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INFORMATION REPORT MAY 17, 2021                                                        SECY-21-0052 FOR:                          The Commissioners FROM:                          Catherine Haney Assistant for Operations Office of the Executive Director for Operations
WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - WEEK ENDING MAY 7, 2021 CONTENTS                                                                Enclosure Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer                                    A Office of the Chief Information Officer                                      B Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation                                        C Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards                            D Office of the Secretary                                                      E Miotla, Sherri signing on behalf of Haney, Cathy on 05/17/21 Catherine Haney Assistant for Operations, OEDO CONTACT: Sara Mroz, OEDO 301-415-2900
ML21133A144                      *via e-mail OFFICE            OEDO*                  OEDO/AO*
NAME              SMroz                  CHaney DATE              05/13/2021            05/17/2021 Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer (OCHCO)
Items of Interest Week Ending MAY 7, 2021 ARRIVALS CARLSON, JESSE              REACTOR ENGINEER                            RES CASTO, MARY                STUDENT INTERN                              NSIR CRAIG, CARON                ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT                    NSIR ECK, THOMAS                PHYSICAL SECURITY INSPECTOR                  R-I HALLORAN, ANDREW            HEALTH PHYSICIST                            R-II HERRERA, THI                ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT                    NRR KAWASMI, MOHANNED          HEALTH PHYSICIST                            R-IV MURPHY, LAUREN              ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT                    OGC SALTUS, BRADEN              STUDENT INTERN                              NMSS SMITH, CANDY                MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT                        R-III RETIREMENTS TUCKER, SHARON D.          ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT                    NSIR DEPARTURES NONE MAY 17, 2021                                                      ENCLOSURE A
Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO)
Items of Interest Week Ending MAY 7, 2021 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act (PA) Requests and Appeals Received During the Period of April 30 - May 7 Tracking    Requesters    Requesters                  Request Description                  Received Number          Name        Organization              as submitted by requester                Date 2021-000152  Paul Blanch                    A copy of the "Controlled Document 90216"        04/30/21 referenced in ML20343A228, "Defueled Safety Analysis Report (DSAR) 2021-000153  Julissa                        Documentations pertaining to regulations on      05/03/21 Martinez                        nuclear bombs tested in testing sites, as the radiation may affect the location around it such as human habitat.
2021-000154  Lauren        Sierra Club      All communications between named                  05/04/21 Hogrewe                        individual and other staff at [Department of Energy] DOE or any outside individual, during his current employment with DOE and during his prior employment period from approximately May 2017 through February 2018, and between named individual and officials and staff from DOE during any period, beginning January 2017, in which individual was not officially employed at DOE; and all calendars of individual, and sign-in sheets or other records memorializing attendance at any meetings, during his prior employment with DOE, and from the date of his current official employment to and including the date of fulfillment of this request 2021-000155
* 2021-000156  Mark H.                        A copy of named individual's proof of course      05/05/21 Graff                          completion, transcripts, and Certifications for any acquisition-related courses or COR
[Contracting Officers Representatives]
Certification obtained while employed at NRC, date range is July 1, 2013 to September 1, 2015 2021-000157  Anjelica N. Dugan,          All transcripts and/or audio recordings of        05/05/21 Harden-        McKissick &      interviews that are part of NRC OI case 1-Ivanoski      Longmore        2020-012 2021-000158  Susan                          Questions submitted regarding Privacy Act        05/06/21 Montesi                        and FOIA requests being made public
    *2021-000155 was permanently deleted as a duplicate entry of 2021-000154.
MAY 17, 2021                                                                      ENCLOSURE B
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR)
Items of Interest Week Ending MAY 7, 2021 NRC Issued Subsequent Renewed Operating Licenses for Surry Power Station, Units 1 and 2 On May 4, 2021, the NRC staff issued the subsequent renewed operating licenses for Surry Power Station, Units 1 and 2 (Surry), authorizing operation for an additional 20 years beyond the current license expiration dates. The subsequent renewed licenses expire on May 25, 2052, and January 29, 2053, for Surry Units 1 and 2, respectively. Surry is the third plant to receive subsequent renewed licenses. In total, six units now have subsequent renewed licenses.
NRC Conducted the Annual Agency Action Review Meeting (AARM)
On May 5, 2021, the NRC conducted the annual AARM. Senior agency management from multiple offices participated in the meeting. As required by Management Directive (MD) 8.14, Agency Action Review Meeting, participants discussed nuclear materials and waste safety program trends, and self-assessment results for the Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) and the construction ROP. A Commission briefing on the results of the 2021 AARM is scheduled for June 10, 2021.
NRC Briefed Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) on Fusion Energy System Regulatory Options On May 6, 2021, the NRC staff briefed the ACRS Full Committee on the NRC staffs efforts to develop options for regulating fusion energy systems as discussed in the draft white paper entitled Preliminary Options for a Regulatory Framework for Fusion Energy Systems (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML21118A081). The ACRS members provided general feedback on the three options presented by the NRC staff with emphasis on the option of developing a new separate framework for regulating fusion. The NRC staff plans to solicit feedback through engagement with stakeholders and the ACRS as it continues to develop an options paper for Commission consideration.
NRC Held Public Webinar on Development of 10 CFR 53 On May 6, 2021, the NRC staff held a public webinar to provide an opportunity for an information exchange with external stakeholders on the NRCs development of the 10 CFR 53 preliminary proposed rule language for advanced nuclear reactors (ADAMS Accession No. ML21116A034). The NRC staff and stakeholders discussed new preliminary proposed rule language for Subpart A, "General Provisions, including section 53.020, Definitions, and portions of Subpart F, Requirements for Operation. The NRC staff and stakeholders also discussed previously released preliminary proposed rule language for Subparts B, Technology-Inclusive Safety Requirements, C, Design and Analysis Requirements, D, "Siting Requirements," and E, Construction and Manufacturing. Approximately 100 stakeholders attended the meeting, including representatives from Nuclear Energy Institute, United States Nuclear Industry Council, Union of Concerned Scientists, and advanced reactor developers.
Stakeholders provided varying perspectives for the NRC staff to consider. A related public meeting on security requirements for advanced nuclear reactors is planned for June 10, 2021.
MAY 17, 2021                                                                      ENCLOSURE C
NRC Hosted Public Meeting with Technical Specification Task Force (TSTF)
On May 6, 2021, the NRC staff and the industry-led TSTF conducted a regularly scheduled quarterly meeting (ADAMS Accession No. ML21118A814). NRC discussed improvements to the NRC staffs model Safety Evaluation of TSTF-505, Risk-Informed Completion Times, and staffs expedited approval of TSTF-577, "Revised Frequencies for SG Tube Inspections, to support fall outages. The TSTF discussed industry guidance for improvements to licensee Technical Requirements Manuals which will be provided to the NRC to improve oversight.
Additionally, industry plans to coordinate submittals for adoption of two approved travelers. This will improve the quality of submittals and improve NRC workload management. The next TSTF quarterly meeting will take place in August 2021.
MAY 17, 2021                                                                    ENCLOSURE C
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS)
Items of Interest Week Ending MAY 7, 2021 NRC Staff Held a Meeting on the Holtec International License Application On May 4, 2021, the NRC staff held a virtual meeting with staff of the Governor of New Mexico, and the Cabinet Secretary of the New Mexico Environment Department, to discuss the Holtec International license application for a consolidated interim storage facility in New Mexico. This meeting was requested as a follow-up to a March 12 briefing during which the NRC staff provided information on the overall licensing process and status of the ongoing review of the application. During the call on May 4, New Mexico officials sought additional information on the avenues available to the state to intervene in the adjudicatory proceeding. The NRC staff described the hearing process and the regulations applicable to governmental entities seeking to participate in it.
Criteria to Return Retired Nuclear Power Reactors to Operations: Petition for Rulemaking; Denial; 10 CFR Parts 50 and 52; [Docket Nos. PRM-50-117; NRC-2019-0063]
On May 6, 2021, the NRC published a notice in the Federal Register (86 FR 24362) denying a petition for rulemaking (PRM), submitted by George Berka (petitioner). The notice of docketing was published in the Federal Register on July 26, 2019 (84 FR 36036). The petition was assigned Docket No. PRM-50-117. The petitioner requested that the NRC allow the owner or operator of a nuclear power reactor an opportunity to return a retired facility to full operational status, even if the operating license for the facility had been surrendered previously. The NRC is denying the petition because the issue does not involve a significant safety or security concern, and the existing regulatory framework may be used to address the issue raised by the petitioner. The docket for the petition for rulemaking PRM-50-117 is closed on May 6, 2021.
Categorical Exclusions From Environmental Review: Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking; Request for Comment; 10 CFR Part 51 [NRC-2018-0300; RIN 3150-AK54]
On May 7, 2021, the NRC published an advance notice of proposed rulemaking in the Federal Register (86 FR 24514) to obtain input from stakeholders on its plan to amend NRC regulations on categorical exclusions for licensing, regulatory, and administrative actions that individually or cumulatively do not have a significant effect on the human environment. The NRC will consider public comments received on its potential changes and on questions related to categorical exclusions to inform a rulemaking that is planned for publication in fiscal year 2022. The NRC will hold a public meeting during the comment period to facilitate public participation.
Comments are requested by July 21, 2021.
MAY 17, 2021                                                                        ENCLOSURE D
Office of the Secretary (SECY)
Items of Interest Week Ending MAY 7, 2021 Document Released to Public              Date of      Subject Document Decision Documents
: 1. Staff Requirements Memorandum          05/06/21    Proposed Rule: NuScale Small SECY-21-0004                                      Modular Reactor Design Certification (RIN 3150-AJ98; NRC-2017-0029)
: 2. Commission Voting Record              05/06/21    Proposed Rule: NuScale Small SECY-21-0004                                      Modular Reactor Design Certification (RIN 3150-AJ98; NRC-2017-0029)
Information Papers
: 1. None Memoranda
: 1. None Commission Correspondence
: 1. Letter to the Honorable Edward Markey, et al., submits the NRC's Semiannual Status Report on the Licensing Activities and Regulatory Duties from October 1, 2020, through March 31, 2021, dated April 30, 2021 Federal Register Notices Issued
: 1. Criteria to Return Retired Nuclear Power Reactors to Operations (PRM-50-117; NRC-2019-0063)
: 2. 686th ACRS Meeting of the ACRS Full Committee on Reactor Safeguards - Notice of Meeting - June 2-4, 2021 MAY 17, 2021                                                                  ENCLOSURE E}}

Latest revision as of 13:59, 19 January 2022

SECY-21-0052: Weekly Information Report Week Ending May 7, 2021
Person / Time
Issue date: 05/17/2021
From: Catherine Haney
To: Jeff Baran, Annie Caputo, Christopher Hanson, David Wright
Sara Mroz, OEDO
Download: ML21133A144 (8)



INFORMATION REPORT MAY 17, 2021 SECY-21-0052 FOR: The Commissioners FROM: Catherine Haney Assistant for Operations Office of the Executive Director for Operations


WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - WEEK ENDING MAY 7, 2021 CONTENTS Enclosure Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer A Office of the Chief Information Officer B Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation C Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards D Office of the Secretary E Miotla, Sherri signing on behalf of Haney, Cathy on 05/17/21 Catherine Haney Assistant for Operations, OEDO CONTACT: Sara Mroz, OEDO 301-415-2900

ML21133A144 *via e-mail OFFICE OEDO* OEDO/AO*

NAME SMroz CHaney DATE 05/13/2021 05/17/2021 Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer (OCHCO)


Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO)

Items of Interest Week Ending MAY 7, 2021 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act (PA) Requests and Appeals Received During the Period of April 30 - May 7 Tracking Requesters Requesters Request Description Received Number Name Organization as submitted by requester Date 2021-000152 Paul Blanch A copy of the "Controlled Document 90216" 04/30/21 referenced in ML20343A228, "Defueled Safety Analysis Report (DSAR) 2021-000153 Julissa Documentations pertaining to regulations on 05/03/21 Martinez nuclear bombs tested in testing sites, as the radiation may affect the location around it such as human habitat.

2021-000154 Lauren Sierra Club All communications between named 05/04/21 Hogrewe individual and other staff at [Department of Energy] DOE or any outside individual, during his current employment with DOE and during his prior employment period from approximately May 2017 through February 2018, and between named individual and officials and staff from DOE during any period, beginning January 2017, in which individual was not officially employed at DOE; and all calendars of individual, and sign-in sheets or other records memorializing attendance at any meetings, during his prior employment with DOE, and from the date of his current official employment to and including the date of fulfillment of this request 2021-000155

  • 2021-000156 Mark H. A copy of named individual's proof of course 05/05/21 Graff completion, transcripts, and Certifications for any acquisition-related courses or COR

[Contracting Officers Representatives]

Certification obtained while employed at NRC, date range is July 1, 2013 to September 1, 2015 2021-000157 Anjelica N. Dugan, All transcripts and/or audio recordings of 05/05/21 Harden- McKissick & interviews that are part of NRC OI case 1-Ivanoski Longmore 2020-012 2021-000158 Susan Questions submitted regarding Privacy Act 05/06/21 Montesi and FOIA requests being made public

  • 2021-000155 was permanently deleted as a duplicate entry of 2021-000154.


Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR)

Items of Interest Week Ending MAY 7, 2021 NRC Issued Subsequent Renewed Operating Licenses for Surry Power Station, Units 1 and 2 On May 4, 2021, the NRC staff issued the subsequent renewed operating licenses for Surry Power Station, Units 1 and 2 (Surry), authorizing operation for an additional 20 years beyond the current license expiration dates. The subsequent renewed licenses expire on May 25, 2052, and January 29, 2053, for Surry Units 1 and 2, respectively. Surry is the third plant to receive subsequent renewed licenses. In total, six units now have subsequent renewed licenses.

NRC Conducted the Annual Agency Action Review Meeting (AARM)

On May 5, 2021, the NRC conducted the annual AARM. Senior agency management from multiple offices participated in the meeting. As required by Management Directive (MD) 8.14, Agency Action Review Meeting, participants discussed nuclear materials and waste safety program trends, and self-assessment results for the Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) and the construction ROP. A Commission briefing on the results of the 2021 AARM is scheduled for June 10, 2021.

NRC Briefed Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) on Fusion Energy System Regulatory Options On May 6, 2021, the NRC staff briefed the ACRS Full Committee on the NRC staffs efforts to develop options for regulating fusion energy systems as discussed in the draft white paper entitled Preliminary Options for a Regulatory Framework for Fusion Energy Systems (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML21118A081). The ACRS members provided general feedback on the three options presented by the NRC staff with emphasis on the option of developing a new separate framework for regulating fusion. The NRC staff plans to solicit feedback through engagement with stakeholders and the ACRS as it continues to develop an options paper for Commission consideration.

NRC Held Public Webinar on Development of 10 CFR 53 On May 6, 2021, the NRC staff held a public webinar to provide an opportunity for an information exchange with external stakeholders on the NRCs development of the 10 CFR 53 preliminary proposed rule language for advanced nuclear reactors (ADAMS Accession No. ML21116A034). The NRC staff and stakeholders discussed new preliminary proposed rule language for Subpart A, "General Provisions, including section 53.020, Definitions, and portions of Subpart F, Requirements for Operation. The NRC staff and stakeholders also discussed previously released preliminary proposed rule language for Subparts B, Technology-Inclusive Safety Requirements, C, Design and Analysis Requirements, D, "Siting Requirements," and E, Construction and Manufacturing. Approximately 100 stakeholders attended the meeting, including representatives from Nuclear Energy Institute, United States Nuclear Industry Council, Union of Concerned Scientists, and advanced reactor developers.

Stakeholders provided varying perspectives for the NRC staff to consider. A related public meeting on security requirements for advanced nuclear reactors is planned for June 10, 2021.


NRC Hosted Public Meeting with Technical Specification Task Force (TSTF)

On May 6, 2021, the NRC staff and the industry-led TSTF conducted a regularly scheduled quarterly meeting (ADAMS Accession No. ML21118A814). NRC discussed improvements to the NRC staffs model Safety Evaluation of TSTF-505, Risk-Informed Completion Times, and staffs expedited approval of TSTF-577, "Revised Frequencies for SG Tube Inspections, to support fall outages. The TSTF discussed industry guidance for improvements to licensee Technical Requirements Manuals which will be provided to the NRC to improve oversight.

Additionally, industry plans to coordinate submittals for adoption of two approved travelers. This will improve the quality of submittals and improve NRC workload management. The next TSTF quarterly meeting will take place in August 2021.


Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS)

Items of Interest Week Ending MAY 7, 2021 NRC Staff Held a Meeting on the Holtec International License Application On May 4, 2021, the NRC staff held a virtual meeting with staff of the Governor of New Mexico, and the Cabinet Secretary of the New Mexico Environment Department, to discuss the Holtec International license application for a consolidated interim storage facility in New Mexico. This meeting was requested as a follow-up to a March 12 briefing during which the NRC staff provided information on the overall licensing process and status of the ongoing review of the application. During the call on May 4, New Mexico officials sought additional information on the avenues available to the state to intervene in the adjudicatory proceeding. The NRC staff described the hearing process and the regulations applicable to governmental entities seeking to participate in it.

Criteria to Return Retired Nuclear Power Reactors to Operations: Petition for Rulemaking; Denial; 10 CFR Parts 50 and 52; [Docket Nos. PRM-50-117; NRC-2019-0063]

On May 6, 2021, the NRC published a notice in the Federal Register (86 FR 24362) denying a petition for rulemaking (PRM), submitted by George Berka (petitioner). The notice of docketing was published in the Federal Register on July 26, 2019 (84 FR 36036). The petition was assigned Docket No. PRM-50-117. The petitioner requested that the NRC allow the owner or operator of a nuclear power reactor an opportunity to return a retired facility to full operational status, even if the operating license for the facility had been surrendered previously. The NRC is denying the petition because the issue does not involve a significant safety or security concern, and the existing regulatory framework may be used to address the issue raised by the petitioner. The docket for the petition for rulemaking PRM-50-117 is closed on May 6, 2021.

Categorical Exclusions From Environmental Review: Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking; Request for Comment; 10 CFR Part 51 [NRC-2018-0300; RIN 3150-AK54]

On May 7, 2021, the NRC published an advance notice of proposed rulemaking in the Federal Register (86 FR 24514) to obtain input from stakeholders on its plan to amend NRC regulations on categorical exclusions for licensing, regulatory, and administrative actions that individually or cumulatively do not have a significant effect on the human environment. The NRC will consider public comments received on its potential changes and on questions related to categorical exclusions to inform a rulemaking that is planned for publication in fiscal year 2022. The NRC will hold a public meeting during the comment period to facilitate public participation.

Comments are requested by July 21, 2021.


Office of the Secretary (SECY)

Items of Interest Week Ending MAY 7, 2021 Document Released to Public Date of Subject Document Decision Documents

1. Staff Requirements Memorandum 05/06/21 Proposed Rule: NuScale Small SECY-21-0004 Modular Reactor Design Certification (RIN 3150-AJ98; NRC-2017-0029)
2. Commission Voting Record 05/06/21 Proposed Rule: NuScale Small SECY-21-0004 Modular Reactor Design Certification (RIN 3150-AJ98; NRC-2017-0029)

Information Papers

1. None Memoranda
1. None Commission Correspondence
1. Letter to the Honorable Edward Markey, et al., submits the NRC's Semiannual Status Report on the Licensing Activities and Regulatory Duties from October 1, 2020, through March 31, 2021, dated April 30, 2021 Federal Register Notices Issued
1. Criteria to Return Retired Nuclear Power Reactors to Operations (PRM-50-117; NRC-2019-0063)
2. 686th ACRS Meeting of the ACRS Full Committee on Reactor Safeguards - Notice of Meeting - June 2-4, 2021 MAY 17, 2021 ENCLOSURE E