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{{#Wiki_filter:l lrimMIEllLewanananimmuwmamwretw@sweNxsw4TAbscMswramwemwjM I    Mnc Fons sie I    w                                                              CERTIFICATE CF C$MPLIANCE U.S. NUCLEAR REGUL i    loca n                                                      FOR RADIOACTIVE hlATERIALS PACKA2ES                                                                              g      ,
: s. PACJLAGE IDENTIF                R        d PAGEfa>WBER      e. TOTAL peted8ER PaGi$
1 s. CERTIFICATE                                        D REYlSaOpv        R l    2. PREAWOLE l
l        a. This certihcate is issued to certify that the pacitaging and contents desenbod in item 5 below, meets the apphcable safety standards set forth in Tith 10 Code of Federal Regulations Part 71,"Packaging and Transportat on of Radioactive Matertal."                                                                              )
l                                                                                                                                                                                I I        b. Thss certificate does not reheve the consagnor from comphance with any requirement of the regulations of the U S. Department of Transportation or other h
i            apphcable regulatory agencsos, including the government of any country through or into whech the package will be transported l                                                                                                                                                                                l l "==.=---======A_                                                                                                                                                                l Huclear Packaging, Inc.                                                      NUPAC application dated February 29, 1988' l            1010 South 336th Street                                                      as supplemented.                                                                      7 i                                                                                                                                                                                I l            Federal Way, WA 98003 l                                                                    -    SdsTbC/,                                  71-9159 ts of 10 CFR Part 71, as apphcab and tit str@tions specified below to is conditional upon fuththng ty i  5
                                                                % *                                                            * /sim                                                    l i
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q (a) Packaging                    h) s V
                                                                                                                                    , 4
I i
        ,I                    (1) Model@s. :'UdijPAC 14/190L, NUPAC 14/190M,LNUPA6 14/.190H, LN 14-170L,                                                                                !
i                                      /47                %              ,0M,andLN14-170V/f(
I (2) Des ription                        [g                              }          /
Stesi encased le'adkski ided'Calkh.for f                                        specific act            ity material.                          ! ''
l                                                                                                                                                                                l The inch-IH  casks  cavity:arb,ThelaMS-rightkcirddlar cylinder (ks conta'in a lead'thicknessw'ith i a I                                ranging froiOb25 tow 3 $ -thekcasId rsashd in 0.38'inchdhick inner                                                                              i !
I                                steel.Jhelland,0.88-ing                                    tk$ Ths top cover and                                                  !
I                                caskibottom are))pde grio                                  (teefiplatepranging irr' thickness from                                              l    !
l                                2.0 t~os3.0 inches? %The-                                dcWLHdkissecured(tothecylindrical                                                        i
        ,                                cask titidy,by eight',1-1/PYackrachet binders. An("op'tional secondary 2
l' i !
i                                lid is 'cenfered in the primaiy,A&tt's.'Each                              lid andk4/        securedsto' I
witheighG)il3/4-inch                    studsidpd                                lid fs}p'rovided          with the  a primary lid            I I
I                                Neoprene gas                    seal. The casks may be prov, iga %ith an optional 12-I                                gauge staini s steel liner (seal welded along all edges), an optional                                                                            l lid vent line with W pe                                  and an op'tfonal 3/4-inch drain line and                                              I l                                pipe plug. The ca M. a                          lug,/ide#yithPfourequallyspacedlifting/
re                                                                              tie-        I i
g                                down devices. The pri                                    l lidishfovidedwiththreeliftinglugsand                                                        I n
g                                  the optional secondary lid is provided with one lifting lug. The casks gross weights range from 49,200 to 65,200 pounds.                                                                                        l;,
l Model                                    00,      Lead Tk, Top Tk, Bottom Tk, Gross Wt, l                                Number                              inches        inches          inches            inches              pounds                              E I
I i                      h0 PAC 14/190L, LN 14-170L                              80.5            1.25              4.0            4.0                49,200                        El l                      NUPAC 14/190M, LN 14-170M NUPAC 14/190H, LN 14-170H 81.5 83.25 1.75 2.63 4.0 5.0 4.0 5.0 53,500 65,200 ll p;
l                                                                                                                                                                                  ,,
ii i                                                                                                                                                                                  1, i,    880621o463 880610                                                                                                                                                            i' PDR        ADOCK 07109159                                                                                                                                                  i l
C                                    ppg                                                                                                                                      g t....... -.. ~ ......................_.............. -
                  . cawrreswnwarerreaweswzetmava-13twiles_wssTiwrgswa i
conogrious tcontinuss)                                $>
jl      l q    Page 2 - Certificate No. 9159 - Revision No. 5 - Docket No. 71-9159                          pl I                                                                                              i i                                                                                              ;
i                                                                                              1
: 5.  (a)  (3) Drawings                                                                    l l
1 q                    Model Hos. NUPAC 14/190L, NUPAC 14/190ti, and NUPAC 14/190H                f, I
I                                                                                              ib The packages are fabricated in accordance with Nuclear Packaging,                    !
4, Inc. Drawing No. X-20-307-SNP, Sheets 1, 2 and 3, Revision No. A.          j!,
g l                    Model Nos. LN 14-170L, LN 14-170M, and LN 14-170H                              !
i 1                    The packages are fabricated in accordance with LN Tecanologies              1 6
i                    Corporation Drawing No. 5025-N-2005: Sheets 1 and 2, Revision No. O.
fp l
g        (b) Contents i                                                                                                  i8 I              (1) Type and form of material I                    (1) Dewatered, solids, or solidified watei, meeting the requirements          j      l l                          for low specific activity material, in secondary containers; or        ll 1
i i                  (ii) Activated solid components meeting the requirements for low                >
I                          specific activity material, .in secondary containers,                  lj>
i j
i (2) Maximum quantity of material per package l                                                                                                    b q
g                    Greater than Type A quantity of radioactive material which may contain          ll l 1                    fissile material provided the fissile material does not exceed the              hl i limits in 10 CFR 971.53. The' decay heat load is limited to 7 watts i                                                                                                        l i                    for the Model Nos. NUPAC 14/190L, NUPAC 14/190M, LN 14-170L, and                    ;
LN 14-170M; and 25 watts for the Model Nos. NUPAC 14/190H and                        l l
g                    LN 14-170H casks.
i                                                                                                        '
i    6.  (a) For any package;containing water and/or organic substances which could I              radiolytically generate combustible gases, determination must be made                ly N              by tests and measurements or by analysis of a representative package such l              that the following criteria are met over a period of time that is twice the expected shipment time:
yj g                                                                                                    li i g                                                                                                    n!
I              (i) The hydrogen generated must be limited to a molar quantity that would              Ei.
i l
be no more than 5% by volume (or equivalent limits for other inflam-mable gases) of the secondary contaiger gas void if present at STP
y    l l                    (i.e., no more than 0.063 g-moles /ft at 14.7 psia and 70 F); or                p    ;
i                                                                                                    I q            (ii) The secondary container and cask cavity must be inerted with a                    li  '
I                  diluent to assure that oxygen must be limited to 5% by volume in                hl N                  those portions of the package which could have hydrogen greater than 5%.
pl l                                                                                                    5 q
g            For any package delivered to a carrier for transport, the secondary                    Nl 1            container must be prepared for shipment in the same manner in which                  I i            determination for gas generation is made. Shipment period begins when                  [
R            the package is prepared (sealed) and must be completed within twice the              .,.
expected shipment time,                                                              f l                                                                                                  t i                                                                            .i.rwr-rw - - -
m-                                                  7
          ---KKK4=---KK4T2N2N8NNW8N8N* WAN8N1M M'8L1NRK E MA M ]
l                                            CONDITIONS (continued)                      .b
    !        Page 3 - Certificate No. 9159 - Revision No. 5 - Docket No. 71-9159 I
I l                                                                                        \
l        6.  (Continued)                                                                l 1
ll            (b) For any package shipped within 10 days of preparation, or within 10    'l I                  days after venting of drums or other secondary containers, the i                  determination in (a) above need not be made, and the time restriction in (a) above does not apply, l
    !        7. Maximum gross weight of the contents, secondary containers, and shoring i            is limited to 20,000 pounds.
I I        8. Except for close fitting contents, shoring inust be placed between            (
l            secondary containers and the cask cavity to minimize movement during          i g            normal conditions of transport.                                                >
I                                                                                            I I        9. The lid and shield plug lifting lugs must not be used for lifting the          i a            cask, and must be covered in transit.
l        10. The cask must be provided with either (or both) a drain line or a lid g
a vent line as shown in the drawing in order to provide a method to leak test the package.
l)k jh E
I i        11. In addition to the requirements of Subpart G of 10 CFR Part 71:                  l
(            (a) Prior to each shipment, the packaging Neoprene lid seals if opened        !h g                  (or if security seal is broken), must be inspected. The seals must      lE q                  be replaced with new seals if inspection shows any defects or every    1        ,
I                  twelve (12) months, whichever occurs first. Cavity drain and vent      l8 if!
I                  lines inust be sealed with appropriate sealant applied to the pipe plug threads.                  <
g  l l
M g            (b) Each packaging must meet the Acceptance Tests and Maintenance            lN  5 l
Program of:                                                                  k l
i q                                                                                            J Model Nos. NUPAC'14/190L, HUPAC 14/190M and NUPAC 14/190H                I l
l                  Section8.0oftheapplicationk      '
b N
Model Nos. LN 14-170L, LN 14-170M and LN 14-170H                        ;li i
i                                                                                          jh      .
I                  LN Technologies Corporation Procedures WM-036, Rev. A; WM-026, Rev. B    !
and; WM-013, Rev. F.                                                      l l l                                                                                                  '
l                                                                                            !    ,
q            (c) The package shall be prepared for shipment and operated in accordance      l    l I                  with the Operating Procedures of:                                        i i                                                                                              I:
l Model Nos. NUPAC 14/190L, NUPAC 14/190M and NUPAC 14/190H                  f l                  Section 7.0 of the application.
a i
i                Model Nos. LN 14-170L, LN 14-170M and LN 14-170H fi                LN Technologies Corporation Procedures WM-025, Rev. C.                      f{
i                                                                                            e}
ananananensreA l                                                                                                ,h l
l  '
l                                            conomons teontinues)                                '.
l q      Page 4 - Certificate No. 9159 - Revision No. 5 - Docket No. 71-9159                      lN h    l l                                                                                                .b      .
l      I                                                                                                if I                                                                                                    >l  ,
l      12. The ratchet binders on the cask lid must be torqued to 100 10 ft-lb.                    l 1                                                                                                    h 1      13. The cask body and each cask lid must be marked in accordance with 10 CFR                I    !
l            971.85(c).                                                                            b l                                                                                                    l I
: 14. The package authorized by this certificate must be transported on a motor vehicle, railroad car, aircraft, inland watercraf t, or hold or deck of a
y i            seagoing vessel assigned for the sole use of the licensee.                            p    4 I                                                                                                    b i      15. The package authorized by this certificate is hereby approved for use                    b under the general license provisions of 10 CFR 671.12.                                l l
l      16. Expiration date: May 31, 1993.                                                            !
I                                                                                                    l i                                              REFERENCES                                            I  1 I                                                                                                    i i      Nuclear Packaging Inc. application dated February 29, 1988.                                  l Supplement dated: April 19, 1988.                                                            !  I l
i                                                                                                    i  l I
i      NUS supplements dated:        November 22, 1985.                                              I i                                                                                                    i  '
LN Technologies Corporation supplement dated: February 16, 1988.                              l l                                                                                                      ,  ,
l i                                                      FOR THE U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION      i  l l                                                                                                    l  \
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Division of' Safeguards and                      I i
Transportation, NMSS                          P i
1                                                                      '
I              JUN 101988                                                                            >
Date:                            -
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.      p mRfGo
    /        q(og                          UNITED STATES l
y              g              NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION                            j g            ;y                        WASHINGTON, C C. 20555                          j
    \  *****
                #'                      Transportation Branch Ap3roval Record Model Nos. NUPAC 14/190L, NUPAC 14/19CM, NUPAC 14/190H, LN 14-170L, LN 14-170M and LN 14-170H Docket No. 71-9159 Revision No. 5 By application dated February 29, 1988, as supplemented, Nuclear Packaging Inc. requested renewal of Certificate of Compliance No. 9159 for the Model Nos. NUPAC 14/190L, NUPAC 14/190M and NUPAC 14/190H packages.          In support of the request for renewal the applicant submitted a consolidated application which incorporated those portions of the October 29, 1982 pplication, as supplemented, pertaining to the NUPAC 14/190 packaging series. The application also includes a new set of packaging drawings which address only the NUPAC 14/190 packaging series.
A review of the consolidated application confirmed that the application is complete and all appropriate supplement information has been incorporated.
The application has revised the drawings and safety analysis report to permit the use of ASTM A537 Class 1 plate material as an alternate to the ASTM A516 GP. 70 material specification. The drawing requires that material made to either specification be normalized as recommended by NUREG/CR-1815.          The drawing revisions also include small dimensional corrections and the addition of tolerances to some of the overall packaging dimensions.
By application dated February 16, 1988, LN Technologies Corporation requested renewal of Certificate of Compliance No. 9159 for the Model Nos. LN 14-170L, LN 14-17CM and LN 14-170H packagings. The application included the NUS supplements referenced by the existing certificate with the exce pion of the information in the November 22, 1985 supplement. Since the information in the November 22, 1985 supplement was not part of the consolidated application the certificate of compliance will continue to reference the NUS document. The applicant has changed the title blocks and the title pages of all NUS documentation to read "LN Technologies Corporation," including the model number, in accordance with a previous notification regarding the merger of the two companies. The certificate of compliance has been reviced accordingly.
The certificate has been conditioned to require the packages to be prepared for shipment, operated, acceptance tested, and maintained in accordance with        l their respective procedures.
The certificate of compliance has been rencyad for a five year term which            !
expires May 31, 1993.
                                                          / Y+          t  <<
Charles E. MacDonald, Chief Transportation Branch Division of Safeguards and Transportation, NMSS Date:      JUN 101908 l
                        -  ,                                            ,}}

Latest revision as of 00:00, 17 December 2020

Certificate of Compliance 9159,Rev 5,for Models Nupac 14/190L,NUPAC 14/190M,NUPAC 14/190H,LN 14-170L, Ln 14-170M & Ln 14-170H.Approval Record Encl
Person / Time
Site: 07109159
Issue date: 06/10/1988
From: Macdonald C
Shared Package
ML20195B570 List:
NUDOCS 8806210463
Download: ML20195B601 (5)


l lrimMIEllLewanananimmuwmamwretw@sweNxsw4TAbscMswramwemwjM I Mnc Fons sie I w CERTIFICATE CF C$MPLIANCE U.S. NUCLEAR REGUL i loca n FOR RADIOACTIVE hlATERIALS PACKA2ES g ,



l a. This certihcate is issued to certify that the pacitaging and contents desenbod in item 5 below, meets the apphcable safety standards set forth in Tith 10 Code of Federal Regulations Part 71,"Packaging and Transportat on of Radioactive Matertal." )

l I I b. Thss certificate does not reheve the consagnor from comphance with any requirement of the regulations of the U S. Department of Transportation or other h

i apphcable regulatory agencsos, including the government of any country through or into whech the package will be transported l l l "==.=---======A_ l Huclear Packaging, Inc. NUPAC application dated February 29, 1988' l 1010 South 336th Street as supplemented. 7 i I l Federal Way, WA 98003 l - SdsTbC/, 71-9159 ts of 10 CFR Part 71, as apphcab and tit str@tions specified below to is conditional upon fuththng ty i 5

% * * /sim l i

l I

q (a) Packaging h) s V

, 4


I i

,I (1) Model@s. :'UdijPAC 14/190L, NUPAC 14/190M,LNUPA6 14/.190H, LN 14-170L,  !

i /47  % ,0M,andLN14-170V/f(

I (2) Des ription [g } /

Stesi encased le'adkski ided'Calkh.for f specific act ity material.  !

l l The inch-IH casks cavity:arb,ThelaMS-rightkcirddlar cylinder (ks conta'in a lead'thicknessw'ith i a I ranging froiOb25 tow 3 $ -thekcasId rsashd in 0.38'inchdhick inner i !

I steel.Jhelland,0.88-ing tk$ Ths top cover and  !

I caskibottom are))pde grio (teefiplatepranging irr' thickness from l  !

l 2.0 t~os3.0 inches? %The- dcWLHdkissecured(tothecylindrical i

, cask titidy,by eight',1-1/PYackrachet binders. An("op'tional secondary 2

l' i !

i lid is 'cenfered in the primaiy,A&tt's.'Each lid andk4/ securedsto' I

witheighG)il3/4-inch studsidpd lid fs}p'rovided with the a primary lid I I

I Neoprene gas seal. The casks may be prov, iga %ith an optional 12-I gauge staini s steel liner (seal welded along all edges), an optional l lid vent line with W pe and an op'tfonal 3/4-inch drain line and I l pipe plug. The ca M. a lug,/ide#yithPfourequallyspacedlifting/

re tie- I i

g down devices. The pri l lidishfovidedwiththreeliftinglugsand I n

g the optional secondary lid is provided with one lifting lug. The casks gross weights range from 49,200 to 65,200 pounds. l;,

l Model 00, Lead Tk, Top Tk, Bottom Tk, Gross Wt, l Number inches inches inches inches pounds E I

I i h0 PAC 14/190L, LN 14-170L 80.5 1.25 4.0 4.0 49,200 El l NUPAC 14/190M, LN 14-170M NUPAC 14/190H, LN 14-170H 81.5 83.25 1.75 2.63 4.0 5.0 4.0 5.0 53,500 65,200 ll p;

l ,,

ii i 1, i, 880621o463 880610 i' PDR ADOCK 07109159 i l

C ppg g t....... -.. ~ ......................_.............. -


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jl l q Page 2 - Certificate No. 9159 - Revision No. 5 - Docket No. 71-9159 pl I i i  ;

i 1

5. (a) (3) Drawings l l

1 q Model Hos. NUPAC 14/190L, NUPAC 14/190ti, and NUPAC 14/190H f, I

I ib The packages are fabricated in accordance with Nuclear Packaging,  !

4, Inc. Drawing No. X-20-307-SNP, Sheets 1, 2 and 3, Revision No. A. j!,

g l Model Nos. LN 14-170L, LN 14-170M, and LN 14-170H  !

i 1 The packages are fabricated in accordance with LN Tecanologies 1 6

i Corporation Drawing No. 5025-N-2005: Sheets 1 and 2, Revision No. O.

fp l

g (b) Contents i i8 I (1) Type and form of material I (1) Dewatered, solids, or solidified watei, meeting the requirements j l l for low specific activity material, in secondary containers; or ll 1

i i (ii) Activated solid components meeting the requirements for low >

I specific activity material, .in secondary containers, lj>

i j

i (2) Maximum quantity of material per package l b q

g Greater than Type A quantity of radioactive material which may contain ll l 1 fissile material provided the fissile material does not exceed the hl i limits in 10 CFR 971.53. The' decay heat load is limited to 7 watts i l i for the Model Nos. NUPAC 14/190L, NUPAC 14/190M, LN 14-170L, and  ;

LN 14-170M; and 25 watts for the Model Nos. NUPAC 14/190H and l l

g LN 14-170H casks.

i '

i 6. (a) For any package;containing water and/or organic substances which could I radiolytically generate combustible gases, determination must be made ly N by tests and measurements or by analysis of a representative package such l that the following criteria are met over a period of time that is twice the expected shipment time:

yj g li i g n!

I (i) The hydrogen generated must be limited to a molar quantity that would Ei.

i l

be no more than 5% by volume (or equivalent limits for other inflam-mable gases) of the secondary contaiger gas void if present at STP


y l l (i.e., no more than 0.063 g-moles /ft at 14.7 psia and 70 F); or p  ;

i I q (ii) The secondary container and cask cavity must be inerted with a li '

I diluent to assure that oxygen must be limited to 5% by volume in hl N those portions of the package which could have hydrogen greater than 5%.


pl l 5 q

g For any package delivered to a carrier for transport, the secondary Nl 1 container must be prepared for shipment in the same manner in which I i determination for gas generation is made. Shipment period begins when [

R the package is prepared (sealed) and must be completed within twice the .,.

expected shipment time, f l t i .i.rwr-rw - - -

m- 7

---KKK4=---KK4T2N2N8NNW8N8N* WAN8N1M M'8L1NRK E MA M ]

l CONDITIONS (continued) .b

! Page 3 - Certificate No. 9159 - Revision No. 5 - Docket No. 71-9159 I

I l \

l 6. (Continued) l 1

ll (b) For any package shipped within 10 days of preparation, or within 10 'l I days after venting of drums or other secondary containers, the i determination in (a) above need not be made, and the time restriction in (a) above does not apply, l

! 7. Maximum gross weight of the contents, secondary containers, and shoring i is limited to 20,000 pounds.

I I 8. Except for close fitting contents, shoring inust be placed between (

l secondary containers and the cask cavity to minimize movement during i g normal conditions of transport. >

I I I 9. The lid and shield plug lifting lugs must not be used for lifting the i a cask, and must be covered in transit.

l 10. The cask must be provided with either (or both) a drain line or a lid g

a vent line as shown in the drawing in order to provide a method to leak test the package.

l)k jh E

I i 11. In addition to the requirements of Subpart G of 10 CFR Part 71: l

( (a) Prior to each shipment, the packaging Neoprene lid seals if opened !h g (or if security seal is broken), must be inspected. The seals must lE q be replaced with new seals if inspection shows any defects or every 1 ,

I twelve (12) months, whichever occurs first. Cavity drain and vent l8 if!

I lines inust be sealed with appropriate sealant applied to the pipe plug threads. <

g l l

M g (b) Each packaging must meet the Acceptance Tests and Maintenance lN 5 l

Program of: k l

i q J Model Nos. NUPAC'14/190L, HUPAC 14/190M and NUPAC 14/190H I l

l Section8.0oftheapplicationk '

b N

Model Nos. LN 14-170L, LN 14-170M and LN 14-170H ;li i

i jh .

I LN Technologies Corporation Procedures WM-036, Rev. A; WM-026, Rev. B  !

and; WM-013, Rev. F. l l l '

l  ! ,

q (c) The package shall be prepared for shipment and operated in accordance l l I with the Operating Procedures of: i i I:

l Model Nos. NUPAC 14/190L, NUPAC 14/190M and NUPAC 14/190H f l Section 7.0 of the application.

a i

i Model Nos. LN 14-170L, LN 14-170M and LN 14-170H fi LN Technologies Corporation Procedures WM-025, Rev. C. f{

i e}



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l '

l conomons teontinues) '.

l q Page 4 - Certificate No. 9159 - Revision No. 5 - Docket No. 71-9159 lN h l l .b .

l I if I >l ,

l 12. The ratchet binders on the cask lid must be torqued to 100 10 ft-lb. l 1 h 1 13. The cask body and each cask lid must be marked in accordance with 10 CFR I  !

l 971.85(c). b l l I

14. The package authorized by this certificate must be transported on a motor vehicle, railroad car, aircraft, inland watercraf t, or hold or deck of a


y i seagoing vessel assigned for the sole use of the licensee. p 4 I b i 15. The package authorized by this certificate is hereby approved for use b under the general license provisions of 10 CFR 671.12. l l

l 16. Expiration date: May 31, 1993.  !

I l i REFERENCES I 1 I i i Nuclear Packaging Inc. application dated February 29, 1988. l Supplement dated: April 19, 1988.  ! I l

i i l I

i NUS supplements dated: November 22, 1985. I i i '

LN Technologies Corporation supplement dated: February 16, 1988. l l , ,


l . I \

c tu  !

y ar es ..acDokd.. Chief i g Transportation Branch I i .

Division of' Safeguards and I i

Transportation, NMSS P i

1 '

I JUN 101988 >

Date: -

L l

l 1i l 1' l l l i i '

i N l

I p

I I 5 i b l lu l

I I i i i

l i 1

I i

i bv- - - -Tg w-r- - e - - - - - - - - - - --- - - wwss- - - - - - - wwwiersawwr.r wwwii.


. p mRfGo



\ *****

  1. ' Transportation Branch Ap3roval Record Model Nos. NUPAC 14/190L, NUPAC 14/19CM, NUPAC 14/190H, LN 14-170L, LN 14-170M and LN 14-170H Docket No. 71-9159 Revision No. 5 By application dated February 29, 1988, as supplemented, Nuclear Packaging Inc. requested renewal of Certificate of Compliance No. 9159 for the Model Nos. NUPAC 14/190L, NUPAC 14/190M and NUPAC 14/190H packages. In support of the request for renewal the applicant submitted a consolidated application which incorporated those portions of the October 29, 1982 pplication, as supplemented, pertaining to the NUPAC 14/190 packaging series. The application also includes a new set of packaging drawings which address only the NUPAC 14/190 packaging series.

A review of the consolidated application confirmed that the application is complete and all appropriate supplement information has been incorporated.

The application has revised the drawings and safety analysis report to permit the use of ASTM A537 Class 1 plate material as an alternate to the ASTM A516 GP. 70 material specification. The drawing requires that material made to either specification be normalized as recommended by NUREG/CR-1815. The drawing revisions also include small dimensional corrections and the addition of tolerances to some of the overall packaging dimensions.

By application dated February 16, 1988, LN Technologies Corporation requested renewal of Certificate of Compliance No. 9159 for the Model Nos. LN 14-170L, LN 14-17CM and LN 14-170H packagings. The application included the NUS supplements referenced by the existing certificate with the exce pion of the information in the November 22, 1985 supplement. Since the information in the November 22, 1985 supplement was not part of the consolidated application the certificate of compliance will continue to reference the NUS document. The applicant has changed the title blocks and the title pages of all NUS documentation to read "LN Technologies Corporation," including the model number, in accordance with a previous notification regarding the merger of the two companies. The certificate of compliance has been reviced accordingly.

The certificate has been conditioned to require the packages to be prepared for shipment, operated, acceptance tested, and maintained in accordance with l their respective procedures.

The certificate of compliance has been rencyad for a five year term which  !

expires May 31, 1993.

/ Y+ t <<

Charles E. MacDonald, Chief Transportation Branch Division of Safeguards and Transportation, NMSS Date: JUN 101908 l

- , ,