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#REDIRECT [[ZS-2017-0108, Letter Dated June 13, 2016, from the Christopher Burke Engineering to Illinois Department of Natural Resources and the Lake County Stormwater Management Commission Regarding Zion Nuclear Station - Barge Transport of Stator/Rotor Tempora]]
| number = ML17255A009
| issue date = 06/13/2016
| title = Letter Dated June 13, 2016, from the Christopher Burke Engineering to Illinois Department of Natural Resources and the Lake County Stormwater Management Commission Regarding Zion Nuclear Station - Barge Transport of Stator/Rotor Temporary .
| author name = Olson D
| author affiliation = Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation = NRC/NMSS
| docket = 05000295, 05000304
| license number = DPR-039, DPR-048
| contact person =
| case reference number = SRPS-2H-103, ZS-2017-0108
| document type = Letter, Map, Photograph
| page count = 66
{{#Wiki_filter:St< PS- J. H -103 ZS-:J.Dl/ - 010~
95'15 West Higgins Road SL ite SOC Rosemont lllinc*s 60018 TEL (847) 823-(1500 FAX {847) 823*0~20 June 13, 2016 Lake County Stormwater                                            lltinois Department of Natural Resources I
I Management Commission                                            Office of Water Resources 500 W. Winchester Road, Suite 201                                160 N. LaSalle Street, Suite S-703 Libertyville, IL 60048                                            Chicago, IL 60601 Attention:        Scott Griffith, PE                            Jim Casey Regulatory Supervisor                        Lake Michigan Permits
Zion Nuclear Station- Barge Transport of Stator/Rotor Temporary Construction Activities at Lake Michigan City of Zion, IL (CBBEL Project 110016.00018)
==Dear Mr. Gnffith and Mr. Casey:==
On behalf :>f ZionSolutions, LLC, Christopher 8. Burke Engineering, ltd. (CBBEL) is submitting a Watershed Development Permit and Joint Permit Application with additional supporting documents requesting authorization to construct a temporary access roadway and dock a barge at the Zion Nuclear Station to transport a Stator/Rotor to another power generating station for re-use. The project is located on the shoreline of Lake Michigan and at an adjacent existing staging area within the Zion Nuclear Station at the end of Shiloh Boulevard within the City of Zion. Lake County, IL The project consists of constructing a temporary access roadway and docking a barge on the 1
shore of Lake Michigan which will transport the Stator/Rotor. which does not allow for surface transport given the size and weight (>1,000,000 pounds). The temporary access roadway will be constructed with timber mats on crushed and compacted limestone and will extend from the existing gravel parking lot to an upland beach area. This area is above the Ordinary High Water Mark of Lake Michigan (OHVVM), which corresponds to an elevation of 581.5 ft.
NAV088 [580.5 ft. International Great Lakes Datum 1985 (IGLD 85)]. At the tenninus of the temporary access road, a gangway/bridge will be lowered into place from the barge to the terminus, spannjng the limits of the waters of the United States Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM). Tre Stator/Rotor will then be rolled on to the barge using a high tech trailer system.
The barge is specialized and its buoyancy can be regulated using a water ballast system, which can level the barge or float one end or the other as necessary to aHow beaching and freeing from the shoreline. A tugboat will be used to position the barge and move it once the Stator/Rotor are secured on board. The attached Stormwater Permit Plan Set shows the work plan, information regarding soil erosion and sediment control measures for the project, construction sequencing and restoration .
According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM} for Lake County, IL and Incorporated Areas Panel 85 of 295, revised on September 18. 2013, a portion of the project area resides within regulatory Zone A floodplain associated with Lake Michigan (Exhibit 2). CBBEL completed a Base Flood Elevation (BFE}
study for the Zion Nuclear Station that has been previously approved by Lake County Stormwater Management Commission in 2011. The study utilized a floodplain elevation of 584.75 ft (NAVD88) [585.0 ft NGVD1929] for the beach area. The proposed project will require temoorary fill within the regulatory floodplain and beaching of a barge within Lake Michigan, which is a Public Waters of Illinois. While there will be no dredging or filling within the OHVVM, there will be approximately 20 cubic yards of temporary fill within the regulatory floodplain. The civil improvements within the regulatory floodplain are only temporary and the site area will restored to its previous condition upon completion of the project, which is expected to take only a one or two weeks. In our opinion, the small amount of temporary fill within the floodplain of Lake Michigan will not increase flood risk for adjacent properties and shourd be exempt from providing compensatory storage.
CBBEL completed a wetland and water assessment in supPort to obtain a Regional Permit 11 from the USACE, which was filed on May 26, 2016 under a separate cover. A copy of the USACE permit application and supporting documentation Is also enclosed with this letter.
Construction is scheduled to begin in August 2016. On behalf of ZionSolutions, we are requesting authorization to proceed with the proposed project. lf you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Sincerely, Darren Olson, PE, CFM. D.WRE Senior Water Resources Pr~ect Manager
Joint Permit Application Watershed Development Permit Application Stormwater Permit Plan Set Location Map FIRM USAGE Wetland Permit Information Cc:      Darlene Murphy - ZionSolutio11s OTO N.\llONl.110016 :>CC18\llJate-r\Doc::s\L_Si'vtC_IONR_06f32016.docx
I                                                                      I                                                                                . I
: 5. NAME l ADDRESS OF PROPERTY OWNER                            6. NAME & ADDRESS OF ENGINEER/AGENT                          1. NAME & ADDRESS OF CERT. WETLAND SPECIALIST Darlene Murphy                                                Darren T. Olson - CBBEL                                      Jedd Anderson CBBEL          M 101 Shiloh Blvd.                                            9575 W. Higgins Avenue,                                      9575 W. Higgins Avenue, Zion, IL 60099                                                Suite 600                                                    Suite 600 Rosemont, IL 60018                                            Rosemont, IL 60018 Daytime Phone: (224) 789-4025                                Daytime Pnnne: (847) 823-0500                                Daytime Phone: (647) 823-0500 Fax: (847) 823--0520                                          Fax: (847) 823-0520 Fax: (224) 789-4008 Emai:                          Email:                                      Email: 813 8A. -
Exempt. W&tenihed Development Permit Not Required (IV A2)
Minor Development (IV.A., IV.B.)
Major DeveloprnentOUlslde the Fklodplaln (lVA, IV.8., IV.0., IV.G.)
Isolated Welland Impact (IV.E.)
Request Letter d No Walland Impact (LONI) (IV.E.)
Development In a Floodway (lV.C.3.)
Aoodplaln Map Revision or Amendment (IV.C2.g.; IV.C.3.d.(8))
          ~                                                                                                "'"    Waten:ourue wlDrahlge Area >20 Aaes and <100 Acres (IVA, IV.D.)
:. Major Deve1opment ln5lde the Floodplain (IV.A., IV.B., IV.C., IV.D., IV.G.)                  _    Waten:ourae wJDramage Area >100 Acres and <640 N::res (IV.A., IV.D.)
          --    Public Road Development(IVA, IV.F.)
Public Development in the Fklodplaln (Appendix E.J.2.)
Earth Chqe Approyal (ECA) (IVA4.b.)
Variance Request (V.)
BFE or Floodway Determination (IV.C.)
          -    EJCfslng Condlllons BFE Only (no dewlopment)
SoM Erosion and Sediment Control Review Only                                                =./    Deslgnaled Erosion Control lnspectcr (DECI ReqlMred)
PrHpplk:allon Meeting Held
D      ~lf'J Dl&turbe 5000 sq. ft. or More 9A. STORMWATER DATA
untt            98. WETLAND DATA
Total Property Ownership                                =    92.73        Acres              Ex!slinn Wetland AmlBnA                                                      "  NIA Hydrologlo Disturbance                                  =    .06146        Ar:res                    Waler& of lhe U.S.                                =    ~Midtgln Wa!enihed Area TributalY to Development                  =                  Acres                    lsolaled Watsn of Lake Coonrv                    =    NIA Proposed Impervious Area                                =                    Acres              lmDaCled Wetland Ar.maoe                                                        NIA Exlstl~ Impervious /wa Pr&-1992                          =                  Atres
Wetel&Oflha U.S.                                  =    NIA Existing Impervious Area Post-1992                                          Aaes  ,_
Delenllon Volume Requll8d                              ..
Isolated Waters of Lake County Mllinalfcn RMIAMrnent Ratio
                                                                                                                                                                "    NIA
                                                                                                                                                                                    = NIA Compensatory Storage Required                          :                    Acre-ft.            Ultlnation AtmMe RMLllnld                                                  = NIA Deptesslonal                                        =                    ~ft.                    Wa1811 of the U.S.                                =    NIA Riverine O-to 1(}.Year                              ;;
Aa&-ft.                  Isolated Waters of Leka Comlv                      =    NIA Riverine 10- lo 100-Year                            =                  Acre-l..                On.Site Off.Site                                                              ..-  NIA NIA Mitlni:ilfon Bank                                                    '"'  NIA SMC We11and Restoration Fund                                          ""  NIA 9C. Check box 1f State (IL) rund& are being used ror !his development.      D        90. Qied< box If thiS ls a project being funded In part/In whole by an SMC grant?              [:J 10A. DESCRFTION OF DEVELOPMENT Temporarily beach a barge to transport a Stator and Rotor to another power generaUng station.
108. NAME Of DEVELOPMENT                                                            10C. SINGLE FAMILY HOME ONLY Zion Solutions Stator-Rotor Transfer                                Estimated fUluni nome value:
100. LOCATION OF DEVELOPMENT                                                        11. LEGAL DESCRIPTION East of Fulton Ave at the end of Shiloh Blvd                                        SW                  23                      46N                    12E Y. Section              Secllon                Township                Range streetAddreas    101 Shiloh Blvd, Zion, IL 60099
, Munlclpalty                                                                          PIN      04-23-100-006,04-23-100-004 City of Zion                                                        (Ir more than three PIN exlsla far Ole proJed, please fnctuda on a separate attachment)
Lake Michigan                            Dead River                                    42*2&'58.452.N                              87"48'0.64"W Watershed                                  Sub-Watershed                                Letilude                                    l.ongjtude
: 12. LIST ALL LOCAL, ST~TE. AND~ PERMIT APPLICATION, OR ~QY~LET'!!RS REQYIRED F~OPllENT I                                                                                                                            i .. . ~ ~'10. Qa1!! .                                            I Permit Type 1Reglona1Pennlt11 I
1* -- _ * . *. . lssul!.'llAgency
                              ,_u.~~.!.~_!1-~-~~--- .... .*-.. -*+-
                                                                            -... I
* Permit Number l*~~*-~-8----*~--
                                                                                                                                  -** -.. *---** .-- *-- .
_* -**--*-- .i Pemit Issue Date I
13A. UNOER PflfAl.TY OF INTEMTloNAi.. MISREPRESENTATION ANoioR PERJURY, Ideclare lhat Ihsve 9"8ll1iled arxl. made Ills appllcatlon and it is J.-aiid'ciiimtkillie                    ~Of  my.. I knolWldge and bellef. Iagree to COll8IM:t said development In campllsnce with Iha permitted doa.imenlll. I n181'1Z8 that ttie Wormatton ttiat I have allkmed hOIVOll bms abael& b' the Issuance of the Wala rahed Development Pennil(s) herein# and approval of plw In canndon theAIW!lh ahall not be canatued 1o permt any conatrue11on upon said premises or lill lhereot In WllaUonyr~~ of eny J~ble ordln
* lo excuse ttie owner or his successors In lille rrom Clll!llJMng ther11wfth.
Pre Construction $                                    Inspection Deposit t,..__ _ _ _ _ _ __ _
5 Year Mitigation S - - - - - - - - -
Surety$---- - - - - - -                                      Wetland Credit held by _ _ _ _ _ ___TOTAL SECURITY $
Date of Signature                                                          Approved ByfTitle                                                    PE.#/CWS#
Community Professional Engin-...*-.....
                                          * - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Certified Wetland Specialis.*r . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -
Lake Co. Stormwater Management Commis..,s::.:io"'n'------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
EnfurcemernOfficer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                                      ~
This permit Is subject to the following conditions:
(a) This permit does not convey title to the permittee or recognize title of the permittee to any submerged or other lands, and furthermore. does not convey, lease or provide any right or rights of occupancy or use of the public or private property on which the project or any pert thereof will be localed, or otherwise grant to the permittee any right or interest In or to the property, whether the property is owned or possessed by the County of Lake or by any private or public party or parties.
(b) This permit does not release the permittee from liability for damage to persons or property resuhing from the work covered by this permit, and does not authorize any injury to private property or invasion of private rights.
(c) This permit does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to obtain other federal, state or local authorizations required for the construction of the permitted activity; and If the permlttee Is required by law to obtain approval from any federal or state agency to do the work, this permit is not effective until those approvals are obtained.
(d) The permittee shall, at his own expense, remove all temporary piling, cofferdams, false work. and material Incidental to the construction of the project, from the fioodprone area, river, stream or lake In which the work is done.
(e) The execution and details of the work authorized shall be subject to the approval of the SMC. SMC representatives shall have right to access to accomplish this purpose.
(f) Application for permit will be considered full acceptance by the permittee of the terms and conditions of the permit.
(g) The SMC, In issuing this permit has relied, upon the statements and representations made by the permlttee; if any statement or representation made by the permlttee Is found to be false, the permit may be re110ked at the option of the SMC; and when a permit is rel/Oked all rights of the permittee under the permit are voided.
(h) If the project authorized by this permit is located In or along Lake Michigan or a meandered lake, the permillee and successors shell make no claim whatsoever to any interest in any accretions caused by the project.
(i) In issuing this permit, the SMC does not approve the adequacy of the design or structural strength or the structure or improvement.
: 0) Noncompliance with the conditions of this permit will be considered grounds for revocation.
(k)  If the work permitted is not completed within three years of the permit issuance date , this permit shall be void .
This permit is subject to further special conditions as follows:
Lake county Watersheds 0
                                                                                                                                        ...... "'
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: 16. l._.0..- ..........
: 1. AppllcatlOn Number                                                                    2. Date Reeeivelf
: 3. and 4. {SEE SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS} NAME MAILING ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NUMBERS 3a. Applicant's Name:                                      3b Co.Applicant/Property OWner Name                4. Authorized Agent (an agent u; nol raquired);
rit needed or l different from applicant).
Gerard van Noordennen                                                                                          Jedd Anderson Company Name (If any)
* Company Name (If any).                              Company Name (if any)
Zion Solutions, LLC.                                                                                          ChristopherB . Bul'keEng~eerlng.Ud Addf'8S6;                                                Address                                            Address*
101 Shiloh Blvd .                                                                                              9575 W Higgins Rd ** Suite 600 Zion, IL 60099                                                                                                  Rosemont, IL 60018 Email Address:                                      Email Address*
Emai1Add""8" 1 n01111nnoordttnnen@en....,V!<OfUllons oom                                                             Appllcanfs Phone Nos. w/area code                          Applicanfs Phone Nos w/area code                    AQent'11 Phone No.s w/area code Business 224-789-4025                                      Business:                                          8Usil'J8SS: 847-823-0500 Residence*                                                Residence*                                          Residence:
Cell* 86D-462*9707                                        Cefl*                                              Cel: 847-343-7818 Fax* 224-789-4008                                          Fax                                                Fax: 847"'823--0520 STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZA 110N 1hereby authorize,                  Jedd Anderson                    to ad in my behalf as my agent in the ptocesslng of thts appUcation and to fumish, upon requasL supp~1ntal information m &1,1pport of this pennd application
          .,,,j,      / *-* __/J..) j:_                  Gerard van Noordennen                                Ma~ 26, 2016
                    / '/      MiNica11t's .itOrlatl:lfe                                                          Date
: 5. ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS (Upstream and Downstream of the water body and withrn Visual Reach of Projeci)
Name                                            Mailing Address                                                              Pnone No wtarea code
: a. Available upon Request b.
Zion Solutions Stator-Rotor Transfer 7 PROJECT LOCATION 101 Shiloh Bllld. , Zion. IL 60099 UT Ms I LATITUDE I                    42.44957                                                ON Northing*
LONGITUDE . -87.80015                                                    ow Easting*
STREET, ROAD, OR OTHER DESCRIPTIVE LOCATION                                          LEGAL          QUARTER        SECTION          TOWNSHIP NO.            RANGE DESCRIPT 101 Shiloh Blvd., Zion, IL 60099                                                                        SW            23                  46N                12E 181 JN OR D NEAR CITY OF TOWN (check appropriate box)                                                    WATERWAY                                ~IVERMILE Municipality Name                                                                                                                                (ff applicable)
Zion                                                                                Lake Michigan                                            NIA COUNTY                                      STATE            ZIP CODE ake                                      IL              60099 tevised 2010
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  >ER0510~ CO~-YROL ~OT:ES                                                                                                                                              ---------Ml D IN St.:'CH A MA.~"ER AS ro ~*IDmdIZE EROSIO~ son.
ATTACHMENT 1 Completed Joint Application Form
: 1. Application Number                                                                2 Date Received
: 3. and -4. CSEE SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS) NAME. MAILING ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NUMBERS 3a Applicant's Name                                    3b Co-Applicant/Property Owner Name                  4. Authorized Agent (an agent 1s not requJflld);
(if needed or if d~nt from applicant):
Gerard van Noordennen                                                                                        Jedd Anderson Company Name {Jf any) .                                Company Name (If anY):                                Company Name (If ;my)'
l.ion Solutions, LLC.                                                                                        Christopher B. Bul'ke Engineering, Ltd Addl8SS..                                              Addre5$.                                            Address; 101 Shiloh Blvd.                                                                                            9575 W. Higgins Rd., Suite 600 Zion, IL 60099                                                                                                Rosemont, IL 60018 Emall AddMss:                                        Email Address:
Email Addreu; aDVannoordannenii!enemvsolutions com                                                                        Jfldd@obbel.aom Appicant's Phone Nos w/area code                        Applicant'* Phone Nos. w/area codtl                  Agent's Phone Noa w/area code Business. 224-789-4025                                  Busmess: .                                          Buli11ess: 847--823-0500 Residence:                                              Residence                                            Rea1denc::e:
Cell* 860-462-9707                                      Cell                                                Cell: 847-343-7818 Fax* 224-789-4008                                        Fax                                                  Fax: 847-823-0520 STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZA 110N I hereby authonze,                  Jedd Anderson                  to act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of th* application and to fum11h, upon request, suppl71.ntal information ln gvpport~fthis pennit apphcation
        ,41 ( -. /J .,/"f-.    -~                  Gerard van Noordennen                                May 26, 2016
                  //        ~riicant's S!Ori.atllfe                                                          Date
: 5. ADJOJNn'ilG PROPERTY OWNERS (Upstream and Downstream of the water body and within Visual Reach of Project)
Name                                        Ma1l1ng Address                                                              Phone No w/area code              t
: a. Available upon Request b.
Zion Solutions Stator-Rotor Transfer 7 PROJECT LOCATION*
101 Shiloh Bllld , Zto.1, IL 60099 UTMs LATITUDE.
42.44957                                            ON Northrng*
LONGITUDE. -87.80015                                                  ow Easting:
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~ IN OR U NEAR CITY OF TOVVN {check appropriate box)                                                WATERWAY                                  RIVER MILE Municipality Name                                                                                                                              (tf applroable)
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ATTACHMENT 2 IDNR EcoCAT Consultation, Initial Review
Eco~CAT Ecological ConPICl!!C! Aueument Tool Applicant:    Christopher B. Burke Egineering, Ltd. - Rosemont      IDNR Project Number:    1610258
Jedd Anderson                                          Date:                  05/03/2016 Address:      9575 W. Higgins Road , #600 Rosemont, IL 60018 Project:      Zion Solutions Address:      101 Shiloh Blvd., Zion
== Description:==
The project consist of beaching a barge on the shore of Lake Michigan and loading material on it, for transport to another site.
Natural Resource Review Results The Illinois Natural Heritage Database shows the following protected resources may be in the vicinity of the project location:
Illinois Beach INAI Site Illinois Dunes North INAI Site North Dunes Nature Preserve Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)
Blanding's Turtle (Emydoidea blandingii)
Common Bog Arrow Grass (Triglochin maritima)
Downy Yellow Painted Cup (Castilleja sessi/iflora)
Dune Willow (Salix syrtico/a)
False Asphodel (Tofieldia g/utinosa)
Few-Flowered Spikerush (Eleocharis pauciflora)
Kalm's St. John's Wort (Hypericum kalmianum)
Least Bittern (lxobrychus exi/is)
Little Green Sedge (Carex viridula)
Marram Grass (Ammophila breviligulata)
Pale False Foxglove (Agalinis skinneriana)
Redveined Prairie Leafhopper (Aflexia rubranura)
Richardson's Rush (Juncus alpinoarticulatus)
Sea Rocket (Cakile edentula)
Seaside Spurge (Chamaesyce polygonifolia)
Trailing Juniper (Juniperus horizonta/is)
Tubercled Orchid (P/atanthera f/ava var. herbiola)
An !DNR staff member will evaluate this information and contact you to request additional information or to terminate consultation if adverse effects are unlikely.
Location The applicant is responsible for the accuracy of the location submitted for the project.
County: Lake Township, Range, Section:
46N, 12E, 23 Page 1 of 2
    /DNR Project Number: 1610258 IL Department of Natural Resources                         Government Jurisdiction Contact                                                    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nathan Grider 217-785-5500 Division of Ecosystems & Environment Disclaimer The Illinois Natural Heritage Database cannot provide a conclusive statement on the presence, absence, or condition of natural resources in Illinois. This review reflects the information existing in the Database at the time of this inquiry, and should not be regarded as a final statement on the site being considered , nor should it be a substitute for detailed site surveys or field surveys required for environmental assessments. If additional protected resources are encountered during the project's implementation, compliance with applicable statutes and regulations is required .
Terms of Use By using this website, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to these terms. These terms may be revised by IDNR as necessary. If you continue to use the EcoCAT application after we post changes to these terms, it will mean that you accept such changes. If at any time you do not accept the Terms of Use, you may not continue to use the website.
: 1. The IDNR EcoCAT website was developed so that units of local government, state agencies and the public could request information or begin natural resource consultations on-line for the Illinois Endangered Species Protection Act, Illinois Natural Areas Preservation Act, and Illinois lnteragency Wetland Policy Act. EcoCAT uses databases, Geographic Information System mapping, and a set of programmed decision rules to determine if proposed actions are in the vicinity of protected natural resources. By indicating your agreement to the Terms of Use for this application, you warrant that you will not use this web site for any other purpose .
: 2. Unauthorized attempts to upload, download, or change information on this website are strictly prohibited and may be punishable under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 and/or the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act.
: 3. IDNR reserves the right to enhance, modify, alter, or suspend the website at any time without notice, or to terminate or restrict access.
Security EcoCAT operates on a state of Illinois computer system . We may use software to monitor traffic and to identify unauthorized attempts to upload, download, or change information, to cause harm or otherwise to damage this site. Unauthorized attempts to upload, download, or change information on this server is strictly prohibited by law.
Unauthorized use, tampering with or modification of this system, including supporting hardware or software, may subject the violator to criminal and civil penalties. In the event of unauthorized intrusion, all relevant information regarding possible violation of law may be provided to law enforcement officials.
Privacy EcoCAT generates a public record subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. Otherwise, IDNR uses the information submitted to EcoCAT solely for internal tracking purposes.
Page 2 of 2
ATTACHMENT 3 Completed USFWS Section 7 Review by CBBEL
MEMORANDUM May 9, 2016 TO:              Project File FROM:            Jedd Anderson
USFWS Threatened and Endangered Species Evaluation - Zion Solutions, Zion, Lake County, Illinois (CBBEL Project No. 110016.00018)
We have completed an evaluation of the proposed project in regards to federal listed threatened and endangered species based on the current USFWS process. The USFWS has implemented an Online Process for the completion of threatened and endangered species reviews for projects. Based on review and completion of their new process and the findings of IDNR regarding the potential impact to threatened or endangered species, in our opinion this project will have "no effecr and consultation is concluded.
LIset d S;pec1es Northern long-eared bat              Proposed as      Hibernates i n caves and mines - swarming in Myotis septentrionalis              Endangered      surrounding wooded areas in autumn. Roosts and fora~es in upland forests and woods .
Piping plover                        Endangered      Wide, open, sandy beaches with very little grass or other Charadrius melodus                                    vel!:etati on Piping plover                        Critical Habitat Wide, open, sandy beaches with very I ittle grass or other Charadrius melodus                                    vegetation Rufa Red knot                        Threatened      Only actions that occur along coastal areas or large Calidris canutus rufa                                  wetland complexes during migratory window of May 1 -
September 30 Eastern massasauga      Sistrurus    Candidate        Graminoid dominated plant communities (fens, sedge catenatus                                              meadows, peatlands, wet prairies , open woodlands, and shrublands)
Karner blue butterfly                Endangered      Pine barrens and oak savannas on sandy soils and Lycaeides melissa samuelis)                            containing wild lupines (Lupinus perennis), the only known food plant of the I a rva e Eastern prairie fringed orchid        Threatened      Moderate to high quality wetlands, sedge meadow, Platanthera leuccphaea                                marsh, and mesic to wet prairie Pitcher's thistle                    Threatened        Lakeshore dunes Cirsium pitcheri Species Listing and Evaluation Northern Long Eared Bat - No suitable habitat exists at this site.
Piping Plover - This project is located on the beach of Lake Michigan outside of the critical habitat area of the Plover. The area of temporary impact to the beach is minimal and covers a very small surface area of+/- 0.2 acres. The project will be completed well outside the CHRISTOPHER B. BURKE                      ENGINEERING, l TD.
* N:\ZfON\110016.00018\Env\Docs\USFWS T&E No Effect 050916 Jma.docx
MEMORANDUM Plovers nesting season, and being a mobile species live heathy individuals will be able to avoid the temporary work site.
Rufa Red Knot - This project is located on the beach of Lake Michigan. The area of temporary impact to the beach is minimal and covers a very small surface area of +/- 0.2 acres. The project will be completed well outside the Red Knots migration through Illinois ,
and being a mobile species live heathy individuals will be able to avoid the temporary work site.
Eastern Massasauga - This project does not contain suitable habitat for this species and is not known to occur within this area of Lake County.
Karner Blue Butterfly - This project site does not contain pine barrens and oak savannas on sandy soils that contain wild lupines (Lupinus perennis) , and therefore this species is unlikely to occur on this property.
Eastern prairie fringed orchid - The locations of the Eastern prairie fringed orchid are well known in the region, there have been none identified within these isolated study areas based on several detailed botanical surveys completed and none of the onsite habitat currently, therefore this species is not expected to be present or affected.
Pitcher's Thistle - According to the USFWS website Pitcher's thistle "was extirpated from Illinois but has been reintroduced in Lake County". A floristic inventory of the site found no thistles within the 0.4 acre study area.
Conclusion Given that the impact is temporary, limited in area, and located in a area significant disturbed by human activity, and based on our field visits to the site, and intent to assess the area prior to commence of work , we have determined that the project will have "no effect" on listed or candidate species, their habitats, or proposed or designated critical habitat.
N:\ZION\110016.00018\Env\Docs\USFWS T&E No Effect 050916 jma.docx
ATTACHMENT 4 Engineering Plans with Construction Sequencing
STA. 1o+oo IS LOCATED                                                                                                                                                              3'-
AT THE EAST FACE OF THE SHEET PILING CAP                                                                                                                                                              BCF I                                                                                                                                                                    wr.
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ATTACHMENT 5 Wetland I Water Assessment
9575 West Higgins Road Suite 600 Rosemont, llllnols 60018 TEL (847) 823-0500 FAX (847) 823-0520 May 9, 2016 Zion Solutions, LLC 101 Shiloh Boulevard Zion, Illinois 60099 Attention:        Darlene Murphy
Wetland/Waters Assessment of the Zion Solutions, LLC Stator-Rotor Roll-On Site, Zion, Lake County, Illinois (CBBEL Project No. 110016.00018)
==Dear Ms. Murphy:==
As requested, on May 5, 2016 Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. (CBBEL) completed a wetland assessment of the Stator-Rotor Roll-on site. This report was prepared to document our findings.
The study area is located east of Shiloh Boulevard within the Zion Solutions property in Zion, Lake County, Illinois, as shown on the attached Exhibits. Within the study area Lake Michigan was delineated as a waters of the United States. No wetlands were identified adjacent to the lake within the study area. The delineation was completed in accordance with the Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Midwest Region {October 2010). The waters limits are shown on Exhibit 7. Information collected on site is listed In the attached data forms.
METHODOLOGY The Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual:
Midwest Region (October 2010), identifies the mandatory technical criteria for wetland Identification. The three essential characteristics of a jurisdictional wetland are hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils and wetland hydrology as described below:*
Hvdrophvtic Vegetation: The hydrophytic vegetation criterion Is based on a separation of plants into five basic groups:
: 1. Obligate wetland plants (OBL) almost always occur {estimated probability >99%)
in wetlands under natural conditions; Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd.                                                Zion Solutions, LLC 1
: 2. Facultatlve wetland plants (FACW) usually occur in wetlands (estimated probability 67-99%), but occasionally are found in non-wetlands;
: 3. Facultatlve plants (FAC) are equally likely to occur in wetlands or non-wetlands (estimated probability 34-66%);
: 4. Facultatlve upland plants (FACU) usually occur in non-wetlands (estimated probability 67-99%), but occasionally are found in wetlands; and
: 5. Obligate upland plants (UPL) almost always occur (estimated probability >99%)
in non-wetlands under natural conditions.
Three procedures completed in the following order are used to determine if hydrophytic vegetation Is present:          *
: 1. Rapid Test: The Rapid Test for hydrophytic vegetation is met if all dominant species across all strata are OBL or FACW, or a combination of the two based on a visual assessment.
: 2. Dominance Test: Using the 50120 Rule, if greater than 50% of the plants present are FAC, FACW, or OBL, the subject area meets the hydrophytic vegetation criterion.
: 3. Prevalence Index: Each plant species in a sampling plot Is assigned a numeric value (OBL=1; FACW=2; FAC=3; FACU=4; UPL=5). Based on the sampling data, the absolute cover is calculated for each species in each stratum and using the specified formula, if the Prevalence Index is 3 or less, hydrophytic vegetation ls present.
: 4. Mnmholonical Adaptations: Various species may dP.Velop physical characteristics after growing in wetland areas such as multi-stemmed trunks, shallow roots and buttressed stems. Hydrophytic vegetation is present if an adaptation is observed in more than 50% of FACU species growing in an area that contains hydric soil and wetland hydrology.
Hvdrlc Soils: Hydric soils are defined in the manual as "soils that are saturated, flooded or ponded long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part." Field Indicators of hydrlc soil are found in the NTCHS Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States (USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service 2006b or current version).
Wetland Hydrologv: The wetland hydrology criterion is often the most difficult to determine. Typically, the presence of water for a portion of the growing season creates anaerobic conditions. Anaerobic conditions lead to the prevalence of wetland plants.
Morphological adaptations of plants, driftlines and watermarks are examples of wetland hydrology field indicators.
Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd.                                Zion Sofutfons, LLC 2
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION STUDY AREA The study area contains an existing gravel parking lot and a portion of the beach of Lake Michigan, as shown on the attached Exhibits. The study area, characterized at data points 18 and 28, is east of the Shiloh Blvd terminus. No *A" points were taken as no wetlands exist within the study area. Two data points were taken because a sheet pile bulkhead wall separates the beach from the east side of the parking lot.
The vegetated portion of the study area adjacent to Lake Michigan was dominated by beach grass (Ammophlla brevlllgulata). A few specimens of wormwood (Artemisia vulgaris), sand dune willow {Salix cordata), Queen Anne's lace (Daucus carota), Panic grass {Panicum virgatum) and cottonwood saplings (Populus deltoides) were found within the study area. The substrate in the vegetated areas consisted of beach sand.
No wetland areas were identified within the study area. The Corps of Engineers identifies the Lake Michigan Ordinary High Water Mark/jurisdictional limit to be at elevation 581.5.
REFERENCE MATERIALS The following reference materials were reviewed and used to assist in the wetland field reconnaissance. They are included as Exhibits 1-6.
LOCATION The study area is located east of Shiloh Boulevard terminus in Zion, Lake County, Illinois (Exhibit 1). Geographically, the study area Is located In Section 23, Township 46 North, Range 12, and East of the Third Principal Meridian. The latitude and longitude for the project site Is 42.449565.N; -87.800148&deg;W.              Study area boundaries were established during a field walk down, with Zion Solutions staff.
NATIONAL WETLAND INVENTORY The National Wetland Inventory map (NWI), Zion Quadrangle (1983), indicates no wetlands are mapped within the study area (Exhibit 2). The NWI serves only as a large-scale guide and actual wetland locations and types often vary from that mapped. The following was mapped within the Study Area:
L1UBH - Lacustrine, Unconsolidated Bottom, Permanently Flooded LAKE COUNTY WETLAND INVENTORY The Lake County Wetland Inventory map (LCWI) and Advanced Identification map (ADID), Benton and Zion Townships (1993), indicates mapped wetland within the project Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd.                                Zion Solutions, L_LC 3
5 t::: P S- J. H - Io 3 ZS-:J.01/ - 010~
957S ~ H;gglns Road Slite SOC P.ose.,,ont llliric*s 60018 TEL (847) 823--0500 FAX (&#xa3;147) 823-0520 June 13, 2016 Lake County Stormwater                                             Illinois Department of Natural Resources Management Commission                                               Office of Water Resources 500 W. Winchester Road, Suite 201                                  160 N. LaSalle Street, Suite S-703 Libertyville, IL 60048                                              Chicago, IL 60601 Attention:        Scott Griffith, PE                                Jim Casey Regulatory Supervisor                            Lake Michigan Permits
Zion Nuclear Station - Barge Transport of Stator/Rotor Temporary Construction Activities at Lake Michigan City of Zion, IL (CBBEL Project 110016.00018)
==Dear Mr. Gnffith and Mr. Casey:==
On behalf :>f ZionSolutions, LLC, Christopher B. Burke Engineering, ltd. (CBBEL) is submitting a Watershed Development Permit and Joint Permit Application with additional supporting documents requesting authorlzatfon to construct a temporary access roadway and dock a barge at the Zion Nuclear Station to transport a Stator/Rotor to another power generating station for re-use. The project is located on the shoreline of lake Michigan and at an adjacent existing staging area within the Zion Nuclear Station at the end of Shiloh Boulevard within the City of Zion. Lake County, IL.
The project consists of constructing a temporary access roadway and docking a barge on the 1
shore of Lake Michigan which will transport the Stator/Rotor. which does not allow for surface transport given the size and weight (>1,000,000 pounds). The temporary access roadway will be constructed with timber mats on crushed and compacted limestone and will extend from the existing gravel parking lot to an upland beach area. This area is above the Ordinary High Water Mark of lake Michigan (OHWM), which corresponds to an elevation of 581.5 ft.
NAVD88 (580.5 ft. International Great Lakes Datum 1985 (IGLD 85)) . At the terminus of the temporary access road, a gangway/bridge wm be lowered into place from the barge to the terminus, spanning the limits of the waters of the United States Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM). Tre Stator/Rotor will then be rolled on to the barge using a high tech trailer system.
The barge is specialized and its buoyancy can be regulated using a water ballast system, which can level the barge or float one end or the other as necessary to allow beaching and freeing from the shoreline. A tugboat will be used to position the barge arid move it once the Stator/Rotor are secured on board. The attached Stormwater Permit Plan Set shows the work plan, information regarding soil erosion and sediment control measures for the project, construction sequencing and restoration .
According te> the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) for Lake County, IL and Incorporated Areas Panel 85 of 295, revised on September 18. 2013, a portion of the project area resides within regulatory Zone A floodplain associated with Lake Michigan (Exhibit 2). CBBEL completed a Base Flood Elevation (BFE) study for the Zion Nuclear Station that has been previously approved by Lake County Stormwater Management Commission in 2011. The study utilized a floodplain elevation of 584.75 ft {NAVD88) (585.0 ft NGVD1929) for the beach area. The proposed project will require temoorary fill within the regulatory floodplain and beaching of a barge within Lake Michigan, which is a Public Waters of Illinois. While there will be no dredging or filling within the OH\NM, there will be approximately 20 cubic yards of temporary fill within the regulatory floodplain. The civil improvements within the regulatory floodplain are only temporary and the site area *win restored to its previous condition upon completion of the project, which is expected to take onfy a one or two weeks. In our opinion, the small amount of temporary fill within the floodplain of Lake Michigan will not increase flood risk for adjacent properties and should be exempt from providing compensatory storage.
CBBEL completed a wetland and water assessment in suppert to obtain a Regional Permit 11 from the USACE, which was filed on May 26, 2016 under a separate cover. A copy of the USACE permit application and supporting documentation Is also enclosed with this letter.
Construction is scheduled to begin in August 2016. On behatf of ZionSolutions, we are requesting authorization to proceed with the proposed project. ff you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Sincerely Darren Olson, PE, CFM. D.WRE Senior Water Resources Pr~ect Manager
Joint Permit Application Watershed Development Permit Application Stormwater Permit Plan Set Location Map FIRM USACE Wetland Permit Information Co:      Darlene Murphy - ZionSolutions OTO N.ILIONl.110016 :>CC18\Water\DocsU.....SMC_IONR_06132016.docx
I                                                                    I                                                                            I
: 5. NAME &ADDRESS OF PROPERTY OWNER                                6. NAME & ADDRESS OF ENGINEER/AGENT                      T. NAME & ADDRESS OF CERT. WETLAND SPECIAUST Darlene Murphy                                                  Darren T. Olson - CBBEL                                  Jedd Anderson ~ CBBEL 101 Shiloh Blvd.
* 9575 W. Higgins Avenue,                                  9575 W. Higgins Avenue, Zion, IL 60099                                                  Suite 600                                                Suite 600 Rosemont, IL 60018                                        Rosemont, IL 60018 Daytime Phone: (224) 7894025                                      Daytime Plvine: (847) 823-0500                          Daytime Phone: (847) 823-0500 Fax: (847) 823-0520                                      Fax: (847) 823-0520 Fax: (224) 789-4008 Email: dfmu11>                              Email:                                  Email:
8A.. -
Exempt. Water&hed Development Permit Not Required (IV A2)
Minor Development (IV.A., IV.B.}
Major Development OU!slde the Fi>odplaln (IVA, IV .B., IV.O., IV.G.)
Isolated WelllWld Impact (IV.E.)
Request LeUer of No Welland Impact (LONI) (IV.E.)
                                                                                                              ;;:;;;: Development In a FloOdWay (IV.C.3.)
: Floodplain Map Revision or Amendment (IV.C.2.g.; IV.C.3.d.(8))
* Waten:ourue wJDnmage Area >20 Acres and <100 Acres (IVA, IV.O.)
:....... Major Development Inside the Floodplain (IV.A., IV.B.. IV.C., IV.D., IV.G.)                  Watercourse w/Dru111ge Area >100 Aaea and <640 Acres (IV.A., IV.D.}
:: Ealth Change Approval (ECA) (IV.A.4.b.)
* Public Road Development(IVA, IV.F.)
                                                                                                              .._ Variance Request {V.)
Public Development in the Floodplaln (Appendix E.J.2.)
Exislng Condlllons BFE Only (no devslopmentJ                                          :z      BFE or Floodway Delermfnalion (IV.C.}
Oeslgnabld Erosion Control Inspector (DECI Reqlinld)
                                                                                                              ._ PrHppbtJon Meeting Held Soll Erosion and Sediment Control Review Only i-D      Hydrologically Dlstulbe 5000 sq. ft. or More
Unit          98. WETLAND DATA
Total Property Ownership                                  =      92.73        Acres              Exislina Welland Acre8118                                                ,. NIA Hydrologlc Olslurbance                                    =      .06146      Acres                  Waler& of lhe U.S.                            =    !AaMidVfn Walenlhed Area TribUtalY to Oevelopmenl                    =                  Acres                  Isolated Watars of Lake Coonlv                =    NIA Proposed Impervious Area                                  :                  Acres              lrmacled Wetland Acreaae                                                  ;; NIA ED;tlrg Impervious tvca. Pnt-1992                          =                  Ams                    WateraOflha U.S.                              =    NIA Exi5tlng I~ Am Post-1992                                                      Aaes                    Isolated Waters of Lake CounlY                ,. NIA
Delenllon Volume Requll8d
* Acre-It            Mllinalfon Renl&nement Ratio                                              =  NIA Compensatory Storage Required                              "'                  Acre-ft.          Ultlaa!ion Amiane Reoult'ed                                            =    NIA Oepresslonal                                          :                  Acre-ft.                Walfll'8 of the U.S.                          =    NIA Riverine 0-to 10-Year                                  =                  AQ&.ll                  Isolated Waters of Lake l',mllllv              =    NIA Riverine 10- lo 100-Year                              =                  Acre-ft.                On.Siie Olf.Slle                                                          ..-  NIA NIA Mltlni:ollM Bank                                                  =    NIA SMC Welland Rastorallon Fund                                      ""  NIA 9C. Check box If State (IL) rund& are being used for this development.          D        9D. Qleck box If tlis Is a project being funded In part/In whole by an SMC grant?          [:J 1
0A. OESCRF110N OF DEVELOPMENT Temporartty beach a barge to transport a Sta~r and Rotor to another power generating station.
108. NAllE Of: DEVELOPMENT                                                              10C. SINGLE FAMILY HOME ONLY Zion Solutions Stator-Rotor Transfer                              Estimated fUtunt home value:
100. LOCATioH OF DEVELOPMENT                                                            11. LEGAL DESCRIPTION East of Fulton Ave at the end of Shiloh Blvd                                          SW                23                    46N                    12E
, StruetAddresa          101 Shiloh Blvd, Zion, IL 60099                                  Y. Section              Section            Tuwnshlp              Range Munlclpalty                                                                            PIN      04-23-100-006,04-23-100-004 City of Zion                                                      (If more than three PIN exlsla fer lfle pro}ecl. please lncilcle on a separa!B attachmenQ Lake Michigan                                Dead River                                    42*2&'58.452.N                            87"48'0.64"W Watershed                                      SUl>-Watershed                              Lstilude                                  I:Onglmde
Pennlt Type t*glonalPermlt11
                                      ' - -*- _ * . *.. lssul['Q. Ageng i-u*~~!.~!5-~.E~~--- .... . *-*--**j
_        -l        Permit Number            1** ~ ~'!9. ~ .
                                                                                                                                ,.~~*-~-&----*~-- _ * --*-
                                                                                                                                                                  . Permit Issue Date
I                                  I                                          -*... 1                                . I -** -*.. *--**. -- *-- .                                        I.
                                        . . ..                    . .. . .                                                            . ..                      l--**-** . . . --*-- ....I f:lA.. UNOER Pf.NA!.lY OF INTENTIONAL MISREPRESENTA110N ANO/OR Pm.JURY, I declare that I llllve e"'8ll*1ed Md/or made Ilia eppllc:atlon and ii is lru& and correct to Ille best of my lcnoMedge and belief. I agree ID conalruct said development ln compbnce with the penniltad dowmenbl. I reaflZI that the Wonnatton that I have alllrmed hSIVOl'I mns abatl& tir the lssuiince of Ille Walanrhed Development Permil(s) herein~ and approval or plans In connedlon therewith ahall not be conRued lo permit any a>nallucUon upon said premises or 1111 thereof In WilalfonJ.f~ IXO~ of any J~ble ordln .' lo excuse the aNMr or his succaasors In lllle from comgly{ng lhenlwlth.
Pre Construction $                                    Inspection Deposit,._
t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5 Year Mitigation S - - - - - - - - -
Surety$---- - - - - - -                                      Welland Credit held by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TOTAL SECURITY $
Date of Signature                                                          Approved ByfTitle                                                    PE.#/CWS#
Community Professional Engin1e - * - 1 U - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Certified Wetland Specia l i s ' i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -
Lake Co. Stormwater Management Commiss=io..n.____________________
EnfurcememOfficer _ _________________________                                                            ~
This permit Is subject to the following conditions:
(a) This permit does not convey title to the permittee or recognize title of the permittee to any submerged or other lands, and furthermore, does not convey, lease or provide any right or rights of occupancy or use of the public or private property on which the project or any part thereof will be located, or otherwise grant to the permittee any right or interest in or to the property, whether the property is owned or possessed by the County of Lake or by any private or public party or parties.
(b) This permit does not release the permittee from liability for damage to persons or property resulting from the work covered by this permit, and does not authorize any injury to private property or invasion of private rights.
(c) This permit does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to obtain other federal, state or local authorizations required for the construction of the permitted activity: and If the permlttee Is required by law to obtain approval from any federal or state agency to do the work, this permit is not effective until those approvals are obtained.
(d) The permittee shall, at his own expense, remove all temporary piling, cofferdams, false work, and material Incidental to the construction of the project, from the fioodprone area, river, stream or lake In which the work is done.
(e) The execution and details of the work authorized shall be subject to the approval of the SMC. SMC reprasentatives shall have right to access to accomplish this purpose.
(f) Application for permit will be considered full acoeptance by the permittee of the terms and conditions of the permit.
(g) The SMC, In Issuing this permit has relied, upon the statements and representations made by the permittee; if any statement or representation made by the permlttee Is found to be false, the permit may be revoked at the option of the SMC: and when a permit Is revoked all rights of the permittee under the permit are voided.
(h) If the project authorized by this permit is located In or along Lake Michigan or a meandered lake, the permittee and successors shall make no claim whatsoever to any interest in any accretions caused by the project.
(i) In issuing this permit, the SMC does not approve the adequacy of the design or structural strength or the structure or improvement.
: 0) Noncompliance with the conditions of this permit will be considered grounds for revocation.
(k)  If the work permitted is not completed within three years of the permit issuance date, this permit shall be void.
This permit is subject to further special conditions as follows:
Lake County Watersheds D        1        2    3Milea
i.roiRifs~.flf'd L~'-l*
: l. Pilll.llllllOr**
                                                                                                                          'Sl_..4'nic ....."M"lalic . . .
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: d. Deii ........ ll#a' Wltml>Od
: 10. Mcalll!.P!:tlOa I\  ,.C#ll 1:a..~~oo
                                                                                                                          ,,. ..
t). Wperl)lw,....~
                                                                                                                                ,~ ,.
                                                                                                                          * * ~Otri' 16.ltwor O.. ........ " -
: 1. ApplicatfOn Number                                                                      2. Date Received 3 and 4 (SEE SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS) NAME MAILING ADDRESS Af4D TELEPHONE NUMBERS 3a. Applicant's N11me.                                      3b Co-Appllca11tJPropertv OWner Name                4. Authorized Agent (an agent if> nol ntqUit&d);
ftf needed or l different from applicant).
Gerard van Noordennen                                                                                              Jedd Anderson Company Name (If any)
* Company Name (lf any).                                Company Name (if any)
Zion Solutions, LLC.                                                                                              Chnstophtr B. Burke Engineering, Ltd Address;                                                    Address                                              Address*
101 Shiloh Blvd .                                                                                                9575 W Higgins Rd., Suite 600 Zion, IL 60099                                                                                                    Rosemont, IL 60018 Eman Address:                                        Email Address*
Email Address*
In011Rnnoordennen                    Jvtlons.OOITI                                                                J& Applicanrs Phone Nos. wlarea coda                            Applicanfs Phone Nos w/area code                    A;ent's Phone Noa w/area code Business 224-789-4025                                        Business;                                            Busi11ess: 847-823-0500 Residence*                                                  Residence*                                          Residence:
Cell* 86o.462*9707                                            Cell*                                                CeM: 847-343--7818 Fa>r 224-789-4008                                            Fax                                                Fax: 847"'823-0520 STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION I hereby authorize.                    Jedd Anderson                  to act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of thts application and to flJmlsh, upon request. supple1ntal information m sypport of this penrut application .
        .~" / .odlDlicaot's  __, . , . /J A'l-              Gerard van Noordennen                              May 26, 2016
                  //                        dF-J.-*.J..                                                            Date
: 5. ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS (Upstream and Downstream of the water body and withrn Visual Reach of Pro.iect)
Name                                              Ma1llng Address                                                                Pnone No w/area code
: a. Available upon Request b.
: c.                                                                                                                                                                    i d.
Zion Solutions Stator-Rotor Transfer 7 PROJECT LOCATION 101 Shlloh Bllld. . Zton, IL 600119 UTMs I LATITUDE                                                                    "N 42.44957                                                            Northing*
LONGITUDE. -87.80015                                                      "W Easting*
STREET, ROAD, OR OTHER DESCRIPTIVE LOCATION                                            LEGAL          QUARTER        SECTION          TOWNSHIP NO.            RANGE DESCRIPT 101 Shiloh Blvd., Zion, IL 60099                                                                        SW              23                  46N                12E J811N ORD NEAR CITY OF TOWN (check appropriate box)                                                        WATERWAY                                  RIVER MILE Munlclpality Name                                                                                                                                    (ff applicable)
Zion                                                                                  Lake Michigan                                              NIA COUNTY                                      STATE            ZIP CODE ake                                      IL                60099
!evised 2010
] Corps of Engineers                    0    IL Dep't of Natural Resources                    D IL Environmental Protection                  D  Applicanfs Copy Agency
I. PROJECT DE8C                (fnCLLI *I-...):
zton.....,,,UOll .......... UMCE..........,.fara ........... 1t ID___.,.._. ...... illlheZlan..,._ . . ..,...,.. *
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::ilP;:..-:.~-=MIO=rr:=:::::::.:t ..=:.=::~~::".J::-'~1.8:"..:.e:.i::::.::::."::.-.
    ..,................. ._CHWUll_,. Thl .... 11......... llllllsllllopllllrClllli....._~*--Mllat.,.._. . . _._. ....... <<IClll-enfotlle Cllllr'M~itllaw ....... ftl'lllllOtOlll . . ........_ A~ ... IMIW.-to....,_. ...... Mlwl .............. __. .. ....
: n. ........-......... 111m .................,......... _._ ............... ,,., ......... .....-onOf....... d . . lilllld. . . llldCHWM.
: 8.              NfO NEED OF PR Transfer Stator..ffotor to another generating station for fub.n use.
No Discharge Proposed.
: 11.        E(S) Of    :TEA  BEING DISCHAROED AND          AMOUNT OF EACH nPE IH                                          ~
Not Appftcable
: 12. SURFACE AREA IN ACRES OF                          OTHER WATERS FLlED (See                  ~
No ftH proposed wHhln OHWM or \Wttfanda 8880Clated With Lake Michigan 1a DE8CRIPOON OF AVOI                            :noH                rlON (See              ~
No fill propQSed within OHWM or wetlands associated with Lake Michigan. The OHWM will be spanned by a batge ramp from upland to barge.
* 14. Date d\'ftV le pRlpOled lo commenoa                                  Olla .9Clvftr 11...-S to be campleled swmner 2016 11i.. r. .ny partlan ol lhuaMvl~ for 10UUttnowOllqlllWI
                                              "*1orlDllon Is      ..
Fall 2018 No      x      NOTE: I f -.. "YES" gl\18 l8MOl1a In . .
                                                                                            ~end Rtmllawllan.
Mordh Md Y*rthe ecMy was NIA                                                            hdcll9 lhlt ~wart< on clnlWlnga.
: 18. LJat IPPl'Wllla or ceialcllGn and denlail ~ hm !llW F;a;r.[ """"818, lbde, orJ~:"Zfar~lllruduntl::::::r.::=,-:con::*=;;::~ndan.==  * :-':clldlm:CC::gea:=:<<:'""f other ecMlel delcrlled In Chia applcellan.
JwgtgmcvT 111. APPi tr~ nN VFAIFlt"..A          (RFF RPFr.IAI
* OHR)
Applc:elbl llt hentby mlde for the ecMlel daalbld hlrRI. I aerlf/lhlt In flllllllllrWll Iha l'nfanRatlon conlllned In the tppllc:allan, md 11111 to . .
bell fArny ~Ind beW, such lrdonMllon 11 W.. CQll'lflllt9, ft ....... I MttNlr Cll'IM'ylllt I,__ the~ lo undlltBlm                          lte.,,.,,,.,.,
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Corps Of Engineers                IL Oap't d Natural Reaourc11              IL Envlranrrwnllf Prol8dlon Reviled 2010                                                          AgBnat SEE INSTRUCTIONS FOR ADDRESS
e            ,____                          ...=,
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&sect; i..~                                                                                          S1Jurces Esn. HERE, Dt:ilorme, USGS, lntemiai;, increment P Corp,, NRC:AN, E&n Japan , METI, Esn Chrna (Hong Kong). Esn (Tharland), TomTom, 8                                                                                            Mapmylnt:lia, &#xa9; OpenStreetMc.p contrlbutor"1, and the GIS User Community
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A    ISSUEC ADDED 1----1----
CUSTOMER:                                          REV NUMBER              f ROM Ot.PlCILO 1\ll'W':Cl:.IJL'l l                                                          C    .-00 Vl I
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DRAWN B'f:    DESCRIPTION:                                            1.. coP.EcAs-'s A."&#xa3;  R:lM U.S. AR'llY CC?."S OF ENCi~ITTS C'!EA"T ..Ai<ES W~TER Lf\U f<R[CASIS.
                                                                                                                                                *-----------!41                          .....
  ) :ER.0~10~      co~~ROL ~OTI.S D IN Sl:CH A MA.."ll\"ER AS TO :MNIMIZE ER.OSIO~ son.
ATTACHMENT 1 Completed Joint Application Form
: 1. Applfcalion Number                                                                    2 Date Received
: 3. and 4. CSEE SPECIAL INSTRUCTJONS} NAME. MAILING ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NUMBERS 3a Applicant's Name                                      3b Co-AppllcanUProperty ~118r Name                    4. Authorized Agent (an agent is not requft8d);
(if needed or if different fre>m applicant):
Gerard van Noordennen                                                                                            Jedd Anderson Company Name (If any) :                                  Company Name (if anY):                                Company Name (If any)'
l.ion Solutions, LLC.                                                                                            ChristopherB. BW'ke Engineering, Ltd Address.                                                  Addl"l!S$.                                            Addrus; 101 Shiloh Blvd.                                                                                                9575 W. Higgins Rd., Suite 600 Zion, IL 60099                                                                                                    Rosemont, IL 60018 Email Address:                                        Email Addies1r Email Address; aovannooraennenftenerovsolLJbons COfTl                                                                 App~nl's Phone NO$ w/area code                            Applicant's Phone Nos. w/area ~                        Ag&nt's Phone Noa w/area code Bustness      224-789-4025                              Business:                                              Busi11ess: 847.S23-0500 Residence:                                                Residence                                              Residence:
Cell* 86().452..g707                                      Cell                                                  Cell: 847-343-7a18 Fax* 224-789-4008                                          Fax                                                    Fax- 847-823-0520 STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZA 110N I hereby auttx>nze,                  Jedd Anderson                    to act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of th* application and to fumtSh, upon request, supple~1ntal information in gvpport of this permit appbcation
          ,,i1      ( -. -~ /.) .,/1f-.                Gerard van Noordennen                                May 26, 2016
                  //        ldi~icant'S SfOrt.alllftj                                                            Date
: 5. ADJOJNn'llG PROPERTY O'IJNERS {Upstream and DownstTeam of the water body and within Visual Reach of Project)
Name                                          Marling Address                                                                Phone No wt-area code
: a. Available upon Request b.
Zion Solutions Stator-Rotor Transfer 7 PROJECT LOCATION*
101 Shiloh Bllld , Z10.1, IL 60099 UTMs LATITUDE.
42.44957                                                ON Norttung*
LONGITUDE. -87.800*15                                                      ow Easting:
STREET, ROAD, OP. OTHER DESCRIPTIVE LOCATION                                        LEGAL          QUARTER        SECTION          TOWNSHIP NO.            RANGE DESCRIPT 101 Shiloh Blvd .* Zion, IL 60099                                                                      SW              23                  46N                12E 181 IN OR U NEAR CITY OF TOWN (check appropriate box)                                                      WATERWAY                                RIVER MILE Municipality Name                                                                                                                                  (If appllCSble)
Zion                                                                                Lake Michigan                                              NIA COUNTY                                    STATE            ZIP CODE ake                                    IL                60099
] Corps ot Engineers                  0    IL Dep't of Natural Resources                    D IL Environmental Protection                D    App~cant's Copy Agency
: 8. PR              AIP110N ( m al faaUes):                                                                            *** =
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A ...... dllellllllto ........
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: 8. PU              NEED OF PROJECT:
Transfer stator-Rotor to another generating staUon for future use.
Not Apptlcable
: 12. SURFACE            NACRES OFVETI.AND8 OR OTHER WATERS Fil.ED (8ee No ftJI proposed within OHWM or weU&nda 88BOcfa:ted with Lake Michigan 3                  OF AVODANCE, M                                                    (8118            ~
No ftll propQSed within OHWM or wetlands associated wJth Lake Michigan. The OHWM wll be spamed by a barge ramp from upland to barge.
11i. lnny parlan of      llCIMty llDrMllGtu                II        Va IOUllhl nowoamplll87 Monlh and Yearthe~wu NIA                                                                            hloldelledaf.lrVworkond~
: 11. Uat ..-~;:C9lllcalon mddali8ll reottWd '-1 Cllf9 Fed11'111, hdllrlllda, llabt, orbit......... b 1trut*lr91, CGnllndan, dldagel ar o111er ...... dwrbld 1n au      ..,,....on.
: 17. CON&EHT TO NTER PROFERTY Corpe Of Englnura                                                                          L nvfromnll1llll Prutactlon Revised 2010                                                                        ~
                                        -- 1 ATTACHMENT2 IDNR EcoCAT Consultation, Initial Review
Eco~CAT Ecofoaicgl Complicmct Asleument Tool                                                                    I Applicant:    Christopher B. Burke Egineering, Ltd. - Rosemont      IDNR Project Number:    1610258
Jedd Anderson                                          Date:                  05/03/2016 Address:      9575 W. Higgins Road, #600 Rosemont, IL 60018 Project:      Zion Solutions Address:      101 Shiloh Blvd., Zion
== Description:==
The project consist of beaching a barge on the shore of Lake Michigan and loading material on it, for transport to another site.
Natural Resource Review Results The Illinois Natural Heritage Database shows the following protected resources may be in the vicinity of the project location:
Illinois Beach INAI Site Illinois Dunes North INAI Site North Dunes Nature Preserve Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)
Blanding's Turtle (Emydoidea blandingii)
Common Bog Arrow Grass (Triglochin maritima)
Downy Yellow Painted Cup (Castilleja sessi/iflora)
Dune Willow (Salix syrtico/a)
False Asphodel (Tofieldia glutinosa)
Few-Flowered Spikerush (Eleocharis pauciflora)
Kalm 's St. John's Wort (Hypericum kalmianum)
Least Bittern (lxobrychus exilis)
Little Green Sedge (Carex viridu/a)
Marram Grass (Ammophila breviligulata) .
Pale False Foxglove (Agalinis skinneriana)
Redveined Prairie Leafhopper (Aflexia rubranura)
Richardson's Rush (Juncus alpinoarticulatus)
Sea Rocket (Cakile edentula)
Seaside Spurge (Chamaesyce po/ygonifolia)
Trailing Juniper (Juniperus horizontalis)
Tubercled Orchid (Platanthera flava var. herbiola)
An IDNR staff member will evaluate this information and contact you to request addltlonal information or to terminate consultation if adverse effects are unlikely.
Location The applicant is responsible for the accuracy of the location submitted for the project.
County: Lake Township, Range, Section:
46N, 12E, 23 Page 1 of 2
    /DNR Project Number: 1610258 IL Department of Natural Resources                          Government Jurisdiction Contact                                                    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nathan Grider 217-785-5500 Division of Ecosystems & Environment Disclaimer The Illinois Natural Heritage Database cannot provide a conclusive statement on the presence, absence, or condition of natural resources in Illinois. This review reflects the information existing in the Database at the time of this inquiry, and should not be regarded as a final statement on the site being considered, nor should it be a substitute for detailed site surveys or field surveys required for environmental assessments. If additional protected resources are encountered during the project's implementation, compliance with applicable statutes and regulations is required.
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: 1. The IDNR EcoCAT website was developed so that units of local government, state agencies and the public could request information or begin natural resource consultations on-line for the Illinois Endangered Species Protection Act, Illinois Natural Areas Preservation Act, and Illinois lnteragency Wetland Policy Act. EcoCAT uses databases, Geographic Information System mapping, and a set of programmed decision rules to determine if proposed actions are in the vicinity of protected natural resources. By indicating your agreement to the Terms of Use for this application, you warrant that you will not use this web site for any other purpose.
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ATTACHMENT 3 Completed USFWS Section 7 Review by CBBEL
MEMORANDUM May 9, 2016 TO:              Project File FROM:            Jedd Anderson
USFWS Threatened and Endangered Species Evaluation - Zion Solutions, Zion, Lake County, Illinois (CBBEL Project No. 110016.00018)
We have completed an evaluation of the proposed project in regards to federal listed threatened and endangered species based on the current USFWS process. The USFWS has implemented an Online Process for the completion of threatened and endangered species reviews for projects. Based on review and completion of their new process and the findings of IDNR regarding the potential impact to threatened or endangered species, in our opinion this project will have "no effect" and consultation is concluded.
Li sted S;oec1es Northern long-eared bat              Proposed as      Hibernates in caves and mines -swarming i n Myotis septentrionalls              Endangered      surrounding wooded areas in autumn. Roosts and forages in upland forests and woods.
Piping plover                        Endangered      Wide, open, sandy beaches with very little grass or other Charadrius melodus                                    veRetation Piping plover                        Critical Habitat Wide, open, sandy beaches with very liWe grass or other Charadrius melodus                                    vegetation Rufa Red knot                        Threatened      Only actions that occur along coastal areas or large Calidris canutus rufa                                  wetland complexes during migratory window of May 1 -
Seotember 30 Eastern massasauga      Sistrurus    Candidate        Graminoid dominated pl ant communities (fens, sedge catenatus                                              meadows, pea ti ands, wet prairies, open woodlands , and shrublands)
Karner blue butterfly                Endangered      Pine barrens and oak savannas on sandy soils and Lycaeides melis sa samuelis )                          containing wi ld lupines (Lupinus perennis ), the only known food plant of the larvae Eastern prairie fringed orchid        Threatened      Moderate to high quality wetlands, sedge meadow, Platanthera leuccphaeo                                marsh, and mesic to wet prairie Pitcher's thistle                    Threatened      Lakeshore dunes Cirsium pitcheri Species Listing and Evaluatlon Northern Long Eared Bat- No suitable habitat exists at this site.
Piping Plover - This project is located on the beach of Lake Michigan outside of the critical habitat area of the Plover. The area of temporary impact to the beach is minimal and covers a very small surface area of +/- 0.2 acres. The project will be completed well outside the CHRISTOPHER B. BURKE                        ENGINEERING, LTD.
* N:IZION\110016.00018\Env\Docs\USFWS T&E No Effect 050916 jma.docx
MEMORANDUM Plovers nesting season, and being a mobile species live heathy individuals will be able to avoid the temporary work site.
Rufa Red Knot - This project is located on the beach of Lake Michigan. The area of temporary impact to the beach is minimal and covers a very small surface area of +/- 0.2 acres. The project will be completed well outside the Red Knots migration through Illinois, and being a mobile species live heathy individuals will be able to avoid the temporary work site.
Eastern Massasauga - This project does not contain suitable habitat for this species and is not known to occur within this area of Lake County.
Karner Blue Butterfly - This project site does not contain pine barrens and oak savannas on sandy soils that contain wild lupines (Lupinus perennis), and therefore this species is unlikely to occur on this property.
Eastern prairie fringed orchid - The locations of the Eastern prairie fringed orchid are well known in the region, there have been none identified within these isolated study areas based on several detailed botanical surveys completed and none of the onsite habitat currently, therefore this species is not expected to be present or affected.
Pitcher's Thistle - According to the USFWS website Pitcher's thistle "was extirpated from Illinois but has been reintroduced in Lake County". A floristic inventory of the site found no thistles within the 0.4 acre study area.
Conclusion Given that the impact is temporary, limited in area, and located in a area significant disturbed by human activity, and based on our field visits to the site, and intent to assess the area prior to commence of work, we have determined that the project will have "no effect" on listed or candidate species, their habitats, or proposed or designated critical habitat.
N:IZION\110016.00018\Env\Docs\USFWS T&E No Effect 050916 jma.docx
ATTACHMENT 4 Engineering Plans with Construction Sequencing
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ATTACHMENTS Wetland I Water Assessment
* Bl*
9575 West Higgins Road Suite 600 Rosemont, llllnols 60018 TEL (847) 823-0500 FAX (847) 823-0520 May 9, 2016 Zion Solutions, LLC 101 Shiloh Boulevard Zion, Illinois 60099 Attention:        Darlene Murphy
Wetland/Waters Assessment of the Zion Solutions, LLC Stator-Rotor Roll-On Site, Zion, Lake County, Illinois (CBBEL Project No. 110016.00018)
==Dear Ms. Murphy:==
As requested, on May 5, 2016 Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. (CBBEL) completed a weUand assessment of the Stator-Rotor Roll-on site. This report was prepared to document our findings.
The study area is located east of Shiloh Boulevard within the Zion Solutions property in Zion, Lake County, Illinois, as shown on the attached Exhibits. Within the study area Lake Michigan was delineated as a waters of the United States. No wetlands were identified adjacent to the lake within the study area. The delineation was completed in accordance with the Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Midwest Region (October 2010). The waters limits are shown on Exhibit 7. Information collected on site is listed In the attached data forms.
METHODOLOGY The Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual:
Midwest Region (October 2010), identifies the mandatory technical criteria for wetland Identification. The three essential characteristics of a jurisdictional wetland are hydrophytic vegetation, hydrlc soils and wetland hydrology as described below:*
Hydrophvtic Vegetation: The hydrophytic vegetation criterion Is based on a separation of plants into five basic groups:
: 1. Obligate wetland plants (OBL) almost always occur (estimated probability >99%)
in wetlands under natural conditions; Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd .                                              Zion Solutions, LLC 1
: 2. Facultatlve wetland plants (FACW) usually occur in wetlands (estimated probability 67-99%), but occasionally are found in non-wetlands;
: 3. Facultatlve plants (FAC) are equally likely to occur in wetlands or non-wetlands (estimated probability 34-66%);
: 4. Facultative upland plants (FACU) usually occur in non-wetlands {estimated probability 67-99%), but occasionally are found in wetlands: and
: 5. Obligate upland plants (UPL) almost always occur (estimated probability >99%)
in non-wetlands under natural conditions.
Three procedures completed in the following order are used to determine if hydrophytic vegetation Is present:
: 1. Rapid Test: The Rapid Test for hydrophytic vegetation is met if all dominant species across all strata are OBL or FACW, or a combination of the two based on a visual assessment.
: 2. Dominance Test: Using the 50/20 Rule, if greater than 50% of the plants present are FAC, FACW, or OBL, the subject area meets the hydrophytic vegetation criterion.
: 3. Prevalence Index: Each plant species in a sampling plot Is assigned a numeric value (OBL=1; FACW=2; FAC=3; FACU=4; UPL=5). Based on the sampling data, the absolute cover is calculated for each species In each stratum and using the specified formula, if the Prevalence Index Is 3 or less, hydrophytlc vegetation is present.
: 4. Mnrphnlonical Adaptations: Various species may develop physical characteristic$
after growing in wetland areas such as multi-stemmed trunks, shallow roots and buttressed stems. Hydrophytic vegetation is present if an adaptation is observed in more than 50% of FACU species growing in an area that contains hydric soil and wetland hydrology.
Hvdrlc Soils: Hydric soils are defined in the manual as 11soils that are saturated, flooded or ponded long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part." Field indicators of hydrlc soil are found in the NTCHS Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States (USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service 2006b or current version).
Wetland Hydrology: The wetland hydrology criterion is often the most difficult to determine. Typically, the presence of water for a portion of the growing season creates anaerobic conditions. Anaerobic conditions lead to the prevalence of wetland plants.
Morphological adaptations of plants, driftlines and watermarks are examples of wetland hydrology field indicators.
Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd.                                  Zion Solutions, LLC 2
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION STUDY AREA The study area contains an existing gravel parking lot and a portion of the beach of Lake Michigan, as shown on the attached Exhibits. The study area, characterized at data points 1B and 28, is east of the Shiloh Blvd terminus. No *A" points were taken as no wetlands exist within the study area. Two data points were taken because a sheet pile bulkhead wall separates the beach from the east side of the parking lot.
The vegetated portion of the study area adjacent to Lake Michigan was dominated by beach grass (Ammophlla brevlllgulata). A few specimens of wormwood {Artemisia vulgaris), sand dune willow (Salix cordata), Queen Anne's lace (Daucus carota), Panic grass (Panicum vlrgatum) and cottonwood saplings (Populus deltoides) were found within the study area. The substrate in the vegetated areas consisted of beach sand.
No wetland areas were identified within the study area. The Corps of Engineers identifies the Lake Michigan Ordinary High Water Mark/jurisdictional limit to be at elevation 581.5.
REFERENCE MATERJALS The following reference materials were reviewed and used to assist in the wetland field reconnaissance. They are included as Exhibits 1-6.
LOCATION The study area is located east of Shiloh Boulevard terminus in Zion, Lake County, Illinois (Exhibit 1). Geographically, the study area is located In Section 23, Township 46 North, Range 12, and East of the Third Principal Meridian. The latitude and longitude for the project site Is 42.449565"N; -87.800148&deg;W.              Study area boundaries were established during a field walk down, with Zion Solutions staff.
NATIONAL WETLAND INVENTORY The National Wetland Inventory map (NWI), Zion Quadrangle (1983), indicates no wetlands are mapped within the study area (Exhibit 2). The NWI serves only as a large-scale guide and actual wetland locations and types often vary from that mapped. The following was mapped within the Study Area:
L1UBH - Lacustrine, Unconsolidated Bottom, Permanently Flooded LAKE COUNTY WETLAND INVENTORY The Lake County Wetland Inventory map (LCWI) and Advanced Identification map (ADID), Benton and Zion Townships {1993), indicates mapped wetland within the project Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd.                                Zion Solutions, LLC 3
area (Exhibit 3). The LCWI serves as a large-scale guide and actual wetland locations often vary from that mapped.
SOIL SURVEY The Soil Survey of Lake County, Illinois (2001), was reviewed to determine the location of hydric soils within the study area (Exhibit 4). Mapped hydric soil can be indicative of wetland conditions. The following soil was mapped within the study area:
367 - Beach Sand UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY The United States Geological Survey (USGS), Zion Quadrangle (1993), was reviewed to determine historic local drainage patterns (Exhibit 5). The USGS indicates that the study area drains to Lake Michigan.
FLOOD INSURANCE RATE                    MAP The Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) for Lake County, Illinois and Incorporated Areas, Map Numbers 17097C0085K (effective September 18, 2013), was reviewed to determine the location of regulatory floodplain on the site (Exhibit 6). The presence of floodplain can be indicative of wetland hydrology. The FIRM indicates that there is mapped 100-year regulatory floodplain located within the study area associated with Lake Michigan.
Any questions regarding this report should be directed to Jedd Anderson.
Jedd Anderson, PWS, LC-CWS, CPESC, DECI Vice President Head, Environmental Resources Department N:IZION\110016.000161Env\Docs\Wet0el050916.doc Christopher 8. Burke Engineering, Ltd.                              Zion Solutions, LLC  4
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NOTE: TAKEN FROM THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP(FIRM), LAKE COUNTY ANO INCORPORATED AREAS, ILLINOIS, MAP NUMBER 17097C0085K, EFFECTIVE DATE : SEPTEMBER 18, 2013                                                                                          1 inch
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: _.___.::M.:::112::..:co1:..:;e_--1 EXH6
APPROXIMATE                                                                                                  CBBEL #  11-0018.00011 ZION SOLUTIONS                                                                                                                                                                        DATE:      4121111 WETLAND DELINEATION CHRISTOPHER B. BURKE ENGINEERING. LTD.                                        OWN .                KEK                    SCALE:                                    1'= 150 '                  EXH 7
                                                                                                . --1-""'.M~A..1-----1...:..P::,::LO;.:...T:;;&deg;":.:.:TE:.:..
9575 W. Higgins Road, Sulle 600
* Rosemont. Illinois 60018 * (847) 823-0500 1-'c..,,H,..KD"-                                                      : ....1..........:::.s11112=01:::,e-~
r1<.E NA I/le:      110010." 1!J.\llD
WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM - Midwest Region Project/Site: Stator Rotor Roll on                                            City/County: _ _ _ _ _      L_ak_e____ Sampling Date: _ _ _                      05_1_0_51_2_0_1s___
Applicant/Owner:        _Z_io_n_s_oi_u_u_on_s_._L_L_c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State: _____1_L_ _ _ _ Sampling Point:                                                  1B lnvestigator{s):    _J_e_dd_A_n_de_rs_on_________ _ _ _ _ _                                  Section, Township, Range: _ _ _ _            s_e_c._2_3_._T_4_6_N_._R_1_2_E_ _ __
Landform (hillslope, terrace, etc.):                              Slope                      Local relief (concave, convex, none):                        Convex
SI ope(%):        0%                  Lat:
                                            -------------  42.449565                  Long:            -87.800148 So ii Map Unit Name: _B_e_a_c_h_S_a_nd_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NWI Classification: ______N_o_t_A...
                                                                                                                                          --------------    WGS84 p"""pl_ica_b_le_ _ __
Are ciimatic/hydrologic conditions of the site typical for this time of the year?                    Y        (If no, explain in remarks)
Are vegetation                  , soil                    , or hydrology          significantly disturbed?
Are vegetation
* soil
* or hydrology          naturally problematic?            Are "normal circumstances" present?                    No
OF FINDINGS                                                                                                (If needed, explain any answers in remarks.)
Hydrophytic vegetation present?                    N Hydric soil present?
                                                        ---N                        Is the sampled area within a wetland?                          N Wetland hydrology present?
N                              If yes, optional wetland site ID:
Remarks: (Explain alternative procedures here or in a separate report.)
VEGETATION - Use scientific names of plants.
Absolute    Dominant      Indicator        Dominance Test Worksheet T!ll!il Stratum          (Plot size:                        )      % Cover      Species          Sta us        Number of Dominant Species 1                                                                                                                that are OBL, FACW, or FAC:                      0          (A) 2                                                                                                                    Total Number of Dominant 3                                                                                                                    Species Across all Strata:                  1          (8) 4                                                                                                                Percent of Dominant Species 5                                                                                                                that are OBL, FACW, or FAC:                0.00%          (NB) 0    =Total Cover Sa12ling/Shrub stratum          (Plot size:            15        )                                              Prevalence Index Worksheet 1    Salix e-0rdata                                                    1                          FAC          Total% Cover of:
08L species              0      x1 =              0 2
3                                                                                                                  FACW species
                                                                                                                                        ---  0      x2=
                                                                                                                                                                ---    0 FAC species
                                                                                                                                        ---  1      x3 =
                                                                                                                                                                ---    3 4
FACU species
                                                                                                                                        ---  0      x4=
                                                                                                                                                                ----  0 5
1    =Total Cover                      UPL species
                                                                                                                                        ---- 91      x5=
                                                                                                                                                                ---  455 (Plot size:            5          )                                              Column totals          92
                                                                                                                                                                ---  458 (8)
Herb stratum 1    Ammophila brevHigulata                                            90            y            UPL
Prevalence Index = BIA =
4.98 2      Daucus carota                                                      1            N            UPL 3                                                                                                                  Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators:
                                                                                                                  -- Rapid      test for hydrophytic vegetation Dominance test is >50%
                                                                                                                  - - Prevalence index is S3.0*
6 7
8                                                                                                                      Morphogical adaptations* (provide supporting 9                                                                                                                      data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) 10
                                                                                =Total Cover                            Problematic hydrophytic vegetation* (explain)
Wood'i. 'i.iOi! ~!ratum        (Plot size:            30          )
                                                                                                                  --*indicators of hydric soil and wetiand hydrology must          be 1                                                                                                                          present, unless disturbed or problematic 2                                                                                                                      Hydrophytic 0    =Total Cover                            vegetation present?                N Remarks: (Include photo numbers here or on a separate sheet)
Beach grass is dominate vegetation US Amy Corps of Engineers                                                                                                                          Midwest Region
SOIL                                                                                                            Sampling Point:            1B Profile
== Description:==
(Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of Indicators.)
Depth                Matrix                      Redox Features (Inches)        Color (moist)    %      Color (moist)      %    Type* Loe**                  Texture                        Remarks 0-21            NIA                                                              Beach Sand                    Beach Sand
  *Type: C =Concentration, D = Depletion, RM = Reduced Matrix, MS = Masked Sand Grains.                                    =
                                                                                                          **Location: PL Pore Lining, M = Matrix Hydrlc Soll Indicators:                                                                Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils:
Histisol (A1)                              Sandy Gleyed Matrix (S4)                  Coast Prairie Redox (A16) (LRR K, L, R)
      --    Histic Epipedon (A2)                  --  Sandy Redox (SS)                    --    Dark Surface (S7) (LRR K, L)
      --                                          --                                      --
Black Histic (A3)
Hydrogen Sulfide (A4)                  --
Stripped Matrix (S6)
Loamy Mucky Mineral (F1)            -      5 cm Mucky Peat or Peat (S3) (LRR K, L, R)
Iron-Manganese Masses (F12) (LRR K, L, R)
      --    Stratified Layers (AS)                    Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2)            --    Very Shallow Dark Surface (TF12)
      --    2 cm Muck (A10)                      --  Depleted Matrix (F3)                --    Other (explain in remarks)
      --    Depleted Below Dark Surface (A 11)    --  Redox Dari<: Surface (F6)          --
      --    Thick Dark Surface (A12)              --  Depleted Dark Surface (F7)
      --    Sandy Mucky Mineral (S1)              --  Redox Depressions (FB)
                                                                                                *Indicators of hydrophytic vegetation and weltand
      --    5 cm Mucky Peat or Peat (S3)          --                                            hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic
Restrictive Layer (If observed):
Type:        None                                                                          Hydric soil present?          N Depth (inches):
Beach Sand HYDROLOGY Wetland Hydrology Indicators:
Prima!Y Indicators (minimum of one is reguired; check all that ai;ii;il~)                          Seconda!)'. Indicators (minimum of two reguiredl Surface Water (A 1)                                  Aquatic Fauna (813)                            Surface Soil Cracks (86)
-      High Water Table (A2)                          -    True Aquatic Plants (814)
                                                                                                      - Drainage Patterns (810)
-      Saturation (A3)                                --  Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1)                -    Dry-Season Water Table (C2)
-water Marks (81)                                      --  Oxidized Rhizospheres on Living Roots    --  Crayfish Burrows {CS)
Sediment Deposits (82)
Drift Deposits (83)
                                                      --  Presence of Reduced Iron (C4)            --  Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery (C9)
Stunted or Stressed Plants {D1)
-      Algal Mat or Crust (84)                        --  Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils
                                                                                                      -    Geomorphic Position (02)
(C6)                                      -    FAG-Neutral Test (DS)
Iron Deposits (85)
Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (67)      --  Thin Muck Surface (C7)                    --
-      Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (68)        --  Gauge or Well Data {D9)
=Water-Stained leaves (89)                            --  Other (Explain in Remarks)
Field Observations:
Surface water present?              Yes              No      x    Depth (inches):                            Wetland Water table present?                Yes              No      x    Depth (inches):                            hydrology Saturation present?                Yes              No      :x    Depth (inches):        21 1*              present?            N (includes capillary fringe)
Describe recorded data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available:
None available Remarks:
Depressional wet prairie/emergent wetland US Army Corps of Engineers                                                                                                    Midwest Region
WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM - Midwest Region ProjecVSite: Stator Rotor Roll on ApplicanVOwner:            _z_io_n_s_o_l_ut_io_n_s_,_LL_c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
St ate:
Lake                Sampling Date:
_ _ _ _l_L_ _ _ _ Sampling Point:                  ---------
05/05/2016 2B lnvestigator(s):    _J_e_dd_A_nd_e_rs_o_n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __                              Section, Township, Range:                    Sec. 23, T 46N, R12 E
Landform (hillslope, terrace, etc.):                                Slope                      Local relief (concave, convex, none):
                                                                                                                                              -------------  Convex SI ope(%):      0%                    Lat:
                                                ------------  42.449565                  Long:            -87.800148 So ii Map Unit Name: _B_e_a_ch_S_an_d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NWI Classification : ______N_o_t_A_P_Pl_ica_b_le_ _ __
                                                                                                                                              ------------    WGS84 Are climatic/hydrologic conditions of the site typical for this time of the year?                        Y        (If no, explain in remarks)
Are vegetation                    , soil                      , or hydrology          significantly disturbed?
Are vegetation                    , soil                      , or hydrology          naturally problematic?            Are "normal circumstances" present?            No
OF FINDINGS                                                                                                    (If needed, explain any answers in remarks.)
Hydrophytic vegetation present?                        N
                                                          ---N Hydric soil present?
Wetland hydrology present?
                                                          ---N Is the sampled area within a wetland?
tf yes, optional wetland site ID:
N Remarks: (Explain alternative procedures here or in a separate report.)
VEGETATION - Use scientific names of plants.
Absolute    Dominant        Indicator      Dominance Test Worksheet Tr~~ &sect;tratum              (Plot size:                          )      % Cover      Species          Sta us        Number of Dominant Species 1                                                                                                                  that are OBL, FACW, or FAC:                0      (A) 2                                                                                                                      Total Number of Dominant 3                                                                                                                        Species Across all Strata:            1      (8) 4                                                                                                                  Percent of Dominant Species 5                                                                                                                  that are OBL, FACW, or FAC:              0.00%      (A/B) 0    =Total Cover Sa12ling/Shrub stratum          (Plot size:            15          )                                              Prevalence Index Worksheet 1  Sa/Ix cordata                                                          1                          FAC          Total % Cover of:
2                                                                                                                  OBL species              0    x1=          0 FACW species                    x2 =          0 4
3 FAC species 0
1    x3=
                                                                                                                                                                ---  3 5                                                                                                                    FACU species
                                                                                                                                            ---  0    x4 =
                                                                                                                                                                ---  0 1    =Total Cover (Plot size:            5          )
UPL species Column totals
                                                                                                                                            ---  90 x5=
                                                                                                                                                                ---450 453 (B)
Herb stratum 1    Ammophi/a breviligulata                                              90            y            UPL
Prevalence Index = 8/A =
4.98 2
3                                                                                                                    Hydrophytlc Vegetation Indicators:
4                                                                                                                          Rapid test for hydrophytic vegetation 5
                                                                                                                      -      Dominance test is >50%
                                                                                                                      -      Prevalence index is S3.o*
8                                                                                                                          Morphogical adaptations* (provide supporting data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) 10 9
WoQg~  vine &sect;!rat1im            (Plot size:            30          )
90    =Total Cover
                                                                                                                      --- Problematic hydrophytic vegetation* (explain)
                                                                                                                        *1ndlcators of hydric soil end wetland hydrology must be 1                                                                                                                            present, unless disturbed or problematic 2                                                                                                                        Hydrophytlc 0    =Total Cover                            vegetation present?
Remarks: (Include photo numbers here or on a separate sheet)
                                                                                                                                                ---  N Beach of Lake Michigan US Amy Corps of Engineers                                                                                                                              Midwest Region
SOIL                                                                                                          Sampling Point:            2B Profile
== Description:==
(Describe to the depth needed to document the Indicator or confirm the absence of Indicators.)
Depth                Matrix                      Redox Features (Inches)        Color (moist)    %      Color (moist)    %      Type* Loe**                Texture                        Remarks 0-21            NIA                                                              Beach Sand                  Beach Sand
  *Type: C Concentration, D = Depletion, RM      =Reduced Matrix, MS =Masked Sand Grains.              **Location: PL = Pore Lining, M =Matrix Hydrlc Soil Indicators:                                                                Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils:
      -    Histisol (A1)
                                                  --  Sandy Gleyed Matrix (S4)
Sandy Redox (SS)                    --    Coast Prairie Redox (A16) (LRR K, L, R)
Dark Surface (S7) (LRR K, L)
      -    Histic Epipedon (A2)
                                                  --  Stripped Matrix (S6)                --    5 cm Mucky Peat or Peat (S3) (LRR K, L, R)
      -    Black Histic (A3)
Hydrogen Sulfide (A4)                  --  Loamy Mucky Mineral (F1)            -    Iron-Manganese Masses (F12) (LRR K, L, R)
      -    Stratified Layers (AS)
                                                  --  Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2)            --    Very Shallow Dark Surface (TF12)
      -                                            --  Depleted Matrix (F3)
                                                                                          -    Other (explain in remarks)
2 cm Muck (A 10)
                                                  --  Redox Dark Surface (F6)            --
Depleted Below Dark Surface (A 11)
Thick Dark Surface (A 12)
                                                  --  Depleted Dark Surface (F7)
      -                                          --                                          *Indicators of hydrophytic vegetation and weltand
Sandy Mucky Mineral (S1) 5 cm Mucky Peat or Peat (S3)          --  Redox Depressions (F8)                  hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic Restrictive Layer (If observed}:
Type:        None                                                                            Hydric soil present?          N Depth (inches):
Beach Sand HYDROLOGY Wetland Hydrology Indicators:
Primai:y Indicators {minimum of one is reguired; check all that aggl~l                            Secondaiy Indicators (minimum of two reguired)
Aquatic Fauna (B13)                            Surface Soil Cracks (B6)
Surface Water (A 1)
.__High Water Table (A2)                              --  True Aquatic Plants (B14)                --    Drainage Patterns (B10)
,__ Saturation (A3)                                  -    Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1)              --    Dry-Season Water Table (C2)
-water Marks (B1)
                                                      -    Oxidized Rhizospheres on Living Roots    --    Crayfish Burrows (CB)
(C3)                                    --    Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery (C9)
,__Sediment Deposits (B2)
                                                      --  Presence of Reduced Iron (C4)            --    Stu.nted or Stressed Plants (D1)
Drift Deposits (83)
Algal Mat or Crust (84)                        --  Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils    --    Geomorphic Position (D2)
(C6)                                    --
Iron Deposits (85)
Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (87)      --  Thin Muck Surface (C7)                  --    FAG-Neutral Test (05)
-    Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (BB)        --  Gauge or Well Data (D9)
=Water-Stained Leaves (B9)
                                                      --  Other (Explain in Remarks)
Field Observations:
Surface water present?              Yes              No      x    Depth (inches) :                          WeUand Water table present?                Yes              No      x Depth (inches):
                                                          --x-hydrology No                                    21"                present?
Saturation present?
(includes capillary fringe)
                                                          --- Depth (inches):                                                      N Describe recorded data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available:
None available Remarks:
Beach of Lake Michigan - Beach Sand US Army Corps of Engineers                                                                                                    Midwest Region
Pl - West of bulkhead looking south                    P2 - South end of bulkhead looking north P3 - South side of study area looking NW at bu lkhead from .
beach area.                          P4 - Looking south at vegetated beach area.
PS - Looking north from south side of study area. P6 - Looking north at beach vegetation interface.
P7 - Looking north at study area beach.            P8 - Looking south at study area beach.
P9 - Looking south at beach vegetation Interface in study area. PlO - Looking east at beach vegetation east of bulkhead wall.
Pll - Looking SE at beach vegetation east of bulkhead wall.

Latest revision as of 19:22, 8 March 2020