LJGrrtNO AND pO9fER COh4fnNY (Seish Tomas Pnqua. Unha 1 and th Dues ( Nes. 30448,54449, D00RGh4ENT; Fduuary 4, U9&, ORDER a - f A The Carus== danse 9m mensa of Mr. Ishn Ceeder for e pneseein ender staying Om ~ g ordanusnet er en eeninierstiw + a based es hhn by she NRC Staff in emmisseien erkh his senseras and,eys,deng g semih Teams p,ej a The Canummum baissous ihm Mr. Casser is in e pushian e

, semply whh she sulyssna, _ - ' ; die pendenry of an KRA sequest he Aled whh the MlC

, 2 B The NRC SeaK's sequest that sa eBeger pnsries to k any eeneeres ties the abager bed est psovided periously should not be consensed as en invaesian to allow an eDeger eis apparisahy to soview all prior g NRC Sinff saisne en his povias eencarns er ausgehuis, or to pass pdynes en the s=d M ef the NRC Staff's emanns Rather, the purpose et tw requem is na give the eBeger to appanuaity to espeams eeneerns to ihr Sintf that Isa niey how feDad to furnssh povknasty besses of the emissanos of a =h agrasmuss, massed tree by the absgst and his firemer engleyer, whish asy how hem med to {.% susada die abseer fruen bringing his conaers to tus esency. ! 7 A C 1he Cummissaan bolsove that en elines need seus seek the pesandag of a poneng ICIA g 3 sequest signedara his povinus eesuures and an.y.*- in esder en earmply whh en ad-==houve subpoena w sequesung that hs psovies the NRC weib infernween mi whahar he wishheld endey eenoorns inen em 8 NRC, developed new eenourns eines his tenninaian of eng4ayinese whh the Usames er has en innarest 7. In she snamnar in wh64 his pseveaualy sapsessed osuusrm wee eelsesens ? ClJ-942 PUSUC SERVICE C0htPANY OF NEW llAbu'SIERE, et at (Seshrunk tamh Unies 1 and ~ 4 2), Daea Nas. 54443 0L. 50444-OL (Offenes Ibnergmcy Planning) OPERA 11NO LJCENBE; Mene I, C^ 199&, MRh80RANDUhl AND ORDER A The Comunisian edesumens e eenited passeien fnen des Appeal basse eeskhqs puulense en ekseher essismeny enneersang perunder esceden seenanas and thsar pmjemed dass comangaanses is adsmasible far te papenas of judging the edecaecy et en einerynicy plan. The Csausnieman doesnniens that aush testirmony O is inednesephist The Canunaaman seussness that ensorgency pime en to be evalueemd against the einisen pianmag an=d=ds of 10 CIA 6 5047(bk whid an dweened temasd aussanable assurance of psuesmin .y~ measures far a trend spectnen of

  • B The rulernaldags of 1930 and 1987 estehlish that anagency plemung es a genend snamer is emisidend pasr of f.at4aar redapets") pnasciami_

C For die paupees of dondung winehar puSesed testinumy on chas sedumes in a spacinc a== aria shmad be ednuusd as solovens to evalueuen of energency pienning h is 1-an==ist whether the ausrgency plasming seemineues ase considsed Ann-tier Codequees") er serend.ner ("eate-edequais") p====== D Emegpacy P amung is "emanal.- aus li is only saanum eenn i sammel.dgs thei amargency l plans an a baskeeny, o empend er Wanl lues of defenes then earnes beo play mily in the samunely som 3 that ogpneand desist fee--.s and human capedty is take comestig estesen how both faded i is overt a ser6aus nushop. E la die test of its muergency plannang segulaticns, in rulumskistas en the subjsst of emergency plannina, and h edsueemary deemies hearpening ihn= agulauens, ihe Cannessia has meds ensar that >denew en se adapacy of anagracy planmee an in be bened en aanfermhy whh as plannus mandards est furth in 10 CIA $ 5a47(b) F Nealms6 in 10 CIA Sa47 earname any sugestaan that calcuissimis of does==-a r-an enemuled to play a role in de evehashan of en amargency plan's sempery. Considueessa of oposanc escidas .e 5 ~.- ~ -., 1 1 l 1 DIGESTS IBgCANCEg 0F THE NUCIAAR RROULA700tY COMag8BBION s+smaus and their pasmaal due ennsmpmeses has beam sendsud , 6, es, _ " of : smede g=dema esi i, ad eyedelmus das en a songs of sendens ad mar esempmess. O la b by applying me generic piidenes of the sinessa passadag - "--s= et 10 CIA 5047(b) to ths eview of indnidual maingary pinas - amt by amespums to pseest the effems of panssular hypsahment i essedmWs censuring under penisuist hypeestical asednims of wussher, timme d year, and tisme of day - J that the NRC emisam basif that ese es.1 af esiuseums dess ph-a is sess. - H-N Anal emersawy pW suls, as emmesd in 1987, should have Ish hule debt as in ihm Ceme =%'s bassa, which siey he summarimod as fanses: Emmaamey pleas ese to be evolusand en. n their own anerks, assinst the sisimum pimuuss===aads af 10 CSA $ 50.47(bk whh pasuseptros velssty asumend to PEMA's upset )demens em e5sies pis,edss; that the evaluneen dess met uneD esundantism - er eis dame -=y-that edela he esiculmed inder emises hypeeshool eisomanneses; and that a pism i hdend admiusie seeinst these piseming seamends k ensmamed genanny --r--a to any esher pasm that has base feed adapses. l A deemmasham of m--Aas= ef f M mods by ans, is est for individual, bosnh is ehm. Penis emensand whh the selo's appressh may paisism to shases the sale, er they insy enemyt, by sepsming a wasus of the ads,is ehme why k shauki met be applied to e penisular eses. QJ-90 3 PunUC SiglVICE COMPANY OF NEW HAlegHBIE, as al (Besksmak Simism, Umbs I and 2), - Desket Nas. 304GOL. 30444484 OpBRATINO tJCENSB; Mmeh 1.1990; MEMORANDUM AND ' i ORDER A. De Communemen daddas to ano, the Aasmic Sefer and I====mp Bassd's *== ef s' ' fuD omer lismens far the Seelmeek Nasiner Power Sistiam Uma I to basesse elfesene under he seedeuses t emise the pendomry of father apposis and ashar ashmisisaresive.. . Im sesshing hs inumeeme asessivuuss soview, :L& Cummissim denies bearvsmess' sequest for whef in the mesma of mandsmus. + Rapses for maye of full po,e lismuss ='-='== en she domind, however, a nuisf '

may is pavided to pommit the Aling et, *ssi any mannus..

B By seedseiam and a lag ime of esas M' the C - bas aplickly sessimed spavisory ( , p=ar to est m at any mage of a psmosedug is deside any maner hemif, See to CFA 62.764(eX5)(0 and i i (fX2X0; e.g., Public Servise Ces of New Hampshme Clasluesk Session,Umbs I ed 2),C1J 774,5 NRC Sal,516 (19M ( De NRC's alas pouvide one sanse esp in the evemight of besasing desiasms, the "maneshais i elfesenemara suview? To espisin, whsm an Aamaic Sefeiy sud unamang Based aushannes the issusass of a hcomes, that dommam, like that et a trial esma, send met swah the -. of an appeals noismaussa 5 effectivs D As a mas, the effectivesses seriew eammines the seemshisasum of the umanas Bend's decisian t. widinet susches any fernal and Seal deuisism that me funha soview and suvisism af the desimise endd ever be sequhed and wthan pse)sdise to laser M , p=aka= of ismes esillim esassavessy l E he rhd==m's *eseherity to inestmo and pories gendamer im a pending passamams is est immited by the isruns of 10 C.FA 1784(a) (supdsiian medag the ordinary panssies for soview)* Seahreak, QJ W4, supre,5 NRC at $16 he Co-has inhamut supervisory enhaky ever adjuncenery, '.. and "ihme is every senses why the Osmaniseum shedd be - " as sosp inno a possmens.,,,* Umiand assess limagy Rassemh sad Develequesus Ah- (Clinsh luter Brasier Rassear Piset), QJM13,4 NRC 67,75-76 (1976), spened im Seahmak, QJ38, esyss,5 NitC at 3% ~ o F Canadame plus do est espamaly peerids for immenses mandsiary whsf. However, the Comunissism weeld be willing is punt niinf of this sua im appepmans Relief im ihs meses l et smandenen is e deemic somedy, warressed only im imanual - _. and only whose these is a failuss j' to obey e elser duestesa to ymicum a -- . - j &ay med whsse me asher salief is eveinshie. .O A soview of NRC sules and prior NitC dommens does not massest the aamismes et asiy elast. - eity em the paa af the usemeses Bessd to delay fuD. power aushaustant pending - emmpassian of iemand posesdags or s-ha-et 5 penhas emmen. In fast, a wview of prise posednes l: ludicans peu samspies of whee, as ham, permies or liseums won mahmised while mensed passanags and -a== wuss still pensus - Seebmak, C1JM4, ages,5 NRC et $21: Commenes puser Co. (Madend 1 Plant, Uniis I and 2), A1As-45s,7 NRC 155,15&40,14+.70 (197s); less leised IJohan, Ca (shenham 4 ..{ 4 Y ) . - --,i, -.2-. l l l DIGESTS t Wis0ANCES OF TIE NUCtKAR RDOUtA70RY COhgpsaman0N 1 ? r --i I Nuclear Pbear Sessim. Unit I),13P 6453,20 NRC 1531 (1964). Ses also OymmeheB Alhamse v. NRC,. l 1800 F.2d 1201 (DC Cir.1986) (per sunem)ighnidag heumos of a fun-power hasuss._ pondsucy of mesiens to mapan. l ~H Whaus dose is a reused er pendas smation, the meener of haemes er permdt h-ammt be - censidssed en a esas by. cess basis. I 7hs sediarky of the Beard to aanhanas issuanes d a fun-power lummes men-. . penducy of nunends and masies sensting to unagency planmag lasmas can be mesad to e spesiac psovoim 00 .[ Cf.R. ISO 47(c)) of ths NRC's amassmey plamens. l~ l AB lames that en selevant to oespa-with 10 CSA 450.47(b) ensurgeoy plammme siendases an ont===ady maesrist to haenes issuemos boueuse, oder 10 CFA 6 247(c),. immies may sat be eipninses and therenne need met be radved psier to hasmse issummes. K Safey issues, includmg emergency piamong issues, een be esseguesed in annus of ths IJeammes Bassd's duir i. ,im ihe pr amany hair as spresed a sesurre, en msmer a ihs maff far infanual vasalutaan 1. - A heemsung boeml may safer sninen sesesse that in no way pensin to the basic Andings assansary for Ismenes of a bosass to the Sass for pass-basAss s===n=ah t'- th Edison Ca of New Yesk. .l (Indian Puiss, Unh 2), QJM23,7 ABC 947,95152 0974k Pundic Servise Ca of hidians (Mashie thB Neoisse Osmaname Sisties, Unas 1 and 2), ALAB41,7 NRC 313,318 (IM8k less Island IJslaams y Ca (shasuham Nuclear Power Sission, Unk 1), AIAB 788,20 NRC 1802,1159 (1984). M, Wldis pestias en inyhed by sur sulas to Sne effectivemmes emusumes under 10 CFA 61164, the - prindpal evenus for relief for perdes seekmg to pueshade hommes issummoe pendag appeals is to seek e may l under 10 CEA 4 2.788. N - Of the four stay faceans, k is wen maawian==d that "ihe smast asucial [temer) is wissiher inopsable b$ary will be inassed by the enorms ehment a saay." Alabama Peuer Ca Geosph R lbstsy Nunnaar Plus, Uehs I and 2), C1J-8177,14 NRC 795,797 (1961% O C pr A that pensk heenens heads to evaluees whsihar a samend amed black eushortseelen of a L=ma, sepsise aD i ' after the original sags to be mAjast to eennin "immenhnsus" i equisammes, and aDow the Camunisman to map isso a psoceeding at any mass to eSer gedemos to the ponies ese asidier _,. ' ner aberatisms; they beve basa he fame far peas and have base apphed 7 to mensraus madear power pimet hcarming, .- befuse this ans i P- 'Ihe C===d=imi has mased =p==dy and -. "y that it vGl est emender the et senassess to a esmpissed plant er asher -e fanses bi he hd=g en wish t amargumey piamming safety regulaties. Ses, eLs, Sesosent Assi-Paumenon langus v. NRC, doo F.2d 1025 j l (D.C Or 1985). t i Q Avoinshis fundeng wGl _,, what, sider the f' 's dessummmemoung males, waaid l be seguired far decommissianing of a pies that had been in eyesessen for a lang period of timme and dist man is fmand safricsont to offset any cisen d inoperabis h@my fnum lask af desammismamas funds. I' R 16 is well asided that, ' aban. _ er a susiner soaidema does not enemisas the .( l had of ineparable bijury that would warmas a stay of hau-power opentisms. F4, Coreland Elecuic . Ca (perry Nuclear Power Plans, Unias I and 21 ALAB 520,22 NRC 743,748 m.20 0985), n-chins New Yet v. NRC,550 Fad 745,75657 (2d Cir.1971), and Virginia Sunshus Annonce v. Huuhie,. ,1J 477 F, Supp. 68,70 (D.D.C.1979). s When en hamming beard has mahanand and dw commmaien's imamedians effesiivuess aview h has levarad Essume issuanos, ths yet of a stay would be enmerery to the public hassest wldds imiderlies the mia=Jana es des Commusman in 5 U.S.C 6558 to eengdes besass appih psesendings whhin a sessaneble time wth ens meani for the rights d the panies. QJ 904 VilRMOPff YANKFJi NUCLJiAR POWER CORPORAVON (Venment Yankes Nuclear Power Station), Desket Na 50 2710LA (5 pent Ibal Pool Amedessak OPERATINOlJCENSE AMENDh0NT; 1 Apr0 5,1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDFA A On cananoeinen by the Apeal Beesd of us ruhng svesmas an tasarveer's emetr-a==1 enneorning a spera fuel pool accident, A1AB 919,30 Nhc 29 (1989), the Commuassaan veneens that past of the Appeal Board's W that anunnus to a hal&ng that en accidas wish a y==haWhy en the esder 4 af 10 per necaer year is samees and aramMve, wuhout pajaJies to e Isser C - desar===aesa=i l 7 4 l l i se -,,,m.. dge samus be mandstory and cessist amenss to a ymsty's deuinimo bi h in view of the fast that a endemens )dge might signes in es pens dissummises and fans a bdynssa mi the mesda et a pesy's pasimen dising the osame af==g *'=== the esadesume')sdgs's. and deshnes whh the passidnig elleur en alus maries of innses, one the panies' posisium will have to be cumansenhed- 'l F A pony will hasdly be be a peakian to appeal the gsent er denial of a hearing sequem emises the prendas einear has issued a wdusa desissan arami.. how the emnands of 6 2.1205(g) have er have not been nut. CLI.904 ' PUBtJC SERYlCE COMPANY OF NEW HAMPSIURE, et al (Seabroek assaiaa Unies I and 2), Duska Nos. 544434L,5444d-OL (ONans Emmemey Plauung Imuss); OPERAHNO IJGNSE, 3uns 8,1990t ORDER I l A De Canasame anospes a safen! fsam hs Appeal Based in addsums the mens of biassveass' snation to vege the Seebeek moeud to lisignes a seleting to the use at that fasuity el ennain ' ; devions (11asmusems "). Ties C ' - denies the menism beesues k Ands that Isamvenom have not usade des sequised showing ender 10 CIA $1734(a) for suspeung a. elased sensed. De Canuma=== defoe, ersil a laser data, the name of addinamal ymdenes en mapuung anniese Aled very less in the edpdiostory prooms and die appsopmase fenen for inicial canadersman of technical imuss lashing usam to tasman befee aider of ks subanknees pensis. j B A motion to suspen a elesed sasend to consider *=i evidenes wiB est be esmaad unisms ths i following erheria ese endsned: (1) the misden nemt be timely, eacept that an - "y greve issus susy be w in the dessetim of ths puumdag of6cer even if ensimsly pnamend; (2) the menen enust addrums a ag=*==a esfaty or envisasumannat issue; Cl) the motien must denianstrees that a smaterially Affama sendt would be er would have been likely had the newly pedoed evidence bees somsedsud j initially.10 CIA (1734(4 1 8 l i. l j .. ~. - -.. -..- DIGESTS Ig80ANCES OF TIE NUCIAAR REQUIATORY Consommamel C i A assima to sospen e ensand sesed is sai tissely obess hasness did met est prompily sher f lateressie selevent to en essasshes they sumpt to inigste becaus eveEmide, D bosness who have 3mbhe lderumman sensiing to the seemer desy esak to mise for at 1sest 10 sammhs pris se Slag a austion to sospam er et least emme 7 weeks' manos of appliassu' eseisse wish seapon in the menar in quantion, omld and ed have moved mass promptly then a fur 4 weeks thessehe, esyssisBy given that the sensed had lang anos cissed sad the Cessnissian's besmuksee e5eseneasse decisina was. espuesd insmissaly. E 'Ilu Commesman resseably emnands that _ - Elmd eher the bassins is esder wey -let elene omshaded - he Alad pnsepily sher sessipt et the imisemanimi =,= dad o Isume thans _ t Pedic Service Cn af New lisapshus (sesbeast Sessism Unias I sad 2), ClJ-89-4, at NRC 399,414 ) (1989), eines Duke Power Cow (Casewho Nacimer Samie,IJahs I sad 2). QJ-D 19.17 Nhc 1041.1048-50 (1983). See also Public Servise Cat af New Hampelme (Seeksusk Sesiin.Umiss I and 2), A1AB-918, 29 Nhc 413,482 0909) (asuhd out ynsepauss is sogned). F Imsrname tea in pauses en semist Niemases esisy issue" when easy have aus addened mesessaly pumusive eviesass si en enesheid to esemis e sensauhis behsf dist am syphomm's pnyers and essammes. wth a Sistf psesorihed smhsmeed surveinsame posesus win he imensens to yseride the sequishe mesmessus et plast enfaiy. i e b 9 e e -+em-e4 ---a u em --- - =

  • ?-

m- ---a---- ] i, .a i 1 DIGESTS l ISSUANCES OF TIBE ATOh0C SAFETY AND IJCENSING APPEAL BOARDS b'k AIAB 926 OENERAL PUBUC ITri1JTIES NUaEAR CX*PORATION Gluss Mila taland Nuclear Sienan, Unh 2), Desdist Na 54320OtA (rW af Accidan-Osmeroned Waist); OPERATINO UCENSE AMENDMENf; January 19,1990, DEOSION

y A

The Appeal Board afErsas the usansmg Bassd's docunan, IEP-89 7, 29 NRC 138 (1989), - g# suthertung a luense amedmuss far the accides4amaged Unit 2 reacter et Thres Mils Island %s smandenes will permalt the evepassaan by fassed hasting over a ens to two year pesied of the weeur that p. has semanulaned enshe fresa the accidmu and enndng decasaminatica assivities. ,d B "An appenms's brief usest siserly idessify the enass af fact and law that ase the subiest of the appsel For and issue appealed, the pescise partion of the record setied open in suppan of the amernen of r error must also be provided " 10 Cf.B-62.762(d)(1). 3 C An appsDant's %ist must consain suf5cient information and cogent arpmat to alert the seher y pornes and the appeDees tribunal of the pessies natuse d and support far the oppsDant's claims." Casolens

,7 Power & Ugfu Ca (Shearen Harris Nuclear Power Plant), A1AB-843,24 NRC 200,204 (1986). Accasd id.,

g ALAB.856,24 NRC 802, MS (1986h id., AIAB 837,23 NitC 525,533-34 0986h Pennsylvania Power g c and Ught Ca (Susquehanna Sinne Electric Station, Umts 1 and 21 AIAB493,16 NRC 952,955-57 L et (1982) 3*p D The Appsel Board wG1 not genenDy consider amtiers ina..a nsa adequaealy beisfad. Any party who has insufEciesty articulaasd les claims unst bear fuD responshility far any pa=4La -,, of 6 thuss argenessa caused by the '_ of he brief. Ses Osossia Power Co. (Vegne Fl=*ie Gunsreung 2r,. Mant, Unies I and 2), AIAB 872,26 NRC 127,13132 (1987); Wisconsin Electric Power On. (Puies Beach p Nuclear Plant, Unies I and 2), AIAB 739,18 NRC 335,338 a4 (1983). 7 ~ E he Appeal Beant does not hold peo es panies to the sono standard for briefs as panies sepassessed 4 by couneet See Pubhc Service Elsetnic A Ons Co. (Salem Nuclear Osneroung Station, Unit ik A1AB-650, 14 NRC 43,50 n.7 (1981), aff'd sub anno Township of lauer ABoweys Crunk v. Public Service Elsetdc A Gas Co.,687 F.2d 732 (3d Or.1982). T E F issues er argumenes that ase not niado seedily appannt or - -b6s by se laservsmar's brief ( wiD be desmed in be waived and ausenhnsly wiD not be addnesed by the Appsel Bossd. SiniGady, when .C traervenas do not esplan wha snatorial faces are in dispues, why thans faces are esaiorial, and why the Uceans Beard's treetsusnt of shoes teruns was ni erar, the issues are dommed to be waived. O la sumswas factual findmas, k is wou essnad that the Appeal Board is "not fase to dissegani the fact that the usanseg Bauds are the Comunissimi's primary fact Ending trikla

  • Nenhern ladiens i

i Pubhe Service Co. (BaiDy Osnareting Stanon, Naame ik AIAB-303,2 NRC 858,867 (1975) li The Appeal Based wiD only "mject er niedify nndings of the Ucenang Bassd if, aher giving s ka decision the psobstm fasce it intrinsically _ '. {the Appeal Board is] saavunced that the recond canpels a diffennt sansk." N4 pre Mahmot Power Carp. (Nas hee Poita Nuensar bsk Unit 2), AIAB.264,1 NRC 347, 357 (1975) De Appsel Based "nmet be per==d-l hat the smoord evidanas t as a whole campais a differos canchmian and (the Basal) wiu not overturn the hearing jedes's Andiny simply because {ihe Board) nught have reached a diffenra sesuk, " Ouneral Public Utilities Nuclear Corp. (hres Mile Island Nucasar Stasiai, Unit No.1), AIAB-881,26 NRC 465,473 (1987). 1 The burde of going forwsmi wkh evidence io suppon a contanuan that a license er amendment should not be issued is en the pony aessung sud a However,this burden usuat be *. fmen the uhanssa burden af proof en the issue of whosher a license er licenes amendmars should be issued. 11 ( 4 l ? r 9 1 F DIGESTS IgMJANCBs OF TIE A70h0C SAFETY AND IJCENgING APPEAL BOARDS .[ t ' which is en the apphoemt See Casummes Poeur Ca (Midland Plant, Unies I and 2k A1AB-123,6 ABC . 331, 345 0 973) l 1. De '1-==p Bard's damme. hs wappesens ad; , moned, and the si,pisessa to l. the Final.i. - heress Sesammes farsa ihe esmynses envisuussssnel susesd of duasumL 10 CFA 56 51.102(c),51.le(c). Ses Philadelphia Eineeric Co. 6 h=M Omemeang Sessian, Unks I and 2h AIAB-819,22 NRC del,105-06 09:5), aft'd in pen and soview esherwise desband, CU-865,23 NRC l 125 (19a6L semanand in pan en eher ponds esb asas. Ihmisk Beelegy Assima, lac. v. NR*.,840 F.2d 719 Cid Gr.1989). AIAB-927 - PUBtJC SERVICE COMPAhY OF NEW liAMPgNIRE, si at (Seebseek Semism, Unies 1 and 2), Dodat Nos. 3444340,54444-OL (Offaias S-=y-y Flamahg lemus); OrliRATINO UCENSE; l Fehmary 26,1990; WEMORANDUM AND naswm l. A he Appeal Bassd denies en bearvens's assion to seapon a poeima of the sessed in the eyessung heense passendes involving the Seelmed umsteer power fesuity es minimely and benene k dass nas passant B "y pseve issue" widen the smanning af 10 CIA $ 2.7M(aXI). en *- - he t'aien's Rules of Punense emphddy seguin ties deniet et an musimely sessim to soupes a socied unions the asume passens "an - "; assve issua" 10 CfA $2.7M(eXI).. =C Wimse two bensing beesde won "-=y diflaams espesas et en emmemey suspause slan. (' and auf, m.m eyeen, r-wy of mapmag menen befan== lemma'as bensd based en a pensmier event does set encuss delar af eues amanha in saise e mesum to searms before the essend baasd based ' en the same event besmee the Asst bensd easid est assses the hupsa of lhet event opse ihmes meness that were wnhin she }h of the amened bened. Q. Imag leiend (Jaleing Ca (Stummhem Nasisar Pseer Sutins, Unit 1). AIAB 902,28 NitC 425,429 n--d== beesd een dismiss e peay fvem ely the pen ' of the psoomsdag whhin that bensd's purview 1 aview deshmed, CU43. II. 3 Niec 403 (1988) his being es, thee was ao peamenal for *ns dual lisigeman et die sense issue whn ymmbly insensisessa summhs.* Pubbe Service Ca et New Hampshim (Seemseek Seation, Unies 1 ed 2), AIAB-916,29 NitC 434,439 (1999) AIAB-928 KERR.had1FF ClDih0 CAL CORPORATION (Wes Clusego Itans liasths FacDity), Docks Na 462061 ML; MA1ERIALS UCENSE AMENDMENI'; Masch 27,1990, MEMORANDUM A On Masuh 13,1990, ties Appeal Band denied anciens for a may of the Usenung Beasd's decision 7 t l in IJIP-949,31 NRC 130 (1990), " '. an esamadamus to ths useassians license beid by Kasr McOso ' "y in depass of sediassive ihasten mal teilings, asher essammend weses, equipunema, hielding r-l n.bble, and cessamuneesd sags. %s Appeal Beasd immes a mamammemn eastamag the seesmu'for that endier denist _} B la esonnamung whsdier a may pendus appeal is wenamned, esusademtaan must be given to the feDowing cdneris: (a) otmaher the moving pony has mods a sung sivuring that k is likely to putou en [ the mones; (b) wtusher the auwing pony wiB be irsepenhly bdured unless a may is guessed; (c) winedier granting a may would harm ether panies; and (d) e6mse the pehlic bessest lus.10 CSA 42.78a(e).. the may cainds, the binden of possuasima is en the samment, and whus no ens esiassis. C r' - Is espanisive, *!the annst signinsam facier in demdias whosher to esens a sisy sepsest is 'whosher the pany. aquesing a sisy has shown that it will be irseresubly im> sed udeus a may is penned ** ' ~ e Edismi Co. (Thsee Mas Isised Numiser Stanien, Unit 1), CU4417,20 NRC tel. 304 (1934) (quesing Weteghmass Elmtsic Corp (Espans to the Phnkppensk CU-8414,11 NitC 631,662 (1980)).

  • See -

l . Alabama Peeer Ca Omerh M. Padsy Nuclear Pless, Unies I and 2), QJ 8127,14 NRC 795,171 (1981). D Aheme a sisy, si apphoem's _, . Ismed _.. af the pnyemed she duing es appeal puuseas enast be taken huo asesums in any seguimd Anuss analysis easynens e yeepened sine to abernative shus. E De Commusman has beid that absent en appliams's bed faish in les swimmaimmat aposeans. *the ' l cast-bans 6t] analyes an sanand ahmuld be dame en the basis of the facensi psudesses saisnns at the sinus l ef the analyes." Puhtic Service Ca of New Hampshme (Seelmeek Stasima. Unies I and 2), CU 77-8,5 NRC 505,532 (1977). - ;"ths lager ths - - d sessusses to one eine, the Isas hhely l k is that an absenenvo she wiB sensin feenhia* Plesids Pbeer & ljeht Ca (SL Lucis Nucteer Pouer l Plant, Unit Na 2), AIAB404,5 NRC 1185,11st (1977). Acoudagly, wishout a sisy, a peny advoennes l en abernanve siis may be inspambly injmud if much tune and money wGI be spam en the poposed she k 12 1 7 l l l DIGESTS. . BENUANCtg 0F TlE A70htlC SAFEFY AND IJCENSING APPRAL DOARDs b puntag appenL' Ses id. at litt, Puh Service Ca of Insane (hisMe 1411 Nucimer Osmanness testism, Unies I and 2), ALAB437,6 NRC 610,634 (1977). F' Ahssa e Ameng of bispasehls h@sry, en Appeal 16eud may not gros a stay unbus "a suvuual. et om decisim under ennsk is met assely likely, he a vinust eensissy.* Osvenmed Enemme nh-i Ca (Ptery Nuclear Pinser Plan, Unies I ed 2), ALAB-820,22 NRC N3,746 nJ (19851 Ses Osmesal - l Public Unlities Neelser Camp. (Duas Mils leland Numinar Station, Unk 21 AIAIL914,29 Nhc 357,361 '. l -. (1999) l 'O, The sness limas of esvarat grumnds for appos!, without mese, is insuftsmus to esenhhsh that ths menwest is likely is posen en the smarks. l 11 - he falnsuring nedmilent issue is shscussed Ahereses Siens. I ALAR.929 ADVANCED MEDICAL SYSTEhtS, INC. (One Fuseery Row Omove, OH 44041A Docket I: Na 3414055-SP, SPIICIAL PROCEEDIN0; Manh 30,1990; DEQ310N.. A he AppealDesse asespas the8 L=====9 Beasts sefenalin IJIP 89-II.29 Nhc 306 0909), and ' savesens the Demers nding emesnung the =pph-hmy of the lispiel Assam to 3mseine As to sneemrials hoesse susysumme, 'B> Appent bands en doisosied suihrsky to soview n. lings werened by lionssing bands bi pseemedags amenseed pussuant to 10 CF.R. Put 2, Suhysn O.10 CP.R. 61785(ak (bXIX - C. A hennems band mesy seier a sulug fu beurlesunary appenses aview when she bened deensenes that such suview *is assessary se pasvent derimuss to the public nuesnet er umssual delay er enysass".10 CF.R. 61730(f). D . An appeal band is not abiised to essert all safened ndmas. Ses Censuussa Power Ca (hEdlend. - 4 Plan,Umbs 1 and 21 AIAB4M,13 NRC 96 0981) Raaber, this i-7 serieur b enmused *enly - whose the salms below shher (1) thseesels) the pany adversaly affeceed by k wish imunesens and eminus ' inspassbis kupan whidi, as e piectical sneuer, (cen)not be ansvisand try a laser apgmet er (2) affestie) the leeic suuce== ef en ps.- dag in i p vesin er-t aunner" Public Sevise Cm af beans (MsMs IED Nudser Omensens Staien, Unies 1 and 2), AIAB 405,5 NRC 1190, i192 (1971). E. Eve though the Mashis 1611 crheris how not been met, en appeal boud sney saascine hs diasseinen. and acesyt a lisonnus besse's safenet if the ruling involves a spostian oflaw,has summic ', .and-bas net been pseviously addromed en appent Sea, e.g., Duke Puser Ca (Caeswba Nuolant Sission, thiina 1 y and 2), ALAR 487,16 Nhc 460,4M45 (1982), mv'd in pan en esher assunds, C1J-4319,17 MtC 1041' 0983) Ses anse Roskwon bassmetional Ce+ (Radisedyne Divisienk ALAB-925,30 Nhc Top.712 n.1. 0 9091 - F he fiquel Aecess to heties Act (EAJA) pavides that an egency that sendusas en advanery j [ edpdienteen ohnB aweed auernsy's fuss to a pers ing pony mansas the pasieien of the assacy was n ashstantially )ssiined er spedal -'. snake a. ved assut. 5 U.S.C 4504(eXth An *edvessary e4mdesation" as used in the EAIA is an ad,ineceanen w assaian SM et the Adnumisemeive Pseesdess Act I-(APA) hi whide the Uniend Seates is., ' by asel, but emeludes an udpadiendan for the puspens. l af saishissimas er tains a sees er for the penning er emoving ad a lisessa 5 U.S.C 5 504(bXI)(c).. ' l' O An edpensatisi under aestian 554 of the APA is sequued by casens no be duasrummed on the suced l aner appansmity for an agency hearing. 5 U.S.C. 5554(aK Semiens 534,556, and 557 et die APA est fenh the psessemos that an egency must foBow in anh a fennat, as-thMoused hearing. 5 UAC H 554, : 556 557, II A snessnals license r-i procesang is na an " adversary adjushomeman" for the purpoems of' ihe EAJA beoeuse the Aesmic Emergy Act does act aupaire such a hearing to be en the seend punuant to APA essaien 554. I It b the enabling manues (Ls., the Aimmic Energy Act), and met the APA that doesnaines whenhar. en earthersessed hearbe is supmed. PNiad=iphaa ! _ . lac. v. NitC. 727 F.2d lit 5,1202 4 - (D.C or.19e4x see thnied siness v. Anaghey.tadhan samal Cap.,406 U.S. 742,754 57 0972% J la any issue of stammary inampretation, *ihe 'searting paus' nest be ths inneaags of the ananas hemif." lawie v Uehad Stanas,445 U.S. 55,60 (1980) (quoting Raher v. h==== Corp.,442 U.S. 33A ' 337 (1979)). K Wbsihar the weeds "on the moorf' or formal" heaung appear in a stamme is est saandhas on the innas of obaher an APA section $54 hearing is sequired. See Uniend 5saans v. Haside East Cesst Ry. 410 ; k 1 -m. 1 DIGESTS q lasUANC9tB OF TIE A10h85C SAPITY AND IJCENSING APPRAL 904R08 a UA. 234,238 (!?73); ADeshanyJ Au 406 US. m 757; Seeensa Assi-huusse lasses v. Cens,572 F.2d 872,876 (1st Cir.1978), eut denied,49 UA. 824 (1978k Marasha 00 Ca v BPA,564 F.2d 1253, 4 1263 (9th Or.197fL Be 'in en slaamse of thans maaic weses,,, C=esus numa ensarly lanssis hs inum is trisser the formal, en4he sesad headng provismus of the APA.* Osy of Wem Oniosgo v. NRC, - 704 F.2d 632, MI (hh Or,19s0A eff's Ken-Moons Casp (West Odengo Itase Banks Fodh$ Clj-82-2, l 15 NRC 232 (1982) j L hose is ao paa-y sagasumans for formal headsges is psessednes beelving the sem er amanense of a meesnais homies. Kerr.MaQss,15 NRC at 252. l M hue is a lamesten6mg amasapaum esasarming suscesr spareams lusass and snuinuassa permit - emess that the Aiemie Energy Aa seydses suHhs sesed homrmes. See Unie of rw Sameism,

v. NRC,735 F.2d 1437,1444 m.12 (D.C Chr.19841 eart. desind,489 UA.1132 (1985).

N Sessian 181 of die Ansade Ibissay Aan duens that"It>s perisisms oflikea " " vePsossens Ast) abau syply to aD assney eseiam take under this abspis," essays when elsesiSed infennetum is. f involved. 42 UA.C 62251, his esaden alsus, however, dass amt dimens ihn ehsensame of may partisular APA psemodures. Ken.Mcoss,15 Nhc at 247 al3; Wem Ousepi,701 F.2d at 642 A a.8. O Seseism 184b el die Aiemie Emergy Aan does sist sequise e innes! APA, es ibs sesend 'essring for hemse. or aspannen actions; saiher, k smandness that the posvimmes of sestian 558(c) of ths. APA be feuausd. 42 U.S.C 622M(b).. P , Sestian 558(c) of the APA provides that (eacept b esses d wdifubuses er thess in whidt the f public hashh, inamut, er sefay seesises asherwise) e lisuusse unst be given wrimen maties of a psoposed whhdrawel,==p===t, savocation, or annoinima of a lismes sad en appanuaisy to demenarsis er ediisse canpiimise with an newful segmummes. 5 U.S.C 6554(<K Q. Sasien 558(c) of the APA does met se, sire er esameplane a sustian $54 hearing for laamise aupaniius or.. sensus. Osassher & Andar Ca v. Sinism,687 F.2d 1067,IFM (hh Or.1982) 5 R De NRC has w.lfermdy pneridad an appenmaky for enen.senord hearings in liessee empuman prMiss. See to CJA H1202,2.70a ~ S De Cisninseman's Rules of Pression paavide for infesmal heasmes in psocondings involving ( t nuissians tiemmes, mespi for ihase eensermed =th enf mmes esiins, whidi sein vapen sermal edpandan under 10 Cf.R. M170% et sei. 54 Fed. Ree-8369,8270, 8276 (19ee) (in he sediand a 10 CFA (2.1301) T lamemandas asancy pressies emmat supply the ensemary sequmemma for a hearing of the fennahay spacincaBy sequised any the EAI A. See West Odengo,701 F.2d at 642. Cf. nei -a Cas=% of Temas

v. Unhed Sisies,765 F.2d 221,227 28 (DLC. Cn. '985) (even if a pseceedes is ehmbassary in nasues.

esction 554 is apphoeble sely if the enabbag sienne meteens a farmel haainst U As a waiver of savuuan hannuity, the EAJA mansa sidely caustmut ses St. Imuis Esel sad Supply Ca v. FFJtC,990 F.2d 446 (D.C Or.1989k Owses v. lu,860 F.2d 1363,1M6 (6th Cir.1988); Smedberg Medias & Test, lac. v. Demoven,730 F.2d lost (hh on.1984) V Waivass of savussen lasunusty must be arissly esamuund. Astun. m Senaking and lisahh v. Call, 724 F.2d 211,225 (D.C. Or.1964) l W Desphs the fact that, enhaugh not asquised by stamme, an agery may websmarily candoct formal : f' methe seemed headags like these descuihad in essaien 554 el the APA, the EAJA des not apply to such - i

and may not earve es the basis for en awed af emerney's insa. St. lauis Fust,890 F.2d at 447 51; Owas,860 F.2d et 1366 67; $sisdbes,730 F.2d at 1092-93. f%s= Sar=h= Ruis v. INS,838 F.2d 102% 1023-30 (9th Or.1988)(a bene).

AIAlb930 - FUBlJC SERVICE COMPANY OF NEW IiAMPSIGRE, et al (Sahseek Statimi, Units 1 and 2)J - ILeet No.54443415444441 ("-- T- ); OPERATING IJCENSE; April 2,1990; MEMORANDUM ANDOltDER A he Appeal Bond sufus innervuise' metism to veopen the secord and eens less 61sd essammans, [ l saganing the defacave Rassmause to the Cassaissima i l B Whsse Enshty has auadied to sonne but met au lasses, en appeal board wGI emenen new mamers - enly if ihase is a " seasonable menus" besumen these enemus and the issues saumsause befass the bosnl. Virginia Elertrie and Ptiver Co. (Nanh Aans Nusient Power Ssation Umiss I and 21 ALAB-551,9 NRC. 704, 7 77 (1979). A "sessanable smaus" dem met smann a "tasal identisy or saammanably of issues" bus, l 1


DIGESTS IssUANCRs OF THE ATOMIC gAFETY AND IJCENSENG APPEAL DOARDs ( adier, has safennes aimely to "a satismal and duma Lak.* Lansiana Power & IWs Co. (Weinfed Sesem - Elsasic Simian,Unk 3k AIAB-797,21 NRC 6,8 0985); Fissids Power and IJohn Ca (BL basis Nuclear Power Plass, Unk Na 2k ALAB 579,11 NRC 223,226 0900) - C The fast ihet en Appeal Beard peepstly has befoe k issues esmom mangency pisamns does - not )meify hs h6 et newly seised temass concerning the possihis inihme of : ( D . The P 's agulaisns semist a fed=====1 siebs to esak a seepumas of des seessd se any i imme permans is the sunsens of the pseaseems en lang as (1) ihe pressadas b as yet sempime, and (2) - de sempedag===A=ds as est fasih in 10 CIA 52.734 beve been suse. Ses 10 CIA $1.734; $1 Fed . Bag.19,535 0956). - i4 E. The "s======ht= amaus* inst dass met psechade en husrvanar inom advenues a new===== aa ansing famn somes i of esfoy 1 ' x Reihar, the fussissa of ihs inst is is asaanma ths ; ,l appseyeses fenen to mesnain ab inisio a posiy's claim that the supusesmasas of 10 CFA $2.73d for the paramas of a sessed have bem assis6ed. P The daarudassim as to whssher a "uneemabis maam* esises is est siniedy speakass a mener of an appeal beesd's emberty to est en a panacular = mi=i to seapon a sesesd in insneses a now esmessimL k

is, basised, a susser akin to vome - the hupairy being when, given the subjsst of the essassess and des den sesma of the psessmens, the mission is best emmendend imisisDy..

0 , Whee senhor the IJoensing Bond mer the Appeal Bensd euomaly is enunderhe issues wth a "adenal ad emesilia = de - af a new emnasian ihm mishs enve a en basis for segmung a semesd, the Comunesias is the appe=ipsiste adjudneseary body to ads en suit a sessism. ALAB-931 SAPE1Y IJ0ffT CORP 0 RATION, es al (Blommakers Sies Iha"'amir"*=), Desbet Nas. C$4 05980,1D405981. 03445982, 01408335, 02004d4; 1900RGMENT ACTION; AprG 23, 1990, MEMORANDUM ANDORDFJt A. . Tbs Appeal Bond smans dueceed seninesdan af 0) theljoenseg Bend's denialin 15P-90 7,31 NRC 116 0990k of a mesian to dismiss for lack of)meshcsaan and (2) a sempemimi miles in 15P 948, St NRC 143 0990k that lihed a previously named sisy of a staff order espadng inumadians paymismas isso : a trust fund far almaaup of a site. Tbs Appeal Benad afEnns bedi desmaeus while adding a medi6eesian ' eenommas paymes pumnians. B A sepasst for eeniAceance bnnaght by a pany dues not invoke appeal boasd ; es e anamer d right but sediar seska only the sancias of a :---_ ' -, power. Ses 10 CSA 6 2.719(i); Public Servios Ca of New Hampshise (Sambeesk Staisi, Unias I and 2), A1AB-271,1 NRC 478,48183 0975). - C . Session 183 af the Aisnic linergy Act presceibes die aangumas er meester of a lisease er any night under that tissess 'in violasian of the pamaans of like Act).* 42 U.Sc 62233(c). - D The C-=-n's Rules of Practice espiise that ihm fenewing femas be W is esading whahar sesy solist is appspnene. (1) wheder the moving peny has snede a sueng showing that k is likely to pseva0 en ths =ensa, (2) wheeher des pony will be ir pamkly h@med unless a stay is gambed,(3) ' t whsdner eks passing of a may would harm scher ponies, and (4) whee the public isomest liss.10 CSA $ 2.7s:(e). Sm Vhsimie Putndsum 3chham Am'n v, Pederal Poeurem 259 F.2d 921,925 (DC Or.1958). E An appeal band wGI undanake discsuaanary innerlocuiary serine "enly whssa the sulise below 1 einhar 0) thsemals) the pasiy advmanly affected by k widi imunedises and seriam inspamble kapact. which, es a prendest insaar, [canhat be anewmand by a inner appeal er (2) ellessis) ihe basic sauceuss of-du prememens in a pervesive er ammuel menner." Public Sovice Co. d ladians (Mmble llin Nucaest Ommreeing Saanen, Unha I and 2), ALAB-405,5 NRC 1190,1192 09711 P while en appeal bossd win sake ben eecame an aerummet of the panies that ' ' , soview - is appseynne, k wiu decide heelf winshar thess is auf5 cissa seuss fur the samoins of les diessationary ~ eashesity to soview an ! _, order. O A beamang board's view of ins own ;_ ' bomulanes ever a enemmassi is sans ciscure-saanees een effest the basic strusiuss of the peessedma, insking ' , inview appseposes. See Public Service Co. af New llampshue (Seabenak Station, Unas I and 2), ALAB.916,29 NRC 434,437 0989). 11 A )w l-1 suling that daarmunes the mann af a pony in an =h psossedses heavuy bdluumcas the shape of the pe==a==hng and acceshnely is preperly the subject of

  • _, soview.

13 -t DIGESTS - ISSUANCBs OF THE ATOisGC g4P8"IY AND IJCENgING APPEAL BOARDS - e p I Il e licesing boasd has pesvisuely daied a pony's nuaw for e poemme las eney, the pany may be obis to ehtam soview of sush mling as a summer of rigle by sensetag hs may sepset befass an appeal - besd. See, et, Talado E&am Co. (Devis Bases Nuclear Power Seseium, Unies 1,2 & 3), A1AB M4,5 NRC 35,36 (IW11 J Akhaugh 10 CIA 6 2.788 by hs eersus opphes only to easys of the effesenenen et e essasian er sciam of a beenans or appeal based penshug the Ahas and hpm of an appeal inen suit assimie, e i. boensing besse psesidag over the bassins en en NitC sinff adminasueens miesseness esdur h empoemed to consider whaher such an order should be effensin ahming the pedmey of des pressedes. Ses 10 - CIA (2.718(m) OHumans banni sney asks any estim -' wah ties Assunic Enugy Ass, ths Rules of Poeties, and the Adamunneuve psumedess Act). K Upon an appeal boasd's daarminanimi dist en : , aude is soviewohle, e 'I erder clanely ennascend with the $ set ander may also be ihn subjast of mch soview. L Sestian IM of the Aamaic linergy Ass,42 U.S.C. 4 22M whidi prohibsm the tressfer, assennema, er dispasal et liosuses, *demedy or ladnessly, thsemish assanter of amanet of any useuse to any passe" ~1 widiaut HitC's emans, is sprissobis to byysmaist ensesrial liseses issued ender semism 81 et the Ast and 10 CfA Pen 3a ses 42 U.S.C Itill: 10 CSA 530.34(br M llas panaple of enspesses law that a tensfer of snee is est e omsmier af easpenas asses is ~ i inappliashie for the parames of dansnainug whahar thess has bem o "isuuter of esmael of any hasuse" under the torens of essaien IM of the Assinic Energy Ast N la inampseums the Aamaic Enessy Ass, the pisin meanies and a precancel appEassian of the tenns of the manute essmei, parianderly bi the absense et legisisarve bissary to the canuary. - O-A shmeholder is damned to have seassel of a carpanuam "who she (a he] danernunsa earposee - + Pdicy, whahe by pummaDy amamme managensat., ' "y or by solaceus managenes, in se NAD Ptepenis, bec.,799 F.2d 726,732 (llah Gr,1986). ' P~ The emeral of a liamse is in the hands of the param or poems who beve the thismans sight to ; decide bow the beamed aceivhies absund be omedussed. Q A puma cesperation's amis of 100% of the mock of hs NRC-licemed an=Aany ensumnas a i (

  • tansfer of emiuol of any liemme" for the purposes of asceien 184 et the Ausni,1 Energy Act l_


  • Tensrel"of a tia==a whhin ibe mammas of marcian 184 et the Aamaic Ensugy Act is fused in the i reman er paness who, bassues of sensahip or authoney empusisly dansested by the owners, passess the ~

power to essareine ourpasses pubcy and thus iles asection of the swivaans umb=r the licains. S The emises to which a subsidiary's day to day spesamms ass sonisBy,. by the perma is - irsonsvent to 4

whahar emme has basa a " transfer of comol" af a licass fa the per
eses of esction 184 of die Asernic Ensesy Act.

T The faamse of a li===== is assify des t --.-.--i af the aans of 160% of in, mesh -- - en unaushansed transfer af sammel under esseim 184 et the Ausnic Enemy Act. U "Where ihn stannery papeso emund be essDy famarased duendi the ass of esperses carpasses seities a sapleenry is meined to lonk duough empusees aminies and west the sapesmas maisins as e e te purpanes of supdaemut" Cupinal Telephens Co. v. PCr,498 F.2d 734,738 n.10 (D.C. Gr.19741 ' V A beansing band has not fened to psevids an appomunny to maped as epised by 10 CEA > $ 2.730(c), when t simply sessnessed sua spans the psevmaas niings of bish panies as the maak of a sepsut ' ~ in peeries vueses far a pavisus, ensplaimed mhus. AIAB-932 PUBlJC SERVICE COMPANY OF NEW HAMP51BRE, et al. (Seabrook Statian, tinies 1 and .{ ~ 2), Doest Nos. 5444341, SH4401. (Offsine Emessency Planning issues); OPERATING IJQiNSE; _ May 31,1990, Dt! CISION A la soviewing 12P 84 32, 28 NRC 667 (1988), sanourning ite New laa ps. g. gen.gia.1 l linierguncy Rampasse Plan (NHRERP) lar the Sestuosk Session, the Appeal Boesd affuses these pations of IJtP 88 32,28 NRC 667, seassems 'itespause Pwominal Adequacy,""nsnan Behavier hi F. and "Evsanoinen T' ns F- (III1s)," and -, Liomsing Bonni whnes en Seasomst Assi. u Polhation lassus (5APL) Comanuens 4 and 5, escept that the Appeal Basal suvuuss and menaals the' IJcemang Based's alma en E'TEs for ihnhar celsuimime missive in de ' hidden vehicles" described in 19.120 of IJIP 88 31 Ties, the Appeal Board addseness the ornamder of immes camournas the NHRERP d not envuod by ALAB 924,30 NRC 311 (1989), paumans for inview penang. In adation, the Board l~ 16 r i a t I l 1 DIGESTS legUANC8g OF TIE A70h0C gAITTY AW UCENgING ApFEAL DOARDs I imihar esplaims suena mamare in hght 4 CU 942,31 NRC 197 (1990), painism for asview pedag sub suma "- v. NRC, No. 90w1132 (D.C Cir. Alad klar. 7,1990), ths Casmisem's sessa decision 1 . in whish k discussed whsihar energency pienens supsiasmanas em "sesquese pusessese" mandeds wishin i the meaning of secesse 182 of die Anasune Emergy Ass of 1954, as emnedad (42 U.S.C. 42232). J Per pupames of padging the adequacy of ame and local suspues pomesmal sessumes,inevieaals l B.proputy ass eenadened to bs "svaDabis* no psevide envious if they am walda en auganastaan er

  • ped" '

'J that is e sendadste to perfem a pesticular suspues funchea C The Usensias Bassd's conclusimi that (1) *ienpeal aienshuity" of napens yemenest (Ls., the. shuisy to parencapses bi sempense acevttees en a tweny.feur haur basis, and (2) *velmsmal evoushGity" of 1 r-- y==anaal 6.s', the wahneises to paradr== in impmase acovinse), is man ympedy adeessed and evolmened as past of the "planistg" and ~_, - " pneus Awhdut the fulleasle esassesney sepanes aseseiss), meher then in asessung the adeguacy of suspasms passesmal sesmunes *posis" is a sessmehis ans that is not at odds wish any esiming seydsesry supusamme. D. The d= " is 10 CF.R. 6 50.d ?(bXI) that ensda ruinessel espamme angsmisenssa samt how "saff to suspend and to signisma hs ininial suspanes en a -h bens" and gas guidemos in NUREG-0654 Crherian!!A.4 dia *telesh pancipal. shnu be espehls of emaismaus (36.haur) apannens for a leauseesd perine do not nquin er agens any panneute time by which a meremme me=== nest be '1uuy saffer er any panicular usehad by whiset safEng adequacy suust be h E Session IV.D.3 of Appmes E io 10 CF.R. Post So, whde mandsmag einst the besmans muut have ihn ar my is assify same and loost ofEsials whhin Ahsmi aminness of escisnes em amargumey and that v the empehuisy auss asist to manify the public of a sihassian seguinng wees amism wishin Ahsen udnutes of natifying mese and local ofEcials, does not impdm any panicular tamus for amaimag $su sospense eugenisation mafang er any penscular mahad by which mafka adequacy must be dar-====8 F . In the elesnce af any senpeDans sharing that sieu6 cant asymmes of diens in the nspanas pumannel" pools" being selial open as a pnncipal planang basis to estabbsk suspume peneumd -- sesquacy as for mis season er anaher likely no be n ' ' ' " thee was no mand for ememanacy planners a to make a espereno "swoushihty" aliawsg as part of the preme undensket to id-sify thans " peals." 0 A pony that fsGs to put fenh ausgedly solovest inferunsteen en direst easmestam is not entidad in have that bdarmatum emisidsmed because k could have been ehoiend enring _ II

  • Seccan SO47(aX2) duas eat requim deformans d my hearing am Same and lasel goverummet ansresney seqmmes plans to await If.h4A's issuenes of Anal Andings en these pisms. Rasher, what that islastian is a hamnsas decisam based en the best evenshis sumuss infanmanen a esorgency

" Clncumati Oas & Electric Co. (Walima IL Zinumer Nuciser power Ssanien Unit Na 1), .i AIA8-727,17 NRC 760,775 (1983)(citation and foannene enumed) See also peoinc Oss and lussaic Co. (Diablo Canyun Nuciser Power plant, Umbs I and 2), AIAR-776,19 NitC 1373,1379 (1984); Sanhern Califends FJiman Co, (San Onafs Nuclear Gunmehag Station, Unita 2 and 3h AIAR 717,17 NRC 346, 379 80 (1933). t i It is for ilis Imensus Baasd to )ades at mactly what sings an amargensy plan is maceandy deveisped to allow for hamnngs and a decisian, taking into acessun des evidnins en the ourset mais of des plan, h===r, AIAB-727,17 NRC at 775. J The admismen of enruinnelissumany is a mamar wishin ths *===== ef a Usensus Basan, i-paruculady stun the pony sponsanns the instimeny sessanably alumid have annapaned the amask open hs ' evidanos. See 'ablar blatale Symsme v. KC,782 F.2d I82,201-02 (D.C Cir.1985) r K h is a "esuled pnnespie of appeDas practice that an appeDas is esdunasily peecluded (nun peessing immes or advancmg argummes not passened to the asial tribesial," eacept possibly in ihm cens af " serious -

  1. =sadvs issues." A1AB-934,30 NRC et 358.

L la senswing Ucenang Beerd 6mings beasd on the issumeny of apphemus' empat wensmus,"[t]he pombihey that tr=% or eve comerary bdunmoes could be drawn if the visse of [ ')espans were acespied does net pavent the irial board's Andings inun being appened by abmassaal evidence," Nathan Indiane public Sevice Co. (Beiny Omemung simian, Nulsar 1), AIAB 3Gl. 2 NRC 458,866 (1975)(chasians emised). -g i i 17 f l I i i l -.. ~.. l- ) DIGESTS ? las0ANCES OF TIE ATOMIC SAFETY AND IJCENSING APPEAL BOARDS i l L M . After giving the 1Amiens Basd's lectual Andmus the pahative fees they immusunny samumend l sagssoms abaness behavist by the geneal public, the Appeal Band -w thes is no basis for suvesung i. that indus. N A W shearvoinen in hs bumundeses enensivensus seriew esmannung eis adpadissiary amend is met innens upon the Appeal Band. See 10 CFA 4 2/M4(g) - o Fleming erscials en mquised is emelop "Isluidshnes le em shain of pnessirw amism aming - en emmenary

  • 10 C.F.R. 6 M4?(b)(IO). To this and, pismen aise ese io "provids en analysis of the time s=7w to owcuses and fa saking ashar pensaiw ensisms le voie m names sad distmasas wishst ths o

l phune espamme pashuey EPZ ((Lo., emmegunsy pinaming neum)] for tessues and,.. r Id. Part So, App E, SIV. P Aa : iisas esihmans (IrfE) should be peepued *%ssed en a dyssene analysis OmumHusessa mudy under variens h) far the [EpZ]." NURE04654 Creada 11J.10.L Ses also Appemba A no - (- NURao-fs54. Q it'>s (ETE] analysis is hemeded io setas a soslimic imme for Wa=== en - Philadelphis Elsneric Co. (lJmiensk Omissuung Session, Unies I and 21 AIAB-645,24 NhC 230, 344 09a6k ese alsoihmerd. ALAB B36,23 NRC 479,486 0966). Wah this intenstie in hand *emagery coordission een eum decide what praisseive assians (eg., sheksrug er ; } ass senened in ihm - . If a radialssiset emmenney esmas." tamard, AIAB 545,24 NRC at 244; ses also LJmerd. ALAB-836,23 Nhc at dek R. The E'I1! la only a planesas tool; es sudi, Commuusman insulmiais enabhsh no pesticular thus limies for emapimag an BPZ : Ses 1.Jmerd. AIAB-645,34 NRC at 344;IJssed. A1AB-436f 23 NRC at 486. 5 These is no segulainry aquussment that des Sines ; "y assign aiming police mesurces to e -[; perucularlacetion to meme that ihase ese no sisfReg delays in the event of e ' ' J ' emersecy. Simply : becauss adehemal police sumouess wiB be messed in 3 ptriscular lucetien bl the owed af 4 Edalagied emergmcy and wiu supuso sene period of time to amig, this radal far delay does not supise that. pennannat police mafEng in that asas be " beefed up" to a degne beyed what is seherwme seguised in provids adapsie law enfanumsat presscenen under mannel cinuestances. See Saueben Califamia Edisne - Co. (San Chiefse Nucasar Osnamung Stasina, Unies 2 and 3), C1J-8310,17 NRC 528,536 (1983), sev'd. In pan en eher grounds, OUARD v. NRC 753 F.2d 1144 (DE Or.1985). T The Appeal Basd muy aske enicial neues of the Sisis af New Hasapshue TafEs ". l ' himanal accomyemyang the New Hampshme "hra=' Emisrgemey Response Plan. See 10 CF.R. 42.7430). U If a panisular assidsat sequense aquisas that pnnective action be taken when sians and loest energency response effens en est fully==hini== i mapansa of6cials would how to weigh wheesver [ increased risks sney be h open taking a pesticular preiective action (sudi as an evenussian) widesst having the plasmed suspense paremmel in place, Y la pueduchqs ETEs, pimmen should banhads"[ebumsess of tonesse,, ,., such as peak inurist vuhmees." NURF40654, App. 4, at 4-3. For the eenan beach sees wishin the EPZ, NURBO-0654's p=l=== to calanlais the ETEs an'ihm W. basis of" peak immist vehenes"is won served by the ese of the "sussemble apahaa a p==ey" smashed 0.e., e enehod that esas an estimate af paked vehicles, as seu as vehicles in ermisit, en a peak sequesmassive day). X When ihs vehicle came used bi :

ths ETE for des beech populaien was based e an esennais of the esenal number of vehislas en a supuemusasive peak day and when *ceswineams usuuhuned innanomy" bed been possamed that thee vess 'iiidemi vehicles,' Le., vehicles met ahearvabis fnen eerial pheengsspie (and endi ausmher of vehides was set lenh in die IJcenang Based's Endings), the Basse and hi not rapinas that ihons hidemi vehieles he himespanied wishin dw apprapnme IrfE caladassens-Y While there may be an ',

"y on the part of the Sines to '-, avised ; l'tEs buo an energency plan, ess NUREG0654 Canarian llJ.10J-in, dw appbcant radier than the Sisis is, far pegering an amanded est of E'llis, ens 10 C FA Part 50, App E, SIV; NURBO-0654 l Cnesnet 11J.8. 14. . 1 a + i + ,m-+.- + -e c .e-.-r=-. = e -,w-m e--*:-s I L t L l DIGESTS - laBUANCus OF TM ATOMIC SAFETY AND IJCEMBING APPEAL DOARDS i 4 Z When fullemer enshar6=== bas been made eNueive,in samen6mg mamses, the Appeal Banni aunt eensider the bepect of ks asnan see ihms ah===== lassensk, AIAB-845,24 NRC et 2R l [ IJnsensk, A1AB.836,23 NRC at 2R ese QJM3,St NRC at 230. AA When addasmal calculaisis mandseed by ths Appeal Band to essest en ETE ds6cesney do not pasms ETlis, en esienne lacmans oushanastian need est be visisted. Ses 10 CSA SM47(c)(1) 'j sequise signincoat nume er sessunus to errnpises and ase not likely to monk in a puefensed shampe in the. - BB Whm,in ondereismos with a Comunassaan polacy e-apphemus (1) had psonded a list of s 1 meal sassoal facihdas capable of - W can to esmaandamend individuals, and (2) had essmanisind to essuply fuuy weh any a4=i-at Comunissium sepausumens thes mids be layamed ha soupamos es a ju6cial desenminadas avaiwaise the Comuussian's psevieus ' of the esspo d assessary me6 cal

i serviess ensageneses under 10 CfA 6 R47(b)(12), the IJammans Band paupesty missesd en isnervenar's

- 4.n-pmg appinesses* whh the sepansames of 10 CSA $ $&47(b)(12). l CC Wbst a pasty fails en saarevert assarial fases as esembbdied by ammear pesty in support of a, mesian far mannary 6sp-*= disy en enessively admuties Ses 10 CSA $ 2.749(e). DD lhassgancy planeng is an *adequess, ' " mandud under seseium 182 ef the Aamusic Ensay - ( Am (ABA) C1J-942,31 NRC et 21413. EE To desernune whsdier en masamicy plan pavides "adapses panesess,* ihe pasa asust be assessed. . L l in innas of whahar k mens the sinksen pisaning manduds of 10 CSA $ 247M QJ442,31 NRC at 213.217, AIAB-933 PUB 1JC SERVICE COMPANY OF NEW liAMPSIGRE, et al (Seatseek Station. Unies I and 2), Dada Nas. 54443% 50 444 OL (Offshe Emissuaney Plannes issums); OPERA 71NO IJCENSE; Juss 7,1990, MEMORANDUM AND ORDER A De Appeal Bonal genu the apphemes' and ihn maff's snesiens either to strike er to shamiss - as premaeum intervenes' appeals of the IJmunmas Board's May 3,1990 menesensma sad esder, encept innafar as thses appeals W 8the h-i of ens of the intervemas fuens ihs psocondaag B he oriaans for seigening a succed an est fanh in 10 CFA $2.734. C De isnt of "Enshty" far oppsal purpenas before tids agmiey (as in the esmes) is -.ny a pressical ens. As a gunsual minner, a hesnains band's assion is Anal for sypsuses pumpness whms k maher a=ra== ef a lesst a major esspnent of the caos er isrmissess a pany's sigla to peniapaae; ndings that do neither an ismarlocutory. Tenedo Edison Co. (Devis-Beme Nuciser Pomer Snaim), ALAB 300,2 Nhc 752, 754 (1975)(faas-an= mained) .t D A lismiseng banni esear that 6mnisses a pany fran the puesdag passesses mafEasent Anslity to beerp==I Wa E De oppnynais vehicle far seeksig a speedy neerusnar===i of an assensday hasulmaanal appeal is a =mi-i for summary afErnience, net a suosien to hi= F Whas the Appeal Beans may invaks hs "- y aushammy in soview ' , anlere by way of descend ennanconian, ans 10 CSA 4 2.7190), k wiR met mannally do ao udeus either of the enablished isses for the esercies of that ausharity is ma, ses else Public Servios Cb. af hidians (Madde - Hin Nacisar Omismans Stain, Umis I and 2), AIAB4,5 NRC 11941192 (IM7).. O A pnnecove notics of sweal is apprapnais when ihme is any sessi far spanian suspeenna die Anstity far appnal purpasse of a heensing boasd enter. See ALAB.906,28 NRC 615,619 (1988). l l 19 l j ~ DIGESTS ISSUANCES OF Tile ATOMIC SANTY AND LK'ENSING DOARDE e W LSP 941 PUBUC SERVICE COMPANY OF NEW llAMPSIURE, et s!. (Seelmaak Staian, Uniis I and h OPERA 11NO UCENSE; Jarnaary 8,1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Ruhng cm lasarvenars' j 2), these Nas. 44434L 50444-OL (ASIAP & 82-471024L) (Offsins Esmougency Plannan6)' Mraions to Admit e IAae-Filed Comenne and Reapen ths Record Bened upon the Wuhdrawal of des , p 's Messedmeans EAS. Neswast and WCXIY) - p 1 RPM 2 PUBUC SERVICE COMPANY OF NEW HAMPSIDRE, as aL (Seminook Ssation, Unies 1 and 7 2), Dodat Nas. 24434L, 504444L (ASLBP W 82-47102OL) (Offsise Enissenecy Plannsas), p OPERATING UCENSE; January 9,199R MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Denyug husrvenars' Manan g en Reapon Record Resenhas Preposed Amandament no Operating Ucense Appliconen) g-LSPM3 NOK!1IERN STATES POWER COMPANY (Pathnnder Asamic Plant), Ducket & 3405004-MLA (ASIEP & 94599-01 ML) (Bypsoduct Maiorial Umnae h 2248799 02); MATERIA 1Jt U-T GNSE AMENDMENT; January 10,1990, MEMORANDUM AND ORDER p,f A Where sequestor for samhng psavides no assus besween die in)wy clanned and the psoposed , y { - hcensing acuvity, the claim of in)sy is puoly speculative and legally insufncient to establish stamhng. E13 > [D B A perenn who soplady caramutes past des erarance of a power plant site, sought tales decanuais-

h -

sioned, may be penumed to have the sequisite inserest that she might be effected by das de$anunissiming, ond means the pubcial mandards for steadans meer 10 CF.R. (2.1205(g). ( LEP 944 FIDRIDA POWER AND UORT COMPANY (Turkey Ptant Nuclear Osnaretag P.ans, Units 3 7 and 4) Dudes Nos. 542540tA4,54251 OLA-4 (AStEP No. 89-584-014l A) (Presnin Tasapename Urnask OPERATING UCENSE AMENDMEPTT; January 16, 1990; MEMORANDUM A(D ORDER ih A The unansing Bened =h the pnar leauence of an immedssasty efisoivs hosnee amendynes by i* grena ng the I L===es's Masaan for Sonenary Disposisaan an the last camatian temsuung in this peaceedag. The Bonal Anda,that the Inserveness seek to heigase sianers eusside the scops of the peaceeding, fail to g adequenaly enablish the saisierce et a dy=-Jinsierial faa as to thane meners widen the scgs of the { gencendag, and seek to unpass insting ; not sequired under 10 CFA Part 5a R-B 1he purpass af the sunanary disposinen pr==A=e est aus in 10 CFA 6 2,749 is to avoid MLEng lisarmes an inness whsse these is no genuins espas of maissial fact. Staismant of Pohey on Conduct of . [,A Ucensing Proceedings, CU-818,13 NRC 452,457 (1981). See llauman Ughting and Ptswer Co. (Athme = Creek Nuclear Osnarating Stasian, Uint 1), AIAB 590,1I NRC 542,550 (1980). C Wimme a sunenary disposinen mention is suppurted by afLisvu,10 CFA (1749tb) emiuins the appusing pony to stois speci6c faces, tesher than sely an mero allegatiars or damals, to shour that thste is a gamune issue of faa. Absens such a showing, sumrnary disposition will issue if the movent has eensned his burden of estabhahing that no genusne issus es to any maisnal fact emisis. D Appendia H io 10 CFA Part 50 psovides ihm senaars in an ints6rsind survedlance progran ~ OSP) rnua have "airnilar" design and aparatang features; it dass not require idnaical aparating feet. ires.10 CFA Pan 50, Appendia 11.H.Cl (1999) E Picnasals to modify Comunissien-irnpased insting menhadologies that e I==== is aushansed and abhgated to follow must be esensand es en anad on a C-rs6ulataan, and, to the enters they caistese a pounan for nelsunakung, are mielde the )madution of a Usenang Boesd. F The fallmnns toduucal issues om docussed Fracture T. ."W y; Nenne Fluencet LEP-945 FIDRIDA POWER AND UOlfT COMPANY (Turkey Phant Nuclear Generating Plant, Unias 3 and 4), Dudat Nos. 5425401A4,54251-OLA4 (ASLEP W 89-564 014tA) (Presnise Temperatue p. 1 l 1 -g ....w. l i . ] 8 1 DIGESTS IggUANCtg OF THE A70h0C SAFETY AND IJCENgtNG DOAkas i_ Usumesk OPHLATING IJCINSE AhE!NDMENT; 3ssumy 15,1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (puryus hahim to lueervens) A-hs IJanssaq Based denies a psahism to Isaarvens Sind 11 mushs eher the ensee af the thus spesited bi the Naties of Oppsaumky far Hamdag as >===My less, and est eduruus )imited based en : ' a samsi4sresie of the seher fear Ismass est as et 10 CJJt. 42114(sX11 8 Whas en the fassen en ses et 10 CIA. I 2.734(aXI) must be ensidesed and emis is esyssimos, the snan heroness of the See facesse is the puesness er eksamme af *gend esmas")selfying Ibs 1stemmes of the psiisiest Aboms *gmed souns

  • e psamener base e beery huden to )mally a less hmervense based en the nrusinhas four fanssa..

C As a pausal suns, a desisism to summim eDus, and suhuin team hearveming in a thmely assner, is met )sniassaian for e Based to permit hearnessism ha en immimely===r and die Usensus Based lads no mans, soploman, policy maammess, orrwa==== esas law shst osan mesmas that maplayens of an , apphase er liseums ess maided to a gameric mangelse tsua the Camumanism's puesm6ual subes. = j -D A hommme band dass met fasamises the passiheny that spanist fases migls esist which would 7 wensat a dayanus tem the gement suis that ene eersist sessamfuby mand am his sigins to Sie en asshesly. . i psahism eher siming en his siglas to Als a timely pasien. Hemuser, mass sesenisms ofimme af d=d== do met esisNish the type of apasist fases assassary E A lisemmag hussd wGI met ausmus that the inst maployes might boue hemi des wissim of smalumen eher does for Aling timisty pakism to hearvais has pesand as infassed er sammuusd the employes's esdens prior to that does as to sender hiss effssiively imesyshis of emessising his siglas under thee

  • s ndes of pressies as pusessesd by emeism 210 of die liasugy m===g d==n== AaL F

Whas usely asising informanen has bem sesspised as *gend esues" for a las Alad pasiden to heaves, Caesumes Pomer ca. (Eased Pissa, Unies I and 2), IAP-8MS, le lec 571. 577 (1932), l pueriously eveashes hafarinstist usurly segnised by a paummer has est Kansas Oss and m mi, Co. (Wolf Creek Osmareting Bendam, Unit 1),12P-84-17.19 NRC 378,886 (1954). = i 0 Winis en early decisies of ilie Appeal Read maggemed that die dear was open en the syneessa wheelier puddisesian in the Federal Register was udnams, sending aiens, to pas psammaisi hearvemme en main, hnesylvede pseur and ught Co. r-sessa misserie swim Uses 1 and 2),, - j 6 ABC 642,643 sL2 (1973), that dear was. "y elseed in Taumsses Veney Amhamity (peowns Ferry Nusieur Plus, Unies I and 2), ALAB441. 4 NIlc 95 (1976), whsumin the Appeal based sammmerGy - ssjesend e peakian to lemurvens Alad boyed the perind spesiasd bi the asphashis Podesal Regimer. H. A etsim by a paineter that k was inued has bassaien bessues k salind en ensdser pesty ertsaisy to. supeusses hs inessums dass est======= *gned causs See Gulf Sesess Utilides Ce6 (River Band Seation, Unies I and 2), AIAB444,6 PGtC 740,796 (1977). I he esisting peniss, the pubisc, and the Ila====s Resed have a espiashis knesust in the timely = and aduty senduct et liamsing passedings. hus, des fast that p==- wass pueyered to go forwesd wish ihmir asymmens husmedisasty and that husrwunist would est daisy en einsdy issued lisemme amendamma do est funy seawer de pahey esmedmansa undulyne dec=--i-se omsmeras ender des last finner. d 10 Cf.R. 6 2.714(a)(1). A party has e debt to disasuer, psier to hanshig, the assues and 8 semel bases of an seher pasnes' innesteen paddens. Band sedband as grass innervenaion under esses _ whsse mamaemmt daisy esmid be evoided only et des esponse of the disoevery rishes of the esisdag panies to des daarunus of the ederly and af6 cissa endast of any $seme hs4 ~ J While a beendadag si the issues due to the gsamt af a less Alad psaiden to haarves sigla est be 1 ef =inimal '_, a the endier mages of a ease, the Usmusing Bessd found this emmampues to be a amens erymmes assist sush laservemman whose it asuus taused the med of the pusesseme, penisuisdy whee no "somd emuss" esists is )msdfy the daisy in seeking hearvenism. l 1AP946 VERMONT YANKEB NtK1J!AR PCWER CORPORA 110N (Vermusa Yankes Nustemt power haiami Deshet b 542714tA4 (ASIAP W S&595-0M)tA) AP - pggigd Emmgemmb f OPERATING IJCENSE AMFRDMEPff; 3mmisry 26,1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Rehas em Ptaition for lasve to Isaari mis Fuse by the Sises of Vennes) ' A he licensang Be ad gremes ths $4ses of Vernisus's smpaan for a bandas for the purpses of appenas the gram of a liennes em memet to amend the Vanima Ysakse Nucisar Power Statism operadas liamaan to e fuD 40$ year term, e at adnuu one of nine psoposed - - for lisionnien.. 22 - ( _..., _,.... ~. ~.,..... _ 1 Jm .m- 1 1 DIGESTS - EUWANCits OF TIIE ATOMIC SAFETY AND IJCENSING BOAkDg ' ? B la 4. ' ; whether a painaner has sundang, the Comnussie has held that cast, juheial tuisspes of mandag are centsoung Time, thess omst be a showing (1) that the octam bang ' shausaged enuld esuse 'is$ fact" to the panem seeking to learvens and (2) that eush isdury is seemsbly : ] widda on *sens et imsrens" prescend by on Armic Enesy Act a ths National Emissenmaal Pohey ' .j 1 [ Act. C

  • Aberact emnesnu* or a 'smus asedenic imessst*in the snauer wha en met -

' by sees .j snel bepect en e r=~ win not eentw mandag Rather, the amenad harm must have emme parnsular q effect e a p=h, and a patinaner snust have earne disest siehe in as ei.aeorns af the puesseduts D While e. ass is beds guidenas in NRC enes law essowning the assanas of *espect" es the term is used in 10 C.FA 92.71d. a petitieser sney sensfy this ;, ^ by idensifying general poemenal effects - of the homens emism or esses of concern that ess widdn the eenps of the public hsakh and safety namess 'j that may be senadened in the peessedug 3 E Whose a ysopened homens aceien omnseras a maclear faenity within e stans, whidi has peesssaally -

J aignineens effens en ths -

of a maan and die haakh, welfase, and safety of he s4tissus, e snaas .J has standing to huervene in a presendug F The issue of whsdur a propend liamme amendesse does er does not bevolve s =ph haasses canadasstian is met kn nble in any hearing that adeht be held en the proposed ammh beoeuse de e Andag is e preesdural devias whose only purpose is to doestmuns the tiening of the homing (befono or eher issuanos of the ameduunt). ~ 3 O Sinse an envuonnusual suport (FR)is seqinised only fer actises that would seguise en umumuusmaal hupact semasment (BIS) under the Comunisman's seguissasas, no BR is aquired in ' whh a psoposed omstruction period snoepaue amednuma to ensand en ininal apeetag komme to a full 44yest term boosuse - the Canunimimi's segulauens et 10 CFA 4 51.20(b) dass nas spenfy that type of acsimi es maparang an EIS. Only en swinnummeal - (EA)is seynsed in eenneseien wish muh issnes amatemenes. '( 11 A essessman asserung that en anyht impset maammuss (Els) er _ 'sepan (ER) ( is aqubed to suppen a ympened Iwanang aonen wennd ased to elahn that the estimi ymsmes passansuy signinessa swisonnmaal hupaces er unresolved inness of inanemble - d monumes, and the 'I base would need to idmenfy these isnpacts er assoasses, the hugauma of whie is not prescribed by the - Consnissimi's regulations. l LBP-947 5 AWlY LIGift CDRPORATION, et at (Bleamsburg sas E - '), Desket Nos. (D4. (' 059g4 (D4059el, (D405982, 0340g335, 030 Og4dd (ASGP Nas.89-590 01-OM, 94598-01 OM 2); ; ENIORCEMENT; Jamary 29,1990; ORDER (Denying Metiens to Dimmiss NRC Onisms issued M sdi 16, 1939, sad August 21,1939, far lack of Junisshcnon) A %eIJcenang Basal dunes.. 's motion to dimnies for led ef)nahcsaan, eencludag that '[ the faihus of the original haansas to fully inform the Camusussism of onspoenie senegonismiaans and salm of ennuothas klaah of sacck sendend au sucement corposenans liable for tbs cens of decasianmanum of sinas peuvenualy under die omend of the original hansme, and messet to the enfamunent einlimity of ens i Cesenemuut and the jurisdiction of the Boasd. e B By annien Is4 of du Aisnio Energy As of 195d, as amended, d2 U.SA 4223d, Congress enablished a mang puhuc paticy psahibinns n uensfer of ement of any hemus" by evey eenssimb6., 'c e means, whhan ties prior weinen and informed census of the Comnusman. %is breed and sweepmg asennary languese was closely trueuled to presenbe the ausnatien in any manier er fem of any resnes or .,A j' sight to asikse er preeace special suelser snaissial, without this specined Comunaamun action. l C Any pese or corpswation that chooses to engage in luessed machsar bypseesce maesdal sesmuss, j is net eenpisamly les to conduct lessif in a businesses-usmal mannst. %ssa eso==h===aiat sensusues i f upai mifensesed wai==== actirms and fanns mouking from the high degree of segulausy evenighna, duect er e . ' :J Not surprisingly, mach 1.niianans apply to issues hevolvmg ihm dimet or indirect sansfer of liceuss, at=A-disness in enspersie and aber hasneses, and mauses selated to the liabihiy and sosponebeluy for the alsommaminanen of sinas and facGines used in licensel activities. D De Aramic Energy Act of 1954, as aananded, sequias a fun, fair destasure to be made by licensass of actions involving the transfee er canuut of L-so that des NitC can make an bifanned ) dement whether auch actions me in acaudence unh the Act Clearly, Anancial and other eensidersuma senated to { i ? 23 ,i .i !.'i 'h d I .j 4 = ~. -. _. I l q l j DIGESTS BigUANCtg OF THE A10h0C SAFETY AND IJCEN5fMG BOARDS desemamenstaan af the siis d lummed mader byproduct saivbes exand and abreald be navissed by the NRC in fulAlhas he massemy., i E Whmse NRC is domind the appesesihy to soview the esses of memnessa abauges in a lisensas's ; ~l eurpassee. ens to the hansas's fades to emuply wish useinary esensuso segumensmas, ths transfes of essesel af a bseness by esspense senesenring was leveled as to ths NRC which is abbesend by s:semes to eagesd ease. F De, against -,, _ tenstes si emessel of hommes eussend by Cemyum esmis ' he lyserad er avoided by hemisme er by the NRC basif. Ausmpled pensfus of samenhip and ensarol by - a hosname wee ineffensiw to eluminees NetC; ' " over the mesomeng euniaies bessess ihn tansfers J see in vielsene af mannery seguesammes. 0 Massive immstem sush as 1005 af seesk ourassenp sud Wat changus in empemes sumanse, semanhip, and sensel as the esas as summpeed meestas er smagemmas of lisemnes. i H ,he among ridelic policy esensassed by Casesses in homing snappsumed tenaiess of aussel of hommeses is eussmains, and lumes emme ces be as sucedsmes of mesh menisesry sepastus segummmann by NRC sogenosanes, daisys, lashes er equheble aseeppel,.mia==a=== ef the SBC er the hommes's eum shasebanden, easgud proper lusiness ammvesisms, spanens, er the penoimans of 10 CJJL Phn 50. 1APM8 SAITTY IJ0ffT (XRp0 RATION, se el (Riessushing See Dessneminaamm), Deshst Nus. OS. 05960, 05405981, 05405942, 030 00MS, OMMISd44 (ASIAF Nes.99-590 On OM, W598 01 OM-1); : ENRECEh02fT; Fehnery 8,1990; tierwm A'. De Usensing Sussi sammedsse and==ds== ha prior may pendmus line'ef the imummhses efestavamms et oss of two Sestf adessanssa esdes ns Sisif order in gamessa seguised the penise to begin masshly paysemes bee a fund humaded to delay the esas of a eks ebenseedestina sandy, and sande ens mapias in that had naamsenesty available for empenemme, la smodifybig in yder moy, the Usenens. Beesd pennies the supdsmaans of paymous as bassums biensdisasty e5msuve bei sesys any _, et ensh faids pendag naseur order af ths Bessd. B De four fasaur out was endiend by the Communion wish sagssd to supiens for says of imumulusely effesave desumme b 10 CJJL 6 2.788. Ahheigh the sugetation dans nsa esphoidy syply as desmansminatism enferosmunt ordan, k is logical to apply disse well-sesayumed asmends in e===W==ing the equashls samedy f of a sisy of sush eseus. C in e "==r-esfassement pausemens, the ymbhc lassmet is es inset bepensa aamsider. asian. This facear esgues assimat a sesy whose the ' 7 sessed tends to enshhsh that k is in the. puhtic bassent for pasupt seeien to be taken to aquise composesians and enha s suspaminis for pehmens a site whh smelast. to einen aq, the sins. LJIPM9 KERR Me0RE OlEn0 CAL (DRPORATION (West theta Pr Esshs Pacilisy), Doekst h d42061 ML (ASIAP k El.dt5-01.ML); MATERIAIJ UCENSE Amt ADMENT; Fehnaary 13, 1990; INfTIA1.DBOSION (Ruhns an AB Renaimns issues) A his laisist Dessman disuses Semit to inne a hemise eminnensa to Kare.Msome th=w=1 Cospo-sedan whish win penit h to depass of sensin theriamn smiB tailings in an engammund dispuest eeu to be sensuusend en les West Onisses, Elismis mas, h feuses Uly'g9 35,30 Nhc 677 (1989), in whidi sensin I insmas wuss smashed in Keres n=='s fever en r - for summassy W and sensin calier. I. luniend louns sem est denn for hensing B la this hikist Dammen, des I la=== imp Bessd innerpass Quanan I to 10 Cf.R. Pen 40, Appsuuna.-- A, Ands fases fauseing a hemsing en thnes hunned issues, and decides a emaism far mammaary + of au other loues saunamists to be decided. hs Usenseg Besse essoludes thes Ken'Mooss's propaned espassi seR d=A== the aquinsmaus of 10 Cf.R. Pan 40, Appensa A, by wide margins and that these is a high doyes of ammmase that no sipunces camamminatism wdl escur a a summk of desapa==t of the Wat Oiiesgo saiu imhngs bi k. C Cdesries I supuns that the sesis of namesnans isma parmiseen and hydseless fossem naast be ' egnanised bi chmasing masas abernative asiu taihnen dispeest uses. D The lameemanen to Appenna A peavides that seasidermann must be given to scansemas facters bi l cheesus among sharesuves and pennies apphsemis to propass shernserves to spesine agusensmas. Dans previsions dimises that the Appendia A erheia suust be apphed Setibly with due omh ac d the cases d achieving canain bensnis under ths ensoria. 2d l1 m q DIGESTS lagUANCES OF THE AfDMIC 5APETY AND IJCENSING BOARDS ' E Whose the evWess seypens the smaclusies tbst the psap=ad espeal esE wiD havs only a aspheihis impaa en snandesear qualiny, thee is no betinesse for hisuning the espass of espasmas of j l the mult asungs et annaher elas whom lhe hepast on gesundesear adels be less. -l l P Analyses of 6sposal eeu behevier must beve as appssprises dayss of. nsy should pennk sealimic puedisaisms of the kapest of she popesed desmal eau whish, to the esima they sur, ovessises I" 1 that hopast. Ilowouer, they should met be so sensarvesive as to be umaneseng, sommasisig that ingset to the estas of eenire the fossihuey of the peupused seu beo gesmism. q s 12P-9410 BOCKWELL DfTliRNA110PLAL (X1RPORA110N (Rashandyms Dmema), Dodst h M25 n==har - (AtlAP h 89 594-01.ML) (spesial Numiser Eisriallisenes New SNM-21) (Regian to Reiser to 1990); MATERIA 1A IJCEN5E AMENDesfi; Wah 19,1990, MEMORANDUM AND ORDER ; A De Poesiens Olnest in ens ps -==aag whish is governed by subgen L er 10 CJA Pen 2, e yenes in pan Appheast's musian to arike eminin omsers and pens of emmerus of the hearvensa pumusa l to 10 C.FA 6 2.12 Din). B he Ptuadme Ober soviews each of the eenserm mensmed in Appheast's sessise to arike and duesraunes, based en syssiac Isses seinead to essh esussre, what panies of ths inssion to suike may be - appupuisesly grasest C To sutus a sensure er a part af a esasern un the ground af sedendency, ths Possuhag Ofaser must ii ind seasidaiey othin the sling af a pensular innervener. AResed sueuulaney wth ansiher intervenor ens oss massa younds Ier e munism to eothe., D he presides artier saggens that the panies seassem their seminnet posiasms and esasider hanhar - saganiaties lamans inweal semismess. E Appbsehuny of epsehty assmenes (Appendia B to Pen 30) to phammhun passning and fuel L fabrisalit e plaats. 12P'9411.. DOCKWBIL DfTERNATIONAL CORPORA 110N (Reskandyus Division), Desket No. 7425 (A$lar New 09-594-01.MI,)(spesial Nusisar masrialI h=== h SNM-21)(Request to Ramser to h 1990); blAl?Jt1A13 IJGNSE AMENDh0NIA Wah 30, 1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (ReseMada-Hamassmass and LAPSR) A la suspones to hearveness' mesian, the psesidsig aber s==A=w the sensa smana Hunesensa Assasiasian as a party along wth two of he senseras. B Relevest nuespaper anisins, pnyerly hulsed sad amadied for safensus purpose to en inserveer's basis ease, passeRy wul he ansissa ponds in wahmend a mission to meiks. r C A emessen that populatism has yeen in ths vieimhy of a famihty for bandhas spesialassasleer - minierials wiB not othmand a motion w arike when it is - ' ' by seppened ausgatisms that the t susuhms skk of meistian esisese wul mosed to Cf.IL Part 20 mandeds for.n===hi-renseien aapa- ? D A essere about addisive offsms fsens tesic and essassisve snatorials that is sus pan af a NEPA. -t essern, absR be annsk because ihsee is no supilaemy sapessaient that such ausend addnivo effests be omsidased seher that in a NEPA emeest. 12P 9412 PUBlJC SERVIG COMPANY OF NEW HAMP81HRE, et nL (Sesiumsk Saatim, Units I and 2), Doest Nos. 544434L 54ded OL (AStaP New 82-471014L) (Offnine limmagsmsy Plaums); ORIRATINO IJGNSE; May 3,1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Reling en Censsi Ramended and Retened Ismes) 1 13P 9413 BAL11MORE OAS AND BlJICIRIC COMPANY (Calvert Cliffs ". - Syssa Ibst Secess huseDemenk Dadat Nos. 72-8,54317,54318; MAlliRIALS IJGNSE; Wy 15,1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Taminman of Pressedes) 4 A De tjamming Besse israunates e pressohng in whidi, prior to the ta===aa of a Natise of Hessums, the mily posisiteter esakisig a basang elssted to wnhdrew, 13P.9414 BASIN 17.511NO 1ABORAIURY,INC, dha BASIN SERVICES,INC., Deens k 15000033- '4 SCdCivP (AllBP h 9460101.SCDvP) (EA 88 265) (Ommral IJeaness Under,10 CJA ll5a20); ; CIVIL PENALTY; my 30,1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Ouder Appsevang Semismusa Asses-mas and Tennemsiing P-Wi A De IJamens Bened appnsvus a semannant egnament between the NRC Sistf and I 6-=== subject A to en Order lampesias Civil Ma= mary Penahy and an Oider to show Causs why 13ssess shald Nea Be. Sepauled, and armas die panies'pire mesian to isrminais the possuhns ')a i l t '4 ( a 1 a, l DIGESTS Bt90ANCES OF THE A10h0C SAFETY AND IJCENSING BOARDS i ISPM15 - C32VELAND BlJICI1 tic II.LUhENA11NO Cohc%NY, a et (Persy Nestsee Pouer Plass, Uma '? 1), Dmint No. 54440aA (A512P Na 94405-02 OLAX OPERATING IJCENgE AMENDMENT;lums 11,199&, Men ANDUM AND ORDER (rn-ame punisism to base, ens) > A' This Mm====A== and Order soviews e pakism to Isaarvens and emaamma 81sd in sesyssee to. a assise ladiesnas thati1====== bad appbad for en asentensa to their speseng b-man which weeld ' { danses.,_, '" pasmuseer Immins and asher.c _ '"- fuel haferasenem 6uss the Penry Teshmisal 2, and substisses a psuvises eBewingIJssasses to est theselisahs bi messed ohh NRC eyyssved ( mushedslasy 1hs eusssssaan seises se asymmen that guess of the amendsmus w01 emiswfully abpsive passiemer ofles handag sigins sidst 6100s af the Aemmic Bassgy Act, lhs Beasd indissend that in hs view, bassues k was est pesRds to assensin tems the apphessism whosher the besse umsmdummt would west any suksessanal esmanism in IJssassa h doesnahame the eyhspestec pesumsaur lissins, time enemmise b - semissible, IJssmaem and gasff wee effended en opposemity to susk susamsidemeten prior to lho Besse's eder semining die psahlsmer and he h ew-= ='s ese saises equins ihet pesar anseer Teknisal"r " -l n . samma 5o36 ef en B musst inshade emas ameness e is whide the huyssisim of sigid esmesiens er lumisseisms k meusnessy to shvises die passihnisy of en ehmesmal menaden er suma givbig sine to en inumsdisse thust to ths ymblic huahh and safssy, Cyels spesi$e pasmuseer luules ase mish meses. The h susy est abesses in ~, to saview and appsene lismus asmandesma that nims such manus by gusseing - hemmen memensat esamism in desamung ema - d C Am hamassed ammeer af the public is sudaled to en apputumisy for hensing om um epi iesma far en asusmemma to e pesar aussist lissmet 13PM14 FLDRIDA P0gflgt AND IJWir 00h0%NY (Usesy Point Nestaar Osamesing Plast,Unia 3 and - 4), Desksa Nes.342540LA 5,542514A 5 (ASIAP Na94402-01 OLA-5)(r a a s =. g m.pi - s (psd1my Opersums U===== Nes. DPR 31. DPR-41); OPliRA11NO IJGNgE AMDdD-heeft; han 15,19eo; hetMORANDUM AND ORDER (P=hsemos Comfames Order.. hnies sad Com. tsades) s A The IJssasise Bend eemks an inservemar aher esasiled ammidmansa of Isme et eW ==a13====, sad the semissehGay of Five of Any eit esmessises ese aesdamL 1he adumssism af safsay ismas b based en esamine issmus of fact arising bassues of Apphoma's ademissian that a punaisr chasse in testadsel '" ' - la a "seleaanimi" and bessess of an eram er maisman in the emnlysis.1he sesummone si eswisessummal lasums is based en esamine issues of fast sensed wish aspost to - esimy issess that might uhamsasiy sesak he e Anding that ihm dunge in - '" is *e mQar fedmal ) B As organissess anay gain sending based en en momens of a "===k=* " puswhing that the meseher t-b sense them het a passive asesrasser widmet any emmel over ins speamm6 ITanismsmesa, the "unasher" en - l. whous ' ' ( is based musst be e smasher for haussif and met far mesher. whoss sending has est base desummmmed. C ABessmans of k -=====a and hasandenen must be w : After an oppmemmity for-I desumassmass has beam anaded, ' defensesry eDagesom may be samsk isum eis need. l D A membewyer myseensing se engenisseiam mased - es pan of a Sling ihet eEsgad hemmasset and i=d u=d== -ihet he me leise essharised ihat ensemannem to saysema hint Neuenhahms, sinus no enhar. basis for asseding sales and his wehenwel weeld depuivo the eagemessism of momens, k is syysopesas to give en meniseyer e essend ehemse in eminder en kapiisemens of his whham L - E In applytag the PW's usely adspeed senadasd ist the semissum of - em Based ends est a pahimer aesi idemity en ene er eminden in A,,imma's ensayas is mee i. pain A=-= far ha emanaem, Merely saating. In selianse en an edemanum af Applisess, that a shamps bi ha todenset is a "salaamai-i"is met adScisen to gain admammen for a emmaman whom Applisant's analysis : ins semisant ruimemar must aho idemify an euer er seusman in the assomspesryiss aanlysis to esesse a suunius issus of Amst and gain edamesism far las : P Whh suspas en movhussensat issues, the Bessd seniusd two : " baseuse amusins immass - of fact wish suspass to safmy _ esund ehmusesly semak in a Anding that this sans easils "a saajar - fadasal actism,*. 26 i { l . = _ - -. _.. --. -. _ _ DIGESTS IggUANCES OF THE AfohGC SAPETY AND IJCEN51NO DOARDs ; 0 lir a, - ' ouest seWr: seks enho out-iMerise tisms; esehemed lunk for ihuanal power, puesmainer puessee, sad the his w opermeise leap assism tempmemme; ahangs in seses seduseism mydsanimes; RCS bassa osassmetism; hT bem servaammse; einses tisms Ier one sheenal - af host trooms; sad eher tima ' IJP # 17-ADVANQID MEDICAL SYSTEMS,INC, (Ones thenry Rour, Osmeio. Ohio 4do41), Desket No. 3014055 SP (ASLAP No. 87-545-01.SP)(sespammmm 0sder); 5U5 PEN 510N OF lJCENSE;)ums 12 lf90, MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Osmusses NRC Seaff Menime far Sammmary W sad Teramating - Piese= dens) 1 A'. In ads esas ths 1 ta====p Dessd gusses sessmary dupmemmi of four immam pushed by Advensed Madcol Spenne, Imr., A tw ns the leefulmans of a aussmary lissues empumise order under ths e Pro mina of to CJA H2.2cS2Jos and 10 CfA SM61. B h inwfuhsus of e emanary lissues = r=='-- =de issued ender to CfA H 2.2O2 2o6 and 10 CSA (M61 is dansnaimed by whether er met a Dussier's desimise to issus des esder k an abses of - 6sessass asest the osandsomes ammsumced in t'm Beism Ca, of New Yes 0masa Passa, Unies - 1,2, and 3), QJ 75 8,2 NRC 173 (1975). C. A Dessaar's desisism w ions a sisemary lissess empumim ander under 10 CSA H 23512os : and 10 CSA 6 M61 samt be based symm soliable, psabasive, and askanssmal evidsmasL "5shnessanal"messas W such selevent evidense es a smessemble mind miight assert es adequais to mypen a e -& - Edesa Ca v. NLAR,306 U.S.197,229 (1938). D Only the evideos availshis to the Dessear at the times a desisism is made is issue a sumsmary lissmas . masponsism esser ander 10 CSA H 2.as12os ad to CIA iM61 is misvest w a dearemaman er -1 whenbar er met the Dessaar's desisism to issue the eder is as abuse of disseenassL Cummelidsend Edassa Ca ' af Near Yes Onese Puist, Unies I,2, and 3), QJ.75-8,2 Nhc 173 (1975), eines t'====meus Pseer Ca - j (Midised Pime, Unies I and 2), QJ-73 38,7 ABC 12 (1973). - E A masumery lissmas suspensum order issned under 10 CJA H 2.2001206 and 10 CJA 6 M61 is fadaily aimer if tem liessess esa seassembly desarm base die eder die ismiss span whidi k would mand to assk essovery if a hessing is segusanad under 10 CSA 92.202(b). IJnit9018 - CURA 10R$ OF THE UNIVERSTTY OF MISSOURI, Decket Nos. 7400270,3402278 MLA s (ASIAP Na 946134haA) (Ile: TRUMP-8 Puoiset) (Bypseduct IJssume h 3640513 32; Special Nucisar Massnels lissmas Na SNM-247); MATERIA 12 IJCENSE AMENDMEPf!'; Joe 15,199&, MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Adnuminc Funiss and "Ames of Comestm*; Defening Asiaan en e Sisy) A lies promeng of8ser semins too panies, aAar desause canndsstiam af standes quem 6ms, and ' semias sis of esvam areas of esasure pseemsed by thans pemies. He defen assism em a sequest for a may em the posed shst die asiasris for a may have met beam most but that edsgeses laferaieties is met sesnessly availabis far uns byihe imeensissa. B. The possisms adRear feind dist venidense of a===h=r of a esmeermed arram within 2 edias i af an es& utihming 10 yams et pienemium oss adequais to enabhsh standing. He said, feBowes Nenhasm Samas Power Ca (Peddedor Aummic Plast), IAP 90w3,31 NRC.40, di (1990), that: "[F}ar en ergamlaamse is have aimedes k ammt sheer b$sry in fact to hs. -- ' homens er to the imammst of ' membus.., who have aisherised k to act for desa. Whsse the ogsmassaan is daysmuss ape b@ry to the bassent of les mandass er apssessa to===hhd standhig. the organissue mest psowids wish ins psiisism - 1 i l Idumiesatime of et Isast one museber er apommer who viu be b@med, a ~ '. of the mamme of that. f injury, and an audiensanse for that orp=i==*w to sepassa that hulividual in the pseesseas. The henry in feet must he apunba whhim de=== ef issamms passasd by suases misens the presenhus. - r C An agassadan may est be mi hearvenst emises die amas of esmoorm k advensus an esasisies with hs orgmassaiemal purpses. D A pensiemer must show "m$wy hi fast" h sudar w obtain namens However, the phrmas 3rsary in fact

  • dess met bear he osdinary Enghsh meneming sud seisss to em injury that smay be possinds should a proposed,
  • neden puoemed. Nar is k vaquised that as part of esus==ew f standing that a u

o pauuemar psave that injury will asemauy occur. h is ensuch to have seassemble younds for behavnes that k4ary may occur. E Tbs " injury b fact" inst is the emme for fornial adjudicatism sad for Subpen 1. cases. 27 \\ i I i I 4 e w 4 v. ~. ~ --i.-wu v.-e-4. e-% 1 i y .I 4 DIGESTS. ( < IBgUANCRs OF MIE ATOh0C SAITTY AND IJCENatNG BOARDS. F-71be predag einse admined na of semi enes of essars, poiming et est e paimmer ased - aus even sisse a omsara, jet an ' ems er eenseraf One eres of sumssen, senseing to fees emuserning an . as ensinded bassume thess uns as showing of j ausged sitees d this esperusisut a naciser, " w 7 any lessl basis for des alssa and k ens thessfue est geramens to the besses - j O When paimener fans to aly am any lagst smetensk to amen that a pseisst inspeepedy siska *uusisar . emyben masmasseaingsu _. - ans of omsers" thes b p is em peding - r apphessima fw a heemse. - E H Pushismus' ass vegebed to Ans e mysant for a sisy at the esent af their essa, esos though. aufenamien selssem to their need fa a may may not be availshis to thest Osmusqmmely, the passiding efEser suvissed the miessia far assseing a may and defened aseian based a $m lisk of suissent hufenssian ovellside to iho Ph== 1 Poussemas' arysummes that they have e sight to a homing prier to the giussing af a lisease er . eth =my=m to the omsmemmut af a special masrials besman, is asyssidy mahansas but = l assenheises kupermissihis se a shabemos to the agemey's posedusal =falh Wlusi e psehise has been Elad wishout eqr formal mad $ssues that a imamming emist is remens. J the time af esmaal assies issum whid timedimens is sashand is des ihne et asmal assimo then ihme is a - bosasius estism psoding in whish a pesan may be pernumed to imaarvensu K 1hs $ stowing techniset hauss an disenssed. Nepaname, Amerisiusa, Plansmium; Dispania of ~ phneiam seush an - pi-- odel of. 12P#19 NOKneRN STATES POWER COhPANY (Pediander Aassaic Plant), Dedat h 34050% MLA (AstAP k M399 01 ML) Olypadset Meissial IJssass k 22-08799 43); MATintIA12 IJ. GNEE AMENDMEPTT; June 21,1990, ORDEE111RMINATING PanmaisNO A'- tWhamel whidsewal of sepsest for hessing, whish formed the esis basis for gsuming a hearing en an appl==ah to asnad a bypseenet materiallisease to "L-== power mesas huudings, seusves au justicishis Ismess befese the Pussidmg Of6ser and imings the presseding to an ed. IAP # 20 PUBtJC 55RVICE COh0PANY OF NEW HAMPg80RE, et al. (Beshumsk Satism. Unies I and 2), Desket Nos M443 OL. 54444 OL (AstAP & BM710400) (Offaius Esmosesmay Ptsemus issues); OPERATING IJCEN" June 27.1990; MEMORANDUM AND mma (Pnilowing Pushmasing Cumfames) } 12P N 21 tr. MARY MEDICAL CENTER-HOBART and sT. MARY MEDICAL CBNTER-GARY, Deskat Nes. 05431379-OM,014016154M (AstAP k 94612#0M)(EA 94071)(Oudar assynudag Beednytheory Aoiiviums and Modifyung i1=-=a) and POK111R MEMORIAL H0gPfTAL (Velysseise, Indisms), Desket Na OS4121340M (ASIAP k 94615-054M) (EA 94072) (C " i Onier 8seremhas Beachytherapy Aaivisies and Madifying IJoense); SU5 PENSION OF AC11VH1ES AND i' MODIFICA110N OF IJCEN5E; hois 26,1994, PRFJIEARING CONFERENm mrime (Defasst sad Tennemann of Respostive Puncesdags) A la a PtahmsrLig Confames Oudar severning two, .. the IJanasing Band (1) gases a jaims manian af au panise to ester for 30 days an univities in me pressmens, to aussuunsene esmismaat assaineisms, mid (2) gsmes the aquet of the only paiusmer for inservemma in the asher peesseding to wahdesw his sequest for a homins, das terunnseng that penssednis -1AP M 22. CtRA1DRS OF Tile UNIVERSITY OF h0S$00RI. Desk Nas. ?4omno,3402273-MIA - (AstJLP Na 94613 02 MLA) (Re: TRUMM Ptoject) (Bypsedust IJssass k 24-00513-32; Spesial . Musleer Mansnals IJssass k SNM-247); MATERIA 1A IJCENSE AMENDMENT; June 29, 1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Addmans to die Pins) A The pseudung of5ser sopiired the Siaff to canader a naar eiendesd for doesnessag the proper - sessoas of a hearing als in a Subpart L cess pwousa ao 10 Cf.R. I1.1231.= B in this Subpast L esse, involving mens of eensure selsted to fasm of serises hann to public esisty,: the Piemeng Ofteer, esting passant to, supdsed the Staff to bisnele in the hessing sesud: - any NRC spent (instudug <==r-em geis and nadings of v6elensn) sad any. baaween the NRC and I la==== suias ibe last 10 yeus, that *-. cadd uy balisse to be suissent to may of ther admused suas of essern (se ases of esacara is a genessi esos that is est shasply dahmiend to speal6c weeds esad in descriteng the esmeern). as t a + c h 1 1 4 1 -i i l DIGESTS ISSUANCE 8 OF DIRECTORS' DECISIONS DD941 FLIRIIM POWIR AND IJGTT COMI%NY (Tusey % Nuclear Osweating Plant, Units 3 and d),Ihdot Nas $4250,54251; REQUEST POR AC110N; Mane 22,1990 DIRECIOR'S DF41SION UNDER 10 C.FA 4 2.206 A in this Anal Duarter's Decisien, the Duecser of Nuclear Ramesar Regulation aspeds ao maaining issues isA epen by Panist Duncaer's th= DDwS9-5,30 NRC 73 (1989), es wou as em=1 lasuse mised by Thomas L Separiis in two subpm Penisiens. The I%sitioner sequested that the NRC take cenain btunediate a6 time whh regant to Tesey Puies Nucisse Osnareting Plant, Unias 3 and d, aDesing as beams for his sequests that these had been sepsisals ogsinat enployees for reportmg safety concerns and a thiUing effect on sepaning safety conaeras as a susuk of discrunination and ha. n that his unploynant had been advesesty aftened aner sugasma bi psosected activhy as denned in 10 C.F.R. 4 5a7. that the IJcenses and ha counsel acted bupuoperty in connectuut wish Petitioner's hearing befose the Departnent of 14bar, and that ihare had been a falsincetion and damnusim of documensa at the fecuity. For samaan, est fanh in the Psaition, the Duectar denies ths Petitanner*a sequeses. D The ineutution of

in suspanes to a sequest pursuere io 10 C.FA $ 2.206 is appropiate c

only when subsiersial heahh and enfay issues have been esised. DS942 CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY (Big Rock % Plansk Dosars Na 54155; OPERA 11NO IJCINSE; May d,1990; DIRECTOR'S DFI2SION UNDER 10 C.F.R. 5 2.206 A The Ibeciar of Nuclear Reecear Regulation dernes a Pethim, and ks ----

Elad by loAnne Bear Beenum em behalf of Canesraad fhe for the Qiadevons Arre requestang that ths Nuclear Regulatory Censnusian esder t'

-- Power Carnpny to update and reuora ks Big Red Puint Plans to meet all curent esfety design and radanctive effluent criassia and to psahiba casammand apareuen easil such time as thase objectives as me. %s Ptsiuanars aDeged that the NRC and Censusness Power Company jointly have impseperly used easihens6: crheria and "gandfathenng" to defer ', - tices of safssy cuiseria, nuultog in large re&nsceive - fruen Big Rock Paens; that Big Rock Point dass met asse cument NRC estesy standards; and that en envkunmental bepect massment is required for amunued apareuen of the facihty. B The pnnciple is arndy estabhahed that perenns inay not uns 10 C.FA 51.206,

for seconsideration of issues pnyviously decided.

C While the NRC is pachaded from taking cases inne accent in estabhahms or enfesting the sequisine i level of adequese preescuan of the public haahh and esfety, canis bi devising er - -

expainments that affasd preescisan above and bayend that level may be considered.

I I D he Natanal Envuesenensal Policy Act of 1969 does eat vapain amronmental knpoet staements i for major federal actuus that preceded las effective date, l P. De fallowing inchawal issues are docussed: Radwenie Symans; Radioactive Does to Wochess; l Operating and Mairmensace Casas; ma - Weste Syman; Pree-Risk A=a===s; 14ml Disposal af law.tavel Wests. DD 943 PACIHC OAS AND ElJiCfRIC COMPANY (Diablo Canyan Nuciair Power Plant, Unies I and 2), Dixist Nos. 54275.A. 54323-A; ANITTRUST; hans 14, 1990; D(RECIDR'S DECISION UNDER 10 C.F R 6 2.206 A The Duectar e( the Of5ce of Nuclear Rascaer Regulation (NRR) has ruled upon a paitian Sled by the Nanhern California Power Agency (NCPA) sepassung that the NRC take canam mforcement actims l 29 l + DIGESTS BASUANCR8 OF DIRECTORS' DECNGONE .,1 i asukut pts 4Ac Gus & Easseric Campany (pO&E; tw ansesey vialeing the emiserest Lmes + tw hs Dishio Canyon Nusisar Unies. m assed apam a Fedust Disuise Comt's Anunen out ehm hfannome est has bem peevidad m 1 f ihn NRC, the Dunste he emanheded shot PG&E visissed die Diablo Caspen maisust haamse sendeses by afusing a provies sensin Californie einies penist mp=== mss =6dsesh pesar and - servissa. C 70&E sino has visisind the senemas lisease enademas for em Diable Cemyan unies by inchuhng i Isasuses in seri8s sind wish the Federal Emersy Basminisey Cemenssium PERQ dus puestade hassessed -( panies foun m tha terms and omndeses of Wuns % home sesmissive pusvensus pueride PG&E 1 wkh an unfair advenues in he deslises weh eher power systems by forcing sham to aske enviss under whaesvar terms 70&E pouvides. Tbses psevisises ese h wth the bassa of the hommse M-l -I sinas des pampass of Ussass Castian (9): is to moble W=1 disesenses baseous passies in serviss sehe& des and tedits to be suselved at PERC. D ne following techniset issues me dessussed Refemals to psovide penist sequuumasas whannesle power and mamanissen servism; Radussis to pavide apnesynses servise edis&dus sud wm 4 1 i } o t 1 h ? P ? k i Y N 4 ? S I s LEGAL CITATIONS INDEX CASES Abela v. Oustafsan, 888 F.2d 1258,12&344 (9th Or.1989) appheshuisy of Equal Aoses no Justace Act to formal pr==Av 'a ehemos of stammary seguiremens far such hearings: ALAB-929,31 NRC 289 (199Q 4 ^ Action en Snding and liashh v. CAB,724 F.2d 211, 225 (D.C. (n.1984) eensinaction of waivan of savesup bienunky; A1AB-929,31 NRC 291 (1990) Adidas v. Kane & Ca,398 U3.144,159 (1970) p. afruisv9 support vapaised for summary disposition antims; 1RP-944, 31 NRC 67 (1990) y Alabama Power Ch (3assph M Farley Nuclear Plant, Units I and 2), ALAB-182,7 AEC 210,216-17 Q (1974) .k seineria far admission of cassetians; 12P-904,31 NRC 92 0990) is Alabama Power Ca (Joseph M Fedey Nuclear Plars, Unas I and 2), AIAB-182,7 AEC 210,217 y (1974) O y for summary espuminon; LAP-944,31 NRC 66 a.6 (1990) p p Alabama Power Ca (Janspi M. Fadey Nuclear Plant, Units I and 2), (1J-81E,14 NRC 795,7M sf f (1981) t ~ bunlan an movers for a stay; ALAB 928,31 NRC 267 (1990) M weight give no irveparable in#ry factor in h . suy notions; CLJM3,31 NRC 258 (1990) a Alhs LOeners! Nuclear servwes (Bernwell Fuel Receiving and Starsee Station), AIAB-328,3 NRC 420, ( 422 0 976) interest requisement fa standag to intervens; IEPWe. 31 NRC 89 n.3 (1990) ] Andaraan v. IJhany Labby, Inc, 477 U.S. 242, 2450 (1986) bunten en opment of summary Aq-- C1JW3,31 NRC 239 a.28 (1990) Association of Dets Pnrassms Service Organisations v. Camp,397 U.S.150,153 (19'70) showing necessary to estabhsh stan&ng to inearvae in NRC pnxeading; IEP-946,31 NRC 89 (1990) AvaileMuty af Nnds for Payment of Intervenor Ancrney Fees - Nuclest Regulatory C 62 Camp Gen. 692 (1983) resenctaans on award of anameye' fass; ALAB-929,31 NRC 277 0990) Bellati v. NRC,725 F.2d 1380 (D.C. Cir.1983) hearing sights an insterials licanes amendments; IAP-90-18, 31 NRC 570 (1990) Bastan Edman Co. (Pilgrim Nalear Ounerating Stasian) DD.88 7,27 NRC 601, (07 (1988) probabihatic nsk. requirement for licenses; IEP 946,31 NRC 113 (1990) Bowles v. Willingham, 321 U.S. 503, 520 (1943) bearing aghts e aanmary suspmann enter; LEIA9417,31 NRC 543 (1990) Duasness A Piofennonsi Panple for the Public Interest v. NRC,793 F.2d 1366 (D.C. Qr.1986) restncuans en award of anarneys' fees; ALAB-929,31 NRC 2710990) Capaal Telephane Ca v. PCC,498 F.2d 734,738 a10 (D.C. Cir.1974) - ~.E tmeirnent of esperate carparsie entities as one for purpme of agulatian; AIAB-931,31 NRC 368 .y a55 (1990) Casohna Power and lieht Co. (Shesem llams Nuclear Power Plant), A1AB-837, 23 NRC 525,533 34 (1986); AIAB-843,24 NRC 200,204 (1986); AIAB-856, N NRC 802,805 (1986) content af appsDans bnefs; A1AB.926,31 NRC 9 0990) 31 h l l -i LEGAL CITATIONS INDEX ~ CASEE l Camlina Poww and Usha Co. (Shanne liarris Nulser Power Plait, Uniu I and 2), AIAB-837,23 NRC, ij 525, 544 0 986) laissbilny of chaDenen in Canuaissias ytem, 13P-946,31 NRC 103 (1990) Ceuutar Mnbus Symans v. IOC,782 F.2d 182,20102 (DC Cir.1985) board emessuse to admit sunstmaal instiniany; AIAB-932,31 NRC 397 n.1010990) Chemical Wome Managenant, Inc. v, EPA, 873 F.2d 1477,1482 (D.C. Chr.1989) - sond fa farinal hearing em amiassis licamms susponimi; AIAB-929,31 NRC 285 (1990)- i Ouvien, U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Dalenas Comicil, Inc., 467 U.S. 837 0984) saanunauen of lesimistive hisiwy to denarians sinunory innant; AIAB429,31 NRC 383 0990) - Oncinneel Oss and Elecidc Ca (William IL Zinator Nuciser Power Susion, Unk 1), AIAB-777,17 NRC .l 760,770, Til (1983) impananse of secuency hi evacuatieu tune estunsins; C13-90 3,31 NRC 240 (1990) ' Cincinnati Oss and Eissisic Co. (WiDiasn IL Zanmar Nuclear Power Sission Unk 1), AIAB.777,17 NRC - t 760,775 0M3) basis far hasunne misirm em suergency,, -- AIAB-932,31 NRC 389 (1990) e Cinesansti Oss and Elecine Ca (Wilham IL Zanmar Nucasar Power Station), IAP-8414,11 NRC 570 OMO) f asely enquised. ,al emisisace as good eeuse for less filing; 13P-945,31 NRC 8481 0 990) Oty of Wet Odcago v. NRC,701 F.2d 632 Odi Cir.1983) no siadficant hasards considasation for manadals basses aniendmanes;12P 9418,31 NRC 572,5N - (1990) Oty of Wat Mira9e v. NRC,701 P.2d 632,641 (7th Or. IM3), afr Kser McGee Casp (West a Chicago Rose Earths Pacility), C1182 2,15 NRC 232 0982) need far fornist bearing en snsterists licanas suspesamt; AIAB-929,31 NRC 383 (1990). 'g Clrveland Elmaric lumainating Ca (Perry Nuclear Power Plant. Uniu I and 2) AIAB443,6 NRC 741, 753 0 977) burden en peuponent of sununary deposition snoeira; ISP-44,31 NRC 67 (1990) develand Elssade lihar,inating Co. (Pury Nuclear Power Plass. Uniu I and 2), ALAB-443,6 NRC 741, 754 (1977) burdat on opponen of senmary espasinen; 12PM17,31 NRC 542 n.5 0990) Osveland Electric lumnineting Co. (Peny Nuctsar Power Plam, Uniis I and 2), AIAH-675,15 NRC 1105, 1113 0 982) sequest is suorneys' fees as cause for 6sessuanary insarlocutary soview; A1AB 929,31 NRC 779 0 990) Osveland Elastric Ilhaninsting Ca (Peny Nuclear Poww Plars, Uniis I and 2), ALAB-8206 22 NRC 743,' 746 at (1985) showest abset irreparabis injury, far grens of a suy; AIAB-928, St NRC 2de 0990) Omveland Elsanc IUuninstag Co. (Perry Nuclear Puner Plant, Units I and 2), ALAB-820,22 NRC 743, 748 n.20 (1985) speculmism shout accideas as inopershie injury far purpnse of obtanmg a may; C1JW3,31 NRC '- . j3 259-60 (1990) Oeveland Elecine IHeninating Ca (Pary Nuclear Power Plant, Uniu 1 and 2), C1JM7,21 NRC 233 <t (1986), aff'd sub man Ohio v. NRC, 814 F.2d 258 (6th Cir.1987) .4 Oeveland PJactdc Ilhaninsting Co. (Perry Nuclest Power Plant, Uniss l'and 2),12P 81-24,14 NRC 175, .j secpenug a sesord, mandards far,13P 90 l,31 NRC 210990) i 181 85 0 981) evidentiary m,ppet rapiired of contsnuan at admanian sues; ISP-946,31 NRC 92 n.10 (1990) Cantam, Inc. v. Runkel. 722 F, Supp 1442,1451 (E.D. hEch.1989) membenhip basis in mublish standing of an oogenization; 13P-9416,31 NRC 514 n.5 (1990) i t ( 33 1 4 I i ) i f f 4 c.. e i LEGAL, CITATIONS INDEX ' l CASIX - Camammakh han Ca (Basidwood Nuciser Pimw $wien, Units I and 2), CU%8,23 NRC M1 l 0 966) weight arvan to feman Gi) and Ov) hi desnaining adminibihty of law-filed - 12P 941, = 31 NRC M 0990) Cannenwashh lidman Ca (Baidwand Nucisar Power Susion, Uniu I and 2), CU48,23 NRC M1, ' M4 0906) apphcebikiy of Swfacier inst for Isse fihnes to infunnat procendags; 1AP 943,31 NRC 51 (1990) Commumeshk Edison Ca (CarreB Casey Sas), A1AB401,12 NRC 18. M (1980) l^ scape af ismas heisahls in opasims homas ausmdens pr--Aap IDP 904,31 NRC 910990) Cannsbemed Edman Co. of New Yak Ondian Paint, Unk 2), QJ-74-23,7 ABC M7,95152 (1974) isuses appupuises far post-basang "- by Staff; QJM3,31 NRC 231 sLil 0990). edw Edissa Co. et New Yak Ondisa Paini, Unh 2),12P 83 25,15 NRC 715,736 (1982) , hemis to subbah siendung af an esganssatimi; 13P-9016,31 NRC 514 a.5 (1990) Cassei.dsud Edessa Co. of New Yak M= Psa, Unies 1,2 and 3), CU 75 8,2 NRC 173,176 I 0 975) seasdad for inisissian of show esmse. . : DD941,31 NRC 3310990) Cas-N FJimen Co. of New Yak (Indian Pains, Unks 1,2, and 3), CU-75-8,2 NRC 173,175 - 0 975) eosps of biasshis issues in anses of shacessian sview; 12PMl7,31 NRC 54243 n.5 0990) Camelidasse Edison Co. v. NtJta,305 U.S.197,229 (1938) of "subsinniial" es appland to evidence; 1AP 9017,31 NRC 557 (1990) : r-Power Co. (Big Red Nu61sar Pisis), AIAB-636,13 NRC 312,319 0981) = s sospe of envbummental soview of ersating bcones amendment; 1RP'9016,31 NRC $37 0990) Consensa Power Co. (Mased Plant, Uniu i and 2), ALAB 123,6 AEC 331,345 (1973) busden of posar and Innden of poing forward bi licensing c _ - AIAB-926, St NRC 15 0 900) Cassenes Power Ca. (hEdnand Plant, Uniu I and 2k AIAB 395,5 NRC 772,185 0977) burden of psont is show paimes for a say; 1 AIL 9018,31 NRC 575 (1990) i Consensus Puwer Ca (hEdend Plant, Umu I and 21 A1AB458,7 NRC 155,15440,169 70 (1978) .( '5 lissnes asihonsataan while nanand Pnnmedass and snanimia ass Pandas; QJ#3,31 NRC 230.' 0 990) e --- Power Ca (bEdnand Plans, Units 1 and 2), A!AB434,13 NRC 96,98 (1981) abbasumi et appsel baseds to accept safened rulings; ALAH-929,31 NRC 278 0990) l Consumers Power Co. (Edised Plant, Unias I and 2L CU 73 38,6 AEC 1082 (1973). l abuse of discianum sendard, lap 9417,31 NRC 544 0990) Consumers Power Co. (bEdnand Plant, Unies I and 2), CU-73-38,6 AEC 1082, los3 M 0973) hensies tishis en meesnals hamnes oneenmens; A1AB-929,31 NRC 288 0990) Conseners PWwer Co. (EBand Plant, Unies I and 2), CU 73-38,7 AEC 12 (1973) ocupe of heigabis issues in abuse of disaation aview; 12P-9417,31 NRC 542-43 n.5 (1990) Consenes Power Ca (Ednand Plant Units I and 2), CU-74 3,7 AEC 7,910 A a.6 0F74) '{ hessiss nighas an maisnans beanse suspensums; A1AB 929,31 NRC 288 (1990) Cosnanas FWwer Ca (ERand Plani, Units I and 2k lap 4243,16 NRC 571,5710982) newly arising inferinstian as good couss for lais interventian; 13P-945,31 NRC 79 (1990) Duke Pouw Co. (Amansbusse to Maamists Usense SNM 1773 - Transponmian of Spast Post inen. Oconso Nuclast Saeeien for Stange en bicGuue Nucisar Station), A1AB-528,9 NRC 146.1510979) nwriis demanninanens at samentimi ashnissian maget 13PM6,31 NRC 92 0990)' Duke Power Ca (Catawbe Nuciser Station Unns I and 2), AIAB-687,16 NRC 460 0982), sev'd in part en other grounds, QJ43-19,17 NRC 10410983) sisadant for - af aloned ruhnen; A1AB-929, St NRC 719 (1990) j Duke Power Ca (Caiawte Nuclear siation, Uniu I and 2), QJ-13-19,17 NRC INI (1983) five facter assi for senissimi of lasernled causnaions apphed to manions to suspen; 12P 941,31 NRC 210990) d 33 a I' i, j ' :) LEGAL CITATIONS INDEX y CAS63 Ikke Power Cu. (Cauwbs Scisar Station, Uniu I and 2h CU-8319,17 NRC 1041,1048 50 0983) i tanslesse el e to napan; CU 946. 31 NRC 447 0990) -) Enester Reis v. INS,838 F.2d 1030 (96 Or.1988) apybenbanisy of Equal Aesses to Juanse Act to formal psuccedmse is obsenes of anaeusory sequuentant for such hearings; AIAR-929,31 NRC 359 (1990)- Ewirs v. Mytinger & em.m,- y,339 UJ. 594 (1949) - beenna sighu a pngsristy of an eeninistsatin decis' inn; 1AP 9417,31 NRC 543 sL8 0990) Ewing v. Mytinger & Caes1 henry, Inc., 339 U.S. 594, 599 0950) - eiseummeness apprepnais fer sansnary luonas suspenmen; IAP-9417,31 NRC 544 (1990) Eum Nelser Co. (Nuclear Fust Recovery and Recychng Centerk LBP 77-59,6 NRC 518 0777) ~ pimindty to fecuny es basis for *r IAP 943,31 NRC 42 (1990) ~ Fehey v. Manmes,332 UJ. 245,253 0947) circumsteness apprepnene for susumary bcones suageuian; 1AP 9417,31 NRC 544 0990) l Mest Neuenal Beak of Arisans v. Osias Service Ca,391 US. 253,2ML90, seh's denied 393 UJ. 901, 0 968) showing asmsesty for grant of maiunary espaseian; IAP-944,31 NBC 67 0990) t Haside Power and IJaht Co. (St. Imcas Ncler Power Nat, Unit 2), AIAB404,5 NRC 1185, llM (1977) decimiansankhts pnsens in sensiderene of sharnative site; AIAB428,31 NRC 268 0990) Neide Power and IJaht Ca (St Imcie Nucisar Power Nat, Unit 2), AIAB-579,11 NRC 2Zl,226 0 980) dannitami of **-hta manus"; AIAB-930, 31 NRC 346 (1990) - Hasids Power and IJaha Co. (Twkey Pant Nuclear Gunarating Sunan, Units 3 and 4), IAP 8114,13 NRC 677,684-85 0981) scope of evbesesnial suview of opssating liusnas amenenans; IAP 9416,31 NRC 537 (1990) Onneslur & Aadier Ca v. Sunen,687 F.2d 1067,1074 04 Cir.1982) need for fwnial hearing on matenals heense suspenamn; AIAD 929,31 NRC 286 0990) Ossem v. Heskler,746 F.2d 844, 852 (D C. Or.1984) - standasd for great of writ of snandamus; CU 943,31 NRC 229 0990) i Osweste v, Of6ce of Personnel ". . 308 F.2d 14%,146546 (Fed. Or.1986) subsuntial justinentia sundaed for )dicial soview of &acauenary shnuusemiive asenes; 1AP 9417, 31 NRC 545 stil 0990) Osnaral Pubhc Utihne Nuclear Carp. Ghree h Island Welear Station, Unit 1), AIAB 881,26 NRC 465, 473 0 987) standesd for sujection er me&ficatim af heensing board fuulmss; AIAB-936,31 Mtc 13 (1990) Osnarel Pubhc thihties Welser Corp. (Thes E Island Sclear Sutim, Unit 2) AIAB 914,29 NRC 357, 361 0 989) biarde of pseef w show grounds for a suy; LDP 9418,31 NRC 575 0990) showins, ehemas irseparehle bijury, for grant of a stay; AIAD-928,31 NRC 288 0990) Osasral Fuldee Utilisie Nuclear Camo. (11use h Island Nelear Station, Uniu I and 2; Oyseer Creek - Weiser Osnarseng Sessian), CU-854,21 NRC 561,563 (1985)

g ase of 2.306 presseau as a vehicle for secensideration: DD-942,31 NRC 467 (1990)

Omargia Power Co. (Yegtis Electric Osnerating Nat, Umu I and 2), AIAB-872,26 NRC 127,13132 0 987) penahy far failure to heist claims en aweal; ALAD426,31 NRC 9 0990) Gulf Sisees thilines Ca (kiver Band Susien, Umis I and 2), AIAB444,6 NRC %0,76649 0977)' l right of ineuemed state to eeyt coniantions of withdrawing interwner, IAP 9412,31 NRC 431 0 990) - i Oulf Smas Utihnss Ca ("ivw Band Sution, Uniu I and 2), AIAB 4el,6 NRC %0,796 0977) i seliance en enesher party to supreset one's interesu as good cause fa less L -

LAP 945, 31 NRC 80 (1990) l 4

l 1 i l m __ 1 i . LEGAL CITATIONS INDEX . CASES linke v. United Sesia, 869 F.2d 531,534 36 (9th Cir.19s9) appbcability d lispaal Acoms to Annce Act to femal proceedings in steenes of enamnery sequusment fu auch bearings; ALAB429,31 NRC 2s9 (1990). Hankh mM Onny v. Kanedy,82 FA.D. 21 (DAC.1979) "'; bens to emblish samdang of an sugam a-taPM16,31 NRC Sie n.5 (1990)- llauman IJohting and Power Ca (Anew Creek Nunear Omnersting Statian, Unit I), A1AB-590,11 NRC 542, 548 0 980) mains deuruunatanus at somentusi eenissian sage; 12P.906,31 NRC 92 0990) Haineen IJslains and Power Ca (AEew Cseek Nuclest Gunmenns Statian, Unit 1), ALAB 59411 NRC 542, 550 0 9so) pures of siseenery durade IAPM4,31 NRC 67 (1990) -l llauman IJghting and Power Ca (Saudi Teams Project Uniu I and 2K A1AB-549,9 NRC 664,64849 l 0 979) weight give to delay ed Iw=ndeing of isman in daierndning law inuevenian pasmens; tal'945, 31 NRC 42 0990) t l: llauman LJohting and PW Ca (5euth Tesas Pio)ect, Uniu I and 2), A1AB.199,21 NIIC 360 0985) effest of a pony's withdrewel en heigstion ef ba canisations; LEP#12,31 NRC 430 0990) .j i Haumsa tJohting and Power Co. (5outh Tesas Psoject, Unisa l and 2), ALAll.799,22 NRC 360,370 75 OM5) baisabihay of sheracter of beernes far platanian peacessag and fust fabrication plant; IJPM10,31 NRC 2F10990) liauman IJoining and Power Ca (senh Tsaas Piojast, Uniu i and 2),13P 8413,19 NRC 659,669 79 l 0 984) I heigabihty of character of hcenses for plaundian piecessing and fust fabncenan plans; IAPM10,38 [ NRC 297 0990) liunt v, Washingian Suas Appio Adverunng C 1432 U.S. 333,343 0971) manhesehy basis to subhah manding of an organisation; 1.BIA90wl6. 31 NRC $14 e65 (1990), laispendent Bankers Associamen v. Banni d Govenues, 516 F.2d 1206,1213-14 (D.C. Cir.1975) esanananen of losimienve history in daarmine mannory intes; ALAB 929,31 NRC 283 0990) Inland limpus Det Council v. Millas,325 U.S. 697 0944) bearing agies en propriety of an eeninisustive deciaian; ISPW17,31 NRC 543 at (1990) kuus v. run 792 F.2d $21 (9di Cir.1986) - e EIS and._ ' aassamment aquirenants for maimials hcense - . IJP 9418,31 NRC 569 0 990) Kansas Ons and IGestric Ca (Wolf Cask Osnareung Sution, Unit 1), ISP-8417,19 NRC 378, 886 - 0 984) previously avainsble infernutian eut is newly acquised by inservenor as good cause for las filias; 3 13P 945,31 NRC 79 (1990) 1 Kansas Oss and luscaric Ca (Wolf Cesak Omereung Station, Unh 1),13P 8426,20 NRC 53,6162 (1984) l innaes appropriais for pan-hosnng venohaien by Staff; CtJM3,31 NRC 231 a.ll 0990) 7 l Kansas Oss and IGecord Ca v. Brock,780 F.2d 1505 00ih Cir.1985h can. daied,478 U.S.1011 0 986) preencium of 6_ _,' yes fann roulistian by bcensee; 12P 945,31 NRC 78 0990) Imwie v. Unined Sisies,445 U.S. 55,60 09:0) sianing pairs fa mamanary beerpsenation; AIAB 929,31 NRC 282 0990) IJclear v. United Sunes,334 U.S. 742 0947) hearing sigina en propsisty of an administrative decisim; 1RPel7,31 NRC 543 at 0990) IJenanck Esehqsy Acisen v. NRC,869 F.2d 719 04 Cir.1989) (. admianbihty of... tal coussion dealing with greater-ihan design-basis accidsmas; 12P 946, 31 NRC 111 (1990) i I 35 1 LEGAL CITATIONS INDEX Casas t lamwh4 laeaney Aaum v. NRC. 869 F.2d 719 0,4 Or.1969) i lausshinny of ew* : - la eyes fuel pad esen&nas

QJ 944,31 y

NRC 3M (1990) Img leland LJohime Ca (Sheehme Nucler Power Sininen, Unh 11 C1Jul3. 34 NRC 22 (1966) siendeed for danstmuung edsguacy of enerysrty plannuis; QJM2,31 NRC 202,217 (1990) kag laland LJohnns Ca (Sharsham Nedser Poww Sinnen, Unk ik AIAB-743,18 NRC 387. 396 eL37 (1983) lost d hommes sesehenen as gnad some far less-rned iniarvennen psianun; 12P45,31 NRC 7f (1990) tag Idend 1)gleing Ca (Sheehan Nudent Power Sisnm, Unk ik AIAB 788,20 NRC 1102,1859 (1964) issues appngmens le pani 4menng sesehnien by Sistf; QJ#3,31 NRC 231 ali (1990) Img Island LJohung Ca (Sheehan Neeler Power Session. Unh Ik A1AB g3L 23 NRC 135, l$1 (1966), sev'd in pan en seher pseunds, QJ-87 It 36 Nhc M3 (1987) = inevener evidense seassdag imeder sale abnedssonen insidfbess banese k found to enshhsh then wald mas be the munimien aanbut af inaches tausend le pseps supsmana; AIAh 932,31 NRC 406 eL130 (1990) las laland IJehnns Ca (thesehen Nuelser Poww Sunum Unk ik A1AB 83% 23 NRC 135.1M57 (1966), ofrd, QJ 4712, 26 NkC 383. 396 99 (1987) selevenes of psehshdity of i, d a posinctive asiaan is desernmannen of wimaher amargenry P anning shhesiums have been inas; QJWS 31 NRC M6 (1990) l 1mg leland IJohning Ca (Sheehan Nualear Power Sunen. Ush Ik A1AB 901,28 ?*RC 302,306, j mview dachand. QJ St-il. 30 NRC 00S 0908) of "assenehle nosas" ALAB 930,31 NRC 346 (1990) Img laland (Johnns Ca (Sherchen Neder Pirwar Sieuan, Unh 11 A1AB-902,28 NRC 423,429, sevow darlued. QJ 46-il,28 NRC tio (1968) Ikunsing bord eunumty la dienies panies in infusceied preendanes; A1AB 927,31 NRC 140 (1990) Img Island IJohnns Ca (Shm hsen Nanser Power Sunen, Unk 1), AIAB-903,28 NRC 499. 506 + (1988) fundomsnul fase mandasd for kdams adaputy of emagency plans; 12P41,31 NRC H n34 [ (1990) lang taland IJohung Co (Sharsham Nanear Poww Sunan. Unh Ik A1AB 911,29 NkC 347,254-55 (19e9) IWS netweak es sneens of malfymg pblic of endeslogssal emercancy, sehawe mi; 13P#t. 31 ) NRC 27 (1990) Img talend lashnns Ca (Sheehan Nudear Power Stenum, Umt 1), C1Jull. 23 NRC $77. HI (1966) fundammuel how eiendasd far odraissian d anargency esercias eenimaisms; CLl#3,31 NRC 22s i (1990) 1 Img laland lighains Ca (Sherehen Nualer Poww Sunan, Unit ik QJ413. 34 NRC 22,30 (1966) annunum dose envises er eveauenen inne im 174 mand to poses; QJ 96131 NRC 340 (1990) las Island IJslaans Ca (Shasham Nanear Power Sunen, Unh th QJ413,24 NRC 22,31 (1986) besiduna assumpinan opphed in eine panicipanon in energency suspisies when suu has mes parucipsied in amusenry pianning.13PMI. 31 NRC 42 (1990) lang taland lashung Ca (Sharsham Nudeer Power Sunan, Unh Ik QJ-99,1. 29 NRC 89,9194 (1989) l efrulevies and snenerial aggwning manus to senpsn; 13P 94th 31 NRC 444 (1990) + l las Island LJslaing Ca (Sharsham Nunear Pows Sinnen, Unit ik C1JW129 NRC 211 (1989) ISS suswask as sneans of naifying pec of neologiset emagency nhame en;13PMI. 31 t i NRC 27 (1990) i tag taland IJ hung Ca (Sheeham Nudest Power Sunan, Unk ik 13P-g3-37.18 NRC 445. 573 74 l ti9:3) i prolehihene ed esassement rapdroment la heenning; 13P44. St NRC 113 (1990) ? 34 i r i l I i I LF. GAL CITATIONS INDEX - l CAS63 lag taland LJ ming Co (Sheelme Nudeur Pt. war Sunen, Urs l),12P-64 53,30 NkC 15310964) Inanse omharisenes while semend panesduw and meuwe es pendas; QJW3,31 NkC 230 0 980) l tag leland 14deang Ca (beeham Nudent Pows siensan Unk 1), tap-g7 36,26 NRC 301,304, seems doenen desmed, 137 87-29,26 NRC 302 0987) soplass to suspesas to newnery espashaan sneums; 1AP 944,31 NRC 63 e 3 0990) l Lag lanand 14elems Ca (sheeham Nedser Power Sinnen, Unk 11 IDP-ts N,28 NRC 311 (1968) fauen of intervener to edeses snano et decisien en BBS naswask as sanns of susifyiss public of sedialesiset energency; 1AP#1,31 NRC 27 a.34 0990) l l tarim v. NRC,712 F.2d 1472 (pc Cu.1983h ov'd en seher grounds,470 U.S. 730 i==dae nehms em sneesrule lassmas amanensues; 1AP-94tl, St NkC 570 0 990) l Imie.ene power and IJoht Ca (wmarfeed sesem Elmetric Sienen, Unit 3), A1AE 797,21 NRC 6,8 j l 0 985) t i es(enition et **seensushne hasus"l ALAB-930,31 NRC 346 0990) Lauienne Power and 14sle Ca (Weissfad Suom Eisseric Sienen. Unh 3). QJul. 23 NRC 10946) soupunke e semese, mandsnis far, IAP-901,ll NRC 210990) Weihen 00 Co. v. EPA,364 F.3n 1253,1363 (9th Or. IFf7) need fu fersmal hearing am swinnals twenn suspensien; AIAB 929,31 NRC 383 0990) Masseehmous v. NRC,878 F.2d 1516,1521 Ost Gr 1989) heenas mehes en spesning hierne emsnenenu; 1APMl5,31 NRC SO4 (1990) Masseeluseus v. Unhed Siseen,456 F.2d 378 0968) best-effans assunymen appland so same panicipation in enerssney sospanse when otees has est perusipsied is amusency pasaning; 12P#1, al NRC 42 0990) - Maihows v. Eldnden 434 U.S. 319,33F35 0976) formal heerhqps mandeied by due proieme seedemness; ALAB.929,31 NRC 301 m.14 0990) Wing.aluen liesen ca Chese khne latend Nanser Sunei Unit 1), QJ.03 22,18 NRC 399,302, 307 05 0 903) Inadequacy of messecy suspe as wommentien despou anapaneswy munewes, AIAS 932,31 NRC i 385 a.38 (1990) Mangialisse FAsan Ca Ohne Was Islend Nanuar tune, Unit 1), QJ 64-17,30 NRC $01,804 0964) burden en snaves les a easy; AIAB 928,31 NRC 367 (1990) Musissipgd Power and IJoht Ca (Orend Gulf Nunear Sienen. Unit I), A1AB-704,16 NRC 1725,.1730 0 982) l parnoularuy seqused of monas to suuren; LAP 941,31 NRC 35 0990) Manusippi Poww and lasht Ca (Orand Outf Nwlear Sutum, Uniis I and 2), A1AB.130,6 Alic 423, 436 0973) detail seguimd far bens et centenue senissian mase; 12P-904,31 NRC 92 0990) Mmusarid Power and 14sht Ca (Orend Outf Nalent Sution, thdis I and 2), ALAB.704,16 NRC 1725, 1730 (1982) bwden en intervenien peuunnes in ebeenne of gead esuee fu low faing,13PMS,38 NRC 76 - 0 990) NAD Pagernes, Inc.,799 F.2d 736,732 Olih Or.1966) sharehnnder cenwel of 4 carparetian; ALAB-931,31 NRC 364 n46 0990) New Yisk v. NRC,550 F.2d 145,75657 (2d Or.1977) speculenas ehem necedonis as ineparabis irjay for pwpree of otaaining a moy; QJM3,31 NRC 259 4 0 (1990) Niasma Mdawk Pown Cap (Num Mas Pamt Nalent tunas, thdt 2), AIAB-364,1 NRC M7,357 - (1975) standard fa sejsetian or auwkficenen of licensm8 luard findmas; A1AB-936,31 NRC 13 0990) Nanhern Indans Public serv 6cs Ca Otailly Generanns $6anan, Nuclear 1), A1AB 303,2 NRC 858,866 0 975) waaht given to views of recognised espons en imarnan behaviar la emergencies; ALAB-932,31 NRC 398 a.l(D 09#0) 37 F l i LJ4AL CITATIONS INDEX CAfst* q i Nenhore indene Public Servue Co. (Bouly Go.orenns Susan Nticlear ik ALAB 3@,2 NRC $54,967 0 975) weight given by aggeal luneds to lawshe kant findangs, AIAB 9E, St NRC 13 0 990) Nunheen ladiens Puhlw Servko Ca (Beilly Omereing Sunan, Nuclear 1), CLJ 78-7,7 NkC 429,43132 l (1978) eptuohihty of APA sectean 354 in sweenals bsmas suspenslan poweedange. A1AB 929,31 NRC 284 (1990) Nariheen Swiss Pt. wor Ca (Penhfinder Assens pnera), LAPM),31 NRC 40,410990) eiendans to intervene la informal puendings; 1APMit,31 NkC 565 0990) I NRDC v. NRC,606 F.2d IMI (DC. Dr.1979) beating nights en noisrists lismes asunensens;IAP#tt,31 NRC $70 0990) Nual or lasinsonna Co. (Shafriend, lumeis latmel Redmoeuve Wesu Dugnaal Sas) QJ-79-6,9 NRC t 673 0 979) hearing sights am sie.esues assess, IAPWl7,31 NkC $44 ILIO (1990) Nucient Regulenary Cenemomen Gaemasse Auihasised to Passess a Tsenspot Busingle Queniniss d Special Nuclear Meieriens), CLJ 77 5,5 NRC 16,17,20 a6 0977) detent to marre paynoni en pm en.1 ensemanen men w e oid m emonien.a by l Cenenessim er feasual issues k may leier laws to soview; 1APMlf,31 NkC See sL10 0990) Opp Malls v. Aerdnesusier d Wege & Iluur Divieian, Sl2 UK iM 0940) beanas mehu em smyriesy of en eennesuouve emoisien,1AP#if,31 NRC $43 eL8 0990) Owens v. Brest,640 F.2d 1363, lH6 (enh Chr.1968) emmaussion of weiven of envoeyi inanunky; ALAR-929,31 NRC 290 0990) Oysieruhs0 Athenes v. NkC 800 F.2d 1201 (DC. Or.1986) t hamnae siehenaeuen whas unend parendener and sneues ese pendug: QJDS,31 NkC 230 0 990) Pacife Oss and Inertr6c Co. (Diablo Canym Naciser Power Plant, Unlis I and 2), ALAB-776,19 NRC 1373, 1379 (1964) beeis for bosname deciaisei e emergewy preparaenses; AIAB 932,31 NRC 389 0990) Pacifs Oes md nortne Ch. Chahno Canyim Nuenest Power Pners, Unite I and 2), ALAB 752,20 NRC 838,542e41h 0964) opgaal buard brudutum to muensin meauens to soupe; AIAll 930,31 NRC M4 0990) Pacific Oss and lancinic Co. Chablo Canym Nuclear Power Plant Unies I and 2), C1J&l2,24 NRC 1, 6 m.3 0966k sev'd in pen em esher gnmends, Een leis Ohispo Mathese fur Peses v. NRC,799 F.2d 12h8 (9th Cir.1966) purpme of no significent lueerde semandesonen denarminsnen; 1APD6, St NRC 910990) Pennsylveme Power end 1ight Co. (Susquehanns 8 earn IGeswis Sunen, Unha l and 2), ALAB 148,6 Alic 64% 643 es2 0973) suftwinney of puhnsen,ei in Fedent Reguiar to pus buervenese en nanos obma propmed ecnun; IAPMS,31 NRC 79 0920) Pennsylvens Power and 1.ight Ca (sungasharva Eeaman 80essric Sunen, Unks I and 2), A1AB-ee3,16 NRC 952,955-510942) enniani et appensis bness, AIAB 926,31 NRC 9 (1990) Phundalphie Decenc Ca Garneriek Generanns Bunan, Uniu i and 2), AIAB Sit 27 NRC 681,105-06 ( 09851, eff'd in pan and soview aherwee duchned, C1J%5,23 NRC 125 (1986), surneded in pen en enlur sammes sub muss timerisk Eeulasy Action, Inc. v. NRC,649 F.2sl fit Od Cir.1989) docuenents twmang enne au ena -' vesend of desman; A1AB 9M,31 NRC 17 m,78 0990) I n WDedsiphia Doctric Ca Gimerick Omnmenrg Stenan, Unha 1 and 2), A1AB-836,23 NRC 479,456 0 966) ennuncy sequimd of evecuenas unos consnaus, AIAB-932,31 NRC 408 0990) i i Phandelptua Elastric h GAmerk& Osnarenig Sunnn Units I and 2), A1AB-836,23 NRC 479,487 0 956) [ ecrepuhuity and adequacy of hesnnes survey d speculneeds peulenans; LAP #12,31 NRC 433 1 (1990) I Y 38 l l l I l l l l-t n, 1 a f LEG AL CITATIONS INDEX CASE;$ i h M Mr a Desenc Ca (LJmend Omenues Sena Unas 1 and 2), AIAB 8%,23 NRC 479,40495 a i OM6) eesspeewthy of puedmove fmange and pan-hannre eerifwenen et fanselease and bnplomanamnen of i muergency plans, CLJ 943,31 NRC 2310990) PWindsiplus lassens Ca (LJmond e . Sunan, Unas I and 2h AIAB MS,24 NRC 230, M4 I (19M) i answery equised af ensunnen tems asusmeiss; A1AB-932,31 NRC 408 0990) Niedmirina Elssenc Ca (Peneh Beause Aissaic Power tienna, Unks 2 and 3), A1AB-216,8 Alic 13, l i 20 21 (1974) eesps of issues knigshls in opsmung homas emmemme pressness; 1AP-904,31 NRC 910990) i F P Newspapesa, Inc. v. NRC,777 F.2d 1895,1302 (D C. Cir.19M) i senese that daisnnines whseher en esshe mousd hannns is segubed; ALAB 929,31 NRC 282,283 j OMO) Nibev.C. 283 U.S. Set,3%, $97 0930) hensing ashes en summary suspuman esder, IAP*l7,31 NRC $43 0990) Piano v. Underweed, 487 U.S. Ono,108 8. CL 000,1011.14 3d #0 0988) t sidenenual Jesunene standesd for )adesist soview d i.

admmesmouve asians, IAP#17, 31 Nhc H5 all 0990)

Pimiss County Cherier of the tsad Wahan laamse af Amenes, Inc. v. NRC, en6 F.2d IM3, IM8 a.12 (D.C. Chr.1979)), east denied,448 U.S.1132 (1985) mand te furnal hearing en maisnels Esssse suspeaksi; AIAB 929,31 NRC 264 0990) Posdaad Geeral Blaserie Co. (Pohble Spares Nuclear Plani, Uniu I and 2) CU427,4 NkC 610, 613 14 (19 % ) esasspis of mandus applied in NRC pe===&=ig; 1AP-944,31 NRC 89 (1990) i Punised Osment Enssine Co. (Tnisa Nusisar Plam), AIAB $31,9 NkC 363,271.'M 0979) emeeni of indensat speo6Aceness; 1APW15,31 NkC S05 0990) Nedend Omneral tussiric Co. (frujen Nimiser Man). AIAB-SM,9 NRC 287. 289 90 a6 0979) t empo of issues langable k; speoung hennes amenenes pausedug; 1AP#4,31 NRC 910990) t Pn. jars Managenen Omer (Qinsh River Basader Reesec; *ian,3, AIAR-354,4 NkC 363. 39192 0976) i effest of a pany's withdrowal en husanas of hs :

  • 1AP#12, St NkC 430 (1990)

Pubhc nervise Ca of ineens (Marble Hdt Noelear Osnarsiing Samu,,? Unha 1 and 2), A1AIIL316,3 NRC 167,170 (19%) eespe of issues hugehne in opereung !===s unenenom pn=eseas; 13 944, si NaC 910990) Puhlac Servies Ca et ineens (Marhis ibli Nuclear Gemeenns Sienan, Unies 1 en, th ALAB405,5 i i NRC tito, lit 2 (1977) sceaulesd far pres of demanansry inledanuiery serieur, AIAB 929,31 NRC 278 0990); A1AB-931, St NRC 360 0990) tesis for emersies of dueriod cornfuenan einhaniy; AIAB 933,31 NRC 498 (1990) Puhhc $srvies Ca et ineens (MarWe Ilill Nucimer Omusenns Saene, Unies I and 2h AIAB437,6 NRC 00,04 0977) weigle give to inaps ehle inkry claim whee ehermedve oss essaanuen is heise ymound, A1AB-928, St NRC 268 0990) Puhhc Servios Ca of Ineens (Marbis lii" Nuclear Osneroung Sunsa, Unsis 1 and 2), AIAB461,'l NRC 313,318 0978) nesses appseynnie fe prai hearing H-i by Staff; QJ 943,31 NRC 231 eLil 0990) Puhhc Servies Ca of New fleer.pdiin (senhoud Sunan Units I and 2), ALAB-883,27 NRC 43,49 (1988) Av+fector east fm admmman of leiefined emnissaksu apphed to inanass to sospen; 1APM1,31 NRC 28 0990) PuWic &arvin Ca of New IlampMm (Seahn,4 Sunan, Uniu I and 2), A1AB 915,29 NRC 427,432 0 909) merenas a secasd. mandards far, ISPM1, St NRC 210990) f 39 l i I I n w h l LEGAL CITATIONS INDEX j CA56:8 Puer nama Ca of New llempshue (neebaud Sunnn, Urum 1 and 2), A1AB 916,29 NRC 4M,437 (IM9) inesd's www of lu een Junedictimal namadanes as losis fw smat af '-- 7 6 '_ _ 7 soview; AIAB-931,31 NRC MI (1990) Punc name Ca of New flamphus (5esbrud Sunan, Uniu I and 2, ALAB 918,29 NRC 473,482 (1989) premapensus seguuud la Enug snauens to sengen; C1J 904,31 NRC 487 (19M) Public Servin Ca of New limershise (leshovd Sunan. Uniu 1 end 2), A1AB 918,29 NRC 473. 483 M (1989) peesulertsy segubed of snesses to sengen; IDP 9(kt, St NRC 35 (1990) Penc teman Ca of New Hempehus (seebend autus6 Unie I and 2), CtJ-774, $ NRC SQL $16 (1977) Commaksim endianay to buervens and psevide puesneo in pauhse pr"-pr C11943,31 NRC 1 229 (1990) Pubine $srvies Ca of New itempshes (neebsed Suners Units I and 2), CLJ-M4,3 NRC MB, $21 (1977) besume evelessiestim while semand W mid snenes ero pendas; ClJ#3,31 NkC 230 (1990) Puldie Servia Ca ed New liernpshire (seeland suuan, Unie I and 2), QJ-7M. 5 NRC $03,532 (1977) basis for east-beant emelysis en semand, AIAB 928,31 NRC 268 (1990) - Public Servin Ca of New Ilesepshko (Seebsod Sunen, Uniu I and 2), QJ 78-14,7 NRC 1'7, M1 m.9 (1979) heenho beard aunherhy en samend to enter any seder in : with sananded proceeding: 13P 9412,31 NRC 432 (1990) Pubhc harvie Ca of New Hampshbe (Sealmud lunan, Uniu 1 and 2), CLJ-094,29 NRC 399,314 (1989) pnenpenses aquised in Alus smenens no sesgen; C1JW6,31 NRC 487 (1990) Pues Servies Ca of New itengehhe (neshwad Sunen, Unha 1 and 21, LAP 82 %,16 NRC 1029, 1953 (1982) psabebiksne tak _ sep,trement fur hennems; LAPW6, $1 NRC 113 (1990) 5 Public Serv 6es Ca of New itemphue (Seebsod Sunen, Unha I and 2), IAP-843, 29 NRC 51,89,' off'd, ALAS 915,29 NRC 4D (1999) l weight eben to foream (iiD and (v) in doeniining admissibuity of lawfi!.d eassannma, ISPMI, 31 NRC 34 (1990) Puldea Servies ca of New llangehus (Seebmd $unen, Unha i and 2),12P 8132A,17 NRC 1170, 1874 e4 (1983) burden em pompunent of summary dampesluen snanani ISP 944,31 NRC 69 (1990) Punc Servies lusseric and Oes Ca ($nnoni Nucleat Omereting Sunen Unit I), AIAB-568,11 NRC 333, 336 (1980) I siendeed for duesteenary i , soview; AIAB-929,31 NRC 278 n2 (1990) Pune Service FJeseric and Oes Ca (selen Nassar Generaine $6snan, Unit 1), ALAB450,14 NRC 43, $0 n.7 (19811, eff'd emb nun. Townelup of lower Alloweys Cod v. PuWe Servise luscaric and Oss Ca, es? F.2d 732 (3d Or.1982) Ahng sundants applweble to pro es bearveiers; ALAB 926,31 NRC 10 (1990) Wvire Mains Ca v. NRC,966 F.2d 1246,1252 (todi Or.1989) essi banent beneneing sequunnants for dupceal of salu taihnes; 13P 909,31 NRC 159 (1990) Railened t' of lones v, Unhed Sunes,165 F.2d 221,227 28 (D.C. Cir.1985) appbehihty at APA sectumi 554 to snaissians bees,es suspoussui presedings; ALAB 929,31 NRC l 287 (1990) Reier v. h= Corp.,442 U 8. 350,337 (1979) manug psont for sistukuy beerpneauen; ALAB 929,31 NRC 282 (1990) i et i i i i i ( t l LEGAL CITATIONS INDEX l CAMS i I Rabenem v. Meehow Wiley Cuisens Coundl,400 UJ. Quo (1989) suse<ises esendess semidanums in spes fuel paal ensnames,

C1JM4,3I NkC SM f

t 0 980) I hadwell 1 -' Casp. (Redadyne thweise), AIAB-925,30 NRC 700 0989) outhnemy of pseadass enser is ed ersessare d peruss or sospeo dancienu; 1APM18,3l NRC $77 0990) sehr of presideus eneser le d' anne

  • docuseims in setdernssa asemensmes,IAP#10,31 NRC 317 (1990)

RedweB Inamnessmal Cag. (Resbady s thessia), ALAB.925,30 NRC 709,712 a.1 (1989) eesspeamme et safened subny mob gueric i,1 . AIAS 929,31 NHC 279 0990) San taals Otuspo W for Posse v. NMC,751 l'.2d 1287 (D.C. Or Ind), afrd en bene,109 F.2d M, east domed,107 8. CL 330 (19M) wess ense assidae omsidueesens in open fuel punt onenensa pnessengs; QJM4,31 Nhc 3M 0 980) Aan tais Otuspo Mahoe for Pease v. NRC,751 F.2d 1287,1316 (DC Or.1964), aird,199 F.2d 26 (a bew), out. deuse,479 UJ. 9D 0906) ased far farenal hearing an sumannis homme suspesim; AIAn-929, St NRC 385 09e0) Seesenst Assi-Pelknami taneus v. Cusins,572 F.2d 872, t?6 (la Or.1978), aan. denied, 439 U.S. 42d j (1975) send far faraial hearing a manerals basene suspensimi; ALAB 929,38 NRC 283 (1990) Sueceast Anti Peneman langue v. NRC,400 F.2d 1925 (D.C. Or.1985) ] essnade amendsetume in dedemmaking a esmpliance wah sensgeiry planense emissy segulatians, CLJ 963,31 NaC 239 0900) See Posefic Gas and Geoene Ca (Deban Canyse Nwlear Power Plsen, Unha 1 and 2), QJ-6412,30 NRC 249 0964) eartupske emedemuens in enapenry gaanning: 1AFM12,31 NRC 000 0900) Shady v. NRC,65I F.2d 780,788 (D C. Car.1981) hennes helas e asionals homas enenenses;IJtPDit,31 NRC $70 (19e0) $haDy v. NRC,651 F.2d too,791 (D C, Dr.1980), veceind en enhar younds,435 U.S. IIM (1983) i ~ bassist eishes e opmoung homas emenensnia, LAPMIS 31 NRC 504 0990) Sierre Club v. hheian,405 U.S. 727 (1972) ehnwes assessary in enshhah sunens to bearvene in NRC prusesdms.1APM4, $l NRC $4 i d 1 09eo) l Easrae Cub v. Manan,405 U.S. 727,739 (1912) nemiuschip hans to enshhsh sendag af en asymusadan; 1APM16, $l NRC 514 a.5 0900) Essrve Club v. NRC, M2 F.2d 222 (9th Cir.1988) thieshinny of esame-escides emuse,ums in spas fuel g=u4 ensnenen.-

CLJM4, 31 7

NkC 3M 0990) t Smedhess Medune & Teal, Inc. v. thouwen,730 F.2d 1089 Dih Or.1964) "-- of waivess of enveman innusuiy; AIAB 929,31 NRC 290 0990) Emah Coeuhas Neanc and Ons Ca (Vas0 C. Benner Nwlest kotion, Unh 1), AIAB442,13 NRC 481, 995 (1981)

    • iel* slven is delay and knedenins of lasuas in de.. ; leis hoevenien peutisms: LAPMS, 31 NRC 53 (1990) weisla shei in tasan (to end ov) la deemians edmissibihty et imetiled om m 1Arel, St NRC M 0990)

Smahasa Cahreaus Ideae Ca (San Onnis Nwlear Omereting Sieuan, Unhs 2 and 3), ALAB,7t?,17 NRC Me, 379 to (1983) hans far beansing decesum en emergency peepersinais, ALAB 932,31 NRC 389 0990) 8.nnham Calilanno 14enn Ca (San Onnive Nwlear Genereung Sution, Unies 2 and 3), C1J 8310,17 NRC 524,533 0983) mandeni far duenninire odequacy of euersoney plannins; QJM2,31 NRC 3010990) 41 _., ~ - _,, P 11 GAL CITATIONS INtW.X CAhas Sanhem Cohfanns Idem Ca (len Onshe Naher Ommeing Suties, Unia 2 and 3), QJ 8110,17 NRC 528, SM (1983), sev'd la paa em ahe gnauds, OUARD v. NRC,753 F.2d 1144 (D.C Cir. l IM5) af eausedmary snessmus" in emagency plannms; QJ t03,31 Nhc 237 m23 OM0) Seaham Cahfunds idman Ca (Saa Onshe Nanser Osnersius Bienen, thhs 2 ed 3), QJ-4510,17 NRC $28, SM (1983), wv'd in paa en eher gnauds, OUARD v. NRC,753 F.2d 1144 (D.C Gr. IMS) pdue sesmuse sepummeras tw onequery pimuung: ALAB 932,31 NRC 412 0990) i' j SL 1muis Punt and Supply Ca v. PFJtc. 890 F.2d 446 (DC Or.1989) i i emmuusissa of weaven of esvempi benumby; ALAB 929,31 NRC 200 0999) I. n. of Palery en Cadust of LJesmens Pessmeder. QJ ll 8,13 NRC 452,457 (IMI) pmPass of eumanary espannum; 1APM4. 31 Nhc 67 0990) To-issues VsDoy Authority (heoens Peury Nuelser Fleet, Unha I and 2), AIAB-MI. 4 NRC 95 09%) i safrisiency of & in Pedaal Raymer to pe intervenes en masses eben ymyssed eensa; 13P-965,31 NRC 79 0900) Tease Unlimas Osamenho Co. (Canandw hak Sisse IDesirie Biansa, thhs I and & QJ 8146,14 NRC till, lill.14 0981) effest of a pony's whhdrewat en hiessesan of le omnimi6sns; ISP#it 31 Nhc 430 0990) In he hamhmsh,869 F.2d IS03,1505 (D.C Gr.19M) siendasd ist yes of wek of h; CtJ#3,31 NRC 229 (1990) Talade luksen Co. (thwes-Beam Nesleer Power Sinnen), A1AB 300,2 NRC 751758 0975) test of Snahiy fw appeal papasse; AIAB433,31 NRC 496 0990) Tdedo Idesen Co. (Deve Dessa Nusisar Power Sinne, thhs 1.1 and 3), AIAS %4, S NRC 33,36 (1977) anweel of our vraw-; AIAB 931. 31 NRC 362 (1990) Tansnucisse Inc. (lan Appheenans to Low linnshed Urmdum limpans to IlfRAlml Mamher Neness). QJ 77 34. 6 NRC $25,531 (197f) i ehauses senseras a sendamw ineensi es leses tw eiendug to imervens61APM4, St NRC $9 a.3 0 980) Union of Cansaned Smenuou v. NRC,735 F.2d 1437 (D.C. Or.1964) hearise sales en amesnals heemse emendesmas; 13PM18,31 NRC $70 0990) unan ed Camerned Seemaisu v. NRC,735 F.2d 1437.1444 e612 (D.C Os.1964) need for femal beenne en amaanals hosnes suspe#en; A1AB-929,31 NRC 254 (1990) thusi of Casuerned Sessnessu v. NRC,8M F.2d 105 (D.C. Or.1987) east eensemenens in essnns and unfesing adequaepsuancesan enfey enandants far asolaar fecGauss; DD96L 31 NitC 40 El (1990) I h-heiween Emi4iw and emessed4aar siendards tw emersanc7 plenaug; QJM2, St NRC I 203 0 990) thined Seness Immsy Reennh and Devekganet Admuusuonan (Quich IUver Beesder Renaar Plant), QJ413,4 NRC 67. 75 M 09%) eenpo of Comunissian suikerny to inisrvens and povide pa'lamos in paidag poseedags; C1JW3, u 38 NRC 229 0900) thhed Sisem v. Allegheny lmdhan lesel Camp.,406 U.S. 7417% $7 0972) eistuns that deemrunnen whahar en e-the-suceed lenring is vecind; AIAB 929,31 NRC 281283 OMo) i thhad Sanies v. Flands list Ceest Ry.,410 U.S. 234,238 0973) need for femal hearms on mutanals lumuss auspanien; A1AB 929. 3l NRC 283 (1990) Unlied Sesses v. Pocirw Oss and 13scer6e Co. 714 F. Sige.1039 (N.D. Ca.1989) violane of anuuusi pamsism of lugnee; DD963,31 NRC 506 09eo) Vernuus Yankee Nudent Power Camp (Vennet Yankee Nuclear Psmer Siena), A1AB.138,6 Alic 520, 321 0973) efless of sussmahle mesus" inst en saanens to sospun; AIAB-930,31 NRC M7. 348 (1990) l a i ( ~- ~ ., +. i i 1 j ) j{ LEGAL CITATIONS INDi'X cAssa ? Vernues Yedes Ealear Power Corp. (Verman Yedee Naimar Power Siaue), A1AB 138,6 Alic 520, l i 323 EL12 0973) ( eneel bawd knadicten is entertain sunso to senpe; AIAB 930,31 NRC H8 0990) Vermet Yedes Naisar Power Camp. v. Newel nosswess Dalmas Ceancil, las. 435 U.S. $19 $53 54 0 978) i chine of beneing based erew whee cleanient's own obasses enearned the numming hansd flndags; ALAB 936,31 NRC 15 0990) Vaginia

Dearle and Pews Co. (Nee Ases Pown Suiin Unies I and 21 AIAB.146,

6 Alic 21,633 0 973) beerpressiian of **essen" e used in eenia 2.714; LAP-M6,31 NRC 09 0990)

Veronis liissis6e and Power Co. (Nanh Aans Power Sutin, Unlu I and 2k AIAB 339,2 NaC 395, 398 0 975) bunsen em innervenues where gesd eene is se shown fa lees 4 led enumaiens, IDP-MI,31 NRC M 0990)

Vugenis umasle and Power Co. (Nanh Ame Power Sesesm. Unies I and 21 AIAB422,9 NkC 54,57 (1979) af **h$ sty in feet" Isme imense amendment; IAP mit,31 NRC SM 0990) pnmimity to fecihty as hemis for sinnema; LAP M3,31 NRC 45 (1990) i Virpnis Denne and Power Co. (Nardi Ama Pimer Swusa, Uniu I end 2k A1AB-551,9 NRC 704,7(r; I

0 979) smaus requirement for appeal bened ;

- se ovariais new iseums; AIAR 930,31 NRC M6 0 990)

Virginia Densic and Poww Cet (Neth Amu Power Bioilen. Unies 1 and 2), AIAB484,11 NRC 451, 453 0 900) thr> wing anneanery tw grant of aerumary :

13P-M4,31 NRC 67 (1990)

Vuginis Putnamen lehhors Ass's v. Federal Power Canuniss6sn,259 F,2d 921,925 (D.C. Or.1958) evnere tw sisy of inensemes eneisiveness of ordsm; IDP-Mt. 31 MRC 146 0990) four lesent test for asent et e easy; AIAB 931,31 NRC 360 (1990 mandsed far grant et a sur pendmg arguel, ClJ MS,31 NRC 257 0990 Virginia Smakine Alliance v. Itsudrie,477 F. Supp. 48,10 (D.D.C.1979) ehnia acadmus as irregeseble b$sy for pwpene of obtainmg a may; QJ M3, St NBC 25940 0990)

Wenh v. SeWm,422 U.$,400 0975)

I sluiwmg necessary to esieblah sisadmg to haervoo in NkC gracindes; 1AP.E6,31 NRC 89 l


Washmanen Puhhe Power $ ply syssen (WPP58 Natear Projaa W. 2), DD 64-1,19 NRC $99,923 l

9 l

0 954) standard la initianias of show eeuse presasemes; DDml,31 NRC 331 (1990)

Weahington Puhtec Power $*yply $yenem (WITSS Naimar Piojsis No. 31 ALAB *l47, il NRC 1167, i175-76 0 983) ese et showouse pnnesdags so oderum lasues that are ce subject of en mouies pmessieg:

taltMS,31 NRC 810990) westinghauss Mactric Onp. (Esparu to ths Phihrpnes) QJ 8414, il NRC 631, E2 0950) learden en amenant la e star; ALAB 938,31 NRC 367 (1990)

Wiesensa henne Poww Co. 0%s Beach Nwlear Plani. Unas I and 2), A1AB 739, il NRC 335,338 e 4 (1983) pensity to faihus to bnef claine en opsmal; AIAB-936,31 NRC 9 0990)

Wiemnain I%Iw Service Corp. (Keweimes Nwinar Power Plant), IJiP.76 N,8 NRC 78,810978) hwden en intervenia genitioner in shamws of gend cause for leis filing; IDP-MS,31 NRC 76 Owo)

Wang Yang Sung v McGinih,339 U133,50 0950) 3 formal heennes mandaied by Aw penusse candemiians; A1AB-929,31 NRC 291 a.14 (1990) l 43

.i f

- ~ -



i Wemgler !_

_ LAP 99-M,30 NRC 7% 161 til 0989) anihlanuma ef Issmass to seewer fees mm ew Fquel Juance le All Act; AIAR 9N 31 NRC 279 l

L1 OMO) i Yakus e, theind Sisens. 321 UA 414. 442. 443 0 M3) hoesut nelas en saunary suspeaum order. IDPM17. St NRC 543 0990) i M

i e


r l

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l l

1 CIA 0.103(b) apphoshusly of Lpal Aseem to Janism Am to femal NitC pacesenes in eteenne of sauary segerernes far ad laannes. ALAB 929,31 NkC 289 (1990) 1 CIA 305.88 5 endemanew of one et eastlemem bege; QJ#5,31 NRC 340 (1990) 1 CJA 315 epphcebthty of hpal Assess to Justics Am to forunal NItC,

is enemios of natutory i

seguirense for such heariegs; A1 AB 929,31 NRC 288 (1990) 1 C.FA 315.l(D appi,sehlhiy of Lpal Aeoems to Jue:ise Am to formal NHC pr==aa gs in sheenos of manusary n

sequuensma for such hearbes, AIAh 929,31 NRC 289 (1990) 10 CJA 1103,1104,11205(1) paar ernies and heating aquhunente a enseenals imense..

- s, ISP-94 tt, 31 NRC 574 (1900) 10 CFA 12001306 offecuwmass of summary suspamum arder pendmg Andmg of legal sufliciewy of the arder, ISP-9417, 31 NRC $43 n6 (1990) knmediais effenivanais of show.eeues order,13P#17,31 NRC M2 n.2 (1990) legal sufheisney of onener's decieum to issus msnmary hemme suspensum order; IEP-9417,31 NRC 543 (1990) 10 C.FA 2.202 e

agparimby for formal hasnns en menenals heanse suspensums, A1.AB-929,31 NRC 287 (1990),

10 CF.k 1202th) t clartry of direciar's rouonals far eienenary maap==im order, ISP M17, 31 NRC 546 (1990) hearing nghis en shou'ceues orders; LDP Bl7, 31 NRC $44 n.10 (1990) 10 CfA 1202(f) duanar's eushetiy in teks summary admuuarative enian, ISP Ml7,31 NRC $44 (1990) heanns requiremeses en nwrtis of desuciar's aumenery suspenske arder, ISP 9417,31 NRC $43 (1990) 10 CFA 1203 Caranusman pohey en omtlemas assemens; LAPM14,31 NRC 459 (1990) 10 CJA 1206 j

forum far addruesms concerns abana chaages in technical speci6catima, IEP-9415,31 NRC 504, 5(0 1


I farunn for htigauss encerns abaut prior

' s activities; IEP%3, St NRC 48 (1990)

I radiaoceve ofRuem umamens inen Big Rock Puus Mans; 1996131 NRC 462-81 (1990) supesi for accian encarning enqdayne repneans for npurung safmy corwerns, 1994 8, 31 NRC 328 (19'r0) standard for truusunn of show.ceime proceedangs; DD 941, 31 NRC 331 (1990) eso es a vehicle for secensidereuen; IC942,31 NRC 467 (1990) use d show-cause proceedmes to address isenes that are du subpct of an ongoing proceedmg.

12PMS,31 NRC 00,81 (1990) vioistum d entitrust pnmaian af hcenes DD 943,31 NRC 595 (1990) l


45 l

l I

l l


~. - _ ~

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kECU1A710NS e

10 CFA 1700 appemmhy far immal honetag en messaals heemse ausgenmens, ALAB-929,31 Nhc 287 09900 10 CFA 1701 a esq.

eminemmes pausesshes deimed as advenery adjwhoeusa; A1AB 929,3t NRC 281 ('990) 10 CFA 1704(c) d=vakha= ef special asemen in infwmal pressmeng; IAB903,31 NRC 52 0990) 10 CSA 1714 homens vigins en speoung hennes ensnesamms; 1AP#15,31 NRC 504 0990) hearest :_f

- for tensrvennen in operouse homme amendmans presemens; 1APM6,31 Nhc 88 0 990) nets af new to penaapew in hesmas ennenenssa ymmem; 1AP415,31 NRC 503 m.10900) siendog to hearvene in epomung homies :

pressedes, IAPMIS,31 NRC 506 (1990) 10 CFA 2.7)(a) siendesde le suspanas a vered C1JW4 3174tC 486 (1990) 10 CJA 1714eXI) e&missadiny at lawAned _

- head am parismaly unevenelde deu;1AP-904,31 !#tC 94,100 0 990) aggdenshuky of Defens test for late $ lings to infomal pesosedmps; IAP43,31 NRC 510900) appbsehuey to manies to sempm; A1AR 9M,31 Nhc 347 (1990) emeneuseman of hypeshenemal osass in deteredning whosher geed eene emises for less L_ _

i IAP#5,31 Nhc 77 0990) 6 femersuafw leisL _

. IAPMS, $l NRC % (1990) 10 CFA 171MeXIXiHv) opgenenhuky to snesisms to suspen; 1AP e412,31 NkC 447 0990) sempmens e sneesd, mentads far; IAB941,31 NRC 21, M. M 0990) 10 CFA 1714eX2) pensaderty seguired of huervernum penaeums; IAPW6,31 NRC 48,99 0990) 10 CFA 1784(b) eindevnes and meinnat suppunhas nunuma to seopen; 1APMl2,31 NitC 444 0990) i basis wishepesthchy sequimmes im edre,ission of -

. IAPM6,31 NRC 910900)


10 CFA 1?t4(bX2) ensema of -

. IAP#16,31 NRC 515 0990) tuneisem sepimenenas tw esmamains odersemag *Puniing licones _ _ _

. IAPMIS,31 NRC 504 sL5 0990) 10 CFA 1714(hX2Xi0, 0i0 estaltian et fauwe to demanurses peuine issue of fact; 1APM16,31 NRC 521 eL12,523 a.15 0 980) ogpen seeded of anniemiens to asuhiinh genuins inass of fact; 1APMI6,31 NRC 5210990) 10 CFA 2.784(bX2Xii0 elmoing mesmeary to saise NEPA clearns; IAPM16,31 NRC 537 0990) seeimana of new or foot hi emmanuens;1APWl5,31 NRC 506 (1990) 10 CFA 1714d) erheria for seus of imervenumi; 1APM6,31 NRC 68 0990) 10 CFA 1714e) hees tw deu6 ding emaantians lesed on pwely legal issues; 1APM15,31 NRC 506 (1990) 10 CFA 1715(c) rigia d new to P*aici ow en licerme onwndnwas; 1APM15,31 NRC 502 n.10900)

P 10 CFA 1?ll(h) euiberity of possidag Wheen to hold easilemem sufmences; C1J45,31 NRC 340 (1990) 10 CFA 1716(0 danessuenery heerlommary sview via diverted certincedm; ALAB-933,31 NRC 498 a.34 0990) e siendant for demeuanary heartacuiary reviour, A1AB-929,31 NRC 278 sL2 0990) 46


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. ~... -

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LE. GAL CITATIONS INDEX RRCULA7MNS 10 CFA 1716(a0 outhanty of preendas afneme to hand esalenen esafeense; C1JM3,31 Nhc 340 (1990) hsenems Ivani seduwiry to emeder whenhar en esder should be enactrue chuing pendency of a beang; A1AB 931,31 NiiC 362 m.37 (1990) 10 CFA 1730(c) eggertwniy to suspend to sessims le moesmidarenen; A1AB 931,31 NRC 364 m36 0990) 10 CFA 17)o(f) luensma based euthority to sofw rulmas is the Canmussian la eview; AIAB 929, St NRC 278 09M0 sier.Nd is luenses boasd saferrel of rulse for assednesiary enunene sevwer, A1AB-929,31 NRC 279 0 990) 10 CFA 1732 beden af pnud and innden of gang forweed in hennems psassednes, A1AB-926,31 NRC 13 (1990) 10 CFA 1734 effen of *sessenebts oesus* tem em snesias to sospen; A1AB 930,38 Nhc 34647, Set 0990) eiendard for own of soarenmg munien; AIAR 933,31 NRC 493 (1990); 13PMI,31 NkC 31,36 0990);13PM12,31 NRC 443,44647 0990) 10 CFA 1734(e) safesy signiheanos deserunnetion in decision to edenh leesr6ted eenarmen; 13PM1,31 NRC 26 0990) 10 CFA 1734(eXI) dansene of pnadmg eKuur to edndt utsty eignineens lawEled.

13P41,31 NRC 26 n.25 (1990) gad esuas seguinnma for latohled.

apphed to inanans to senpan; 13PMI,31 NRC 34 (1990) standeed for gram af lawAled musiw to senpen; AIAR 927,31 NRC 139 0990) tinwhness regubernems for summes to rayan; ISIA941, St NRC 21 (1990) 10 CFA 1734(sX3) meierially efferent susuk requimmers for justifying snaim to sayen; 13P#l,31 NRC 33 (1990)

- 10 CFA 1734(d) sandads for :=yemns a sened, C1J 906,31 NRC 486 0990) 10 CI A 174)(1) otheial nosirs of state energency pleense ncuensus; A1AB 932,31 NRC 413 (1990) e e

10 CFA 1749 papase ed menenary depantian; ISPM4. 31 NitC e6 0990),13PM6,31 NRC 92 0990) rephes to suspiamos to munraary deposiuan insieu; 13PM4,31 NRC 63 a.3 0990) senmary deprintiem of -

- dellaneiro changes in indmical specifweikme;13PM4,31 NIIC 36 (1980) 10 CFA 1749(a) effen of imervener's feuure to centrovert ensierial faas; A1AB 932,31 NRC 423 0990) 10 CFA 174*(b) ofndevit support seguired tw aanmary 6spasition numans; 13PM4,31 NRC 69 0990) congsaancy of bearvene's onpset appasing sunenary depasunn menen; 13PM4,31 NRC 65 (1990) y of heenses espart m9parung beennes's summary dunasium menen; 12PM4,31 NRC 63 09HD showing neesssary for grant af sumnary deposinan; 12P#4,31 NRC 67 0990) 10 CFA 174*(d) burden en propaners of sunenary deposinan madmi; 13PN4,31 NRC 69 0990) 10 CFA 1738 hn nbihiy of delleges to Communnian segulanons. IAP46, St NRC 103,104,114 (1990) e htigabihty of dellenges to imagrated survedlann plan audwnlulasy; 13P44,31 NRC 710990) 10 CF.R.1759 appausmars of esatismant bdges; C1JW3,31 NRC 340 (1990) 47 I


l I

LIGAL CITATIONS INDEX RFcetArioNs 10 CFA 1762(b) enest of pendency d ens appeal en deedhas le Ahng bruis em eendier, ALAB-933,31 NRC 497 a.31 (1990) 10 CFA 1762(dXI) sorsed ehesies segmed se support essannens of ena e appeal. A1AB 926,31 Nhc 9 0990) i 10 CFA 1764 6

C noview ed fulle=w hamnsing; CL1903, St NAC 2310990) etherie la sisy of inume6eis effestmness of esdese. LDP48,11 NRC 146 0990) effass of Commissese inenadases effmeveness miew en nasums etlE na emasevessy; 12PM12,31 NkC 438 0 990) issniseses eSestivenes esview si full power license einheriseissa; AIAE 933,31 Nhc 494 m.6 0990) purpme af benediese effecovenssa sowwe, QJM3,31 NRC 2M 0990) l 10 CFA 1764(eX3XI) and FX2X0 Commeasum audins6ty to bearvene and geories bi pendes g-

.. QJM3,31 NRC 229 0 980) i 10 CFA 1764(f)(2X0 I

emanni for Cennuesum esmaiAmum of hamming beard decimmi en semanded enssanney planning edapneer, ClJ#3,31 NRC 234 al7 (1990) 10 CFA 1764(g) i effest of Canunission eteemism in eessens of inaneese efisceiveness dadeien en beansing based Andag et mangency personnel edequacy; A1AB432,3I NRC 407 0990) 6desuAsetien of issues to be addressed om semand, IAP#l2, St NRC 438 a34 (1990) 10 CFA 1773(i) saferral at sagemst for hearing to homeing board; 13f490$7, St NRC 119 (1990) '

10 CFA 2.785(e) delsessian of oushuruy to epseal buerds to soview suhnas solened by hoensus bannes, AIAB-929, $l NRC 278 (1990) 10 CFA 1785(bXI) densestian of susharuy to appent hards to sevww Minas soforred by beenems beards; AIAB-929,31 NRC 278 (1990) sienessd tw d_..

ry thvury soview; ALAB-929,31 NRC 213 m.2 0990) 10 CFA 1785(d) endensity of appeal boards to eenify quasiums to em Camrtissim; QJM2,31 NRC 199 0990) 10 CFA 1766(e) eenps of Conenamien siaharity to buervene and pwide guidance nn panens prot =sengs; ClJ 963,31 NRC 229 (1990) 10 CFA 1788 epphoshility to stay of effestivenses af maff estareenient onlar, AIAB-931. 31 NRC 362 n.37 (1990) entene for may of immeeste effectiveness of on6ers; talt968, St NRC 146 0990) mondeed for grant of a siey pedag egeal, QJW3,31 NRC 257 0990) 10 CFA 176a(b)

Peas lunk ai may nuaiuns; AIAB428,31 NRC 270 0990) 10 CFA 175t(s) applicabihty of may enteru to anfamensa,

n ISP#l,31 NRC 146 0990) entene for desarmoung maaim far may pendug ammal; ALAB 928,31 NRC 267,270 (1990) cruens far issuance of a sisy; AIAB 931,31 NRC 340 0990k LAP #tt,31 NRC 375 0990)


10 CFA Pen 2, Subgen J pmoulums le melanissim and esmaederation of sequeou for fees; AIA929,31 NRC 2tt m.6 (1990) i 10 CFA 11000 apphcabihty of Equal Access to Justice Act to hoense sogenmon ;cu. ; AIAB 929,31 NRC 282 (1990) 10 CFA 11205(cX2)(0 i

inmehness of beervrAm peution far informal poose&nss, IDPM 18,31 NRC 564 (1990) l As 4

4 c-


y c-m


. ~.


10 CFA 112W) sepam fu Wermal hearing by peny enha enn applement; QJMS 31 NRC MO 0990) 10 CFA 11316(d)O) emana of sequest le bassing en menanals lesense amenemmt; LDP#tt, St NRC $67 (1990) spesineer of esses d sensere seauhad in sepas le informal hearing: ISPM3,31 NRC 46,47,50 r

$1 (1990) 10 CFA il316(s) apphashiluy of Anlis sedum suis to A-

pmosadms; WiPDS. 3! NRC 45,47 0990) hems le psumens emeer's suhng om sepam fe a hasrus; IAPW3. 31 NkC 46 (1990) sienesed for guess of informal hasang; QJ 965,31 NNC MI (1990) standag to heurvene in Wemel e

.. IAP418,31 Nhc $64 (1990) 10 CFA 113e66) ricts is nerveur er teneden esens of commera in infennal pressednes, IJIP43,31 Mic SO (1990) ehseing assesary for sensing a see issus in en infeeni pressmemg; 1AP43,31 Nhc $l (1990) 10 CIA 113160) eudusky of poemdess ernaar to issus e mar, LAP #18,31 NRC $75 (1990) stinlience is wahdhy of; 1APW18,31 NRC $72 (1990) 10 CFA il30lLb) appenh of euhnes en sageums Ier infesmal hessities; QJMS 31 NRC MI (19eo) 10 CFA 11307 demonsisen of presidme einser la susesnals haanse ensnenssa geminadas; 13P#it. 31 Nuc $62 OMG) 10 CIA ilanD(s) ausharky of puedag ednour oc septses the esauss of a precendeg; 1APelt. 31 NRC $77 (1990).

10 CFA il20D(c) enduwhy of piumdwe edtsess to held essGenes omfereness; C1JMS. 31 NatC 339,340 (1990) 10 CIA 1130p0) andumhy of psendug othems to held osulaners sanfarences; QJM5,31 Nhc M0 (1990) 10 CFA ilDi ominobusy of luonne Als pdsr to heard guestness; ClJMS,31 NRC 339 0990) esseems of hearing hie; 1APM22. 31 NRC 593 (1990) seed le hear % sequestar to specify asons of consere psier to the Alang af the hearing nie in um desket; 13P#3. 31 NRC 46 (1990) 10 CFA 112316) eviharhy of pendug dncer to specify sammes of hearins 61s;12PM2131 Nhc 593 0990) eengumkien of husrug Ale; 13P#3,31 NRC 46 a.2 (1990) 10 CFA il211(d) dessesary in nsfemal p.

- CUW5,31 NRC 339 (1990); IJIPM18,31 NkC $65 0990) 10 CFA ilD3(s) suspnness is hansd t*; QJMS,31 NanC 339 (1990)


weine psessneuses in infennel p-

. ; ; 12P#tt. St NRC 568 (1990)


10 CFA il23)(a), (d) eenherky of psendsig dneer to pass fidnewup quesnes; QJW5,31 NRC 339 (1990) 10 CFA 112336) er (c) sehmismen of beesd spassmens after panies have Aled wrimen psessannons; CUM 5. 31 NRC 339 (1990) 10 CFA il233(c) edequacy of seestion numherW mluipunas for pluiunium pmessung and fuel fabrisonen plant; 1APW10,31 NRC 302 (1990) i demnissel of pony for isDue to esmply wah specifu:ity separernenu of; 13PM10,31 NRC 316 (1990) selevance of erhans for wnnen presanense to metian to arike; 12iL9410. 31 NRC 394 (1990) 49 L





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l lIGAL CITATIONS INDEX klx2tLAT10NE 10 CFA il233(d) and (e) eudssky d psomdag diner to see ogsuppend endsnes; 1&P#10, St Nhc 204, att (1990) 10 CIA il23hs) apyrsynmensus d sonenary saferomes to newspaper ordeles as endmenary suppet in infernal t

13P9411,31 NitC 323 0990) einharty of puedag afnest to see wnman ;
13149010,31 Nhc 294 0990) edunsaansesen of snamens to suik 1AP410,31 NRC 306 em 0990) 10 CFA 112376) binden et pseef to show yuands tw a mer, IAPM18,31 NRC $75 0990) 1 10 CFA 11239 hugshuny of mandards and ;

applied to destnuns sensene of lands to asuunnseed use; 1AP#3,31 MC 49 0990) 10 CFA 2.1239(s) 10 CFA il2M6)

. LAP #18,31 NRC $14 (1990)


shnhamens to Comunissee fense for shabuges to Cuandsam seculseuse; 13PM18, St NRC $74 (1990) hussbuhr d seguisesy siendeses; thPM),31 Nhc 49 0990) 10 CFA 11341 appenanma of esideman:)sdess; QJ#5,31 NRC 340 0990) eueharty d pendue einser to held esadenes senterwass; CLJ 945, St NRC 339 (1990) effen of appsumel of essdsense essesmen by possidag orneer,1APMl9,31 NRC 500 0990) 10 CIA il251(d) sneshamme fu pasmaang unemesmed enfay issues in informal p

; QJ 965. 31 NRC 339 a3

- (1990) 10 CFA 113e J

ensharky of pendess einser to insas a may; 12P#tt, St NRC $75 0990) thname of easy eaw 1AP#tt,31 NRC 571 (1990) 10 CFA Pan 2. Appsimha A. R(d) outbarky of premdme einser to ludd estdemas conferwess: ClJMS,31 NRC 339 0990) 10 CFA 931440 fees tw KilA sequens; QJMI,31 NRC 134 0990) 10 CFA 940 e

we6ver af fase for KILA aquiss; GJMt. 31 NRC 154 0990) 10 CFA Pan 30 apphoshuky to ed&tive effmes of umic and seemestive sneiermis,IAP#ll,31 NRC 325 0990) pigndouse danmiy %ume in mandards for seemie espasuse; ISP-94tl,31 NRC 322,3M i

0 990) seeseedve wome treeinuse symens et Rig Rod Puisa Plant; IO942,31 NitC 464 (1990) 10 CFA Elb) j sppbsehuisy to immense fa plinauen poossang and fumi fabriosdan plasa; 1AP 90-10,31 NRC 297 n.12 (1990) i


10 CFA Al(c) deAmtion of AIARA; AIAB-926,31 NRC 16 a.710990) 10 CFA R101. klo2,30.103,2104,30.105, E106 pnpuistsam damity %imus in siendards for se&mian espasuse; 1APM11,31 NRC 322 (1990) 10 CFA Pan 30' legal ensemary of duessar's decimen to issue emnmary license suspension order, LAP 417,31 NRC 543 OWO) perfernianos of snaineenance wnuk en '

,; equipmen widuna NRC authorisaduw A1AB 929,31 NRC 276 0990 asspe of duener's authority; ISP#17,31 NRC 547 (1990) 10 CFA 30.31,35 apphoenen and bconens imedrements le general byprodua lioeness; AIAB-931,3I NRC 365 0990) i l~

$9 i

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eudunity to napale serieramaal bdwwwum trum e twenses and na inossene k imo de linenas,13PM17,31 NRC $$1 m32 (19M) 10 CFA 30.34(b) despanis enmes of; AIAB 931. 31 NkC 347 (1990) fathem to destems espuma newunares as vinnsnam of; AIAR 931,31 NRC 359 (1990) nenne and omssa seguisenants la tressier ef Isommes; 1AP47,31 NkC 118.121.128 (1990),

12P#4,31 NRC 14546 (1990) pneenpeian ogsina esmipnuma or transfa d loann; ALAB 931,31 NRC 336 (1990) 10 CIA M4(d) j defuntism et byproduct nourial,13P47,31 NRC 122 (1990) t 10 C.I A 3044) donatie et senserah end _, ~ selaive is pimemmien af bypadact ensional; 13PW7. 31 NRC 123 (1990) 1 10 CFA M61 Commaman endenqr to sunwnerily empend a twense; 12PM17,31 NRC 533 (1990) 10 CIA 30.61(b), (c) ehewusiances appsopsom tw sunenery 16canas empansim; 12PM17,31 NRC 347 (1990) 10 CFA 35.36(b)

Casmuiss6am edunity to sequus :,,

- ? informeuen inun a twenses and to inaspessie k truo se lessnes; 13PM17,31 NRC 551 a32 (1990) 10 CIA ha 40. Appedia A langsbibey of hearpenatum and application et mul isthnes repletians; A1AB.928,31 NRC 270 (1990) 10 CFA ha 40, Appendit A Cnierum i usegaabihiy of eles tw duranal of snIn inihnes; 13P#9,31 NRC 155 57.164 (1990) 10 CFA ha 40, Aggiandia A. Cdierian 6 deman of ;._--

eurose een fu sniu asumes; AIAB 928,31 NRC 2h6 (1990) deman siendard tw einer la dermal een fa snill teilugs,13P#9. 31 NRC 192 (1990) 10 Cf1 $0.1 ellessues of maricyes suprinsis et Tuney 1%u; ID901. 31 NRC 329 (1990) 10 CFA 50.7(aXI) psuessteen of beanses anployees ge*irsting as interieness in licensing ;_

. : 12P'945. M NRC 77 m 6 (1990) 10 CIA $03)(dX3)(ii) emeral of bysseduct r.wianal lesness, AIAB 931,31 Nhc 367 (1990) 10 CFA $034(b) essesnt af Final Safay Analysis Repwi; ClJ 902. 31 NRC 212 (1990) respmunnhty for hnal Andmg regaiding eiytinonre barnet, IAPW6. 31 NRC 93 (1990) 10 CFA 5034(bX2X115034(b)(6)(1), Ov), (v), 50.34(bXIk (9), 3034(ck $034(d), MM enreau d et specincetiens; 13P 94tS,31 NRC 505, 26 (1990) 10 CIA 5046 esengtem foam amargecy eure eauling sysuun eingle fauum cnieria :.

D[1962. 31 NRC 472 (1990)


tunhatuse en susheres of liquid efflusses fran e euclear pime; 19 942,31 NRC 469 (1990) 10 CF.R. 5047 classancatim er emaganry planning etandards u escend tia, QJW2,31 NRC 200 (1990) i weghs given no FEMA nndmes e adequecy er emergency plannag; ClJ 963. 31 NRC 349 a.47 (1990) l 10 CFA 50.47(a) adapacy d energency plaruung fw encuation d beach populatims; QJM2. 31 NRC 200 (1990) 10 CFA 3047(sXI) bensd ener in fauuro to make masarable usumace Endug under, ALAB 932,31 NRC 424 (1990) innarpasatkes of "odequais Pneutive innesums"; QJM2,31 NRC 306 (1990) 4 r

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awierielny of last of i--f _

doull in sum emessney pen te mesmeWe momenee Amnes; C1J 963. 31 NItc M7 (1990) l 10 CIA 30.47(eX2) knesd enhesky to band beanage and membe Andmes en ede9ancy of napense panamel someween prue so Ptil4A Andes; A1AE 932, $l NIIC 3s4,339 (1990) i

,, bassen emagewy plan appuvud by lenses and that epymed by Plih4A: 1AP412, 38 l

Nhc 443 (1990) sussenews esmuena eundesd In doenneese adequacy et oneyewy poinies; CJ 902. 31 NItc 214 (1990) 10 CFA M47(b) bees tw judging odeguscy d energency plannies; QJM2,31 NRC 213,217 (1990) i senseense ed eenended enegory pennes iseoas en heeneus pmosadeg; QJ#3,31 NIIC 231 (1#0) 10 CFA 247(bXI) emageiry suspens poemnal edequery to Santowsk; ALAB 932,31 NRC M0 (1990) leuen of assamment, used fer, QJ 903,31 NItc 252 (1990) t showing of empendthy er einergency suspense p

a. AIAB 932,31 NIIC 304 a.36 (1990) 10 CFA 3047(bX3) lunes of egnament, need far, QJ 903,31 NRC 232 (1990) 10 CFA 30.47(bX5) lemese of asseamma eridi lasst sodio moeisse for puhhc anunsehen dwing "+1 annseuses, mood fw; 1AP-961,31 NItC 30, M (1990) 10 CFA 3047(bX8) f feeukies and equigenes segubed to suppen emagency suspene; QJ 943,31 NRC 253 (1990) idenuAsenen of spe 4al-needs populeuen fw eveausum planning; C1J 963,31 NItc 235 (1990) 10 CFA 247(b)(10) evenwese eme asummes for advanced his suppen patieds; QJ#3, St NitC 340, 230 (1990) feelhues and espalpness sequhed to sigpen emagency suspass; QJ 903,31 NRC 253 (1990)


need to instude shehems as pensense estum in muergency piens. QJM3,31 NRC 344 (1990) l


sequhement to _. '

pecessin eenen 3 h: ALAB 932,31 NRC 408 (1990) 10 CJA 247(bX12) i shallenas to aggliesme' arrongenses for snedieel earvises for ennaenunswd in)med indaviduals; A1AB-932,31 NRC 430 (19e0) 10 CFA 30.47(c) essent in Comnessian =mdesenen of beenmas beard desiesen en samended emergency plannms odegiscy; CJ43,31 NRC 2M n.l? (1990) l 10 CFA 30.47(<XI) effect of appeal beard romend en beenes issuenes; QJMS,31 NRC 238 (1990) effect ud samenJ en fuB-pimer autherhenia; A1AB 932,31 NitC 419 (1990)

.. " of aestian 30 47(bXt2) segumemanu, ALAB 932,31 NRC 421 eL349 (1990) 10 CIA 30.47(cXlXiii) appimetniky of senham4mst effens pesumpuen to teacher beimevier dwing -.

A1AB-932,31 NitC 404 a145 (1990) 10 CFA 3047(cXIXiiiXB) besaffens essenpuen opphed to sinne perncipation in emergency a=pa== mines omie has nas perucipated in enesgency planning; 13r#1,31 NRC 30 (1990) 10 CFA M48 apphoebilky of cremnet eenenes under, C1JW2, St NRC 308 (1990) 10 CFA 3049 oveheunn of 44 year piens hfe inna kninal agemenen; 1AP 94A St NitC 106 (1990) 10 CIA 30.51 psoseduse fa esissuling en operenns lumise; 1AIA944,31 NRC 93 (1990) 32 b

h l


t i


Rootu?wws 10 CIA $03Se hugebilky of ensures deshng etdi appbeshilar d esculeumia, IDPDA St NRC 1(O 0990) l parende d spessman heyend paned of ope =use lismee es meje fodent actions; 1AP.9% St NitC 95 (1990) 10 CJA M.S$e(cXd) osatermanse wah ende eswhhshed eher plant easmuusnan; 1APM4 31 NitC IN (1990) 10 CFA M.53*(aXd) einadesd far se,uinense of emissy velve; 13PM16,31 NRC $3d (1990) 10 CFA $0J7(dXtH9) eueushy to isees innpesery epousang W 1AP#4,31 NRC 95 All 099n) 10 CIA 30.54(bX6) hugshuny d naiv to me sie tweat hasards omnedsenum duerminsuan; 1APM6,31 NRC 90 n

0 990) 10 CJA 3040(e) sneindens sequhesness for presum.

- boundary; 1AP#4,31 NRC to 0990) 10 CFA 3061 sempo af kheates issues in homme amashnent pnuendes: 1APM4,31 NatC 10 0990) 10 CFA 30.62 independes emanwry feed eier eyeism vap.uense fa pnmawned woe sencume; 1AF9416,31 NRC


$3B sL22 0990) 10 CIA. 3063 deusessaien af esespiehuny d ehernadw AC power sauroes, IAPM16,31 NRC $2 nl5 099m i

10 CFA 3043(cMd) desenw Imr. '--+ wkh sequhonent fw sharewdw as pnwer sowcas; LAP #16,31 NkC $23 n.ll 0990) 10 CFA 30.72 sameurasen af eyessaan fauswing has shuidown; 13P#16, St NRC 525 0990) 10 CIA 30.73 i

plass atendnwns sensied to pesaw eamleit openen presses; 1JIP416,31 NRC $26 (1990) 10 CFA 30.80(e) durames eneses of; AIAR 931. 31 NRC M7 0990) 10 CFA 30.90 e

applesehuky to seguest in sesepswo pesind of emmuuenan by uso d en opemung Econes eenendment, IAP#4,31 NRC M 0990) 10 CFA 30.91(eXd) no signineen hasseds desarmenense far estemie d pressumAmaperonin tuniu; 1APM4, St NitC $6 0 990) 10 CFA $0.91(bX3) riels of ensis is penicipew es hcme, -

IDPM15,31 NRC $02 n.1 (1990) 10 CFA 30.92 ne sign 4 Amass hoseeds eams;dereuen fa neierials lumme omensknams; IAP#tt,31 NRC $72 0990) siendeed far daarminise tweee annuinses requens;IAPW6,31 NRC 103 0990) 10 CFA S0.92(c) espdteens honesde essuidoredans in licenes amendment; ISP#15,31 NHC 503 0990) s 10 CFA hn 30. Appedia i sedanspw wesw tenement symiens et liig Rach Puus Plant; IO902,31 NI4C 46d (1990) 10 CFA ha $0, Appendia K.11.D.I enengsim fann energency eso saalms speiem sing 4feilus criwris requirenems; DD 942,31 NRC 472 0 990) 10 CFA hn 30, Appedia A. ODC 31 eatensim d pressu.l.,

. hmhs; 13P 944,31 NitC %, to 0990) 10 CFA hn $0, Appendia B eppheshuity to for phesmhan processus and fuel febrication plans,13P#10,31 NRC 29697 0990) 53 i

l l

l l




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IIGAL CITATIONS INDEX msOUL.47MME 10 CFA ha 30. Appenda E,IV eveesus amo minnsie seguironmes; A1A2432,31 NRC 408 0990)


evesususs tune ownma la advensed his asyren pauses; ClJ#3,31 NBC 340 0990) i senpaustalmy fe evesuniin taas asumme peeparoisen; AIAR 932, St NkC 419 0990) r 10 CFA hn 30 Appenda F,iv.D lemme of essannes wah local seen enseiens tw public smashessian dweis seenlasesel amarencess,


4 need fer, LDPMl. 31 NInc 30,34 09eo) 10 CFA ha 30 Appenda E. IVA3

... et IS snissie onaugency menanestum sospitones,1APM1, St Nhc 310990) elmoing of eunushikey a muergeiey suspense pommenst, AIAW932,31 NitC 36d a36 0990) t 10 CFA hn So, Appendas 0 servise pened far fueseme taughams uniuss; 12PM4, 31 NitC to (1990) 10 CFA ha 30, Appedia il eensust and edersemy at a==gw esvadlanes prayesn; 1DP44,31 NRC 66 0990) 10 CIA ha 30, Appeda IL I!C hugsbuhy W ehausges to NItC4ypnned lsessmand Swwallianse heerem; IDPM4,31 NRC 57 0940 mas of tredasasd east sneestians inen one test sensaw to puedast fossws taughams of snessnals in enseher sessenr.1APW4. 31 NaC El 0990) 10 CFA ha 30, Appendia H,II.Cl esensehy of deden and armeens resume of sesame in laispeed surveGleans plan; 12P44,31 i

NRC 70 0990) 10 CFA hn 30, Appeda IL !!C3 esmagency seguisenere for ens of iningreied marveiDense progrem; 1AP M4,31 Nnc 6109N)

L 10 CFA St.14(a)

. _J onclususe fran 108 seguirenees;1APMl6,31 NRC $37 m310990) suspensiWimy tw daarmining ased in 135 en proposed eason; 13P#16,31 Nhc $37 (1990) 10 CFA 51.30

. _ _. d acuens by type of ~.

-" sevww sequised, IDPM4,31 NRC 97 0990)

FJS seguirunenes fu p6sms liamssd prior to effectiveness of NiiPA; 10 942, St NkC 467 0990) 138 seq. '-

- for pnyased eseums; IDP416,31 NRC 537 (1990)

IGS sagasemens for asen6ual specinostum emendmans; 12P#16,31 NkC $36 0990) e 10 Cl A St.30(eri)

EIS seguiresnanis for materials license senewel; ISP#10,31 NRC N8 0990) 10 CIA St.30(b) envimmimmeet soview seguiransras la :

period secapsus :

1APM6,31 NRC 97 09M) types of assies suspunns preparetka d an envinnenental inquet seismos; 1APM6,31 NRC 96 0 990) to CFA 51.21 seasewisaike et actions by type of.._

--' soview sequired, IAPM6, 31 NRC 97 0990) normeiWluy for determining need for EIS en pngesed ocuan; 1AP#16,31 NIIC 537 0990) types of ecuaw sequang and envir=uunsreal emessmers; IAPM4,31 NRC 96 0990) 10 CFA $122 esisgeriutie of octions by type of ani

' wyiew seguired; 12P-904,31 NRC 97 (1990) 10 CFA St.22(b) suspannihihiy far determinin6 need im EIS se pregamed actkm; 1AP-90*l6,31 NRC 337 0990) 10 C.FA St.23(c) types of acties sequinns and envinsunanial essesmeni; 1 AIL 90$6,31 NRC 96 0990) i 10 CFA 51.23(c)(9) i 138 sequirunenes to diege in i e or owveillance supinuments; 1AP#16. 31 NRC $37 a33 5

0 990) i sempenthihiy for determining need for 135 en pnyased action; 1AP416,31 NaC 537 0990) i 5d l

I i





LJ: GAL CITATIONS INDEX asauta71ows 10 CI A $1.2AcX10) et snn)w federal eensey IAP M16. 31 NRC 537 m33 (19eo) mapaniWihy le duermueng send le las cm pesyssed actaan; lap 416,31 Nhc $37 (1990) 10 CFA $1.2AcXtd)(v) 138 and awkwannual :

seguasemerus le sneeenals bseine -

' n LAP #ll,31 NkC 388 (IMO) 10 CJA 5131 suspamiWihy for duermbang need le d

" impact menensa. ISP#4,31 NkC 97 (1990) 10 CFA $l32 no ownfees impost fashng for maisnels lesense senewel;12PM10,31 NkC 298 (1990) 10 CFA SI AS

' entlyuss seguired fe enimmen of syaratens Isoame w =aram sensannaian pmaad; 1AP M4. 31 Nuc 94 (1990) enetsammenal sevise sepshemmes le esasuuciam pened seceriuso ammemma; 1APM6. 31 NkC 97 (1990) 10 CFA 5132 huanWier et shalleuses to Comm6ssian sepsisuuns; 12P#4,31 NRC IOS (1990) 10 CFA $l32,'feWe S-d aprimy to eneboonmeel knposes d 1_

ef weses;1APM3,31 NRC 49 (1990) 10 CFA $l33 envhenmamal review :J

- fe esmuustim pened recepinse emedness; 1APM6, St NRC 97 (1990) 10 CFA 513)(e) issue preerihed in openung lismes pnemedings; 1AP 944,31 NRC 95 (1990) laiemhily er arms feel shipmenes la apenung beanse amenement presseding to reespause pmed; 1APM6, St NRC 95 (1990) 10 CJA St.9$(e) issues, -- - " in opmoting ikwee pseasedines; IAPM6,31 NMC 95 (1990) 10 CFA St.102(c) deswnses feenne esmplees envinsanmaal secord of duceuss AIAlt-926,31 NitC 17 a78 (1990) 10 CFA $1.106(c) iseum pneathed in operenna lismas pnxeadings; 1APM6,31 NGC 95 (1990)


i 10 CFA 61.102 i

apphoshihty to matenals hcense venewal for plueenhen pnmusang med fuel fehnesian plant; ISPM10, 31 NRC 299 (1990)

I 10 CFA hn 61 licenans of low level adioactive wens eiins; IO902, 31 NRC 478 (1990) 10 CFA het 61 parfanamnes et isw level seduective wome eues; 18942,31 NRC 477 (1990) 10 CFA 70.4(r) qualuy esamenos rapiiremsnis for pluisuken pressmeing and fuel fabrioenen plant; 1APM10,31 NRC 296 (1990) 10 CFA 70.2AeX2h (d)

I eamma of apphoone le licose far plukudurn poosamns and fust fericeenen plant;13P410,31 NRC 305 a.21 (1990) 10 CFA 70.2AsW2h (6k Ok and (t) es:thquake and bsushhse sensiderations in quahiy ensureaus pegram for pimenium presensing and fuel fabrioenen plant,13P#10,31 NRC 303 (1990) i 10 CFA 70.22(f) agyhoshiluy of quahty easwoms criaans to for pluwenum pmoensing anel fuel fabrioenni plars; 18PM10,31 NRC 2%97 (1990) eenhquake end bsushhse emmidersties in quahty assurance pogram fe pleaniurn ps comung and fuel febriconen plant; ISP 9410,31 NRC 304 (1990)

IJ; GAL CITATIONS INDEX Rsou1A7mNs 10 CFA 70.22(19Xsill) errisenbahy to sunedeuw effems inen sedinesew and ehemuset subsiasses inse pluiminun pomoesses and fust felmisetum pleni; 13PD10,31 NieC 301 (1990) 10 CFA 70.22(k) appheeWhey to teamsess le passanium pnumanns and fuel fenricatum pinas; ISP410. 31 NRC 297 a.12 (1990) 10 CFA 70.2Xoc) odegany of seeminen manliorus equienes tw pluissinum psosassing and fuel febneetum pass; IAP#le,31 NRC 302 (1990) to C.FA 70.2Nec), (4) eentspshe end bnahlin eenstemenes b geky enunnes ynqpem fw plesnima pessmanns and fuel fetuiseman ples; 1APM10,31 NRC 303 (1990) 10 CFA 70Jt(d) apphaeWhty to luensass fw pluisemme prosessms and fuel fabrisation plam; 1APW10,31 NRC 297 m12 (1990) 1seshy at maneists besse enumenen. IDPMit. St NRC $70 0990) 10 CFA 1031 eppaiseWimy to lasmasas fu pluinnium p% and fast febr6cetion plani; 13F94to. 31 NRC 297 n.12 (1990) 10 CJA 7037 meesmale esasel and aesams6ng sognisemanes tw phmanium presembs and fuel fehsisenen ptsm; 1APW10, St NkC 297 0990) 10 CFA 703g appinseWhty to heensens tw pluunden processes and fuel febelastum plami; 1AP#to, St NRC 297 a.12 (1990) 10 CFA 7039 veraning sagenseemse for of9sem seleases inen pleianiwa pmsenema and fuel fabricanan pies; 12P#10,31 NRC 297 0990) 10 CFL 73.2mX2H4) appieseWiny to tienneens fu pluianien proossems and fuel falancanan plom.13P.9010,31 NRC 297 m.12 (199t!)

10 CFA 73J7 apphiaWluy to lassneens tw pdunamien praussung and fuel febrkeinen plass; 13P410,31 NRC 297 a.12 0990) 10 CIA 100,11 dummetaan hasween emergency plannmg nyanenans and sinns and engineering design sequisemeras; ClJMS,31 NRC 205 (1990) 40 CJA pen 61 opphoeWhiy to sneeerials license senews! tw pluioniwn peacesses and fuel fabricanan plani; 12P#to, 31 NRC 399 (1990) 40 CFA Part 61. Subpen T Why to ilusien aull inihnss; 13PW9,31 NRC 192 (1990) 40 CJ A Pen 190 apphaeWhty to snaiensis boense senswel for plutenium pausessing and fuel fabrisonan plani; 13PM10, 31 NRC 299 (1990) 40 CJA 19&l0 apphoebuny a inenarials hoense senewal fw pluksden pnesseing and fuel febncenia plans; 1APM10, 31 NRC 299 0990) 40 CFA 19132(bXI),19141 (1949) deman siendard for eiwer far disposal eeD fa m01 teilings; ISP49,31 NRC 192 (1990) 40 CFA Pen 1304 eppheeWhis to NRC seletive to insangency di8puses; LDP49,31 NRC 153 0990)

M l


_ _ _ _ _ - -.. _ ~ _ - _. - - _. - - - - - - - - -

LEGAL CITATIONS INDEX STATlTES Adeninistrouw Pmandus Act. 5 U.8C 304(bX2) suusary requisemanu far esihsuomed hearmy; AIAB 929,31 NRC 200 me (1990)

Adnunistrouvo Procedus Act,5 U.S.C. 554(e) sistaary equinsnense la ehsepard haanny, AIAB-929,31 NRC 280,282 0990)

Adneustrouve Procedum Act,9(b), S U.8C 558(c) odeguacy of infasnahan avsDands to diremer and sensmubisness of dec num based en that infarenstion; LAP #17,31 NRC 555 (19W) aggdaoshihty to heanse revuceums. ALAB 929,31 NRC 285 86, 288 (1990) apprupnam for sunenery boense suspenslan; ISP 90-17,31 NRC 555 a.52 (1990) disuaar's eusharuy to take emnmary adnunisueuve ecuan, ISP# 17,31 NRC 544 (1990)

Ausnk Emessy Act, 42 U.1C 2014(e)(2) (1982) cleasinosuan ed sharmen snill talhngs os byrendum sneianal, IEPM9,31 NRC 152 (1990)

Aunk linergy Act. 57,42 U.SC 2077(cK2) ingehty of snmanals hoanas emandment,1AP# tt,31 NRC 570 (1990)

Ausnic feefly A84 Il legal team for darenar's summary suspensum seder,13PD17,31 NRC 546 (1990) pensenpuan asemei emaipunani er transfer of byproduct matenal licenses; A1AB-931,31 NRC 363 (1990)

Asamic Imessy Act, 64(a),42 U.3C 2114 com-bereht balemang for management of thenwn mill taihnes; ISPM9,31 NRC 154 (1990)

Ausnic Imergy Aa, S4(aXI),42 U.8C 2114(a)(1) eess banshi balancing for mansaanent of sharian mal talhnas; ISPW9,31 NRC 158,163 (1990)

Ausnic Imergy Act,104,42 U.1C 2D4 l

NRC junediaum swer perues and thanaldiny of heenses; 13PM7,31 NRC 126 (1990) l Aiemu imergy Act,16)(b), (c), (o) legal hans for diream's sunenary suspensum ardar, IAP#17, 31 NRC 546 (1990) i Aiamic Imagy Act,16t(b), (1) imarpetauan of fantaaer protectum mandards far emagency planrung: (1J#2, 31 NRC 202-01 (1990)

Asamic Imergy Act,161(b), (i), and (o) cleesifiestaan of emergency planens standards es essendaier, C1JM2,31 NRC 20345,208 (1990)

Atomic insegy Act, it), 42 U.S C. 2231 i

l spplicabihiy of Admuustrouve Procedus Aa pnwinans to mansnais lacense suspensians, A1AB.929,31 l

NRC 285,288 (1990) daracew's eushanty to tehe summary aderunastrouve octum,13PM17,31 NRC 544 (1990)

Ausnac luurgy Act,182 emergency planeng requiremanns as adequais preseaum sandards; A1AB-932,31 NRC 380,420 (1990) legal hans for daream's summary suspensian order, ISP 9417,31 NRC 546 (1990)

Aunic Imergy Aa,182(a),42 U.5C 2232 l


-- aunhnney to require ogpiernahal informauan inn a hcermes and to encroposes k into the luenes, LAPM17,31 NRC 551 a.32 (1990) interpseuuan of fintaner protectum standards for emagency planning; C1J 902,31 NRC 202 (1990) 87 l



respesitalaus af bcomes le phmummen pru'*'h'S and fuel falmcene P s% 1AP 410,31 NRC 297 l

a,12 0990)

Amnic imagy Act,183,42 U.5C 2233 pneenpum assina essenes or iransfer of 1meme; A1AB 931. 31 NRC 356 0990x ISP M1. 31 NRC 123 0990)

Assene lungy Asi,183c,42 U.5C 2233(c) failum is danstame ampene seanseuske es vudeuen of, AIAB 931. 31 NRC 359,368 0990)

Ausnic Imagy Act,164,42 U $C 2D4 failun to declass carpmens newunurug es vkdanen of, A1AB 931. St NRC 359,362,364,370 f

C 990) na.a and eensent repuremens for uansfer of beanses; 1AP M7,31 NRC 118.120,128 0990);

1AP48,31 NRC 14546 0990)

Ausnic Imagy Aoi,166 edspey et information evaushls to dueener and nosenaldeness of decisian based en that bdermonun; 1AP-417,31 NRC 555 0990) og9 asehilsy of Adminiswouw PreseAus Aa pawisions to boense savoceuens; A1AB.929,31 NRC 285 7

d 0 990)

Conmesman suihastiy in emunsruy sumpuut a lisese; 12P 9017,31 NRC 555 a.52 (1990) laget less for duemar's sununery suspanie order,1DP'M17,31 NRC 546 0990)

Assunic linety Aa,186(b) et eggsupnete le sunenary lumnse suspanism: ISP B17,31 NRC $55 a32 0990) need for formal hearing se mananals Esense suspemen; A1AB 929,31 NRC 287 (1990)

Ausnic linessy Aa,199(b),42 U.$C 2D9(aXI) hessing righis en maarials beanse amanensses; 1AP-Mll,31 NkC SM710990)

Amunic Enugy Ast, ll9s,42 U.5C 2239(a) cameris of mandmg appbed to NRC peousmhng; 1AP M6,31 NRC 99 0990) hasang nghis an samanals twense :

  • -. IAP M it, S t NRC 570 0 990) haanna nghis em speenns beense en -

. ISP-M15. 31 NRC SW 0990) heeness seguireness for imervenuen in opentse license amendmus proceeding; 1AP-M6,31 NRC 88 l

0 990) kneshiluy of chanages en no signfwent hasards camisidersnan desernunanen; 1AP M6,31 NRC 90 0 990) e

.L Atamic linergy Act, IB9s(l),42 U.SC 2239(a)0) determinsium of whether en en-d+ record hearing is aquind, AIAB-929,31 NRC 282 85 0990) need fe formal haanns em neueials beanse suspanmari; ALAB-929,31 NRC 283 a.8 (1990) i Asamic linagy Act,191 peruids er opennan beyund peciad of opeseneg liomme as sna) federet senans; ISP B6,31 NRC 95 OMO) l l

Cenn Air Act,309,42 U.SC 7609 jurinduska sur psopamed disposal cell; 1AFM9,31 NRC 153 st9 (1990)

Communicanons Act of 1934,310(d),47 U.SC 310(d) l transfer et tweness wisheet agency appsuul; AIAB-931,31 NRC 364 (1990)

Imrgy and Weier Dowlepnes Appsegmouans Aa, Puh,1. No.104371,502,102 Stai,157 (1988) noiricssans on eserd of euerneys' foss; AIAB 929,31 NRC 277 0990)

Imrgy Renspanianne Aa,210 imen far cenplaims fmm licenses onplayess; 1AP M16,31 NRC 513 a4 0990)

Purpres d employee Pressonen luovician; 1AP 945,31 NRC 77 78 0990) nutrictig lagunge in esidemma agreemmt; C11MI,31 NRC 133 0990) niabanan against employees for npsuung ufay oncerns; DDMI. 34 NRC 329 0990)


I4ml Access to Junike Act,5 U.Sc 304 entidemma d bcomes in enfassement salan en suarneys' foss; A1AB 929,31 NRC 277 0990) 14ual Access to Justice Act,5 U.$C 304(a)0), (bXIXc) l deAnitum d *edwenary adjudwation"; AIAB 929,31 NRC 279 0990) 1 l

N l

l I

r i


Eval Asums to Jumies Aa,51!3C. 304GXIXCXiG ypes of ensimens eswesed by; AIAS 929,31 NatC 280 (1990)

Equal Asses in Just6ss Aoi, S U.SE 304(cXI) apphashGky to fenmal NRC pressednes 6m ehsense d moeuwry seguisemos tw sush hamnap, AIAB439,31 Nhc 208 (1990)

Psmoudusse for estuniennen and ennemiereuse of sequess for foss; AIAE 929,31 Nhc 281 (1990)

Imr4ssel Redemesehe Wese Pulary Anundsmenn Act of 1963. Tule 1. PA 1. 94340 mais suspemmentsy for W si low-level endosemive weseas; 18942, St Nhc 477 0990) 14sr1sual % Wass Felicy Amunaisemme Aa d 1941,5(dX2Xc) esses ebbeseisms sagasdag meses generoemd in that aime; IJtPM4,31 NRC 93 0990)

Neessual W1 Febry Asi,42 U.Sc 4321 Bis seedsenesas for pleam hommed prier to enensivemss of NEPA; DD942,31 NRC 467 (1990)

Nasisual bevinuummeel Pehry Aa,4332fC)

Bit sugesammes for sesionals bienes senewel; IJ6P.9410,31 NRC 294 0990)

Neenmaal bestsusumessal Pehry Aa,103(2XC),42 US C. 4332(2XC) emusemetime of shermetives to.

-. paried susepause she 1JIP.904,31 NhC 99 (1990)

Natasual Env6nmummaal Petary Aa,103(2XE),42 U.8C 43320XE) siendeed $se sesmidueeien of thesnatives to propened beanske enien; LAP 944,31 NRC 99 (1990)

NRC '.benses balemsms far snensesmas e' her6mn sult talhnes;1AP49,38 Nmc 158 0990)

'" Aa, Pe.1. New F7415, 30. 96 Sist 3067. 3(r19 (1983) eaa FW 1. New 404, sk. 324,9(b),40 Sist 2n, M2 (1946) med le funnel hensing sa sneemanns bannes suurennen; AIAB-929,31 Nhc 386 (1990)

PA 1. No. 96 481,3DNc), M Seat 2325 (1960) emeses la senhamretsve estans; ALAB 929,31 NRC 260 (1990) l M

l LEG AL CITATIONS INDEX otucks 18 Aa lw. 2d Carpursucre ll55 62 (1985) daarminnuen of inoelvemes af parem earpoonen in auteubary to daarmee haWhey far espennendneumi; AIAB-931,31 NRC $44 sLS4 (1990)

Devia, Admeemuotin 14e $108 sermanneness oppspnose for mannery beense suspensean; ISP 9417, St NRC S44 (1990) 2 R. Devts, Aeninistrouw law Tueuse i12.10, et 450 (2d ed.1979) opg6ceWhey W APA secuen $$8(c) se bcesse sevocences; AIAB 929,31 NRC 287 0990)

Fedesal Rule of Cov0 PrM=e $6


peuemium far summary esquehiers LDP-944,31 NRC 66 n6 (1990)

If i

12 W. Fleseer, Cyclopeas of um law of Prhees Carpineuans (See, m 310 (rev. 1985) d-aroseler of shares of oned as arenefer of surparece essess, A1AB.931,31 NkC 30 (1990)

[, "4 ll.R. Rep. h 110, 99th Carg., Im Sees., pt 1, et 4 soprosed in 1985 U.S. Ceds Caig & Act News F

132, 133 purpine of Igal Access in Juance Act, A1AB 929,31 NRC 280 (1990) k '

ilR Rep. No SM,97ih Cong.,24 Seu 471 (1982) 1-cam.hanent balancisig for managenom af thanum mill isilmas; 1AP.M9, 31 NRC 161,163 (1990)


llR Rep. Na $M,97th Cars,2d Sem 47, repruesd tr,1982 U.S. Code Ceng & Ad. News 36(0,

.j '

3617 i

eam.benshi halanctng for man =genent of tharuun mill tallmas, ISP-949,31 NRC 158 nit,163 n.30

,Q (1990)

'3 llR Rep. k 1418,9esh Caig. 2d Sees 54 sopround in 1980 U.S Code Cass & Adndn. N'ews 4964 purpses ad I+al Accese to Jusues Act, ALAB-929, 31 NRC 280 (1990) llA Rep. N I414, kh Cene 2d Sess 18, supruned in 1980 U1 Cmde Omg & Ad. News 4953, 4964, 4997 suheiansaal bouAcatum senderd for kdiaal revow of decreuenary admmistrouve oceans. ISP.961 ?, 31 NkC 545 (1990)

Il Rep. No 1990,79th Care 2d Sana (IM6), sopruned in Admuususun Pnwedum Act: lagislauwe fleuwy, 8. the h 248,79th Cams 2d &ses 233, 275 (IM6) saaspuam ao unparanens far advance nause of licana suspenman; IEP-9317,31 NRC 555 n52 (1990) lit. Idente & G.F. Trowbruise Frenwwcek far Aiamic Susiesy: AC rry em the Aumuc Imergy Aa of l934, en C49 n64 (1955) applicaWisy of essean IM of AIA to licensees other than hoewes, ALAB-931,31 NRC 363 (1990) l NRC Rules and Reguisuais 2 SC 52,56 beans for decoding enntenuma hosed an pwely legal issues, ISP 9415, 31 NRC 506 (1990) 5 Rep. No. 752, 79th Cang im Sess. (1945), npanied in Admuustrsuve Procedure Ass: Lagislative limicry, 8. Ibc h 248, 79th Cong 2d Sees 155, 211 12 (IH6) escapam to segunement far advance nauce of lueras suspenann, IJIP.9017, 31 NRC 555 n.52 (1990) 5 Rap h 1677, 87th Cong, 2d Sess., repruned in 1%2 U.S. Code Cong & Adnun News 2J07, 2213 need far formal hearms ao meianals license suspensian, AIAll 929,31 NRC 264 (1990) el


O rlit*5 I sus of leen Comennine en Assene lassey thh Cans.18 Se88. InTeovisig the AIC Aspiswy Puumuse 72 Deus Counn Pam 1W.8) mand for funnel home6ng am snaisnels liennes ow AtAB 929. 31 NIIC 364 (199@

WeWe 1%d be "- - ' theuenary of the legleh lanpage. IF7614.

doenman d unenable selsove to dessenur's deciseen an ownniney keense suspenman. IAl' 9417. 31 NItC $55 (1990) i e

e l



l ACCIDINIS emesesnry planning ennsuisreues, Ctj m2,31 NRC 197 (1990 venune and epseuleuws, pdehihty based dehnhkm; C1J-904,31 NRC 333 (1990) l ADDrinT IfflCTS af sneenettve and ehenmal wesias,13P-9410, St NRC 293 (1990),13P 94 tl,31 NRC 330 (19,0)


ADMANCA'IUttY PR001tMN05 oweidsrouan of issues involved in mismaking, CtJ-942,31 NRC 197 (1990) due pnesse; ClJMS,31 NRC 219 (s990)

ADMINISTRATDT AfDGE sendeman ouduwhy of, QJ 943,31 Nhc 337 (1990)

ADMINISTRATTYL MLOCIDURE ACT farmal hasnns requuernenu under, A1AB 929,31 NRC 271 (1990)

ADVANCID llit SUPRMtt PATTIN!1 evosiasues tone eunuse for C1J 943,31 NRC 219 (1990), LAP 9412, 31 NRC 427 (1990),

b 12P 9420,31 NRC 381 (1990) f 4

A1.TT.RNA11Y13 ocenanus leones in seneulmetian of, A1AB 924,31 NRC 263 (1990)


in unasalad sauruss. handhng of, ISP-9418, 31 NIIC 359 (1990)



AVITrRUST sufusal to pwnee apprapneia servios sdadules and tariffs, DD 943, St NRC 395 (1990)

N solussi is provtds remal requisenenu whalesale power and transmassue omrvices. Di> 943, 31 NRC

$95 (1990)

APPIAL 90ARD5 acuan en new makers, ALAB 930,31 NRC $43 (1990) danciatueury imerlacuary review; ALAS-931,31 NRC 350 (1990) ahhgauan to eauert saferved whnge, A1AB-923,31 NRC 271 (1990) enanland far evenurnug a hanems huerd's Enengs AIAB 926,31 NRC 1 (1990) standants of sevww; ALAB 926,31 NRC 1 (1990) suy authonty; AIAB 928,31 NRC 263 (1990)

APPIA13 suy panens sesolutu ed, QJ 943,31 NRC 219 (1990) issi af Anahiy far, AIAB-933,31 NRC 491 (1990)

AIPlA13, IN!TAIDCtftORY euihortty to rowww reserved ruhnen, A1AB-929,31 NRC 271 (1990) via dueceed certinseuan, inst fur, ALAB-933,31 NRC 491 (1990)

AQUllrAs sihanan dalenha, redurge estunsies far, LSP-909,31 NRC 150 (1990)

ATOMIC ENIRGY ACT odespuis pasectaan standani under escuan 182, AIAB-932,31 NRC 371 (1990) haanna requuemense far hcener revocauans and suspensusu, AIAli 929, St NRC 271 (1990) hasnns nghis an sperating hoenas arnandmenu,1RP-9415,31 NRC 301 (1990) tnalianshihty of heeness, A1AB 931, 31 NRC 350 (1990)

  1. 7-e9 6



-w wm ti

SUlijili INDEX lasenses eeuss under,12PM1,31 NieC ll6 (1990) esperung sepairesneens le twensess; 12PW7,3l NRC 116 (1990) tesdudsel spesifeeums le poes reeckws, smenens et, ISPW15,3l NRC Sol 0990) tressier af inpeeses meneal loansus; AIAS 931,31 NitC 330 0990) teamfar d ;. ';. neefnetwa and eenmus regasserneras fer,12PM7,31 NRC 116 (1990)

BIACll POPUIATIONS eheherug esmedmeneus in ernagency plenrung; C1J M3,31 Nhc 219 0990); 1APM12,31 NRC 4D 0990);1AP#20,31 NRC Set (1990)

BOARDS See Appel Bards,IJeaneng Bards IKSON B AT -

. ~. IAPMI6,31 NRC 509 0990) in seesw easdent system; 13PM16,31 NRC $0D (1990)

BRu?S appauses, sessed suppert seguised in; A1AB 926,31 NItc I (1990) oundemis te pe es hueven me; A1AB 936, St Nhc 10990)

BLRDEiN OF FItOOF desalapdshed home landen of gaug fareerd, A1AB 926,3l NRC 1 (1990)

BYPle000(T MAllalAL LJC1.NSES tressfer of emuel et, A1AB-938,31 NRC $50 (1990)

BYPIK100CT MATERIAIS IJCENSE AMINDMi>T wishesseel et supsest for honning; LAP #19,31 NRC 579 0990)

CONCRIGATE CARE FACI 11!113 edegaery of; C13#3,31 NRC 219 0990)

(XWStevAT1SMS in estyens of bepea of ;

? espanal cell to unwiwa mal tailow IAPM9,31 NRC 150 (1990)

CONTAINMIXr BURJMNO ousupensed ear symem, sannonian of hadig air surgdy us 13P-902,31 NRC $8 0990) 00PGAMINATION P amhan resensie in fem of, IAP 9410,31 NRC 293 (1990) l (U CIN110NS of whhdsswuq Inservoor, e& yuan tiy enather pny; 13PM12, St NRC 427 0990) standssd for ednessum et,13PM16,31 NRC $09 (1990)

CON!1tOL kODS dsup tena; 12P#16,31 NRC SM 0900)

Co8T BlWiirrT ANALYSBS in omedmouen of sherannvas to engineered dispreal cell far themen null tailmse; AIAB 928,31 NRC 363 0990)

COsn operethe and snaweenews; IX142,31 NRC 4610990)

CYANitt in ensis swearials as West Odoago altet IAPM9,31 NRC 150 (1990)

!*CislON appellais, effect d imnsediam effettivenses soview en; ALAB 932,31 NitC 371 (1990) imenens board, as amendeness of Anal environmental etamment; AIAB-926,31 NRC 10990)

IECOMMIS$10NINO funds, odequacy et, seletive to irveparable injwy claims la p,rpse of obtaining a suy; CLJM3,31 NRC 219 0990)


siendung to hearvent A3,31 NitC 40 0990)

DEiCONTAMINATION enforenness orden, appganility of essden 1788 to; ISPME,31 NRC 143 (1990) 6e


' l IMRiiCTED CFJmFICATION eppeal based dussmumery enhaniy; AIAB 933,31 NRC 491 (1990) =

of lemaanns bneed denial d winnen to esmans for leek of junsdicuan; AIAB-931,31 NRC 350 (1990)


against liesnams engalayens for separung esfety cancerns; DDMI,31 NRC 327 (1990)

DISQUAUFICATION et opsaial assimas in informal procendang; LBP 943,31 NitC 40 (1990) l' DOCUMFNTA110N et spills and incessnes, need far, for spec 6s1 inacher ensierials twenas aneve; 12P-9410,31 NRC 293 g


DOSE CONSEQUENCE 8 eensidemami in mluating anassney plans; CUM 2,31 NRC 197 0990)

EARTHQUAKES 8% in special nacient ensissians laosnes senewal procemens; UIPMl(\\ 31 NitC 293 (1990) '

,S ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS in h"isg em omagdienue wish emagency planning salmy soplations; CUM 3. 31 NRC 219 (1990) in entweenum of esimy siendude; DD942, St NRC 461 (1990)

EMERENCIES laaman behavier in; A1AB-932,31 NRC 371 (1990)



to nas to annfy public of meielagioni energmey; LBP-941, St NieC EMERGENCY EXBhCISES v

esuias, sequest ic suspei succed en; QJM3,31 NRC 219 (1990)

EMRRMNCY FLANNING eccidas seasiderenes in: CUM 2,31 NRC 197 (1990)


es adequeas pecessman standasd; AIAB 932,31 NRC 371 (1990) basis for.

. CUM 2,31 NRC 197 (1990) ecommme esasideratimes in decimanmaking en adequacy of; QJM3,31 NRC 219 (1990) eveanetion time etionates, segulmery guidance for. ALAB-932,31 NRC 371 (1990)

Asst tier pretesman efforded by; CUM 2, 31 NRC 197 (1990) i smess! services esreages; AIAB-932, 31 NRC 371 (1990)


need for PEMA Andings for Anal hosnains decision; AIAB-932,31 NRC 371 (1990)-

ebjersives of; CUW2,31 NRC 197 (1990) pam4isseing += of issues; QJM3,31 NRC 219 (1990) suspesse,

. manded for beging adapacy of; A1AB-932, St NRC 3710990) spedaleemds survey far; 131L94th 31 NRC 427 (1990)

- siasus of, for license a'

. CU 90 3, St NRC 219 (1990)


.5 esmers en guenscove snessuses; AIAB-932,31 NRC 371 (1990) l comes, mafEcisney of; AtAB-932,31 NRC 371 (1990) sians and lueel government

AIAB 932,31 NRC 371 (1990) weight given to ItMA Andings en adequacy of; CUM 2,31 NRC 197 (1999) 1 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PERSONNEL supleiery pedance on; AIAB-932,3I NRC 371 (1990)

EMPIDYBE5 See Ucenses Employees ENFJtOY RBORGANIZATION ACT estilsense assamamos under section 210; CUM 1,31 NRC 131 (1990)

ENIORCEMENT of adnunisissiive sepaans, denial of request for proiective order to may; CUWl,31 NRC 131 (1990)

ENIORCEMENT ORDER sesenadersman of stay of effectivenssa ef; 13PW8,31 NitC 143 (1990)

O l

5 h

l I






ENIORCIMINT PROCEFDINOS Wi== subnes lhet dansranns a pony's sicus in; AIAB-931,31 NRC 350 (1990)

ENYlh0NWINTAL ASSESSMENT for spesial aselear mansnais hamnes renewel, need for,12P 9410,31 NRC 293 0990)


for -

pened isospese anie denna, need far,13P-946,31 NRC 85 0990) fw passes Esensed pner to statuee's inq4emensaison; DD942,31 NRC 461 (1990)

ENVikONMDftAL RiiPoetit seqmmesmes for -

period suonpauss amendmsnis; ISPM6,31 NRC 85 (1990)


@ *y to menertals license suspuunan proceedityp; A1AB429,31 NRC 2710990) of advenary pseceedies; AIAB 929,31 NRC 271 (1990)

EVACUATION TIME EST1MA1ES for advensed hfe siveert psilass; CUM 3,31 NRC 219 (1990),12PM12,31 NRC 427 0990%

IJPM20,31 NRC 581 (1990)

- of vehielse hiMen inun serial observatisi in; 1APM20,31 NRC 5810990) supismal appunesti te mansion of; QJM3,31 NRC 219 0990) sepalstery anddenes for, AIAB 93131 NitC 371 (1990)

EVALUATION of openLalesses popuistion; Q3 943,31 NilC 215 (1990)

EVIDENCE bude of gang forseed wish; ALAB 936,31 NRC 10990) deny of penses to punvide; AIAb432,31 NRC 378 (1990) infamies and quenten of pseat; AIAB-932,31 NRC 3710990) eunebutaal tenismeny, admissitehty of; ALAB-932,31 NRC 371 (1990)

EXMiRT WTINESSEs weiglet given to annimony of; AIAB 932,31 NRC 3710990)

FEDERAL EMFANNCY MANAGEMINT AGENL'Y weighs given to W en adequacy of emagency plans; CUM 2,31 NRC 197 (1990)

FhDERAL REGIS1ER ednsioney of puhhessian of ansico in, to alma huerveners of heenang actions; (EPM 5,31 NRC 73.

0 990)

ItMA HNIXNGs need far, for Anal lumneing densum; AIAB-932,34 NRC 371 (1990)

MNAL ENVIRONhEiNTAL STATEMENT bcamens heesd decisimi es amendman of; AIAB-926,31 NRC 10990)

FINA111Y test of, for pusposes of appeal; AIAB 933,31 NRC 491 (1990) l MRES phaeneen senesses hang; 13PM10,31 NRC 293 (1990); 1APMll,31 NRC 559 (1990)

FRACIURE TOU0ilNF35 Chupy Vesesh test far, LBIA944,31 NRC 54 0990)


et Big Red Paims; DDM2,31 NitC 4610990)


effect of engmassed dispseal esil le therium miD tailmes on; 12PM9,31 NRC 150 (1990).

llARASSMFNT dosimamention of enseations; IAPMl6,31 NRC 509 0990) liFARING Mla esames of; 12P 9422,31 NRC 392 0990) llEARING REQUFETS l

wishosswel ef; IEPM19,31 NRC $79 0990) i I

\\ t



l l


SUllJECI' INDEX llEARING RIOffl1 en spenting luess amedmmes;12PW15,31 NRC 5010990)

IIEARINGS for lumnse sevemenans and empennons; AIAB-929,31 NRC 271 (1990) for maissian hamas, type sequued; ALAB439,31 NRC 271 (1990)-

fermal, desereunams of amad far AIAB-929,31 NRC 2710990) se iso informel Pmommeny


AIAB 932,31 Nhc 371 (1990)

Ibthe?DIAH IFFBCrlVENESS REVIEW offest en appast basse h-ALAB-932,31 NRC 371 (1990) paynes ef; GJ#3,31 NRC 219 0990)

INIORMAL PROGEDINGS dampaali6 cation of special assistas; 12PM3,31 NRC 40 (1990) headas Sie emmenss; 12PM22,31 NRC 392 OP90) snations to sidhs in; IBP410, St NRC 293 0990); IAPM11,31 NRC 330 0990)

Phat standag in;IDP#ll,31 NRC 359 0990) siendus to bearvens in; IDPM18,31 NRC 559 (1990) timing of wnnen quasiasms in; QJMS, St NRC 337 0 990) wnman esdses is; QJM5,31 NRC 337 (1990) -


simust vusus iduaisal aposting fasames for -

- weh suplamam; IDP-904,31 NRC 54 (1990)

!!MJLPRETATION er 10 CFA 1730(c); AIAB 931,31 NRC 350 (1990)-

et 10 CIA Part 40, Appendia A. Crhanen 1112P#9,31 NRC 150 (1990) of 10 CIA 50.47(b)6 ClJ#2,31 NRC 197 0990) of 10 CIA 50.47(b)(12); ALAB-932,31 NRC 3710990) -

of 10 CIA Part 50, Appendia E; AIAB-932,31 NRC 3710990) i of advessary pressmeng; AIAB-929,31 NRC 2710990) of *espect" h to CSA 2.714; 13P 904,31 NRC 85 (1990) stemmary, sanning pains for, ALAB-929,31 NRC 271 (1990)


puo es, standeds la luiefs; AIAB-924 31 NRC 10990) wididneel of; IAP#13,31 NRC 456 0990) wishdowel ef, becauss of emulement assemem; IEP'9421,31 NRC 589 (1990)

INT 11RVENT10N espect sugamument fer, IAPM6,31 NRC 85 0990)

!! MAVEN!10N, IA711 by Issenes empinyes, fear of paahadan funn liceness as gaad ceans far,12PM5,31 NRC 73 0990)

Ave feaar test far, IAPMS,31 NRC 73 0990) sand eeuse far, IAP45,31 NRC 73 (1990) newly arising information as goud cause for, ISPM5,31 NRC 73 0990) solianse en anssher peny to sepsesas ow's isessasis as pod osme far,12PMS,31 NRC 73 (1990) weisis given in pmantial for inondsning d issues bi desnainias grant ef; 12PM5,31 NRC 73 0 990)

' weigis given to pasnmal for delay in 4.c

som et LBPMS,31 NRC 73 0990) suRisDiCnON appeal banni, sessanable nsaus sequireness; AIAB430,31 NRC 343 (1990) d i

effect of licanang board view of, en basic suucame of prweeding; AIAB 931,31 NRC 350 (1990)

NRC, when owneniup has been trenafersed without cansas of NRC; IRPW7,31 NRC 116 (1990)

IEAQtA111 fran enemmered depasal con for thanum adu taihngs; 13P49,31 NRC 150 ONO) 67 4

.= -


d l

IE!17.RS OP AGREEMFXT sospo et sonended issues; 13P 9012, 31 NRC 427 (1990) wth asheals and edieal,- -

. ClJ-963,31 NRC 219 (1990)



ensamsi, v6sieben of; DD943,31 NRC 595 (1990)


far, ALAB429,31 NRC 271 (1990)

IJCENSEE ganhAssaiens to handle oracial auslast mesenals; IEP 9410,31 NHC 293 (1990)

IJCENSEE EMPIDYBBS laes heuressman named en fear of sesaheesen Inun bemess; IJP 945,31 NRC 73 (1990) suprinsis assinst, for apartuis enfay ounouras; DD-941,31 NRC 327 (1990) sustrissima en sepetag of asfety emosras through entlement osamment; ClJ 941,31 NHC 131 (1990)

IJCENSENS eespoons peress and eMg salatimshign; AIAB 931,31 NRC 350 (1990) isensier of ownsehsp, censunees en; 1AP 947, 31 NRC 116 (1990)

IJCENSES temster er esdyuussa d AIAlt-931,31 NRC 350 (1990)

IJCENSING BOARDS authertay to safer sulings; AIAB-929,31 NRC 271 (1990) diassuaan in smanaging,

.. AIAB 93% 31 NHC 371 (1990) view of own kdadunien, sifact an basic esmerwe of pauseding; ALAB 931,31 NRC 350 (1990)

MATERIAIS ACCOUNTABilJIY by phnehen psossesses and fust fabriosiaan facility; 13P 9410,31 NitC 293 (1990).


to allow dispend of thanen mill teihnes in menssad abspanel onll; IJP-949,31 NRC 150 (1990) to depose of thesiusa sniU tanings in ensmaand ekspeal cell; AIAB 928,31 NRC 263 (1990)

Mall!RIA!J IJCENSE SUSPENSION PROCEEIMNOS applioshihty of Equal Aceses to Justias Act to; AIAB429,31 NRC 271 (1990) -

MEDICAL SERVICES of segulsiory sequimenense far, AIAB-93% 31 NRC 371 (1990)

' Will TAllJN05 therhus, duramal in enginemed dispneal cell; AIAB-928,31 NRC 263 (1990)

MOTION TO REOPEN en pomposed openums license ornandesns application, denist d; 13P-94131 NRC 38 (1990)

M0110N310 STRIKE in leformal ;.

. - 12P 9010,31 NieC 293 (1990); ISP tall,31 NRC 320 (1990)

NATIONAL ENVIRONMlWTAL POlJCY ACT essmanac issues in eenadesena of shernseves; AIAB 924,31 NRC 263 (1990)

EIS for plares liemand prior to suus's enanment; DD942,31 NRC 461 (1990) awisonnussel esport sugnimmons for ccnstruction paiad secepean ememimsmas;IDP-946,31 NRC 85 (1990) acenang beesd decision as snenshnent of Snsl

_m tal asasenens; AIAB-936,31 NitC 1 (1990)


sensas and speouleuve avess; ClJ-944,31 NRC 333 (1990) worst-ense analysis; ClJ-944,31 NRC 333 (1990)



. in ensanled amuses, handhas of; IAP'9418,31 NRC 559 (1990) l NElfrit0N PLUENCE effect en naciar venssi, ISP-944,31 NRC 54 (1990)

NIL DUCll1JTY TRANSfl10N nisease esenperswo for, IJP-944, 31 NRC 54 (1990).

es i.

I r

l I





iniestehty of;IDP'946,31 NitC 85 0990)

'1 en todudsel., "

shmes; 1APMI5,31 NRC 5010990)

' NOTIrm,ATION of NRC et transfer of focaisy _

. aquiremmes for, IAPM7,31 NRC 116 09eo)


et puhhc of sedudselent emergency,

et opphcom's plan wnh sepuleinry T 1APMI,31 NRC 19 0990) of eradal fecuniss in en anagency; CUM 3,31 NRC 219 (1990)

' NkC FTAlf pen hearing WW of issues; CUM 3,31 NRC 219 (1990)

NUQFAR PROIRERATION CONCERNS u bens for esemens in informal psummedme, IAP-Bil,31 NitC 559 (1990)



ausharky to west espasens esermees annius es one fu purposes of ngulaien; ALAB-931. 31 NRC 350 (1990) enfeemmes of :-N

. CU#1. 31 NItc 1310990) prisduaien whee ownenhip has been esentarsed whhne sensam of NRCI 1APW7,31 NRC 116 0 990)

.-, aushmeirr, QJM3,31 NRC 219 0990) i l


sudense en omsugency nupenas pasanant sensuress; AIAB-93131 NRC 3710990) f gudsase en sweeustian time estimsaas; ALAB-93% 31 NRC 3710990)

OPPldAL N(TIl01 l

et sians enerosacy sepanse plan; ALAB-932,31 NRC 371 (1990) -

OPERATING IJCENSE AMENDMiiNT changs in *61 spacinesman fa pressureAsmperatus luuhs; 13PM4,31 NRC 54 0990)-

eensuuesia period sucepiuse; 12PM6,31 NRC 85 0990) for A=ra==1 et A-esnanted weier et TMI-2; A1AR-926,31 NRC 1 (1990) bearing sighas en; IAPM15,31 NRC 501 (1990)-

wkhdiswel of :

- far, IAPM2,31 NRC 38 0990) -

OPERA 11NO IJCENSE PROCEEDINGS J, peduncy of suymans monian befase ens board as escuse for unsenely Aling af motion to sempen befase the asher boasd; ALAB-927,31 NRC 137 0990)


% offect of appeal bosni decisien of; A1AB-93% 31 NRC 3710990)

'. podeng - cf sanand psoceedes; CUW3,31 NRC 219 0990)

ORDFAS wiinen, in infinimal proceedungs; QJM3,31 NRC 337 0990)

PufTONIUM disresunen than,di $se or esplosion, nedet of; 13P'Sil,31 NRC 559 0990) l Imluid, bandhne et 300'C; 1APM10,31 NRC 293 0990) j posessman bt fem af semanunaison; ISP#10,31 NRC 393 (1990) nimenu ahnhas A s; 12PWl0,31 NRC 293 (1990) eeune pashoging for shipines of; ISPM10,31 NRC 293 (1990)

POf4JLAT10N DEN!!TY sansideraties in eiscial euclear mensrials license senewal prug; 1APW10,31 NRC 293 (1990);

12PM11,31 !!RC 320 0990)

PREDICTIONS of hapact of enginmuod A=pa==1 cell for thisium snill taihnes, namre of suppetmg analyses for.

12P#9,31 NRC 150 0990)

PRE 55URE/ TEMPERA 1URE UMTTS l-fcr senaer vuemmis; U1PM4,31 NRC 54 0990) 69 I

l es.---

n n

.,n e


- SUHJECT INDEX fitE35URIZI2) WAlliR REACTOR caminned lenh fa thwinal power, possuruer possure, and highesi operating naar coolans temperatum; -

1APM16,31 NRC 509 0990),

enade suhutaan requunnenas, disnes in; IDP-9416,31 NRC 509 (1990) outage time far one dannel d best tracing: LAPM16,31 NRC 509 (1990)

PR08ABl1JTI1C RISK ASSESSMENT for Big Red Point; D&962,31 NRC 461 (1990)

PROOl' Ses Smden of Pmd PR0lliCIIVE MFASURf3 nearim, far bene populations; IBP 90-20, 31 Nik"' 581 (1990)

PR0!?CI1VE ORDER to stay enfaresmas of administrative subpoens, denial of; CJMt. 31 NRC 1310990)

QUAIJfY ASSURANCE appheebility to,

puosseing and fuel fabriostim facihties; IAPW10,31 NRC 293 0990)

.j RAIXATION DIfl1CI10N in anG and water, asses far, IAPM10,31 NRC 293 0990) -

RADIA110N h0NTIURINO EQUIPMENT with sustian 2.1233(c), ISPM10,31 NRC 293 0990) l, RADIOACI1VE DOSE in weekas; DD942,31 NRC 4610990) l RADIOACI1VE WASTF. IDW lJ: VEL j

land deposal ef; D&942,31 NRC 4610990)


for ph==i pmossang and fust fabacation facility; 1RP 90-10,31 NRC 293 0990) l RADWAYTE $YrrEMS I

J l

et Big Rock Pent; DD94% 31 NRC 4610990)

REACIVR C00 TANT SYSTEM basen annomtation; IEPWik 31 NRC 509 0990)

REACTOR OPERA 1DR quah6esties, empest to reapon record on; CUW3,31 NRC 219 0990)

REACf0R VESSEtJ puseumAsmpersiano lemts for,13PM4,31 NRC 54 0990) 1 RECONSIDERATION of sisy pendene lite of immedians onectiwness of enfastament order,13PM8,31 NRC 143 (1990)

REFERRAL OF RULINOS by hemsing bosnh, authority fer, AIAB-929,31 NRC 2710990)

REOU1ATIONS ehallenges in; ISPM4,31 NRC 54 0990) =

,l inampostasian of " aspect" in 10 Cf.R. 2.714; IEP'946,31 NRC 85 (1990)


' et 80 C.F.R. 50.47(s)(2); AIAB-932,31 NRC 3710990) inser'seastian of 10 CIA 50.47(h); C1JW2,31 NRC 197 (1990) l r

interpseistice of 10 Cf.R. 50.47(bX12); AIAB-93131 NRC 371 (1990)

.j interposetian of 10 CIA Pan 40, Appenda A. Criterian 1; 13P 949,31 NRC 150 0990) i inserpsmation of 10 CIA Pws 50, Appendia E; AIAB-932,31 NRC 3710990) methods nf carryhanos with; 1RP 944,31 NRC 54 0990)

'l waiver of' QJM2,31 NRC 197 0990) l REMAND eftert on hcanes sushmiration; C1JW3,31 NRC 219 (1990)


i RiiOPENING A RiiCORD apphcetaan of Swfacts test for admissian of late Eled statanties to snatian ins; IBP 901,31 NRC 19 0 990) i evidanuary suppet supiret for CLIM6,31 NRC 443 (1990) i i

h j


i en opassier r "

- dwing low-power imming; C1J#3,31 NRC 219 0990) '

4 siended for gros of imannely munie for, AIAB 927, St NRC 137 (1990) siendeses far, ALAB 930,31 NRC 343 0990); AIAB-933,31 NRC 4910990X CUM 6,31 NRC 483 (1990h IAP#l,31 NRC 19 0990k 1APM12,31 NRC 427 (1990) tunehness of munisms far, QJM6,31 NRC 483 (1990); IAP#12,31 NRC 427 0990)

REPORT 1NO RBQUIREMFAT5 for tremier d faenity ownership; 12P#7,31 NRC 116 0990)


, L'

,, hd for, AIAB-931,31 NRC 350 (1990) af show-eemse desersninstian, sended fer, IAPMIT,31 NRC 540 (1990)

Ses also launseems B0esteveness Review REVIEW, APPEllA7E

,i soaps ef; AIAW932,31 NRC 3710990),

eiendases d; AIAB-94 31 NRC 10990) ~

weighs sinn to hommh s band Anangs; AIAB-926,31 NRC 1 (1990) l i


dwing essef-earvice tiene for poussanand weier senciar, IAPW16,31 NRC 509 (1990)

RUIDhfAKINOS fenen for, ClJM2,31 NRC 197 (1990)


  • - - ^

edW et --i essenmig need for Els for -

period seospume IAPM6,31 NRC 85 (1990) -

appeal bensd ausherity to soview refersed ndings; AIAB-929,31 NRC 2710990) appeal band decimens, effect en hennes

AIAB 932,31 NRC 371 (1990) appeal bend siended for evenurnus a bcmeing boasd's Sadings; AIAB 926,31 NRC 1 (1990) appenses soview, scope of; AIAB-932,31 NRC 3710990) burden of gains forwad to suppet cessannen egyasing hcense er unendrnant; AIAB 926,31 NRC 1-0 990)

Inaden ei snesses for esey; AIAB-928, Si NRC 263 (1990) burent e opponent of suonary dispadtion; IDP 944,31 NRC 54 0990) chaumigos to Cemenissim segulaties: ClJM2,31 NRC 197 0990); IAPM4, St NRC 54 (1990) -

comesmee h w upsisunenas; 1APM16,31 NRC 509 0990) -

cdaaria for sisy of agency assia; 12P#8,31 NRC 143 0990)

- ; funds; QJM3,31 NRC 219 0990)

, veview; AIAB-931,31 NRC 350 (1990) amagency plansung standants for licane autharizatimi; QJM3,31 NRC 219 0990) eviduaisry esppet supiired for a to reapan; C1JM6,31 NRC 483 0990) sapen weenasses, weight given to tenkaany of; AIAB 932,31 NRC 3710990) -

Federal Regimer ruhhcotian as sufscises notice far purpose of tirnely *.

12PM5,31 NRC '

73 0 990)

-1 Anality of dommens; AIAB 933,31 NRC 4910990) hesseenens and hawai, des-sequisuniones;1AP#16,31 NRC 509 0990) besabig Ries, emessas ef; IDPM22,31 NRC 592 0990) bearing vapsiremene for niennians licenssa; AIAB-929,31 NRC 2710990) benedisse effectinnese review, enset an appeal beard desiciens; AIAB-932,31 NRC 3710990) inaneeste effeedvanes review, purpens ef; QJ#3,31 NRC 219 0990) injury hi-fact showing to obtain seending; 13F9018,31 NRC $59 0990) innarest., '

- et 10 CIA 1714; 12PW4,31 NRC 85 0990) interlocuanry appeals via deused camincetian, tems for, AIAB-933,31 NRC 4910990) inirlocusery soview of _,,

order connected with Amt order; AIAB-931,31 NRC 350 0990)


-d inierpsmetion e( 10 CIA 1730(c); AIAB-931,31 NRC 350 0990)

Jurisdiction maings niet damernune a pony's mens in en enforcanent procemies; AIAB-931,31 NRC 350 0 990) 71 f






law imarvessum, good esues far, IBPMS,31 NRC 73 0990) leie Anad -

' - CUW6,31 NRC 483 0990) 7 l

besse assherueden paneng _

of menand procesang; CUM 3,31 NRC 219 0990) baieshilisy af eeniAems baasses emadmanas R _

12PM6,31 NRC 85 (1990) nundstory must, manded for gass of; CUM 3,31 bgtC 219 (1990)

A to suiks bi luformal,.

_;; IAP#10,31 NRC 393 (1990); 12P#11,31 NRC 320 i

0 990) nuhiple band pensesdags, padecy of en nuaian befase ens based as ensues for untimely Ahas of smedan to suspen baten the asher basal; A1AB 927,31 NRC 137 (1990) ofEcial assise of einie ausresney se plan; ALAB-932,31 NRC 3710990) t aghemal standes in informal ;-

'" swadm4 basis far, IAPM16,31 NRC 509 0990).

secord suppen suyahed in appelisw brists; ALAB-926,31 NRC 1 (1990) sospanies a smousd, ariseria for. ALAB-933,31 NRC 4910990); CUM 6,31 NRC 483 0990) -

suspains of senerd en new infersneuei; AIAB-930,31 NRC 343 (1990) eedsuma a9--ae !APM10,31 NRC 393 (1990); QJMS,31 NRC 337 0990) show-eeues peessedags as e vehicle for solisigstion of lasues; DE>90k2,31 NRC 4610990) senadasd far soview of show-eeuse dessen:imaniai; 12P'417,31 NRC 540 (1990) sisadeses te senpaning a suomd; ALAB-927,31 NRC 137 (1990) sian% to lasarves in dooansmissiming prooms&as; ISPM3, St NRC 40 0990) sisadas to bearvues in opereeing lissase amendment procemens; IJPM6,31 NRC 85 (1990) standuqs to bearvens in Subpan L pr-ahre IAP418,31 NRC 559 0990) sisy of asumey eeden: A1AB 931,31 NRC 350 0990)'

i swy poeng appest; AIAB 928,31 NRC 363 0990); QJM3,31 NRC 219 0990) sisy sequest when informanen sehnera io need for may is not evolishne; IEP#18,31 NRC 559 0 990) senmary afersmanos, motions far, ALAB-933,31 NRC 491 (1990) i seemary shapaaltion naties; AIAB-932,31 NRC 371 (1990) -

senmary disposiden, purpee of,13P 904,31 NRC 54 (1990) thnebnsus of nimiens to soapan; QJ#6,31 NRC 483 0990) tiening of weinen quantians in informal psossedings; CUMS,31 NRC 337 (1990) wolver of inqueparty briefed issums; AIAB 936,31 NRC 10990) weight given to beennns bened 6n6nes by appast beards; AIAB-926,31 NRC 10990)-.

withdasal of basis for man &ng by manlawyer; 12PMI6,31 NRC 509 (1990) wnnen eseme bi informal besanas; CUM 5,31 NRC 337 (1990)



i adminstresive jaulge's involvernens in; CUMS,31 NRC 337 0990) beween NRC staff and lesenses; 13PM14,31 NRC 454 0990)'


defenal of emivisies in a procemens in allow for negatistians; 13PM21,31 NRC !?e (1990) sonnetaan et empinyes's shility to repan enfany caicorns; CUMI,31 IT 131 (1990) j SIIELTERINO of transient beach populations; 13P 9042,31 NRC 427 (1990); LBPM30,31 NRC 5810 90);

CU E3,31 NRC 219 (1990)

SilOW CAUSE PROCEEDINOS as e vehide for sehugeuan of issues; D0%2,31 NRC 461 (1990) standesd for kniinaian of, DIAM 1,31 NRC 327 0990)

SoviinfuGN IMMUNITY waiver et, ALAB-929, St NRC Ut 0990)


in bifonnel pieceeAns, duquatincation af; tap'%3,31 NRC 40 0990) '

SPECIAL I%CI111W.S nati6 cation in an energency; CUM 3,31 NRC 219 (1990)

L 72 o

i l

i R-m a


- m A.

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-I ho. ass 7-to hones;13PM10,31 NRC 293 0990) pasassem in fans of -

12P410,31 NitC 293 0990) i SPECIAl-NEEDS POPULA110NS owwy edeguacy, for senegency piennug gnupasse; 12PM12,31 NRC 427 (1990) hh of CU#3,31 NRC 219 0990).

l SPlWT PUBL POOL EXfWNSION accidens sensiemetiens hi; QJM4,3I NRC 333 (1990)


i ebenest eenseras or acedenac isessest es basis far,13PM6,31 NRC 85 0990)

- j l

in -

' ; pseessese; 13P43,31 NRC 40 (1990) in aparating beanse amenement presse6ms; 13P 904,31 NRC 35 (1990) in)mry-nn-fest showing to obsain; 13PM18,31 NRC 559 (1990) l

' '. basis for 13P 9016,31 NRL 509 0990) i to beervens in infennal pseemedags; 13PM18,31 NRC 559 0990)

I l

whhessent of.

_?s basis fe, by manlawyer; 13PM14 31 NRC 509 (1990)

STATES standmig to hearves; 13PM6,31 NRC 85 0990)

IrTAY er ogsary assias, asheria fe gram af; AIAB 931,31 NRC 350 (1990) burdet of peneussian em newem far, AIAB-928,31 NRC 30 0990) criesris for gent of;12PMS,31 NRC 143 0990) inepuebis injury standesd; QJ#3,31 NRC 219 0990) pendune has of barnadases eNeceiveness of enfasoament order, ncendessiian af; 13P48,31 NRC 143 0 990) pendu s appeal; QJ#3,31 NRC 219 (1990) request far, when bifersnanan salasent to need far stay is not eveIlable; ISP#il,31 NRC 559 -

0 990) -


J., enfansment et, C1J#1. 31 NRC 1310990)


AFMRMANCE vehicle for seeking maries depasition; AIAB 933,31 NRC 4910990) l


DISPOSfTION burde e oppansat of. AIM 932,31 NPC 3710990); 13P-90-4,31 NRC 54 (1990)


purpass d; 13P44,31 NRC 54 0990) -

5UMMARY UCENSB SUSPEN510N standesd for soview of; 12P#17,31 NRC 540 (1990)


- ; af; A1AB-932,31 NRC 371 (1990)


mae knuu; 13P-90 4,31 NRC 54 0990) conians ef; 13P-9015,31 NRC 5010990) cycis oped6c case aparaums bmits and asher cycle 4pecine fuel information, samaval from; 13P 9015, 31 NRC 5010990) 17.!En(ERAPY UNT!3


niemeensnee activisies by mhcensed butividuals: 13PM17,31 NRC 540 0990).

TEWEllATURE for mil dussihey transitaan; 12P-904 31 NRC 54 (1990)

TERMINATION OF PROCEEDINO becauss of wnhdrewal of inservener,13PM13,31 NRC 456 0990) 1T.513 Charpy V-notch, for fiacium taughnses; 12P 90 4,31 NRC 54 (1990) 73 i

h 4





&spenst in empneared 6speal cell; ALAB428,31 NRC 263 (1990); LEPM9,31 NRC 150 (1990) 11tANSMrT*I11RS Rosemaeus, defuses im; ALAB-930,31 Nhc M3 (1990); QJ,946,31 NRC 483 (1990)

TRANSPOftTATION SERVICES smagemey, hW of individials needes; QJMS, St NIIC 219 (1990)


af enknist hemes e'==da'a u; DDM3. 31 NRC M (1990)

WAIVNt of mise er sagahe QJM2,31 NRC 197 (1990) et esseseipi innemity, esmsuuction et Equal Access to Justice Act far, A1AB429,31 NRC 271 -



i oveparaman by issued heating of necident generenad woner at TMI-2; AIAB 926,31 NRC 1 (1990) et sharmen main teihny in anpassed dupesal eeu; ALAB-928,31 NRC 263 (1990) of absstum miu inihnes in supnemed despenal esD; IAP 949,31 NitC 130 (1990)


sasidsseW at TMI 2, despeen) of; ALAB-926,31 NRC 1 (1990) f Ses also Ossendweest WHIFI12BIDWNt3 suprisek againsi; DDMI, St NRC 377 (1990)

WRIT OF MADAMUS standesd for great ef; QJM3,31 NRC 219 (1990) i e




l N

f l:



l k



FACILITY INDEX 1110 ROCK POINT PLANT; Dodet Na 54155 REQUEST POR ACrlON; May 4,199% DIRECTOR'S DECISION UNDER 10 Cf,R. 6 2.206; DDM2,31 NRC 461 (1990)

BIDOMSilURO STill DECONTAMINATION; Ducket Nas, 030 05980, 034 05951, 034 05982, 030 08335, 034 08444 ENIORCEMENT ACflON; lanuary 29, 1990; ORDI;R (Demying Motions to Danuss NRC Orders issued March 16, 1989, and August 21, 1989, for lack of Junsdsenon); IEP-90w7,31 NRC 116 (1990) l ENFORCEMENT ACrlON; Fehruary 8,1990; ORDER; IJIP-90 8,31 NRC 143 (1990)



54317, 54318 f

MATERIA 13 IJCENSE; May 15, 1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (terminatim of Pmeeedmg); 12P-9413,31 NRC 456 (1990) l DIAlllD CANYON NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, Uniis 1 and 2, Dodet Nos. 54275 A,54323-A ANITTRUYT; June 14, 1990; DIRECTOR'S DECISION UNDER 10 Cf.R. 6 2.206; DD-943, 31 NRC 595 (1990)

ONE FACTORY ROW, GENEVA, Oli 44041; Ddet Na 3016055-SP SPECIAL litOCEEDINO; March 30, 1990; DECISION; ALAB-929,31 NRC 2710990)

SUSPENSION OF IJCENSE; June 12, 1994 MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Orendng NRC Staff Mauan fa Surnmary Disposiuon and Terminsung Proceeding); LBP-9417,31 NRC 540 0990)

PATilFIMDER ATOMIC PLANT; Dudas Na 34050M-MIA MATERIAIJ llCl!NSE AMENDMENT; January 10, 1990; MEMORANIX.'M AND ORDER (Request for lleanna); LEP 943,31 NRC 40 (1990)


Pl;RRY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, Unit 1; Ducket Na 54440 OLA OPGLATING IJCliNSE AMrNDMENT; June 11, 1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDliR (Granung t'etition to intervene); IJ1P-9015, 31 NRC Sol (1990)

ROCirtTil)YNE DIVISION, Docket Na 7425 MATT. RIAL 3 IJCENSE AMENDMENT; March 19, 1990; MEMORANDUM AND OkDER (Mouan to Strike), LEP 9410, 31 NRC 293 (1990)

MA1T.RIAIJ (JCENSE AMENDMENT; March 30, 1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDFR (Recmsidersuon-llomemiises and 1APSRX IEP-9411,31 NRC 320 (1990) l MATER!AIJ LJCENSE AMENDhGiNT; April 13, 1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER, CIJ-945, l

31 NRC 337 (1990) 51 ADROOK STATION, Units I and 2; Ducket Nos. 54443 OL, 504M OL OPERATING LJCENSE; January 8,1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Ruhng m Imervmorf Mauons to Admit a late-Filed Contention and Reopen the Reconi Based upon the Withdrawal of the Menachusetts ILilS. Network and WCOY); IEP-901,31 NTC 19 (1990) 75

FACILITY INDEX OPERATING UCENSE; January 9,1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Denying traervenas' Enon to Range Reenrd Regarding Pic;msed Amendment to Operanns Ucense Appbcaden);

IBP 942,31 NRC 33 (1990)

OPERAUNO UCENSE; February 26, 1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER; AIAB-927,31 NRC 137 (1990)

OPERATING trtNSE; March 1,1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER CUM 2,31 NRC 197 (1990X CUM 3,31 NRC 219 (1990)

OPERATING UCENSE; May 3,1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Ruhng en Certain Remanded and Referred lasues); 12P 9412,31 NRC 427 (1990)

OPERATING UCENSE; May 31.1990; DECISION; AIAB-932,31 NRC 371 (1990)


- (1990) -

OPERATING UCENSE; June 8,1990; ORDIA; CUW6,31 NRC 483 (1990)

OPIRATINO UCENSE; Jew W,1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Followirig Prehearing Confmancek UIP-9420,31 NRC 581 (1990) i SEABROOK STATION, Units I and 2. Docket No. 50-443 01r15444441 1 -



SOUril1EXAS PROJF4T, Uniu I and 2; Ducket Nos. 54448, 50 449 ENIORCEMENT ACTION; February 8,1990; ORDER; QJMI,31 NRC 131 (1990)




TURKEY POINT NUCIIAR GENERATING PLANT, Uniu 3 and 4; Dncket Nos. 54250, 54251 REQUEST IOR ACTION; Man:h 22, 1990; DIRECIDR'S DFCISION UNDER 10 C.F.R. 6 2.206; DDMI,31 NRC 3D (1990)

TURKEY POINT NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT, Unha 3 and 4; Ducket Nos. 54250-OlA.4, 54251oLA-4 OPERA 11NO UCENSE AMENDMENT; January 16, 1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Ruling an Etion fa Sumnury Disp <sinon and Dismisaal of Proceedina); UlP 944,31 NRC 54 (1990)

OPERATING UCENSE AMENDMENT; January 16, 1990; MEMORANDUM AND ORDElt (Denying Paunan to traervene); LBP-945,31 NRC 73 (1990)

TURKEY OINT NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT, Uniu 3 and 4; Docket Nos. 542540LA 5, 1


- Confe ence Order. Parnes and Conuntions); ISP 9416,31 NRC 509 (1990)




en Petiden for lasve to Intervens FUed by the Suns of Vermont); ISP 946,31 NRC 45 (1990).

i WETT OllCA00 RARE EARTils FAQUTY; Docket Na 442061.ML l-MA1T.RIA13 UCENSE AMENDMENT; February 13,1990, INT!1AL DECISION (Ruling m All l

Remaining lasues); UlP.949,31 h1tC 150 (1990) i MATERIALS UCENSE AMENDMENT; March 27, 1990; MEMORANDUM; AIAB-928,31 NRC +

263 (1990)

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