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{{#Wiki_filter:U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSIONREGULATORY GUIDEOFFICE OF STANDARDS DEVELOPMENTREGULATORY GUIDE 129SEISMIC DESIGN CLASSIFICATIONRevision 2February 1976A. INTRODUCTIONGeneral Design Criterion 2, "Design Bases for Protec-tion Against Natural Phenomena," of Appendix A,"General Design Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants," to10 CFR Part 50, "Licensing of Production and Utiliza-tion Facilities," requires that nuclear power plantstructures, systems, and components important to safetybe designed to withstand the effects of earthquakeswithout loss of capability to perform their safetyfunctions.nuclear power plants that shouldstand the effects of the SSE. Jdesigned to with.AhLB. After reviewingstruction permitspressurized waterhas developed aidentifying pto withstana splqol plications for con-o ngj 'enses for boiling andc r plants, the NRC staff* "gn classification system forures that should be designedfec5 of the SSE. Those structumes,ents that should be designed toif the 4ZqIF n-t-vc ho rp, n vt.ei .SAppendix B, "Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear .-.. 1.Power Plants and Fuel Reprocessing Plants," to 10 CFR as~ic LategoryPart 50 establishes quality assurance requirements for C. REGULATORY POSITIONthe design, construction, and operation of nuclear powerplant structures, systems, and components that prevent e following structures, systems, and compo-or mitigate the consequences of postulated acc' n ts of a nuclear power plant, including their founda-that coubldc.aTe unuertisnto theqremntsof and of tions and supports, are designated as Seismic Category Iapply to all activeit ing the e safeqtu.imd and should be designed to withstand the effects of theapplyof those all rctivites, affeti ng the sfen SSE and remain functional. The pertinent qualitytions of those structures, systems, and conw~nents, assurance requirements of Appendix B to 10 CFR PartAppendix A, "Seismic and Geologic iSteria 50 should be applied to all activities affecting thefor Nuclear Power Plants," to 10 CFR Part 100, safety-related functions of these structures, systems, and"Reactor Site Criteria," requ that all nuclear power components.plants be designed so -the Safe ShutdownEarthquake (SSE) occurs, es, systems, and a. The reactor coolant pressure boundary.components import 0 remain functional.These plant featur h essary to ensure (1) b. The reactor core and reactor vessel internals.the integrity of th at oant pressure boundary,(2) the capab t the reactor and maintain c. Systems' or portions of systems that areit in a safe td'n ion, or (3) the capability to required for (1) emergency core cooling, (2) postacci-prevent or a. the consequences of accidents that dent containment heat removal, or (3) postaccidentcould result in tial offsite exposures comparable tothe guideline exposures of 10 CFR Part 100. The- system boundary includes those portions of the systemI~~~I4U.U ~ ~ ~ __r r.U "LAIIJUI -A ~.A~W I UI~UIThis guide describes an acceptable method of identi.fying and classifying those features of light.water.cooledter.q di~ to acopm )Ilie spmt w n~ onl aS ItIUIlconnected piping up to and including the first valve (including asafety or relief valve) that is either nornally closed or capableof automatic closure when the safety function is required.USNRC REGULATORY GUIDES should be sent to the secreary of the Commission. U.S aetlestRgulato*r, Gweiel are fted to desincribe end make evaible to th. ib~l. Regulatory Commission. Washongto,, 0 C 206. Attaenton Ooceotmg andmethods acceptable 1o the NRC %lell of Implementing specific pont of the Sartce SactonCommisson' regulations. to delineate techniques uled by the %I&" i ovoU The guides ar Issued , the following tor broad divsonsat1" sglif¢c peOblerns or poouleated accidents. or to proetsa jog.,dnce to soplfagultaorey Guides are not substitutes fat reiatraol.fs, and conpliance I Power Reactors 6 Prodvctewoth themr t not toqruied Methods and sOlutions ditferent from those tat Out on 2 Research and Tolt Reactors I 1tanspOrletDonthe guidaes wil be acceptable J9 they provide a bel fot the finding$ realusilt to 2 Fuels and Materals Facilities a Occupatiorel HMeaththe or conulruunce of a Permi or ocent. by the Commission 4 fnroonmenttl aend I AnttIuel ReviewComment. and tuggesttunt ofa ,rmproomeflls .n that* guides are encouraged S Mterial& and Plant Protection 10 Generalat elf troeS and g;dmi wIt be , a.led at sporopa 0o g odlat caommanl a end to *ettIct new ,injotornron or oopefence Ioweve. Comment, on Copoge of pubklshed guides may be obltme/d by wirltn request indicating IthIhis guide. 0t receiead Winhr.t About two months &latet ISluafnce. wilt be Par divisions desired to the U S Nuclear 0aegvletory Comigneitong. Washmtlon, 0 ClcumI' usefutl in evaluating the need fat arn *calI revlsion 2065. Altaenton Director. Office a9 Standl Oletevelopment containment atmosphere weanup (e.g., hydrogen re-moval system).d. Systems' or portions of systems that arerequized for (1) reactor shutdown, (2) residual heatremoval, or (3) cooling the spent fuel storage pool.e. Those portions of the steam systems of boilingwater reactors extending from the outermost contain-ment isolation valve up to but not including the turbinestop valve, and connected piping of 2-1/2 inches orlarger nominal pipe size up to and including nhe firstvalve that is either normally closed or capable ofautomatic closure during all modes of normal reactoroperation. The turbine stop valve should be designed towithstand the SSE and maintain its integrity.f. Those portions of the steam and feedwatersystems of pressurized water reactors extending fromand Including the secondary side of steam generators upto and Including the outermost containment isolationvulve, and connected piping of 2-1/2 inches or largernominal pipe size up to and including the first valve(including a safety or relief valve) that is either normallydosed or capable of automatic closure during all modesof normal reactor operation.g. Cooling water, component cooling, and auxil-iaty feedwater systems' or portions of these systems,including the intake structures, that are required for (1)emzerncy core cooling, (2) postaccident containmentheat removal, (3) postaccident containment atmospherecleanup, (4) residual heat removal from the reactor, or(5) cooling the spent fuel storage pool.h. Cooling water and seal water systems' orportions of these systems that are required for function-ing of reactor coolant system components important tosafety, such as reactor coolant pumps.I. Systems' or portions of systems that are re-quired to supply fuel for emergency equipment.j. All electric and mechanical devices and circuitrybetween the process and the input terminals of theactuator systems involved in gpnerating signals thatinitiate protective acUon.k. Systems' or portions of systems that arerequired for (I) monitoring of systems important tosafety and (2) actuation of systems important to safety.1. The spent fuel storage pool structure, includingthe fuel racks.m. The reactivity control systems, e.g., controlrods, control rod drives, and boron injection system.'See footnote 1, p. 1.29-1.n. The control room, including its associated vitalequipment, cooling systems for vital equipment, and lifesupport systems, and any structures or equipment insideor outside of the control room whose failure could resultin incapacitating Injury to the occupants of the controlroom.2o. Primary and secondary reactor containment.p. Systems,' other than radioactive waste manage-ment systems,3 not covered by itemns l.a through 1.oabove that contain or may contain radioactive materialand whose postulated failure would result in consrva-tively calculated potential offsite doses (using mete-orology as prescribed by Regulatory Guide 1.3, "As-sumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential Radio-logical Consequences of a Loss of Coolant Accident forBoiling Water Reactors," and Regulatory Guide 1.4,"Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential Radio-logical Consequences of a Loss of Coolant Accident forPressurized Water Reactors") that are more than 0.5 remto the whole, body or its equivalent to any part of thebody.q. The Class IE electric systems, including theauxiliary systems for the onsite electric power supplies,that provide the emergency electric power needed forfunctioning of plant features included in items l.athrough Lp above.2. Those portions of structures, systems, or compo-nents whose continued function is not required butwhose failure could reduce the functioning of any plnatfeature included in items La through l.q above to anunacceptable safety level should be designed and con-structed so that the SSE would not cause such failure.3. Seismic Category I design requuements shouldextend to the first seismic restraint beyond the definedboundaries. Those portions of structures, systems, orcomponents that form interfaces between Seismic Cate-gory I and non-Seismic Category I features should bedesigned to Seismic Category I requirements.4. The pertinent quality assurance requirements ofAppendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 should be applied to allactivities affecting the safety-related functions of thoseportions of structures, systems, and components coveredunder Regulatory Positions 2 and 3 above.*Lie indicate substantive changes from previous issue.'Wherever practical, structures and equipment whose failurecould possibly cause such injuries should be relocated orseparated to the extent required to eliminate this possibility.'Specific guidance on seismic requirements for radioactive wastemanagement systems is under development.I $I1.29-2
{{#Wiki_filter:U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION                                                                                                                          Revision 2 February 1976 REGULATORY GUIDE
"I D. IMPLEMENTATIONThe purpose of this section is to provide informationto applicants regarding the NRC staff's plans for usingthis regulatory guide.proposes an acceptable alternative method for comply-ing with Tpecifled portions of the Commission's regula.tions, the method described herein is being and willcontinue to be used in the evaluation of submittals foroperating license or construction permit applicationsuntil this guide is revised as a result of suggestions fromthe public or additional staff review.IThis guide reflects current NRC staff practice. There.fore, except in those 'cases In 'which the applicant1.29.3}}
                                                              REGULATORY GUIDE 129 SEISMIC DESIGN CLASSIFICATION
nuclear power plants that should                              designed to with.
stand the effects of the SSE.                        J
                                                                                                                                    A      hL
    General Design Criterion 2, "Design Bases for Protec- tion Against Natural Phenomena," of Appendix A,                                                                 B. DISC*
"General Design Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants," to
10 CFR Part 50, "Licensing of Production and Utiliza-                                   After reviewing a splqol                            plications for con- struction permits                    o          ngj
                                                                                                                                    'enses          for boiling and tion Facilities," requires that nuclear power plant pressurized water c                                r plants, the NRC staff structures, systems, and components important to safety                                                                        "gn classification system for has developed a be designed to withstand the effects of earthquakes identifying                p                ures that should be designed without loss of capability to perform their safety to withstan                    fec5 of the SSE. Those structumes, functions.
S                                    ents that should be designed to if the 4ZqIF n-t-vc ho rp,                       n vt.ei .
    Appendix B, "Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear                               .-..                                   1.
Power Plants and Fuel Reprocessing Plants," to 10 CFR                                         as~icLategory Part 50 establishes quality assurance requirements for                                                
the design, construction, and operation of nuclear power plant structures, systems, and components that prevent                                           e following structures, systems, and compo- or mitigate the consequences of postulated acc'                                   n ts of a nuclear power plant, including their founda- that coubldc.aTe unuertisnto theqremntsof and                                 of   tions and supports, are designated as Seismic Category apply to all activeit                     eing the safeqtu.imd                   and should be designed to withstand the effects of theI
applyofthose  all rctivites,affeti             ng the sfen                       SSE and remain functional. The pertinent quality tions of those structures, systems, and conw~nents,                               assurance requirements of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part Appendix A, "Seismic and Geologic                                   iSteria 50 should be applied to all activities affecting the for Nuclear Power Plants," to 10 CFR Part 100,                                   safety-related functions of these structures, systems, and
"Reactor Site Criteria," requ                       that all nuclear power       components.
plants be designed so -                             the Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) occurs,                                 es, systems, and                 a. The reactor coolant pressure boundary.
components import                       0             remain functional.
These plant featurh                                  essary to ensure (1)                 b. The reactor core and reactor vessel internals.
the integrity of th               at           oant pressure boundary,
(2) the capab             t *                  the reactor and maintain                   c. Systems' or portions of systems that are it in a safe                               td'n ion, or (3) the capability to         required for (1) emergency core cooling, (2) postacci- prevent or                 a. the consequences of accidents that                 dent containment heat removal, or (3) postaccident could result in                 tial offsite exposures comparable to the guideline exposures of 10 CFR Part 100.                                         The- system boundary includes those portions of the system ter.q    di~  to
                                                                                                        acopm  )Ilie
                                                                                                                      ~   d;*U]]
                                                                                                                                  ~~.A~W__r spmt    w I
                                                                                                                                                              ItIUIl onl  aS
                                                                                    connected piping up to and including the first valve (including a This guide describes an acceptable method of identi.                           safety or relief valve) that is either nornally closed or capable fying and classifying those features of light.water.cooled                          of automatic closure when the safety function is required.
USNRC REGULATORY GUIDES                                      commen*s, should be sent to the secreary of the Commission. U.S aetlest Rgulato*r, Gweiel are fted       to desincribe end make evaible to th. ib~l.     Regulatory Commission. Washongto,, 0 C 206.               Attaenton Ooceotmg and methods acceptable 1o the NRC %lellof Implementing specific pont of the           Sartce Sacton Commisson' regulations. to delineate techniques uled by the %I&" i ovoU           The guides ar Issued , the following tor broad divsons at1" sglif¢c peOblerns or poouleated accidents. or to proetsa jog.,dnce to sopl c*t, fagultaorey Guides are not substitutes fat reiatraol.fs, and conpliance       I Power Reactors                           6 Prodvcte woth themrt not toqruied Methods and sOlutions ditferent from those tat Out on   2 Research and Tolt Reactors               I 1tanspOrletDon the guidaes wil be acceptable J9they provide a bel fot the finding$ realusilt to 2 Fuels and Materals Facilities             a Occupatiorel HMeath the *.suance or conulruunce of a Permi or ocent. by the Commission               4   fnroonmenttl               I AnttIuel Review Comment. and tuggesttuntt ofa,rmproomeflls .n that* guides are encouraged         S Mterial& and Plant Protection           10 General at elf troeS and g;dmi wI be , a.led at sporopa g0oaccom* odlat caom manla end to *ettIctnew ,injotornron or oopefence Ioweve. Comment, on             Copoge of pubklshed guides may be obltme/d by wirltn request indicating Ith Ihis guide. 0t receiead Winhr.t About two months &latet ISluafnce. wilt be Par     divisions desired to the U S Nuclear 0aegvletory Comigneitong.         Washmtlon, 0 C
lcumI' usefutl in evaluating the need fat arn*calI revlsion                       2065. Altaenton Director. Office a9 Standl         Oletevelopment
containment atmosphere weanup (e.g., hydrogen re-                           n. The control room, including its associated vital moval system).                                                       equipment, cooling systems for vital equipment, and life support systems, and any structures or equipment inside d. Systems' or portions of systems that are                  or outside of the control room whose failure could result requized for (1) reactor shutdown, (2) residual heat                in incapacitating  Injury to the occupants of the control
                                                                            2 removal, or (3) cooling the spent fuel storage pool.               room.
e. Those portions of the steam systems of boiling water reactors extending from the outermost contain-                      o. Primary and secondary reactor containment.
ment isolation valve up to but not including the turbine stop valve, and connected piping of 2-1/2 inches or                       p. Systems,' other than radioactive waste manage- larger nominal pipe size up to and including nhe first             ment systems,3 not covered by itemns l.a through 1.o              I $
valve that is either normally closed or capable of                 above that contain or may contain radioactive material automatic closure during all modes of normal reactor               and whose postulated failure would result in consrva- operation. The turbine stop valve should be designed to            tively calculated potential offsite doses (using mete- withstand the SSE and maintain its integrity.                      orology as prescribed by Regulatory Guide 1.3, "As- sumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential Radio- f. Those portions of the steam and feedwater                logical Consequences of a Loss of Coolant Accident for systems of pressurized water reactors extending from              Boiling Water Reactors," and Regulatory Guide 1.4, and Including the secondary side of steam generators up            "Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential Radio- to and Including the outermost containment isolation              logical Consequences of a Loss of Coolant Accident for vulve, and connected piping of 2-1/2 inches or larger              Pressurized Water Reactors") that are more than 0.5 rem nominal pipe size up to and including the first valve              to the whole, body or its equivalent to any part of the (including a safety or relief valve) that is either normally      body.
dosed or capable of automatic closure during all modes of normal reactor operation.
q. The Class IE electric systems, including the g. Cooling water, component cooling, and auxil-              auxiliary systems for the onsite electric power supplies, iaty feedwater systems' or portions of these systems,             that provide the emergency electric power needed for including the intake structures, that are required for (1)        functioning of plant features included in items l.a emzerncy core cooling, (2) postaccident containment                through Lp above.
heat removal, (3) postaccident containment atmosphere cleanup, (4) residual heat removal from the reactor, or                2. Those portions of structures, systems, or compo-
(5) cooling the spent fuel storage pool.
nents whose continued function is not required but whose failure could reduce the functioning of any plnat h. Cooling water and seal water systems' or                  feature included in items La through l.q above to an portions of these systems that are required for function-          unacceptable safety level should be designed and con- ing of reactor coolant system components important to              structed so that the SSE would not cause such failure.
safety, such as reactor coolant pumps.
I. Systems' or portions of systems that are re-                  3. Seismic Category I design requuements should quired to supply fuel for emergency equipment.                      extend to the first seismic restraint beyond the defined boundaries. Those portions of structures, systems, or j. All electric and mechanical devices and circuitry          components that form interfaces between Seismic Cate- between the process and the input terminals of the                  gory I and non-Seismic Category I features should be actuator systems involved in gpnerating signals that                 designed to Seismic Category I requirements.
initiate protective acUon.
4. The pertinent quality assurance requirements of k. Systems' or portions of systems that are Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 should be applied to all required for (I) monitoring of systems important to activities affecting the safety-related functions of those safety and (2) actuation of systems important to safety.
portions of structures, systems, and components covered under Regulatory Positions 2 and 3 above.
1. The spent fuel storage pool structure, including the fuel racks.
*Lie indicate substantive changes from previous issue.
m. The reactivity control systems, e.g., control            'Wherever practical, structures and equipment whose failure rods, control rod drives, and boron injection system.                 could possibly cause such injuries should be relocated or separated to the extent required to eliminate this possibility.
'Specific guidance on seismic requirements for radioactive waste
'See footnote 1, p. 1.29-1.                                          management systems is under developmen
====t.     I====
proposes an acceptable alternative method for comply- The purpose of this section is to provide information        ing with Tpecifled portions of the Commission's regula.
to applicants regarding the NRC staff's plans for using        tions, the method described herein is being and will this regulatory guide.                                          continue to be used in the evaluation of submittals for operating license or construction permit applications I    This guide reflects current NRC staff practice. There.
fore, except in those 'cases In 'which the applicant until this guide is revised as a result of suggestions from the public or additional staff review.


Latest revision as of 01:14, 20 March 2020

Seismic Design Classification
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/28/1976
RG-1.029, Rev. 2
Download: ML13350A385 (3)





nuclear power plants that should designed to with.

stand the effects of the SSE. J

A hL

General Design Criterion 2, "Design Bases for Protec- tion Against Natural Phenomena," of Appendix A, B. DISC*

"General Design Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants," to

10 CFR Part 50, "Licensing of Production and Utiliza- After reviewing a splqol plications for con- struction permits o ngj

'enses for boiling and tion Facilities," requires that nuclear power plant pressurized water c r plants, the NRC staff structures, systems, and components important to safety "gn classification system for has developed a be designed to withstand the effects of earthquakes identifying p ures that should be designed without loss of capability to perform their safety to withstan fec5 of the SSE. Those structumes, functions.

S ents that should be designed to if the 4ZqIF n-t-vc ho rp, n vt.ei .

Appendix B, "Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear .-.. 1.

Power Plants and Fuel Reprocessing Plants," to 10 CFR as~icLategory Part 50 establishes quality assurance requirements for


the design, construction, and operation of nuclear power plant structures, systems, and components that prevent e following structures, systems, and compo- or mitigate the consequences of postulated acc' n ts of a nuclear power plant, including their founda- that coubldc.aTe unuertisnto theqremntsof and of tions and supports, are designated as Seismic Category apply to all activeit eing the safeqtu.imd and should be designed to withstand the effects of theI

applyofthose all rctivites,affeti ng the sfen SSE and remain functional. The pertinent quality tions of those structures, systems, and conw~nents, assurance requirements of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part Appendix A, "Seismic and Geologic iSteria 50 should be applied to all activities affecting the for Nuclear Power Plants," to 10 CFR Part 100, safety-related functions of these structures, systems, and

"Reactor Site Criteria," requ that all nuclear power components.

plants be designed so - the Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) occurs, es, systems, and a. The reactor coolant pressure boundary.

components import 0 remain functional.

These plant featurh essary to ensure (1) b. The reactor core and reactor vessel internals.

the integrity of th at oant pressure boundary,

(2) the capab t * the reactor and maintain c. Systems' or portions of systems that are it in a safe td'n ion, or (3) the capability to required for (1) emergency core cooling, (2) postacci- prevent or a. the consequences of accidents that dent containment heat removal, or (3) postaccident could result in tial offsite exposures comparable to the guideline exposures of 10 CFR Part 100. The- system boundary includes those portions of the system ter.q di~ to



acopm )Ilie

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~~.A~W__r spmt w I






ItIUIl onl aS


connected piping up to and including the first valve (including a This guide describes an acceptable method of identi. safety or relief valve) that is either nornally closed or capable fying and classifying those features of light.water.cooled of automatic closure when the safety function is required.

USNRC REGULATORY GUIDES commen*s, should be sent to the secreary of the Commission. U.S aetlest Rgulato*r, Gweiel are fted to desincribe end make evaible to th. ib~l. Regulatory Commission. Washongto,, 0 C 206. Attaenton Ooceotmg and methods acceptable 1o the NRC %lellof Implementing specific pont of the Sartce Sacton Commisson' regulations. to delineate techniques uled by the %I&" i ovoU The guides ar Issued , the following tor broad divsons at1" sglif¢c peOblerns or poouleated accidents. or to proetsa jog.,dnce to sopl c*t, fagultaorey Guides are not substitutes fat reiatraol.fs, and conpliance I Power Reactors 6 Prodvcte woth themrt not toqruied Methods and sOlutions ditferent from those tat Out on 2 Research and Tolt Reactors I 1tanspOrletDon the guidaes wil be acceptable J9they provide a bel fot the finding$ realusilt to 2 Fuels and Materals Facilities a Occupatiorel HMeath the *.suance or conulruunce of a Permi or ocent. by the Commission 4 fnroonmenttl I AnttIuel Review Comment. and tuggesttuntt ofa,rmproomeflls .n that* guides are encouraged S Mterial& and Plant Protection 10 General at elf troeS and g;dmi wI be , a.led at sporopa g0oaccom* odlat caom manla end to *ettIctnew ,injotornron or oopefence Ioweve. Comment, on Copoge of pubklshed guides may be obltme/d by wirltn request indicating Ith Ihis guide. 0t receiead Winhr.t About two months &latet ISluafnce. wilt be Par divisions desired to the U S Nuclear 0aegvletory Comigneitong. Washmtlon, 0 C

lcumI' usefutl in evaluating the need fat arn*calI revlsion 2065. Altaenton Director. Office a9 Standl Oletevelopment

containment atmosphere weanup (e.g., hydrogen re- n. The control room, including its associated vital moval system). equipment, cooling systems for vital equipment, and life support systems, and any structures or equipment inside d. Systems' or portions of systems that are or outside of the control room whose failure could result requized for (1) reactor shutdown, (2) residual heat in incapacitating Injury to the occupants of the control

2 removal, or (3) cooling the spent fuel storage pool. room.

e. Those portions of the steam systems of boiling water reactors extending from the outermost contain- o. Primary and secondary reactor containment.

ment isolation valve up to but not including the turbine stop valve, and connected piping of 2-1/2 inches or p. Systems,' other than radioactive waste manage- larger nominal pipe size up to and including nhe first ment systems,3 not covered by itemns l.a through 1.o I $

valve that is either normally closed or capable of above that contain or may contain radioactive material automatic closure during all modes of normal reactor and whose postulated failure would result in consrva- operation. The turbine stop valve should be designed to tively calculated potential offsite doses (using mete- withstand the SSE and maintain its integrity. orology as prescribed by Regulatory Guide 1.3, "As- sumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential Radio- f. Those portions of the steam and feedwater logical Consequences of a Loss of Coolant Accident for systems of pressurized water reactors extending from Boiling Water Reactors," and Regulatory Guide 1.4, and Including the secondary side of steam generators up "Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential Radio- to and Including the outermost containment isolation logical Consequences of a Loss of Coolant Accident for vulve, and connected piping of 2-1/2 inches or larger Pressurized Water Reactors") that are more than 0.5 rem nominal pipe size up to and including the first valve to the whole, body or its equivalent to any part of the (including a safety or relief valve) that is either normally body.

dosed or capable of automatic closure during all modes of normal reactor operation.

q. The Class IE electric systems, including the g. Cooling water, component cooling, and auxil- auxiliary systems for the onsite electric power supplies, iaty feedwater systems' or portions of these systems, that provide the emergency electric power needed for including the intake structures, that are required for (1) functioning of plant features included in items l.a emzerncy core cooling, (2) postaccident containment through Lp above.

heat removal, (3) postaccident containment atmosphere cleanup, (4) residual heat removal from the reactor, or 2. Those portions of structures, systems, or compo-

(5) cooling the spent fuel storage pool.

nents whose continued function is not required but whose failure could reduce the functioning of any plnat h. Cooling water and seal water systems' or feature included in items La through l.q above to an portions of these systems that are required for function- unacceptable safety level should be designed and con- ing of reactor coolant system components important to structed so that the SSE would not cause such failure.

safety, such as reactor coolant pumps.

I. Systems' or portions of systems that are re- 3. Seismic Category I design requuements should quired to supply fuel for emergency equipment. extend to the first seismic restraint beyond the defined boundaries. Those portions of structures, systems, or j. All electric and mechanical devices and circuitry components that form interfaces between Seismic Cate- between the process and the input terminals of the gory I and non-Seismic Category I features should be actuator systems involved in gpnerating signals that designed to Seismic Category I requirements.

initiate protective acUon.

4. The pertinent quality assurance requirements of k. Systems' or portions of systems that are Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 should be applied to all required for (I) monitoring of systems important to activities affecting the safety-related functions of those safety and (2) actuation of systems important to safety.

portions of structures, systems, and components covered under Regulatory Positions 2 and 3 above.

1. The spent fuel storage pool structure, including the fuel racks.

  • Lie indicate substantive changes from previous issue.

m. The reactivity control systems, e.g., control 'Wherever practical, structures and equipment whose failure rods, control rod drives, and boron injection system. could possibly cause such injuries should be relocated or separated to the extent required to eliminate this possibility.

'Specific guidance on seismic requirements for radioactive waste

'See footnote 1, p. 1.29-1. management systems is under developmen

t. I




proposes an acceptable alternative method for comply- The purpose of this section is to provide information ing with Tpecifled portions of the Commission's regula.

to applicants regarding the NRC staff's plans for using tions, the method described herein is being and will this regulatory guide. continue to be used in the evaluation of submittals for operating license or construction permit applications I This guide reflects current NRC staff practice. There.

fore, except in those 'cases In 'which the applicant until this guide is revised as a result of suggestions from the public or additional staff review.
